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Engine & Transmission Instruments

Instruments Engine Tachometer

To indicate rotational speed of engine in %age

0 110 %

~ 2 x Indicators 1 x LH Inst Panel 1 x RH Inst Panel ~ 2 x Tachometer Transmitters 1 x LH engine 1 x RH engine ~ 2 x Press re Transmitters ~ +PR Indicator ~ 'ltit de ,ompensating Transmitter ~ Temp Pro-e

Principle Of Operation
4 Pole magnet rotates to ind ce emf in static ! phase "inding

Power Inputs

Functioning Details
$n the instr ment panel end %&nchrono s motor transfers indication to pointers thro gh air spring $'T is pro3ided -& Temp pro-e. %tatic Press re is pro3ided -& altit de compensating Transmitter. 2 x Press re Transmitters pro3ide P2 press re %ame 's +ngine Tachometer


Duty Meter EPR In!icating "ystem#

It meas res P2 press re 'fter compressor

(pto 10 )gf * cm2

,entral Index Position gets inp ts of $'T and %tatic press re. Lateral Index gets P2 press re

~ Lateral Index !/ 0 ', single phase. ~ ,entral Index 21 0 2,


M$R Tachometer

To indicate rotational speed of main rotor It indicates the air temp -efore gas generator t r-ine stage

0 110 %

~ 2 x Indicators 1 x LH 1 x RH ~ 2 x Indicator 4ith t4in indication ~ 14 x pairs of thermo co ples ~ Intermediate -loc5 ~ T4in 'mplifiers

%imilar to +ngine Tachometer Thermo +mf



E%T In!icating "ystem

1200 o,

116 0 ', %ingle Phase to t4in amplifiers

Thermo co ples generates thermo emf proportional to temp



Indicate engine oil temp 7 press re

Temp8 960 o, to 160 o, Press re8 09: 5gf*cm2

~ Temp - l~ Press re transmitter

Principle Of Operation
~ Ind ctance t&pe press re transmitter gi3es Press re ~ Resistance t&pe Temp ; l- gi3es temp readings.

Power Inputs
Po4er s ppl& of Temp indicator is 21 02, and !/ 0 %ingle Phase for Press re indication

Functioning Details
~ $il press re transmitter is installed on RT side of engine after P p mp -efore engine inlet. ~ Temp - l- is installed in engine left hand side -efore cooler. Resistance 3aries according to temp change.


Engine Oil Pressure $ Temp In!icating "ystem

M%& Oil Temp In!icating "ystem M%& Oil Pressure' T%&$I%& oil Temp In!icating "ystem

Indicate <=; $il Temp

9 60 o, to 160 o ,

~ 1 x Indicator Temp pro-e

Resistance t&pe temp pro-e

21 0 2,


Indicate <=; $il Press re> T=; 7 I=; $il Temp

Temp8 960 o, to 160 o, Press re8 09: 5gf*cm2

~ Press re Transmitter ?Ind ctance T&pe@ ~ Temperat re Pro-e ? resistance T&pe@

%ame as engine oil press re* temp indicating s&s

Po4er s ppl& of Temp indicator is 21 02, and !/ 0 %ingle Phase for Press re indication

Resistance 3aries according to temp


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