Stop Motion Animation Production Booklet

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Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

Unit 33: Stop Motion Animation Pre-Production Booklet for Animation


Order of contents (italics show areas you must add in yourself) Assessment criteria LO2 LO3 Frame Numbers Dope Sheets Format of your animation Subject and storyline Character notes and profiles Movement of characters Moodboard Sets/backgrounds Audio and soundtrack Sound table Props list Audience Storyboard Frame rates Lighting design

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

How to use this booklet

You will need to complete every page of this booklet, and all sections / questions required. Assessment criteria for Distinction grade; LO2 Plans will show a full consideration of movement and continuity, perspective, point of view, transitions and special effects. Precise and workable planning of timing and synchronisation to a soundtrack will be produced. It will be clear at this stage, from the documentation, what the finished piece will look and sound like. Learners will follow industry conventions and terminology used in storyboard production correctly. Plans for the construction of models, sets and props will be realistic and clear. Drawings, script and storyboard will all show a creative interpretation of the idea.

LO3: The documentation linked to the production will be full and detailed and there will be evidence that the production management and scheduling of the project has been effective and carried out in a professional manner. The techniques used in the production of the work are likely to be related to an understanding of current trends in the industry.

Both LO2 and LO3 In all practical activity learners will be capable of working autonomously and effectively. They will work on their own initiative, will not need constant support or supervision, will give the work their full commitment, work positively and cooperatively with others, and meet deadlines. In other words, they will have the kind of self-management skills that would be expected of them in a professional context. Note also that this criterion should not be taken to mean that learners do not seek advice or that they work without discussing things with their tutor, but rather that they are not dependent upon the support of others and that when they take advice they weigh it carefully for themselves.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

Use of possible formats

Circle which of the following formats your animation will take; stop-frame techniques time lapse photography plasticine animation Claymation using found objects modelling puppetry combined formats

Why are you using that particular format? I am using Plasticine Animation because it will give a childlike feel to the animation which is what I am trying to achieve, I am also doing this sort of animation because I can easily form and shape things easily throughout the animation.

What are the different possibilities you could explore using this format? The different possibilities of this format is that, I can do anything I would like, I can form any shape easily, rather than using an action figure where you wont be able to change the shape.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

What are the limitations of using this format? (i.e what problems/ obstacles might you have?) The limitations of using this format is that it could be difficult making the characters and I would want the background to also be made out of this format.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

What imaginative or inventive animations have you seen which use this format? Add in links and screen shots of three examples of animations using this format.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

What will the subject of your animation be? The subject of my animation will be a comedy/fantasy based, this is because I want it to appeal to little children, and for them to allow their imagination into the production.

Storyline Describe the storyline of your animation. What events will happen to your characters? A giraffe, a penguin and a seal find a rocket in the arctic, they get inside the rocket and fly towards mars, where they find a alien blue blob named bob. They are chased around the planet before escaping to their rocket and flying back home in haste, you see the blob in mars still. The three main characters return back home, and the rocket turns out to fly by its own.

What characters will be in your animation? My characters will be a giraffe named Miranda, a Penguin named Fred and a Seal named Norman, and I will also be having a blue alien blob named Bob.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

Complete the character profiles for each character in your animation

Name: M/F: Age Costume:

Fred the Penguin Male 7 Red bowtie.

Occupation: Penguin school Hobbies: drawing Character Background: Fred goes to Penguin School in the arctic with his friends Miranda and Norman and his hobbies are drawing. He has many drawings in his igloo because he likes to frame his artwork and is very proud of his many illustrations.

Name: M/F: Age Costume:

Norman the Seal M 7 N/a

Occupation: Seal school Hobbies: Volley ball Character Background: Norman goes to Seal School, he had met his two friends Fred and Miranda playing Volley Ball, which is something that he enjoys and takes as a hobby. He plays this every week and sometimes enters tournaments.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

Name: M/F: Age Costume:

Miranda the Giraffe F 7 N/a

Occupation: Giraffe school Hobbies: Ice Skating Character Background: Miranda goes to Giraffe school, she likes ice skating. Miranda isnt very good at ice skating because she is very clumsy and falls down quite often, though she takes this as a hobby.

Name: M/F: Age Costume:

Bob the blob M Unknown N/a

Occupation: Mars school Hobbies: Wondering around Mars Character Background: Bob the blob goes to Mars school, he likes to venture around mars and scares other beings because he finds it humorous and is quite the prankster.

Add in images and drawings/ sketches of what they will look like.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

What will they be made of? All of my characters will be made out of NewPlast Clay, this is an oil based clay which prevents it from air drying, Aardman had used this clay in Wallace and Gromit.

Movement of characters

How are you going to make your characters move? I will make my characters move by moving them slightly each time so it has a smooth movement, rather than a jerky one from moving the clay too much. I want my characters to move as smoothly as possible, so it gives a more realistic feels to the animation.

What is the purpose of an armature? An Armature is to help keep the build of the model and so it does not loose its shape.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

Will you use them for your characters? Yes, I will be using them for all of my characters, to prevent anything from falling off whilst doing the production.

If so, how will you make it? I will make the armatures from small bending wire, I will make this 3D and then build the clay around it, that way the armature is in place when moulding, and I can make sure that my characters are able to stand.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

Mood board
Create a mood board showing what look your animation will have. Add images showing ideas of mise-en-scene, characters, costumes and colours that will be present in the different shots.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

Sets / backgrounds
Will your set be; A three wall set A blue/green screen An existing location A Combination of two or more of the above

Draw sketches of how your sets/backgrounds will look. Add in labels to your diagrams and details of locations / lighting etc.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor Add in photographs of your sets/backgrounds.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

Audio and Soundtrack

What audio will you have for your animation?

Complete the sound list, detailing what sounds you will use, where you will source them, what equipment you will need to record them and when you will use them in your animation. You will need to design your own soundtrack. You cannot use copyrighted music, and it must be more than simply adding a track.

What actions will need sound effects?

Think of the scenes in your animation. Each scene should have different sounds/music to give information about the mood / emotions of the characters.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

Sound Table Production Name: Arctic friends: A trip to mars Producer: Hannah OConnor I have no sound and no dialogue only a soundtrack. It is going to be a silent film.



Description of Sound


Atmosphere created

Musice type and atmosphere

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

Props List
What props / models / furniture etc will you need to make your animation? PROPS LIST Production Name: Producer:

Item Cigar

Script page 4

Description Large Cuban cigar, expensive looking, 7 long

Character/location Craig Jennings

Notes Is not lit is held in actors mouth

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

Define the following characteristics of your audience; Gender My Gender will be based toward all genders, this is because I want my animation to appeal to both boy and girl.

Age my animation will be for children from the ages of 1-6. I want my animation to have a child like feel, partially the reason for using plastercine. I am aiming this toward 1-6 because this is the age group that would watch things like Wallace and Gromit and I want to aim toward the same age group.

Interests My target audience would be interested in space, certain adventures, the arctic animals and animals themselves.

What forms of animation might they already watch? They might have already seen Wallace and Gromit which is similar to my animation, and they could have seen other animations made by Aardman Productions.

What images do you think they enjoy watching? I think that my target audience would enjoy watching comedy images because, younger children tend to find things more amusing and light hearted.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

What might they consider distasteful or offensive? They might find the characters offensive or perhaps the soundtrack if from a certain background, but because they are children they tend to find things more light hearted and amusing then thinking of things that could be offensive or distasteful. As well as this, they could not like the storyline or perhaps might not understand it which is why they may not like the animation.

How will you ensure that your animation will suit your chosen audience? I will know that my animation has suited my chosen audience because of the simple storyline chosen and how the characters and the sets look because of its simplicity and almost 2D animation feel. It could feel like this because of how little detail is on the models, but I think it will suit them because it has a lighter feel and also bright colours which children anjoy.

How will they physically watch your animation? (i.e in an exhibition format, on screen, projection, online?) My audience would watch my animation both online and also through their TV, perhaps on CBBC.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor


Which characters/ objects are in the scene?

Complete a storyboard for your animation.

What is the location for the shot?

Say What?
Is there any dialogue/text?

Natural Ambient Torchlight Spotlight Direction of light?

And then.?
What happens? Describe the action.

What is the camera angle?
Is there any movement from the camera?

Duration of the shot / number of frames action is held for.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor Think carefully about the shots you will be using. Consider the range of shots/angles to give interest and perspective

Extreme long shot Long Shot Medium Shot Two Shot Over the Shoulder Medium Close up Close up Extreme close up

Camera Angles
Birds-eye view High angle Eye-level Low angle Oblique / canted angle Worms-eye view Ground Shot

Pan Tilt Tracking Shot Zoom

Montage Cross cutting Match cut Shot, reverse shot Eye-line match Jump cut Tracking shot

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor You will need to convey all movements and actions. Copy and paste the storyboard to make it as long as you need to show all the detail of your animation.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

Frame Rates
What is the duration of your animation in minutes? (minimum 30 seconds) 30 Seconds

In seconds? 30 Seconds

How many frames per second for video? 24 fps.

There are 60 seconds in a minute. How many frames (ie. Individual photos) will you need to take? 600+

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

Lighting Design

Where will you be photographing your animation? I will be taking my animation in my garage

Does it have natural daylight? Only a little, but where I am filming it is not noticeable.

If so, you will need to block this out. Explain why. N/a

Do you have a constant light source(s) such as a lamp? Yes, I have two lamps on either side of the animation, these will be placed higher then the set.

Where will you place your light source(s) to create interesting effects? I will be placing my lighting above the set to give it an overall day time feel, and also for it to be brighter, since the lamps have an adjustable neck, I can move the lighting more directly onto the white to make it appear brighter, when they go to Mars, I will be moving the lighting more onto the back of the set and the walls, this is to make the sky seem brighter and have the stars appear brighter like they would do in reality, and have the actual planet dimmer, this will create better contrast from the arctic and really give the animation a realistic feel.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor


Frame numbers
You will need to label your images as frames The first 24 frames will be written as; 0_1 0_2 etc etc

the following 24 will be 1_1 1_2 1_3 Ensure your clips are labeled as such. Screen shot the folder your clips are in, and copy the image underneath.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

Dope sheets
A dope sheet is an animation tool which helps a animator organise the animation shot-byshot. This gives the camera operator instructions on each shot type and how many frames this will be used for. A dope sheet is usually split into 5 different sections. To indicate what action occurs on which frame number To see what action is happening in this shot. To see what dialogue used in this scene. To show what level of animation is happening. To give camera instructions (angle).

For example;

Because you will be working with video, you will be using 30fps. You will need to complete a dope sheet for EVERY SECOND of your animation. i.e, if you make a 30 second animation, you will need to complete 30 dope sheets. This will be a time-consuming task, but it will help you understand what will need to happen in each of the shots you take. The higher marks will come from a detailed and careful collection of dope sheets. For example, if your characters speaks, you will need to show the mouth forming every shape in order to look effective.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

Frame 0_1 0_2 0_3 0_4 0_5 0_6 0_7 0_8 0_9 0_10 0_11 0_12 0_13 0_14 0_15 0_16 0_17 0_18 0_19 0_20 0_21 0_22 0_23

Path of action Penguin walks around

Dialogue / Soundtrack cue

Animation Penguin moving

Camera instructions Mid shot

Giraffe moves to walk and so does the seal

Giraffe and seal move

Mid shot

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor 0_24 Frame 1_1 1_2 1_3 1_4 1_5 1_6 1_7 1_8 1_9 1_10 1_11 Penguin,Giraffe and Seal walk to the left together Giraffe, Penguin and Seal walk. Mid Shot. Path of action Dialogue / Soundtrack cue Animation Camera instructions

1_12 1_13 1_14 1_15 1_16 1_17 1_18 1_19 1_20 1_21 1_22 1_23 1_24 1_25 1_26 1_27

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor 1_28 1_29 1_30

Frame 2_1 2_2 2_3 2_4 2_5 2_6 2_7 2_8 2_9 2_10 2_11 2_12 2_13 2_14 2_15 2_16 2_17 2_18 2_19 2_20 2_21 2_22 2_23 2_24

Path of action

Dialogue / Soundtrack cue


Camera instructions

Copy and paste as many dope sheets as you need. Remember to change the frame numbering so that the first number refers to the second of animation ie, 1_24 is the 24th

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor frame of the first second, 3_17 is the 17th frame of the 3rd second.

Frame 3_1 3_2 3_3 3_4 3_5 3_6 3_7 3_8 3_9 3_10 3_11 3_12 3_13 3_14 3_15 3_16 3_17 3_18 3_19 3_20 3_21 3_22 3_23 3_24 4_1 4_2 4_3

Path of action

Dialogue / Soundtrack cue


Camera instructions

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor 4_4 4_5 4_6 Giraffe moves head to the side to her friends. Griaffe moves head Close up.

Frame 4_7 4_8 4_9 4_10 4_11 4_12 4_13 4_14 4_15 4_16 4_17 4_18 4_19 4_20 4_21 4_22 4_23 4_24

Path of action

Dialogue / Soundtrack cue


Camera instructions

Penguin and seal move to rocket

Seal and Penguin walk.

Mid Shot

Giraffe, Seal and Penguin move forward to the rocket.

Giraffe, Seal and Penguin move forward

Mid Shot.

5_1 5_2

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor 5_3 5_4 5_5 5_6 5_7 5_8 5_9 5_10 5_11 5_12 Giraffe moves her head toward the Penguin. Giraffe moves head. Close up.

Frame 5_13 5_14 5_15 5_16 5_17 5_18 5_19 5_20 5_21 5_22 5_23 5_24 6_1 6_2 6_3

Path of action

Dialogue / Soundtrack cue


Camera instructions

Seal moves to the rocket.

Seal moves forward

Close up

Seal goes inside the rocket

Seal disappears

Mid Shot.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor 6_4 6_5 6_6 6_7 6_8 6_9 6_10 6_11 6_12 6_13 6_14 6_15 6_16 6_17 6_18 Rocket moves anticlockwise Rocket goes in a circle Close up Giraffe moves forward then goes into the rocket Giraffe moves then disappears Close up Penguin moves forward into the rocket Penguin moves then disappears Close up

Frame 6_19 6_20 6_21 6_22 6_23 6_24 7_1 7_2

Path of action

Dialogue / Soundtrack cue


Camera instructions

Penguin and seal move to rocket

Seal and Penguin walk.

Mid Shot

Rocket starts to fly.

The rocket starts to lift into

Close up

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor the air 7_3 7_4 7_5 7_6 7_7 7_8 7_9 7_10 7_11 7_12 7_13 7_14 7_15 7_16 7_17 7_18 7_19 7_20 7_21 7_22 7_23 7_24 Rocket starts to land on what looks like mars Rocket lands. Mid Shot. A different scene is shown in space. Camera moves to the right Close up

Frame 8_1 8_2

Path of action

Dialogue / Soundtrack cue


Camera instructions

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor 8_3 8_4 8_5 8_6 Penguin appears on mars Giraffe appears beside the Penguin Seal appears beside right of penguin The animals look around the new landscape Penguin appearing Giraffe appearing Seal appearing Giraffe, Penguin and Seal look around Mid shot Mid Shot Mid Shot Close up.

8_7 8_8 8_9 8_10 8_11 8_12 8_13 8_14 8_15 8_16 8_17 The friends begin to walk around the silent planet Seal, Giraffe and Penguin move to the right. Close up.

8_18 8_19 8_20 8_21 8_22 8_23 8_24 9_1 9_2 9_3 9_4 9_5

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor 9_6

Frame 9_7 9_8 9_9 9_10 9_11 9_12 9_13 9_14 9_15 9_16

Path of action

Dialogue / Soundtrack cue


Camera instructions

Giraffe moves head to friends.

Giraffe moves head to the right

Close up.

Seal moves to the left to stand closer to the Giraffe

Seal moves slightly to the left.

Close up

9_17 9_18 9_19 9_20 9_21 9_22 9_23 9_24 10_1 Bob the blob appears, and starts to walk forward. Bob moves forward. Close up. Penguin moves forward a little Penguin moves forward Close up

10_2 10_3

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor 10_4 10_5 10_6 10_7 10_8 10_9 10_10 10_11 10_12 Giraffe moves forward to protect her friends. Giraffe moves to the right. Mid Shot.

Frame 10_13 10_14 10_15 10_16 10_17 10_19 10_20 10_21 10_22 10_23 10_24 11_1 11_2 11_3 11_4 11_5 11_6

Path of action

Dialogue / Soundtrack cue


Camera instructions

Bob the blob edges forward ready to chase them away

Bob moves forward

Mid shot

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor 11_7 11_8 11_9 11_10 11_11 11_12 11_13 11_14 11_15 11_16 11_17 11_18 11_19 11_20 11_21 11_22 11_23 11_24 12_1 12_2 12_3 12_4 12_5 12_6 12_7 12_8 12_9 12_10 12_11 12_12 Giraffe moves forward to protect her friends. Giraffe moves to the right. Mid Shot.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor 12_13 12_14 12_15 12_16 12_17 12_18 12_19 Giraffe moves in front of Penguin. Giraffe moves to the right. Mid Shot

12_20 12_21 12_22 12_23 12_24 13_1 13_2 13_3 13_4 13_5 Seal disappears Penguin moves towards the rocket after his friend Seal disappears Penguin moves to the left and then forward. Close up Close up Seal moves to the rocket Seal moves forward Close up

13_6 13_7 13_8 13_9 13_10 13_11

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor 13_12 13_13 13_14 13_15 13_16 Penguin disappears into the rocket. Giraffe retreats to the rocket. Penguin disappears Giraffe moves to the left then forward Close up. Mid Shot.

13_17 13_18 13_19 13_20 13_21

13_22 13_23 13_24 14_1 14_2 14_3 14_4 14_5 14_6 14_7 14_8 14_9 14_10 14_11 Giraffe disappears into the rocket. Bob the blob moves to the rocket, whilst the rocket starts up again. Giraffe disappears Bob moves forward whilst the rocket turns to the right (antiClockwise) Mid shot. Mid shot.

14_12 14_13

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor 14_14 14_15 14_16 14_17 14_18 14_19 14_20 14_21 14_22 14_23 14_24 15_1 15_2 Bob turns around seeming confused. Turns to the left. Close up. Rocket starts to fly back to earth. Rocket lifts into air. Close up.

15_3 15_4 15_5 15_6 15_7 15_8 15_9 15_10 15_11 15_12 15_13 15_14 15_16 15_17 15_18 Rocket lands back to the arctic Rocket lands Close up

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor 15_19 15_20 15_21 15_22 15_23 Penguin and Seal move forward across the snow. Penguin and Seal move forward. Mid shot. Penguin comes out of the rocket first. Seal comes out of the rocket after Penguin. Penguin appears Seal appears. Mid shot Mid shot.

15_24 16_1 16_2 16_3 16_4 16_5 16_6 16_7 16_8 16_9 16_10 16_11 16_12 16_13 16_14 16_15 16_18 16_19 16_20 16_21 16_22 16_23 Giraffe nods her head. Giraffe moves Close up Seal moves to turn to the rocket Seal moves clockwise. Close up Giraffe stands in front of friends. Giraffe moves forward. Mid shot Giraffe moves forward. Giraffe moves forward. Mid Shot. Giraffe appears after her two friends Giraffe appears Mid Shot.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor head 16_24 17_1 17_2 17_3 17_4 Rocket starts to move on its own ready to lift back into the air. Rocket moves anti clockwise Close up. Giraffe nods her head. Giraffe moves head Close up

17_5 17_6 17_7

17_8 17_9 17_10 Animals move backward to make ready for the rocket to fly All move backward. Mid shot

17_11 17_12 17_13 17_14 17_15 17_16 17_17 17_18 17_19 17_20 17_21 17_22 17_23 17_24 The rocket lifts into the air, taking flight. Rocket flies. Close up.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor 18_1 18_2 18_3 18_4 18_5 18_6 The three companions watch the rocket fly. Animals lift their heads. High angle.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Hannah OConnor

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