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Yadira Balderas DOUBLE ENTRY JOURNAL Chapter #9 Heath and Heath, Switch Page # P206 What the text

sa s People are incredibly sensitive to the environment and the culture-to the norms and expectations of the communications they are in. We all ant to ear the ri!ht clothes" to say the ri!ht thin!s" to fre#uent the ri!ht places. Because e instinctively try to fit in ith our peer !roup" behavior is conta!ious" sometimes in surprises ays.$ !"est#$ns, rea%t#$n, %&ar#'#%at#$ns %n this case" &omano as influenced by the others soldiers since he asn't into dru!s before. (o he as adapted to the type of environment he as surrounded by. )ccordin! to this section" behavior is conta!ious$ meanin! people !et use to the behaviors of others by bein! around them for a lon! period of time. (o in &omano's case" he !ot into the habit of the other soldiers but once he returned to his home to n he can!ed his ays. Why* Because he adapted to the environment that he as in" ith carin! and lovin! people. +he ne environment chan!ed him. -veryone has habits. !ood or bad. %f someone has a bad habit for example" bein! surrounded by friends$ ho are bad influence it can affect you and you can be adapted by those bad habits as ell. /aybe they peer pressure you into doin! thin!s you don't ant or that you ould normally don't do. )nd a ay to chan!e that ould be han! out ith you friends ho respect your decisions and are more understandin!. +his is shifted the environment" you can easily chan!e habits if you are illin! to" in my opinion. (o predecidin! can be helpful hich means action tri!!erin!. %t is useful in difficult situations that exhaust the &ider's selfcontrol. What is happenin! here is that hen people predecide they are passin! the control of their behavior to the environment. (o e are transmitted our behavior to the environment hich causes action to accomplish the !oals. % thin3 that's cool.


+o chan!e yourself or other people" you've !ot to chan!e habits" and hat e see ith &omano is that his habits shifted hen his environment shifted.$


+hat's hy action tri!!ers have unexpected value. 1oll it2er says that hen people predecide" they $pass the control of their behavior on the environment.$ 1oll it2er says that action tri!!ers protect !oals from temptin! distractions" bad habits" or completin! !oals$


5abits are behavioral autopilot" and that's hy they're such a critical tool for leaders. 6eaders ho can instill habits that reinforce their teams' !oals are essentially ma3in! pro!ress for free. +hey've chan!ed the behavior in a ay that doesn't dra do n the &ider's reserves of self-control.

(ome habits are automatic because of our behaviors. (ometimes e need to firmly establish a ay to stren!then our habits to ma3e our !oals to pro!ress. We need to chan!e behavior in a ay that doesn't affect the &ider stren!th. 5abits are created even thou!h sometimes e don't notice it.

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