The Education and The Real Transformation

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Education and The Real Transformation

(I am very curious about understanding the education system and accidently I came across a sparking article by Osho on education and thought that I should put it in my blog. So there you go, here is my first translation from the books of my beloved philosopher Osho. Hope you enjoy reading and reflecting) Information is not the ultimate knowledge because information does not lead to transformation and can never ever do so. Knowledge can arise only through transformation or the other way round. Information just adds to that same old memory which brain has, information is quantitative and can be measured thus there is no change in the nature for a new thought process because there remains a same old mind and brain to which some quantitative information is added. Thus, so called education which is given, remains as remains of some odd and old peripheral part of bigger information which is already available. Minds should undergo transformation otherwise discretion will not be developed; also adding information (which we have misunderstood as knowledge) to ignorance may become a disaster..!! Once upon a time, there lived a king in a prosperous kingdom but he was unhappy and upset because of his son. The son was very dumb and ignorant, that made The King to worry a lot and his advisory officials suggested the king to send his son to a good foreign University to make him an educated man. King was very happy and made all the arrangements to send his son to the University. After several years of studies, the son wrote to his father (The King) saying that he has studied whatever has to be studied and learnt so many things in the University and requested the king to allow him to come back to the kingdom. The King agreed. The King was very happy to receive his son, there was a sense of festive mood in the kingdom, all the officials, pundiths, and saints were invited for the grand celebration. After the celebrations got over, one of the saints asked the son about what all he has learnt in the University. The son replied him by telling the contents of the syllabus which he had learnt over the years, meanwhile the saint removed his golden ring from his finger and held it in his fist and closed it. The saint raised his closed fist and showed it to the Kings son and asked him what am I holding in my fist? The Son thought for a while and answered the saint, You are holding a round solid object which is having a hole in its centre...! The saint was stunned by the answer and thought that the Son has become a real educated man..!! The saint was curious and again asked the son, What is the name of that object which I am holding in my fist?

The Son thought for a while and answered the saint, The syllabi of the science which I have learnt over the years in the University will not help me in answering your question but my common sense says that it a wheel of a vehicle...! The saint then decided, One can give education to an ignorant and dumb person but it cannot transform his thought processes. My final take: Are our Universities becoming information distributing centres? If yes, why should the Universities exist when the information could be accessed through many data providing sources..! If no, are our Universities giving real education which is transforming minds of students is a million dollar question!!

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