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Mission Of Hope

crisis planbook

Table of Contents
Introduction Contacts key Principles Key publics acknoledgements First Aid Active gunman crisis Power outage crisis Assault-Battery crisis Severe weather crisis Fire crisis Bomb threat Sexual assault Health Exhibit a Prevention Approved statements Crisis incident form

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Mission of Hope Purpose:
Central Oklahoma Community Action Agencys Mission of Hope specializes in programs to assist homeless individuals and families. By providing supportive housing, food, comprehensive case management and life skills training, Mission of Hope helps people become self-sufficient.

What is a crisis?
A crisis is any event that is, or is expected to lead to, 2an unstable and dangerous situation affecting an individual, group, community, or whole society. They can occur abruptly with little to no warning.

Why Have a crisis plan?

In order to ensure the safety of every employee and client, we have designed a Crisis Communication Plan so that our organization is prepared for any type of circumstance. We value our employees and clients and treat them as if they are family. They trust us with their lives and we want them to feel as safe as possible in our facility.

Erica DeWolf (918) 520-5988 Samantha Harrison (918) 585-0043 Chelsea Sala (405) 880-6689 Kayla Wheeler (508) 402-8004

Media Contacts
Stillwater News Press Newsroom: (405) 372-5000 The Daily OCollegian Newsroom: (405) 744-6363 Adviser: Barbara Allen (405) 744-8369 NewsOK - Oklahoma City main phone: (405) 475-3311 Darla Slipke, News Reporter The Oklahoman (405) 475-3396

KFOR News Channel 4 Oklahoma City (405) 478-6397 News on 6 Tulsa (918) 732-6000 fax: (918) 732-6185

News 9 Oklahoma City (405)843-6641 KTUL News Channel 8 Tulsa (918) 445-8888 News Department: (918)4459371

The Tulsa World (918) 581-4800

Key Principles to Effective Planning and Action

Defining leaders before a crisis will help alleviate the stress and chaos of having to assign roles in the event of a crisis.

Relationships built in advance

Building relationships in advance with first responders will reduce one step in the process so that action can be taken immediately upon arrival.

Common language

So that all parties can clearly understand and communicate the message it is crucial to have common language throughout the messages. Minimizing the use of code words, such as Code Blue, will help in effectively communicating the message to all necessary parties.

Plan needs to be tailored

Tailoring a crisis plan to Mission of Hope rather than homeless shelters in general is crucial becuse every location differs. There may be situations that apply to one location but not to another.

Plan for diverse needs (mental, physical)

Mental and physical abilities need to be taken into account when preparing and/or implementing a crisis plan. All staff needs to be aware of each individuals needs and capabilities so that accommodations can be made in advance.

Provide staff with plan ahead of time so they can immediately understand/act
Make crisis plan readily available to all staff members to allow time for the staff to fully understand the plan and ask any questions in advance so that they may act accordingly in the time of need.

Training & practice (prep staff as well as clients)

Preparing and practicing drills before a time of crisis allows for evaluation; thus creating time to gage what works and modify what doesnt.

Key Publics
Clients Central Oklahoma Community Action Agency Surrounding shelters Volunteers

Employee Contacts
Program Director - Jana Nelson (405) 624-3671 Recovery Support Specialist -Tammy Walters (405) 624-3671 Case worker - Kathy Anderson (405) 624-3671 Shift supervisor - Audra Williams (405) 624-3671 Release shift supervisors - (Volunteer) Olivia Switchz (405) 624-3671 Van driver - Frank Weston (405) 624-3671 Van driver - Al Vladimir (405) 624-3671

Spokesperson - Jana Nelson (405) 624-3671 Back-up Spokesperson - Kathy Anderson (405) 624-3671

I acknowledge that I have read the following attached documents and agree to affirm this plan. I_ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND IT AND ALL OF ITS PROVISIONS, AND I AM SIGNING VOLUNTARILY. _______________________________________ Signature ______________ Date

I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND IT AND ALL OF ITS PROVISIONS, AND I AM SIGNING VOLUNTARILY. _______________________________________ Signature ______________ Date

I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND IT AND ALL OF ITS PROVISIONS, AND I AM SIGNING VOLUNTARILY. _______________________________________ Signature ______________ Date

I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND IT AND ALL OF ITS PROVISIONS, AND I AM SIGNING VOLUNTARILY. _______________________________________ Signature ______________ Date

First Aid

Abdominal Pain
1. Treat Symptoms
For heartburn from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), take an over-the- counter antacid or acid reducer. For constipation, take a mild stool softener or laxative. For pain, take acetaminophen (Aspirin Free Anacin, Liquiprin, Panadol, Tylenol.) Avoid NSAIDs such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Midol, Motrin), or naproxen (Na prosyn, Aleve, Anaprox, Naprelan) because they can cause stomach irritation or bleeding.

2. When to Call a Doctor

Seek medical help if the person: Has severe abdominal pain or pain that lasts several days Has nausea, fever, or inability to keep food down for several days Has bloody stools Vomits blood Has painful urination Has blood in the urine Cannot pass stools, especially if also vomiting Has difficulty breathing Had an injury to the abdomen in the days before the pain started Has heartburn that isn't relieved by over-the-counter drugs or lasts longer than two weeks

3. Call 911 if:

You have pain and tenderness to the touch in the lower right abdomen with fever and/or vomiting. These may be signs of appendicitis.

Spider Bite
If the person does not have severe allergy symptoms:

1. Remove the Stinger

Scrape the area with a fingernail or use tweezers to remove it. Don't pinch the stinger that can inject more venom.

2. Control Swelling

Ice the area. If sting is on arm or leg, elevate it. Remove any tight-fitting jewelry from the area of the sting. As it swells, rings or bracelets might be difficult to remove.

3. Treat Symptoms

For pain, take an over-the-counter painkiller like acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Do not give aspirin to anyone under age 18. For itchiness, take an antihistamine. You can also apply a mixture of baking soda and water or calamine lotion.

4. Follow-Up

It might take 2-5 days for the area to heal. Keep it clean to prevent infection.

5. Call 911 if the person has:

Trouble breathing Feelings of faintness or dizziness Hives A swollen tongue A history of severe allergy reaction to insect stings

While Waiting for 911 If the Person Is Conscious but Not Able to Breathe or Talk:

1. Give Back Blows

Give up to 5 blows between the shoulder blades with the heel of your hand.

2. If Person Is Still Choking, Do Thrusts

If the person is not pregnant or too obese, do abdominal thrusts: Stand behind the person and wrap your arms around the waist. Place your clenched fist just above the persons navel. Grab your fist with your other hand. Quickly pull inward and upward. Continue cycles of 5 back blows and 5 abdominal thrusts until the object is coughed up or the person starts to breathe or cough. Take the object out of his mouth only if you can see it. Never do a finger sweep unless you can see the object in the person's mouth. If the person is obese or pregnant, do high abdominal thrusts: Stand behind the person, wrap your arms them, and position your hands at the base of the breast bone. Quickly pull inward and upward. Repeat until the object is dislodged.

3. Give CPR, if Necessary

If the obstruction comes out, but the person is not breathing or if the person be comes unconscious: For a child, start CPR for children. For an adult, start CPR for adults.

4. Follow Up

When emergency medical personnel arrive, they will take over and may do CPR or take the person to the hospital, if needed.

5. Call 911 if:

The person is choking. The person is unconscious.


Allergic Reaction
Call 911 now if the person has had severe reactions in the past or has any of these symptoms:
Difficulty breathing or wheezing Tightness in the throat or a feeling that the airways are closing Hoarseness or trouble speaking Swollen lips, tongue, or throat Nausea, abdominal pain, or vomiting Fast heartbeat or pulse Anxiety or dizziness Loss of consciousness Other symptoms of a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis)

1. Treat Symptoms

For mild allergy symptoms, such as hay fever or hives, give an over-the-counter (OTC) antihistamine. For stuffy nose, give an OTC decongestant. For itchy, watery eyes, use OTC allergy eye drops. For itchy allergic rash, apply cold compresses and an OTC hydrocortisone cream.

2. Follow Up

Watch for worsening symptoms, including signs of anaphylaxis.

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Heart Attack
A heart attack generally causes chest pain for more than 15 minutes, but it can also have no symptoms at all. Many people who experience a heart attack have warning signs hours, days or weeks in advance. Someone having a heart attack may experience any or all of the following:
Uncomfortable pressure, fullness or squeezing pain in the center of the chest Prolonged pain in the upper abdomen Discomfort or pain spreading beyond the chest to the shoulders, neck, jaw, teeth, or one or both arms Shortness of breath Lightheadedness, dizziness, fainting Sweating Nausea

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Crisis and Steps

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Intruder / Active Gunman

In the event that a non-resident with the ability to cause a potential threat should enter the facility without an invitation or the permission of the program director please follow the following steps to properly and safely deal with an intruder. Steps to take in the event of an intruder:
Contact 911 Place the building on lockdown Use the intercom system and request clients and staff to remain locked in rooms/offices Get to a safe place Do not try to contain the intruder yourself Remain calm Wait for authorities to arrive Begin recovery process

Steps to take in the event of an active gunman:

Contact 911 Place the building on lockdown Use the intercom system and request clients and staff to remain locked in rooms offices Get to a safe place Do not try to contain the gunman yourself Remain calm Wait for authorities to arrive Begin recovery process

See Exhibit A on page 20 if necessary. Key Statement: Today at Mission of Hope several victims were held at gunpoint. We are thankful

to announce no individuals were harmed. Mission of Hope will continue to work with local authorities and re-evaluate and make changes to the current security system.
Today a gunman entered our facility. Authorities were notified and the gunman has been reprimanded. We are currently doing everything we can to re-evaluate our security and prevent future similar events. Today @MissionofHope encountered a gunman. Thankfully, no one was injured. #prayersforMOH

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Gas Leak and Power Outage

In the event of a gas leak or power outage, implement the following steps to reduce risk and increase safety of each client and staff member. Gas leak:
Do not touch electrical switches. Open all windows and doors for ventilation. Immediately evacuate everyone from Mission of Hope grounds. Dial 911 and stay clear of building until police arrive.

Power outage:
Check the service panel for a blown fuse or damaged circuit breaker. Turn off and unplug electrical equipment. Turn on generator to restore power. Dial 911 and notify Stillwater Police. Have a power outage kit ready that includes: 1. Water 2. Candles 3. Flashlights 4. First aid kit 5. Batteries 6. Portable radio

Key Statement: Due to ______ event, we are currently experiencing a power outage. We have taken measures to temporarily restore power by using our back-up generators. Mission of Hope will operate on normal business hours today, ___(date)___.
Mission of Hope experienced a power outage today. We are back up and running thanks to our generators. Expect normal hours of operation. Mission of Hope experienced a power outage today. We are back up and running thanks to our generators. Expect normal hours of operation.


AssAult and battery

In the event of assault and battery, implement the following steps to reduce risk and increase safety of each client and staff member. If you are being physically attacked:
Make a scene- scream as loud as possible to draw attention to the situation. Throw your belongings as far away as possible so hopefully the attacker will leave you alone. Try to run away from the attacker. Stay calm and dont make any motions that might threaten the attacker to be more violent. Immediately report the crime to the front desk and police. If injuries should occur, refer to the first aid section or dial 911.

If you have been physically attacked:

Get to a safe place. Immediately report the crime to the front desk and police. If injuries should occur, refer to the first aid section or dial 911.

Key Statement: We regretfully announce that a client/employee was attacked due to unknown circumstances. We are working with the authorities to further investigate this issue.
An employee/client was assaulted today at our facility. We are working with authorities and taking further precautions to prevent future events. An employee/client was assaulted today at our facility. We are working with authorities and taking further precautions to prevent future events. #prayersforMOH


Severe Weather
In the event of severe weather, implement the following steps to reduce risk and increase safety of each client and staff member.


Immediately take shelter in a designated area (basement and bathroom) Stay clear of windows, doors and appliances Encourage clients to stay inside the Mission of Hope building Listen to the radio for important information and instructions If injuries should occur, refer to the first aid section or dial 911 Have a tornado kit ready that includes: 1. Radio 2. Flashlight 3. First aid kit 4. Batteries 5. Water

If the storm passes and no damage is done to the Mission of Hope grounds, no further action is required.


Immediately take over and hold tightly under a table or desk. Stay low and cover head and neck with hands and arms. Stay clear of exterior walls, windows and appliances. Listen to the radio for important information and instructions. If injuries should occur, refer to the first aid section or dial 911. Have an earthquake kit ready that includes: 1. Water 2. First aid kit 3. Flashlights 4. Blankets 5. Portable radio

If the earthquake has done no damage to the Mission of Hope grounds, no further action is required.


Ice storm:

The manager should monitor the incoming storm Stay warm and inside Mission of Hope building Listen to the radio for important information and instructions If injuries should occur, refer to the first aid section or dial 911 Have an ice storm kit ready that includes: 1. Water 2. Food 3. Clothes 4. Portable radio 5. Batteries

If the ice storm passes and no damage is done to the Mission of Hope grounds, no further action is required.

Key Statement:

Due to inclement weather, our building received minor damage. However, we are still operating at normal business hours. We would like to announce that we currently have limited rooms available to accommodate families who were affected. Please contact us for further information.

Thankfully, Mission of Hopes facility received only minor damage during todays storms. We will operate at normal business hours and are able to accommodate a limited amount of families until we reach capacity. Our deepest regrets to those affected. @MissionofHope facility received minor damage during todays storms. We are able to accommodate a limited amount of families until we reach capacity. Our deepest regrets to those affected.


In the event of a fire, implement the following steps to reduce risk and increase safety of each client and staff member. Steps to take in the event of a fire:
Call 911 to report fire Get out of the building as soon as possible Stay low to the ground Feel interior doors for extreme heat before entering Once outside the building do not return for possessions Configure a head count to determine who is missing/ might still be in the building Move everyone to a safe location to begin recovery process (View Exhibit A on page 23 for relocation plan if necessary)

Key Statement: At (time) today a fire occurred at our shelter. No one was injured and everyone has been taken to a safe location away from the premises. At this time we are beginning our recovery process. We will keep you updated as information is available.
A fire was reported today at Mission of Hope. No one was injured and we have begun the recovery process. Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated at this time. A fire was reported today @MissionofHope. No one was injured and we have begun the recovery process. Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated at this time. #PrayersforMOH


Bomb Threat
In the event of a bomb threat, implement the following steps to reduce risk and increase safety of each client and staff member. Steps to take in the event of a bomb threat:
Call 911 to report threat Remain calm Announce over the speaker system there is a potential threat on the premises Decide if a search or evacuation needs to be done

If evacuation:
Locate all individuals Evacuate them of the premises in an orderly manner Take individuals to designated safe location and begin recovery process

If search:
Have authorities begin a search of the premises If the search turns up no bomb, inform clients and employees when search is complete and begin recovery process If the search discovers a bomb, View Exhibit A on page 23 for relocation plan (View Exhibit A on page 23 for relocation plan if necessary)

Key Statement:

At time today Mission of Hope received an anonymous telephone call reporting that a bomb was located somewhere on the premises. Mission of Hope has taken steps to evacuate. Clients and staff were instructed to leave and assemble at designated off-campus site. Today Mission of Hope received a bomb threat. We are glad to announce that no one was injured and no bomb was present. The area has been inspected and is declared safe for clients to return to the shelter. We will keep you updated. Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated at this time. An anon. bomb threat was called in to @MissionofHope today. After inspection it was determined no bomb was present. The facility will operate at normal business hours.


Sexual Assault
In the event of sexual assault, implement the following steps to reduce risk and increase safety of each client and staff member. Steps to take in the event of a sexual assault:
Call 911 Go to designated safe place Preserve evidence, do not shower or change clothes Seek medical attention, receive a rape exam Contact your nearest rape crisis center Arrange for someone to meet you at the hospital with law enforcement If victim desired, contact National Sexual Assault Hotline 1.800.656.HOPE to speak with a trained professional

Key Statement:

We regretfully announce that a Mission of Hope client/employee was sexually assaulted today. We are working with local authorities and we are taking precautionary measures to ensure everyones safety. Out of respect for our client/employee, no names will be released. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victim.
We regretfully announce that a Mission of Hope client/employee was sexually assaulted today. Measures have been taken to protect the safety of the client. Names will not be released at this time. Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated at this time. A @MissionofHope employee/client was sexually assaulted today. We are working with authorities at this time. #prayersforMOH


In the event of a health-related emergency, implement the following steps to reduce risk and increase safety of each client and staff member. Steps to take in the event of a health-related emergency:
Contain infected individuals Supply vaccine to other clients Dissinfect common areas Regulate visitors Begin recovery process

Key Statement: Mission of Hope client has recently been diagnosed with a contagious infection. We have detected the source and are taking the steps needed to prevent further infections. Please note, to reduce the risk of spreading the infection further we are not seeking or accepting voluntary help at this time.
Mission of Hope is currently taking precautionary measures to ensure the safety of other clients and employees and reduce the further spread of the infection. We would like to note that we currently arent accepting volunteers at this time to ensure safety.

Mission of Hope is currently taking precautionary measures to ensure the safety of other clients and employees and reduce the further spread of the infection.


Exhibit A
Lockdown, Evacuation or Relocation Decision
Do clients need to move?


Are MOH grounds safe?



Move clients to shelter.


Is offsite* safe?
Yes No

Move clients to off site location.

Is remote* shelter needed?



Move to alternative location.**

Initiate remote relocation plans.

* Offsite means off the shelter grounds, move to designated OnCue location. Remote means a location further from the offsite location. ** Alternate location means move individuals to United Way, Stillwater.

Bus to United Way.


Sometimes organizations have no control over hazards that could impact them, such as a hurricane, tornado or other natural disaster. However, studying this plan in advance will allow an individual to implement proper actions, which can in turn minimize the impact of such occurrences.

Intruder Install a P.A. system with speakers in every room to quickly and effectively communicate the status of an event. Issue I.D. cards to clients and employees to reduce the risk of an intruder. Evaluate security and make adjustments when needed.

Fire - Install a P.A. system with speakers in every room to quickly and effectively communicate the
status of an event. Practice fire drills and check smoke detectors bi-weekly. Equip common areas with fire extinguishers and sprinkler systems. Provide thorough instructions and proper use of appliances to each client upon arrival.

Severe Weather - Install a P.A. system with speakers in every room to quickly and effectively

communicate the status of an event. Routinely practice safety procedures such as tornado drills and seeking shelter with little to no advance warning. Equip underground shelter with canned food, water and power generators ahead of time. Secure shelving and appliances to prevent injury during violent storms such as a tornado or an earthquake.

Active Shooter - Install metal detectors at all entrances and speaker systems in every room to

quickly and effectively communicate the status of an event. Practice facility lockdowns bi-weekly. Keep enterance doors locked. Increase security when the shelter is expected to be the busiest, such as the winter months and holidays.

Sexual Assault - In order to reduce the risk of such occurrences we will generate a background
check on every client and not house the following: Sex Offenders Any Individual with pending warrants Any Individual with a domestic or violent background


Prevention Contd
Bomb Threat- Install metal detectors at all entrances and speaker systems in every room to
quickly and effectively communicate the status of an event. Practice facility lockdowns and/or evacuation plans bi-weekly. Increase security when the shelter is expected to be the busiest, such as the winter months and holidays. Keep entrance doors locked.

Health- Provide generic shots to clients upon arrival. Obtain a medical record from client upon
arrival if available. Disinfect common areas daily.

Assault and Battery - Have a drug dog on the premises to reduce the risk of an aggravated

assault caused by a potential drug overdose or lack thereof. Generate background checks on every client. Implement random drug testing. Install metal detectors at entrances to reduce the risk of weapons entering the premises. Random room searches to locate and obtain possible weapons. Provide a counselor upon request for individuals to have the chance to confidentially express themselves to lessen the risk of the individual taking matters into their own hands.


Approved Statements
Statements should come from primary or secondary organization spokesperson, unless otherwise informed.
In the event of a crisis, these statements should be used until given further direction:
At about _________________ time today, _________________ (date) a _________________ occurred at _________________ (location). Emergency and crisis response personnel are now responding. Response groups include ___________________________. We immediately began an investigation into the _________________ (crisis). We are taking steps to help everyone who has been inconvenienced by this crisis. Our hearts and prayers go out to those who were involved. Our major concerns are the safety of the staff and clients at Mission of Hope. For more information, please visit or visit us on Twitter at @MissionofHope.

Social Media:
There was a _________________ (type of incident) at _________________ (time of day) at _________________ (location). More details to follow. Tweets should contain hashtags so publics can easily search and gain information regarding the crisis. Include a hyperlink to Facebook updates. Facebook updates should be consistent with twitter.

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Crisis Incident Form

Date: _____________________ Time: _____________________ Initial Report: ______________

Describe the incident (what kind of incident was it?):

When did the incident occur?

Where did the incident occur?

When did the first crisis personnel respond?

Describe the crisis group response:

Estimate the number of people evacuated (if applies):

Estimate number of people injured and nature of injury:

Where are the injured now?

Describe what is being done to alleviate the incident:


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