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Unit I Stresses , strain and deformation of solids


1) Define stress. ) Define strain !) State "oo#e$s la% &) Define fa'tor of safet(. )) State tensile stress and tensile strain *) Define 'om+ressi,e stress and 'om+ressi,e strain. -) Define s.ear stress and s.ear strain /) State ,ol0metri' strain 1) Define mod0l0s of elasti'it(. 12)Define Mod0l0s of ri3idit(. 11)State 40l# mod0l0s. 1 )Define +oisson$s ratio. 1!)State +rin'i+le +lane. 1&)Define +rin'i+al stresses. 1))A''ordin3 to 555555555555 la%, stress is +ro+ortional to strain. 1*)T.e +oisson$s ratio for a material 'annot 6e more 55555555. 1-) State t.e relations.i+ 6et%een 7o0n3$s mod0l0s and Mod0l0s of ri3idit( 1/) 8i,e t.e relations.i+ 6et%een 40l# mod0l0s and 7o0n3$s mod0l0s 11)T.e +rin'i+al stress is 555555555 to t.e +lane and t.e s.ear stress is 555555555 to t.e +lane. 2) do (o0 0nderstand 6( a 'om+o0nd 6ar9 1) are t.e t(+es of elasti' 'onstants9 ) Write t%o e:0ations 0sed to find t.e for'es in 'om+o0nd 6ars made of t%o materials s06;e'ted to tension. !) is sta6ilit( 9 &)Define strain ener3( densit( ))Determine t.e <oisson$s ratio and 60l# mod0l0s of a material for %.i'. 7o0n3$s mod0l0s is 1. =12) N>mm and mod0l0s of ri3idit( is &./ = 12& N>mm *)8i,e t.e relation for '.an3e in len3t. for a 6ar .an3in3 freel( 0nder its o%n %ei3.t. -) A 6rass rod m lon3 is fi=ed at 6ot. its ends. If t.e t.ermal stress is not to e='eed -*.) N>mm , ?al'0late t.e tem+erat0re t.ro03. %.i'. t.e rod s.o0ld 6e .eated. Ta#e t.e ,al0es of @ and E as 1-=12A*>K and 128+a res+e'ti,el(.

4I8 QUESTIONSB 1.) A 2 mm diameter 6ar %as s06;e'ted to an a=ial +0ll of &2 KN and '.an3e in diameter %as fo0nd to 6e 2.22!/ mm. Cind t.e +oisson$s ratio, mod0l0s of elasti'it( and 40l# mod0l0s if t.e s.ear mod0l0s of t.e 6ar is -*.1 ! 8<a. .) T.e 7o0n3$s mod0l0s of a material is 12 KN>mm and its mod0l0s of ri3idit( is -) KN>mm . Determine t.e 60l# mod0l0s. !.) A 'ir'0lar rod is s06;e'ted to a +0ll of *2 KN. T.e meas0red e=tension on a 3a03e len3t. of 1/2 mm is 2.21 mm and t.e '.an3e in diameter is 2.22 -* mm. ?al'0late t.e +oisson$s ratio and t.e ,al0e of mod0li if 7o0n3$s mod0l0s D 22 KN>mm &.) Cind t.e ,al0e of < and t.e '.an3e in len3t. of ea'. 'om+onent and t.e total '.an3e in len3t. of t.e 6ar s.o%n in fi3. ).) A 6ar of !2 mm = !2 mm = )2 mm lon3 %as s06;e'ted to a +0ll of 12 KN in t.e dire'tion of its len3t.. T.en e=tension of t.e 6ar %as fo0nd to 6e 2.1 ) mm, %.ile t.e de'rease in ea'. lateral dimension %as to fo0nd to 6e 2.22!-) mm . Cind t.e 7o0n3$s mod0l0s, <oisson$s ratio and ri3idit( mod0l0s of t.e 6ar. *) A steel +late !22 mm lon3, *2 mm %ide and !2 mm dee+ is a'ted 0+on 6( t.e for'es s.o%n in fi3. Determine t.e '.an3e in ,ol0me. Ta#e E D 22 KN>mm and <oisson$s ratio D 2.! -) Determine t.e '.an3e in len3t., 6readt. and t.i'#ness of a steel 6ar %.i'. is ) m lon3, 2 mm %ide and 1) mm t.i'# s06;e'ted to an a=ial +0ll of 122 KN in t.e dire'tion of its len3t.. Ta#e ED 228<a and <oisson$s ratio D 2.! /) A 6ar of 2 mm diameter is tested in tension. It is o6ser,ed %.en a load of &2KN is a++lied, t.e e=tension meas0red o,er a 3a03e len3t. of 22 mm is 2.1 mm and 'ontra'tion in diameter is 2.22!*. Cind <oisson$s ratio and elasti' 'onstants E, 8 and K. 1) A steel 6ar !22 mm lon3, &2 mm %ide and ) mm t.i'# is s06;e'ted to a +0ll of 1/2 KN. Determine t.e '.an3e in ,ol0me of t.e 6ar. Ta#e ED =12 ) N>mm and 1>m D 2.! 12) A steel rod of )2 mm diameter is s06;e'ted to a for'e as s.o%n in fi3. Cind t.e elon3ation of t.e rod . Ta#e E D =12) N>mm 11) A steel rod of 2 mm diameter is en'losed 'entrall( in a .ollo% 'o++er t06e of e=ternal diameter &2 mm and internal diameter !) mm. T.e 'om+osite 6ar is t.en s06;e'ted to an a=ial +0ll of )2 KN. Cind t.e stress in t.e rod and t06e. Ta#e Es D .1=12) N>mm . E' D 1= 12)N>mm 1 )A reinfor'ed 'on'rete 'ol0mn !22 = !22 mm .as & reinfor'in3 steel 6ars of )mm diameter in ea'. 'orner. Cind t.e safe a=ial load on t.e 'ol0mn %.en t.e 'on'rete is s06;e'ted to a stress of ) N>mm . is t.e 'orres+ondin3 stress in steel. Ta#e Es> E' D 1/

1!)A rod of !m lon3 is initiall( at a tem+erat0re of 1) 2? and it is raised to 122?. Cind t.e e=+ansion of t.e rod and if t.e e=+ansion is +re,ented, find t.e stress in t.e material. 1&) A steel rod of & m lon3 and !2 mm diameter is 'onne'ted to t%o 3ri+s and t.e rod is maintained at a tem+erat0re of -2 2?. Cind o0t t.e for'e e=erted 6( t.e rod after it .as 6een 'ooled to )2?, if Ea) t.e ends do not (ield, and E6) t.e ends (ield 6( 1.) mm. Ta#e ED .1=12) N>mm B @ D 1 = 12A*>2? 1))A rod is made of 6rass, 'o++er and al0mini0m, as s.o%n in fi3 is .eld 6et%een t%o ri3id s0++orts at A and D. ?al'0late t.e stresses de,elo+ed in ea'. material %.en t.e tem+erat0re of t.e s(stem is raised 6( &2 2?. Ta#e Es D .1=12) N>mm . 1*)T%o 6ars ea'. of len3t. F and of t.e same material are s06;e'ted to t.e same a=ial tensile for'e <. T.e first 6ar .as 0niform diameter d and se'ond 6ar .as diameter d for len3t. F> and a diameter d> for remainin3 len3t. ?om+are t.e strain ener3( stored 6( t%o 6ars. 1-) A %ei3.t of 2 KN falls 6( &2 mm on a 'ollar ri3idl( atta'.ed to a ,erti'al 6ar )222 mm lon3 and 222 mm in se'tion . Cind t.e instantaneo0s e=+ansion of t.e 6ar . Ta#e E D !128<a.

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