Snow White Play

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Characters Snow White Queen Mirror Assistant Old woman Hunter Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3

SC'(' 1 Snow White ) am Snow White* ) am Snow White*

Cat Red Dwarf lue Dwarf !reen Dwarf "ellow Dwarf Oran#e Dwarf $ur%le Dwarf $in& Dwarf $rince

She dances. Then she can hear the Queen coming. Snow White Oh+ no* )t,s the Queen* ) ha-e to #o*

Snow White runs away. The Queen and assistant enter. Assistant Queen Assistant Queen Mirror Queen Assistant Mirror Queen Mirror Queen Mirror Assistant Queen Assistant Queen Queen* "ou are so .eautiful toda/0 ) &now* ) &now* As& the mirror* He/* Mirror+ Mirror* Who is the most .eautiful1 )t,s not /ou* What1 He/* Mirror* )s it me1 Ha ha* "ou1 (o wa/* Who is the most .eautiful1 Snow White is the most .eautiful* Snow White1 Can,t /ou hear me1 ) said Snow White is the .est* )t,s true* Snow White is so .eautiful* Stu%id assistant* e 2uiet* What are /ou #oin# to do1 ) ha-e an idea* Hunter+ come here*

The hunter runs in. Hunter Queen Hunter Assistant Queen Hunter Assistant Queen Hunter Assistant Hunter Queen Hunter !ood mornin#+ m/ Queen0 3ill Snow White0 "es+ M/ Queen0 Snow White is the most .eautiful* e 2uiet* Snow White must die0 Where is Snow White1 She is in the forest0 rin# me her heart0 Her heart1 Heart* oom+ .oom0 oom+ .oom0 (hitting her chest) 'w* Wh/1 So ) will &now she is dead0 "es+ Queen0 !ood./e0

SC'(' 2 Snow White is singing in the forest. The hunter sneaks up behind her. Hunter Snow White Hunter Snow White Hunter Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3 Snow White1 Ah* Who are /ou1 ) am the hunter0 ) ha-e to &ill /ou0 Hel%* Hel%* ),m sorr/0 The Queen wants /ou to die0 We ha-e to hel% Snow White0 O3* 4et,s throw our .ranches0 !ood idea*

The trees throw branches at the hunter. Hunter Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3 Hunter Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3 Snow White What,s ha%%enin#1 !o awa/+ hunter0 Don,t &ill Snow White0 "ou are a .ad man* Hel% me* Hel% me* Run+ Snow White* Run fast* Run far awa/* "es+ ),ll run0 Than& /ou*

Snow White runs away. Hunter Tree 1 Tree 2 Hunter Tree 3 Stu%id trees* (o* Stu%id hunter* Wh/ do /ou want to &ill Snow White1 The Queen made me do it0 ),m sorr/0 !o awa/* Or we will &ill /ou*

The hunter runs away. Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3 Where is Snow White1 Come on* 4et,s find her0 There she is*

Snow White Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3 Snow White Tree 1 Tree 2 Snow White Tree 3

Oh+ no* ),m lost0 Snow White+ don,t cr/0 !o out of the forest0 !o to the house0 Where is the house1 )t,s 5ust o-er there0 "ou can,t miss it0 O3+ ),ll #o0 Than& /ou+ trees0 !ood./e+ Snow White*

SC'(' 3 Snow White Cat Snow White Cat Snow White Cat Snow White Cat Snow White Cat Hello1 Miao* Hello* Can ) come in1 "es+ come in* Who li-es here1 Se-en dwarfs0 4oo&* Se-en chairs+ se-en %lates+ and se-en cu%s0 )t,s so dirt/* "es+ the house is dirt/* 4et,s clean the house0 Miao* O3*

Snow White and Cat dance and clean the house. Snow White Cat Snow White Cat ),m so tired* !o to slee%+ Snow White0 !oodni#ht+ Cat0 Time to #o* !ood./e0

The Dwarfs come in singing. Dwarfs Blue Dwarf Orange Dwarf Purple Dwarf e! Dwarf "reen Dwarf e! Dwarf #ellow Dwarf Purple Dwarf Pin$ Dwarf Orange Dwarf Blue Dwarf Hi ho* Hi ho* )t,s home from wor& we #o* Our house is clean* Hmm0 Who cleaned the house1 Ah* Ah* Ah* Who is she1 She is -er/ .eautiful0 Hello1 Wa&e u%* He/* Wa&e u%* Wa&e u%* Wa&e u%*

The Dwarfs hit Snow White to wake her up.

Snow White #ellow Dwarf Snow White Purple Dwarf Pin$ Dwarf e! Dwarf #ellow Dwarf Blue Dwarf "reen Dwarf Purple Dwarf Pin$ Dwarf Orange Dwarf #ellow Dwarf Snow White Pin$ Dwarf Snow White Orange Dwarf Blue Dwarf "reen Dwarf Snow White

O3+ O3* ),m awa&e0 Who are /ou1 ),m Snow White0 Who are /ou1 We are se-en Dwarfs0 4et,s introduce oursel-es* ),m Red Dwarf0 ),m so slee%/0 ),m "ellow Dwarf0 ),m so cute0 ),m lue Dwarf0 ),m so hun#r/0 ),m !reen Dwarf0 ),m so ha%%/0 ),m $ur%le Dwarf0 ),m so sh/0 ),m $in& Dwarf0 ),m so %rett/0 ),m Oran#e Dwarf0 ),m so smart0 Wh/ are /ou here1 )t,s a -er/ lon# stor/0 $lease tell us0 The Queen wants to &ill me0 The Queen is so .ad* "ou can sta/ here with us0 "es* Sta/ here+ Snow White* Than& /ou0 "ou are -er/ &ind0

They all go to sleep. They awake in the morning. Blue Dwarf e! Dwarf #ellow Dwarf Pin$ Dwarf Orange Dwarf "reen Dwarf Purple Dwarf Snow White Blue Dwarf Snow White Dwarfs We are #oin# to the mountain0 Time for wor&* 4et,s loo& for #old0 e careful+ Snow White0 The Queen must not &now that /ou are here0 Don,t lea-e the house0 Don,t o%en the door to an/one0 The Queen will ne-er find me0 She thin&s ),m dead0 !ood./e Snow White0 !ood./e dwarfs0 Hi ho* Hi ho* )t,s off to wor& we #o0

SC'(' 6 Queen Mirror Queen Mirror Queen Mirror Queen Mirror Assistant Queen Assistant Queen Assistant Queen Assistant He/ Mirror* Wa&e u%* !ood mornin#+ Queen0 Mirror+ Mirror+ who is the most .eautiful1 Queen /ou are .eautiful0 Am ) the MOST .eautiful1 (o* Snow White is the most .eautiful0 What1 ut she,s dead* ) re%eat 9 Snow White is the most .eautiful0 Snow White is ali-e* That,s too .ad for /ou Queen* She,s not dead1 ) will &ill Snow White* How will /ou &ill her1 4oo&+ ),ll #i-e her this a%%le0 Mm* Can ) tr/ some delicious a%%le1 (o+ sill/* This is a %oison a%%le* A %oison a%%le* Snow White will die0

SC'(' 7 Ol! Wo%an Snow White Cat Snow White Ol! Wo%an Snow White Ol! Wo%an Snow White Ol! Wo%an Cat Snow White Ol! Wo%an Snow White Ol! Wo%an Snow White Cat Ol! Wo%an Hello+ can ) come in1 Come in* Miao* Snow White+ no* )t,s 5ust an old woman+ sill/ cat0 4oo& at this a%%le0 Mm* )t loo&s delicious0 4oo& at /our .ell/* )t,s so .i#* Reall/1 Am ) fat1 'at the a%%le0 )t,s #ood for /our diet0 Don,t listen to her* Shh+ Cat* )t,s #ood for m/ diet* Here /ou are+ Snow White0 Mm* )t,s so delicious* Ha ha* Snow White ate the %oison a%%le* Ah* ),m d/in#0 Oh no* Snow White is dead* !ood./e+ Snow White*

!ld Woman lea"es. The Dwarfs come in. Dwarfs "reen Dwarf e! Dwarf Orange Dwarf Pin$ Dwarf #ellow Dwarf e! Dwarf Purple Dwarf "reen Dwarf e! Dwarf Purple Dwarf Hi ho* Hi ho* )t,s home from wor& we #o0 Snow White1 Hello+ where are /ou1 Oh no* 4oo&* )t,s Snow White* She,s slee%in#* !ood idea* ),m slee%/ too* Wa&e u%+ Snow White* What,s wron# with her1 As& Oran#e Dwarf0 He,s so smart*

!range Dwarf checks her heart. Orange Dwarf "reen Dwarf She,s dead0 Oh no*

Pin$ Dwarf #ellow Dwarf e! Dwarf Blue Dwarf "reen Dwarf

)t,s terri.le* 4et,s %ut her in this #lass .o<0 !ood idea* We can see her e-er/da/0 $oor Snow White0

The Dwarfs put Snow White in a bo#.

SC'(' 8 $ prince comes in riding a horse. Purple Dwarf Prin&e #ellow Dwarf Prin&e e! Dwarf Prin&e Who are /ou1 ) am the $rince0 Wh/ are /ou here1 )t is m/ 5o. to sa-e the $rincess0 !o ahead* All ri#ht0 ) 5ust ha-e to &iss her li&e this0

%e kisses Snow White but nothing happens. Blue Dwarf Orange Dwarf Prin&e Pin$ Dwarf Prin&e Well+ that didn,t wor&* Are /ou reall/ a %rince1 Of course ) am a %rince0 Hel% Snow White* Hmm0 ),ll tr/ C$R*

%e tries doing C&' but nothing happens. Orange Dwarf Prin&e Purple Dwarf "reen Dwarf "ou aren,t a -er/ #ood %rince+ are /ou1 $lease* ) lo-e her0 4et,s #o* One+ two+ three >

They lift the bo# but they drop it. Snow White coughs up the apple. Blue Dwarf #ellow Dwarf Snow White e! Dwarf Snow White Prin&e "reen Dwarf Pin$ Dwarf Purple Dwarf Snow White )t,s the %oison a%%le* Snow White+ /ou,re ali-e* Dwarfs+ than& /ou for hel%in# me0 "ou,re welcome0 Who is he1 ) am the %rince0 He tried to hel% /ou0 He couldn,t hel%* ut he is -er/ handsome* "es+ he is so handsome*

Prin&e Snow White

Will /ou marr/ me+ Snow White1 "es+ ) will0


SC'(' : Dwarfs Cat Assistant Queen Assistant Queen Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3 Hi ho* Hi ho* )t,s off to the weddin# we #o* Miao* Snow White is #ettin# married0 4oo&+ it,s Snow White* (o* Snow White is dead* Oh* She is so .eautiful* She is still ali-e1 Ah* "ou are not nice+ Queen* !o awa/* !ood./e* Don,t come .ac&*

The Queen runs away as the trees throw branches at her. Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3 (ow+ time for a weddin#* Here comes Snow White* And the $rince*

The prince and Snow White get married. '(er)one Con#ratulations+ Snow White*

("eryone dances.


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