Unit 8.2 Expressing Preferences On Films and Music Online

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English Speaking Form 2

Expressing preferences on films and music


%or& in pairs' Discuss ()e follo*ing +ues(ions *i() a par(ner,

1. Do you prefer (o go (o ()e cinema or *a(c) a DVD a( )ome? Why?

2. Do you prefer *a(c)ing a film or lis(ening (o music? Why?

3. How would you rate the importan e of music in your life? !".#. 1 $ is the lowest rank% 1& $ is the highest rank'.

(. How would you rate the importan e of musi in your life? !".#. 1 $ is the lowest rank% 1& $ is the highest rank'.

). What kind of music do you like? Why?

*. What kind of films do you like? Why?

Exercise -. /elo* is a dialogue amongs( friends *)o are expressing ()eir o*n ideas a0ou( films' 1ill in ()e 0lan&s using ()e expressions gi2en 0elo*' I believe, Id love, Id rather? How about? , Lets go! Id like, Why dont we, wed rather, Id prefer

English Speaking Form 2

3o)n. Hello e+eryone, - was .ust wondering whether you/re up to something this Friday.

Alison. Well% a'0000000000000 to wat h a film at the inema% unless all of you would agree. What do you think 1essi a?

3essica. - like your idea. 2'000000000000000000000 go and wat h the new film of Titanic. 3hey said it/s ama4ing,

Alison. ' 0000000000 that e+en though all those s enes of roman e and tragedy make me feel 2ad.

3o)n. d' 000000000000000000 wat hing a omedy% huh?

%illiam. e'000000000000000 laugh out loud rather than ending up feeling 2ad.

%illiam. - ouldn/t agree more, - think f'00000000000000000 wat h Johnny English Reborn or The Hangover 2. 3hey said they 2oth ha+e a lot of a tion and omi al s enes. What would you say girls?

3essica. g' 000000000000000 you/re right, #ut% h' 000000000000 wat h The Hangover 2 as -/+e heard lots of good omments too.

Alison. 5k then, i' 0000000000000 to the inema,

Exercise 4. /elo* is a dialogue amongs( friends *)o are expressing ()eir o*n ideas a0ou( music' 1ill in ()e 0lan&s using ()e expressions gi2en 0elo*,
Wed better, I guess, how about, lets have, why not? I dont like

English Speaking Form 2

3o)n. Hello girls, - was .ust wondering whether you an help me out with the musi for William/s 2irthday on Saturday?

Alison. Well% a'0000000000 we an ha+e a D1 at the party. We an tell him to play any songs that we all like $ hip6hop% tran e and r n 2. What do you think 1essi a?

3essica. "o% 2'0000000000000000 that kind of musi 7- mean most of them repeat the same word and 2eat. '00000000000000000something different. -/m sure that William won/t lo+e listening to the same 2eat o+er and o+er again.

3o)n. - think you/re right. E+en though - -o+e their noisy tunes and 2eat,,

Alison. 8et/s see what we an do7 d'00000000000000000 organising a karaoke night? We ould 2ring our friends o+er and play all kinds of musi . -/m sure our guests would lo+e to ha+e a party with a mi9ture of dan e% pop and ro k musi . e'0000000000000?

3essica. :reat idea, 3hat way we would 2alan e 2etween loud and soft musi . 3he guests an also dan e and sing to the +ariety of musi a+aila2le. ;ma4ing ;lison,

Alison. 3hanks,

3o)n. 5k% so - will think a2out the sele tion of songs myself. hurry, 5ff we go, #ye,


English Speaking Form 2

Exercise 5. "se ()e expressions from exercises - and 4 and lis( ()e expressions under ()e )eadings 0elo*,



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