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Data analysis plan 1.

Clinical leadership capacity

Board/management enablers 1 2 Score % Process in place working effectively Process in place but need enhancement Process under developed Barriers Comments Program level enablers Score % Clinician level enablers Score %

2. Clinical leadership competence

A lot of the time Demonstrating personal qualities Developing self-awareness Managing yourself CPD Acting with integrity Working with others Some of the time None of the time

Managing services

Improving services

Setting direction

To obtain the score for each component the number scored at each statement will be summed then divided by the number of items in each component.

To obtain the % for each component the number scored at each statement will be summed then divided by the number of items in each component, multiply by 100.

3. Development need assessment Gender, Age, Nationality The mean age will be calculated, details on gender and nationality will also be described 3.1 Years of experience
Years % N


3.2 Years working in current area of practice

Years % N


3.3 Grade at which currently employed

Grade % N


3.4 Highest level of education attained

Years Diploma Bachelor degree Masters degree Doctoral degree Total % N

3.5 Participation in in-service training

In-Service training Yes No Total Category Institutional managers Operation managers Supervisors

3.6 Participation in academic studies

Academic studies Yes No Total Category Institutional managers Operation managers Supervisors

3.7 Perceived usefulness of previous education and training for clinical leadership
Not useful In-service training Academic studies Somewhat useful Useful Very useful Total

Factor analysis will be performed to identify any pattern of correlation between the different items of the CLAN-Q and development need and barriers to clinical leadership development.. Different subscales (dimensions) will be identified and described. Cronbachs alpha level will be used to measure the internal consistency and reliability of identified constructs. 3.8 Dimensions for clinical leadership development need and barriers to clinical leadership
Sub-scale Alpha Level () Number of items

3.9 Construct 1 will be made of items of the questionnaire that respondents will score high for clinical leadership development
Dimension . Mean SD N Total

3.10 Construct 2 will be made of items of the questionnaire that respondent perceive as enabler or hindrance to clinical leadership development Construct 2
Dimension . Mean SD N Total

3.11 Dimension and category

Institutional managers Operation managers supervisors Dimension . Mean SD N

4. Quality of care
Items Admission assessment ANC card reviewed Adm. form complete Diagnosis & Mx Adm. double checked Risk factors recorded FHR hrly State of liquor Degree of moulding Contractions hrly Dilatation Dil.-correct plotting Level of head 4 hrly Maternal BP 0 Maternal T Record of drugs & fluids Mx recorded after PV Summary of FC Summary of labour Summary of MC Decision on further Mx Time of next review Mx Double checked 4hly Form completed rd Active Mx of 3 stage Summary of labour Hosp.1 Hosp.2 Hosp.3 Hosp.4 Hosp.4 Total

Labour graph

Mx of labour form

Newborn Final summary Overall score

5. Midwives job satisfaction





Very often

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