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Bridgewater College Teacher Education Program Lesson Plan Yankey________ Date: Day 4 (This lesson should take place

on Presidents Day) Su !ect "rea(s): Social Studies Title of Lesson: Happy Birthday Presidents! #rade Le$el(s): %st &rade


'" S(L: %)%)The student *ill interpret infor+ation presented in picture timelines to show sequence of e ents and *ill distin&uish a+on& past, present, and future) %)- The student *ill discuss the li$es of people associated *ith Presidents! "ay, .olu+ us Day, and the e$ents of /ndependence Day (0ourth of 1uly)) .2T 345)% De+onstrate an operational kno*led&e of $arious technolo&ies) ") 6se $arious types of technolo&y de$ices to perfor+ learnin& tasks) 6se a key oard, +ouse, touchscreen# touch$ad, and other input de$ices to interact *ith a co+puter) P27 %)% f) De+onstrate +o$in& to a rhyth+ y keepin& ti+e to a si+ple eat, usin& a $ariety of loco+otor and non4loco+otor skills) .ontent ( !ecti$e(s): The students *ill e a le to state *hen and *hy *e cele rate Presidents Day) The students *ill also e a le to or&ani8e #eor&e 9ashin&ton, " raha+ Lincoln, and the+sel$es on a ti+eline in correct order and e a le to deter+ine *ho ca+e first in history) /7P #oal2( !ecti$e: "ssess+ent ( ased on o !ecti$es): The students *ill e assessed throu&h an e:it slip) The e:it slip *ill re;uire the students to or&ani8e on a ti+eline *hen #eor&e 9ashin&ton, " raha+ Lincoln, and their sel$es li$ed) They need to *rite that #eor&e 9ashin&ton *as first, " raha+ Lincoln second, and their sel$es last) The students *ill also e assessed for+ati$ely durin& the co+parin& of " e Lincoln and #eor&e 9ashin&ton to +ake sure that they understand *hich president did *hat) %ccommodations& "ifferentiation So+e students in the <ed spellin&2readin& &roup (=arkus, 3aitlyn, =ason, and >oah) +ay ha$e difficulty *ith spellin&, so allo*in& the+ the option to read their state+ents is okay if una le to understand *hat they are *ritin&)

=aterials: .lass supply of e:it slips Birthday Hat 'enn Dia&ra+ handout for students Presidents Day Pre8i /pads (at least ?) Social Studies 1ournals Scissors #lue sticks Pencils Ti+eline *orksheet

/nte&ration of technolo&y: Technolo&y *ill e inte&rated throu&h a Pre8i presentation as *ell as usin& ipads to search for the presidents irth dates) The teacher *ill also use the docu+ent ca+era to present infor+ation) "lternati$e Plan: /f the Pre8i does not *ork then / *ill &o to the co+puter la and if that is not a$aila le, / *ill !ust introduce the infor+ation $er ally) /f there is an issue *ith the ipads / *ill then allo* the students to use a co+puter to look up the dates a out the presidents irth dates) %ccommodati ons& "ifferentiatio n "nticipatory Set (Hook @ "&enda): The teacher *ill put on the irthday hat and tell the class that *e ha$e a irthday to cele rate today) Today is all of the presidents irthdays, so *e are &oin& to sin& happy irthday to the+ all) So *e *ill sin& AHappy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday =r) Presidents, Happy Birthday to you all!B (kay so no* as a class / *ant us all to stand up and *e *ill sin& to&ether, AHappy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday =r) Presidents, Happy Birthday to you all!B Time Plann ed C +inute

"ccess2<e$ie* Prior 3no*led&e: The teacher *ill then put the 'enn Dia&ra+ on the docu+ent ca+era and present it to the class) The first circle *ill say #eor&e 9ashin&ton and the second " raha+ Lincoln) The teacher *ill e:plain ho* *hen the circles o$erlap that +eans that the t*o presidents ha$e so+ethin& in co++onD +eanin& it is si+ilar) /f the infor+ation is in the circle, ut does not o$erlap, it +eans that infor+ation is not shared) That piece of infor+ation only *orks for that one president) The teacher *ill pass out the class supply of 'enn Dia&ra+s (the students na+es are already *ritten at the top)) The teacher *ill then ask the students *hat they re+e+ er a out #eor&e 9ashin&ton) The students should say that he *as a 'ir&inian) The teacher *ill ask, *ell is that infor+ation shared et*een #eor&e 9ashin&ton and " e LincolnE The students should say no, Lincoln *as orn in 3entucky) The students should also say that oth #eor&e 9ashin&ton and " e Lincoln are presidents) The teacher can then put president in the +iddle circle, ut put in the outside circles that 9ashin&ton *as the first president and Lincoln the %Fth president) The students should continue this process until they ha$e infor+ed that: Lincoln *as orn in a lo& ca in Lincoln *as self tau&ht Lincoln *as nickna+ed Honest " e 9ashin&ton nickna+ed 0ather of (ur .ountry Both had nickna+es 9ashin&ton *as a soldier " e Lincoln freed the sla$es 9ashin&ton cut do*n a cherry tree The students *ill create these 'enn Dia&ra+s) The teacher *ill then ha$e all the students &et out scissors and cut around their 'enn Dia&ra+s (the teacher *ill +odel ho* to do this *ith Ste$ens paper)) (nce the students ha$e cut out their Dia&ra+s they need to put their scissors a*ay and &et out their &lue sticks) (nce the students ha$e done that they need to &et up and &et out their social studies !ournals, *hile they &et up to &et their !ournals they need to take trash to the trash cans fro+ their 'enn Dia&ra+ cut out) The students should then &lue the 'enn Dia&ra+ into their Social Studies !ournals) (nce they ha$e done this tell the students to shut their !ournals and put it on the ed&e of their desks and &et into AHands and 7yesB position)

The 'enn Dia&ra+s *ill already ha$e the students na+es on the+) They *ill ha$e certain *ords already *ritten on the Dia&ra+ as a *ay to help &uide the students and help the+ *ith their spellin&) There *ill e three separate sets of 'enn Dia&ra+s) They are separated y readin& &roups)

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Teachin& Process @ =odelin& (.ontent is presented, accessed, or uilt): The teacher *ill then present the Presidents Day Pre8i presentation to the students) The teacher *ill &o to the first slide: Presidents Day) The teacher *ill read the slide and e:plain that today is Presidents Day, *hich is *hy *e san& happy irthday to the presidents) Presidents Day +ainly focuses on the irthdays of #eor&e 9ashin&ton and " raha+ Lincoln) The holiday of Presidents Day happens e$ery year on the third =onday of 0e ruary, and e:plain that this happens e$ery sin&le year at the sa+e ti+e it is an annual e$ent) The teacher *ill then 8oo+ to the ne:t slide *hich is a $ideo) The teacher *ill play the $ideo for the class, *hich is a son& a out #eor&e 9ashin&ton and " raha+ Lincoln) The first ti+e the teacher plays the $ideo the class needs to sit in their seats and listen) The teacher *ill once the $ideo is done ask the students *hat the son& said a out those t*o presidents) (This is +ainly repetition of si+ilar infor+ation that *as presented in the last t*o days)) The teacher *ill then play the son& a&ain, ut this ti+e allo* the students to &et up out of their seats and dance to the son&) Then tell the students to &et ack into Ahands and eyesB position and sittin& properly) The teacher *ill then 8oo+ to the ne:t slide: Ti+eline) The teacher *ill e:plain the ter+s past, present, and future) The teacher *ill read the definitions of the ter+s that *ere +ade y the teacher) The teacher *ill then sho* the students the ti+eline that is on that slide) Sho* ho* the oldest e$ents are at the furthest left and the ne*er e$ents are at the ri&ht) 7:plain to the students that on a ti+eline =y irthday (the teachers) *ill e further to the left than theirs, ecause / *as orn efore they *ere) / *as orn further in the past than *hat they *ere) "sk the students if they ha$e any ;uestions a out this) #uided Practice @ .heckin& for 6nderstandin&: The teacher *ill then ha$e the students reak apart into &roups of t*o (there *ill e se$en &roups total)) The &roups *ill each e &i$en a ti+eline *orksheet and an ipad) The students are to on the ti+eline deter+ine *hat *as #eor&e 9ashin&tons irthday, *hat *as " e Lincolns irthday, and *hat is there irthday) The teacher *ill sho* the students ho* to &o onto a search en&ine (#oo&le) and type in H#eor&e 9ashin&tons Birthday) The students *ill need to look at links to find the +onth day and year that he *as orn and *rite it on the correct lank on the *orksheet) The students *ill then *ith their partners repeat this process lookin& up " raha+ Lincolns irthday) They *ill also need to *rite the +onth, day and year of his irth date in the correct lank) 7ach indi$idual student *ill then *rite the date of their irth in the correct lank) Then *ith their partner the students *ill need to *rite on the ti+eline *ho ca+e *hen) The students should ha$e #eor&e 9ashin&ton *ritten et*een %IGG and %?GG, " raha+ Lincoln et*een %?GG and %JGG, and their o*n irth date et*een 5GGG and 5%GG) (nce the students ha$e co+pleted this they need to raise their hands and ha$e their *ork checked y the teacher) /f their *ork is correct then the students need to &lue ti+eline into their social studies !ournals) (nce this is &lued into their !ournals they can put their !ournals ack in the asket and read one of their Little Books until the *hole class has put their !ournals a*ay) /ndependent Practice: (nce all of the students ha$e co+pleted their ti+elines and put the+ into the !ournals and their !ournals are put a*ay) The teacher can then pass out the e:it slip) (n this e:it slip the students need to *rite *ho ca+e first, second, and last: #eor&e 9ashin&ton, " e Lincoln, and the+sel$es, and *hat is the holiday that cele rates the irth dates of our presidentsE

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=ake sure that Hayden and .asey do not &et to carried a*ay *hile dancin&)

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.losure: The students *ill turn their e:it passes into the teachers) The teacher *ill then ask the students, ASo *ho did co+e first you, #eor&e 9ashin&ton, or " raha+ LincolnEB (nce the students respond ha$e the+ finish out *ho co+es after " e Lincoln, and then *here do they fit in on the ti+eline) Then ask the students, ASo *hat is Presidents Day a&ainEB and ha$e the+ e:plain the holiday to you) Declarati$e State+ent Su++ary: Today *e learned a out Presidents Day and *e put the presidents #eor&e 9ashin&ton and " raha+ Lincoln in order on a ti+eline) To+orro* *e *ill e learnin& a out different places and o !ects that honor our presidents and our country)

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