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Fearful - Kuan Yen Mei 132011209

3rd Dec 2013

List of words that describe the ways people feel at times 1. Angry 2. Depressed 3. Disappointed 4. Enthusiastic 5. Fearful 6. Grouchy 7. Happy 8. Immature 9. Miserable 10. Moody 11. Proud 12. Reckless 13. Revengeful 14. Sad 15. Shy 16. Silly

Fearful - Kuan Yen Mei 132011209

3rd Dec 2013

Last year was my first year attending the University of Texas at San Antonio. Since it was my first year I decided to live on campus. I ended up being assigned to the oldest of the dorm complexes. My boyfriend was living at the newest dorm complex and after only living there a couple of months I found that I rather liked my boyfriend's apartment style dorm and I started living there with him almost all the time. One night when he was exceptionally tired and requested that he have the bed all to himself to stretch and relax I decided that it would be a good night to go to my room and have a girl's night in with my roommate whom I hadn't seen in a couple of weeks. It was really chilly out as I walked across the silent parking lot and passed the completely darkened common fast food restaurant. I made it to my building and walked up to the third floor and then I swung the door open to my dorm only to find it completely dark and empty. It turns out that my roommate decided to go to her home town for the weekend. I had never had any problems sleeping alone there before. However, that night I found the room immediately to be weird. I had the feeling that every time I had my back against one part of the room, there was something waiting there. My boyfriend requires that I call him when I arrive at my destination after I've been walking alone so I did just that. I called him and told him I wanted to go back to his room or have him over in mine. He refused both saying that it was too late to have me walking around in the dark and that he didn't want to inconvenience himself just because I was a little frightened. I found that acceptable and thought I was being silly so I just chatted with him a while and then he went to bed. I stayed up until about midnight watching TV. When I began to get sleepy, I got up and turned off all the lights because I cannot fall asleep with the lights on. I fell asleep quickly and I was sleeping fine until something really strange happened. At around 3 or 4 a.m., I was awoken by the feeling that there was something in the room with me. I was wide-awake as it is the case in most ghost stories. I just scare of opened my eyes and lay there with really blurry vision for a few moments. My mind was really hazy because I was still sleepy. Then a feeling of terror came over me. I could make out an amorphous black misty shade creep up over me as I lay in bed. It had to have been really pure black because the room was completely dark and I still saw this misty entity.

Fearful - Kuan Yen Mei 132011209

3rd Dec 2013

I was horrified and sleepy at the same time. If that's not enough, I was paralyzed. I wanted to talk or to scream but nothing would come out. I wanted to move my arms in front of my face but I couldn't even move my arms not even an inch. I stayed there for a moment trying to let myself to move but it just wasn't happening. Within a few seconds the shade disappeared and I could move although very shakily and with much effort. I decided that even though I was shaken that it was probably just my imagination so I reached up slowly and turned on the light. I left it at that. I awoke several hours later and told my boyfriend about it. He said I was just dreaming. I told my dad about it some weeks later and he too said I had been dreaming. I know I was not dreaming. When I awoke the morning after my encounter, the light was still on, just as I had left it after I had been terrorized that night. I recalled everything that happened and I just know that I hadn't been dreaming. Here I am, just about an entire year later and I am still clueless as to what happened. I did a little bit of research and I have found no evidence or records that anyone has ever died in that building although I guess it wouldn't be publicized. Some weeks before my roommate had told me that she had seen a spirit in the room while she was sleeping alone. She said that she had seen a woman hanging from a noose in the room but I didn't believe her. I still don't believe her because she always made a lot of stories up, and because whatever I felt, I don't think it was even human.

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