Educ 353 Science Lesson

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Wilson EDUC 353 Name: Nicole Dzikas 2013 Target Gra e !

e"el: #econ Date: December 5,

C$rric$l$m To%ic: #cience

UbD !esson &lan Tem%late Desire

Established Goals: &#1(): #tr$ct$re an &ro%erties o* +atter Different kinds of matter exist and many of them can be either solid or liquid, depending on temperature. Matter can be described and classified by its observable properties. (2- !"-"#

#tage 1: '$tcome

Un erstan ings: $he t%o main states of matter are solid and liquid. $he states of matter can change from one to another. &ach state of matter has characteristics that can be used to identify the state.

Essential ,$estion-s.: 'hat is matter( 'hat are the t%o main states of matter( 'hat is a solid( 'hat is a liquid( )o% does a state of matter change(

Students will know. Matter is anything that has %eight and takes up space as a solid or liquid. * solid is something that is hard and firm. * liquid is a %et substance that you can pour. +ree,ing is the process in %hich a liquid changes to a solid. Melting is the process in %hich a solid changes to a liquid.

Students will be able to -dentify solids and liquids. Define the terms .solid/ and .liquid./ &xplain the processes of free,ing and melting.

#tage 2: )ssessment E"i ence

erformance $asks0 !tudents %ill .act out/ the solid and liquid states of matter. !tudents %ill .act out/ the solid state by standing close to each other and moving very little, simulating the molecules. !tudents %ill .act out/ the liquid state by spreading farther apart from each other and moving faster. !tudents %ill be told .act out/ one of the states then told to stop and then %ill be asked to .act out/ the other state. !tudents %ill also be given ice cubes and cups of %ater. $hey %ill have to identify %hich one is a solid and %hich is a liquid. 1ther &vidence0

2uestioning and 3lass Discussion 'orksheet

!tudents %ill leave the ice cubes on plates in the classroom to observe the process of melting. !tudents %ill place the cups of %ater in a school free,er and check on them after a certain amount of time has passed to observe the process of free,ing.

#tage 3: !earning &lan

- %ill begin the lesson by telling students that %e %ill be learning about states of matter. - %ill sho% students a video that provides information about the states of matter and ho% they change from one state to another. (http044study5ams.scholastic.com4study5ams45ams4science4matter4solidsliquids-gases.htm# *fter the video, - %ill have a list of terms and definitions from the video (matter, solid, liquid, free,ing, and melting# up on the !mart6oard. - %ill further go over these terms %ith the class. - %ill ask students questions based on the video. - %ill ask the follo%ing questions0 'hat is the difference bet%een a solid and a liquid( 7ive examples of solids and liquids. Describe the movement of molecules for a solid and for a liquid. 'hat is free,ing( 'hat is melting( - %ill explain the erformance $asks to the students. !tudents %ill complete the erformance $ask that asks them to .act out/ the states of matter first. !tudents %ill then complete the free,ing and melting activity. $o conclude the lesson, - %ill summari,e the key terms of matter, solid, liquid, free,ing, and melting. !tudents %ill sing along to a karaoke video that revie%s the states of matter. (http044study5ams.scholastic.com4study5ams45ams4science4matter4solidsliquids-gases.htm# !tudents %ill be asked to complete a %orksheet about solids and liquids for home%ork. Materials0 !tates of Matter video, !mart6oard, ice cubes, cups, %ater, plates, free,er, karaoke video, %orksheets Differentiation0 $he videos used to begin and end the lessons are beneficial for both visual and auditory learners as %ell as &88 students since they combine %ords, sound, and graphics. $he %orksheet for students at grade level %ill ask if certain materials listed are solids or liquids. $he %orksheet for &88 students and students belo% grade level %ill include images to help

students identify the states of matter. $he %orksheet for above grade level students %ill ask them to provide their o%n examples of solids and liquids and also gases.

-temi,ed *ttachments0 *t 7rade 8evel 'orksheet

6elo% 7rade 8evel4&88 'orksheet

*bove 7rade 8evel 'orksheet

3itations0 Above Grade Level Worksheet. 9etrieved from At Grade Level Worksheet. 9etrieved from

Below Grade Level/ELL Worksheet. 9etrieved from Karaoke Video. 9etrieved from http044study5ams.scholastic.com4study5ams45ams4science4matter4solids-liquidsgases.htm Next Generation S ien e Standards . (2:";#. 9etrieved from http044%%%.nextgenscience.org4 States o! "atter Video. 9etrieved from http044study5ams.scholastic.com4study5ams45ams4science4matter4solids-liquidsgases.htm

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