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1 Mahalir Thittam

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Mahalir Thittam is a socio-economic empowerment programme for women implemented by Tamil Nadu Corporation for e!elopment of "omen #td. Mahalir Thittam is based on $elf %elp Group &$%G' approach and is implemented in partnership with Non Go!ernmental Organisations &NGOs' and Community based organi(ations. The $%G approach was started in a small way in harmapuri district in the year )*+* !ide G.O.Ms.No.,-./ $ocial "elfare 0 NMP ept. dt.).*.)*+* with the assistance of 1nternational 2und for 3gricultural e!elopment &123 '. #ater the scheme was e4tended to the erstwhile $alem and $outh 3rcot districts in the year )**)-)**5 and further e4tended to Madurai and 6amanathapuram in the year )**5-*7. 2ollowing the success of the 123 pro8ect/ Mahalir Thittam pro8ect was launched with $tate Go!ernment funding from )**,-)**+ !ide G.O.Ms.No.5*5 $ocial "elfare 0 NMP ept. dt. ..)5.)**- and was progressi!ely introduced in all districts of the $tate. Today the $%G mo!ement is a !ery !ibrant mo!ement spread across all districts of the $tate with nearly 9*/::/::: women as members. 3s on 7).7.5::*/ there are 7/*)/7)) $%Gs with a total sa!ings of 6s.5:-5.:. crores.

Mahalir Thittam is implemented in partnership with NGOs who help in formation of $%Gs/ pro!ide training and monitor them. The NGOs are gi!en funds for pro!iding the abo!e ser!ices. 1nterested NGOs are affiliated as partners with Mahalir Thittam if they satisfy the norms for affiliation. The hallmark of the $%Gs promoted by Mahalir Thittam is the systematic training pro!ided to the $%G members and the office bearers. This capacity building brings about ;ualitati!e changes in the attitude of the women and promotes cohesion and effecti!e functioning of the group. 3ll the $%G members are imparted training in . modules for . days to orient them to the $%G concept. The office bearers of the $%Gs &3nimator and 6epresentati!e' are gi!en training in 7 modules for - days. This training enhances the leadership ;uality/ team building spirit and capacity to maintain books of accounts. 1n addition/ $%G members who are interested in starting economic acti!ities or de!elop skills to get self employment are pro!ided skill training. The skill training includes a 9 day capsule on entrepreneurial de!elopment. 1n order to bring about synergy and better coordination in implementation of $%G programmes/ TNC " which was under the administrati!e control of $ocial "elfare epartment was brought under the administrati!e control of 6ural e!elopment and Panchayat 6a8 epartment !ideG.O.Ms.No.+) 6ural e!elopment 0 Panchayat 6a8 ept. &CG$-11' dt.5:.,.5::-. 1.10.2 Credit rating and Linkage The $%Gs that complete - months become eligible for credit rating. Credit rating is a bench marking e4ercise to grade the group and ascertain its credit worthiness. The credit rating committee consists of an 3ssistant Pro8ect Officer from Mahalir Thittam/ a representati!e from 6 3/ a <anker/ and a NGO representati!e. 1n an effort to strengthen the Panchayat le!el federation &P#2' of the $%Gs/ one representati!e from the P#2 has been included in the credit rating committee. 6egularity of sa!ings/ fre;uency of meetings/ proper maintenance of registers/ internal loaning and repayment are some of the key parameters for rating of groups. The successfully credit rated $%Gs/ become eligible for credit linkage. They are gi!en re!ol!ing fund through schemes like $G$=/ T3% CO or directly pro!ided loans by banks. The groups also undergo a second credit rating after the lapse of another si4 months to ascertain their readiness and suitability to undertake an economic acti!ity. The groups which pass the second credit rating are pro!ided financial assistance to start an economic acti!ity through $G$= > T3% CO schemes along with bank funding. 3s on 7).:7.5::*/ the total amount of <ank loans disbursed to $%Gs from )*+* is 6s.9)-9.*9 crores/ out of which 6s.7.::.,) crores has been disbursed since ?une 5::-. 2or the current year a target of 6s.)+9+ crores has been fi4ed for credit linkage and the achie!ement so for is 6s.5::5.9crores. 1.10.3 Revolving Fund to Urban SH ! 3fter the groups in rural areas pass the first credit rating/ 6e!ol!ing 2und &62' subsidy of 6s.):/:::>- is pro!ided under $warna8ayanti Gram $waro(gar =o8ana &$G$=' to facilitate credit linkage with the banks. 1n addition to the subsidy gi!en by the Go!ernment/ the <anks pro!ide cash credit upto 6s.7:/:::>- per group. The 62 subsidy was not a!ailable to $%Gs in urban areas which restricted their access to credit from <anks. Therefore the Go!ernment announced a scheme to pro!ide 62 subsidy to

urban groups from the 5::--:, !ide G.O.Ms.No. ),, 6ural e!elopment 0 Panchayat 6a8 &CG$-11' dated 9.)5.5::-/ . 6s.7: crores ha!e already been pro!ided to gi!e 62 subsidy to 7:/::: urban $%Gs. 1n 5::+-:*/ the Go!ernment ha!e decided to pro!ide 62 subsidy to all the eligible ).9: lakh $%Gs. The Go!ernment ha!e earmarked 6s.)9: crores for this purpose. 3s on 7).:7.:*/ )/7./.)7 $%Gs ha!e been assisted for a tune of 6s.)7)..) crores as subsidy and with the <ank credit of 6s.-...*, crores. 1.10." #an$ha%at Level Federation &#LF' 1n Mahalir Thittam/ federations of $%Gs are formed at @illage Panchayat #e!el called Panchayat #e!el 2ederation &P#2'. These federations/ by pooling in talent and resources and e4ploiting economies of scale in production and marketing/ can benefit member $%Gs immensely. They can also guide and monitor functioning of $%Gs in all @illage Panchayats and strengthening them is the key for ensuring sustainability and self reliance of $%Gs. 2rom 5::--:,/ the Go!ernment of Tamil Nadu ha!e been taking !arious initiati!es to strengthen the P#2s.

-/*)5 well-functioning P#2s ha!e been pro!ided seed money of 6s.):/:::>- each. To strengthen the unity and team spirit/ cultural competitions were organi(ed among P#2s at <lock and district le!els. 6s.7.5: crores were sanctioned for the year 5::,-:+ and 5::+-:* for conduct of these competitions which drew o!erwhelming response from $%G members.

Manimegalai awards are presented to the best P#2s at $tate and district le!els in order to moti!ate them. P#2 representati!e has been included as a member of credit rating team. Two representati!es from P#2 ha!e been included in the payment committee for N6AG3 $cheme. One P#2 representati!e has been proposed for inclusion in the committee for selection of $amathu!apuram beneficiaries. P#2 certification has been made mandatory for processing NGO claims for new group formation/ monitoring and training. "ell-functioning P#2s are affiliated under Mahalir Thittam on par with NGOs for formation of new $%Gs/ monitoring etc. 6egistration of all $%Gs/ formed by the NGOs with the P#2 has been included as a co!enant in the new NGO agreement. Go!ernment ha!e issued orders !ide G.O.&Ms' No.)59 tB5).:,.5::+ to restructure P#2s to make them inclusi!e and more democratic and participatory in functioning. 1n order to gi!e legal status and access to institutional credit to P#2s/ orders ha!e been issued to register them under Tamil Nadu $ocieties

6egistration 3ct/ )*,9.

3n action Plan to restructure all the P#2s in the $tate in the ne4t three years has been drawn up.
Skill training (or )omen

Pl. click here for Photo Gallery 1.10.* Skill Training (or +outh Gi!en the popularity of the $tate as an industrial in!estment destination/ there is huge demand for skilled manpower in manufacturing and ser!ices sector. <y pro!iding rele!ant skill training/ unemployed youth can be producti!ely engaged benefiting the society as well as the indi!idual. "ith this ob8ecti!e in mind/ TNC " has imparted skill training to 5-/.:+ youth through reputed industrial houses and institutions like M62/ NOC13/ $aint Gobain among others. 1.10., Manimegalai -.ard! To encourage well-functioning $%Gs and P#2s/ the Go!ernment had announced Manimegalai awards at $tate and district le!els. 3wards are presented to 9 best P#2s and ): best $%Gs at the $tate le!el. One P#2 selected as best at the district le!el and 7 $%Gs found to be the best at the district le!el are gi!en Manimegalai awards and the best $%G at the <lock le!el is gi!en a certificate. The awards were presented for the year 5::--:, in $eptember 5::, and 5::,-:+ in No!ember 5::+ and ha!e been instrumental in moti!ating the $%Gs and P#2s to stri!e for better performance. 1.10./ Cultural Com0etition! To strengthen unity and team spirit/ cultural competitions are organi(ed among $%G members at <lock and district le!els. 6s.7.5: crores was sanctioned for the year 5::,-:+ and 5::+-:* D 6s.).-: crores per year for conduct of these competitions and it drew o!erwhelming response from $%G members. The competitions ha!e been conducted during No!ember E ?anuary in the current year. 1.10.1 23 Card! to SH ! To help $%Gs gain recognition and also easy access to go!ernment

officers and <anks/ 1 cards are proposed to be issued to all Mahalir Thtitam $%Gs in a phased manner. $%G 1 cards ha!e been distributed in . pilot blocks and first phase printing of $%G 1 cards work is under progress in )9 districts.

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