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Condenser Water System Flow Test

Condenser Water System Flow test in different operating modes

Purpose: The condenser system consists of two different sized pumps in parallel pumping from and to a common header. This header then serves two different size chillers which supplied from and discharge to a common header. The piping to and from the towers common to all chillers and pumps. The tower piping itself is piped symetrically and be nearly self balancing. A bypass valve is provided on level 20A to allow water to recirculate inside the building during start-up so the chillers can come on line with out low condensing pressure and low oil pressure problems. The system diagram for the project depicts all of this information schematically. Because of all of the common piping, there will be significant flow variation in the depending on the pump combination selected. The fact that the two pumps that are parallel are different with different pump curves complicates this a little bit. The system will spend a significant number of hours running with only one pump. Originally the system was to be provided flow control valves on each chiller to ensure that the flow rates were constant regardless of operating conditions. Balance valves inadvertantly installed instead. The purpose of this test is to determin if the flow variations that occur in the system with out the flow control valves are a problem, or a non-issue. They will be a problem if: 1. 2. 3. 4. The pumps run out their curves far enough that they trip overloads The pumps run out their curves far enough to cavitate. The tube velocities in the chiller tubes are driven high enough to make errosion a concern. The pump energy used when the pump runs out its curve exceeds the chiller energy saved via lower condensing pressures. The test will also provide data on the capabilities of individual pumps serving both condensers and the condenser of the chiller they are not normally associated with. Instructions: Initial each step if the item is completed satisfactorily or the test item associated the step met the test requirements and passed. If the item is not satisfactory or step fails, record an "F" in the appropriate box instead of your initials. Document reason for failing in the comments section as a numbered note and include the note next to the F on the test form. If the test step has data associated with it, it on the test form in addition to your initials and the date and time.

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Condenser Water System Flow Test

Equipment Required: 1. Digital pressure gauge or a reasonably accurate gauge on the pump. 2 An Amprobe (desirable but not manditory) Acceptance Criteria: See the problems listed in 1-4 above. The test is passed if none of these problems noted and the chiller/pump combination uses no more energy in all of the possible operating modes, relative to the design condition. It make take some discussion with chiller manufacturer subsequent to the test to determine if tube velocities are satisfactory and what the chiller kW per ton will be at the different flow rates. Precations: 1. 2. Exercise care when changing operating modes if a chiller is running. Verify that all components between the pump discharge and the discharge are rated for the peak pressure on the pump curve with the largest impeller installed prior to performing a shut off test. 3. 4. 5. Avoid sudden flow changes to minimize the potential for water hammer. Exercise proper precaution while working around live wiring and terminals to amp readings. Exercise proper precaution while working around the rotating parts of the

References: 1. Pump curves for the pumps to be tested. Data Completed

Initials, Date and Time

2. The system diagram developed by CH2MHill and PECI Requirement

Include units

Prerequisites: 1. Gauges and valves are in place at the pump gauge taps and on the condenser bundles. It is important that the gauges be measuring pressure at the location used by the manufacturer to develop their test data. 2. 3. The system is balanced to design with both condensers open to flow and both pumps on. The system can be operated.

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Condenser Water System Flow Test

Preparation: 1. 2. Obtain pump curves for the system. Obtain contact information for a Trane representative who can discuss the test results with regard to the chiller performance. 3. 4. Coordinate as necessary with the trades. Document the as found status of the system CWP-1 CWP-2 CH-1 condenser CH-2 condenser Bypass valve CT-1 CT-2 CT-3 CT-4 5. Document the pump name plate data. CWP-1 Make Model Serial Number Flow Head Impeller Size Motor Make Motor Model Motor HP Motor Speed Volts Amps Hz Phase Efficiency Serial Number Service Factor Other Other Procedure: CWP-2

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Condenser Water System Flow Test

1. 2. 3. 4. Verify the bypass valve on 20A is closed and that all tower cells are open to flow. Document the CH1 balance valve position. Document the CH2 balance valve position. With both pumps running and both condensers document the following. Note the engineering associated with the reading; i.e. psi or ft.w.c. CWP-1 pressure ahead of the strainer CWP-1 suction pressure Strainer pressure drop (the difference between the two reading just taken) 5. If the pressure drop through the strainer exceeds 3 psi/7 ft.w.c. suspend the test and inspect and the strainer. After the strainer is clean, proceed with the following. CWP-1 discharge pressure CWP-1 amps (all phases) CWP-1 volts (all phases) CWP-2 pressure ahead of the strainer CWP-2 suction pressure Strainer pressure drop (the difference between the two reading just taken)

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Condenser Water System Flow Test

6. If the pressure drop through the strainer exceeds 3 psi/7 ft.w.c. suspend the test and inspect and the strainer. After the strainer is clean, proceed with the following. CWP-2 discharge pressure CWP-2 amps (all phases) CWP-2 volts (all phases) CH-1 condenser entering pressure CH-1 condenser leaving pressure CH-2 condenser entering pressure CH-2 condenser leaving pressure 7. With both pumps running and both condensers open the bypass valve and document the following: CWP-1 suction pressure CWP-1 discharge pressure CWP-1 amps (all phases) CWP-2 suction pressure CWP-2 discharge pressure CWP-2 amps (all phases) CH-1 condenser entering pressure CH-1 condenser leaving pressure CH-2 condenser entering pressure CH-2 condenser leaving pressure Estimated flow over CT-1 (none, some, a Estimated flow over CT-2 (none, some, a Estimated flow over CT-3 (none, some, a Estimated flow over CT-4 (none, some, a 8. 9. Close the bypass valve Shut down CWP-1. With both condensers open document the following. CWP-2 suction pressure CWP-2 discharge pressure CWP-2 amps (all phases) CH-1 condenser entering pressure CH-1 condenser leaving pressure CH-2 condenser entering pressure CH-2 condenser leaving pressure

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Condenser Water System Flow Test

10. Valve out the CH-1 condenser and document the following. CWP-2 suction pressure CWP-2 discharge pressure CWP-2 amps (all phases) CH-2 condenser entering pressure CH-2 condenser leaving pressure 11. Open the bypass valve and document the following: CWP-2 suction pressure CWP-2 discharge pressure CWP-2 amps (all phases) CH-2 condenser entering pressure CH-2 condenser leaving pressure Estimated flow over CT-1 (none, some, a Estimated flow over CT-2 (none, some, a Estimated flow over CT-3 (none, some, a Estimated flow over CT-4 (none, some, a 12. 13. Close the bypass valve Valve in the CH-1 condenser and valve out the CHcondenser. Document the following. CWP-2 suction pressure CWP-2 discharge pressure CWP-2 amps (all phases) CH-1 condenser entering pressure CH-1 condenser leaving pressure 14. Shut down CWP-2 and restart CWP-1. Document the following: CWP-1 suction pressure CWP-1 discharge pressure CWP-1 amps (all phases) CH-1 condenser entering pressure CH-1 condenser leaving pressure

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Condenser Water System Flow Test

15. Valve in the CH-2 condenser and document the following. CWP-1 suction pressure CWP-1 discharge pressure CWP-1 amps (all phases) CH-1 condenser entering pressure CH-1 condenser leaving pressure CH-2 condenser entering pressure CH-2 condenser leaving pressure 16. Valve out the CH-1 condenser and document the following. CWP-1 suction pressure CWP-1 discharge pressure CWP-1 amps (all phases) CH-2 condenser entering pressure CH-2 condenser leaving pressure 17. Perform a shut off test to verify the pump size by briefly closing the discharge valve and and documenting the pump differential pressures. CWP-1 suction pressure CWP-1 discharge pressure CWP-2 suction pressure CWP-2 discharge pressure Follow up and Return to Normal: 1. 2. Remove all test equipment. Return the system to the state it was operating in at the start of the test or as requested by the operating staff. 3. Plot test results on the pump curves to determine flow rates in all operating modes. Verify impellers sizes based on the shut of test and document. CWP-1 impeller size CWP-2 impellers size 4. Contact Trane to obtain their input regarding the tube velocities through their condenser bundle at the peak flows observed during the test. Document the peak allowable velocity. Document the peak observed velocity.

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Condenser Water System Flow Test

5. 6. Indicate pass if the velocities are acceptable and fail if they are excessive in any mode. Contact Trane to obtain the full load kW for the chillers at the following conditions: CH-1 at design condenser flow. CH-2 at design condenser flow. CH-1 at the condenser flow that occurs with CWP-1 on and with CH-2 off and valved out. CH-2 at the condenser flow that occurs with CWP-2 on and with CH-1 off and valved out. 7. Add the chiller full load kW to the associated condenser pump kW for each of the following conditions. The condenser pump kW can be established by reading the bhp for each operating condition from the pump curve and multiplying it by .745. This ignors the motor efficiency and power factor but we are comparing differentials so this will not be a significant issue. CH-1 at design condenser flow. CH-1 at the condenser flow that occurs with CWP-1 on and with CH-2 off and valved out. CH-2 at design condenser flow. CH-2 at the condenser flow that occurs with CWP-2 on and with CH-1 off and valved out. 8. Compare the net kWs for each chiller in each of the two operating modes. Indicate Pass if the kW at the higher condenser flow rate is lower than the kW at the design flow rate. Otherwise indicate fail. CH-1 pass/fail CH-2 pass/fail 9. Document the maximum observed flow rate for each pump and indicate pass if the pump is not in the "do not select here" portion of its curve at this flow rate, otherwise, indicate "fail". CWP-1 maximum observed flow rate CWP-1 Pass/Fail CWP-2 maximum observed flow rate CWP-2 Pass/Fail

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Condenser Water System Flow Test

10. Inidicate "Pass" if the pumps did not trip their overloads when they ran out their curves, otherwise indicate "Fail". CWP-1 Pass/Fail CWP-2 Pass/Fail 11. Inidicate "Pass" for each chiller if it passed all of the checks listed above (4 total), otherwise indicate "Fail". CH-1 Pass/Fail CH-2 Pass/Fail Test Coordinator(s)
Name Affiliation Work phone Work e-mail

Test Team Members

Name Affiliation Work phone Work e-mail

Test Completion Sign Off

This test has been performed to the best of my ability per the requirements of the procedure. Deviations or problems encountered have been noted at the end of the test form.

Test coordinator name (print) Signature, date and time

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Condenser Water System Flow Test

Comments and Notes

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Condenser Water System Flow Test

Comments and Notes

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