Random Ramblings: Love

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Random Ramblings: Love

The thing we talk the most about & understand the least.

Love needs no emotion to hold it but a commitment to standby, standby something you covet and hold so dear to your heart that it changes the way you think and feel your ideas and hold your perceptions everything you knew before is nullified by this hidden force. Our emotions are totally dependent on someone when in love. I ask why are we so emotionally blank to have the courage to be overly dependent on someone. Is love a refuge for our idiosyncrasies a safe house from our pains? It is something that takes you a place so deep that you forget the pain of your own mundane self. Love since ages has been compared to the divine and romantic love compared to love for the divine one, is it because we cant fathom the exact nature of either one that we immerse ourselves so deeply in them so as to forget ourselves and create a reality more beautiful than our living reality. It is god alone who knows what love is because its a singular emotion that is so potent and a reason force majeure for so much pain, angst and still capable of transforming a humble bee into a charismatic personality. To evoke such deep empathy, compassion and kindness such is the complexity of love. Its reason unknown and bearing bizarre. So is love a real emotion or an elixir sought to make life more palatable, it makes us wonder all the time about its existence with its two faced nature. They say you have to experience love to define it, its an expression of freedom and our longing to reach the ultimate perfection of human emotion. It is said to be the source of all great beginnings and positive emotions, the well from which a thirsty soul drinks but at the same time a cause of immense pain and loss to the love lorn man. So is this elixir a two faced devil or manna of god. It depends on which side of the coin you are looking at, assuming that you are not one of those practicalists who describe it as an over hyped sentiment and the perpetual trouble maker. I believe that it exists, as every act of glory is laced with love as its motivator, for the practicalist its a waste that ruins the fun of monotony and order in life. To the sentimentalist the drug that makes this pitiful existence meaningful. Different people different opinions and love remains the same as inscrutable as ever it thrives on its own enigmatic nature. So is Love what we decide it to be? Post-Script: I am a romantic and its all about choosing a side...

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