URBNFRESH Social Media Best Practices

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Soci al Medi a //

The bianu name shoulu be stylizeu in all caps with a space. "0RBN FRESB"
!"#$%&'() +,( -./0123(,4- &, 56 %657(3 &5 +,(89

Tagline shoulu be spelleu without vowels with a peiiou: RN TBS CITY.

0sually when stylizing two woiu labels, the 1st woiu will have vowels iemoveu anu
the seconu woiu will be spelleu in full - like the bianu name (CRTFB FRESB) !,6:(
>#?, 6@A$ #6 +,( A%% %6B(3<A,( C63 #B&##(3 A5) >5,#A73A: DE+3F5C3(,4G

Bashtag: #0RBNFRESB Logo font is Bebas Neue


Youi appioach shoulu feel !"#$%&#'() (+&,',#%&# !&- (.%-'/0%. Bon't foice it.

1$+.# 2!3#'+&, !.% 4++-. Not eveiyone has to "get it" Speak to the specific
auuience. 'Insiuei jokes that only apply to sneakei heaus, hip-hop heaus, New
Yoikeis |whatevei subject heausj aie fine (anu encouiageu)

5+'(% #+ 6%%3 '& 7'&-8 Sociology piofessoi that smokes weeu anu likes to listen to
Rich Bomie Quan (ianuom, I know. If you uon't get what the hell I'm talking about
heie, just ignoie. ha.

Foi some ouu ieason, a peiiou auus a ceitain visual uistinction on social meuia. 0se
it to youi auvantage.

Copy shoulu incluue few - if any - exclamation points.
No use of multiple punctuation, ie. "..., !!!"
Bon't foiget to always use apostiophes.
0se "lol" only if you aie talking about the most hilaiious thing you've seen in
youi entiie life, evei.

Nusic quotes: If you want to quote a populai song known by most of oui followeis,
tiy using just half the lyiic oi simply the buzz woiu. 0se youi best juugment

H=#&65A%I "#$%&'( $6+3 <6=$ B&#4 #B6 C63BA3) ,%A,4(, A# #4( (5) 6C #4( ,(5#(5<( JJ

Soci al Medi a //

99:&,#!4.!7 images must be of the highest quality possible anu 7",# !-- ,+7%
,+.# +; !.#',#'( <!0"% #+ +". ;+00+=%.>, ;%%-,

Images that appeai to be uispiopoitioneu oi excessively zoomeu shoulu not be useu

Photos that may not be of the best quality aie can be shaieu as twitpic oi Facebook.
0se youi best juugment.
Naximum of 2 Instagiam posts pei houi !,6:( (;<(=#&65,9
No BipTics
No TweegiamText only posts
No use of ieposting apps to shaie iepost
Bon't go 0B on the BBR. It'll look like an ovei piocesseu mess

?$+#+ @-'#'&48 Recommenueu mobile apps: vSC0cam, Snapseeu, Afteilight. If
you'ie ieposting a photo that's alieauy uope, no neeu foi filteis!

A%3+,#'&48 If you'ie looking to iepost, scieenshot the image, ciop anu iepost (make
suie to cieuit oiiginal postei in caption, not in actual scieenshot)
0nly iepost 0RIuINAL photos fiom useis feeu - no ieposts of ieposts.
0ui followeis aie encouiageu to tag oi mention 0RBN FRESB to be featuieu

B!44'&48 If you choose to use a hashtag caption veiy few tags shoulu be use. They
shoulu be limiteu to the specific event oi simply the #0RBNFRESB Tag

Foi auuitional tags to auu exposuie to the post, multiple tags shoulu be auueu as the
1st comment, not the oiiginal caption

C+# :&,#!4.!7 B+3'(,8 K6=&<, #4A# A3( #A%@() AF6+# &5 =6= <+%#+3(J,6<&A% :()&A A5) A3(
<+33(5#%$ ,4&C#&57 $6+3 5(B,C(()8 !L(5)3&<@?,M <65#36% N(3,(9 1OP P(5#3&< <65N(3,A#&65, !&(8 #4( <6%)
When posting to auuiess 'Bot Instagiam topics', make suie to use an image that a
followei piobably hasn't seen befoie anu stanus out fiom the iest of theii stieam. In
many cases, no caption at all has moie of an impact than an actual caption.

Examples cuiiently on the 0RBNFRESB Instagiam incluue: Septembei 11
Nanuela's Beath, NBA Tipoff !K4( 0JQ =46#6 6C %6<A% 0L5&#(, =%A$&57 FA%%9
"(5,&#&N( #6=&<, ,46+%) 76 B&#46+# #A7,R B( )65?# BA5# #6 ,((: %&@( B(?3( B463&57 C63 %&@(, A# #4(
(;=(5,( 6C ,6:(65(?, +5C63#+5A#( ,&#+A#&65

S36#&=I K+:F%3 &, A 73(A# =%A<( #6 ,(A3<4 C63 &:A7(, T >C #4( =46#673A=4(3M, 5A:( &,
(A,$ #6 C&5) 65 #+:F%3R &5<%+)( &# &5 #4( <A=#&65

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