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Catherine Mobley English 111 December 11, 2013 685 Words Redefining the Comfort Zone

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Despite being my first college experience, this semester has been one of the most important periods of my education. Throughout this course, I have developed a wide variety of skills that I can continue to apply to my future English courses. During my English 111 course, my passion for education has flourished. Many of my friends reached a plateau in their academic career after graduating High School, but I never had any doubt that I would further my education. This drive to excel has helped me produce some of my best quality works in this course and gain understanding from the challenges that have been presented to me. One of my biggest successes in this class was my definition essay. In this essay, I chose to write about the effects of transhumanism on humanity. This topic was slightly out of my comfort zone because of its sheer complexity. However, in hindsight I believe that the complexity of this topic enabled me to narrow the focus of my paper very effectively. My thesis statement was very concise and structured, which really aided me in the construction of the rest of the paper. Looking at transhumanism in terms of its evolutionary value, the consequences of this movement would render humanity obsolete by increasing our physical and mental capabilities to the point where they are no longer considered human. In this statement, I used specific terms to constrict the boundaries of my paper. I developed this technique while we were discussing thesis statements in class. Along with my ability to form an effective thesis statement, my grammar has also greatly improved. For instance, in my last journal, I learned how to avoid comma splices, run-on sentences, and sentence fragments. Ive also improved the quality of my sentences by learning how to effectively use semicolons and form complex sentences. My transitions have also developed with practice. My favorite transition this semester was in my compare and contrast

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essay. The transition statement: Actors, however, are not the only component of a successful film. While their names may draw the attention of movie-goers this transition directed the focus of the paper away from the impact of the actors reputations on the popularity of the films. Perhaps the largest challenge for me in this course was the planning process behind each assignment. Once the outlines were complete, writing the papers became much easier. I have learned that in order for procrastination to be an effective motivator for me, I must at least have a general outline completed beforehand. Before writing my research paper on genetic engineering, I was asked to submit an outline. Having a prepared outline before I began writing helped me organize my thoughts and reduced the amount of time required to actually write the paper. While I was creating my Weebly portfolio to display my works, I chose to reflect my personality in a professional fashion. By using muted colors, the viewers attention will be drawn to the content of my portfolio and not its graphics. As opposed to the more colorful themes I could have chosen, the modest color scheme of my portfolio is, in my opinion, a better reflection of my unique style. I chose to create a simple layout for the portfolio because it mirrors the strict structural formatting of my writing. The font, while slightly whimsical, also provides insight to the more creative elements of my personality. Overall, the aesthetics of my portfolio correspond perfectly to my identity as a writer. This semester has served to increase my appreciation for the English language. I recognize the lessons Ive learned in this course will benefit me throughout the rest of my education and in my future career as an elementary school teacher. I will be capable of presenting a well-structured argument to my professors and colleagues, and manage my time in an efficient manner. No matter your profession, communication will always be an important

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skill to possess. This course has taught me to not be afraid of pushing boundaries. It is my goal to continue challenging myself in all my future endeavors.

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