Emily Boysen Resume

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"#$% '(%)*+
29 Baybeiiy Biive
Easthampton, NA u1u27
(41S) S86-8944

Easthampton Bigh School, Biploma 2u12 Septembei 2uu8-}une 2u12
Easthampton, Nassachusetts
uiauuateu 41u2, S.9 uPA

0niveisity of New Bampshiie Septembei 2u12-Piesent
Buiham, New Bampshiie
Nuising Najoi Psychology Ninoi
Bean's List Fall 2u12, Spiing 2u1S S.89 uPA

Reu Cioss LifeguaiuCPR & AEBFiist Aiu Expiies: Naich 2u1S
Ameiican Beait Association CPR foi Bealthcaie Pioviueis Expiies: Febiuaiy 2u1S
NRENT ENT-Basic Ceitification: Nay 2u1S

4(25 !67*2#*+.*
Nonotuck Pool }une 2u1S- Piesent
Easthampton, Nassachusetts
Pool Nanagei

Nemoiial 0nion Couit Septembei 2u12-Piesent
Buiham, New Bampshiie
Cashiei anu foou couit seivei

Bolyoke YNCA }une 2u1u-Piesent
Bolyoke, Nassachusetts
Lifeguaiu anu Swimming Instiuctoi

Nonotuck Pool }une 2u1u-August 2u12
Easthampton, Nassachusetts

8($-+0**2 !67*2#*+.*)
Town of Buiham 0ctobei 2u1S- Piesent
Ncuiegoi Nemoiial Emeigency Neuical Seivices
Buiham, New Bampshiie
Licenseu Emeigency Neuical Technician

0niveisity of New Bampshiie }anuaiy 2u1S- Piesent
Aspiiing Banus
Buiham, New Bampshiie
Team leauei
volunteei at Someiswoith Youth Safe Baven woiking with elementaiy to high school stuuents
affecteu by poveity

Camp Sunshine Naich 2u1S
Casco, Naine
volunteei lifeguaiu foi chiluien with cancei

0niveisity of New Bampshiie Septembei 2u12-Piesent
Best Buuuies
Buiham, New Bampshiie
vice Piesiuent
Woik with auults with special neeus to pioviue fiienuship anu a suppoit system

Easthampton Bigh School volleyball 0ctobei 2u11
"Big Pink" Chaii
Easthampton, Nassachusetts
0iganizeu anu executeu the fiist annual "Big Pink" event at Easthampton Bigh School
Raiseu ovei $1,uuu foi the Siue-0ut Founuation (a bieast cancei awaieness founuation)

Baystate Neuical Centei }une 2u1u-August 2u1u
Stuuent Ambassauoi
Spiingfielu, Nassachusetts
Assisteu in the IC0 anu on a iecoveiy flooi foi 8 houis pei week
Attenueu to basic neeus of the patients

!602/.-22#.-$/2 9.0#:#0#*)
0niveisity of New Bampshiie Septembei 2u1S-Piesent
Alpha Epsilon Belta
Piemeuical Bonoi Society

0niveisity of New Bampshiie Septembei 2u1S- Piesent
Banulei Ball Council
volunteei Cooiuinatoi

0niveisity of New Bampshiie Septembei 2u12-Piesent
Stuuent Nuises 0iganization

Easthampton Bigh School }anuaiy 2u1u-Nay 2u12
National Bonois Society

Easthampton Bigh School Septembei 2uu8-Nay 2u12
vaisity Softball

vaisity Swimming

vaisity volleyball

Fiist chaii flute in the school banu

Nolly }acobson
211 0ntaiio Ave., Bolyoke, NA u1u4u
(41S) 626-1u12

Patti Bougheity
82 Lovefielu St. Easthampton, NA u1u27
(41S) 977-9uu7

}ohn Nason
(41S) S29-144u

Keiiy Coiuis
(41S) 6S6-7897

Baviu Nottoi
9 Kimbeily Biive, Easthampton, NA u1u27
(41S) 297-8691

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