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wonder he had so many large shots

of red eyelids.
But his Royal Cockiness was
unshaken and he ambled next door
to McVey Hall and signed on with
Sorry, Nick campus radio station, a fledgling
umt of the bureacracy where stu-
Pity poor Nick Martin the bleed- ents play around with reels and
ing-heart paranoid liberal who boards pretending they have an
claims a responsible writer in audience.
of Truth made him sound After staging a mini-revolt of
llike a dolt. 'fsk, tsk. For fear of station employes (which the man-
lfosing .my status as an agement found revolting), Nick was
j udge of character, I must agree bounced down three flights of stairs
that Nick Martin is not I repeat not and he rolled out into Limestone
' ' ' Street.
'! Actually, Nick is a dork. You see Nick never was the quickest
} dolt is someone who is really not person in the world, so it took him a
,flame for his incompetence for sme .couple. of months to find his way
reason or another. But a dork is dOW,II Limestone to Main Street
{Efferent, someone who had his he was able ' to con a group of
senses about him at one time, but ' PIOfessional broadcasters atop a
-pas yet to find himself, and ends up ru!:ldown hotel that he was a
as a helpless. bumbling idiot running newsman.
around like a chicken with his head Evidently, it didn't take the sta-
cut off. This is Nick Martin. . tion long to find out how incompetent
Just look at his brilliant and he wa.s and now he is ari unemployed
productive career to date. As a frosh mayoral candidate.
at the big State U., Nick be-hopped So, you see, Nick Martin reallv
over to the campus newspaper office isn' t a dolt at all. But he is a dork
and proclaimed that he was the Big and he does a damn good job of
G's gift to photography. He finaliy proving that himself. Sorry, Nick,
became offended and quit after. ole' buddy, but I'm afraid I will cast
someone told him he had his earner& ,;.my ballot for Jimmy, Scotty. or Joey
. . turned around the wrong way. No . ;;Boy.
Ron Mitchell
Lexington resident
Poor Ron Mitchell, you have only
one vote-and a poison pen. Para-
noia! I guess the old adages still
appy-"It takes one to recognize
one" or "Methinks thou dust protest
too much," either of which would be
Were your toes stepped on a little
too heavily or do you have a large
monkey on your back? One wouldn't
insult the monkey. There must be
some personal vendetta to cause
anyone to exude so much venom.
With constructive criticism one
would be less likely to believe in
your familiarity with paranoia.
The radio station must have been
on very shaky ground for the most
junior person connected with the
deJBrtment to wreck all the havoc
you describe. Are you sure the whole
. University is not crumbling with
1 Paranoia-YOURS!
J. Stevenson
Lexington resident

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