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Notionis Arcanae I

This book is not copyrighted, but placed into public domain by the author. It is not intended for commercial sale and falls under fair use allowances as a commentary intended for amateur academic purposes. This is a book of notes on various arcane subjects, taken from various sources. It is intended as quick reference of these various subjects to facilitate further research, analysis and integration. P ! format note" the pages of this book are formatted to a height of #.$ inches and a width of $.$ inches. The formatting was done this way so that the book can be readily printed to #.$%by%11 inch copy paper, fitting two pages hori&ontally on the front and two pages on the back. The pages can then be printed in a certain order, so that they can be grouped into packets and set together into a te't block, to produce a physical book. !or further instructions on this process, see the video ()ow to *ake a Te't +lock, from the account (-ea .emon, on /outube" 0http"$P#67)-g8. Te't version 1.9: last edited ecember ;91<. Independently manufactured in 5iles =ounty, 7irginia, >-?, by author1editor, ecember ;91<.

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ @otes Taken from Aadio +roadcasts . . . . . . . . B

@otes Taken from +ooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB Lost Knowledge of the Ancients . . . . . . #1 Lost Civilizations & Secrets of the Past . . #$ The Lost Worlds of Ancient America . . . . 19B Technology of the Gods: The ncredi!le Science of the Ancients . . . . . . . . . . . 1;B There s a "iver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1D1 1DB The #yths of the $orth American ndians

The Twelfth Planet . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1E1 An nterview with Pere %ila: The Secret Control of Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $at&re Was #y Teacher: The %ision of %i'tor Scha&!erger . . . . . . . . . . . . . Water: The Great #ystery . . . . . . . . . ?lternative )ealthcare . . . . . . . . . . . <

@otes Taken from ocumentaries . . . . . . . . .

@otes Taken from the Internet . . . . . . . . . . .

(+igfoot, @?" The Fork of r. *elba -. Getchum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . =hanneled Te'ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )eart*ath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hesus and ?ncient =ultures . . . . . . . . . *G >ltra, the 5reenbaum -peech I 7irginia Tech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jrgone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prophecies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -hroud of Turin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -uppressed )istory . . . . . . . . . . . . . >!J Aeporting =enter . . . . . . . . . . .

The history of our modern sciences has shown us that settling in to a permanent conclusion on any subject is irrational. Trivial information can be gathered on any subject, of which even our foremost e'perts either little understand or are completely unaware. It just so happens that it has often been such seemingly trivial, anomalous or incongruous information at the fringes of our understanding that, upon closer inspection, have forced us into entirely new paradigms of understanding, and opened our eyes to a much larger universe. The fringes of our beliefs are naturally where they are most stretched and strained. These fringes are where we find violent collisions between fact and fiction, between the beliefs we have accepted and those that we have rejected. iscovery and controversy eternally co% e'ist on these fringes. Fhat historical revolution in popular thinking, in any field of human endeavor, whether science or politics, has ever avoided controversy and &ealous resistance from the ideas of the past2 ?nd yet these controversial ideas go on to become the new dogma, now called self%evident, awaiting their own last stand against the paradigms of the future. Fhat appears to us as a tiny speck on the hori&on, may engulf all that we now know upon closer approach, birthing us into a whole new world. ?ll thatKs required of us is to go to these fringes with an open heart and mind, and with these a curiosity to know the tr&th of our e'istence. @o matter where we are, something new always awaits us on the hori&ons of our vision.

The notes compiled here are by no means e'haustive of any subject, and offer no conclusions. The various authors and other sources cited here will offer their own perspectives and conclusions, and it will be found that one sourceKs opinion or conclusion will often conflict with anotherKs. /et they are both presented side% by%side. It is left to the reader to more fully investigate these subjects, using these notes as a launching point. +y investigating the contents of one book, we are often led to another, and another, until in the depth of our research (big pictures, slowly begin to form from recurring patterns of mutual agreement of all the information that has passed through our minds. It may be true that the things that interest us and the big pictures that occur to us say more about ourselves than the universe itself. I admit that I am more interested in some subjects than others, and the notes I have recorded in these pages will reflect that. In the radio notes, some entries are a simple note of what the subject of a program was, while other entries are over a page long. ?lso in the book and internet notes, the information I have chosen to record is that which has most interested me personally, though hopefully my interests are wide enough to provide anyone else who may peruse these notes with a few interesting tidbits of information. ?s a final note, one may notice that particular attention is paid to certain geographic regions while others are neglected Lfor e'ample, in the section on the (>!J Aeporting =enter,M. This also reflects my personal interests and ultimately the primary purpose of this te't, as a collection of personal notes. E +. -cott +ray, ;91D

=ommon ?bbreviations
app. b1c =;= o N* NT 5O *.N. @.?. @T JT ppl poss. ref. s.o. sp2 w1 w1o apparent1apparently because =oast to =oast >- epartment of efense electromagnetic e'traterrestrial 5round Oero *iddle Nast @orth ?merica @ew Testament Jld Testament people possibly refer1reference someone spelling uncertain with without

comp. compare1comparable

@FJ @ew Forld Jrder

TPT+ the powers that be

@otes Taken from Aadio +roadcasts

Fhat follows is a collection of notes taken by the author from radio programs between Hanuary ;9th, ;91;, and -eptember ;;nd, ;91<, written across 1< front%and% back notebook pages, on a variety of (alternative, topics. These notes were often recorded in sentence fragments, being recorded solely for the authorKs sake, and were largely transcribed as written. )undreds of hoursK worth of radio programming is represented here. These notes were all taken from the =oast to =oast ?* radio program unless otherwise indicated, and could represent either the views of the guest being interviewed, comments made by people calling into the program, or by the host of the program Leither 5eorge @oory, Hohn +. Fells, ?rt +ell, 5eorge Gnapp, Aob -imone, or Ian PunnettM. -tatements recorded as fact are statements that were made or suggested by these individuals. ?bbreviations are not changed, but spelling errors have been corrected. ?ll comments added during this transcription are in brackets L P Q M. Nntries denoted by (5round Oero, or (5O, are notes from 5round Oero with =lyde .ewis rather than =oast to =oast ?*, and entries denoted by (Aichard -yrett, or (=onspiracy -how, are from the =onspiracy -how with Aichard -yrett. (@PA, is @ational Public Aadio.

@otes Taken from Aadio +roadcasts 911;91;91; R 9B1;;1;91<

911;911; ragons guardians of rebirth: Pthey areQ interdimensional energy physically manifest: (peacock world., Aoyal families1leaders trace back to .ucifer. =urses: iniquity of fathers visited on sons in JT. )A #C$1 L2M, (?nti%NT invasion., P5uest was *ark Pinkham. )e says that dragons and serpents are symbols of energy, associated both with consciousness and with other dimensions of reality.Q

911;111; PJklahoma =ity +ombing, during the first hour of the show only. The guests during this segment were Hames .ane and )olland 7andennieuwenhof, director and writer1producer of the JG= documentary, respectively.Q 911;B11; (!ire in the -ky,, >!J1NT encounter. P5uests were Travis Falton and /vonne -mith.Q 911<911; )opi1Tibetan Prophecy.1 P?bout )opi and Tibetan elders meeting. 5uestKs name was Gymberlee Auff, a psychotherapist.Q P!rom the =oast to =oast website" (SGymberlee Auff shared the )opi%Tibetan prophecy, a separate and distinct prophecy created from the similarities of the two
1 !or more information on @ative ?merican prophecies, see the (Prophecies, section of the Internet notes.


cultureKs prophecies. The first activation of the prophecy began when a Tibetan .ama came to )opi lands in ?ri&ona in 1BCD, and the second activation had to do with AuffKs son, who was visited by Tibetan .amas in -anta +arbara in ;991. They told her he was a reincarnation of one of their .amas. Tibetan 7en. +hakha Tulku Ainpoche gave her son a rock with ancient writing on it. .ater, she delivered the rock to the )opi IndiansK 5randfather *artin 5ashweseoma, the TGeeper of the -acred Tablets of the !ire =lan,T she recounted. (The message on the rock, written in -anskrit, loosely translates as Tcompassion,T which is the key to the )opi%Tibetan prophecy, she said. +ringing this TdharmaT to the )opis, helps Trestore the ama&ingness of the )opi so they can set the tone for the world,T she e'plained. ?s we approach ec. ;1, ;91;, TitKs going to get more and more intense,T but after that date, things are going to turn around and get better, she continued. Auff also talked about Tthe .ost =ity of the ead in the 5rand =anyon.T In 1B9B, on a mission for the -mithsonian, 5.N. Gincaid was said to find a statue of the +uddha in a cave hidden under the 5rand =anyon, she reported.,Q 9;19D11; P+ook"Q (&t&reScience. P5uest was *aurice =otterell, who discussed astrology and sunspot cycles, and their effect on personality.Q 9;19B11; @ephilim: JT +ook of Hubilee. P5uest was -cotty Aoberts.Q (Fatchers, descend on *t. 11

)ermon:; <<rd Par. @orth. 9;11B11; ?rt +ell Aeplay of ;991 show: Aeverend w1 near%death e'perience when he didnKt believe in life after death: had confused I loveless e'perience reminiscent of (gnashing of teeth., P(5nashing of teeth, comparison not made during interview.Q 9;1;111; +rain plasticity: avg. person by age <$" UB9V behavior1daily thoughts1feelings unconscious by virtue of repetition: effectively e'ternal environment has controlling influence by maintaining status quo or challenging it w1 crises, etc. 9;1;C11; )< P()eart and *ind Aevelations,: 5uest was )oward *artin. ?lso discussed the 5lobal =oherence Initiative.Q 9<19D11; (The )arbingers., B omens in IsaiahKs time foreshadowing HerusalemKs destruction" 1st " the
; *t. )ermon is also known as +aWal )ermon, -enir, -irion, -ion, and as *t. .ebanon by Hosephus. Aeferences to (-ion, rather than (Oion,, appear to be references to this mountain. In the +ook of Nnoch, the ;99 original fallen angels descended upon *ount )ermon (in the days of Hared,, and the mountain was named ()ermon, because of a pact that these angels made there. ?ccording to the Nncyclopedia +ritannica, ()ermon, means (forbidden place., Herome Ltranslator of the 7ulgateM translated ()ermon, as (anathema., In euteronomy D"DC%D#, it is noted that kings of the ?morites inhabited the lands around *ount )ermon, which these passages also indicate was called *ount -ion. The ?morites were likely a tribe of giants or descendants of giants1nephilim. >sing the !rench Paris Oero *eridian, *t. -ion is at <<X N I <<X @. < !or additional information on )eart* and the research provided there, see the Internet notes section for ()eart*ath.,


breach" protection broken, as in C<; +=, or B111 in ?merica. 7ow is made to rebuild... +ricks have fallen, but let us build a tower L-eptuagintM : -ycamores are down, replaced w1 cedars. Fill rebuild w1 hewn stone. +oth occurred at 5round Oero. CTh " cedar. -ame message" (Fe will come back Lfrom attackM even stronger., R defiance. )arbingers lead into ;nd period of (shaking., #th omen" vow of defiance, originally took place in -umeria LIraqM, happened again in = on anniversary of B111, citing +ible verse, (the bricks have fallen..., ;nd shaking after defiance of 1st affects national power bases directly. In C;; += Israel was destroyed. 9<19$11; ?uras I Parallel >niverses. ouble%slit e'periment: wave distributions condensed to particle distributions by focusing of awareness1attention: consciousness makes determination of universe, ie both possibilities e'ist simultaneously. (5ateways, to parallel univ.Ks 9<11<11; (Positive thinking., Power of belief" *P patients w1 changing eye colors I disappearing tumors. Integrity" story of 7on +raun compared to custodian wa'ing floor. ecision% making part of brain shuts down in presence of authority. P!or )ealing"Q !orgiveness, then taking responsibility. 9<11E11; .inda *oulton )oweD" @eo%nicotinoid

D .inda *oulton )owe is an investigative journalist and documentary filmmaker. -he emphasi&es (alternative, subjects


pesticide seed%coatings killing honey bees: Juiji boards. 9<11C11; .eprechauns1gnomes1sylphs1etc.: +ible verse, consulting (air,, water1rivers, etc. 9<1;D11; -talin leaves ; envelopes for Ghrushchev for encountered problems" first one, when opened, says (blame it all on me., ;nd opened later read, (*ake ; envelopes., 9<1;$11; *ysterious disappearances in national parks I wilderness. +ook" #issing )**. P5uest was avid Paulides.Q 9<1<111; Hohn .ear" B111, Hapanese disaster, the *oon.$ 9D19111; 5olden ?ge in ;9<;. ?ngels or !ire ragons: =reationism I Nvolution" )ebrew word for (day, has D literal meanings, including indefinite period of finite time. Hob older than 5enesis. Nnd times" Israel must be disarmed,
L(high strangeness,M and is known for her work in the >!J field. -he runs the website 0www.earthfiles.com8, and regularly contributes investigative reports to the =;= program, generally on the last Thursday of each month. $ Hohn .ear is a famous pilot and airline captain, retired, flying more than 1E9 types of aircraft in over $9 countries. ?ccording to his website, Hohn has flown for the =I? Lincluding secret missions in -outheast ?sia, Nastern Nurope, the *iddle Nast and ?frica between 1BEC and 1B#<M as well as other government agencies and has logged over 1B,999 hours of flight time. )e holds 1C world speed records for the .ear Het, developed by the .ear company which was founded by his father. ?mong other things, Hohn believes that < holographic technology developed by the >military was used on B111 to simulate the plane impacts, and there are are structures on the *oon that were constructed by an advanced civili&ation in the past.


I control Ndom, *oab LHordanM I must become richest nation. 9D19;11; )oagland" +urroughs 1B1; book regarding ancient cities on *ars.E Falt isney I 7on +raun relation. (Hohn =arter, film being fictionali&ed fact. *ars degrades into city% states at war w1 each other. +urroughs correctly anticipated =ydonia lat. I long. 9D19<11; !resh I live, raw foods being most nutritious. P5uests Hames =olquhoun I aniel 7italis. 5uests also talked about the chemical additives in processed foods and how the ! ? is not concerned about the health of >- citi&ens, but only allowing chemical substances to be marketed to them by large corporations.Q 9D19$11; (-eth *aterial., P!rom Fikipedia" (The Seth #aterial is a collection of metaphysical te'ts dictated by the ?merican psychic Hane Aoberts to her husband from late 1BE< until her death in 1B#D. The words were purportedly suggested to Aoberts by a discarnate entity who referred to himself as Tan energy personality essence, no longer focused in physical realityT, and calling himself -eth, who, she said, took control of her body and spoke through her. The material is regarded as one of the cornerstones of @ew ?ge philosophy, and the most influential channeled te't of the post%Forld Far II T@ew ?geT
E Possibly a reference to +nder the #oons of #ars, his first pulp fiction, seriali&ed in 1B1; under the name (@orman +ean, in issues of The All,Story.


movement, other than A Co&rse in #iracles. Professor of psychology Hon Glimo writes that the -eth books were instrumental in bringing the idea of channeling to a broad public audience.,Q 9D19C11; Jrigen" (transmigration, of souls I need for multiple lives, to achieve salvation. In $$<, Hustinian outlawed the doctrine of reincarnation.C ;9%D9 million neurons firing for subconscious for every ;9%D9 for conscious processes. P+ook"Q Code to -oy. 9D19#11; )istorical evidence of Hesus. .ack of detailed records from 1st century Aoman Hudaea1Palestine, or from any Aoman territory, for e'. no records of the governor of Hudaea, Pontius Pilate. Pagan gods are often claimed to have died I been resurrected, author claims these are modern ideas.# Hesus as an apocalyptic prophet of impending disaster within his own generation. isagreements between Hews I =hristians about *essiah being crucified, Hews not interpreting Is. $< or Ps. ;; as being about the *essiah, for e'. Hosephus generally cited as earliest non%gospel historical writing of Hesus, also Pliny and
C The specific reference here is to the !ifth =ouncil of =onstantinople in $$<, also known as the -econd Ncumenical =ouncil, when church leaders were seeking condemnation of certain of JrigenKs teachings, such as the pre%e'istence or transmigration of souls. Aeincarnation is also taught in the Hewish te't from around the first century, the Oohar, and is included in 6abbalistic teachings. # -ee Internet notes for (Hesus and ?ncient =ultures.,


Tacitus. 5nostic te'ts did not e'ist until the ; nd century. Passover on !riday or -aturday2" Hohn vs. other gospels. 5uest does not think that the =atholic =hurch is hiding anything. 5uest believes -hroud of Turin is a forgery.B 9D11911; +ruce 5oldberg. 9D11;11; =reativity. *etaphor of E )ats" Aed )at R emotional motivator1leader, +lue R analytic, 5reen R idea generation, /ellow R fellowship1cooperation, +lack R evilKs advocate, Fhite R 2 9$19D11; ark -hadows T7 show, shot1aired live. 9$19$11; )ow the subconscious controls behavior. P!rom =oast to =oast website" (5eorge @oory welcomed Prof. Hon Glimo for a discussion on suicide and the afterlife, as well as different forms of channeling, and the type of information thatKs been gleaned from it. The notion of hell has been used by organi&ed religions as a way to control behavior as well as to dissuade people from committing suicide, he noted. Fhile thereKs no absolute certitude as to what happens upon death, heKs concluded that you go to a place that you make for yourself. In this lifetime, he e'plained, youKre contributing to a kind of a spiritual code that runs as a counterpart to your physical e'istence, and when you die, you go into a dimension or astral plane where that code acts itself out and literally attracts new e'periences
B -ee Internet notes for (-hroud of Turin.,


and events to you. (Those who familiari&e themselves with what the death e'perience may be like while still alive, will be able to take advantage of the plasticity of the new environment in the afterlife, and quickly actuali&e things, as though in a lucid dream, he said. 19 In contrast to when a person is physically alive, in the death state what was outside of you and e'ternal is now part of who you are, and your mind is immersed in a kind of larger interactive mind, he continued. In the classic channeled work, The +no!str&cted +niverse, deceased entities told -tewart Ndward Fhite that the afterlife presents a full picture and offers unlimited growth, while our perceptions in the physical world are obscured, and limited, Glimo recounted. (Glimo described two different types of channeling R one involves acting as a kind of go%between for entities to come through R Tthey clairaudiently hear with the mindKs ear or kind of get out of the way and let the discarnate...or transcendental presence...speak through them,T or use their hand for automatic writing. The other type, which Glimo does himself, he calls Topen channelingT and doesnKt involve other entities. )e consciously channels and is not in a trance, though he enters into an altered state and taps into the Tmind at large.T !or more, check out a series of /ouTube
19 This idea is very similar to what is presented in the ancient te'ts included in the Ti!etan .oo' of the /ead.


videos, in which Glimo further elucidates the ramifications of channeling.,Q 9$19E11; Physics of the paranormal I life forces. P!rom =oast to =oast website" (N'pert on the paranormal Aosemary Nllen 5uiley discussed her recent research into the jinn % powerful spiritual entities that have been described throughout history, as well as her long standing work on dreams. -he characteri&ed the jinn as a race of supernatural beings who were here on the Narth before humanity, but lost dominion of the planet and now live in a parallel dimension to ours. They have access to our world, and there are those among them who are rather hostile to humans, though not all of them are negative, she said. T+ased on my research of years and years tracking these entities throughout the paranormal realm, they account for a lot of our negative e'periences%% hauntings, possessions, entity encounters...and NT abductions,T she revealed. (?ccording to one ancient ?rabian legend, the jinn originated from the winds%% Tthey were literally primordial wind spirits, often responsible for ill winds that blew in, bringing in disease and bad luck,T she detailed. In the Goran, they are e'plained as pree'isting humans created from a substance called smokeless fire, and this may reflect their shapeshifting ability to take on different forms. Interestingly, 5uiley concluded after years of studying -hadow People accounts that they are 1B

actually jinn, whom she also believes are connected with alien abduction1hybrid scenarios. -ightings of -hadow People would often precede abductions, she said, sometimes by weeks, months, or years. -he also described strange shadow creatures called scuttlers that have been associated with the breakdown of equipment, and health problems. TIn writing The /0inn purpose here is to bring the jinn to the attention of the western audience, especially to investigators and researchers...theyKre not on our radar, and we need to know about them,T she stated. (-peaking about how to recogni&e precognitive dreams, 5uiley said they typically have a different signature, though that can vary from person to person. T-ome people will only have precognitive dreams a few times in their lifetimes, and other people will have them quite frequently,T she noted. -he also touched on dream incubation, lucid dreaming, and how one can successfully interpret their own dreams Lsee related guideM.,Q 9$19B11; avid Filcock. <%part structure of heroic epic" 1st hero has problem, ;nd hero undergoes defining event1struggle facing deepest problem, <rd hero returns from defining event renewed I accomplishes goals.

9$11111; (*ai, were (star people, from Pleiades who came to I taught the *ayans. -ymbols of C in religions" the (C -isters, of the Pleiades and1or the C great religions founded in ancient times" ;9

possibly in India, =hina, Israel, etc., along with the *ayans and Ngyptians. 9$11$11; -pirits donKt have names but vibrations, which names may reflect. Nvil spirits lie constantly. -age I !rankincense as cleansers. P5uest is e'orcist and psychic Heffrey -eelman.Q 9$11#11; Italian witches I the ancient roots of archangel *ichael. P5uest is .ori +runo, who discussed the -trega, or Italian, Fitch tradition.11Q 9$11B11; 1arth +nder (ire I .eyond the .ig .ang: ;E,999 I 1<,999 periodicities in solar1celestial cycles changing climate:1; deciphering ancient knowledge encrypted in the Oodiac I astrological mythology: @ov. 19th 1BB# ?rt +ell replay. PThis whole entry appears to be from ?rt +ell replay of 111191B#: the live show was about the ! ?, (big pharma, I also the @ ?? legislation.Q JrionKs bow1arrow I -corpioKs tale point to the galactic center Lnow darkM. Planets also radiate heat relative to their si&e. 9$1;E11; (*en in +lack., ?lbert +ender, Hohn Gneel Lsp2M: They Knew Too #&ch a!o&t (lying Sa&cers, book about *I+ by 5ray +arker.
11 The Italian witchcraft tradition is also called -tregheria, which according to Fikipedia has been populari&ed by author Aaven 5rimassi since the 1B#9Ks. It is based at least partially on a reconstruction of medieval Italian folk religion that is in turn said to be based on ancient Ntruscan religion. 1; -uch recurring cycles of geographic change have often been associated by various researchers with cyclical events within our solar system, such as the perigee of a (Planet 4,, brown dwarf companion to the -un, etc.

;1 PIn this show, several witness accounts were described of pale, awkwardly%behaving, almost robotic men in black suits appearing, often after >!J sightings, and often in out%of%place clothing or in an out%of%place vehicle, and asking questions and behaving strangely. The suggestion seemed to be that these (men in black, were not actually human.Q 9E19111; .eft eye shows relation to mother: right, to L2M father. *ermaids Lopen linesM. PThis date was a !riday and did feature open%line calls.Q 9E19<11; Narly ?merican theologian Honathan Ndwards predicted destruction of Aome in ;91;. 1 =hronicles 1 L2M " 1#, winged discs Lcherubim1chariotsM. (Fings, symbolic of flight to ancients. Tom )orne I 7atican conspiracies. 9E19D11; 5reen ball of light in heart healing Pas a visuali&ation techniqueQ. 7enus1-un transit occurring on E1$" occurs in pairs, last in ;99D, ne't in over 199 years. -ignificance of occurring in ;91;. -ymbolism of reconciliation between masc. I fem. parts of consciousness. Takes place in 5emini R Twins. 9E19E11; Fashington = healing. 5lobal consciousness proj. P5uest was .ynne *cTaggart.Q 9E19C11; PAobert *oss, dreaming.Q 9E19#11; FomanKs @F bigfoot story Lsays sheKs spent weeks w1 themM. PThis was a call from (=ayelin from Tacoma ( during open lines.Q ;;

9E11911; ?leppo =ode'. UB99 ? , written on shore of -ea of 5alilee, in Tiberius. -erved as (master copy, or (perfect, translation of JT. In ancient )ebrew scrolls, there were no vowels, only consonants. The knowledge of how to read them was preserved by oral traditions I accompanying musical chants which indicated punctuation as well. The ?leppo =ode' was in book form I included vowel indications I commentaries. ?bout D9V is missing, including the $ books of *oses, Ncclesiastes, others, though at the beginning of the ;9 th century it was still in near%perfect condition, even after FF; in -yria. In 1BD< it was complete, but by 1BDC pages were missing. Jfficial e'planation was fire, but forensics revealed no evidence of fire. ; pages turned up in +rooklyn in the 1B#9Ks in the possession of Hews who fled -yria. Fitnesses also claim to have seen it as late as 1B$; w1 no more than a do&en or so pages missing. *ossad became involved w1 it. In 1B$C the *ossad app. intercepted the code' in Turkey, or en route there. *atty !riedman. 9E11<11; )ollow earth, e'pedition, electric cars, corrupt banker solutions. P5uest was +rooks ?gnew, who was planning an e'pedition to the @orth Pole for Huly ;91<, to e'plore for a hole opening into the interior of the Narth.1<Q
1< ?ccording to the website for this e'pedition, 0http"11www.';% radio.com1phoeni'sciencefoundation1npiee1inde'.html8, there are only two ships in the world, both Aussian ice%breakers, which can navigate the waters at the @orth Pole. +rooks ?gnew has since


9E1;111; 7elikovsky1D heresy" historical1scientific evidence that 7enus is a recent addition to the solar system I caused catastrophes in near% Narth passes Lplagues in Ngypt, N'odus period: UC$9 +=M. Nvidence of 7enus%*ars impact. 7enus has electron I magnetic tails LNarth has magnetic tail alsoM. +asalt on 7enus indicates recent volcanic activity. +ook, Worlds in Collision. ?ncients could app. see 7enus during the day, initially described it as comet. It rotates backwards from all other planets, has most circular orbit now. 5reek myth parallels. 9E1;D11; (*issing D11, author returns. Aecurring patterns of disappearances in national parks1wilderness which are unsolved I mysterious" tracking dogs canKt find scents: very small children being found e'treme distances Lup1over mountain ridges, etc.M from where they disappeared: clothes are removed or partially removed: e'tremely odd injuries, wounds, disembowelment, etc. @ational park service denies keeping records on disappearances despite thousands of cases, including active missing persons cases. Park service app. turns blind eye to people routinely disappearing in certain areas of their parks.
stepped down as e'pedition leader and the e'pedition has been pushed back to the summer of ;91D at the time of writing L@ov. ;91<M. 1D Immanuel 7elikovsky was a Aussian%Hewish psychiatrist and scholar who helped found the )ebrew >niversity of Herusalem, and later wrote the books which made his controversial theories famous.


Jther common characteristics" often ppl are around others I abruptly disappear within small spans of time: often missing body parts and1or evidence of being eaten: bodies are found in areas that were just searched, even in the middle of trails: ppl found alive often have no memory of disappearance: ppl who disappear often wear bright clothing. Pennsylvania has highest concentration of disappearances, as if whole state is a (cluster,, including rings w1 many disappearances on perimeter but none inside. -evere storms often impede searches. ? lot of places w1 disappearances have (devil, in the name, ( evilKs @est,, etc. !amous case in 5atlinburg, T@ near =adeKs =ove where young boy disappears, bear%like man or etc. simultaneously witnessed running through woods in the area w1 something on its shoulder, 5reen +erets called in I searched separately, but officials were quiet about that fact. It rained for ; weeks upon his disappearance. Jther dis. in same area, all w1 involvement of !+I agent who later committed suicide. Gaitie !lynn Lsp2M story in *ichigan of wolf1dog% man. !lorida I Te'as are overwhelmed w1 cases. ; vol. of book, ;nd incl. Nast%=oast cases. P5uestKs name is avid Paulides.Q 9E1;E11; )o'sey cancer treatments, history.1$ mushrooms clean up oil spills. Jyster

1$ !or more information on the )o'sey treatment, see Internet notes for (?lternative )ealthcare.,


9E1;#11; Nlohim. .inda *oulton )owe" ?ncient e'cavations in Turkey, 5Ybekli Tepe dates back U1;k years to end of last ice age. >ntranslatable petroglyphs I odd statues, ie (>rfa *an,, statue of beings La totemM standing over a circle giving birth to a human, statues similar to Naster Island statues. =olumns act as tuning forks or etc., total site Lat least what is known so farM is only U$V e'cavated. @earby *t. @imrod1E has artificial top, buried in gravel. -cientist interviewed Lalmost the man who seismic% imaged tunnels under -phin'M believes -phin' is also U1;%1Dk years old, originally had lion head Lga&es at .eoM. Jbject on +altic -ea floor also app. ?t least U1;k y.o., dating to ice age. PThe +altic Jbject had soot on its surface, and has been underwater for roughly 1;,999 years.Q 9E1;B11; Trippy intuitive lady. P5uest was .ouise )auck, (time%traveling, clairvoyant, discussing time, telepathy and consciousness.Q 9E1<911; -tuart Filde. +ilderberg group founded by -officer.1C iseases embodied in e'tra% dimensional entities, invitation to ayahuasca
1E ?lso known as @emrut agi, *ount @imrod is a >@N-=J Forld )eritage -ite. It is home to ancient statues attributed to the reign of ?ntiochus II, EB to <D +=, king of the buffer state of =ommagene between the Aoman and Persian empires. The peak of *t. @imrod is believed to be capped by a shrine and possible burial vault of Ging ?ntiochus II. The stonework there includes giant heads of bearded and unbearded men with conical hats. 1C Possibly a reference to Prince +ernhard of the @etherlands, who was a founder of the +ilderberg group and also at least a @a&i sympathi&er and1or member of the @a&i party.


ceremony in -.?. 9C19E11; Psychic retired cop. 5ave woman reading about abortion that made her cry. P=huck +ergman.Q 9C11111; >rantia +ook.1# P!rom Fikipedia" (The +rantia .oo' Lsometimes called the >rantia Papers or The !ifth Npochal AevelationM is a spiritual and philosophical book that originated in =hicago sometime between 1B;D and 1B$$. The authorship remains a matter of speculation. (The authors introduce the word T>rantiaT as the name of the planet Narth and state that their intent is to Tpresent enlarged concepts and advanced truth.T The book aims to unite religion, science and philosophy, and its enormous amount of material about science is unique among literature claimed to be presented by celestial beings. ?mong other topics, the book discusses the origin and meaning of life, mankindKs place in the universe, the purpose of evil and suffering, the relationship between 5od and people, and the life of Hesus. It has been described as Ta rich and comple' moral narrative, equal parts Tolkien and -t. Paul.T (The >rantia !oundation, a >.-.%based non%profit group, first published The +rantia .oo' in 1B$$. In ;991, a jury found that the Nnglish bookKs copyright was no longer valid
1# -ee the entry for the >rantia +ook in the (=hanneled Te'ts, section of the Internet notes.


after 1B#<. The Nnglish te't became a public domain work in the >nited -tates, and in ;99E the international copyright e'pired.,Q 9#11D11; Nuropa LNuropeM, goddess on beasts LAevelation" woman on beastM. PThe suggestion here is that the women riding on a beast in the +ook of Aevelation is a symbol of Nurope.Q 9#1;E11; og1wolf ppl program: coincides in material w1 (*issing D11., P7ery similar to E1;D11; program.Q

9#1<911; =hupacabra: underground pyramid in ?laska: cattle mutilations: crop circles. R ?rt +ell (somewhere in time," Aed Nlk Lnative ?mericanM discusses the world underground on upcoming Lnow already years pastM show, mentioned on B11 replay. LAeplay of 1;111191.M PThe biography of Aed Nlk on the =oast to =oast website Lnot pertaining to any particular showM is as follows" (Aed Nlk is an Inter%Tribal *edicine *an. )e is a self%described half%breed @ative ?merican 1 white, of both the +lack!eet and -hoshoni @ations, as well as part Irish and !rench. )e is a member of the )eyoka Lhi % J) % kahM -ociety, a =ontrarian group of @ative ?mericans who do not follow the normal path of mankind. Aed Nlk is one of twelve Inner )eyoka members. )e is one of the nine members of the Aed Feb -ociety who are working to bring understanding of many ;#

hidden sacred teachings to the people of Narth. )e is also an honorary member of the =herokee @ations Twisted )air -ociety. (In 1BC< Aed Nlk went on a EB day fast, taking water, juices, and vitamins. Jn or about the DBth day Aed Nlk began to e'perience a vision about the future. !or a little more than an hour each day for < days Aed Nlk saw and e'perienced a future that he didnKt want to see. The Nast and Fest coasts of ?merica subside, a huge meteor strikes the ?tlantic, unimaginably great earthquakes rip apart the earth as massive volcanic eruptions darken the skies and blacken the land. +ut these tribulations pale in comparison to what soon follows as the earthKs a'is flips and ensuing floods and <99 mile per hour winds savagely destroy buildings, people, ecosystems and entire nations. (Aed Nlk believes that there is )ope and that we have time to change and prepare... +ut the first thing we must change is ourselves.,Q 9B19D11; Tesla I Nts. P5uests were Timothy 5reen +eckley I Tim -wart&. The first%hour guest, *ichael =hapala, discussed *orgellons disease.Q 9B11111; Past%life1after%death e'periences, Aick1Aich *artini: books by therapist *ichael @ewton I data from hypnosis sessions LUC,999 of themM. 9B1;D11; (5lass towers, I other structures on the *oon: ?pollo 1C I other mission pics, evidence of >- e'peditions to such artifacts. ;B

P5uest was *ike +ara.Q 9B1;$11; *t. -hasta legends: underground tunnels, spiritual people1beings, city of Telos, underground military base. Jld .emurian country2 -pring water, etc. P5uest was -tephen -indoni, on for the first hour of the show, discussing among other things the legend of H= +rown and his discovery of an ancient civili&ation inside of *t. -hasta.Q 9B1;E11; ?nimal psychic. P5uest was ?sia 7oight.Q 9B1;C11; *ore on ?laskan pyramid. P5uest was .inda *oulton )owe, who also discussed the discovery of new @? in three ?frican tribes unrelated to other modern humans, 5*Js, and a man who had an e'perience involving (angelic light, which he associated with N&ekielKs (wheels within wheels,, and who also believes that an imminent event will shock humanity.Q 1919E11; ?rt +ell -omewhere in Time from ;991" .adyKs @ N" ifferent kinds of hell, the afterlife. PThe womanKs name is only given as (-arah, on the =;= website. This was a replay from ?pril ;9th, ;991.Q 1911111; 5round Oero" @ative ?merican shaman. PAoan Finterhawk, who went into a trance on the air and channeled the @ative ?merican (5randfather spirit,, who discussed upcoming Narth changes, and (space people., 7ideo from the broadcast is currently available on /ouTube.Q <9

1911E11; Intel. e'pert discussing *ajestic 1; report, hostile NT pact, hostile NT activity around Pacific basin, military tech 199Z years beyond public tech. P5uest was 5ordon uff, editor of %eterans Today I *arine combat veteran of the 7ietnam Far. )e is an accredited diplomat and manages (the worldKs largest private intelligence organi&ation and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues,, according to his section on the %eterans Today website, located at 0http"11www.veteranstoday.com1author1gordon duff18. The (activity around PtheQ Pacific basin, was described as a joint >- I =hinese naval operation, a combat operation which he was told by an (?sian intelligence agency, was against a (highly unfriendly e'tra% terrestrial threat., >nconfirmed by an >sources, the admitted (rumors, that uff received included, 1M the joint operation was against what was described as NT craft operating from underwater bases, ;M sub%orbital energy weapon platforms had been deployed by 7andenberg ?ir !orce +ase,1B <M nanotechnology sensors were being used to monitor NT craft activity, DM opposition is NT and (e'tremely aggressive and unfriendly,, $M the threat was described as a (clear and present danger, but isolated to the Pacific rim, EM
1B This is a >nited -tates ?ir !orce base located near .ompoc, =alifornia, which is on the coast of southern =alifornia. ?ccording to Fikipedia, it is a o (space and missile testing base, with a mission of placing satellites into polar orbit from the Fest =oast, using e'pendable boosters.,


=hina was forced to supplement the >military because of the >- fleetKs presence in the Persian 5ulf, CM attempts to confirm or (directly verify, these operations in the Pacific would lead to (fatal consequences., -ee the full %eterans Today article at: 0http"11www.veteranstoday.com1;91;19B11C1uf o%war%chinese%and%us%navy%off%san% francisco18.Q 191;111; .ittle%used, effective treatments I fascist ! ? practices. P5uest was +ill -ardi, who discussed natural remedies. The work of r. .ester *orrison was referenced, ie chondroitin sulfate being used to reverse heart disease. Aesveratrol also fights heart disease, but is mostly ignored by pharmaceutical companies. Pharmaceutical companies also often misuse herbal remedies in order to (prove, their ineffectiveness, by using doses that are either too small or too large.Q 191;D11; eep layers of ancient ash I white clay stretching from @ew *e'ico to Te'as, also containing groups of ancient animals, app. a result of an ancient volcano eruption in a well% hydrated I foliated climate. -imilar layers underground farther north as well, to the akotas, etc. =ould also suggest massive eruptions that separated earth for miles to reveal hot magma1mud, resulting in anomalies in ancient dinosaur fossils I etc. that suggest bones were at some point soft as clay. Aemains of giants, 1;Z ft. tall, double rows of <;

teeth, E fingers I toes, discovered in various areas. ?ccording to legends L@ative ?merican, )ebrew, etc.M were generally wicked, killed humans, etc. P!irst guest, Hoe Taylor, discovered giants in the ancient past, also dinosaurs I humans co%e'isting and his belief that the Narth is only E,999 years old. The second guest, Hames Fasserman, discussed spiritual quests, the occult I also ?leister =rowley.Q 191;C11; Hack Aourke. P(Aational psychic.,Q 1119#11; [D< trillion lawsuit against the !ed, (coincidental, murders.;9 Then of a U;E,999 year (quarantine, of Narth by advanced being b1c of infiltration by (regressive, beings: ends in ;91;, mankind will be restored to sovereignty, etc. PThe first guest was =raig )ulet, and the second guest was Aobert Potter. *r. Potter also discussed NT contact I intervention, describing contact with Pleiadians, as well as an (?garthan network, which is (helping our planet to heal,, according to the =;= website. The guest said that infiltration of human culture by hostile NT forces, that have been here for ;E,999 years
;9 The murder was of a =@+= e'ecutiveKs children, apparently related to =@+= drawing attention to a lawsuit about an international money%laundering case involving [D< trillion and the !ederal Aeserve. The murders were blamed on the childrenKs nanny, who was also seriously injured in the neck in a way that would be very difficult to self%inflict, according to the guest. -he was alive at the time of the interview but app. instructed by a lawyer not to talk Lif she was physically ableM.


now, in ?tlantean1.emurian times led to a planetary war I a (semi%quarantine, on Narth from NT influences. )umans are moving towards contact with galactic civili&ations because of evolution, and cities such as *e'ico =ity are being prepared for this transition to galactic contact by mass public >!J sightings.;1Q 111;;11; runvalo *elchi&edek;; discusses pole shifts I loss of the magnetic field.

111;$11; 1st hour" +igfoot @? study update.;< ;nd " ennis *cGenna,;D mushrooms I *T. 111;E11; Past%life regression lady, former skeptic. P5uest was +arbara Pomar.Q 1;19D11; -ynchronicities. P5uest was Hohn -t. ?ugustine, who also recounted e'periences with @ative ?merican elders, and a visitation during a sweat lodge session from a being that he called (the Hesus *an.,Q 1;19E11; Iran possessing >!J technology. P5uest was
;1 -everal videos of these types of sightings in *e'ico can be found on /ouTube at the time of writing L@ov. ;91<M. ;; runvalo *elchi&edek is author of The Ancient Secret of the (lower of Life Lin ; volumesM and similar works on the human energy body, ancient civili&ations and the future of humanity. )e teaches the activation of the *erkabah, which is a term from ancient Hudaism for (chariot,, but which runvalo says is really a symbolic term for the activated human energy body. ;< This is a reference to *elba GetchumKs work on (bigfoot, Lunidentified humanoidM @?. ;D ennis *cGenna is an ?merican ethnopharmacologist and brother of the late Terence *cGenna, who was a famous proponent of psychedelics.


-terling . ?llan, =NJ of Pure Nnergy -ystems, Inc. )e believes that Iran may have used saucer%like craft to intercept two >drones. Aussia has trucks available with advanced electronic assemblies on the back which are also said to have the capability to over%ride drone programming and reprogram their landing destinations, for e'ample, so this is another possibility besides that of the guestKs.Q 1;19C11; 5round Oero" =hrononaut ?ndrew +asiago, gov. chrononaut programs, running for president in ;91E on (truth, I transparency platform: Jbama on *ars.;$ 1;11<11; 5round Oero" N'%@a&i scientists working at .os ?lamos at time of Aoswell. P5uest was Hoseph P. !arrell.Q 1;11C11; ?ncient structures I civili&ations. Thousands of native mounds in *assachusetts. PNdgarQ =ayce on mound builders" <D99 +=, came from ?tlantis up /ucatan peninsula. P5uest was Him 7ieira, discussing stone structures I giants. 5uest said there are over 19,999 stone structures in *assachusetts alone, many of which were dismantled during the colonial era. ?lso a $$%ft.%high stone pyramid in Illinois which was dismantled by colonists for their own structures.Q P!om the =;= website" (Aegarding
;$ ?ndrew +asiago was also a guest on =;= at least twice. -ee the =;= notes for 9#1;<11< for more detailed information on this manKs story.


giants in ?merica, 7ieira e'plained that, while searching through old town histories in *assachusetts for information on stone structures, he stumbled upon remarkable accounts of anomalous human skeletons being discovered. ?ccording to the reports from the time, the skeletons ranged from C to 11 feet tall and had skulls which sported double rows of teeth. TThere are thousands of these accounts,T 7ieira said, Tby doctors, scientists, anthropologists, archaeologists, farmers and over decades and decades of time all around the country.T These skeletons, he added, were often found within the mysterious stone mounds and, sometimes, were sometimes buried amongst great treasures. (7ieira attributed the suppression of information on the ancient ?merican giants to the -mithsonian Institute, specifically their first director of anthropology ?les )rdlicka. escribed by 7ieira as a Tpre%@a&i eugenicist,T )rdlicka allegedly censored reports of giants and marginali&ed them from the historic record in order to depict @ative ?mericans as Tunsophisticated and uninspiring.T ?dditionally, 7ieira reported that there are many accounts of -mithsonian representatives traveling around the country to where these anomalous remains were discovered and Ttaking the giant skeletons away, never to be seen again.T >ltimately, he contended that the cover up continues to this day and claimed that a video presentation on his findings was pulled <E

from the Internet because it threatened the scientific orthodo'y.,Q 1;11#11; Jccultist on 5O: (Aagnarok machine.,;E P5uest was Ae' =hurch.Q 1;1;<11; +igfoot @? paper" 5enome of entirely new species w1 human mitochondrial @? from relatively modern period, suggesting cross% breeding or etc.;C P5uest was r. *elba -. Getchum.Q 1;1;C11; !acebook disabling ?INB11Ks;# account, FhatAeally) accounts, accounts related to InfoFars,;B accounts supporting gun rights, etc., in an app. political purging, requiring government I information to be sent in, etc. 9119111< Psychics, astrologers, etc. PThis was the @ew /earKs show featuring several psychics making predictions about the upcoming year.Q 9;19<11< 7irginia intuitive, Aaymon 5race.
;E =alled the (Aagnarok Nngine, by Ae' =hurch, this is a magical device of some sort that summons demons into the world. ?ccording to Ae' =hurch, the @a&is were e'perimenting with similar things. ;C !or more information on r. GetchumKs work, see the (+igfoot @?, section of the Internet notes. ;# ?INB11, or ?NB11 is the organi&ation (?rchitects I Nngineers for B111 Truth,, and consists of many professional engineers, architects, and professionals from other fields demanding re% investigation into the (terrorist, attacks of -eptember 11th, ;991. ;B is a website maintained by ?le' Hones, a well% known Te'as radio host who denounces @FJ agendas and discusses related subjects.


9;11<11< Hohn 5ray. Jratic acid I related minerals" potassium orate, etc.: egg yolks are (purePlyQ stem cells, I do not by themselves raise cholesterol build%up: pasteuri&ed milk resulting in sterile cats by Dth generation or so in e'periments, I pasteuri&ed milk is not easily digested. 7ery high levels of vitamin = for fighting illness. *ethods for heavy%metal cleansing. Npsom salt baths for better blood o'idation, at least D9%minute bath. 9;11E11< Hoseph *eyer. 11 states have more ppl on welfare than employed Lincl. @/, =?, *-, ?., G/, J)M: real unemployment level Lby 1B#9 standardM at ;9V: top 1V of earners own #DV of wealth: 5 P shrinking by ;V. Then ;nd guest, Paul -tamets, .ionKs mane, turkey tail mushrooms for fighting diseases Pie cancerQ, among other mushroom species. P5uest also mentioned how Aussian scientists noticed after =hernobyl that mushrooms were accumulating radiation from the environment and concentrating it, effectively acting as clean%up for the surrounding organisms.Q 9<19;11< L-aturdayM ?rt +ell replay, guest 5reg +raden from ?ug. ;D ;991: (5reater Isaiah -croll, of ead -ea -crolls: 5eorge elawareKs Psp2Q FF;%era holographic machine: ( @? Phantom Nffect,: @? in a vacuum causes photons to organi&e after double%heli': energy signals travel from body to removed tissue instantly for at least $9 miles Lfarthest distance testedM: emotion changes shape of @?" <#

positive emotions Lgratitude, etc.M rela' @? strands until they almost separate, neg. emotions cause tightening I knotting L)eart*athM. PJn the live =;= show from this date, +rad +arker of )?.J =orporation,<9 based in =alifornia and providing security services, discussed human trafficking and emergency preparedness. )e said that the currency used in the online game (-econd .ife, is used for money%laundering and se'%slave transactions, as an e'mple of the Internet being used to facilitate human trafficking and illegal transactions.Q 9<19C11< -plit show" 1M =reativity, the amygdala, etc. P5uest was @eil -lade. +ook" .rain #agic 2.Q ;M 5iants in the past" 1$ ft.%tall skeletons unearthed in ?thens, etc. ;nd guest also author of ()ow to Talk to +alls of .ight, or etc. L>!JsM. P5uest was Paola )arris.<1Q >n% ?pp. unrecorded show date" Nlevated iridium recorded layers in arctic core samples, every U<E99 ate years, indicating elevated meteor impacts or etc. ?lso another unrecorded date, 5enesis opening w1 story representing ; blood%lines" reptilian I purely human. Jne of ?dam I NveKs children of serpent, the other really
<9 The website for this )?.J corporation is no longer active and the corporation itself may be e'periencing difficulties. The corporation was founded by former special operations, national security and intelligence personnel. <1 This guest was also on the =onspiracy -how with Aichard -yrett: see the notes for 9B19111<.


?dam I NveKs. Hesus traced back to ?dam through pure line" Fhy else trace back to ?dam, if everyone is his I @oahKs descendent anyway2 9<11B11< Tues. Pastor for the elite" Nlitists have a (code of ethics, that requires them to notify the public in some way of what they are doing, before they do it. Nlitists fear the masses, especially ?merica. P5uest was ordained +aptist minister .indsey Filliams. The guest said the current timeline for implementing a crash of the dollar and discarding of the >=onstitution was in D years, or around ;91C.Q 9<1;111< *agnesium R Aequired for U#9V of body processes. @atural la'ative effect prevents overdose of this essential mineral, I does not affect prescription medicines unless to make them obsolete" deficiency symptoms include (charlie horses, Lcramp%like pains in legs, etc.M, feeling no energy. P?lso insomnia, migraines, depression, impaired memory, and hyperactivity in children.Q Is virtually ignored by mainstream medicine despite crucial role in body. -ources include nuts, whole grain, kelp1seaweed. =ooking removes it from food. P5uest was medical doctor and naturopath =arolyn ean. ?ntacids, antibiotics, antidepressants, anti%inflammatory medications and statins all deplete magnesium from the body.Q P?lso, first guest on this show, researcher !rank Hoseph )off, discussed his D9

theory that ?tlantis was located near Indonesia under the -outh =hina -ea. )e believes .emuria was damaged around CD,999 years ago and was redeveloped into what we now call the ?tlantean civili&ation over the ne't E9,999 years.Q 9<11$11< 5uest says that according to *ayan tradition, the Pleiadians<; came to the aid of mankind after the war between (Nnki, I (Nnlil.,<< P5uest for this show was Filliam Farwick, followed by open lines, though it is not clear if this is the proper date of the show for the notes recorded. Farwick discussed chevron% or
<; =ompare this to Inca tradition, which relates that a being named 7iracocha, along with his messengers, came to the ancient Peruvian people during a time of chaos, healed the sick, taught love and compassion and helped them rebuild their civili&ation. This period was remembered as a kind of ancient (golden age, by the Inca people by the time the -panish arrived. -ee the book notes for part II, (!oam of the -ea,, of (inger3rints of the Gods for more information. << =ompare this note to the notes for (Temples, =reator%5ods, and the Transfiguration of the -oul, in the book notes for Lost Civilizations & Secrets of the Past. There it is noted that the ?ndeans have a tradition that after a great cataclysm, which has been associated with events occurring shortly after 19,999 +=, the ()uari,, a white%skinned, bearded people came to help the ?ndeans rebuild their civili&ation. It is not clear if the (war between Nnki and Nnlil, was a part of this cataclysm, or one that happened later, some time around D999 += and which was associated with @oahKs flood, or if the beings that the *ayans say came from the Pleiades were equivalent to what otherwise seem to be typical (@ordic,%type NT descriptions, and1or ?nunnaki. !or more information on the -umerian pantheon to which Nnlil and Nnki belong, as well as related ancient pantheons, see the book notes for The Twelfth Planet.


boomerang%shaped >!Js, and the same chevron1boomerang shape being associated with cyphers used by the Gnights Templar, as well as a tomb thought to have belonged to the (family of Hesus.,Q 9<1;$11< The =atholic =hurch1Hesuits are associated w1 the *t. 5raham<D observatory, currently the most advanced of its kind on Narth. Jne telescope called (.ucifer., P? contrived acronym.Q *t. 5raham is one of the D holiest mountains to the @ative ?mericans in the area, associated with creation epics I regarded as having (portals,1,stargates,: in one myth a bearded man descended on it in a giant disc, then later a (man who was not a man., ? race of giants in the area was destroyed by the (!ather -un, with a fireball from the sky in what the natives called the (7alley of the -un., =atholics preparing doctrine to make NTs into saviors. (=hariot, in JT 3 merkabim, or merkabah, a flying craft. PThe first guest, discussing the 7atican potentially preparing for
<D *ount 5raham is called ( &il @chaa -i ?n, in Festern ?pache, meaning (big seated mountain., It is located in southeastern ?ri&ona, in the =oronado @ational !orest, and is the highest peak in the Pinale\o *ountains. It is over 19,999 ft. tall and home to many species in its higher elevations which have been isolated there since the ancient past and are now threatened, such as the *ount 5raham red squirrel. International observatories were built on the mountain despite protests from @ative ?merican groups who consider the mountain sacred, as well as environment groups concerned with preserving the mountain ecosystem. ? peace%time =ongressional waiver of >- environment laws allowed the observatories to be built in the area.


NT disclosure and the similar topics noted above, was Tom )orn. This guest said that his own brother%in%law worked for .os ?lamos and said one night, under the influence of alcohol, that .os ?lamos was involved with an (alien agenda., ?fter this incident the man disappeared and has not been seen or heard from since. ? second guest, Hoel 5arbon, described his e'periences with the suppression of (free energy, developments.Q 9<1;E11< The numbers lady. E essential ]Ks to a personKs chart. Jne is taken from the entire birthdate. ?nother ] can be derived from first vowel in the name. ?31, type%? competitor for superiority, does well w1 e'tra responsibility to prove themselves: N3$, (never a dull moment,: I3B, natural leader: /3C, spiritual number. *ore on her website. P5uest was 5lynis *c=ants.Q 9D19111< Aeptilians. P5uest was -cott Aoberts, discussing the (Aeptilian *ythos., )e noted important religious and1or mythological references to serpents going back to our earliest recorded histories, and the fact that they seem to be both revered and feared at the same time.Q 9D19D11< elores =annon. Jlder psychic lady1hypno% therapist.

9$19;11< +ruce .ipton.<$ =onscious mind can learn all

<$ +ruce .ipton is an ?merican developmental biologist who is famous for his books such as The .iology of .elief, which helped populari&e the science of epigenetics, ie that we can have


number of ways, b1c it is conscious, but subconscious1unconscious mind must learn through force of habit, programming or hypnosis, etc., because (no one is Kin there.K, People that donKt love themselves may think others who love them are also unworthy, I have trouble accepting them. 9$19$11< =anadian (=onspiracy -how, discussed lost tribes of Israel. NnglandKs coronation throne on a (stone of scone,, supposedly a biblical stone: (Hack,, as in (>nion Hack,, derived from (Hacob, Lie IsraelM, I (/ankee, possibly derived from the /iddish for (Hacob., P5uests were @elson Thall and Hane -teele.Q 9$11111< Hosh Aeeves, investigations of ancient history. The (@ative ?merican, found at +at =reek w1 the )ebrew%inscribed stone under his skull was 1M a giant, I ;M of a haplogroup L4M matching ?malites Lsp2M at the -ea of 5alilee U1999 ? . LU9 =N2M.<E R Aock Fall, T4<C ^ ;9k%;99k%year%old wall buried several feet Lsee book notesM. ?rea has magnetic field app. stronger than poles. Fater trapped in wall in places, app. from flooding in
conscious control over how our genetics are activated, and our genetics are not pre%programmed by our @?. <E !or further information on the +at =reek stone, see the notes for (?nomalous @orth ?merican ?rtifacts, in the Internet notes section, and supplementary information can be found in the notes for (?rchaeological -candals, from the book Lost Civilizations & Secrets of the Past, and the notes for chapter < of the book Lost Worlds of Ancient America. <C !or more information on the structures found at Aock Fall, Te'as, see the =;= radio notes for , and also the Internet notes for


the past, w1 shark teeth I a starfish w1 (fresh meat., =oin found in ;99k year%old strata in Illinois had a symbol Lhieroglyph2M matching an engraving on a ;%ton stone at Aock Fall. Aeference to myth of D<;,999%year rule by (?nnunaki, in the past, I # global cities. Fall features crystal, etc. R @.?. myths of dark%haired cannibal giants in @.?. before (red Indians,, then red%haired giants arrived I helped defeat the cannibals. ?pp. e'odus of *id%Nasterners LPhoenicians, )ebrews, etc.M to @.?. =irca 1999%1;99 ? : population e'plosion in @.?. around same time period in tribes who structures mimicked those of the Israelites. 9$1;C11< =;=" -tephen 6uayle. R (Ferewolf, in !rench, loup garou, similar to -F ?merican @ative word for sasquatch1bigfoot, which sounds like (oogaroo., R Her. ch. D P2Q mentions a flood preceding @oahKs.<# R 5ilgamesh was a Aephaim.<B R UB,999 ancient native burial mounds attempted destroyed by authorities. R =aller" ancient anchor stonesD9 in Tampa, !l.,
<# Heremiah D";<%;# mentions 5odKs anger and seems to imply the destruction of cities before mankind was even created. <B The Aephaim were a nation or race of giants mentioned in the Jld Testament of the +ible. +ecause they are described in the JT as being of great stature, they are associated with other tribes of giants mentioned in the +ible and also the @ephilim who are mentioned in 5enesis as procreating with the daughters of men. D9 !or more information on ancient mooring1anchor stones in


inland, he thinks b1c of an enormous wave in the past: some anchoring stones as heavy as a dump truck w1 <%ft. iameter holes. Ponce de .eon encountered giants in !lorida during his voyage. R Jbama was in @orway for the @obel Pri&e during the @orway -piral. R Aeference to *elba GetchumKs work on (bigfoot, @?, noting her discovery of human mitochondrial LfemaleM @? but unknown nuclear Ljoint w1 maleM @?, mirroring the 5enesis account. R R The ?nnunaki of -itchin are the biblical @ephilim1fallen angels. R (C; gates of demons, often coinciding w1 )??AP%like facilities or sites sacred to natives, at least assuming @ative ?merican sites to be (stargates., *an in Puerto Aice plagued by voices who had sold his soul to -atan Lstory covered by Hoshua P. Farren in ;nd half hour of showM lives within a few miles of a )??AP%like facility on Puerto Aico. R 6uayle talked of the (+ook of Nnoch, simply being fragments from the ead -ea -crolls. I had just talked to Gevin earlier the same evening I he told me he had printed it I would send it to me.D1 9$1;911< Him -parks on =;= talking about his life of abduction e'periences, described in his book
!lorida, see notes for chapter #, (Prehistoric *ooring -tones of !lorida,, in the book notes for Lost Worlds of Ancient America. D1 This last sentence relates a personal synchronicity of mine. R +-+


The Kee3ers. The NTs were (grays,, app. teaching him their alphabet. )e said one type of (gray, seemed like a (worker bee, created for the others. 9E19$11< =;=. 5uest speaks of ancient Ngyptian structure at endera w1 Oodiac wheel on the ceilingD; pointing to a date, 1<,<E9 +=, app. a meteor impact which caused massive cataclysms I lengthened the solar year I shifted the poles by 1D_, sank ?tlantis. 9E19B11< The =onspiracy -how w1 Aichard -yrett. At. $$ in F. 7a.D< near -eneca !alls famous for paranormal e'periences. 9E11<11< Intuitive healer. P!rom =oast to =oast website" (In the first half, .inda !reud, a medical intuitive who channels spirits and angels to help clients, and her husband, author and spiritual researcher avid !reud spoke about her healing process.
D; The famous ancient Oodiac wheel from the temple comple' at endera was removed and relocated to the .ouvre *useum in Paris. The temples at endera feature ancient foundations dating back at least to around ;$99 +=, and which were later rebuilt upon with 5reek and Aoman%style temples. The entire comple' of temples at endera is over D9 square kilometers. D< The -eneca !alls or -eneca Aocks area of Aoute $$ is in Pendleton =ounty, Fest 7irginia. -eneca Aocks is the only (true peak, Laccessible only using technical climbing techniquesM on the Nast =oast. The >- military has used the site for training purposes. Aoute $$ crosses from 7irginia to Fest 7irginia near evilKs +ackbone -tate !orest, and also near the town of -trasbourg. =;= guest avid Paulides 9E1;D11; noted that place names with the word (devil, in them tend to have higher rates of the types of anomalous disappearances which he researches.


-he receives specific information about a personKs nutritional deficiencies and energetic imbalances, and then channels the appropriate natural remedies or deto'ification protocols. The !reuds have concluded that many people suffer from the to'ic effects of mercury Ltypically from dental amalgam or vaccinesM accumulated in the body. The mercury contributes to chronic or degenerative conditions, but these effects can be lessened through chelation therapy, avid remarked. (.inda described angels as messengers of 5od, and said she communicates with a number of the archangels, as well as her clientsK guardian angels and spirit guides. T-ometimes the room can feel very crowded depending on how much consciousness a person has, and how connected they are,T she said of her counseling sessions. Interestingly, .inda noted that sheKs also in touch with the spirit of -igmund !reud La distant relative of avidKsM, who has e'pressed interest in trying to refashion the field of psychology for the ;1st century via her channeling. .inda also channels a more modern day celebrity R the spirit of *ichael Hackson, who has informed her that his soul has not been able to ascend to the light, due to psychic damage from the propofol injections, and the fact that his body wasnKt buried in a timely manner., P...Q (In the latter half, r. Nric Pearl shared his perspective on how to reconnect with the D#

unlimited >niversal energy that enables us to heal, as well as access higher states of being. )is methodology of Treconnective healingT transcends specific energy healing techniques. T-cientists are recogni&ing and discovering when they study reconnective healing that we are accessing levels of light and information that they say theyKve simply not seen on the planet prior to now,T he commented, adding that the current generation is anchoring in the ne't level of human evolution. (In his new work, Pearl presents the wisdom of a multidimensional intelligence named -olomon who is channeled by !rederick Pon&lov. -olomon speaks about reconnective healing, as well as accessing deeper levels and understanding of who we are. -olomon is giving us the insight to reveal our souls to ourselves R a discovery process of the greater self emerging, Pearl e'plained. TThe manifestation of this physical formSis an e'pression that we have chosen, not unlike a mask of sorts that we choose to wear in this plane. Fe give it a deeper inner e'pression as we connect our soul to the greater universe,T he quoted from the -olomon channeling.,Q 9E11C11< 5uest saw bigfoot, said its face was like gargoyle from C9Ks movie (5argoyle, or etc. P5uest was ?le' )earn.Q 9E11#11< @ews story that tornado had touched down on enver International ?irport runway. 9E1;D11< =;= news story of Ngyptian statue in museum DB

caught moving very slowly on time%lapse photography. ;nd guest, Gecksburg Incident:DD +igfoot. Poss. biggest string of +igfoot sightings occurring in -F P? starting around 1BCD. =hestnut Aidge, 199 mi. or so mtn. Aidge from Preston F. 7a. into P?, many +igfoot sightings. -trong sulfur smell associated w1 both Gecksburg I +igfoot sightings. -imultaneous +igfoot I >!J sighting around a rural field in P? investigated by state police, investigation caused investigator in field to see vision of grim% reaper%type figure warning that mankind must change its way. ?t original sighting ; bigfoots were shot at to no effect after being seen in field w1 glowing object. P;nd guest was paranormal investigation -tan 5ordon. )e also described sightings of other strange creatures around Pennsylvania.Q 9E1;$11< =hristine ay, the Pleiadians. Nnergy work, etc. 9E1;B11< onna 5ood )igbee R ?rt +ell replay from $1;<19;. People app. becoming invisible around others by app. adjusting their

DD The Gecksburg Incident is a famous >!J crash incident that occurred at Gecksburg, Pennsylvania on ecember B, 1BE$. The fireball preceding the crash is believed to have been seen by thousands of people across si' states, and the associated crash was also witnessed by many people, as well as the police1government1 military response to the event. 7arious theories have been proposed as to what e'actly happened, from e'perimental military craft based on @a&i technology Lthe description of the object is reminiscent of the alleged @a&i program known as ( ie 5locke,M, to a fallen -oviet satellite, to an e'traterrestrial craft.


(vibration, relative to others. )eartmath study that meditators can re%establish the -chumann resonanceD$ at a location after an electrical storm by lowering their brainwaves to around where the -ch. res. should be. -ch. res. is rising. Fill I intention common to invis. cases. 9C11911< =;= (Feather Fars, R ?ncient sites stabili&ing weather under attack. Aeptilian I mammalian lifeforms being (incompatible, biologically. P5uest was meteorologist -cott -tevens. .ater guest was bigfoot investigator =liff +arackman.Q 9C11111< Nveryday miracles. 9C11D11< PunnettKs last show. (-miley face killer, LsicM cases" ;# states, ;#9Z cases: white, young, athletic and1or college%attending males abducted, ie from bars after appearing drugged I leaving alone. isappearing near security cameras. N? agent says he has identified responsible factions but cannot get federal task force: does not state factions. P5uests on the (smiley face murders, were +ill -&ostak and N? agent Gelly -nider.Q Then (Aatline, guest. PThis was Peter .evenda.Q Then interview suggesting rival factions of Hohn the +aptist I Hesus followers in early church days that led to rewriting of gospel narratives,
D$ The -chumann Aesonances are (global electromagnetic resonances, according to Fikipedia, supposed to be (e'cited, by lightning discharges. The -chumann Aesonance phenomenon was predicted by physicist Finfried Jtto -chumann in 1B$;.


including the addition of Hohn I HesusK mothers knowing each other, etc. Narly version of a te't app. having Hesus refer to Hohn the +aptist as the savior. PThis last part featured .ynn Picknett and =live Prince.Q 9C11C11< *an who composed (Jnward =hristian -oldier, also wrote a book about werewolves in history.DE 9C11B11< Jrange fireballs L>!JsM seen off -outh =arolinian coast regularly. PHoshua P. Farren was the guest, followed by open lines.Q 9C1;;11< *an w1 invention that photographs1measures aura fields. P5uest was 5uy =oggins.Q Fith ; people comfortable w1 each other in close pro'imity, their auras merge. ?uras seem to push away w1 people uncomfortable w1 each other. ?uras disappear before onset of illness or death. *ention of Girlian photography. Then a guest about the +ermuda Triangle, evilKs -ea I other odd disappearances. PThis guest was Aobert *. -tanley.Q -tory of a r. Aay +rown I a pyramid underwater in the +ahama area w1 a statue inside w1 a crystal ball in its hand. Ndgar Aice +urroughsK *ars bookLsM that the (Hohn =arter, movie was based on mentions portal keepers or etc. who are compared on =;= to gnostic archons, b1c in
DE This is a reference to -abine +aring%5ould, an Nnglish ?nglican priest, eclectic scholar and author of various books. The one implied by the guest here is likely The .oo' of Were,Wolves4 !eing an acco&nt of a terri!le s&3erstition, from 1#E$. )e also wrote books on ghosts, (strange events,, and other eclectic subjects.


the book they are said to feed off the destruction of worlds.DC 9C1;<11< Ground Zero: =ell towers used as weapons: inhibit immune systems, encourage allergies, migraines, autism, etc., I cause environmental effects. LAeich1orgone device solution2M. $ew World 5rder 163osed book. Farfare on the ?merican people1depopulation. -mall mechanical (pathogens, that can be dispersed as aerosols by planes I be breathed into lungs, capable of (consuming, flesh and also plant matter Lcompare to *orgellonsM. (-vali, interview on C2C: TF? #99 was flying near naval e'ercises, was struck by a non%shoulder%fired incendiary missile which was both captured on radar I left a visible path of destruction in the wreckage. The <rd engine was blown up I through the plane. ?lso residues were left on seats, etc., I multiple witnesses described seeing the missile hit precisely in the same area. *issile probably fired from either the (-eawolf, or (?lbuquerque, subs. ? !rench pharmaceutical company family was on board TF? #99, I also a former *ossad agent I other potential political targets. ? ;nd missile likely went off # seconds or so after the first I took off the nose. There was another plane filled w1 Israeli officials that was scheduled to take off ahead of !light #99, but #99 came
DC =ompare this to what Aichard =. )oagland says in the =;= notes for 9D19;11;.


ahead I took off first. uring news intro on =;=, it was noted that multiple studies across decades have shown that giving blood reduces chances of heart problems, app. from helping w1 e'cess iron Pin bloodQ I etc. 9C1;$11< .inda *oulton )owe. $9k%#9k%year%old cypresses, some E ft. wide, found E9 ft. underwater off 5ulf =oast, e'posed from under sand I mud by Gatrina. Fere e'tremely well% preserved beneath sand, but everything above had rotted away, everything below intact, even smelled of fresh cypress when cut. -tudied by .->. -altwater kills cypresses, so whatever covered them must have been a sudden event Pthey would not have grown on the coastQ. .ater, about crop circles, stone I crop circles are ; in appearance on the ground but are < spherical energy fields, half above I half below ground, on ley lines. 5rain flows w1 ley line energy: energy field change is discernible between 1 inch outside circle and 1 inch inside it. 9C1;E11< PGround Zero:Q *ention of ;91; Jlympic opening ceremony as (revelation of method, or etc. ritual on 5O. Princess iana died on *erovingian sacrifice site, the (+ridge of -ouls, in !rance. C2C Open Lines: the (Aiver -ty', as a (river, in the ?tlantic Jcean beyond the Pillars of )ercules P5ibraltarQ L-argasso -ea2M. Tea made w1 +ra&ilian pepper tree I honey cleans $D

out the body. Temple at .u'or as an homage to the 5reek (Nden., ?rea $1 as a dimensional wormhole location, I TPT+ working w1 @ephilim%type beings. The +ible as a (holographic, matri' of information. C9Ks movie (+illy Hack, highest%grossing independent film, app. since quashed. 9C1;B11< =;=, ?nunnaki, *ichael Tellinger. 5uest suggests UD<9,999 years ago, ?nunnaki arrived, that @ibiru may be a star system, poss. centered around a brown dwarf, rather than a planet. !rom UD999 to U19,999,999 stone ruins in -outh ?frica of ancient, unknown origin. =onsist of stones that ring (like bells,, I run in channels I rings1circles along the ground almost like grapes on a vine. The stones generate sound energy resonating w1 the Narth that can be converted to N* energy, poss. for gold mining, as -itchin suggested. 5old has light%absorbing properties Lie white powder of goldM, I its creation may even have something to do w1 sunlight. The guest believes this may have been used to conceal activities. ?nunnaki Lnon%hybridM as poss. multi%dimensional beings, sometimes associated w1 @ordics1+londes by their calling themselves (Nlohim, during app. abduction e'periences.D# ? story is related of a farmer in the >.-. Lmid%west2M who had NT activity on his property being investigated by certain authorities. Jne investigator there told him to
D# !or more notes connecting the (@ordics, to the ?nunnaki, see =;= notes for 9#1;B11<.


ask these beings, who he was app. in contact w1, about the ?nunnaki, I the man wrote down the word I soon came back I said he was told that the ?nunnaki had caused great sin on the Narth I had been removed from the (+ook of .ife., The main stone circle1app. (centerpiece, in ?frica is called ?damKs =alendar, I has built%in calendar. 5uest says that ?frican shamanic tradition holds that mankind was created here by a being called (Nn%kai., Ngyptians, Phoenicians, ( ruvidic, )indus in -outhern India, *ayans, etc., all have cultural artifacts tying them to southern ?frica. 5uest suggests ?tlanteans may have been ?nunnaki. To this day, when gold is mined in ?frica, people in charge at the mines say it is nearly impossible to track it after it is shipped out LI seem to remember an earlier guest, poss the one discussing 5reek1Israeli oil disputes, saying something about gold shipped out on airplanes, ie maybe that some was going missing or not being reported to markets, etc.M. Fhen (5reat Oimbabwe, was first e'plored by Nuropeans, an ancient site was found w1 sphin'es I an unknown script on a lintel that subsequently went missing. This area, 5i&a, I ?damKs =alendar Lwhere another sphin' was foundM all on <1X latitude line2 In -umerian te'ts, gold came from the (?psu., There may be millions of ancient gold mines in southern ?frica. (-ound laser, or (saser, technology as possible tool for their creation. oughnut% shaped stones found in these areas could have $E

been used to focus sound frequencies to create sasers. 5uest shares 5reerKs conviction that (free energy, systems, or rather their suppression, is the lynchpin of the ability of TPT+ to commit abuses. Fhite powder of gold is monatomic gold. ?round C99%#99 =, monatomic gold seems to disappear, related to its unusual light properties. In the JT, when *oses destroys the 5olden =alf, he doesnKt just melt it, but app. renders it as monatomic gold I makes the Israelites drink it. Nd .eedskalnin Lof =oral =astleMDB was allegedly seen by ; schoolboys manipulating stones w1 (ice cream cones,, ie pyramid%shaped tools similar to the (doughnut,%shaped tools found in -outhern ?frica I Ngypt. 5uest also speaks of stories of men similar to what was allegedly told to 7an Tassel or etc., see ancient civs. book notes. ?ncient -umerians as sources of both money1interest I kingship. 9#19D11< Aichard -yrett" 7icPtorQ +eck, @FJ I the government as trustees, etc.: then >!J cover% up after FFII" weapons development people Lie the same people over the *anhattan ProjectM put >!J remains research ; levels of classification above the bomb, an international
DB Nd .eedskalnin, 1##C R 1B$1, was a diminutive .atvian immigrant to the >nited -tates who single%handedly constructed the site now known as (=oral =astle,, constructed out of over 1,199 tons of stone. )e refused to divulge his technique for moving the large stones and reportedly once said that he knew the secret of how the Pyramids of 5i&a were constructed. .eedskalnin also published pamphlets e'plaining his theories of electromagnetism, which conflict with currently%held theories.


group of researchers led by undisclosed >.-. (officials., Aecall Nisenhower threatening to invade ?rea $1. ?lso *G%>.TA?$9 was associated w1 >!J research b1c >!Js were associated w1 mental phenomena. *H%1;$1 involved. 9#19$11< !irst hour =;= guest, acidity in human body leading to health problems. ?ll conditions that end in (%itis, Lie, arthritisM are caused by acidic body environments, same for bags under eyes. -odium bicarbonate I raw greens Lfor chlorophyllM help alkali&e the body I restore balance. ItKs nearly impossible to (over% alkali&e., 9#19C11< +ruce 5oldberg, story of a blond%haired, blue% eyed (doctor, visiting a terminal cancer patient in a hospital I telling her he was going to e'amine her one more time to see if she needed chemo or etc. )e placed a red I blue laser over the affected area I left, I the woman was
$9 *G >ltra was an illegal >- military1intelligence program involving the e'perimental testing of various methods for psychologically manipulating individuals, including the use of psychoactive substances in situations designed to be traumatic, and psychological or even physical torture such as what the @a&is did to induce split personality disorder for further conditioning1programming of the separate personalities. $1 *H%1;, or the *ajestic 1;, were a group of >- senior military officials believed to have been involved with investigation and apparent high%level decision%making regarding >!Js and1or e'traterrestrial presence on Narth, and how the >- military would interact with them. There is lots of literature available on the history of this group as revealed through various declassified documents.


subsequently cancer%free: the (doctor, could not at first be identified. The woman had an abduction e'perience within a few months, I later was regressed for it. The man at the hospital was app. a chrononaut from the (<<rd century, I had healed the woman as is app. sometimes done. Then advice for J+Ns $;" a (<CX technique, not really described, no red meat, tobac, alcohol, fasting preferred, $%# ?* best, become accustomed to vibrations preceding J+N, tingling in chakras, etc. 9#11D11< ean Aadin, author I founder of the 5lobal =onsciousness Project. Aandom number generators I their deviations coinciding w1 major events affecting humanity. ean says that this suggests not only these generators but the order1randomness of all reality is affected, ie the way information is structured. *an% made celebrations I disasters cause the greatest deviations, but natural disasters Learthquakes, etc.M also cause deviations. /oga I meditation reduce stress I are thus effective at treating nearly every major modern health issue. Jriginal purpose of the asanas was to condition the body to be able to sit for long periods of meditation. Aeference to ancient treatise on siddhis acquired through meditation. In an e'periment, a /ogi reportedly figured out how to interact w1 physical matter w1 his mind in a deep meditation: simultaneous w1 the /ogi (figuring out, how to do this LU1$ min. into the

$; (J+N, is an acronym for (out of body e'perience,, also known as astral projection.


e'perimentM, < scientist participants Lincluding the guestM e'perienced a significant change in their own states of consciousness, which guest described as (spacey., The idea of the e'periment was to psychically interact w1 a beam of light in another room. 9#11$11< Ground Zero: =attle mutilations: taking blood from cattle for analysis or various other purposes, ie for growing viruses, etc. C2C: 1st hour, the +illy *eier case, publishing data Lfrom PleiadiansM in 1BCE that was not shown by traditional sources until recently Lthe e'pansion of *ercuryKs coreM. *eier also wrote of a Aussian invasion of @.?. from ?laska1=anada, I last year L;91;M a number of Aussian troops were moved in that direction. ; civil wars in >.-. separating the >.-. into $ territories: by ;9;9, at current pace, >.-. will be in anarchy. 9#11C11< ?rt +ell replay" Aichard )oagland says @ibiru is *ars. Then Hohn +. FellsK guest on electrical pollution I affects on health. -ays using a cellphone is like putting a microwave to the head. 5rounded electricity can cause illnesses in animals, causing cows to produce less milk, etc. Fifi emission can also cause illness. N* pollution contributes to cancers, ? ) , general stress reactions. r. -amuel *ilham, guest has books for more detailed information. 9#11911< Hohn Fells was going to have Hohn =oleman on, but technical difficulties prevented it. E9

?uthor, Committee of 788. 9#11B11< 5round Oero, author of (Inside the Aeal ?rea $1., 5uest says many astronauts were quietly1secretly trained at ?rea $1 and1or Fright%Patterson ?!+, I we were in orbit Lthe >.-. militaryM long before it was publicly announced. ? FF; ?ce told his $ sons that he personally witnessed a being that survived Aoswell at Fright%Patterson ?!+. )e was also a colonel, I his testimony matched that of several other people involved. Phil =orso was (muddying waters, on some things, but not all. 9#1;111< Gatherine ?lbrecht, privacy consultant1etc. !or electronics, has her own search engine, or etc. 5oogle, +ing, /ahoo, I others all cooperate directly w1 @-?, etc. Then ;nd guest, @ibiru I ?nunnaki L5erald =lark, author of book, The An&nna'i of $i!ir&: #an'ind9s (orgotten Creators4 1nslavers4 Saviors4 and :idden Architects of the $ew World 5rder. *osques in *iddle Nast resemble >!Js I rockets w1 their domes I spires. Fhite powder of gold Lcolloidal1JA*NM used for prolonging life$< I enhancing spirit body: used by ?nunnaki and1or their offspring. Igigi under NnlilKs$D command for mining operations revolted, replaced by man,
$< It has been noted by various individuals that pure gold does not rust or tarnish Lie, in the presence of o'ygenM, and these properties may be related to its use as a longevity aid in the body. $D !or more information on Nnlil, Nnki, and other deities of the -umerian pantheon, see the book notes for The Twelfth Planet.


created by Nnki. Nnki I his family typically (creators,, Nnlil I his family (destroyers., 5uest says their families take turns possessing kingship over Narth based on &odiacal ages. >pcoming age, of ?quarius, an age of Nnki Lthe water%bearer a symbol of Nnki, known to 5reeks as Poseidon, god of waterM. @oah was NnkiKs son according to guest, $9V ?nunnaki by birth. -odom I 5omorrah were advanced1developed ppl app. loyal to Nnki, destroyed by forces of NnlilKs family. >r was destroyed < times. The < rd time, the prayers in their te'ts refer to Nnlil as (/ahweh., Nnlil tries to suppress the development of human consciousness, while Nnki aided I taught mankind, along w1 his family. Nnki was the (serpent, in Nden L-umerian (Ndin,, in NriduM who encouraged mankind to eat of the tree of knowledge against NnlilKs command. NnlilKs center of worship app. later moved from the *.N. to Pergamon in 5reece. Nnlil was Oeus to the 5reeks, I his son @inurta was ?pollo. The +ook of Aevelation refers to Pergamon as the (seat of -atan., OeusK center of worship later moved again, to +erlin.$$ =ayce$E also had an interpretation of Aevelation, app. corroborating this guest. )ermes 3 Thoth 3 Nnoch 3
$$ The (5reat ?ltar of Pergamon,, stairs and all, was moved to the Pergamonmuseum in +erlin and put on display there. $E !amous ?merican psychic from Gentucky and founder of the ?ssociation for Aesearch and Nnlightenment in 7irginia +each, 1#CC%1BD$.


@ingushita1@inshita Lsp2M,$C a son of Nnki, also 3 Hesus. Aecurring theme of (the Ford, incarnating, also of raising the dead, healing, etc. HesusK return will be the end of NnlilKs familyKs reign, I the judgment of their works. The *agi$# were sent from Persia b1c Nnlil controlled Aome. ?lso =onstantine significantly modified =hristianity. ?llah 3 NnlilKs son, @annar, also represented by the crescent *oon. Nnki ruled over ancient ?tlantis, w1 his son ?tlas. >.-. is the (new ?tlantis., Pyramid on dollar ^ Ngypt, NnkiKs historical domain. Nnki controlled ?frica while Nnlil controlled *esopotamia. Thoth built the pyramids during the age of .eo, put his own face upon the -phin'. Hews created 5enesis account while in +abylonian captivity using ancient tablets as sources, condensing the multiple deities into one representing Nnlil. ?nunnaki considered one a (son of LtheM godLsM, when the lateral ventricles of the brain are activated. =aduceus of )ermes a symbol of the kundalini1chakra system. $B The
$C Possibly @ingish&ida, depicted as a horned serpent in -umerian *ythology and given the epithet of (great snake,, possibly the inspiration for the (serpent, in the 5arden of Nden. )orned serpents were also widespread in @ative ?merican cultures and in ancient Nurope. -ee also the notes for The Lost Worlds of Ancient America, for chapter ;$, in the book notes section. $# The magi Lnot numbered in the scripture, but assumed to have been three because of their three giftsM who came to baby Hesus, mentioned in *atthew chapter ;. $B The terms (kundalini, and (chakra, are eastern terms, associated with vital energy centers near major organs in the body and


?rk L@oahKsM was a genetic bank of lifeforms. Aef. to another book Lnot guestKsM, sis4 5siris and Planet ;. Fhite gold created using antimony, heating1cooling process. @ibiru having a <Ek%year orbit. 7ariations in ancient pantheons result from Nnki I Nnlil ruling different areas Lie, changing who was regarded as supremeM, I from successions over time. 9#1;<11< 1st hour guest, (Ingress,, game concerning (e'otic matter,, portals, etc. played in real, physical locations w1 phone app using phoneKs sensors to find (portals., ? (conspiracy, called (alignment, relates this game, an interest of 5oogle I others, to the guestKs series of novels about relations of site such as Fashington = I Aome to stars, etc. ;nd hour guest, man claiming to have been child participant in Pegasus chrononaut program I later a *ars program. P5uestKs name is ?ndrew +asiago.QE9 The same ppl
ascending and descending around the spine. The =aduceus of )ermes is often associated with the spinal column, and the serpents often shown intertwining it are symbols of the energy that flows around the spine through the major energy centers. The symbol is also reminiscent of the @? double%heli'. E9 ?side from *r. +asiago there are at least three other whistle% blowers testifying to the >- being actively involved on *ars" former >- serviceman *ichael Aelfe, (who spent ;9 years as a member of the permanent security staff of a >.-. facility on *ars,, former o scientist ?rthur @eumann, who also testifies to teleporting to *ars on behalf of the o , and .aura *agdalene Nisenhower, great%granddaughter of President wight Nisenhower, who testifies to having refused a recruiting attempt in ;99C to relocate her to a secret >- colony on *ars.


behind the *anhattan Project also ran Pegasus according to guest, I by 1BC9Ks were training children to participate. !ormer =NJ of .ockheedE1 said the >.-. now has the capability to (take NT home., 5uest says he read his own ;99# paper in 1BC1, sponsored by the =I?, regarding *ars. 1B#9%1B#D he was involved in the (*ars Hump Aoom program., )e would get into an (elevator, on Narth in a facility owned by )oward )ughes,E; I 1$Z
0http"11e'opolitics.blogs.com1e'opolitics1;9111111mars%visitors% basiago%and%stillings%confirm%barack%obama%traveled%to%mars% 1.html8 E1 .ockheed =orporation Loriginally .oughead ?ircraft *anufacturing =ompanyM was an ?merican aircraft company, a part of the >- military%industrial comple' and estimated to have produced EV of the total aircraft production during FF;. ?s a private company, it is not subject to government laws such as the !reedom of Information ?ct, making it ideal for hiding advanced technologies from the public and simultaneously creating great risk for corruption and abuse of power. The .ockheed (-kunkworks, program, LinMfamous for its creativity and secrecy, was developing technology for the >- military by 1BD<. .ockheed was also involved in bribery scandals from the 1B$9s to the 1BC9s, for bribing government officials for government production contracts. .ockheed merged with *artin *arietta in 1BB$, forming .ockheed *artin. E; )oward Aobard )ughes, Hr., an ?merican businessman, investor, aviator, aerospace engineer, philanthropist and )ollywood filmmaker. )is mother was descended from Tudors and his father worked with the oil industry, inventing a drill bit which facilitated further oil drilling. )e e'panded Trans Forld ?irlines, which then later merged with ?merican ?irlines. )ughes made illegal loans to the @i'on family that were partially e'posed before the 1BE9 presidential election, and may have later contributed to the Fatergate scandal by causing @i'on to worry that the emocrats were again going to e'pose these dealings. )ughes is also known


minutes later, after anomalous activity in the elevator, he would get off on *ars. )e says trips to *ars began in the 1BC9Ks. 5uest describes < kinds of humanoids on *ars I names them" 1M )omo *aris Terris" )omo -apiens, offspring of survivors of cataclysm on Narth U11,$99 years ago, (barrel% chested,, reproduced from a (limited gene pool., ;M )omo *aris *aris" Indigenous *artians, elongated head, pointy ears, spindly bodies, shorter than us. )ave underground civili&ation Lsame as )omo *aris TerrisM. Possibly dominated socially by pre%catastrophe refugees from Narth. Fore clothes similar to *iddle%Nasterners. <M )omo *aris N'traterrestrialis" (5ray,%like, almost like @osferatu.E< -eemed to avoid >.-. coloni&ers, observed activities, etc. Jne of guestKs colleagues, according to guest, suggested that Hump Aoom technology was a gift to the >.-. by (grays., =aller L+ernard *ende&, familiar to guestM then said the entire program was run by grays. 5uest also mentions =ourtney )unt, Filliam -tillings, I Jbama as involved w1 program Lin ;911 also claimed Nd amesED was involved
to have been approached by the =I? to attempt to recover a sunken -oviet submarine near )awaii, which was eventually recovered with ; nuclear%tipped torpedoes and cryptographic materials. This information gathered from his Fikipedia article. E< @osferatu is the ( racula, character in the famous 1B;; 5erman film of the same name. ED Nd ames has been a regular guest on =;= since the ?rt +ell days, offering himself as a remote viewing instructor, and has


Pas an instructorQ, who is now spreading disinfoM.E$ 5uest says one of their Lthe >.-.Ks Pmilitary factionQM objectives was to (acclimate, native *artians to their presence.EE Filcock claims that >.-. coloni&ation comple'es on *ars now house U$$9,999 ppl. .aura Nisenhower Lgreat%granddaughter of president NisenhowerM claimed she was solicited to move w1 her family to *ars. -kulls1masks1faces1etc. are a main form of *artian art, I are used to indicate the type of being dwelling in a structure.
made such ridiculous predictions over and over, that are proven not to occur shortly after he makes them, that not only is he difficult to take seriously, but one may easily be led to believe that he is likely one of the o Ks paid disinformation agents, actively working to discredit the A7 subject. )e was formerly in the >?rmy, and says he was involved in military remove viewing programs, which may very well be true Lthe >- army admittedly was running such a program around the same timeM. )e regularly makes claims such as that solar flares will destroy the Narth, and gives specific periods of time which invariably pass without incident. )e claimed that the world would be destroyed by alien fungus spores in 1BB#. )is radio (demeanor, is dispassionate and closed, and even defensive and guilty when pressed on his past statements. )e even once called in to =;= during an interview with +asiago to dispute his claims, which is not typical behavior of =;= guests. @ote that when it is recorded in the notes above that Nd ames (is now spreading disinfo,, this is a record of the opinions of the guest on =;=, and not only a reflection of the views of this editor. E$ ?lso named as participating in this program at the time was Aegina ugan, future director of ?AP?. EE Two more important initiatives were stated by +asiago to have been to (establish a defense regime, and to also (establish a legal basis for the >.-. to assert a claim of territorial sovereignty over *ars.,


*ars suffered a major catastrophe in <$99 += or so, flooding, impact of massive chunks of rock, loss of much of the atmosphere Lguest compares o'ygen levels to 1D,999 ft. altitude on Narth, poss. to breathe w1o respirator but dangerousM, vast areas turned into mud fields, etc. Narth was struck simultaneously w1 a flood for same impact reasons. The face of an ancient Ngyptian pharaoh found on *ars. These catastrophes Lwhether U11,$99 years ago, or U<$99 +=, or bothM ended the (1st civili&ation, on Narth, which was connected to *artian culture. Aed% haired phenotype1(=eltic, ppl may be of *artian descent, come here before a catastrophe.EC L=omp. to ?nunnaki theories: )oagland considers *ars to be @ibiru.M -ept. 1BB$ issue of @at. 5eo. shows an area of *ars, the si&e of Te'as, green w1 vegetation still. ?fter guestKs @ov. ;911 appearance, Fhite )ouse @ational -ecurity =ouncilKs spokespersonE# responded to guestKs claim of Jbama being on Hump Aoom program, rebutting it.EB Aelative closeness of *arKs surface gravity to NarthKs suggests that Narth is not totally solid. 5uest says he visited ulceC9
EC There are various theories from various sources that the different races of human beings have different Lpre%Mhistorical origins. E# Tommy 7ietor. EB ? hit%job was also done on +asiago by the =olbert Aeport, Jct. 11, ;91;. C9 ulce, @ew *e'ico, the tribal headquarters of the Hicarilla ?pache Aeservation, populated almost entirely by @ative ?mericans


base as a child, in 1BC1, I there were maybe 1$9 empty floors. )e was told these were for a future catastrophe. 9#1;D11< ?rt +ell 11$1BB replay. Filliam )enry, guest. 5uest believed crisis in the summer of KBB would mark the return of the (Ging of Terror, I act as a catalyst to humanity, that we are off course Lcomp. to B111, two years laterM. Herusalem means (city of peace, I was adopted by the Hews, etc. from city names in other lands, ie India, etc. Pillar of Jsiris1=asket of Jsiris1a gold pillar, worked on a dimensional level like a transmitter1receiver I may have been related to bodily incarnation. Fas moved around historically. Jrig. 5reek for (cross, in @T is 5reek for (pillar, according to guest, I the Aosicrucians were app. onto this. 5reat -eal on >.-. dollar is a symbol of Jsiris. Hohn FhiteKs bio of )enry ?. Fallace, who worked under ! A, claims that Fallace1! A were looking for Hesus in *ongolia during FF;. 5ne (oot in Atlantis, book, occult history of FF;. !rancis +aconKs $ew Atlantis or etc., inspiration to founding fathers. 9#1;B11< .inda *oulton )owe. =attle mutilations" hot spots in =olorado, other places. -pikes occur along same latitudes I longitudes in cycles. Jne farmer in =olorado interviewed on recent
L?pacheM, but also widely rumored to be home to a covert underground >- military base and the site of various related anomalous events and e'periences. The area is considered sacred to the local people.


cattle mut.Ks. *ultiple pregnant cows, blood drained, certain parts of body (surgically, removed Lactually, by lab analysis, removed by unknown technology, burning like a laser for incision w1o leaving carbon residue of burningM, dropped from a height to the ground. ?t least ; dropped so that the head went into a small hole in the field. *ilitary copters in the area around same time. !armer went to show s.o. his farm on 5oogle maps, reali&ed ?M his farm had been recently photoKd for the service, +M his cows were visible in the same part of the farm where they were taken from. The cows were of different genetic stock. The fetuses were removed. Then another man interviewed LTyler Hoe2M, eGalb =ounty, ?., north of 5adsden. Aash of mutilations I >!J sightings there in 1BB<. Aeports of red1orange lights, this witness saw a red1white1green light, rotating. )e was abducted, by his own account, w1 his brother, in a field where mut.Ks had occurred, by a UC ft.%tall, blond, (-wedish,%looking man, a typical (@ordic,%type description. The man communicated to him telepathically 1 w1 visions. )e was shown that this race of beings came to Narth long ago I terraformed it in some way, I later developed mankind, PwhichQ caused conflict between the @ordics,C1 I they
C1 This suggests that the ?nunnaki and the (@ordics, are the same group of beings. This account fits very closely with the stories in the ancient *esopotamian epics as translated by Oecharia -itchin, for e'ample. -ee the books notes for The Twelfth Planet notes on this ancient epics.


decided to return to their home Lwitness was shown ; (home gala'ies, or etc. w1 a < star map, could not recogni&e themM I leave the Narth to mankind. ? break%away group enlisted the help of another advanced LI app. malignantM race of our gala'y, the reptilians. It was these reptilians who were shown in a vision taking cattle, using small gray helpers Lapp. several NT races use small grays, (androids,, as genetically engineering workersM. Fitness also described a vision of a great meeting of the @ordics w1 C in the center, discussing, app., mankind, of mining operations sending materials up to craft, of laborers Lhuman2M building the site at 5i&a L-phin' had a lionKs headM I other monoliths, step pyramids I a (rounded block, as if (melted., ?lso craft of assorted shapes I si&es" triangular, disc, etc. Fas shown a vision of 1; men in 1BD9s11B$9s%style clothing meeting w1 C @ordics. Fas told that the primary diff. between the @ordics I men is in the brain, I its functioning. L=omp. to #1;111< =;=.M @ordics app. trying to adjust our genetics in some way, also trying to demonstrate that a less developed species can be engineered to reach the level of themselves. @ordics app. (glow,, comp. to JT (shining ones,, poss. synonymous with Nlohim. C;
C; !or other notes connecting the (@ordics, to ?nunnaki Lie, ancient beings involved in the creation of modern manM, see =;= notes for 9C1;B11<.


Aept.Ks app. take cattle for food and1or gray (android, production. Fitness had a vision of the @ordic break%away leader being captured at some past time I (sent away., 9#1<911< !lorNssence tea, developed by professionals for stimulation of eliminatory organs Lie skin, lungs, bowels, etc.M. To'in%removing feet pads. =ombination of these helped cure a very young girl of rheumatoid arthritis. -tring +ean =offee in 5ala': 5eorge urges listeners to start a =;= club there. -alt L*ortonKsM for removing spirits from an area. 9B19111< Aichard -yrett" Paola )arris, :ow /oes 5ne S3ea' to a .all of Light<: Fhitley -trieber Aoswell book said to be accurate Pby high% ranking military official in confidenceQ. 9B19E11< Professor 5riff PAichard 5riffinQ from the rap group Public Nnemy. 19th Aoman .egion that took Herusalem in C9 ? was of -yrians. ?ssyria in end%times prophecy. Far between @orthern L-yria2M I -outhern LNgyptM kingdoms. > Lcredentialed photographerM. =aller says F. 7a. college *+ L(=avaliers,M app. did @FJ%like show. PThe caller was probably referring to the =avaliers =I drum and bugle corps, whose ;91< program was called (-ecret -ociety., The =avaliers are based in Aosemont, Illinois.Q 9B19C11< *ovies featuring >- military equipment app require o approval of their scripts. -kull I +ones as (?merican Illuminati,, endorsed by C;

+avarian Illuminati. 9B19#11< Richard Syrett: author of (.arceny 5ames," event%fi'ing in @!., @)., *.+, @+?, @?-=?A, etc. C2C: Aussia I =hina allowing >- to make itself a clear bully, earning global condemnation, while buying time to build up their militaries. 9B11;11< -ome planets will go retrograde together within a ;%week period in *ar. ;91D. LThis PastronomicalQ event has similarities to similar events in 1CCE.M ragonKs tail Lastrological eventM. 7oid *oon. P5uests were astrologers *ark .erner and *itchell .ewis.Q 9B11D11< Foman who inspired the Terminator I *atri' movies w1 her fiction. Hohn =onnor LH=M 3 @eo. )er books are a single story%line in regards to these ; sets of movies. =aller mentions orgonite busting chemtrails. *any open%line calls about chemtrails. P5uest was -ophia -tewart.Q 9B11E11< =;= 1st hour guest" N* I nuclear radiation have same resulting effect upon cellular structure. Then -teve 6uayle" ;D ft.%tall giant found in Ncuador, at a place called (=emetery of the 5ods, in the local language. o issued report on @ative ?merican (stargates,1 (portals,, citing =herokee, =heyenne, others, saying their importance will increase in the future. 5uest ref.Ks *elKs )oleC< as an e'ample of gov.Kt sei&ure1etc. 5uest says an active%duty C<

D%star gen. told him that aborted fetal tissues were added to Pepsi I other foods to change our appetites to suit cannabalism, etc. ?lso says that a -pec. !orces gen told him that (hives, of giants were in (suspended animation, under the ruins at +aalbak. @ov. power outage (test, may be actual opportunity for foreign cyber1electrical attack. +ook" Tr&e Legends, @ative ?merican lore, sasquatch, etc. 9B11#11< NPR: =harles *anson used popular $9Ks book, ale =arnegieKs :ow to Win (riends, along w1 isolation, acid I abuse to brainwash his followers. )e also used -cientology tactics. C2C: *u sank in < stages" U$9k years ago, U;Ek y.a. Lor +=2M, I U1;k y.a. Lor +=2M, the last areas of @.I-. ?merica Lincl. =aliPforniaQ, @*, ?O, /ucatan, JregonM coloni&ed by *u, Nastern areas of the ; continents coloni&ed by ?tlantis. *u author1researcher =hurchward ref.Kd. P5uest was r. 5eorge -chwimmer.Q 9B1;911< Tablets LclayM found in 5lo&el, !rance, w1 an unknown lang. !ound w1 @eolithic arrowheads. Jak IslandCD as a poss. Templar
C< -ee Internet notes for (*elKs )ole., CD Jak Island, @ova -cotia, =anada, is a small, tree%covered island upon which a mysterious pit was famously found in 1CB$. *an% made artifacts are known to have been recovered from it, that were over at least 199 feet deep in the ground. In the initial discovery and e'cavation attempts, made by 1#%year%old aniel *c5innis after observing lights coming from the island and hoping to discover left%behind treasure, found layers of logs that were found in intervals of every 19 feet until he stopped digging around a depth of <9 feet. *any later attempts at e'cavating the pit have


site. P!rom Fikipedia, on the 5lo&el artifacts" (5lass found at 5lo&el was dated spectrographically in the 1B;9s, and again in the 1BB9s at the -.JFPJGN reactor at the >niversity of Toronto by neutron activation analysis. +oth analyses place the glass fragments in the medieval period. ?lice and -am 5erard together with Aobert .iris in 1BB$ managed to have two bone tubes found in Tomb II =%1D dated at the ?*- =%1D laboratory at the >niversity of ?ri&ona, finding a 1<th%century date. (Thermoluminescence dating of 5lo&el pottery in 1BCD confirmed that the pottery was not produced recently. +y 1BCB, <B T. dates on ;C artifacts separated the artifacts into three groups" the first between <99 += and <99 ? L=eltic and Aoman 5aulM, the second medieval, centered on the 1<th century, and the third recent. T. datings of 1B#< performed in J'ford range from the Dth century to the medieval period. (=arbon%1D datings of bone fragments
been made, but water was struck and has complicated the e'cavation process. In 1B<1 an a'e, pick, and other artifacts were recovered from the pit, but itKs unclear if they are from the original builders, or earlier e'cavation attempts. ?uthor +arry !ell received a transcript allegedly from a cipher stone fell at the site, which was reported as consisting of characters similar to =optic. In 1BC1, a ;<$%foot shaft was e'cavated by Triton ?lliance, which reportedly discovered human remains and chests through the use of remote%controlled cameras lowered into the pit. )owever, the pit collapsed again. The island was later purchased by (?merican businessmen in the drilling industry ,, according to Fikipedia.


range from the 1<th to the ;9th century. Three =%1D analyses performed in J'ford in 1B#D dated a piece of charcoal to the 11th to 1<th century, and a fragment of an ivory ring to the 1$th century. ? human femur was dated to the $th century. -ome archaeologists dated the rune stones on a fantastic age Labout #999 +=M. This was displayed by e'perts such as r. .ois =apitan as clumsy forgery. The reason is that ca. #999 += no meaningful civili&ation could have e'isted., Jn the language on the tablets, from the same Fikipedia article" (-ome 199 ceramic tablets bearing inscriptions are among the artifacts found at 5lo&el. The inscriptions are, on average, on si' or seven lines, mostly on a single side, although some specimens are inscribed on both faces. (The symbols on the tablets are reminiscent of the Phoenician alphabet, but they have not been conclusively deciphered. There were numerous claims of decipherment, including identification of the language of the inscriptions as +asque, =haldean, Nteocretan, )ebrew, Iberian, .atin, +erber, .igurian, Phoenician and Turkic. (In 1B#;, )ans%Audolf )it& suggested a =eltic origin for the inscriptions, and dated them to between the <rd century += and the 1st century ? , suggesting a 5aulish dialect. )e counts ;$ signs, augmented by some E9 variations and ligatures. )it& hypothesi&es that CE

the alphabet was influenced by the .epontic alphabet of .ugano, itself descended from the Ntruscan alphabet, reading some .epontic proper names like -etu L.epontic -etu%pokiosM, ?ttec L.epontic ?ti, ?tecuaM, >enit L.epontic >eniaM, Tepu L.epontic ?tepuM. )it& even claims discovery of the toponym 5lo&el itself, as nemu chlausei Tin the sacred place of 5lo&elT Lcomparing nemu to 5aulish nemetonM., 9B1;;11< Aichard -yrett" (Aoom ;<C,, documentary on Gubrick I lunar landing symbolism.

%%%%%%%%% CC

(If we human beings want to feel humility, there is no need to look at the starred infinity above. It suffices to turn our ga&e upon the world cultures that e'isted thousands of years before us, achieved greatness before us, and perished before us., R =.F. =eram, Gods4 Graves4 & Scholars


@otes Taken from +ooks

These notes are taken from books which all deal with mysterious or controversial aspects of ancient history, with the possible e'ception of There s a "iver, which is a biography of Ndgar =ayce, the famous ?merican trance medium who helped treat thousands of ?mericans for a very diverse range of diseases over the course of decades during the early 1B99Ks. +ut even the content of some of his readings concerns an ancient ?tlantean civili&ation, which is primarily why it is also included here. ?s with the notes taken from radio programs, notes recorded here as statements of fact are according to the source of the material for which the notes are being taken. These notes were also originally written upon a number of front%and%back pages of notebook paper. The editing during the transcription of these pages has generally been greater than the editing done for the radio notes, principally because more effort was put into the original recording of these notes in the first place.



.ost Gnowledge of the ?ncients" ? 5raham )ancock Aeader

Ndited by 5lenn Greisberg These notes represent information from a selection of the fourteen contributions from different authors that make up this book.

(The Ngypt =ode, R Aobert +auval

Jrion LJsiris1?sar to the NgyptiansM I -irius appear on the eastern hori&on in late Hune, when the @ile should begin to flood, I also around the summer solstice, their new yearKs day I (+irth of Aa., Aituals were app. developed to ensure a flooding of @ile I thus fertile soil.

( ark *ission" The -ecret )istory of @?-?, R Aichard =. )oagland

@?-? was created as a part of the defense establishment I is obligated to classify anything deemed a threat to national security. )oagland describes < power groups behind @?-?, including many foreigners, that he describes as the (magicians,, (masons, I (@a&is., )e says that he witnessed the head of press relations at HP. planting the first story of a faked *oon landing in the heads of reporters while the first landing mission was still ongoing, app. as a back%up cover story for actually going I coming back w1 ancient artifacts from a vanished, technologically%superior civili&ation. #1

()istory and =elestial Time, R Falter =ruttenden

?ncients viewed time as cyclical, two cycles Lascension I descensionM through various levels of consciousness, fitting into the (5reat /ear, of a complete procession of the equino' LU;E,999 yearsM. ?ncient *ithraic temples suggest that the ascension I descension revolve around the age of =autes I =autopates.C$ 7edic1)indu /uga =ycle" Gali Lmaterial1grossM, wapara, Treta, I -atya L(golden age,M /ugas. ?ccording to -wami -ri /ukteswar, we are currently moving from the Gali /uga into the wapara /uga, the latter represented by electrical I atomic energy. The Treta /uga1-ilver ?ge was described by the 5reeks as the (age of the demi%gods,, I by ancient Indians as the age of (magnetism and the mind., +efore the tower of +abel Lpre% U<199 +=M, app. in the descending age of the Treta /uga, mankind app. spoke one language, possibly telepathically, I more open1freely communed w1 nature. ?ccording to the same -wami, U<199 += was when
C$ ?ccording to Fikipedia, (=autes and =autopates are torch%bearers depicted attending the god *ithras in the icons of ancient Aoman cult of *ithraism, known as Tauroctony. =autes holds his torch raised up, and =autopates holds his torch downward. S In *ithraic images *ithras either represents the sun, or is a close friend of the sun god )elios or -ol Invictus L.atin" the invinci!le s&nM with whom *ithras dines. -o attendants =autes and =autopates are supposed to either represent the stations of sunrise and sunset respectively, or perhaps the spring and autumn equino'es., In the conte't of this article, =ruttenden suggests that these two (attendants, are representative of a much larger cycle than the yearly equino'es. ?ccording to, neither of these two (attendants, are recorded in surviving literary works, but survive engraved upon monuments associated with the *ithraic cult.


mankind lost its collective powers of clairvoyance I telepathy. Paramahansa /ogananda says UD199 =N is when we will enter the Treta /uga from the wapara /uga in the ascending cycle, when there will be (wi&ards, by todayKs standards of consciousness.

(The Jrion Gey, R -cott =reighton

The three main pyramids at 5i&a are patterned after the stars of the belt of Jrion. The ; sets of < (queenKs pyramids, mark the same starsK e'treme positions on the hori&on as they appear to move w1 the precession of the equino'. The last alignment on the hori&on w1 these pyramids was in U19,$99 +=, I the belt stars of Jrion will reach their opposite position in alignment w1 the other < queenKs pyramids around ;$99 ? . U19,$99 += corresponds to the end of the last ice age, mass e'tinctions I possibly other global changes1cataclysms.

(The =ygnus *ystery, R ?ndrew =ollins

=ygnus 4%< is a source of very high%energy, neutral%charged cosmic radiation that strikes the Narth I penetrates into the ground. There is app. a jet of superheated plasma from there, aimed straight at the solar system. In ancient times =ygnus was associated w1 a swan or other large bird Lvulture in NgyptM which carried souls to and1or from Narth upon birth1death. The stork also derives from this. ?ncients seemed fascinated w1 this part of the sky I it is suspected by some that the elevated levels of cosmic radiation from this region may have contributed to the evolution of modern man.


(The 5ulf of Ghambhat, R -. +adrinaryan

?ncient ruins off the coast of India, more than 199 ft. below water in places I over 1; miles from the modern coast. *iles of geometric shapes picked up on sonar scans, I retrieved artifacts, including fossili&ed human bone, cover the enormous range of U<999 += to U<1,999 += Lthe latter date given for a piece of potteryM.

(The Jrion Oone, R 5ary ?. avid

@ative ?mericans of the -F app. built sites creating a map of the constellation Jrion Lwhich they say was taught to them when they first arrivedM in ?ri&ona. The )opi believed an entrance to the underworld is in the 5rand =anyon. The word (&one, refers to the belt of Jrion.

(Jn the Possibility of Instantaneous -hifts of the Poles, R !lavio +arbiero

The poles were app. centered over 5reenland, e'tending as U;%mile%thick ice sheets as far as .ondon, +erlin I @/, around $9,999%1;,999 years ago. -iberia was not covered in ice, I was inhabited. -hifts have occurred in a matter of days, possibly due to celestial impacts.


N'posed, >ncovered I eclassified" .ost =ivili&ations I -ecrets of the Past

Ndited by *ichael Pye I Girsten alley This is also a book of individual contributions from numerous authors.

(?rchaeological -candals, R !rank Hoseph

;99%lb. -andstone w1 medieval -wedish runic script found on the top I one side, e'plaining that (Night 5Ytalanders and twenty%two @orwegians on PthisQ reclaiming1acquisi%tion journey far west from 7inland,, in -olem, *innesota. It e'plained that at this spot, after returning from a dayKs journey @orth, the men discovered ten Lof their own2M dead I bloody. It then continued, (?ve *aria. -ave from evil., It was dated 1<E;. It also said that 19 men kept their ships, 1D daysK journey away. The script matches 1Dth century tombstone engravings from the island of 5Ytland, off the coast of -weden, including a (dotted A, rune that was not discovered by modern scholars until 1B<$ Lthe stone was discovered in 1#B#M, I testing showed it was appro'. $99 years old. ?nother anomalous stone carving was found near the mouth of +at =reek in Tennessee on !eb. 1D th, 1##B, UD9 mi. south of Gno'ville. The inscription was found in a @ative ?merican burial mound dated to around 199 ? , along w1 copper bracelets L&inc%copper alloy commonly used in the Aoman Nmpire from UD$ += to U;99 ? M, I #$

consisted of a paleo%)ebrew inscription of the word (Hudea, L(./)F ,M w1 characters also dating back to the ;nd century, appro'. C9%1<$ ? . The burial mound itself, one of three at the site, was ;# ft. across, $ ft. high, I contained B human skeletons.CE Food fragments found w1 it were carbon%dated in 1B## to between <; and CEB ? . ? baked clay tablet w1 cuneiform characters, app a receipt for a sacrificial lamb to celebrate the promotion of (Nnmahgalanna, to a priestess of the *oon god @anna, was found along w1 other symbolic items in the medicine bag of =hief Hoseph of a band of @e& Perce natives upon his surrender to >.-. cavalry on Jct. $th, 1#CC. The tablet was U1, square, I the script was of an ancient *id%Nast culture, the -umerians, dating back to appro'. ;9D; +=. =hief Hoseph e'plained that the item had been passed on for many generations from white ancestors who had arrived in ancient times I taught his people many things. ? 1BC# recreation of an ancient -umerian reed boat proved sea%worthy enough to last at least $ months on ocean voyages from the Persian 5ulf to Pakistan, I the Aed -ea. ?nother -umerian tablet was found in .e'ington, 5eorgia near (ancient stone projectile points,, I the tablet was connected to >r%@ammuk, Iraq, around the year ;9D9 +=. /et another record of a -umerian tablet found in
CE =ompare with =oast to =oast radio notes from 9$11111<. Hosh Aeeves states that the skeletons found in this burial mound at +at =reek were of giants, and that their genetics belonged to the haplogroup (4., !or further information on the +at =reek stone, see the notes for (?nomalous @orth ?merican ?rtifacts, in the Internet notes section, and supplementary information can also be found in the notes for chapter < of the book Lost Worlds of Ancient America.


5eorgia, by a *rs. Hoe )earn, near the =hatahoochee Aiver in @F 5eorgia, contained a cuneiform receipt of the sale of sheep I goats, app. transported overseas to ?merica, identifying the <Cth or <#th year of the reign of Ging -ulgi of >r, U;9D9 +=. The sheep I goats appeared to be for ritual sacrifice to the -un god >tu I the goddess .ama .ugal. This kingKs reign Lproperly ;9;B +=%1B#; +=M represents what is possibly the peak of -umerian international commerce, I the king is known for his e'pansionist policies, I would be the most likely to have reached 5?. ?nother -umerian cuneiform tablet was discovered among ancient @ative ?merican arrowheads, U; ft. below ground, in 6uaker =ity, Jhio, in 1BC#. It made references, in ancient cuneiform, to the elevation of the ruler Gar&ida, U;9<9 +=. ? fired ceramic bowl was dug up near the pre% Incan ruins of Tiahuanaco, Peru, I contained both ancient -umerian cuneiform on the inner rim, I an unknown script. It also depicted animals I anthropomorphic figures. This bowl was discovered in 1B$B, I in ec. ;991 a <$9%lb., $%ft. tall I ;%ft. wide statue was discovered nearby, of a man in a loin cloth, also w1 ancient -umerian cuneiform along the back. ? translation of either has app. not been completed. -imilarities between ancient -umerian I Peruvians" belief in a twin%peaked mountain where the -un rested at night" (*ashu, in -umerian I (*achu Picchu, to the Incans: (5reat lord, in -umerian, (Nnki,, is also the meaning of (Inca,: both built step%pyramids of sun%dried brick. iscovery of ancient burial mounds on the island of -hemya in the ?leutian -emichi chain containing skulls measuring ;;%;D in. from base to crown, app. from the #C

Incan1Pharaonic practice of elongating skulls to display royalty, in 1BD;. There were (hundreds, of skulls, also featuring surgical holes. 5. N. GincaidKs discovery of an ancient (barracks, w1 edged weapons, shields, breastplates, tools I ornaments in a cavern system in the 5rand =anyon, as well as app. shrine w1 a +uddha%like statue, walls adorned w1 hieroglyphic script, in 1B9#. The -mithsonian dispatched -. ?. Hordan w1 a team that carted out loads of artifacts I sealed the cave w1 an iron gate. ? )arvard%sponsored archaeological project in the mid%1BC9Ks in )ueyatlaco, *e'ico LUC9 mi. -N of *e'ico =ityM found evidence of man%made fire that was dated back about a quarter of a million years. ?ll fossils I artifacts recovered at the site were promptly sei&ed by the *e'ican gov.Kt, I a *e'ican member of the team banned from any further field work. /ates, onald @. (?nomalous *itochondrial @? .ineages in the =herokee," The @? of people of the )ills of 5alilee, in Israel, ;999 years ago, is related to (pure%blooded, =herokee @ative ?mericans.

(Paradises .ost, R Jberon Oell

>p until U19,$99 years ago, much of the NarthKs water was trapped in miles%thick sheets of ice, I sea levels were hundreds of feet lower than today. This is believed to have been the case for U$B,999 years, known as the F`rm 5laciation. )umans tend to build cities at the mouths of rivers, meaning any such cities present during the F`rm 5laciation would most likely now be under hundreds of feet of water and1or silt deposits. ##

Eden" 5enesis ;"19%1D describes a river flowing into Nden that, farther inland, divided into D headwaters" the rivers Pishon, 5ihon, Tigris I Nuphrates. The last two are known by those same names today. The Pishon was probably now%dry ravines that run toward the Persian 5ulf from -audi ?rabia, known as Fadi Aimah I Fadi +atin, I the 5ihon may be the Garun Aiver from Iran that was diverted in 1CE$ into the )affar =hannel, which was dug in B#E. The +iblical Nden would then have been where these rivers joined before entering the gulf, I may now be submerged if older than D999 +=, which seems to be around when water levels stopped rising from melting glaciers. Dilmun" ? land of paradise described in the -umerian epic (Nnki and @inhursag,, also mentioned in the Npic of 5ilgamesh, I may have been on the -audi coast of the Persian 5ulf, a large portion of which was also submerged, app. between E999 I D999 +=. he Delu!e"" The oldest account of the biblical flood may be the (Nridu 5enesis, surviving on fragments of cuneiform tablets dated to U1E99 +=, the first +abylonian dynasty, or a U1C99 += ?kkadian epic named after the protagonist ?trahasis. In the latter, the flood is described as lasting C days. In the +iblical account it rained for (forty days and forty nights,, I the waters rose for 1$9 days. Ging 5ilgamesh of >ruk is believed to have reigned around ;C99 +=, when this flood was already an old legend. ?t ?trahasisK home city of >bara%Tutu, modern%day Tell !ara, Iraq, flood deposits from an ancient event were radiocarbon dated to U;B99 +=, which fits w1 histories of -umerian kings. Nvidence of this flood was found as far north as Gish, e'actly the city where the ?trahasis epic describes the kings arriving from heaven to re%establish rule. #B

Filliam Ayan I Falter Pitman of =olumbia >niversity have proposed the e'planation that the flooding was caused around $E99 += by ten cubic miles of water per day LU;99' the volume of @iagara !allsM pouring from the *editerranean into the previously%isolated +lack -ea through the +osporus, raising it hundreds of feet, connecting it to saltwater oceans I submerging UE9,999 sq. mi. of farmland. The replacement of freshwater molluscs in the +lack -ea Ldating to 1$,$99%CED9 years agoM w1 saltwater molluscs LE#;9%;#99 years oldM supports this, but it may just be another e'ample of world%wide rises in sea level that ended around D999 +=, I that were a distinct event from the sudden inundation in *esopotamia that the U;B99 += dating implies. )owever, Nden I ilmun may have already been submerged from rising sea levels before the later flood. +ruce *asse of .os ?lamos has suggested an impact of a U<%mile%wide celestial body off the coast of *adagascar between <999 I ;#99 +=, creating the 1#% mile%diameter crater called +urcle =rater, 1;,$99 ft. below the surface. *asse believes it would have created a E99% ft. tsunami, spawned superhurricanes on the other side of the Narth, caused global darkness, I killed U#9V of the global population. In the Npic of 5ilgamesh, >tnapishtim saw a pillar of black smoke on the hori&on before the sky went dark for a week, I then a cyclone flooded the land. ? =hinese flood myth dates to the reign of Nmpress @u Fa,CC ca. ;#9C += L*ay 19th, according to astronomical
CC !rom the Fikipedia article on (@uwa," (There was a quarrel between two of the more powerful gods, 5ong 5ong, the 5od of Fater and Ohu Aong, the 5od of !ire, and they decided to settle it with a fight. They fought all the way from heaven to earth, wreaking havoc everywhere. Fhen the 5od of Fater 5ong 5ong saw that he was losing, he smashed his head against *ount


cross%checkingM. Do!!erland" ?nother ancient land now submerged, consisting of the continental shelf e'tending between1under Ireland, 5reat +ritain, I mainland Nurope, made it possible to walk from Ireland to 5ermany or -weden. The e'posed land was appro'. the same area as modern 5reat +ritain, mostly from the Nnglish =hannel, north to the @orth -ea I east beyond enmark. ?rtifacts have already been dredged from the @orth -ea, proving ancient habitation. The area is believed to have been submerged around E;99 +=, at least partially as a result of the -toregga .andslide off the coast of @orway.C#
+u&hou LM, a mythical peak supposed to be northwest of the Gunlun range in southern 4injiang which was said to be a pillar holding up the sky. The pillar collapsed, half the sky fell in, the earth cracked open, forests went up in flames, flood waters sprouted from beneath the earth and dragons, snakes and fierce animals leaped out at the people. *any people were drowned and more were burned or devoured. S (The @`wa flood stories share common elements with other global deluge traditions, such as" global flood or calamity L5ong 5ongs destructionM destruction of humanity and animals Le'plicitly describedM select pair survives calamity L!u'i I @uwa in most =hinese versionsM select pair survives in a boat or gourd LOhuang versionM similarity of names L@uwa, @oah, @u, *anu, Jannes, etc.M rebuilding humanity after devastation Le'plicitly describedM colorful heavenly object L$ colored pillar, rainbowM (-imilarly, aspects of the @uwa creation myths, such as the creation of humans from mud, the !u'i%@uwa brother%sister pair, the half% snake element, and survival of a flood, resemble creation myths from other cultures. @uwa and !u'i resemble the Hapanese brother%and%sister deities ?materasu and -usanoo., C# !rom the Fikipedia article on (-toregga -lide," The three -toregga -lides are considered to be amongst the largest known landslides. They occurred under water, at the edge of @orwayKs


Lemuria" ?nother landmass submerged after the last ice age, in the regions of India I especially the continental shelf around Indonesia. The name (.emuria, was coined by Philip -clater in 1#ED to e'plain how lemurs had spread throughout a number of geographically isolated Lie islands separated by e'panses of waterM places. -ome attribute ancient activities around *t. -hasta in =alifornia to the .emurians. #u" ? landmass hypothesi&ed to e'ist in the Pacific Jcean Lno submerged shelves are known to e'ist thereM to e'plain cultural similarities between widely% scattered people, such as the )awaiians, Naster Islanders, etc. $tlantis" *ade famous by Plato I widely debated. -upposedly it passed to Plato from his great%grandfather, who got the story from the 5reek statesman -olon LE<#% $$# +=M, who got it from Ngyptian priests. Two of many possibilities are the ?&ores Plateau now submerged under the ?tlantic Jcean a few hundred miles west of Portugal I comparable in area to !rance Labove water U19,$99 years agoM, I the island of Thera in the *editerranean,
continental shelf L-toregga is @orwegian for Tthe 5reat NdgeTM, in the @orwegian -ea, 199 km LE; miM north%west of the *are coast, causing a very large tsunami in the @orth ?tlantic Jcean. This collapse involved an estimated ;B9 km L1#9 miM length of coastal shelf, with a total volume of <,$99 km< L#D9 cu miM of debris. This would be the equivalent volume to an area the si&e of Iceland covered to a depth of < m L11; ftM. +ased on carbon dating of plant material recovered from sediment deposited by the tsunami, the latest incident occurred around E199 +=N. In -cotland, traces of the subsequent tsunami have been recorded, with deposited sediment being discovered in *ontrose +asin, the !irth of !orth, up to #9 km L$9 miM inland and D m L1< ftM above current normal tide levels.


which was also larger in ancient times I was app. destroyed by a volcanic eruption around 1E;# += I which the Ngyptians would have known about b1c of the si&e of the blast. $ncient South $merica" *uch of Festern -outh ?merica was app. covered by a huge (inland sea,, I remains of cultures in the area have been dated back to U1;,999 years ago. In addition to the -umerian cuneiform mentioned in the previous article, papyrus reeds grow in profusion around .ake Titicaca R the only place in the world they grow wild besides Ngypt, I the -.?. locals still make boats from them as the ancient Ngyptians did.

(?tlantis" The .ost Falhalla, R Philip =oppens

The +elgian historian *arcel *estdagh has published work showing a pattern to the 7iking invasion of @F Nurope between the #th I 11th centuries" after initial skirmishes had landed, large land armies were formed, first in Nngland, then in !rance, that roamed ancient megalithic sites that fell along concentric circles of roads, based around @ottingham in Nngland I -ens in !rance. The only town the 7ikings did not take by attack was -ens, which was taken w1 a passive UE month siege. These towns were both focal points of arrangements of megalithic structures that were constructed by an unknown ancient people. The 7ikings had a legend of a lost home island called Falhalla, similar to the =elts, who called their lost island ?valon, I the Portuguese, who called theirs ?ntilia. The utch word for island, (eiland,, literally means (eggland,, ie (egg%shaped land,, I the region surrounding -ens to this day is known as the ble% B<

de%!rance, literally the (Island of !rance., -ens was also the stronghold of the ancient =eltic tribe (-enones, L(elders,M, I when the Aomans invaded, =aesar made it his )6. The most striking thing about -ens is the network of roads I canals of pre%historic origin, in concentric rings around it, along which also lie all number of the major surrounding cities" Paris, Jrlcans, *ea', =hdtillon%sur% -eine LJval IM, 7ernon, 7endeme, +lois, +ourges, =hdteau%=hinon LJval IIM, ?miens, Aouen, ?lenfon, le *ans, =hdteau%du%.oir, Tours, =hdteaurou', *oulins, =halon%sur%-aene, ole, *et& LJval IIIM, le )avre, =aen, ?ngers, -aumur, 7ichy, *dcon, Trier, inant, and Nscautpont LJval I7M. The inner oval has a circumference of UD99 mi., I the outer of U1,19E mi. This network of ancient megalithic roads, canals I monuments match PlatoKs description of ?tlantis" the (island, of ?tlantis was <,999 stadia L<<< milesM, while the center oval around -ens Lie, the ble%de%!rance regionM can be precisely inscribed inside a diamond w1 sides of <<< mi. each. .ike ?tlantis, the entire network within the D ovals is situated between mountains Lthe ?lpsM I the sea, I also on flat land between the two. Plato described ?tlantis as ;;; miles from the sea R the precise distance between the diamondKs southern point I the *editerranean. Plato described 19 kingdoms of ?tlantis, I within this ancient network, ancient =eltic tribes were known to mark their separate territories w1 megalithic stone monuments1markers, I many towns in the area have a word for (marker, in their names to this day Lie (*arc%, or (*erc%,M. ?nother 5reek philosopher, Proclus, made a reference to the middle kingdom of ?tlantis being 1999 stadia LU111 mi.M, which is the width of the central oval. ?lso within the central oval is a town named ?valon, BD

matching the =eltic legend. *egalithic structures in +ritain, Ireland I +rittany are found to have made use of a common use of measure. The megalithic sites of -tonehenge I ?vebury are also connected by an oval road that forms a similar network to the one in !rance, but smaller in scale Lthis oval measures 1119th of oval II in !ranceM. It is also app. that the ancient builders were able to locate the geographic center of +ritain. The author contends that, being untouched by Aoman conquests,CB the 7iking culture still kept enough knowledge of its heritage to allow the 7ikings to navigate the ancient megalithic sites in +ritain I !rance, somehow knowing precisely where they were looking I possibly able to still interpret the ancient stone markers on the system of roads. Fim Oitman has noticed mathematical similarities between the ?tlantean dimensions I the star -irius, which was also sacred to the Ngyptians. ? collection of ancient towns deriving their names from the word (Nleusis, was found by 4avier 5uichard in the 1B<9Ks to form a pattern aligning w1 solstices I equino'es of U1;,999 years ago. These places span Poland, -pain, Ngypt, I 5reece, but are primarily in !rance. ? lack of sites named from (Nleusis, in +ritain makes sense w1 this time frame, since +ritain would have
CB The implication here is that the Aoman Nmpire actively eradicated the culture of conquered peoples, or at least any remnants of knowledge of a great ancestor civili&ation. It would make sense in the interests of public order to install elements of Aoman culture and Aoman law, but if the Aoman Nmpire was influenced or governed ultimately by remnants of ?nunnaki as some have suggested Lfor e'ample, see =;= notes, #1;111< I #1;B11<M, then one might e'pect an active cover%up of anything indicative of that at that time, perhaps similar to today.


been largely covered in ice at this time.#9 The author suggests that the original civili&ation in these areas dates to U1;,999 years ago, but after some app. disaster, was replaced w1 succeeding peoples, including what may have been the creators of the concentric megalithic network between UD$99 I 1;99 +=.

(Temples, =reator%5ods, and the Transfiguration of the -oul, R !reddy -ilva

?ncient Ngyptians considered Pharaoh *enes their first purely human ruler, ca. <199 +=. The Ngyptian (+uilding Te'ts, refer to an even earlier period they called the (Jccasion of the !irst Time,, when the land was ruled by (@eteru, L(creator%gods,M until a global deluge #1 ended their reign. These te'ts also mention that the (?hau, L(gods who stand up,M were B cubits L1$ feetM tall. Hacob Aoggeveen, of the western e'plorers to first discover Naster Island, described two distinct races living there at the time " the (short ears, Lnormal humansM I (long ears,, who he recorded as (averaging 1; feet in height., The natives believed that the (long ears, were descendants of what they called the (masters of
#9 This also corroborates with the idea, recurring throughout these notes in various forms, of an advanced, widespread civili&ation e'isting before the end of the last ice age, and possibly ending with the last ice age due to global cataclysms such as meteor impacts and1or floods, apparently as a separate incident from the flood at the time of @oah, which seems to have been several thousand years later. -ee the timeline section of this book for clarification of the chronology. #1 +y comparison with other data, this time and event is more likely related to the flood known best through the story of @oah, a distinct event later than the event that ended the ice age. -ee the timeline section of this book for clarification of the chronology.


speciali&ed knowledge,, who built the megalithic monuments on Naster Island using (mana,, app. a form of psychic energy. These giant men were still on the island in 1C;;, according to Aoggeveen. ?ccording to the natives, (by words of mouths, the statues were moved into place. There are at least 1C$ ancient global flood myths. ?le'ander Tollman of ?ustralia has compared several of these myths that refer to (seven burning suns, coming down I striking the Narth before the flood came. !urther comparison to ancient meteor impact sites yielded a date for these events ca. 19,999 +=, I in ;99# a group of anish scientists settled on the year of BC9< +=, appro'imately the date given by Plato. ?t this time ash1soot was hurled into the atmosphere in massive amounts I amounts of carbon%1D were increased. ?ccording to various cultures LNgypt, India, the ?ndesM, after this catastrophe, seven sages1 (shining ones,1etc.#; =ame down to oversee the rebuilding process. ?ccording to the ?ndeans, who called these people the )uari, they were white%skinned, bearded giants. *any of the ancient sites attributed to them are used as spiritual initiation sites to this day. *any mountains considered sacred by ancient cultures can be grouped into <Ks to form right1isosceles1equilateral triangles to high degrees of

#; =ompare to notes from .inda *oulton )oweKs =;= reporting, #1;B11<. @ordic%type beings in that report are described as being able to (glow,, thus suggesting also the JT term (shining ones., These are also associated with a faction of the ?nunnaki who were sympathetic towards mankind in )oweKs report.


accuracy. N'" *t. Gailas,#< hill of 5abbar,#D I *aa -harda#$ Lform right triangle to within 1_ of error, I all associated w1 -hivaM: ?vebury, Nngland, Gealkill, Ireland,#E I *achrie *oor in -cotland #C Lform equilateral triangleM. The same rites, I ancient megalithic sites in general, tend to be geomagnetic hot spots I1or e'hibit geomagnetic anomalies. This may be related to a desired effect upon the human body, ie to induce a trance or etc. The Ngyptian temple at -aqqara, for e'., contains alternating geomagnetic fields aligned w1 the geometry of the temple itself so as to interact w1 the human body upon approach to the temple. -uch sites were considered by the ancients to be gateways to the heavens I a means for humans to reach (paradise,, etc. -acred geometry was applied at these sites, often
#< ?lso known as *ount Gailash, a peak in the Gailas Aange in Tibet near the Indian border. It is considered sacred in the religions of +uddhism, )induism, Hainism and +Yn. ?t the time of writing L@ov ;91<M, there are no records of ascent attempts. #D ?lso known as 5abbar )ill, located about $ km from a major -hakti temple in ?mbaji, India. It is called the (center of cosmic power of India., The name of the hill is derived from (5arbha deep,, meaning a lamp inside of an earthen pot, associated with a popular folk dance which was performed on top of this hill. #$ The *aa -harda Temple, also commonly known as -harda evi after the goddess -harda, is on the Trikuta hill of *aihar, near the city of *aihar, India. ? myth e'plaining the origin of *aihar states that 7ishnu sought to save mankind from wrathful fit of -hivaKs by cutting -hivaKs body into $; pieces, and each place where a piece fell to the ground, a temple of (mother%worship, was created. #E Gealkill, at the far -F end of Ireland, features a megalithic stone circle. #C This location, on the Isle of ?rran, also features megalithic stone formations.


making use of multiples1divisors I harmonics of numbers relating to the pentagram, golden ratio, tetrahedron I sphere, I the angle of <;.C; Lor <<M degrees.

(Jur -onic Past, R *arie . Hones I .arry !la'man

-wedish civil engineer )enry Gjelson writes of the account of a r. Harl who saw Tibetans move stones using musical instruments, I being able to precisely place them this way.## ?nother account, of an ?ustrian%filmmaker named (.inauer, in Tibet in the 1B<9Ks, similarly recounts musical instruments I some type of screen that reflected the sounds to move large stones. ?ncient sites being able to amplify or reverberate sounds within them in various ways.

(JppenheimerKs Iron Thunderbolt, R *icah ?. )anks

*ention in the *ahabharata of an ancient weapon, a (bla&ing shaft, of (smokeless flame, that later blots out the -un I causes survivorsK hair I nails to fall out. ItKs also described as making food inedible I reducing two ancient races to ash. !lying craft known as (vimanas, in the 7edas that are described as having engines in iron enclosures that utili&ed vortices of liquid mercury for propulsion. Nvidence in ancient coral deposits of higher amounts of radioactive uranium in the atmosphere, along
## *ore detailed information on this can be found in an article at 0http"11www.bibliotecapleyades.net1ciencia1antigravityworldgrid1c ienciagantigravityworldgrid9#.htm8.


w1 metal particles indicating ancient mining I smelting activities. Nvidence of 5reat .akes region in the >- being subjected to an ancient atomic blast, generally attributed to a pulse from an ancient supernova or etc. !irestone, Aichard +. I Filliam Topping. (Terrestrial Nvidence of a @uclear =atastrophe in Paleoindian Times.,#B
#B !rom an article at -cience !rontiers Jnline, @o. 1<$" *ay%Hune ;991, first quoting the !irestoneITopping paper itself" (Jur research indicates that the entire 5reat .akes region Land beyondM was subjected to particle bombardment and a catastrophic nuclear irradiation that produced secondary thermal neutrons from cosmic ray interactions. The neutrons produced unusually large quantities of ;<BPu and substantially altered the natural uranium abundances L;<$>1;<#>M in artifacts and in other e'posed materials including cherts, sediments, and the entire landscape. These neutrons necessarily transmuted residual nitrogen L1D@M in the dated charcoals to radiocarbon, thus e'plaining anomalous dates., The online article then continues regarding this paperKs claim" (-ome @orth ?merican dates may in consequence be as much as 19,999 years too young. -o, we are not dealing with a trivial phenomenonh (-upporting evidence. !our main categories of supporting evidence are claimed and presented in varying degrees of detail. ?nomalously young radiocarbon dates in north%central @orth ?merica. N'ample" the 5ainey site in *ichigan. Physical evidence of particle bombardment. N'ample" chert artifacts with high densities of particle%entrance wounds. ?nomalous uranium and plutonium abundance ratios in the affected area. (Tree%ring and marine sediment data. (The authors claim that the burst of radiation from a nearby supernova, circa 1;,$99 years ago, not only reset radiocarbon clocks but also heated the planetKs atmosphere, melted ice sheets, and led to biological e'tinctions. (If verified, the claimed phenomenon would also TresetT archeological models of the settlement of @orth and -outh ?merica. To illustrate, we may have to add as many as 19,999 years to site


N'cavations at the *ohenjo% aroB9 site in the Indus Aiver 7alley in Pakistan reveal a buried city, similar to Pompeii, w1 badly burned people lying dead in the streets. ?lso bricks melted on one side, facing an epicenter of melted sand at the center. Nverything within the 1$9%ft. Npicenter was (crystalli&ed, fused or melted., This happened (more than, <999 years ago. The site was still radioactive Pat the time of e'cavationQ.

(!rom the Pyramids to the Pentagon, R @ick Aedfern

? man named 5eorge Fellington 7an Tassel in ?ugust 1B$<, near /ucca 7alley, =alifornia, claimed to have been woken up in the middle of the night by an e'traterrestrial that gave him a tour of its (scout, spacecraft, told 7an Tassel of mankindKs history, I warned
dates in much of @orth ?mericah S Thus we add another potential cause of an often%hypothesi&ed, 1;,$99%+P catastrophe that is said to have changed the worldKs history. =ompeting theories involve asteroid impact, volcanism, a 7enusian side%swipe, etc., -ites which appear to have been affected by this event in the >nited -tates and =anada include the modern%day areas of 5ainey, *I: +utler I .eavitt, *I: Taylor, I.: ?lton, I@: -hoop, P?: Potts, @/: Thedford I Oander, Jntario: 5rant .ake, @unavut: and +aker, @*. 0http"<$1sf1<$p91.htm8 B9 (*ohenjo% aro, means (*ound of the ead,, referring to the archaeological discovery, and is located in the province of -indh, in southern Pakistan. The layout of the ancient city, as well as its brickwork seem very professional and comparable to the work of the Aomans, including covered drains for waste%water from houses and public baths. It may have had a population of D9,999 at one time.


against nuclear annihilation.B1 )e later claimed to have met w1 other NTs as well, including (@uma of >ni: ?h% *ing of Tarr: Aondolla of the !ourth ensity: and Oolton, the )ighest ?uthority in the -ector -ystem of 7ela., 7an Tassel began giving public lectures regarding these e'periences, gathering as many as 1;,999 people or more at the height of his popularity in the 1B$9Ks. )e gave alternative accounts of biblical stories, as being in relation to ancient NT encounters w1 humans. !or e'ample, he said ancient animals w1 body temperatures of 19$ degrees died after the last ice age I were replaced w1 modern animals by NTs , I that this was behind the story of every animal of the Narth being loaded into @oahKs ?rk to survive the flood. )e also said that ?dam was not a man but a race introduced by NT s that was all%male. They then began mating w1 women of a more primitive race of men, resulting in the fall. 7an Tassel said he was told that after this happened, the (space people, would no longer land, but continued to watch over mankind b1c of their involvement in his creation. )e said these (space people, were also responsible for the 19 =ommandments, *ary I Hesus, I also @ative ?merican legends about corn I potatoes being given from a flaming canoe. The !+I kept surveillance of 7an Tassel in the 1B$9Ks.
B1 ?ccording to 7an Tassel, this NT was from 7enus and both verbally and telepathically transmitted to him techniques for rejuvenating the human body. In 1B$D 7an Tassel and others began to develop a structure they called the (Integratron,, for e'perimental study of physics and e'tending human life based on what had been communicated to 7an Tassel by NTs as well as the work of Tesla and .akhovsky. The domed structure, <$ ft. high and $$ ft. in diameter, featuring a rotating metal apparatus which generated electricity, was based on the design of *osesK tabernacle in the JT. The structure was funded partially by )oward )ughes. =ompare with =;= notes, 9#1;<11<, referencing )oward )ughes.


?bu al%)asan ?li al%*asKudi L(the )erodotus of the ?rabs,M wrote in the 19th century of an ?rabic legend implying the Pyramids were built using levitation technology. ?n e'pert on jinn lore, Philip Imbrogno, claimed to have learned of a covert >- attempt to use jinn as a weapon in ?rabia in 1BB$.

(Aace, Interrupted, R -cott ?lan Aoberts

The author suggests that the scene in the 5arden of Nden in 5enesis may have been symbolic of the creation of a dual bloodline of mankind, one of which had been intermingled w1 the face of the (serpent,, I that =ain I ?bel, if not historical facts, were symbolic of the ?damic I (serpent, bloodlines. @ote is made of all the language in the original )ebrew that is consistent w1 se'ual innuendos. @ote is also made of the app. fact that when =ain was cast out of Nden I went Nast, 1M he was afraid of someone finding him I killing him as he wandered Lwho else was there but ?dam I Nve2M, I ;M he found a wife after going Nast, despite no mention of a daughter by ?dam I Nve.B; Hehovah is also described as having his presence in Nden in particular, since when =ain leaves to go Nast, he is (out from the .JA Ks presence., Nnoch was the son of =ain I his wife. The )ebrew word for the serpent is (nachash, Lpronounced Knaw%kawshKM, meaning (magician, enchanter: a spellbinder: to illuminate, shine., Jne interpretation is (a shining being with the power to enchant.,B<
B; In 5enesis D";$, ?dam I NveKs ne't offspring is described as a son, -eth, and it is made clear that =ain has already slain ?bel at this point and presumably been banished from Nden. B< !or other references to (shining, beings in these notes, see =;=


(=lash of the 5iants, R Pat =houinard

5iants from )indu, 5reek I @orse mythologies are compared. In the )indu (7ishnu Purana, I (*ahabharata, they are the aitya I associated w1 water I a sunken city: in 5reek, the 5igantes I the Titans, both of whom made war on the Jlympian gods LI the Titans were defeated by the Jlympians only w1 the help of )eraclesM: in @orse mythology, there are the children of Thrud, descended from the front giant /mir, I the children of +or, including the ?esir. The @orse giants engaged in protracted battle that ended when the death of /mir, who was killed by Jdin, 7ili, I 7e, who are ?esir, caused a global flood. 5igantopithecus" an ancient race of giants known to scientists, standing around Bi ft. tall.BD +iblical references" Hob ;$"$%E: 5enesis E"D: (@ephilim, from the )ebrew verb (nafol,, meaning (to fall,: the +ook of Nnoch I a portion of it known as the
notes for 9#1;B11<, and also the notes for (Temples, =reator%5ods, and the Transfiguration of the -oul, from this same collection of notes for the book Lost Civilizations & Secrets of the Past. These notes together imply that the (serpent, in the 5arden of Nden may have been an ?nunnaki and1or (@ordic,, possibly of the house of Nnki, acting contrary to the house of Nnlil and on behalf of mankind. BD The Fikipedia article on (5igantopithecus, e'plains the word as representing a genus of e'tinct apes. Individuals of the 5igantopithecus blacki species stood up to B.# ft. tall and weighed up to 1,1B9 lbs., according to the article. @o leg bones have ever been found and it is debated as to whether they moved on all four limbs or were bipedal like modern man. They are described as having lived from appro'imately B million years ago until appro'imately one hundred thousand years ago, in the regions of =hina, India and 7ietnam, placing them in the same time and place as some hominin species, according to current science.


(+ook of 5iants,: the Aephaim, first appearing in 5enesis 1D"$, who were defeated in an e'pedition that ultimately conquered -odom I 5omorrah, in 5enesis 1D"19: euteronomy <"11: II -amuel ;1";9: -amuel C"1%D: 1 =hronicles ;9"<%#. The Paiute tribe of modern%day @evada tell of the -i%Te%=ah" giant, red%haired =aucasians who inhabited their lands before they arrived there. -keletons in the dry )umboldt lake bed near .ovelock, @7, ; mummified giants, one #i ft. tall, the other 19 ft. tall. *agellan, !rancis rake, e -oto I =ommodore +yron all reported coming across living giants in @.?.B$ *agellan found a red%haired giant near the harbor of -an Hulian, *e'ico, U19 ft. w1 a (voice like a bull.,

(The ?+ Intervention )ypothesis, R Paul 7on Fard

euteronomy 19"1C, (!or / 5od of the Nlohim., +%type blood Pis believed to haveQ appeared U11,$99 +=, I is most concentrated near Turkey I *esopotamia.BC
B$ IKve come across many references to anomalies recorded in the personal journals of early e'plorers such as =olumbus and *agellan. These journals may prove to be rich in important historical data. R +-+ BE The suggestion in this article is that /ahweh is being stated here as supreme over the Nlohim Lie, ?nunnakiM. The GH7 translation reads (!or the .JA your 5od is 5od of gods, and .ord of lords, a great 5od, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward., +y the )ebrew words for the deities, this verse reads (!or /ehovah your Nlohim is Nlohim of the Nlohim..., BC The date and time given here correspond to anomalous archaeological sites such as 5Ybekli Tepe in Turkey. The time is


(Nthopic +ook of Nnoch and 5enesis,, 1";E.

(The *icmac and the Picts, R -teven -ora

-imilarities I other coincidences regarding the natives of @orth ?merica I the Picts of -cotland" ? !renchman L.escarbotM in 1E9E described the language of the *icmac of present%day =anada as (half%+asque., @? of @.?. natives of the same region Lhaploid group (4,M are also related to the +asque region between !rance I -pain. -ir Falter Aaleigh called the ?lgonquin speakers in 7irginia (Picts., -cots called the Picts (wee dark men., The *icmac I Picts both tattooed themselves in blue. The Picts kept northern +ritain unconquered by the Aomans, who feared them. The Picts fought nude I covered in blue paint. They eventually ran the Aomans out of +ritain, but their culture I language were later assimilated by =hristian culture I the -cots%5aelic language. The Pict language largely remains unknown to this day, though it shows similarities to the ?lgonquin group of languages, for e'. the ?lgonquin (wigwam, I the Pictish (weegamme., ?lso, 5aelic shows some similarities w1 ?lgonquin" ?lgonquin (monad, LmountainM I 5aelic (monadh, LmountainM: (nock, LhillM I (cnoc,: (merrimack, Ldeep fishingM I (merriomack, Lof
also close to the estimated end of the last ice age, and the global cataclysms which are theori&ed to have ended it.


great depthM. The writer 5ildas, in $C9 ? , claimed the Picts originally came from another land across the ocean. *icmac I Picts were both matriarchal. The Picts were the only matriarchal society on the +ritish Isles.B# *icmac I Picts were both organi&ed into clans. *icmac clans used decorated loincloths to distinguish themselves from each other: the Picts wore what became kilts Pintegrated into -cottish cultureQ. +oth elected their spiritual I tribal leaders, I chieftains were determined by women. +oth wore feathered headdresses, I were known for ceremonial dances.

There are at least a handful of historical incidences of foreign people matching @ative ?merican description arriving in various places in Nurope by boat in pre% =olumbian times.

B# The ancient Hewish tribes were also matriarchal. This, and associations between some @ative ?merican groups Lsuch as the ?lgonquin, -iou' I (pure%blood, =herokeeM with people from the ancient 5alilee region Land the modern%day ru&e societiesM through the genetic haploid group (4,, along with other anomalous connections L.os .unas ecalogue, +at =reek stone, etc.M have led to theories of some lost historical connection between @ative ?mericans and ancient peoples in the *iddle Nast.


(? -ymbolic .andscape, R Thomas 5. +rophy

=eremonial sites in the Ngyptian desert dating from U1;,999 to UE,999 years ago, when the area was not an arid desert, marking solstices I movements of certain stars, ie -irius and1or JrionKs +elt.

(The Time *achines, R Nrich von jniken

The 5reat Pyramid is aligned w1 the cardinal directions, lies at the center of NarthKs land masses, is aligned in a perfect <"D"$ Pythagorean triangle w1 the other pyramids, acts as a sundial, measures <E$.<D; Ngyptian cubits Le'act ] of days in a solar yearM on each side at the base, I is the same distance from the @orth Pole as from the center of the Narth.


The .ost Forlds of ?ncient ?merica

Ndited by !rank Hoseph This book consists of D$ short essays or scholarly articles regarding various anomalous features of the ancient history of the ?mericas, by various authors.

=h. 1" =aliforniaKs +uried ?ltar and *onument to the 5reat !lood R !rank Hoseph
? <.D ft. tall, ;;# lb. -tatue found in =alifornia of app. ancient Phoenician origin Lthe goddess ?shtartM, U;999 years old. ?lso an ancient engraving of a ma&e onto a boulder L)emet *a&e -toneM possibly signifying the great deluge.

=h. ;" ?ncient Aoman !igurine in @ew Hersey Faters I Aoman =oins !ound in Gentucky R Fayne *ay I .ee Pennington LrespectivelyM
Aoman (fertility image, from Aoman Ngypt ca. ;99 ? found by @elson Hecas off @.H. coast in ;99<. Aoman coins mostly dating to <<C%<#< ? , but also from other times I places Lie Phoenicia, 5reece, HudeaM found along tributaries of the *ississippi I other bodies of water all over the Nast =oast. Aoman swords also found 19B

in -t. Paul, *innesota, -t. .ouis, *issouri, near @ashville on the =umberland, I near Paducah, Gentucky. =oins found also in 5loucester =o., 7?.

=h. <" TennesseeKs ?ncient Inscription R -cott Folter


*icroscopic analysis of the +at =reek -tone. BB Hohn F. Nmmert discovered the stone in a burial mound, along w1 other artifacts, in 1##B. )e suspected the inscription was paleo%=herokee. The assertion that the inscription is ancient )ebrew was first made by =yrus 5ordon199 in 1BC1. 5ordon translated it as (for Hudah, I dated it C9%1<$ ? 191 based on the script. The stone was not controversial until 5ordonKs claims, at which point (skeptics, began claiming that the stone was a hoa' by Nmmert.19;
BB !or further information on the +at =reek stone, see the notes for (?nomalous @orth ?merican ?rtifacts, in the Internet notes section, and supplementary information can be found in the =;= notes for the 9$11111< interview with Hosh Aeeves, and also the notes for (?rchaeological -candals, from the book Lost Civilizations & Secrets of the Past. 199!rom his Fikipedia article, =yrus )er&l 5ordon was an ?merican scholar of @ear Nastern cultures and ancient languages. )e proposed that the 5reek and )ebrew languages stemmed commonly from an ancient culture that spanned from 5reece to Palestine along the *editerranean, and also that the ancient Hews and Phoenicians managed to cross the ?tlantic to @orth ?merica, based partly upon the +at =reek artifact. 191C9%1<$ ? marks precisely the period when the ;nd temple was destroyed in Herusalem and the Hews living there were forced by the Aoman Nmpire to disperse into many other lands. 19;!or further information on the +at =reek stone, see the notes for (?nomalous @orth ?merican ?rtifacts, in the Internet notes section, and supplementary information can be found in the =;=


=h. D" ? !o'Ks Tale of ?ncient Aomans in Peru R !rank Hoseph

?rtifacts evidencing a lunar cult in a -outh ?merican seafaring people Lthe *ocheM w1 (were%fo'es, mirroring similar cults in 5reece I Aome, I also employing the swastika. ? Aoman shipwreck was found off of Aio de Haneiro, rumors abounded of a lost Aoman city in -.?. when the -panish first arrived, I the *ayan city of =omalcalco was found w1 bricks stamped w1 Aoman mason marks, I terra%cotta plumbing like in Aoman%occupied Israel. It is suggested that the Aoman name for -outh ?merica was =attigara.19<

=h. $" ? =ontroversial -ymbolKs Jriginal *eaning R Hohn H. Fhite, III

-wastikas have been found in ancient cultures all
notes for the 9$11111< interview with Hosh Aeeves, and also the notes for (?rchaeological -candals, from the book Lost Civilizations & Secrets of the Past, and the notes for chapter < of the book Lost Worlds of Ancient America. 19<The website of -panish journalist and =hristopher =olumbus researcher @ito 7erdera features an article discussing the complications of locating the geographical location that the Aomans called =attigara or =atigara. )e mentions 1< separate hypotheses that place =attigara at different places in ?sia, while others have placed it on the -outh ?merican continent. The confusion traces back to contradictory ancient maps, copied by one scholar from another, centuries apart from each other Lie Ptolemy, *artellus, +ehaim, al%Ghwari&miM. *r. 7erdera concludes that -outh ?merica (was better known in +aghdad in #<< than in !lorence in 1D#B,, but what the ancient Aomans knew or wrote of it is not clear. 0http"11www.cristobalcolondeibi&a.com1;eng1;eng1D.htm8


over the world, from @orth I -outh ?merica to ?ustralia, =hina, I Nurope, dating back to at least 19,999 +=, I possibly to 1C,999 += at one site, *e&in, near Giev. The symbol is described as originally representing the *other Narth as the equal%legged cross LZM, I then also the !ather Narth when spirals are added to that cross. The word (swastika, is translated from (N*-., as (the father PandQ the Narth.,

=h. E" Thousands of Eth%=entury Tablets in *ichigan2 R avid ?llen eal

+eginning in the 1#D9Ks, a (prodigious, number of ancient stone tablets were unearthed in *ichigan, at least some of which is incorporated as the (-oper%-avage =ollcetion, which is now on display at the *ichigan )istorical =enter. It is estimated that about <,999 or more of such tablets are in e'istence. The tablets seem to show a Dth%century, cuneiform%style )ebrew alphabet which details what would later Lstarting in the 1#$9Ks, through the late 1#99KsM be recogni&ed as 5nostic =optic =hristian mythology probably dating to around the ; nd half of the ;99Ks ? based on similar Nuropean te'ts. The *ichigan tablet script is unique, but also contains often%crude pictographs I has been deciphered as detailing a supreme deity, (/)F,, who had ; children, one good I one evil, both (messiahs,, who are in mortal combat w1 each other for the fate of the globe I mankind. JT stories of ?dam I Nve, the flood, the Ten =ommandments, etc. are also depicted, as well as at least one camel I what appear to be the Ngyptian pyramids.


=h. C" =anadaKs 7iking ()ammer of Thor, R !rank Hoseph

Nvidence of the @orse17ikings in @ewfoundland I 6uebec that even the @ative ?mericans considered ancient I pre%dating their people, though tribes such as the *icmac show evidence of -candinavian influences, I genetics.

=h. #" Prehistoric *ooring -tones of !lorida19D R ?rchie Nschborn

?ncient mooring stones I at least monument w1 carvings LfacesM I ; bored holes, suggesting the coasts of !lorida were used for resupplying or etc. for naval e'peditions as much as <,999%$,999 years ago, when half a billion tons of ore was mined in modern%day *ichigan by people that native oral tradition describes as (marine men, I being light%skinned.19$ -uch mining operations could have been supported by transport down the *ississippi, I then to !lorida before departing back to Nurope, for e'ample. This period in the past also corresponds to the +ron&e ?ge which was flourishing on the other side of the Narth.
19DThese ancient mooring stones in !lorida were also mentioned by a caller on =;= when -teve 6uayle was the guest: see the =;= notes for 9$1;C11<. 19$These massive mining operations by a mysterious culture from a past is the subject of the episode (5reat .akes =opper )eist, from the T7 series America +nearthed. @otes from this show are included in the documentary notes section. Nvidence was found that the last pre%=olumbian mining operations in that area could have been carried out by *inoans, or a culture associated with the *inoan seafarers.


=h. B" Ice *ummy of the ?ndes R Patrick =. =houinard

Incan mummies reveal =aucasian genetic influences, I the Incas apparently differentiated between a light%skinned aristocratic1royal class, I dark%skinned proletariats.

=h. 19" ?ncient Ngyptians -ailed to ?merica for =orn R Fayne *ay
?ncient Ngyptian art depicts @ew Forld foods such as corn I pineapples. It is suggested that the Ngyptians knew of some place in the ?mericas I referred to it as the land of (Punt,, which they wrote was a <%year voyage. +oats of that era have been recreated I proven capable of making a transatlantic voyage.

=h. 11" ? *ap of Pre%=olumbian ?merica R .ee Pennington

+urrows =ave in -N Illinois was discovered w1 a trove of ancient artifacts of Aoman engravings, Ngyptian hieroglyphics, -emitic te'ts, etc., all carved on stones. Jne of the stones app. shows a map of the *ississippi Aiver, north to where it branches out into its many tributaries, many of which are also mapped I marked1lined w1 dots that may represent an average dayKs journey along the routes shown. The 5reat .akes are also shown I the *ichigan peninsulas. The waterways depicted appear to be, aside from the *ississippi, the *issouri, the Jhio, Illinois, +lack, Fisconsin, Fabash, 11D

either the -cioto or *uskingum, the Tennessee, the Ganawha L@ewM I *onongahela rivers. The -t. .awrence is also shown by the 5reat .akes, which are depicted as one body, as they are believed by geologists to have actually been until about 199 +=. ?nother map stone in possession of a Hohn Fhite shows C panels on the front side w1 letters1numbers, from < to 11 characters per panel, I the characters were app. +orrowed Lat least some of themM from ancient )ebrew, Phoenician, Ntruscan, 5reek I old +ritish scripts. Felsh historians ?lan Filson I +aram +lackett have argued that these languages are all derived from a common ancient tongue they call (=oelbren,, belonging to the Ghumry1=ymry, which the Felsh call their ancestors. Jther ancient inscriptions on stones have been found in Fest 7irginia L5rave =reek stone19EM, @ew *e'ico L.os .unas boulder19CM, I Tennessee L+at =reek stone19#M. ?ll of these inscriptions share letters w1 the script found in the +urrows =ave. ?nother stone, called the +randenburg -tone, I believed by ?lan Filson to be =oelbren script, also shares some characters w1 these.
19E iscovered on the Jhio Aiver in *oundsville, Fest 7irginia, in 1#<# during the e'cavation of the 5rave =reek *ound. -ee the notes for (?nomalous @orth ?merican ?rtifacts, in the Internet notes section for more information. 19C?lso known as the .os .unas ecalogue -tone, .os .unas *ystery -tone or =ommandment Aock. -ee the notes for (?nomalous @orth ?merican ?rtifacts, in the Internet notes section for more information. 19#!or further information on the +at =reek stone, see the notes for (?nomalous @orth ?merican ?rtifacts, in the Internet notes section, and supplementary information can be found in the =;= notes for the 9$11111< interview with Hosh Aeeves, and also the notes for (?rchaeological -candals, from the book Lost Civilizations & Secrets of the Past, and the notes for chapter < of the book Lost Worlds of Ancient America.


=h. 1;" .ight on the ?agard .amp R =harles !. )erberger

-mall lamps carved into alabaster w1 quincun' 19B symbols on them, similar to lamps created in the Jld Forld. .ocal natives are not known for creating such lamps. The quincun' represents yearly solar movements, the two upper dots forming a line that the -un traces across the sky on the summer solstice, the bottom ; representing the winter solstice line similarly, I the middle representing the equino'es. It is also associated w1 the loom.

=h. 1<" *inoan Pendant >nearthed in Jhio R !rank Hoseph

+ron&e pendant of ancient *inoan civili&ation of the *editerranean found in fill dirt on a high school football field in Jhio in Jct. ;99E, dating probably from ;C99%1D$9 +=. The fill dirt was probably taken from a nearby riverbank. !urther evidence of *inoan influence in the Pima natives in ?ri&ona.

=h. 1D" ?n ?ncient -emitic 5oddess .eaves )er *ark in @ew /ork R Oena )alpern
?pp. depiction of ancient *enorah associated w1 both the Hews I the goddess ?sherah found on a stone in
19BThe quincun' is a symbol identical to the representation of the number five as it appears on dice, ie four dots forming a square, with a fifth dot in the center of the square.


the =atskill *tns. in ;999. The menorah w1 a triangular base was common from U1;99 += to the destruction of the ;nd temple, though often suppressed as idolatry.

=h. 1$ 5reat -erpents from Gansas to -cotland R !rank Hoseph

-erpent effigy in Jhio aligned w1 raco I situated on the outside of a D%mile%wide impact site created UD999% $999 years ago by a U;99 ft. object traveling UD$,999 mph. ?nother serpent effigy in Gansas, I a < rd in -cotland on the shore of .och @ell. -uch sites have only been found in @.?. I -cotland.

=h. 1E" -tone !angs of the 5reat -erpent R Aoss )amilton

Aegarding the same Jhio serpent effigy mentioned above, the 5reat -erpent *ound near .ocust 5rove, a telluric Lsilica%basedM current was discovered there in 1BB$ by Hohn +urke I Gaj )alberg, I the site also features gravitational I magnetic anomalies, I is struck by lightning at an unusual rate. ? stone megalith resembling +ritish menhir dating to <$99%1$99 += was also found there, I the site itself may date to <999 +=.

=h. 1C" =olossal Narthworks of the *iddle Fest R !rank Hoseph

JhioKs @ewark earthworks covers over ;99 acres, features a EZ %mile%long parallel wall, I massively wide mounds of earth, at least some of which giving 11C

astronomical information on solar I lunar eclipses, positions of 7enus, the Pleiades, etc. The site was supposedly built by a ()opewell =ulture, between ;99 += I D99 ? .

=h. 1#" ? Templar Tower in Ahode Island R -cott Folter

? stone tower resembling constructions of the Gnights Templar, circa 11;# ? I beyond. The tower has windows I other markers indicating solstices, I 7enus alignments.

=h. 1B" IndianaKs 1;th%=entury Felsh !ortress R Aick Jsmon

? r. +arry !ell in 1BE# was directed to an ancient stone inscription at =lifty !alls, at the mouth of the =lifty =reek where it joins the Jhio, which he translated as, (I, Jwen ap Ourinch, in the year of our .ord 11C9, did bring to this placeS,, followed by lists of persons, animals I equipment, app. in Felsh. @atives of the region had traditions of white people formerly inhabiting these lands, w1 arts of which the Indians knew nothing, until the Indian tribes came together I e'terminated them in a series of bloody conflicts around the Jhio Aiver. Felsh artifacts Lie a helmet I chain mail dated <19%<CB ? M I app. ancient forts, supposedly forming a line w1 1%mile gaps between, have also been found in the region.119
119The dating of these Felsh artifacts places them at the end of the period associated with the ()opewell =ulture,, also coinciding with the period in which the =elts were building very similar earthen fortifications in Nurope, as described in the notes for the


=h. ;9" Prehistoric !orts or Jbservatories2 R 7ictor Gachur

The @ewark earthworks111 resembling, along w1 other @.?. mound I ditch sites, earthworks of the Gelts11; circa 1 ? called (oppida,, which Hulius =aesar also described in PCommentarii deQ .ello Gallico, I dating to around the same time.

=h. ;1" .ibyansK <rd%=entury Nclipse in Gentucky R avid !eldman

?n app .ibyan stone inscription found in 1BBD in Gentucky, near rip Aock, which app commemorates a total solar eclipse witnessed there on ?pril ;<, ;$$ ? .

=h. ;;" ? Nschborn

ragon in Aock .ake R ?rchie

?ncient megaliths, pyramids, etc., partially buried I underwater at Aock .ake, Fisconsin.

=h. ;<" The Falls of Poseidon R Filliam onato

? case for ?tlantis in the =aribbean, where a subduction &one is sucking in an ancient surface of
ne't chapter. -ee also the notes in this same book for chapters <# and D<. 111 .ocated in @ewark and )eath, Jhio, near the geographical center of the state. 11; =elts.


continental rock LgraniticM, I on Hune C, 1EB;, the Hamaican city of Port Aoyal I its <,999 citi&ens fell into the sea. .ocal Indians Lthe .ucayansM believe the +ahamas were once much larger, I the =herokee I /uchi of Tennessee both claim to have come from the ?tlantic, the /uchi claiming that two of their (gens, Lthe =at I !ishM specifically came from the island ?ndros. The +ahamas also formerly featured geology matching PlatoKs description of concentric rings, now underwater I covered w1 coral growth, I also would have featured a massive, deep%water bay, I would have easily supported a seafaring people.

=h. ;D" +oliviaKs ?ntlantean =anals R H.*. ?llen

? case for ?tlantis in +olivia based on ancient canals I presence of precious metals.

=h. ;$" ?merican and Hapanese ragons" Aelated or =oincidence2 R Professor @obuhiro /oshida
*yths I depictions of a bearded dragon w1 deer antlers I a long tail, common to @.?. I Hapan.11<
11< The @.?. depiction was found on a rock at Piasa, Illinois, above the *ississippi Aiver near present%day ?lton, Illinois. It was first recorded by !ather Hacques *arquette in 1EC<, and no longer e'ists in its original form Lthough recreations have been madeM. The /uchi, *uscogee =reek, =herokee, -iou' and ?labama tribes of @ative ?mericans, among several others, are known to have had stories of horned dragons. @ingish&ida of -umerian mythology is also depicted as a serpent with horns, and was given the epithet &sh&mgal, or (great snake,, and may have been the basis for the


=h. ;E" Ncuador, Point of =ontact R +ruce -cofield, Ph. .

The 5uayas Aiver bay on the Pacific =oast of -.?. in modern%day Ncuador shows evidence of being inhabited by successive civili&ations dating back to <999 +=, I of ancient trade relations with ?sia and +abylon.

=h. ;C" The -tone Towers of Hapan I Naster Island R Professor @obuhiro /oshido
?ncient domed stone temples on both Hapanese islands I the -.?. continent, dating to a common period I associated w1 common words I mythic figures.

=h. ;#" PeruKs .ost =ity of the (=loud People, R +everley ). *oseley, Hr.
?n ancient city once belonging to white%skinned (giants, discovered in the ?ma&on.

=h. ;B" PennsylvaniaKs -tone -epulchers R Fayne *ay

?ncient stone burial mounds of the =herokee and1or elaware PIndiansQ in -N Pennsylvania.

biblical (serpent, in the 5arden of Nden.


=h. <9" The 5reat Falls of Te'as and Iowa R !rank Hoseph
?ncient stone walls found in Aockwall, Te'as, buried deep underground Lfirst found U<9 ft. deepM run at least 19 miles in length I are sometimes D9 ft. high. The walls share some commonalities w1 ancient *id%Nastern cultures, including similar masonry work done by Aomans and1or ancient Ngyptians, I could be ;999 years old. -imilarly ancient masonry found surrounding bodies of water in Iowa, ie .ittle Fall .ake.

=h. <1" Prehistoric ?viators of the ?ndes R !rank Hoseph

Nvidence of ancient natives of @a&ca having the equivalent of hot%air balloons using smoke Pinstead of heliumQ.

=h. <;" Fest 7irginiaKs ?ncient )ighway to @owhere R avid =ain

?n ancient road of crushed mussel shells, clay I stone, B ft. wide I 1D inches thick, 1; miles long, from the *onongahela to *arion =ounty, in F. 7a.

=h. <<" The Incas, *ore ?dvanced than Imagined R r. ?rlan ?ndrews
The ancient Incas modeling water flow in their provinces using < stone models that used mercury to accurately scale down I model physical properties of 1;;

water. The ancient =hinese did the same.

=h. <D" id the Pre%=olumbian ?mericans *aster Nlectricity2 R .arry +rian Aadka
? (large, non%flaming light in good working order, found at the Nl 5ran *o'o ruins near the sources of the Aio Paraguay in +ra&il in 1E91.11D Nvidence of similar tech in ancient Herusalem I Ngypt.

=h. <$" The *ystery in the -phere R !rank Hoseph

-ome <<9 stone spheres found within half a decade of the first, beginning in the mid%1B<9Ks. The first was E.$ ft. in diameter I weighed 1E tons, found buried in the =osta Aican jungle. -ome of the largest show only 9.;V irregularity in diameter I may have been used in an ancient, yet advanced system of using pie&oelectric properties for earthquake prediction.

=h. <E" 5enetics Aewrites ?merican )istory Te'tbooks R Patrick =. =houinard

-keletons w1 =aucasian features on the =alifornian coast dating to 19,999 +=, also the Gennewick man11$
11D Jriginally written about by +arco =entenera. The quoted words are .owell +airKs translation of Aobert =harrou'Ks words, which continues regarding the lamp, (It was certainly not powered by batteries, but it gave light uninterruptedly and there is reason to believe that the source of the light was chemical and electrical., 11$ (The Gennewick man, is the named given to well%preserved skeletal remains of a man found near Gennewick, Fashington


LUB,999%year%old =aucasian @orth ?mericanM I other evidence of white people in diverse places before they should have been according to modern history.

=h. <C" ?nasa&i =hocolate R eal

avid ?llen

The ?nasa&i, who were app. also the )uari of Peru, possessing chocolate in 1999%11;$ ? @ew *e'ico.

=h. <#" 5enocide in ?ncient Gentucky R Filliam =onner

-hawnees telling representatives of 5ov. unmore of 7irginia11E in 1CC< that the (=an%tuc%kee, lands were not theirs to give permission to settle on, but belonged to the ghosts of white people who once dwelt there but were e'terminated by other tribes.11C
-tate, on the =olumbia Aiver in 1BBE. The remains were distinctly different from the physiology of known @ative ?merican tribes, but it is disputed whether the man was =aucasian or Polynesian. @early a complete skeleton was recovered, along with a stone projectile lodged into his hip bone, and it was dated to B<99 to BE99 years old by the >niversity of =alifornia at Aiverside using carbon dating. Jther studies have dated the remains to about #,1<9, #,D19, E,BD9, and $,C$9 years ago. The projectile was of a type common to what is called the (=ascade phase,, roughly occurring between C,$99 and 1;,999 years ago. 11E Hohn *urray, Dth Narl of unmore, the last +ritish governor of the colony of 7irginia. 11C The white people that these @ative ?mericans claimed to have killed were also referred to as the (?llegwi, or (?llegheny,, from which the mountains derive their name. -ee the notes for chapters 1B, ;9 and D<, respectively ( IndianaKs 1;th%=entury Felsh


=h. <B" ? 5iantKs )and in *ichigan I ? Forldwide Aace of Prehistoric 5iants R Hay -tuart Fakefield I Patrick =. =houinard LrespectivelyM
7arious accounts I evidences of ancient giants, mostly already noted elsewhere Pin these notesQ.

=h. D9" @ative ?mericans from Nurope and the @ear Nast R 7ictor Gachur
@.?. (halogroup 4, showing ancient connections w1 western Nuropeans I some Israelis.

=h. D1" Jdysseus -ailed to ?merica R 7ictor Gachur

? case for passages of the Jdyssey referring to ancient 5reek copper trade in ?merica.11#
!ortress,, (Prehistoric !orts or Jbservatories2, and (Gelts in Pre% =olumbian Jhio,, of this same book. 11# (@ative ?mericans, are known to have mined in modern%day *ichigan, on the upper peninsula, at least as far back as between $999 and 1;99 +=. @ative ?mericans of more recent history have no recollection of who mined in the region before they arrived. Nstimates for the amount of copper removed go as high as 1.$ billion pounds, but it has not been determined where all of this copper went after it was mined. 7arious theories have been proposed that the metal was carried down the *ississippi Aiver by boat, across the 5ulf of *e'ico to !lorida Lsee the notes for this same book, chapter #, on the ancient mooring stones of !lorida: also see the =;= notes for 9$1;C11<M, and then onto somewhere in the Nastern hemisphere.


=h. D;" Narliest ?mericans and *ayas, Jlder than Imagined R !red Aydholm
Nvidence of human habitation of present%day +ra&il $E,999 years ago using a new (wet o'idation technique, to test charcoal from a camp site. -imilar dating in ?ustralia I -iberia.

=h. D<" Gelts in Pre%=olumbian Jhio R !rit& Oimmermann

Nvidence that the (?dena, people, aka (?llegwi, or (?llegheny,, were actually Gelts from Festern Nurope, settling in the Jhio 7alley. They made similar structures, metalwork, I had similar bone structures, ie in the skull.11B

=h. DD" Ferewolves in the ?ncient Jld Forld and Pre%=olumbian ?merica R !rank Hoseph
=ommonalities in wolf%cults I wolf%related myths I rituals from ancient Ngypt, to Aome, to @orth ?merican cultures. The wolf was app. a war deity to the Ngyptians I Aomans at least, I its spirit summoned to give warriors strength.

11B =ompare to the notes for chapters 1B, ;9 and <# for this same book.


=h. D$" Fho Fere the !irst ?mericans2 R Patrick =. =houinard

!urther mention of the Gennewick man found in the =olumbia Aiver in Fashington I haplogroup 4, I the idea that ancient man reached the ?mericas not only by the land bridge w1 ?sia, but possibly by a Nuropean land1sea bridge or by boat, etc.1;9

1;9 uring the last ice age, when sea levels were lower and a (land bridge, would have been present linking ?sia and @orth ?merica where the +ering -trait is today, miles%thick glaciation e'tending from the @orth Pole down into modern%day @ew /ork and the +ritish Isles may have provided another way to travel to ?merica by foot from another continent, possibly e'plaining many cultural similarities and anomalous historical events implicating peoples from the two continents.



Technology of the 5ods" The Incredible -cience of the ?ncients

avid )atcher =hildress ?ncient Ngyptians synthesi&ing laurionite I phosgenite LFilliam =orliss, (-cience !rontiers, @o. 1;<, *ay%Hune 1BBB: P. Falter, et. al.M. Ngyptian word (wdb,, translated as (pure,: (-% wdb," to make pure: origin of the words (swab, I also (soap., -croll of unknown language found at unhuang in the 5obi esert in 1B99.1;1 ?n (Jsirian, civili&ation pre%dating ancient Ngypt theori&ed to e'ist in the *editerranean basin, which was then a fertile valley.1;; The @ile flowed through I would eventually empty into the ?tlantic Lpossibly at the -traits of 5ibraltarM, matching Ndgar =ayceKs reading. 1;< Fould also fit description of ancient 5reeks, Pwhich wasQ already
1;1 Probably a reference to what are known as the unhuang scrolls or manuscripts, found in the (.ibrary =ave, of the *agao =aves in unhuang, at an important religious and cultural crossroads along the -ilk Aoad, located on the site of an ancient kingdom about which relatively little is known. These scrolls were on a variety of subjects and in a variety of languages, and are now scattered throughout the world in various museums. Included amongst them were religious te'ts from +uddhism, Taoism, @estorian =hristianity, and Hudaism, as well as musical notation, writings on everyday living, and legal writings. 1;; Presumably during the last ice age. 1;< -ee the book notes for There s a "iver, specifically on page 1DC of this book. In one of =ayceKs readings it was suggested that the @ile emptied directly into the ?tlantic at some point in time.


ancient in PlatoKs day, according to -olon1Plato, I could have e'isted simultaneous to, I warred with, ?tlantis.1;D ?ssociated with 5reek legends of ancient, giant (cyclops, race I (cyclopean, construction of huge si&e. -tones at +aKalbek1;$ weighing up to and1or beyond 1,999 tons each, I one still at quarry half a mile away, weighing up to ;,999 tons. The site mentioned in the +ook of Gings in the +ible, I according to ancient ?rabic writings was built by a (tribe of giants, at the order of Ging @imrod. The site may actually date to 1;,999 += or older. =oso artifact" app. spark%plug%like artifact, encased in a (geode, that may be either petrified wood or severely o'idi&ed iron, w1 ceramic I copper components.1;E ?ncient aluminum belt buckles found in =hina, though modern aluminum production was only developed in the 1#99Ks I requires electricity L(Aevue de lK?luminum,, Issue ;#<, published in 1BE1M.1;C
1;D Jr, alternatively, have been a part of ?tlantean culture itself. 1;$ The ruin at +aKalbek are a >@N-=J world heritage site, located in the +aalbek district of modern%day .ebanon. The Aomans attempted to build a temple to Hupiter over the ruins, but were never able to complete it, and were apparently not able to move the massive slabs of stone which were already there. Possibly the worldKs strongest crane today, the .iebherr .T* 11;99%B.1, has a lifting capacity of ;,ED$,999 pounds L1<;< tonsM at a radius of # feet. Nven this crane would be unable to lift the nearly ;999 ton stones at the +aalbek site, and yet an ancient culture was able to carry these stones over hills from the quarry to the temple site and place them with e'treme precision. 1;E This artifact was found near Jlancha, =alifornia, in !ebruary 1BE1. 1;C The @anjing +elt was discovered in 1B$; in the tomb of an ancient =hinese man, whose obituary put his death in ;BC ? , who died fighting the Tibetans. It consisted of almost pure aluminum. *ore can be found at this website"


Iron pillar of elhi,1;# made of solid, pure iron Lproduced today only by electrolysisM, has resisted rust for centuries, manufactured at unknown time. (Fho -hot Ahodesian *an2,, ancient man w1 app. gunshot wound.1;B =asper, Fyoming mummy"1<9 1D inches tall, found inside a pocket Lor small roomM of granite rock, while =ecil *ayne and !rank =arr blasted the through the rock following a large vein of gold. Fas 4%rayed, estimated at E$ years old at time of death. ?ncient automatons" .egend of aedalus as reported by Plato: 5erbert dK?urillac LPope -ylvester IIM:1<1 ?lbertus *agnus I Thomas ?quinas. (Tombs of the 5enii, in -iberia, now app. lost.1<;
0http"11www.strangehistory.net1;91119C19B1the%nanjing%belt18 1;# This is a ;< ft. tall pillar in the 6utb =omple' at elhi, India. The rust%resistant properties are believed to result from an even layer of crystalline iron hydrogen phosphate on the outer surface of the column. ? -anskrit inscription on the pillar dedicates it to 7ishnu, and it may take back as far as B1; +=. 1;B ?lso known as the +roken )ill -kull or Gabwe =ranium. This skeleton was found in 1B;1 in Gabwe, Oambia, by Tom Owiglaar. 1<9 ?lso known as the -an Pedro *ountains *ummy. 1<1 5erbert dK?urillac, aka Pope -ylvester II, lived from about BDE ? to 199< and was the first !rench Pope. )e was a scholar, was said to have studied magical arts at various Islamic cities, and to have built a device called the (bra&en head, which could answer questions with either a (yes, or (no., Jther figures believed to have owned bra&en heads in history include Aoger +acon, 7irgil, ?lbertus *agnus, ?rnaldus de 7illa @ova, Hohann 5eorg !aust, +oethius and Nnrique de 7illena. 1<; In Travels in the +33er and Lower Amoor by Thomas Fitlam ?tkinson, one of these monoliths is described with the dimensions of ;<.1m by C.<1m by $.CBm, or C$.# by ;D.9 by 1B.9 feet, and likely weighing over ;999 tons. It is described as being somewhere near the Gora Aiver 7alley in -iberia.


(+aghdad battery,: electroplating U;999 years ago: ancient Indian te't Agastya Samhita e'plains battery construction I mentions *itra%7aruna1<< energy. -peculation that the ?rk of the =ovenant was not manufactured by the Hews, but was removed from Ngypt, I that the (nested bo', construction associated with the ?rk was common to Ngypt. The pyramids at *erok in the -udan.1<D ?le'ander the 5reatKs invasion of India was stopped at the Indus Aiver by the appearance of (flying shields, which spooked his elephants. India Lie the various states of the Indian subcontinentM may at that time have been the richest I most civili&ed part of the world. ?pp. historical accounts of space travel I trips to the *oon, ie in the +ook of Nnoch, the =hinese )ou /ih or =hih =hiang T&u%/u1<$ describing a trip to the *oon on a (celestial bird, circa ;<9B +=,1<E I the 5reek author .ucian in %era :istoria L(Tr&e Story,M discusses trips to
1<< =ompared to (positive%negative,, and possibly referring to electromagnetism. 1<D ?lso called the @ubian Pyramids, these pyramids, more than ;99 of them, are located on the eastern bank of the @ile Aiver in the -udan, near -hendi. Their construction is in many ways comparable to the pyramids at 5i&a, though they are not as large. *erok was the capital of the @epata1 *eroitic kingdom, from about #99 += to <$9 ? . It was famous for its great production of iron and traded with ancient India and =hina. The characters in its language appear to have been developed directly from simplifications of Ngyptian hieroglyphics. 1<$ ?lso known as -hen /i. 1<E This story begins with the emperor /ao seeing a streak of light go across the sky, which he then goes to investigate. )is investigation takes him on a journey in which he is rewarded with immortality by the (6ueen *other of the Fest,, )si Fang *u, and the story goes on to describe flights on a celestial bird or rooster.


the far reaches of the universe and other unusual places, such as the insides of whales1<C and the Nlysian fields.1<# ?lso the +abylonian 13ic of 1tana.1<B The Indian book Samarangana S&tradhara1D9 says that in the distant past, (heavenly beings, came down from the sky, I humans flew through the air in craft. Jld -anskrit writings also tell of @lgas1D1 Lserpent godsM (who go on long voyages in the sky., +abylonian, ?rabic I =optic writings describing ancient people having the ability to move huge masses of stone with sound.1D; The JT story of the walls of Hericho being brought down with sound may be related.1D< The Indian Samara S&tradhara is a te't minutely detailing care, use, etc. of vimanas, 1DD ie ancient Indian
1<C =ompare to the +iblical story of Honah. 1<# This was a form of an after%life paradise in 5reek mythology. 1<B ?lso known as the 1tana 13ic, the Legend of 1tana or #yth of 1tana. It was an ancient story concerning the question of dynastic succession, and involving the ruler Ntana, who is believed to have been a ruler somewhere around <999 to ;$99 +=. In one fragment of the te't, Ntana flies to heaven and prostrates himself before the gods. ?nother fragment says that he did not make it to the heavens, but became di&&y and fell to the ground. 1D9 This te't is described as (an encyclopedic work on classical Indian architecture, by Fikipedia, dating to 1999%19$$ ? . 1D1 ?ccording to Fikipedia, the @lga is either a deity or class of deities taking the form of a very large snake or, specifically, a king cobra, found in )induism, +uddhism and Hainism. The #aha!harata describes the nagas as having human characteristics, sometimes depicted as evil as sometimes as good in relation to human affairs. The giant (eagle%king, in the #aha!harata, the 5aruda, is the arch nemesis of the nagas. 1D; =ompare with the anecdotes of musical instruments being used to move objects in Tibet in the book notes for the chapter (Jur -onic Past, under the book Lost Civilizations & Secrets of the Past. 1D< Hoshua E";9. 1DD Nntire books of commentary could be written on the te'ts


flying machines. ?n undeciphered script found on Naster Island has also been found at the ancient Indian sites of *ohenjo% aro1D$ and )arappa.1DE The caduceus as originally being a symbol of flight via a mercury%vorte' engine. ?ncient Indian te'ts describe mercury engines in vimanas, I the 5reek god *ercury Lfast messenger of the godsM carried the caduceus. Nd !ouche1DC claimed in 1BB# that the >- had developed aircraft using mercury%vorte' engines, specifically the (TA%<+,1D# developed at -D.1DB
describing vimanas alone. !rom the ancient accounts, they are described very similarly to modern saucer% or bell%shaped craft. 1D$ !or more information on this intriguing ancient site, see the notes for the chapter (JppenheimerKs Thunderbolt, from the book notes for Lost Civilizations & Secrets of the Past. 1DE )arappa is an archaeological site in eastern Pakistan, in Punjab, near -ahiwal, dating back at least over $999 years ago by radiocarbon dating. The civili&ation in this area Lthe (Indus 7alley, civili&ationM is believed to have e'isted from before <999 +=, and ended some time between 1B99%1$99 +=. 1DC Nd !ouche claims to have been an employee at the (?rea $1, test site in @evada, and has given presentations on technology he claims to have worked on, such as the TA%<+, which are currently available on /ouTube. 1D# The TA%<+ is described as a triangular%shaped craft such as what is commonly witnessed in various parts of the world. Nd !ouche describes the craft in great detail in presentations that were filmed and are now available online. 1DB -D is a secret >- military test site in the @evada desert associated with ?rea $1 and first described by +ob .a&ar, who claims to have worked there in the 1B#9Ks. .a&ar says that there are several hangars at the site, which are built into a mountainside and house craft created from e'traterrestrial technology. ?ward%winning journalist 5eorge Gnapp has investigated +ob .a&arKs story since breaking his first story in 1B#B, and has found enough evidence to satisfy him that .a&arKs story has merit.


A /weller on Two Planets1$9 R oddity of (fiction, describing ancient civili&ations through past lives, showing cigar%shaped >!Js I referring to LI offering e'planation forM real archaeological mysteries. -and fused into green glass LtrinititeM, as from nuclear blasts, has been uncovered at ancient archaeological sites from around the world, along with fused brick, vitrified forts, etc. -cotland is home to a number of pre%historic stone fortresses1$1 that were vitrified.1$; Jne prehistoric fortress in -cotland L*aiden =astle1$<M covers 1;9 acres with a circumference1perimeter of U1.$ miles, I is estimated to have required ;$9,999 people to defend.
1$9 ?lso known as The /ividing of the Way, written by !rederick -. Jliver. The book was finished in 1##E but not published until 1B9$. Jliver presents the book in its preface as a true account that he channeled with automatic writing, and gives its true author as (Phylos the Thibetan,, also called (/ol 5orro., 1$1 These fortresses are (pre%historic, in the sense that there are no records as to who constructed them or when. It would have obviously taken a large amount of organi&ed labor to construct and utili&e such fortifications. 1$; To (vitrify, a substance, such as sand, or in this case, stone, is defined as turning it to glass. -uch a process would obviously require a great amount of heat as well as high temperatures. 1$< There are at least four or five sites known as (*aiden =astle, in +ritain" one in urham, Nngland, one in orset, Nngland, one in =heshire, Nngland, one in @orth /orkshire, Nngland, and =astellum Puellarum, or (=astle of the *aidens,, an alternative name for Ndinburgh =astle in Ndinburgh, -cotland. ?ll of these sites have been dated back at least to the Iron ?ge, and were constructed by unknown peoples. ?t least two of them are currently overgrown with plants and trees and are hardly distinguishable from the surrounding countryside. The name (maiden, is thought to possibly originate from the idea that these forts were (impregnable, or never taken in battle, although their vitrification may attest otherwise.


The )ittites1$D are first mentioned in 5enesis ;< when ?braham acquires from them a burial place for his wife. The )ittites are traditionally believed to have appeared around 1$99 +=, but this +iblical episode dates to the time of ?braham, believed to have been ;999%1#99 +=. In @umbers 1<";B%<9 it is stated that the )ittites founded Herusalem.1$$ The wailing wall I temple at +aKalbek both feature massive foundation stones mined I transported by unknown methods, I the )ittites are also associated with jig%saw%like construction using massive polygonal stones, fitted perfectly together, such as what was also found at megalithic sites in the ?ndes. The implication is that the )ittites, like the Ngyptians, were inheritors of older technology I culture from an advanced civili&ation L?tlantis, (Jsiris, Padvanced pre%historic civili&ation hypothesi&ed to e'ist in the *editerranean
1$D The )ittites have also been identified in modern times with the (Indo%Nuropean, culture from which the Indo%Nuropean languages commonly derive, and they have also been identified as the ancient ?natolian Nmpire. The destruction of this empire, believe to have taken place somewhere around 1$99 +=, resulted in a dispersion of people who variously became known as the ?ryans in ancient India, the =elts or Gelts in northern Nurope, and also seemed to have played a role in the founding of the 5reek and Aoman cultures and civili&ations, leading to the common linguistic heritage of Aomance, 5reek, 5ermanic and Indian languages. 1$$ That the )ittites founded Herusalem is not apparent in the Nnglish translation of these passages. =hapter 1< of @umbers describes the Israelite spies going forth into =anaanite to scout the area. Part of the report is verse ;B, (The ?malekites dwell in the land of the south" and the )ittites, and the Hebusites, and the ?morites, dwell in the mountains" and the =anaanites dwell by the sea, and by the coast of Hordan., 7erse <9 simply states, (?nd =aleb stilled the people before *oses, and said, .et us go up at once, and possess it: for we are well able to overcome it., It is not clear where the author concluded that it is suggested that the )ittites founded Herusalem from these passages.


area, when water levels were apparently lowerQ or (Aama, Pancient IndiaQM, I their language was also very similar to Ngyptian hieroglyphics. The )ittites also built stone sphin'es. ?n architect named Gallinikos provided the +y&antine Nmperor =onstantine I7 with a formula for an incendiary material used in naval battles that was crucial to lifting the ?rab siege of ECD%ECE I C1$%C1#, I also defeating the Aussians in BD1 I 19D<. In C1E, the incendiary mi'ture, pumped from a machine on board the +y&antine ships, destroyed nearly all of U#99 ?rab ships in combat. The composition of this material was never discovered from the +y&antines.1$E Auins of an ancient civili&ation occupying the eath 7alley in =alifornia were discovered by =aptain Ives Filliam Falker in 1#$9, I natives in the area were also said to have known of it. The remaining structures showed vitrification. In the @evada paper :ot Citizen, ?ugust $, 1BDC, a story was ran of mummies L#%B ft. tallM discovered in =alifornia caverns, along with lots of gold, technological artifacts I app. various preserved animals.1$C ?ccording to some tests carried out in the GingKs =hamber of the 5reat Pyramid, its parallel granite slabs resonate to the !] chord, which is often said to be the natural resonant frequency of the Narth itself. The coffer of the GingKs =hamber is said to resonate at D<# )&, the
1$E The importance of keeping this technology secret for military purposes is obvious. 1$C ? related story was ran in the ?ugust D, 1BDC edition of the San /iego +nion. These two articles are given in full along with related information in the (-uppressed )istory, section of the Internet notes, under (?ncient =ivili&ations, 5iants, Tunnels +eneath -outhern =alifornia2,


musical note of K?.K1$# Paul )orn recorded this resonance, I it can be heard at the start of the album nside the Great Pyramid, *ushroom Aecords, Inc. Ndgar =ayce giving readings regarding (?tlantean land or Poseidia,, where the (nightside of life, was used as a means for mechanical power I also as a destructive force. =ayce told of an e'odus from these ancient lands, including modern%day /ucatan I the Pyrenees, I Ngypt, ahead of foretold destruction, I of flying machines equivalent to N&ekielKs vision used at this time. Power channeled through crystals is credited for accidentally causing an energy disturbance that caused the splitting of isles I later of further destruction. ?round this time, a division of the people had occurred between (-ons of +elial,1$B I (children of the .aw of Jne., +imini, off the
1$# The modern frequency assigned to the musical note of K?K is DD9 )&. )istorically, from ancient cultures throughout the world through the classical and romantic periods in western musical history when composers such as *o&art and +eethoven were alive, the note of K?K was tuned to D<; )&. ?rtists such as Himi )endri' have also recorded in ?3D<; )& more recently, but generally a shift has been made in the last hundred years or so to, for whatever reason, shift the tuning of the note of K?K to DD9 )&. 1$B The name (+elial, comes from the )ebrew , formed from the words (beli%, L(without,M and (yaKal, L(value,M. It occurs ;C times in the *asoretic te't. Jf those ;C times, 1$ of them are in the form of the phrase (sons of +elial,, given to mean idolators L eut. 1<"1<M, the men of 5ibeah LHudges 1B";; I ;9"1<M, and the sons of Nli L1 -am. ;"1;M, and others. +elial is also the leader of the (-ons of arkness, in the ead -ea -croll te't known as The War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of /ar'ness. In other parts of the ead -ea -crolls, the (?ngel of .ight, is defined as 5od himself, while the (?ngel of arkness, is +elial, and +elial is also described as a (watcher, who contested over ?mram, father of *oses, in a dream. The (watchers, are associated with the fallen angels in the +ook of Nnoch.


coast of !lorida, is said to be near sunken temples of ?tlantis which are now covered in sea slime. =ayce predicted that the first portion of ?tlantis would be discovered in 1BE# or 1BEB. The +imini Fall was discovered in 1BE# by r. H. *anson 7alentine.



There Is a Aiver
Thomas -ugrue This book is a biography of Ndgar =ayce. It chronicles his life from a young child, and how he discovered his gift of trance mediumship as a means for diagnosing and treating others of all sorts of ailments, all the way to his death in 1BD$. Fhile the book is primarily about =ayce himself and the work he did as a healer in his own right, it does touch on channeling =ayce did, guided by others, on subjects about which he knew nothing in his normal waking state Las with his medical sessionsM, regarding reincarnation, ancient history, and other metaphysical subjects. It is on these subjects that I have recorded notes from this book, and those notes now follow. The -olar -ystem (is a cycle of e'periences for the soul., The planets (represent focal points for theS environments in which the dimensions can e'press and materiali&e themselves., This, the < rd dimensionKs focal point LNarthM, is a (laboratory, for the (whole system, because free will is only completely dominant here. Nlsewhere, the soul has a more direct influence in our e'periences. The subconscious serves as a memory or record of all our life e'periences. The conscious mind is the record of the e'periences of this current life. Thoughts go from the conscious mind (to the imaginative, or introspective, mind, which is seated in the pineal gland., There, they are compared to what has been e'perienced previously, then 1D1

passed on to (the subconscious, or soul mind, which is seated, with its spirit, just above the heart., This definition of subconscious is different than =arl HungKs, which defines (subconscious, as anything which is not a part of the conscious awareness.1E9 -tars represent soul patterns, not e'periences: (They are like the races R patterns of temperament, personality, etc., Nven moreso, how the individual soulKs life e'periences have related to the constellations I the patterns they represent. ?rcturus as the ne't stop on the soulKs journey after our -olar -ystem. Aeferences to" Nnneads of Plotinus:1E1 mysteries of Nleusis, +acchus, *ithras I Jsiris:1E; (lost keys, of
1E9 This observation is not made in There s a "iver itself, but is this editorKs observation. 1E1 The Si6 1nneads, or often just The 1nneads, are a collection of writings by the 5reco%Ngyptian Plotinus Lc. ;9D%;C9M and edited by Porphyry. They discuss topics such as virtue, nature, the source of evil, quality1substance, the movement of heaven, how distant objects appear small, love, the immortality of the soul, the unity of all souls, numbers, intellect, etc. The work was very influential on early =hristian and *uslim thinkers alike, and is considered a work of @eoplatonism. 1E; These mysteries were all associated with initiation ceremonies revolving around various ancient cults. The Nleusinian *ysteries Laka the *ysteries of emeter and GoreM were initiation ceremonies held for the cult of emeter every year, and centered around the city of Nleusis. The cult of emeter is believed to go back to 1$99 +=. !rom Fikipedia, (The mysteries represented the myth of the abduction of Persephone from her mother emeter by the king of the underworld )ades, in a cycle with three phases, the TdescentT LlossM, the TsearchT and the TascentT, with the main theme the TascentT of Persephone and the reunion with her mother. It was a major festival during the )ellenic era, and later spread to Aome. The name of the town, Nleusms seems to be Pre%5reek and it is probably a counterpart with Nlysium and the goddess Nileithyia., The ceremonies and beliefs associated with this cult


!reemasonry:1E< )indu samadhi:1ED -aracen 1E$ 1EE mathematics: the Tetragrammaton. Aeincarnation was e'punged by the early church.1EC !ence rail laid on the wane of the *oon will sink into the ground, I bacon from a hog killed during the wane will shrivel as itKs fried. The *oon being known for other subtle effects.
were kept secret. +acchus is the Aoman name for the 5reek ionysus, and the associated ionysian mysteries were also kept secret but are believed to have involved rituali&ed use of substances induced altered states of consciousness, as well as rituali&ed dancing and other activities meant to lower inhibitions and render the individual back to state closer to nature. ?s they progressed, the ionysian mysteries shifted toward a more transcendental or mystical emphasis. The *ithraic mysteries, apparently centered in Aome but involving a deity that e'ists in several ancient cultures, seem to have had a comple' system of seven initiatory grades involving rituali&ed meals and possibly bull%killing, similar to Hewish practices of sacrificing bulls. The initiates referred to themselves as synde'ioi, or those (united by the handshake., The Jsirian mysteries may have had very close ties with =hristian teachings, including the )oly Trinity and the resurrection of the principle deity. 1E< *anly P. )allKs book The Lost Keys of (reemasonry may shed light on this subject. The book deals with the heavy symbolism associated with freemasonic practices. It will be noted that )all himself became a <<rd degree mason after publishing this book. 1ED This is a mystical state of consciousness outside the realms of duality, described as a death%like state, when the individual consciousness is absorbed back into source consciousness. 1E$ (-aracen, was a term used for *uslims in the medieval period in Nurope, and in the earlier Aoman15reek period it was a term for a people living near the Aoman province of ?rabia who were distinct from the ?rabs themselves. +etween E;; and 1E99 ? , mathematics flourished in the ?rab world under the *uslim =aliphate. Fhile much of this work is still unstudied, it is known that the study of algebra was refined and standardi&ed at this time, the decimal system was developed, and 5reek geometry and


In the Hewish tradition, there is an inner teaching1theology taught to initiates in the priestly line LGabbalah, etc.M, I an outer teaching taught to the masses which is simplified. In the < rd chapter of Hohn, Hesus suggests that @icodemus, a (master of Israel,, should already know his teachings. .ying @orth%to%-outh Lhead lying @orthM facilitated =ayceKs readings as a (matter of polarity., =lairvoyance becomes more pronounced as awareness shifts away from the physical body Lspace% timeM to the subconscious1superconscious. ?ndrew Hackson avis,1E# (the Poughkeepsie -eer,, was a sort of precursor to =ayce in ?merica: he wrote the book, The Princi3les of $at&re4 :er /ivine "evelation4 and a %oice to #an'ind.1EB ? genesis given by the readings is similar in substance to 5nostic versions, ie the 1merald Ta!let.1C9
trigonometry was built upon. 1EE The Tetragrammaton stands for the four )ebrew letters for 5od L/ahwehM, ie /)7) L/od R )ey R 7av R )eyM. 1EC !or more information on the transmigration of souls Lie reincarnationM being condemned at the !ifth =ouncil of =onstantinople in $$<, also known as the -econd Ncumenical =ouncil, see the =;= notes for 9D19C11;. 1E# .ike =ayce, this man also made medical diagnoses while in the trance state. 1EB This is a book of trance revelations from avis, an #99%page volume of (occult history, philosophy, science, and mysticism,, also includes descriptions of inhabitants of other planets and ideas on reincarnation. 1C9 The 1merald Ta!let, also known as the -maragdine Table, is a short )ermetica L5reco%Ngyptian wisdom, circa 199%<99 ? M te't that was highly regarded by Nuropean alchemists and can be traced back to ?rabia of the si'th to eighth centuries, although the te't itself claims to be written by ()ermes Trismegistus.,


-ouls were eventually propelled1ejected from identity with 5od to e'perience free will I develop over time until their actions again e'actly mirrored 5odKs will I they fully reali&ed their unity with 5od I the rest of creation" that all is of 5odKs spirit. The symbology of the crucifi' is of submitting fully to 5odKs will as an individual: of e'isting as 5od in an individual soul1body. The (revolt of the angels, was the process whereby all created souls eventually lost their awareness of being one with all I assumed individuality, in the very beginning. -ouls roam through the cosmos as individuals separated from 5od. Fhen they come into contact with solar systems, they can become entrapped by the allure of the various e'periences until they learn to get along just as well with what they have desired as without it.1C1 This indicates a rediscovery of the richness of the soul itself I its direct connection to 5od. In the case of our -olar -ystem, there are # planets representing # dimensions into which spiritual energy focuses, representing the entire consciousness of our system. Narth represents the <rd dimension I was created as an e'pression of divine mind, complete with its own plan I evolution, plants, animals, and natural beauty. -ouls e'pressed themselves through mi'ing with the seas, forests, plants I animals. The mingling with the animals
1C1 This is very similar to what was taught by 7irginian out%of%body e'perience researcher Aobert *onroe, who, after decades of controlled out%of%body e'periences, claimed that souls are attracted to this region of consciousness and become entrapped in it for many lifetimes by their desires, pulling them down like a vorte', until they accumulate enough energy to achieve an (escape velocity, from the system. The channeled entity (+ashar, also compares the lifetimes on Narth to the drawing back of a rubber band, after which we are ejected with a force comparable to that which had (pulled us in, and entrapped us.


led to the creation of (thought forms, I imitations of the creator through (playing., This resulted in a (stream of mind, drawing souls into its current I into physical bodies which had been created. There were strange mi'tures of animals from which come fables of centaurs, cyclops, etc. -ouls are androgynous but began incarnating as male I female in imitation of the animals in order to allow the isolation of positive I negative relations to energy e'changes of the soul Lpositive" initiating, impregnating, thrusting forward: negative" receiving, nourishing, ejectingM. P@ote that these are not judgmental terms, but simple descriptions of relative energy e'changes in the same way as the terms (positive, and (negative, are used in relation to electromagnetic forces. -uch systemati&ation can be found in many esoteric schools of thought.Q The complete soul enjoys a balance of both. -ouls then selected anthropoid apes for transformation into a physical vessel of the soul capable of the comple'ities of language, civili&ation, tool%making, etc. These apes were (influenced, e'ternally by souls before they were ready to begin incarnating into their bodies as individuals. This seems to imply a group%soul amongst animal communities. -o souls were already once%removed from awareness of 5od1unity with the development of free will: now souls are twice%removed as they incarnate into physical bodies, with e'periences filtered by the (conscious mind,1physical sensory inputs to the brain, in order to e'perience this physical realm. There are countless other ways of e'periencing individuality throughout the rest of the cosmos: part of this (game, on Narth is feeling removed from other individual souls. ?t the advent of humanity there were $ (pure races," the white race in the =aucasus, =arpathians I 1DE

Persia: the yellow race in the present%day 5obi esert: the black race in the -udan I upper west ?frica: the red race in ?tlantis: and the brown race in the ?ndes. ?t the time, the Pacific =oast of -outh ?merica was the west coast of (.emuria,: the ?tlantic seaboard was the lowlands of ?tlantis: Persia I the =aucasus were (rich, lands R the (5arden of Nden,: the *ississippi basin was part of the oceans: the @ile emptied into the ?tlantic: the -ahara was fertile, I the poles (as we know them today, were tropical I sub%tropical. (Jnly when the body was no longer a hindrance to the free e'pression of the soul would the cycle of earth be finished., Nach atom of the body is also a (world in itself,, I is influenced by La (reflection, ofM the (soulKs pattern., The story of ?dam I Nve is e'plained as the point when (the serpent, introduced the knowledge that ended mankindKs animal%like blissful ignorance in the physical form. Fhen the conscious I (subconscious,1C; merge, the atomic structure of the body can be controlled by the soul so that itKs just as free in the body as out of it, I the soul can bring the (earth cycle, to a close I go on to new things. Perfection in the other dimensions of the system is also required for this. =hrist, who (fostered, the human race, had completed such a cycle before returning to 5od as a co%creator. )e incarnated (from time to time, to teach I lead mankind, as Nnoch, *elchi&edek, Hoseph, Hoshua, Heshua L(the scribe of Nnoch who rewrote the +ible,M, I finally, Hesus. !ree will I predestination LkarmaM co%e'ist, as the ability to (draw the sword from the stone,, I as probabilities established by karmic debts, respectively.
1C; ?gain this seems to understood as something different than HungKs definition of the subconscious, for e'ample.



The *yths of the @orth ?merican Indians

.ewis -pence These notes represent oddities and curiosities taken from this book, which was first published in 1B1D.

-ummary of 7arious Tribes

The Iroquois
Tribes encompassed by the name (Iroquois, include the )uron, Tuscarora, -usquehannock I @ottoway tribes, amongst others, but the Iroquois =onfederacy consisted of the =ayuga, *ohawk, Jneida, Jnondaga I -eneca tribes. The =herokee are believed to have been an (early offshoot, of these people.1C< Iroquois occupied land from the -t. .awrence to Aoanoke rivers.

The ?lgonquins
The ?lgonquin tribes covered a large swath of @orth ?merica, surrounding the Iroquois tribes I e'tending from @N =anada I *aine to the Aocky *ountains in the west I to the south into 7irginia, from along the ?tlantic =oast to present%day Fisconsin,
1C< The =herokee themselves, according to at least one account, believe that they originally came from an island. !or more information on this see, the book notes for Lost Worlds of Ancient America, under chapter ;<, (The Falls of Poseidon.,


Illinois, Indiana, Jhio, etc. They were generally considered (milder, than the Iroquois, but were also often enemies of the Iroquois in war. >nlike the Iroquois, the ?lgonquin tribes were friendly with the !rench I often at war with the Nnglish. They practiced agriculture I possessed some massive plantations in some areas, for e'. along the *aumee Aiver to .ake Nrie. They taught settlers to make hominy, maple sugar, succotash I johnny cakes.

The *uskhogean1CD
These people, including the =hoctaw, =hickasaw, =reek, I -eminole tribes, occupied the 5ulf states that are now *ississippi, ?labama, !lorida, 5eorgia, -outh =arolina, I portions of Tennessee. They were also agricultural, I practiced artificial skull deformation, leading to them being called (flat%heads.,1C$

The -iou'
The -antee, /ankton, ?ssiniboin I Teton tribes stretched from -askatchewan to .ouisiana. They were renowned for their courage, intellect I physical ability, I were commonly polygamous.
1CD ?lso spelled (*uskogean., 1C$ It is theori&ed by some that certain ancient cultural practices of manipulating the body were attempts to imitate entities considered divine in these cultures. ?ccording to some, ancient peoples are theori&ed to have practiced (skull deformation, when there is in reality no evidence of anything other than a naturally different skeletal structure. In this particular case it is not clear from these notes whether there is witness testimony, etc. of such a practice itself.


The =addoan !amily

There are three geographic groups here" the ?rikara in the north, the Pawnee =onfederacy in the middle Laround @ebraskaM, I the =addo, Gichal I Fichita in the south, overall from @orth akota to Jklahoma. They were loosely confederated I practiced agriculture as well as hunting.

The -hoshoneans
*eaning (snake, people, occupying modern%day @evada, >tah I Idaho, these were the Aoot% iggers =omanches I other tribes (of low culture., Their language is apparently related to that of the ?&tec.

The ?thapascans
These people spanned from the Pacific to the )udson +ay, on the Fest =oast from ?laska through Jregon, =alifornia, @ew *e'ico, to *e'ico, east into =olorado, >tah, Gansas, I @F =anada. They include the ?pache, @avaho P@avajoQ I .ipon tribes. This is the most widely%distributed native linguistic family.

?n Indian 5irlKs 7igil

? story is related of a girl, =atherine Fabose, taking her symbolic vigil for passing into womanhood. This involved a fast of several days, I on the $ th day of fasting she heard a (superhuman voice,, which led her to meet an (Nverlasting -tanding Foman, that conferred a (supernatural, name upon the girl. Then she met the 1$1

(.ittle *an -pirit, who gave her the name of her future son. Then the (+right +lue -ky, gave her (the gift of life,, after which she was (encircled by bright points of light and by sharp, painless instruments, but, mounting upon a fish%like animal, she swam through the air back to her lodge., The story relates that this (vision, was repeated on the Eth day, I that on the C th (she beheld a large round object like a stone descend from the sky and enter the lodge. It conferred upon her the gift of prophecy, andSshe assumed the rank of a prophetess upon her return to the tribe.,

?nimism I Totemism
@atives generally viewed everything, from the wind, rocks I trees, even to abstract concepts like darkness, to be living things that possessed some degree of consciousness that may be interpreted by able men or women. They also generally considered themselves kin to the various animals I sometimes took clan distinctions from animals I considered a particular animal to be the grandfather of a particular tribe I be sacred to it. This clan distinction could be almost equivalent to a last name1family distinction I is similar to the customs of the ancient -cots LPictsM.

-nakes are commonly symbols of wisdom to the natives. To the ?lgonquins I akotas the words (manito, I (wakan, designate both the supernatural, I the rattlesnake. .ightning was associated with the serpent, I since lightning storms occur most frequently during the 1$;

heat of the summer, the serpent is also associated with vegetation I the growth of crops. Pawnees called thunder the (hissing of the great snake., @ative (magicians, were familiar with the ability to entrance rattlesnakes with rhythmic sounds I handle them. The rattlesnake was appreciated for being slow to attack but e'tremely venomous.

Pipes I -moking
?ccording to many tribes a certain (Pipe%stone 6uarry, was designated specifically for acquiring stone from which to make pipes. -tone from this one region, near the (e'treme source, of the (+ig -iou', which feeds into the *issouri, has been found by an e'plorer named =atlin to have been used by about D9 tribes, covering thousands of miles, I pilgrimages were often made to acquire this stone. -moking is very sacred to the natives I is used to initiate I conclude treaty negotiations I etc.: it was according to some traditions given to man by one of the various great spiritual beings. PPages 1;$ I 1;E are missing from this reproduced edition of the 1B1D book itself. *aybe something interesting2Q @atives app. believed people can reincarnate after passing on if they so choose. They also believed in the ability to journey to the (other world, while still alive.

Times I !estivals
ifferent tribes used different means of keeping 1$<

track of time. ?nnual celebrations marked seasonal changes, maturation of crops, etc. *ost tribes made use of the *oon for recording time I counted 1; to 1<, or even 1;i moons Llunar cyclesM to a year, I named them based on significant events or characteristics of that time of year. The new year generally fell for them at the beginning of spring.

The Iroquois
)iKnun is1was a thunder%god, brother of Fest Find, I an ally of the Iroquois in the destruction of the -tone 5iants I other enemies in ancient times. ?ccording to the Iroquois, man was first introduced with )iKnun when a hunter was recruited by a group of apparent men, far off the ground, near the clouds, who wanted him to slay a serpent1dragon in the depths of a lake, I gave him special sight in order to do so from high above the ground. The chief of these (men, was )iKnun.

)iawatha is an apparent historical figure, the man who first initiated the negotiations between various tribes that resulted in the Iroquois =onfederation, somewhere around the 1<99Ks Laccording to native traditionM to the 1$99Ks Lapp. according to Nuropean1?nglo%?merican analysesM. Tribal representation in the confederacy Lknown as the (-ilver =hain,M was passed on through 1$D

matrilineal heredity as with the Picts of -cotland. 1CE Fhen =hamplain arrived with the !rench in 1E11 I befriended the )uron people, he simultaneously incurred the anger1antagonism of the Iroquois confederacy I seems to have sealed the fate of !rench1Nnglish colonial competition in @orth ?merica. @onetheless the Iroquois tribes were amongst the most peaceful in @orth ?merica, practiced agriculture I were generally an advanced culture compared, for e'ample, to many tribes farther west, etc.

-tone 5iants
The Iroquois believed in an early race of giants, made of stone, who banded together I descended upon human tribes to destroy them in war, but were ambushed I destroyed by Fest Find Lbrother of )iKnunM when they met the natives in battle.

The Iroquois believed in a race of pigmies, resembling Teutonic gnomes. They were protectors of mankind I responsible for shaping natural landscapes, carving1sculpting cliffs, boulders, etc. ?n actual, historical race of (pigmies, app. e'isted I inhabited the Nastern part of @orth ?merica before the (Aed *an.,
1CE !or other similarities between the @ative ?mericans and the -cottish Picts, see the book notes for Lost Civilizations & Secrets of the Past, under the chapter (The *icmac and the Picts., @? studies also link (pure%blooded, =herokee to ancient peoples in Nurope and the *iddle Nast. !or more information on this, see the book notes for Lost Civilizations & Secrets of the Past, under its first section, (?rchaeological -candals.,


5reat )ead
The 5reat )ead is a malevolent being that the Iroquois believed in, that was simply (an enormous head poised on slender legs., )e was said to live on a rugged rock, kill those he would espy from a distance, I apparently rode (on the wind,, for e'. during a great storm in at least one myth. )e had a magician brother.

The +oy *agician

? myth regarding a boy magician I his grandmother features a menacing being whose voice is finally traced to an enormous head sticking up from a lake, with a face on every side. Fhen the lake is caused to dry up, the being is a large green frog.

@atives as Hews
?ccording to The *igration from -hinar by =apt. 5. Palmer, first published in 1#CB, some unspecified tribe encountered by author celebrated the Hewish observance of !irst !ruits, singing ()alelu%)alelu%)aleluiah, I praising (/o%)e%Fah,, the latter of which at least is only spoken during their religious festivities.

Felsh%-peaking @atives
?ccording to legend, *adoc, the son of Felsh prince Jwen 5wyneth, sailed due west across the ?tlantic I landed (not far from !lorida,, according to -ir Thomas )erbert in his Travels, in the year 11C9. N'amples are given of native words app. identical to Felsh words. 1$E

=omparisons have often been made between @ative ?mericans I the natives of -iberia, in appearance, customs, I even beliefs, I linguistic patterns. Aemains of ancient natives have been found along mastodons, I at least one apparent (elephantKs, tusks were found around 1$%;9 ft. underground alongside a man%made reed mat in .ouisiana, at Petit ?nse. ?ncient mining operations have been found in =alifornia I near .ake -uperior. 1CC ? (clay image, was reportedly brought up by a sand%pump in @ampa, Idaho, from a depth of <;9 ft. in alternating beds of clay I quicksand under a lava flow that dated to the Tertiary or early 5lacial age. There is also ample evidence of -candinavian peoples reaching @orth ?merica at various times before =olumbus.

?lgonquin *yths I .egends

?lgonquin myths share uncanny similarities with -candinavian myths. They also share some linguistic similarities with a -candinavian language, ie their respective words for (evil influence, are app. identical. The ?lgonquin deity 5looskap, like Jdin, trained ; birds to bring him news of the world. 5looskap e'terminated many evil forces on the Narth for mankind, but eventually decided that it did no good I to quit the world, I is
1CC .ake -uperior borders the >pper Peninsula of *ichigan to the north. Nvidence for massive mining operations that took place here in the ancient past is also discussed in the documentary notes for the T7 series America +nearthed, for the episode entitled (5reat .akes =opper )eist.,


e'pected to return in the future. 5looskap also app parallels 6uet&alcoatl of *e'ican tradition. +oth were regarded as seeding humanity with arts I civili&ation, teaching agriculture, etc.1C# 5looskap is also associated with a legend where he captures a personified -ummer I uses her to melt a personified Finter.

-iou' *yths I .egends

? common deity in -iou' myths, particularly of the Iowa tribe, is Ictinike, a son of the -un%god who was e'pelled from heaven I is regarded as the (!ather of .ies.,1CB )e carries a bad reputation for deceit, I is always up to no good in the various legends. The -iou' also have myths about an evil race of giants that once nearly wiped out a tribe of men, I a story relating man% eating giants slain by a chiefKs son.

Pawnee *yths I .egends

The selection of myths from this tribe show interactions with personifications of animals, ie buffalo I bear, that e'hibit magical abilities.

1C# =ompare this with the account given in the +ook of Nnoch of the fallen angels teaching mankind many various arts and technologies. 1CB =ompare to the story of -atan as a fallen angel, also banished from heaven in the +ook of Nnoch and called the (father of all lies, elsewhere in the +ible.


@orthwestern *yths I .egends

The =hinook tribe, which dwelt around the =olumbia Aiver, practiced cranial distortion, I were called (flat%headed., Their chiefs were sent to sea in canoes when they died or were burned in them, similar to a -candinavian rite. They also had at least one myth regarding a man%eating giant who harassed a group of brothers. The =alifornian tribes were app. a conglomeration of different native cultures, with distinct languages I app. from different origins. Tribes on the coasts in el @orte =ounty, =alifornia, have myths (practically identical, with the myths of Aussian river tribes. The ?cagchemen tribes have a myth relating that they ate nothing but a kind of nourishing (white clay, until a powerful being1man named Juiot was poisoned I died, saying he would return in the future. Then the natives were forced to begin eating meat I vegetables. Then (a marvellous PsicQ thing appeared before them,, called =hinigchinich I whose abode was (above,, I he created man I woman from clay I made all the original tribe members supernatural beings, all later beings1men I women of the tribe being descendants of those made of clay. Jther stories relate =hinigchinich describing himself as coming from the stars to instruct mankind of various things. The Pericues of lower =alifornia have a myth of the great lord of heaven, @iparaya, I the goddess ?nayicoyondi having three divine children, one of them named 6uaayayp.1#9 ?ccording to the myth, 6uaayayp
1#9 @ote the similarities to /ahweh, ?sherah Lthe equivalent of a female companion to /ahweh who was outlawed from Hudaism as a =anaanite entity but nonetheless made appearances and was


was a real man born on Narth, in the ?caragui *ountains, I was eventually killed by the men he dwelt among as a teacher, I a crown of thorns was placed upon his head. 1#1 )is body continues to lie somewhere I does not decay, while blood constantly drips from his wounds, I an owl constantly speaks to him, though he himself can no longer speak.1#;

associated with the menorah with a triangular baseM, and the )oly Trinity. 1#1 The similarities here between 6uaayayp and Hesus, being killed by the people he came to help and being crowned with a crown of thorns, are obvious. 1#; This also can be compared with =hristian theology, for e'ample Hesus also did not die, one could argue that the bleeding wounds represent his sacrifice which still e'ists for the sins of others, and owl could be interpreted as a symbol for the )oly -pirit. )owever the owl is also the symbol for the =anaanite deity *olech to which children were sacrificed, and which the +ohemian 5rove ceremonies feature.


The Twelfth Planet

Oecharia -itchin This is the famous first book of Oecharia -itchinKs 1arth Chronicles series, which, along with the work of a small handful of other authors, such as Nrich von jniken, first brought (ancient astronaut, theories to the attention of wide audiences. -itchin himself was a professional journalist and editor, with a firm understanding of ancient Hewish scripture, stemming from being raised in a Hewish family. )e spoke several languages, speciali&ing in -emitic languages, and taught himself to read -umerian cuneiform, from which much of his work derives. hese notes re%lect only the material presented in the %irst se&eral chapters o% this 'oo( , where ancient *iddle%Nastern cultures are described and comparative mythologies are made. ?s of the creation of this present volume, notes for the rest of The Twelfth Planet have not yet been made. The first page of notes recorded from this book consisted of a diagram illustrating the similarities between =anaanite1Pheonician, 5reek and .atin letters. This diagram is reproduced on the following page.


1 " Pronounced (ch, as in (loch., ; " Pronounced (ts.,


iscovering -umeria
?ssyria I +abylonia came to prominence in *esopotamia around ;999 +=, ?ssyria in the north I +abylonia in the south. They were rivals, but their cultures shared many dramatic similarities, including a common language" ?kkadian. This suggested to early archaeologists that they shared a common ancestor civili&ation Las yet undiscoveredM. ?kkadian is in the -emitic family of languages but predates all the others, including )ebrew, ?ramaic, and Phoenician1=anaanite. The names +abylon Lcapital of +abyloniaM I @ineveh Lcapital of ?ssyriaM, attributed to this language, suggested the city of ?kkad, mentioned in 5enesis as one of the cities of the beginning of @imrodKs kingdom, along with +abel L+abylonM I Nrech L>rukM. @imrod was also described as the founder of all *esopotamian civili&ation, I his cities were all in the land of (-hiKnar, L-humer1-umeriaM. ?rchaeologists discovered inscriptions recording the earlier civili&ation called ?kkad, ruled by a (righteous ruler, LsharrukinM, boasting of a kingdom stretching from a (.ower -ea, LPersian 5ulfM to an (>pper -ea, Lthe *editerranean2M, I of ships mooring from many distant lands. Their king was called -argon, who, the tablets e'plained, was an adviser to a kingdom of Gish before he became king of ?kkad. =ompare to 5enesis" (?nd Gush begot @imrod., -argon defeated >ruk Lbiblical (Nrech,, from which the name (Iraq, is derivedM I the inhabitants of >r, I (the entire territory from .agash as far as the sea., The (>r, mentioned is also the biblical >r, the birthplace of ?braham. ?ll this, of course, suggested even earlier civili&ations than <999 +=, since -argon was 1E<

already conquering pre%e'isting kingdoms at this point in history. @ames of kings preceding -argon of ?kkad began to no longer fit -emitic language patterns or mean anything in any -emitic tongue. ?n even earlier pictographic language, more resembling Ngyptian hieroglyphics, was discovered in dual%language tablets, I the ancients described it as the (language of -humer., -ir ?usten )enry .ayardKs archaeological team removed some ;$,999 tablets from an ancient library in @ineveh that was established the ?shurbanipal.1#< *any of these ancient tablets claimed to have been transcribed from older te'ts in the language of -umer. Jne of them included a boast by ?shurbanipal himself that he could read the (intricate tablets in -humerian, from (the days before the !lood., ?kkadian%-umerian dictionaries1 le'icons were uncovered, greatly facilitating the translation of -umerian. In 1#CC the first e'cavation of a -umerian city was begun" .agash, which -argon had conquered. In modern% day Iraq, tablets were found there describing D< reigning (righteous kings, of .agash from U;B99 += to U;;$9 += La nearly E$9%year spanM. ?gricultre, irrigation I commerce were described. ? ruler named Nannatum1#D left a tablet mentioning other cities, or rather that he had
1#< ?shurbanipal was the last powerful ruler of the @eo%?ssyrian Nmpire, circa EE#%E;C +=. )e is famous for the library he amassed at @ineveh of ancient te'ts, known as the .ibrary of ?shurbanipal, and historically comparable to the later .ibrary at ?le'andria. 1#D NannatumKs ?morite or Tidn& name was .umma. )e was grandson of >r%@anshe, also known as >r%@ina, who is recorded as the first king of the !irst ynasty of .agash, circa ;$99 +=. Nannatum conquered >r, @ippur, ?kshak, .arsa and >ruk, and anne'ed Gish.


conquered one, I e'plaining that one may only have assumed the throne with approval from the gods. NannatumKs successor described building a temple I lining1adorning it with gold I silver, building a fortress I watchtowers, I docks for ships. Ging 5udea of .agash described obtaining rare materials from all over the *iddle Nast, ?frica, I geographic places not yet deciphered by scholars. )e also describes employing some ;1E,999 people in constructing a temple as a (man that shone like the heaven,1#$ with a (divine bird, beside him, apparently the deity @ingirsu,1#E had come to him I instructed him. ? surviving ; architectural plan was so densely%packed with information that, wth just a floor plan for a single level, along with another series of lines, the whole structural design of a seven%layered &iggurat could be deciphered. 5udea says this plan was given to him by the deity I that he had to employ others to interpret it. -umerian tablets I ?kkadian tablets based on -umerian knowledge showed a great knowledge of metals I alloys, I the same area in modern%day Iraq was the premier site for fuels used for smelting throughout ancient times. -ilver, the first shekel, was used for currency. *edical practices included therapy, surgery, (commands and incantations,, I the use of powders, oils, tinctures, etc. Tablets refer to removing a (shadow, from the eye Lcataract2M I a law stated that any doctor who accidentally blinded his patient during surgery would lose his hand. There are also mentions of resurrection of the dead I of medical practices that modern scholars have difficulty
1#$ =ompare this man (that shone like heaven, to the (shining, beings in the =;= notes for 9#1;B11<, and also the notes for (Temples, =reator%5ods, and the Transfiguration of the -oul, from the book notes for Lost Civilizations & Secrets of the Past. 1#E (@ingirsu, may be an older form of the name of the god @inurta.


interpreting. In Hoshua C";1 a story is related of a person looting a garment of (-hinKar, from the defeated city of Hericho, a testament to -umerian te'tile quality, because the punishment for being caught looting was death. +oth the toga I its etymological roots stem from -umer, which e'hibited elaborate fashion. =uisine was also advanced, cooking meats with flour, herbs I spices, brewing wine I beer, I making both leavened I unleavened cakes, pastries, etc., I the origin of these practices, according to the -umerians, was at the temples, to please the gods. They wrote of chefs dedicated to daily offerings of a variety of food I drink to these deities. =herries I apricots seem to have originated in *esopotamia. 19$ terms for various kinds of ships according to their si&es, purposes, destinations, etc. were found on an ?kkadian%-umerian dictionary tablet. ?nother EB terms were found on the construction I manning of ships, indicating an established -umerian naval tradition. ?lso attributed to the -umerians are the first bicameral congress Lwhich 5ilgamesh app. had to consult in Nrech1>ruk before going to war with GishM, the literary precursors to the biblical books of Hob I 5enesis Lincluding the story of the floodM, the first social reforms against corruption of state officials I the wealthy, I the first schools I codes of law. They attributed laws to their deities. They also had musical notation I app. the same diatonic scales as ancient 5reece, which we still use today. @ippur was the religious center of ancient -umer. <9,999 te'ts were e'cavated there. ?ncient te'ts named Nridu as the oldest city, and e'cavations there turned up a sequence of additional constructions on the foundation of a temple to Nnki that were dated back to ;$99 +=, <999 +=, <$99 +=, I finally after a strata dated to <#99 +=, 1EE

there was undisturbed soil, indicating a date of U<#99 += for the first -umerian city.

=omparing the 5ods

In 5reek mythology, when Oeus led the revolt to overthrow his Titan father =ronos, a war ensued that ended with Oeus facing a serpent%like deity named Typhon at *ount =asius1#C between Ngypt I ?rabia, I app. in the -inai Peninsula. The Jlympic gods appeared human at least some of the time, I could have children with humans. =ompare Typhon to serpent cults in ancient +abylon I elsewhere. ?fter the Titans were defeated, the Jlympian council of 1; gods was established. Cronos L/oungest Titan: castrated his father >ranus, usurped power with his sister AheaM n Oeus ) with *etis" ?thena, the only one to help Oeus fight Typhon. n n n n n Poseidon )ades )estia emeter )era

with emeter" Persephone Lf.M

1#C ?lso known as Aas Gouroun, on the *editerranean coast of the -inai Peninsula. The name (=asius, comes from one of OeusKs epithets, (Gasios,, and the mountain was associated with a shrine to Oeus. ?nother mountain called =asius for the same reason, in -yria, is better known as *ount ?qraa, also known as Oaphon in the +ible, *ount )a&&i to the )urrians and Gel aop to the Turks. This mountain is also on the *editerranean coast.


with )armonia" @ine daughters. with .eto" with *aia" with )era" ?rtemis Lf.M I ?pollo" ?pollo is his first son, feared of gods I men. )ermes Lm.M L*ercuryM

?res Lm.M L*arsM, OeusK lieutenant, fought at Troy in the Trojan Far: )ephaestus Lm.M who struggles into the council of 1;, of questioned parentage, marries ?phrodite. Nros was born to ?res I ?phrodite after an affair. ?ccording to the poet )esiod, ?phrodite came to 5reece from =yprus I claimed to be a sister of =ronos, born of >ranus I thus OeusK aunt. -he took a position on the =ouncil of 1;, replacing )ades. 5reek mythology dealt largely with OeusK genealogy I his affairs along with the rest of the council of 1;. Oeus LHupiterM was associated with lightning I also the bull. +y 5reek tradition, Oeus had arrived on mainland 5reece from =rete, after abducting Nuropa, the daughter of the king of the Phoenician city of Tyre. =rete is considered the birthplace of distinctly 5reek culture. =rete was also home to the *inoan civili&ation, ca. ;C99 += to 1D99 += LU1<99 yearsM. The *inoans held as sacred a minotaur, supposedly the offspring of a bull I Pasiphak, wife of Ging *inos.1## In *inoan art a bull is often depicted with a cross, the cross being taken as a symbol of a planet or star or some celestrial event taking place in the constellation of Taurus, or when the -un rose in Taurus on the equino' Lca. D999 +=M.
1## In 5reek mythology, *inos, king of =rete, was the son of Oeus and Nuropa. Nvery nine years, he had seven young boys and seven young girls sent to the labyrinth to be eaten by the *inotaur.


PThe ?ge of Taurus lasted from ca. D<99 += to ca. ;1$9 += according to @eil *ann, ca. D99E += to ca. ;99E += according to Patrick +urlingame, and from ca. D$;$ += to ca. 1#C$ += according to -hephard -impson. Fithin this period, bull%worship cults arose in Ngypt, ?ssyria and =rete.Q Fhen =yrus 5ordon deciphered the earliest *inoan script, he found it was a -emitic dialect from the eastern coast of the *editerranean Lwhere the ?kkadian kingdom of -argon1@imrod had e'tendedM. Jn the other side of the *iddle Nast, a group that the )indus called (?ryan, L(noble men,M arrived in India around 1$99 +=, and brought with them the 7edas. 1#B The language that the 7edas were written in was an ancient Indo%Nuropean language that preceded -anskrit, 5reek I .atin, but app. contributed to the development of all three. -cholars believe that sometime in the ;nd millennium += a people that spoke this ancient Indo%Nuropean language began migrating out of somewhere around northern Iran or the =aucasus region, e'plaining the common ancestry of -anskrit I Nuropean languages. The 7edas themselves are very similar to 5reek mythology in critical respects, and the ?ryan people may also therefore e'plain both 5reek I Indian religious beliefs in ancient times. The gods of the 7edas all belonged to one family, as with the 5reek Jlympian council, I the 7edic gods also had an organi&ation of 1;
1#B (7eda, is -anskrit for (knowledge., Fikipedia describes the 7edas as large bodies of te't originating in ancient India, and the oldest scriptures of )induism. ?ccording to tradition they are (not of human agency,, but attributed to the revelation of +rahma. The four canonical collections contained within the 7edas are the "igveda, the =a0&rveda, the Samaveda and the Atharvaveda.


called the ?dityas,1B9 headed by Gash%/apa, who held the title /ya&s,Pitar L(shining father,1B1M. To the 5reeks, the word /ya&s became Oeus, I to the Aomans, /ya&s,Pitar became Hupiter. Nach of the 1; ?dityas were also assigned a sign of the Oodiac. Though the gods that made up the ?dityas changed, they remained numbered 1;. Nventually Gash%/apa was succeeded by 7aruna, 5od of the )eavenly N'panse. 7edic hymns in his praise read like biblical psalms" he was all%seeing, omnipresent, said to be creator of rivers I the sea, causing wind to blow I the -un to shine, etc. )is son Indra slayed him I became the ne't head of the 1; ?dityas. Indra was called the .ord of )osts,1B; I lightning I thunder were his weapons. )e had to share dominion with his two brothers, 7ivashvat Lcreator of the first man PPoseidon1Nnki2QM, I ?gni L(igniter,, who brought fire to the Narth from the heavens for industrial useM. Oeus was also known to the 5reeks as (*aster of the =elestial !ire.,
1B9 ?ccording to Fikipedia, the qdityas are named after ?diti, the mother of the gods, (from whose cosmic matri' the heavenly bodies were born., In the Puranas, ?diti is the wife of Gashyapa. 1B1 Fikipedia translates /ya&s,Pita as (sky father., It continues, ()e is mainly considered in comparative philology as a last remnant of the chief god of Proto%Indo%Nuropean religion. The name /ya&> Pit? is e'actly parallel to the 5reek @e&s Pater etymologically, and closely related to .atin -& Piter. +oth /ya&> and @e&s reflect a Proto%Indo%Nuropean A/ye&s. +ased on this reconstruction, the widespread opinion in scholarship since the 1Bth century has been that Indra had replaced yaus as the chief god of the early Indo%?ryans. Fhile Prthivi survives as a )indu goddess after the end of the 7edic period, yaus Patr became almost unknown already in antiquity., 1B; The epithet (.ord of )osts, is also found in the Jld Testament and in the +ook of Nnoch. ?ccording to different sources the term (hosts, in this case is a reference to armed forces.


Gree(*Roman >ranus ) =ronos Lcastrated >ranusM ) Oeus Lgod of lightning, killed =ronosM Oeus rules with brothers Poseidon I )ades

+edic Gash%/apa ) 7aruna Lsame etymology as +ran&s2M ) Indra Lgod of lightning, killed 7arnuaM Indra rules with brothers 7ivashvat I ?gni

Fhile the people that the )indus called (?ryan, migrated from somewhere out of northern Iran1=aucasus region, the same people were also migrating out of the same area into Nurope, through ?sia *inor into 5reece I also around the +lack -ea into northern Nurope. In the JT, a people inhabiting ?natolia1B< in the same time period were called the )ittites. The )ittites were considered allies of Israel I their reputation was such that the -yrian army was said in the JT to have fled when it learned that the Hews had alliances with the )ittites I Ngyptians. +athsheba was the wife of >riah the )ittite, the officer in Ging avidKs army. Ging -olomon took the
1B< ?ccording to Fikipedia, ?natolia is another name for ?sia *inor. The ?natolian Peninsula is essentially the modern%day country of Turkey, or as much of it as is surrounded on three sides by water, ie the +lack -ea, ?egean -ea, *armara -ea and *editerranean. The term (?natolia, itself may apply to areas farther east towards northern Iran.


daughter of a )ittite king as a wife. Ngyptian I *esopotamian inscriptions referred to a powerful kingdom in ?natolia called the (.and of )atti., )ittite cities were uncovered in ?natolia, revealing the same pattern of gods grouped in 1;Ks. Their gods app. appointed their human kings I instructed them in political matters. )ittite inscriptions included rocket%shaped objects with the divine symbol superimposed upon them. )ittite writings also detail a leading god, Teshub 1BD Lassociated with winds, thunder, lightning, I the bullM, having to battle /anka L(serpent,M before consolidating his power. Teshub was unable to defeat /anka on his own I had to enlist the help of a goddess that got /anka drunk at a party.1B$ ? )ittite epic tale called (Gingship in )eaven, also discusses a king in )eaven named ?lalu. !or (nine counted periods, he was Ging in )eaven, but during the ninth period, ?nu, (first among the gods,, gave battle to ?lalu I defeated him, I took the throne in his place while ?lalu descended to Narth. Then for the same nine counted periods, ?nu was king in )eaven, until Gumarbi L?nuKs brother, (by some interpretations,M did battle with ?nu, (bit his loins,, I then the (manhood, of ?nu (combined, with GumarbiKs (insides,, (fused as bron&e., ?nuKs (manhood, caused several deities to form within Gumarbi, including the chief deity Teshub, who then had
1BD ?ccording to Fikipedia, the )urrian god Teshub is derived from the )attian (Taru,, and his )ittite and .uwian name was (Tarhun., 1B$ =ompare this to the story of Oeus of Typhon. Oeus enlisted the help of the goddess ?thena to slay Typhon, a serpent, and Teshub enlisted the help of a goddess also to defeat /anka, meaning serpent. Oeus and Teshub both are also associated with thunder, lightning, I the bull.


to be released Lcomp. to =ronos in 5reek mythologyM. .earning of an heir set to take ?nuKs place in heaven Lwhere he had returned after being castrated by GumarbiM, Gumarbi decided to raise a rival to the throne by leaving his abode in >r%Gish to consort with the (.ady of the 5reat *ountain, I become father of >lli%Gummi L(suppressor of the heavenly abode,M. >lli%Gummi1BE was to (ascend to heaven, I war with Teshub, I (shoot down all the gods from the sky., The battles between >lli%Gummi I Teshub proved indecisive, so that a council of gods was called, led by an (olden god, named Nnlil, I another named Na, who referred to (the old tablets with the words of destiny, to try to solve the dispute. This failed to resolve the issue, so Nnlil called upon the (olden gods, to bring forth an (olden copper lance, to destroy >lli%GummiKs feet. The (olden gods, R Nnlil, Na, ?nu, ?ntu, @inlil, Ishkur R were deities taken from the older -umerian mythology. espite being based on Indo%Nuropean dialects, the )ittite language also made e'tensive use of ?kkadian words I -umerian pictographs, syllables I words. It turned out that -umerian was studied at ancient )ittite schools that were unearthed. The -umerian language LcuneiformM had app. been out of use in its birthplace for over a millennium when the )ittites reached +abylon ca. 1E99 +=. -cholars believe that a people known as the )urrians LJT ()orites," (free people,M seeded the )ittite kingdom. The )urrians were ?ryan1Indo%Nuropean, invoked some of their deities by 7edic names, I occupied the wide area between -umer I ?natolia. They inhabited the (cedar lands, in the north, Iraqi oil fields in the east, I
1BE ?ccording to Fikipedia, >llikummi was a (giant stone monster son of Gumarbi and the sea godKs daughter,, in )urrian mythology.


their capital was app. on the Ghabur Aiver 1BC originally. The biblical city of )aran that ?braham passed through was a )urrian trading city, on the +alikh Aiver. 1B# The )ittites called the )urrians ()urri,, from which possibly derives the word (?ryan., The )ittites inherited their literature I cosmology from these people. The )urrians, in turn, derived names I words from ?kkadian I used -umerian names for deities, thus e'plaining how these names reached the )ittites. ItKs established that the )urrians were also part of the te'tile industry in -umer in the <rd millennium +=, under the <rd ynasty of >r. ?t that time they were directly integrated with the -umerian culture. In the 1<th century += Laround the time the Israelites were pushing the =anaanites out of =anaan1BBM, the )urrians1)orites pulled back to the northeastern part of their lands I established a new kingdom they called >rartu Lfrom which (?rarat, derivesM with a capital near .ake 7an. There they worshiped a pantheon headed by Tesheba1Teshub Lassociated with the bullM I called their kingdom the (fortress of the valley of ?nu.,
1BC ?ccording to Fikipedia, the Ghabur Aiver (is the largest perennial tributary to the Nuphrates in -yrian territory., It is sometimes identified with the Aiver =hebar in the JT, for e'ample in N&ekiel, though the -hatt el%@il is another candidate for the biblical river. 1B# The +alikh Aiver is the ;nd largest tributary to the Nuphrates in -yrian territory, after the Ghabur. 1BB )istorians currently tend to think that the =anaanites, once they were driven out of their other lands into the northern, coastal area of modern%day Israel and -yria, became what we now call the Phoenicians, which was a very powerful seafaring culture. Nvidence for their sailing even to the ?mericas is noted elsewhere in this volume, for e'ample in the book notes for Lost Worlds of Ancient America, (=h. 1" =aliforniaKs +uried ?ltar and *onument to the 5reat !lood.,


N'cavation of the ancient =anaanite city of >garit revealed a language called Fest -emitic La family of -emitic languages also including modern%day )ebrew I the earliest ?kkadianM I a pantheon of gods I mythology similar to that of the Ngyptians. The JT calls the =anaanites part of the )amitic family of nations Lfrom one of @oahKs sons, ()am,, meaning (hot, I referring to ?fricaM, further suggesting a closeness between the =anaanites I Ngyptians. The head of the =anaanite pantheon is Nl, the word (Nl, being both the personal name of this god I also a word meaning (lofty deity., )e was also A! Adam, (father of man,, I (creator of things created., )is abode was at the (headwaters of the two rivers., Jne of his epithets, Tor L(bull,M, associated him with the bull. )e had seven sons, the principal being +aal, (+aal, also both a personal name for this deity I a word which meant (lord., +aal;99 was also associated with the bull, I both he I Nl were gods of storms I associated with thunder I lightning. +aal was also called (Nlyon,, meaning (supreme, I app. a reference to his position as heir to NlKs position.;91 +aalKs position was challenged by his brother /am L(prince of the sea,M, but +aal defeated /am.
;99 +aal, or +aKal, the storm god, was also known as ?dad, )adad, Pidar, Aapiu, or +aal%Oaphon, though the name (+aal, was sometimes used as a title for other gods, since it simply meant (lord., ;91 @ote that 1l 1lyon is a name for the )ebrew 5od L/ahwehM that appears in 5enesis 1D";9 and Psalms B";, and Nlyon by itself appears as a name for 5od in @umbers ;D"1E. In 5enesis 1D";9, the term 1l 1lyon is spoken by *elchi&edek, king of -alem Llater known as HerusalemM, who was apparently a =anaanite. Thus the JT 5od is being called by a =anaanite name by a =anaanite, and ?braham implicitly acknowledges that the 5od that *elchi&edek praises is also his own 5od.


?nother of +aalKs brothers, *ot L(smiter,M, then killed +aal, but their sister ?nat, who was app. romantically involved with her brother +aal, killed *ot I had +aal resurrected. .ike ?thena in 5reek mythology, ?nat is a (maiden, deity. The *other 5oddess of the =anaanite pantheon is ?shera,;9; paralleling the 5reek )era. The =anaanite deity ?starte Lbiblical ?shtorethM paralleled ?phrodite, I her consort ?thtar was probably the 5reek ?res, I was associated with a bright planet. The =anaanites also mentioned (olden gods, who were mostly removed from human1earthly affairs. The head of the Ngyptian pantheon is Aa L(creator,M, who presided over an assembly of 1; gods. Aa brought forth 5eb L(Narth,M I @ut L(sky,M, I created man. Aa rarely appeared on Narth, I his abode was the ?ten La (celestial disc,1winged globeM. Aa was the first ruler of Ngypt, I gods ruled after him in Ngypt until around <199 += when the first purely human ruler Laccording to the NgyptiansM, *enes, became king. Aa divided the Ngyptian kingdom into two I gave .ower Ngypt to Jsiris I >pper Ngypt to -eth. -eth schemed to have Jsiris overthrown I had him drowned. Isis, the sister I wife of Jsiris, retrieved his mutilated body I
;9; ?ccording to Fikipedia, ?shera Lor ?sherahM was known to the )ittites, rendered in various spellings as ?sherduLsM, ?shertuLsM, ?serduLsM or ?sertuLsM. -he was known in ?kkadian as ?shratum or ?shratu, and is considered to be identical to the >garitic ratirat. -he has been identified as a consort of the -umerian god ?nu, and the >garitic Nl. -he may be the (6ueen of )eaven, mentioned in the JT, and some biblical scholars believe she was once worshiped as the consort of /ahweh. In ; Ging ;1"C, it is mentioned that *anasseh erected a statue to ?sherah within -olomonKs temple. In ; Ging ;<"D, Hosiah has all articles of +aal and ?sherah (and all the starry host, removed from the temple.


resurrected him.;9< Jsiris then went through (the secret gates, I joined Aa: his own son )orus took over the throne. )orus was sometimes depicted as a winged I horned deity. Aa was the loftiest god of the heavens, but on Narth he was the son of Ptah L(developer,1,one who fashioned things,M, who was believed by the Ngyptians to have raised Ngyptian lands from under the floodwaters of the @ile. Ptah established not only Ngypt but also (the mountain land, I (the far foreign land., The Ngyptians said all (olden gods, like Ptah had come to Ngypt from the south by boat. It is believed that the only such water route possible would have been the Aed -ea, which the Ngyptians called the -ea of >r. The hieroglyphic sign for (>r, meant (the far%foreign PlandQ in the east., The obvious implication is the -umerian city of >r. The Ngyptian word for (god,1,divine being, was @TA, which meant (one who watches., -itchin says (-humer, also means the land of the (ones who watch., ;9D There was obviously some cultural e'change between
;9< =ompare this episode to the =anaanite story of +aal being killed by his brother *ot, but then resurrected by his sister I app. lover, ?nat, as just mentioned. Hust as Aa was the father of both Jsiris and -eth, so was Nl the father of both +aal and *ot. +oth Jsiris and +aal were murdered by their brothers, and resurrected by their sisters who were also their lovers. ;9D The +ook of Nnoch fragments found with the ead -ea -crolls also mention (watchers, and equates them with the angels, some of which Lbut not allM had (fallen, from their spiritual state and caused many of the episodes recorded in the earliest parts of the JT. ?ccording to the +ook of Nnoch, the fallen angels were physically settled in the area where >r and other -umerian cities would have been located. Thus the +ook of Nnoch and the implication of the Ngyptian etymology given by -itchin would agree in the idea that the (watchers, resided in pre%diluvian *esopotamia.


ancient Ngypt I -umeria. ?s for the =anaanites situated in between these two civili&ations, their e'posure to -umerian culture seems to have come through the ?morites.;9$ The land of the ?morites was between *esopotamia I the eastern coast of the *editerranean. Their name derives from the ?kkadian amarr& I the -umerian mart&, meaning (westerners., They also held positions in -umerian cities, I an ?morite named Ishbi% Irra reestablished the -umerian kingship at .arsa when >r fell to the Nlamite;9E invaders around ;999 +=. ?morites established the first independent dynasty in ?ssyria around 1B99 +=, I also in +abylon. )ammurabi;9C was an ?morite. In the 1B<9Ks, the ?morite capital of *ari ;9# was
;9$ Fikipedia describes the ?morites as an ancient group of -emitic peoples from the -yrian and =anaanite region, what was called by the -umerians the land of the (*ar%tu, L?moritesM, who at one time occupied large parts of *esopotamia. The -umerians and ?kkadians apparently also referred to them as the ?marru, which is also the name of their principal deity. ;9E ?ccording to Fikipedia, Nlam was an ancient civili&ation centered in the west and southwest of modern%day Iran. The name (Nlam, comes from the biblical name, corresponding to the -umerian elamBaC, the ?kkadian elamt&, and the Nlamite haltamti. @ot much is known of their civili&ation, e'cept that it is one of the earliest known civili&ations located in modern%day Iran, going back to at least around <999 +=. ;9C )ammurabi was the si'th king of the !irst ynasty of +abylon, famous for his code of laws, known as )ammurabiKs =ode. It has been suggested that he was the biblical king of -hinar, ?mraphel, mentioned in 5enesis 1D"1. ;9# ?lso known as Tell )ariri, -yria, near the town of ?bu Gamal, which, according to Fikipedia, is thought to have been inhabited since the fifth millennium +=. It was rediscovered by a +edouin tribe digging for a stone to use for a grave marker in 1B<<, when they found a headless statue instead. The !rench authorities in


discovered on the Nuphrates near the modern -yrian border. It showed continuous construction on top of older structures, dating from ;999 += back to <999 +=, I showing how the ?morites were heavily influenced or a direct part of -umerian culture originally, I also showing how the culture reached the eastern *editerranean. In the ?marru1?morite pantheon, a deity named ?dad, a storm god using forked lightning as a weapon, was app. the son of an older, seemingly (retired, god named agan;9B who even complained of not being consulted during a war. The father1son relationship here may be inferred not e'plicitly from the *ari te'ts themselves, but because +aal is called (son of agon,, similar to ( agan,, I +aalKs father, Nl, had a position in the pantheon comparable to aganKs. The head of the -umerian pantheon is ?n L?kkadian An&M, who resided in the heavens but sometimes came to Narth. )is name, (?n,, aside from being a personal name, also meant (star,, (heavens,, I (god., The symbol for (?n,,

control of -yria at the time promptly began e'cavating the site, classifying it as the westernmost known outpost of -umerian culture at that time. *ore than ;$,999 tablets in ?kkadian were found at the site. ?s of ;99$, less than half of the site has been e'cavated. ;9B The word dagan was )ebrew and >garitic for (grain,, and this god was associated with the invention of the plow. )owever, according to, he was also the father of +aal in te'ts found at Aas -hamra L>garit, on the northern *editerranean coast of -yriaM, and yet second in importance there only to Nl, who is elsewhere the father of +aal Lthough the names 1l and .aal, as noted above, simply mean (god, and (lord, in -emitic languagesM. The association with grain was apparently transferred to +aal himself by about 1$99 +=.


preceded the names of deities to distinguish them from mortals, I is also the origin of the 5reek letter Tau, I the symbol of the cross"

The -umerian word for kingship was An&t& L(?nu% ship,M. )is spouse was ?ntu, I his personal temple1earthly abode was in >ruk LNrechM. The second%most powerful deity in the pantheon is Nnlil, (lord of the airspace., )e was ?nuKs heir I commanded the gods which lived on Narth. Nnlil arrived on Narth before mankind Lmankind being called the (black%headed people,M, I later resided at @ippur where there was a ur%?n%Gi L(bond%heaven%earth,M. )e was banished by the other gods, despite having authority over them otherwise, for raping the god who would later become his wife, @inlil L(lady of the airspace,M. )e advocated the destruction of mankind at the time of the deluge, I appointed kings to e'ecute his commands. Nven though *arduk was the national god of +abylon, )ammurabi announced his kingship as being decreed by ?nu I Nnlil. Na L(house%water,M1Nnki L(lord of Narth,M was another son of ?nu I an important deity in the pantheon. )e also arrived on Narth before mankind, transformed terrain, made the Tigris I Nuphrates navigable, I was the chief deity behind the creation of man along with @inhursag L(lady of the mountain%head,M1@inti L(lady% life,M. Nnki then taught mankind to make dwellings, 1#9

bricks, metals LNnki app. led mining operations across many distant landsM, etc. )e planted the reeds useful as a building material, I advocated on behalf of mankind surviving the deluge, forewarning >pnapishtim.;19 )e claimed to be the firstborn son of ?nu, holding a position therefore comparable to ?pollo in 5reek mythology. ;11 )e tried, app unsuccessfully, to raise a rival heir to NnlilKs son @inurta, by his sister @inhursag. Nnki also consorted with @inhursag, hoping to produce an heir. Jne of these two (consortings, is probably the origin of the similar )ittite story. @inhursagKs other name, @inti, associated with the role she played in the creation of man, means both (lady of life, I (lady of the rib,, I her nickname was (*ammu,, similar to (mama,,;1; etc. The first man in -umerian was Ada3a,
;19 ?lso spelled >tnapishtim, whose story parallels that of the biblical @oah in many respects, particularly in regards to being forewarned of a global flood and surviving on a boat along with his family, animals and grains. ;11 ?pollo was OeusK firstborn son, but *ars was preferred, apparently since his mother was OeusK sister )era and thus had a stronger relation to =ronosK Titan blood. ;1; The word (mama,, meaning (mother,, is common to Nnglish, !rench, -panish, 5erman, @orwegian, Italian, Aomanian, 5reek, Icelandic, Aussian, Polish, +ulgarian, *andarin =hinese, -wahili, 6uechua, and several other languages, and slight variations, such as mamaD in Irish, amE in @avajo and ama in +asque, are present in still yet more languages. @ote that these languages represent not only distant regions of the Narth, but several completely different linguistic families which are not supposed to have common origins, such as Indo%Nuropean languages LNnglish, !rench, 5erman, 5reek, AussianM, -ino%Tibetan languages L*andarin =hineseM, @iger%=ongo languages L-wahiliM, @a% enc languages L@avajoM, and the isolated languages of +asque, and 6uechua La native -outh ?merican languageM. .inguists currently e'plain these similarities as resulting from parents associating the early baby%talk sound (mama, with the mother, and (papa, with


meaning (model of man., NnlilKs son @inurta was a warrior with a weapon that fired (bolts of light,, I his wife +au had the epithet (lady who the dead brings back to life., @inurta was called to battle a god name Ou L(wise,M after Ou stole a (Tablet of estinies, from Nnlil, which was app. the source of NnlilKs power1authority, I then fled on a m& Ltranslated (name,, but obviously a flying vehicle in the conte't of this storyM. @inurta shot a til,m&n Lapp. a missile, equivalent to modern )ebrew tilM into the (pinions, of OuKs (bird, I defeated him. Ou may have been @anna1@annar L(bright one,M, known as -in in ?kkadian, NnlilKs firstborn by his official consort I ruler of the city of >r. ?fter some transgression, itKs known that -in went back to heaven, but according to te'ts was back on Narth in $$$ += to destroy the enemies of a +abylonian commander named @abunaid. @anna had twin children, Inanna LIshtar;1< in ?kkadianM I >tu L-hamash,;1D the -un deityM. Ishtar eventually became a goddess of war, while >tu was associated with codes of law.
the father Lwhich is another word with similar worldwide consistencyM, which seems to the editor a somewhat arbitrary e'planation. ;1< Ishtar is from where the modern word Naster derives, from the intermediary 5erman word Nostre Lor JstaraM, also both a holiday and the name of a pagan fertility goddess. In other languages, this holidayKs name is derived from the )ebrew word for the passover, giving Pascha in .atin, PasF&a in Italian, PaF&es in !rench, and Pasc&a in -panish. The Nnglish origin for this name, and its association with the spring equino', apparently skirted around the edges of Aoman Hudeo%=hristian influence through the pagan 5ermanic tribes, probably preserving the word (Nostre, from the the Indo%Nuropeans Lie )ittites, )urrians, etc.M, from whom all the 5ermanic Las well as AomanceM languages derive. ;1D Shamash remains the modern )ebrew word for (-un.,


NnkiKs son *arduk became the supreme deity of +abylon around the beginning of the ;nd millennium +=, when some crisis had occurred, I the ?ssyrian I +abylonian kingdoms were first developing Lperhaps even being given the circumstances from which they could develop in the first placeM. Nnki had < sons mentioned by name in -umerian te'ts L*arduk, @ergal, umu&iM, I E altogether.



@otes Taken from ocumentaries



@otes Taken from the Internet

http"11&enshaman.com1 Tibetan1)opi prophecy in the prophecy section ma'iminus thra' google image search for giants irish giant mummy http"11wiki.atlantisforschung.de1inde'.php1Aiesenfundeg% ging@evada http"11www.sydhav.no1giants1giants.htm http"11www.genesisEgiants.com1inde'.php2s3## http"11www.sott.net1article1;$EC1;%?%giant%mystery%1#% strange%giant%skeletons%found%in%Fisconsin%-ons%of%god% *en%of%renown http"11planet%'.1$9m.com1washpost.html http"!.*%f#jPE9s http"11www.strangehistory.net1;91911;1;91homer% hasenpflug%dubs%and%roman%legionaries%in%ancient%china1 http" <C;9$91The%?ncient%Paths% iscovering%the%.ost%*ap%of% =eltic%Nurope%review.html 1#C

http"11www.rawstory.com1rs1;91<1191191bible%scholar% christianity%invented%as%part%of%ancient%roman%psy%ops% campaign1 Nd !oucheKs -D technology presentation

*elKs )ole




?lternative )ealthcare
The body is an enormously comple' system, though it may operate most effectively on very simple principles, for e'ample happiness and rela'ation. -tress, physical and emotional traumas and similar root causes may be the ultimate reasons for disruptions within the body, but medicine and healthcare as directed by the major pharmaceutical industries and the massive monetary resources they command will only treat the symptoms of these problems, and even then very poorly. The objective, it seems, is not to cure the patient completely, because this is the absolute worst thing from a financial point of view that can be done. ? healthy individual does not need to pay for medical treatments after all. ?nd so purely for business reasons, endless varieties of pills are prescribed to treat symptoms only, and these pills often have serious side effects of their own, possibly resulting in further complications requiring further medication, and costing the patient more and more money. In the >nited -tates alone, over 199,999 people a year die from prescription medication. In the ;911 book /eath !y #edicine by 5ary @ull, Ph , the author notes that about C#D,999 people die from (conventional medicine mistakes, every year in the >-, and about 19E,999 of those are due to prescription drug use alone. The ?ppalachian region has amongst the highest rates of prescription drug abuse and overdose in the >nited -tates. Fest 7irginia has the highest prescription drug death rate in the >- as of ;91<, with ;#.B deaths for every 199,999 people. This represents a E9$V increase from 1BBB. 1#B

?ccording to = = figures, since ;99# prescription drugs have killed more people than automobile accidents in the >-. +esides medication, the other favorite business transactions utili&ed by mainstream medicine seem to be invasive surgery, or in the case of cancer, chemotherapy and radiation treatments, which often leave the patient on heavy painkillers and with, in many respects, more problems coming out of the treatments than they had going in. ?nd despite the fact that they may be told that these are their only options, there often are alternatives that make such treatments unnecessary in the first place. *any of these treatments have been used effectively in the past, or are even still used to do this day in foreign countries, but are now either forgotten our outlawed by the ! ? in the >nited -tates. It is a sad fact of our situation that the very same pharmaceutical giants that make billions of dollars from prescription medicines and other products and (services, every year also help fund hospitals, medical education and research institutions all over the world. ?uthor @orah 7incent noted in her book %ol&ntary #adness that when she checked herself in to a certain mental health institution, the doctors were walking around with complimentary pens featuring brand names of well%known anti%depressants on them. The same anti%depressants often cause side effects including increased risk of suicide. This does not reflect a compassionate service provided for the bettering of mankind, but a dispassionate business venture provided for the sake of ever%increasing customer bases and profits, at the e'pense of human lives. *edical research costs money, and the thousands or even millions of dollars that it requires are not easy to come bySoutside of funding from the major 1B9

pharmaceutical companies. !or this reason it is not always easy to perform in%depth studies on alternative treatments to the mainstream options, while more and more prescription pills are unveiled every year, often getting a quick nod from the ! ? only to be proven to have serious health consequences years later. )owever we do have certain information available to us already, which is well worth considering before making a decision on a treatment that could affect the rest of our lives.

ho'sey treatment Him )umble



=hanneled Te'ts
? =ourse in *iracles -eth *aterial The >nobstructed >niverse >rantia +ook

http"11www.inwardquest.com1questions1C11$;1which% channeled%entities%have%made%accurate%predictions%of% future%events%and%what%are%they


()istory is mostly guessing: the rest is prejudice., R Fill I ?riel urant, ?merican historians


-uppressed )istory

endera Oodiac

?ncient =ivili&ations, 5iants, Tunnels +eneath -outhern =alifornia2 0http"11www.s#int.com1giantsB.html8 This page features two newspaper articles from ?ugust D I $, 1BDC, and related informatin. The bulk of the web page and the articles it presents is reproduced here"
?ncient =ivili&ation +eneath eath 7alley2 N4PN ITIJ@ ANPJAT- @I@N%!JJT -GN.NTJ@?ugust D, 1BDC edition of the -an iego >nion. ?ccording to the clipping, e'plorers had unearthed, near the ?ri&ona%@evada%=alifornia line, the mummified remains of strangely costumed giants which the discoverers dated to around #9,999 years ago.


The >nion reported that a )oward N. )ill of .os ?ngeles was recounting the work of r. !. +ruce Aussell, a retired =incinnati physician who had originally located the first of several tunnels near eath 7alley in 1B<1, but had not been able to return to the area until 1BDC. Fith the help of r. aniel -. +ovee, who with )illKs father had once helped open up @ew *e'icoKs cliff dwellings, Aussell had recovered the remains of several men of # to B feet in height. TThese giants,T said )ill, Tare clothed in garments consisting of a medium length jacket and trouser e'tending slightly below the knees. The te'ture of the material is said to resemble gray dyed sheepskin, but obviously it was taken from an animal unknown today.T )ill also said, according to the >nion, that in another cavern was found the ritual hall of the ancient people, together with devices and markings similar to those now used by the *asonic order. In a long tunnel were well%preserved remains of animals, including elephants and tigers. -o far, )ill added, no women have been found. )e said the e'plorers believe that what they found was the burial place of the tribeKs hierarchy. )ieroglyphics, he added, bear a resemblance to what is known of those from the lost continent of ?tlantis. They are chiseled, he added, on carefully polished granite. Te't of the ?rticle" TA?=N J! 5I?@T- !J>@ I@ N-NAT .J?@5N.N-, ?ug D. L?PM R ? retired Jhio doctor has discovered relics of an ancient civili&ation, whose men were # or B feet tall in the =olorado desert near the ?ri&ona%@evada%=alifornia line, an associate said today.


)oward N. )ill. of .os ?ngeles speaking before the Transportation =lub, disclosed that several well% preserved mummies were taken yesterday from caverns in an area roughly 1#9 miles square, e'tending through much of southern @evada from eath 7alley, =alif. across the =olorado Aiver into ?ri&ona. )ill said the discoverer is r. !. +ruce Aussell, retired =incinnati physician, who stumbled on the first of several tunnels in 1B<1, soon after coming Fest and deciding to try mining for his health. *>**IN- !J>@ @ot until this year, however, did r. Aussell go into the situation thoroughly, )ill told the luncheon. Fith r. aniel -. +ovee, of .os ?ngeles %% who with his father helped open up @ew *e'icoKs cliff dwellings %% r. Aussell has found mummified remains together with implements of the civili&ation, which r. +ovee had tentatively placed at about #9,999 years old. TThese giants are clothed in garments consisting of a medium length jacket and trouser e'tending slightly below the knees.T said )ill. TThe te'ture of the material is said to resemble gray dyed sheepskin, but obviously it was taken from an animal unknown today.T *?AGI@5- I-=J7NAN )ill said that in another cavern was found the ritual hall of the ancient people, together with devices and markings similar to those now used by the *asonic order. In a long tunnel were well%preserved remains of animals including elephants and tigers. -o far, )ill added, no women have been found. )e said the e'plorers believe that what they found was the burial place of the tribeKs hierarchy.


)ieroglyphics, he added, bear a resemblance to what is known of those from the lost continent of ?tlantis. They are chiseled, he added, on carefully%polished granite. )e said r. 7iola 7. Pettit, of .ondon, who made e'cavations around Petra, on the ?rabian desert, soon will begin an inspection of the remains.

-econd ?rticle =oncerning -ame iscovery Jf 5iants and =averns

N4PN ITIJ@ ANPJAT- @I@N%!JJT -GN.NTJ@T)ot =iti&enT @evada Paper, ?ugust $, 1BDC. ? band of amateur archaeologists announced today they have discovered a lost civili&ation of men nine feet tall in =alifornian caverns. )oward N. )ill, spokesman for the e'pedition, said the civili&ation may be Tthe fabled lost continent of ?tlantisT. The caves contain mummies of men and animals and implements of a culture #9,999 years old but Tin some respects more advanced than ours,T )ill said. )e said the <; caves covered a 1#9%square%mile area in =aliforniaKs eath 7alley and southern @evada. ?A=)?NJ.J5I-T- -GNPTI=?. TThis discovery may be more important than the unveiling of Ging TutKs tomb,T he said. Professional archaeologists were skeptical of )illKs story. .os ?ngeles =ounty *useum scientists pointed out that dinosaurs and tigers which )ill said lay side by side in the caves appeared on Narth 19,999,999 to 1<,999,999 years apart. )ill said the caves were discovered in 1B<1 by r !. +ruce Aussell, +everly )ills physician, who


literally fell in while sinking a shaft for a mining claim. T)e tried for years to interest people in them,T )ill said, Tbut nobody believed him.T Aussell and several hobbyists incorporated after the war as ?ma&ing N'plorations, Inc. and started digging. -everal caverns contained mummified remains of Ta race of men eight to nine feet tall,T )ill said. TThey apparently wore a prehistoric &oot suit%%a hair garment of medium length, jacket and knee%length trousers.T =?7NA@ TN*P.N !J>@ ?nother cavern contained their ritual hall with devices and markings similar to the *asonic order, he said. T? long tunnel from this temple took the party into a room where,T )ill said, Twell%preserved remains of dinosaurs, saber%toothed tigers, imperial elephants and other e'tinct beasts were paired off in niches as if on display. T-ome catastrophe apparently drove the people into the caves,T he said. T?ll of the implements of their civili&ation were found,T he said, Tincluding household utensils and stoves which apparently cooked by radio waves.T TI know,T he said, Tthat you wonKt believe that.T

?rticle =oncerning -ame =ave iscovery by ifferent *en 19 to 1$ /ears Narlier

?ncient =ivili&ation +eneath eath 7alley2 ?uthor unknown +ourke .ee, in his book K N?T) 7?..N/


*N@K L*ac*illan =o., @./. 1B<;M, chapter" TJld 5oldT, describes a conversation which he had several years ago with a small group of eath valley residents. The conversation had eventually turned to the subject of Paihute Indian legends. ?t one point two of the men, Hack and +ill, described their e'perience with an Kunderground cityK which they claimed to have discovered after one of them had fallen through the bottom of an old mine shaft near Fingate Pass. They found themselves in a natural underground cavern which they claimed to have followed about ;9 miles north into the heart of the Panamint *ountains. To their ama&ement, they allegedly found themselves in an huge, ancient, underground cavern city. They claimed that they discovered within the city several perfectly preserved KmummiesK, which wore thick arm bands, wielded gold spears, etc. The city had apparently been abandoned for ages, e'cept for the mummies, and the entire underground system looked very ancient. It was formerly lit, they found out by accident, by an ingenious system of lights fed by subterranean gases. They claimed to have seen a large, polished round table which looked as if it may have been part of an ancient council chamber, giant statues of solid gold, stone vaults and drawers full of gold bars and gemstones of all kinds, heavy stone wheelbarrows which were perfectly balanced and scientifically%constructed so that a child could use them, huge stone doors which were almost perfectly balanced by counter%weights, and other incredible sights. They also claimed to have followed the caverns upwards to a higher level which ultimately opened out onto the face of the Panamints, about half%way up the eastern slope, in the form of a few ancient tunnel%like quays.


They reali&ed that the valley below was once under water and they eventually came to the conclusion that the arched openings were ancient KdocksK for sea vessels. They could allegedly see !urnace =reek Aanch and Fash far below them. They told +ourke .ee that they had brought some of the treasure out of the caverns and tried to set up a deal with certain people, including scientists associated with the -mithsonian Institute, in order to gain help to e'plore and publici&e the city as one of the Kwonders of the worldK. These efforts ended in disappointment however when a KfriendK of theirs stole the treasure Lwhich was also the evidenceM and they were scoffed at and rejected by the scientists when they went to show them the KmineK entrance and could not find it. ? recent cloud%burst, they claimed, had altered and rearranged the entire countryside and the landscape did not look like it had been before. Fhen .ee last heard from the two men, +ill and Hack, they were preparing to climb the east face of the Panamints to locate the ancient tunnel openings or quays high up the side of the steep slope. +ourke .ee never did see or hear from his friends ever again. In 1BDE a man calling himself r. !. +ruce Aussell, and claiming to be a retired physician, told a similar story about finding strange underground rooms in the eath 7alley area in 1B<1. )e told of a large room with several tunnels leading off in different directions. Jne of these tunnels led to another large room that contained three mummies. ?rtifacts found in the room appeared to be a combination of Ngyptian and ?merican Indian design. The most ama&ing thing about the mummies though was the fact that they were more than eight feet tall. r. Aussell and a group of investors formed T?ma&ing


N'plorations, IncT to handle the release, and profit, from this remarkable find. +ut, as stories of this type usually go, Aussell disappeared, and the investigators were never able to find the caverns and tunnels again, even though Aussell had personally taken them there. The desert can be very deceiving to anyone not used to traveling it. *onthKs later, AussellKs car was found abandoned, with a burst radiator, in a remote area of eath 7alley. )is suitcase was still in the car. The old T7 series eath 7alley ays once ran a short story about western pioneers also finding mummies in the desert. -ince one of the script writers stated that Tthere had never been a script without a solid basis in factT, it would be interesting to find out what their source had been. !or now, these stories will have to be shrouded in mystery, along with the ;1,999 year old bones found in =aliforniaKs Imperial 7alley, also rumored to have been spirited off by the -mithsonian. -ource" -hadowlands >nderworld

-an +ernardino =aves Gokoweef =averns -FJA@ -T?TN*N@T J! N. P. JAA.

+elow you will find a transcription of the sworn statement made by Narl orr as it pertained to Gokoweef =averns. This was published in the =alifornia *ining Hournal, @ovember 1BD9, though written in 1B<D. It is speculated that Narl was attempting to get capital at the time for his projects in the area. TJ F)J* IT *?/ =J@=NA@"


This is to certify that there is located in -an +ernardino =ounty, =alifornia, about two hundred and fifty miles from .os ?ngeles, a certain cave. Traveling over state highways by automobile, the cave is reached in about ten hours. ? =ivil Nngineer, *r. *orton, and I spent four days e'ploring the cave for more than eight miles. Fe carried with us ?ltimeters, Pedometers, and a Theodolite, with which to observe and record actual directions, take elevations and measurements by triangulation. Jur e'ploration revealed the following facts" 1. !rom the mouth of the cave we descended as shown by the ?ltimeters to be about ;999 feet, where we encountered a canyon, which from the ?ltimeters and by calculations we found to be from <999 to <$99 feet deeper: making total depth of $D99 feet from the mouth where we entered the caves to the floor of the canyon. ;. Fe found the cave divided into many caverns or chambers, of various si&es, all filled and embellished with -talactites and -talagmites, besides many grotesque and fantastic shapes that make these caves one of the wonders of the world. <. The largest chamber we e'plored is about <99 ft. wide, D99 feet long and from $9 to 119 feet high. It is encrusted with crystals, fashioned into festoons of innumerable -talactites, that hang from the ceiling, some of which are e'tremely large. Jne, the largest seen, is ;C feet in diameter and hangs 1$19 feet down into a <999 ft. canyon. This great -talactite is perpetually washed by water flowing down over it and falling into the dark canyon depths. The huge glistening white crystal is $99 feet longer than the Niffel Tower, and challenged us with ama&ement and wonder. D. There is a flowing river on the floor of the canyon, which rises and falls with tidal regularity. ?ll


measurements and estimates of the river, including its tides and beach sands were reckoned by triangulation, taken with the Theodolite, and while we did not reach the river, nevertheless, taking observations with our theodolite and its telescope, we reckoned the river to be about <99 feet wide at high tide and 19 feet wide at low tide. It rises and falls from C to # feet. The Peysert brothers confirm our reckoning. $. Fhen the tide is out, there is e'posed on both sides of the river from 199 to 1$B feet of black sand, which the Peysert brothers report is very rich in placer gold. They report the sands on the river shore to be from D to 11 feet deep: and on an average about # feet deep. E. There are numerous ledges above the canyon that are from 19 to D9 feet wide and covered with sand. Fe personally e'plored the ledge sands for a distance of more than eight miles, finding little variation in the depth and width of these ledge sands. ?nd wherever e'amined,the ledge sands are found to be fabulously rich in placergold. C. I have known intimately Jliver, +uck and 5eorge Peysert !rom my boyhood. I have discussed these caves with them repeatedly and thoroughly. They have reported to me in detail, their e'perience in e'ploring the caves. Jne of them, 5eorge, lost his life in the cave. +uck and Jliver say 5eorge was killed by diving in the river on the floor of the canyon. )e struck an unseen rock, which killed him instantly. They have reported to me repeatedly their mining e'periences and say they mined on the beach sands of the river a total in all of si' weeks. They carried lumber down to the river and constructed a sluice bo' and, using a pump, the three mined for si' weeks, during which time they recovered more than [$C,999 in gold, Lgold at [;9.99 per ounceM:


they sent their gold directly to the >.-. *int and banked the returns in a bank in @eedles, =alifornia, and another bank in .as 7egas, @evada. I last talked to them in my home about @ovember 19th 1B<D, at which time they repeated their former statements, giving information as to how they discovered the river, and more of their e'periences in gold mining. They recovered several of the largest nuggets of gold ever found in =alifornia. +oth *r. *orton and myself filled our pockets with the sands from the ledges, carried it out and had it assayed. Hust what *r. *ortonKs sand assayed, I do not know, but it was appro'imately [;999. per ton. I carried out ten pounds and two ounces of the ledge sand, and panned seven pounds, recovering more than [C.99 in gold, with gold at [;9.99 an ounce. I sold the gold for [1#.99 per ounce. The balance of my ten pounds of sand I sent to Hohn )erman, a .os ?ngeles ?ssayer. )is assay certificate shows a value of [;,1DD.DC per yard % gold at [;9.EC per ounce. I, N. P. JAA residing at <99 ?ldena -treet, Pasadena =alifornia make the foregoing statements for the purpose of inducing investors to invest in the work of mining the gold in these caves, and solemnly swear that all statements made hereinabove are true and that all persons will find the physical conditions in the cave as above stated. ->+-=AI+N and sworn to this gggday of 1B<D. -ource"N ?dventure @et ecember,



?nomalous @orth ?merican ?rtifacts +at =reek -tone 5rave =reek -tone .os .unas +oulder ?lso known as the .os .unas ecalogue -tone, according to its Fikipedia article, (is a large boulder on the side of )idden *ountain, near .os .unas, @ew *e'ico, about <$ miles south of ?lbuquerque, that bears a very regular inscription carved into a flat panel. The stone is also known as the .os .unas *ystery -tone or =ommandment Aock. The inscription is interpreted to be an abridged version of the ecalogue or Ten =ommandments in a form of Paleo%)ebrew. ? letter group resembling the tetragram%maton /)F), or T/ahweh,T makes three appearances. The stone is controversial in that some claim the inscription is Pre%=olumbian, and therefore proof of ;9C

early -emitic contact with the ?mericas., It was first mentioned by archaeologist I professor !rank )ibben in 1B<<. )e had been taken to the site by a man who had seen it as a boy in the 1##9Ks, and when )ibben saw it, he said it was covered with lichen and patination and was barely visible. The stone, weighing #9 tons, has not been removed to a museum, and in ;99E it was vandali&ed, destroying the first line. 5eologist 5eorge *orehouse estimated its age between $99 and ;999 years old. =yrus 5ordon suggested that the stone is a -amaritan me&u&ah, traditionally a tiny scroll placed in a container and mounted at the entrance of a house. 5ordon thought the +y&antine period was the most likely for its creation, and the alphabet is -amaritan, a direct descendant of Paleo%)ebrew.





>!J Aeporting =enter

Peter avenport runs the @ational >!J Aeporting =enter website and gives updates on submitted reports regularly on =oast to =oast. PeterKs bio from the @>!JA= website" (Peter avenport has been director of the @ational >!J Aeporting =enter since 1BBD. Peter reports >!J sighting cases regularly on the Heff Aense Aadio -how and presents lectures on specific >!J cases, most notably the Phoeni' .ights sighting. (In addition to being the director of the @ational >!J Aeporting =enter, Peter has served as the director of investigations for the Fashington =hapter of the *utual >!J @etwork. (Peter has had an active interest in the >!J phenomenon from his early boyhood. )e e'perienced his first >!J sighting over the -t. .ouis municipal airport in the summer of 1B$D, and he investigated his first >!J case during the summer of 1BE$ in N'eter, @ew )ampshire. (Peter has been witness to several anomalous events, possibly >!J related, including a dramatic sighting over +aja =alifornia in !ebruary 1BB9, and several nighttime sightings over Fashington -tate during 1BB;. (Peter received his undergraduate education at -tanford >niversity in =alifornia, where he earned bachelorWs degrees in both Aussian and biology, as well as a translatorWs certificate in Aussian translation. ;11

()is graduate education was completed at the >niversity of Fashington in -eattle, where he earned an *.-. degree in the genetics and biochemistry of fish from the =ollege of !isheries, as well as an *.+.?. degree in finance and international business from the 5raduate -chool of +usiness. (Peter has worked as a college instructor, a commercial fisherman, a Aussian translator in the -oviet >nion, a fisheries observer aboard -oviet fishing vessels, a flight instructor, and a businessman. Peter was the founding president of a -eattle%based biotechnology company, which currently employs over <99 scientists and technicians. (In 1B#E, Peter was a candidate for the Fashington -tate legislature, and in 1BB;, he was a candidate for the >. -. )ouse of Aepresentatives.,


-election of Aeports
)ere follows a selection of reported sightings from his database of reported >!J sightings, sorted by date, originating from western 7irginia and surrounding areas. They were reported to the @ational >!J Aeporting =enter website. The descriptions given here are for the most part the short e'cerpts from sighting descriptions shown on the @>!JA= website while browsing reports, and have been edited here for grammar and spelling. The full sighting descriptions for all of these reports can be found on the @>!JA= website. Date , Location Shape , ime Duration
9D11$1$9 Faynes% 1D"99 borough, 7? 9E1<91$D *arion, 7?


isk: $ !ishburne *ilitary -chool" minutes. B students witness saucer% shaped object from AJT= rill !ield in 1B$9.;1$ =ircle ...a circular object appeared on top of the radio transmission antenna tower in the area and remained for several hours. There was a gathering of most of the town and all witnessed the event. I

;1$LL@>!JA= @ote" Fe spoke via telephone with the gentleman who witnessed the object, and we found him to be e'ceptionally eloquent and sincere in his description of the event. )is recollection of the circumstances of the sighting seemed to us to be crystal clear. Fe believe that the witness is an e'ceptionally qualified observer. P MM


believe the year of the event was appro' 1B$D.;1E 9111$1E9 +ristol, 7? =ircle: 1$ +urning disc sighting ;;"99 minutes. 1BE9.;1C 9<1<91ED !ries, 7? 1<"99 =ylinder: @o sound. *oved slow <9 min. into the west wind. )eavy iron metal. 11 ?*;1#, sunny day, *arch. Find from Fest.;1B .ight: < -aw a huge white ball of minutes. light in 1BE$ that moved from a mountain right up to a car on a flat piece of land with people around it.;;9

9E19#1E$ Austburg, ;1"99 7?

9C1;91E$ Aoute 199, !ireball: $ Sthe objects just pulled 9<"99 Pulaski, 7? seconds. up, and went through this valley like a speeding
;1ELL@>!JA= @ote" ate is appro'imate. Fe have assigned an artificial date in 1B$D. P MM LL@>!JA= @ote" Fitness elects to remain totally anonymous: provides no contact information. Fe would like to communicate with the source of this report, or have him1her have other witnesses submit reports, but we have no way to contact the personh P MM ;1CLL@>!JA= @ote" P...Q Fe have spoken with this witness on several occasions, and have looked at video tape he took on ?ugust ;nd, ;99<. )e seems quite credible and objective to us. Fe strongly suspect there is merit to his reports. P MM ;1#The 11 ?* time given here conflicts with the 1<"99 given at the beginning of the submission. ;1BLL@>!JA= @ote" Fitness indicates that date of incident is appro'imate. P MM ;;9LL@>!JA= @ote" Please see other reports for the summer of 1BE$, principally from @ew )ampshire and @ew Nngland. Fe will ask the witness to have her e'%husband, and the other couple, to submit reports. ate of event is appro'imate. P MM


bullet. They traveled the entire length of the valley, and then TshotT straight up in the skyh ?lso, when these objects were at my direct left, they gave off a large amount of white light, and leaving white smoke with sparks contrails. I could see just like it was high noon daylighth I could even see the green leaves on the trees.;;1 9E11$1E# Fythe% ville, 7? isk: 19 The domed saucer had minutes. lights around the dome, and hovered close to the ground%with a loud humming noise.;;; >nknown: Fhat looked like stars in $ minutes. the sky that were moving in formation.;;< =ircle: ;Z =hildren see hovering craft minutes. above house.;;D -phere: 1.$ -ilver silent sphere seen in Aoanoke, 7? in 1BC<.;;$

9E1<91C; Aoanoke, 9<"<9 7? 9#11$1C; Aoanoke, 9B"99 7? 9;19;1C< Aoanoke, ;1"99 7?

;;1LL@>!JA= @ote" Fitness indicates that the date of the incident is appro'imate. P MM ;;;LL@>!JA= @ote" Fitness implies that the date of the sighting is appro'imate. P MM ;;<LL@>!JA= @ote" Fitness indicates that the date of the sighting is appro'imate. P MM ;;DLL@>!JA= @ote" ate is appro'imate. Fe do not know if it was a morning, or evening, sighting. P MM ;;$LL@>!JA= @ote" Fitness indicates that the date of the sighting is


minutes. 9E1<91CD +edford, ;<"99 7? 9C11$1C$ Pound, 7? 91"<9 .ight: < -trange light on mountain, minutes. power outage in house, then flew over our vehicle. isk: <9 )overed without sound. minutes. *oved at a slow speed and accelerated at e'traordinary speed.;;E Triangle: *ultiple, three%color, 1 hour. triangular objects at high altitude and high speed I have seen twice, <9 yrs. apart.;;C =ircle: ; =ircular lighted object minutes. sighted. isk: split ; out of < witnesses sitting second. together saw saucer fly by overhead, completely silently and suddenly.;;# .ight: $% Jbserved light only, first 19 slowly moving, appeared minutes. to be small private plane. Then stationary, moved in circle while changing colors LcanKt recall all colorsM. 7acated the area at

9#11$1C$ !ildale, 7? ;;"99

9E11$1C# *adison 1B"<9 )eights, 7? 9B1911CB !armville, ;9"99 7?

9C19#1#1 =hristians% ;9"99 burg, 7?

appro'imate. P MM ;;ELL@>!JA= @ote" ate may be appro'imate, although the witness does not indicate that fact. P MM ;;CLL@>!JA= @ote" Fitness indicates that the date of the incident is appro'imate. P MM ;;#LL@>!JA= @ote" Fitness indicates that the date of the incident is appro'imate. P MM


a speed too fast for jet. 1;1;D1#1 +edford isk: 1% =lose encounter of the ;9"99 =ounty, 7? 1.$ hours. second kind, 1$ feet from disk shaped craft.;;B 9#11;1#< Pulaski, 7? Triangle: -oundless triangular shape ;<"D9 < minutes. stops in midair at night and searchlight shines out into the air. 1;1<11#< =harlottes% ;9"99 ville, 7? isk: 1 minute. It was close to the edge of dark, but the object was very clearly there and was just hovering there. The top was concave and around the bottom were TwindowsT and there seemed to be a light on inside as light was coming from each one. ;<9

;;BThe witness who submitted this report admitted trouble recalling the total elapsed time of the event and may have e'perienced lost time. ;<9LL@>!JA= @ote" Fitness indicates that the date of the sighting is appro'imate. Fe have assigned an arbitrary time for the sighting. P MM




?ssyria dragons 5nostics

BB, 19B,


.ist for incorporating into the inde' table" ?kkadia, ?kkadian ?laska, ?laskan pyramid ?leutians ?lgonquins ?llegheny, ?llegwi, ?dena people ?merica, ?merican ?morites ?ndes, ?ndeans ?nu ?nunnaki arthritis ?ryans ?ssyria, ?ssyrian ?starte, ?shtarte astrology, astrologers astronomical age of ?quarius of ?ries of Pisces of Taurus ?tlantis aura ?ustralia +aKal ;;9

+aKalbek +abylon, +abylonian +aghdad battery +ahamas +at =reek -tone +elial, sons of +elial +ible +imini +olivia, +olivian +ook of Nnoch, the =alifornia, =alifornian Indians *t. -hasta mummies =anaan, =anaanites cannibals =arthage, =arthaginians cattle mutilations, see m&tilations =ayce, Ndgar =elts1Gelts, =eltic chakra channeled, channeling =herokee =hina, =hinese =hrist, see -es&s =oelbren =oral =astle =rete =ygnus agan, agon avenport, Peter /eath !y #edicine, LbookM deluge, see flood endera ;;1

o L>- epartment of efenseM dragons unhuang scrolls Ncuador Ngypt, Ngyptian Nl electricity, electromagnetism in ancient Ngypt Nlohim Nlysium Nnki Nnlil Nnneads of Plotinus e'traterrestrial flood, flooding !rance, !rench 5ermany, 5ermans giants 5ilgamesh 5lo&el artifacts 5nostics 5obi esert 5ordon, =yrus 5rave =reek -tone 5reece, 5reeks 5reek mythology :ar!ingers, The LbookM )??AP )emet *a&e -tone )iawatha )igbee, onna 5ood )ittites )oagland, Aichard )opi ;;;

)owe, .inda *oulton Inca, Inca Nmpire Indo%Nuropeans Ireland Iroquois Israel, Israelites Hapan, Hapanese Hesus Gecksburg Incident Gennewick man Gentucky Glimo, Hon
Gokoweef =averns kundalini

.ear, Hohn .eedskalnin, Nd .emuria, *u .ipton, +ruce .os .unas +oulder .ovelock *ummies *aa -harda *achu Picchu *aiden =astle *ajestic 1; *ars *elKs )ole *icmacs *iddle Nast *innesota #issing )**, LbookM *ississippi *ithras moon mooring stones ;;<

ancient mooring stones of !lorida *orgellons disease *t. )ermon *t. Gailas, Gailash *t. .ebanon *t. -hasta *u, see Lem&ria @a&is @ephilim @ew Testament @ordics Le'traterrestrialsM @orse @orth ?merica Jhio Jld Testament 5ne (oot in Atlantis, book Jrion Jsirian civili&ation Jsiris Pawnee Indians Pennsylvania Persia, Persians Phoenicia, Phoenicians Picts pigmy, pigmies prescription medication prophecy psychic pyramid 6uayle, -teve radiation reincarnation, transmigration of souls Aephaim Ahodesian *an ;;D

Aock .ake, Fisconsin Aockwall, Te'as Aome, Aomans Aoswell Aussia, Aussian -cotland -eth, -et -hoshonean Indians -ion -iou' Indians -itchin, Oecharia -kinwalker Aanch -mithsonian -outh ?merica -phin' -tamets, Paul -trieber, Fhitley -umer1-umeria -un Tennessee Tetragrammaton Tibet, Tibetan Tombs of the 5enii transmigration of souls, see reincarnation Typhon >!J +rantia .oo', The LbookM 7ikings vimana 7irginia vitrification Fales, Felsh Fatchers, the werewolf ;;$

Fest 7irginia Fisconsin /ahweh, /ehovah


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