SGDB5053 Cultural Lesson Plan Rubrics

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SGDB5053 Cultural lesson plan evaluation

Component Objectives

Total Score:
Good 5-6 pts Clear , realistic objectives to develop both communicative and intercultural competence

Score out of 25%:

Satisfactory 3-4 pts Objectives may be partly unclear or unrealistic, but are aligned with assignment requirements . Needs improvement 1-2 pts Objectives lack behavioral verbs not well formulated or do not meet assignment requirements. Incomplete submission or problems matching material to body of the lesson. Suitability is questionable.

Materials & resources

All materials provided; sources clearly identified. Perceptive choice to realize objectives; Likely to sustain learner interest. Context suitable for development of intercult. comm. competence (ICC). Tasks closely related to the lessons stated cultural objectives Relate closely to specific theoretical considerations and lesson objectives mentioned. Involve students in reasoning and reflection, suitably linking language use and cultural awareness. Shows originality. Provides authentic L2 learning experiences that clearly highlights ICC development.

All materials provided; sources clearly identified Have potential to realize objectives but relatively ordinary or may not be entirely suitable for its purpose e.g. in terms of context, language level etc. Tasks are moderately related to the lessons cultural objectives Somewhat relate to theoretical considerations mentioned. Tend to be routine language tasks contextualized in cultural topics/texts. Some effort to engage students in tasks that promote ICC

Incorporation of culturerelated Tasks

Tasks loosely related to lesson cultural objectives. Difficult to see how tasks relate to theoretical considerations. Mediocre; provides little intrinsic motivation for students to accomplish tasks. ICC aims neglected

SGDB5053 Cultural lesson plan evaluation


Explanations/rationale/ justifications of the lesson

All steps from set induction to assessment and closing are clear and detailed, including time allocation. Main teacher and student activities are clearly outlined and compatible with lesson designers own beliefs. Sequencing is well thought through. Successful in meeting both cultural and language objectives. Assessment of achievement of objectives (formal or informal) clearly communicated Shows good ability to critically assess & anticipate problems in implementation, and takes steps to overcome difficulties. Good attempt to use appropriate cultural and pedagogical terms and taxonomies. Shows clear understanding of cultural concepts in application. Knowledge about language & culture issues appropriately integrated/applied in the lesson. Fulfils all assignment requirements. Makes effort to facilitate reading with labels, formatting etc.

Necessary steps are clear, but more details in some parts would be helpful. Some questions may arise regarding consistency with lesson designers belief(s ); could be stated more clearly. Some lesson components may be missing, not comprehensively explained. Objectives are generally achievable. Shows reasonable ability to critically assess and anticipate problems in implementation, and takes steps to overcome difficulties. Some attempts to use terms and taxonomies, but may contain inaccuracies in usage and/or application.

Major lesson procedures superficially described. Beliefs not addressed. Objectives may not be achievable.

Explanations do not reflect ability to assess and or anticipate problems or overcome them. Hardly attempts to use related terms/major inaccuracies in term usage.

Presentation and language

Some parts inadequate eg appendices not clearly labeled/ cross-referenced to lesson plan, references not properly cited etc

Many inadequate/missing parts. Low comprehensibility.

SGDB5053 Cultural lesson plan evaluation

Developed from OMS rubrics for lesson plan evaluation.

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