15 07 0650 00 003c tg3c Meeting Minutes Mar07

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March, 2007

IEEE P802.15-07/0650r0 IEEE P802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networ s

Project "itle #ate $u%&itte' $ource

IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks WPANs!

802.15 !"#c Meetin$ Min%tes, &rlan'o

(1) *arc+, 200-. ($u/0+iong 1ong. ($a&sung. (P. 2. 3o4 111 $uwon, 0orea. (5i'eto Ike'a. (2ki Electric In'ustr6 7o., 8t'.. (9/), 5ikari/no/oka, 1okosuka, 0anagawa 29:/08)-, ;apan. (. (*inutes of "ask Group 9c in 8on'on. (*inutes of "ask Group 9c in 8on'on. "+is 'ocu&ent +as %een prepare' to assist t+e IEEE P802.15. It is offere' as a %asis for 'iscussion an' is not %in'ing on t+e contri%uting in'iBi'ual s! or organiCation s!. "+e &aterial in t+is 'ocu&ent is su%ject to c+ange in for& an' content after furt+er stu'6. "+e contri%utor s! reserBe s! t+e rig+t to a'', a&en' or wit+'raw &aterial containe' +erein. "+e contri%utor acknowle'ges an' accepts t+at t+is contri%ution %eco&es t+e propert6 of IEEE an' &a6 %e &a'e pu%licl6 aBaila%le %6 P802.15. <oice=(>82/91/280/:581. E/&ail=(su.k+iong.6ong?sa&sung.co&. <oice=(>81/)@/8)-/51):. E/&ail=( ike'a@9-?oki.co& .

Ae= A%stract Purpose Notice



Page 1

$. 0. 1ong an' 5. Ike'a

March, 2007 !%es'a( 1# Mar, 2007. 2-ho%r slot 1.

1.1 08=00 *eeting calle' to or'er %6 Aee' Dis+er, "G9c 7+air.

IEEE P802.15-07/0650r0

1.2 0-E0@19r0, Aee' Dis+er, F"G9c 2pening Intro'uction,G reBiew of "G9c scope an' IEEE Policies an' Proce'ures. 1.# AeBiew ol' 3usiness= 0@E5:0r1, "+e "G9c 8on'on &eeting &inutes were reBiewe'. A correction was &a'e on ite& 1.) We'nes'a6 $lot H5. 7+air postpone' to reBiew t+e &inutes to allow +i& to up'ate on t+e &inutes. 1.) ApproBal of Agen'a= 0@E@12r2, "+e "G9c agen'a was reBiewe' an' up'ate'. *otion to approBe t+e up'ate' agen'a %6 ;. Gil% an' secon'e' %6 A. Ao%erts. "+e 3allot outco&e was 9: 6es, 0 no, 0 a%stain. "+e *otion passe'. 1.5 0-E@20r2, #iscussion on t+e 7DI, total 2- intents. 1.6 0-E0@0-r1, 0. $ato, FA new 82$ 0iosk 7+annel *o'el 3ase' on "$< &o'el. #iscussion on t+e propose' new 0iosk 82$ c+annel &o'el. A. Ao%erts sai' t+at $atoIs &o'el looke' like AWGN. $. 0ato sai' t+at t+e $atoIs &o'el s+oul' %e a''e' to 0-E58), t+e c+annel &o'el su%/co&&ittee Dinal Aeport. Also, A. Ao%erts sai' t+at t+e *atla% 7o'e is not inclu'e' in 0-E58). Dis+er sai' t+at if 0-E58) is &o'ifie' t+en t+e 7DP 0-E58@r1! &ust also %e &o'ifie' an' re/issue'. Dis+er, Ao%erts, 0ato an' Ike'a will prepare a reBise' 7DP 0-E58@r2! w+ic+ will %e sent to t+e 2- respon'ers of t+e 7DI see 0-E@20r2!. 1.7 7all for recess to allow reBision of t+e c+annel &o'eling 'ocu&ent. 1.8 Aecess at 0:.)5a&

!%es'a(, 1# Mar, 2007. 2-ho%r slot 2. 1.1 10=90 *eeting calle' to or'er %6 Aee' Dis+er, "G9c 7+air. 1.2 0@E0@2:r0, 7. W. P6o, FAuto&atic #eBice #iscoBer6 for #irectional Antenna #eBices,G #iscussion a%out t+e reJuire&ents for auto&atic 'eBice 'iscoBer6 using sectoriCe' antenna. 1.9 0@E5:0r1, continue' reBiewing t+e up'ate' 8on'on &inutes. *otion to approBe 8on'on *eeting %6 ;. Gil% an' secon'e' %6 ;. 3arr. "+e 3allot outco&e was 98 6es, 0 no, 0 a%stain. "+e 8on'on &eeting &inutes 0@E5:0r2! were approBe'. 1.) 0@E58)r1, $. 0. 1ong, F"G9c 7+annel *o'eling $u%/co&&ittee Dinal Aeport,G Kp'ate' t+e c+anges in t+e 'ocu&ent to inclu'e 0iosk 82$ c+annel &o'el an' 5ara'a et al, up'ate' $u%&ission Page 2 $. 0. 1ong an' 5. Ike'a

March, 2007
*atla% 7o'e reference.

IEEE P802.15-07/0650r0

1.5 0-E0@9-r0, 5. 5ara'a, F7onsi'erations for P51 'esign of "G9c,G #iscussion on %an' plan, an' co&&on &o'e approac+. 1.@ Aecess at 12=25 !%es'a(, 1# Mar 2007 2-ho%r slot #. 1.1 19=90 *eeting calle' to or'er %6 Aee' Dis+er, "G9c 7+air. 1.2 0-E0@2-r0, P. Pagani, FA'Bance' interleaBing for +ig+ 'ata rate @0 G5C co&&unication,G 1.9 0-E0@)-r0, A. <al'es/Garcia, F@0G5C link arc+itectures an' e4peri&ental results,G #iscussion on Barious 'ifferent &o'ulation for&ats for @0 G5C. *ore in 'ept+ 'iscussion was on *$0 &o'ulation. 1.) 0-E0@))r0, ". W. 5uang, F"+e low/cost AD/7*2$ @0/G5C transceiBer,G. 1.5 0-E0@)5r0, ". W. 5uang, F#ual/*o'e 3roa'%an' an' Wireless Network #*3WN!= a %ackwar' co&pati%le,G Propose' 5 an' @0 G5C 'ual &o'e solution. 5 G5C using *I*2/ 2D#* w+ile t+e @0 G5C using $7/D#E. 1.@ Aecess at 15.05 !%es'a(, 1# Mar 2007. 2-ho%r slot ). 1.1 1@=00 *eeting calle' to or'er %6 Aee' Dis+er, "G9c 7+air. 1.2 0-E0@)@r0, 5. Ike'a, FAeBision of 7DP relate' 'ocu&entsG Kp'ate' t+e 7DP an' 7DP relate' 'ocu&ents. "+ree sli'e letter e4plaining w+6 t+e 7DP was reBise'. "+is letter will %e sent to t+e 2- respon'ers to t+e 7DP. *otion %6 $. 0ato an' secon'e' %6 A. Ao%erts to approBe t+e reBision of 'ocu&ents liste' in sli'e H9, 'oc 0-E0@)@r0. 1es / 98 No / 0 A%stain L 2 *otion passe' 1.9 0-E@29r1, #. 3ritC, FE4tre&e %an'wi't+ wireless neig+%or+oo' an' personal area networks $u%&ission Page 9 $. 0. 1ong an' 5. Ike'a

March, 2007
utiliCing &es+e' &illi&eter waBe fsoc tera+ertC freJuencies,G 1.) Aecess at 18.00 We'nes'a(, 1) Mar 2007. 2-ho%r slot 5. 1.1 08=00 *eeting calle' to or'er %6 Aee' Dis+er, "G9c 7+air

IEEE P802.15-07/0650r0

1.2 0-E0@90r0, ;. Gil%, FPreli&inar6 proposal for 5# support,G #iscussion on 5AP an' 8AP using 2D#*. 1.9 0-E0@51r0, 3. 3osco, F#iscussing 'ata rate %ack off &o'e,G 1.) 05E0911r19, 5. Ike'a, FProject "i&eline,G AeBiew an' up'ate on Project ti&eline. 3asicall6, t+ere is no c+ange to t+e project ti&eline. *otion to approBe %6 5. 5ara'a an' secon'e' %6 $. 0ato. 7o&&ent fro& ;. 3arr w+et+er we +aBe enoug+ ti&e to present all t+e proposals. 7+air +as reJueste' a''itional slots for t+e presentation. 3allot outco&e was 1es L 50 No L 0 A%stain / 0 *otion passe'. 1.5 A. 3our'ou4 propose' t+at t+e proposal or'er of presentation in *ontreal, %e o%taine' %6 'rawing proposer na&es fro& a +at ran'o& nu&%er &et+o'!. After 'iscussion, a straw poll outco&e was 1es L 21 No L 0 A%stain L 12 1.@ 0-E0@92r0. Aee' Dis+er, F"G9c 7losing Aeport,G. Prepare closing report for 802.15 closing plenar6 &eeting. *otion to approBe 7losing Aeport 0-E0@92r0 %6 $. 0ato an' secon'e' %6 A. 0o+no. 3allot outco&e was 1es L )@ No L 1 A%stain L 0 *otion passe'. 1.- *otion to a'journ "G9c %6 ;. Gil% an' secon'e' %6 $. 0. 1ong. 3allot outco&e was $u%&ission Page ) $. 0. 1ong an' 5. Ike'a

March, 2007
1es L 9) No L 2 A%stain / 0 *otion passe'. 1.8 10=00 "G9c &eeting a'journe'.

IEEE P802.15-07/0650r0


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$. 0. 1ong an' 5. Ike'a

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