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Groups Conversation The personnel: 1. Maharani (doctor): 2. Annisa (patient) 3. Tiwi (narrator) 4. ida (che!ist) ".

#i$a (patients %riend) Situation 1: One day, Dika hangs out alone to get some fresh air. When she passes through Annisas house, she meets Annisa and she calls her and making a little conversation. Then, Dika asks Annisa why she looks very bad. #i$a Annisa #i$a Annisa #i$a Annisa #i$a : &e' Annisa( whats wron) with 'ou* +ou loo$ real ,ad: .h( /ve never %elt worse in !' li%e- / have a ,ad cou)h. : Arent 'ou ta$in) an' !edicine* As we $now that i% we sic$ and we dont drin$ an' !edicine( the disease will ,e worst than ,e%ore. : +es( /! drin$in) cou)h s'rup and the're not wor$in) ,ut also !' cou)h is )ettin) worse. : That sounds serious. +ou should see the doctor ri)ht awa'. 0ut( in !' opinion 'ou should tell the doctor how serious 'our diseases( ,ecause its ver' i!portant thin$. : / )uess /ve )ot to. / cant stand it an' lon)er- /ll )o this a%ternoon. : Good idea. / wish 'ou will ,e %ine.

Situation 2: Then Annisa do the suggestion from Dika. he goes to the doctor and checks her health. !ecause of some reason Annisa prefer to go to the doctor alone. Maharani Annisa Maharani Annisa Maharani Annisa Maharani Annisa Maharani Annisa Maharani Annisa : Can / help 'ou* : +es( doc. : hat $ind o% s'!pto! that 'ou have* : / have a ,ad cou)h. : &ow lon) have 'ou )ot 'our ,ad cou)h* : /ve had this %or %our da's. : ell( / will chec$ 'ou ,lood pressure( chec$ 'our te!perature( then e1a!ine 'our throat( ,ut ,e%ore that( !a' / $now i% 'ou have another s'!pto!* : 2o( / dont. : .$( here is 'our receipt. / wish 'ou )ettin) ,etter. : Than$s doc. : 3or a couple da's( until 'our cou)h )ettin) ,etter( 'ou cant eat so!e %eed that !ade o% oil( cool drin$( and candies. : .$ doc( / will do 'our su))estion

Situation 3: After Annisa goes to the doctor and she gets the receipt, she goes to the drug store and gives the receipt to the chemist. When she gets her drugs, she also gets some suggestion from the chemist. ida Annisa ida Annisa ida Annisa ida Annisa ida : #o 'ou need an' help* : +es( !aa!. This is a receipt that / )ot %ro! the doctor. : .$( /ll ta$e this. 0ut would 'ou wait %or a !o!ent when / !a$e the receipt* : +es( it doesnt !atter. " #$ minute later. " : Miss Annisa.. : +es( /!. : This is 'our dru)s. +ou should drin$ all o% this re)ularl'. +ou should drin$ this s'rup twice a da'( and this pills three ti!es a da' and dont %or)et not to drin$ or eat the %eed that the doctor as$ed to. : .$( than$ 'ou %or the in%or!ation !aa!. : +oure welco!e.

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