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College of Engineering and Computer Science Mechanical Engineering Department

Mechanical Engineering 692 Computational Fluid Dynamics

Spring 2010 Number: 17535 Instructor: Larry Caretto

Fourth Computer Exercise

This exercise is inten e to intro uce stu ents to gri generation !or C"# programs$ The "%uent co e oes not pro&i e a gri generation capabi%ities$ Instea it can import gri s !rom a &ariety o! programs$ The program you 'i%% be using tonight is ca%%e (ambit$ It 'as e&e%ope by the company) "%uent) Inc$) be!ore they 'ere purchase by *NS+S$ *NS+S sti%% maintains (ambit) but it oes not p%an any !uture &ersions$ Instea ) !uture users 'i%% be expecte to e&e%op their gri s in 'hate&er computer,ai e , esign -C*#. programs they are using$ The exercise !o%%o's a (ambit tutoria%) 'hich i%%ustrates the e&e%opment o! a gri !or a t'o, imensiona% mixing e%bo' prob%em simi%ar to the one that 'e use in "%uent !or the !irst computer exercise$ I! you o not comp%ete the entire tutoria%) you can continue to 'or/ on it outsi e o! c%ass$ The instructions be%o' are inten e to augment the instructions in the tutoria%) 'hich are much more extensi&e than the items mentione be%o'$ These instructions assume that you are 'or/ing !rom a computer in the c%assroom on the 0echanica% 1ngineering computer %abs in 2# 111341115$ In the instructions be%o') items sho'n in bold represent items that 'ere copie &erbatim !rom the screen$ The instruction to 6se%ect Table of Contents !orm the Help menu7 means that there is a menu %abe%e 68e%p7 an you shou% se%ect the menu item 6Tab%e o! contents$7$

Getting Started
Start the (ambit co e by c%ic/ing on the Gambit 2.4. icon on your es/top$ C%ic/ 9: in the (ambit Startup ;in o'$ ;hen the (ambit co e is !u%%y %oa e you 'i%% see a mu%tisection screen 'ith the %argest part a b%ac/ area 'here you 'i%% isp%ay the gri $ *t this point se%ect Table of Contents !orm the Help menu$ *!ter you see the comman prompt) se%ect More Documentation! !rom the Help menu$ 9n the resu%ting bro'ser screen se%ect Tutorial Guide !rom the 8T0L menu$ Se%ect the secon tutoria% Modeling a Mi"ing Elbo#$%$ +ou 'i%% get a 'arning about b%oc/e content !rom your bro'ser$ C%ic/ the option to a%%o' b%oc/e content) then c%ic/ Modeling a Mi"ing Elbo# a secon time to get the instructions !or the tutoria%$ ;hen the out%ine appears c%ic/ &rere'uisites to begin$ *%though the prere<uisites section states that you shou% ha&e 'or/e through tutoria% 1) 'e 'i%% s/ip this step since the instructions !or the secon tutoria% re!er you to the &arious p%aces that you ha&e to c%ic/$ In a ition) the instructor can pro&i e you 'ith a o&er&ie' o! the user inter!ace that 'i%% !ami%iari=e you 'ith 'hat you nee !or this secon tutoria%$ Note that in the Global Control section in the %o'er) right,han corner o! the screen the %ast button in the mi %e ro' is the un o button$

2acaran a -1ngineering. 3333 1,mai%: %caretto@csun$e u

0ai% Co e 52A5

>hone: 515$377$3??5 "ax: 515$377$21?0

The tutoria% !i%es sho' some ia%og boxes that are s%ight%y i!!erent !rom the ones actua%%y in (ambit$ The shape o! some boxes is i!!erent an the tutoria% sho's se%ecte boxes co%ore re 'ith b%ac/ chec/ mar/s$ 8o'e&er) 'hen you se%ect a box in (ambit it 'i%% turn re ) but ha&e no chec/ mar/$ Set the &ertica% height o! your bro'ser to the maximum height !or the screen$ Bea the initia% screens on Introduction) &rere'uisites) an &roblem Description$ Note that you can mo&e among screens by c%ic/ing the >re&ious or Next boxes at the top or bottom o! the text$ Spen a bit o! time 'ith the prob%em escription screen$ 0a/e sure you un erstan 'hat is happening here$ ;hen you get to section 2$? >rob%em #escription) you 'i%% be as/e to se%ect "%uent ? as the so%&er$ #o not o thisC Instea ) se%ect (luent )* !rom the Sol+er menu$ "o%%o' the remaining irections as in icate $ Note that some (ambit comman s combine a /eystro/e 'ith a mouse c%ic/$ "or examp%e) you 'i%% see the !o%%o'ing instruction in Step 2$1: 6/. Ctrl,right,c%ic/ the nine gri points sho'n in "igure 2,3$7 This means that you shou% ho% o'n the contro% /ey 'hi%e c%ic/ing the nine points sho'n in the !igure$ +ou shou% sa&e your 'or/ o!ten to ma/e sure that you o not ha&e to start o&er$ Note the %ocation o! the output !i%es !rom (ambit because you 'i%% e&entua%%y 'ant to use the !i%e as an input !i%e to "%uent$

Some Modifications
In the comman un er step 3 you are as/e to 6se%ect the !o%%o'ing comman buttons in or er$7 Norma%%y this means ma/ing a %e!t c%ic/ !or each button sho'n$ 8o'e&er note that the thir button has an , Dust outsi e its %o'er right corner$ This means that you shou% use a right c%ic/ !or this button on%y$ In Step A: Set Eoun ary Types) the instructions re!er to the use o! "%uent ? as the so%&er$ The instructions gi&en a%so app%y to "%uent 543 except that there is no 6IN"L9;7 as state in the tutoria%$ Se%ect 6F1L9CIT+GINL1T7 as the boun ary types !or the i!!erent in%ets$ +ou can a%so use more meaning!u% names then in%et1 an in%et2$ I! this gi&es you an error message in the transcript 'in o') se%ect >B1SSHB1GINL1T$

The (inal Test

Start "%uent an se%ect ,ead !rom the (ile menu$ Se%ect Case !rom the submenu an then %ocate the mesh !i%e that you exporte !rom (ambit$$

2acaran a -1ngineering. 3333 1,mai%: %caretto@csun$e u

0ai% Co e 52A5

>hone: 515$377$3??5 "ax: 515$377$21?0

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