Common-Law Trust Fraud Defined Public Notice Public Record

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Certified Mail Article Number: Common-Law Trust Fraud Defined Public Notice/Public Record FRAUD defined: An intentional er!

ersion of trut" for t"e ur ose of inducin# anot"er in reliance u on it to art wit" some !aluable t"in# belon#in# to "im or to surrender a le#al ri#"t$ A false re resentation of a matter of fact% w"et"er b& words or b& conduct% b& false or misleadin# alle#ations% or b& concealment of t"at w"ic" s"ould "a!e been disclosed% w"ic" decei!es and is intended to decei!e anot"er so t"at "e s"all act u on it to "is le#al in'ur&$ An&t"in# calculated to decei!e% w"et"er b& a sin#le act or combination% or b& su ression of trut"% or su##estion of w"at is false% w"et"er it be b& direct false"ood or innuendo% b& s eec" or silence% word of mout"% or loo( or #esture$ Dela"ant& !$ Fist Penns&l!ania )an(% N$A$% *+, Pa$-u er$ ./% 010 A$2d +20*% +23+$ A #eneric term% embracin# all multifarious means w"ic" "uman in#enuit& can de!ise% and w"ic" are resorted to b& one indi!idual to #et ad!anta#e o!er anot"er b& false su##estions or b& su ression of trut"% and includes all sur rise% tric(% cunnin#% dissemblin#% and an& unfair wa& b& w"ic" anot"er is c"eated$ 4o"nson !$ McDonald% +5/ 6(l$ ++5% *. P$2d +3/$ 7)ad fait"7 and 7fraud7 are s&non&mous% and also s&non&ms of dis"onest&% infidelit&% fait"lessness% erfid&% unfairness% etc$ 8lements of a cause of action for 7fraud7 include false re resentation of a resent or ast fact made b& defendant% action in reliance t"ereu on b& laintiff% and dama#e resultin# to laintiff from suc" misre resentation$ Citi9ens -tandard Life :ns$ Co$ !$ ;ille&% Te<$Ci!$A $% 32+ -$=$2d *30% *31$ As distin#uis"ed from ne#li#ence% it is alwa&s ositi!e% intentional$ :t com rises all acts% omissions% and concealments in!ol!in# a breac" of a le#al or e>uitable dut& and resultin# in dama#e to anot"er$ And includes an&t"in# calculated to decei!e% w"et"er it be a sin#le act or combination of circumstances% w"et"er t"e su ression of trut" or t"e su##estion of w"at is false% w"et"er it be b& direct false"ood or b& innuendo% b& s eec" or b& silence% b& word of mout"% or b& loo( or #esture$ Fraud% as a lied to contracts% is t"e cause of an error bearin# on a material art of t"e contract% created or continued b& artifice% wit" desi#n to obtain some un'ust ad!anta#e to t"e one art&% or to cause an incon!enience or loss to t"e ot"er$ -ee also Actionable fraud? )ad#es of fraud? C"eat? Ci!il fraud? Collusion? Constructi!e fraud? Criminal @Criminal fraudA% Deceit? False retenses? False re resentation? :ntrinsic fraud? Mail fraud? Material fact? Misre resentation? Promissor& fraud? Reliance? -c"eme or artifice to defraud$ )lac(Bs Law Dictionar& -i<t" 8dition @ a#e 112A MA:L AND =:R8 FRAUD defined: Criminal offense of usin# mails or interstate wires to create or in furt"erance of a sc"eme or artifice to defraud% or for obtainin# mone& or ro ert& b& means of false or fraudulent retenses$ +, U$-$ C$A$ CC +*0+% +*0*$ )lac(Bs Law Dictionar& -i<t" 8dition @ a#e 112A FRAUDULANT defined: )ased on fraud? roceedin# from or c"aracteri9ed b& fraud? tainted b& fraud? done% made% or effected wit" a ur ose or desi#n to carr& out a fraud$ -ee also False and fraudulent? Fraud$ A statement% or claim% or document% is 7fraudulent7 if it was falsel& made% or caused to be made% wit" t"e intent to decei!e$ To act wit" 7intent to defraud7 means to act willfull&% and wit" t"e s ecific intent to decei!e or c"eat? ordinaril& for t"e ur ose of eit"er causin# some financial loss to anot"er% or brin#in# about some financial #ain to oneself$ )lac(Bs Law Dictionar& -i<t" 8dition @ a#e 112A FRAUDUL8NT :NT8NT defined: -uc" intent e<ists w"ere one% eit"er wit" a !iew of benefittin# oneself or misleadin# anot"er into a course of action% ma(es a re resentation w"ic" one (nows to be false or w"ic" one does not belie!e to be true$ :n re 6renduff% D$C$6(l$% 221 F$-u $ *+2% *+0$ -ee Fraud? Fraudulent misre resentation$ )lac(Bs Law Dictionar& -i<t" 8dition @ a#e 112A FRAUDUL8NT M:-R8PR8-8NTAT:6N defined: A false statement as to material fact% made wit" intent t"at anot"er rel& t"ereon% w"ic" is belie!ed b& ot"er art& and on w"ic" "e relies and b& w"ic" "e is induced to act and does act to "is in'ur&% and statement is fraudulent if s ea(er (nows statement to be false or if it is made wit" utter disre#ard of its trut" or falsit&$ Cormac( !$ American Underwriters Cor $% 2,, N$=$2d 1*0$ As basis for ci!il action% establis"ment of re resentation% falsit&% scienter% dece tion% and in'ur&% are #enerall& re>uired$ -ee also Deceit? Fraud? Material fact? Misre resentation$ )lac(Bs Law Dictionar& -i<t" 8dition @ a#e 112A FRAUDUL8NT 6R D:-D6N8-T ACT defined: 6ne w"ic" in!ol!es bad fait"% a breac" of "onest&% a want of inte#rit&% or moral tur itude$ Dartford Acc$ E :ndem$ Co$ !$ -in#er% +,3 Fa$ 12/% *. -$8$2d 3/3% 3/5% 3/,$ )lac(Bs Law Dictionar& -i<t" 8dition @ a#e 112% 11*A

Certified Mail Article Number: -ui 4uris% (nown as: 4o"n% of t"e #enealo#& of Doe freeborn s iritual bein# on t"e land state t"e facts contained "erein are true% correct% com lete% and not misleadin#% to t"e best of m& ersonal first "and (nowled#e and belief$ )ein# of sound mind% com etent% o!er t"e a#e of +,$ T"is m& free will% !oluntar& act and deed to ma(e% e<ecute% seal% ac(nowled#e and deli!er under m& "and and seal wit" e< licit reser!ation of all m& unalienable ri#"ts and m& s ecific common law ri#"t not to be bound b& an& contract or obli#ation w"ic" : "a!e not entered into (nowin#l&% willin#l&% !oluntaril&% and wit"out misre resentation% duress% or coercion% w"ereb& : did not si#n nor consent$ : am not now nor "a!e e!er been a U$-$ Citi9en or a Fourteent" Amendment Federal Citi9en or 8m lo&ee% : am not bound b& sworn oat" or oat" of office$ ="ereas : "ereb& disclaim Clauses 6ne and Two of -ection 6ne to t"e Fourteent" Amendment% to#et"er wit" Article Four -ection T"ree Clause Two$ : do "ereb& certif&% !erif&% state% claim and declare fore!er wit"out abandonment? Real Pro ert& @on 8art"A? Personal Pro ert& @bod&A? and 8cclesiastical Pro ert& @soulA to#et"er wit" all trusts% robate% ri#"ts% titles% interests droit% droit bot" absolute and contin#ent% G=it"out t"e U$-$H -"ould t"is not be true t"en let t"e record be corrected or it will stand as trut"$ Time is of t"e essence$ Feracit&? :n m& Pri!ate Ca acit& as ;eneral Administrator of said Cestui Iue Trust account Droit% Droit% T"is ser!es Notice t"at &our offer "as been Acce ted as Faluable Consideration and Returned for Falue$ T"is ro ert& is 8<em t from Le!&$ Please Ad'ust t"is Account for t"e Proceeds% Products% Accounts and Fi<tures and Release T"e 6rder@sA of T"e Court to Me :mmediatel&$ Ma(e ad'ustment and close t"is account immediatel&% wit" re'udice$ : acce t &our 6at"% 6at" of 6ffice -ecurit& A#reement% Constitutions as b&-laws% and Malfeasance )ond and lace &ou in t"e Pri!ate commencin# t"is self-e<ecutin# bindin# contract between &ou and :$ Furt"er% : a oint &ou trustee GFull& Personall& Liable NowH on &our "onor and solemn 6at" to erform &our obli#ations and duties to Protect M& un-a-lien-able Ri#"ts in &our Fiduciar& Ca acit& a#ainst an& and all claims% le#al actions% orders% warrants% 'ud#ments% demands% liabilities% losses% foreclosure% de ositions% summonses% lawsuits% costs% fines% liens% le!ies% enalties% ta<es% dama#es% interests% and e< enses w"atsoe!er% bot" absolute and contin#ent% as are due and as mi#"t become due% now e<istin# and as mi#"t "ereafter arise% and as mi#"t be suffered b&% im osed on% and incurred b& Debtor for an& and e!er& reason% ur ose% and cause w"atsoe!er$ Please "onor 6bli#ation of ;ood Fait" in Performance of &our Duties$ Iuid Pro Iuos% an e>ual e<c"an#e or substitution$
T"is m& free will% !oluntar& act and deed true and lawful attorne&-in-fact to ma(e% e<ecute% seal% ac(nowled#e and deli!er under m& "and and seal% e< licitl& reser!in# all ri#"ts wit"out re'udice? )&:JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ -ui 4uris (nown as? 4o"n of t"e #enealo#& of Doe )ailor for 46DN D68 )ailee JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ Ran% Roe T"ird Part& =itness 7-ealed and deli!ered in t"e resence of us$7 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 4ames% Roe T"ird Part& =itness 7-ealed and deli!ered in t"e resence of us$7
-TAT8 6F :LL:N6:- A A --: C6UNTK 6F C66L A C8RT:F:CAT8 6F ACLN6=L8D;M8NT 6n t"is date t"e indi!idual named abo!e% in "is/"er stated ca acit&% ersonall& a eared before me to e<ecute t"is ac(nowled#ement t"at t"is instrument was si#ned% sealed% and deli!ered as t"eir free will% !oluntar& act and deed to ma(e% e<ecute% seal% ac(nowled#e and deli!er under t"eir "and and seal !erified and aut"enticated for t"e uses and ur oses t"erein mentioned$ JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ DAT8 AFF:M N6TARK -8AL :F R8IU:R8D JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ -i#nature of N6TARK PU)L:C Date Commission 8< ires JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ

N6T:C8: Public acts defined: are t"ose w"ic" "a!e a ublic aut"orit&% and w"ic" "a!e been made before ublic officers% are aut"ori9ed b& a ublic seal% "a!e been made ublic b& t"e aut"orit& of a ma#istrate% or w"ic" "a!e been e<tracted and been ro erl& aut"enticated from ublic records$ )lac(Bs Law Dictionar& -i<t" 8dition @ a#e 21A

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