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Bridgewater College Teacher Education Program Lesson Plan Day 4 Physical Education/ Music integration Subject Area(s): Science

e VA SOL: Title of Lesson: Kinetic/Potential Energy

Name: Ashlie Carr

Grade Level(s): th 4

The student will investigate and understand characteristics and interactions of moving objects. Key concepts include d) moving objects have kinetic energy The student will understand and apply movement concepts and principles in complex motor skills. b) Apply movement principles and concepts to basic game strategies. (P.E. SOL) The student will sing a varied repertoire of songs alone and with others, including 1. singing with a clear tone quality and correct intonation (Music SOL)
Content Objective(s): The student will be able to apply their knowledge of kinetic and potential energy after the lesson by playing a modified red light, green light (Kinetic/potential) IEP Goal/Objective: Same as above unless student has a physical disability where they cannot walk/run. In that case, allow student to yell out the kinetic/potential to the rest of the class. Accommodations/ Differentiation Assessment (based on objectives): The teacher will determine if the students met the objective by watching the students play the kinetic/potential game. If they stop/go when appropriate, the teacher can assume they understand the concept.

Materials: Its a Crack Up document (one for teacher to display) Energy in Motion AIMS booklet (one per student) Highlighters (One per student) The gym or an area to run outside Integration of technology: Technology will be used to watch/listen to the kinetic/potential music video. The document camera will also be used to display documents in the lesson. Alternative Plan: Instead of pulling up the movie offline, save it to the computer in case of internet problems or pop up issues. Accommodations/ Differentiation Anticipatory Set (Hook & Agenda): Say to the whole class: (Have the song at playing quietly as the students come in) I need everyone to stand up and push their chair out to give yourself a little room to move around. Now, stand in front of your desk. Time Planned 30 sec

Access/Review Prior Knowledge: Tell students: Someone tell me your position using your desk as a frame of reference. (allow a student to answer-behind the desk, parallel to the desk etc.) Now, I want you to put your body into motion. (Run in place) What are you doing right now to keep your body moving (applying force/pushing/pulling your muscles) As you are in motion you are using energy and thats what we are going to learn about today. (instruct students to sit in their seats)

5 mins

Teaching Process & Modeling (Content is presented, accessed, or built): Say to students: You were just running in place right? I did that so you could get up and release some? What? (let students answer energy) Energy! When you were moving around you were using energy. Energy is the ability to do work. Remember that work is using a force to move an object. You needed energy to apply the force to your body. Does anyone know where most of our energy comes from? (allow students to answer-the sun) When an object is moving it has something called kinetic energy. Last time we learned that on object that changes position has motion and objects that are in motion have kinetic energy. (Show the Its a Crack Up document on the document camera and read it to the class.) (Explain to the students that kinetic energy is moving energy.) So, if an object is not moving, what kind of energy would it have? Energy that is stored or not moving is called potential energy. We are going to learn a song to help us remember the difference of kinetic and potential energy. We will listen to the song once, but sing together the second time. (show the kinetic/potential song at Sing the song twice and have the students stand up the second time they sing it. (Hand out the Energy in Motion booklet. Let students volunteer to read and show the teacher copy on the document camera while you highlight the important information. Use the pre-highlighted teacher copy to show students what to highlight) Guided Practice & Checking for Understanding: Say to students: Okay, go ahead and put your booklet away in your binders and we are going to see how well you all can demonstrate kinetic and potential energy. Line up the students at the door by table. Take students to the gym or outside and play red light, green light only kinetic/potential version) Independent Practice: The students will be independently practice kinetic/potential by playing the red light, green light game.

If students are slow readers or have a hard time with highlighting the text, give them a pre-highlighted or partially highlighted booklet as you pass them out to the class.

15 min


If there is a student with a physical disability that hinders them from being able to play this game, let them call out kinetic/potential.

Closure: Ask the students what moving energy is called (kinetic). Ask the students what stored energy is called (potential).

30 sec

Declarative Statement Summary: Let students go by table groups when they answer one of the following questions A rock rolling down a hill has what kind of energy? (kinetic) A rock sitting at the top of a hill has what kind of energy? (potential) A rubber band being stretched, but not released has what kind of energy? (potential) A rubber band being flung across the room has what kind of energy?(kinetic)

1 min

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