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Rights and Duties

Ex1 Choose the correct ans. 1.To own a car is not a Fundamental Right. a.Equality b.Freedom c.Freedom of religion 2. Secularism is related to religion. a.Economy b.Society c.Religion d.Book .Right to equality is a Fundamental Right. a.!uty b.Right c."rinci#al d.$deal Ex2 Blanks. 1. Secularism means treating all the religions equally. 2.%ur constitution #ro&ides certain guidelines for go&ernment. .' constitution is a set of rules according to which go&ernment go&erns or runs a country. (. The constitution of $ndia is the longest written constitution in the world. ).'ll the #eo#le of our country who are abo&e the age of eighteen years can &ote and elect their e#resentati&e. *.$ndia ado#ted its constitution on 2* +anuary 1,)-. Ex3True or false. 1.$ndia has no constitution. False 2. !emocracy . secularism and socialism are some of our constitution. True . $ndia is a secular country.True (. The constitution of $ndia #ro&ides se&en Fundamental Rights. False ). !irecti&e "rinci#els hel# the go&ernment of $ndia. True Ex4 Match. 1.Secularism/treating all religions equally. 2.Socialism/social and economic equality. .!emocracy/freedom to elect own go&ernment. (.Right against e0#loitation/a Fundamental Right. Ex5 a!e The!. 1."eo#le are free to elect their re#resentati&e. 'ns. !emocracy. 2.'ll the citi1ens of $ndia should en2oy social equality and economic #ros#erity. 'ns. Socialism. .Treating all the religions equally. 'ns. Secularism. (.' set of rules according to which a go&ernment runs a country. 'ns. 3onstitution. ).Three goals laid in the constitution. 'ns. Socialism. Secularism. !emocracy. Ex" #i$e Reasons. 1.The directi&e #rinci#les are treated as the guidelines for the go&ernment 4 because it hel#s the go&ernment to make #olicies for the welfare of the "eo#le. Ex% &'(. 5.1 6hat is constitution 7 '.1 ' set of rules according to which a country is called constitution. 5.2 6hen was our constitution finally ado#ted 7 d.To own a car

'.2 %ur constitution was finally ado#ted on 2*th +anuary 1,)-. 5. 8ist the si0 Fundamental Rights 7 '. The si0 Fundamental Rights are as follow9/ 1.Right to equality. 2.Right to freedom. . Right to freedom of religion. (. Right against e0#loitation. ). 3ultural and educational Rights. *. Right to constitutional remedies. 5.( 6hat is !emocracy7 '.( !emocracy means that #eo#le are free to elect their re#resentati&e. 5.) 6hat is Secularism7 '.) Secularism means treating all the religions equally. 5.* 6ho has the right to &ote7 '.* 'll the #eo#le of our right to &ote. 5.: 6rite any four Fundamental !uties7 '.: The four Fundamental duties are as follow9/ 1. 6e must res#ect our national flag and national symbols. 2. 6e must not engage in ;iolence. . 6e must defend the country in times of danger. (. 6e must #rotect monument and "ublic #ro#erty. )*23 +,R C,)T,RE Ex*1 Blanks. 1. $ndia is a land of rich culture and heritage. 2. 8anguage is an im#ortant medium for effecti&e communication. . 3lassical dances were usually #erformed in tem#le as a form of worshi#. (. The art of #ainting was made #o#ular during the <ughal rule in $ndia. ). Tansen was one of the gems in 'kbar=s court. *. 'rchitecture is the art of making buildings. :. !ifferent states of $ndia ha&e their own traditional costumes for men and women. >. !ance. music and architecture enrich the culture of $ndia. E-*2 TR,E +R .()/E. 1. <en in Bihar wear #hiran. False 2. ?athak is the classical dance form of @ttar "radesh. True. . The folk dance of %disha is Aikat. False. (. Bhoomar is a form of classical music. False. ). Re#ublic day is a national festi&al. True. E-*3 M(TC0. 1. ;ictoria memorial 4 ?olkata. 2. ?annada 4 language. . %dissi 4 %disha. (. Sarnath 4 Buddhist stu#a. ). Cational festi&al 4 Re#ublic day. E-*4 (ME T0EM. 1. The most #o#ular dress worn by women of $ndia 4 Sari. 2. The art of making building 4 'rchitecture. . 'n im#ortant medium for effecti&e communication 4 language.

(. This dances are usually #erformed in tem#les as a form of worshi# 4 3lassical dance . E-*5 ( /1ER T0E &,E/. 5/1 Aow many official languages are there in $ndia7 '/1 There are twenty se&en official languages in $ndia. 5/2 Came some of the im#ortant monuments belonging to the <ughal #eriod. '/2 Some of the im#ortant monuments belonging to the <ughal #eriod are Red fort. Ta2 <ahal and +ama <as2id. 5/ Came the ty#es of festi&als celebrated in $ndia. '/ The ty#es of festi&als celebrated in $ndia are national festi&als. religious festi&als and har&est festi&als. 5/( 6rite the names of three classical dances with their states7 '/( The names of three classical dances with their states are 9/ Bharatnatyam 4 Tamilnadu. ?athak 4 @ttar "radesh. <ani#uri 4 <ani#ur. 5/) 6rite the names of three folk dances with their states.7 '/) The names of the folk dances are Bhangra and Bidda 4 "un2ab Bhoomar 4 Ra2asthan. !andia and Barba 4 Bu2arat. E- * " ( / 2 DET(2). 5/1 "aintings can be an im#ortant source to understand the lifestyle of #eo#le7 Aow7 '/1."aintings is an im#ortant medium to e0#ress ones thoughts.2. The #aintings of different time and era tell us about the lifestyle to the #eo#le of those #eo#le. 5/26hat are contributions made by the <ughals to the de&elo#ment of the architecture of $ndia7 '/1.The <ughals ha&e contributed a lot to $ndian architecture. 2.They had their distinct style of architecture. .These structures had domes along with minerals .(.RedFort. Ta2/ <ahal.+ama <as2id are the e0am#les of their grand architectures.

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