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7"7, R#$#%&# ' R#()s*+,*) %-I. D#/,+*0#%*, 1,*#1 18-12-2001

In exercise of the power conferred by section 78 of the Registration Act, 1908 (Central Act !I of 1908", and in s#persession of the order iss#ed in $%&%'s%(o) 1*+7, Re,en#e -epart.ent dated +/9/ 1908 and p#blished with the Re,en#e -epart.ent (otification (o +89, dated the +rd 1epte.ber, 1908 at page 2290 to 2290 of part/I of the Andhra 3radesh $a4ette, dated 11 th 1epte.ber 1908 and s#bse5#ent a.end.ents iss#ed fro. ti.e to ti.e, the $o,ernor of Andhra 3radesh hereby notifies the following rates of fees as shown in the 6 7able of 8ees9 REGISTRATION FEES

7he prescribed rate of Registration 8ees are as follows)/ TABLE OF FEES [P+#/,+#1 &%1#+ S#3*) % 78 4 *5# I%1),% R#()s*+,*) % A3*, 1908 'X6I 4 1908. 7
1 'A. (i" (ii" (iii" (a" ARTICLE R#()s*+,*) % 4 1 3&0#%*s )% B 8 1 ,%1 B 89 :hen the ,al#e or consideration, whiche,er is higher, does not exceed 1,000::hen the ,al#e or consideration, whiche,er is higher, exceeds Rs% 1,000;/ for e,ery Rs% 1,000;/ or part thereof% Registration of sale ; Constr#ction;-e,elop.ent agree.ents #nder Article * (<" of 1ched#le I A to the Indian 1ta.p Act, 1899% Rs. Ps. 10%00 0%00 1,000%00



Registration of Agree.ent ; 'e.orand#. relating to -eposit of 7itle -eeds #nder Article 7 of 1ched#le I A to the Indian 1ta.p Act, 1899%

1= on
the a.o#nt s#b>ect to a .axi.#. of Rs%

1,000%00 (iii" (c" Registration of 3artition -eeds, Release -eeds and 1ettle.ent -eeds #nder Article ?0, ?* and ?9 respecti,ely of 1ched#le I A to the Indian 1ta.p Act, 1899%


(i," (i"

F + +#()s*+,*) % 4,==)%(

4 / ;#+s

4 ,** +%#< 100%00

@nder cla#ses (a" to (d" and (f" of Article ?2 of 1ched#le I/A to the Indian 1ta.p Act, 1899%

(ii" (<"

@nder cla#se (e" and (g" of Article ?2 of 1ched#le I/A to the Indian 1ta.p Act, 1899% 7he pro,isions of sections 0,*,20,21,20, ?1/A and ?7/A of the Indian 1ta.p Act, 1899 (II of 1899" shall .#tatis .#tandis apply to calc#lations of ,al#e for the p#rposes of deter.ining the registration fee and its collection%


(c" (a" (b "

In the case of leases the ,al#e shall be taAen, At the total rent when the lease is for one year or lessB At the a,erage ann#al rent when the lease is for period exceeding one year and does not exceed thirty yearsB At ten the a,erage ann#al rent when the lease for period exceeds +0 years and the lease is perpet#alB N *#!- A%< 4)%# + /+#0)&0 /,<,>=#? 0 %#< ,1$,%3#1? $,=&# 4 )0/+ $#0#%*s? ,0 &%* 4 +#%*s, +,*#s ,%1 *,@#s? #*3., %##1 % * ># *,8#% )%* ,33 &%*.


(-" (C"

O0)**#1 In the case of all other doc#.ents in which neither the consideration for the transaction, not the ,al#e of the property effected is expressed, or in which it is only partially expressed, the ,al#e shall be the .axi.#. a.o#nt, which the sta.p borne by the doc#.ent shall s#ffice to co,er if the doc#.ent is one, which is liable to sta.p d#ty at A-/ !AD&RC' rates% If the ,al#e cannot be deter.ined fro. the sta.p, as for instance, when the deed is not liable to sta.p d#ty, or is liable to d#ty at a fixed a.o#nt irrespecti,e of the ,al#e of transaction the fee le,iable shall be Rs% 100;/ in cases where the transaction is not s#sceptible of .oney ,al#ation% 0)**#1 In case of agree.ents to render ser,ice for hire or to let .o,able property for hire the ,al#e of the doc#.ents shall not be taAen at a higher a.o#nt than of the hire for one year% 7he Registration fee on a doc#.ent p#rporting to rectify an error, which by itself creates, transfers, li.its, extends, exting#ishes, or records rights shall be as prescribed in Article 1 (A" on the consideration and if no consideration is expressed, on the ,al#e or .arAet ,al#e of the right dealt with, s#b>ect to a .ini.#. of Rs% 100%00% F## )% +#s/#3* 4 *5# 4 == ;)%( s5,== ># An agree.ent between a .ortgagor and;or .ortgagee creating a paripass# charge on the properties .ortgaged thro#gh registered .ortgage deeds or whether registered or #nregistered% A .ortgage deed exec#ted by an officer of $o,ern.ent in Ci,il or 'ilitary e.ploy.ent for sec#ring the repay.ent of an ad,ance recei,ed 100%00

(8" ($"



2 (i"

100%00 100%00




(i," (," (,i" (,ii"

(,iii" (ix" (x" (xi"

by hi. fro. $o,ern.ent for the p#rpose of constr#cting, p#rchasing or repairing a dwelling ho#se for his own #se% An instr#.ent of recon,eyance exec#ted by $o,ern.ent in fa,o#r of any person who is or has been in the Ci,il or 'ilitary ser,ices of the $o,ern.ent incl#ding the deed exec#ted in fa,o#r of both e.ployees and his;her spo#se of an ad,ance recei,ed by hi. fro. the $o,ern.ent for the p#rpose of constr#ction, p#rchasing or repairing a dwelling ho#se for his own #se% Adoption deed as described in Article + of 1ched#le/I A of Indian 1ta.p Act Agree.ent ,arying the ter.s of pre,io#sly registered .ortgage deed% Appoint.ent in exec#tion of power -eclaration of 7rade 'arA% A s#pple.ental deed falling #nder section ? of the Indian 1ta.p Act% A deed of cancellation or re,ocation% &pening sealed co,er and entering the contents in the Register% :ill or a#thority to adopt, presented open% -eposit of a 1ealed co,er p#rporting to contain a will or its withdrawals% Any doc#.ent p#rporting to gi,e a collateral or a#xiliary or additional or s#bstit#ted sec#rity or sec#rity by way of f#rther ass#rance where the principal or pri.ary .ortgage is pro,ided to the satisfaction of the Registering &fficer, to ha,e been d#ly registered% 1ec#rity bond, or .ortgage deed exec#ted in connection with transactions relating to AbAari Contract% Release in respect of the registered sec#rity bond or .ortgage deed pre,io#sly exec#ted in connection with transactions relating to AbAari Contract% Any doc#.ent acAnowledging receipt or pay.ent of consideration on acco#nt of any pre,io#sly registered or #nregistered doc#.ent and #pon any receipt acAnowledging pay.ent of a debt or rent d#e #nder a pre,io#sly registered or #nregistered doc#.ent% Attestation of either a special or a general power of attorney% 8or the presentation of each Appeal #nder 1ection 72 or Application #nder 1ection 7+ against the order of a 1#b/Registrar ref#sing to register a doc#.ent 8or an en5#iry #nder 1ection 7? 8or an en5#iry by a 1#b/Registrar in,ested with the powers of a Registrar #nder the second pro,iso to s#b section (+" of 1ection +0 in respect of doc#.ents, the exec#tion of which is denied% 8or an en5#iry in respect of non/testa.entary doc#.ent presented for registration after the death of the exec#tant or if the exec#tant dies


100%00 100%00 100%00 100%00 100%00 100%00 100%00 100%00 100%00









100%00 100%00

[(x, ii"

(x,iii " xix"

100%00 100%00



after presentation of a doc#.ent by the clai.ant or his representati,e, assignee or agent and before ad.ission of exec#tion% (xxi" 8or an en5#iry in respect of a will or an 100%00 a#thority to adopt presented for registration after the death of the testator or the donor as the case .ay be%7 1 [ 7 added by addenda iss#ed in $%&%'s%(o 201, Re,en#e (Regn/I" -epart.ent dated 18/?/2002, w%e%f% 1/1/2002 p#b% In A%3% $a4% 3t% 1 ext% (o) 22+, dt 20/0/2002% + N +#()s*+,*) % 4## s5,== ># =#$),>=# &/ % *5# 4 == ;)%(!



Instr#.ents relating to transfer of properties by 8oreign ('issionaries" to Indian 'issions ('issionaries"% Instr#.ents of settle.ents by way of tr#st for charitable or religio#s p#rposes and exec#ted in fa,o#r of ed#cational or religio#s instit#tions as the 1tate $o,ern.ent .ay fro. ti.e to ti.e by order specify in this behalf% -eeds e,idencing ac5#isition of lands by the $o,ern.ent for the pro,ision of ho#se sites to 1ched#led Castes, 1ched#led 7ribes, -enotified 7ribes and (o.adic, 1e.i (o.adic 7ribes and landless worAers in r#ral areas thro#gh pri,ate negotiations% Any gift deed exec#ted in fa,o#r of the $o,ern.ent in respect of Dand or landed property donated for #se in connection with the (ational -efence efforts% Con,eyance deeds transferring all the properties both .o,able and i..o,able belonging to colleges taAen o,er by the $o,ern.ent for ed#cational p#rposes% 1ec#rity bonds exec#ted in fa,o#r of the $o,ern.ent by the $#.astas appointed on behalf of the $o,ern.ent in the 7elangana Region of the 1tate of Andhra 3radesh to sec#re the exec#tion of their office or to acco#nt for .oney or other property recei,ed by ,irt#e thereof% 'ortgage deeds and sec#rity bonds exec#ted by the loanees for the loans granted by the 3anchayat 1a.ithies% -eeds e,idencing ac5#isition of lands by the $o,ern.ent for pro,ision of ho#se sites to Eari>ans thro#gh pri,ate negotiations 'ortgage deeds exec#ted by the beneficiaries in fa,o#r of F7he Docal Eabitat for E#.anity, Gha..a. F in respect of the ho#ses constr#cted by the said organisation and allotted to its beneficiaries in the 1tate of Andhra 3radesh s#b>ect to the condition that the -istrict Collector of the concerned -istrict sho#ld satisfy abo#t the bonafieds and appro,e the list of beneficiaries% $ifts or settle.ents to be exec#ted by the intending donors in fa,o#r of the -epart.ents of $o,ern.ent of Andhra 3radesh, transferring land or b#ildings for constr#ction of office b#ildings on the land or acco..odating offices in the b#ildings of the said -epart.ents% 1ale deeds in fa,o#r of the poor landless agric#lt#ral labo#rers belonging to sched#led castes #nder the sche.e of F3#rchase of Agric#lt#ral landF as part of the econo.ic s#pport progra..e being i.ple.ented by the

(il (il









(il (il (il







Andhra 3radesh 1ched#led Castes Co/operati,e 8inance Corporation Di.ited, Eyderabad%


(il 7ransfer of land fro. 1oftware 7echnology 3arA, $o,ern.ent of India or s#bse5#ent transfer fro. Hoint !ent#re Co.pany of Andhra 3radesh Ind#strial Infrastr#ct#re Corporation to indi,id#al entreprene#rs in,ol,ing either land or b#ilt #p area for the p#rpose related to setting #p of Infor.ation 7echnology based pro>ects and other co..on p#rpose, infrastr#ct#re and financial ser,ices related to s#ch pro>ects in the Infocity;1%7%3%E% at 'adhap#r (!", R%R% -istrict pro,ided the registration fee is paid on transaction of land fro. the Andhra 3radesh Ind#strial Infrastr#ct#re Corporation to the Hoint !ent#re Co.panyF% (7his is applicable only for 0 years fro. 21%+%1997" 1ale deeds exec#ted in fa,o#r of the poor landless agric#lt#ral labo#rers belonging to 1ched#led 7ribes #nder the / F1che.e of p#rchase of Agric#lt#ral land as part of the econo.y s#pport progra..e by all the Andhra 3radesh 1tate $o,ern.ent &rgani4ations incl#ding Andhra 3radesh 1ched#led 7ribes Co/ operati,e 8inance Corporation Di.itedF% 'ortgage deeds exec#ted #nder the sche.e of F3#rchase of Agric#lt#ral DandF, by the poor landless 1ched#led Caste Agric#lt#ral Dabo#rers in fa,o#r of -istrict 1ched#led Caste 1er,ice Co/ operati,e 1ocieties Di.ited as a sec#rity for repay.ent of the assistance;loan sanctioned to the.F% 1ettle.ent deeds exec#ted by the donors in fa,o#r of Collector and, -istrict 3ri.ary Cd#cational 3rogra..e in the fi,e (0" -istricts ,i4% !i4ianagra., (ellore, G#rnool, Gari.nagar and :arangal for constr#ction of 1chool b#ildings #nder the 1tate and Central $o,ern.ent 3olicies on #ni,ersali4ation of 3ri.ary Cd#cation for a period of three years fro. 1%11%1997% Dease deeds and .ortgage deeds exec#ted by Cxport &riented @nits shall be le,ied at the rate of one r#pee for e,ery tho#sand r#pees o part thereof of the a.o#nt on which fee is payable by s#ch #nits% 1ettle.ent deeds exec#ted by the donors in fa,o#r of Collector and, -istrict 3ri.ary Cd#cation 3rogra..e in the Cighteen (18" -istricts ,i4% (1" 1riAaA#la., (2" !isaAhapatna., (+" Cast $oda,ari, (:est $oda,ari, (0" Grishna, (*" $#nt#r, (7" 3raAasha., (8" C#ddapah, (9" Chittoor, (10" Ananthap#r, (11" Adilabad, (12" Gha..a., (1+" Eyderabad, (1?" Ranga Reddy, (10" (i4a.abad, (1*" 'edaA, (17" (algonda and (18" 'ahaboobnagar for constr#ction of school b#ildings #nder the 1tate and Central $o,ern.ent policies on #ni,ersali4ation of 3ri.ary Cd#cation for a period of three years fro. *%10%98% (il


















Instr#.ents of 'ortgage deed or any agree.ent exec#ted by .e.bers in fa,o#r of a Co/operati,e 1ociety or Agric#lt#ral -e,elop.ent <anA I 'ortgage deeds exec#ted by far.ers in fa,o#r of a 1ched#led <anA or $ra.eena <anA and for raising Agric#lt#ral credit towards both crop and land de,elop.ent loans incl#ding allied ite.s of Agric#lt#re liAe 3o#ltry, dairy far.s etc%, and any other p#rpose .entioned or notified #nder 1ection 80 of the A%3%Co/operati,e 1ociety Act, 19*? s#b>ect to the prod#ction of a certificate fro. the 1ociety or the 7ahsilder of the 7al#A or fro. the 1.all 8ar.ers -e,elop.ent Agency% 'arginal 8ar.ers and Agric#lt#ral Dabo#rers -e,elop.ent Agency and $iri>an -e,elop.ent Agency in respect of the areas where,er the said Agencies are f#nctioning to the effect that the land held by the .e.ber or other person does not exceed 0 acres of wet or 10 acres of dry/land% Instr#.ents between Co/operati,es on the one hand and the other Co/operati,es, <anAJs 8inancial Instit#tions or $o,ern.ent on the other hand% Instr#.ents of 'ortgages exec#ted by the .e.bers of Cooperati,e @rban <anAs and 7own <anAs in fa,o#r of s#ch <anAs s#b>ect to the loan a.o#nt not exceeding Rs%10,000;/ (R#pees fifteen tho#sand only%" Instr#.ents exec#ted by .e.bers of Eo#se <#ilding Co/operati,e 1ocieties in fa,o#r of s#ch Co/operati,es for loan #pto Rs%+0,000(R#pees thirty tho#sand only" #nder Dow Inco.e $ro#p Eo#sing 1che.e% 1ale deed exec#ted by a registered Co/ operati,e Eo#se <#ilding 1ociety in fa,o#r of its .e.bers at the ti.e of transfer of plots% (ote) 7he exe.ption shall not apply where any s#ch society was not re5#ired to pay the re5#isite registration fee at the ti.e of the original ac5#isition of the land in its fa,o#r% 1ale deeds of sites and b#ildings of ,al#e or consideration whiche,er is higher not exceeding Rs%12,000;/ each exec#ted either by the Andhra 3radesh 1tate Eo#sing Corporation or by the Andhra 3radesh 1ched#led Castes and tribes Co/operati,e Eo#sing 1ocieties 8ederation in fa,o#r of beneficiaries #nder the :eaAer 1ection Eo#sing 3rogra..e% 'ortgage deeds exec#ted by the beneficiaries belonging to weaAer sections in fa,o#r of A%3%1tate Eo#sing Corporation for.ed #nder $%&%'s%(o%27*, $%A%(3C", -ated 2/0/8+% 1#b>ect to the prod#ction of a certificate fro. the 1ociety or the 7ahsildar of the 7al#A or fro. the s.all 8ar.ers9s -e,elop.ent Agency, .arginal 8ar.erJs and Agric#lt#ral Dabo#rers -e,elop.ent Agency and $iri>an -e,elop.ent Agency in respect of the areas where,er the said Agencies are f#nctioning to the effect that the land held by the .e.bers or other persons does not exceed 0 Acres of :et or 10 Acres of -ry land% Assign.ent -eeds exec#ted by the A%3% 1tate 8il. -e,elop.ent Corporation Dtd%, transferring;re/assigning the 'ortgage deeds





(il (il






and other doc#.ents as specified in the Annex#re to the $%&%'s%(o%?, $eneral Ad.inistration (II3R" -epart.ent, dated the +rd Han#ary 1991% 1ale -eeds transferring (i4a. 1#gar 8actory Dands in fa,o#r of landless Agric#lt#ral labo#rers of .inority co..#nities in (i4a.abad -istrict with the financial aid fro. A%3% 1tate 'inorities 8inance Corporation% ($%&%'s%(o%827, Re,%(Regn%II" -ept%, -t%2*/9/ 97" 1ale deeds transferring (i4a. 1#gar 8actory lands <odhan, (i4a.abad -istrict in fa,o#r of 1812 landless Agric#lt#ral labo#rers belonging to <acAward Classes Co..#nities in (i4a.abad -istrict who with the 8inancial aid fro. Andhra 3radesh 1tate <acAward Classes Co/operati,e 8inance Corporation Di.ited, Eyderabad are the beneficiaries #nder the sche.e as appro,ed by the -istrict Collector, (i4a.abad% ($%&%'s%(o%7*0, Re,%(Regn%II", -ept%, -t%*/10/ 98% 00= exe.ption fro. pay.ent of Registration 8ee on transfer of lands .eant for ind#strial #se in the 1pecial Ccono.ic Kone area% (o Registration 8ee shall be le,iable on loan agree.ents, credit deeds, .ortgages and hypothecation deeds exec#ted by the 1pecial Ccono.ic Kone @nits for assets in the 1pecial Ccono.ic Kone in fa,o#r of <anAs or 8inancial Instit#tions% (o Registration 8ee shall be le,iable on lease deeds chargeable #nder Article +1(d" pertaining to str#ct#res to be b#ilt by the lessee on the $o,ern.ent lands leased o#t for setting #p of 7o#ris. related 3ro>ects% (o Registration 8ee shall be le,iable in respect of $ift -eed to be exec#ted by 1ri 'aha>an 3erla 1attayya Chetty, 1;o 1ri 'aha>an Rai 1ahib 3erla Ra.a.#rthy chetty in fa,o#r of 61ociety for the Cd#cation of -eaf and <lind9, !i4ianagra. transferring land .eas#ring 171+ 15%Lards incl#ding the b#ilding ha,ing plinth area of 01+ 15%Lards sit#ated in GaAAini 1treet bearing -oor (o%2/2/20 in old 2nd :ard, (ew :ard (o%9 in 7%1%(o%?21 of <locA (o%10 in 1anthapet (orth :ard, !i4ianagra. '#nicipality, !i4ianagra. 7own and -istrict% (o Registration 8ee shall be le,iable in respect of transfer of land to an extent of 0%19 acres at 1y%(o%1+2;7, Gis.atp#r !illage, Ra>endranagar 'andal, Ranga Reddy -istrict to be registered in fa,o#r of D%!%3rasad Cye Instit#te% (o Registration 8ee shall be le,iable for a period of fi,e (0" years fro. 2?/2/2001 for transfer of lands by 1hapoor>i 3allon>i <iotech 3arA 3ri,ate Di.ited to <iotech !ent#res or Co.panies to be set #p in the <iotech 3arA at 7#rAapalli !illage, 1ha.irpet 'andal in Ranga Reddy -istrict% Registration 8ee le,iable #pon the doc#.ents relating to transfer of ho#ses by the Andhra 3radesh Eo#sing <oard in fa,o#r of third parties shall be the fee payable on cost price fixed by the Andhra 3radesh Eo#sing <oard for the





(II" (III"











original allottees% ?%

Iss#e of Co..ission or attendance at pri,ate residence or Hail% A fee of Rs% 000%00 shall be paid for e,ery attendance at a pri,ate residence for the registration doc#.ents or for the acceptance for registration of doc#.ents or for the acceptance or deposit of a will or for the attestation of powers of attorney or for the exa.ination of indi,id#als #nder section ++ or +8 A fee of Rs% 00%00 shall be paid for e,ery attendance at a >ail for the abo,e said p#rposes% 8or the ser,ices of 8e.ale, if re5#ired, a f#rther fee of Rs% 10%00 shall be paid% 8or the >o#rneys perfor.ed in connection with pri,ate attendance, the Registering &fficer and the staff .ay clai. 7%A% and -%A% as per the A%37%A% R#les% (o fee shall be le,ied for the 1afe C#stody of a doc#.ent which re.ains #nclai.ed for ten days after registration or after registration is ref#sed% 7hereafter for e,ery period of thirty days or part thereof a fee of Rs%00%00 shall be le,ied pro,ided that the .axi.#. fee le,iable #nder this articles shall not exceed Rs% 000;/% @p to 10 days Abo,e 10 days for e,ery period of +0 days or part there of 'axi.#. 000%00


00%00 10%00



(il 00%00 000%00


7he fees for ser,ing s#..ons iss#ed and for the re.#neration of exec#tants and witnesses s#..oned #nder section +* of the Indian Registration Act, 1908 shall be reg#lated according to the scale prescribed for the Co#rts of -istrict '#nsif and in the case of cities of Eyderabad and 1ec#nderabad, for the co#rts of City 'agistrates% 7he fee for processes iss#ed by Registrars #nder section 70 shall be le,ied according to the scale in force in the 3rincipal Co#rt of &riginal Ci,il H#risdiction% An extra fee of Rs% 000%00 shall be le,ied for registration by a -istrict Registrar #nder section +0 #nless the doc#.ent is registered in conse5#ence of the 1#b/Registrar being a party interested in the transaction to which s#ch doc#.ent relates% N *#!- (o additional extra fee shall be le,ied for the registration of a co#nter part or a d#plicate of a doc#.ent in respect of which the extra fee has been paid if s#ch co#nterpart or d#plicate is presented for registration on the sa.e day as the original doc#.ent, when the original doc#.ent is also registered% 000%00



S#,+35 4 + )%s/#3*) % 4 , s)%(=# #%*+< + 1 3&0#%* + ,%< *5#+ +#3 +1 0,)%*,)%#1 &%1#+ *5# R#()s*+,*) % ,3* + *5# R&=#s + +1#+ 0,1#, *5#+#&%1#+


In the case of iss#e of enc#.brance certificate in respect of person or on a specified property irrespecti,e of the n#.ber of years for search of the entry or entries in CAR- offices% In the case of iss#e of enc#.brance certificate in respect of person or on a specified property irrespecti,e of the n#.ber of years for search of the entry or entries in (on/ CAR- offices% P+ $)1#1 *5,* % 4## s5,== ># =#$)#1




when a general search is made on the application of public officer with a view to granting encumbrance certificate: (a" (b" (c" In respect of property offered as sec#rity by a p#blic ser,ant for the d#e perfor.ance of his d#ties) 7o test the property 5#alification re5#ired of an extra / depart.ental 3ost.aster whether at the ti.e of his appoint.ent or s#bse5#entlyB In connection with the grant of loans #nder the Agric#lt#rists Doans Act 188? ( II of 188?" as a.ended by 'adras Act !I of 19+0 for the relief of indebtedness and the 'adras Cottage Ind#stries Doans and 1#bsidiary r#les 19?8 and :hen a search is .ade on the application of a 3olice &fficial with a ,iew to grant an enc#.brance certificate or a copy of an entry re5#ired for a bonafide p#blic p#rpose% :hen a general search is .ade on the application of 'andal 3arishad -e,elop.ent &fficer, in respect of an enc#.brance certificate granted in connection with the grant of loans #nder the !illage Eo#sing 3ro>ect 1che.e% :hen a general search is .ade on the application of a $o,ern.ent C.ployee with a ,iew to granting enc#.brance certificate for obtaining an ad,ance or loans by hi. for the p#rpose of constr#cting, p#rchasing or repairing a dwelling ho#se for his own #se #nder the r#les for grant of loans to the 1tate $o,ern.ent C.ployees for ho#se b#ilding p#rpose% :hen a general search is .ade on the application of a p#blic officer in respect of enc#.brance certificate granted in connection with the pro,ision of ho#se sites by $o,ern.ent for 1ched#led Castes, 1ched#led 7ribes, -enotified 7ribes and (o.adic, 1e.i/(o.adic 7ribes and landless worAers in r#ral areas thro#gh pri,ate negotiations% :hen a general search is .ade on the application of a loaning agency in connection with the grant of agric#lt#ral credit towards both crop and land de,elop.ent loans incl#ding allied ite.s of agric#lt#re liAe 3o#ltry or -airy or any other p#rpose .entioned or notified #nder section 80 of the Andhra 3radesh Co/operati,e 1ocieties Act, 19*?% s#b>ect to the prod#ction of a certificate fro. a co/operati,e society or the 'andal Re,en#e &fficer of the 'andal or fro. the 1.all 8ar.ers -e,elop.ent Agency, 'arginal 8ar.ers and Agric#lt#ral Dabo#rers -e,elop.ent Agency, and $iri>an -e,elop.ent Agency in respect of the areas where,er the said Agencies are f#nctioning to the effect that the land held by the 'e.ber in the case of Co/operati,e societies and (il (il (il












Agric#lt#ral -e,elop.ent <anAs or the loanee in the case of 1ched#led <anAs or $ra.eena <anAs, does not exceed 0 acres of wet or 10 acres of dry land% EXPLANATION! :here the holding of a person incl#des both dry and wet land, one acre of wet land shall be dee.ed to be e5#al to two acres of dry land for the p#rpose of co.p#ting the holding of s#ch person% In respect of $eneral 1earch application .ade by the ,icti.s of the fire accidents and .e.bers of weaAer sections in @rban areas in respect of loan granted by Co..ercial <anA not exceeding r#pees fi,e tho#sand s#b>ect to the prod#ction of a certificate fro. a Re,en#e &fficial not lower in ranA than that of a 'andal Re,en#e &fficer% NOTE) For the purpose of Article 9 of the table of fees the determination of one and the same property shall be, with reference to the ownership at the time of the application for a certificate of Encumbrance, but the following may in each case be treated as one and the same property:(i" (ii" A single s#r,ey field or a ho#se, owned by .ore than one person) land #sed for wet and dry c#lti,ation sit#ated in the sa.e ,illage and owned by one person or >ointly by two or .ore persons whether the parcels be contig#o#s to one another or notB A field or a garden and the ho#se sit#ated in itB and b#ildings or ho#ses described as being sit#ated within the sa.e bo#ndaries and together one property% A fee of Rs% 00%00 shall be le,ied for search of an entry and grant of Certified Copy of the doc#.ent incl#ding .aps or plans acco.panied the -oc#.ents% P+ $)1#1! If the party does not re5#ire the copy of doc#.ent after the search is .ade a fee of Rs% 20.00 shall only be le,ied% (&7C) $o,ern.ent &fficers who .ay re5#ire to search the registers or to taAe copies of entries for bonafide p#blic p#rpose, shall be per.itted to do so witho#t pay.ent of any fee% A 4)@#1 4## 4 Rs. 10.00 s5,== ># =#$)#1 )% +#s/#3* 4 *5# 4 == ;)%(!-


(iii" (i,"


20%00 (il

1 0

8or each application .ade to a 1#b/Registrar #nder section 20 (9" and +? (?"B 8or each application .ade to a Registering &fficer #nder section +* for enforcing the appearance of exec#tants and witnessesB 8or filling a translation of a power of attorney prod#ced by an agent with or in connection with a doc#.ent presented for registration when the 3ower of Attorney is written in a lang#age not co..only #sed in the districtB

10%00 10%00





8or filling a 1pecial 3ower of Attorney prod#ced with or in connection with a doc#.ent for registrationB 8or each notice of re,ocation of a power of attorney gi,en to a registering officer and for each inti.ation of the sa.e sent to s#ch other offices as .ay be specified by the person re,oAing the power% 8or each application for the ret#rn of a :ill registered or ref#sed to be registered and trans.itted to the RegistrarMs &ffice safe c#stodyB 8or each petition presented to a Registering &fficer ob>ecting to the ret#rn of a doc#.ent to a person in whose fa,o#r the receipt has been drawn #pB 8or filing a translation #nder section 19B 8or each application re.ission or ref#nd of/ (1" (2" 7he fine le,ied #nder section 20(1" and +? (1" or 8ees le,ied in connection with the registration of a doc#.ent, the search for grant of enc#.brance certificates or attendance at the pri,ate residence or >ail% P+ $)1#1 that the fee shall be le,ied in the case referred to abo,e only when the a.o#nt to be ref#nded or re.itted exceeds Rs%10%00%








(h" (i"


10%00 10%00


8or .e.orand#. #nder section *? or ** or *7B NOTE! In the cases referred to in ite.s (c I d" abo,e, the le,y of fee sho#ld be restricted to cases in which the 3ower of Attorney has not been registered or attested by a Registering &fficer% 8or each petition presented to Registering &fficer protesting against the registration of doc#.ent or doc#.ents% NOTE! (o fees shall be le,ied on petition fro. 1ecretaries of -istrict 1ailors, 1oldiers and Air.ens <oard contesting alleged illegal sales of soldiers landsB and





F + #,35 /#*)*) % R#()s*#+)%( O44)3#+(i" (ii" (iii"


, 10%00 10%00 10%00

8or withdrawing a doc#.ent fro. registrationB for co.plete or partial ref#sal to register a doc#.entB and for Aeeping a doc#.ent pending appearance of parties exec#ting A fixed fee of Rs% 000%00 shall be le,ied

1 1

8or each application to accept a power of attorney for a#thentication%



N to accept a doc#.ent for registration at his office on an a#thorise holiday on the gro#nd of special #rgencyO 8or each application to accept a sealed co,er p#rporting to contain a :ill for deposit #nder section ?2 or for the withdrawal of s#ch co,er #nder section ?? on an a#thorised holiday on the gro#nd of special e.ergency% 8or the re/registration of a doc#.ent partially ref#sed in the first instance and -irected to be registered by a Registrar #nder section 70 (copying fee of Rs% 00"


1 2


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