How To Keep From Having A Heart Attack Avoid Aerobic Exercise

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How to Keep From Having a Heart Attack: Do Less Aerobic Exercise! By: Dr. William Wong, ND, PhD.

hat title certainly runs against the grain of everything we've been conditioned brain washed! to believe in the last "# years$ %ft # years of lowering cholesterol, avoiding salt, ta&ing an as'irin a day and running, what have we got to show for it( )eart disea still the *+ &iller disease in %merica. Plus, we now have %l,heimer's, electrolyte de'letion, renal damage, intestinal hemorrhag d severely worn -oints to show for our efforts$ .o if all this hasn't wor&ed / what is the real cul'rit behind heart disease(

arvard's' 0ramingham study in +122 told the world that if you lowered cholesterol to below the then hallowed 344 ma erything would be all right. %t the same time, one of their scientists was coming u' with a different theory but since 0ramingha d ta&en so long to do and cost so much money, that 'articular Ph.D.'s findings were swe't under the rug. 5n fact, they were we't under the rug that he was fired for having the tenacity of insisting that he was right. What does a Ph.D. &now when all of t arned 6D's insisted they &new better( Without getting into the turf fight between Ph.D.'s and 6D's 5'll sim'ly say that it's th h.D.'s who tell the 6D's what they can and can't do and what science really says!.

ell guess what( 5t turns out that the Ph.D. was right after all. )arvard has even 7uietly a'ologi,ed to him but have th ologi,ed to us for leading us down a wild goose chase the last "# years(! Part of the reason his wor& was su''ressed was that as not li&ely to bring about the develo'ment of anti this or anti that drugs to combat the things 0ramingham said were wron 0inancial gain over 'hysiological truth. 0inancial gain at the cost of 'eo'les lives. Well, that's the way the system wor&s.

9, enough 'reaching / so what really causes heart disease and what can you do about it( :ately, medical statistics have admitted end..... )ealthy, e;ercising <"# .omething's< are having heart attac&s. 8n e;amination their arteries were clear, no maoc&ages. Their cholesterol levels were 'icture 'erfect / -ust what the docs want them to be. By gosh these fol&s even did aerob ercise several times a wee&$ %nd still there they were in hos'ital beds and mortuary slabs= felled by heart disease. The lab wo owed one common factor: 5nflammation of the blood vessels.

or the last "# years we've had the notion that it was only arterio sclerosis that bloc&ed u' our blood 'athways. Those dams in o teries were visible and removable either by surgery or chelation treatments. But there was an insidious cul'rit that could bloc& o artery as com'letely as the sclerotic 'la7ue then disa''ear and not be found on e;amination. 5nflammation. When blood vesse well, the si,e of the o'ening that the blood has to flow through decreases. 5f this decrease is significant enough then whatev sue that vessel feeds is cut off from life giving blood. 5f that swelling ha''ened in one of the arteries feeding the muscle of th art that area dies and we have an 65, 6yocardial 5nfarction or heart attac&.

turns out that this inflammation is easily and chea'ly dealt with. That's why the 0ramingham boys wanted to re-ect t flammation study. 5t would 'roduce no money for the drug com'anies in the form of 'atentable medicines.

everal things are needed to red ce vasc lar in!lammation: +. 3. ". 4. @. >itamin B +3 0olic %cid Proteolytic ?n,ymes or .ystemic ?n,ymes! Decrease in 'hysical stress Decrease in mental stress

lso ver" help! l !or heart health is: +. 3. ". 4. @. 6agnesium the heart beats irregularly without it! Potassium AoB+# >itamin ? .elenium

ets 7uic&ly go over what these nutrients can do for you and get them into what the title lured you here for in the first 'lace. 0ol id and B +3 were found to significantly reduce blood vessel swelling. The 0D% has been hedging on granting vitamin com'ani e right to advertise this as it would hurt sales of the <'atented< heart medications. Protein eating en,ymes are su'erior ways ducing inflammation, eating away at the fibrin that forms arterial 'la7ue and reducing c/reactive 'rotein levels mar&ers f flammation!. The anti o;idant nutrients listed above, >itamin ?, Ao?n,yme B +#, and the mineral .elenium &ee' the blood slic e heart regular and 'revent degeneration of tissues. 6agnesium is su'er im'ortant because it regulates muscular rela;ation an ust serve as a counter ion to the calcium that causes muscular contraction. Aalcium channel bloc&ers drugs &ee' calcium fro tting into magnesium sites of the heart and causing a Aontraction / Aontraction reaction instead of the usual Aontraction ela;ation reaction. Would it not ma&e more sense to have enough magnesium in the first 'lace so that the 'ro'er channels we led with the 'ro'er minerals and the contractions would not go awry( What natural docs have been advocating for "# years h ow caught on. 8ur old friends at )arvard are now 5> fast 'ush in-ecting 3### mg of 6agnesium into heart 'atients during 'erio irregular beating and guess what( The 'roblem sto's$ Don't let the 6D's claim to have invented that one, as they have wi arly every natural thera'y they have <5ntegrated< into their system!.

otassium &ee's heart beat a''ro'riate to the tas&= without it fol&s es'ecially women, have e'isodes of ra'id heart beat. Now stre duction we've heard before so 5 won't beat that dead horse again. But heart disease as a result of e;ercise is a new one most 'eo' utside of cardiology or e;ercise 'hysiology have not heard about.

hen runners, es'ecially marathoners, tell me that they are running to attain healthy hearts 5 sound off that <Dim 0i;; is dead<$ 0 ose of you who may not be old enough to remember the high guru of the manic com'ulsiveness &nown as distance running= 0i; as a god. )is leadershi' ins'ired millions to ta&e to the roads running. )is training recommendations were law and his advice t onouncements of the running lord most high. Then one day something funny ha''ened to him in the middle of a run / he &eele ver and died$ 8f a heart attac& no less$$$ Cunning fanatics world wide were in shoc&. )ow could this ha''en= maybe he h me thing congenitally wrong with his heart= sure that it was something mechanically wrong with his heart from birth. But th her marathoners began to follow, a famous doctor from a renowned running maga,ine went 'lot, followed by so many runne at even the 6D who 'o'ulari,ed the term <%erobics< and advocated distance running, 9en Aoo'er too& notice.

ll of the running aficionados thought more was better. The longer the wor&out...the healthier the heart. They were actual a&ing e;cuses for being com'ulsive but we won't go there!. Dr. Aoo'er rewor&ed his data, did more tests and low and beho hat did he say: <The heart sto's conditioning at about 34 minuets< and <anything over " miles/ " times a wee& is done for reaso her than fitness<. 8ther than fitness$ )eresy= the running world was aghast, it could not be so$ But so it is. Too much aerob ercise of any ty'e, causes the blood vessels to inflame from the overstress. This inflammation leads to scaring of the intern ortions of the vessels and this scaring is where the fibrin begins to build, onto which accrue the other com'onents of arter lerotic 'la7ue. 5f the inflammation is serious enough in itself, from the e;ercise and combination of the other factors, then th crease in the lumen diameter! of the blood vessel from the swelling can in and of itself cause a heart attac&. :et's wor& out t umbers as concerns aerobic e;ercise.

he true dean of cardiovascular e;ercise and father of cardiac stress testing was a .candinavian e;ercise 'hysiologist nam arvonen. There go those u''ity Ph.D.'s again!$ )is definitive wor& in the @#' and 2#'s showed that the heart began gettin ronger conditioning! after a mere E to F minutes worth of wor&. Aoo'er's early research also found that F minute mar&. .o w

ve F minutes as the minimum we can do cardio vascular A>! e;ercise for and gain a 'ositive training effect on the heart$ T ea that we need +2 to 3# minutes 'lus to attain A> conditioning came from a mis reading of research done by Tom Aureton, h.D. another giant in e;ercise science!. That research found that the 'la7ue in the arteries began to be worn down and the li'i ats! therein used as fuel in between +2 to 3# minutes of aerobic wor&. The research did not mean that the heart did not conditio fore +3 minutes. But many non/e;'erts in e;ercise field 5?. 6D's, 'ersonal trainers and television stars with wor&out videos ll!, understood it to mean -ust that.

r. Aoo'ers follow u' research set the celling for A> conditioning at 34 to 32 min. %fter that he said the heart sto''ed getting ercise effect from the wor&. We will add insult to in-ury here by relating the statistic that after 3#G years of the <aerobics< cra, e couch 'otatoes are living as long or longer than their marathoning cousins. )eart disease and severely su''ressed immu stems are &illing the runners.

o= with all of that said and done let's set the 'arameters for safe and 'roductive aerobic e;ercise.

emember we mean to strengthen our hearts, clear our vascular systems and build miles of new blood vessels to lower the bloo essure. We don't mean to reduce manic com'ulsiveness or other 'sychological needs by these e;ercises.

> wor& / minimum F minutes, to' off at 34 minuets. Do A> e;ercise no more than " times a wee&. Period. Cecumbent cycle mi recumbent cycles, orbital ste''ers and swimming 'roduce less arthritis causing -oint wear than the usual running, sta imbing, s&i machines, dance or &arate aerobics and rowing. 0or most, running should be out of the 7uestion as it destroys t nees, hi's and lower bac&. Treadmills are actually worse than road running as it only mimics running and is 'roducing a slew wer bac& in-uries. Thin& of it= in true running you are 'ro'elling yourself across a surface. 5n treadmill running you are trying e' form falling on your nose. While the movement loo&s the same, biomechanically it uses the o''osite muscles for differe asons and hence the in-uries. .&i machines concentrate wor& 'rimarily in the fle;or muscles of the hi' creating a lordotic or <a c&ward< duc& 'osture and creating the conditions for in-uring the lower bac&.

hen it comes to aerobic e;ercise less is more and when combined with the nutrients and lifestyle conducive to a healthy heart an healthy mind then we have a com'lete 'ac&age for a healthy life.

ac& to To'

% Disclaimer: The statements and information on this website has not been evaluated by the 0D%. 5t is not intended to treat, diagn cure, mitigate or 'revent any disease.H nformation on Dr. Wong's ?ssentialsI Natural )ealth Website is 'rovided for educational 'ur'oses. Before starting any diet, e;e me or other nutritional su''lement 'rogram always see& the advice of your 'hysician or other 7ualified, licensed health 'rofessio Ao'yright +111 Dr. William Wong and his licensors. %ll Cights Ceserved. None of the material contained herein may be re'rodu without the 'rior consent of Dr. William Wong.

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