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Indus Basin Science Policy Visiting Fellowship Program

Call for Applications 2014

WASHINGT N! "# $$$ The Stimson #enter is pleased to announce that it is now welcoming applications %or its new Indus Basin Science Policy Visiting Fellows pro&ect! supported 'y the (ichard )ouns'ery Foundation* The pro&ect will 'ring Visiting Fellows to Washington! "# %or a %ully$%unded two month residency +mid$,anuary to mid$-arch ./012 at the Stimson #enter3s 4n5ironmental Security Program in Washington! "#* The Visiting Fellows pro&ect is intended to create a plat%orm %or early$career scientists %rom India and Pa6istan to colla'orati5ely address research needs! enhance the 6nowledge 'ase! and de5elop strategies to meet the shared water resource challenges o% the Indus (i5er Basin* Fellows will spend two months in residence at the Stimson #enter in Washington! "#* They are o%%ered a series o% tailor$made programs and introduced to 7S science and policy communities in Washington! "#* In addition to attending meetings in the Washington! "# area and participating in a pro%essional site 5isit elsewhere in the 7S! Fellows will &ointly design a practical research pro&ect during their stay in Washington and present their %indings at a pu'lic e5ent in Washington* Throughout their %ellowship! Fellows are closely mentored and guided 'y Stimson 4n5ironmental Security Program sta%%* The Visiting Fellows program comes at a critical &uncture* Ad5ancing scienti%ic dialogue and e8changes 'etween India and Pa6istan is essential to addressing the region3s collecti5e water security needs! and can contri'ute to reducing tensions! pre5enting %uture con%licts! and 'oosting regional peace$'uilding e%%orts* The central aim o% the Visiting Fellows pro&ect is to %oster greater cross$'order cooperation in the realm o% science diplomacy among Pa6istani and Indian scientists who represent the ne8t generation o% water specialists and policyma6ers in South Asia* The Stimson #enter will select two practicing early career scientists! one %rom each country* The #enter will host 'oth candidates concurrently %or a two$month Visiting Fellowship in Washington! "#* "uring this period! the Visiting Fellows will de5elop a detailed &oint pro&ect that addresses a speci%ic research need or data gap that ad5ances scienti%ic understanding %or cooperati5e water resource management in the Indus (i5er Basin* As an integral component o% their colla'orati5e endea5or! the Visiting Fellows will e8plicitly consider the rele5ant policy audiences %or the pro&ect research and de5elop an outreach and engagement strategy %or communicating the results to decision$ma6ers and the larger pu'lics in India and Pa6istan* The two Fellows will 'e selected in No5em'er ./09! and will 'e awarded a monthly stipend o% :7S" ./// during their stay in the 7S* The Fellowship will also co5er lodging costs in Washington "#! domestic tra5el e8penses within the 7S! and round$trip air tra5el 'etween South Asia and Washington! "#*

Eligibility Requirements

Applicant must 'e 'etween .; and 1/ years o% age* Applicant must 'e a citi<en o% AN" currently reside in Pa6istan or India* Bac6ground in water management! hydrology! climate change! or en5ironmental sciences* Academic candidates must possess a -aster3s degree +or e=ui5alent2 and ha5e e8perience in policy$oriented acti5ities* For non$academic candidates! an e=ui5alent degree o% pro%essional achie5ement is e8pected* Applicant must 'e %luent in 'oth written and spo6en 4nglish*

Selection Fellows will 'e selected 'y the Stimson 4n5ironmental Security Program* Final selections will in5ol5e peer re5iew 'y an Ad5isory #ommittee composed o% South Asian and 7S water e8perts* The decision o% the &ury is %inal and no appeal is possi'le* All candidates are in%ormed o% the outcome o% their applications 'y e$mail*

Application Procedure To apply please include all documents in one P!" attac#ment$ 0* A letter o% moti5ation* .* A concise proposal +ma8imum 1// words2 written in 4nglish! %or a &oint research pro&ect to enhance the 6nowledge 'ase %or sustaina'le water resources management in the Indus Basin* 9* A #V or r>sum> o% no more than %i5e pages* 1* The names! titles and contact in%ormation +e$mail2 o% two pro%essional and?or academic re%erences* ;* A declaration o% honor con%irming residence in India or Pa6istan*

%aterials s#ould be sent in one attac#ment in P!" format by email to dmichel@stimson*org& !EA!'()E "*R S+,%(SS(*) (S "R(!A- . )*/E%,ER 2010& Incomplete or late applications will not 'e considered* Applicants will 'e %ormally noti%ied 'y email a'out the status o% their application 'y 0A No5em'er ./09*

"under The Fellowship is %unded 'y the (ichard )ouns'ery Foundation +Washington "#! 7SA2*

T#e Stimson Center The Stimson #enter is a non$pro%it! nonpartisan institution 'ased in Washington! "#! de5oted to enhancing international peace and security through rigorous research! policy analysis! and pu'lic outreach* For additional in%ormation on the Stimson #enter3s 4n5ironmental Security Program! please 5isit httpB??www*stimson*org?programs?en5ironmental$security?*

Contact For further information, please contact: -r* "a5id -ichel Stimson #enter 0000 0Cth St NW! Floor Washington! "# .//9D 7SA PhoneB ./.$1EA$91.D 4mailB dmichel@stimson*org

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