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Full Name: Jose Antonio Ezequiel A. Alarcon Nickname: Anton Section | Class Adviser 7-Abad Santos Mrs. Salvaa


1. Wh do ou !ant to "oin #a$let% & like to !rite about thin$s. 2. 'alents ( Skills )asketball* Football* +iano and ,uitar -. &. $iven the chance to be an editor* !hat /osition(s do ou think ou are ca/able o. handlin$% 01ou ma choose more than one2 Wh % 0#3/lain in at least - sentences2 a. News Editor b. Features Editor c. Sports Editor d. Photos Editor e. Graphic Design Editor f. Web Editor g. Art Editor (Games, Artwor s, etc! h. "e#iews Editor ($o#ie, Game, %oo , P&a'! i. An' other position or (ob 'ou &i e S/orts #ditor because & like /la in$ s/orts. Also* m .amil is also active. 4. Avera$e $rade last ear 45.77 5. A!ards last ear 06onors* Sub"ect #3cellence* 7e/ortment ( Merit A!ards2 6onorable Mention* Mathematics* Aralin$ +anli/unan* Fili/ino* Christian 8ivin$ #ducation* +inakama$aln$ na Manunulat sa Fili/ino* Most Friendl * Merit A!ard. 6. Were ou an o..icer in ,rade 9% in ,rade :% in ,rade ;% in ,rade 7% in ,rade 4% What /osition(s% Never because & never ran. 7. Are ou active online 0e-mail* 1M* F)* etc.2% S/eci. our email address* F) account name* '!itter account name* etc Facebook: "aealarcon<$ * Anton Alarcon* No '!itter 6obbies ( &nterests: +iano* +SS/orts(,ames: Football* +ictionar C=CA ,rade >:?ab Scout ,r. -:)adminton ,r. 9:)asketball ,r. ::Football ,r. 7: #a$let Ambitions: 'o be a .amous .ootball /la er Achievements @: First 6onor until ,rade >: ,ot - /er.ects in e3ams. -: Won @st Aunner B/ in AFC 9: Won in m /iano recital :: N(A ;: N(A 7: N(A 4: N(A Aes/onsibilities 6eld: Stud and do m best in ever thin$ & do ,reatest ,i.ts .rom ,od: 'alents 7e.ine 8ove: 8ove is ever thin$ Who is our Celebrit Crush% No one

Who is our Aeal Crush% Au$usto Motto ( Cuote:D ,ood better best* never make it rest* make $ood better make better bestD FavoritesE. #3/lain Wh Favorite Saints: Saint Anthon because m name came .rom him. Favorite 6eroes: S/iderman because & like s/iders Favorite )ooks: Ca/tain Bnder/ants Favorite Son$s: )lurred lines* Cand Store* man more Favorite Movies: >F@>* 'itanic* 0an action movie2 Favorite 'eachers: Mr. Solis Favorite Food: Mostl "a/anese Favorite Aestaurants:'eri aki )o 6ome Address: 8ot @ )lock @ Walin$ Walin$ Street ,oldke Mansions =ld Sau o CueGon Cit 'ele/hone Hs: Cel/hone H:F5@7:>7F5@@ Mom ( Work: Ma ette Alarcon( +ediatrician 7ad ( Work: #nriIue Alarcon( 7octor 0donJt kno! the kind2 Siblin$ ( School:Andrea Alarcon( St. 'heresaJs Colle$e

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