Brazil Statutary Reports

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SPED EFD (Eletronic Fiscal File)

Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable Reporting Brazil J_1BEFD Electonic Fiscal File (Program J_1BEFD_MAIN) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Lista de Cdigos de Emitentes (Modelo P10) Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable Reporting Brazil S_ALR_87012230 List of Incoming Documents and Vendor List ( Modelo 1) LIVRO REGISTRO DE ENTRADAS - RE - MODELO P1/A Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable Reporting Brazil S_ALR_87012230 List of Incoming Documents and Vendor List ( Modelo 10) LIVRO REGISTRO DE SADAS - RS - MODELO P2 Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable Reporting Brazil S_ALR_87012231 List of Outgoing Documents (Program J_1B2B02) LIVRO REGISTRO CONTROLE DA PRODUCAO E DO ESTOQUE - RCPE - MODELO P3 Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable Reporting Brazil S_ALR_87012232 Overview of Production and Inventory (Program J_1B2B03) Livro Registro de Inventrio - RI - Modelo P7 Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable Reporting Brazil S_ALR_87012233 Physical Inventory Overview (Program J_1B2B07)

Registro de Apurao do IPI (Modelo 8)

Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable Reporting Brazil S_ALR_87012233 Directory for Calculating IPI Tax (Program J_1B2B08)

Error message

An error occurred while reading table j_1blb08. Message no. 8B462

This report creates the Legal Book 'Registro de Apurao do IPI' (Modelo 8). It reads the data of the notas fiscais andconhecimentos that have been posted during the selected period and accumulates, sorts and displays them according to Brazilian laws. In addition, it collects special postings that were created manually but without creating a nota fiscal or a conhecimento from different accounts. These accounts have to be created and maintained by the user before starting this report.

Maintenance of the table J_1BLB08: To read the relevant data for the last three parts of this report, the user has to create and maintain the following G/L accounts (with line item display set to 'ACTIVE') per company code and business place and

maintain the fields in table J_1BLB08 as described below: Outros Dbitos: - assignable to row 4 with D/C indicator 1 (only credits, which means here: only reversals of debits) - and assignable to row 12 with D/C indicator 2 (only debits). Outros Crditos: - assignable to row 5 with D/C indicator 1 (only credits) - and assignable to row 10 with D/C indicator 2 (only debits, which means here: only reversals of credits). Saldo Credor no Periodo Anterior: - assignable only to row 7 with D/C indicator 1 (only credits). Ressarcimento de Crditos: - assignable only to row 11 with D/C indicator 2 (only debits).

If there are several accounts of the same type (belonging to the same row indicator), then they have to be numbered - for this purpose use the field Sequence number in the table. Nota Fiscal selection criteria: Company Code ... of the company that issues the Registro

Business place ... of the company's business place that issues the Registro Posting date ... first and last date of the period for which posted documents shall be reported in the Registro Optional selection criteria: Additional selection criteria: Series ... the Nota Fiscal / Conhecimento Series number

Nota Fiscal number ... the external, non-unique number of the nota fiscal or conhecimento

OUTPUT The output consists of five parts: Entradas: IPI-relevant incoming goods, condensed and sorted by CFOP number (without extension)

IPI-relevant outgoing goods, condensed and sorted by CFOP number (without extension) Demonstrativo de Crditos: IPI tax credits - the relevant amounts resulting from the 'Entradas'- part and other credits/reversals of other debits/credits from former periods that were not created via a Nota Fiscal or Conhecimento but posted directly via FI. The amounts appearing here are read directly from special FI accounts which have to be maintained by the user and which are linked to this report via the table J_1BLB08 (See above). Demonstrativo de Dbitos: IPI tax debits - the relevant amounts resulting from the 'Sadas'- part and other debits/reversals of other credits that were not created via a Nota Fiscal or Conhecimento but posted directly via FI. The amounts appearing here are read directly from special FI accounts which have to be maintained by the user and which are linked to this report via the table J_1BLB08 (See above). Apurao do Saldo: Final determination of the tax debit to be paid or the tax credit to be transported to the next period.


For the maintainance of the table J_1BLB08, the following entries: Company code,,Business place,,Row,,,,G/L account,,D/C ind. 0001,,0001,,04,,01,,xyz,,1 will be interpreted as follows: The report 'Registro de Apurao do IPI' will read the credit postings (D/C ind = 1) in account number xyz for the given company/business place and report them in the third part of the 'Registro de Apurao' under 'Estorno de Dbitos' (Row: 4).

LIVRO REGISTRO DE SADAS - RS - MODELO P2 Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Payable Reporting Brazil S_ALR_87012151 List of Outgoing Documents

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