R.sai Lakshmi Cognos

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E-mail: sailakshmi.r@hcl.in

Ravikrindi.sailakshmi@gmail.com Mobile : 9980663347

Career Objective: eeking ! "hallenging #osi$ion !s ! %a$a &areho'se !nal(s$ )n *enera$ing Re+or$s, -M %esign !nd %evelo+men$ )n )n.orma$ion (s$em and /eb rela$ed 0echnologies. Summary 1verall 6 2ears o. E3+erience in o.$&are %evelo+men$ and 3 2ears o. E3+erience in Data Warehousin . 4aving o'nd 5no&ledge on Co nos series-7 0ools and "ognos 8.6. /orked 1n /indo&s 97 8 98 8 90 8 :000 #la$.orms. *ood E3+os're $o o.$&are %evelo+men$ ;i.e "(cle. #ro.o'nd 5no&ledge in <b, ", "==, "ore >ava and /eb 0echnologies like 4$ml and !s+ Wor! "#$erience o.$&are Engineer )n HCL %echno&o ies Lt'?>'l(:006 @ $o 0ill da$eABangalore, 5arna$aka, )ndia. o.$&are Engineer )n A'vance' Com$uter So&utions ()* Lt'+4(derabad, !#, )ndia 0rainee #rogrammer )n Kerne# Microsystems (In'ia* Lt', 4(derabad, !#, )ndia "'ucation Master O, Com$uter A$$&ications #rogram : 3 2ear Cniversi$( : ri <enka$es&ara Cniversi$(, !#, )ndia -ache&or O, Science #rogram : 3 2ear

Com$uter S!i&&s

ri <enka$es&ara Cniversi$(, !#, )ndia

-I %oo&s "%L %oo&s Database O$eratin System )ro rammin Lan ua es

: : : : :

"ognos 8.6, B'siness 1bDec$s 6.7. )n.orma$ica. 1racle 8.0, Ms El erver 7.0 and Ms-!ccess /indo&s 98, 90, :000, C9)F "1B1;, " and "==

./I Web %echno&o ies

)roject Summary

: :

<is'al Basic ! #, 40M;

%it&e: Re$ortin 0actory Descri$tion:

0he #roDec$ )s -or %evelo+ing ! Re+or$ing -ac$or(, /hich #rovides ! "ommon Re+or$ing -rame&ork -or !n( 1rganiGa$ional Re+or$ing 9eeds. 4";Hs Re+or$ing -ac$or( #rovides $andard #rocesses !nd I'ali$( "on$rol, Rob's$ (s$em !rchi$ec$'re /i$h #redic$able #ricing !nd "lear *overnance Model. 0his Re+or$ing -ac$or( )s %esigned 0o %eliver 1n -o'r 5e( 1bDec$ives: #redic$abili$(, 0rans.erabili$(, Re+ea$abili$(, !nd calabili$(. !s ! -irs$ $e+, 0his #ilo$ #roDec$ "overs 0he !rea 1. Risk Managemen$ J"redi$ Risk, Marke$ Risk, 1+era$ional Risk, E$cK. C&ient: 4"; 0echnologies "nvironment: "ognos8.6, 1racle, /indo&s:003 Res$onsibi&ities: "rea$ed <ario's 0(+es 1. "ognos Re+or$s ;ike ;is$, "ross$ab, ;ike Mas$er %e$ail, %rill 0hr'. Csing Re+or$ $'dio. E3$ensivel( Csed #rom+$s, "ondi$ional <ariables !nd "ondi$ional Blocks 0o Mee$ 0he B'siness Cser ReE'iremen$s

%it&e: D- 0SR Descri$tion:

0his #roDec$ )nvolves %evelo+men$ 1. -inancial Reg'la$or( Re+or$s -or 4 !#!" "o'n$ries Csing "ognos 8 B) !s 0he Re+or$ing 0ool !nd Csage 1. !# B/ 0ool -or %eriving 4ead 1..ice Re+or$s. !# B/ )s 0he Cnderl(ing %a$a /areho'se !nd )n.orma$ica )s Being Csed !s 0he E0; 0ool. 0he #roDec$ )nvolves !nal(sis, %esign, %evelo+men$, 0es$ing !nd )m+lemen$a$ion 1. "ognos 8 Bi Re+or$s %evelo+ed 1n Re+or$ $'dio !nd I'er( $'dio #ackages, Modeling !nd )m+lemen$a$ion 1. !# B/ Environmen$ !nd E0; Ma++ings Csing )n.orma$ica 0o E3$rac$ %a$a -rom M'l$i+le %a$a o'rces. 0he 0o$al 9'mber 1. Re+or$s 0ha$ 9eeds 0o Be %elivered -or 0he 4 "o'n$ries )s !ro'nd 600 #l's. 0he 0o$al iGe 1. 0he 0eam !$ #eak )s !ro'nd 607. C&ient: %e'$sche Bank "nvironment: "ognos8.6, 1racle 60g, /indo&s:003 Res$onsibi&ities: "rea$ed <ario's "ell-Based Re+or$s Csing Re+or$ $'dio. "rea$ed <ario's 0ransac$ional Re+or$s Csing Re+or$ $'dio )nvolved )n %e.ec$ -i3ing

%it&e: D- Re$orts Descri$tion:

0he %B Re+or$s )s "ommon Re+or$ing #la$.orm JBased 1n "ognos8K -or !ll 0he Re+or$ing 9eeds 1. %B. 0he %b Re+or$ )s %esigned 0o Be ! *lobal /eb Based M) JManagemen$ )n.orma$ion (s$emK #la$.orm *iving Csers 0he !bili$( 0o Re$rieve !nd <ie& B'siness )n.orma$ion -or 1n-;ine !nal(sis 0hro'gh ! ingle #ersonaliGed -ron$ End. 0he !++lica$ion )s %esigned 0o )m+rove -le3ibili$(, !bili$( 0o '++or$ Ra+id B'siness "hanges B( Red'cing 0he )m+lemen$a$ion 0imescales -or 9e& B'siness ReE'iremen$s !nd Red'ce 0he Re+or$ing B'rden 1n <ario's Re+or$ing 9eeds 'ch !s Reg'la$or(, M) , 1+era$ional !nd !nal($ical Re+or$ing. 0he !++lica$ion "on$ains M'l$i+le !++lica$ions !nd e+ara$e #ackage -or Each o'rce !++lica$ion. C&ient: %e'$sche Bank "nvironment: "ognos8.6, 1racle, Elserver :000, /indo&s:003 Res$onsibi&ities: )nvolved )n "hange 0he -rame&ork Model !nd C+da$ing 0he #ackage !nd #'blishing 0he #ackage. "rea$ed <ario's 0(+es 1. Re+or$ 9e$ Re+or$s ;ike ;is$, "ross$ab, ;ike Mas$er %e$ail, %rill 0hr'. Csing Re+or$ $'dio. E3$ensivel( Csed #rom+$s, "ondi$ional <ariables !nd "ondi$ional Blocks 0o Mee$ 0he B'siness Cser ReE'iremen$s

%it&e: Co nos Community Descri$tion: 0he #roDec$ "a$ers 0he 9eeds 1. B'siness !nal(s$s )n %ecision '++or$ (s$ems. Re+or$s !re *enera$ed Based 1n 'bDec$ !rea ;ike #'rchasing, ales L Marke$ing, 0rans+or$a$ion, E$c., #roDec$ )s +anned !cross 0hree #hases. #re+aring Re+or$ +eci.ica$ion %oc'men$s, Ma++ing %oc'men$s !nd Re+or$ %evelo+men$-Csing )m+rom+$' according 0o 9e& Cser ReE'iremen$s Based on 0em+la$e, )m+rom+$' *'idelines, abbrevia$ions lis$ and also Resolving #er.ormance 0'ning )ss'es. C&ient: Hong Kong Merchandise "nvironment: "ognos Re+or$ 9e$, 1racle Res$onsibi&ities:

"rea$ing <ario's Re+or$s Csing Re+or$ $'dio !nd )nvolved )n "rea$ing #rom+$s )n Re+or$ $'dio. %esigned Models Csing -rame&ork Manager and #'blished #ackages $o $he Re+or$ ne$ erver.

%evelo+ing <ario's im+le Re+or$s Csing I'er( $'dio.

%it&e: 0M Re$orts Descri$tion:

0his )s ! Ra+id %evelo+men$ #roDec$ 0eam, /hich %elivered ! "om+rehensive %a$a /areho'sing !nd 1la+ -inancial Re+or$ing ol'$ion -or -ord Mo$or "om+an(. 01St J-inancials @ 0he +eed 1. 0ho'gh$K, )s ! /areho'se !nd Re+or$ing ol'$ion 0ha$ #rovides 0he #rimar( "'s$omer )n$er.ace -or ! 9e&l( "rea$ed -i.$(-Million-%ollar 0inancia& System, !nd /as %evelo+ed Cnder 0remendo's ched'le #ress're, !$ 4al. 0he "os$8Re+or$ 1. "om+arable #roDec$s, B( ! M'l$idisci+linar( 0eam 1. 0hir$( #eo+le. 0he <er( ;arge- cale %a$a /areho'se !llo&s 0he "'s$omer 0o #rovide -inancial Re+or$ing !nd -orecas$ing <ia %irec$ ;inkages 0o 1+era$ional JE.*. Man'.ac$'ring (s$emsK #roviding -ar More !cc'rac( !nd 0imeliness 1. )n.orma$ion 0han #revio'sl( !vailable. Re+or$ing 0eam )s i3$een #eo+le $rong !nd )s Res+onsible -or %evelo+ing "om+le3 Re+or$s -or B'siness !nal(s$s. !s ! #ar$ 1. 0he #roDec$, 0he I'eries !nd Re+or$s /ere "rea$ed -or <ario's Cser *ro'+s. C&ient: 0or' Motor Com$any 0inancia& System "nvironment: "ognos Re+or$ 9e$, )m+rom+$', 1racle Res$onsibi&ities: )ns$alled "ognos+ /orked /i$h 0he !dminis$ra$ion, "rea$ed Csers. *enera$ed Re+or$s Csing Co nos Im$rom$tu 0ools I'er(ing %a$abase. %id %a$a Re$rieval, M'l$idimensional !nal(sis !nd )o2er )&ay $r'c$'re. %evelo+ed "om+le3 Re+or$s Csing -ea$'res ;ike lice !nd %ice, %rill "a+abili$ies, "om+le3 -reehand El I'eries, @-'nc$ions, Mas$er %e$ail, !nd "ross 0ab 0ables /i$h M'l$i+le Breaks. "rea$ed 0he $ored #roced'res !nd -'nc$ions !$ 0he Back End.

%it&e: 3uic! Ca$e "stimator Descri$tion: I'ick "a+e Es$ima$or )s !'$oma$ed (s$em -or )nven$or(, Es$ima$ion !nd "os$ing -or ;andsca+ing. %r'mmond B'siness (s$ems )s )n 0he B'siness 1. %esign, '++l( !nd E3ec'$ion 1. ;andsca+ing #roDec$s. I'ick "a+e Es$ima$or )s Es$ima$ion o.$&are 0ha$ "an Be Csed -or Es$ima$ing 0he #roDec$ "os$s )n Res+onse 0o ! "lien$Ms EnE'ir(. Based 1n 0he Es$ima$ion #ro+osal )s *enera$ed. 0he #ro+osal )s *e$s "onver$ed 0o ! >ob /hen 0he "on$rac$ )s !&arded. !cco'n$ing 1. !ll )nven$or( !nd 1$her 0ransac$ions )nvolved )n E3ec'$ing 0he >ob ;ike !c$'al ;abor 4o'rs Em+lo(ed, !ddi$ional ervices ). !$ !ll !n( )s Main$ained !nd "os$ing /ill Be %one -or Managemen$ !nal(sis. C&ient: Drummon' -usiness Systems "nvironment: <is'al Basic 6.0, "r(s$al Re+or$s and El erver. Res$onsibi&ities: %esigned 0he Cser )n$er.ace. %esigned and "rea$ing 0ables in $he El erver %a$abase. E3ec'$ed 0he $ored #roced'res 0o -e$ch 0he %a$a -rom %a$abase 0o 0he -ron$ End. )nvolved )n "oding 1. #rograms !ccording 0o 0he -lo& 1. 0he (s$em. %evelo+ed Re+or$s Csing "r(s$al Re+or$s. 0es$ed 1. 0he )n$egra$ed Cni$.

%it&e: CMCS Descri$tion: 0his o.$&are #ackage )s %esigned !nd %evelo+ed 0o -'l.ill 0he %a(-0o-%a( 9eeds 1. -inancial 9eeds. 0he Basic Ro'$ine 1. 0his "ons'l$anc( )s #roviding -inancial !ssis$ance, *'idance !nd !lso #roviding ;oans 0o 0heir "'s$omers. 0hese ;oans "an Be #rovided B( 0his "ons'l$anc( -rom %i..eren$ %e+ar$men$s 1. $a$e 1r "en$ral *overnmen$. 1nce !++lica$ion )s !cce+$ed, 0he !c$'al #rocess 1. 0he "ons'l$anc( $ar$s /hich )nvolves 0he Regis$ra$ion 1. 0he "lien$ B( #roviding 0he "'s$omer )d. 0he "ons'l$anc( "harges )$s Mode 1. #a(men$s )n %i..eren$ )ns$allmen$s %'ring 0he #rocess. o ! 0in( !cco'n$ing #ackage )s !lso #rovided )n 0he am+le #ackage 0o *ive 0he -inancial '++or$ 0o 0he "ons'l$anc(. C&ient: Consu&tancy Mana ement an' Contro& System. "nvironment: <is'al Basic 6.0, "r(s$al Re+or$s and El erver. Res$onsibi&ities: %esigned 0he Cser )n$er.ace. %esigned and "rea$ing 0ables in $he El erver %a$abase. E3ec'$ed 0he $ored #roced'res 0o -e$ch 0he %a$a -rom %a$abase 0o 0he -ron$ End. )nvolved )n "oding 1. #rograms !ccording 0o 0he -lo& 1. 0he (s$em. %evelo+ed Re+or$s Csing "r(s$al Re+or$s.

)ersona& Detai&s: 9ame *ender 9a$ionali$( %a$e o. Bir$h #osi$ive !$$rib'$es : : : : : ai ;akshmi. R -emale )ndian 67-08-6977 E..ec$ive "omm'nica$ion kills, !bili$( 0o /ork )n ! *ro'+, "oheren$l( or $o ;ead .rom $he -ron$, 4ard &orking 9a$'re, #ro.essional and #osi$ive !$$i$'de.

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