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L#.) '0%#)e -+ Mr. 1oh".o"7 89 M#+ :: L#.) '0%#)e -+ P#) C#$$#h#"7 9 M#r&h :9

Draft Document

NATO ORDER OF BATTLE ; 1989 TABLE OF CONTENTS Left Click on the page numbers to jump to that section (control-left click on some machines) NATO For/#r% U" )e% S)#)e. Ar(+ U" )e% S)#)e. N#) o"#$ G'#r% 4>e. US Ar(+ !e"er & TO4E U" )e% S)#)e. A r For&e U" )e% S)#)e. M#r "e Cor0. U" )e% S)#)e. N#>#$ A r Po/er Br ) .h Ar(+ Br ) .h Ro+#$ A r For&e Br ) .h Ro+#$ M#r "e. Ger(#" Ar(+ Ger(#" L',)/#,,e Be$! '( Ro+#$ Ar(+ Be$! '( Ro+#$ A r For&e C#"#% #" For&e. D#" .h Ro+#$ Ar(+ D#" .h Ro+#$ A r For&e Fre"&h Ar(+ Fre"&h A r For&e Gree6 Ar(+ Gree6 A r For&e I)#$ #" Ar(+ I)#$ #" A r For&e L'2e(-o'r! Ar(+ Ne)her$#"%. Ro+#$ Ar(+ Ne)her$#"%. Ro+#$ A r For&e Nor/e! #" Ro+#$ Ar(+ Nor/e! #" Ro+#$ A r For&e Por)'!'e.e Ar(+ Por)'!'e.e A r For&e S0#" .h Ar(+ S0#" .h A r For&e T'r6 .h Ar(+ T'r6 .h A r For&e Non-Aligned European Countries A'.)r #" Ar(+ A'.)r #" A r For&e F "" .h Ar(+ F "" .h A r For&e Ir .h Ar(+ Ir .h A r Cor0. S/e% .h Ar(+ S/e% .h A r For&e
Draft Document 2

< = 84 4? 4= =? 98 99 9: 9< 99 1?9 14< 149 1<: 1<9 1=1 1=8 19? 19= 18: 188 198 8:1 8:8 8:9 8:9 81? 814 81= 819 88< 889 8?8 8?4 848 84< 849 8<: 8<1 8<8 8<4

S/ .. Ar(+ S/ .. A r For&e @'!o.$#> Ar(+ @'!o.$#> A r For&e Appendices A00e"% 2 17 NATO De0$o+(e"). A00e"% 2 87 NATO Or!#" A#) o"

8<= 8=: 8=8 8=9 8=8 898

Draft Document


A"%+ 1oh".o"B. Re,ere"&e.7 Re,ere"&e.7 1. Almanac of Airpower 1989 2. Jane's Defense Weekly's publishe in the late 198!'s 3. "ilitary #echnolo$y%s Worl Defense Almanac 1988& 1989 an 199! '. (A#) Armies #o ay& )sprey *ublishin$ 198+ ,. (A#) in -urope 1989 .. #he /ritish Army in the 198!%s& )sprey *ublishin$ 198+ +. 01 Army Acti2e #roop 3ist& June 1988 an June 1989 8. 01 Army 4iel "anual 15111 A2iation /ri$a es Au$ust 199! 9. 01 Army 6reen /ook 1988& 1989& an 199! 1!.01 Army& /ritish Army& 7ana ian Army& an assorte unit internet home pa$es No)e 17 )nly the 7ombat an 7ombat 1upport units are liste . #he 7ombat 1er2ice 1upport such as maintenance& me ical& an transport were e8clu e . No)e 87 #hrou$hout this ))/ there will be an occasional -o$% esi$nation or 2alue other than titles. 1ince research is not an e8act science& sometimes 9 ha to resort to a more refine approach:9 took a swa$ ;stupi wil a55 $uess<& hence the bol letterin$. (ewly up ate information will be un erline . Re,ere"&e. A%%e% For Re> .e% E% ) o"7 1. Armies of (A#)%s 7entral 4ront& Da2i 9sby an 7harles =amps& 198, 2. Jane%s Armour > Artillery& 198.58+ an 1992593 3. )?/A#s a2ailable at )?/ '. @7ombine Arms&A 6DW& 4rank 7ha wick& 198+ ,. Worl Armies #o ay& John =ee$an& 2n - ition& 1983 ;$oo for $eneral or$aniBational information< .. 9911 "ilitary /alance 198959!& 199!591& 1991592 ;last is particularly useful& as it has initial 74- eclarations< +. 01(9%s 7ombat 4leets of the Worl 1988C89 an 199!C91 8. Darious "icro "ark army lists for some specialist units ;for e8ample& 6urkhas& 1panish "arines an *aras& 6reek special forces& etc< 9. Jane%s (A#) Ean book 199!591 ;))/ comes strai$ht from 9911& but best source out there for hol in$s of ol er eFuipment< 1!.John /au$her%s 01 Aircraft -ncyclope ia was e8tremely useful for nations hol in$ 01 aircraft. 9n a ition& numerous web sites were utiliBe an are note in each in i2i ual section.

Draft Document



H .)or &#$ I")ro%'&) o"7 (A#) was or$aniBe on ' April 19'9 with 12 ori$inal members as a response to the $rowin$ 1o2iet threat. /el$ium& 7ana a& Denmark& 4rance& 6reat /ritain& 9celan & 9taly& 3u8embour$& (etherlan s& (orway& *ortu$al an the 0nite 1tates became a unifie force to protect Western -urope. 6reece an #urkey Goine (A#) on 18 4ebruary 19,2 followe by West 6ermany on 9 "ay 19,,. 1pain Goine on 3! "ay 1982. As the 7ol War in the ei$hties heate up& new an mo ern eFuipment entere into ser2ice throu$hout (A#) an the Warsaw *act in e2er increasin$ numbers. /y July 1989& most of -urope ha become an arme camp with both si es ha2in$ reache a pinnacle of proficiency an capability. 0ne8pecte ly& in (o2ember 1989& the /erlin wall came crashin$ own an in December& 1o2iet *resi ent 6orbache2 stunne the worl by announcin$ a unilateral with rawal from -astern -urope. #his was soon followe by massi2e ownsiBin$ throu$hout -urope an America with units an esi$nations chan$in$ faster than e2er before. 9n Au$ust 1991& 1o2iet har 5liners attempte to re2erse the situation an followin$ a faile coup attempt& the 1o2iet 0nion cease to e8ist. *resently& the former foes are no lon$er poise for $lobal annihilation& but face new challen$es as ol hatre s an fears re5surface. ?ecently& *olan & Eun$ary& an the 7Bech ?epublic& all former Warsaw *act members& Goine (A#) in "arch of 1999. )ther former Warsaw *act an 1o2iet ?epublics are seekin$ membership as (A#) stru$$les to fin new purpose. (ame locations were peacetime barracks positions. *rior to hostilities& all units woul eploy to their wartime 6eneral Defense *lan ;6D*<. #here were three wartime scenarios that coul ha2e occurre . #he first was where the Warsaw *act attacke irectly out of their barracks locations with only a few ays of preparation& epen in$ on strate$ic surprise& (A#) woul ha2e ha about '8 to +2 hours warnin$. #his was the scenario (A#) feare the most. #he secon & an most likely& was a + to1! ay warnin$ with ?-4)?6-? units mo2in$ into place an the 1o2iets mobiliBin$ for 2 to 3 weeks. #he last scenario woul ha2e allowe full eployment for both si es. 4or full or$aniBational information on (A#)& please see the appen i8.


Durin$ the 19+!'s& the 01 "ilitary was reco2erin$ from the Dietnam era with much of its stren$th ownsiBe an that which was left seriously ne$lecte . With the election of ?onal ?ea$an an the comin$ of the early ei$hties the military un erwent a ?enaissance. #he 01 Army $rew from 13 Di2isions to 18& new eFuipment such as the "1 Abrams tank& "2 /ra ley 9nfantry 4i$htin$ Dehicle& "ultiple 3aunch ?ocket 1ystem& an the AE5.' Apache were but a few of the systems inte$rate into the force structure. 4or the in i2i ual sol ier& new uniforms& ke2lar helmets& better pay an realistic trainin$ ha much impro2e the situation. All this alon$ with etermine lea ership create an entirely new ima$e for the 01 Army. (o lon$er was the Army a ha2en for ru$s an alcohol. A new bree of sol ier was emer$in$ an with it the pri e an esprit e corps that ha been so lon$ ne$lecte . #his was one of many le$acies of the 198!'s& the re5birth of the 01 Army. With the new eFuipment came new tactics an a reor$aniBation that ma8imiBe combat power. #he Airlan battle concept was e2elope emphasiBin$ a combine 5arms approach. Althou$h this was not really new& the e$ree of combine arms inte$ration an the new approach onto a non5linear three imensional battlefiel was. #he Di2ision 8. or @Army of -8cellenceA was born an fully in place by the summer of 1989. #his )r er of /attle inclu es the entire 01 Army& 01 "arine 7orps& an the 01 Air 4orce with their respecti2e ?eser2e an (ational 6uar components. Althou$h not all the forces liste were sche ule for eployment to -urope in the e2ent of a war with the Warsaw *act& many of the forces i ha2e multiple wartime contin$encies. US Co'")r+ D#)# *opulationH 2'8 million& inclu in$ 9.'8 million males 18522 an 21.2. million males 23532. 6D*H ;1988< I'.'8 trillion Defense /u $etH ;1989< I289.9 billion "anpowerH ArmyH +.1&!!! Army (ational 6uar H ','&!!! Army ?eser2eH ,88&!!! (a2yH ,9!&!!! "arine 7orpsH 193&!!! Draft Document ,

Air 4orceH ,+1&!!!

No)e 17 (ational 6uar an Army ?eser2e ?oun 5out units are inclu e in their esi$nate acti2e Army or$aniBation%s. No)e 87 A $eneric Airborne& Air Assault& Armor& Artillery& 7a2alry& an 9nfantry #ables of )r$aniBation an -Fuipment are inclu e at the en of the 01 Army section. 0niFue eFuipment types are incorporate within each specific unit. FORCES COMMAND No)e7 #he Army le2el hea Fuarters locate within the 1tates i not ha2e any esi$nate subor inate units as their counterparts in 6ermany or =orea ha . #hey were primarily responsible for the mobiliBation of ?eser2e an (ational 6uar forces in their re$ion in time of national crisis. -ach hea Fuarters coul be assi$ne combat formations an sent to a theatre of operations as i the #hir 01 Army urin$ the 6ulf War. All of the acti2e uty units were assi$ne to an e8istin$ 7orps Eea Fuarters. 1e2eral of the (ational 6uar an ?eser2e units woul also $o to e8istin$ 7orps but in the e2ent of a maGor war a itional 7orps Eea Fuarters woul be acti2ate an assi$ne to support 7ombat )perations as nee e .

1. 2. 3. '. ,. .. +. 8.

4)?17)" Eea Fuarters 5 4t "c*herson& 6AH 4irst 01 Army 5 4t "ea e& "DH 1econ 01 Army 5 4t 6illem& 6AH #hir 01 Army 5 4t "c*herson& 6AH 4ourth 01 Army 5 4t 1heri an& 93H 4ifth 01 Army 5 4t 1am Eouston& #JH 1i8th 01 Army 5 1an 4rancisco& 7AH 9 01 7orps EK 5 4t 3ewis& WAH a. +th 9nfantry Di2ision ;3i$ht< 5 4t )r & 7AH 1< 1st /ri$a eH a< 159th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH b< 259th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH c< 359th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH 2< 2n /ri$a eH a< 351+th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH b< '51+th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH c< 252+th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH 3< 3r /ri$a eH a< '521st 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH b< ,521st 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH c< 352+th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH '< +th 7ombat A2iation /ri$a eH a< 2n 1Fua ron& 9th 7a2alry ?e$imentH b< 15123r Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 21 AE14& 13 )E,87& 3 0E1E c< 7 7o& 123r A2iation ?e$imentH 1, 0E.!A < D 7o& 123r A2iation ?e$imentH 1, 0E.!A ,< +th 9D Di2artyH a< 258th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!2

Draft Document

.< +< 8< 9< 1!<

b< .58th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!2 c< +1,th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!2 < ,51,th 4iel Artillery ?e$imentH 18 "198 +th 9D DiscomH 13th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalionH 18 1--& . A72 5.2n Air Defense /attalionH 18 #owe Dulcan& '! 1tin$er 1!+th "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalion ;7-W9<H +th "ilitary *olice 7ompanyH

No)e7 +th 9nfantry "1!2 battalions be$an to con2ert to "119 ;0= 1!,mm 3i$ht 6un< in (o2 1989. b. 9th 9nfantry Di2ision ;"otoriBe < 5 4t 3ewis& WAH #he 9th 9D was the Ei$h #echnolo$y #est /e with a 2ery uniFue or$aniBation of 7ombine Arms ;7A< /attalions. 1< 1st /ri$a eH a< 1533r Armor /attalionH ".!A3 b< 2523r 7A Eea2y /attalionH '' #)W E""WD& .+ "k19 63& 1, Dra$on& . '.2in mortars& 9 9nfantry sFua c< '523r 7A 3i$ht /attalionH 2' #)W E""WD& +, "k19 63& 3! Dra$on& . '.2in mortars& 18 9nfantry sFua < 252n 3i$ht Attack /attalionH 31 #)W E""WD& 9. "k19 63& . '.2in mortars 3< 81st "ech 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 Washin$ton (6H a< 153!3 r Armor /attalionH ".!A3 b< 158!3 r Armor /attalionH ".!A3 c< 151.1st "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 < 351.1st "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 e< 7a2alry ?e$iment L "( (6H 2< 3r /ri$a eH a< 25.!th 7A Eea2y /attalionH '' #)W E""WD& .+ "k19 63& 1, Dra$on& . '.2in mortars& 9 9nfantry sFua b< 35'+th 7A 3i$ht /attalionH 2' #)W E""WD& +, "k19 63& 3! Dra$on& . '.2in mortars& 18 9nfantry sFua c< 251st 3i$ht Attack /attalionH 31 #)W E""WD& 9. "k19 63& . '.2in mortars '< 9th 7ombat A2iation /ri$a eH a< 1st 1Fua ron& 9th 7a2alry ?e$imentH ;see below< b< 159th Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 21 AE14& 13 )E,87& 3 0E1E c< 259th A2iation /attalionH 1, 0E.!A& . 0E1E& . )E,87& . )E,8D& 3 -E.! ,< 9th 9D Di2artyH a< 1511th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "198 b< 3511th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "198 c< 251'.th 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 Washin$ton (6H 2' "1!9A2 < 158'th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 12 "1!2& 9 "3?1 .< 9th 9D DiscomH +< 1,th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalionH 8< 15''th Air Defense /attalionH 12 7haparral& 2+ Dulcan 1*& .! 1tin$er 9< 1!9th "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalion ;7-W9<H 1!< 9th "ilitary *olice 7ompanyH 11< 9th 7hemical 7ompanyH

s s

s s

No)e 17 #hrou$hout the late 198!%s& this i2ision%s or$aniBation was in flu8. At times& the roun out bri$a e was the 39th 9nfantry /ri$a e& Arkansas (ational 6uar instea of the 81st "ech /ri$a e& Washin$ton (ational 6uar . No)e 87 9n case of war& the i2ision was to eploy by air to (orth 6ermany an reinforce the 3an Jut comman . No)e ?7 All of the 7A ;combine arms< battalions were mounte in E"""WDs. 4or a full #)>-& see the notes at the en of this section. No)e 47 159th 7a2alry 1Fua ron ha H EKH "otorcycle ?econ *ln ;19 "7<& 7omman A2iation *ln ;8 0E51<& 3 **151, $roun sur2eillance ra ars 2 6roun #roops& eachH EK& 3 E"""WD 1cout *ltns& 3 '.2A mortars ;inclu es total of 3 61? an . #)W< 2 Air #roops& eachH . )E5,8& ' AE51 ;4rom /owman& 1.& =en all& J.& > 1aun ers& J. ;- .<. ;1989.< "otoriBe -8perience of the 9th 9nfantry Di2ision 7617 4t 3ea2enworth& =1& courtesy of #ank5(et%s 1hrike.< Draft Document +

c. 3,th Air Defense /ri$a e L 4t. 3ewis& WAH 1< 15,2n Air Defense ArtilleryH 2' 95Eawk 2< 352n Air Defense ArtilleryH 7happaral ;formerly +5+th ADA& a e e8tra towe 7happaral battery in 1988< . 9 7orps Artillery ;no bri$a e or$aniBation& all units (ational 6uar < 1< 151'!th 4iel Artillery /nH 1,,mm #owe 2< 151',th 4iel Artillery /nH "11! 3< 25222n 4iel Artillery /nH "1!9 '< 251!th 4iel Artillery /n L 4t. /ennin$& 6AH "1!9 ;may ha2e been isban e or assi$ne elsewhere< ,< 2.!th 4iel Artillery Detachment L 4t. ?ucker& A3H 1!,mm #owe ;may ha2e been isban e or assi$ne elsewhere< No)e 17 9 7orps was essentially a hol in$ unit for unassi$ne artillery battalions an bri$a es. #hese are the in epen ent 6uar battalions assi$ne to it. "any of the other artillery units& bri$a e an unbri$a e & woul ha2e been un er 9 7orps a ministrati2e control in peacetime. e. A2iation /ri$a e ;WA (6< 1< 15189th Attack Eelicopter /attalion ;"# (6<H 9. 999 01 7orps EK 5 4t Eoo & #JH *rimary mission was to reinforce (A#)%s ()?#EA6 with contin$encies to 1outhwest an (ortheast Asia. #he 1st an 'th 9nfantry Di2isions woul reinforce the D99 an D 7orps respecti2ely in the e2ent of war in -urope. All units ha a set of *)"701 eFuipment in -urope. a. 1st 9nfantry Di2ision ;"ech< 5 4t ?iley& =1H ?einforces D99 7orps& *)"701 set 1 at "annheim& 4?6H 1< 1st /ri$a eH a< 153'th Armor /attalionH "1 b< 253'th Armor /attalionH "1 c< , "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 < "ech 9nfantry /attalion 5 "innesota (6H "113 2< 2n /ri$a eH a< 353+th Armor /attalionH "1 b< '53+th Armor /attalionH "1 c< "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 3< 3r /ri$a e 5 4orwar eploye at 6oppin$en& 4?6H see 01A?-0? forces '< 1st 7ombat A2iation /ri$a eH a< 1st 1Fua ron& 'th 7a2alry ?e$imentH '! "3A1& 1! "113& ' "1!.& ' ",++& 8 AE14& 12 )E,87& 1 0E1E b< 151st Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 21 AE14& 13 )E,87& 3 0E1E c< D 7oC1st A2iation ?e$imentH . 0E1E& . )E,8A& . )E,8D& 3 -E.! < - 7oC1st A2iation ?e$imentH 1, 0E1E ,< 1st 9D Di2arty 5 1 battalion forwar eploye to 4?6 with 3r /ri$a eH a< 15,th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 b< '5,th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 c< / /attery& .th 4iel Artillery ?e$imentH 9 "3?1 .< 1st 9D DiscomH +< 1st 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion 5 1 company forwar eploye H 8< 253r Air Defense /attalion 5 1 battery forwar eploye H 18 Dulcan 1*& 3. 1tin$er 9< 1!1st "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalion ;7-W9<H 1!< 1st "ilitary *olice 7ompanyH 11< 12th 7hemical 7ompanyH No)e7 DAE10" 89 in icates that a pro2isional assault helicopter was forme at 4t. ?iley with 1st 9D;"< assets urin$ 4M89. b. 1st 7a2alry Di2ision 5 4t. Eoo & #J 5 ?-4)?6-? unit& *)"701 set , in /el$iumH 1< 1st /ri$a eH a< 3 532n Armor /attalionH "1 b< 258th 7a2alry /attalionH "1 c< 25,th 7a2alry /attalionH "2 Draft Document





.< +< 8< 9< 1!< 11<

< 351'1st "ech 9nfantry /attalion 5 #e8as (6H "2 2n /ri$a eH a< 1532n Armor /attalionH "1 b< 158th 7a2alry /attalionH "1 c< 15,th 7a2alry /attalionH "2 1,,th Armor /ri$a e 5 "ississippi (6H a< 15198th Armor /attalionH "1 b< 25198th Armor /attalionH "1 c< 151,,th "ech 9nfantry /nH "2 < ;another "ech 9nf bn was a e in 1988589& 9D unknown< 'th /ri$a e ;A2iation<H a< 1st 1Fua ron& +th 7a2alry ?e$imentH '! "3A1& 1! "113& ' "1!.& ' ",++& 8 AE14& 12 )E,87& 1 0E1E b< 1522+th Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 18 AE.'& 13 )E,87& 3 0E1E c< D 7oC22+th A2iation ?e$imentH . 0E1E& . )E,87& . )E,8D& 3 -E.! < - 7oC22+th A2iation ?e$imentH 1, 0E5.!A 1st 7D Di2artyH a< 1582n 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 b< 3582n 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 c< 2511'th 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 "ississippi (6H 2' "1!9A2 < A /attery& 21st 4iel Artillery ?e$imentH 9 "3?1 1st 7D DiscomH 8th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalionH ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ ;bri $e< '5,th Air Defense /attalionH 12 7haparral& 2+ Dulcan 1*& .! 1tin$er 312th "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalion ;7-W9<H ,',th "ilitary *olice 7ompanyH .8th 7hemical 7ompanyH

c. 2n Armore Di2ision 5 4t. Eoo & #J 5 ?-4)?6-? unit& *)"701 set ' at "onchen$la bach& 4?6H 1< 1st /ri$a eH a< 15.+th Armor /attalionH "1 b< 35.+th Armor /attalionH "1 c< 35'1st "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "2 2< 2n /ri$a eH a< Armor /attalionH "1 b< 252,2n Armor /attalion 5 (orth 7arolina (6H "1 c< 25'1st "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "2 < '5'1st "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "2 3< 3r /ri$a e 5 4orwar eploye to 6arlste t& 4?6H see 01A?-0? forces '< 'th /ri$a e ;A2iation<H a< 2n 1Fua ron& 1st 7a2alry ?e$imentH '! "3A1& 1! "113& ' "1!.& ' ",++& 8 AE14& 12 )E,87& 1 0E1E b< 153r Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 18 AE.'A& 13 )E,87& 3 0E.!A c< D 7oC3r A2iation ?e$imentH . 0E1E& . )E,8A& . )E,8D& 3 -E.! < - 7oC3r A2iation ?e$imentH 1, 0E1E ,< 2n AD Di2arty 5 1 /attalion forwar eploye to 6arlste t& 4?6H see 01A?-0? forces a< 153r 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 b< 353r 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 c< A /attery& 92n 4iel Artillery ?e$imentH 9 "3?1 .< 2n AD DiscomH +< 1+th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion 5 D 7o in 4?6H ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ ;bri $e< 8< 25,th Air Defense /attalion 5 1 battery in 4?6H 18 Dulcan 1*& 3. 1tin$er 9< ,,2n "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalionH 1!< ,!3r "ilitary *olice 7ompanyH 11< ''th 7hemical 7ompanyH . 'th 9nfantry Di2ision ;"ech< 5 4t 7arson& 7)H ?einforces D 7orps& *)"701 set 2 at =aiserslautern& 4?6H 1< 1st /ri$a eH a< 15++th Armor /attalionH ".!A3 b< 25++th Armor /attalionH ".!A3 Draft Document





.< +< 8< 9< 1!< 11<

c< 1512th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 < 2512!th "ech 9nfantry /attalion 5 (orth 7arolina (6H "113 2n /ri$a eH a< 35.8th Armor /attalionH ".!A3 b< '5.8th Armor /attalionH ".!A3 c< 151!th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 3r /ri$a eH a< '5'!th Armor /attalionH ".!A3 b< 158th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 c< 258th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 'th 7ombat A2iation /ri$a eH a< 2n 1F n& +th 7a2alry ?e$tH 19 ".!A3& 32 "113& ' ",++& ' "1!.& 2' Dra$on& 8 AE14& 12 )E,87& 1 0E1E b< 15'th Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 18 AE.'A& 13 )E,87& 3 0E.!A c< D 7oC'th A2iation ?e$imentH . 0E1E& . )E,87& . )E,8D& 3 -E.! < - 7oC'th A2iation ?e$imentH 1, 0E1E 'th 9D Di2artyH a< 1529th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 b< 3529th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 c< ,529th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 < 7 /attery& 1!th 4iel Artillery ?e$imentH 9 "3?1 'th 9D DiscomH 'th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalionH 153r Air Defense /attalionH 2' 7haparral& 2' Dulcan 1*& some 1tin$erN 1!'th "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalion ;7-W9<H 'th "ilitary *olice 7ompanyH 31st 7hemical 7ompanyH

(oteH Di2ision con2erte to "1 ;likely "1A1< urin$ 4M89 e. ,th 9nfantry Di2ision ;"ech< 5 4t. *olk& 3A 5 ?-4)?6-? unit& *)"701 set . in the (etherlan sH 1< 1st /ri$a eH a< 15+!th Armor /attalionH "1 ;former 15'!th Armor< b< 35+!th Armor /attalionH "1 c< 15.1st "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 ;may ha2e been rename ,< 2< 2n /ri$a eH a< 35++th Armor /attalionH "1 ;may ha2e been rename '53,th Armor< b< 251,2n Armor /attalion 5 Alabama (6H ".!A3 ;"ay /e (7 (6< c< "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 < ' "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 3< 2,.th "ech 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 3ouisiana (6H a< 151,.th Armor /attalionH ".!A3 b< 251,.th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 c< 351,.th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 < ;an a itional armore battalion was a e 1988589& 9D unknown& may ha2e been 251,2n liste abo2e< '< 'th /ri$a e ;A2iation<H a< 'th 1F n& 12th 7a2alry ?e$tH 19 ".!A3& 32 "113& ' ",++& ' "1!.& 2' Dra$on& 8 AE14& 12 )E,87& 1 0E1E ;con2erte to stan ar Di2 8. in 198+C88N< b< 15,th Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 21 AE14& 13 )E,87& 3 0E1E c< 7 7oC,th A2n ?e$imentH . 0E1E& . )E.8A& . )E,8D& 3 -E.! < D 7oC,th A2n ?e$imentH 1, 0E1E ,< ,th 9D Di2artyH a< '51st 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 b< ,51st 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 c< 151'1st 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 3ouisiana (6H 2' "1!9A2 < 7 /attery& 21st 4iel Artillery ?e$imentH 9 "3?1 .< ,th 9D DiscomH +< +th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalionH ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ ;bri $e< 8< 15,,th Air Defense /attalionH 12 7haparral& 2+ Dulcan 1*& .! 1tin$er 9< 1!,th "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalion ;7-W9<H Draft Document 1!

1!< ,th "ilitary *olice 7ompanyH 11< ',th 7hemical 7ompanyH No)e7 #his website on the ,th Di2ision in icates that the "ech companies were au$mente by 2 or 3 "9!1 to make up for the lack of anti5armor firepower. f. 3r Armore 7a2alry ?e$iment 5 4t /liss& #JH ?-4)?6-? unit& *)"701 set ' at "onchen$la bach& 4?6H 1< 2< 3< '< ,< .< 1& 2& 3 5 3r Armore 7a2alry 1F nsH "1A1 '53r Air 7a2alry 1Fua ronH 2. AE14& 2+ )E,87& 3 -E.!& 18 0E.!A '3r 7ombat -n$ineer 7ompanyH 1 Air Defense /atteryH 9 Dulcan 1*& 12 1tin$er "ilitary 9ntelli$ence 7o 89th 7hemical 7o

No)e7 1ee section en 5notes for etaile #)>$. .th 7a2alry /ri$a e ;Air 7ombat< 5 4t Eoo & #JH 1< 2< 3< '< ' Air 7a2alry 1Fua ronH ;may ha2e been attack& was not initially< Air 7a2alry 1Fua ron ;Attack<H 18 AE.'A& 13 )E,87& 3 0E.!A Air 7a2alry 1Fua ron ;Attack<H 18 AE.'A& 13 )E,87& 3 0E.!A D 7o& unknown sFua ronH 7E5'+

h. +,th 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 4t 1ill& )=H 1< 2< 3< '< 151+th 4iel .52+th 4iel ,518th 4iel 1512th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 Artillery /attalionH 2+ "3?1 Artillery /attalionH 12 "11!A2 Artillery /attalionH . 3ance

i. 212th 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 4t 1ill& )=H ?-4)?6-? unit& *)"701 set ' at "onchen$la bach& 4?6 1< 2< 3< '< ,< 251+th 4iel 152!th 4iel 2518th 4iel 3518th 4iel .532n 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 Artillery /attalionH 12 "11!A2 Artillery /attalionH 12 "11!A2 Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 Artillery /attalionH . 3ance

No)e7 Artillery types are pro2isionalO bri$a e "11! bns may ha2e ha 2' $uns G. 21'th 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 4t 1ill& )=H 1< 359th 4iel Artillery /attalionH *ershin$ 99 ;con2ertin$ to "3?1< 2< 252n 4iel Artillery /attalionH k. 31st Air Defense Artillery /ri$a e L 4t. Eoo & #JH 1< 351st ADA /attalionH 2' Eawk 2< 252n ADA /attalionH 3. 7happaral ;acti2ate .C88< l. 89th "ilitary *olice /ri$a e L 4t. Eoo & #JH m. 13th 1upport 7omman H 1!. JD999 01 Airborne 7orps EK 5 4t /ra$$& (7 5 ?api Deployment 4orceH a. 82n Airborne Di2ision 5 4t /ra$$& (7H #he 82n coul eploy a battalion task force within 2' hours an a bri$a e task force within 3 ays. #he remain er of the Di2ision woul take up to 1! ays to eploy. Draft Document 11

1< 1st /ri$a e 5 ,!'th *arachute 9nfantry ?e$imentH 18 #)W E""WD ;A#< a< 15,!'th *arachute 9nfantry /attalionH b< 25,!'th *arachute 9nfantry /attalionH c< 35,!'th *arachute 9nfantry /attalionH 2< 2n /ri$a e 5 32,th *arachute 9nfantry ?e$imentH 18 #)W E""WD ;A#< a< 1532,th *arachute 9nfantry /attalionH b< 2532,th *arachute 9nfantry /attalionH c< '532,th *arachute 9nfantry /attalionH 3< 3r /ri$a e 5 ,!,th *arachute 9nfantry ?e$imentH 18 #)W E""WD ;A#< a< 15,!,th *arachute 9nfantry /attalionH b< 25,!,th *arachute 9nfantry /attalionH c< 35,!,th *arachute 9nfantry /attalionH '<. 82n Di2arty 5 1& 2& 3 5319th 4iel Artillery ?e$iment ;Airborne<H 18 "1!2 each ,< 82n 7ombat A2iation /ri$a e ;Airborne<H a< 1st 1Fua ron& 1+th 7a2alry ?e$imentH 18 )E,87& 12 AE14& 8 0E.!A& 12 .,! 7al E""WD& . #)W E""WD b< 1582n Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 18 AE.'A& 13 )E,87& 3 0E.!A c< 2582n A2iation /attalionH 3! 0E.!A& 12 )E,8A& . )E,8D& 3 -E.! .< 82n Discom ;Airborne<H +< 35+3r Armor /attalion ;Airborne<H ,8 "5,,1& + E""WD .,! 7al& . "51!.& ' "5,++& 1' "113& . Dra$on 8< 3!+th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion ;Airborne<H ' oBers& 12 "A/ ;bri $e< 9< 35'th Air Defense /attalion ;Airborne<H 18 #owe Dulcan& '8 1tin$er 1!< 313th "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalion ;Airborne<H 11< 82n "ilitary *olice 7ompany ;Airborne<H 12< 21st 7hemical 7ompany ;Airborne<H b. 1!1st Airborne Di2ision ;Air Assault< 5 4t 7ampbell& =MH #he 1!1st woul use air an sea lift assets to eploy reFuirin$ 1! ays for a bri$a e task force an up to 3! ays for the remain er of the Di2ision. 1< 1st /ri$a e 5 32+th 9nfantry ?e$imentH 18 #)W E""WD ;A#< a< 1532+th Air Assault 9nfantry /attalionH b< 2532+th Air Assault 9nfantry /attalionH c< 3532+th Air Assault 9nfantry /attalionH 2< 2n /ri$a e 5 ,!2n 9nfantry ?e$imentH 18 #)W E""WD ;A#< a< 15,!2n Air Assault 9nfantry /attalionH b< 25,!2n Air Assault 9nfantry /attalionH c< 35,!2n Air Assault 9nfantry /attalionH 3< 3r /ri$a e 5 18+th 9nfantry ?e$imentH 18 #)W E""WD ;A#< a< 1518+th Air Assault 9nfantry /attalionH b< 2518+th Air Assault 9nfantry /attalionH c< 3518+th Air Assault 9nfantry /attalionH '< 1!1st Di2arty 5 32!th 4iel Artillery ?e$imentH 3 /n's 18 "1!2 ea ,< 1!1st A2iation /ri$a eH a< 2n 1Fua ron& 1+th 7a2alry ?e$imentH 2' )E,87& 1. AE14& 1! 0E.!A b< 151!1st Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 18 AE.'A& 13 )E,87& 3 0E.!A c< 251!1st Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 21 AE14& 13 )E,87& 3 0E.!A < 351!1st Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 21 AE14& 13 )E,87& 3 0E.!A e< '51!1st A2iation /attalionH 3! 0E.!A f< ,51!1st A2iation /attalionH 3! 0E.!A $< .51!1st A2iation /attalionH 3! 0E1E& 1, )E,8A& . )E,8D& 3 -E.! h< +51!1st A2iation /attalionH 2' 7E'+D i< 851!1st A2iation "aintenance /attalionH G< 951!1st A2iation /attalionH 3! 0E.!A .< 1!1st DiscomH +< 7ombat -n$ineer /attalionH ' oBers& 12 "A/ ;bri $e< 8< 25''th Air Defense /attalionH 18 #owe Dulcan& '8 1tin$er 9< 311th "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalionH 1!< 1!1st "ilitary *olice 7ompanyH 11< .3r 7hemical 7ompanyH c. 1!th "ountain Di2ision ;3i$ht< 5 4t Drum& (M 5 contin$ency mission to reinforce (orway& eployin$ within 1! aysH Draft Document 12

1< 1st /ri$a eH a< 1522n 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH b< 2522n 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH c< 158+th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH 2< 2n /ri$a eH a< 251'th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH b< 351'th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH c< 258+th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH 3< 2+th 9nfantry /ri$a e ;3i$ht< 5 (ew Mork (6H a< 151!,th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH b< 251!8th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH c< 351!8th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH '< 1!th 7ombat A2iation /ri$a eH a< 3r 1Fua ron& 1+th 7a2alry ?e$imentH 12 )E,87& 8 AE14& 1 0E.!A& 12 .,! 7al E""WD& . #)W E""WD b< 2 52,th Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 21 AE14& 13 )E,87& 3 0E1E c< 7 7oC2,th A2iation ?e$imentH 1, 0E1E < D 7oC2,th A2iation ?e$imentH 1, 0E1E ,< 1!th 9D Di2artyH a< 15+th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!1 b< 25+th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!1 c< 151,.th 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 (ew Mork (6H 18 "1!1 < - /attery +th 4iel Artillery ?e$imentH 8 "198 .< 1!th 9D DiscomH +< '1st 7ombat -n$ineer /attalionH 18 1--& . A78< 35.2n Air Defense /attalionH 18 #owe Dulcan& '! 1tin$er 9< 11!th "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalion ;7-W9<H 1!< 1!th "ilitary *olice 7ompanyH . 2'th 9nfantry Di2ision ;"ech< 5 4t 1tewart& 6AH #he 2'th 9D woul take 1!51' ays to eploy to -urope usin$ , ?o5?o ships& the '8th 6A (ational 6uar /ri$a e woul reFuire 3! ays. 1< 1st /ri$a eH a< '5.'th Armor /attalionH "1 b< 152.3r Armor /attalion 5 1outh 7arolina (6H "1 c< 25+th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "2 < 35+th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "2 2< 2n /ri$a eH a< 15.'th Armor /attalionH "1 b< 35.9th Armor /attalionH "1 c< 351,th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "2 3< '8th "ech 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 6eor$ia (6H a< 151!8 th Armor /attalionH "1 b< 15121st "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "2 c< 25121st "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "2 < ;an a itional armore battalion was a e 1988589& 9D unknown& may ha2e been 152.3r & abo2e< '< 2'th 7ombat A2iation /ri$a eH a< 2n 1F n& 'th 7a2alry ?e$tH '! "3A1& 1! "113& ' "1!.& ' ",++& 8 AE14& 12 )E,87& 1 0E1E b< 152'th Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 21 AE14& 13 )E,87& 3 0E1E c< D 7oC2'th A2iation ?e$imentH . 0E1E& )E,8A& . )E,8D& 3 -E.! < - 7oC2'th A2iation ?e$imentH 1, 0E.!A ,< 2'th 9D Di2artyH a< 15'1st 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 b< 35'1st 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 c< 1523!th 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 6eor$ia (6H 2' "1!9A3 < A /attery& 13th 4iel Artillery ?e$imentH 9 "3?1 e< 151'th 4iel Artillery /attlaionH "11!A2N .< 2'th 9D DiscomH +< 3r 7ombat -n$ineer /attalionH ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ ;bri $e< 8< 15,th Air Defense /attalionH 12 7haparral& 2+ Dulcan 1*& .! 1tin$er Draft Document 13

9< 12'th "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalion ;7-W9<H 1!< 2'th "ilitary *olice 7ompanyH 11< 91st 7hemical 7ompanyH e. 19'th Armore /ri$a e 5 4t =no8& =M 5 ?-4)?6-? unit& *)"701 set 3 at *irmasens& 4?6H 1< 2< 3< '< ,< .< 151!th Armor /attalionH "1 251!th Armor /attalionH "1 '51,th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 15++th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 ,22n 7ombat -n$ineer 7ompanyH D #roopC1!th 7a2alry ?e$imentH 9 "1& 13 "3& 2 "113& 2 "1!.

f. 19+th 9nfantry /ri$a e ;"ech< 5 4t /ennin$& 6A 5 ?-4)?6-? unit& *)"701 set 3 at *irmasens& 4?6H 1< 2< 3< '< ,< .< 25.9th Armor /attalionH ".!A3 2518th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "2 15,8th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 '5'1st 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 +2n 7ombat -n$ineer 7ompanyH A #roopC1,th 7a2alry ?e$imentH 9 ".!A3& 1, "113& 2 "1!.

$. 18th 7ombat A2iation /ri$a e 5 4t /ra$$& (7H 1< 2< 3< '< ,< 15,8th A2iation /attalionH ', 0E.!A 118th A2iation /attalionH , 021& 1, )E,8A& 1, )E,8D& 3! 0E1E 218th A2iation /attalionH 32 7E'+D A2iation 7ompanyH 1513!th Attack Eelicopter /attalion ;?oun out L (7 (6<H 18 AE.'A& 13 )E,87& 3 0E.!

h. 18th 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 4t /ra$$& (7H 1< 2< 3< '< 1539th Airborne 4iel Artillery /attalion ;Airborne<H 2' "198 358th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "198 ,58th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "198 352+th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2+ "3?1

i. 2!th -n$ineer /ri$a e 5 4t /ra$$& (7H 1< 2< 3< '< ,< 2+th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion ;Airborne<H ' oBers& 12 "A/ 3+th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalionH ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ 3!th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalionH ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ 2.'th -n$ineer 7ompany ;/ri $e<H -n$ineer 7ompany ;Airborne<H

G. 11th Air Defense Artillery /ri$a e L 4t. /liss& #JH 1< 2< 3< '< ,< .< +< 251st ADA /attalionH 2' Eawk ;contin$ency to 1outhWest Asia< 25,2n ADA /attalion L 4t. /ra$$& (7H 2' Eawk ;Goine bri$a e in 1988< 25+th ADA /attalionH '8 *atriot ;Goine bri$a e 8C88< 351st ADA /attalionH 2' EAW= 35'3r ADA /attalionH '8 *atriot ;ha all . batteries& contin$ency to 9'th ADA /ri$a e< ,5.2n ADA /attalionH DulcanC1tin$er ;con2erte from 7haparralCDulcan in 1988< 152n ADA /attalion L 4t. 1tewart& 6AH 3. 7haparral ;forme 3C88 from elements of 2'th 9D& 'th 9D<

k. "ilitary *olice /ri$a eH 1< ,!3r "* /attalion ;Airborne<H 2< 21st "* 7ompanyH 3< .,th "* 7ompanyH Draft Document


'< 1!8th "* 7ompanyH ,< 118th "* 7ompany ;Airborne<H l. 1st 1upport 7omman 5 4t /ra$$& (7H 11. Artillery 1choolCArtillery 0nits At 4t. 1ill ;all trainin$ unitsN< a 153!th 4iel Artillery /attalionH b. 253!th 4iel Artillery /attalionH c. 353!th 4iel Artillery /attalionH . ,53!th 4iel Artillery /attalionH e. 1519th 4iel Artillery /attalionH f. 3522n 4iel Artillery /attalionH $. 1531st 4iel Artillery /attalionH h. 1533r 4iel Artillery /attalionH i. 15+8th 4iel Artillery /attalionH G. 258!th 4iel Artillery /attalionH k. 35321st 4iel Artillery /attalionH 12. .th Air Defense Artillery /ri$a e L 4t. /liss& #JH a. ADA /attalionH trains all 1E)?AD an EAW= unitsO contin$ency to ,5.2n ADA bn in wartime b. 15'3r ADA /attalionH ?esponsible for trainin$ an @backfillin$A *atriot batteries to fill out *atriot battalions c. ,5+th ADA /attalionH *atriot& trainin$ up for eployment to 6ermany in Au$ust 89. 13. 1++th Armore /ri$a e ;1eperate< L 4t. 9rwin& 7AH a. 15,2n 9nfantry ;formerly .531st 9nfantry<H b. 15.3r Armor ;formerly 15+3r Armor<H c. 8+th -n$ineer 7ompany No)e7 )pfor /ri$a e at (ational #rainin$ 7enter. A opte 1++th Armor esi$nation in 198.. )ther sources in icate that the Army ha planne & prior to the chan$in$ international situation in the late 198!s& to form an actual 1++th Armore /ri$a e ;1eparate<. 1.) SPECIAL OPERATIONS COMMAND 1. 1)7)" EK 5 4t /ra$$& (7H 1st 1pecial 4orces 6roup 5 4t 3ewis& WAH 1 battalion forwar eploye to )kinawa ,th 1pecial 4orces 6roup 5 4t 7ampbell& =MH +th 1pecial 4orces 6roup 5 4t /ra$$& (7H 1 battalion forwar eploye to *anama 1!th 1pecial 4orces& 6roup 5 4t De2ens& "AH 1 battalion forwar eploye to /a #olB& 4?6 +,th ?an$er ?e$iment 5 4t /ennin$& 6AH 1< 15+,th ?an$er /attalion 5 4t 1tewart& 6AH 2< 25+,th ?an$er /attalion 5 4t 3ewis& WAH 3< 35+,th ?an$er /attalion 5 4t /ennin$& 6AH f. 1.!th 1pecial )perations A2iation 6roup 5 4t 7ampbell& =MH $. 'th *sycholo$ical )perations 6roup 5 4t /ra$$& (7H h. Delta 4orce 5 4t /ra$$& (7H a. b. c. . e. MILITAR@ DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON 1. 3r 9nfantry ?e$iment ;#he )l 6uar < 5 4t "yers& DAH 7eremonial unit US ARM@ ; EUROPE No)e 17 #he 1e2enth 01 Army 7omman er was also (A#)'s 7entral Army 6roup ;7-(#A6< 7omman er an comman s the D an D99 01 7orps& 2n an 3r 6erman 7orps& possibly some 4rench units& an the 1st 7ana ian Di2ision. Draft Document 1,

No)e 87 #he 01 can eploy its combat forces to their 6D* positions within 2' hours an maintains 3! ays of war stocks. 1. +th 01 Army EK 5 Eei elber$& 4?6 5 7-(#A6 EKH 2' ",++ a. /erlin /ri$a e 5 /erlin& 6D?H 8 ",++& ' "113& 2 "88 1< 2< 3< '< ,< .< '5,!2n 9nfantry /attalionH + .,! 7al E""WD& . "1!.& 12 "9!1& 1' "113& 8 "12,& '2 Dra$on ,5,!2n 9nfantry /attalionH + .,! 7al E""WD& . "1!.& 12 "9!1& 1' "113& 8 "12,& '2 Dra$on .5,!2n 9nfantry /attalionH + .,! 7al E""WD& . "1!.& 12 "9!1& 1' "113& 8 "12,& '2 Dra$on 4 7ompany& '!th Armor /attalionH 22 ".!A3 7 /attery& 9'th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 8 "1!9A3 '2n -n$ineer 7ompanyH

No)e7 #his unit ha a uniFue #)>-. 9t is not clear e8actly what they ha . #he abo2e is simply a $uess. #he tanks were ".!A3s until the summer of 1989. At that point& 45'!th was split into two companies ;D5'!th an 45 '!th<& each with 1' "1A1s. Also& there are numerous reports that the Dra$on was replace ;or supplemente < by the 9!mm ?? at sFua le2el. 9n a ition& it appears as thou$h each battalion ha a unit of "113s ;of un etermine number<& an at least some "12,s. At least se2eral in i2i uals ha2e poste on #ank5(et that the /ri$a e units were si$nificantly o2erstren$th. b. 3r /ri$a e& 2n Armore Di2ision ;4orwar < 5 6arlste t& 4?6H assi$ne to ()?#EA6 urin$ wartime 1< 2< 3< '< ,< .< Armor /attalionH "1A1 Armor /attalionH "1A1 15'1st "ech 9nfantry /nH "2 '53r 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 D 7o& 1+th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalionH 1 Air Defense /atteryH 9 Dulcan 1*& 12 1tin$er "issile

c. 32n Air Defense 7omman 5 1chweinfurt& 4?6H 1< 1!th Air Defense Artillery /ri$a e 5 Darmsta t& 4?6H a< 35,2n ADA /attalion 5 Wil flecken& 4?6H 2' Eawk b< 25'3r ADA /attalion 5 Eanau& 4?6H '8 *atriot ;formerly '53r ADA< c< '5'3r ADA /attalion 5 6iessen& 4?6H '8 *atriot 2< .9th Air Defense Artillery /ri$a e 5 WurBbur$& 4?6H a< b< c< c< 35.!th ADA /attalion 5 6rafenwohr& 4?6H 2' Eawk .5,2n ADA /attalion 5 WurBbur$& 4?6H 2' Eawk .5'3r ADA /attalion L Ansbach& 4?6H '8 *atriot 85'3r ADA /attalion 5 6iebelsta t& 4?6H '8 *atriot

3< 9'th Air Defense Artillery /ri$a e 5 =aiserslautern& 4?6H a< 35''th ADA /attalion 5 ?amstein& 4?6H 7happaralCDulcanC1tin$er b< '51st ADA /attalion 5 (eubrucke& 4?6H 2' Eawk c< 15+th ADA /attalion L =aiserlautern& 4?6H '8 *atriot ;formerly .53r ADA< '< 1!8th Air Defense Artillery /ri$a e 5 1pan$ ahlem& 4?6H a< ,5''th ADA /attalion 5 1pan$ ahlem& 4?6H 7happaralCDulcan b< 151st ADA /attalion 5 "annheim& 4?6H 2' EAW= c< '5+th ADA /attalion L Da8heim& 4?6H '8 *atriot No)e7 #he ,5+th ADA /attalion ;.th ADA /ri$a e< Goine the 1!8th in Au$ust 1989. . ,.th Artillery 7omman 5 1chwabisch56mun & 4?6H Draft Document 1.

1< 2< 3< '<

159th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 3. *ershin$ 99 259th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 3. *ershin$ 99 '59th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 3. *ershin$ 99 25'th 9nfantry /attalion ;1ecurity<H

No)e7 #his bri$a e was in the process of bein$ ismantle un er the terms of the 9(4 treaty. #he three missile battalions were bein$ con2erte into "3?1 units ;alon$ with 2532 4A ;3ance<<& while the 25'th 9nfantry was esi$nate to become a full5time opfor for units trainin$ in 6ermany. e. 18th -n$ineer /ri$a e 5 =arlsruhe& 4?6H 1< 2< 3< '< +9th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion 5 =nielin$en& 4?6H ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ ;bri $e< 9'th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion 5 Darmsta t& 4?6H ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ ;bri $e< 2'9th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion 5 =nielin$en& 4?6H ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ ;bri $e< 293r 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion 5 /aumhol er& 4?6H ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ ;bri $e<

f. 151!th 1pecial 4orces /attalion 5 /a #olB& 4?6H $. 3532,th *arachute 9nfantry /attalion 5 DincenBa& 9talyH + .,! 7al E""WD& ' '.2in mortar& . 81mm mortar& 12 #)W E""WD& .! Dra$on ;plus DC319th 4iel ArtilleryH . "1!1< h. +th 1upport 7omman 5 ?heinber$& 4?6H 2. D 01 7orps EK 5 4rankfurt& 4?6 5 assi$ne to 7-(#A6H 2' ",++ a. 3r Armore Di2ision 5 4rankfurt5am5"ain& 4?6H 1< 1st /ri$a e 5 =irch$oens& 4?6H a< 2532n Armor /attalionH "1A1 b< '532n Armor /attalionH "1A1 c< 35,th Armore 7a2alry 1Fua ronH "2 < ,5,th Armore 7a2alry 1Fua ronH "2 2< 2n /ri$a e 5 6elnhausen& 4?6H a< 358th Armore 7a2alry 1Fua ronH "1A1 b< '58th Armore 7a2alry 1Fua ronH "1A1 c< ,518th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "2 3< 3r /ri$a e 5 4rie ber$& 4?6H a< 25.+th Armor /attalionH "1A1 b< '5.+th Armor /attalionH "1A1 c< "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "2 ;former 15'8thN< '< 3r 7ombat A2iation /ri$a e 5 Eanau& 4?6H a< 'th 1F n +th 7a2alry ?e$t 5 /u in$en& 4?6H "3 74D b< 2522+th Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 21 AE14& 13 )E,87& 3 0E.!A c< 3522+th Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 18 AE.'A& 13 )E,87& 3 0E.!A < 6 7oC22+th A2iation ?e$imentH . 0E1E& . )E,8A& . )E,8D& 3 -E.! e< E 7oC22+th A2iation ?e$imentH 1, 0E.!A ,< 3r AD Di2arty 5 Eanau& 4?6H a< 253r 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 /utBbach& 4?6H 2' "1!9A3 b< 2582n 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 6elnhausen& 4?6H 2' "1!9A3 c< '582n 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 4rie bur$& 4?6H 2' "1!9A3 < A /attery& '!th 4iel Artillery ?e$iment 5 Eanau& 4?6H 9 "3?1 .< 3r AD Discom 5 Eanau& 4?6H +< 23r -n$ineer /attalion 5 Eanau& 4?6H ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ ;bri $e< 8< 35,th Air Defense /attalion 5 /u in$en& 4?6H 2' 7haparral& 2+ Dulcan 1*& +2 1tin$er 9< ,33r "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalion ;7-W9< 5 4rankfurt& 4?6H 1!< ,!3r "ilitary *olice 7ompanyH 11< 22n 7hemical 7ompanyH Draft Document 1+

b. 8th 9nfantry Di2ision ;"echaniBe < 5 /a =reuBnach& 4?6H 1< 1st /ri$a e 5 6onsenhim& 4?6H a< 15.8th Armor /attalionH "1A1 b< '5.9th Armor /attalionH "1A1 c< 358th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 < ,58th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 2< 2n /ri$a e 5 /aumhol er& 4?6H a< 25.8th Armor /attalionH "1A1 b< 1513th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 c< 1539th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 3< 3r /ri$a e 5 1an hofen& 4?6H a< ,5.8th Armor /attalionH "1A1 b< ,5++th Armor /attalionH ".!A3 c< '58th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 '< 8th 7ombat A2iation /ri$a e 5 "ainB54inthen& 4?6H a< 3r 1Fua ron +th 7a2alry ?e$iment 5 "annheim& 4?6H ".!A3 b< 25'th Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 21 AE14& 13 )E,87& 3 0E.!A c< 35'th Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 21 AE14& 13 )E,87& 3 0E.!A < 6 7oC'th A2iation ?e$imentH . 0E1E& . )E,8A& . )E,8D& 3 -E.! e< E 7oC'th A2iation ?e$imentH 1, 0E.!A ,< 8th 9D Di2arty 5 /aumhol er& 4?6H a< 229th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 b< '529th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 c< .529th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 < 7 /atty& 18th 4iel Artillery ?e$imentH 9 "3?1 .< 8th 9D Discom 5 "ainB& 4?6H +< 12th -n$ineer /attalion 5 De8heim& 4?6H ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ ;bri $e< 8< 15,9th Air Defense /attalion 5 Wachenheim& 4?6H 2' 7haparral& 2+ Dulcan 1*& +2 1tin$er 9< 1!8th "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalion 5 /a =reuch& 4?6H 1!< 8th "ilitary *olice 7ompany 5 /a =reuch& 4?6H 11< 2,th 7hemical 7ompanyH (oteH #his 1o2iet source in icates that the i2ision was all "2 by 1988. c. 11th Armore 7a2alry ?e$iment 5 4ul a& 4?6H 8 ",++& ' "113& 2 "88 1< 2< 3< '< 1& 2& 3 5 11th Armore 7a2alry 1F nsH "1A1 '511th Air 7a2alry 1Fua ronH 2. AE14& 2+ )E,87& 3 -E.!& 18 0E.!A ,8th 7ombat -n$ineer 7ompanyH 1 Air Defense /atteryH 9 Dulcan 1*& 12 1tin$er "issile

No)e7 1ee section en 5notes for etaile #)>. 12th 7ombat A2iation /ri$a e 5 Wiesba en& 4?6H 1< 2< 3< '< ,< .< 25229th Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 18 AE.'& 13 )E,87& 3 0E.!A , Air 7a2alry 1Fua ron ;Attack<H 18 AE.'& 13 )E,87& 3 0E.!A Attack Eelicopter /attalion ;(6<H 18 AE.'& 13 )E,87& 3 0E.!A 1 A2iation /attalionH ', 0E.!A 1 A2iation /attalionH 32 7E'+D 1 A2iation /attalionH , 021& 1, )E,8A& 1, )E,8D& 3! 0E1E

e. '1st @?ail$unnersA 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 /abenhausen& 4?6H 1< '5++th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 12 "11!A2 2< '518th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 12 "11!A2 3< 352!th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 '< 152+th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2+ "3?1 ,< 1532n 4iel Artillery /attalionH 3ance .< 25+,th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9 ;arri2e by 199!& possibly a rename 352!thN< Draft Document 18

f. '2n @WheelhorseA 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 6iessen& 4?6H 1< ,53r 4iel Artillery /attalionH 12 "11!A2 2< '5+th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 12 "11!A2 3< 252!th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 12 "11!A2 3< 2532n 4iel Artillery /attalionH . 3ance '< 3532n 4iel Artillery /attalionH . 3ance No)e 17 9t appears the two 3ance battalions mer$e into one with 12 launchers by years en . 2532n was sche ule to con2ert to "3?1. $. 13!th -n$ineer /ri$a e 5 Eanau& 4?6H 1< 2< 3< '< ,< ,'th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalionH ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ ;bri $e< 31+th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalionH ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ ;bri $e< ,'+th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalionH ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ ;bri $e< ,'9th -n$ineer /attalion ;/ri $e< ,,9th -n$ineer /attalion ;/ri $e<

h. 18th "ilitary *olice /ri$a e 5 4rankfurt& 4?6H 1< 93r "ilitary *olice /attalionH 2< +!9th "ilitary *olice /attalionH i. 3r 1upport 7omman H Wiesba en& 4?6 3. D99 01 7orps EK 5 1tutt$art& 4?6 5 assi$ne to 7-(#A6H 2' ",++ a. 1st Armore Di2ision 5 Ansbach& 4?6H 1< 1st /ri$a e 5 Dilseck& 4?6H a< 1513th Armor /attalionH "1A1 b< 153+th Armor /attalionH "1A1 c< "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 2< 2n /ri$a e 5 -rlan$en& 4?6H a< 153,th Armor /attalionH "1A1 b< 25+!th Armor /attalionH "1A1 c< 2581st Armor /attalionH "1A1 ; isban e 1989& replace by '5+!th Armor /n< < "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 3< 3r /ri$a e 5 /amber$& 4?6H a< 353,th Armor /attalionH "1A1 b< "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 c< 15,'th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 '< 'th /ri$a e ;A2iation< 5 =atterbach& 4?6H a< 1st 1Fua ron 1st 7a2alry ?e$imentH Ansbach& 4?6H b< 251st Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 21 AE14& 13 )E,87& 3 0E.!A c< 351st Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 18 AE.'A& 13 )E,87& 3 0E.!A < 6 7oC1st A2iation ?e$imentH . 0E1E& . )E,8A& . )E,8D& 3 -E.! e< E 7oC1st A2iation ?e$imentH 1, 0E.!A ,< 1st AD Di2arty 5 Pirn orf& 4?6H a< 251st 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 b< 351st 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 c< .51st 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 < A /attery& 9'th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 9 "3?1 .< 1st AD Discom 5 4urth& 4?6H +< 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion 5 4urth& 4?6H ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ ;bri $e< 8< .53r Air Defense /attalion 5 1chwabach& 4?6H 2' 7haparral& 2+ Dulcan 1*& +2 1tin$er 9< ,!1st "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalion ;7-W9< 5 Ansbach& 4?6H 1!< ,!1st "ilitary *olice 7ompany 5 =atterbach& 4?6H 11< .9th 7hemical 7ompany 5 =atterbach& 4?6H Draft Document 19

b. 3r 9nfantry Di2ision ;"echaniBe < 5 WurBbur$& 4?6H 1< 1st /ri$a e 5 1chweinfurt& 4?6H a< 25.'th Armor /attalionH "1A1 b< 35.'th Armor /attalionH "1A1 c< 153!th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "2 < 253!th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "2 2< 2n /ri$a e 5 =itBin$en& 4?6H a< 35.3r Armor /attalionH "1A1 b< 15.9th Armor /attalionH "1A1 c< 151,th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "2 3< 3r /ri$a e 5 Aschaffenbur$& 4?6H a< '5.8th Armor /attalionH "1A1 b< 15+th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "2 c< '5+th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "2 '< 'th /ri$a e ;A2iation< 5 6iebelsta t& 4?6H a< 'th 1Fua ron 'th 7a2alry ?e$iment 5 1chweinfurt& 4?6H "3 74D b< 253r Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 21 AE11& 13 )E,87& 3 0E.!A c< 353r Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 21 AE11& 13 )E,87& 3 0E.!A < 6 7oC3r A2iation ?e$imentH . 0E1E& . )E,8A& . )E,8D& 3 -E.! e< E 7oC3r A2iation ?e$imentH 1, 0E5.!A ,< 3r 9D Di2arty 5 =itBin$en& 4?6H a< 25'1st 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 b< ,5'1st 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 c< .5'1st 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 < A /attery& 4iel Artillery ?e$imentH 9 "3?1 .< 3r 9D Discom 5 WurBbur$& 4?6H +< 1!th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion 5=itBin$en& 4?6H ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ ;bri $e< 8< '53r Air Defense /attalion 5 WurBbur$& 4?6H 2' 7haparral& 2+ Dulcan 1*& +2 1tin$er 9< 1!3r "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalion 5 WurBbur$& 4?6H 1!< 3r "ilitary *olice 7ompany 5 WurBbur$& 4?6H 11< 92n 7hemical 7ompany 5 WurBbur$& 4?6H c. 3r /ri$a e& 1st 9nfantry Di2ision ;4orwar < 5 6oppin$en& 4?6H 1< 2< 3< '< ,< .< 353'th Armor /attalionH "1A1 "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 ' "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 2 5,th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 D 7o& 1st 7ombat -n$ineer /attalionH 1 Air Defense /atteryH 9 Dulcan 1*& 12 1tin$er "issile

. 2n Armore 7a2alry ?e$iment 5 (urnbur$& 4?6H 1< 2< 3< '< 1& 2& 35 2n Armore 7a2alry 1F nsH "1A1 '52n Air 7a2alry 1Fua ronH 12 AE.'A& 12 AE14& 2+ )E,87& 3 -E.!& 18 0E.!A 8'th 7ombat -n$ineer 7ompanyH 1 Air Defense /atteryH 9 Dulcan 1*& 12 1tin$er "issile

No)e7 1ee section en 5notes for etaile #)>e. 11th 7ombat A2iation /ri$a e 5 9llesheim& 4?6H 1< '5229th Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 18 AE.'& 13 )E,87& 3 0E.!A 2< Air 7a2alry 1Fua ron ;Attack<H 18 AE.'& 13 )E,87& 3 0E.!A 3< Attack Eelicopter /attalion ;(6<H 18 AE.'& 13 )E,87& 3 0E.!A '< 1 A2iation /attalionH ', 0E.!A ,< 1 A2iation /attalionH 32 7E'+D .< 1 A2iation /attalionH , 021& 1, )E,8A& 1, )E,8D& 3! 0E1E Draft Document 2!

f. 1+th 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 Au$sbur$& 4?6H 1< 2< 3< '< 1518th 4iel 4iel 25++th 4iel '512th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "11!A2 Artillery /attalionH 2' "11!A2 Artillery /attalionH 2' "11!A2 Artillery /attalionH . 3ance

$. +2n 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 Wertheim& 4?6H 1< 2< 3< '< '< 353,th 4iel 251'th 4iel '51'th 4iel 3512th 4iel '52+th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "11!A2 Artillery /attalionH 2' "11!A2 Artillery /attalionH 2' "11!A2 Artillery /attalionH 3ance Artillery /attalionH 2+ "3?1

h. 21!th 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 EerBo$enaurach& 4?6H 1< 2< 2< 3< 351+th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 ,51+th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 35,th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "11!A2 2512th 4iel Artillery /attalionH . 3ance

i. +th -n$ineer /ri$a e 5 =ornwestheim& 4?6H 1< 2< 3< '< ,< .< 9th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalionH ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ ;bri $e< +8th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalionH ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ ;bri $e< 82n 7ombat -n$ineer /attalionH ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ ;bri $e< 23+th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalionH ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ ;bri $e< ,.3r -n$ineer /attalion ;/ri $e<H ,.,th -n$ineer /attalion ;/ri $e<H

G. 1'th "ilitary *olice /ri$a e 5 3u wi$sbur$& 4?6H 1< 9,th "ilitary *olice /attalion L "annheim& 4?6H 2< 9+th "ilitary *olice /attalion L "annheim& 4?6H ;correctional facilities< 2< 38,th "ilitary *olice /attalion L "annheim& 4?6H l. 2n 1upport 7omman 5 (ellin$en& 4?6H US ARM@ ; PACIFIC 1. 01 Army *acific EK 5 4t 1hafter& E9H a. .th 9nfantry Di2ision ;3i$ht< 5 4t ?ichar son& AlaskaH 1< 1st /ri$a e 5 4t ?ichar son& A=H a< 151+th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH b< 251+th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH 2< 2n /ri$a e 5 4t Wainri$ht& A=H a< '59th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH b< ,59th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH 3< 2!,th 3i$ht 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 4t 1nellin$& "innesotaH 01 Army ?eser2e roun 5out unit a< 353r 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH b< 15'!9th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH c< 15'1!th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH '< .th 7ombat A2iation /ri$a e 5 4t Wainri$ht& A=H a< 'th 1Fua ron& 9th 7a2alry ?e$imentH b< 25123r Attack Eelicopter /attalion ;01A?< 5 4ort 1nellin$& "(H 21 AE14& 13 )E,87& 3 0E1E Draft Document 21


.< +< 8< Alaska<

c< 4 7oC123r A2iation ?e$imentH 1, 0E1E < 6 7oC123r A2iation ?e$imentH 1, 0E1E .th 9D Di2artyH a< '511th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!1 b< ,511th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!1 c< 351'th 01A? 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!1 .th 9D DiscomH 9!th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalionH 18 1--& . A715188th (D (6 Air Defense /attalionH 18 #owe Dulcan& '! 1tin$er ;also responsible for efense of

9< 1!.th "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalion ;7-W9<H 1!< .th "ilitary *olice 7ompanyH No)e 17 Di2ision also ha .529+th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalion ;Alaska (ational 6uar <& but 2 battalions were cut ue to bu $etary constraints in 1988& lea2in$ 1st > 2n /ri$a e short 1 battalion. No)e 87 #he 2!,th /ri$a e was not consi ere fully rea y in 1989& as it was un er$oin$ reor$aniBation to the 3i$ht confi$uration. b. 2,th 9nfantry Di2ision ;3i$ht< 5 1chofiel /arracks& E9H 1< 1st /ri$a eH a< 151'th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH b< 152+th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH c< '52+th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH 2< 2n /ri$a eH a< ,51'th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH b< 1521st 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH c< 3521st 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH 3< 3r /ri$a eH a< 3522n 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH b< '522n 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH c< '58+th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH '< 2,th 7ombat A2iation /ri$a eH a< 3r 1Fua ron& 'th 7a2alry ?e$imentH b< 152,th Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 21 AE14& 13 )E,87& 3 0E1E c< '52,th A2iation /attalionH . 0E1E& . )E,8A& . )E,8D& 3 -E.! < 4 7oC2,th A2iation ?e$imentH 1, 0E.!A ,< 2,th 9D Di2artyH a< 35+th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!2 b< +58th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!2 c< 2511th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!2 < 158th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "198 .< 2,th 9D DiscomH +< .,th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalionH 18 1--& . A78< 15.2n Air Defense /attalionH 18 #owe Dulcan& '! 1tin$er 9< 12,th "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalion ;7-W9<H 1!< 2,th "ilitary *olice 7ompanyH US ARM@ ; 1APAN 1. 9J 01 7orps EK 5 7amp Pama& JapanH US ARM@ ; KOREA 1. -i$hth 01 Army EK 5 1eoul& 1outh =oreaH a. 2n 9nfantry Di2ision 5 #on$ uchon& 1outh =oreaH #he EK was base at 7amp 7asey Draft Document 22

1< 1st /ri$a e 5 7amp 7asey& 1 =oreaH a< 15+2n Armor /attalionH ".!A3 b< ,52!th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 2< 2n /ri$a e 5 7amp Eo2ey& 1 =oreaH a< 25+2n Armor /attalionH ".!A3 b< 15,th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 3< 3r /ri$a e 5 7amp EowBe& 1 =oreaH a< 15,!3r 9nfantry /attalionH b< 25,!3r 9nfantry /attalionH c< 15,!.th 9nfantry /attalionH '< 'th /ri$a e ;A2iation< 5 7amp 1tanley& 1 =oreaH a< ,th 1Fua ron& 1+th 7a2alry ?e$iment 5 7amp 6ary )wen& 1 =oreaH b< 152n Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 21 AE14& 13 )E,87& 3 0E1E c< 252n A2iation /attalionH 1, 0E.!A& . 0E1E& . )E,8D& 3 -E.! ,< 2n 9D Di2arty 5 7amp 1tanley& 1 =oreaH a< 15'th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 b< 858th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 c< 151,th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A3 < .53+th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 12 "11!A2& 9 "3?1 e< / /attery& .532n 4iel Artillery /attalionH ' 3ance .< 2n 9D Discom 5 7amp 7asey& 1 =oreaH +< 2n 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion 5 7amp 7astle& 1 =oreaH 8< ,5,th Air Defense /attalion 5 7amp *elham& 1 =oreaH 9< 1!2n "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalion ;7-W9< 5 7amp Eo2ey& 1 =oreaH 1!< 2n "ilitary *olice 7ompany 5 7amp 7asey& 1 =oreaH 11< 'th 7hemical 7ompany 5 7amp 7asey& 1 =oreaH No)e 17 ,5,th AD /attalion ha a uniFue or$H 3 batteries& each 3 platoonsH 2 Dulcan& 1 1tin$er in "113s. #otal of 18 Dulcans& .! 1tin$er teams in "113s. b. 1+th A2iation /ri$a e 5 7amp Eumphries& 1outh =oreaH 1< 2< 3< '< 15,!1st A2iation /attalionH 25,!1st A2iation /attalionH '5,!1st A2iation /attalionH ,5,!1st A2iation /attalionH #ransport unit #ransport unit 21 AE14& 13 )E,87& 3 0E1E 21 AE14& 13 )E,87& 3 0E1E

No)e 17 )ne attack helo battalion was at 7amp *a$e& the other at 7amp -a$le. At least one of the a2iation battalions was at 7amp Eumphries& an was likely a 7E5'+ unit. c. 8th "ilitary *olice /ri$a e 5 1eoul& 1outh =oreaH . 19th 1upport 7omman 5 #ae$u& 1outh =oreaH US ARM@ ; SOUTH 1. 1)0#E7)" EK 5 4t 7layton& *anamaH a. 193r 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 4t 7layton& *anamaH 1< 2< 3< 3< ,58+th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH 15,!8th *arachute 9nfantry /attalionH 358+th 9nfantry /attalion ;01A?& roun out<H D /attery& 32!th 4iel Artillery ?e$imentH . "1!1

Draft Document


US ARM@ NATIONAL GUARD No)e 17 #he 01 Army (ational 6uar ha 2arious le2els of rea iness with many of the units eFuippe with first line eFuipment such as "1 tanks an AE.' Apache helicopters. #he roun out /ri$a es an /attalions assi$ne to an acti2e uty unit ha a 3! ay mobiliBation reFuirement an were eFuippe similarly to their acti2e uty counterpart. #he '9th an ,!th Armore & 3,th an '!th "ech& an 29th 3i$ht 9nfantry (ational 6uar Di2isions alon$ with se2eral of the separate bri$a es ha wartime contin$encies in support of (A#) an were or$aniBe un er the Di2ision 8. #)>-. #he remainin$ (ational 6uar units were still task or$aniBe un er the former ?)AD #)>-. "ost of the separate /ri$a es were Di2isions at one time an coul easily reform with other 6uar units to brin$ up to Di2isional stren$th. No)e 87 Accor in$ to the Army%s Eistorical 1ummary for 1989& 6uar i2isions woul ha2e reFuire between 2, an ,! ays of trainin$ an or$aniBin$ followin$ mobiliBation to be rea y to eploy& while separate bri$a es woul ha2e reFuire 2,5'! ays of trainin$ an or$aniBin$. No)e ?7 Accor in$ to the Army%s Eistorical 1ummary for 1989& 8! percent of 6uar bri$a es an i2isions were at the top rea iness le2els. 0nits with lower rea iness inclu e the ,!th Armore Di2ision an the 2+th 9nfantry /ri$a e ;(M (ational 6uar <. #he 2+th was apparently ha2in$ ifficulty recruitin$ manpower with the appropriate skills. #he 1.3r Armore /ri$a e was also not consi ere fully rea y& as it was un er$oin$ reor$aniBation. No)e 47 #he Army (ational 6uar ha '.+&!!! personnel assi$ne in 1989& a shortfall of se2eral hun re personnel. 1. 9nfantry Di2ision 5 "A& 7#& D# an ?9 (6 5 /oston& "AH a. 3r "assachusetts 9nfantry /ri$a eH 1< 151!1st "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 2< 151!'th 9nfantry /attalionH 3< 251!'th 9nfantry /attalionH '< 15181st 9nfantry /attalionH ,< 15182n 9nfantry /attalionH b. '3r 7onnecticut 9nfantry /ri$a eH 1< 151!2n 9nfantry /attalionH 2< 251!2n 9nfantry /attalionH 3< 151.9th 9nfantry /attalionH c. Dermont 9nfantry /ri$a eH 1< 151+2n Armor /attalionH ".!A1 2< 251+2n Armor /attalionH ".!A1 . A2iation /ri$a e 5 "A (6H 1< 1st 1F n& 11!th 7a2alry ?e$t 5 "A (6H 8 AE511& 12 )E5. plus $roun elements 2< Attack Eelicopter /attalion 5 ?9 (6H 21 AE511& 13 )E5.A& 3 0E51E 3< A2iation /attalion 5 "A (6H a< 7o A L "A (6H 23 0E51E b< 7o / L 7# (6H 23 0E51E c< 7o 7 L D# (6H . 0E51E& . )E5. e. 9D Di2arty 5 "A (6H 1< 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 D# (6H 2' "1!9A1 2< 151!1st 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 "A (6H 2' 1,,mm "11'A2 #owe EowitBers 3< 25192n 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 7# (6H 18 1,,mm "11'A2 #owe EowitBers '< 15211th 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 "A (6H 12 "11!A3 f. 9D Discom 5 "A (6H $. 1!1st 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion 5 "A (6H h. "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalion ;7-W9< 5 7# (6H i. "ilitary *olice 7ompany 5 "A (6H G. 2+2n 7hemical 7ompany 5 "A (6H 2. 28th 9nfantry Di2ision 5 *A an DA (6 5 Earrisbur$& *AH

a. 2n *ennsyl2anian 9nfantry /ri$a eH 1< 151!3r Armor /attalionH ".!A1 Draft Document


2< 151!9th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113H 3< 251!9th 9nfantry /attalionH b. ,,th *ennsyl2anian 9nfantry /ri$a eH 1< 351!9th 9nfantry /attalionH 2< 1511!th 9nfantry /attalionH 3< 2511!th 9nfantry /attalionH c. ,.th *ennsyl2anian 9nfantry /ri$a eH 1< 15111th 9nfantry /attalionH 2< 25111th 9nfantry /attalionH 3< 15112th 9nfantry /attalionH . 28th A2iation /ri$a e 5 *A (6H 1< 1st 1F n& 1!'th 7a2alry ?e$t 5 *A (6H 8 AE511& 12 )E5,8 plus $roun elements 2< 1 51!'th Attack Eelicopter /attalion 5 *A (6H 21 AE511& 13 )E5,8A& 3 0E51E ;returns from 1991 show 1, AE& . )E& 3 0E< 3< 251!'th A2iation /attalion 5 DA (6H a< 7o A L *A (6H 21 0E51E b< 7o / L WD (6H 23 0E51E c< 7o 7 L *A (6H + 0E51& . )E5.A ;coul be AE instea of 0EN< < 7o D L WD (6H N '< 7o 6& 1!'th A2iation L *A (6H 11 7E5'+& 1 0E51E e. 28th 9D Di2arty 5 *A (6H 1< 151!+th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!1 2< 151!8th 4iel Artillery /attalion H 18 "1!1 3< 15229th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!1 '< 151!9th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 1,,mm #owe EowitBers& ' "11! f. 28th 9D Discom 5 *A (6H $. 1!3r 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion 5 *A (6H h. 128th "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalion ;7-W9< 5 *A (6H i. 28th "ilitary *olice 7ompany 5 *A (6H G. 128th 7hemical 7ompany 5 *A (6H 3. 29th 9nfantry Di2ision ;3i$ht< 5 "D an DA (6 5 4t /el2oir& DAH (A#) mission

a. 1st Dir$inia 9nfantry /ri$a eH 1< 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH 2< 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH 3< 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH b. 2n Dir$inia 9nfantry /ri$a eH 1< 151+!th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH 2< 15183r 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH c. 3r "arylan 9nfantry /ri$a eH 1< 1511,th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH 2< 2511,th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH 3< 151+,th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH '< 251+,th 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalionH . 29th A2iation /ri$a e 5 DA (6H 1< 1st 1Fua ron& 1,8th 7a2alry ?e$imentH 12 )E5,8A& 8 AE51-& 1 0E5.!A& 12 .,! 7al E""WD& . #)W E""WD 2< 1522'th Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 21 AE51-& 13 )E5,8A& 3 0E51E 3< 2522'th A2iation ?e$imentH a< A 7oH 23 0E51E b< / 7oH 1, 0E5.! e. 29th 9D Di2arty 5 DA (6H 1< 2511!th 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 "D (6H 18 "1!1 2< 25111th 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 DA (6H 18 "1!1 3< 152'.th 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 DA (6H 18 "1!1 '< - /attery 111th 4iel Artillery ?e$iment 5 DA (6H 8 "198 f. 29th 9D Discom 5 "D (6H $. 229th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion 5 DA (6H 18 1--& . A7h. 35111th Air Defense /attalion 5 DA (6H 18 #owe Dulcan& '! 1tin$er ;may be assi$ne to 28th 9D< i. .29th "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalion ;7-W9< 5 "D (6H Draft Document 2,

G. 29th "ilitary *olice 7ompany 5 "D (6H '. 3,th 9nfantry Di2ision ;"ech< 5 =1& =M& (-& 7)& an (" (6 5 4t 3ea2enworth& =1H 2' ",++ 5 (A#) mission a. .+th (ebraska 9nfantry /ri$a eH 1< 1519,th Armor /attalionH ".!A1 2< 1513'th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 3< 2513'th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 b. .9th =ansas 9nfantry /ri$a eH 1< 15.3,th Armor /attalionH ".!A1 2< 25.3,th Armor /attalionH ".!A1 3< 1513+th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 '< 2513+th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 c. 1'9th =entucky Armor /ri$a eH 1< 15123r Armor /attalionH ".!A3 2< 25123r Armor /attalionH ".!A3 3< 151'9th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 . 3,th A2iation /ri$a e 5 =M (6H 1< 1513,th Attack Eelicopter /attalion 5 ") (6H 21 AE1-& 13 )E,8A& 3 0E1E 2< 2513,th Attack Eelicopter /attalion 5 7) (6H 21 AE11& 13 )E,8A& 3 0E1E 3< D 7oC13,th A2iation ?e$iment 5 =1 (6H 1, 0E1E '< - 7oC13,th A2iation ?e$iment 5 =M (6H 1, 0E.!A ,< 1st 1F n& 1.+th 7a2alry ?e$t 5 (- (6H 19 ".!A3& 32 "113& ' ",++& ' "1!.& 2' Dra$on& 12 AE11& 18 )E,8A e. 3,th Di2arty 5 =1 (6H 1< 1512+th 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 =1 (6H 18 "1!9A2 2< 25138th 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 =M (6H 18 "1!9A2 3< 151.8th 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 (- (6H 18 "1!9A2 '< 151.1st 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 =1 (6H 12 "11!A2 f. 3,th 9D Discom 5 =1 (6H $. 2!.th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion 5 =M (6H ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ ;bri $e< i. 13,th "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalion ;7-W9< L 01 Army ?eser2eH G. 3,th "ilitary *olice 7ompany 5 =1 (6H k. 1'1st 7hemical 7ompany 5 =M (6H ,. 38th 9nfantry Di2ision 5 9(& 93& an "9 (6 5 9n ianapolis& 9(H

a. 2n 9n iana 9nfantry /ri$a eH 1< 151,1st 9nfantry /attalionH 2< 251,1st 9nfantry /attalionH 3< 151,2n 9nfantry /attalionH b. '.th "ichi$an 9nfantry /ri$a eH 1< 152'.th Armor /attalionH ".!A1 2< 1512,th 9nfantry /attalionH 3< 9nfantry /attalionH '< 1522,th 9nfantry /attalionH c. 9n iana 9nfantry /ri$a eH 1< 251,2n "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 2< 15293r 9nfantry /attalionH 3< 25293r 9nfantry /attalionH . 38th A2iation /ri$a e 5 9( (6H 1< 15238th Attack Eelicopter /attalion 5 "9 (6H 21 AE511& 13 )E5,8A& 3 0E51E 2< 2523th A2iation ?e$imentH a< 7o A ;"9<H 23 0E51E b< 7o / ;9(<H 23 0E51E c< 7o 7 ;9(C"9<H . 0E51E& 3 -E51E& . )E5,8A '< 1st 1F n& 238th 7a2alry ?e$t 5 9( (6H 8 AE514& 12 )E5,8 Q $roun elements e. 38th Di2arty 5 9( (6H 1< 15119th 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 "9 (6H 18 "1!1 2< 35139th 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 9( (6H 18 "1!1 3< 151.3r 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 9( (6H 18 "1!1 Draft Document 2.

f. $. h. i. G. k. ..

'< 251,!th 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 9( (6H 18 1,,mm #owe EowitBers& ' "11! 38th 9D Discom 5 9n (6H 113th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion 5 9( (6H ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ ;bri $e< 15138th Air Defense /attalion 5 9( (6H .! 1tin$er ;fomer 1!C88< 138th "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalion ;7-W9< 5 93 (6H 38th "ilitary *olice 7ompany 5 9( (6H '38th 7hemical 7ompany 5 9( (6H

'!th 9nfantry Di2ision ;"ech< 5 7A& ("& an (D (6 5 3os Alamitos& 7AH (A#) mission a. 1st 7alifornia 9nfantry /ri$a eH 1< 151'9th Armor /attalionH ".!A3 2< 251,9th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 3< 1518'th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 b. 2n 7alifornia 9nfantry /ri$a eH 1< 1518,th Armor /attalionH ".!A3 2< 2518,th Armor /attalionH ".!A3 3< 251.!th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 '< 351.!th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 c. 3r 7alifornia 9nfantry /ri$a eH 1< 3518,th Armor /attalionH ".!A3 2< 15221st Armor /attalion 5 (D (6H ".!A3 3< '51.!th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 . '!th A2iation /ri$a e 5 7A (6H 1< 151'!th Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 21 AE1-& 13 )E,8A& 3 0E1E 2< D 7oC1'!th A2iation ?e$imentH 1, 0E1E 3< - 7oC1'!th A2iation ?e$imentH 1, 0E1E '< 1st 1F n& 18th 7a2alry ?e$tH 19 ".!A3& 32 "113& ' ",++& ' "1!.& 2' Dra$on& 12 AE11& 18 )E,8A& 1 0E1E e. '!th Di2arty 5 7A (6H 1< 151'3r 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A2 2< 251''th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A2 3< 351''th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A2 '< 151''th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 12 "11!A2 f. '!th 9D Discom 5 7A (6H $. 132n 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion 5 7A (6H ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ ;bri $e< h. 1'!th "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalion ;7-W9< 5 7A (6H i. '!th "ilitary *olice 7ompany 5 7A (6H G. 1'!th 7hemical 7ompany 5 7A (6H


'2n 9nfantry Di2ision 5 (M an 43 (6 5 (ew Mork& (MH

a. 1st (ew Mork 9nfantry /ri$a eH 1< 1522+th Armor /attalionH "'8A, 2< 15.9th 9nfantry /attalionH 3< 15+1st 9nfantry /attalionH b. 2n (ew Mork 9nfantry /ri$a eH 1< 1521!th Armor /attalionH ".!A3 2< 151!8th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 3< 151+'th 9nfantry /attalionH '< 251+'th 9nfantry /attalionH c. 3r (ew Mork 9nfantry /ri$a eH 1< 2521!th Armor /attalionH "'8A, 2< 251!,th 9nfantry /attalionH 3< 151!+th 9nfantry /attalionH . '2n A2iation /ri$a e 5 (M (6H 1< 151'2n Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 21 AE511& 13 )E5.A& 3 0E51E 2< 251'2n A2iation ?e$imentH a< A 7oH 21 0E51E b< / 7oH 23 0E51E c< 7 7oH . 0E51E& . )E5,8 Draft Document 2+


f. $. h. i. G. 8.

'< 1st 1F n& 1!1st 7a2alry ?e$tH "'8A,& "113& ' AE51& . )E5.& 1 0E51 '2n Di2arty 5 (M (6H 1< 251!'th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!1 2< 1518+th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!1 3< 152,8th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 1,,mm #owe EowitBers '< 152!9th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 12 "11! '2n 9D Discom 5 (M (6H 1!2n 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion 5 (M (6H ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ ;bri $e< 2'2n "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalion ;7-W9< 5 (M (6H '2n "ilitary *olice 7ompany 5 (M (6H '2n 7hemical 7ompany 5 (M (6H

'+th 9nfantry Di2ision 5 "(& 9A& 93& an W9 (6 5 1t. *aul& "(H a. 1st "innesota 9nfantry /ri$a eH 1< 159'th Armor /attalionH "'8A, 2< 1513,th 9nfantry /attalionH 3< 2513,th 9nfantry /attalionH '< 9nfantry /attalionH b. 3'th 9owa 9nfantry /ri$a eH 1< 15133r 9nfantry /attalionH 2< 25133r "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 3< 151.8th 9nfantry /attalionH c. 9llinois 9nfantry /ri$a eH 1< 15123r 9nfantry /attalionH 2< 2513!th 9nfantry /attalionH 3< 3513!th 9nfantry /attalionH . '+th A2iation /ri$a e 5 "( (6H 1< 151'+th Attack Eelicopter /attalion 5 W9 (6H 21 AE511& 13 )E5,8A& 3 0E51E 2< 251'+th A2iation ?e$iment 5 "( (6H a< 7o AH 23 0E51E b< 7o / ;9A<H 23 0E51E c< 7o 7 ;93C9A<H . )E5,8A& . 0E51E& 3 -E51 '< 1st 1F n& 19'th 7a2alry ?e$t 5 "( (6H "'8A,& "113& 8 AE511& 12 )E5,8A e. '+th Di2arty 5 "( (6H 1< 25123r 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 93 (6H 18 "1!1 2< 151+,th 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 "( (6H 18 "1!1 3< 1519'th 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 9A (6H 18 "1!1 '< 151,1st 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 "( (6H 18 1,,mm #owe EowitBers& ' "11! f. '+th 9D Discom 5 "( (6H $. .82n 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion 5 "( (6H ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ ;bri $e< h. 152!2n Air Defense /attalion 5 93 (6H .! 1tin$er ;forme 1!C88< i. 1'+th "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalion ;7-W9< 5 "( (6H G. '+th "ilitary *olice 7ompany 5 "( (6H k. '+th 7hemical 7ompany 5 "( (6H (oteH this i2ision was rename the 3'th 9nfantry Di2ision on 4ebruary 1!& 1991& in honor of the units linea$e.


'9th Armore Di2ision 5 #J an (" (6 5 Austin& #JH 2' ",++ 5 (A#) mission

a. 1st #e8as Armor /ri$a eH 1< 15112th Armor /attalionH ".!A1 2< 25112th Armor /attalionH ".!A3 3< 151'1st "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 '< 251'1st "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 b. 2n #e8as Armor /ri$a eH 1< 35112th Armor /attalionH ".!A1 2< '5112th Armor /attalionH ".!A3 3< 251'2n "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 c. 3r #e8as Armor /ri$a eH Draft Document



f. $. h. i. G.

1< ,5112th Armor /attalionH ".!A1 2< .5112th Armor /attalionH ".!A3 3< 351''th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 '9th A2iation /ri$a e 5 #J (6H 1< 151'9th Attack Eelicopter /attalionH 21 AE1-& 13 )E,8A& 3 0E1E 2< D 7oC1'9th A2iation ?e$imentH 1, 0E1E 3< - 7oC1'9th A2iation ?e$imentH 1, 0E1E '< 1st 1F n& 12'th 7a2alry ?e$tH 19 ".!A3& 32 "113& ' ",++& ' "1!.& 2' Dra$on& 12 AE11& 18 )E,8A& 1 0E1E '9th Di2arty 5 #J (6H 1< 25131st 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A2 ;to "11!A2 urin$ 1989< 2< 35132n 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A2 3< '5133r 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A2 '< 35133r 4iel Artillery /attalionH 12 "11!A2 ;to "1!9A2 urin$ 1989< '9th 9D Discom 5 #J (6H 111th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion 5 #J (6H ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ ;bri $e< ,'9th "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalion ;7-W9< 5 #J (6H 1'9th "ilitary *olice 7ompany 5 #J (6H ''9th 7hemical 7ompany 5 #J (6H

No)e7 Di2ision was all ".!A3 by early 199! 1!. ,!th Armore Di2ision 5 (J& #J& (E& D-& D#& an (" (6 5 1omerset& (JH 2' ",++ 5 (A#) mission a. 1st (ew Jersey Armor /ri$a eH 1< 151!2n Armor /attalionH "'8A, 2< 251!2n Armor /attalionH "'8A, 3< 25113th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 '< 35113th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 b. 2n (ew Jersey Armor /ri$a eH 1< 351!2n Armor /attalionH "'8A, 2< ,51!2n Armor /attalionH "'8A, 3< 1511'th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 '< 2511'th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 c. #e8as Armor /ri$a eH 1< +5112th Armor /attalionH "'8A, 2< 85112th Armor /attalionH "'8A, . ,!th A2iation /ri$a e 5 (J (6H 1< 151,!th Attack Eelicopter /attalion 5 (J (6H 21 AE511& 13 )E5,8A& 3 0E51E 2< D 7oC1,!th A2iation ?e$iment 5 D# (6H . 0E51E& . -E51E& . )E5,8 3< - 7oC1,!th A2iation ?e$iment 5 D- (6H 23 0E51E '< ,th 1F n& 11+th 7a2alry ?e$t 5 (J (6H 19 "'8A,& 32 "113& ' ",++& ' "1!.& 2' Dra$on& 12 AE11& 18 )E,8A e. ,!th Di2arty 5 (J (6H 1< 15112th 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 (J (6H 18 "1!9A2 2< 35112th 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 (J (6H 18 "1!9A2 3< 15133r 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 #J (6H 2' "1!9A2 '< '5112th 4iel Artillery /attalion 5 (J (6H 12 "11!A2 f. ,!th 9D Discom 5 (J (6H $. 1!'th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion 5 (J (6H ' oBers& 8 AD3/& 8 7-D& ' "88& 12 "A/ ;bri $e< hi. ,,!th "ilitary 9ntelli$ence /attalion ;7-W9< 5 (J (6H i. ,!th "ilitary *olice 7ompany 5 (J (6H G. ,!th 7hemical 7ompany 5 (J (6H No)e7 Di2ision was all ".!A3 by early 199! 11. 9nfantry /ri$a es ;1eparate<H not inclu in$ roun out bri$a es a. 29th 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 Eonolulu& E9H Au$mentation for 28th 9nfantry Di2 ;3i$ht< 1< 15299th 9nfantry /nH 2< 25299th 9nfantry /nH 3< 1!!5''2n 9nfantry /n ;Army ?eser2e<H ;attache < Draft Document 29

'< 15'8+th 4iel ArtilleryH 1!,mm towe ,< #roop -& 19th 7a2H .< 22+th -n$ineer 7oH b. 3!th 9nfantry /ri$a e ;"ech< 5 7linton& (7H (A#) mission 1< 152,2n Armor /attalionH "1 2< 1512!th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 3< 15119th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 '< 151,.th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A2 ,< #roop -& 7a2alryH .< 881st -n$ineer 7oH c. 32n 9nfantry /ri$a e ;"ech< 5 "ilwaukee& W9H 1< 15.32n Armor /attalionH "1 2< 15128th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 3< 2512+th "ech 9nfantry /attalionH "113 '< 1512!th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9A2 ,< #roop -& 1!,th 7a2alryH .< 32n -n$ineer 7oH . 33r 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 7hica$o& 93H 1< 25128th 9nfantry /nH 2< 151+8th 9nfantry /nH 3< 15131st 9nfantry /nH '< 25122n 4iel ArtilleryH 1!,mm towe ,< #roop -& 1!.th 7a2H .< 239th -n$ineer 7oH e. 39th 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 3ittle ?ock& A?H Affiliate with 1!1st Airborne 1< 151,3r 9nfantry /nH 2< 251,3r 9nfantry /nH 3< 351,3r 9nfantry /nH '< ,52!.th 4iel ArtilleryH 1!,mm towe ,< #roop -& 1,1st 7a2H .< 239th -n$ineer 7oH f. '1st 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 *ortlan & )?H Au$ementation for +th 9nfantry Di2 ;3i$ht< 1< 151.2n 9nfantry /nH 2< 251.2n 9nfantry /nH 3< 9nfantry /nH '< 25218th 4iel ArtilleryH 1!,mm towe ,< #roop 4& 7a2H .< 1.2n -n$ineer 7oH $. ',th 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 - mon & )=H 1< 151+9th 9nfantry /nH 2< 1518!th 9nfantry /nH 3< 152+9th 9nfantry /nH '< 151.!th 4iel ArtilleryH "1!2 1!,mm towe ,< #roop -& 1',th 7a2H .< 2',th -n$ineer 7oH h. ,3r 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 #ampa& 43H 1< 1512' 9nfantry /nH 2< 2512' 9nfantry /nH 3< 3512' 9nfantry /nH '< 2511. 4iel Artillery /nH 1!,mm towe ,< 1,3r -n$ineer 7oH .< #roop -& 1,3r 7a2H +< - etC2.,th ADAH i. +3r 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 7olumbus& )EH 1< 151'+th 9nfantry /nH 2< 151'8th 9nfantry /nH 3< 151.. 9nfantry /nH '< 1513. 4iel Artillery /nH 1!,mm towe ,< #roop A& 23+th 7a2H .< 83+th -n$ineer 7oH Draft Document 3!

G. 92n 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 1an Juan& *?H 1< 15.,th 9nfantry /nH 2< 25.,th 9nfantry /nH 3< 1529,th 9nfantry /nH '< )ne other infantry battalion ;may be 9nf un er in epen ent bns< ,< 151.2n 4iel Artillery /nH 1!,mm towe .< #roop -& 192n 7a2alryH +< 892n -n$ineer 7oH k. 218th 9nfantry /ri$a e ;"ech< 5 (ewberry& 17H 8 ",++& ' "113& 2 "88 5 (A#) mission 1< 252.3r Armor /nH "1 2< 15118th 9nfantry /nH "113 3< '5118th 9nfantry /nH "113 '< 151+8th 4iel Artillery /nH 2' "1!9A2 ,< #roop /& +13th 7a2alryH .< 12,th -n$ineer 7oH +< 1 Air Defense /atteryH 9 Dulcan 1*& 12 1tin$er 12. Armor /ri$a es ;1eparate<H not inclu in$ roun out bri$a es a. 3!th Armore /ri$a e 5 Jackson& #(H 1< 351!9th Armor /nH 2< '51!9th Armor /nH 3< '511+th "ech /nH '< 3511,th 4iel ArtilleryH "1!9 ,< #roop /& 23!th 7a2alryH .< 89!th -n$ineer 7oH b. 31st Armore /ri$a e 5 (orthport& A3H 1< 15121st Armor /nH 2< 151,2n Armor /nH 3< 151.+th "ech /nH '< 1511+th 4iel ArtilleryH "1!9 ,< #roop -& 31st 7a2alryH ".!A1 ;to A3 in 1989<& "113s .< 31st -n$ineer 7oH c. 1.3r Armore /ri$a e 5 /oBeman& "#H ;con2erte from Armore 7a2 2C89& possibly earlier< 1< 151.3r 9nfantry ;"ech<H 2< 251.3r ArmorH 3< 351.3r ArmorH '< 35'9th 4iel Artillery /n ;WM (6<H "1!9 ,< #roop -& 1.3r 7a2alryH .< 1!.3r -n$ coH 13. 7a2alry /ri$a esC?e$imentsH a. 1!+th Armore 7a2alry ?e$iment 5 7le2elan & )EH 7orps A7? 1< '51!+th A7? ;)E<H ;?e$imental A2iation elements< a< 7o (H 23 0E51E b< #roop )H ' AE511& . )E5,8A c< #roop *H ' AE511& . )E5,8A < #roop KH ' AE511& . )E5,8A e< 7o ?H + AE511& ' )E5,8A f< 7o 1H + AE511& ' )E5,8A b. 7a2alry /ri$a e 5 #win 4alls& 9DH c. 2!+th 9nfantry /ri$a e ;1cout< 5 Anchora$e& A=H 1< 1529+th 9nfantry ;1cout< 2< 2529+th 9nfantry ;1cout< 3< 3529+th 9nfantry ;1cout< '< '529+th 9nfantry ;1cout< ,< ,529+th 9nfantry ;1cout< .< 152!+th A2iation /n . 2+8th Armore 7a2alry ?e$iment 5 =no82ille& #(H 7orps A7? Draft Document 31

No)e7 7a2 con2erte to an Armore /ri$a e& 9C89& with 2& 7a2 ;Armor /n<& 1582n 7a2 ;"ech 9nf<& 151'8th 4A& -n$ /n& 7a2 ;)?<. 9t was meant to be the new roun out bri$a e for the 'th "ech Di2ision& whose 2n /ri$a e was sche ule to isban in 199!. 1'. 1pecial 4orces 6roupsH a. 19th 1pecial 4orces 6roup 5 1alt 3ake 7ity& 0#H b. 2!th 1pecial 4orces 6roup 5 /irmin$ham& A3H 1,. 4iel Artillery /ri$a esH a. ',th 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 -ni & )=H ;former ',th Di2 Arty< 1. 151,8th 4AH "11! 2. 151+1st 4AH "11! 3. 15189th 4AH "11! ;went "3?1 in 1992< b. ,+th 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 Whitefish /ay& W9H 1. 15121st 4AH "1!9 2. 1512,th 4AH 1,,mm #owe 3. 4AH "1!9 c. 1!3r 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 *ro2i ence& ?9H ;traine with D 7orps< 1. 151!3r 4AH "198 2. 251!3r 4AH "198 . 113th 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 6reensboro& (7H 1. '5113th 4AH "11! 2. ,5113th 4AH "11! e. 11,th 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 7heyenne& WMH 1. 15'9th 4AH "198 2. 35'9th 4AH "11! f. 118th 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 1a2annah& 6AH 1. 2511+th 4AH "1!9 or 1,,mm #owe 2. 1521'th 4AH "1!9 3. 2521'th 4AH "1!9 $. 13,th 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 1e alia& ")H 1. 15128th 4AH 1,,mm #owe 2. 15129th 4AH 1,,mm #owe h. 138th 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 3e8in$ton& =MH 1. 15.23r 4AH "11! i. 1'2n 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 4ayette2ille& A?H *articipate as a whole in Desert 1torm 1. 151'2n 4AH "11! ;"3?1N< 2. 251'2n 4AH "11! G. 1'+th 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 *ierre& 1DH 1. 151'+th 4AH "1!9 2. 251'+th 4AH "11! k. 1,1st 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 1umter& 17H 1. 351+8th 4AH "11! 2. '51+8th 4AH "1!9 l. 1,3r 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 *hoeni8& APH 1. 1518!th 4AH "1!9 2. 2518!th 4AH "1!9 m. 1.9th 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 Aurora& 7AH 1. 151,+th 4AH "11! 2. 251,+th 4AH "11! n. 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 7hattanoo$a& #(H *articipate in Desert 1torm in part 1. 1511,th 4AH 1,,mm #owe 2. 15181st 4AH "11! o. 19+th 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 "anchester& (EH ;traine with D 7orps< 1. 151+2n 4AH "198 2. 2519+th 4AH "198 3. 3519+th 4AH "198 Draft Document 32

p. 2!9th 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 ?ochester& (MH ;traine with D 7orps< ;no subor inate units< F. 22+th 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 "iami& 43H 1. 4AH "1!9 2. 4AH "11! r. .31st 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 6rena a& "1H 1. 1511'th 4AH "1!9 2. '511'th 4AH "1!9 No)e 17 #he 2ast maGority of non5 i2isional $uar artillery battalions were still or$aniBe as 38. $uns for me ium battalions an 38' $uns for hea2y battalions ;ie 18 "1!9s& "11'A2s& or "198s& 12 "11!s per battalion<. No)e 87 Abo2e ata is for December 1989 ;for or$aniBation< an )ctober 198+ ;for which bn ha what kin of $uns< 1.. Air Defense Artillery /ri$a esH a. 111th Air Defense Artillery /ri$a e 5 AlbuFuerFue& ("H 1. 152!!th ADA L ?oswell& ("H "'8A1 7haparral. #o 31st ADA /ri$a e or '9th AD in wartime 2. 252!!th ADA L 3as 7ruces& ("H "'8A1 7haparral. #o D99 7orps or 3,th 9D;"< in wartime 3. 352!!th ADA L /elen& ("H "'8A2 7happaral. #o D 7orps or ,!th AD in wartime. '. '52!!th ADA L 7lo2is& ("H "'8A1 7happaral. ,. .52!!th ADA L 1prin$& ("H "'8A1 7happaral. #o 11th ADA /ri$a e in wartime. .. +52!!th Air Defense ArtilleryH 2' 95Eawk b. 1.'th Air Defense Artillery /ri$a e 5 )rlan o& 43H 1. 152.,th Air Defense Artillery L Daytona /each& 43H 7happaral ;former 1988< 2. 252.,th Air Defense Artillery L )rlan o& 43H 2' Eawk ;forme 1988& complete 1989< #o 3r 01 Army in warime. 3. 352.,th Air Defense Artillery L West *alm /each& 43H 7happaral ;transitione from Duster in 1988< c. 2.3r Air Defense Artillery /ri$a e L An erson& 17H ;acti2ate +C88< 1. 152.3r Air Defense ArtilleryH Eawk ;acti2ate 1!C88< 2. 252.3r Air Defense ArtilleryH 7happaral. #o 9D in wartime. . )ther units L affiliation not know 1. 15138th ADA L 3afayette& 3AH Eawk 2. 15213th ADA L 3ei$hton& *AH 1tin$er No)e 17 (ational 6uar air efense artillery battalions were $enerally associate with i2isions& rather than assi$ne to them ;althou$h there are e8ceptions<. 9t appears as thou$h the obGecti2e was to allow them to be eploye as assets to another corps e2en if the i2ision they were normally assi$ne to was not shippin$ out. No)e 87 111th ADA /ri$a e is a peacetime hol in$ unit. 7apstones to D 7orps with 352!!th ADA& '52n ADA ;to acti2ate& 1991< in wartime 1+.-n$ineer /ri$a esH a. -n$ineer /ri$a e 5 7olumbus& )EH 1. 13'th -n$ineer 6roupH a.< 112th -n$ineer /n ;7ombat 7orps< b.< 3+2n -n$ineer /n ;7ombat 7orps< c.< .12th -n$ineer /n ;7ombat 7orps< 2. ' -n$ineer 6roupH ;)E< a.< 983r -n$ineer /n ;7ombat Eea2y< b.< -n$ineer /n ;7ombat 7orps< c.< 1193r -n$ineer 7ompany ;*anel /ri $e< b. 3!th -n$ineer /ri$a e 5 7harlotte& (7H 1. 3'8th -n$ineer 6roup a.< 8''th -n$ineer /n ;7ombat Eea2y< ;#( 01A?< b.< 8,'th -n$ineer /n ;7ombat Eea2y< ;(M 01A?< c.< 8++th -n$ineer /n ;7ombat Eea2y< ;A3< 2. -n$ineer 6roup Draft Document 33



f. $.

h. i. G.

k. l. m. n. o.

p. F.

a.< 3.8th -n$ineer /n ;7ombat Eea2y< ;(E< 3, -n$ineer /ri$a e 5 Jefferson 7ity& ")H ;EK mi$ht be in 1t. 3ouis< 1. 13,th -n$ineer 6roup ;")< a.<11!th -n$ineer /n ;7ombat 7orps< b.<2!3r -n$ineer /n ;7ombat Eea2y< c.<1138th -n$ineer /n ;7ombat 7orps< .<11'!th -n$ineer /n ;7ombat 7ops< e.<1'38th -n$ineer 7o ;Assault 4loat /ri $e< 19'th -n$ineer /ri$a e 5 (ash2ille& #(H 1. 1.8th -n$ineer 6roup ;"1< a.< 223r -n$ineer /n ;7ombat Eea2y< b.< 89!th -n$ineer /n ;7ombat Eea2y< 2. 22,th -n$ineer 6roup ;3A< a.< 2!,th -n$ineer /n ;7ombat Eea2y< b.< ,2+th -n$ineer /n ;7ombat Eea2y< c.< +.9th -n$ineer /n ;7ombat Eea2y< th '. -n$ineer 6roup ;7ombat< ;"9< 1. 1!+th -n$ineer /n ;7ombat 7orps< ;"9< 2. 8+1st -n$ineer /n ;7ombat Eea2y< ;#J 01A?< 3. 98!th -n$ineer /n ;7ombat Eea2y< ;#J 01A?< 1!,th -n$ineer 6roup ;7ombat< ;(7< 1. ,!,th -n$ineer /n ;7ombat Eea2y< 1!9th -n$ineer 6roup ;7ombat< ;1D< 1. 1,3r -n$ineer /n ;7ombat 7orps< 2. 2!!th -n$ineer 7o ;Assault 4loat /ri $e< 3. 211th -n$ineer 7o ;"e ium 6ir er /ri $e< 111th -n$ineer 6roup ;7ombat< ;WD< 1. 1!92n -n$ineer /n ;7ombat 7orps< 11,th -n$ineer 6roup ;7ombat< ;#J< 1. -n$ineer /n ;7ombat 7orps< 1.'th -n$ineer 6roup ;7ombat< ;(D< 1. 1'1st -n$ineer /n ;7ombat 7orps< 2. 1.'th -n$ineer /n ;7ombat 7orps< 3. 9,+th -n$ineer 7ompany ;Assault 4loat /ri $e< -n$ineer 6roup ;7ombat< ;DA< 1. -n$ineer /n ;7ombat 7orps< 2. 1!31st -n$ineer 7ompany ;*anel /ri $e< 221st -n$ineer 6roup ;7ombat< ;(M< 1. 1,2n -n$ineer /n ;7ombat 7orps< 2. 2!'th -n$ineer /n ;7ombat Eea2y< 2'!th -n$ineer 6roup ;7ombat< ;"-< 1. 133r -n$ineer /n ;7ombat Eea2y< 2. 2.2n -n$ineer /n ;7ombat 7orps< 2.'th -n$ineer 6roup ;7ombat< ;W9< 1. +2'th -n$ineer /n ;7ombat 7orps< 11.9th -n$ineer 6roup ;7ombat< ;A3< 1. 1,1st -n$ineer /n ;7ombat 7orps< 2. 13'3r -n$ineer /n ;7ombat 7orps< 3. -n$ineer 7o ;4loat /ri $e< '. 1.+th -n$ineer 7o ;4loat /ri $e< ,. 1.8th -n$ineer 7o ;*anel /ri $e< 2.,th -n$ineer 6roup ;7ombat< ;6A< 1. ,.!th -n$ineer /n ;7ombat 7orps< 2. 8+8th -n$ineer /n ;7ombat Eea2y< 3!8th -n$ineer 6roup ;7ombat< ;*A< 1. -n$ineer /n ;7ombat 7orps<

No)e 17 -n$ineer /ri$a e 1ub5units come irectly from Armies of (A#)%s 7entral 4ront& an are as of 198,. -8ception to abo2e note is the 3,th -n$ineer /ri$a e& which is correcte base on research Draft Document 3'

18. "ilitary *olice /ri$a esH a. b. c. . '3r "ilitary *olice /ri$a e 5 *ro2i ence& ?9H '9th "ilitary *olice /ri$a e 5 Alame a& 7AH 1++th "ilitary *olice /ri$a e 5 Detroit& "9H 2.!th "ilitary *olice /ri$a e 5 Washin$ton& D7H

19. 9n epen ent /attalions a. #)W 3i$ht Anti5#ank /attalions 1. 25128th 9nfantry ;#3A#< W9 (6 L , companies of 12 E""WDC#)W each. Affiliate with 1!th "tn Di2 2. 151'9th 9nfantry ;#3A#< )? (6 L .! E""WDC#)W. Affiliate with +th 9nf Di2 3. 2518!th 9nfantry ;#3A#< )= (6 L .! E""WDC#)W. Affiliate with 999 7orps& 1!1st AAslt Di2 '. 15122n 9nfantry ;#3A#< 6A (6 L .! E""WDC#)W. Affiliate with 82n Airborne Di2 b. "echaniBe 9nfantry 1. 2512!th 9nfantry ;"< ;(7< 2. 9nfantry ;"< ;"(< 3. 2511+th 9nfantry ;"< ;#(< '. 351'1st 9nfantry ;"< ;#J< c. 9nfantry 1. 9nfantry ;*?< ;may ha2e been assi$ne to 92n 9nfantry /ri$a e< 2. 1512+th 9nfantry ;W9< ;is currently an armore bn in (M(6N< 3. 351+2n 9nfantry ;D#< ; etachments throu$hout (ew -n$lan & to 1!th "tn Di2N< . ArmorCArmore 7a2alry 1. 151,2n Armor ;A3< ,. 152.3r Armor ;17< e. 4iel Artillery 1. 15111th 4iel Artillery ;DA<H 1,,mm #owe 2. 15113th 4iel Artillery ;(7<H "1!9 3. 3511+th 4iel Artillery ;A3<H "11!A2 '. 151,2n 4iel Artillery ;"-<H 1,,mm #owe ,. 251.2n 4iel Artillery ;*?<H 1!,mm #owe .. 15182n 4iel Artillery ;"9<H "11! +. 152!1st 4iel Artillery ;WD<H "1!9 No)e7 Does not inclu e artillery battalions assi$ne to 9 7orps artillery. 2!. A2iation 0nits a. #he (ational 6uar maintaine a bewil erin$ array of a2iation units& primarily helicopter. 9 am only now be$innin$ to sort them out. Durin$ the late 198!s& the 6uar an ?eser2e were both acti2atin$ helicopters units rapi ly& alon$ with a number of $roup an bri$a e hea Fuarters. 4or e8ample& the 6uar acti2ate , AE51 battalions in 4M8+& while the ?eser2e a e 2 0E5.!& 1 0E51& an 1 AE51 battalion in 4M88. Jane%s lists the 6uar ha2in$ 1!, in epen ent air units controllin$ 2,8! helicopters& but frankly& 9 think this is low. DAE10" 89 in icates that 6uar an ?eser2e a2iation controlle @more thanA .! percent of army a2iation assets. 9n late 1989Cearly 199!& total aircraft in2entory for all Army units e8cee e 9&!!! L more than 8&!!! of which were helicopters. 9n all likelihoo & this oes not inclu e substantial reser2e hol in$s of ol er types. #here are se2eral ocuments 9 am attemptin$ to acFuire that mi$ht be useful& but if anyone has any a itional information& it woul be appreciate . 1ome known unitsH 1.8th A2iation 6roup a. 151!.th A2iation ;93<H 1< 7o A L *eoria& 93H 1, 0E51E 2< 7o / L 7hica$o& 93H 1, 0E51E 3< 7o D L *eoria& 93H N b. 7o -& 1!.th A2iation ;93& "9<H 0E51E c. 7o 4& 1!.th A2iation ;93<H 8 7E5'+D 2. 18,th A2iation 6roupH ;"1< a. 1518,th A2iation ;components not known& one was - 7o& a 7E5,'A unit< Draft Document 3, 1.

''9th A2iation 6roupH ;(7< a. 1513!th A2iation ;Attack< ;(7<H AE51 ;other components not known< '. )ther 0nits a. Attack Eelicopters 1. 15183r Attack Eelicopter /attalion ;9D<H AE51 ;forme from a2iation elements of 7a2 /ri$a e< 2. 25'!th Attack Eelicopter /attalion ;7A& with elements in 7)<H AE51 3. 151.8th Attack Eelicopter /attalion ;WA or "#<H AE51 L may ha2e been assi$ne to A2iation /ri$a e '. 15111th A2iation ;Attack< ;43<H AE51 b. Eea2y 3ift Eelicopters ;+1 7E5,'A& 2. 7E5,'/ in in2entory< 1. D 7o& 113th A2iation ;(D< L 7E5,'A 2. - 7o& 18,th A2iation ;"1< L 7E5,'A 3. unknown ;6eor$ia< L 7E5,'A '. unknown ;*ennsyl2ania< L 7E5,'A ,. D 7o& 1!!th A2iation ;=1< L 7E5,'A .. D 7o& 1.9th A2iation ;7#< L 9 7E5,'/& 1 0E51E ;151.9th also ha 1'3r "* 7o< +. unknown ;A=< L 7E5,'/ 8. 4 7o& 131st A2iation ;A3< L 7E5,'/ c. "e ium 3ift Eelicopters 1. 6 7o& 1!'th A2iation ;7#< L 7E5'+ . 0tility Eelicopter 1. 251'+th A2iation ;"(& with elements in 7)& "9<H 0E51 2. 151!9th A2iation ;9A<H 0E51 3. 7o 7& 15192n A2iation ;"-<H 1, 0E51E e. "e e2ac 0nits 1. 112th "e ical 7o ;"-<H 12 0E5.! an Cor 0E51D 2. 1'.th "e ical 7o ;WD<H 13 0E51D 3. 8'1st "e ical 7o ;W9<H 1, 0E51E '. "e ical Det ;DA<H . 0E51D ,. 11,9th "e ical 7o ;(E<H 1, 0E51D .. 118+th "e ical 7o ;9AC"(<H 12 0E51D f. )ther 4ormations 1. 15132n A2iation ;D7<H 1,Q 0E51E& . )E5. 2. 1513+th A2iation ;)E<H 0E51 3. 2513+th A2iation ;)E<H 1,Q 0E51E& 1!Q )E5,8 '. --A#1 ;trainin$ school< L 4t. 9n iantown 6ap& *AH . )E5,8A& , 0584& 9 0E51E& 2 7E5,'& . )E5.A& 2 #5'2A 3. (oteH #his list is primarily rawn from a ocument co2erin$ units north of the "ason5Di8on line an east of the "ississippi. 9t is therefore seriously incomplete.

Draft Document


US ARM@ RESERVES 1. #rainin$ Di2isionsH a. +!th 9nfantry Di2ision 5 3i2onia& "9H b. 9nfantry Di2ision 5 Eartfor & 7#H c. +8th 9nfantry Di2ision 5 - ison& (JH . 8!th 9nfantry Di2ision 5?ichmon & DAH e. 8'th 9nfantry Di2ision 5 "ilwaukee& W9H f. 8,th 9nfantry Di2ision 5 Arlin$ton Eei$hts& 93H $. 91st 9nfantry Di2ision 5 1ausalito& 7AH h. 9,th 9nfantry Di2ision 5 "i west 7ity& )=H i. 98th 9nfantry Di2ision 5 ?ochester& (MH G. 1!!th 9nfantry Di2ision 5 3ouis2ille& =MH k. 1!'th 9nfantry Di2ision 5 Dancou2er& WAH l. 1!8th 9nfantry Di2ision 5 7harlotte& (7H

No)e7 #he e8act role of the trainin$ i2isions is unclear. 0pon mobiliBation& they were each to or$aniBe an train a i2ision5siBe units ma e up of reser2ists ;an possibly new recruitsN<& makin$ them a2ailable in about . months. Eowe2er& it is not clear what ultimately woul ha2e become of the units in lon$er wars. #here were numerous proposals to then con2ert them to infantry i2isions. 9t is also not clear if the intention was to use the personnel initially $enerate to form full i2isions or if they woul ha2e been broken into smaller units or e2en in i2i ual replacements. 2. 1eparate /ri$a esH not inclu in$ roun out bri$a es a. 1,+th 9nfantry /ri$a e ;"ech< 5 Eorsham& *AH 1. 15313th 9nfantry ;"ech< /nH 2. 1531'th 9nfantry ;"ech< /nH 3. .5.8th Armore /nH '. 351,th 4iel Artillery /nH "1!9 ,. #roop 7& 9 7a2 .. '2!th -n$ineer 7o +. 1,+th A2iation 7o b. 18+th 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 4t De2ens& "AH 1. 9nfantry /nH 2. 3518th 9nfantry /nH 3. 353,th 9nfantry /nH '. #roop D& ,th 7a2 ,. +,. -n$ineer 7o .. ,5,th 4iel Artillery /nH "51!9 No)e7 18+th may ha2e been capstone to 9celan & accor in$ to this 1o2iet source. 3. 1pecial 4orces 0nits a. 11th 1pecial 4orces 6roup 5 4t "ea e& "DH ;inclu es A2n Det wC2 0E51E& ' )E5,8A< n. 12th 1pecial 4orces 6roup 5 Arlin$ton Eei$hts& 93H ;inclu es A2n Det wC2 0E51E& ' )E5,8A< Artillery 0nitsH a. '28th 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 1outh ben & 9(H 1. '52!th 4iel Artillery /nH "11! 2. '538th 4iel Artillery /nH "11! 3. '5333r 4iel Artillery /n L 1outh /en & 9(H 1,,mm #owe ;to 212th 4A/ on mobiliBation< b. '3'th 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 7hica$o& 93H 1. +51st 4iel Artillery /nH "11! 2. '5+,th 4iel Artillery /nH "11! c. '+9th 4iel Artillery /ri$a e 5 *ittsbur$h& *AH 1. '58th 4iel Artillery /nH "1!9 2. '592n 4iel Artillery /nH "11! 3+


Draft Document


"ilitary *olice /ri$a esH a. 22!th "ilitary *olice /ri$a b. 221st "ilitary *olice /ri$a c. 3!!th "ilitary *olice /ri$a . 8!!th "ilitary *olice /ri$a

e 5 6aithersbur$& "DH e 5 1an Jose& 7AH e ;*)W control< 5 9nkster& "9H e L Eempstea & (MH


-n$ineer /ri$a esH ;may ha2e Gust been EKs& assi$ne units may be liste un er battalions below< a. '11th -n$ineer /ri$a e 5 /rooklyn& (MH b. '12th -n$ineer /ri$a e 5 Dicksbur$& "1H c. ' -n$ineer /ri$a e 5 7hica$o& 93H . '2!th -n$ineer /ri$a e 5 /ryan& #JH 9n epen ent 0nitsH a. Artillery /attalionsH 1. +59th 4iel Artillery /nH "11! 2. '51+th 4iel Artillery /nH "11! 3. ,528th 4iel Artillery /nH "11! '. 35'2n 4iel Artillery /nH "1!9 ,. 35+,th 4iel Artillery /nH "1!9 .. 3583r 4iel Artillery /nH "1!9 +. .583r 4iel Artillery /nH 1,,mm #owe 8. 3592n 4iel Artillery /nH "11! b. -n$ineer /attalions& 7ombat Eea2yH 1. 2''th -n$ineer /nH 2. 3!.th -n$ineer /nH 3. 3.,th -n$ineer /nH '. 389th -n$ineer /nH ,. '11th -n$ineer /nH .. '29th -n$ineer /nH +. ''8th -n$ineer /nH 8. '.3r -n$ineer /nH 9. '.9th -n$ineer /nH 1!.8.3r -n$ineer /nH -n$ineer /nH 12.9.1st -n$ineer /nH c. -n$ineer /attalions& 7ombat 7orpsH 1. 2',th -n$ineer /nH 2. 321st -n$ineer /nH 3. 33!th -n$ineer /nH '. 3.+th -n$ineer /nH ,. 391st -n$ineer /nH .. 39+th -n$ineer /nH +. ',8th -n$ineer /nH 8. '.'th -n$ineer /nH 9. '.+th -n$ineer /nH 1!.'+8th -n$ineer /nH 11.'+9th -n$ineer /nH 12.'83r -n$ineer /nH 13.'89th -n$ineer /nH 1'.82!th -n$ineer /nH 1,.8'1st -n$ineer /nH 1..9+2n -n$ineer /nH . -n$ineer 7ompaniesH 1. -n$ineer 7o ;*anel /ri $e< 2. '!9th -n$ineer 7o ;*anel /ri $e< 3. '39th -n$ineer 7o ;4loat /ri $e< '. .,2n -n$ineer 7o ;4loat /ri $e<



A2iation 0nits a. 2''th A2iation 6roup Draft Document


1. 351,8th A2iation /attalion L 6len2iew& 93H a< A 7o L 1elfri $e A(6/& "9H 23 0E51E b< / 7o L Waukesha& W9H 23 0E51E c< 7 7o L 6len2iew& 93H 23 0E51E 2. 7 7o& 25,!2n A2iation L 6len2iew& 93H 2 0E5.! b. 31st 7ombat A2iation 6roup 1. '51,8th A2iation /attalion L 4t. De2ens& "AH a< A 7o L Willow 6ro2e& *AH 19 0E51E 1< Det 1 L Ea$erstown& "DH ' 0E51E b< / 7o L 4t. De2ens& "AH 23 0E51E c< 7 7o 55 4t. -ustis& DAH 1, 0E51E 1< Det 1 L 4t. "ea e& "DH 8 0E51E 2. 7 7o& 851,8th A2iation /attalion ;AD9"< L 6reen 7astle& *AH 2 0E51E 3. ,51,9th A2iation L 4t. "ea e& "DH 1 0E51E a< / 7o L 4t. "ea e& "DH 1. 7E5'+D '. 25228th A2iation /attalion L Willow 6ro2e& *AH a< A 7o L Willow 6ro2e& *AH ' 0521A& 2 /-5.,& , )E5,8& ' 0E51E 1< Det 1 L 4t. "ea e& "DH 2 0521A& 1 0E51E 2< Det 2 L 4t. De2ens& "AH 2 0521A b< / 7oH 1< Det 1 L 7olumbus& )EH 2 0521A& 2 0E51E ;assi$ne to 2''th #A6< 2< Det 2 L Des "oines& 9AH 2 0521A& 2 0E51E ;assi$ne to 2''th #A6< c. Attack Eelicopter 0nits a< 85229th Attack A2iation L 4t. =no8& =MH AE514 battalion acti2ate 9C89 b< 7a2alry L 7onroe& #JH AE51 battalion acti2ate 9C88 . Aero "e ical 0nitsH 1. 8th "e ical /ri$a e a< '23r "e ical Detachment L 1yracuse& (MH . 0E51D b< "e ical Detachment L (ewbur$h& (MH . 0E51D 2. 3!th Eospital 6roup a< "e ical Detachment L -lryia& )EH . 0E51D b< 3,'th "e ical Detachment L 7olumbus& )EH . 0E51D c< 989th "e ical Detachment L Des "oines& 9AH . 0E51D No)e7 #his list of a2iation units is seriously incomplete. 9t comes from a ocument co2erin$ only units north of the "ason5Di8on line an east of the "ississippi ri2er.

O>er#$$ No)e. O" US OOB

No)e 17 01 -Fuipment Eol in$s ;inclu e (ational 6uar an ?eser2e< #his represents a compilation of eFuipment hol in$s from a 2ariety of sources. 9n a ition& it is likely the 01 hel si$nificant Fuantities of ol er material in war reser2e. T#"6.7 23+' "1 Abrams& 89' 9*"1& 21!!Q "1A1 ; eli2eries on$oin$<& ,328 ".!A3& 2.,9 ".!A1& as many as 18!! "'8A, & 133' ",,1 1heri an& .3! "'+s ;store in 9taly L this one surprise e2eryone after it was re2eale in the 74- eclarations.< AIFV.7 '9,, "2C"3 /ra leys ; eli2eries on$oin$ L .!! o "2A2C"3A2 eli2ere in 4M89< M11? F#( $+7 ;per Jane%s 1992< 1.&!!! "113 A*7s& 19,! "1!. 1!+mm 1* mortar& 9,!Q "12, 81mm 1* mortar& '!!! ",'8& ,!!! ",++& 33!! "9!1 1* #)W& 1!!! "9!1 491#5D SP Ar) $$er+7 2&'!! "1!9A2CA3 1,,mm 1* ;likely si$nificant Fuantities in stora$e<& 1!'. "11!A2 2!3mm 1* To/e% Ar) $$er+7 1!!!Q "198 1,,mm towe howitBers ;possibly fewerN<& ,2. "11' 1,,mm towe howitBers& 1,! "119 1!,mm ;0= 3i$ht 6un<& 11!!Q "1!1& "1!2 1!,mm towe MRL7 3+3 "3?1 ; eli2eries on$oin$< S'r,#&e;)o;S'r,#&e M .. $e S+.)e(.7 ., 3ance launchers ;more in stora$eN< A r De,e".e7 '!!Q 95Eawk& R3!! *atriot ; eli2eries on$oin$<& 3!Q A2en$ers ; eli2eries on$oin$<& .!! 7happaral 1*& 31 ?olan ;in stora$e<& some *e estal "ounte 1tin$er ; eli2eries on$oin$<& numerous 1tin$er& ?e eye& 3.! "1.3 2!mm Dulcan 1*& 22! "1.+ 2!mm Dulcan towe & 3!! "'2 Duster twin '!mm 1* ;(6 only& phasin$ out< ATGM7 ++!! Dra$on launchers& +'!! #)W 3aunchers ;not sure what this inclu es< F 2e% W "! A> #) o"7 28 ?0521& 1'8 )D51/C7CD& 3! ?D51D ;plus numerous li$ht transport an utility types< Draft Document 39

Ro)#r+ W "! A> #) o"7 1!'1 AE514C1 7obra& ,3, AE5.'A ; eli2eries on$oin$<& 18'! )E5,8AC7& +' )E5,8D ; eli2eries on$oin$<& 3'!Q )E5.A& 9,!Q 0E5.! ; eli2eries on$oin$<& 32!!Q 0E51/CE ;likely more in stora$e<& 212 7E5'+/C7& 2'! 7E5'+D ; eli2eries on$oin$<& +1 7E5,' #arhe hea2y lift ;(6 only<& 2! -E51E Kuick 4i8 9& 2!Q -E5 .!A Kuick 4i8 99 ; eli2eries on$oin$< S0e& #$ O0er#) o". A> #) o"7 ;as of en 4M88<H 2 0E5.!A& ', "E5.!& 3' "E5.& 2! AE5.& 23 0E51& 1. "E5'+ ;DN< ;on or er& bein$ eli2ere N& ,1 "E5'+-& 23 "E5.!=< O)her ED' 0(e")7 2.2, "88 reco2ery 2ehicles& 1&1!! AD3/ No)e 87 Se$e&) US TO4E. Ar(ore% C#>#$r+ Re! (e") 3 7a2alry 1Fua rons& eachH EKH 2 "3& 3 AD3/ 3 7a2alry #roops& eachH 12 "3& 9 "1& 2 "113& 2 "1!.& 1 "88 1 #ank 7ompanyH 1' "1 1 Artillery /atteryH 8 "1!9 A2iation 1Fua ronH EKH 3 -E& 3 0E& 1 )E 3 Air 7a2alry troops& eachH . )E& ' AE 2 Attack Eelicopter #roops& eachH ' )E& + AE 1 Assault Eelicopter #roopH 1, 0E ?e$imental -n$ineer 7ompanyH 3 *latoons& eachH ' "113& 3 -n$ineer 1Fua s& 2 "9 A7-& li$ht 2ehicles 1 Assault an /arrier *latoonH 3 AD3/& 3 7-D& 2 mine ispensers 1 -Fuipment 1ectionH Darious hea2y construction5type 2ehicles ?e$eimental Air Defense *latoonH ' 1ection& eachH , E""WD Q 1tin$er #ean ;1 or moreN launchers< 9ntelli$ence 7ompanyH Amon$ its other assets& 3 "113 an 3 $roun 5sur2eillance ra ar units No)e7 #his is from a 1993 ocument ;4" 1+51!59,& +19 pa$e *D4<& but 9 belie2e there were no si$inificant chan$es L this appears to be the Di2 8. or$. #here may ha2e been an a itional "3 in each 7a2alry #roop& an there may ha2e been 2 "3 at the re$imental hF le2el. 9n a ition& the or$aniBation of the air efense unit appears to ha2e been in flu8 L it may ha2e ha "1.3s an 1tin$ers. Artillery battalion seems to ha2e been broken up as stan ar practice. 0E coul be 0E51& 0E5.!O AE coul be AE51& AE5.'O -E coul be -E51& -E5.!. D > . o"#$ C#>#$r+ SD'#%ro" 31;Ser e. TO4E #6# D > 8=5 EKH 3 "3& 1 0E5.! 2 7a2alry #roops& eachH 19 "3 ;3 platoons of . Q 1 at EK<& 3 "12, 1* 81mm "ortars 2 Air 7a2alry #roops& eachH . )E5,8& ' AE51 or AE5.' N#) o"#$ G'#r% I",#")r+ B#))#$ o" 3H;Ser e. TO4E5 3 9nfantry 7os& eachH 3 9nfantry platoons& . Dra$on A#6"& 2 81mm "ortar 1 7ombat 1upport 7oH ' recon Jeeps wC61?& ' 1!+mm "ortar& , ?e eye or 1tin$er& 8 Jeep wC#)W N#) o"#$ G'#r% Me&h B#))#$ o" 3H;Ser e. TO4E5 EK 7oH 3 "113& ",++ 3 9nfantry 7os& eachH 3 9nfantry platoons& 1, "113& 2 1* A#6"& 3 "12, 81mm 1* total 1 7ombat 1upport 7oH EK ;2 "113<& 7a2 *latoon ;' "113 A7AD& 3 1* A#6"<& AA *latoon ;, ?e eye or 1tin$er<& "ortar *latoon ;' "1!. 1!+mm 1*<& A# *latoon ;1 ",++& 1! 1* A#6"<& ?a ar 1ection ;' recon 2ehicles wC61?< L !h) A))#&6 B#))#$ o" 39)h ID5 EK 7oH 3 3i$ht Attack 7os& eachH ;9 E""WD wC#)WN<& some E""WD wCA63 7ombat 1upport 7oH . 1!+mm mortars& 1cout platoon& A# platoon ;' #)WN< #otal WeaponsH 31 E""WD wC#)W& 91 "k 19 A63& . 1!+mm "ortars Co(- "e% Ar(. B#))#$ o" E He#>+ 39)h ID5 EK 7oH 2 #)W A# 7os& eachH 2! E""WD wC#)W& some E""WD wCA63 Draft Document '!

"otoriBe 9nf 7oH 9 9nf 1Fua s& 1, Dra$on& mounte in E""WD& many wCA63 7ombat 1upport 7oH . 1!+mm mortars& 1cout platoon& A# platoon ;' #)WN< #otal WeaponsH '' E""WDC#)W& 1, Dra$on& .+ "k 19 A63& . 1!+mm "ortars Co(- "e% Ar(. B#))#$ o" E L !h) 39)h ID5 EK 7oH #)W A# 7oH 2! E""WD wC#)W& some E""WD wCA63 2 "otoriBe 9nf 7os& eachH 9 9nf 1Fua s& 1, Dra$on& mounte in E""WD& many wCA63 7ombat 1upport 7oH . 1!+mm mortars& 1cout platoon& A# platoon ;' #)WN< #otal WeaponsH 2' E""WDC#)W& 3! Dra$on& +, "k 19 A63& . 1!+mm "ortars N#) o"#$ G'#r% Me&h I", B#))#$ o" L Army of -8cellence #)>EK 7oH 3 ",++& 3 "113A1& ' 2arious "1135base ambulances& 2 ",+8 A?D 3 "ech 9nf 7ompanies& eachH 1. "113A1& 2 "1,! #)W& 3 "12,A1 1* 81mm "ortars& 9 1Fua s& 9 Dra$on A#6"& 1 ",+8 A?D 7ombat 1upport 7ompanyH A# *latoon wC12 "1,!& AA6W 1ection wC. Jeeps an , 1A" teams& "ortar *latoon wC1 ",++& ' "1!. 1* '.2A "ortars& 1cout *latoon wC' "113& 3 "1,!& . 1cout #eams& EK 1ection wC1 "113A1 (oteH )r$aniBation is from early 198!s L"1,!s likely replace by "9!1s by 1989. N#) o"#$ G'#r% T#"6 B#))#$ o" L Army of -8ecellence #)>EK 7oH 3 tanks& , ",++& ' "113A1& 2 "88 A?D& 1 ",+8 A?D 3 #ank 7ompanies& eachH 1+ tanks& 1 "113A1 ;maintenance< & 1 "88 A?D 7ombat 1upport 7ompanyH /ri $in$ 1ection wC2 AD3/& AA6W 1ection wC. Jeeps an , 1A" teams& "ortar *latoon wC1 ",++& ' "1!. 1* '.2A "ortars& 1cout *latoon wC' "113& 3 "9!1 9#D& . 1cout& EK 1ection wC2 "113A1& 1 ",+8 A?D (oteH #hese official #)>-s from 19+9 $i2e each tank company a Geep with a crew an an "2!2 Fua flame weapon& while the /n EK 7o has two more in its maintenance section Ar(ore% C#>#$r+ SD'#%ro"* O$% S)+$e L Army of -8cellence #)>-& this is an earlier 2ersion& was still in ser2ice with many units of both the ?e$ular Army an (ational 6uar . ?e$ular army units may ha2e ha 2 $roun troops& 2 air troops ;with ' AE& . )E in each< EK 7oH 3 "113A1& , ",++A1& /ri $in$ 1ection wC2 AD3/& AA6W 1ection wC. Jeeps an , 1A" teams& ' 2arious "1135base ambulances& 2 ",+8 A?D 3 Armore 7a2alry #roops& eachH EK section wC2 "113A1& 1 ",++& 1 ",+8 A?D& 3 Armore 7a2alry *latoons with 3 tanks& . "113A1& 1 "12, 1* 81mm& ' 1cout #eams& 1 ?ifle 1Fua each 1 Air 7a2alry #roopH 9 AE& 1! )E& + 0E51 ;se2eral in maintenance an supply roles< (oteH #hese official #)>-s from 19+9 $i2e each armore ca2 sFua ron 3 "2!2. Ar(ore% C#>#$r+ Troo0* Se0#r#)e Br !#%e* O$% S)+$e L Army of -8cellence #)>-O probably representati2e of those with (ational 6uar separate hea2y bri$a es EKH 2 "113& 1 ",++& 1 "88 A?D "ortar 1ectionH 3 "1!. 1* '.2A "ortars 3 Armore 7a2alry *latoons& eachH , "113& ' 1cout #eams& 2 Dra$on A#6"s& 2 +..2mm ""6& ' tanks (oteH 4rom official 19+9 #)>- here. No)e ?7 -n$ineer 0nits. -n$ineer /attalions came in four basic typesH 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion ;Di2isional<H #hose assi$ne to i2isions. 7onfi$ure to irectly support the i2ision. 9n a ition to other eFuipment& ha ' sets of Aluminum float bri $es an 2' units of "obile Assault /ri $es. 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion ;7orps<H 1imilar to those in i2ision& but lar$er. "ay reinforce i2isions as nee e . 9n a ition to other eFuipment& has 2' units of "obile Assault /ri $es. -n$ineer /attalion ;7ombat Eea2y<H -Fuippe to han le hea2y construction an earthmo2in$ tasks. 0se to construct an maintain infrastructure& but capable of han lin$ entrenchment an obstacle construction. )r$aniBe with a EK an 1upport 7o& plus three -n$ineer 7ompanies. Eea2y eFuipment inclu es ump trucks& flat be trucks& roa buil in$ 2ehicles& cement mi8ers& cranes& an relate construction eFuipment. #opo$raphic -n$ineer /attalionH ?elati2ely rare L pro2i es topo$raphic an terrain analysis in a theater. )ther -n$ineer (otesH Draft Document '1

1eparate /ri $in$ 7ompaniesH 3! interior bays an 12 ramps of ribbon bri $in$ ;enou$h for a sin$le 212m bri $e or si8 rafts<O 1 set of Aluminum infantry float bri $e ;1'' units<O , sets of aluminum floatin$ hi$hway bri $e. "+28 7-D L ".!5base combat en$ineerin$ 2ehicle with 1.,mm emolition $un. 8 in each hea2y i2ision en$ineerin$ battalion& 3 in infantry i2ision en$ineer battalion& 2 in separate en$ineerin$ companies in bri$a es. AD3/ L Army ha a total of 11!! AD3/ of all types by en of 4M1989O accor in$ to Jane%s lo$istics& most were to "'8A,C".!A1 stan ar . Double as en$ineerin$ 2ehicle ;has plow< sans bri $e in Desert 1torm. D > . o"#$ E"! "eer B#))#$ o"* O$% S)+$e L Army of -8cellence #)>-& may ha2e still been in wi esprea use EKH 3 ",++& 2 "88 A?D& 2arious hea2y construction 2ehicles 3 7ombat -n$ineer 7ompanies& eachH 1! "113& 9 -n$ineer 1Fua s& 2 "+28 7-D& 2arious items of construction eFuipment /ri $in$ 7ompanyH ' AD3/& ' hea2y bri $es& assorte boats an ferry sets No)e 4H *atriot /attalionsH #he '8 launchers liste represents the i eal. 9nitially& battalions were to be or$aniBe with 3 batteries of 8 Fua launchers each& e8pan in$ to si8 batteries as firin$ units became a2ailable.

Draft Document


US Ar(+ T#-$e o, Or!#" A#) o" #"% ED' 0(e") 3TO4E5

;#ypical or$aniBation& but may 2ary< No)e 17 #he term 3i$ht 9nfantry in this #)>- inclu es Airborne& Air Assault& 9nfantry& an 3i$ht 9nfantry No)e 87 #he term J) is the unit eFecuti2e Officer an secon in comman 1. 1Fua H a. "ech 9nfantryH 9 9nfantry 5 1 "2 or "113 94D& 3 crew& . ismounts& , "1.& 2 "2!3& 2 "2'9& 1 "'+ b. 3i$ht 9nfantryH 11 9nfantry 5 + "1.& 2 "2!3& 2 "2'9 ;1AW<& 2 "'+ ;Dra$on< c. Weapons 1Fua H + 9nfantry 5 2 ".! "6& , "1. . "ech ?econH 12 9nfantry 5 2 "3 74D& . crew& . ismounts& 8 "1.& 2 "2!3& 2 "2'9& 2 "'+ e. 3i$ht ?econH . 9nfantry 5 2 E""WD& 2 .,! cal "6& ' "1.& 2 "2!3& 2 "'+ 2. *latoonH a. "ech 9nfantryH EK 1ectionH 1 "2 or "113& *latoon lea er& *latoon 1er$eant& an 3 "ech 9nfantry 1Fua s 1 Weapons 1Fua ;carrie by EK "2C"113< EK 1ectionH *latoon 3ea er& *latoon ser$eant& an ri2er ' #anks ;*latoon 3ea er is one of the #ank 7omman ers< EK 1ectionH *latoon lea er an *latoon 1er$eant 3 3i$ht 9nfantry 1Fua s 1 Weapons 1Fua EK 1ectionH 1 E""WD& *latoon 3ea er& *latoon ser$eant& an ri2er 3 "ech ?econ 1Fua s ;*latoon lea er usually accompanies one of the sFua s< EK 1ectionH 1 E""WD& *latoon 3ea er& *latoon ser$eant& an 3 3i$ht ?econ 1Fua s ri2er ri2er

b. #ankH c. 3i$ht 9nfantryH

. "ech ?econH e. 3i$ht ?econH 3.

7ompanyH #he 7a2alry eFui2alent is the #roop a. "ech 9nfantryH b. #ankH c. 3i$ht 9nfantryH EK 1ectionH 1 "2 &1 "113 or 2 "113& an 1 "88& 7ompany 7omman er& J)& 116& Q crews 3 "ech 9nfantry *latoons EK 1ectionH 2 #anks &1 "113& 1 AD3/& an 1 "88& 7ompany 7omman er& J)& 116& Q crews 3 #ank *latoons EK 1ectionH 2 E""WD& 7ompany 7omman er& J)& 4irst 1er$eant& 2 ri2erCclerks 3 3i$ht 9nfantry *latoons 2 .!mm "ortars Q crews EK 1ectionH 7ompany 7omman er& J)& 4irst 1er$eant& 2 ?#)Cclerks 3 3i$ht 9nfantry *latoons 2 .!mm "ortars Q crews EK 1ectionH 1 #ank& 1 "3 74D& an 1 "88& #roop 7omman er& J)& 4irst 1er$eant& Q crews 3 "ech ?econ *latoons 2 "1!. '.2 inch mortars Q crews EK 1ectionH 3 E""WD& #roop 7omman er& J)& 4irst 1er$eant& Q crews 3 3i$ht ?econ *latoons

. ?an$erH

e. 7a2alry #roopH ;Eea2y Di2< f. 7a2alry #roopH ;3i$ht Di2<

$. 7a2alry #roopH EK 1ectionH 1 "1A1& 1 "3 74D& an 1 "88& #roop 7omman er& J)& 4irst 1er$eant& Q crews Draft Document '3


2 "ech ?econ *latoons 2 #ank *latoons 5 ' "1A1 each 2 "1!. '.2 inch mortars Q crews


/attalionH #he 7a2alry eFui2alent is the 1Fua ron a. "ech 9nfantryH EK 1ectionH 2 "2 or "113 an 1 E""WD& /attalion 7omman er& J)& 71"& Q crews EK 7ompanyH 2 "113& 3 ",++& 8 "e ic "113& 3 "88& 2 AD3/& Q crews ' "ech 9nfantry 7ompanies 1 Anti5#ank 7ompanyH 12 "9!1 1 "ech ?econ *latoon 1 "ortar *latoonH . "1!. EK 1ectionH 2 #anks an 1 E""WD& /attalion 7omman er& J)& 71"& Q crews EK 7ompanyH 2 "113& 3 ",++& 8 "e ic "113& 3 "88& 2 AD3/& Q crews ' #ank 7ompanies 1 "ech ?econ *latoon 1 "ortar *latoonH . "1!. EK 1ectionH 3 E""WD& /attalion 7omman er& J)& 71"& Q ri2ers EK 7ompanyH 8 E""WD& . "e ic E""WD Q crews 3 3i$ht 9nfantry 7ompanies 1 Anti5#ank 7ompanyH 12 E""WD with #)W 1 3i$ht ?econ *latoon 1 "ortar *latoonH ' 81mm mortars& , E""WD& Q crews EK 1ectionH 1 E""WD& /attalion 7omman er& J)& 71"& Q ri2er EK 7ompanyH 3 ?an$er 7ompaniesH 1 ?an$er ?econ *latoonH all ismounts 1 "ortar *latoonH ' 81mm mortars& , E""WD& Q crews 1st & 3r & 2'th 9nfantry& 1st 7a2alry& 2n & an 3r Armore Di2isions EK 1ectionH 2 "3 an 1 E""WD& 1Fua ron 7omman er& J)& 71"& Q crews EK #roopH 2 "113& 3 ",++& . "e ic "113& 3 "88& 1 0E.!A Q crews 2 Eea2y Di2ision 7a2alry #roops 2 Air #roopsH . )E,87& ' AE14 each f. 7a2alry 1F nH 'th &,th &8th 9nfantry Di2isions an 1st Armore Di2ision EK 1ectionH 1 ".!A3& 1 "113& an 1 E""WD& 1Fua ron 7omman er& J)& 71"& Q crews EK #roopH 2 "113& 3 ",++& . "e ic "113& 3 "88& 1 0E1E Q crews 2 7a2alry #roopsH 9 ".!A3& 13 "113& 12 "'+ Dra$on each 2 Air #roopsH . )E,87& ' AE14 each $. 7a2alry 1F nH .th &+th &1!th &an 2,th 3i$ht Di2isions EK 1ectionH 3 E""WD& 1Fua ron 7omman er& J)& 71"& Q crews EK #roopH 8 E""WD& . "e ic E""WD& 1 0E.!A Q crews 2 3i$ht Di2ision 7a2alry #roops 2 Air #roopsH . )E,87& ' AE14 each 1 Anti5#ank *latoonH . E""WD with #)W h. 7a2alry 1F nH 2n 9nfantry Di2ision EK 1ectionH 1 ".!A3& 1 "113& an 1 E""WD& 1Fua ron 7omman er& J)& 71"& Q crews EK #roopH 2 "113& 3 ",++& . "e ic "113& 3 "88& 1 0E.!A Q crews 2 7a2alry #roopsH 9 ".!A3& 13 "113& 12 "'+ Dra$on each 3 Air #roopsH . )E,87& ' AE14 each ''

b. #ankH

c. 3i$ht 9nfantryH

. ?an$erH

e. 7a2alry 1F nH

Draft Document

1 3on$ ?an$e ?econ #roopH '! 9nfantry i. 7a2alry 1F nH 9th "otoriBe Di2ision EK 1ectionH 3 E""WD& 1Fua ron 7omman er& J)& 71"& Q crews EK #roopH 8 E""WD& . "e ic E""WD& 1 0E.!A Q crews 2 Air #roopsH . )E,87& ' AE14 each 1 Anti5#ank #roopH '2 E""WD with #)W G. 7a2alry 1F nH 82n Airborne Di2ision EK 1ectionH 3 E""WD& 1Fua ron 7omman er& J)& 71"& Q crews EK #roopH 8 E""WD& . "e ic E""WD& 1 0E.!A Q crews 3 Air #roopsH . )E,87& ' AE14 each 1 3i$ht Di2ision #roop k. 7a2alry 1F nH 1!1st Airborne Di2ision ;Air Assault< EK 1ectionH 3 E""WD& 1Fua ron 7omman er& J)& 71"& Q crews EK #roopH 8 E""WD& . "e ic E""WD& 8 0E.!A Q crews ' Air #roopsH . )E,87& ' AE14 each l. Armor 7a2alryH 1st & 2n & 3r Armore 7a2alry ?e$iments ;?e$imental< EK 1ectionH 1 "1A1& 1 "3 an 1 E""WD& 1Fua ron 7omman er& J)& 71"& Q crews EK #roopH 2 "113& 3 ",++& 8 "e ic "113& 3 "88& 2 AD3/ Q crews 3 ?e$imental 7a2alry #roops 1 #ank #roopH 1' "1A1 5 9 entical to a #ank 7ompany 1 Artillery #roopH 8 "1!9A3 m. Air 7a2alryH ;?e$imental< 1st & 2n & 3r Armore 7a2alry ?e$iments EK 1ectionH 3 E""WD& 1Fua ron 7omman er& J)& 71"& Q crews EK #roopH 8 E""WD& . "e ic E""WD& 1 )E,87& 3 -E.!& 18 0E.!A Q crews 3 Air 7a2alry #roopsH . )E,87& ' AE14 each 2 Attack #roopsH . AE14 or AE.'A an ' )E,8A each

Draft Document



01A4 ata came from a wi e 2ariety of sources. *hil /oshier%s 1989 01A4 ))/ was a $oo start& but has been hea2ily e ite usin$ each unit%s official history. #his site is an e8cellent re2iew of 451. eFuippe units that ha2e been eacti2ate . #his site has a $oo roun up of 45' Wil Weasel units. *lease note that units in blue are ones whose e8istence or status was not consistent throu$hout all sources. 9n a ition& 9 owe an in2aluable ebt to #ank(et%s 7hico who mine a 2ariety of official sites to confim ;or pro2i e corrections to< this list. 9n a ition& he pro2i e the maGority of the non5combat unit listin$s. 9 also went throu$h the 01A4 station list for "arch 1989 ;a full accountin$ of all units< to re5or$aniBe an 2erify the structure of the 01A4. 1. 01 1st Air 4orce EK 5 3an$ley& DAH ?esponsible for the efense of 01 airspace. a. '8th 491 5 3an$ley A4/& DAH 18 451,7 b. ,+th 491 5 =efla2ik& 9celan H 18 451,7 c. 318th 491 5 "c7hor A4/& WAH 18 451,7 ; eact late 89< 2. 01 9th Air 4orce EK 5 1haw A4/& 17H ?esponsible to pro2i e imme iate #A7 reinforcement to -urope a. 1st #actical 4i$hter Win$ ;#4W< 5 3an$ley& DAH 1. 2+th #actical 4i$hter 1Fua ron ;#41<H 2' 451,7 2. +1st #41H 2' 451,7 3. 9'th #41H 2' 451,7 '. .th A771H -7513,,. ''1st Eelicopter 4li$htH 0E51 b. 'th #4W 5 1eymour Johnson A4/& (7H 1. 33'th #41H 2' 45'2. 33,th #41H 2' 45'3. #41H 2' 451,- ;9)7 )ctober 89< c. 23r #4W 5 -n$lan A4/& 3AH 1. +'th #41H 18 A51! 2. +,th #41H 18 A51! 3. #41H 18 A51! . 31st #4W 5 Eomestea A4/& 43H 1. 3!.th #41H 2' 451.A /lock 1, 1. 3!+th #41H 2' 451.A /lock 1, 2. 3!8th #41H 2' 451.A /lock 1, 3. 3!9th #41H 2' 451.A /lock 1, e. 33r #4W 5 -$lin A4/& 43H 1. ,8th #41H 2' 451,7 2. ,9th #41H 2' 451,7 3. .!th #41H 2' 451,7 f. 3'+th #4W 5 "oo y A4/& 6AH 1. .8th #41H 2' 451.7 2. .9th #41H 2' 451.7 3. +!th #41H 2' 451.7 $. 3,'th #4W 5 "yrtle /each A4/& 17H 1. 3,3r #41H 18 A51! 2. 3,,th #41H 18 A51! 3. 3,.th #41H 18 A51! h. 3.3r #4W 5 1haw A4/& 17H 1. 1+th #41H 2' 451.A 2. 19th #41H 2' 451.A 3. 3!th #41H 2' 451.A '. #actical ?econnaissnce 1Fua ronH ;#?1< 18 ?45'7 ;con2ertin$ to 451.7<

Draft Document


No)e7 #he 33r #4W was the test win$ for the A9"512!& bein$ issue the limite 5pro uction A9"512!A in late 1988Cearly 1989 for trainin$ an e2aluation. 3. 01 12th Air 4orce EK 5 /er$strom A4/& #JH ?esponsible to pro2i e follow on #A7 reinforcement to -urope

a. 2'th 7omposite Win$ L Eowar A4/& *anamaH 1. 2'th #actical Air 1upport 1Fua ronH A53+ ;ha 2arious A5+& A51!& 7513! units attache from 7)(01< b. 2+th #4W 5 7annon A4/& ("H 1. ,22n #41H 2' 45111D 2. ,23r #41H 2' 45111D 3. ,2'th #41H 2' 45111D c. 3,th #4W L 6eor$e A4/& 7AH 1. 2!th #4#1H 2' 45'- ;responsible for trainin$ 3uftwaffe pilots< 2. 21st #41H 2' 45'. 3+th #4W 5 6eor$e A4/& 7AH 1. ,.1st #41H 2' 45'6 Wil Weasel 2. ,.2n #4#1H 2' 45'6 Wil Weasel 3. ,.3r #41H 2' 45'6 Wil Weasel e. '9th #4W 5 Eolloman A4/& ("H 1. +th #41H 2' 451,A 2. 8th #41H 2' 451,A 3. 9th #41H 2' 451,A f. .+th #?W 5 /er$strom A4/& #JH 1. 12th #?1H 18 ?45'7 2. .2n #?1H 18 ?45'7 3. 91st #?1H 18 ?45'7 '. ',th #?#1H ?45'7 $. #4W 5 "ountain Eome A4/& 9DH 1. 388th -71H 2' -45111A 2. 389th #4#1H 2' 45111 3. 391st #41H 2' 45111 h. 388th #4W 5 Eill A4/& 0#H 1. 'th #41H 2' 451.A ;to 451.7 block '! ,C89< 2. '21st #41H 2' 451.A ;to 451.7 block '! ,C89< 3. 3'th #41H 2' 451.A ;to 451.7 block '! ,C89< i. '+'th #4W 5 (ellis A4/& (DH ; eacti2ate late 1989< 1. '28th #41H 2' 451.7 2. '29h #41H 2' 451.7 3. '3!th #41H 2' 451.A G. '',!th #actical 6roup L #onopah #est ?an$e& (D 1. '',!th #1H 18 4511+ 2. '',2n #1H 18 4511+ 3. '',3r #-1H 11 4511+ '. '',1st #1H 2! A+DC= 7orsair k. .!2n #actical Air 7ontrol Win$ L Da2is5"onthan A4/& APH 1. 22n #A7#1H 12 )D51!A 2. 23r #A11H 12 )D51!A 3. 2+th #A11 L 6eor$e A4/& 7AH l. ,.th #actical #rainin$ Win$ L 3uke A4/& APH 1. 31!th #4#1H 451.7 2. 311th #4#1H 451.A 3. 312th #4#1H 451.7 '. 31'th #4#1H 451.7 m. 3,,th #actical #rainin$ Win$ L Da2is5"onthan A4/& APH ;A51!& )52& )D51!& )A53+< 1. 333r #4#1H 2. 3,+th #4#1H 3. 3,8th #4#1H n. '!,th #actical #rainin$ Win$ L 3uke A4/& APH 1. '.1st #4#1H 451,7 Draft Document '+

2. ,!,th #4#1H 451,7 3. ,,,th #4#1H 451,o. '+9th #actical #rainin$ Win$ L Eolloman A4/& ("H 1. '33r #4#1H A#538 2. '3,th #4#1H #538 3. ' #4#1H #538 p. 8.8th #actical "issile #rainin$ 6roup L Da2is5"onthan A4/& APH No)e 1H 7ertain units were re5ba $e in )ct5(o2 1989& with 4511+s $oin$ to 3+th #4W as '1,th& ' '1+th #41. No)e 87 '+'th #41 eacti2ate & late 89O sFua ron fate unkown.


1. 9n epen ent "aGor #rainin$ 0nits a. ,+th 4i$hter Weapons Win$ L (ellis A4/ 1. .'th A$$ressor 1Fua ronH 451. ;from 45,-& 'C88< 2. .,th A$$ressor 1Fua ronH 45,- ; eact 'C89< 3. '22n #-1H 451,7C'. '33r 4W1H 451,7 b. 32,th #actical #rainin$ Win$ ;01A4 Air Defense 7enter< L #yn all A4/& 43H 1. 1st #4#1H 451, 2. 2n #4#1H 451, 3. 9,th #4#1H 451, 28th Air Di2ision ;reports irectly to #A7< a. +th A771 L =eesler A4/& "1H -7513! b. '1st -71 L Da2is "onthan A4/& APH 1! -7513!E c. ,,2n Airborne Warnin$ an 7ontrol Win$ L #inker A4/& )3 1. 9.3r AW71H -53 2. 9.'th AW71H -53 3. 9.,th AW71H -53 '. AW71H -53



)ther 0nits )f 9nterest L 1ubor ination 0nknown a. #?1 L 1haw A4/& 17H 18 ?45'7 b. 2+th #A11 L 6eor$e A4/& 7AH 12 )D51!A c. ''++th #est an -2aluation 1Fua ron L @7)(1#A(# *-6A eFuippe with 1o2iet5ma e aircraft flyin$ in the a$$ressor role. "ay ha2e cease operations in late 1988.


1. 01 3r Air 4orce EK 5 "il enhall& 0nite =in$ omH a. 1!th #4W 5 Alconbury& 0=H 1. ,!9th #41H 2' A51! 2. ,11th #41H 2' A51! b. 2!th #4W 5 0pper Eeyfor & 0=H 1. ,,th #41H 2' 451112. ++th #41H 2' 451113. +9th #41H 2' 45111c. '8th #4W @3ibertyA 5 3akenheath& 0=H 1. '92n #41H 2' 451114 2. '93r #41H 2' 451114 3. '9'th #41H 2' 451114 '. '9,th #41H 2' 451114 ;trainin$ unit for win$< . 81st #4W 5 /entwaters& 0=H Draft Document '8

e. f. f. $.

1. +8th #41H 2' A51! 2. 91st #41H 2' A51! 3. 92n #41H 2' A51! '. ,11th #41H 2' A51! ,2+th #4#1 L /entwaters& 0=H 1. 45,- ;a$$ressor trainin$< ,13th Airborne 7omman > 7ontrol Win$ L "il enhall& 0= 1. 1!th A771H -7CW7513, ,!1st #actical "issile Win$ ;#"W< 5 ?A4 6reenham 7ommon& 0=H 9. /6"51!96 637" ,!3r #actical "issile Win$ ;#"W< 5 ?A4 "olesworth& 0=H .' /6"51!96 637" ;with rawn in 1989<

No)e 17 ,2+th con2erte to 451.7 /lock 32 startin$ Jan 89O may ha2e been assi$ne to 81st #4W No)e 87 2!th #4W ha +! 45111-s& so units not likely at full stren$th liste abo2e. 2. 01 1+th Air 4orce EK 5 1embach& 4?6H a. #4W 5 /itbur$ A4/& 4?6H 1. 22n #41H 2' 451,7 2. ,3r #41H 2' 451,7 3. ,3,th #41H 2' 451,7 b. ,!th #4W 5 Eahn A4/& 4?6H 1. 1!th #41H 2' 451.7 /lock 2, 2. 313th #41H 2' 451.7 /lock 2, 3. ' #41H 2' 451.7 /lock 2, c. ,2n #4W 5 1pan$ ahlem A4/& 4?6H 1. 23r #41H 2' 451.7 2. 81st #41H 2' 45'6 Wil Weasel 3. '8!th #41H 2' 451.7 '. '81st #41H 2' 451.7 . #4W 5 ?amstein A4/& 4?6H 1. ,12th #41H 2' 451.7 /lock 3! 2. , #41H 2' 451.7 /lock 3! e. 32n #41 5 1oesterber$ A4/& Eollan H 2' 451,7 f. #actical ?econnaissance Win$ ;#?W< 5 Pweibrucken& 4?6H 1. 38th #?1H 2! ?45'7 $. -lectronic 7ountermeasures Win$ ;-7W< 5 0pper Eeyfor & 0=H 1. '2n -71H 18 -45111A 2. '3r -71H -7513!E h. 38th #actical "issile Win$ 5 Wuescheim A4/& (3H 9. /6"51!96 637" i. '8,th #actical "issile Win$ 5 4lorennes A4/& /-H '8 /6"51!96 637" G. ' #actical "issile Win$ L Woens recht A/& (3H '8 /6"51!96 637" 3. 01 Air 4orce EK 5 #orreGon& 1painH a. '!1st #4W 5 #orreGon& 1painH 1. .12th #41H 2' 451.7 /lock 3! 2. .13th #41H 2' 451.7 /lock 3! 3. .1'th #41H 2' 451.7 /lock 3! b. '8+th #"W 5 7omiso A4/& 9talyH 112 /6"51!96 637"


1. 01 ,th Air 4orce EK 5 a. 18th #4W L =a ena ;)kinawa<& JapanH 1. 12th #41H 2' 451,7 2. ''th #41H 2' 451,7 3. .+th #41H 2' 451,7 '. 1,th #?1H 18 ?45'7 ;to =orea 1!C89< Draft Document '9

b. '32n #4W L "isawa& JapanH 1. 13th #41H 2' 451.A 2. 1'th #41H 2' 451.A c. 9.1st AW71 L =a ena& GapanH ' -53A 1entry 2. 01 +th Air 4orce EK 5 a. 8th #4W L =unsan& ?epublic of =oreaH 1. 3,th #41H 2' 451.A 2. 8!th #41H 2' 451.A b. ,1st #4WH 1. 2,th #41 L 1uwon& ?)=H 18 A51! 2. #41 L )san& ?)=H 2' 451.7 3. '9+th #41 L #ae$u& ?)=H 2' 45'- ; eacti2ate 1C89< c. ,th #actical Air 7ontrol 6roup L )san& ?)=H 1. 19th #actical Air 1upport 1Fua ronH 12 )D51!A No)e7 mo2e to 1uwon in 8C89& re5eFuippe with )A51!A 3. 01 13th Air 4orce EK L 7lark A4/& *hilippinesH a. 3r 1. 2. 3. #4W L 7lark A4/& *hilippinesH 3r #41H 2' 45'9!th #41H 2' 45'-C6 A$$ressor 1Fua ronH 2' 45,-


a. 3'3r 7ombine Win$ L -ielson A4/& A=H 1. 18th #41H 18 A51! 2. 2,th #A11H )D51!A 3. 11th #A11H )A51!A b. 21st #actical 4i$hter Win$ L -lmen orf A4/& A=H '3r #41H 18 451,A ,'th #41H 18 451,A c. 9.2n AW71H 2 -53A 1entry . 1,th Air /ase Win$ L Eickam A4/& E9H 1. 9th A771H -7513,- A/7*


1. 01 8th Air 4orce 5 /arks ale A4/& 3AH ?esponsible to pro2i e ?econ& /ombin$& an ?e54uelin$ support to -urope a. 2n /omb Win$ 5 /arks ale A4/& 3AH 1. .2n /omber 1Fua ronH 1. /5,26 2. , /1H 1. /5,26 b. +th /omb Win$ 5 7arswell A4/& #JH 1. 9th /1H 1. /5,2E 2. 2!th /1H 1. /5,2E c. '2n /omb Win$ 5 3orin$ A4/& "-H 1. .9th /1H 1. /5,26 . 9+th /omb Win$ 5 -aker A4/& A?H 1. 32,th /1H 1. /5,26 e. 319th /omb Win$ 5 6ran 4orks A4/& (DH 1. '.th /1H 1+ /51/ f. 3+9th /omb Win$ 5 Wurtsmith A4/& "9H 1. ,2'th /1H 1. /5,26 $. 38!th /omb Win$ 5 *lattsbur$h A4/& (MH 1. ,28th /1H 12 4/5111A 2. ,29th /1H 12 4/5111A 3. '!!+th 77#1H 12 4/5111A Draft Document ,!

h. 38'th /omb Win$ 5 "c7onnel A4/& =1H 1. 13th /1H 1+ /51/ i. '1!th /omb Win$ 5 1awyer A4/& "9H 1. .''th /1H 1. /5,2E G. ' /omb Win$ 5 6riffiss A4/& (MH 1. ..8th /1H 1. /5,26 k. ,!9th /omb Win$ 5 *ease A4/& (EH 1. 393r /1H 12 4/5111A 2. +1,th /1H 12 4/5111A l. 1+th 1trate$ic ?econnaissance Win$ ;1?W< 5 Alconbury& 0=H . 1?5+1& 1' #?51 2. 01 1,th Air 4orce 5 "arch A4/& 7AH ?esponsible to pro2i e ?econ& /ombin$& an ?e54uelin$ support as nee e a. ,th /omb Win$ 5 "inot A4/& (DH 1. 23r /1H 1. /5,2E b. 28th /omb Win$ 5 -llsworth A4/& 1DH 1. 3+th /1H 1+ /51/ 2. ++th /1H 1+ /51/ 3. 'th A771H -7513, A77* c. '3r /omb Win$ 5 An erson A4/& 6uamH 1. .!th /1H 1. /5,2E ;Earpoon eFuippe < . 92n /omb Win$ 5 4airchil A4/& WAH 1. 32,th /1H 1. /5,26 e. 93r /omb Win$ 5 7astle A4/& 7AH 1. 328th /1H 1. /5,26 2. '!1+th 77#1H N /5,26C#538 f. /omb Win$ 5 Dyess A4/& #JH 1. 33+th /1H 1+ /51/ 2. 338th 1/#1H 1! /51/ $. 32!th /omb Win$ 5 "ather A4/& 7AH 1. ''1st /1H 1. /5,26 h. .th 1trate$ic ?econnaissance Win$ ;1?W< 5 -ielson A4/& A=H ?7513, i. 9th 1trate$ic ?econnaissance Win$ ;1?W< 5 /eale A4/& 7AH 1. 1st 1trate$ic ?econnaissance 1Fua ron ;1?1<H . 1?5+1A 2. 9th 1#?H 1' #?51A 3. 99th 1?1H . 1?5+1A G. ,,th 1trate$ic ?econnaissance Win$ ;1?W< 5 )ffutt A4/& (/H 1. 1st A771H ' -5'/ 2. 9th A771H 13 -7513,J 3. ',th 1?1H 8 ?7513,D


1. 21st Air 4orce L "c6uire A4/& (J a. 89th "ilitary Airlift Win$ ;"AW< L An rews A4/& "D 1. 98th "A1H ' D7513+7& 2 D752,A 2. 99th "A1H 759& 752! 3. 1st Eelicopter 1Fua ronH DE51 b. 31+th #actical Airlift Win$ L "c6uire A4/& (J 1. 39th #A1H 7513! 2. '!th #A1H 7513! 3. '1st #A1H 7513! c. ' "ilitary Airlift Win$ L Do2er A4/& D1. 3r "A1H 75, 2. 9th "A1H 75, 3. 31st "A1H 75, ;from )ct 89< '. "A1 ;A4?-1<H ;association< . '3+th "ilitary Airlift Win$ L 7harleston A4/& 17 1. 1+th "A1H 751'1 ,1

Draft Document

2. 2!th "A1H 751'1 3. '1st "A1H 751'1 '. "A1H "751'1 ,. 18th "A1H 751'1 e. '38th "ilitary Airlift Win$ L "c6uire A4/& (J 1. .th "A1H 751'1 2. 3!th "A1H 751'1 f. .1st "ilitary Airlift 6roup L Eowar A4/& *anama 1. 31!th "A1H 3 7513!-& 2 7513!E $. 322n Air Di2ision L ?amstein A/& 4?6 1. 313th #actical Airlift 6roupH EK for attache 7513! unitsN !9!9' 2. .!8th "ilitary Airlift 6roupH a. ,8th "A1 L ?amstein A/& 4?6H 7512& 752!& 7521& #5'3 b. 1!th "A1 L Pweibrucken A/& 4?6H 2! 7523 3. '3,th #AW L ?hein5"ain A/& 4?6 a. 3+th #A1H 7513!b. ,,th Aerome ical Airlift 1Fua ronH 759 2. 22n Air 4orce L #ra2is A4/& 7A a. .!th "AW L #ra2is A4/ 1. +th "A1H 751'1/ 2. 22th "A1H 75,/ 3. +,th "A1H 75,/ '. "A1H ,. +!8th "A1 ;01A4?-1<H ;assoc< .. +1!th "A1 ;01A4?-1<H ;assoc< b. .2n "AW L "c7hor A4/& 7A 1. 'th "A1H 751'1/ 2. 8th "A1H 751'1/ 3. #A1H 7513!- ;to 751'1/& )ct 89< c. .3r "AW L (orton A4/& 7A 1. 1'th "A1H 751'1 2. 1,th "A1H 751'1 3. ,2n "A1H 751'1 '. ,3r "A1H 751'1 . 31'th #AW L 3ittle ?ock A4/& A? 1. ,!th #A1H 7513! 2. .1st #A1H 7513! 3. 3'th #actical Airlift #rainin$ 6roup A. .2n #A1H 7513! /. #actical Airlift #rainin$ 1Fua ronH 7513! e. 3+'th #AW L 7lark A/& *hilippines ;to Mokota& Japan& 1st )ct< 1. 13th #A1H 7512 2. 21st #A1H 7513! 3. 2!th Aerome ical Airlift 1Fua ron ;AA1< '. 1'!3r "A1H 7512& 7521 ,. 3',th #A1H f. '.3r #AW L Dyess A4/& #J 1. ++2n #A1H 7513!E 2. ++3r #A1H 7513!E

23r Air 4orce L 1cott A4/& 93 a. 1st 1)W L Eurlburt 4iel & 43 1. 8th 1pecial )perations 1Fua ron ;1)1< L Eurlburt 4iel & 43H "7513! 2. 9th 1)1 L -$lin A4/& 43H E7513! ;from April 89& 39th 1)W prior< 3. 1)1 L Eurlburt 4iel & 43H A7513! '. 2!th 1)1 L Eurlburt 4iel & 43H "E5,3 ,. ,,th 1)1 L -$lin A4/& 43H EE5.! ;from April 89& 39th 1)W prior< b. 39th 1)W L ?hein5"ain A4/& 4?6 1. +th 1)1H "7513! Draft Document ,2 3.

c. .




2. 21st 1)1 L ?A4 Woo bri $e& 0=H "E5,3 3. ,.th A??1 L =efla2ik A(1& 9celan H EE53 '. .+th 1)1 L ?A4 Woo bri $e& 0=H E7513!* '1st ?escue an Weather ?econnaissance Win$ L "c7lellan A4/& 7A 1. ,3r Weather ?econnaissance 1Fua ron ;W?1< L =eesler A4/& "1H W7513! ;all other units transferre out urin$ 1989< 3+,th Aerome ical Airlift Win$ L 1cott A4/& 93H 1. 11th Aerome ical Airlift 1Fua ron ;AA1<H 7519 2. 13+,th 4#1H 7512 3. 1'!!th "A1 L (orton A4/& 7AH 7512 '. 1'!1st "A1 L An rews A4/& "DH 7512 ,. 1'!2n "A1H 3,3r 1)W L 7lark A4/& *hilippinesH Acti2ate April 89 1. 1st 1)1H , "7513! ;from 23r A4< 2. 1+th 1)1 L =a ena A4/& JapanH E7513! ;acti2ate Au$ 89< 3. 31st 1)1 L 7lark A4/& *hilippinesH 7CEE53 ;from '1st ?W?< Air ?escue 1er2ice ;most woul be EE53 or similar< 1. 33r A??1H 2. 38th A??1H 3. '1st A??1H '. +1st A??1H )ther 0nits 1. 1+2!th 1pecial #actics 6roup L Eurlburt 4iel & 43 2. 1+2'th 1pecial #actics 1Fua ron L *ope A4/& (7

Draft Document



1. 01 1!th Air 4orce EK 5 /er$strom A4/& #JH ?esponsible to supplement 01A4 #A7 units a. b. c. . e. f. $. h. i. G. k. l. m. 2. ',th #actical 4i$hter 1Fua ron ;#41< 5 6rissom A4/& 9(H 18 A51! '.th #4#1 L /arks ale A4/& 3AH 18 A51! '+th #41 5 /arks ale A4/& 3AH 18 A51! 89th #41& 9!.th #46 5 Wri$ht5*atterson A4/& )EH 2' 45'D ;451.A in )ct 89< 93r #41& '82n #4W 5 Eomestea A4/& 43H 2' 45'D ;451.A in Jul 89< 3!2n #41& 9''th #46 5 3uke A4/& APH 2' 451.7 3!3r #41 5 ?ichar s56ebaur A4/& ")H 18 A51! ',+th #41& 3!1st #46 5 7arswell A4/& #JH 2' 45''.,th #41& ,!+th #46 5 #inker A4/& )=H 2' 451.A /lock 1! ' #41 5 Eill A4/& 0#H 2' 451.A +!'th #41& 92'th #46& 3!1st #4W 5 /er$strom A4/& #JH 2' 45'D +!.th #41& #4W 5 (ew )rleans (A1& 3AH 18 A51! '3'th A?-4W L 6rissom A4/& (EH 1. A?-46 L 1eymour Johnson A4/& (7H

01 'th Air 4orce EK L "c7lellan A4/& 7AH *rimarily an airlift unit a +1st 1pecial )peraions 1Fua ron L "c7lellan A4/& 7AH 7CEE53 b. +11th 1)1& 919th 1pecial )perations 6roup L Duke 4iel & 43H A7C7513! c. 3!2n #AW L *eterson A4/& 7) 1. +31st #AWH 2. 3!3r #A1& 9'3r #A6 L "arch A4/& 7AH . '33r "AW L =elly A4/& #J e. ''!th #AW L 6en. "itchell 9A*& "ilwaukee& W9H 1. .3r #A1& 92+th #A6 L 1elfri $e A4/& "9H 2. .'th #A1& 928th #A6 L )%Eare A?44& 93 f. '',th "AW L (orton A4/& 7A 1. +28th "A1H 2. +29th "A1H 3. +3!th "A1H $. ''.th "A1 L "c7hor A4/& WAH 1. 9+th "A1H 2. 313th "A1H h. )ther 0nits 1. '2!th A?-41 L /arks ale& 3AH 2. 939th Aerospace ?escue > ?eco2ery 6roup L *ortlan A(6/& )?H 01 1'th Air 4orce a. '39th "AW L Westo2er A4/& "AH 1. 33+th "A1H 2. 33+th #A1H 3. +,8th #A1& 911th #A6 L 6reater *ittsbur$h 9A*& *AH '. 328th #A1& 91'th #A6 L (ia$ara 4alls 9A*& (MH b. ,12th "AW L Do2er A4/& D-H c. ,1'th "AW L "c6uire A4/& (JH 1. +!2n "A1H 2. +23r "A1H . ',9th "AW L An rews A4/& D7 1. "A1H 2. 32+th #A1& 913th #A6 L Willow 6ro2e Air ?eser2e 4acility& *AH )ther 0nits ;9 nee to $o back an etermine which units they are affiliate with< a. 31,th "AW L 7harleston A4/& 17 1. 3!!th "A1H ,'



Draft Document

2. +!1st "A1H 3. +!+th "A1H '. +!9th "A1H b. 3'9th "AW L #ra2is A4/& 7A 1. 3!1st "A1H 2. 312th "A1H c. '!3r #AW L =eesler A4/& "1 1. 81,th #A1H 2. #A1& 93'th #A6 L "inneapolis51t. *aul 9A*& "(H . 9'th #AW L Dobbins A4/& 6A 1. +!!th #A1H 2. 3,.th #A1& 9!8th #A6 L ?ickenbacker A(6/& (MH


No)e7 A(6 units will be assi$ne to one of the re$ular 01 Air 4orces upon acti2ation. #hese units& alon$ with the A4?-1& are primarily manne by former 01A4 pilots that maintain a hi$h e$ree of fli$ht proficiency. A4?-1 an A(6 units are capable of eployment on a short notice to supplement the re$ular 01A4. 1. 451, -a$le unitsH a. b. c. . 2. 128th #41& #4W 5 Dobbins A4/& 6AH 2' 451,A 122n #41& 1,9th #46 5 (ew )rleans& 3AH 2' 451,A 1!1st 491 & 1!2n 49W 5 )tis A(6 /ase& "AH 18 451,A 199th 491& 1,'th 7omposite 6roup 5 Eickam A4/& EawaiiH 2' 451,A

451. 4alcon unitsH a. b. c. . e. f. $. 491& 12!th 49W 5 6reat 4alls& "#H 18 451.A ;to AD4 in 199!< 1,9th #41& 12,th 49W 5 Jackson2ille& 43H 18 451.A /lock 1, 182n #41& 1'9th #46 5 =elly A4/& #JH 2' 451.A /lock 1, 13'th 491& 1,8th #46 5 /urlin$ton& D#H 2! 451.A /lock 1, 1,+th #41& 1.9th #46 5 "c-ntire A(6& 17H 2' 451.A /lock 1! 119th #41& 1++th 496 5 Atlantic 7ity& (JH 18 451.A /lock 1, ;from 451!.A +C88< 18'th #46 5 "c7onnell A4/& =1H 1. 12+th #41H 451. /locks 1&,&1! 2. 1.1st #4#1H 451.A 3. 1++th #41H 451.A 1+'th #41& 18+th #46 5 "ont$omery& A3H 2' 451.A /lock 1! ;1!C88< 18'th #41& 188th #46 5 4ort 1mith& A?H 2' 451.A /lock 1, 11'th #4#1& 1'2n 496 5 *ortlan & )?H 18 451. AD4 138th #41& 1+'th #4W 5 1yracuse& (MH 451.A /lock 1, wC*AD- 73AW

h. i. $. . 3.

45' *hantom 99 unitsH a. b. c. . e. f. h. i. G. k. #41& 1!+th 496 5 (ia$ara 4alls& (MH 18 45'D 1'1st #41& 1!8th #4W 5 "c6uire A4/& (JH 2' 45'121st #41& 113th #4W 5 An rews A4/& "DH 2' 45'D 1+8th 491& 119th 496 5 4ar$o& (DH 18 45'D 1.3r #41& 122n #4W 5 4ort Wayne& 9(H 2' 45'11!th #41& 131st #4W 5 1t 3ouis& ")H 2' 45'19'th 491& 1''th 49W 5 4resno& 7AH 18 45'D ;con2erte to 451. block 1, AD4 mi 589& one by 1!C89< 111th #41& 1'+th 496 5 -llin$ton 4iel & #JH 18 45'D ;451.A /lock 1, 12C89< 1+9th 491& 1'8th 496 5 Duluth& "(H 18 45'D #41& 1.3r #46 5 "arch A4/& 7AH 2' 45',,

Draft Document

l. m. n. o. '.

113th #41& 181st #46 5 #erre Eaute& 9(H 2' 45'1+!th #41& 183r #46 5 1prin$fiel & 93H 2' 45'D ;451.A /lock 1, 11C89< 1+1st #41& 191st 496 5 1elfri $e A(6/& "9H 18 45'D 123r #41& 1'2n 496 L *ortlan & )?H 2' 45'7 ;451,A late 89& aircraft from 318 #41<

?45'7 unitsH a. 1!.th #?1& 11+th #?W 5 /irmin$ham& A3H 18 ?45'7 b. 12'th #?6 5 /oise& 9DH 18 ?45'7 1. 189th #?#1H ?45'7 2. 19!th #?1H 18 ?45'7 c. 192n #?1& 1,2n #?6 5 ?eno& (DH 18 ?45'7 . 1+3r #?1& 1,,th #?6 5 3incoln& (/H 18 ?45'7 e. 1,3r #?1& #?6 5 "eri ian& "1H 18 ?45'7 f. 1.,th #?1& 123r #?W L 1tan ifor 4iel & =MH 18 ?45'7 ;to 7513!/& 1C89<


A51! #hun erbolt 99 unitsH a. b. c. . e. f. $. 118th #41& 1!3r #46 5 /ra ley& 7#H 18 A51! 131st #41& 1!'th #46 5 /arnes& "AH 18 A51! 1+2n #41& 11!th #A16 L /attle 7reek& "9H 18 A51! ;may ha2e still been #A11 with )A53+< 1!3r #41& 111th #A16 L (A1 Willow 6ro2e& *AH 18 A51! ;)A53+ until 88< #41& 128th #4W 5 #rua8 4iel & W9H 18 A51! 138th #41& 1+'th #4W L Eancock 4iel H 18 A51! 1!'th #41& 1+,th #46 5 /altimore& "DH 18 A51!


A5+ 7orsair 99 unitsH a. b. c. . e. f. $. h. i. k. l. m. n. 1'.th #41& 112th #46 5 *ittsbur$h& *AH 18 A5+ 1+,th #41& 11'th #46 5 1iou8 4alls& 1DH 18 A5+ #41& 121st #4W 5 ?ickenbacker A(6/& )EH 18 A5+ 1!+th #41& 12+th #4W 5 1elfri $e A(6/& "9H 18 A5+ 12'th #41& 132n #4W 5 Des "oines& 9)H 18 A5+ 12,th #41& 138th #46 5 #ulsa& )=H 18 A5+ 12!th #41& 1'!th #4W 5 /uckley A(6/& 7)H 18 A5+ #41& 1,!th #46 5 =irtlan A4/& ("H 18 A5+ 198th #41& 1,.th #46 5 1an Juan& *?H 18 A5+ 1.2n #41& 1+8th #46 5 1prin$fiel & )EH 18 A5+ 112th #41& 18!th #46 5 #ole o& )EH 18 A5+ 1+'th #41& 18,th #46 5 1iou8 7ity& 9AH 18 A5+ 1'9th #41& 192n #46 L ?ichmon & DAH 18 A5+D


)ther 0nits a. 1.9th #41& 182n #A16 L *eoria& 93H )A53+/ b. 1.2n #46 5 #ucson& APH 1. 1'8th #4#1H 18 451.A 2. 1,2n #4#1H 18 A5+= 3. 19,th #4#1H 18 451.A c. 11'th #4#1 L =in$sley 4iel & )? . 193r 1pecial )perations Win$H 1. 193r 1)1H 8 -7513!-

No)e7 1.2n #46 han le trainin$ uties for (ational 6uar an some forei$n airforces operatin$ 451.. 19,th #4#1 also ha a etachment of 1! Dutch 451.A. No)e 17 4or 451. an 451, units& were 45JJA ;or 7< is liste & rea as 45JJAC/ ;or 45JJ7CD<. #he mi8 of aircraft in each sFua ron is not a2ailable ;at least not that 9 can fin <. 9 woul appreciate any information on this subGect& or any other& that anyone can pro2i e. Draft Document ,.

No)e 87 01 Air 4orce& Air 6uar an Air ?eser2e -Fuipment Eol in$sH ;a QSS in parens in icates a itional aircraft in stora$e< Strategic Bombers: 1,! /5,26 ;Q1+<O 8' /5,2E ;Q12<O 9! /51/ ;Q+<O '8 4/5111A ;Q1'< L bein$ con2erte to con2entional attack Strategic Recon: + 1?5+1 ;bein$ with rawn<O 2, #?51O 13 0527#C? Specialty: '! -7513,& ' -5'& 2! ?7513,& 3' ;2' /& 1!7< -53& 2 -7513,k& 2 -58A J1tar& 1, -7513!-CE& ,3 E7513!& 1' "7513!& 2! A7513!& 1! W7513! Tanker: .'. =7513,& ,9 =751!A -8ten er Tactical: '2, 45'7CDC- ;Q3,! or more<O +2 45'6& 18! ?45'7 ;12!Q in stora$e< .2' 451, AC/C7CD ;Qabout 2,!<O 18 451,- ; eli2eries on$oin$< 1&!83 451. AC/C7CD ;Q3.+< 1'! 45111DC-C4O '3 45111A& 3. -45111 ,2 4511+ 2+! A5+ ;Q9. or more< ;Air 9nternational says 33+ in 1ept. 8+& plus a pair of A5+ *lus< ,38 A51! ;Qabout 1!!<O '8 )A51! 3. )A53+/ ;.!Q 49< ,3 )D51! Transports: 9+ 75, ;++ 75,A& ,! 75,/& 49<& 2'9 ;2+!& 49< 751'1/& ,3' 7513!& + 7513,& 2! 759& 8. 7512 Trainers: 2' "i$521& ' "i$523& .!8 #53+/& 812Q #538& 1!!Q #5'1AC7& 19 #5'3A& 2 0D518A& 8 1chweiBer 253+ elicopters: ,8 7ECEE53 ;+,Q 7E& 8,Q EE& 49<& 2' "E5,3J *a2e 3ow ;,!Q 2arious 7E5,3& 49<& .8 0E51EC(& 1! "E5.!6 4i$ures in parens followe by 49 in icate ata from 4li$ht 9nternational%s Worl Air 4orces 1989& which ten s to show hi$her fi$ures than other sources L it woul appear to inclu e aircraft in stora$e ;but not mothballe <& rather than Gust those assi$ne to operational units.

Draft Document


US A r For&e Se&'r )+ U" ).

US A r For&e E'ro0e 3USAFE5
+1.!th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron& 01A4- ;.!!th 711< N UK 2!th 1ecurity *olice 6roup L ?A4 0pper Eeyfor & 0= 2!th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron .2!th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron th '8 1ecurity *olice 6roup L ?A4 3akenheath& 0= '8th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron .'8th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron th 1! 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ;1!th #4W< L ?A4 Alconbury& 0= 81st 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ;81st #4W< L ?A4 /entwaters& 0= 3!3r "issile 1ecurity 1Fua ron ;3!3r #"W< L ?A4 Alconbury& 0= ,!1st 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ;,!1st #"W< L ?A4 6reenham 7ommons& 0= ,!1st "issile 1ecurity Defense 1Fua ron ;,!1st #"W< L ?A4 6reenham 7ommon& 0= ,13th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ;,13th A77W< L ?A4 "il enhall& 0= +!2!th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ;+!2!th A/6< L ?A4 4airfor & 0= +2+'th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ;+2+'th A/6< L ?A4 7hicksan s& 1heffor & /e for shire& 0= +,2!th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht ;+,2!th A/6< L Ey Wycombe A1& 0= Ger(#"+ ,!th 1ecurity *olice 6roup L Eahn A/& 6ermany ,!th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron .,!th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron th 3++ 1ecurity *olice 6roup ; AD< L ?amstein& 6ermany 3++th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ,.+th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ,.8th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ,.9th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron th 2. 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ; #?W< L Pweibrucken A/& 4?6 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ; #4W< L /itbur$ A/& 4?6 38th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ;38th #"W< L Eahn A/& 4?6 38th "issile 1ecurity 1Fua ron ;38th #"W< L Eahn A/& 4?6 ,2n 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ;,2n #4W< L 1pan$ ahlem A/& 4?6 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ; -7W< L 1embach A/& 4?6 '3,th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ;'3,th #AW< L ?hein "ain& 6ermany +1!!th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron& 01A4- ;+1!!th 71W< L 3in sey A1& 4?6 +1!!th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht& 01A4- ;+1!!th 71W< L 3in sey A1& 4?6 +3,!th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron& 01A4- ;+3,!th A/6< L /erlin& 4?6 Be$! '( '8,th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ;'8,th #"W< L 4lorennes A/& /el$ium '8,th "issile 1ecurity 1Fua ron ;'8,th #"W< L 4lorennes A/& /el$ium S0# " '!1st 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ;'!1st #4W< L #orreGon A/& 1pain '!.th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ;'!.th ##W< L Para$oBa A/& 1pain Por)'!#$ 1.!,th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ;1.!,th A/6< L 3aGes 4iel & ABores I)#$+ Draft Document ,8

'8+th "issile 1ecurity 6roup ;'8+th #"W< L 7omiso& 9taly '8+th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron '8+th "issile 1ecurity 1Fua ron 118+th 6uar 1Fua ron th '! 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht ;'!th #A76< L A2iano A/& 9taly +2+,th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron& 01A4- ;+2+,th A/6< /rin isi& 9taly Gree&e +2!.th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ;+2!.th A/6< L Eellinikon A/& Athens& 6reece 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ; A/6< L 9raklion A1& 7rete& 6reece T'r6e+ 39th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht ;39th #A76< L 9ncirlik& #urkey +21+th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ;+21+th A/6< L Ankara& #urkey +!22n 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ;+!22n A/6< L *irinclik& #urkey +!22n 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht ;+!22n A/6< L *irinclik& #urkey +2'1st 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ;+2'1st A/6< L 9Bimr& #urkey

P#& , & A r For&e 3PACAF5

3r 1ecurity *olice 6roup ;3r #4W< 3r 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ;3r 1*6< 8th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ;8th #4W< 18th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ;313th AD< ,1st 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ;,1st #4W< '32n 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ;'32n #4W<

Co") "e")#$ US
SAC 9!th 1ecurity *olice 6roup& 4- Warren A4/& WM ;9!th 1"W< 88th "issile 1ecurity 1Fua ron 89th "issile 1ecurity 1Fua ron 9!th "issile 1ecurity 1Fua ron 3'1st 1ecurity *olice 6roup& "almstrom A4/& "# ;3'1st 1"W< 3'1st 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron 3'1st "issile 1ecurity 1Fua ron 3'2n "issile 1ecurity 1Fua ron 3'3r "issile 1ecurity 1Fua ron 3,1st 1ecurity *olice 6roup& Whiteman A4/& ") ;3,1st 1"W< 3,1st "issile 1ecurity 1Fua ron 3,2n "issile 1ecurity 1Fua ron 812th 1ecurity *olice 6roup& -llsworth A4/& 1D ;12 AD< 812th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron 812th "issile 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron 813th "issile 1ecurity 1Fua ron 8'2n 1ecurity *olice 6roup& 6ran 4orks A4/& (D ;'2n AD< 8'2n "issile 1ecurity 1Fua ron 8'2n 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron 8'3r 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron 8,+th 1ecurity *olice 6roup& "inot A4/& (D ;,+th AD< 8,+th "issile 1ecurity 1Fua ron 8,8th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron 1.!.th 1ecurity *olice 6roup& =irtlan A4/& (" 1.!.th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron 1.!8th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron Draft Document ,9

2n 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L /arks ale A4/ ;2n /"W;E<< +th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L 7arswell A4/& #J ;+th /"W;E<< 9th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L /eale A4/& 7A ;9th 1?W< 22n 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L "arch A4/& 7A ;22n A?-4W;E<< '2n 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L 3orin$ A4/& "- ;'2n /"W;E<< '3r 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L An ersen A4/& 6uam ;'3r /"W;E<< ,,th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L )ffutt A4/& (- ;,,th 1?W< .+th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L /er$strom A4/& #J ;.+th #?W< 92n 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L 4airchil A4/& WA ;92n /"W< 93r 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L 7astle A4/& 7A ;93r /"W< 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L Dyess A4/& #J ; /"W< 9+th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L -aker A4/& A? ;9+th /"W< 3!,th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L 6rissom A4/ ;3!,th A?-4W< 3,1st 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L Whiteman A4/& ") ;3,1st 1"W< 3+9th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L Wurtsmith A4/& "9 ;3+9th /"W< 38!th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L *lattsbur$h A4/& (M ;38!th /"W< 38'th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L "c7onnell A4/& =1 ;38'th /"W< '1!th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L = 9 1awyer A4/& "9 ;'1!th /"W< ' 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L 6riffiss A4/& (M ;' /"W< ,!9th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L *ease A4/& (E ;,!9th /"W<

1st 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L 3an$ley A4/ ;1st #4W< 'th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L 1eymour Johnson A4/& (7 ;'th #4W< 21st 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L -lmen orf A4/& A= ;21st #4W< 23r 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L -n$lan A4/& 3A ;23r #4W< 2+th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L 7annon A4/& (" ;2+th #4W< 31st 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L Eomestea A4/& 43 ;31st #4W< '+th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L 3au$hlin A4/& #J ;'+th 4#W< ,.th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L "acDill A4/& 43 ;,.th ##W< .!th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L #ra2is A4/& 7A ;.!th "AW< .2n 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L "c7hor A4/& WA ;.2n "AW< .3r 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L (orton A4/& 7A ;.3r "AW< .'th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L ?eese A4/& #J ;.'th 4#W< +1st 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L Dance A4/& )= ;+1st 4#W< 82n 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L Williams A4/& AP ;82n 4#W< 31'th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L 3ittle ?ock A4/ ;31'th #AW< 31+th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L *ope A4/& (7 ;31+th #AW< 323r 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L "ather A4/& 7A ;323r 4#W< 3'3r 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L -ielson A4/& A= ;3'3r #4W< 3'+th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L "oo y A4/& 6A ;3'+th #4W< 3,'th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L "yrtle /each A4/& 17 ;3,'th #4W< 3.3r 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L 1haw A4/& 17 ;3.3r #4W< 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L "t. Eome A4/& 9D ; #4W< 3+,th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L 1cott A4/& 93 ;3+,th AAW< ' 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L Do2er A4/& D- ;' "AW< '3+th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L 7harleston A4/& 17 ;'3+th "AW< '38th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L "c6uire A4/& (J ;'38th "AW< ''3r 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L Altus A4/& )= ;''3r "AW< 831st 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L 6eor$e A4/& 7A ;831st AD< 832n 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L 3uke A4/& AP ;832n AD< 833r 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L Eolloman A4/& (" ;833r AD< 83'th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L Eurlburt 4iel & 43 ;1st 1)W< 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L Da2is5"onthan A4/& AP ; AD< 8,+th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L "inot A4/& (D ;8,+th 1*6< 13+,th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L 1cott A4/& 93 ;3+,th AAW< 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L An rews A4/& D7 ; A/W< 2+,!th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L Wri$ht5*atterson A4/& )E ;2+,!th A/W& A437< Draft Document .!

28'9th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L Eill A4/& 0# ;28'9th A/6& A437< 8!8,th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L =elly A4/& #J ;'33r A/6< A r Tr# " "! Co((#"% 12th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron& ?an olph A4/& #J 1'th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron& 7olumbus A4/& )E A r For&e S0#&e Co((#"% 3AFSPACECOM5 1!!2n 1pecial 1ecurity 1Fua ron L 4alcon A4/& 7) 1!!3r 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L *eterson A4/& 7) 1!1!th 1pecial 1ecurity 1Fua ron L 7heyenne "t A4/& 7) O)her. 11!!th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron ;A4DW< L /ollin$ A4/& D7 +.2,th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L 7olora o 1prin$s& 7) ;01A4A< 2'th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L Eowar A4/& *anama ;2'th 7)"*W< 32,th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L #yn all A4/& 43 ;01A4 ADW7<

A r For&e>e
9'th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L Dobbins A4/& 4A ;9'th #AW< 3!1st 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L 7arswell A4/& #J ;3!1st #4W< 3!2n 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L *eterson A4/& 7) ;3!2n #AW< 31,th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L 7harleston A4/& 17 ;31,th "AW< 3'9th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L #ra2is A4/& 7A ;3'9th "AW< '!3r 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L =eesler A4/& "1 ;'!3r #AW< '19th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L Eill A4/& 0# ;'19th #4W< '33r 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L =elly A4/& #J ;'33r "AW< '39th 1ecurity *olice 1Fua ron L Westo2er A4/& "A ;'39th "AW< ''!th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L "itchell 9A*& "ilwaukee W9 ;''!th #AW< ''2n 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L ?ichar s56ebaur A4/& ") ;''2n #4W< '',th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L (orton A4/& 7A ;'',th "AW< ''.th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L "c7hor A4/& WA ;''.th "AW< '82n 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L Eomestea A4/& 43 ;'82n #4W< ,!+th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L #inker A4/& )= ;,!+th #46< ,12th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L Do2er A4/& D- ;,12th "AW< ,1'th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L "c6uire A4/& (J ;,1'th "AW< .39th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L Westo2er A4/& "A ;'39th 1*1< 9!.th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L Wri$ht5*atterson A4/& )E ;9!.th #46< 9!+th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L ?ickenbacker A(6/& )E ;9!+th #A6< 9!8th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L"a8well A4/& A3 ;9!8th #A6< 91!th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L Moun$stown "unicipal Airport& )E ;',9th "AW< 911th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L 6reater *ittsbur$h 9A*& *A ;911th #A6< 913th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L Willow 6ro2e A?4& *A ;913th #A6< 91'th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L (ia$ara 4alls 9A*& (M ;91'th #A6< 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L 1eymour Johnson A4/& (7 ; A?-46;E<< 91+th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L /arks ale A4/& 3A ;91+th #4W< 919th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L -$lin A4/& 43 ;919th 1)6< 92'th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L /er$strom A4/& #J ;92'th #46< 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L (A1 (ew )rleans& 3A ; #46< 92+th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L 1elfri $e A(6/& "9 ;92+th #A6< 928th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L )%Eare A?44& 93 ;928th #A6< 93!th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L 6rissom A4/& 9( ;93!th #46< 93'th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L "inneapolis51t. *aul 9A* ;93'th #A6< 9'!th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L "ather A4/& 7A ;9'!th A?-46< 9'3r 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L "arch A4/& 7A ;9'3th #A6< 9''th 1ecurity *olice 4li$ht L 3uke A4/& AP ;9''th #46<

A r N#) o"#$ G'#r%

Draft Document .1

1!1st Air /ase Defense 1Fua ron L 4t. /liss& #J No)e 17 #his list is base on the "arch 1989 Air 4orce Directory. No)e 87 #here are likely smaller Air (ational 6uar security unitsO the Air 4orce irectory from which this list is compile liste only hi$her hea Fuarters units for the 6uar . No)e ?7 9f anyone has any information on the composition of Air 4orce security units& please let me know. 9t is known that they operate a 2ariety of armore cars ;such as the 7a illac56a$e 7omman o an others<.

Draft Document


"uch of the cre it for this section $oes to Jakob We man& who went throu$h back issues of the "arine 7orps 6aBette to substantially impro2e the pre2ious listin$. F$ee) M#r "e For&e. P#& , & a. 9 "arine -8pe itionary 4orce L 7amp *en leton& 7A ;"A6#4C7-< 1< ,th "arine -8pe itionary /ri$a e ;"A6#4C7-<& Amphibious& associate with Amphibious 6roup 1 2< +th "arine -8pe itionary /ri$a e L 29 *alms& 7A ;"A6#4C7-<& "*4& associate with "*1 1Fua ron 3 3< 11th "arine -8pe itionary 0nit ;"A6#4C7-< '< 1,th "arine -8pe itionary 0nit ;"A6#4C7-< ,< 1st "arine Di2ision L 7amp *en leton& 7A ;67-< a< EK /attalion b< 1st "arine ?e$iment ;With ?esponsibility of sourcin$ W-1#*A7 "-0< i< EK 7ompanyH 2' #)W ;A#5platoon<& 2,8 men ii< 1st /attalion& 1st "arine ?e$imentH 8.' men iii< 1st /attalion& 'th "arine ?e$imentH 8.' men i2< 1st /attalion& 9th "arine ?e$imentH 8.' men c< ,th "arine ?e$iment ;Desi$nate 67- for ,th "-/< i< EK 7ompanyH 2' #)W ;A#5platoon<& 2,8 men ii< 2n /attalion& ,th "arine ?e$imentH 8.' men iii< 3r /attalion& ,th "arine ?e$imentH 8.' men ii< 2n /attalion& 9th "arine ?e$imentH 8.' men < +th "arine ?e$iment ;Desi$nate 67- for +th "-/< i< EK 7ompanyH 2' #)W ;A#5platoon<& 2,8 men ii< 1st /attalion& +th "arine ?e$imentH 8.' men iii< 2n /attalion& +th "arine ?e$imentH 8.' men i2< 3r /attalion& +th "arine ?e$imentH 8.' men ;#rainin$ at Air56roun combat 7enter 5 29 *alms< f< 11th "arine ?e$iment ;inclu in$ '8 "1!1A1 for contin$ency purposes < i< EK /attery& 3,9 men ii< 1st /attalion& 11th "arine ?e$imentH 2' "198& 8 "11'A1& 938 men ;Desi$nate Direct 1upport bn for ?3# 1& taske with the W-1#*A7 eployment < iii< 2n /attalion& 11th "arine ?e$imentH 1. "198& 8 "11'A1& +,1 men ;Desi$nate Direct 1upport bn for ?3# ,< i2< 3r /attalion& 11th "arine ?e$imentH 1. "198& 8 "11'A1& +,1 men ;Desi$nate Direct 1upport bn for ?3# +< 2< ,th /attalion& 11th "arine ?e$imentH 12 "1!9A3& 12 "11!A2& +!9 men ;6eneral 1upport< f< 1st #ank /attalion i< EK an 1er2ice 7ompanyH 2 ".!A1& 1 "88A1& 32! men ii< A# ;#)W< 7ompanyH +2 #)W E""WD& 2'. men iii< ' #ank 7ompaniesH 1+ ".!A1& 1 "88A1& 1!, men each f< 3r #ank /attalion L 29 *alms& 7A i< EK an 1er2ice 7ompanyH 2 ".!A1& 1 "88A1& 32! men ii< A# ;#)W< 7ompanyH +2 #)W E""WD& 2'. men iii< 3 #ank 7ompaniesH 1+ ".!A1& 1 "88A1& 1!, men each h< 1st 3i$ht Armore 9nfantry /attalion i< EK an 1er2ice 7ompanyH ' 3AD52,& 8 3AD572& 1. 3AD53& 2 3AD5? ii< Weapons 7ompanyH 1! 3AD52,& 1. 3AD5A#& 8 3AD5"& 1 3AD5? iii< 3 3i$ht Armore 9nfantry 7ompaniesH 1' 3AD52,& 1 3AD5?& ,. scouts each i< 3r 3i$ht Armore 9nfantry /attalion;5< L 29 *alms& 7A i< EK an 1er2ice 7ompanyH ' 3AD52,& 8 3AD572& 1. 3AD53& 2 3AD5? ii< Weapons 7ompanyH 1! 3AD52,& 1. 3AD5A#& 8 3AD5"& 1 3AD5? iii< 2 3i$ht Armore 9nfantry 7ompaniesH 1' 3AD52,& 1 3AD5?& ,. scouts each G< 1st ?econnaissance /attalion i< EK an 1er2ice 7ompanyH 1!2 men ii< 3 ?econnaissance 7ompaniesH +9 men each ;12 teams of ' men each< Draft Document .3

k< 3r Assault Amphibian /attalion i< EK an 1er2ice 7ompanyH 1, AAD*5+& 3 AAD75+& 2 AAD?5+& 23+ men ii< ' Assault Amphibian 7ompaniesH '3 AAD*5+& 3 AAD753& 1 AAD?5+& 22. men each l< 1st 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion i< EK an 1er2ice 7ompanyH 1'3 men ii< -n$ineer 1upport 7ompanyH 2,9 men iii< ' 7ombat -n$ineer 7ompanies ;1 in ca re status<H 11' men each .< 3r "arine Aircraft Win$ L -l #oro& 7A ;A7-< a< "arine Win$ Eea Fuarters 1Fua ron 3 b< "arine Air 7ontrol 6roup 38 L -l #oro& 7A i< 2n 3i$ht Antiaircraft "issile /attalion L Muma& APH 18 95Eawk& +,1 men ii< /attery /& 3r 3AA" /attalion L Muma& APH . 95Eawk& 1'9 men iii< 3r 3ow Altitu e Air Defense /attalion;5< L 7amp *en leton& 7AH 9! 1tin$er& 3++ men c< "arine Aircraft 6roup 11 L -l #oro& 7A ;Desi$nate 4CW host "A6 for +th "-/< i< D"A;AW<5121 @6reen =ni$htsAH 1! A.-& at sea aboar 011 ?an$er ;7D .1< ;con2erte to 4CA5 18D on Dec. 8& 89< ii< D"4A5323 @Death ?attlersAH 12 4CA518A ;con2erte "arch 83< iii< D"4A5,31 @6rey 6hostsAH 12 4CA518A ;con2erte 83< i2< D"4*53;5< @-yes of the 7orpsAH 11 ?45'/ 2< D"6?53,2 @?ai ersAH . =7513!4& 9 =7513!? < "arine Aircraft 6roup 13 L Muma& AP ;Desi$nate 4CW host "A6 for ,th "-/< i< D"A521' @/lack 1heepAH 12 A5'" ;con2erte to AD58/ (i$ht Attack& June 89< ii< D"A5311 @#omcatsAH 2! AD58/ iii< D"A5,13;5< @4lyin$ (i$htmaresAH 2! AD58/ e< "arine Aircraft 6roup 1. L #ustin& 7A ;Desi$nate ?CW host "A6 for +th "-/< i< E""51.3 @-2il -yesAH 12 7E5'.ii< E""51.' @=ni$htri ersAH 12 7E5'.iii< E""51.. @1ea -lksAH 12 7E5'.i2< E""52.8 @?e Dra$onsAH 12 7E5'.2< E"E53.1 @4lyin$ #i$ersAH 1. 7E5,3D 2i< E"E5'.2 @Eea2y EaulersAH 1. 7E5,3D 2ii< E"E5'., @War EorsesAH 12 7E5,32iii< E"E5'.. @Wolf *ackAH 12 7E5,3- ;5& or E"E5'.,< f< "arine Aircraft 6roup 39 L -l #oro& 7A ;Desi$nate ?CW host "A6 for ,th "-/< i< E"3A51.9 @DipersAH 12 AE51& 12 0E51( ii< E"3A52.+ @1tin$ersAH 1! AE51W& 1' 0E51( iii< E"3A53.+ @1carfaceAH 1' AE51J& 1! 0E51( i2< D")52;5< A7herry DeuceAH 9 )D51!A& 8 )D51!/ b. 1st "arine -8pe itionary /ri$a e L =aneohe /ay ;"A6#4C7-<& "*4& associate with "*1 1Fua ron 3 1< 3r "arine ?e$iment ;67-< a< EK 7ompanyH 2' #)W ;A#5platoon<& 2,8 men b< 1st /attalion& 3r "arine ?e$imentH 8.' men c< 3r /attalion& 3r "arine ?e$imentH 8.' men 2< "arine Air 6roup52' ;?CW host "A6 for A7-< a< D"4A5212 @3ancersAH 12 4CA5187 ;con2erte from 45'1 late 885early 89< b< D"4A5232 @?e De2ilsAH 1' 45'1 ;con2erte to 4CA5187 mi 589< c< D"4A523, @Death An$elsAH 1' 45'1 ;con2erte to 4CA5187 mi 589< < E""51., @White =ni$htsAH 12 7E5'.e< E""52.2 @4lyin$ #i$ersAH 12 7E5'.f< E""53.' @*urple 4o8esAH 12 7E5'. ;1?>"< $< E"E5'.3 @*ineapplesAH 1. 7E5,3 3< 1st /attalion 12th "arine ?e$imentH 2' "198& +99 men '< 7ombat -n$ineer 7ompany A& 3r 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion& 11' men c. 999 "arine -8pe itionary 4orce L )kinawa& Japan ;0n er operation control of +th 4leet< 1< 13th "arine -8pe itionary 0nit ;"A6#4C7-<& eploye to Western *acific ;W-1#*A7< a< /3# 3C1 ;67-< a< 3r /attalion& 1st "arine ?e$imentH 11!3 men b< Artillery /attery& 11th "arine ?e$imentH ' "198& ' "1!1A1 Draft Document .'

c< #ank *latoonH , ".!A1 < Amphibious Assault Dehicle *latoonH 12 AAD e< ?econnaissance *latoon f< 7ombat -n$ineer *latoon b< E""51.1;7omposite< ;A7-< a< E""51.1 @6reyhawksAH 12 7E5'.- ;*arent "A651.< b< et E"3A53.9H ' AE51#& 3 0E51( c< et E"E5'.,C.H ' 7E5,32< 9th "arine -8pe itionary /ri$a e ;"A6#4C7-<& Amphibious& associate with Amphibious 6roup 1 3< 3r "arine Di2ision ;67-< a< EK /attalion b< 'th "arine ?e$iment ;Desi$nate 67- for 9th "-/< i< EK 7ompanyH 2' #)W ;A#5platoon<& 2,8 men ii< 1st /attalion& 2n "arine ?e$imentH 9!, men ii< 3r /attalion& .th "arine ?e$imentH 9!, men c< 9th "arine ?e$iment i< EK 7ompanyH 2' #)W ;A#5platoon<& 2,8 men ii< 2n /attalion& 3r "arine ?e$imentH 8.' men iii< 1st /attalion& ,th "arine ?e$imentH 9!, men i2< 2n /attalion& 9th "arine ?e$imentH 9!, men < 12th "arine ?e$iment;5< ;inclu in$ '8 "1!1A1 for contin$ency purposes < i< EK /atteryH 311 men ii< 2n /attalion& 12th "arine ?e$imentH 2' "198& +,1 men ;Direct 1upport bn for ?3# '< iii< 3r /attalion& 12th "arine ?e$iment;5<H 1. "198& ,.' men ;Direct 1upport bn for ?3# 9< i2< 'th /attalion& 12th "arine ?e$imentH 18 "198& ,1' men ;6eneral 1upport< e< 1st Armore Assault /attalion i< EK an 1er2ice 7ompany ii< 2 #ank 7ompaniesH 1+ ".!A1& 1 "88A1& 1!, men each iii< 2 Assault Amphibian 7ompaniesH '3 AAD*5+& 3 AAD753& 1 AAD?5+& 22. men each i2< 7ompany 7& 3r 3i$ht Armore 9nfantry /attalionH 1' 3AD52,& 1 3AD5?& ,. scouts f< 3r ?econnaissance /attalion i< EK an 1er2ice 7ompanyH 1!2 men ii< 3 ?econnaissance 7ompaniesH +9 men each ;12 teams of ' men each< $< 3r 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion;5< i< EK an 1er2ice 7ompanyH 1'3 men ii< -n$ineer 1upport 7ompanyH 2,9 men iii< 3 7ombat -n$ineer 7ompanies ;1 in ca re status<H 11' men each '< 1st "arine Aircraft Win$ ;A7-< a< "arine Win$ Eea Fuarters 1Fua ron51 b< "arine Air 7ontrol 6roup 18 L 4utenma& Japan i< 1st 3i$ht Antiaircraft "issile /attalion;5<H 18 95Eawk& .!2 men ii< 1st 3ow Altitu e Air Defense /attalionH 9! 1tin$er& 3++ men c< "arine Aircraft 6roup 12 L 9wakuni& Japan ;Desi$nate 4CW host "A6 for 1st "-/< i< D"A;AW<522' @/en$alsAH 1! A5.- ;*arent "A651'< ii< D"A5211 @Wake 9slan A2en$ersAH 12 A5'" ;*arent "A6513< iii< D"4A5333 @1hamrocksAH 12 4CA518 ;*arent "A6531< ;con2erte from 45'1 in 8+< i2< D"4A531' @/lack =ni$htsA L "7A1 -l #oro& 7AH 12 4CA518A ;*arent "A6511< ;con2erte Jan 83< 2< Dec 7 D"4*53 2i< Det J D"AK52 < "arine Aircraft 6roup 1, L 9wakuni& Japan ;Desi$nate 4CW host "A6 for 9th "-/<& eacti2ate 1989 e< "arine Aircraft 6roup 3. L 4utenma& Japan ;Desi$nate ?CW host "A6 for 9th "-/< i< Det / D")51& Det 7 D")52H ' )D51!A& 3 )D51!D ii< D"6?51,2 A1umosAH 13 =7513! iii< E""52., @Dra$onsAH 12 7E5'.- ;*arent "A652'< i2< E"E53.3 @?e 3ionsAH 1. 7E5,3D ;*arent "A651.< 2< E"3A53.9;5< @6unfi$htersAH 8 AE51W& 9 0E51( ;*arent "A6539< Draft Document .,

F$ee) M#r "e For&e. A)$#") & 5 7amp 3eGeune& (7 a. 22n "-0 ;"A6#4C7-<& eploye as 3an in$ 4orce .th 4leet ;34.4< 1< /3# 3C8 ;67-< a< 3r /attalion& 8th "arine ?e$iment ;*arent 8th "arine ?e$iment<H 11!3 men b< Artillery /attery ;*arent 1!th "arine ?e$iment<H ' "198& ' "1!1A1 c< #ank *latoonH , ".!A1 < Amphibious Assault Dehicle *latoonH 12 AAD e< ?econnaissance *latoon f< 7ombat -n$ineer *latoon 2< E""51.2;7omposite< ;A7-< a< E""51.2 @6ol en -a$lesAH 12 7E5'.- ;*arent "A6529< b< et E"3A52.9H ' AE51#& 3 0E51( c< et E"E5'.'H ' 7E5,3b. 2'th "arine -8pe itionary 0nit ;"A6#4C7-< c. "arine -8pe itionary 0nit ;"A6#4C7-< . 99 "arine -8pe itionary 4orce ;"A6#4C7-< 1< 'th "arine -8pe itionary /ri$a e ;"A6#4C7-<& Amphibious& associate with Amphibious 6roup 2 2< .th "arine -8pe itionary /ri$a e ;"A6#4C7-<& "*4& associate with "*1 1Fua ron 1 3< 2n "arine Di2ision ;Desi$nate 67- for 99 "-4< a< EK /attalion b< 2n "arine ?e$iment ;Desi$nate 67- for 'th "-/< i< EK 7ompanyH 2' #)W ;A#5platoon<& 2,8 men ii< 2n /attalion& 2n "arine ?e$imentH 9!, men iii< 3r /attalion& 2n "arine ?e$imentH 9!, men c< .th "arine ?e$iment ;Desi$nate 67- for .th "-/< i< EK 7ompanyH 2' #)W ;A#5platoon<& 2,8 men ii< 1st /attalion& .th "arine ?e$imentH 9!, men < 8th "arine ?e$iment ;With ?esponsibility of sourcin$ .th 4leet "-0< i< EK 7ompanyH 2' #)W ;A#5platoon<& 2,8 men ii< 1st /attalion& 8th "arine ?e$imentH 11!3 men iii< 2n /attalion& 8th "arine ?e$imentH 11!3 men i2< 2n /attalion& 'th "arine ?e$imentH 11!3 men e< 1!th "arine ?e$iment ;inclu in$ '8 "1!1A1 for contin$ency purposes < i< EK /attery& 3,9 men ii< 1st /attalion& 1!th "arine ?e$imentH 1. "198& 8 "11'A1& +,1 men ;Direct 1upport for ?3# 2< iii< 2n /attalion& 1!th "arine ?e$imentH 1. "198& 8 "11'A1 ;Direct 1upport for ?3# .< i2< 3r /attalion& 1!th "arine ?e$imentH 1. "198& 8 "11'A1& +,1 men ;Direct 1upport for ?3# 8< 2< ,th /attalion& 1!th "arine ?e$imentH 12 "1!9A3& 12 "11!A2& +!9 men ;6eneral 1upport< f< 2n #ank /attalion i< EK an 1er2ice 7ompanyH 2 ".!A1& 1 "88A1& 32! men ii< A# ;#)W< 7ompanyH +2 #)W E""WD& 2'. men iii< ' #ank 7ompaniesH 1+ ".!A1& 1 "88A1& 1!, men each $< 2n 3i$ht Armore 9nfantry /attalion i< EK an 1er2ice 7ompanyH ' 3AD52,& 8 3AD572& 1. 3AD53& 2 3AD5? ii< Weapons 7ompanyH 1! 3AD52,& 1. 3AD5A#& 8 3AD5"& 1 3AD5? iii< 3 3i$ht Armore 9nfantry 7ompaniesH 1' 3AD52,& 1 3AD5?& ,. scouts each h< 2n ?econnaissance /attalion i< EK an 1er2ice 7ompanyH 1!2 men ii< 3 ?econnaissance 7ompaniesH +9 men each ;12 teams of ' men each< i< 2n Assault Amphibian /attalion i< EK an 1er2ice 7ompanyH 1, AAD*5+& 3 AAD75+& 2 AAD?5+& 23+ men ii< ' Assault Amphibian 7ompaniesH '3 AAD*5+& 3 AAD753& 1 AAD?5+& 22. men each G< 2n 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion i< EK an 1er2ice 7ompanyH 1'3 men ii< -n$ineer 1upport 7ompanyH 2,9 men iii< ' 7ombat -n$ineer 7ompanies ;1 in ca re status<H 11' men each '< 2n "arine Aircraft Win$ ;Desi$nate A7- for 99 "-4< a< "arine Win$ Eea Fuarters 1Fua ron52 Draft Document ..

b< "arine Air 7ontrol 6roup 28 L 7herry *oint& (7 i< 3r 3i$ht Antiaircraft "issile /attalionH 18 95Eawk& +,1 men ii< 2n 3ow Altitu e Air Defense /attalionH 9! 1tin$er& 3++ men c< "arine Air 6roup 1' L 7herry *oint& (7 ;Desi$nate 4CW host "A6 for 'th "-/ A7-< i< D"6?52,2 @)tisAH 8 =7513!4& ' =7513!? ii< D"AK52;5< @*anthersAH 18 -A5./ iii< D"A;AW<5332 @*olka DotsAH 1! A5.i2< D"A;AW<5,33 @EawksAH 1! A5.< "arine Air 6roup 2. L (ew ?i2er& (7 ;Desi$nate ?CW host "A6 for .th "-/ A7-< i< E""52.1;7< @?a$in$ /ullsAH 12 7E5'.ii< E""52.' @/lack =ni$htsAH 12 7E5'.iii< E""52.. @4i$htin$ 6riffonsAH 12 7E5'.i2< E"E53.2 @0$ly An$lesAH 22 7E5,3D 2< E"E5'.1 @1ea 1tallionsAH 12 7E5,32i< E"3A51.+ @WarriorsAH 13 AE51#& 11 0E51( e< "arine Air 6roup 29 L (ew ?i2er& (7 ;Desi$nate ?CW host "A6 for 'th "-/< i< D")51;5<H 8 )D51!A& , )D51!D ii< E""52.3 @#hun er -a$lesAH 12 7E5'.iii< E""53., @/lue =ni$htsAH 12 7E5'.i2< E"E5'.';5< @7on orsAH 12 7E5,32< E"3A52.9;5< @6unrunnersAH 11 AE51#& 1! 0E51( f< "arine Air 6roup 31 L /eaufort& 17 ;Desi$nate 4CW host "A6 for .th "-/ A7-< i< D"4A511, @1il2er -a$lesAH 12 4CA518 ii< D"4A5122 @7rusa ersAH 12 4CA518 iii< D"4A52,1 @#hun erboltsAH 12 4CA518 ;con2erte 8.< i2< D"4A5312 @7heckertailsAH 12 4CA518 ;con2erte 8.< 2< D"4A5',1 @Warlor sAH 12 4CA518 ;con2erte from 45'1 in 8+< $< "arine Air 6roup 32 L 7herry *oint& (7 i< D"A5223 @/ull o$sAH 2! AD58/ ii< D"A5231 @Ace of 1pa esAH 2! AD58/ iii< D"A5331 @/umblebeesAH 2! AD58/ i2< D"A5,'2 @4lyin$ #i$ersAH 2! AD58/ F$ee) M#r "e For&e.>e a. 2n "arine -8pe itionary /ri$a e ;"A6#4C7-< b. 'th "arine Di2ision L (ew )rleans& 3A 1< 23r "arine ?e$iment L 1an /runo& 7A a< EK 7ompanyH 2' #)W ;A#5platoon< b< 1st /attalion& 23r "arine ?e$iment L Eouston& #J c< 2n /attalion& 23r "arine ?e$iment L -ncino& 7A < 3r /attalion& 23r "arine ?e$iment L (ew )rleans& 3A 2< 2'th "arine ?e$iment L =ansas 7ity& ") a< EK 7ompanyH 2' #)W ;A#5platoon< b< 1st /attalion& 2'th "arine ?e$iment L Detroit& "9 c< 2n /attalion& 2'th "arine ?e$iment L 7hica$o& 93 < 3r /attalion& 2'th "arine ?e$iment L /ri $eton& ") 3< 2,th "arine ?e$iment L Worchester& "A a< EK 7ompanyH 2' #)W ;A#5platoon< b< 1st /attalion& 2,th "arine ?e$iment L Worcester& "A c< 2n /attalion& 2,th "arine ?e$iment L 6ar en 7ity& (M < 3r /attalion& 2,th "arine ?e$iment L /rookpark& )E '< 1'th "arine ?e$iment L 4ort Worth& #J a< 1st /attalion& 1'th "arine ?e$iment L Alame a& 7AH 2' "198 ;Direct 1upport bn for ?3# 23< b< 2n /attalion& 1'th "arine ?e$iment L 6ran *rairie& #JH 2' "198 ;Direct 1upport bn for ?3# 2'< c< 3r /attalion& 1'th "arine ?e$iment L *hila elphia& *AH 2' "198 ;Direct 1upport bn for ?3# 2,< < 'th /attalion& 1'th "arine ?e$iment L /essemer& A3H 18 "1!9A3 e< ,th /attalion& 1'th "arine ?e$iment L 1eal /each& 7AH 18 "11!A2 ,< 'th #ank /attalion L 1an Die$o& 7A a< EK an 1er2ice 7ompanyH 2 ".!A1& 1 "88A1& 32! men Draft Document .+

b< 2 A# ;#)W< *latoonsH 2' #)W E""WD& .9 men each c< 3 #ank 7ompaniesH 1+ ".!A1& 1 "88A1& 1!, men each .< 8th #ank /attalion L ?ochester& (M a< EK an 1er2ice 7ompanyH 2 ".!A1& 1 "88A1& 32! men b< A# ;#)W< 7ompanyH +2 #)W E""WD& 2'. men c< ' #ank 7ompaniesH 1+ ".!A1& 1 "88A1& 1!, men each +< 'th 3i$ht Armore 9nfantry /attalion L 7amp *en leton& 7A a< EK an 1er2ice 7ompanyH ' 3AD52,& 8 3AD572& 1. 3AD53& 2 3AD5? b< Weapons 7ompanyH 1! 3AD52,& 1. 3AD5A#& 8 3AD5"& 1 3AD5? c< 3 3i$ht Armore 9nfantry 7ompaniesH 1' 3AD52,& 1 3AD5?& ,. scouts each 8< 'th ?econnaissance /attalion L 1an Antonio& #J a< EK an 1er2ice 7ompanyH 1!2 men b< 3 ?econnaissance 7ompaniesH +9 men each ;12 teams of ' men each< 9< 'th Assault Amphibian /attalion L #ampa /ay& 43 a< EK an 1er2ice 7ompanyH 1, AAD*5+& 3 AAD75+& 2 AAD?5+& 23+ men b< 2 Assault Amphibian 7ompaniesH '3 AAD*5+& 3 AAD753& 1 AAD?5+& 22. men each 1!< 'th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion L /altimore& "D a< EK an 1er2ice 7ompanyH 1'3 men b< -n$ineer 1upport 7ompanyH 2,9 men c< ' 7ombat -n$ineer 7ompanies ;1 in ca re status<H 11' men each c. 'th "arine Air Win$ L (ew )rleans& 3A 1< "arine Win$ Eea Fuarters 1Fua ron ' 2< "arine Air 7ontrol 6roup '8 L 6len2iew& 93 a< 'th 3i$ht Antiaircraft "issile /attalion L 4resno& 7AH 18 95Eawk& +,1 men b< 'th 3ow Altitu e Air Defense /attalion L *asa ena& 7AH 9! 1tin$er& 3++ men 3< "arine Aircraft 6roup '1 L Dallas& #J ;4i$hter 4CW "A6< a< D"4A5112 @7owboysA 5 Dallas& #JH 1' 45'1 b< Det / E"E5++2 L Dallas& #JH + 7E5,3A '< "arine Aircraft 6roup '2 L Alame a& 7A ;Attack 4CW "A6< a< D"A512' @Whistlin$ DeathA L "emphis& #(H 19 A5'" 1kyhawk b< D"A5133 @Dra$onsA L Alame a& 7AH 1' A5'4 c< D"A51'2 @4lyin$ 6atorsA L 7ecil 4iel & 43H 1, A5'" < Det A E"E5++2 L Alame a& 7AH + 7E5,3A ,< "arine Aircraft 6roup '. L -l #oro& 7A ;?CW "A6< a< D"4A513' @1mokeA L -l #oro& 7AH . 4CA518 ;con2erte from 45' in early 89< b< E""5+.' @"oonli$htersA L -l #oro& 7AH 1! 7E5'.c< E""5++' @Wil 6ooseA L (orfolk& DAH 1' 7E5'.< E"35+.+ @(oma sA L (ew )rleans& 3AH 13 0E51( e< E"A5++, @7oyotesA L 7amp *en leton& 7AH 12 AE51J .< "arine Aircraft 6roup '9 L Willow 6ro2e& *A ;?CW "A6< a< D"4A5321 @Eell%s An$elsA L An rews A4/& "DH 12 45'1 b< D"A5131 @Diamon backsA L Willow 6ro2e& *AH 1' A5'" ;from A5'4 in 88< c< D"A5322 @4i$htin$ 6amecocksA L 1outh Weymouth& "AH 1' A5'" b< D"6?523' @?an$ersA L 6len2iew& 93H 8 =7513!#& + =7513!4 < D"6?5',2 @MankeesA L 1tewart A(6/& (MH 8 =7513!# e< D")5' @-2il -yesA L AtlantaH 1. )D51!A f< E"E5++2;5< @EustlerA L Willow 6ro2e& *AH + 7E5,3A $< E"35++1 @EummersA L 1outh Weymouth& "AH 8 0E51( h< E"A5++3 @?e Do$sA L AtlantaO 6AH 1, AE51J i< E"35++. @6an$stersA L 6len2iew& 93H + 0E51( No)e 17 #he infantry battalions ha2e rifle companies& a EK an ser2ice company& inclu in$ a reconnaissance platoon in E""WD& a weapons company with a hea2y machine $un ;. .,!5cal "2<& a $rena e launcher ;'!mm "k19<& a antitank ;2' Dra$on A#6"< an a mortar ;8 81mm "2,2< platoon. #he rifle companies are or$aniBe in three rifle platoons an a weapons platoon with . ".!-3 machine $uns& . 83mm "k1,3 1"AW an 3 .!mm "22' mortars. 9n 1988C89 three infantry battalions were place in ca re ;3C'& 2C1& 2C.< an a fourth rifle company was a e to the structure of the ei$ht infantry battalions assi$ne to the "-0;1)7< rotation. #here were plans to ha2e a ?eser2e rifle company affiliate to fill out the four company battalion structure for the 1. remainin$ acti2e uty infantry battalions. Draft Document .8

No)e 87 /attalions& companies an sFua rons rotate for .5month perio s to "-0;1)7< eployments an to )kinawa& un er the 0nit Deployment *ro$ram ;0D*<. No)e ?7 #he #ank /attalions were the controllin$ hea Fuarters for the #)W 2ehicles& but they woul ha2e $enerally been farme out to other comman s an not use en masse. #he #ank /attalion ha 3 @platoonsA of #)Ws& each with 2' launchers. No)e 47 #he peacetime or$aniBation an $arrrison istribution of the "arine 7orps units oes not reflect the wartime or$aniBation. "arine formations eploy as inte$rate "arine Air56roun #ask 4orces ;"A6#4s< of 2arious siBesH "arine -8pe itionary 0nit ;"-0< comman e by a colonel& "arine -8pe itionary /ri$a e ;"-/< comman e by a bri$a ier or maGor $eneral& an "arine -8pe itionary 4orce ;"-4< comman e by a lieutenant $eneral. -ach has a 7omman -lement ;7-<& a 6roun 7ombat -lement ;67-<& an A2iation 7ombat -lement ;A7-<& an 7ombat 1er2ice 1upport -lement ;711-& not shown<. No)e <7 A "arine -8pe itionary 0nit ;"-0< is the smallest of the three "arine airC$roun task forces. "-0s are ma e up of about 1&9!! "arines an are transporte on three to fi2e amphibious ships. #hey ha2e weapons& helicopters& an AD58/ attack Gets& but no fi$hter aircraft. 9n contrast to the lar$er task forces& "-0s are eploye routinely in peacetime. #wo "-0s are always forwar eploye H one in the "e iterranean an one in the Western *acific or 9n ian )cean. #hese units form& train& eploy& an then isban to ensure rotations of people an eFuipment about e2ery si8 months. No)e =7 #he "arine -8pe itionary /ri$a e ;"-/< is a "A6#4 built aroun a reinforce infantry re$iment an an aircraft $roup compose by both fi8e an rotary win$ aircraft. (otionally& there were nine "-/s in the acti2e force structure& althou$h only si8 "-/ hea Fuarters were permanently staffe in peacetime. Durin$ a war in -urope& the "arines woul sen a bri$a e to (orway an thirty ays of supplies an the eFuipment for one "-/ are locate in central (orway. #he "-/ eploys with 3! ays of accompanyin$ supplies an is capable of con uctin$ combat operations of limite scope. #he Amphibious "-/ embarks aboar (a2al ships to estinations throu$hout the worl & where it can make an amphibous assault& take a beachhea an open a lane to proGect offensi2e combat power ashore. An Amphibious "-/ woul eploy aboar (a2al 2essels with more than '&!!! "arines. About 2! amphibious ships woul be reFuire to transport a bri$a e. An "aritime *repositionin$ 4orce "-/ can be much lar$er& an proGect offensi2e combat power throu$hout its theater of operation. An "*4 "-/ woul eploy to a theater where it woul offloa the reFuire eFuipment from an "*4 ship. /ecause this is a lan 5base force& it can be much lar$er than an amphibious "-/& brin$in$ more than 1.&!!! "arines an 1ailors to the theater of operation Fuickly. )ne "-/ per "-4 is reFuire to be rea y for embarkation within four ays of notification. No)e 97 A "arine -8pe itionary 4orce ;"-4< consists of about ,!&!!! "arines. 9t also has a substantial number of weapons inclu in$ tanks& li$ht armore 2ehicles& howitBers& helicopters& an fi$hter an attack aircraft. About ,, amphibious ships woul be reFuire to transport a "-4. #he siBe an composition of a eploye "-4 can 2ary $reatly epen in$ on the reFuirements of the mission. 9t can eploy with not only its own units but also units from the other stan in$ "-4s& the "arine 7orps ?eser2e& or the other 1er2ices an the 1pecial )perations 7omman . A "-4 typically eploys by echelon with .! ays of sustainment. #he "-4 is reFuire to be rea y for embarkation within ten ays of notification. No)e 87 "arine 7orps an (a2y planners i2i e "-4s an "-/s into three parts or echelons. #he assault echelon ;A-< comprises the troops an eFuipment that woul be nee e to sustain the task force for an amphibious lan in$ an the first 1, ays of combat. 9t consists of about two5thir s of all troops in the task force an about half of all 2ehicles& but only one5Fuarter of nee e car$o. #he assault follow5on echelon ;A4)-< an the fly5in echelon ;49-< carry enou$h supplies to support the task force for an a itional 1, to ', ays& after which the lan in$ force woul reFuire further reinforcement. No)e 97 #he most likely role of the "arine 7orps ?eser2e upon mobiliBation will be to au$ment or reinforce an acti2e uty "-4. TAu$mentationT refers to fillin$ the unmanne structure of a "-4 while TreinforcementT a s a itional capabiltties to a "-4. #he remain er of 'th "arine Di2ision an 'th "arine Air Win$ coul be mobiliBe to fiel a "arine -8pe itionary /ri$a e to reinforce a "-4 or to pro2i e a nucleus to reconstitute a i2ision an awin$. 9f au$mentation or reinforcement is not or ere & the ?eser2es coul be use to fiel a i2ision an a win$ with re uce capability. No)e 1:7 -ach "arine Di2ision pre2iously ha fi2e artillery battalionsH three irect support with "198s& one 6eneral 1upport with "198s an one mi8e mechaniBe artillery battalion. 9n 198+51989& howe2er& the "198 6eneral 1upport battalions were transferre to the ?eser2es. Draft Document .9

No)e 117 "arine 4i8e Win$ Aircraft Eol in$s ;some eli2eries on$oin$<H 12! 4518A& 2! 4518/& 3. 45187& 1! 45 18D& 13' AD58/ ;plus , in stora$e<& + #AD58/& 21 ?45'/& 98 A5'"& 1, )A5'"& 9 #A5'4& ,' A5.-& ' -A5.A& 18 -A5./& 3. )D51!CACD& 13 4521& '2 =7513! No)e 187 "arine ?otary Win$ Aircraft Eol in$s ;some eli2eries on$oin$<H 8' AE51JC#CW& 8! 0E51(& 2!. 7E5 '.-& 9' 7E5,3ACD& +. 7E5,3No)e 1?7 "arine -Fuipment Eol in$sH ,' AAD*5+? reco2ery 2ehicles

Draft Document


N#>#$ Co".)r'&) o" B#))#$ o".

#he 1eabees of WW99 fame& woul ha2e worke where2er the "arines went. 4rom @(a2y 1eabees 1ince *earl Earbour&A by Jay =immel& 1992. 3istin$s are as of 198+. 7re it for this $oes to #ank(et%s AlaskanWarrior. 1< (a2al 7onstruction ?e$iments a< 2!th (7? L 6ulfport& "1 b< 31st (7? L *ort Eueneme& 7A 2< Amphibious 7onstruction /attalions a< *E9/7/ L 7orona o& 7A b< *E9/7/ L 3ittle 7reek& DA 3< 0n erwater 7onstruction #eams a< 07#51 L 3ittle 7reek& DA b< 07#52 L *ort Eueneme& 7A '< (a2al 7onstrution /attalion 0nits a< 7/05'!1 L (a2al #rainin$ 7enter& 6rat 3akes& 93 b< 7/05'!2 L (a2al Air 1tation& *ensacola& 43 c< 7/05'!3 L 01 (a2al Aca emy& Annapolis& "D < 7/05'!' L (a2al Air 1tation& "emphis& #( e< 7/05'!, L (a2al Air 1tation& "iramar& 7A f< 7/05'!. L 3emoore& 7A $< 7/05'!+ L (a2al Air 1tation& 7orpus 7hristi& #J h< 7/05'!8 L (a2al - ucation #rainin$ 7enter& (ewport& ?9 i< 7/05'!9 L (a2al 1tation& 3on$ /each& 7A G< 7/05'1! L (a2al Air 1tatin& Jackson2ille& 43 k< 7/05'11 L (a2al 1tation& (orfolk& DA l< 7/05'12 L (a2al 1tation& 7harleston& (7 m< 7/05'13 L (a2al 1tation& *earl Earbor& E9 n< 7/05'1' L (a2al 1ubmarine /ase& 6roton& 7# o< 7/05'1, L (a2al Air 1tation )ceana& DA p< 7/05'1. L (a2al Air 1tation& Alame a& 7A F< 7/05'1+ L (a2al Air 1tation& Whi bey 9slan & WA r< 7/05'18 L (a2al 1ubmarine /ase& /an$or& /remerton& WA s< 7/05'19 L (a2al #rainin$ 7enter& )rlan o& 43 t< 7/05'2! L (a2al 1tation& "ayport& 43 u< 7/05'21 L (a2al 1tation& "are 9slan & 7A 2< 7/05'22 L (a2y Mar & Washin$ton& D7

Draft Document



1. C#rr er A r W "! O"e 3CVW15 EUSS A(er &# 388;9=5 D4533 @1tarfi$htersA L(A1 )ceanaH 12 451' D451!2 @Diamon backsA L (A1 )ceanaH 12 451'/ DA58, @/lack 4alconsA L (A1 )ceanaH A5.D4A582 @"arau ersA L (A1 7ecil 4iel H 12 4CA5187 ;from A5+-& 8+& 1st (a2y 4CA5187 unit< D4A58. @1i ewin ersA L (A1 7ecil 4iel H 12 4CA5187 ;from A5+-& 11C8+< DAK513+ @?ooksA L (A1 Whi bey 9slan H -A5./ 97A* 99 ;re$ularly shifte between win$s< D1532 @"aulersA L (A1 Jackson2illeH 8 153A ;to 53/ in 11C89< DAW5123 @1crewtopsA L (A1 (orfolkH ' -527 E1511 @Dra$onslayersA L (A1 Jackson2illeH 1E53 8. CVW? HB#))$e#2eI EUSS 1oh" F. Ke""e%+ D451' @#ophattersA L (A1 )ceanaH 12 451'A D4532 @1wor smanA L (A1 )ceanaH 12 451'A DA5+, @1un ay *unchersA L (A1 )ceanaH 12 A5.-& ' =A5. DAW512. @1eahawksA L (A1 (orfolkH ' -527 DAK513! @PappersA L (A1 Whi bey 9slan H ' -A5./ 97A* 99 ;re$ularly shifte between win$s< D1522 @7heckmatesA L (A1 7ecil 4iel & 43H 1! 153A E15+ @Dusty Do$sA L (A1 (orth 9slan H . 1E53E ;#hese are the sFua ron assi$nments for the =enne y%s 198854eb. 1989 eployment& on which it also ha D"A;AW<5,33 with 12 A5.- from the "arines< ?. CVW= E USS Forre.)#$ D4511 @?e ?ippersA L (A1 )ceanaH 12 451'A D4531 @#omcattersA L (A1 )ceanaH 12 451'A DA53+ @/ullsA L (A1 )ceanaH 12 A5+- ;4CA518A 12C9!< DA51!, @6unslin$ersA L (A1 7ecil 4iel H A5+- ;4CA518A 1C9!< DA51+. @#hun erboltsA L (A1 )ceanaH 1! A5.-& ' =A5.D DAW5122 @1teel JawsA L (A1 (orfolkH ' -527 DAK51'2 @6reywol2esA L (A1 Whi bey 9slan H ' -A5./ D1528 @6amblersA L (A1 7ecil 4iel H 1! 153A E151, @?e 3ionsA L (A1 Jackson2illeH . 1E53E 4. CVW9 EUSS E .e"ho/er 399;985 D451'2 @6hostri ersAH 12 451'A ;to / 'C89< D451'3 @*ukin% Do$sA L (A1 )ceanaH 12 451'A ;to / in 89< DA53' @/lue /lastersA L (A1 )ceanaH A5.D4A5131 @Wil catsA L (A1 7ecil 4iel H 12 4518A ;to 7& 11C9!< D4A513. @=ni$ht EawksA L 7ecil 4iel (A1H 12 4CA518A ;to 7& 11C9!< DAW5121 @/lue #ailsA L (A1 (orfolkH ' -527 DAK51'! @*atriotsA L (A1 Whi bey 9slan H ' -A5./ D1531 @#opcatsA L (A1 7ecil 4iel & 43H 1! 153/ ;from A in late 88< E15, @(i$ht ippersA L (A1 Jackson2illeH . 1E53E (oteH many elements of 7DW+ woul ha2e been in @turnaroun A in 1989& as -isenhower saile in early 199!. <. CVW8 E USS Roo.e>e$) 388;9<* N ( )A 0r or5 D45'1 @/lack AcesA L (A1 )ceanaH 1! 451'A D458' @Jolly ?o$ersA L (A1 )ceanaH 1! 451'A DA53, @/lack *anthersA L (A1 )ceanaH 1! A5.- ;to 7DW1+& 9C89< DA53. @?oa runnersA L (A1 )ceanaH 1! A5.D4A51, @DalionsA L (A1 )ceanaH 1! 4CA518A D4A58+ @6ol en WarriorsA L (A1 7ecil 4iel H 1! 4CA518A DAK51'1 @1ha owhawksA L (A1 Whi bey 9slan H , -A5. Draft Document +2

DAW512' @/ear AcesA L (A1 (orfolkH , -527 D152' L (A1 7ecil 4iel & 43H 1! 153A E153 @#ri entsA L (A1 Jackson2illeH . 1E53E or 1E5.! =. CVW1? E USS Cor#$ Se# D4A5132 @*ri2ateersA L (A1 7ecil 4iel H 12 4CA518A ;to 7DW. 1!C9!< D4A513+ @=estralsA L (A1 7ecil 4iel H 12 4CA518A ;to 7DW.& 1!C9!< DA5,, @WarhorsesA L (A1 )ceanaH 8 A5.- ; isestablishe & 1C91< DA5., @#i$ersA L (A1 )ceanaH 8 A5.- ;to 7DW8& 1!C89< DAK5133 @WiBar sA L (A1 Whi bey 9slan H ' -A5./ DAW512+ @1eabatsA L (A1 (orfolkH ' -527 E151+ @(eptunes ?ai ersA L (A1 Jackson2illeH . 1E53E ;$enerally i n%t ha2e D1< ;for 198851ept. 1989 eployment& also ha D"4A5',1 wC12 4CA518 from "arines< 9. CVW19 EUSS S#r#)o!# 388;945 D45+' @/e e2ilersA L (A1 )ceanaH 12 451'A ;to / in 89< D451!3 @1lu$$ersA L (A1 )ceanaH 12 451'/ D4A581 @1unlinersA L (A1 )ceanaH 12 4CA5187 ;from A5+-& 3C88< D4A583 @?ampa$ersA L (A1 7ecil 4iel H 12 4CA5187 ;from A5+-& 3C88< DAK5132 @1corpionsA L (A1 Whi bey 9slan H ' -A5./ DAW512, @#i$er #ailsAH ' -527 D153! @Diamon 7uttersAH 8 152/

B. P#& , &
1. CVW8 ;; USS R#"!er D451 @WolfpackA L (A1 "iramarH 12 451'A D452 @/ounty EuntersA L (A1 "iramarH 12 451'A DA51', @1wor smenA L (A1 Whi bey 9slan H 12 A5.- #?A"& ' =A5.D DAK5131 @3ancersAH ' -A5./ DAW511. @1un =in$sA L (AW1 *oint "u$uH ' -527 D1538 @?e 6riffonsA L (A1 (orth 9slan H 1! 153A E151' @7har$ersA L (A1 (orth 9slan H . 1E53E ;also ha D"A;AW<51'1 wC12 A5.- from "arines for 1989 eployment< 8. CVW< E USS M %/#+ E 1#0#"7 DA511, @-a$lesA L (A1 3emooreH 8 A5.DA518, @(i$hthawksA L (A1 Atsu$iH 8 A5.D4A51,1 @Di$ilantesA L (A4 Atsu$iH 12 4CA518A D4A5192 @6ol en Dra$onsA L (A4 Atsu$iH 12 4CA518A D4A519, @DambustersA L (A4 Atsu$iH 12 4CA518A DAK513. @6auntletsA L (A4 Atsu$iH ' -A5./ 97A* 99 DAW511, @3iberty /ellsA L (A4 Atsu$iH ' -527 E1512 @Wy2ernsA L (A1 Atsu$iH . 1E53E ?. CVW9 E USS N ( )A ;8+598& e8cept brief perio early 9! when on 7onstellation< D452' @4i$htin$ ?ene$a esA L (A1 3emooreH 12 451'A ;to / in 'C89< D45211 @4i$htin$ 7heckmatesA L (A1 "iramarH 12 451'A ;to / 'C89< DA51'. @/lue Diamon sA L (A1 3emooreH 12 A5+- ;D4A51'.& 4CA5187 .C89< DA51'+ @Ar$onautsA L (A1 3emooreH 12 A5+- ;to D4A51'+& 4CA5187 +C89< DA51., @/oomersA L (A1 Whi bey 9slan H A5.DAW5112 @6ol en EawksA L (A1 *oint "u$uH ' -527 ;-527Q 8C89< DAK5138 @MellowGacketsA L (A1 Whi bey 9slan H ' -A5./ 97A* 99 D1533 @1crewbir sA L (A1 (orth 9slan H 1! 153A E152 @?e 4alconsA L (A1 (orth 9slan H . 1E53E 4. CVW11 ;; USS E")er0r .e ;8259!< D4511' @Aar 2arksA L (A1 "iramarH 12 451'A Draft Document +3

D45213 @/lacklionsA L (A1 "iramarH 12 451'A DA59, @6reen 3iBar sA L (A1 Whi bey 9slan H A5.DA522 @4i$htin$ ?e cocksA L (A1 3emooreH 12 A5+- ;4CA5187 +C9!< DA59' @"i$hty 1hrikesA L (A1 3emooreH 12 A5+- ;4CA5187 ,C9!< DAW511+ @Wallban$ersA L (AW1 *oint "u$uH ' -527 ;-527Q 9!< DAK513, @/lack ?a2ensA L (A1 Whi bey 9slan H , -A5./ 97A* 99 ;from 9 in 88< D1521 @4i$htin$ ?e tailsA L (A1 (orth 9slan H 1! 153A E15. @9n iansA L (A1 (orth 9slan H . 1E53E <. CVW;14 ;; USS Co".)e$$#) o" ;to 011 9n epen ence& .C9!< D4521 @4reelancersA L (A1 3emooreH 12 451'A D451,' @/lack (i$htsA L (A1 3emooreH 12 451'A D4A52, @4ist of the 4leetA L (A1 3emooreH 12 4CA518A ;5187 .C89< D4A5113 @1tin$ersA L (A1 3emooreH 12 4CA518A ;5187 in .C89< DA519. @"ain /atteryA L (A1 Whi bey 9slan H A5.DAW5113 @/lack -a$lesA L (A1 *oint "u$uH ' -527 DAK5139 @7ou$arsA L (A1 Whi bey 9slan H ' -A5./ 97A* 99 D153+ @1awbucksA L (A1 (orth 9slan H 1! 153A E158 @-i$htballersA L (A1 (orth 9slan H . 1E53E =. CVW1< E USS C#r$ V ".o" D45,1 @1creamin$ -a$lesA L (A1 3emooreH 12 451'A D45111 @1un ownersA L (A1 3emooreH 12 451'A DA59+ @WarhawksA L (A1 3emooreH 12 A5+DA52+ @7har$ersA L (A1 3emooreH 12 A5+DA5,2 @=ni$htri ersA L (A1 Whi bey 9slan H A5.DAK513' @6aru asA L (A1 Whi bey 9slan H ' -A5./ DAW511' @Eormel Eaw$sA L (A1 *oint "u$uH ' -527Q D1529 @Dra$onfiresA L (A1 (orth 9slan H 8 153A E15' @/lack =ni$htsA L (A1 (orth 9slan H . 1E53E

C.>e A r W "!.
1. CVWR8: D452!1 @EuntersA L (A1 DallasH 12 451'A D452!2 @1uperheatA L (A1 DallasH 12 451'A DA52!3 @DolphinsA L (A1 7ecil 4iel H 12 A5+- ;to D4A52!3& 4CA518A 11C89< DA52!' @?i2er ?attlersA L (A1 (ew )rleansH 12 A5+DA52!, @6reen 4alconsA L (A1 AtlantaH 12 A5+DA=52!8 @JockeysA L (A1 Alame aH =A53/ tankers ; isestablishe 9C89< DAK52!9 @1tar WarriorsA L (A1 Washin$ton D7H ' -A5.A DAW5+8 @4i$htin$ -scar$otsA L (A1 (orfolkH ' -527 E15+, @#he -meral =ni$htsA L (A1 Jackson2illeH 8 1E53E ?. CVWR?: D453!1 @De2il%s DisciplesA L (A1 "iramarH 12 451'A D453!2 @1tallionsA L (A1 "iramarH 12 451'A D4A53!3 @6ol en EawksA L (A1 3emooreH 12 4CA518A DA53!' @4irebir sA L (A1 Alame aH A5.D4A53!, @3obsA L (A1 *oint "u$uH 12 4CA518A DAK53!9 @A8emenAH -A5.A& -A5./ DAW588 @7otton *ickersA L (A1 Alame aH ' -527 DA=53!8 @6riffinsA L (A1 Alame aH =A53/ tankers ; isestablishe 9C88< E158, @6ol en 6atersA L (A1 Alame aH 1E53

D. O)her U" ).
1. COMLATWING O"e D4A51!. @6la iatorsA L (A1 7ecil 4iel H 4CA518D L replacement unit for Atlantic 4leet Draft Document +'

8. COMMATWING O"e DA5'2 @6reen *awnsA L (A1 )ceanaH A5.D451!1 @6rim ?eapersA L (A1 (orfolkH 451'/ ;from A in 88< DA51+' @Eell ?aBorsA L (A1 7ecil 4iel H #A5+7 ; isestablishe .C88< ?. COMLATWINGPAC D4512' @6unfi$htersA L (A1 "iramarH 451'A ;to D in 9!< D4A512, @?ou$h ?ai ersA L (A1 3emooreH 4CA518/&7&D L replacement unit for *acific 4leet DA5122 @4lyin$ -a$lesA L (A1 3emooreH #5A+7 DA5128 @6ol en 9ntru ersA L (A1 Whi bey 9slan H A5.- ;also responsible for 01"7 crews 8.5< 4. A%>er.#r+ Tr# " "! D4A512+ @7ylonsA L (A1 4allonH 45,-& 4 D47512 @4i$htin$ )marsA L (A1 )ceanaH A5' @1uper 4o8esAN ;?eser2e< D47513 @4i$htin$ 1aintsA L (A1 4allonH A5'- ;?eser2e< D45'3 D45', D4512. DAK533 DAK53' <. Te.) 4 E>#$'#) o" DJ5' L (AW1 7hina 3ake DJ5, L (AW1 7hina 3ake .. Re#% "e.. SD'#%ro". E;8C7 DAW511! an DAW512! EA;=B7 DAK5129 S;?7 D152+& D15'1. E. O)her U" ). o, No)e 1. O)her SD'#%ro".* A,, $ #) o" U"6"o/" DA5'. @7lansmenA L (A1 7ecil 4iel H 12 A5+DA5+2 @/lue EawksA L (A1 7ecil 4iel H 12 A5+DA51,, @1il2er 4o8esA L (A1 Whi bey 9slan H A5.8. CVW1:. #his win$ was forme in 198.& but isestablishe in 1988. 9 belie2e the followin$ woul ha2e been assi$ne to itH D45191 @1atan%s =ittensA L (A1 "iramarH 451'A ; isestablishe 8+588N< D4519' @?e 3i$htnin$sA L (A1 "iramarH 451'A ; isestablishe 8+588< D4A51,1 @7har$ersA L (A1 3emooreH 4518A ;former 7DW, unit& isban e late 1988< ?. Re&e")$+ D .e.)#-$ .he% U" ). 9 belie2e the followin$ were isestablishe as a number of new 4CA518 sFua rons were forme H DA512 @7linchersA L (A1 7ecil 4iel H A5+- ;former 7DW+& isestablishe 198.< DA5,. @7hampionsA L (A1 3emooreH A5+- ;former 7DW,& isestablishe 198.< DA5.. @Wal osA L (A1 7ecil 4iel H A5+- ;former 7DW3& isestablishe 198.< DA593 @?a2ensA L (A1 3emooreH A5+- ;former 7DW,& isestablishe 198.< No)e 17 /asic ata is taken from official unit histories. 7orrections were pro2i e by #ank(et%s 7hico2!8,'& who went throu$h the (a2al A2iation (ews archi2es. 9tems in blue are sFua rons whose subor ination 9 belie2e to be the case& but cannot completely confirm. No)e 87 A5.- sFua rons are $enerally a mi8 of A5.- an =A5.D tankers. Accor in$ to 7ombat 4leets of the Worl 199!591& the stan ar sFua ron ha 1! A5.- an ' =A5.D. 1Fua rons on the =enne y ha 12 an 2& while those on the "i way ha 9 an ! an the ?oose2elt 1! an !. Draft Document +,

No)e ?7 01( 4i8e Win$ Aircraft Eol in$sH 3+2 451'A ;plus 21! in stora$e<& 2, 451'AQ ;later known as 451'D<& 213 4CA518A& 33 4CA518/ ;plus 118 2arious 4518 in stora$e<& perhaps +! 4CA5187CD ; eli2eries on$oin$< 21 45 ,-C4C#538& 22 451.(& ' #451.(& 1++ A5'4& 2'9 #A5'J& 212 A5.-& 12 A5.4 ;trials<& .' -A5./& ,2 =A5.D ;plus 12, 2arious A5. in stora$e<& 21! A5+-& some #A5+7& +2 -527& 1' -52/C7& 1' -A53& ' =A53& 3+3 *53& 12 -*53 ;plus 11, 2aroius *3 in store<& 1'! 153A& plus numerous support aircraft. No)e 47 01( ?otary Win$ Aircraft Eol in$sH 31 ?E5'3D ;mine countermeasures<& 1. "E5,3- ;mine countermeasuresN<& 9+ 1E5.!/ ;A1W<& 12 1E5.!4 ;A1W<& 1. EE5.!& 1'+ 1E524& 1!' 1E53DCE& 88 7E5'.. No)e <7 #he list is trainin$ an con2ersion units is incomplete. 9911 says the 01( ha 2 451' )70 sFua rons& 2 45 18& ' A5.CA5+& 3 -A5./C-A53& 2 4518 trainin$ sFua rons& , a$ressor sFua rons& plus others.

Draft Document



UK Co'")r+ D#)# *opulationH ,. million& inclu in$ 2.1, million males 18522 an '.', million males 23532. 6D*H ;1988< I823 billion Defense /u $etH ;1989< I31 billion "anpowerH ArmyH 1,2&9!! ?oyal (a2yH ,.&1!! ?oyal "arinesH +&'!! ?oyal Air 4orceH 89&.!! #he /A)? 7omman er was the (orthern Army 6roup ;()?#EA6< 7omman er controllin$ the 1st /ritish 7orps& 999 01 7orps& Dutch an /el$ium 7orps& likely some 4rench units& an the 1st 6erman 7orps. /A)? forces woul take 15' ays to fully mobiliBe an eploy to 6D* positions an maintains 1' ays of war stocks. 1. /A)? 6EK 5 ?hein ahlen& 4?6H ()?#EA6 EK a. 1!th 4iel 1Fua ron& ?oyal -n$ineers 5 6utersloh& 4?6H 2' 4D'32& 12 1partan& 9 en$ineer 2ehicles b. '!th Army 1upport 6roup& ?oyal -n$ineers 5 Willich& 4?6H 2' 4D'32& 12 1partan& 9 en$ineer 2ehicles c. 12th Eelicopter 4li$ht& Army Air 7orps 5 Wil enrath& 4?6H 2. 1st /ritish 7orps 6EK 5 /ielefel & 4?6H assi$ne to /A)? a. 1st Armoure Di2ision 5 Der en& 4?6H 1< +th Armoure /ri$a e 5 1oltau& 4?6H a< #he ?oyal 1cots Dra$oon 6uar sH ,. 7hallen$er& ' 1ultan& 8 1corpion& 1! 4D'32& 8 4erret ;from 1st / e& 11C88< b< 2n ?oyal #ank ?e$imentH ,. 7hallen$er& ' 1ultan& 8 1corpion& 1! 4D'32& 8 4erret c< 1st /n& #he 1taffor shire ?e$tH ', Warrior& ' 1ultan& 8 1cimitar& 2. 4D'32& + 4erret& 8 81mm "tr& 2' "ilan 2< 12th Armoure /ri$a e 5 )snabruck& 4?6H a< 'th ?oyal #ank ?e$imentH ,+ 7hieftain& ' 1ultan& 8 1corpion& 1! 4D'32& 8 4erret b< 1st /n& #he ?oyal 9rish ?an$ersH +1 4D'32& ' 1ultan& + 4erret& 8 1cimitar& 8 81mm "ortar& 2' "ilan ;from 8th /$ e& 2C89< c< 1st /n& #he ?oyal 6reenGacketsH +1 4D'32& ' 1ultan& + 4erret& 8 1cimitar& 8 81mm "ortar& 2' "ilan 3< 22n Armoure /ri$a e 5 Eohne& 4?6H a< #he Kueen's )wn EussarsH ,+ 7hieftain& ' 1ultan& 8 1corpion& 1! 4D'32& 8 4erret ;to 7hallen$er urin$ 1989< b< 1st /n& #he 1cots 6uar sH +1 4D'32& ' 1ultan& + 4erret& 8 1cimitar& 8 81mm "ortar& 2' "ilan c< 2n /n& #he ?oyal An$lian ?e$imentH +1 4D'32& ' 1ultan& + 4erret& 8 1cimitar& 8 81mm "ortar& 2' "ilan ;0< ;to Warrior& 1C9!< '< 1st Di2ision Artillery 6roup 5 Eohne& 4?6H a< 'th 4iel ?e$iment& ?oyal Artillery L Eohne& 4?6H 2' "1!9A2 ;29& 88& 9+ 4iel /atteries< b< '!th 4iel ?e$iment& ?oyal Artillery L )snabruck& 4?6H 2' "1!9A2 ;38& 129& 13+ 4iel /atteries< Attache H 1! /atteryH Ja2elin c< 1st ?e$iment& ?oyal Eorse Artillery L Eohne& 4?6H 2' Abbot 1!,mm 1* howitBers ;A& /& - /atteries< ,< 21st ?oyal -n$ineer ?e$iment 5 (ienbur$& 4?6H Di2isional en$ineers& see below .< 1st ?e$iment& Army Air 7orps 5 Eil esheim& 4?6H .,1& .23 ;.,2U<& ..1 1Fua rons with 12 3yn8 ;#)W<& 12 6aBelle& Q 1 more sFua ron ;12 6aBelle or 3yn8;#)W<< b. 3r Armoure Di2isionH 1oest& 4?6H Draft Document ++

1< 'th Armoure /ri$a e 5 "unster& 4?6H a< #he 1'thC2!th =in$'s EussarsH ,. 7hallen$er& ' 1ultan& 8 1corpion& 1! 4D'32& 8 4erret ;7 1Fua ron was in /erlin with 7hieftains< b< #he 1,thC19th =in$%s EussarsH ,. 7hallen$er& ' 1ultan& 8 1corpion& 1! 4D'32& 8 4erret c< 1st /n& 6rena ier 6uar sH ', Warrior& ' 1ultan& 8 1cimitar& 2. 4D'32& + 4erret& 8 81mm "tr& 2' "ilan 2< .th Armoure /ri$a e 5 1oest& 4?6H a< #he 1st ?oyal #ank ?e$imentH ,. 7hallen$er& ' 1ultan& 8 1corpion& 1! 4D'32& 8 4erret b< 3r /n& #he ?oyal ?e$iment of 4usiliersH ', Warrior& ' 1ultan& 8 1cimitar& 2. 4D'32& + 4erret& 8 81mm "tr& 2' "ilan ;from 4D'32& 9C89< c< 1st /n& 6or on Ei$hlan ersH Vlefto2er from when .th was airmobile bri$a eNW < 2n /n& #he 3i$ht 9nfantry L 0= base unitH 3i$ht ?ole 3< 33r Armoure /ri$a e 5 *a erborn& 4?6H a< #he ,th ?oyal 9nniskillin$ Dra$oon 6uar sH ,+ 7hieftain& ' 1ultan& 8 1corpion& 1! 4D'32& 8 4erret b< 1st /n& #he Kueen%s 3ancashire ?e$imentH +1 4D'32& ' 1ultan& + 4erret& 8 1cimitar& 8 81mm "ortar& 2' "ilan c< 1st /n& #he ?oyal 1cotsH ', Warrior& ' 1ultan& 8 1cimitar& 2. 4D'32& + 4erret& 8 81mm "tr& 2' "ilan < 1st /n& Kueen%s )wn Ei$hlan ersH +1 4D'32& ' 1ultan& + 4erret& 8 1cimitar& 8 81mm "ortar& 2' "ilan '< 3r Di2ision Artillery 6roup 5 "unster& 4?6H a< 2n 4iel ?e$iment& ?oyal ArtilleryH 2' "1!9A2 ;3& (& ) 4iel /atteries< Attache H '. /atteryH Ja2elin b< 19th 4iel ?e$iment& ?oyal Artillery L Dortmun H 2' Abbot 1!,mm 1* howitBers ;13& 2,& 28 4iel /atteries< Attache H 111 /atteryH Ja2elin c< '9th 4iel ?e$iment& ?oyal Artillery L 3ipsta tH 2' "1!9A2 ,< 4iel ?e$iment& ?oyal -n$ineers 5 9serlohn& 4?6H Di2isional en$ineers .< 3r ?e$iment& Army Air 7orps 5 1oest& 4?6H .,3& ..2& ..3 1Fua rons with 12 3yn8 ;#)W<& 12 6aBelle& Q 1 more sFua ron ;12 6aBelle or 3yn8;#)W<< No)e7 Woul $et 9thC12th ?oyal 3ancers ?ecce ?e$iment from 0= on mobiliBation c. 'th Armoure Di2ision L Eammersmith /arracks& Eerfor & 4?6H 1< 11th Armoure /ri$a e 5 "in en& 4?6H a< #he 3r ?oyal #ank ?e$imentH ,. 7hallen$er& ' 1ultan& 8 1corpion& 1! 4D'32& 8 4erret b< 1st /n& Ar$yll > 1utherlan Ei$hlan ers ;from 19th /ri$a e& 1C89<H ;"ech< c< 2n /n& #he Kueens ?e$imentH +1 4D'32& ' 1ultan& + 4erret& 8 1cimitar& 8 81mm "ortar& 2' "ilan 2< 2!th Armoure /ri$a e 5 Detmol & 4?6H a< #he /lues an ?oyalsH ,. 7hallen$er& ' 1ultan& 8 1corpion& 1! 4D'32& 8 4erret b< #he 'thC+th ?oyal Dra$oon 6uar sH ,. 7hallen$er& ' 1ultan& 8 1corpion& 1! 4D'32& 8 4erret c< 2n /n& #he ?oyal 9rish ?an$ersH +1 4D'32& ' 1ultan& + 4erret& 8 1cimitar& 8 81mm "ortar& 2' "ilan 3< 19th 9nfantry /ri$a eH 1tatione in 0=. '< 'th Di2ision Artillery 6roup 5 *a erborn& 4?6H a< 3r 4iel ?e$iment& ?oyal ArtilleryH 2' "1!9A2 b< '+th 4iel ?e$iment& ?oyal Artillery L 6uterslou$hH 2' Abbot 1!,mm 1* howitBers Attache H 21 /atteryH Ja2elin ,< 3,th 4iel ?e$iment& ?oyal -n$ineers 5 Eamlen& 4?6H Di2isional en$ineers .< 'th ?e$iment& Army Air 7orps 5 Dortmun & 4?6H .,'& .,9& ..9 1Fua rons with 12 3yn8 ;#)W<& 12 6aBelle& Q 1 more sFua ron ;12 6aBelle or 3yn8;#)W<< . 1st Artillery /ri$a e 5 /ielefel & 4?6H 1< ,th Eea2y Artillery ?e$iment 5 Dortmun & 4?6H 1. ;18N< "1!+ 1+,mm 1* howitBers ;=& *& 18 Eea2y /atteries& K 3ocatin$ /attery< 2< 32n Eea2y Artillery ?e$iment 5 Dortmun & 4?6H 1. ;18N< "1!+ 1+,mm 1* howitBers ;12& 2,& 2+& '. Eea2y /atteries& con2erte to "3?1 in 1991< 3< 39th Eea2y Artillery ?e$iment 5 1ennela$er& 4?6H 1. "11! 2!3mm 1* howitBer ;E& 132& 1+1& 1+. Eea2y /atteries& con2erte to "3?1 in 199!< Attache H ,. /atteryH 8 "1!9 Draft Document +8

3< ,!th "issile ?e$iment 5 "in en& 4?6H 12 3ance ;1,& 19& 3. "issile /atteries< '< 12th 3i$ht Air Defense ?e$iment 5 Dortmun & 4?6H 2' 1* ?apier& 2' towe ?apier ;#& 9& 12& ,8 Air Defence /atteries< ,< 22n 3i$ht Air Defense ?e$iment 5 Dortmun & 4?6H 2' 1* ?apier& 2' towe ?apier ;11& 3,& '2& ,3 Air Defense /atteries< e. 1.thC,th Kueen%s ?oyal 3ancers 55 Eerfor H Armoure ?ecce f. 1st Kueen%s Dra$oon 6uar s H Armoure ?ecce ;assi$ne to 1st Armoure Di2ision< $. 23r -n$ineer ?e$iment 5 )snabruck& 4?6H 7orps fiel en$ineers& see below ;12& 1.& 39 4iel 1Fua rons& '3 4iel 1upport 1Fua ron< h. 2,th -n$ineer ?e$iment 5 )snabruck& 4?6H 7orps fiel en$ineers i. 32n Armore -n$ineer ?e$iment 5 "unsterla$er& 4?6H see below ;2.& 31& ++ Armore 1Fua rons& ?-< G. 28th Amphibious -n$ineer ?e$iment L Eameln& 4?6H see below ;23& .' Amphibious -n$ineer 1Fua rons< k. .,th 7orps 1upport 1Fua ron& ?oyal -n$ineersH 2! "2 ferries& 31 @*lantA hea2y 2ehicles l. ..'th Army A2iation 1Fua ron 5 "in en& 4?6H 3. 0= /erlin 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 is an in epen ent unit from the /A)?H 1 4D5'32 7omman *ost a. b. c. . e. f. $. h. 1st /n& #he /lack WatchH ;to 39 9nf /ri$a e& +C89& replace by 1 bn& ?oyal Welch 4usiliers< 1st /n& #he =in$'s ?e$imentH 1st /n& #he Duke of - inbur$h's ?oyal /erkshire an Wiltshire ?e$tH 1st /n& #he 3i$ht 9nfantryH ;from 3r /$ e& 2C89< 7 1Fua ron& 1'C2!th EussarsH 18 7hieftain "k1!C7 ;1tillbrew but no #)61<& 1 4D5'32 ambulance an 1 4erret 38 ;/erlin< 4iel 1Fua ron& ?oyal -n$ineersH + 4li$ht& Army Air 7orpsH . #roop& '. Air Defence /atteryH

No)e7 While statione in /erlin& each infantry battalion ha H ' 4D5'32 wC3!mm ?ar en turret& 8 4D5'32& 8 4o8 7D?;W<& 8 81mm mortars& . Wombat 12!mm ??& . "ilan A#6" ;from An reas =irchoff%s @Armoure Dehicles of the /ritish 9nfantry /ri$a e /erlinA< No)e 17 /y 1988& the 0= ha taken eli2ery of +, "ilan firin$ post turrets for 1partan A*7s. #here was suppose to be ' 1partanC"ilan 2ehicles for each /A)? mechanise battalion ;an perhaps those estine to reinforce /A)?N< No)e 87 9t is likely that at least one of the artillery re$iments liste as "1!9 was in fact eFuippe with Abbot.


1. 2n 9nfantry Di2ision 5 Mork& 0=H ?einforces /A)? 1st /ritish 7orps

a. 2'th Airmobile /ri$a e 5 7atterick& 0=H 1< 1st /n& #he *rince of Wales )wn ?e$t of Morkshire L 7atterickH 3i$ht ?ole 2< 1st /n& #he 6reen Eowar sH 3i$ht ?ole ;ha a 'th 9nf 7o& mainly eploye to (orthern 9relan < L 7atterickH 3i$ht ?ole ;ha eployment to 4alklan s urin$ 1989< b< 2+th 4iel ?e$iment& ?oyal ArtilleryH 2' 4E5+! 1,,mm EowitBers '< ,1 4iel 1Fua ron& ?oyal -n$ineersH ,< 9th ?e$iment& Army Air 7orps 55 DishforthH .,+& .+!& .+1 1Fua rons b. 1,th #erritorial Army /ri$a e 5 #opcliffe& 0=H 1<#he Kueen's )wn Meomanry ;#A< L (ewcastle upon #yneH 8! 4o8& 2! 1partan& 11 1ultan& 11 4erret& , 1amaritan a< A 1Fua ron ;Ayrshire Meomanry< L Ayr b< 7 1Fua ron ;7heshire Meomanry< L 7hester Draft Document +9






c< D 1Fua ron ;(orthumberlan Eussars< L 7ramlin$ton < M 1Fua ron ;Morkshire Meomanry< L Mork 1st /n& #he Morkshire Dolunteers ;#A< L 3umley /arracks& MorkH 3i$ht ?ole a< A 7o ;6reen Eowar s< b< / 7o ;6reen Eowar s< c< 7 7o ;6reen Eowar s< < D 7o ;*rince of Wales ?e$t of Morkshire< 2n /n& #he Morkshire Dolunteers ;#A< L Worsely /arracks& MorkH 3i$ht ?ole a< A 7o L MorkH b< / 7o L EullH c< 7 7o ;3ee s ?ifles< L 7astleborou$hH < D 7o ;6reen Eowar s< L 1carborou$hH .th /n& #he ?oyal ?e$iment of 4usiliers ;#A< L (ewcastle upon #yneH 3i$ht ?ole a< W 7o L /erwick upon #wee H b< J 7o L 1an yfor H c< M 7o L (ewcastleH < P 7o L Ashin$tonH e< 1t. 3ucia 7o ;E14<H +th /n& #he 3i$ht 9nfantry ;#A< 55 DurhamH 3i$ht ?ole a< A 7o L Eor ernH b< / 7o L EepburnH c< 7 7o L Washin$tonH < D 7o L 1pennymoreH e< - 7o ;E14< L /ishop Aucklan H ;forme 1988< 8th /n& #he 3i$ht 9nfantry L Wakefiel H 3i$ht ?ole ;former 1C8+< a< A 7o L Wakefiel H b< / 7o L *ontefractH c< 7 7o L /atleyH < D 7o L /arnsleyH

c. '9th #erritorial Army /ri$a e 5 7hilwell& 0=H ' 1a8on an ' 4erret 1< #he ?oyal Meomanry ;#A< L 7helsea& 3on onH 8! 4o8& 2! 1partan& 11 1ultan& 11 4erret& , 1amaritan a< A 1Fua ron ;?oyal Wiltshire Meomanry< L 1win on an #rowbri $e b< / 1Fua ron ;1herwoo ?an$ers Meomanry< L 7arlton& (ottin$hamshire c< 7 1Fua ron ;=ent an 7ounty of 3on on< L 7roy on < D 1Fua ron ;(orth 9rish Eorse< 55 /elfast 2< ,th /n& #he ?oyal An$lian ?e$iment ;#A< L *eterborou$hH 3i$ht ?ole a< (o 1 ;-sse8< 7o b< (o 2 ;(orthamptionshire< 7o c< (o 3 ;-sse8< 7o < (o ' ;/e for shire an Eertfor shire< 7o 3< +th /n& #he ?oyal An$lian ?e$iment ;#A< 55 3eicesterH 3i$ht ?ole a< A 7o L 1cunthorpeH b< / 7o ;3incolnshire< L 3incolnH c< 7 7o ;3eicestershire an Derbyshire< L "elton "owbrayH < D 7o ;(orthamptonshire< L (orthamptionH e< - 7o ;E14< L 3eicester an 3incolnH '< ,th /n& #he ?oyal ?e$iment of 4usiliers ;#A< 55 7o2entryH 3i$ht ?ole a< A 7o L 1parkbrookH b< / 7o ;Warwickshire< L 1parkbrookH c< 7 7o L Ashton50n er53yneH < D 7o ;3ancashire< L /uryH e< 6 7o ;E14<H ,< 3r ;D< /n& 1taffor shire ?e$iment L Wol2erhamptonH 3i$ht ?ole ;forme 'C88< a< A 7o L #amworthH b< / 7o L 1toke )n #rentH c< 7 7o L /urton on #rentH < D 7o L WalsallH e< - 7o ;E14< 55 .< ,th /n& #he 3i$ht 9nfantry ;#A< 5 1hrewsburyH 3i$ht ?ole Draft Document 8!

a< b< c< <

A 7o L 1hrewsburyH / 7o L Wellin$tonH 7 7o L Eerefor H D 7o L ?oss5on5WyeH

. Di2isional #roops 1< ,th /n& #he ?oyal 6reen Jackets L )8for H 3i$ht ?ole ;forme 12C8.< a< A 7o L Ei$h WycombeH b< D 7o L AylesburyH c< - 7o L "ilton =eynesH < 9 7o ;E14< L DariousH 4ormer early 199!. 2< 'th /n& #he Kueen's 3ancashire ?e$iment ;#A< 55 *restonH 3i$ht ?ole a< A 7o L /urnleyH b< / 7o L /lackpooleH c< 7 7o L /oltonH < D 7o L /lackburnH 3< .,, 1Fua ron& Army Air 7orps L /ally=elly& (orthern 9relan H '< 29th ;38thN< ?e$iment& ?oyal -n$ineers 5 (ewcastle& 0=H No)e 17 2n 9nf i2ision components come from Eouse of 7ommons Eansar Written Answers for 9 June 1998& courtesy of #ank(et%s 3ouie& who u$ them up. #he oc lists the 1st /n& ??4 as a territorial unit assi$ne to the 1,th /ri$a eO howe2er& this is a re$ular unit. 9 belie2e the ,th /n& ??4 was actually assi$ne . #he oc also lists the @1 M>7A as assi$ne to the 1,thO 9 am workin$ on the assumption that this is in fact the 1 Morks. No)e 87 #he two territorial bri$a es woul likely $et the 1!!th an 1!1st 4iel Artillery ?e$iments on mobiliBation. 2. 1st 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 #i worth& 0=H 0nite =in$ om "obile 4orce& e icate to 1chleswi$5Eolstein ;A"4<

a. 1st /n& #he Kueen%s ?e$iment L #i worthH ', 1a8on& 8 4o8& + 4erret& 8 81mm "ortar& 2' "ilan A#6" ;0< b. 1st /n& #he De2on an Dorset ?e$iment L /ulfor H ', 1a8on& 8 4o8& + 4erret& 8 81mm "ortar& 2' "ilan A#6" ;0< c. 1st /n& #he ?oyal Eampshire ?e$iment L #i worthH ', 1a8on& + 4erret& 8 4o8& 8 81mm "ortar& 2' "ilan A#6" ;may ha2e been assi$ne to 8th 9nf /ri$a e& (9< . 1st /n& #he Wesse8 ?e$iment ;#A< 55 De2iBesH 3i$ht ?ole 1< A 7o L 6loucesterH 2< / 7o L 1win onH 3< 7 7o L DorchesterH '< D 7o ;Kueen%s )wn Dorset Meomanry< L *ooleH e. #he ?oyal Eussars ;*rince of Wales )wn< L #i worthH '3 7hieftain& ' 1ultan& 8 1corpion& 1! 4D'32& 8 4erret ;from +th /ri$a e& 1C89< ;1 sFua ron in /erlinN< f. 13th C18th ?oyal Eussars ?ecce ?e$iment H Armoure ?ecce . ?e$iment& ?oyal Artillery L #horney /arracksH 2' 4E5+! 1,,mm EowitBers ;may be re2erse with 2+th ?A in 2'th Airmobile< e. .,. 1Fua ron& Army Air 7orps ;+th ?e$t& AA7<H 3. 2n ;1outheast< 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 1horncliffe& 0=H e icate to Eome Defense. a. 2n /n& #he ?oyal 6reenGackets ;3i$ht 9nfantry< L 7anterburyH 3i$ht ?ole ;0< b. 3r /n& #he Kueen's ?e$iment L Al er$ro2eNH +1 4D'32& ' 1ultan& + 4erret& 8 1cimitar& 8 81mm "ortar& 2' "ilan ;0< c. #he Duke of 3ancaster's )wn Meomanry ;#A< L 7horley H 8! 4o8& 2! 1partan& 11 1ultan& 11 4erret& , 1amaritan ;con2erte to 4o8 in 1983< a< A 1Fua ron L Wi$an b< / 1Fua ron L 7lifton& "anchester c< 7 1Fua ron L 7horley ;forme late 198!s< b< D 1Fua ron L *reston an /lackpool '. ,th Airborne /ri$a e 5 Al ershot& 0=H may reinforce any (A#) comman . 81

Draft Document

a. b. c. . e. f. $. h.

1st /n& #he *arachute ?e$imentH 3i$ht ?ole 2n /n& #he *arachute ?e$imentH 3i$ht ?ole 1st /n& 2n =in$ - war D99's )wn 6urkha ?iflesH 3i$ht ?ole 'th ;D< /n& #he *arachute ?e$iment ;#A<H3i$ht ?ole ;' ?ifle 7os ;, after 198'<< 1!th ;D< /n& #he *arachute ?e$iment ;#A< 55 3on onH 3i$ht ?ole ;' ?ifle Q 1 E14 7o< 1,th /n& #he *arachute ?e$iment ;#A< 55 6las$owH 3i$ht ?ole ;3 ;later '< ?ifle 7o Q 1upport 7o< +th *arachute ?e$iment ?oyal Eorse ArtilleryH 2' 1!,mm 3i$ht 6uns .,8 1Fua ron& Army Air 7orps ;+th ?e$t& AA7<H

No)e7 #hree #A para battalions to 1st Armoure Di2 upon mobiliBation. 9n January 89& a special bri$a e hea Fuarters ;#he *arachute ?e$t 6roup< was forme to control them. A itionally& all three #A para battalions ha an up$ra e allotment of "ilans ;'2N<. /ri$a e woul also likely $et 3ife 6uar s armoure recce re$iment ;minus one sFua ron< on mobiliBation. '. 19th 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 7olchester& 0=H ?einforces 'th Armoure Di2ision in 4?6

a. 1st /n& #he =in$%s )wn ?oyal /or er ?e$t L 7olchesterH ', 1a8on& 8 4o8& + 4erret& 8 81mm "ortar& 2' "ilan A#6" ;0< ;first 1a8on unit< b. 1st /n& #he ?oyal An$lian ?e$iment L 7olchesterH ', 1a8on& 8 4o8& + 4erret& 8 81mm "ortar& 2' "ilan A#6" ;0< c. 3r /n& #he ?oyal An$lian ?e$iment L 7olchesterH ', 1a8on& 8 4o8& + 4erret& 8 81mm "ortar& 2' "ilan A#6" . ',th 4iel ?e$iment& ?oyal ArtilleryH 2' 1,,mm 4E5+! .. '2n ;(orthwest< 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 7hester& 0=H e icate to Eome efense.

a. 1st /n& #he 7heshire ?e$iment L 7hesterH 3i$ht ?ole b. 3r /n& #he 3i$ht 9nfantry L WeetonH 3i$ht ?ole c. 3r /n& #he Worcestershire an 1herwoo 4oresters ?e$iment ;#A<H Eome Defence 1< A 7o ;1herwoo ?an$ers< L "ansfiel H 2< / 7o ;3eicestershire an Derbyshire Meomanry< L 1utton5in5Ashfiel H 3< 7 7o ;Derbyshire 4oresters< L DerbyH '< D 7o ;?obin Eoo 4oresters< L (ottin$hamH ,< - 7o ;(ottin$hamshire 4oresters< L (ewarkH .< 4 7o ;E14< L Worksop& "ansfiel an (ottin$hamH ;forme 198,< +< 6 7o ;E14< 55 Derby an 7hesterfiel H ;forme 198,< . 'th /n& #he =in$s )wn /or er ?e$iment ;#A< 55 3ancasterH Eome Defence 1< A 7o L 7arlisleH 2< / 7o L =en allH 3< 7 7o L /arrow5in54urnessH '< D 7o L Workin$tonH ,< - 7o ;E14< L DariousH ;former 198'< e. ,thC8th /n& #he =in$'s ?e$iment ;#A< 55 Warrin$tonH Eome Defence 1< A 7o L Warrin$tonH 2< / 7o L 3i2erpoolH 3< 7 7o L "anchesterH '< D 7o L 3i2erpoolH ,< - 7o ;E14< L 3i2erpoolH ;former 198'< f. .thC+th /n& #he Kueen's ?e$iment ;#A< 55 EorshamH Eome Defence 1< A 7o ;1alerno< L 4arnhamH 2< / 7o ;1omme< L /ri$htonH 3< 7 7o ;Kuebec< L 7rawleyH '< D 7o ;#an$ier< L =in$stonH ,< - 7o ;E14< L 2ariousH $. 3r ;D< /n& 7heshire ?e$iment L ?unconH ;forme 'C88< 1<A 7o L 1tockportH 2</ 7o L "c7lesfiel H 3<7 7o L -llesmore *ortH Draft Document 82

'<D 7o L 7reweH +. '3r ;Wesse8< /ri$a e 5 -8eter& 0=H e icate to Eome efense. a. #he Wesse8 Meomanry ;#A<H 3i$ht ?ecce in Eome Defence role in 1983 1< A 1Fua ron ;?oyal 6loucestshire Eussars< L 6loucester 2< / 1Fua ron ;?oyal Wiltshire Meomanry< L Wiltshire 3< 7 1Fua ron ;?oyal 6loucestshire Eussars< L 1trou '< D 1Fua ron ;?oyal De2on Meomanry< L /arnstaple ,< - 1Fua ron ;?oyal Wiltshire Meomanry< L Wiltshire ;E14< b. 2n /n& #he Wesse8 ?e$iment ;#A< L ?ea in$H Eome Defence 1< A 7o ;Duke of 7onnau$ht%s< L *ortsmouthH 2< / 7o L WinchesterH 3< 7 7o ;?oyal /erkshire< L "ai enhea H '< D 7o L 1win onH ,< - 7o ;E14< L 2ariousH c. .th /n& #he 3i$ht 9nfantry ;#A< 5 /athH 3i$ht ?ole 1< A 7o L /athH 2< / 7o L Meo2ilH 3< 7 7o L 7ambourneH '< D 7o L #ruroH ,< - 7o ;E14< L /athH .< 4 7o ;E14< L #ruroH . 'th ;D< /n& #he De2onshire an Dorset ?e$iment L -8eterH ;forme 1!C8+< 1< A 7o L *lymouthH 2< / 7o L *ai$ntonH ;forme 1988< 3< 6 7o ;E14< L *lymouthH ;forme 1989< 8. ,1st ;Ei$hlan < 9nfantry /ri$a eH a. 1st /n& #he ,1st Ei$hlan Dolunteers ;#A< 55 *erthH 3i$ht ?ole ;to ' Arm Di2& 11th Arm /$ e upon mobiliBation< 1< A 7o ;/lack Watch< L Dun ee 2< - 7o ;Aryll > 1utherlan Ei$hlan ers< L 1tirlin$ 3< 6 7o ;3on on 1cottish< L Westminster& 3on on '< = 7o ;/lack Watch< L =irkcal y ,< D 7o ;3i2erpool 1cottish< L 3i2erpool .< P 7o ;E14< L *erth& elsewhere ;forme 198'< b. 2n /n& #he ,1st Ei$hlan Dolunteers ;#A< L -l$inH 3i$ht ?ole 1< A 7o ;3o2at 1couts< L WicksH 2< / 7o ;6or on Ei$hlan ers< L *eterhea H 3< 7 7o ;Kueen%s )wn Ei$hlan ers< L 9n2ernessH '< D 7o ;6or on Ei$hlan ers& 3o2at 1couts< L Aber eenH ,< J 7o ;E14<H ;forme 198'< .< M 7o ;E14<H ;forme 198'< c. 3r /n& #he ,1st Ei$hlan Dolunteers ;#A< 55 1tirlin$H 3i$ht ?ole ;all components are Ar$yll an 1utherlan Ei$hlan ers< 1< A 7o L 1tirlin$H 2< / 7o L 7umbernau H 3< 7 7o L 6ran$emouthH '< D 7o L DumbartonH ,< W 7o ;E14< L 1tirlin$& Dumbarton& 6ran$emouth


,2n ;3owlan < 9nfantry /ri$a eH a. 1st /n& #he =in$'s )wn 1cottish /or erers 55 - inbur$hH 3i$ht ?ole ;0< b. 1st /n& #he ,2n 3owlan Dolunteers ;#A<H 9nfantry /n in Eome Defense ?ole 1< A 7o ;#he ?oyal 1cots< L - inborou$h an /ath$ateH 2< / 7o ;?oyal Ei$hlan 4usiliers< L AyrH 3< 7 7o ;=in$%s )wn 1cottish /or erers< L DumfriesH '< D 7o ;#he 7ameroonians< L EamiltonH ,< - 7o ;Ei$hlan 3i$ht 9nfantry< L 6las$owH Draft Document 83

.< +< c. 2n 1< 2< 3< '< ,<

4 7o ;E14< L AyrH ;forme 198'< 6 7o ;E14< L DumfriesH ;forme 198'< /n& #he ,2n 3owlan Dolunteers ;#A<H (o. 1 7o ;#he ?oyal 1cots< L *enicuikH (o. 2 7o ;#he ?oyal 1cots< L - inbur$h > /ath$ateH (o. 3 7o ;=in$%s )wn 1cottish /or erers< L 6alashiels (o. ' 7o ;7ameroonians< L "otherwell (o. , 7o ;E14< L - inbur$hH ;forme 198'<

1!. ,'th ;-ast An$lian< 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 6rantham& 0=H e icate to Eome efense. a. 1st /n& #he ?oyal Ei$hlan 4usiliers 55 )akin$tonH +1 4D'32& ' 1ultan& + 4erret& 8 1cimitar& 8 81mm "ortar& 2' "ilan b. .th /n& #he ?oyal An$lian ?e$iment ;#A< L /ury 1t. - mon sH Eome Defence 1< A 7o ;?oyal (orfolk< L (orwichH 2< / 7o ;/e for shire< L /efor H 3< 7 7o ;1uffolk< L 9pswichH '< D 7o ;7ambri $eshire< L 7ambri $eH ,< - 7o ;E14< L /e for H .< 4 7o ;E14< L (orwichH c. #he Kueen's )wn "ercian Meomanry ;#A<H 3i$ht ?ecce ?e$t 1< A 1Fua ron ;Warwichshire > Worcestershire< L 7o2entryH 2< / 1Fua ron ;1taffor shire Meomanry< L #ipton& 1taffor an 3ichfiel H 3< 7 1Fua ron ;1hropshire Meomanry< L 1hrewsbury& )swestry an Wellin$tonH '< D 1Fua ron ;E14< L #elfo H e. 3r /n& #he Morkshire Dolunteers ;#A< L Eu ersfiel H Eome Defence 1< A /attery ;West ?i in$ Artillery< L =ei$hleyH 2< / 7o ;3ee s ?ifles< L 3ee sH 3< 7 7o ;Duke of Wellin$ton%s ?e$t< L Eu ersfiel H '< D 7o ;Duke of Wellin$ton%s ?e$t< L Ealifa8H ,< E 7o ;Mork an 3ancaster& E14< L DariousH ;forme 1988< e. 'th /n& #he Morkshire Dolunteers ;#A< L 1heffiel H Eome Defence 1< A 7o ;Eallamshire< L -ast$ate& /arnsleyH 2< / 7o ;1heffiel Art Dol< L ?otherhamH 3< 7 7o ;Mork > 3ancaster ?e$t< L DoncasterH '< D 7o ;Eallashire< L 1heffiel H f. ,th ;D< /n& #he Kueen's ?e$iment ;#A< L 7anterburyH 3i$ht ?ole ;to 'th Arm Di2& 2!th Arm / e upon mobiliBation< 1< A 7o L 6uil for H 2< / 7o L /roa stairsH 3< 7 7o L Eastin$sH '< D 7o L EornseyH 11. ,.th ;3on on< 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 3on on& 0=H e icate to Eome efense. a. 1st /n& #he 7ol stream 6uar sH 3i$ht ?oleN b. 2n /n& 6rena ier 6uar s L 3on onH 3i$ht ?oleN c. 2n /n& 1cots 6uar L 3on onH 3i$ht ?oleN . 1st /n& 9rish 6uar s L 3on onH 3i$ht ?oleN e. 1st /n& #he Welsh 6uar s L 3on onH 3i$ht ?ole f. 'th /n& #he ?oyal 6reenGackets ;#A< L Da2ies ?oa & 3on onH 3i$ht ?ole ;to 1st Arm Di2& +th Arm /$ e on mobiliBation< 1< / 7o L 4ulham& 3on onH 2< 7 7o L 4insbury& 3on onH 3< 4 7o L "ile -n ?oa & 3on onH '< 6 7o L West Eam& 3on onH ,< E 7o ;E14< L Da2ies 1treet& 3on onH ;forme 1988< $. 8th ;D< /n& Kueen%s 4usiliers L 7laphamH 3i$ht ?ole ;to /A)? to protect 3ance missile assets upon mobiliBation< 1<A 7o ;Ei$hwoo < L 7amberwellH Draft Document 8'

2</ 7o ;Albuhera< L EornseyH 3<7 7o ;7ity of 3on on< L /alhamH 12. 1'3r ;West "i lan s< 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 1hrewsbury& 0=H e icate to Eome efense a. 1st /n& #he Duke of Wellin$ton's ?e$iment L #ern EillH ', 1a8on& 8 4o8& + 4erret& 8 81mm "ortar& 2' "ilan A#6" ;from 39 /$ e& 2C89< b. Kueen%s ?oyal 9rish Eussars L to /o2in$tonC7atterick 3C88O to *a erborn > /A)?& 'C9!H Armore unit ;7hieftainN< c. 'th ;D< /n& Worcestershire > 1herwoo 4oresters L ?e itchH 3i$ht ?oleO to /A)? upon mobiliBation ;forme 'C88< 1<A 7o L WorcesterH 2</ 7o L =i ermisterH 3<7 7o L 1hirley& /irmin$hamH '<D 7o L (ottin$hamH ,<4 7o ;E14< L WorcesterH 13. 1.!th ;Welsh< 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 /recon& 0=H e icate to Eome efense. a. 1st /n& #he ?e$iment of WalesH ;9nfantry Demonstration 0nit< b. 3r /n& #he ?oyal Welch 4usiliers ;#A< 55 Wre8hamH Eome Defence 1< A 7o L AberystwythH 2< / 7o L 7olwyn /ayH 3< 7 7o L 7onnah%s KuayH '< D 7o L 7aernarfonH ,< - 7o ;E14< H ;forme 198.< c. 3r /n& #he ?oyal ?e$iment of Wales ;#A< 55 7ar iffH 3i$ht ?ole 1< A 7o L AbertilleryH 2< / 7o L (ewport an *ontypoolH 3< 7 7o L *ontypri H '< D 7o L 7ar iffH ;forme 198,< ,< - 7o ;E14< L 7ar iffH ;forme 198'< . 'th /n& #he ?oyal ?e$iment of Wales ;#A< 55 1wanseaH Eome Defence 1< A 7o L 3lanelliH 2< / 7o L (eathH 3< 7 7o L /ri $en H '< D 7o L 1wanseaH ;forme 198,< 1'. Eea Fuarters& (orthern 9relan a. 8th 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 3on on erry& (orthern 9relan H ;#he /attalions rotate out<. 1< 1st /n& #he 6loucestershire ?e$tH +1 4D'32& ' 1ultan& + 4erret& 8 1cimitar& 8 81mm "ortar& 2' "ilan 2< 'th ;D< /n& #he ?oyal 9rish ?an$ers ;#A< 55 *orta ownH Eome Defence a< A 7o ;?oyal 9nniskillin$ 4usiliers<H )ma$h b< / 7o ;?oyal 0lster ?ifles<H /elfast c< 7 7o ;?oyal 9rish 4usiliers<H *orta own < D 7o ;3on on 9rish ?ifles<H 3on on 3< 'th /n& 0lster Defence ?e$iment L 7ounty 4ermana$hH '< ,th /n& 0lster Defence ?e$iment L 7ounty 3on on erryH ,< .th /n& 0lster Defence ?e$iment L 7ounty #yroneH .< 8th /n& 0lster Defence ?e$iment L 7ounty #yroneH b. 39th 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 3isburn& (9H e icate to the efense of (orthern 9relan ;#he /attalions rotate out<. 1< 3r /n& #he *arachute ?e$imentH 3i$ht ?ole ;from , Abn / e& 3C89< 2< 1st /n& #he ?oyal Welch 4usiliersH +1 4D'32& ' 1ultan& + 4erret& 8 1cimitar& 8 81mm "ortar& 2' "ilan ;to /erlin 9C89< 3< ,th /n& #he ?oyal 9rish ?an$ers ;#A< 55 Arma$hH 3i$ht ?ole a< A 7o L 3isburnH Draft Document 8,

b< / 7o ;?oyal 9rish ?ifles< L =illye$hH c< 7 7o L 3ur$anH < D 7o L /elfastH '< 1stC9th /n& 0lster Defence ?e$iment L 7ounty DownH ,< 3r /n& 0lster Defence ?e$iment L 7ounty DownH .< +thC1!th /n& 0lster Defence ?e$iment L /elfastH c. 3r 1< 2< 3< '< ,< /ri$a e L (orthern 9relan 1st /n& #he Worcestershire an 1herwoo 4oresters ?e$iment L )ma$hH 3i$ht ?ole 1st /n& ?oyal ?e$iment of 4usiliersH 2n /n& 0lster Defence ?e$iment L 7ounty Arma$hH 3r /n& 0lster Defence ?e$iment L 7ounty DownH 11th /n& 0lster Defence ?e$iment L 7rai$a2onH

. .., 1Fua ron& Army Air 7orps L Al er$ro2eH e. 1 4li$ht& Army Air 7orps L Al er$ro2eH , 9slan er 1,. 1A1 ?e$imentH a. 21st 1A1 ?e$iment ;#A< 55 7helseaH 1' "ilan& . 81mm mortars 1< A 1Fua ron L 7helseaH 2< / 1Fua ron L 7helseaH 3< 7 1Fua ron L EitchinH '< D 1Fua ron L *ortsmouthH ,< - 1Fua ron L (ewport& 6wentH b. 22n 1A1 ?e$imentH 1' "ilan& . 81mm mortars ;A& /& D& 6uar s& ?eser2e 1Fua rons< c. 23r 1A1 ?e$iment ;#A< 55 /irmin$hamH 1' "ilan& . 81mm mortars 1< A 1Fua ron L 6las$owH 2< / 1Fua ron L 3ee sH 3< 7 1Fua ron L /irmin$hamH '< D 1Fua ron L 9n2er$owrieH ,< 6 1Fua ron L "anchesterH 1.. )ther ?e$ular Army 0nitsH a. 3ife 6uar s L 0=H Armoure ?ecce ;7D?;#< family<& 0=5base recon for ,th Airborne /ri$a e ;with 1 sFua ron to 3r 7omman o< b. 9th C12th ?oyal 3ancer ?ecce ?e$iment L Wimbish& 0=H Armoure ?ecce ;7D?;#< family<& 0=5base recon for 3r Armore c. 9'th 3ocatin$ ?e$iment& ?oyal Artillery L 3arkhillH 0=5base reinforcement for 1st Artillery /ri$a e Attache H '3 /atteryH Ja2elin . ?e$iment& ?oyal Artillery L =irton in 3in sayH ?apier& 0=5base AD for 3r Armore Di2ision e. ... 1Fua ron& Army Air 7orps ;+th AA7 ?e$iment<H 1+. Allie "obile 4orce assi$ne units a. , /atteryH 8 1!,mm 35118 3i$ht 6uns b. 2 4li$ht& AA7 ;+th AA7 ?e$iment<H c. 9n epen ent 4iel -n$ineerin$ 1Fua ron . )ne armoure sFua ron from 1st 9nf / e%s ?ecce ?e$t f. 2n /n& ?oyal ?e$iment of 4usiliers L /ulfo H 3i$ht ?ole ;if eployin$ in the north< 18. #erritorialCDolunteer ?oyal Artillery 0nitsH a. 1!!th ;Meomanry< 4iel ?e$iment& ?A ;D< L 3on onH 18 4E5+! 1,,mm 6uns& D /attery wC/lowpipe 1A"s ;likely e icate to '9th 9nf / e& 2n 9nf Di2< b. 1!1st ;(orthumbrian< 4iel ?e$iment& ?A ;D< L (ewcastle 0pon #yneH 18 4E5+! 1,,mm 6uns& /lowpipe 1A"s ;likely e icate to 1, 9nf / e& 2n 9nf Di2< c. 1!2n ;0lster< 3i$ht Air Defence ?e$iment& ?A ;D< L /elfastH /lowpipeCJa2elin ;2!.& 21, batteries< . 1!3r ;3ancashire Artillery Dolunteers< Air Defence ?e$iment& ?A L 3i2erpoolH /lowpipeCJa2elin ;2!8& 2!9& 213& 21. batteries Q 1 E14< e. 1!'th Air Defence ?e$iment& ?A ;D< L (ewportH /lowpipeCJa2elin ;21!& 211& 21' batteries< f. 1!,th ;1cottish< Air Defence ?e$iment& ?A ;D< L - inbur$hH /lowpipeCJa2elin ;2!+& 212& 218& 219 batteries< Draft Document 8.

$. 3!+th ;1outh (ottin$hamshire Eussars& ?EA< /attery& ?A ;D<H 12 )* teams h. 2.9th /attery& West ?i in$ ?e$t ?A ;#<H 9n epen ent airmobile fiel artillery battery i. Eonourable Artillery 7ompany L 4insbury& 3on onH 1< 1& 2& 3 1Fua ronsH )*7om 0= 1pecials 4orces& assi$ne to /A)?C()?#EA6 2< ' 1Fua ronH #rainin$ Win$ 3< 6un #roopH . 1!,mm 3i$ht 6uns ;9n epen ent Air *ortable 4iel Artillery /attery& probably e icate to *arachute ?e$iment< '< 7orps of DrumsH /ri$a e efence platoon ,< 1& 2 7ompanies ;E14< 19. 3!th -n$ineer /ri$a e 5 1taffor & 0=H ?einforces /A)?& controls territorialC2olunteer infantry units in peacetime a. +1st ;1cottish< -n$ineer ?e$iment 55 6las$owH ;3 sFua rons< b. +2n -n$ineer ?e$iment ;D< L 6ateshea H ;' sFua rons< c. +3r -n$ineer ?e$iment ;D< L (ottin$hamH ;' 1Fua rons<& taske to reinforce /A)? . +'th -n$ineer ?e$iment ;D< L (orthern 9relan H ;3 1Fua rons< e. +,th -n$ineer ?e$iment ;D< L "anchesterH ;2 1Fua rons< f. 1!1st ;3on on< -n$ineer ?e$iment ;D< L 3on onH ;3 1Fua rons< -8plosi2e )r nance Destruction $. ?oyal "onmouthshire -n$ineer ?e$iment ;D< L "onmouthH ;3 1Fua rons< h. Jersey 4iel 1Fua ron ;?oyal "ilitia of the 9sle of Jersey<H


1. /runei a. 1st /n& .th Kueen -liBabeth's )wn 6urkha ?iflesH b. 1st /n& 1!th *rincess "ary's )wn 6urkha ?iflesH c. Detachment& ..! 1Fua ron& AA7H 3 Eelicopters 7yprus a. 2n /n& #he 7ol stream 6uar sH 9nfantry /attalion& li$ht role b. 2 9nfantry 7ompanies c. 1 -n$ineer 1upport 1Fua ron . 1. 4li$ht& AA7H 3 6aBelle AE51 e. 0( 4li$ht& AA7H Wesse8N f. ?A4 4li$htH ' Earrier 6?53& ' *uma $. ?A4 AD DetachmentH ' ?apier No)e7 1ome units are un er 0= comman & some un er 0( 3. 4alklan s a. 1 9nfantry /attalion b. Air Defence #roop ; etache from '3 /attery< c. -n$ineer 4iel 1Fua ron . 1 *hantom 4li$ht e. 1Fua ron& ?A4 ?e$imentH ?apiers f. .,2 1Fua ron& AA7H 6ibraltar a. 3r /n& #he ?oyal 6reenGackets ;3i$ht 9nfantry<H 8 81mm mortars& . "ilan& ' .,! cal m$ b. 6ibraltar ?e$iment ;?eser2e< Eon$ =on$ a. 1 /ritish 9nfantry /attalion b. '8th 6urkha /ri$a eH 1. 2n /n& 2n =in$ - war D99's )wn 6urkha ?iflesH 2. 1st /n& +th Duke of - inbur$h's )wn 6urkha ?iflesH 3. 2 en$ineer sFua rons& each 3 platoons '. 1 ?A4 Eelo 1Fua ronH 1! Wesse8 E752 ,. 1 Eelo 1Fua ronH 1! 1cout AE51 8+




Draft Document

c. Eon$ =on$ ?e$t ;reser2e< .. /eliBe a. 1 9nfantry /attalion ;was 9rish 6uar s for at least part of 1989< b. 1 Armore ?econ #roop c. 1 4iel Artillery /attery . ,2 4iel 1Fua ron& ?oyal -n$ineer e. 2, Eelicopter 4li$htH 3 6aBelle AE51& f. '3 /attery& ?AH 3i$ht Air Defence No)e 17 )ne of the 6urkha battalions liste as in /runei was likely actually in Eon$ =on$ No)e 87 6urkha battalions ha a sli$htly ifferent or$aniBationH ?econ troop& ' ?ifle 7os ;each 1! sFua s<& plus 8 81mm mortars& . 3an ?o2er wC12!mm Wombat ??& many 7arl 6usta2sO a e 1 more 81mm mortar& . "ilan in 1989 O>er#$$ UK No)e. No)e 17 #he bri$a e hea Fuarters in the 0= ;e8cept 1st& 2'th& '9th& 19th& ,th *ara< were re$ional hea Fuarters units& not combat hea Fuarters& althou$h some woul con2ert in wartime. No)e 8H 9nfantry /attalions or$aniBe for the @li$ht roleA ha ' rifle companies an a support company with 8 81mm mortars& . "ilans ;12 if they were to be committe to /A)?<. #here were 21 battalions so or$aniBe . No)e ?7 9nfantry /attalions or$aniBe for @home efenceA has 35, rifle companies& a recon platoon& an assault pioneer platoon& an a mortar platoon with 9 81mm mortars. 9n many units& one platoon in each rifle company woul be manne by reser2ists. #his or$aniBation was use only by #A infantry battalions without a planne (A#) role. #here were a total of 1' battalions or$aniBe as such. 9 ha2e labele all #A infantry battalions as Eome Defence unless 9 ha2e information to the contrary. #here was also a battalion or$aniBe for artillery security& with 3 rifle companies an no support units ;8th /n& Kueen%s fusiliers<. No)e 47 0nits with a ;0< after their name i a 35. month tour in (orthern 9relan at some point urin$ 1989. No)e <7 E14 units are Eome 1er2ice 4orce& raise to pro2i e local security an free #erritorials for other tasks. No)e =7 6i2en the number of 7hallen$er 1s actually a2ailable& it is unlikely that the re$iments eFuippe with them were at full stren$th. No)e =7 9n se2eral e8ercises in the 198!s the 0=5base /A)? reinforcements were reporte ly in place in less than +2 hours. No)e 97 /ri$a es ;at least those in /A)? or the 0="4< were re5eFuippe from 4D'32 7omman 2ariant to A1D'3. comman 2ehicles be$innin$ with the 1st AD in 198.. -ach bri$a e EK ha 9 A1D'3. an 2 4D'39 7omms 2ehicle in the main EK an , A1D'3. an 2 4D'39 in the 1tep 0p EK ;or alternate<. #here were occasional 1ultans for transportin$ staff officers an for ?A4 liason units. Di2isional EK units were similarly arran$e & but ha appro8imately ouble the number of 2ehicles& plus the occasional 4erret. ;#hanks to 1imon #yler for this< No)e 87 -n$ineer 0nits #he 0= maintaine a lar$e an 2arie number of en$ineer units. #hose below are from #ank5(et%s EarleFuin& an come from the official 1989 0= officer%s han book. ;(oteH @*lantA 2ehicles are hea2y construction5type eFuipment such as bull oBers< Di2isional -n$ineer ?e$iment ;'' officers& 892 other ranks< 3 ;"ech< 4iel 1Fua rons& eachH 9 1partans& 1' 4D'32C'& , 7-# ;7ombat -n$ineer #ractor<& ' @*lantA 2ehicles 1 4iel 1upport 1Fua ronH 29 @*lantA 2ehicles& 2 3!m 6ir er /ri $es 7orps -n$ineer ?e$iment ;3, officers& +1, other ranks< 2 ;"ech< 4iel 1Fua rons& eachH 9 1partans& 1' 4D'32C'& , 7-# ;7ombat -n$ineer #ractor<& ' @*lantA 2ehicles 1 *lant 1Fua ronH '. @*lantA 2ehicles Draft Document 88

Amphibious -n$ineer ?e$iment ;3, officers& 8'. other ranks< 2 Amphibious 1Fua ronsH 3! "2 ferries& 3 7D?;#< 1 Amphibious 1Fua ronH 2' "2 ferries& . 7-# Armoure -n$ineer ?e$iment ;31 officers& +'8 other ranks< 3 Armoure 1Fua rons& eachH 12 AD?-& 12 AD3/& + 7D?;#<& ' 4D'3'N& ' 7-# No)e 97 1ources for this ))/ are numerous an 2arie & an espite the efforts of a number of in i2i uals& is likely to contain some errors ;probably Fuite a few<. )ne source that was of $reat use hereH ?e$iments.or$. #hanks are also owe to numerous in i2i uals on #ank5(et.or$& whose personal e8periences an obscure publications certainly ai e this effort. Amon$ those& an 9 hope 9 ha2e not misse anyone& areH /ri$anBa& Da2e 7lark& 1tuart 6albraith& 7hris Werb& 3ouie& *hil& .+th #i$ers an others. ?e$iments.or$ ;as of January 2!!9< is off5line L thou$h an archi2e can be foun here. No)e 1:7 #ank5(et%s .+th #i$ers assemble the followin$ likely wartime or$aniBation for /ritish forces base on inter2iews with officers an 2arious official publicationsH B!"R EK ;' W4? as 7orps Defence /n& 9C12 3ancers as 7orps ?ecce ?$t< /erlin / e Artillery Di2ision ;8 K4 as security< 1st Armr Di2 ;1 KD6 as recce& *ara ?e$ 6p ;3 #A *ara /ns<& +th ;+th is sFuare by a ition of ' ?6J<& 12th an 22n Armr / es< 2n 9nf Di2 ;T1!+T / e& 1,& '9 9nf / es an 2' Airmobile / e< 3r Armr Di2 ;'th& .th an 19th Armr / es ;19th may be "ech<< 'th Armr Di2 ;1.C, 3 as recce& 11th Armr / e ;with T,2 / eT as subor inate in a ol 4iel 4orce arran$ementN<& 2!th Armr / e ;with T1.!thT / e< an 33 Armr / e< EK(9 ;e85, 9nf Di2< ;3r & 8th an 39th 9nf / es< Lan# Comman# 1st "ech / e ;Armr5"ech reser2e& likely to Denmark< 3r 7omman o / e ;to (orway< ,th Airborne / e ;to Denmark< 2n 9nf / e ; efen s ports on 1outhC-ast< '2n & '3r an ,'th / es ;mobile ED< ,1st 9nf / e ;static efence of bases in 690= $ap& incorporates units of ,2n not eploye elsewhere< 1'3r / e ;has Armour emo /ns etc.< "ther '8 6urkha / e in E=& plus other /n siBe $arrisons elsewhere. No)e 117 0= -Fuipment Eol in$s !rmor: '2! 7hallen$er 1 total when eli2eries complete in 199!& 8+! 7hieftains ;plus '!! in reser2e<& ,! 7enturion ;probably represents AD?-s etc< ;plus ,+! in stora$e< Recon: 2+1 1corpions& 29! 1cimitars& 23! 4o8& ,!! 4erret of 2arious marks& 12Q 1ala in !$%&'!(C: R2!! Warrior ; eli2eries on$oin$<& 2'!! 4D5'32 ;inclu in$ 2ariants<& ,2+ 1a8on& '3, ;other sources say ,!!Q& but that may inclu e those with "ilan turret< 1partan& 3!!Q 1aracen& 3!!Q Eumber& some 1horlan Armoure *atrol 7ar in ser2ice with ?oyal 0lster 7onstabulary !rtillery: 2!! 1!,mm Abbot 1!,mm 1*& 119 "1!9 1,,mm 1*& 3+ "1!+ 1+,mm 1*& 1. "11! 2!3mm 1*& 212 1!,mm 3i$ht 6uns& ,1 "5,. 1!,mm pack howitBers& +2 4E5+! 1,,mm towe howitBers& 11 ,.,in towe howitBers& 1' 3ance launchers& se2eral ;'N< "3?1 on trials !nti-Tank: At least 12! 1triker 1win$fire 1*& manyN 4D'38 1win$fire 1*& +!Q 1partar "ilan !ir )efense: about ,! ?apier 1*& about +! ?apier towe ;not inclu in$ ?A4 ?e$iment units<& /lowpipe 1A"& Ja2elin 1A" elicopters: .! 1cout ;3!QU<& 1,9 1A53'1 6aBelle ;1.!QU<& 12! 3yn8 AE51C+C9 ;1!!QU<& ' A51!9 ;U entries are conflictin$ ata from 4li$ht 9nternational%s Worl Air 4orces 1989<

Draft Document



9nformation from official sFua ron histories& with a itional info from sFua ron histories on ?A4Web.or$ 1. /ru$$en& 4?6H a. (o. 9 1Fua ronH 12 #orna o 6? "k 1 ;became #orna o in 1983< b. (o. 1' 1Fua ronH 12 #orna o 6? "k 1 ;became #orna o in 198,< c. (o. 1+ 1Fua ronH 12 #orna o 6? "k 1 ;became #orna o in 198,< . (o. 31 1Fua ronH 12 #orna o 6? "k 1;became #orna o in 198'< 6utersloh& 4?6H a. (o. 3 1Fua ronH 1. Earrier 6? "k3 ;6? "k, in "arch 1989< b. (o. ' 1Fua ronH 1. Earrier 6? "k3 ;6? "k+ in 1ept 199!< c. (o. 18 1Fua ronH 18 7hinooks ;see note< . (o. 23! 1Fua ronH 1. *uma 3aarbruch& 4?6H a. (o. 2 1Fua ronH 12 Ja$uars ;?econ< ;former 1C89& may ha2e been #orna o 6? "k 1A recon< b. (o. 1, 1Fua ronH 12 #orna o 6? "k 1 ;became #orna o in 1983< c. (o. 1. 1Fua ronH 12 #orna o 6? "k 1 ;became #orna o in 198'< . (o. 2! 1Fua ronH 12 #orna o 6? "k 1 ;became #orna o in 198'< Wil enrath& 4?6H a. (o. 19 1Fua ronH 12 *hantom 46? "k 2 b. (o. 92 1Fua ronH 12 *hantom 46? "k 2 c. (o. 2! 1Fua ronH 12 #orna o 6? "k 1 . (o. .! 1Fua ronH An o2ers /erlin& 4?6 a. 4li$ht of 7hipmunk #.1!






1. /inbrook& 3incs& 0=H a. (o. , 1Fua ronH 12 #orna o 43 ;3i$htnin$ until 198+< ;may ha2e been at 7onin$sby< b. (o. 11 1Fua ronH 1, #orna o 43 ;3i$htnin$ until "ay 1988& re5forme with 43 in Au$ust 1988< 3euchars& 4ife& 0=H a. (o. '3 1Fua ronH 12N *hantom 46? "k 2 ;became 43 in 199!< b. (o. 111 1Fua ronH 12 N *hantom 46? "k 2 ;became 43 in early 199!s< c. (o. 228 1Fua ronH )70 for *hantom units 3ossiemouth& "orayshire& 0=H a. (o. 12 1Fua ronH 1. /uccaneer "k 2b b. (o. 2!8 1Fua ronH 1. /uccaneer "k 2b c. (o. 23+ 1Fua ronH 1. /uccaneer "k 2b ;)70 for /uccaneer units< . (o. 22. 1Fua ronH 1. Ja$uar 6? "k 1 ;)70 for Ja$uar units< e. (o. 8 1Fua ronH . 1hackleton A-W "k 2 ;became 1entry in 1991< "arham& (orfolk& 0=H a. (o. 2+ 1Fua ronH 12 #orna o 6? "k 1 b. (o. .1+ 1Fua ronH 12 #orna o 6? "k 1





Wattisham& 1uffolk& 0=H a. (o. ,. 1Fua ronH 12 *hantom 46? "k 2 ;1,< b. (o. +' 1Fua ronH 12 *hantom 45'J;0=< ;1,< c. (o. 23 1Fua ron 1251, #orna o 43 ;forme 1988< ;may ha2e been at 3eemin$< Draft Document 9!


Witterin$& 7ambs& 0=H a. (o. 1 1Fua ronH 1. Earrier 6? "k 3 ;be$an con2ertin$ to 6? "k , in June 198+< b. (o. 233 1Fua ronH Earrier )70 ;be$an con2ertin$ to 6? "k , in 1989< 7oltishall& 0=H a. (o. . 1Fua ronH 1. Ja$uar 6? "k 1 b. (o. ,' 1Fua ronH 1. Ja$uar 6? "k 1 c. (o. '1 sFua ronH 1. Ja$uar 6? "k 1 ;?econ< 3eemin$& 0= a. (o. 2, 1Fua ron 1251, #orna o 43 ;forme Au$. 1 1989< Eonin$ton a. (o. 13 1Fua ronH 1. #orna o 6? "k 1a ;forme Jan. 1 199!< b. (o. ', 1Fua ronH #orna o Weapons 7on2ersion 0nit


8. 9.

1!. 7oni$sby& 0= a. (o. 29 1Fua ron 1, #orna o 43 ;became #orna o in 198+< 11. 7ottesmore& 0= a. (A#) #ri5(ational #rainin$ 0nitH 1. 2! #orna o 6? "k 1 ;0=< 2. 1! #orna o 9D1 ;9taly< 3. 22 #orna o 9D1 ;4?6< 12. /raw y& 0= a. (o. 1 #actical Weapons 0nitH Eawk #.1A with secon ary air efense role 13. 7hi2enor& 0= b. (o. 2 #actical Weapons 0nitH Eawk #.1A with secon ary air efense role 12. 4alklan 9slan s a. (o. 1'3, 4li$htH ' 45' *hantom 46?."k2 b. (o. 1312 4li$htH 1 D751!& 1 Eercules 7513!= c. (o. +8 1Fua ronH 1ea =in$ an 7hinook E71 13. /eliBe a. (o. 1'1+ 4li$htH Earrier b. (o. 1,.3 4li$htH *uma (on57ombat 1Fua rons 1. /riBe (orton& 0=H a. (o. 1!1 1Fua ronH 13 D71! 7.1 ;3on$ ran$e transport< b. (o. 21. 1Fua ronH #ristar =71 ;aircraft un er$oin$ con2ersion to tanker role< =inloss& 0= a. (o. 2!1 1Fua ronH (imro b. (o. 2!. 1Fua ronH (imro c. (o. 12! 1Fua ronH (imro ;may ha2e been at 1t. "aw$an< . (o. 23, 1Fua ronH (imro )70 ;may ha2e been at 1t. "aw$an< e. (o. '2 1Fua ronH (imro ;may ha2e been at 1t. "aw$an<



Wa in$ton& 0= ;WytonN< a. (o. ,1 1Fua ronH 3 -lint (imro ?1 b. (o. 1 *hoto ?econ 1Fua ronH , 7anberra *?9 c. (o. 3.! 1Fua ronH 7anberra #.1+ in -7" trainin$ role e. (o. 1!! 1Fua ronH 7anberra in tar$et trainin$ role Draft Document 91

f. (o. 231 1Fua ronH 7anberra )70 '. /oulmer& 0= a. (o. 22 1Fua ronH EK at ?A4 4innin$ley& A 4li$ht at 7hi2enor& / 4li$ht at 3euchars& 7 4li$ht at ?A4 Dalley& - 4li$ht at 7oltishall ;D fli$ht isban e (o2 88<H 2 Wesse8 EA?.2 per fli$ht b. (o. 2!2 1Fa ronH EK at ?A4 4innin$ley& A 4li$ht at /oulmer& / 4li$ht at /raw y& 7 4li$ht at "anston& D 4li$ht at 3ossiemouth& - 4li$ht at 3econfiel H 2 1ea =in$ EA?.3 per fli$ht ,. ) a. b. c. iham& 0= (o. + 1Fua ronH 7hinooks ;pro2i e me ium5lift support for Army< (o. 33 1Fu ronH *uma (o. 2'! 1Fua ronH 7hinook& *uma )70


3yneham& 0= a. (o. 2' 1Fua ronH 12 Eercules 7.1C7.3 b. (o. 3! 1Fua ronH 12 Eercules 7.1C7.3 c. (o. '+ 1Fua ronH 12 Eercules 7.1C7.3 . (o. +! 1Fua ronH 12 Eercules 7.1C7.3 e. (o. 2'2 1Fua ronH 12 Eercules 7.1C7.3 ;)70 for Eercules 1Fa rons< (oteH . 7.1 were confi$ure as 7.1= tanks& 3! total were stretche 7.3s ;eFui2alent to 7513!E53!<

+. 8. 9.

(ortholt& 0= a. (o. 32 1Fua ronH "etropolitan 7ommunications 1Fua ron with 12 E1.12,& An o2er 77.2& 6aBelle Al re$ro2e& 0= a. (o. +2 1Fua ronH Wesse8 E72 "arham& 0= a. (o. ,, 1Fu ronH Dictor #ankers

1!. /enson& 0= a. (o. 11, 1Fua ronH An o2er -.3C-.3A& some 7.1s 9. Akrotiri& 7yprus a. (o. 8' 1Fua ronH Wesse8 E72& some former ?( Wesse8 E0 "k,

1!. 1ek =on$& Eon$ =on$ a. (o. 28 1Fua ronH Wesse8 E72 No)e 17 #he ?A4& like the 01 but unlike most other air forces& appears to ha2e hel si$nificant reser2es of front5line aircraft. 9911 "ilitary /alance 8959! lists the followin$ aircraft in reser2eH ,1 #orna o 6?1& ,9 #orna o 42C43& ,, *hantom& ,, Ja$uar. )ther ata in this section comes from 4li$ht 9nternational%s Worl Air 4orces 1989. Where it conflicts& it is marke with an U. No)e 87 0= Aircraft Eol in$s ;from Jane%s& as of late 19895early 199!< 45'H 1' 45'J& 3, 461& +. 46?2 #orna osH 122 43& 1+. 6?1 Ja$uarsH 11' 6?1& 2' #2 EarriersH .' 6?3& 3+ 6?,& 1. #2 'A /uccaneerH .,QU 1.2 #ankersH 12 ;1'U< Dictor =2& ' D71! =2& ' ;,U< D71! =3& . Eercules 71=& 9 3ockhee #ri1tar #rainersH +' Eawk #1& 8+ Eawk #1A& 12! Jet *ro2ost #,C#,A& 11 Jetstream #1& 119 /ull o$ #1& 11 7hipmunk #1!& 2! Domino #1 #ransportsH 13 D71! 7.1& 2, Eercules 7.1C7.1*& 3! Eercules 7.3 )thersH 9 7anberra *?9 ;recon<& 3. (imro ;patrol<& , 1hackleton ;A-W<& 3 (imro ?1* ;-W<& . 7anberra #1+ ;-W<& . 7anberra #1+A ;-W< EelicoptersH '1 *uma E71& 32 ;3.U< 7hinook E71& 29 ;3!U< 6aBelle 1A3'1D E#3 trainers& ', ;.+U< 2arious Wesse8& 18 1ea =in$ EA? 3 Draft Document 92

No)e ?7 #he two 7hinook sFua rons ;(os + an 18< hel 2+ 7E5'+s between themO another , were in an )70 sFua ron.

Draft Document



4rom ?ichar ?inal i%s ?A4 in -urope 19+951999 an Armies of (A#)%s 7entral 4rontO ?AA4 from 6raham -. Watson%s @?A4 ?e$iment 19'+52!!2.A A itional information from 1o2iet ?e2iew of 4orei$n "ilitary *ublications& 4ebruary 198+. #otal personnel for all units sai to be 3&,!! inclu in$ reser2ists. Win$ Eea Fuarters L controls $roups of sFua rons (o. 3 Win$ ;4iel < (o. ' Win$ ;AD< (o. , Win$ (o. . Win$ (o. 33 Win$ 7atterick& Morkshire Wil enrath Eulla2in$ton 1upporte Earrier force West ?aynham *ro2i e air efense for 01A4 bases in 0= 6uttersloh

SD'#%ro". -ach sFua ron was eFui2alent to a company in army parlanceO @fli$htsA were eFui2alent to platoons. (o. 1 1Fua ron 3aarbruch 3i$ht Armour (o. 2 1Fua ron Eulla2in$ton 3i$ht ArmourC*arachute (o. 3 1Fua ron Al er$ro2e& (9 4iel (o. 1, 1Fua ron Eulla2in$ton 3i$ht Armour (o. 1. 1Fua ron Wil enrath ?apier (o. 19 1Fua ron /riBe (orton ?apier ;01A4< (o. 2! 1Fua ron Eoninon$ton ?apier ;01A4< (o. 2. 1Fua ron 3aarbuch ?apier (o. 2+ 1Fua ron 3euchars ?apier (o. 3' 1Fua ron Akrotiri& 7yprus 3i$ht Armour (o. 3+ 1Fua ron /ru$$en ?apier (o. '8 1Fua ron 3ossiemouth ?apier (o. ,1 1Fua ron /ru$$en 3i$ht Armour (o. ,8 1Fua ron 7atterick 3i$ht Armour (o. .3 1Fua ron 6utersloh ?apier (o. .. 1Fua ron West ?aynham ?apier ;01A4< No)e7 ;01A4< in icates it was forme to protect air bases housin$ 01A4 assets Ro+#$ A'2 $ #r+ A r For&e Re! (e") ;?eser2es< 131! Win$ 7atterick 4orme June 1989 1339 Win$ Wa in$ton 4orme )ctober 1989 (o. 2,!3 1Fua (o. 2.2! 1Fua (o. 2.22 1Fua (o. 2.23 1Fua (o. 2.2' 1Fua (o. 2.2, 1Fua (o. 2+29 1Fua (o. 289! 1Fua ron ron ron ron ron ron ron ron 1campton 4iel "arham 4iel 3ossiemouth 4iel Eonin$ton 4iel /riBe (orton 4iel 1t. "aw$an 4iel Wa in$ton 1E)?AD Wa in$ton 1E)?AD

4orme April 198,& ha capture Ar$entine 3!mm )relikons 4orme )ctober 1989

No)e7 (o. 2+29 1Fua ron controlle 12 twin 3,mm )erlikon an ' 1ky$uar ra ars capture from the Ar$entines ;see here<& while (o. 289! also may ha2e. No)e7 #here were also a number of /loo houn 1A"s eploye ar /arkston Eeath& Wyton& Wattisham& /aw sey& West ?aynham& an (orth 7oates. Or!#" A#) o"7 Light !rmour: #hree @fli$htsA with , 1partans wCinfantry each& 1 fli$ht with . 1corpions& EK with 1ultan comman 2ehicle an 1ampson A?D Rapier: 8 ?apier launchers ;2 fli$hts of ' each< Draft Document 9'

Light !rmour'(arachute: 1 EK 1partan& 3 mi8e fli$hts with 3 1partans wCinfantry& 2 3an ?o2ers& 2 1corpions each& 1 "achine 6un 4li$ht with . 3an ?o2ers an , ""6. #raine for airborne insertion to secure airfiel s. %iel#: 1'+ personnel L essentially& infantry with rifles& $rena e launchers& li$ht machine $uns an ,1mm mortars. Desi$ne to protect 0= airfiel s after re$ulars epart to efen West 6erman airfiel s.


1. 1ea Earriers a. (o. 8!! 1Fua ronH 12 Earriers b. (o. 8!1 1Fua ronH 12 Earriers c. (o. 899 1Fua ronH Earrier trainin$ sFua ron 1ea =in$s a. (o. 81! 1Fua b. (o. 81' 1Fua c. (o. 819 1Fua . (o. 82! 1Fua e. (o. 82. 1Fua f. (o. +!. 1Fua ron ron ron ron ron ron ;)70N<



1ea =in$ in Assault ?ole L all at Meo2iltan a. (o. 8', 1Fua ron b. (o. 8'. 1Fua ron c. (o. +!+ 1Fua ron 1ea =in$ in 1A? ?ole a. (o. ++1 1Fua ron L 7ul rose b. (o. ++2 1Fua ron L *ortlan 3yn8 0nits a. (o. 81, 1Fua ron L *ortlan H pro2i es aircraft for fri$ates an b. (o. 829 1Fua ron L *ortaln H pro2i es aircraft for fri$ates an c. 3yn8 EA1.8 trials unit estroyers estroyers




)ther 0nits a. (o. +!, 1Fua ron L 7ul roseH 6aBelle trainin$ unit b. (o. +,! 1Fua ron L ?oborou$hH )bser2er trainin$ with Jetstreams c. 4leet ?eFuirements an Air Direction 0nio ;4?AD0<H Eunters& Dassault 4alcon 2!s& an 7anberras

A r&r#,) ho$% "!.7 '2 1ea Earrier 4?1.1C2& ' Earrier #.'(C#.'A& .!Q 1ea =in$ EA1.,& 31Q 1ea =in$ EA1..& 1! 1ea =in$ A-W.2A& 33 1ea =in$ E7.'& 8!Q 3yn8 EA1.2C3& 8 Wasp EA1.1& 23 6aBelle E#.2& 8 6aBelle E#.3& 1, Jetstream #.2& ' Jetstream #.3& 3 7anberra ##.1/& 1. 4alcon 2!& 12 Eunter 6A.11& 9 Eunter #./.& 2 Eunter #.+& 3 Eunter #.8" ;from 4li$ht 9nternational%s Worl Air 4orces 1989<

1. 3r ?oyal "arine 7omman o 5 *lymouth& 0=H ?einforces (orway or Denmark a< b< c< < e< f< '!th 7omman o /attalionH '2n 7omman o /attalionH ',th 7omman /attalionH 'th Assault 1Fua ronH ,39th Assault 1Fua ronH 1pecial /oat 1Fua ronH 9,

Draft Document

$< h< i< G< k<

2n ?ai in$ 1Fua ronH 29th 7omman o Artillery ?e$imentH 18 1!,mm 3i$ht 6uns ;Army< ,9th 7omman o -n$ineer 1Fua ronH 3r 7omman o Air 1Fua ronH 8 1A53'1& . 3yn8 AE51 3 1Fua rons& totalH 3' 1ea =in$ E75' ;(os. 8',& 8'.& +!+& liste abo2e<

No)e 17 ',th 7omman o /n may ha2e not ha2e been formally subor inate to 3r 7omman o No)e 87 #he ?oyal "arines ha , 7enturion /A?D beach tanks L essentially& a lar$e armore plow 2ehicle for pushin$ lan in$ craft back out to sea.

Draft Document



;West 6erman Arme 4orces<

;West 6erman Army< We.) Ger(#"+ Co'")r+ D#)# *opulationH .! million& inclu in$ 2.18 million males 18522 an ,.12 million males 23532. 6D*H ;1988< I1.21 trillion Defense /u $etH ;1989< I2+.'. billion "anpowerH ArmyH 3'!&+!! Army ?eser2es ;inclu in$ #erritorialEeer<H +1+&!!! (a2yH 32&!!! ;plus 2.&!!! reser2es< 3uftwaffeH 1!.&!!! ;plus 1!.&!!! reser2es< #otal Acti2eH '9'&3!! ;inclu in$ 11&.!! interser2ice personnel an +&!!! part5time reser2ists< No)e 17 #he 6erman Army can eploy its combat forces to their 6D* positions within 2' hours an complete full territorial mobiliBation within 35' ays. 6ermany maintains 3! ays of war stocks. No)e 87 "any people worke on this ))/& but 9 woul like to thank #ank(et%s /anshee)ne in particular for his si$nificant contributions. 9 woul also like to thank #ank(et%s "aGor.. for his help. 9n a ition& 9 owe a $reat ebt to ?ick 1oeshima5An ers for pro2i in$ much primary source ocumentation& particularly that which fleshe out the #erritorialEeer. No)e ?7 -8cellent site for 4?6 tank unit eFuipment an locationsH httpHCCwww.panBer5 mo ell. eCreferenBCbwXbatailloneCpBbtlCpBbtl.htm. 1imilarly& for infantry an territorial units& this pa$e is e8cellentH httpHCCwww.reser2istenkamera schaft5 uelmen. eCheer.html 1. 9 =orps 5 "unster& 4?6H assi$ne to ()?#EA6H a. 1st *anBer Di2ision 5 Eano2er& 4?6H 1< 1st *anBer$rena ier /ri$a e L Eil esheimH 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 2 a< 11th *anBer$rena ier /attalion L Eil esheimH 13 3eopar 1A,& 2' "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& 12 "ilan b< 12th *anBer$rena ier /attalion L Osterode am HarzH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan c< 13th *anBer$rena ier /attalion L WesendorfH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan < 1'th *anBer /attalion L Eil esheimH '1 3eopar 1A,& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< 1,th *anBer Artillery /attalion L 1ta tol en orfH 18 "1!9A36 f< 1!th *anBer*ionier 7ompany L EolBmin enH ;1tan ar or$aniBation& see note for full or$aniBation< 2< 2n *anBer /ri$a e 5 Braunschweig-RautheimH 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 1 a< 21st *anBer /attalionH 28 3eopar 2& 11 "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& . "ilan b< 22n *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 3, "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 8 "113& 18 "ilan c< 23r *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D < 2'th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< 2,th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< 2!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;no wheele en$ineer platoon< 3< 3r *anBer /ri$a e @Weser53eineA 5 (ienbur$H 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 1 a< 31st *anBer /attalionH 28 3eopar 2& 11 "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& . "ilan b< 32n *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 3, "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 8 "113& 18 "ilan c< 33r *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D < 3'th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< 3,th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< 3!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;stan ar < Draft Document 9+

'< 1st Artillery ?e$imentH a< 11th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "11!A2& 18 4E5+! 1,,mm EowitBers b< 12th ?ocket Artillery /attalionH 1. 3A?1 ,< 1st 4lak ?e$imentH 3. 6epar .< 1st ?econ /attalionH 3' 3eopar 1& 1! 3uchs& 18 4uchs ;9 with $roun ra ar< +< 1st -n$ineer /attalionH ;see notes for or$aniBation< 8< JZ$er bn L "in enH #rucks 9< 1+th JZ$er bn L 6iesen5Ahrber$enH #rucks 1!<18th 1icherun$s ;1ecurity< bn L 6iesen5Ahrber$enH 9nfantry in trucks 11<Eeeresflie$erstaffel 1;Army A2iation 3iaison an )bser2ation 1Fua ron< L Eil esheimH 1! Alouette 99 b. 3r *anBer Di2ision 5 /u8tehu e& 4?6H 1< +th *anBer$rena ier /ri$a e 5 Eambur$H 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 2 a< +1st *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 13 3eopar 1A,& 2' "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& 12 "ilan b< +2n *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan c< +3r *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan < +'th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 1A,& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< +,th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< +!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;stan ar < 2< 8th *anBer /ri$a e @3[nebur$A 5 3[nebur$H 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 1 a< 81st *anBer /attalionH 28 3eopar 2& 11 "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& . "ilan b< 82n *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 3, "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 8 "113& 18 "ilan c< 83r *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D < 8'th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< 8,th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< 8!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;stan ar < 3< 9th *anBer ;3ehr< /ri$a e 5 "unsterH 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 1 a< 91st *anBer ;3ehr< /attalionH 28 3eopar 2& 11 "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& . "ilan b< 92n *anBer$rena ier ;3ehr< /attalionH "ar er& 1 a itional company c< 93r *anBer ;3ehr< /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D < 9'th *anBer ;3ehr< /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< 9,th *anBer Artillery ;3ehr< /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< 9!th *anBer*ionier ;3ehr< 7ompanyH ;stan ar < $< Attache H *anBerJa$erAusbil un$skompanie 9!' ;anti5tank trainin$ company< '< 3r Artillery ?e$imentH a< 31st 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "11!A2& 18 4E5+! 1,,mm EowitBers b< 32n ?ocket Artillery /attalionH 1. 3A?1 ,< 3r 4lak ?e$imentH 3. 6epar .< 3r ?econ /attalionH 3' 3eopar 1& 1! 3uchs& 18 4uchs ;9 with $roun ra ar< +< 3r -n$ineer /attalionH ;see notes for or$aniBation< 8< JZ$er bn L 3[nebur$H #rucks 9< 3+th JZ$er bn L Pe2en5AspeH #rucks 1!<38th 1icherun$s ;1ecurity< bn L Pe2en5AspeH 9nfantry in trucks 11<Eeeresflie$erstaffel 3 L ?otenbur$CWuemmeH 1! Alouette 99 c. +th *anBer Di2ision 5 0nna& 4?6H 1< 19th *anBer$rena ier /ri$a e 5 Ahlen& 4?6H 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 2 a< 191st *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 13 3eopar 1A,& 2' "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& 12 "ilan b< 192n *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan c< 193r *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan < 19'th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 1A,& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< 19,th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< 19!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;stan ar < 2< 2!th *anBer /ri$a e @"arkisches 1auerlan A 5 9serlohn& 4?6H 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 1 a< 2!1st *anBer /attalionH 28 3eopar 2& 11 "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& . "ilan b< 2!2n *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 3, "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 8 "113& 18 "ilan c< 2!3r *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D < 2!'th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D Draft Document 98

e< 2!,th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< 2!!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;no wheele en$ineer platoon< 3< 21st *anBer /ri$a e @3ipperlan A 5 Au$ust orf& 4?6H 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 1 a< 211th *anBer /attalionH 28 3eopar 2& 11 "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& . "ilan b< 212th *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 3, "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 8 "113& 18 "ilan c< 213th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D < 21'th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< 21,th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< 21!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;stan ar < '< +th *anBer Artillery ?e$imentH a< +1st 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "11!A2& 18 4E5+! 1,,mm EowitBers b< +2n ?ocket Artillery /attalionH 1. 3A?1 ,< +th 4lak ?e$iment L /orkenH 3. 6epar .< +th ?econ /attalion L Au$ust orf H 3' 3eopar 1& 1! 3uchs& 18 4uchs ;9 with $roun ra ar< +< +th -n$ineer /attalion L HxterH ;see notes for or$aniBation< 8< JZ$er bn L *reu\isch5)l en orfH #rucks 9< ++th JZ$er bn L *a erbornH #rucks 1!<+8th 1icherun$s bn L *a erbornH 9nfantry in trucks 1!<Eeeresflie$erstaffel +55 ?heine5/entla$eH 1! Alouette 99 No)e7 the +1st 4iel Artillery /attalion ha 2 batteries of 1!,mm $uns slate for A"4;(<. #hey may ha2e been in place of the 4E5+!s& an alternati2e to them with the same crew& or supernumeraries. . 11th *anBer$rena ier Di2ision 5 )l enbur$& 4?6H 1< 31st *anBer$rena ier /ri$a e 5 )l enbur$H 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 2 a< 311th *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 13 3eopar 1A,& 2' "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& 12 "ilan b< 312th *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan c< 313th *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan < 31'th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 1A,& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< 31,th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< 31!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;stan ar < 2< 32n *anBer$rena ier /ri$a e 5 1chwanewe eH 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 2 a< 321st *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 13 3eopar 1& 2' "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& 12 "ilan b< 322n *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan c< 323r *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan < 32'th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 1& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< 32,th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< 32!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;stan ar < 3< 33r *anBer /ri$a e @7elleA 5 7elleH 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 1 a< 331st *anBer /attalionH 28 3eopar 2& 11 "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& . "ilan b< 332n *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 3, "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 8 "113& 18 "ilan c< 333r *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D < 33'th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< 33,th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< 33!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;stan ar < '< 11th Artillery ?e$imentH a< 111th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "11!A2& 18 4E5+! 1,,mm EowitBers b< 112th ?ocket Artillery /attalionH 1. 3A?1 ,< 11th 4lak ?e$iment L AchimH 3. 6epar .< 11th ?econ ;3ehr< /attalion L "unster53a$erH 3' 3eopar 1& 1! 3uchs& 18 4uchs ;9 with $roun ra ar< +< 11th -n$ineer /attalion L Drverden-BarmeH ;see notes for or$aniBation< 8< JZ$er bnH #rucks 9< 11+th JZ$er bnH #rucks 1!<118th 1icherun$s bn L DelmenhorstH 9nfantry in trucks 1!<Eeeresflie$erstaffel 11 L ?otenbur$CWuemmeH 1! Alouette 99 No)e7 #he 311th *B6 /attalion was the test unit for the Eeeresstruktur , re5or$aniBation& an may ha2e issol2e by 1989. 9n its place& a 311th *anBer /attalion with ' 3eopar 1 companies was forme . 9t was a mobiliBation unit& not full time. Draft Document 99

e. 2+th 3uftlan e /ri$a e 5 3ippsta t& 4?6H 1< 4allschirmJZ$er /attalion 2+1H 2 *ara 7os& 2 A# 7os 2< 4allschirmJZ$er /attalion 2+2H 2 *ara 7os& 2 A# 7os 3< 4allschirmJZ$er /attalion 2+3H 2 *ara 7os& 2 A# 7os '< 4allschirmJZ$er /attalion 2+'H 3 *ara 7os ;?eser2e 0nit< ,< 3uftlan e "ortar 7ompany 2+!H 21 =raka& 2! 12!mm mortars . < 3uftlan e -n$ineer 7ompany 2+! + < 3uftlan e 3o$istics 7ompany 2+! 8 < 3uftlan e "e ic 7ompany 2+! 9< 1 4iel ?eplacement /attalion f. Artillerie=omman o 1 5 "[nster& 4?6H 1< 2< 3< '< Drohnen/atterie 1!! ;1!!th Drone battery< L D[lmenH ?ocket Artillery /attalion 1,! L WeselH . 3ance 11" (achschubbataillon 1on erwaffen 12! L WerlteH 1ecurity personnel for 3ance launchers an warhea s 1icherun$sbataillon 1!! L Ahaus5)ttensteinH 3i$ht infantry for securin$ launch sites& routes of march

$. Eeeresflie$erkomman o 1 L ?heine5/entla$e& 4?6H 1< 2< 3< '< 1tabstaffH 1! D/E ;/)51!,"< Eeeresflie$er?e$iment 1! ;1!th Army A2iation ?e$iment< L 4asseber$H '8 0E51D& , D/E ;/)51!,"< Eeeresflie$er?e$iment 1, L ?heine5/entla$eH 32 7E5,36& , D/E ;/)51!,"< Eeeresflie$er?e$iment 1. L 7elle& 4?6H ,. *AE51 ;/)51!, with E)#<& , D/E ;/)51!,"<

h. 4lu$abwehrkomman o 1 5 "[nster& 4?6H 1< 4lu$abwehrre$iment 1!! ;1!!th Anti5Aircraft ?e$iment< L WuppertalH 3. ?olan 2< 4lu$abwehrbataillon 13! L 6re2enH 2' /ofor '!3+! ;reser2e unit< 3< 4lu$abwehrbataillon 1'! L 6re2enH 2' /ofor '!3+! ;reser2e unit< i. *ionierkomman o 1 5 "[nsterCEan orf& 4?6H

1< *ionierbataillon 11! ;11!th -n$ineer /attalion< L "in en 2< *ionierbataillon 12! L DYr2er enC/armeH 3< Amphibisches *ionierbataillon 13! ;Amphibious -n$ineers< L "in enH '< *ionierbataillon 1'! L -mmerichH ;reser2e unit< ,< *ionierbataillon 1,! L EY8terH ;reser2e unit< .< /r[ckenpionierbataillon 1.! ;/ri $in$ -n$ineers< L "in enH ;reser2e unit& 2n 7o acti2e< +< /r[ckenpionierbataillon 1+! L D[nsenH ;reser2e unit< Also controlle in peacetimeH 1< A/75Abwehrbataillon 11! ;(/7 warfare< L -m enH G. 4ernspZhkompanie 1!! ;3on$ ?an$e ?econ 7o< 5 /raunschwei$& 4?6H k. ?eplacement /attalions 1< 2< 3< '< 2. 4el 4el 4el 4el ersatBbataillon 11! L 6re2enH ersatBbataillon 12! L 0nnaH ersatBbataillon 13! L *reu\isch )l en orfH ersatBbataillon 1'! L -rwitteH

2n 6erman 7orps 5 0lm& 4?6H assi$ne to 7-(#A6.

a. 1!th *anBer Di2ision 5 1i$marin$en& 4?6H 1< 28th *anBer /ri$a e 5 Dornsta tH 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 1 a< 281st *anBer /attalionH 28 3eopar 2A'& 11 "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& . "ilan b< 282n *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 3, "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 8 "113& 18 "ilan Draft Document 1!!

c< 283r *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2A' ;from 1A'& 1988<& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D < 28'th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2A' ;from 1A'& 1988<& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< 28,th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< 28!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;stan ar < 2< 29th *anBer /ri$a e 5 1i$marin$enH 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 1 a< 291st *anBer /attalionH 28 3eopar 2& 11 "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& . "ilan b< 292n *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 3, "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 8 "113& 18 "ilan c< 293r *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D < 29'th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< 29,th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< 29!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;stan ar < 3< 3!th *anBer$rena ier /ri$a e 5 -llwan$enH 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 2 a< 3!1st *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 13 3eopar 2& 2' "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& 12 "ilan b< 3!2n *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan c< 3!3r *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan < 3!'th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2 ;from 1A3& 1989<& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< 3!,th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< 3!!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;stan ar < '< 1!th Artillery ?e$imentH a< 1!1st 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "11!A2& 18 4E5+! 1,,mm EowitBers b< 1!2n ?ocket Artillery /attalionH 1. 3A?1 ,< 1!th 4lak ?e$imentH 3. 6epar .< 1!th ?econ /attalionH 3' 3eopar 1& 1! 3uchs& 18 4uchs ;9 with $roun ra ar< +< 1!th -n$ineer /attalionH ;see notes for or$aniBation< 8< 1!.th JZ$er bn L AmstettenH #rucks 9< 1!+th JZ$er bn L MnchsmnsterH #rucks 11< 1!8th 1icherun$s bn L *fullen orfH 9nfantry in trucks 1!<Eeeresflie$erstaffel 1! L (euhausen o -ckH 1! /o51!," No)e 17 #he panBer battalions of the 29th *anBer bri$a e were test formations for Eeersstruktur ,. No)e 87 1!th ?econ con2erte to 3eopar 99 urin$ 1989. b. 'th *anBer$rena ier Di2ision 5 ?e$ensbur$& 4?6H 1< 1!th *anBer$rena ier /ri$a e 5 Wei enH 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 2 a< 1!1st *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 13 3eopar 1& 2' "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& 12 "ilan b< 1!2n *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan c< 1!3r *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan < 1!'th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 1& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< 1!,th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< 1!!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;stan ar < 2< 11th *anBer$rena ier /ri$a e @/ayerwal A 5 /o$enH 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 2 a< 111th *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 13 3eopar 1& 2' "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& 12 "ilan b< 112th *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan c< 113th *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan < 11'th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 1& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< 11,th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< 11!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;stan ar < 3< 12th *anBer /ri$a e 5 Amber$H 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 1 a< 121st *anBer /attalionH 28 3eopar 2& 11 "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& . "ilan b< 122n *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 3, "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 8 "113& 18 "ilan c< 123r *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D < 12'th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< 12,th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< 12!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;stan ar < '< 'th Artillery ?e$imentH a< '1st 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "11!A2& 18 4E5+! 1,,mm EowitBers b< '2n ?ocket Artillery /attalionH 1. 3A?1 ,< 'th 4lak ?e$imentH 3. 6epar .< 'th ?econ /attalionH 3' 3eopar 1& 1! 3uchs& 18 4uchs ;9 with $roun ra ar< Draft Document 1!1

+< 'th -n$ineer /attalionH ;see notes for or$aniBation< 8< '.th JZ$er bn L EemauH #rucks 9< '+th JZ$er bn L Fe d!irchen-MitterharthausenH #rucks 1!<'8th 1icherun$s bn L Amber$H 9nfantry in trucks 11<Eeeresflie$erstaffel ' L "itterhartshausenH 1! /o51!," c. 1st 6ebir$s ;"ountain< Di2ision 5 6armisch5*artenkirchen& 4?6H 1< 22n *anBer$rena ier /ri$a e 5 "urnauH 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 2 a< 221st *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 13 3eopar 1A1& 2' "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& 12 "ilan b< 222n *anBer$rena ier /attalionH see note c< 223r *anBer$rena ier /attalionH see note < 22'th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 1A1& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< 22,th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< 22!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;no wheele en$ineer platoon< 2< 23r 6ebir$sGZ$er /ri$a e 5 /a ?eichenhallH a< 231st 6ebir$sGZ$er /attalionH 21 "ilan& . 12!mm "ortar& . 4=2!52 2!mm AA 6uns b< 232n 6ebir$sGZ$er /attalionH 21 "ilan& . 12!mm "ortar& . 4=2!52 2!mm AA 6uns c< 233r 6ebir$sGZ$er /attalionH 21 "ilan& . 12!mm "ortar& . 4=2!52 2!mm AA 6uns < 23'th 6ebir$sGZ$er /attalionH 21 "ilan& . 12!mm "ortar& . 4=2!52 2!mm AA 6uns e< 23,th 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 4E+! f< 23!th 6ebir$s *ionier 7ompanyH #rucks instea of 4uchs& . total 1korpion "inelayers $< 23!th 6ebir$s Ja$ panBer 7ompanyH 1+ 3eopar 1 3< 2'th *anBer /ri$a e 5 3an shutH 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 1 a< 2'1st *anBer /attalionH 28 3eopar 2& 11 "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& . "ilan b< 2'2n *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 3, "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 8 "113& 18 "ilan c< 2'3r *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D < 2''th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< 2',th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< 2'!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;stan ar < '< 1st 6ebir$s Artillery ?e$imentH < 11th 4iel Artillery /attalionH see note e< 12th 6ebir$s ?ocket Artillery /attalionH 1. 3A?1 ,< 8th 6ebir$s *anBer /attalionH ,' 3eopar 1& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D .< 8th 6ebir$s 4lak ?e$imentH 3. 6epar +< 8th 6ebir$s ?econ /attalionH 3' 3eopar 1& 1! 3uchs& 18 4uchs ;9 with $roun ra ar< 8< 8th 6ebir$s -n$ineer /attalionH ;see notes for or$aniBation< 9< 6ebir$sGZ$er bn L 3an sber$H #rucks 1!<8+th 6ebir$sGZ$er bn L /ruckm[hlH #rucks 11<88th 1icherun$s bn L /a #YlBH 9nfantry in trucks 12< 6ebir$sheeresflie$erstaffel 8 L *enBin$H 1! /o51!," No)e 17 Also ha ,.th EeimatschutB /ri$a e ;effecti2ely& a *anBer$ren a ier bri$a e< un er its comman permanently. No)e 87 #he 222n an 223r *anBer$rena ier battalions ha 3 companies of "ar er instea of 2 of "ar er an 1 of "113. (ote 3H #he artillery re$iment ha no 4E5+! battalion& but the "11! battalion ha 3 batteries of 8 $uns each. f. 1st 3uftlan e Di2ision 55 -sslin$en& 4?6H a< 3uftlan e Artillery /attery 9 L 3ahnsteinH . 1!,mm 3i$ht EowitBers b< 3uftlan e 4ernmel e ;?a io< /attalion 9 c< 2,th 3uftlan e /ri$a e @1chwarBwal A 5 0lm& 4?6H 1< 4allschirmJZ$er /attalion 2,1H 2 *ara 7os& 2 A# 7os 2< 4allschirmJZ$er /attalion 2,2H 2 *ara 7os& 2 A# 7os 3< 4allschirmJZ$er /attalion 2,3H 2 *ara 7os& 2 A# 7os '< 4allschirmJZ$er /attalion 2,'H 3 *ara 7os ;?eser2e 0nit< ,< 3uftlan e "ortar 7ompany 2,!H 21 =raka& 2! 12!mm mortars . <3uftlan e -n$ineer 7ompany 2,! + <3uftlan e 3o$istics 7ompany 2,! 8 <3uftlan e "e ic 7ompany 2,! Draft Document 1!2

9< 1 4iel ?eplacement /attalion ;other bri$a es are assi$ne to other =orps< < 3uftlan e Artillery ?e$iment 9H (o subor inate unitsO woul act as the comman formation if any artillery battalions assi$ne . No)e7 #he artillery battery was the 4?6 contribution to the (A#) A"4;3< mobile force. $. Artillerie=omman o 2 5 0lm& 4?6H 1< 2< 3< warhea s '< Drohnen/atterie 2!! ?aketenartilleriebataillon 2,! L 6rossen$stin$enH 8 3ance 11" ;2 with artillery school< (achschubbataillon 1on erwaffen 22! L 6rossen$stin$enH 1ecurity personnel for 3ance launchers an 1icherun$sbataillon 2!! L 6rossen$stin$enH 3i$ht infantry for securin$ launch sites& routes of march

h. Eeeresflie$erkomman o 2 L 3aupheim& 4?6H 1< 2< 3< '< 1tabstaffH 1! D/E ;/)51!,"< Eeeresflie$er?e$iment 2! L (euhausen ob -ckH '8 0E51D& , D/E ;/)51!,"< Eeeresflie$er?e$iment 2, L 3aupheimH 3, 7E5,36& , D/E ;/)51!,"< Eeeresflie$er?e$iment 2. L ?oth& 4?6H ,. *AE51 ;/)51!, with E)#<& , D/E ;/)51!,"<

i. 4lu$abwehrkomman o 2 5 0lm& 4?6H 1< 4lu$abwehrre$iment 2!! L MnchenH 3. ?olan 2< 4lu$abwehrbataillon 23! L "arching-Hoch#rc!H 2' /ofor '!3+! ;reser2e unit< 3< 4lu$abwehrbataillon 2'! L "arching-Hoch#rc!H 2' /ofor '!3+! ;reser2e unit< G. *ionierkomman o 2 5 0lm& 4?6H

1< *ionierbataillon 21! L "uenchen 2< *ionier;3ehr<bataillon 22! L "uenchenH 3< Amphibisches *ionierbataillon 13! L 9n$olsta tH '< *ionierbataillon 2'! L *assauH ;reser2e unit< ,< *ionierbataillon 2,! L 1chwabsber$H ;reser2e unit< .< /r[ckenpionierbataillon 2.! L -benhausenH ;reser2e& 2n 7o acti2e< +< /r[ckenpionierbataillon 2+! L EemauH ;reser2e unit< Also controlle in peacetimeH 1< A/75Abwehrbataillon 21! ;(/7 warfare< L 1onthofenH k. 4ernspZhkompanie 2!! 5 Wein$arten& 4?6H 3. 3r 6erman 7orps 5 =oblenB& 4?6H assi$ne to 7-(#A6. a. ,th *anBer Di2ision 5 DieB& 4?6H 1< 13th *anBer$rena ier /ri$a e 5 WetBlarH 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 2 a< 131st *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 13 3eopar 1& 2' "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& 12 "ilan b< 132n *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan c< 133r *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan < 13'th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 1& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< 13,th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< 13!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;stan ar < 2< 1'th *anBer /ri$a e @Eessischer 3YweA 5 (eusta tH 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 1 a< 1'1st *anBer /attalionH 28 3eopar 2& 11 "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& . "ilan b< 1'2n *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 3, "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 8 "113& 18 "ilan c< 1'3r *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D < 1''th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< 1',th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< 1'!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;stan ar < Draft Document 1!3

3< 1,th *anBer /ri$a e @Westerwal /ri$a eA 5 =oblenBH 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 1 a< 1,1st *anBer /attalionH 28 3eopar 2& 11 "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& . "ilan b< 1,2n *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 3, "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 8 "113& 18 "ilan c< 1,3r *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D < 1,'th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< 1,,th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< 1,!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;stan ar < '< ,th Artillery ?e$imentH a< ,1st 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "11!A2& 18 4E5+! 1,,mm EowitBers b< ,2n ?ocket Artillery /attalionH 1. 3A?1 ,< ,th 4lak ?e$imentH 3. 6epar .< ,th ?econ /attalionH 3' 3eopar 1& 1! 3uchs& 18 4uchs ;9 with $roun ra ar< +< ,th -n$ineer /attalionH ;see notes for or$aniBation< 8< ,.th JZ$er bnH #rucks 9< ,+th JZ$er bnH #rucks 1!<,8th 1icherun$s bn 55 Daa en5-mmerBhausenH 9nfantry in trucks 11<Eeeresflie$erstaffel , L "en i$H 1! /o51!," b. 12th *anBer Di2ision 5 DeitshYchheim& 4?6H 1< 3'th *anBer /ri$a e 5 =oblenBH 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 1 a< 3'1st *anBer /attalionH 28 3eopar 2& 11 "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& . "ilan b< 3'2n *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 3, "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 8 "113& 18 "ilan c< 3'3r *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D < 3''th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< 3',th *anBer Artillery ;3ehr< /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< 3'!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;stan ar < 2< 3,th *anBer$rena ier /ri$a e 5 Eammelbur$H 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 2 a< 3,1st *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 13 3eopar 1A,& 2' "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& 12 "ilan b< 3,2n *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan c< 3,3r *anBer$rena ier ;3ehr< /attalionH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan < 3,'th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 1A, ;from 1A2 1989<& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< 3,,th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< 3,1st JZ$er ;3ehr< /attalionH $< 3,!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;stan ar < 3< *anBer /ri$a e 5 /a "er$entheimH 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 1 a< 3.1st *anBer /attalionH 28 3eopar 2& 11 "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& . "ilan b< 3.2n *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 3, "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 8 "113& 18 "ilan c< 3.3r *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D < 3.'th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< 3.,th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< 3.!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;stan ar < '< 12th Artillery ?e$imentH a< 121st 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "11!A2& 18 4E5+! 1,,mm EowitBers b< 122n ?ocket Artillery /attalionH 1. 3A?1 ,< 12th 4lak ?e$imentH 3. 6epar .< 12th ?econ /attalionH 3' 3eopar 1& 1! 3uchs& 18 4uchs ;9 with $roun ra ar< +< 12th -n$ineer /attalionH ;see notes for or$aniBation< 8< JZ$er bnH #rucks 9< 12+th JZ$er bnH #rucks 1! 128th 1icherun$s bn L #auberbischofsheimH 9nfantry in trucks 11<Eeeresflie$erstaffel 12 L (ie erstettenH 1! Alouette 99 c. 2n *anBer$rena ier Di2ision 5 =assel& 4?6H 1< 'th *anBer$rena ier /ri$a e 5 6Yttin$enH 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 2 a< '1st *anBer /attalionH ;con2erte from mi8e *anBer$rena ier battalion in )ct. 1988& trial unit for Eeeresstruktur ,< b< '2n *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan c< '3r *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan Draft Document 1!'

< ''th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 1& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< ',th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< '!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;stan ar < 2< ,th *anBer$rena ier /ri$a e @=urhessenA 5 Eomber$H 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 2 a< ,1st *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 13 3eopar 1& 2' "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& 12 "ilan b< ,2n *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan c< ,3r *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan < ,'th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 1& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< ,,th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< ,!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;no wheele en$ineer platoon< 3< .th *anBer /ri$a e 5 Eof$eismarH 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 1 a< .1st *anBer /attalionH 28 3eopar 2& 11 "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& . "ilan b< .2n *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 3, "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 8 "113& 18 "ilan c< .3r *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D < .'th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< .,th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< .!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;no wheele en$ineer platoon< '< 2n Artillery ?e$imentH a< 21st 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "11!A2& 18 4E5+! 1,,mm EowitBers b< 22n ?ocket Artillery /attalionH 1. 3A?1 ,< 2n 4lak ?e$imentH 3. 6epar .< 2n ?econ /attalionH 3' 3eopar 1& 1! 3uchs& 18 4uchs ;9 with $roun ra ar< +< 2n -n$ineer /attalionH ;see notes for or$aniBation< 8< JZ$er bnH #rucks 9< 2+th JZ$er bnH #rucks 1!<28th 1icherun$s bn L 4rankenber$C- er5/ur$wal H 9nfantry in trucks 11<Eeeresflie$erstaffel 2 L 4ritBlarH 1! Alouette 99 . 3uftlan e /ri$a e @1aarlan A 5 1aarlouisH 1 < 4allschirmGZ$er /attalion 2.1H 2 *ara 7os& 2 A# 7os 2 < 4allschirmGZ$er /attalion 2.2H 2 *ara 7os& 2 A# 7os 3 < 4allschirmGZ$er /attalion 2.3H 2 *ara 7os& 2 A# 7os ' < 4allschirmGZ$er /attalion 2.'H 3 *ara 7os ;?eser2e 0nit< , < 3uftlan e "ortar 7ompany 2.!H 21 =rak& 2! 12!mm mortars . < 3uftlan e -n$ineer 7ompany 2.! + < 3uftlan e 3o$istics 7ompany 2.! 8 < 3uftlan e "e ic 7ompany 2.! 9< 1 4iel ?eplacement /attalion (oteH 4allschirmGZ$er /attalion 2.2 was one of the 6erman components to the A"4;3< e. Artillerie=omman o 3 5 =oblenB& 4?6H 1< Drohnen/atterie 3!! ;3!!th Drone battery< 2< ?ocket Artillery /attalion 3,! L "ontabaurH . 3ance 11" 3< (achschubbataillon 1on erwaffen 32! L EerbornseelbachH 1ecurity personnel for 3ance launchers an warhea s '< 1icherun$sbataillon 3!! ;3!!th 1ecurity /attalion< L 6iessenH 3i$ht infantry for securin$ launch sites& routes of march f. 3r Eeeresflie$erkomman o 5 (ie ermen i$& 4?6H 1< 2< 3< '< 1tabstaffH 1! D/E ;/)51!,"< Eeeresflie$er?e$iment 3! ;3!th Army A2iation ?e$iment< L (ie erstettenH '8 0E51D& , D/E ;/)51!,"< Eeeresflie$er?e$iment 3, L "en i$H 32 7E5,36& , D/E ;/)51!,"< Eeeresflie$er?e$iment 3. L 4ritBlar& 4?6H ,. *AE51 ;/)51!, with E)#<& , D/E ;/)51!,"<

$. 3r 4lu$abwehrkomman o 5 =obleB& 4?6H 1< 4lu$abwehrre$iment 3!! ;3!!th Anti5Aircraft ?e$iment< L "arbur$H 3. ?olan Draft Document 1!,

2< 4lu$abwehrre$iment 33! L "arbur$H 2' /ofor '!3+! ;reser2e unit< 3< 4lu$abwehrre$iment 3'! L "arbur$H 2' /ofor '!3+! ;reser2e unit< h. 3r *ionierkomman o 5 "in en& 4?6H 1< *ionierbataillon 31! ;31!th -n$ineer /attalion< L =oblenB 2< *ionierbataillon 32! L =oblenBH 3< Amphibisches *ionierbataillon 33! ;Amphibious -n$ineers< L 1peyerH '< *ionierbataillon 3'! L -mmerBhausenH ;reser2e unit< ,< *ionierbataillon 3,! L 1ta tallen orfH ;reser2e unit< .< /r[ckenpionierbataillon 3.! ;/ri $in$ -n$ineers< L =oblenBH Also controlle in peacetimeH 1< A/75Abwehrbataillon 31! ;(/7 warfare< L Pweibr[ckenH 2< A/75Abwehrbataillon 9!! L Pweibr[ckenH i. 3!!th 4ernspZhkompanie ;3on$ ?an$e ?econ 7o< 5 =oblenB& 4?6H '. 1chleswi$5Eolstein #erritorial 7omman 5 =iel& 4?6H A 7orps comman in wartime& assi$ne to A4()?#E. a. .th *anBer$rena ier Di2ision 5 (eumunster& 4?6H etache from 1st 7orps. 1< *anBer$rena ier /ri$a e @EerBo$tum 3auenbur$A L Wentorf bei Eambur$H 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 2 a< 1.1st *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 13 3eopar 1& 2' "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& 12 "ilan b< 1.2n *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan c< 1.3r *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan < 1.'th *anBer /attalionH ,' 3eopar 1& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D ;,. =ompanie was reser2e formation< e< 1.,th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< 1.!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;stan ar < 2< 1+th *anBer$rena ier /ri$a e L Eambur$5?ahlste tH 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 1 a< 1+1st *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 13 3eopar 1A1A2& 2' "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& 12 "ilan b< 1+2n *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan c< 1+3r *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 2' "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 18 "113& 18 "ilan < 1+'th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 1A1A2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< 1++th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< 1+!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;stan ar < 3< 18th *anBer /ri$a e @EolsteinA 5 (eum[nsterH 8 ",++& 8 3uchs& 12 Ja$uar 1 a< 181st *anBer /attalionH 28 3eopar 1A2& 11 "ar er& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D& . "ilan b< 182n *anBer$rena ier /attalionH 3, "ar er& . *anBermYrser 12!mm& 8 "113& 18 "ilan c< 183r *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 1A2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D < 18'th *anBer /attalionH '1 3eopar 1A2& , "113& 2 3eopar A?D e< 18,th *anBer Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36 f< 18!th *anBer*ionier 7ompanyH ;stan ar < '< .th Artillery ?e$imentH a< .1st 4iel Artillery /attalionH 18 "11!A2& 18 4E5+! 1,,mm EowitBers b< .2n ?ocket Artillery /attalionH 1. 3A?1 c< 'th /attery& /eobachtun$sbataillon .3H 73589 rone ,< .th 4lak ?e$iment L $t%en#urgH 3. 6epar .< .th ?econ /attalionH 3' 3eopar 1& 1! 3uchs& 18 4uchs ;9 with $roun ra ar< +< .th *ionier /attalion L *lonH ;see notes for or$aniBation< 8< .1st *ionier /attalion L 3ubeck H 9< .th Eeeresflie$erre$iment 55 Hohen oc!stedtH a< Army A2iation 3iaison an )bser2ation 1Fua ronH 1' D/E ;/)51!,"< b< Attack Eelicopter 1Fua ronH 21 *AE51 ;/)51!, with E)#< c< 3i$ht Army A2iation #ransport 1Fua ronH 2' 0E51D 1!< JZ$er bn L Went orfH "113 L worke with *B6ren/ri$1+ 11<.+th JZ$er bn 55 /reitenbu$H "113 L work with *B/ri$18 12<.8th 1icherun$s bn L Breiten#urg-&ordoeH 9nfantry in trucks b. .,!th 11" /attalionH ' 3ance Draft Document 1!.

c. . e. f. $. ,.

.!!th 4lak /attalionH 6epar .2!th 4lak /attalionH 6epar .'!th Artillery /attalionH 12 "11! 2!3mm 1* howitBers .3!th 4lak /attalionH '!mm $uns .1!th 1icherun$s /attalion L 4lensbur$H

4orces un er irect control of "inistry of Defense a. 1ecurity an 1upply ?e$iment 4e eral "inistry of Defense ;1ichDers?$t/"D$<H 1< 6uar /attalion /"D$H ceremonial an security unit& one company from each ser2ice 2< 9!!th "ilitary *olice /attalion L DaunH ;2 acti2e companies& ' reser2e companies< b. 9!1st 1icherun$s /attalion L DaunH c. 9!2n 1icherun$s /attalion L =olnH . 9!!th Army A2iation 1Fua ron 55 /ueckebur$H Alouette 99& 0E51 ;attache to a2iation school< e. 91!th Army A2iation #est 1Fua ron 55 /ueckebur$H 1! /)51!,"C* ;attache to a2iation school<H


)ther 0nits

a. Deutsche Dersor$un$skompanie 7A1#3- "A?#9(H *anBer trainin$ unit in /ritain with '! 3eopar 51 tanks. #roops cycle throu$h from other units. No)e 17 -ach Artillery /attalion ha a security platoon ;1icherun$sBu$<& which ha ' 2!mm ?E2!2 AA $uns attache . -ach artillery re$iment has a /e$leit /atterie ;escort battery< with 12N 2!mm AA $uns an security personnel with infantry weapons. -ach Eeereflie$er?e$iment has two reser2e security $roups ;sicherun$struppe< L it is not clear if these were infantry& li$ht AA& or a combination. 1ome ?e$iments also ha an acti2e security $roup. No)e 87 *anBer /attalion )r$aniBationH 9%2e liste the full #)>- from maGor.. to $i2e an e8ample of the number of support 2ehicles assi$ne to a battalion. 1tabs5 un Dersor$un$skompanie ;staff company<H /ataillonsf[hrun$s$ruppe ;/tl.7omm.1ection< =ompanief[hrun$s$ruppe ;7omp.7omm.1ection<H 1 93#91 or W)34& 1 DW #ransp.& 1 ,t truck -rkun un$s5 un Derbin un$sBu$ ;?ecce > 3iason *lt.<H . 93#91 or W)34& 1' motorcycles =fB5#rupp ?a ;Dehicle #eam wheele <H 3 93#91 or W)34& 1 2t truck =fB5#rupp =ette ;Dehicle #eam tracke <H 2 "/#& 1 "113 4[4u 4ernmel e$ruppe ;1i$nals 1ection<H 2 93#91 or W)34& 1 2t truck& 1 "113 4[4u 1anitZts$ruppe ;"e ical 1ection<H 1 93#91 or W)34& 1 2t truck 5san5& 1 ,t truck 5san5& 3 " 113 san (achschubBu$ ;1upply *latoon< "aterial 1ectH 1 DW /us& 1 DW #ransp.& 3 ,t trucks& 2 't trailers "ess 1ectH 1 ,t truck with 't trailer& 2 ,t trucks with fiel kitchen #ransport 1ectH 1 93#91 or W)34& 3 ,t trucks for *)3& 3 ,t trucks for Ammo 9nstan setBun$sBu$ ;"aintenance<H 1 DW181& 1 93#91 or W)34& 1 DW #ransp.& 1 DW /us& ' 2t trucks& 2 ,t trucks& 1 't trailer& 1 crane& 2 /er$epanBer ;"88 in territorial units< 3 *anBerkompanies& eachH =ompanief[hrun$s$ruppe ;7omp57omm.1ect<H 1 93#91 or W)34& 1 ,t truck& 1 "/# 3 *anBerB[$e ;#ank *latoon<H ' "/# each No)e ?7 *anBer$rena ier /attalion )r$aniBationH 4or those in *anBer /ri$a esH EK 7oH 1taff& si$nals& etcH 2 "ar er& 1 "113 fufu& plus li$ht recce an liason 2ehicles 3 7os& eachH 11 "ar er& . "ilan "orser 7oH . "113 12!mm *anBer"orsers& , 2arious "113s 3i$ht weapons totale H .3 li$h A#5weapon ''mm& 3, machine$uns 9n a ition& each battalion ha ' earthmo2in$ 2ehicles 4or those in *anBer$rena ier /ri$a esH EK 7oH 1taff& si$nals& etcH 2 "ar er& 1 "113 fufu& plus li$ht recce an liason 2ehicles 2 7os& eachH 11 "ar er& . "ilan Draft Document 1!+

1 7oH 1! "113& 9 "ilan "orser 7oH . "113 12!mm *anBer"orsers& , 2arious "113s 9n a ition& each battalion ha ' earthmo2in$ 2ehicles "i8e *anBer$rena ier /attlaionsH EK 7oH 1taff& si$nals& etcH 2 "ar er& 1 "113 fufu& plus li$ht recce an liason 2ehicles 2 7os& eachH 11 "ar er& . "ilan 1 7oH 13 3eopar 9n a ition& each battalion ha 2 earthmo2in$ 2ehicles No)e 47 Di2isional JZ$er /attalion )r$aniBationH EK 7oH 1taff& si$nals& etc plus li$ht recce an liason 2ehicles 3 7os& eachH EK wC1 "ilan& 3 platoons of 3 rifle sections each 1chwere 7oH A# platoon wC. "ilans& "ortar platoon wC. *B"orser 12!& 2 /eo/achtun$s*anBer 3i$ht weapons totale 31 3eichte *anBerfaust ;*B4''<& 9 1chwere *anBerfaust ;8'mm 76<& an 3! "63. All units were transporte by 2 ton trucks. Di2isional JZ$er battalions were compose of reser2ists& with the e8ception of the two in the . th *B6 Di2ision& which were partially acti2e an mounte in "113s. #he i2isional 1icherun$s ;1ecurity< battalions were similar to the i2isional truck5mounte Ja$er battalions. No)e <7 4allschirmGZ$er )r$aniBation -ach 4allschirmGZ$er was or$aniBe as followsH EK 7ompanyH 2 *ara 7ompanies& eachH 3 9nfantry platoons& each with 1 =raka wC"ilan& plus 1 =raka wC"ilan at the company le2el 2 A# 7ompanies& eachH 2 platoons& each with , =raka wC#)WO 1 platoon with . =raka wC2!mm ?E2!2 #he reser2e 4allschirmGZ$er battalions ha 3 para companies an no A# companies. =raka is short for @=raftkarren&A which is a li$htwei$ht '5wheel fol able motoriBe weapons carrier& the pre ecessor of the Wiesel weapons carrier. 6ermany ha 8.2 =raka in total. -ach bri$a e mortar company ha 2 acti2e platoons an 2 reser2e platoons& each of , 12!mm mortars. #he 2.3r 4allschirmGZ$er battalion an the 9th 33 Artillery batter are part of 6ermany%s contribution to (A#)%s A"4;3<. No)e =7 *anBer Auflklarun$s /attalions ; i2isional recon< were or$aniBe as followsH 1st 7oH 1upport& with si$nals& etc 2n 7oH 13 3eopar 1& 9 4uch wC$roun sur2eillance ra ar 3r 7oH 13 3eopar 1 'th 7oH 8 3eopar 1& 8 1pahpanBer 3uchs ,th 7oH 9 4uchs wCrecon teams Ausbil un$ ;trainin$ company<H 3 trainin$ platoons& 1 ri2in$ school section 9n a ition& the bri$a e 3uchs platoons ;8 each< are attache to the battalion in peacetime No)e 97 -n$ineer )r$aniBations Br !#%e E"! "eer Co(0#" e.7 0nless otherwise note abo2e& the bri$a es each ha a company compose ofH 1taff 1ectionH , 2arious trucks& 1 4uchs 1st& 2n *latoonsH ' 4uchs& 2 ",'8A16 1korpion "inelayers& -n$ineer 1Fua s 3r *latoonH ' #rucks& -n$ineer 1Fua s -Fuipment *latoonH 2 Eea2y #rucks& 2 towe "inelayers /ri $in$ *latoonH 2 #rucks& ' AD3/s ;"'8 or /ibers<& 2 3eopar Armoure -n$ineerin$ Dehicles "ost AD3/s were /ibersO howe2er& there were not enou$h to $o aroun & so some units still ha "'8 AD3/s L likely 1+th /ri$a es ;.th Di2<& 3,th& /ri$a es ;12th Di2<& 1!th& 11th /ri$a es ;'th Di2<& 22n & 23r /ri$a es ;1st 6ebir$s Di2<& perhaps two more ;12th& 18th bri$a esN< D > . o" E"! "eer Co(0#" e.7 1st 7oH 1taff an 1upply 2n & 3r & 'th 7osH 3 en$ineer platoons with 2 ",'8A16 1korpion "inelayers an 2 towe "inelayers each Draft Document 1!8

,th 7oH

3i$ht /ri $in$ platoon with with boats an infantry bri $es& Eea2y /ri $in$ platoon with 13, meters of floatin$ bri $es ;base on 01 ribbon bri $e<& 12 motor boats& 2. hea2y trucks& 12 trailers Eea2y -Fuipment platoon with 3 tracke oBers& 3 wheele oBers& . ,!5meter sets of @fast5to5 buil A roa way construction sets& 11 hea2y trucks

No)e 87 ?eplacement /attalionsH -ach bri$a e ha a 4el ersatB& or fiel replacement battalion& while the i2ision ha an a itional two. #hey were taske with pro2i in$ imme iate replacements for units in the fiel . #hey were numbers J1 throu$h J,& where J is the i2ision number. -ach =orps also ha three replacement battalions. No)e 97 ?eser2istsH each /ri$a e is ma e up of 2!]52,] recruits in 2arious sta$es of trainin$. 9n wartime& they woul be replace by recently release reser2ists& an form a replacement ;fel ersatB< battalion for the bri$a e. No)e 1:7 ?ocket ArtilleryH West 6ermany units ha not yet be$un to recei2e "3?1 in si$nificant numbers in 1989& thou$h accor in$ to the e8tremely comprehensi2e 1989 ))/ proGect at #ank5net.or$& the personnel to man them were alrea y or$aniBe an trainin$ in many units. No)e 1:7 West 6erman -Fuipment Eol in$sH !rmor: .,! "'8A262& 22, "5'8 ;in stora$e& possibly more<& 2&'3+ 3eopar 1& 1&9,! 3eopar 2 ; eli2eries on$oin$< Recon: '!8 1pahpanBer 3uchs !$%&'!(C: 2&13. "ar er 1 *++, Series: 2&,.!Q "113A1 ;inclu in$ 2ariants<H 22!Q ",++& ,!!Q *anBermorser 12! 1* 12!mm mortar& 1,' artillery fire control 2ehicles& 32! /eobachtun$s *anBer Artillery obser2ation 2ehicles& 3!1 ",'86 with 1korpion "inenwerfer& lar$e numbers of "113A16 A*7s& some aircraft control 2ehicles& some armoure ambulances %uchs Series: 9.! total& inclu in$H 11! with ?A19# battlefiel sur2eillance ra ar& 1'! (/7 recon 2ehicle& 13' comman an communications 2ehicles& 22! *ioneer*anBer& 22! supply 2ehicles& some -loka -W 2ehicles& some E-3A1 -W 2ehicles Tank )estroyers: 31. Ja$uar51 wCE)#& 1.2 Ja$uar52 wC#)W& ,!!Q Ja$ panBer =anone ;some in other roles< !rtillery: ,8. "1!96 1,,mm 1*& 22. "11!A2 2!3mm 1*& 21. 4E5+! 1,,mm towe & 2'' "51!1 1!,mm towe & some "5,. 1!,mm towe & 2!9 3A?152 11!mm 1* "?3& . "3?1 ; eli2eries commencin$<& 2. 3ance !ir )efense: '32 6epar & 2!2 /ofors '!3+!& many 4=2!52 2!mm towe & .,8 4lie$erfaust 1 ;?e eye<& 1tin$er ; eli2eries on$oin$<& 1'3 ?olan 1* !T -eapons: 2!, #)W& 19+, "93A( elicopters: 21! *AE51 ;/)51!, wCE)#<& 9+ /)51!,"& 138 1A5313 Alouette 99& 18' 0E51D& 1!8 7E5,36

Draft Document


;#erritorial Army< 9 am in ebte to ?ick 1oeshima5An ers for pro2i in$ the e8tensi2e primary source material the ))/ in this section is base on. 1. #erritorial=omman o 1chleswi$5Eolstein L =iel& 4?6H a. ,1st EeimatschutB /ri$a e 5 -utin& 4?6H 1< ,11th Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies 2< ,12th Eea2y Ja$er /attalionH 3 9nfantry 7ompanies in "113s 3< ,13th *anBer /attalion 55 4lensbur$H '1 3eopar 1& ' ",++& 12 "113 '< ,1'th *anBer /attalion 55 4lensbur$H '1 3eopar 1& ' ",++& 12 "113 ,< ,1,th Artillery /attalionH 18 towe 1!,mm howitBers .< ,1+th 4el -rsatB/attaillonH ;fiel replacement battalion< +< ,1!th -n$ineer 7ompanyH ' "'8A2 AD3/s& 2 "'8A2 A-Ds with DoBer& . ",'8A16 1korpions 8< ,1!th (/7 Warfare 7ompanyH b. .1st EeimatschutB /ri$a e L 9 ste tH 1< .11th Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies 2< .12th Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies 3< .13th *anBer /attalion 55 Eambur$H '1 "'8A262& ' ",++& 12 "113 ;to 3eo 1A1A1 at some point< '< .1,th Artillery /attalionH 18 towe 1!,mm howitBers ,< .1!th -n$ineer 7ompanyH ' "'8A2 AD3/s& 2 "'8A2 A-Ds with DoBer& . ",'8A16 1korpions c. +1st EeimatschutB ?e$iment L (eum[nsterH 1< +1!th "ortar 7ompanyH 18 12!mm mortars 2< +11th Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies 3< +12th Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies '< +13th Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies . 81st EeimatschutB ?e$iment L Wimmersb[llH 1< 81!th "ortar 7ompanyH 18 12!mm mortars 2< 811th Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies 3< 812th Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies '< 813th Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies e. *ionier=omman o 1chleswi$5Eolstein ;aka *ionier?e$iment .!!<H 1< Amphibious -n$ineer 7ompany .!! L *lYnH 2< -n$ineer /attalion .2! L 1chleswi$H 3< -n$ineer /attalion .3! L /rickelnH '< -n$ineer /attalion .'! L 9 ste tH ,< -n$ineer /attalion .,! L ?ensbur$H .< 4loatin$ /ri $in$ /attalion ..! L 1chleswi$H +< Eea2y 4loatin$ /ri $e 7o .31 L /ur$H 8< *ipeline -n$ineer /attalion .!! L 9 ste tH 9< *ipeline -n$ineer 7o .!1 L 1chleswi$H f. Artillerie=omman o 1chleswi$5EolsteinH 1< .3!th Artillery /attalionH 18 1,,mm 4E+! 2< .,!th ?ocket Artillery /attalion L 4lensbur$H 1. 11!mm 3A?152 "?3s $. .!!th 4lak ?e$iment 1< .1!th 4lak /attalion ;3ehr< L ?[ elH 2< .2!th 4lak /attalion L ?[ elH 3< .3!th 4lak /attalion L ?[ elH h. D/=1! L Eambur$& 4?6H 1< D== 111 L 4lensbur$ a< Wallmeistertrupp 111C1 L 4lensbur$H )bstacle creationC emolition unit b< Wallmeistertrupp 111C1 L EusumH c< Wallmeistertrupp 111C1 L 1chleswi$H < EeimatschutB=ompanie 1111 L Wimmersb[llH #erritorial 9nfantry 7ompany e< EeimatschutB=ompanie 1112 L Wimmersb[llH f< EeimatschutB=ompanie 1113 L Wimmersb[llH Draft Document 11!

$< EeimatschutB=ompanie 111' L Wimmersb[llH h< EeimatschutB=ompanie 111, L Wimmersb[llH i< 1icherun$Pu$ +111 L 4lensbur$H 1ecurity *latoon G< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon .!1 L 4lensbur$H ?eplacement or$aniBin$ battalion k< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon .!2 L Wimmersb[llH 2< D== 112 L )sterrYnfel a< Wallmeistertrupp 112C1 L =ielH b< Wallmeistertrupp 112C2 L )sterrYnfel H c< Wallmeistertrupp 112C3 L )sterrYnfel H < Wallmeistertrupp 112C' L /ur$H e< Wallmeistertrupp 112C, L 9tBehoeH f< EeimatschutB=ompanie 1121 L /ur$H $< EeimatschutB=ompanie 1122 L /ur$H h< 1icherun$Pu$ +112 L =lein WittenseeH i< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon .!' L /reitenbur$H 3< D== 113 L /a 1e$eber$ a< Wallmeistertrupp 113C1 L 3[beckH b< Wallmeistertrupp 113C2 L -lmenhorstH c< Wallmeistertrupp 113C3 L (eum[nsterH < Wallmeistertrupp 113C' L /a 1e$ebur$H e< Wallmeistertrupp 113C, L /a )l esloeH f< EeimatschutB=ompanie 1131 L (eum[nsterH h< 1icherun$Pu$ +113 L /a 1e$ebur$H i< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon .!3 L (eum[nsterH '< D== 11' L 3[beck a< Wallmeistertrupp 11'C1 L 3[beckH b< Wallmeistertrupp 11'C2 L *lYnH b< Wallmeistertrupp 11'C3 L -utinH f< EeimatschutB=ompanie 11'1 L #o en orfH f< EeimatschutB=ompanie 11'2 L #o en orfH +< Direct ?eportin$ 0nitsH a< Wallmeistertrupp 1!!C1 L Eambur$H b< Wallmeistertrupp 1!!C2 L Eambur$H c< 1icherun$Pu$ +!1!C1 L Eambur$H < 1icherun$Pu$ +!1!C2 L Eambur$H e< 1icherun$Pu$ 81!1 L 4lensbur$H f< 1icherun$Pu$ 81!2 L 4lensbur$H $< 1icherun$Pu$ 81!3 L 4lensbur$H h< 1icherun$Pu$ 81!' L 4lensbur$H i< 1icherun$Pu$ 81!, L 4lensbur$H G< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon .!, L Eambur$H k< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon .!. L Eambur$H i. )ther 0nits 1< 4el GZ$erbataillon .1! L Eei eH "ilitary *olice ;' or , companies< 2< Eeeresflei$erstaffel .!! L Wal erseeH ?eser2e helicopter unitN 3< 3 1icherun$sPu$ ;+!11& +!1.& +!19<H security platoons& look to be co5locate with si$nals units '< A/75Abwehrbataillon .1! L Albers orfH (/7 battalion ,< 4el ersatBbataillon .1! L EusumH ?eplacement battalion .< 4el ersatBbataillon .2! L 9 elste tH ?eplacement battalion 2. (orthern #erritorial 7omman 5 Eano2er& 4?6H A 7orps comman in wartime& assi$ne to ()?#EA6. a. 99 Eome Defense 7omman ;Wehrbereichskomman o or W/=< 5 Eano2er& 4?6H Will assume a i2isional esi$nation in wartime. 1< ,2n /ri$a e 5 3in$enH a< ,21st Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies b< ,22n Eea2y Ja$er /attalionH 3 9nfantry 7ompanies in "113s c< ,23r *anBer /attalion 55 3in$enH '1 "'8A262& ' ",++& 12 "113 < ,2'th *anBer /attalion 55 3in$enH '1 "'8A262& ' ",++& 12 "113 Draft Document 111

e< ,2,th Artillery /attalionH 18 towe 1!,mm howitBers f< ,2+th 4el -rsatB/attaillonH ;fiel replacement battalion< $< ,2!th -n$ineer 7ompanyH ' "'8A2 AD3/s& 2 "'8A2 A-Ds with DoBer& . ",'8A16 1korpions h< ,2!th (/7 Warfare 7ompanyH 2< .2n /ri$a e L DammeH a< .21st Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies b< .22n Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies c< .23r *anBer /attalion L Wietmarschen53oehneH '1 "'8A262& ' ",++& 12 "113 < .2,th Artillery /attalionH 18 towe 1!,mm howitBers e< .2!th -n$ineer 7ompanyH ' "'8A2 AD3/s& 2 "'8A2 A-Ds with DoBer& . ",'8A16 1korpions 3< +2n ?e$iment L /remenH a< +21st Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies b< +22n Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies c< +23r Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies < +2!th "ortar 7ompanyH 18 12!mm mortars '< 82n ?e$iment L Easber$enH a< 821st Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies b< 822n Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies c< 823r Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies < 82!th "ortar 7ompanyH 18 12!mm mortars ,< D/= 2! L /remenH a< Wallmeistertrupp 2!!C1 L /remen b< EeimatschutB=ompanie 2!!1 L /remenH c< EeimatschutB=ompanie 2!!2 L /remenH < EeimatschutB=ompanie 2!!3 L /remenH e< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8!1 L /remenH .< D/= 22 5 Eanno2erH a< D== 221 L /[ckebur$ 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie 2211 L /[ckebur$H 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie 2212 L /[ckebur$H 3< EeimatschutB=ompanie 2213 L /[ckebur$H '< EeimatschutB=ompanie 221' L /[ckebur$H ,< 1icherun$Pu$ +221 L /[ckebur$H .< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8!' L 3uttmersenH b< D== 222 L (ienbur$ 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie 2221 L AchimH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie 2222 L AchimH 3< EeimatschutB=ompanie 2223 L 3eeseH '< EeimatschutB=ompanie 222' L 3eeseH ,< 1icherun$Pu$ +222 L (ienbur$H c< D== 223 L Eil esheim ;no combatCreplacement units subor inate< < Direct ?eportin$ 0nitsH 1< Wallmeistertrupp 221C1 L Eanno2erH 2< Wallmeistertrupp 221C2 L Eanno2erH 3< Wallmeistertrupp 222C1 L (ienbur$H '< Wallmeistertrupp 222C2 L (ienbur$H ,< Wallmeistertrupp 223C1 L Eil esheimH .< Wallmeistertrupp 223C2 L Eil esheimH +< Wallmeistertrupp 223C, L Eolin enH 8< 1icherun$Pu$ 82!1 L Eanno2erH 9< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8!3 L Eanno2erH +< D/= 23 5 /raunschwei$H a< D== 231 L /raunschwei$ ;no combatCreplacement units subor inate< b< D== 232 L 6Yttin$en ;no combatCreplacement units subor inate< c< Direct ?eportin$ 0nitsH 1< Wallmeistertrupp 231C1 L /raunschwei$H 2< Wallmeistertrupp 231C2 L /raunschwei$H Draft Document 112

3< Wallmeistertrupp 231C3 L Eil esheimH '< Wallmeistertrupp 231C' L /raunschwei$H ,< Wallmeistertrupp 232C1 L 6Yttin$enH .< Wallmeistertrupp 232C2 L 6Yttin$enH +< Wallmeistertrupp 232C3 L Eil esheimH +< Wallmeistertrupp 232C' L 6Yttin$enH 8< D/= 2' 5 )l enbur$H a< D== 2'1 L 6ro\kneten 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie 2'11 L /remenH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie 2'12 L /remenH 3< EeimatschutB=ompanie 2'13 L DelmenhorstH '< 1icherun$Pu$ +2'1 L /remenH ,< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8!+ L )l enbur$H b< D== 2'2 L Wilhelmsha2en 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie 2'21 L DarelH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie 2'22 L DarelH 3< 1icherun$Pu$ +2'2 L DarelH '< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8!+ L DarelH c< D== 2'3 L Aurich 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie 2'31 L Ea$eH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie 2'32 L Ea$eH 3< 1icherun$Pu$ 2'33 L Ea$eH '< 1icherun$Pu$ 2'3. L Ea$eH ,< 1icherun$Pu$ +'23 L Ea$eH .< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8!9 L AurichH < D== 2'' L 3in$en 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie 2''1 L WietmarschenH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie 2''2 L WietmarschenH 3< EeimatschutB=ompanie 2''3 L WietmarschenH '< EeimatschutB=ompanie 2''' L WietmarschenH ,< 1icherun$Pu$ +2'' L WietmarschenH .< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8!2 L WietmarschenH +< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8!. L WietmarschenH e< D== 2', L )snabr[ck 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie 2',1 L Easber$enH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie 2',2 L Easber$enH 3< 1icherun$Pu$ +2', L Easber$enH '< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8!, L )snabr[ck f< Direct ?eportin$ 0nitsH 1< Wallmeistertrupp 2'1C1 L )l enbur$H 2< Wallmeistertrupp 2'1C2 L )l enbur$H 3< Wallmeistertrupp 2''C1 L 3in$enH '< Wallmeistertrupp 2',C1 L )snabr[ckH 9< D/= 2, 5 3[nebur$ a< D== 2,1 L 7elle 1< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 81! L 7elleH b< D== 2,2 L 3[nebur$ ;no combatCreplacement units subor inate< c< D== 2,3 L 1ta e 1< 1icherun$Pu$ +2', L 1ta eH 2< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 812 L 1ta eH < D== 2,' L Der en 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie 2,'1 L Der enH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie 2,'2 L Der enH 3< EeimatschutB=ompanie 2,'3 L Der enH '< EeimatschutB=ompanie 2,'' L Der enH ,< 1icherun$Pu$ +2,' L Der enH .< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 811 L Der enH e< Direct ?eportin$ 0nitsH 1< Wallmeistertrupp 2,1C1 L 7elleH Draft Document 113

2< Wallmeistertrupp 2,1C3 L 7elleH 3< Wallmeistertrupp 2,2C1 L 3[nebur$H '< Wallmeistertrupp 2,2C2 L 3[nebur$H ,< Wallmeistertrupp 2,2C3 L 3[nebur$H .< Wallmeistertrupp 2,2C' L 3[nebur$H +< Wallmeistertrupp 2,'C1 L Der enH 1!< )ther 0nitsH a< 4el GZ$erbataillon +2! L Eanno2erH "ilitary *olice ;'5. companies< b< 4el GZ$erbataillon +21 L Easber$enH c< 4el GZ$erbataillon +22 L /remenH < A/75Abwehrbataillon +2! L Ea$eH (/7 battalion e< A/75Abwehrbataillon '2!1 L /a ?othenfel eH e< 4el ersatBbataillon .1! L EusumH ?eplacement battalion f< 4el ersatBbataillon .2! L 9 elste tH $< + 1icherun$Pu$s ;+!21& +!22& +!23& +2'& +!2.& +!2+& +!29<H Appear to be paire with epots h< ' 1icherun$Pu$s ;82!2& 82!3& 82!'& 82!,< h< *ionier?e$iment +2 L "eppenH 1< *ionier/attalion +2! L "eppenH 2< *ionier/attalion +21 L Ea$eH 3< *ionier/attalion +22 L Der enH b. 999 Eome Defense 7omman ;Wehrbereichskomman o< 5 D[ssel orf& 4?6H Will assume a i2isional esi$nation in wartime. 1< ,3r /ri$a e 5 D[ren& 4?6H a< ,31st Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies b< ,32n Eea2y Ja$er /attalionH 3 9nfantry 7ompanies in "113s c< ,33r *anBer /attalion 55 DurenH '1 "'8A262& ' ",++& 12 "113 < ,3'th *anBer /attalion 55 DurenH '1 "'8A262& ' ",++& 12 "113 e< ,3,th Artillery /attalionH 18 towe 1!,mm howitBers f< ,3+th 4el -rsatB/attaillonH ;fiel replacement battalion< $< ,3!th -n$ineer 7ompanyH ' "'8A2 AD3/s& 2 "'8A2 A-Ds with DoBer& . ",'8A16 1korpions h< ,3!th (/7 Warfare 7ompanyH 2< .3r /ri$a e L D[ssel orfH a< .31st Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies b< .32n Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies c< .33r *anBer /attalion 55 AhlenH '1 "'8A262& ' ",++& 12 "113 < .3,th Artillery /attalionH 18 towe 1!,mm howitBers e< .3!th -n$ineer 7ompanyH ' "'8A2 AD3/s& 2 "'8A2 A-Ds with DoBer& . ",'8A16 1korpions 3< +3r ?e$iment L "[nsterH a< +31st Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies b< +32n Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies c< +33r Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies < +3!th "ortar 7ompanyH 18 12!mm mortars 3< 83r ?e$iment L JantenH a< 831st Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies b< 832n Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies c< 833r Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies < +3!th "ortar 7ompanyH 18 12!mm mortars '< 93r ?e$iment L AachenH a< 931st Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies b< 932n Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies c< 933r Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies < 93!th "ortar 7ompanyH 18 12!mm mortars ,< D/= 31 L =Yln a< D== 311 L =Yln 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3111 L =YlnH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3112 L =YlnH 3< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3113 L =YlnH '< EeimatschutB=ompanie 311' L =YlnH Draft Document 11'

,< EeimatschutB=ompanie 311, L =YlnH .< 1icherun$Pu$ +311 L =YlnH b< D== 312 L /onn 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3121 L /er$isch56la bachH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3122 L /er$isch56la bachH 3< 1icherun$Pu$ +312 L /er$isch56la bachH '< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 81. L EennefH c< D== 313 L D[ren 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3131 L D[renH 2< 1icherun$Pu$ +313 L D[renH 3< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 823 L D[renH < D== 31' L Aachen 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie 31'1 L AachenH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie 31'2 L AachenH 3< 1icherun$Pu$ +31' L AachenH '< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 81+ L We$ber$H ,< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 82! L We$ber$H e< Direct ?eportin$ 0nitsH 1< Wallmeistertrupp 311C1 L =YlnH 2< 1icherun$/ataillon '3!1U L =Yln: .< D/= 32 L D[ssel orf a< D== 321 L D[ssel orf 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3211 L 6refrathH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3212 L 6refrathH 3< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3213 L 6refrathH '< EeimatschutB=ompanie 321' L 6refrathH ,< 1icherun$Pu$ +321 L 6refrathH .< 1icherun$Pu$ '321C!1 L 6refrathH +< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 82' L 6refrathH 8< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 82, L 6refrathH b< D== 322 L Wesel 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3221 L 9ssumH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3222 L 9ssumH 3< 1icherun$Pu$ +322 L WeselH '< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 82. L WeselH c< D== 323 L -ssen 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3231 L Eeili$enhausH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3232 L Eeili$enhausH 3< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3233 L Eeili$enhausH '< 1icherun$Pu$ +323 L Eeili$enhausH ,< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 829 L -ssenH < D== 32' L Wuppertal 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie 32'1 L WuppertalH 2< 1icherun$Pu$ +32' L WuppertalH 3< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 83! L WuppertalH e< Direct ?eportin$ 0nits 1< Wallmeistertrupp 321C1 L D[ssel orfH 2< Wallmeistertrupp 322C1 L WeselH 3< 1icherun$/ataillon '321 L D[ssel orf: +< D/= 33 L "[nster a< D== 331 L "[nster 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3311 L "[nsterH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3312 L "[nsterH 3< 1icherun$Pu$ +331 L "[nsterH '< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 831 L AhlenH '< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 832 L AhlenH b< D== 332 L Altahlen ;Doesn%t appear in 198+ ocuments< c< D== 333 L ?heine 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3331 L ?heineH Draft Document 11,

2< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3332 L ?heineH 3< 1icherun$Pu$ +333 L ?heineH '< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 82+ L ?heineH < D== 33' L /orken 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie 33'1 L /orkenH 2< 1icherun$Pu$ +33' L /orkenH 3< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 828 L /orkenH e< D== 33, L ?ecklin$hausen 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie 33,1 L ?ecklin$hausenH 2< 1icherun$Pu$ +33, L ?ecklin$hausenH e< Direct ?eportin$ 0nitsH 1< Wallmeistertrupp 331C1 L "[nsterH 2< Wallmeistertrupp 333C1 L ?heineH 8< D/= 3' L Arnsber$ a< D== 3'2 L 3ippsta t 1< 1icherun$Pu$ +3'2 L 3ippsta tH 2< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 818 L -rwitteH b< D== 3'3 L Dortmun 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3'31 L Dortmun H 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3'32 L Dortmun H 3< 1icherun$Pu$ +3'3 L Dortmun H '< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 819 L Dortmun H c< D== 3'' L Eemer 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3''1 L EemerH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3''2 L EemerH 3< 1icherun$Pu$ +3'' L EemerH '< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 81, L EemerH ,< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 821 L -rwitteH < D== 3', L 1ie$en 1< 1icherun$Pu$ +3', L 1ie$enH 2< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 822 L 1ie$enH e< Direct ?eportin$ 0nitsH 1< Wallmeistertrupp 3'2C1 L Arnsber$H 2< Wallmeistertrupp 3'2C2 L Winterbur$H 3< Wallmeistertrupp 3'2C3 L -rwitteH '< Wallmeistertrupp 3',C1 L -rn tebr[ckH 9< D/= 3, L Detmol a< D== 3,2 L "in en 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3,21 L "in enH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3,22 L "in enH 3< 1icherun$Pu$ +3,2 L "in enH '< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 813 L "in enH b< D== 3,3 L EY8ter 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3,31 L *a erbornH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3,32 L *a erbornH 3< 1icherun$Pu$ +3,3 L EY8terH '< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 81' L *a erbornH c< D== 3,' L /ielefel 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3,'1 L 6[terslohH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie 3,'2 L 6[terslohH 3< 1icherun$Pu$ +3,' L /ielefel H '< 1icherun$Pu$ '3,'C!1 L /ielefel H < Direct ?eportin$ 0nitsH 1< Wallmeistertrupp 3,2C1 L "in enH 2< Wallmeistertrupp 3,2C2 L "in enH 3< Wallmeistertrupp 3,2C3 L "in enH '< Wallmeistertrupp 3,3C1 L *a erbornH ,< Wallmeistertrupp 3,3C2 L *a erbornH .< Wallmeistertrupp 3,3C3 L EY8terH +< Wallmeistertrupp 3,3C' L EY8terH Draft Document 11.

8< Wallmeistertrupp 3,'C1 L /ielefel H 9< Wallmeistertrupp 3,'C2 L /ielefel H 1!<Wallmeistertrupp 3,'C3 L Detmol H 1!< )ther 0nitsH a< 4el GZ$erbataillon +3! L D[ssel orfH "ilitary *olice ;.Q companies< b< 4el GZ$erbataillon +31 L D[ssel orfH c< 4el GZ$erbataillon +32 L 9ssumH < 4el GZ$erbataillon +33 L "[nster5Ean orfH e< A/75Abwehrbataillon +3! L D[ssel orfH (/7 battalion f< A/75Abwehrbataillon '3!1 L D[ssel orfH $< . 1icherun$Pu$s ;+!31& +!32& +!33& +!3'& +!3.& +!3+<H Appear to be paire with epots h< 12 1icherun$Pu$s ;83!1& 83!2& 83!3& 83!'& 83!,& 83!.& 83!+& 83!8& 83!9& 831!& 8311& 8312< i< 1icherun$=ompanie '31H G< 4el ersatBbataillon '3H k< *ionier?e$iment +3 L Eil enH 1< *ionier/attalion +3! L 9ssumH 2< *ionier/attalion +31 L =ranenber$H 3< *ionier/attalion +32 L 6refrathH '< *ionier/attalion +32 L =Yln c. #err= o (or Direct ?eportin$ 0nits 1< *ionier=omman o 8!! a< 1chwimmbr[ckenbataillon 81! L =ranenbur$H ;floatin$ bri $e battalion< b< 1chwimmbr[ckenbataillon 811 L =ranenbur$H c< 4lusse*ionier=ompanie 8!! L (euwie H ;ferry company< 4lusse*ionier=ompnaie 8!1 L Wiesba enH 2< 4iel ?eplacement /attalions a< 4el ersatBbataillon 8!1 L Dussel orfH b< 4el ersatBbataillon 8!2 L WeselH c< 4el ersatBbataillon '+1UH 3< )ther 0nits a< Eeeres4lie$er1taffel 8!! L ?heineH b< 1icherun$bataillon '+1UH 3. 1outhern #erritorial 7omman 5 Eei elber$& 4?6H A 7orps comman in wartime& assi$ne to 7-(#A6. a. 9D Eome Defense 7omman ;Wehrbereichskomman o< 5 "ainB& 4?6H Will assume a i2isional esi$nation in wartime. 1< ,'th /ri$a e 5 #rier& 4?6H a< ,'1st Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies b< ,'2n Eea2y Ja$er /attalionH 3 9nfantry 7ompanies in "113s c< ,'3r *anBer /attalion 55 EermeskeilH '1 "'8A262& ' ",++& 12 "113 c< ,''th *anBer /attalion 55 EermeskeilH '1 "'8A262& ' ",++& 12 "113 < ,',th Artillery /attalionH 18 towe 1!,mm howitBers f< ,'+th 4el -rsatB/attaillonH ;fiel replacement battalion< $< ,'!th -n$ineer 7ompanyH ' "'8A2 AD3/s& 2 "'8A2 A-Ds with DoBer& . ",'8A16 1korpions h< ,'!th (/7 Warfare 7ompanyH 2< .'th /ri$a e L "ainBH a< .'1st Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies b< .'2n Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies c< .'3r *anBer /attalion 55 /aumhol erH '1 "'8A262& ' ",++& 12 "113 < .',th Artillery /attalionH 18 towe 1!,mm howitBers 3< .'!th -n$ineer 7ompanyH ' "'8A2 AD3/s& 2 "'8A2 A-Ds with DoBer& . ",'8A16 1korpions 3< +'th ?e$iment L =oblenBH a< +11th Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies b< +12th Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies c< +13th Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies < +'!th "ortar 7ompanyH 18 12!mm mortars '< 8'th ?e$iment L #reburH Draft Document 11+

a< 8'1st Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies b< 8'2n Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies c< 8'3r Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies e< 8'!th "ortar 7ompanyH 18 12!mm mortars ,< 9'th ?e$iment 55 (eusta tH a< 9'1st Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies b< 9'2n Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies c< 9'3r Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies < 9'!th "ortar 7ompanyH 18 12!mm mortars .< D/= '1 L =oblenB a< D== '11 L "en i$ 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie '111 L "en i$H 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie '112 L "en i$H 3< EeimatschutB=ompanie '113 L "en i$H '< 1icherun$Pu$ +'11 L "en i$H ,< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8., L "en i$H b< D== '12 L "ontabaur 1< 1icherun$Pu$ +'12 L DieBH 2< 1icherun$Pu$ ''12C!1 L "ontabaurH 3< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8,2 L DieBH c< D== '13 L 9 ar5)berstein 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie '1'1 L /aumhol erH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie '1'2 L /aumhol erH 3< EeimatschutB=ompanie '1'3 L /aumhol erH '< 1icherun$Pu$ +'13 L /aumhol erH ,< 1icherun$Pu$ ''13C!1 L /aumhol erH .< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8,, L /aumhol erH < Direct ?eportin$ 0nitsH 1< Wallmeistertrupp '11C1 L =oblenBH 2< 1icherun$/ataillion ''1UH +< D/= '2 L #rier a< D== '21 L Wittlich 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie '211 L (aurathH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie '212 L (aurathH 3< EeimatschutB=ompanie '213 L (aurathH '< EeimatschutB=ompanie '21' L (aurathH ,< 1icherun$Pu$ ''21C1 L /aumhol erH .< 1icherun$Pu$ ''21C2 L /aumhol erH +< 1icherun$Pu$ ''21C3 L (aurathH 8< 1icherun$Pu$ ''21C' L (aurathH 9< 1icherun$Pu$ +'21 L (aurathH 1!<WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8,' L (aurathH b< D== '22 L 6erolsteinH 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie '221 L (aurathH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie '222 L (aurathH 3< EeimatschutB=ompanie '223 L (aurathH '< EeimatschutB=ompanie '22' L (aurathH ,< 1icherun$Pu$ ''22C1 L 6erolsteinH .< 1icherun$Pu$ ''22C2 L 6erolsteinH +< 1icherun$Pu$ +'22 L (aurathH 8< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8,3 L (aurathH c< Direct ?eportin$ 0nitsH 1< 1icherun$/ataillon ''21 L (aurathH 2< 1icherun$/ataillon ''22 L (aurathH 8< D/= '3 L Darmsta t a< D== '31 L 4rankfurt 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie '321 L EasselrothH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie '322 L EasselrothH 3< EeimatschutB=ompanie '323 L EasselrothH '< EeimatschutB=ompanie '32' L EasselrothH Draft Document 118

,< 1icherun$Pu$ ''31C1 L "ainB5=astelH .< 1icherun$Pu$ ''31C2 L "ainB5=astelH +< 1icherun$Pu$ +'31 L EasselrothH 8< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8,. L EasselrothH b< D== '32 L Wiesba en 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie '321 L "ainB5=astelH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie '322 L "ainBH 3< 1icherun$Pu$ +'32 L "ainB5=astelH ,< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8,+ L /a 1chwalbachH c< Direct ?eportin$ 0nitsH 1< 1icherun$/ataillon ''31 L "ainB5=astelH 2< 1icherun$/ataillon ''32 L "ainB5=astelH 3< 1icherun$/ataillon ''33 L "ainB5=astelH '< Wallmeistertrupp '31C1 L 1chYneckH ,< Wallmeistertrupp '31C2 L 1chYneckH .< Wallmeistertrupp '32C1 L *fun$sta tH +< Wallmeistertrupp '32C2 L 1chYneckH 9< D/= '' L =assel a< D== ''1 L 4ritBlar 1< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8,+ L -mmerBhausenH b< D== ''2 L "arbur$ 1< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8.! L "arbur$H c< Direct ?eportin$ 0nitsH 1< Wallmeistertrupp ''1C1 L 4ritBlarH 2< Wallmeistertrupp ''1C2 L 4ritBlarH 3< Wallmeistertrupp ''1C3 L =asselH '< Wallmeistertrupp ''1C' L Wolfha$enH ,< Wallmeistertrupp ''1C, L Eof$eismerH .< Wallmeistertrupp ''1C. L "en$erin$hausenH +< Wallmeistertrupp ''1C+ L Wolfha$enH 8< Wallmeistertrupp ''1C8 L Eomber$H 9< Wallmeistertrupp ''1C9 L 4rankenbur$H 1!<Wallmeistertrupp ''2C1 L 4ul aH 11<Wallmeistertrupp ''2C2 L 4ul aH 12<Wallmeistertrupp ''2C3 L 4ul aH 13<Wallmeistertrupp ''2C' L =asselH 1'<Wallmeistertrupp ''2C, L ?otenber$H 1,<Wallmeistertrupp ''2C. L ?otenber$H 1.<Wallmeistertrupp ''2C+ L Eessisch 3ichtenauH 18<Wallmeistertrupp ''2C8 L Eessisch 3ichtenauH 1!<D/= ', L (eusta t a< D== ',1 L 3an au 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie ',11 L ?ohrbachH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie ',12 L ?ohrbachH 3< EeimatschutB=ompanie ',13 L ?ohrbachH '< 1icherun$Pu$ +',1 L ?ohrbachH ,< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8.3 L (eusta tH b< D== ',2 L Worms 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie ',21 L WormsH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie ',22 L WormsH 3< 1icherun$Pu$ '',2C1 L WormsH '< 1icherun$Pu$ +',2 L WormsH ,< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8.2 L WormsH c< D== ',3 L Pweibr[cken 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie ',31 L =aiserlauternH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie ',32 L =aiserlauternH 3< EeimatschutB=ompanie ',33 L =aiserlauternH '< EeimatschutB=ompanie ',3' L =aiserlauternH ,< EeimatschutB=ompanie ',3, L =aiserlauternH .< 1icherun$=ompanie '',3C1 L Pweibr[ckenH Draft Document 119

+< 1icherun$=ompanie '',3C2 L Pweibr[ckenH 8< 1icherun$Pu$ +',2 L Pweibr[ckenH 9< 1icherun$Pu$ '',3C2 L =aiserlauternH 1!<1icherun$Pu$ '',3C3 L =aiserlauternH 11<1icherun$Pu$ '',3C9 L =aiserlauternH 12<1icherun$Pu$ '',3C1! L =aiserlauternH 13<WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8.1 L =aiserlauternH < Direct ?eportin$ 0nitsH 1< 1icherun$/ataillon '',1 L =aiserlauternH 2< 1icherun$/ataillon '',2 L =aiserlauternH 3< 1icherun$/ataillon '',3 L "ainB5=astelH 11<D/= '. L 1aarbruecken a< D== '.1 L "erBi$ 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie '.11 L "erBi$H 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie '.12 L ([nschweilerH 3< EeimatschutB=ompanie '.13 L ([nschweilerH '< EeimatschutB=ompanie '.1' L "erBi$H ,< 1icherun$Pu$ +'.1 L "erBi$H .< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8.' L /e8bachH 12<D/= '+ L 6ie\en a< D== '+1 L "arbru$ 1< 1icherun$Pu$ +'+1 L "arbur$H 2< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8,1 L 6ie\enH 3< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8,8 L 6ie\enH b< Direct ?eportin$ 0nitsH 1< Wallmeistertrupp '+1C1 L WetBlarH 2< Wallmeistertrupp '+1C2 L WetBlarH 3< Wallmeistertrupp '+1C3 L 6ie\enH '< Wallmeistertrupp '+1C' L 6ie\enH ,< Wallmeistertrupp '+1C, L "arbur$H 13< )ther 0nitsH a< 4el GZ$erbataillon +'! L "ainBH "ilitary *olice ;'Q companies< b< 4el GZ$erbataillon +'1 L 6au5Al$esheimH c< 4el GZ$erbataillon +'2 L =oblenBH < 4el GZ$erbataillon +'3 L ?ohrbachH e< A/75Abwehrbataillon +'! L /in$enH (/7 battalion f< A/75Abwehrbataillon ''!1 L /aumhol erH $< A/75Abwehrbataillon ''!2 L "ainB5=astelH h< A/75Abwehrbataillon ''1U ;(ebel<H 1moke $eneration battalion i< . 1icherun$Pu$s ;+!'1& +!'2& +!',& +!'.& +!'.& +!'8<H Appear to be paire with epots G< 21 1icherun$Pu$s ;8'!158'21< k< 1icherun$=ompanie ''1UH l< 4el ersatBbataillon ''1UH m< 4el ersatBbataillon ''2H n< Eea2y 4loatin$ /ri $e 7ompany ''!1UH o< *ionier?e$iment +' L /in$enH 1< *ionier/attalion +'! L /in$enH 2< *ionier/attalion +'1 L =oblenBH 3< *ionier/attalion +'2 L /a D[rkheimH b. D Eome Defense 7omman ;Wehrbereichskomman o< 5 1tutt$art& 4?6H Will assume a i2isional esi$nation in wartime. 1< ,,th /ri$a e 5 /Yblin$en& 4?6H a< ,,1st Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies b< ,,2n Eea2y Ja$er /attalionH 3 9nfantry 7ompanies in "113s c< ,,3r *anBer /attalion 55 1tettenH '1 "'8A262& ' ",++& 12 "113 c< ,,'th *anBer /attalion L 1tettenH '1 "'8A262& ' ",++& 12 "113 < ,,,th Artillery /attalionH 18 towe 1!,mm howitBers e< ,,+th ?eplacement /attalionH Draft Document 12!

f< ,,!th -n$ineer 7ompanyH ' "'8A2 AD3/s& 2 "'8A2 A-Ds with DoBer& . ",'8A16 1korpions $< ,,!th (/7 Warfare 7ompanyH 2< .,th /ri$a e L ?ennin$enH a< .,1st Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies b< .,2n Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies c< .,3r *anBer /attalion 55 "unsin$enH '1 "'8A262& ' ",++& 12 "113 < .,,th Artillery /attalionH 18 towe 1!,mm howitBers e< .,!th -n$ineer 7ompanyH ' "'8A2 AD3/s& 2 "'8A2 A-Ds with DoBer& . ",'8A16 1korpions 3< +,th ?e$iment L Wal enbur$H a< +,1st Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies b< +,2n Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies c< +,3r Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies < +,!th "ortar 7ompanyH 18 12!mm mortars '< 8,th ?e$iment L Eechin$enH a< 8,1st Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies b< 8,2n Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies c< 8,3r Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies < 8,!th "ortar 7ompanyH 18 12!mm mortars ,< D/= ,1 L 3u wi$sbur$ a< D== ,11 L 1tutt$art 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie ,111 L ?ennin$enH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie ,112 L ?ennin$enH 3< 1icherun$Pu$ +,11 L ?ennin$enH '< 1icherun$Pu$ ',11C1 L ?ennin$enH ,< 1icherun$Pu$ ',11C2 L ?ennin$enH .< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8+! L ?ennin$enH +< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8+3 L 3u wi$sbur$H b< D== ,12 L 1chwZbisch 6m[n 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie ,121 L ?ainauH 2< 1icherun$Pu$ +,12 L ?ainauH 3< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8+1 L 1chorn orfH c< D== ,13 L 0lm 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie ,131 L Wal enbur$H 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie ,132 L Wal enbur$H 3< 1icherun$Pu$ +,13 L Wal enbur$H '< 1icherun$Pu$ ',13C1 L Wal enbur$H .< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8+2 L 1ie$elsbachH < Direct ?eportin$ 0nits 1< Wallmeistertrupp ,11C1 L 3u wi$sbur$H 2< Wallmeistertrupp ,12C1 L 1chwZbisch 6m[n H 3< Wallmeistertrupp ,13C1 L EeilbronnH '< Wallmeistertrupp ,13C2 L /a "er$entheimH ,< 1icherun$bataillon ',11 L 1chorn orfH .< D/= ,2 L =arlsruhe a< D== ,21 L =arlsruhe 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie ,211 L /ruschalH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie ,212 L /ruschalH 3< EeimatschutB=ompanie ,212 L "u$$ensturmH '< 1icherun$Pu$ +,21 L "u$$enstrumH ,< 1icherun$Pu$ ',21C1 L =arlsruheH b< D== ,22 L "annheim 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie ,221 L )ftersheimH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie ,222 L )ftersheimH 3< EeimatschutB=ompanie ,222 L )ftersheimH '< 1icherun$Pu$ +,22 L )ftersheimH ,< 1icherun$Pu$ ',22C1 L )ftersheimH .< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8+' L )ftersheimH c< D== ,23 L *forBheim 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie ,231 L *forBheimH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie ,232 L *forBheimH Draft Document 121

3< 1icherun$Pu$ +,23 L *forBheimH '< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8+, L *forBheimH < Direct ?eportin$ 0nits 1< Wallmeistertrupp ,21C1 L=arlsuhe +< D/= ,3 L 4reibur$ a< D== ,32 L 9mmen in$en 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie ,321 L 9mmen in$enH 2< 1icherun$Pu$ +,32 L 9mmen in$enH 3< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8+. L (euhausen ob -ckH b< D== ,33 L 4reibur$ 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie ,331 L AchernH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie ,332 L AchernH 3< EeimatschutB=ompanie ,333 L =irchBartenH '< EeimatschutB=ompanie ,33' L =irchBartenH ,< 1icherun$Pu$ +,33 L =irchBartenH .< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8.. L =irchBartenH 8< D/= ,' L #[bin$en a< D== ,'1 L ?eutlin$en 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie ,'11 L /urla in$enH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie ,'12 L /urla in$enH 3< 1icherun$Pu$ +,23 L /urla in$enH ;liste as EeimatschutB=o& but 9 think this is a typoN< '< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8.+ L Eechin$enH b< D== ,'2 L 0lm 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie ,'21 L /iberachH 2< 1icherun$Pu$ +,'2 L /iberachH 3< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8.8 L Amstetten ob -ckH c< D== ,'3 L Wein$arten 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie ,'31 L Wein$artenH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie ,'32 L Wein$artenH 3< 1icherun$Pu$ +,'3 L Wein$artenH '< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8.9 L Wein$artenH < Direct ?eportin$ 0nits 1< Wallmeistertrupp ,'1C1 L #[bin$enH 2< Wallmeistertrupp ,'2C1 L /iberachH 9< )ther 0nitsH a< 4el GZ$erbataillon +,! L 3u wi$sber$H "ilitary *olice ;'Q companies< b< 4el GZ$erbataillon +,1 L 1i$marin$enH c< A/75Abwehrbataillon +,! L /ruchsalH (/7 battalion < A/75Abwehrbataillon ',!1U ;(ebel< L *forBheimH 1moke $eneration battalion e< A/75Abwehrbataillon ',1 L *hilipsbur$H f< , 1icherun$Pu$s ;+!,1& +!,2& +!,.& +!,+& +!,8<H Appear to be paire with epots $< 1, 1icherun$Pu$s ;8,!158'1,< h< 1icherun$bataillon ',1U L Wall [rnH i< 4el ersatBbataillon ',1U L /ieti$heim5/issin$enH G< Eea2y 4loatin$ /ri $e 7ompany ',!1U L /ruchsalH k< *ionier?e$iment +, L "u$$ensturmH 1< *ionier/attalion +,! L "u$$ensturmH 2< *ionier/attalion +,1 L "u$$ensturmH c. D9 Eome Defense 7omman ;Wehrbereichskomman o< 5 "unich& 4?6H Will assume a i2isional esi$nation in wartime. 1< ,.th /ri$a e 5 (eubur$& 4?6H (A#) earmarke for the 1st 6ebir$sGae$er Di2. a< ,.1st *anBer 6rena ier /attalion L "unchen ;"unich<H 2' "ar er& . *anBer"orser 12!& ' ",++& 23 "113& 18 "ilan b< ,.2n *anBer 6rena ier /attalion 55 (euber$H 2' "ar er& . *anBer"orser 12!& ' ",++& 23 "113& 18 "ilan c< ,.3r *anBer /attalion 55 3an shutH '1 3eopar 1& ' ",++& 12 "113 < ,.'th *anBer /attalion 55 3an shutH '1 3eopar 1& ' ",++& 12 "113 e< ,.,th Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A2 Draft Document 122

f< ,.!th Anti5tank 7ompanyH 18 Ja$ panBer =anone ;may ha2e been J$*anBer ?akete< $< ,.!th *anBer *ionier 7ompanyH ;stan ar or$ for re$ular i2isions< h< ,.!th *anBer *ionier 3ehr 7ompanyH 2< /ri$a e L "[nchenH a< ..1st Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies b< ..2n Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies c< ..3r *anBer /attalion 55 Eei enheimH '1 "'8A262& ' ",++& 12 "113 < ..,th Artillery /attalionH 18 towe 1!,mm howitBers e< ..!th -n$ineer 7ompanyH ' "'8A2 AD3/s& 2 "'8A2 A-Ds with DoBer& . ",'8A16 1korpions 3< ?e$iment L "arktber$elH a< +.1st Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies b< +.2n Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies c< +.3r Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies < +.!th "ortar 7ompanyH 18 12!mm mortars '< ?e$iment L "[nchenH a< 8.1st Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies b< 8.2n Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies c< 8.3r Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies < 8.!th "ortar 7ompanyH 18 12!mm mortars ,< ?e$iment L Dillin$enH a< 9.1st Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies b< 9.2n Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies c< 9.3r Ja$er /attalionH 3 "otoriBe 9nfantry 7ompanies < 9.!th "ortar 7ompanyH 18 12!mm mortars .< D/= .1 L Au$sbur$H a< D== .11 L DonauwYrth 1< 1icherun$Pu$ +.11 L DonauwYrthH 2< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 88, L Dillin$enH b< D== .12 L =empten 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie .121 L =emptenH 2< 1icherun$Pu$ +.12 L =emptenH 3< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8++ L =emptenH c< D== .13 L Au$sbur$ 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie .131 L Au$sbur$H 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie .132 L Au$sbur$H 3< 1icherun$Pu$ +.13 L Au$sbur$H '< 1icherun$Pu$ '.13C1 L Au$sbur$H ,< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 88. L Au$sbur$H < Direct ?eportin$ 0nitsH 1< Wallmeistertrupp .11C1 L DonauwYrthH 2< Wallmeistertrupp .12C1 L =emptenH 3< Wallmeistertrupp .13C1 L Au$sbur$H +< D/= .2 L ?e$ensbur$H a< D== .21 L Amber$ 1< 1icherun$Pu$ +.21 L Amber$H b< D== .22 L Wei en ;(o rele2ant units< c< D== .23 L ?e$ensbur$ 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie .231 L ?e$ensbur$H 2< 1icherun$Pu$ +.23 L ?e$ensbur$H < Direct ?eportin$ 0nitsH 1< Wallmeistertrupp .2!C1 L ?e$ensbur$H 2< Wallmeistertrupp .2!C2 L ?e$ensbur$H 3< Wallmeistertrupp .2!C3 L 7hamH '< Wallmeistertrupp .2!C' L 7hamH ,< Wallmeistertrupp .2!C, L ?e$ensbur$H .< Wallmeistertrupp .2!C. L Wei enH +< Wallmeistertrupp .2!C+ L Wei enH 8< Wallmeistertrupp .2!C8 L Amber$H 9< Wallmeistertrupp .2!C9 L Amber$H Draft Document 123

8< D/= .3 L AnsbachH a< D== .31 L Ansbach 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie .311 L *fofel H 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie .312 L *fofel H 3< EeimatschutB=ompanie .313 L *fofel H '< 1icherun$Pu$ +.31 L *fofel H ,< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8+8 L ?othH .< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 8+9 L ?othH b< D== .32 L ([rnber$ 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie .321 L 4[rthH 2< 1icherun$Pu$ +.32 L 4[rthH 3< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 88+ L 4[rthH c< Direct ?eportin$ 0nitsH 1< Wallmeistertrupp .31C1 L AnsbachH 2< Wallmeistertrupp .31C2 L AnsbachH 3< Wallmeistertrupp .32C1 L ([rnber$H '< Wallmeistertrupp .32C2 L ([rnber$H 9< D/= .' L W[rBbur$H a< D== .'1 L W[rBbur$ 1< 1icherun$Pu$ '.'1C1 L W[rBbur$H 2< 1icherun$Pu$ '.'1C2 L W[rBbur$H b< D== .'2 L Aschaffenbur$ 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie .'11 L Aschaffenbur$H 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie .'12 L Aschaffenbur$H 3< EeimatschutB=ompanie .'13 L Aschaffenbur$H '< 1icherun$Pu$ +.'2 L Aschaffenbur$H ,< 1icherun$Pu$ '.'2C1 L Aschaffenbur$H .< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 88! L AlBenauH c< Direct ?eportin$ 0nitsH 1< Wallmeistertrupp .'!C1 L W[rBbur$H 2< Wallmeistertrupp .'!C2 L W[rBbur$H 3< Wallmeistertrupp .'!C3 L W[rBbur$H '< Wallmeistertrupp .'!C' L Eammelbur$H ,< Wallmeistertrupp .'!C, L Eammelbur$H .< Wallmeistertrupp .'2C1 L Ascheffenbur$H 1!<D/= ., L "[nchenH a< D== .,1 L "[nchen 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie .,11 L =railin$H 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie .,12 L =railin$H 3< EeimatschutB=ompanie .,13 L "[nchenH '< 1icherun$Pu$ +.,1 L "[nchenH ,< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 883 L "[nchenH .< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 88' L *Yckin$H b< D== .,2 L 9n$olsta t 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie .,21 L "[nchsm[nsterH 2< EeimatschutB=ompanie .,22 L "[nchsm[nsterH 3< 1icherun$Pu$ +.,2 L 9n$olsta tH '< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 881 L 6archin$H c< D== .,3 L "urnau 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie .,31 L *etin$H 2< 1icherun$Pu$ +.,3 L *eitin$H 3< WehrleitC-rsatBbataillon 882 L "urnauH < D== .,' L #raunstein 1< 1icherun$Pu$ +.,' L #raunsteinH e< Direct ?eportin$ 0nitsH 1< Wallmeistertrupp .,1C1 L "[nchenH 2< Wallmeistertrupp .,1C2 L "[nchenH 3< Wallmeistertrupp .,2C1 L 9n$olsta tH '< Wallmeistertrupp .,3C1 L "urnauH ,< Wallmeistertrupp .,'C1 L #raunsteinH Draft Document 12'

11<D/= .. L 3an shutH a< D== ..1 L De$$en orf ;(o rele2ant units< b< D== ..2 L -$$enfel en 1< EeimatschutB=ompanie ..21 L -$$enfel enH 2< 1icherun$Pu$ +..2C1 L -$$enfel enH 2< 1icherun$Pu$ +..2C2 L -$$enfel enH 2< 1icherun$Pu$ +..2C3 L -$$enfel enH c< Direct ?eportin$ 0nitsH 1< Wallmeistertrupp ..!C1 L 3an shutH 2< Wallmeistertrupp ..!C. L 3an shutH 3< Wallmeistertrupp ..1C1 L ?e$enH '< Wallmeistertrupp ..1C2 L *assauH ,< Wallmeistertrupp ..1C3 L /o$anH .< Wallmeistertrupp ..1C' L *assauH +< Wallmeistertrupp ..1C, L De$$en or$H 12<D/= .+ L /ayreuthH a< D== .+1 L /amber$ ;(o rele2ant units< b< D== .+2 L /ayreuth ;(o rele2ant units< c< Direct ?eportin$ 0nitsH 1< Wallmeistertrupp .+!C1 L /ayreuthH 2< Wallmeistertrupp .+!C2L /ayreuthH 3< Wallmeistertrupp .+!C3 L (ailaH '< Wallmeistertrupp .+!C' L /reiten$[\bachH ,< Wallmeistertrupp .+!C, L /reiten$[\bachH .< Wallmeistertrupp .+!C. L /reiten$[\bachH 13< )ther 0nitsH a< 4el GZ$erbataillon +.! L "[nchenH "ilitary *olice ;'Q companies< b< 4el GZ$erbataillon +.1 L 4[rthH c< 4el GZ$erbataillon +.2 L (ersin$enH < A/75Abwehrbataillon +.! L Dillin$enH (/7 battalion e< , 1icherun$Pu$s ;+!.1& +!.2& +!.3& +!.'& +!..<H Appear to be paire with epots f< . 1icherun$Pu$s ;8.!158.!.< $< *ionier?e$iment +. L 6archin$H 1< *ionier/attalion +.! L "[nchsm[nsterH 2< *ionier/attalion +.1 L 6archin$H . #err=m o 1[ Direct ?eportin$ 0nits 1< 4loatin$ /ri $in$ /attalions ;may all be part of *ionier=omman o 8,!< a< 1chwimmbr[ckenbataillon 8,! L *fun$sta tH b< 1chwimmbr[ckenbataillon 8.! L 3u wi$sbur$H c< 1chwimmbr[ckenbataillon 8.1 L WormsH < 1chwimmbr[ckenbataillon 8.2 L Eai$erH e< 1chwimmbr[ckenbataillon 8.3 L 6au5Al$esheimH 2< )ther -n$ineerin$ 0nits a< *ionierbataillon '91UH 3< ?eplacement /attalions a< 4el -rsatB/attaillon 8,1 L 0rbachH b< 4el -rsatB/attaillon 8,2 L =raichtalH c< 4el -rsatB/attaillon '91UH < 4el -rsatB/attaillon '81UH '< 1ecurity 0nits a< 1icherun$bataillon '81U L =aiserslauternH b< 1icherun$bataillon '82U L /e8bachH c< 1icehrun$bataillon '83U 55 ;not list in 198+ ocuments& probably forme later<

Draft Document


No)e7 #his is Gust a listin$ of the combat5relate units of the =omman o L other units ;an there are hun re s< inclu e pipeline maintenance en$ineers& trainin$ units of all types& communications battalions& me ical battalions& an e2erythin$ else that allows an army to function in the fiel . No)e7 0nits with an asterisk were part of the War Eost (ation 1upport structure ;see below for more etails< No)e 17 )r$aniBation of the JZ$er battalions of the , an . series JZ$er battalions a< 1taff an EK 7ompanyH 18! men& 1 "88 A?D& 3 "113 ambulances& plus communications& liason& an recon platoons with li$ht 2ehicles b< 3 JZ$er =ompanies& each withH staff platoon& 3 infantry Pu$s. -ach inf platoon ha 1 "ilan& 3 3"6& an 3 *Bf''& plus 99. > 999. *latoons ha 1 =arl 6usta2 8'mm c< 1chwere =ompanieH A# platoon with + "'8s an a "ortar platoon with . "113C12!mm mortars an 2 "113 forwar obser2ers. #he li$ht JZ$er battalions were truck mounte & the hea2y JZ$er battalions were in "113s. #otal hea2y eFuipment was + "'8A262& 9 "ilan A#6"& No)e 87 )r$aniBation of EeimatschutB ?e$imentsH a< 1taff an 1upply 7ompanyH EK& supply elements& plus + "'8A262 in an anti5tank platoon b< "ortar 7ompanyH 18 12!mm towe mortars c< #hree JZ$erbataillon& eachH 1. EK 7ompany& inclu in$ recon platoon 2. "aschinenkanonenBu$H + ?E2!2 2!mm AA 6uns ;in ual AAC$roun support role< 3. 3 =ompanies& eachH ' rifle platoons with '! rifles& 3 "6& ' *Bfaust''& ' 6rena e pistols each& motoriBe primarily in ci2ilian trucks No)e ?7 D/=s are Dertei i$un$sbeBirkskomman os ;Defense District 7omman s< ;7ourtesy of #ank(et%s /anshee)ne& who u$ throu$h the 6erman archi2es for this< a< #hese area comman s were usually le by a full colonel. #heir Gob was talkin$ to the ci2il authorities of the istrict ;a purely a ministrati2e unit abo2e county le2el in the 6erman system of $o2ernment with no le$islati2e branch& by now abolishe in se2eral states< an (A#) i2isions in their area of responsibility. "issions inclu eH 1< 3ea & train an supply units of the #erritorial Army in peacetime an mobiliBe them in wartime 2< Assess military security situation 3< *lan& buil an maintain efensi2e barriers ;mine installations& bri $es fitte for emolition& etc.< '< *rotect A)? an specifically important military an ci2ilian installations ; epots& bri $es& water an power stations etc.< ,< 1uper2ise military me ical care .< 7oor inate military ai in emer$ency an isaster situations +< 1upport 6erman forces throu$h personnel replacement an supplies 8< Eost (ation 1upport for allie forces 9< support ci2il efense b< -ach D/= typically controlle the followin$ assets ;in a ition to supply& hospital an repair units<H 1< Eea Fuarters > EK 7ompany 2< Jae$er /attalion ;appears to ha2e been absorbe in ?e$iments< 3< 3i$ht en$ineerin$ battalion '< 1e2eral Wall"eister6ruppen ;units in char$e of barriers an obstacles& appear to be controlle by D==s< ,< (/7 efense or$aniBations .< 1e2eral D==s L county5le2el efense comman s No)e 47 D==s are Dertei i$un$skreiskomman os ;Defense 7ounty 7omman s< were usually le by a 3#7. a< D==%s Gob was to talk to the ci2ilian authorities of one lar$e or se2eral small countiesCunincorporate cities& comman ers of /un eswehr installations an (A#) bri$a es in their area of responsibility. 1< 1ecure efine obGects in A)? 2< 1upport 6erman an allie forces as well as ci2ilian authorities in (/7 efense 3< Dama$e control an repair of structures '< AcFuire information ,< 7oor inate military an ci2il efense plannin$ an military an ci2ilian space reFuirements .< 7oor inate press an public affairs work of all military units in A)? +< *articipate in measures of psycholo$ical efense aime at local population 8< Ean le work of ci2ilians for the military 9< =9A a ministration Draft Document 12.

b< -ach D== typically controlle the followin$ assetsH 1< Eea Fuarters an EK company 2< 35, 1ecurity ;1icherun$s< companies 3< 1e2eral (/7 efense units ;no real e2i ence of this& may be sent own from hi$her authorities< No)e <7 #he listin$ of units for the D/=s an D==s comes from official 6erman ocuments from 198+. 9t is possible ;in fact& likely< that si$nificant chan$es occurre between this time an the 1989 time frame of the remain er of the ))/. D==s with an U ne8t to them appear in other ocuments& but not in the 198+ 2ersion. (ote that 9 ha2e not liste numerous trainin$& transportation& an supply units. 9n a ition& many D/=s an D==s ha se2eral 1icherun$Pu$ ;security platoons< that were not numbere & but appeare to be transportation escort platoons.

Draft Document


Fe%er#$ Bor%er G'#r% 3B'"%e.!re"A.&h')A* BGS5

;#hanks to #ank5(et%s /anshee)ne for this writeup< #hou$h consi ere a fe eral police force subor inate to the "inistry of 9nterior an re5or$aniBe primarily for that role in 19+. ;chan$in$ from military ranks to those of the ci2ilian police amon$ other thin$s<& the /61 retaine combatant status an some military trainin$ until 199' from its ori$inal mission as a para5military bor er force. Eowe2er& only li$ht infantry weapons were kept. As police authority is a state ;that is& not fe eral< ri$ht in 6ermany& the /61 only supporte the a$encies of the 2arious 6erman L.n#er with personnel an materiel upon reFuest in peacetime& but woul ha2e assume police functions un er fe eral authority in wartime. 1e2eral of its 0E51D an /ell 212& an all of its /)51!, helicopters also operate in 6ermany's e8tensi2e air rescue network with /61 pilots an ci2ilian me ical personnel as part of the 4e eral 7i2il *rotection assets alrea y use in peacetime. Durin$ the 8!s& the /61 was or$aniBe into two maGor branchesH #he /ren0schut0#irektion which o2ersaw ei$ht /ren0schut0.mter responsible for actual controls at bor er checkpoints& airports etc. ;/ren0schut0ein0el#ienst& in i2i ual bor er $uar ser2ice< on one han & an fi2e /ren0schut0komman#os ;61=s< on the other. -ach of 61= (orth& 7enter& 1outh an 7oast le a number of battalion5siBe !bteilungen& which in turn consiste of four company5 siBe un#ertschaften ;hun re ships< each. A 61= also ha one trainin$ an one technical ;en$ineerO not in 61= 7enter< !bteilung& one si$nal an one si$nal trainin$ un#ertschaft as well as a helicopter sFua ron. 61= 7oast ha a technical un#ertschaft instea of an !bteilung an also was in comman of /ren0schut0amt See& which le two patrol boat flotillas base in 7u8ha2en un (eusta t in Eolstein. 61= West in /onn was establishe in 19+. as a comman for central ser2ices an security units. 9t comprise two !bteilungen taske with $uar in$ $o2ernment installations in the capital besi es a trainin$ an a si$nal !bteilung each. Also un er 61= West were a technical un#ertschaft& the /ren0schut0fliegergruppe which also controlle the other 61=s' helicopter sFua rons& an the 616 9 special operations $roup. 9ts acronym refers back to when /ren0schut0gruppen were a comman tier between the 61=s an !bteilungen& howe2er it retaine its tra emark esi$nation e2en after the /61 was finally rename Bun#espoli0ei ;4e eral *olice< in 2!!,. 1. 2. Gre"A.&h')AD re6) o" 3Bor%er G'#r% D re&)or#)e5 55 8 6renBschutB^mter ;/or er 6uar /ureaus< Gre"A.&h')AKo((#"%o KJ.)e 3Co#.)5 E B#% Br#(.)e%)7 55 3 6renBschutBAbteilun$enH 61A =[ste 1 L 3ubeck 61A =[ste 2 L ?atBebur$ 61A =[ste 3 L 1chwarBenbeck 55 6renBschutBAusbil un$s;#rainin$<Abteilun$ =[ste 55 #echnische ;#echnicalO en$ineers< 6renBschutBEun ertschaft =[ste 55 6renBschutB4ernmel e;1i$nal<Eun ertschaft =[ste 55 6renBschutB4ernmel eAusbil un$s;1i$nal #rainin$<Eun ertschaft =[ste 55 6renBschutB4lie$er1taffel ;/or er 6uar A2iation 1Fua ron< =[ste 55 6renBschutBAmt 1ee ;/61 /ureau 1ea< 555 EK an #rainin$ 4lotilla 555 2 *atrol /oat 4lotillas 555 =[stenGZ$er;7oastal ?an$er<Eun ertschaft ;may ha2e been no lon$er in e8istance< Gre"A.&h')AKo((#"%o Nor% 3Nor)h5 E H#""o>er7 55 . 6renBschutBAbteilun$en 61A (or 1 L 3unebur$ 61A (or 2 L 0elBen 61A (or 3 L 6ifhorn 61A (or ' L /raunschwei$ 61A (or , L 6oslar 61A (or . 55 Du ersta t 55 6renBschutBAusbil un$s;#rainin$<Abteilun$ (or 55 #echnische ;#echnicalO en$ineers< 6renBschutBAbteilun$ (or 128


Draft Document

55 6renBschutB4ernmel e;1i$nal<Eun ertschaft (or 55 6renBschutB4ernmel eAusbil un$s;1i$nal #rainin$<Eun ertschaft (or 55 6renBschutB4lie$er1taffel ;/or er 6uar A2iation 1Fua ron< (or 4. Gre"A.&h')AKo((#"%o M ))e 3Ce")er5 55 ' 6renBschutBAbteilun$en 61A "itte 1 L -schwe$e 61A "itte 2 L /a Eersfel 61A "itte 3 L Eunfel 61A "itte ' 55 4ul a 55 6renBschutBAusbil un$s;#rainin$<Abteilun$ "itte 55 6renBschutB4ernmel e;1i$nal<Eun ertschaft "itte 55 6renBschutB4ernmel eAusbil un$s;1i$nal #rainin$<Eun ertschaft "itte 55 6renBschutB4lie$er1taffel ;/or er 6uar A2iation 1Fua ron< "itte Gre"A.&h')AKo((#"%o SJ% 3So')h5 E MJ"&he" 55 . 6renBschutBAbteilun$en 61A 1[ 1 L 7obur$ 61A 1[ 2 L )erlenbach 61A 1[ 3 L /ayreuth 61A 1[ ' L (abbur$ 61A 1[ , L 1chwan orf 61A 1[ . L De$$en orf 55 6renBschutBAusbil un$s;#rainin$<Abteilun$ 1[ 55 #echnische ;#echnicalO en$ineers< 6renBschutBAbteilun$ 1[ 55 6renBschutB4ernmel e;1i$nal<Eun ertschaft 1[ 55 6renBschutB4ernmel eAusbil un$s;1i$nal #rainin$<Eun ertschaft 1[ 55 6renBschutB4lie$er1taffel ;/or er 6uar A2iation 1Fua ron< 1[ Gre"A.&h')AKo((#"%o We.) E NKr>e" &h 55 2 6renBschutBAbteilun$en ;West 152< 55 6renBschutBabteilun$ Ausbil un$C-insatB ;trainin$Coperations< West 55 #echnische ;#echnicalO en$ineers< 6renBschutBEun ertschaft West 55 6renBschutB4ernmel e;1i$nal<Abteilun$ 55 6renBschutBflie$er6ruppe ;/or er 6uar A2iation 6roup< 55 6renBschutB6ruppe ;616< 9 special operations $roup



No)e 17 Ar(ore% 424 >eh &$e.7 1on erwa$en 1 ;")WA6 "? 8 wC "6 mount< 1on erwa$en 2 ;")WA6 "? 8 wC 2! mm turret< 1on erwa$en 3 ;armore "erce es 6O esi$nation replace the 0=5built 1ala in& which phase out in 19+3 ;fate of the 9! 2ehicles not clear<< 1on erwa$en ' ;#hyssen #"51+! wC "6 mountO be$an replacin$ the total of .!! 1W51 an 1W52 in 198'< No)e 87 He$ &o0)er.7 33 1A 318 7 Alouette 99 1, /ell 0E51D 1! /ell 212 22 1A 33! J *uma 3 A1 332 31 1uper *uma 1+ /)51!,

Draft Document


W#r Ho.) N#) o" S'00or) Or!#" A#) o"

9n a ition to its re$ular military units& the 4e eral ?epublic of 6ermany maintaine an e8tensi2e structure of Wartime Eost (ation 1upport units. #hey were un er the comman of the territorial army urin$ peacetime& but woul support 2arious forei$n forces urin$ wartime. #heir combat elements are liste with #erritorialEeer abo2e. #hanks $oes out to #ank5(et%s "aGor.. for this information. #here were . bri$a e5le2el support comman s ; in 6erman 0nterstuetBun$skomman o 50= o. <. #hey were comman e by a 7olonel. 0= o. 3 ;suppote 13th 7)17)" 5for 999. 01 7orps< was establishe on Jan. 1'& 198. at 7olo$ne ;=oeln< an was un er comman of W/= 999. 0= o. 3 ha the followin$ unitsH 1tabskompanie 0= o. 3 ;EE7< Dersor$un$skompanie '3!1 ;supply company< 9nstan setBun$slenk$ruppen '31 Q '32 ;maintenance contact teams< Derbin un$skomman os '3!!C1 Q '3!!C2 ;liaison teams< 4el ersatBbataillon '31 ;fiel ?eplacement battalion< 1icherun$skompanie '3!1 ;$uar company<< /e$leitbatterie '3!1 Q '3!2 ;3A(7- escort batteries< #ransportbattailon '31& '32& '33& '3' ;transportation battalion< (achschubbataillon '31& '32 ;both ammunition<& '33 ;*)3< =rankentransportbataillon '31 ;casualty e2acuation< #rainin$centers for (/7 C 1upply C "e ical 0= o. ' ;supporte D. 01 7orps< was establishe on )ct. 1& 198+ at "ainB an was un er comman of W/= 9D 0= o. ' ha the followin$ unitsH 1tabskompanie 0= o. ' Dersor$un$skompanie ''!1 9nstan setBun$slenk$ruppen ''1 Q ''2 Derbin un$skomman os ''!!C1 Q ''!!C2 4el ersatBbataillon ''1 ;formerly 88!< Q ''2 1icherun$sbataillon ''1 ;$uar battalion< /e$leitbatterie ''!1 Q ''!2 1chwimmbrueckenkompanie ''!1 ;float5ribbon bri $e company< A/75Abwehrbataillon ;(ebel< ''1 ;smoke $enerator battalion< #ransportre$iment '' ;#ransportbataillon ''1& ''2& ''3& '''< (achschubre$iment '' ;(achschubataillon ''1& ''2 ;all ammo<& ''3 ;*)3<< =rankentransportbataillon ''1 0= o. , ;supporte D99. 01 7orps< was establishe on Dec. 1, at 3u wi$sbur$ an was un er comman of W/= D 0= o. , ha the followin$ unitsH 1tabskompanie 0= o. , Dersor$un$skompanie ',!1 9nstan setBun$slenk$ruppen ',1 Q ',2 Derbin un$skomman os ',!!C1 Q ',!!C2 4el ersatBbataillon ',1 1icherun$sbataillon ',1 /e$leitbatterie ',!1 Q ',!2 1chwimmbr[ckenkompanie ',!1 A/75Abwehrbataillon ;(ebel< ',1 9nstan setBun$sbataillon ',1 ;maintenance battalion< Draft Document 13!

#ransportre$iment ', ;#ransportbataillon ',1& ',2& ',3& ','< (achschubre$iment ', ;(achschubbataillon ',1& ',2& ',3 ;all ammo<& ',' ;*)3<< =rankentransportbataillon ',1 0= o. + ;supporte +th #AA7)"< was establishe on )ct. 1& 1988 at "oenchen$la bach an was un er comman of #= o.(or 0= o. + ha the followin$ unitsH 1tabskompanie 0= o. + Dersor$un$skompanie '+!1 9nstan setBun$slenk$ruppe '+1 Derbin un$skomman os '+!!C1 Q '+!!C2 4el ersatBbataillon '+1 1icherun$sbataillon '+1 9nstan setBun$sbataillon '+1 (achschubbataillon '+1& '+2 ;both ammo<& '+3 ;*)3< 0= o. 8 ;supporte 21st #AA7)"< was establishe on April 1& 198. at Pweibruecken an was un er comman of #= o. 1ue 0= o. 8 ha the followin$ unitsH 1tabskompanie 0= o. 8 Dersor$un$skompanie '8!1 4el ersatBbataillon '81 1icherun$sbataillon '81& '82& '83 /e$leitbatterie '8!1& '8!2& '8!3 (achschubre$iment '8 ;(achschubbataillon '81& '82& '83 ;all ammo<& '8'& '8, both *)3<< =rankentransportbataillon '81 4ernmel ebataillon '81 ;si$nal battalion< #rainin$ centers for staff & supply & securityC$uar ;2< 0= o. 9 ;supporte 'th #?A(17)"< was establishe on )ct. 1& 198. at "annheim an was un er comman of #= o. 1ue 0= o. 9 ha the followin$ unitsH 1tabskompanie 0= o. 9 Dersor$un$skompanie '9!1 9nstan setBun$slenk$ruppen '91 Q '92 Derbin un$skomman os '9!!C1& '9!!C2& '9!!C3 4el ersatBbataillon '91 1icherun$sbataillon '91 *ionierbataillon '91 ;en$ineer battalion< #ransportre$iment '9 ;#ransportbataillon '91& '92& '93 ;9 think ammo<< #ransportre$iment '9! ;#ransportbataillon '9'& '9,& '9. ;9 think ammo<< #ransportbataillon '9+& '98 ;*)3< =rankentransportbataillon '91& '92

Draft Document



#he 3uftwaffe missile units were un er$oin$ a wi esprea reor$aniBation in 1989& makin$ listin$ them a bit more comple8. 1. 2. 3. 4lu$kYrper$eschwa er ;"issile Win$< 1 5 3an sber$& 4?6H 3. *ershin$ 1A 4lu$kYrper$eschwa er 2 5 6eilenkirchen& 4?6H 3. *ershin$ 1A 4lu$abwehrraketenre$iment ;Air Defense "issile ?e$iment< 3 5 Eei e& 4?6 ?ename 4lu$abwehrraketenkomman o ;Air Defense "issile 7omman < 1 )ctober 1st 1989 a. 4lu$abwehrraketenbataillon ;Air Defense "issile /attalion< 3+ 5 7u8ha2en& 4?6H ' 1Fua rons each . Eawk ?ename 4lu$abwehrraketen$eschwa er ;Air Defense "issile Win$< 3+ an transferre to 4la?ak= o 2 )ctober 1st 1989 b. 4lu$abwehrraketenbataillon 38 5 Eei e& 4?6H ' 1Fua rons each . Eawk ?ename 4lu$abwehrraketen$eschwa er 38 )ctober 1st 1989 c. 4lu$abwehrraketenbataillon 39 5 -ckernfYr e& 4?6H ' 1Fua rons each . Eawk ?ename 4lu$abwehrraketen$eschwa er 39 )ctober 1st 1989 . 4lu$abwehrraketen$eschwa er 2. 5 Eusum& 4?6H . 1Fua rons each 8 *atriot -stablishe )ctober 1st 1989& recei2e missiles in 1992 4lu$abwehrraketenre$iment ' 5 /remer2Yr e& 4?6 ?ename 4lu$abwehrraketenkomman o 2 )ctober 1st 1989 a. 4lu$abwehrraketen$eschwa er 2' 5 )l enbur$& 4?6H . 1Fua rons each 8 *atriot -stablishe )ctober 1st 1989& recei2e missiles in 1993 b. 4lu$abwehrraketenbataillon 31 5 Westertimke& 4?6H ' 1Fua rons each . Eawk ?ename 4lu$abwehrraketen$eschwa er 31 )ctober 1st 1989 c. 4lu$abwehrraketenbataillon 3, 5 Delmenhorst& 4?6H ' 1Fua rons each . Eawk ?ename 4lu$abwehrraketen$eschwa er 3, an transferre to 4la?ak= o 3 )ctober 1st 1989 . 4lu$abwehrraketenbataillon 3. 5 /remer2Yr e& 4?6H ' 1Fua rons each . Eawk ?ename 4lu$abwehrraketen$eschwa er 3. )ctober 1st 1989 4lu$abwehrraketenre$iment 1' 5 )l enbur$& 4?6 ?ename 4lu$abwehrraketenkomman o 3 )ctober 1st 1989 a. 4lu$abwehrraketenbataillon 2' 5 Delmenhorst& 4?6H (ike5Eercules Dissol2e 1eptember 3!th& 1989 b. 4lu$abwehrraketenbataillon 2. 5 Wan$erlan & 4?6H (ike5Eercules Dissol2e 1eptember 3!th& 1989 c. 4lu$abwehrraketen$ruppe ;Air Defense "issile 6roup< '1 5 Wan$erlan & 4?6H 3 1Fua rons each . ?olan -stablishe 1eptember 29th 1989 from AD "issile /ns 2' an 2.& recei2e missiles in 199! b. 4lu$abwehrraketen$eschwa er 2, 5 /arnstorf& 4?6H . 1Fua rons each 8 *atriot ?ecei2e missiles in 199! 4lu$abwehrraketenkomman o ' 5 3ich& 4?6 a. 4lu$abwehrraketen$ruppe '2 5 1chYneck& 4?6H . sFua rons each . ?olan 1ee 4la?ak= o , for units transferre in 1989 4lu$abwehrraketenkomman o , 5 -r in$& 4?6 a. 4lu$abwehrraketen$eschwa er 21 5 "Yhnesee& 4?6H . 1Fua rons each 8 *atriot ?ecei2e missiles an transferre to 4la?ak= o ' in 1989 b. 4lu$abwehrraketen$eschwa er 22 5 *enBin$& 4?6H . 1Fua rons each 8 *atriot #ransferre to 4la?ak= o ' in 1989& recei2e missiles in 1991 c. 4lu$abwehrraketen$eschwa er 23 5 "anchin$& 4?6H . 1Fua rons each 8 *atriot ?ecei2e missiles an transferre to 4la?ak= o ' in 1989 1ee 4la?ak= o . for units transferre in 1989 4lu$abwehrraketenkomman o . 5 3en$$ries& 4?6 132






Draft Document

a. 4lu$abwehrraketenbataillon 32 5 4reisin$& 4?6H ' 1Fua rons each . Eawk ?ename 4lu$abwehrraketen$eschwa er 32 an transferre to 4la?ak= o , )ctober 1st 1989 b. 4lu$abwehrraketenbataillon 33 5 3en$$ries& 4?6H ' 1Fua rons each . Eawk ?ename 4lu$abwehrraketen$eschwa er 33 an transferre to 4la?ak= o , )ctober 1st 1989 c. 4lu$abwehrraketenbataillon 3' 5 ?ottenbur$& 4?6H ' 1Fua rons each .Eawk ?ename 4lu$abwehrraketen$eschwa er 3' an transferre to 4la?ak= o , )ctober 1st 1989 . 4lu$abwehrraketen$ruppe '3 5 3eipheim& 4?6H , sFua rons each . ?olan 9n a ition& the 3uftwaffe ha a lar$e number of units a2ailable for efense of airbases an sFua ron assets. #hese were or$aniBe into 4lie$erhorst$ruppen ;airbase $roups< an each ha a number of assets. 9n a ition& each sFua ron $roup ha a similar $roup of security an support unitsH L',),$o))e"6o((#"%o 3A r For&e T#&) &#$ Co((#"%5 A. 1. 3uftwaffe Di2ision 1. 4lie$erhorst$ruppen =aufbeurenH ;home of the 3uftwaffe%s technical school< a< 4lak/atterie 282 b< 3w*ionierPu$ 83 c< 3w1icherun$s1taffel =aufbeurenH < 3w1icherun$s1taffel 83H ;?< e< 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,11+H ;?< 2. 4lie$erhorst$ruppen (eubiber$H ;former home of 3w )fficer%s 1chool< a< 3w1ich1tff ,118H ;?< b< 3w1ich1tff ,218H ;?< 3. 4lie$erhorst$ruppen "anchin$H ;home of Wehrtechnische Dienststelle ;W#D< .1 test center< a< 4lak/atterie ;?< b< 3w*ionierPu$ 82 c< 3w1icherun$s1taffel "anchin$H < 3w1icherun$s1taffel 82H ;?< '. A6 ,1 @9mmelmanA L /rem$artenH a< 4lak/atterie 2,1 L -schbach ;?<H b< 3w*ionierPu$ ,1 L -schbach ;?<H c< 3w1icherun$s1taffel /rem$ar H < 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,1 L -schbachH ;?< e< 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,1,1 L -schbachH ;?< ,. J/6 32 L 3echfel H a< 4lak/atterie 232 L =losterlechfel H ;?< b< 3w*ionierPu$ 21 L =losterlechfel H ;?< c< 3w1icherun$s1taffel L =losterlechfel H < 3w1icherun$s1taffel 32 L =losterlechfel H ;?< e< 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,132 L =losterlechfel H ;?< .. J/6 33 L /uchelH a< 4lak/atterie 233 L 7ochemH ;?< b< 3w1icherun$s1taffel @1ACJ/6 33 L /uchelH c< 3w1icherun$s1taffel L 7ochemH < 3w1icherun$s1taffel 33 L 7ochemH ;?< e< 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,133 L 7ochemH ;?< +. J/6 3' L "emmin$enH a< 4lak/atterie 23' L "emmin$enH ;?< b< 3w1icherun$s1taffel @1ACJ/6 3' L "emmin$enH c< 3w1icherun$s1taffel L "emmin$enH < 3w1icherun$s1taffel 3' L "emmin$enH ;?< e< 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,13' L "emmin$enH ;?< 8. J/6 3, 5 *fer sfel H a< 4lak/atterie 23, L 1oberheimH ;?< b< 3w1icherun$s1taffel L 1oberheimH c< 3w1icherun$s1taffel 3, L 1oberheimH ;?< < 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,13, L 1oberheimH ;?< 9. J/6 39 L -r in$H a< 4lak/atterie 281 L -r in$ ;?<H Draft Document 133

b< 3w*ionierPu$ 81 L -r in$ ;?<H c< 3w1icherun$s1taffel L -r in$H < 3w1icherun$s1taffel 81 L -r in$H ;?< e< 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,139 L -r in$H ;?< 1!.J/6 '' L 3eipheimH a< 4lak/atterie 2'' L 3eipheim ;?<H b< 3w*ionierPu$ '' L 3eipheim ;?<H c< 3w1icherun$s1taffel L 3eipheimH < 3w1icherun$s1taffel '' L 3eipheimH ;?< e< 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,1'' L 3eipheimH ;?< 11.J/6 '9 L 4urstenfel bruckH a< 4lak/atterie 2'9 L 4urstenfel bruck ;?<H b< 3w1icherun$s1taffel L 4urstenfel bruckH c< 3w1icherun$s1taffel '9 L 4urstenfel bruckH ;?< < 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,1'9 L 4urstenfel bruckH ;?< 12.4lu$kYrper$eschwa er 1 L 3an sber$H a< 4lak/atterie 111 L 3an sber$H ;?< b< 4lak/atterie 112 L 3an sber$H ;?< c< 3w1icherun$s1taffel L 3an sber$H < 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,191 L 3an sber$H ;?< e< 3w1icheru$ns1taffel ,291 L =losterlechfel H ;?< /. 2. 3ufwaffe Di2ision 1. J6 +' @"ol ersA L (eubur$ a< 4lak/atterie 2+' L (eubur$ ;?<H b< 3w1icherun$s1taffel L (eubur$H c< 3w1icherun$s1taffel +' L (eubur$H ;?< < 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,1+' L (eubur$H ;?< 2. Assorte security an flak units associate with communications an ra ar sitesH a< 4lak/atterie 331 L "e\stettenH b< 4lak/atterie 131 L 4reisin$ c< 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,2!31 L 4reisin$H < 4lak/atterie 332 L /irkenfel H e< 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,1!32 L /irkenfel H f< 3w1icherun$s1taffel =rie$sEK -rwin $< 4lak/atterie 132 L 3au a5=oni$shofenH h< 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,2!32 L 3au a5=oni$shofenH 7. 3. 3uftwaffe Di2ision 1. A6 ,2 L 3eck a< 4lak/atterie 2,2 L 1ta um ;?<H b< 3w*ionierPu$ ,2 L 1ta um ;?<H c< 3w1icherun$s1taffel L 3eckH < 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,2 L 1ta umH ;?< e< 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,1,2 L 1ta umH ;?< 2. Jabo6 31 @/oelckeA L (or2enich a< 4lak/atterie 231 L (or2enichH ;?< b< 3w*ionierPu$ 31 L =erpen ;?<H c< 3w1icherun$s1taffel @1ACJ/6 31 L (or2enichH < 3w1icherun$s1taffel L =erpenH e< 3w1icherun$s1taffel 31 L =erpenH ;?< f< 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,131 L =erpenH ;?< 3. Jabo6 3. @WestfalenA L Eopsten a< 4lak/atterie 23. L ?heine ;?<H b< 3w1icherun$s1taffel L EopstenH c< 3w1icherun$s1taffel 3. L ?heineH ;?< < 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,13. L ?heineH ;?< '. Jabo6 38 L Je2er a< 4lak/atterie 238 L 1chortens ;?<H b< 3w*ionierPu$ 38 L 1chortens ;?<H Draft Document 13'

c< 3w1icherun$s1taffel L Je2erH < 3w1icherun$s1taffel 38 L 1chortensH ;?< e< 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,138 L 1chortensH ;?< ,. Jabo6 '1 L 1chwesin$ a< 4lak/atterie 2'1 L Eusum ;?<H b< 3w1icherun$s1taffel L EusumH c< 3w1icherun$s1taffel '1 L EusumH ;?< < 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,1'1 L EusumH ;?< .. Jabo6 '3 L )l enbur$ a< 4lak/atterie 2'3 L )l enbur$ ;?<H b< 3w1icherun$s1taffel L )l enbur$H c< 3w1icherun$s1taffel '3 L )l enbur$H ;?< < 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,1'3 L )l enbur$H ;?< +. 4lu$kYrper$eschwa er 2 L 6eilinkirchenH a< 4lak/atterie 121 L 6eilinkirchenH ;?< b< 4lak/atterie 122 L 6eilinkirchenH ;?< c< 3w1icherun$s1taffel L 6eilinkirchenH < 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,192 L 6eilinkirchenH ;?< e< 3w1icheru$ns1taffel ,192 L 6eilinkirchenH ;?< D. '. 3uftwaffe Di2ision 1. J6 +1 @?ichtofenA 55 Wittmun hafen a< 4lak/atterie 2+1 L Wittmun ;?<H b< 3w1icherun$s1taffel L Wittmun H c< 3w1icherun$s1taffel +1 L Wittmun H ;?< < 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,1+1 L Wittmun H ;?< 2. 4ernemel e ?e$iment 33 ;1i$nal an ?a ar ?e$iment< L controlle the followin$ $roun elementsH a< 9.C4m?$t 33 1< 4lak/atterie 133 L 6och 2< 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,1!33 L 6ochH 3< 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,3!33 L 6ochH b< 99.C4m?$t 33 1< 4lak/atterie 3!2 L -rnetebruckeH c< 999.C4m?$t 33 1< 4lak/atterie 333 L /or$entreichH 2< 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,2!33 L /or$entreichH 2. 4ernemel e ?e$iment 3' L controlle the followin$ $roun elementsH a< 9.C4m?e$t 3' 1< 4lak/atterie 1+' L AurichH 2< 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,1!3' L AurichH b< 99.C4m?e$t 3' 1< 4lak/atterie 33' L Disselho2e eH 2< 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,2!3' L AurichH c< 999.C4m?e$t 1< 4lak/atterie 1!! L Alt Du2enste tH 2< 4lak/atterie 3!! L Alt Du2enste tH 3< 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,3!3, L Alt Du2enste tH -. 3uftwaffenamt ;1upport 7omman L trainin$& lo$istics& etc< 1. 3w 1icherun$s 6ruppe L =Yln a< 4lak/atterie 3,! L =YlnH ;?< b< 3w1icherun$s1taffel 8' L =YlnH ;?< c< 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,11, L =YlnH ;?< < 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,21' L =YlnH ;?< e< 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,1!+! L #rierH 2. 4ernemel e ?e$iment +1 L )snabr[ckH 7ontrolle the followin$ $roun unitsH a< 3w1icherun$sPu$ .1+1 L )snabr[ckH b< 3w1icherun$sPu$ .2+1 L )snabr[ckH c< 3w1icherun$sPu$ .3+1 L )snabr[ckH < 3w1icherun$sPu$ .'+1 L )snabr[ckH Draft Document 13,

e< 3w1icherun$sPu$ .++1 L )snabr[ckH f< 3w1icherun$sPu$ .,+1 L Eamb[hrenH $< 3w1icherun$sPu$ ..+1 L Eamb[hrenH 3. 4ernemel e ?e$iment +2 L 4euchtwan$enH 7ontrolle the followin$ $roun unitsH a< 3w1icherun$sPu$ .1+2 L 4euchtwan$enH b< 3w1icherun$sPu$ .2+2 L 4euchtwan$enH c< 3w1icherun$sPu$ .'+2 L 4euchtwan$enH < 3w1icherun$sPu$ .,+2 L 4euchtwan$enH e< 3w1icherun$sPu$ ..+2 L 4euchtwan$enH f< 3w1icherun$sPu$ .++2 L -riskirchH $< 3w1icherun$sPu$ .8+2 L -riskirchH '. 4ernemel e ?e$iment 81 L =arlsruheH 7ontrolle the followin$ $roun unitsH a< 3w1icherun$sPu$ .181 L /remenH b< 3w1icherun$sPu$ .281 L /remenH c< 3w1icherun$sPu$ .381 L Dussel orfH < 3w1icherun$sPu$ .'81 L Dussel orfH e< 3w1icherun$sPu$ .,81 L =arlsruheH f< 3w1icherun$sPu$ ..81 L =arlsruheH ,. 3uftwaffe Ausbil un$ =omman o ;3w #rainin$ -stablishment< (oteH 9t appears as thou$h the trainin$ comman has a number of combat units attache L it is possible they were simple co5locate with trainin$ units an came un er their comman . a< 3wAusb?$t 1 L *inneber$H 1< 4lak/atterie 11 L Eambur$H ;?< b< 3wAusb?$t 2 L /u elH 1< 4lak/atterie 21 L /u elH ;?< 2< 4lak/atterie 22 L /u elH ;?< 3< 4lak/atterie 23 L /u elH ;?< '< 4alk/atterie 2' L 0lmenH ;?< c< 3wAusb?$t 3 L ?othH 1< 4lak/atterie 31 L ?othH ;?< 2< 4lak/atterie 32 L "anchin$H ;?< 3< 4lak/atterie 33 L ?othH ;?< < 3wAusb?$t ' L 6ermersheimH 1< 4lak/atterie '1 L 0lmH ;?< 2< 4lak/atterie '2 L "en$enH ;?< 3< 4lak/atterie '3 L 6ermersheimH ;?< e< 3wAusb?$t , L 6oslarH 1< 4lak/atterie ,1 L -ssenH ;?< 2< 4lak/atterie ,2 L 6oslarH ;?< 3< 4lak/atterie ,3 L 6oslarH ;?< 4. 3#= o ;transportation comman < 1. 3#6 .1 L *enBin$ a< 4lak/atterie 2.1 L 3an sber$H ;?< b< 3w*ionierPu$ .1 L 3an sber$H ;?< c< 3w1icherun$s1taffel L 3an sber$H < 3w1icherun$s1taffel .1 L 3an sber$H ;?< e< 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,1.1 L *enBin$H ;?< 2. 3#6 .2 L Wuns orf a< 4lak/atterie 181 L Wuns orfH ;?< c< 3w1icherun$s1taffel L Wuns orfH < 3w1icherun$s1taffel .2 L Wuns orfH ;?< e< 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,1.2 L Wuns orfH ;?< 3. 3#6 .3 L Eohn a< 4lak/atterie 2.3 L Alt Du2enste tH ;?< b< 3w*ionierPu$ .3 L Alt Du2enste tH ;?< c< 3w1icherun$s1taffel L EohnH < 3w1icherun$s1taffel .3 L Alt Du2enste tH ;?< e< 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,1.3 L Alt Du2enste tH ;?< '. E#6 .' L Ahlhorn Draft Document 13.

a< b< c< < e<

4lak/atterie 2.' L AhlhornH ;?< 3w*ionierPu$ .' L AhlhornH ;?< 3w1icherun$s1taffel L EohnH 3w1icherun$s1taffel .' L AhlhornH ;?< 3w1icherun$s1taffel ,1.' L AhlhornH ;?<

6. 3uftwaffe0ber=omman o ;3uftwaffe hi$h comman < 1. 3uftwaffe *ionier ?e$iment L =arlsruheH ;all ?< a< 3w*i1tff 11 L 1choneckH b< 3w*i1tff 12 L 1choneckH c< 3w*i1tff 13 L (aurathH < 3w*i1tff 1' L (aurathH e< 3w*i1tff 1, L (aurathH f< 3w*i1tff 1. L /ruchm[hlbach5"iesauH $< 3w*i1tff 1+ L /ruchm[hlbach5"iesauH h< 3w*i1tff 18 L /ruchm[hlbach5"iesauH i< 3w*i1tff 111 L =arlsruheH G< 3w*i1tff 112 L =arlsruheH 2. 4ernemel e ?e$iment 12 L =arlsruheH 7ontrolle the followin$ $roun unitsH a< 9.C4m?e$t 12H 1< 3w1ich1tff ,,!12 L /irkenfel H 2< 3w1ich1tff ,.!12 L 0lmenH 3< 3w1ich1tff ,+!12 L =arlsruheH '< 3w1ich1tff ,8!12 L =arlsruheH b< 99.C4m?e$t 12H 1< 3w1ich1tff ,9!12 L "en$enH 2< 3w1ich1tff ,.!12 L =losterlechfel H 3< 3w1ich1tff ,1!!12 L 3au a5=Yni$shofenH '< 3w1ich1tff ,11!12 L 3au a5=Yni$shofenH 3. "=P 1[ ;appears primarily concerne with supply an or nance umps< a< 3w1ich1tff ,1!!3 L 3an sber$H ;?< b< 3w1ich1tff ,2!!3 L 3an sber$H ;?< c< 3w1ich1tff ,3!!3 L 0mmen orfH ;?< < 3w1ich1tff ,'!!3 L 1ulB a.(.H ;?< e< 3w1ich1tff ,2!!' L ?heinbYllenH ;?< f< 3w1ich1tff ,3!!' L 6ermersheimH ;?< '. 3w06rp (or L "[nsterH a< 4ernemel e ?e$iment 11 L )snabr[ckH 1< 9.C4m?eft 11 L )snabr[ckH 7ontrolle the followin$ $roun unitsH a. 3w1ich1tff ,1!11 L )snabr[ckH ;?< b. 3w1ich1tff ,2!11 L )snabr[ckH ;?< c. 3w1ich1tff ,3!11 L )snabr[ckH ;?< 2< 99.C4m?e$t 11 L =alkar a. 3w1ich1tff ,'!11 L =alkarH ;?< b. 3w1ich1tff ,,!11 L =alkarH ;?< c. 3w1ich1tff ,.!11 L D[renH ;?< . 3w1ich1tff ,+!11 L 0lmenH ;?< '. "=P (or L DiepholB a< 3wDers?$t 2 L DiepholBH 1< 4lak/atterie 182 L DiepholBH ;?< 2< 3w1ich1taff L DiepholBH 3< 3w1ich1tff ,1!!2 L DiepholBH ;?< '< 3w*i3ehr =ompanie 2 L DiepholBH ,< 4lak/atterie 18! L 1Y$elH ;?< .< 3w1ich1tff ,1!!. L 1Y$elH ;?< +< 3w1ich1tff ,2!!. L 1Y$elH ;?< b< 3wDers?$t + L Eusum 1< 3w1ich1tff ,1!!+ L EusumH 2< 3w1ich1tff ,2!!+ L EusumH 3< 3w1ich1tff ,3!!+ L 1[ erl[$umH Draft Document 13+

c< 3wDers?$t 8 L "echernichH 1< 1ich1tff ;EC3w< L "echernich& /leiber$H 2< 3w1ich1tff ,1!!8 L "echernichH ;?< 3< 3w1ich1tff ,2!!8 L "echernichH ;?< '< 3w1ich1tff ,3!!8 L "echernichH ;?< ,< 3w1ich1tff ,'!!8 L -ssenH ;?< .< 3w1ich1tff ,,!!8 L D[renH ;?< +< 3w1ich1tff ,.!!8 L Wil ber$erh[tteH 8< 3w1ich1tff ,+!!8 L DollmerhausenH No)e 17 -ach 4l$E6rp also $enerally ha a runway repair sFua ron& a me ical sFua ron an a fiel replacement sFua ron& in a ition to the units liste abo2e. 9n a ition& there were numerous other units attache to the 2arious comman sO 9 ha2e sou$ht to list only combatant units. 4inally& 1A" units are liste abo2e L they on%t really fit with this list& as they ha been reor$aniBe after 198+. #hat sai & they all appear to ha2e been controlle by either the 2. 3w Di2ision or the '. 3w Di2ision. No)e 87 0nits marke with ;?< are inacti2e reser2e units a2ailable only in case of mobiliBation. No)e ?7 #he acti2e 3w1ich1tff for each 4l$E6rp consiste of two platoon& taske in peacetime with trainin$ the reser2e security elements. 9t appears not all $roups ha acti2e elements. No)e 47 1taffel are typically company5siBe units. No)e <7 3w1ich1tff @1A are special weapons units& esi$ne to han le nuclear weapons un er the @ ual keyA arran$ement with the 01. @1A is for @1on erwaffen.A No)e =7 Data is from 198+ L some chan$es may ha2e occurre by 1989. No)e 97 4lak/atterie likely were eFuippe with ?=2!2 2!mm $uns L many sources list 1+!!Q in Eeer in2entory& but there are no si$nificant units that use them in such numbers. -ach 3W flakbatterie containe 25' firin$ platoons& each with ' 2!mm $uns.

Draft Document


;Air 0nits< No)e7 Ja$ bomber$eschwa er _ J/6 ;4i$hterC/omber Win$<& Ja$ $eschwa er _ J6 ;4i$hter Win$<& Aufklarun$s$eschwa er _ A6 ;?econ Win$< A. 1. 3uftwaffe Di2ision 1. A6 ,1 @9mmelmanA 5 /rem$arten& 4?6H 2 1Fua rons of 18 ?45'- each& plus a total of . in maintenance reser2e 2. J/6 32 5 3echfel & 4?6H 2 sFua rons of 18 #orna o's each& plus 1 sFa ron with + E4/ 32! -77" 3. J/6 33 5 /uchel& 4?6H 2 sFua rons of 18 #orna o's each '. J/6 3' 5 "emmin$en& 4?6H 2 sFua rons of 18 #orna o's each ,. J/6 3, 5 *fer sfel & 4?6H 2 sFua rons of 18 45'4's each& plus a total of . in maintenance reser2e .. J/6 39 L -r in$& 4?6H woul ha2e controlle #orna os from #ri5(ational #rainin$ 1Fua ron at 7ottesmore& 0= on mobiliBation ;forme 1989< +. J/6 '' L 3eipheim& 4?6H woul ha2e controlle Alpha Jets from )70 unit at /eGa& *ortu$al 9. J/6 '9 5 4urstenfel bruck& 4?6H 2 sFua rons of with a total of ,1 Alpha Jet's& inclu in$ 1' two5seaters 1!.4lu$kYrper$eschwa er 1H 3. *ershin$ 1A ; emobiliBe & 1991< /. 2. 3uftwaffe Di2ision ;controlle mainly air efense assets an ra ar sites< 1. J6 +' @"ol ersA L (eubur$& 4?6H 2 sFua rons of 18 45'4's each& plus a total of . in maintenance reser2e ;likely controlle 4lu$abwehrraketenkomman os , an .< 7. 3. 3uftwaffe Di2ision 1. J/6 31 5 (or2enich& 4?6H 2 sFua rons of 18 #orna o's each& plus a total of ' in reser2e 2. J/6 3. 5 Eopsten& 4?6H 2 sFua rons of 18 45'4's each& plus a total of . in maintenance reser2e& plus a unit ;PA-< for trainin$ 45' pilots for flyin$ in -uropean con itions 3. J/6 38 5 Je2er& 4?6H 1 1Fua ron of 2' #orna o '. J/6 '1 5 Eusum& 4?6H 2 sFua rons of with a total of ,1 Alpha Jet's& inclu in$ 1' two5seaters ,. J/6 '3 5 )l enbur$& 4?6H 2 sFua rons of with a total of ,1 Alpha Jet's& inclu in$ 1' two5seaters .. A6 ,2 5 3eck& 4?6H 2 1Fua rons of 18 ?45'- each& plus a total of . in maintenance reser2e +. 4lu$kYrper$eschwa er 2 L 6eilinkirchenH 3. *ershin$ 1A ; emobiliBe & 1991< D. '. 3uftwaffe Di2ision 1. J6 +1 5 Wittmun ha2en& 4?6H 2 sFua rons of 18 45'4's each& plus a total of . in maintenance reser2e ;likely controlle whiche2er 4lu$abwehrraketenkomman os not controlle by 2. 3w Di2< -. 3uftwaffe #ransport 7omman 1. 3#6 .1 L *enBin$H #ransall 751.!& plus sFua ron with '! 0E51D 2. 3#6 .2 L Wuns orfH #ransall 751.! 3. 3#6 .3 L EohnH #ransall 751.! '. E#6 .' L AhlhornH Eelicopters 4. 3uftwaffen2ersor$un$sre$iment 1 L -r in$H 1. =omman o 451!'H 451!' 1tarfi$hters (oteH Eol in$ unit for pilots not yet traine for #orna os or too ol to transfer to another aircraft. ?etire aircraft& early 1989. A 1o2iet ocument base on Western open sources says the unit contains two sFua rons of 18 45 1!' each. No)e 17 4?6 45'4s were ori$inally not eFuippe to fire A9"5+ series missiles. #hey were up$ra e to be able to o so by 1981. ?45'-s ha a secon ary $roun attack role. No)e 87 #he 4?6 also maintaine se2eral trainin$ units o2erseas. An )70 unit with 8 45'-s was base in the 01& 22 #ornat os were in the (A#) tri5national trainin$ sFua ron at 7ottesmore& 0=& an a weapons5trainin$ sFua ron of 18 Alpha Jets in *ortu$al.

Draft Document


No)e ?7 -Fuipment Eol in$sH 1'' 45'4& +2 ?45'- ;88 in total were eli2ere <& 8 45'-& 198 #orna os ;not inclu in$ na2al air<& plus 18 in stora$e& 1., Alpha Jets ;plus 3 in stora$e<& 8' #ransall 751.!& 1!. 0E51. #he 3uftwaffe also hel +2 *ershin$ 9As ;Dismantle 199152<& 21. 95EAW= launchers ;with other air efence units& abo2e<& some *atriots& an 3' ?olan s ; eli2eries on$oin$<. #he sFua rons were not at the abo2e stren$th& as they ha suffere attrition losses. A total of 2! 45'4s were lost& but 8 were transferre from the trainin$ unit in the 01. A total of 1' ?45'-s were also lost. No)e 47 -ach sFua ron also maintaine a flak battery an a 1icherun$staffel ;security unit< L see abo2e.

Draft Document


No)e7 "arineflie$er$eschwa er _ "46 ;(a2al Air Win$< 1. 2. 3. '. "46 1 5 1chleswi$& 4?6H 2 1Fua rons of 2' #orna o each "46 2 5 -$$ebek& 4?6H 2 1Fua rons of 2' #orna o each "46 3 5 (or holB& 4?6H 2 1Fua rons of 9 /r. 11,1 Atlantic each& 1 1Fua ron of 18 3yn8 "46 , 5 =iel& 4?6H 1 1Fua ron of 22 1eakin$ "k. '1& 1 1Fua ron of 19 Do528D52

No)e 17 "46 3 supplie aircraft for eployment on warships ;the 3yn8<. "46 ,%s 1eakin$s were for 1A?& as were teh Do528& which also ser2e in a liaison role. No)e 87 "arine4lie$er ha 9, #orna os an 19 Altantics.

Draft Document



A. "arine 0ber=omman o L Wilhelmsha2enH )2erall Ei$h 7omman 1. 1.& 2. 1ichPu$C1tab "0= o L Wilhelmsha2enH ;?< ;security platoons for comman staff< /. "Abschn= o )stsee L =ielH /altic 7omman 1. "#rs/tl 1 L =ielH #ransportation battalion& with the followin$ security assetsH a< "1ich=p L /ar$umH ;?< b< "1ich=p L =ielH ;?< 2. "1tp= o 4lensbru$ a< "1tp1ich6rp 1 L 4lensbur$H 1< 1.C"1tp1ich6rp 1 L 4lensbur$5"[rwikH ;?< 2< 2.C"1tp1ich6rp 1 L 4lensbur$5"[rwikH ;?< 3< 3.C"1tp1ich6rp 1 L 4lensbur$5"[rwikH ;?< '< '.C"1tp1ich6rp 1 L 4lensbur$5"[rwikH ;?< ,< 1.Pu$C"1tp1ich6rp 1 L 4lensbur$5"[rwikH ;?< .< 2.Pu$C"1tp1ich6rp 1 L 4lensbur$5"[rwikH ;?< 3. "1tp= o )lpenitB b< "1tp1ich6rp 3 L )lpenitB 1< 1.C"1tp1ich6rp 3 L )lpenitBH ;?< 2< 2.C"1tp1ich6rp 3 L )lpenitBH ;?< 3< 3.C"1tp1ich6rp 3 L )lpenitBH ;?< '< 1.Pu$C"1tp1ich6rp 3 L )lpenitBH ;?< ,< 2.Pu$C"1tp1ich6rp 3 L )lpenitBH ;?< .< 3.Pu$C"1tp1ich6rp 3 L )lpenitBH ;?< '. "1tp= o =iel b< "1tp1ich6rp , L =iel 1< 1.C"1tp1ich6rp , L =ielH ;?< 2< 2.C"1tp1ich6rp , L =ielH ;?< 3< 3.C"1tp1ich6rp , L =ielH ;?< '< 1.Pu$C"1tp1ich6rp , L =ielH ;?< ,< 2.Pu$C"1tp1ich6rp , L =ielH ;?< .< 3.Pu$C"1tp1ich6rp , L =ielH ;?< ,. )ther "1tp *oints a< "1tp -ckernfYr e 1< 1.1ichPu$ L -ckernfYr eH ;?< 2< 2.1ichPu$ L -ckernfYr eH ;?< b< "1tp (eusta t 1< 1.1ichPu$ L (eusta tH ;?< .. ""atDp 1 L /ar$umH materials epot a< 1.1ichPu$C""atD* 1 L /ar$umH ;?< b< 2.1ichPu$C""atD* 1 L /ar$umH ;?< c< 3.1ichPu$C""atD* 1 L /ar$umH ;?< < '.1ichPu$C""atD* 1 L /ar$umH ;?< +. ""unDp 1 L JZ$ersber$H ammo epot a< 1.1ichPu$C""unD* 1 L JZ$ersber$H ;?< 8. ""unDp 3 L 1an eH ammo epot a< 1.1ichPu$C""unD* 3 L 1an eH ;?< b< 2.1ichPu$C""unD* 3 L 1an eH ;?< c< 3.1ichPu$C""unD* 3 L 1an eH ;?< Draft Document 1'2

7. "Abschn= o (or see L Wilhelmsha2enH (orth 1ea 7omman 1. "#rs/tl 2 L Wilhelmsha2enH #ransportation battalion& with the followin$ security assetsH a< "1ich=p L Wilhelmsha2enH ;?< b< "1ich=p L Wilhelmsha2enH ;?< 2. "1tp= o Wilhelmsha2en a< "1tp1ich6rp 2 L Wilhelmsha2enH 1< 1.C"1tp1ich6rp 2 L Wilhelmsha2enH ;?< 2< 2.C"1tp1ich6rp 2 L Wilhelmsha2enH ;?< 3< 3.C"1tp1ich6rp 2 L Wilhelmsha2enH ;?< '< '.C"1tp1ich6rp 2 L Wilhelmsha2enH ;?< ,< ,.C"1tp1ich6rp 2 L 1aterlan 5?amslohH ;?< .< 1.Pu$C"1tp1ich6rp 2 L Wilhelmsha2enH ;?< +< 2.Pu$C"1tp1ich6rp 2 L Wilhelmsha2enH ;?< 8< 3.Pu$C"1tp1ich6rp 2 L Wilhelmsha2enH ;?< 9< '.Pu$C"1tp1ich6rp 2 L Wilhelmsha2enH ;?< 3. )ther "1tp *oints a< "1tp 7u8ha2en 1< 1.1ichPu$ L 7u8ha2enH ;?< 2< 2.1ichPu$ L 7u8ha2enH ;?< 3< 3.1ichPu$ L 7u8ha2enH ;?< b< "1tp /orkum 1< 1.1ichPu$ L /orkumH ;?< c< "1tp -m en 1< 1.1ichPu$ L -m enH ;?< '. ""atDp 2 L Wilhelmsha2enH materials epot a< 1.1ichPu$C""atD* 2 L Wilhelmsha2enH ;?< b< 2.1ichPu$C""atD* 2 L Wilhelmsha2enH ;?< c< 3.1ichPu$C""atD* 2 L Wilhelmsha2enH ;?< ,. ""atDp ' L WeenerH materials epot a< 1.1ichPu$C""atD* ' L WeenerH ;?< b< 2.1ichPu$C""atD* ' L WeenerH ;?< .. ""unDp 2 L #annenhausenH ammo epot a< 1.1ichPu$C""unD* 2 L #annenhausenH ;?< b< 2.1ichPu$C""unD* 2 L #annenhausenH ;?< c< 3.1ichPu$C""unD* 2 L #annenhausenH ;?< < '.1ichPu$C""unD* 2 L #annenhausenH ;?< +. ""unDp ' L 4uhrenkampH ammo epot a< 1.1ichPu$C""unD* ' L 4uhrenkampH ;?< b< 2.1ichPu$C""unD* ' L 4uhrenkampH ;?< c< 3.1ichPu$C""unD* ' L 4uhrenkampH ;?< 8. ""unDp . L )8ste tH ammo epot a< 1.1ichPu$C""unD* . L )8ste tH ;?< b< 2.1ichPu$C""unD* . L )8ste tH ;?< c< 3.1ichPu$C""unD* . L )8ste tH ;?< < '.1ichPu$C""unD* . L )8ste tH ;?< D. "arine 4lie$er 6ruppe L =iel 1. "46 1 L Ja$el a< 1. 1ich=ompanieC"46 1 L =roppH ;?< b< 1. 1ich=ompanieC"46 1 L =roppH ;?< Draft Document


c< 1. 1ich=ompanieC"46 1 L =roppH ;?< 2. "46 2 L -$$ebek a< 1. 1ich=ompanieC"46 2 L #arpH ;?< b< 1. 1ich=ompanieC"46 2 L #arpH ;?< c< 1. 1ich=ompanieC"46 2 L #arpH ;?< 3. "46 3 L (or holB a< 1. 1ich=ompanieC"46 3 L (or holBH ;?< b< 1. 1ich=ompanieC"46 3 L (or holBH ;?< c< 1. 1ich=ompanieC"46 3 L (or holBH ;?< '. "46 , L =iel a< 1. 1ich=ompanieC"46 , L =ielH ;?< b< 1. 1ich=ompanieC"46 , L =ielH ;?<

Draft Document



Be$! '( Co'")r+ D#)# *opulationH 9.8 million& inclu in$ 3,2&!!! males 18522 an +83&!!! million males 23532. 6D*H ;1988< I1,3.8 billion Defense /u $etH ;1989< I2.,8 billion "anpowerH ArmyH .8&+!! ;plus about 1!!&!!! reser2es with ser2ice in pre2ious , years< (a2yH '&,!! ;plus about '&,!! reser2es with ser2ice in pre2ious , years< Air 4orceH 18&8!! ;plus about 19&!!! reser2es with ser2ice in pre2ious , years< No)e7 #he /el$ium Army woul take 35' ays to eploy its lea combat forces to their 6D* positions alon$ the 9nternational 6erman /or er ;96/<. 9t woul take up to 1' ays to fully mobiliBe the reser2e forces. /el$ium maintains 1! ays of war stocks. 1. 1st /el$ium ;/-< 7orps 5 7olo$ne& 4?6H assi$ne to ()?#EA6. a. 1st 9nfantry Di2ision ;"ech< 5 3ie$e& /el$iumH 1< 1st "ech 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 3eopol sbur$& /el$iumH ' 1ultans a< 2n 3ancersH '! 3eopar 9& 8 "113 b< 1st 7arabineersH A94D5/ c< /e2riG in$ /attalionH A94D5/ < 18th Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A2 e< 13th Anti5tank 7ompanyH 12 Ja$ panBer =anone& 12 "113A15/5"93 f< .8th -n$ineer 7ompanyH ;see below< 2< +th "ech 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 "arche5n54emenne& /el$iumH ' 1ultans a< 1st 3ancersH '! 3eopar 9& 8 "113 b< 1st Ar ennes ?iflesH A94D5/ c< 12th 3ine /attalionH A94D5/ < 1st Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A2 e< 8th Anti5tank 7ompanyH 12 Ja$ panBer =anone& 12 "113A15/5"93 f< .+th -n$ineer 7ompanyH ;see below< 3< 12th "otoriBe 9nfantry /ri$a e ;?eser2e< 5 3ie$e& /el$iumH ' 1ultans a< 3r 3ancersH '! 3eopar 9& 8 "113 ;acti2e L forwar eploye as part of co2erin$ force< b< 2n Ar ennes ?iflesH "113A15/ c< 3r ?ifle /attalionH "113A15/ < 1,th Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A2 e< 12th Anti5tank 7ompanyH 12 Ja$ panBer =anone& 12 Jeep wC"ilan f< 12th -n$ineer 7ompanyH $< 12th 3on$ ?an$e ?econ 7ompany ;-1?<H b. 9nfantry Di2ision ;"ech< 5 1oest& 4?6H 1< 'th "ech 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 1oest& 4?6H ' 1ultans a< 'th 3ancersH '! 3eopar 9& 8 "113 b< 1st 6rena iersH A94D5/ c< ,th 3ine /attalionH A94D5/ < 2n Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A3 e< 9th Anti5tank 7ompanyH 12 Ja$ panBer =anone& 12 "113A15/5"93 f< 1'th -n$ineer 7ompanyH ;see below< 2< 1+th Armore /ri$a e 5 1ie$en& 4?6H ' 1ultans a< 1st 6ui es /attalionH '! 3eopar 9& 8 "113 b< 2n 6ui es /attalionH '! 3eopar 9& 8 "113 c< 1st 7arabineers 7yclistsH A94D5/ Draft Document 1',

< 2n 7arabineers 7yclistsH A94D5/ e< 19th Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A3 f< 2n Anti5tank 7ompanyH 12 Ja$ panBer =anone& 12 "113A15/5"93 $< 1,th -n$ineer 7ompanyH ;see below< 3< 1!th "ech 9nfantry /ri$a e ;?eser2e< 5 3imber$& /el$iumH ' 1ultans a< 8th 3ancersH '! 3eopar 9& 8 "113 b< 2n 7arabineersH "113A15/ c< 'th 3ine /attalionH "113A15/ < +'th Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A2 e< 1!th Anti5tank 7ompanyH 12 Ja$ panBer =anone& 12 Jeep wC"ilan f< 1!th -n$ineer 7ompanyH $< 1!th 3on$ ?an$e ?econ 7ompany ;-1?<H c. 1st 3on$ ?an$e ?econnaissance 7ompany ;-1?<H . 2n Jaa$ers te *aar H '! 3eopar 9& 8 "113 e. 2 3i$ht 7a2alry 1Fua rons 5 1st Jaa$ers te *aar & 'th 7hassuers a 7he2alH 2' 1cimitar& 2' 1corpion& 12 1triker ;wC1win$fire A#6"<& 12 1partan wCrecon teams f. 2 3ine 9nfantry /attalions 5 3r & 1'thH "113A15/ $. 13th Artillery 6roup ;7orps Artillery 7omman < 1< 3r 11" /attalionH ' 3ance 2< .th Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A2 3< 1+th Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A2 '< +2n Artillery /attalionH 12 2!3mm "11, towe howitBers ,< 2!th Artillery /attalionH 11 "11!A2 .< 13th Artillery /attalionH NN G. 2 Anti5Aircraft /attalions 5 1'th& 3,thH 2+ 6epar each k. 1A" /attalionsH 2' 95Eawk each 1< 1< ArtilleriebatalGon '3 ;'3A< 5 /rakel& 4?6& with the followin$ batteriesH AC'3 5 #ietelsenC/e2erun$en /C'3 5 /ossebornCEY8ter 7C'3 5 ?he erC/rakel DC'3 5 Eaushei eC/a Dribur$ ;Willeba essenN< 2< ArtilleriebatalGon .2 ;.2A< 5 -ssentho& 4?6& with the followin$ batteriesH AC.2 5 4lecht orfC=orbach /C.2 5 4reienha$enCWolfha$en 7C.2 5 `s orfC-ssentho DC.2 5 Diemelsta t5?ho en m. 7orps -n$ineerin$ AssetsH 1< 1st 6enie 4iel -n$ineerin$ /nH 2 -Fuipment 7os ;3)7<& 1 /ri $e ;1! "'8AD3/<& 1 (/7 2< 1!th 6enie 4iel -n$ineerin$ /nH 3 -n$ 7o 3< 1+th 6enie 4iel -n$ineerin$ /nH 3 -n$ 7o '< 3r 6enie /ri $in$ /nH 1 0niflot /ri $e 7o& 2 "obile 4loatin$ Armore /ri $e 7os ,< .th 6enie /nH 2 fiel en$ineer 7os& 1 /ri $in$ 7o ;1! "'8AD3/<& 1 Atomic Demolition 7o. n. A2iation 1Fua ronsH 13 Alouette 99 each 1< 1Fua ron L /utBweilerhof ;7olo$ne<H 13 Alouette 99 2< 1+th 1Fua ron L WerlH 13 Alouette 99 3< 18th 1Fua ron L "erBbruc ;Aachen<H 13 Alouette 99 o. 2 6en arme 1ecurity 7ompaniesH ;pro2i e hea Fuarters security< 2. *ara57omman o ?e$iment 5 3euren& /el$iumH assi$ne to the A"4& e8pecte to reinforce (orway a. b. c. . e. f. $. ?econ 1Fua ronH 32 1corpion 1st *ara57omman o /attalionH 2n *ara57omman o /attalion L /arracks 1lt #hibaut& 4lawinneH 12th& 1'th& 7ompanies 3r *ara57omman o /attalionH 'th *ara57omman o /attalion ;?eser2e<H 23r & 2'th& 2,th 7ompanies Artillery /atteryH . towe 1!,mm howitBers *ara57omman o Anti5#ank 7oH 12 "ilan A#6" 1'.

Draft Document

No)e7 ?econ sFua ron may ha2e been mi8e 1corpionC1cimitarO Artillery battery was compose of platoons of . howitBers eachO there are two platoons in the current battery& but apparently only one urin$ the 198!s. #he 2n an 'th /attalions trace their linea$e to /el$ian comman o units. A itionally& there may ha2e been 9 *ara57omman o companies hel at ca re status to be fille out by reser2esH 31&32&33&3'&3,&3.&3+&38&39. #he *ara57omman o "useum%s official site contains much useful information. Accor in$ to this site& the total stren$th of the ?e$iment ;not inclu in$ reser2esN< was about 2&2!!. 3. 9nterior 4orcesH pro2i e security within /el$ium an replacements to the 1st /- 7orps. ,th Ar ennes ?ifles ;3i$ht 9nfantry /attalion<H 3r 7arabineers 7yclists ;3i$ht 9nfantry /attalion<H 'th 7arabineers 7yclists ;3i$ht 9nfantry /attalion<H 9 *ro2incial ?e$imentsH each with 25, infantry an recce battalions 1< 1st ?e$t L /rabantH 2< 2n ?e$t L EainautH 3< 3r ?e$t L W. 4lan ersH '< 'th ?e$t L -. 4lan ersH ,< ,th ?e$t L AntwerpH .< .th ?e$t L 3imbur$H +< +th ?e$t L 3ie$eH 8< 8th ?e$t L 3u8embour$H 9< 9th ?e$t L (amurH e. ' -n$ineer /attalionsH 1< 'th ;li$ht< 2< 11th ;li$ht< 3< 2+th ;hea2y< '< 31st ;hea2y< f. ' -n$ineer 7ompaniesH 1< 'th ;eFuipment< 2< 3r ;eFuipment< 3< +th ;bri $in$< '< 8th ;bri $in$< $. 1,th A2iation 1Fua ronH ;mi8e unit< a. b. c. . No)e 17 #he A94D5/ eFuippe battalions ha the followin$ total eFuipmentH 21 A94D5/ wC2,mm $un& 21 A94D5/ wC12.+mm E"6& . "113A15/ wC81mm mortar& 3 "113A15/57* ;comman posts<& 3 1cimitar& 2 1corpion& 3 1partan wC3 ?econ #eams& 18 "ilan A#6"& 3. 9nfantry 1ections wC/lin ici e& ' trucks towin$ ' '.2A mortars. #)>-H /( EKH 3 "113A15/57*O 3 7os& each EK co ;1 A94D5/52,& 1 A94D5/512.+& 2 "113A15/ wC81mm mortar<& 3 *latoons ;each& 2 A94D5/52,& 2 A94D5/512.+& ' ?ifle sections& 2 "ilans<O 1 recce co ;3 1cimitar& 2 1corpions& 3 1partans wC3 ?econ #eams<& 1 "ortar platoon ;' truck5towe '.2A mortars<. "113A15/5eFuippe units were similar& but substitute "113 for A94D. No)e 87 /el$ium hel si$nificant Fuantities of ol er eFuipment in reser2e or stora$e urin$ the en of the 198!s& inclu in$ 28 ;or more< "1!8 1!,mm 1* howitBers& '19 ;9911< or ,,' ;Jane%s< A"J5D79 tracke personnel carriers& ++ "5+, tracke A*7s ;may ha2e still been in some en$ineerin$ units<& 2, "5'1s& plus unknown numbers of unmo ifie "5'+ $un tanks& "11' 1,,mm towe howitBers& ",9 1,,mm towe howitBers& "11, 2!3mm towe howitBers& "'' 1,,mm 1* howitBers& an likely si$nificant numbers of "1!1 1!,mm howitBers. No)e ?7 At least some bri$a e anti5tank companies recei2e "113A15/5"93 2ehicles in the late 198!%s. #his 2ehicle was an "113 with two si e5by5si e hatches replacin$ the central hatch on stan ar 2ehiclesO the left5han hatch mounte a .,! cal E"6& the ri$ht one& a "ilan firin$ post. ,. were procure by 1988. 9 ha2e ma e the $uess ;which is all it is< that the re$ular bri$a es ha them. 9t is also possible that each bri$a e ha 9& rather than 12& an all si8 ha them. No)e 47 -Fuipment Eol in$sH Tanks: 33' 3eopar 1/e& 2, "'1 !(C: ,1' A94D5/ ;inclu in$ 2ariants<& ,2, "113A15/ ;inclu in$ 2ariants<& ,,' A"J5D79 ;reser2eN *hasin$ out<& '3 /DJ& ++ "5+, ;as many as .!! "5+, in in2entory as late as 1988< C&R(T) %amily: /el$ium acFuire a total of +!1 7D?;#< 2ariants& inclu in$ at least 1,+ 1cimitars& 13. 1corpions& 2.. 1partans an '3 1trikers. )thers recei2e inclu e 1amsons ;reco2ery< an 1ultans ;comman <. Draft Document 1'+

Tank )estroyers: 8! Ja$ panBer =anone !rtillery: '1 "1!9A3 1,,mm 1*& 11+ "1!9A2 1,,mm 1*& 28 "1!8 1!,mm 1*& 11 "11!A2 2!3mm 1*& 21 "1!1 1!,mm towe & , 3ance launchers !T/*: '2! "ilan ;32, mounte on 2ehicles< !ir )efense: +1' "istral or er 1988& eli2eries un erway in 1989& '8Q 9Eawk& ,' 6epar twin 3,mm 1*& ,. twin 2!mm AA $uns& ,. ",, Kua .,! cal AA $uns& an 1!!Q "1.+ towe 2!mm $atlin$ AA $uns. 9t is likely that at least some of these were assi$ne to airfiel efense with the air force. elicopters: ,9 Alouette 99& 3 1A33!E *uma No)e <7 -n$ineersH Armies of (A#)s 7entral 4ront pro2i es some fairly etaile lists of what /el$ian en$ineerin$ units ha L but it is not always clear which battalions ha which or$aniBation. #here were 3 basic types of battalionsH -Fuipment ;2 eFuipment cos& 1 (/7 co& 1 AD3/ co wC1! "'8AD3/<& 4iel ;3 fiel en$ineer cos& may be in A*7s such as "5+,<& an 7orps /ri $in$ ;1 0niflot 7o& 2 ")4A/ co<. #he reser2e battalions are probably all fiel & with the hea2y in A*7s an the li$ht in trucks ;Gust a WA6& really<. . 6enie /n ha a uniFue or$ as note abo2e. /ri$a e -n$ineerin$ 7ompaniesH 3 platoons of en$ineers& primarily eFuippe for obstacle creation an emolition& mounte in A*7s. #hey ha "+,s throu$h the mi 5198!s& may ha2e con2erte to "113. No)e =7 6en armerieH *ara5military forces 1,&9!! personnel. Ea .2Q 4( '?" or .24 armore cars& arme with "6& .!mm mortar& or possibly 9!mm low pressure $un. No)e 97 #his 1o2iet source $i2es an e8cellent o2er2iew of /el$ian military pro uction.

Draft Document



1. (o. 1 Win$ 5 /eau2echain& /el$iumH a. (o. 3'9 1Fua ron @"aceAH 2' 451.A b. (o. 3,! 1Fua ron @Ambiori8AH 2' 451.A 2. (o. 2 Win$ 5 4lorennes& /el$iumH a. (o. 1 1Fua ron @1tin$ersAH 2' 451.A b. (o. 2 1Fua ron @7ometAH 2' 451.A 3. (o. 3 Win$ 5 3ie$e& /el$iumH a. (o. 8 1Fua ronH 3. "ira$e ,/A b. (o. '2 1Fua ronH 22 "ira$e ,/? ;?econ< '. (o. 9 Win$ 5 1t #rui en& /el$iumH a. (o. + 1Fua ronH 1. Alpha Jets b. (o. 33 1Fua ronH 1. Alpha Gets ,. (o. 1! Win$ 5 =leine5/ro$el& /el$iumH a. (o. 23 1Fua ron @De2ilsAH 2' 451.A b. (o. 31 1Fua ron @#i$ersAH 2' 451.A .. +. )70 @DultureAH 451./ ;may ha2e also ha "ira$e ,/D< (ike5Eercules 0nitsH a. 9th "issile Win$ L 6refrath& 4?6H 18 (ike Eercules b. 13th "issile Win$ L Duren& 4?6H 18 (ike Eercules . Air Defense /attalionsH . 95Eawk launchers each


No)e 17 /el$ium built 1.! 451.s at its 1A/7A plant between 19+8 an 1991. #he first or er for 9. 451.A an 2! 45 1./ was complete in 198,. Deli2eries on the secon or er of '! 451.A an ' 451./ were be$un in 198+ an complete in 1991. An estimate 13. total were in in2entory by the en of 1989. No)e 87 /el$ium ori$inally took eli2ery of .3 "ira$e ,/A& 1. 25seat "ira$e ,/D& an 2+ photo5recon "ira$e ,/?. An estimate 38 "ira$e ,/A& 2! "ira$e ,/?& an 1. "ira$e ,/D were in in2entory in 1989. 4li$ht 9nternational reports that +2 2arious "ira$e Ds were still in ser2ice in 1988 an sche ule for up$ra es. No)e ?7 /el$ium also ha 31 Alpha Jet 1/& 1. 4ou$a 7"1+! "a$ister& an 3! 19A95"archetti 14.2.!" in trainin$ or operational con2ersion units.

Draft Document



C#"#%# Co'")r+ D#)# *opulationH 2... million& inclu in$ 99'&!!! males 18522 an 2&'2,&!!! million males 23532. 6D*H ;1988< I'9'.! billion Defense /u $etH ;1989< I9.'8 billion "anpowerH 0nifie 7omman H 9!&!!! "ilitiaH 18&!!! 1upplementaryH 28&,!! A number of #ank5(et.or$ members contribute to this ))/& inclu in$ ?)11 an Pipperhea ;9 think L copie the post about a year a$o< own

No)e7 7ana a uses an inte$rate force structure& not separate branches. #echnically& all military units are part of the 7ana ian 4orces an or$aniBe by role not ser2ice. Eowe2er& 9 ha2e broken them up here for ease of or$aniBation. No)e7 #he 1st 7ana ian 9nfantry Di2ision was re5acti2ate in April 1988. #he only forwar 5 eploye unit is the 'th 7ana ian "ech /ri$a e 6roup in 3ahr& 4?6. 9n wartime& the other two bri$a es alon$ with 1st Di2ision EK an supportin$ units woul be eploye to 6ermany. 7ana a maintains + ays of war stocks. 1. 1st 7ana ian 9nfantry Di2ision ;"ech<H 9n wartime assi$ne to the 01 D99 7orps or to act as a reser2e. a. 1st 7ana ian /ri$a e 6roup 5 7al$ary& AlbertaH 1< 3or 1trathcona's ?oyal 7ana ian EorseH 3i$ht Armor 2< 1st /n& *rincess *atricia's 7ana ian 3i$ht 9nfantry ;**739<H "ech 9nfantry 3< 3r /n& *rincess *atricia's 7ana ian 3i$ht 9nfantryH "ech 9nfantry ,< 3r ?e$iment ?oyal 7ana ian Eorse Artillery ;?7EA<H 2' "1!9A1& . /lowpipe 1A" .< 1st 7ombat -n$ineer ?e$imentH +< '!8th #actical Eelicopter 1Fua ronH b. 'th 7ana ian "ech /ri$a e 6roup 5 3ahr& 4?6H 1< 8th 7ana ian Eussars ;*rincess 3ouise's<H ,9 3eopar 751& 2' 3yn8& 3 3eopar A?D ;#aurusN<& 23 "113 2< 1e /n& ?oyal 22e ?e$imentH "ech 9nfantry 3< 3r /n& ?oyal 7ana ian ?e$iment ;?7?<H "ech 9nfantry '< 1st ?e$iment ?oyal 7ana ian Eorse ArtilleryH 2' "1!9A2& 1, /lowpipe 1A" ,< 'th 7ombat -n$ineer ?e$imentH 1iBe of lar$e company with 3 /iber& 19 "113& 3 3yn8 .< '''th Eelicopter 1Fua ronH 12 7E13. =iowa ;)E,8< +< 'th Air Defence ?e$iment& ?oyal 7ana ian ArtilleryH a< 12+th ADA /atterH 1. )erlikon 3,mm& N ADA#1 by 1988& N Ja2elins b< 128th ADA /atteryH ;airfiel efence< with )erlikon 3,mm c< 129th ADA /atteryH ;airfiel efence< with )erlikon 3,mm c. ,e 6roupe5/ri$a e "ecanise u 7ana a 5 Dalcartier& KuebecH 1< 12e ?e$iment /lin e u 7ana aH 3i$ht Armor 2< 2e /n& ?oyal 22e ?e$imentH "otoriBe 9nfantry 9n 6riBBly 3< 3e /n& ?oyal 22e ?e$imentH "otoriBe 9nfantry 9n 6riBBly '< 2n /n& ?oyal 7ana ian ?e$imentH "otoriBe 9nfantry 9n 6riBBly ,< ,e ?e$iment 'Artillerie le$ere u 7ana aH 2' "1!9A1& 1, /lowpipe 1A" .< ,e ?e$iment 6enie u 7ombat ;-n$ineers<H +< '2+th #actical Eelicopter 1Fua ronH 1! 7E13.& 1' 0E1& 3 7E'+ No)e 17 #here were an a itional . 3eopar 751s at the $unnery school& with the remainin$ 1852! at 3ahr& 4?6& in war reser2e. No)e 87 1ome ocumentation in icates that only one full bri$a e woul be shippe to 6ermany as part of the 1st Di2ision& with the thir pro2i in$ reinforcements to the other two. Draft Document 1,!

No)e ?7 #he ,e 6roupe5/ri$a e was also known as the 7ana ian Air51ea #ranportable /ri$a e an was& until 1988& slate to reinforce (orway by sea an air. 9t was estimate that it woul take 2! ays total for the /ri$a e to fully eploy to (orway L 8 ays for mobiliBation an 12 ays for transportation. 1i$nificant portions of the /ri$a e were pre5positione in (orway& inclu in$ 8! 6riBBly an /D52!. o2ersnow 2ehicles& a battery of artillery ;1! 1!,mm $unsN<& an a number of trucks. 9t was announce in the 198+ White *aper that 7ana a coul not maintain its commitment to (orway in the lon$ run& an that the 7A1# /ri$a e woul be taske to 6ermany. No)e 47 #he ,e ?e$iment %Artillerie may ha2e ha 12 1!,mm $uns an . "1!9A1. No)e <7 Ja2elins ha be$un to replace /lowpipe 1A"s in 1988. ADA#1 eli2eries be$ain in 1988& but only perhaps ' were eli2ere prior to the en of the 7ol War. 2. 1pecial 1er2ice 4orce 5 *etawawa& )ntarioH assi$ne to reinforce (A#) or act as a reser2eH a. ?oyal 7ana ian Dra$oonsH 19 3eopar 751& 38 7ou$ar& 2' 3yn8& 8 "113 b. 7ana ian Airborne ?e$imentH 1< 1ere 7omman o AeroporteH 2< 2n Airborne 7omman o 3< 3r Airborne 7omman o '< - /attery& 2n /n& ?oyal 7ana ian Eorse ArtilleryH . ",. 1!,mm pack howitBers c. 1st /n& ?oyal 7ana ian ?e$imentH "otoriBe 9nfantry 9n 6riBBly . 2n /n& *rincess *atricia's 7ana ian 3i$ht 9nfantryH "otoriBe 9nfantry 9n 6riBBly e. 2n /n& ?oyal 7ana ian Eorse ArtilleryH 2' towe 1!,mm howitBers f. 2n 7ombat -n$ineer ?e$imentH ;also pro2i es a platoon to the Airborne ?e$iment< $. '2+th #actical Eelicopter 1Fua ronH No)e 17 7ana a ha committe an infantry battalion an an artillery battery to the Allie "obile 4orce. 9n 199! e8ercises in (orway& the battalion eploye was 1st **739& the artillery was D battery& 2?7EA No)e 87 #he 7ana ian Airborne ?e$iment was a fairly uniFue or$aniBation L somewhere between a battalion an a re$iment. -ach airborne comman o was a lar$e company ;2+8 men< an was affiliate with a ?e$iment L 1ere with ?oyal 22e ?e$iment& 2n with the **739& an 3r with the ?7? L an recruite their personnel from them. 9n a ition& the militia au$mente it in case of a crisis or mobiliBation. #he ?e$iment woul $ain . militia platoonsH 2 from the Kueen%s )wn ?ifles of 7ana a& 2 from 3e ?e$iment e 1an$uenay& 1 3oyal ?e$iment of - monton& an 1 from the ?oyal Westminster ?e$iment. 9t woul also $ain a pair of company hea Fuarters L one from the Kueen%s )wn ?ifles an one from the ?e$t e 1an$uenay. -ach acti2e comman o woul $et a 'th platoon& an a 'th comman o woul be forme from the other three platoons. 9nformation from )sprey%s 7ana iana Airbone 4orces. '. ?eser2es L the "ilitiaH a. , ?e$ional EK'sH #hese eFuate to Di2isional EK's. b. Armore ?e$iments ;battalions<H 12 li$ht armor with appro8imately ' cou$ars apieceO + recce wC9ltis Jeeps 1. #he 6o2ernor 6enerals Eorse 6uar s 55 #oronto& )ntario 2. #he -l$in ?e$iment ;?7A7< 3. #he )ntario ?e$iment ;?7A7< 55 )shawa& )ntario recce unit '. #he Kueens Mork ?an$ers ;1st American ?e$iment< 55 #oronto an Aurora& )ntario ,. #he 1herbrooke Eussars 55 1herbrooke& Kuebec .. 12e ?e$iment blin ee u 7ana a ;milice< 55 #rois5?i2ieres& Kuebec +. 1st Eussars 55 3on on an 1arnia& )ntario 8. #he *rince - war 9slan ?e$iment ;?7A7< 55 7harlottetown an 1ummersi e *-9 9. #he ?oyal 7ana ian Eussars ;"ontreal< 55 "ontreal& Kuebec 1!.#he /ritish 7olumbia ?e$iment ;Duke of 7onnau$htas )wn<;?7A7< 55 Dancou2er& /7 11.#he 1outh Alberta 3i$ht Eorse 55 - monton an "e icine Eat& Alberta 12.#he 1askatchewan Dra$oons 55 "oose Jaw& 1askatchewan 13.#he =in$s )wn 7al$ary ?e$iment ;?7A7< 55 7al$ary 1'.#he /ritish 7olumbia Dra$oons 55 =elowna& /7 1,.#he 4ort 6arry Eorse 55 Winnipe$& "anitoba 1..3e ?e$iment e Eull ;?7A7< 55 6atineau& Kuebec 1+.#he Win sor ?e$iment ;?7A7< 55 Win sor& )ntario Draft Document 1,1

18.8th 7ana ian Eussars ;*rincess 3ouise%s< ;militia< 55 "oncton& 1ack2ille an 1usse8& (ew /runswick 19.;one other& name not known< c. 9nfantry /attalionsH -ffecti2ely at company stren$th at any $i2en time 1. 6o2ernor 6enerals 4oot 6uar s 55 #oronto& )ntario 2. #he 7ana ian 6rena ier 6uar s 55 "ontreal& Kuebec 3. #he Kueenas )wn ?ifles of 7ana a 55 #oronto& )ntario '. #he /lack Watch ;?oyal Ei$hlan ?e$iment< of 7ana a ,. 3es Dolti$eurs e Kuebec 55 Kuebec .. #he ?oyal ?e$iment of 7ana a +. #he ?oyal Eamilton 3i$ht 9nfantry 55 Eamilton& )ntario 8. #he *rinces of Walesas )wn ?e$iment 9. #he Eastin$s an Wellan ?e$iment 55 /elle2ille& )ntario 1!.#he 3incoln an Wellan ?e$iment 11.'th /n& #he ?oyal 7ana ian ?e$iment 55 3on on& )ntario 12.#he ?oyal Ei$hlan 4usiliers of 7ana a 55 7ambri $e& )ntario 13.#he 6rey an 1imcoe 4orresters 55 )wen 1oun & )ntario 1'.#he 3orne 1cots ;*eel& Dufferin an Ealton ?e$iment< 55 /rampton& )ntario 1,.#he /rock2ille ?ifles 55 /rock2ille& )ntario 1..#he 1tormont& Dun as an 6len$arry Ei$hlan ers 55 7ornwall& )ntario 1+.3es 4usiliers e 1t.3aurent 55 ?imouski& Kuebec 18.3e ?e$iment e la 7hau iere 55 Kuebec 19.'e /n& 3e ?oyal 22e ?e$iment ;7hateau$uay< 55 Kuebec 2!..e /n& 3e ?oyal 22e ?e$iment 55 Kuebec 21.3es 4usiliers "ont5?oyal 55 Kuebec 22.#he *rincess 3ouiseas 4usiliers 23.1st /n& #he ?oyal (ew /runswick ?e$iment 2'.2n /n& #he ?oyal (ew /runswick ?e$iment 2,.1st /n& #he (o2a 1cotia Ei$hlan ers ;(orth< 55 #ruro& (1 2..2n /n& #he (o2a 1cotia Ei$hlan ers ;7ape /reton< 55 1y ney& (1 2+.3e ?e$iment e "aisonneu2e 55 Kuebec 28.#he 7ameron Ei$hlan ers of )ttawa 55 )ttawa& )ntario 29.#he ?oyal Winnipe$ ?ifles 55 Winnipe$ 3!.#he -sse8 an =ent 1cottish ?e$iment 55 Win sor& )ntario 31.'8th Ei$hlan ers of 7ana a 55 #oronto& )ntario 32.3e ?e$iment e 1a$uenay 55 Kuebec 33.#he Al$onFuin ?e$iment 55 (orth /ay& )ntario 3'.#he Ar$yll an 1utherlan Ei$hlan ers of 7ana a 55 Eamilton& )ntario 3,.#he 3ake 1uperior 1cottish ?e$iment 55 #hun er /ay& )ntario 3..#he (orth 1askatchewan ?e$iment 3+.#he ?oyal ?e$ina ?ifles 55 ?e$ina 38.#he ?ocky "ountain ?an$ers 55 =amloops& /7 39.#he 3oyal - monton ?e$iment ;'th /n& *rincess *atricias 7ana ian 3i$ht 9nfantry< 55 - monton '!.#he Kueens )wn 7ameron Ei$hlan ers of 7ana a 55 Winnipe$ '1.#he ?oyal Westminster ?e$iment 55 Westminster& /7 '2.#he 7al$ary Ei$hlan ers 55 7al$ary '3.#he 1eaforth Ei$hlan ers of 7ana a 55 Dancou2er& /7 ''.#he 7ana ian 1cottish ?e$iment ;*rincess "aryas< 55 Dictoria& /7 ',.#he ?oyal "ontreal ?e$iment 55 Westmount& Kuebec '..2n /n& #he 9rish ?e$iment of 7ana a 55 1u bury& )ntario '+.#he #oronto 1cottish ?e$iment 55 #oronto& )ntario '8.1st /n& #he ?oyal (ewfoun lan ?e$iment 55 1t.Johnas '9.2n /n& #he ?oyal (ewfoun lan ?e$iment ,!.3es 4usiliers e 1herbrooke 55 1herbrooke& Kuebec ,1.#he 7ana ian ?an$ers . -n$ineer ?e$iments ;battalions<H 1. 2n 4iel -n$ineer ?e$iment 55 )ntario 2. 3r 4iel -n$ineer ?e$iment 55 Westmount& Kuebec 3. .th 4iel -n$ineer ?e$iment Draft Document 1,2

'. 8th 4iel -n$ineer ?e$iment 55 Alberta a. 2,th 4iel -n$ineer 1Fn 55 - monton b. 33r 4iel -n$ineer 1Fn 55 7al$ary ,. 9th 4iel -n$ineer ?e$iment .. 1! -sca ron u 6enie e 7ombat 55 1te 4oy& Kuebec +. 9 -cua ron u 6enie e 7ombat 55 ?ouyn5(oran a& Kuebec 8. ,.th 4iel -n$ineer ?e$iment 55 *leasant2ille& (ewfoun lan 9. ,'th 4iel -n$ineer 1Fn 55 7hilliwack& /7 1!.',th 4iel -n$ineer 1Fn 55 1y ney& (1 4iel -n$ineer 1Fn 55 Dancou2er& /7 12.3r 4iel -n$ineer 1Fn 13.31st 4iel -n$ineer 1Fn 55 Winnipe$ 1'.''th 4iel -n$ineer 1Fn 55 Dancou2er& /7 1,.1+th 4iel -n$ineer 1Fn 1..21st 4iel -n$ineer 1Fn e. 1' Artillery ?e$iments ;battalions<& 3 in epen ent /atteriesH 1. 1st 4iel ?e$iment ?7A 55 Ealifa8& (1 a. ,1st /ty 55 Ealifa8& (1 b. 8+th /ty 55 Dartmouth& (1 2. 2n 4iel ?e$iment ?7A 55 "ontreal& Kuebec a. +th /ty b. ,!th /ty c. /ty 3. 3r 4iel ?e$iment ?7A 55 1aint5John& (ew /runswick a. 89th /ty Woo stock& (/ b. 11,th /ty 1t.John& (/ '. ,th ;/ritish 7olumbia< 4iel ?e$iment 55 Dictoria& /7 a. ,,th /ty ,. .e ?e$iment aArtillerie e campa$ne 55 3e2is& Kuebec a. ,+e /atterie 55 "ontma$ny& Kuebec b. ,8e /atterie 55 Kuebec& Kuebec .. +th #oronto ?e$iment ?7A 55 #oronto& )ntario a. 9th /ty b. 1,th /ty c. 13!th /ty +. 1!th 4iel ?e$iment ?7A 55 ?e$ina a. 18th /ty 55 ?e$ina b. .'th /ty 55 Morkton 8. 11th 4iel ?e$iment ?7A 55 6uelph a. 11th /ty b. /ty c. 29th /ty 9. 1,th 4iel ?e$iment ?7A 55 Dancou2er a. 31st /ty b. .8th /ty 1!.2!th 4iel ?e$iment ?7A 55 - monton a. .1st /ty b. +8th /ty 4iel ?e$iment ?7A 55 /ran on a. 13th /ty 55 *orta$e5la5*rairie a. +1st /ty 55 /ran on 12.3!th 4iel ?e$iment ?7A 55 )ttawa a. 1st /ty b. 2n /ty 13.'9th 4iel ?e$iment ?7A 55 1ault 1te."arie a. 3!th /ty a. 1'8th /ty 1'.,.th 4iel ?e$iment ?7A 55 /rantfor a. 1!th /ty 55 1t.7atherines Draft Document 1,3

b. ,'th /ty 55/rantfor c. .9th ;(orfolk< /ty 55 1imcoe 1,..2e ?e$iment aArtillerie e 7ampa$ne 55 1hawini$ian& Kuebec a. 81st /ty b. 18,th /ty c. /ty 1.. 9n epen ent /atteries a. 8'th 9n epen ent 4iel /attery ?7A 55 Marmouth& (1 b. 9n epen ent 4iel /attery ?7A 55 =enora c. 2!th 9n epen ent 4iel /attery ?7A 55 3ethbri $e No)e 17 "ilitia maGor units were effecti2ely at company stren$th or less at any $i2en time& althou$h 9sby an =amps estimate in Armies of (A#)%s 7entral front that each coul call upon a company or more of recently release personnel in an emer$ency. No)e 87 7ana ian /attalion )r$aniBations #hese come from a 2ariety of sources& inclu in$ Armies of (A#)%s 7entral 4ront an =ennethy "acksey%s 4irst 7lash. 8)h C#"#% #" H'..#r. Ar(o're% Re! (e") EKH 2 3eopar 71& 3 3eopar A?Ds ;#aurus< ?econ 1Fua ronH 2! 3yn8 3 7ompanies& eachH 19 3eopar 71s each M11? Me&h#" Ae% B#))#$ o" E Ger(#"+ EKH some ",++ 7ombat 1upport 7oH + 3yn8& 8 "12, ;sp 81mm mortar<& 18 "113C#0A ;#)W un er Armour< ' "echaniBe 7ompanies& eachH 1. "113& 9 ?ifle 1Fua s& 3 .!mm mortars& 1'N 7arl 6usta2 8'mm A#?3 No)e7 9t is likely that the 7ana a5base battalions ha only 3 companies an possibly few #)Ws. 1ome of the 7ana a5base units woul like ha2e "1,!s instea of "113 #0As. Gr AA$+ B#))#$ o"7 EKH 1 6riBBly& ;some< Eusky A?Ds 35' "otoriBe 7ompanies& eachH 1' 6riBBlies& 9 ?ifle *latoons& 3 .!mm "ortars ;N< !51 "ech 9nfantry 7ompanyH 1. "113& 1' 7arl 6usta2 A#63& ' ""6& 3 .!mm "ortars ?ecce #roopH . GeepQ6*"6 etachments Eea2y Weapons 7ompanyH 8 "1,! 1* #)W& 8 81mm "ortars ;coul be "12, 1*< No)e7 9f eploye to (orway& at least some companies woul be mounte in /D52!.. #he recce company mi$ht ha2e ha 9 3yn8es. L !h) Ar(or Re! (e")7 EKH ' ",++& 2 7ou$ar& 2 3yn8 ?ecce 1Fua ronH 2' 3yn8 3 1Fua rons& eachH 12 7ou$ar& , "113 4)h F e$% SD'#%ro"* Ro+#$ C#"#% #" E"! "eer. ' 4iel #roops& eachH ;platoon5siBe combat en$ineer unit& probably in "113s< 1upport 7ompanyH 1 7rane& 1 6ra er& 2 4ront 3oa ers& 2 /ull oBers O>er#$$ No)e7 9t is likely that the 'th 7"/6 battalions also each ha a en$ineer platoon with , "113C oBer bla es an ' en$ineer sFua s. No)e ?7 -Fuipment Eol in$sH Tanks: 11' 3eopar 1A3 Light Tanks: 19, 7ou$ar ;3AD .J. $un< Recon: 1+' 3yn8 7>? Draft Document


!(Cs: 9', "113A1 ;inclu in$ 2ariants<& 2.9 6riBBly ;3AD .J.< !rtillery: ,! "1!9A1 1,,mm 1*& 2. "1!9A2 1,,mm 1*& ,+ "11' 1,,mm towe & 1+9 71 ;01 "1!1< 1!,mm towe & 12 7, ;9talian ",.< 1!,mm pack !nti-Tank -eaponsH #)W& inclu in$ .' "113 #0A ;#ow 0n er Armour< !ir )efence: some ADA#1 ; eli2ery un erway& 3. or ere <& 111 /lowpipe& 1, Ja2elin& 2! 6D45!!, 3,mm AA $uns& ,+ '!mm 35'!C35.! AA $usn elicopters: 13 7E5139& .3 7E513.& 9 7E5118& '. 7E513,& '1 7E5113A 3abra or& + 7E51'+ ;7E5'+<

Draft Document



7ana ian Air 4orce information comes from 7ana ian 1Fua rons homepa$e at ? 1. 1st 7ana ian Air Di2ision 5 1ollin$en& 4?6H a. '21 1Fua ronH 18 74518 b. '39 1Fua ronH 18 74518 c. '!9 1Fua ron H 18 74518 2. 7ana ian base Air 4orcesH reinforces 1st 7ana ian Air Di2ision a. b. c. . e. 3. '1. 1Fua '2, -sca '33 -sca '3' 1Fua ''1 1Fua ron L 74/ 7ol 3ake& AlbertaH 74518 rille @AlouetteA L 74/ /a$ot2ille& KuebecH 74518 rille L 74/ /a$ot2ille& KuebecH 18 74518 ;from 745,& Jan 1988< ron 55 7hatham& (ew /runswickH 745, ;stoo own June 1988< ron L 74/ 7ol 3ake& AlbertaH 74518

#rainin$ -stablishment a. '19 1Fua ronH 745, ;a$$ressor an lea 5in trainin$< b. '1! 1Fua ronH 74518 ;operational con2ersion unit<


?eser2es a. (o. 1 #actical A2iation 1upport 1Fua ronsH about . 7E513. =iowas b. (o. 2 #actical A2iation 1upport 1Fua ronsH about . 7E513. =iowas


)ther Eelicopter 0nits a. ''+ 1Fua ronH ' 7E51'+ 7hinook b. ',! 1Fua ronH ' 7E51'+ 7hinook

No)e 17 7ana a took eli2ery of a total of 133 74518s& inclu in$ at least 2! 74518/s. #his site in icates 98 74518A an '! 74518/s were eli2ere by 1988. 9911 in icates that in early 1989& all were still operational& althou$h some& perhaps 1,& were in stora$e. No)e 87 A number of sources in icate that as many as .2 74511.s ;7ana ian esi$nation for 45,< remaine in ser2ice with the 7ana ian forces thou$h the early 199!s& with '19 1Fua ron an other units. 9n 1988& 23 745,As an 33 745 ,Ds un erwent si$nificant up$ra es to e8ten their ser2ice li2es into the 199!s. No)e ?7 7ana ian air base security elements inclu e anti5aircraft $uns& but there siBe an isposition is not clear.

Draft Document



De"(#r6 Co'")r+ D#)# *opulationH ,.!9 million& inclu in$ 193&!!! males 18522 an 39'&!!! million males 23532. 6D*H ;1988< I1,3.8 billion Defense /u $etH ;1989< I1.922 billion "anpowerH ArmyH 19&'!! ;plus ,2&+!! reser2es& ,,&3!! Eome 6uar < (a2yH ,&'!! ;plus +&.!! reser2es& '&.!! Eome 6uar < Air 4orceH .&9!! ;plus 12&1!! reser2es& 1!&.!! Eome 6uar < No)e7 Denmark maintains + ays of war stocks. 7han$es courtesy of #ank(et%s 1teffen ?e bear an 1oren ?as& plus etails on se2eral units picke up from ) forum archi2es. 1. Western 7omman L 4re ericia ;A=A Destre 3an s elskomman o or 3an Jut< A< Jutlan Di2ision 5 Aabenraa& DenmarkH assi$ne to A4()?#E. a. Di2isional Artillery ?e$iment 55 1ki2e 1< 23. Artillery /attalionH 18 1,,mm "11'C39 howitBers 2< 2'. Artillery /attalionH 18 1,,mm "11'C39 howitBers 3< 33. Artillery /attalionH 2' 1,,mm $uns ;may ha2e be subor inate to 3an Jut< '< 18. Eea2y /atteryH ' 2!3mm EowitBers ,< 19. Eea2y /atteryH ' 2!3mm EowitBers .< 1'. Air Defense /attalionH 12 '!mm /ofors AA& plus ?e eye ;farme out to bri$a es< b. 3. -n$ineerin$ /attalionH ' companies in trucks c. '. /attalion& 4unen 3ife ?e$tH "otoriBe 9nf . ,. /attalion& Jutlan Dra$oonsH ?econ with 3 sFua rons& each . "'1D=& ' "113& 3 "12,& Q li$ht 2ehicles e. 1st Jutlan /ri$a e ;"ech< 5 4re ericia& DenmarkH 1< 3. /attalion& Jutlan Dra$oons ?e$tH 2! 3eopar 9& 2+ "113& 2 "12,& ' 12!mm mortar& ' #)W& 9 7arl 6usta2 2< 1. /attalion& =in$%s Jutlan ?e$tH "ech 9nf ;see notes for or$aniBation< 3< 1. /attalion& 4unen 3ife ?e$tH "ech 9nf ;see notes for or$aniBation< '< '. /attalion& Kueens 3ife ?e$tH "otor 9nf& ' rifle companies& ' 81mm mortars& ' #)W& 3. 7arl 6usta2 ,< .. Artillery /attalion& (orth Jutlan ArtilleryH 12 "1!9& . "11'C39 towe 1,,mm howitBers& . ?e eye 1A" .< 1. -n$ineer 7ompanyH +< 1. "ilitary *olice 7ompanyH f. 2n Jutlan /ri$a e ;"ech< 5 1ki2e& DenmarkH 1< 2. /attalion& Jutlan Dra$oons ?e$tH 2! 3eopar 9& 2+ "113& 2 "12,& ' 12!mm mortar& ' #)W& 9 76 2< 1. /attalion& Kueens 3ife ?e$tH "ech 9nf ;see notes for or$aniBation< 3< 2. /attalion& Kueens 3ife ?e$tH "ech 9nf ;see notes for or$aniBation< '< 3. /attalion& Kueens 3ife ?e$tH "otor 9nf& ' rifle companies& ' 81mm mortars& . #)W& 3. 7arl 6usta2 ,< 3. Artillery /attalion& (orth Jutlan ArtilleryH 12 "1!9& . "11'C39 towe 1,,mm howitBers& . ?e eye 1A" .< 2. -n$ineer 7ompanyH +< 2. "ilitary *olice 7ompanyH $. 3r Jutlan /ri$a e ;"ech< 5 Ea ersle2& DenmarkH 1< 1. /attalion& Jutlan Dra$oons ?e$tH 2! 3eopar 9& 2+ "113& 2 "12,& ' 12!mm mortar& ' #)W& 9 76 2< 1. /attalion& *rince%s 3ife ?e$tH "ech 9nf ;see notes for or$aniBation< 3< 2. /attalion& *rince%s 3ife ?e$tH "ech 9nf ;see notes for or$aniBation< Draft Document 1,+

'< ,. /attalion& *rince%s 3ife ?e$tH "otor 9nf& ' rifle companies& ' 81mm mortars& . #)W& 3. 7arl 6usta2 ,< +. Artillery /attalion& 1outh Jutlan ArtilleryH 12 "1!9& . towe 1,,mm howitBers& . ?e eye 1A" .< 3. -n$ineer 7ompanyH +< 3. "ilitary *olice 7ompanyH /< Jutlan /attle 6roup ;"ech< 55 EolstebroH 1< ,. /attalion& Jutlan Dra$oonsH #ank estroyer battalion& with ,! 7enturions ;1!,mm $unN<& plus 1 motor inf company. ;attache to 3r b $e in peacetime< 2< 1. /attalion& 1chleswi$ ?e$tH "otor 9nf& '5. rifle companies ;usually ,<& ' 81mm mortars& . #)W& 3. 7arl 6usta2 3< 2. /attalion& 1chleswi$ ?e$tH "otor 9nf& '5. rifle companies ;usually ,<& ' 81mm mortars& . #)W& 3. 7arl 6usta2 '< 3. /attalion& 1chleswi$ ?e$tH "otor 9nf& '5. rifle companies ;usually ,<& ' 81mm mortars& . #)W& 3. 7arl 6usta2 ,< 8. Artillery /attalion& (orth Jutlan ArtilleryH . towe 1!,mm& 12 1,,mm& an ' 2!3 mm howitBers& . ?e eye 1A" 7< 3an Jut Assets 1< ,. Artillery /attalionH 1!,mm howitBers 2< 11. Artillery /attalionH 1!,mm howitBers 3< 1!. Artillery /attalionH 1!,mm howitBers D< "ilitary ?e$ion 9 L Aalbor$& Denmark 1< 9nfantry /attalion 2< 1,. Artillery /attery ;3i$ht<H -< "ilitary ?e$ion 99 L Dibor$& DenmarkH 1< 3. /attalion& *rince%s 3ife ?e$tH 9nfantry 2< 9. Artillery /attery ;3i$ht<H 4< "ilitary ?e$ion 999 L Ea ersle2& DenmarkH 1< 9nfantry /attalion 2< 9nfantry /attalion 6< "ilitary ?e$ion 9D L ) ense& DenmarkH 1< "otoriBe 9nfantry /attalion 2< 9nfantry /attalion E< )ne other -n$ineer battalion No)e 17 (oteH the 8. an 11. Artillery battalions mi$ht be re2erse . No)e 87 9t is likely that the three motor inf battalion in the Di2ision are amon$ the . liste in the military re$ions& an were not attache in peacetime. 2. -astern 7omman L ?in$ste H ;A=A bstre 3an komman o or 3an Pealan <& assi$ne to A4()?#E. )r$aniBe as a (A#) 7orps in or er to control e8pecte reinforcements. a. Pealan 7omman ArtilleryH 1< 2. Arty /attalionH 18 1,,mm "11'C39 howitBers 2< 32. Arty /attalionH 18 1,,mm $uns 3< 1+. Eea2y /atteryH ' 2!3mm howitBers '< 13. Air Defense /attalionH 12N '!mm /ofors AA $uns b. 1st Pealan /ri$a e ;"ech<H 1< 1. /attalion& 6uar s Eussar ?e$tH 3! 7enturion& 2+ "113& 2 "12,& ' 12!mm mortar& ' #)W& 9 76 2< 2. /attalion& Danish 3ife ?e$tH ;mech inf& see notes for or$aniBation& but with 3 mech& 1 tank& no motor inf co< 3< 1. /attalion& =in$s 3ife ?e$tH ;mech inf& see notes for or$aniBation< '< 1 "otoriBe 9nfantry /attalionH '5. rifle companies ;usually ,<& ' 81mm mortars& . #)W& 3. 7arl 6usta2 ,< 1. /n& =in$%s ArtilleryH 12 "1!9& . towe 1,,mm "11'C39 howitBers& . ?e eye 1A" .< '. -n$ineer 7ompanyH c. 2n Pealan /ri$a e ;"ech<H 1< 1. /attalion& Pealan 3ife ?e$tH 3! 7enturion& 2+ "113& 2 "12,& ' 12!mm mortar& ' #)W& 9 76 2< 1. /attalion& Danish 3ife ?e$tH ;mech inf& see notes for or$aniBation< 3< 2. /attalion& Pealan 3ife ?e$tH ;mech inf& see notes for or$aniBation< Draft Document 1,8

'< 1 "otoriBe 9nfantry /attalionH '5. rifle companies ;usually ,<& ' 81mm mortars& . #)W& 3. 7arl 6usta2 ,< ,. /n& =in$%s ArtilleryH 12 "1!9& . towe 1,,mm "11'C39 howitBers& . ?e eye 1A" .< -n$ineer 7ompanyH . 1st Pealan /attle 6roupH ;reser2es< 1< 3. #ank Destroyer 1Fua ron& 6uar s Eussar ?e$tH 1! 7enturion 2< 1.& 2. /attalion& =in$%s 3ife 6uar s ;foot infantry<H ' 12!mm mortars& .51! 81mm mortars& 8 #)W& 3. 7arl 6usta2 each 3< 1.. Artillery /attalionH 2' towe 1!,mm howitBers& . ?e eye 1A" ;3 85piece batteries< e. 2n Pealan /attle 6roupH ;reser2es< 1< 2. #ank Destroyer 1Fua ron& 6uar s Eussar ?e$tH 1! 7enturion 2< 3.& '. /attalions& 6uar s Eussar ?e$tH ' 12!mm mortars& .51! 81mm mortars& 8 #)W& 3. 7arl 6usta2 each 3< 22.Artillery /attalionH 2' towe 1!,mm howitBers& . ?e eye 1A" ;3 85piece batteries< f. 3r Pealan /attle 6roupH ;reser2es< 1< 1 #ank Destoryer 1Fua ron H 1! 7enturion 2< 3.& '. /attalions& Pealan 3ife ?e$t ;4oot 9nf<H ' 12!mm mortars& .51! 81mm mortars& 8 #)W& 3. 7arl 6usta2 each 3< 21.Artillery /attalionH 2' towe 1!,mm howitBers& . ?e eye 1A" ;3 85piece batteries< $. 'th Pealan /attle 6roup ;"ech<H ;reser2es< 1< 1. #ank Destroyer 1Fua ron& 6uar s Eussar ?e$tH 1! 7enturion 2< 3.& '. /attalions& Pealan 3ife ?e$t ;"otor 9nf<H ' 12!mm mortars& .51! 81mm mortars& 8 #)W& 3. 7arl 6usta2 each 3< 1'. Artillery /attalionH 2' towe 1!,mm howitBers& . ?e eye 1A" ;' .5piece batteries< h. )ther Pealan 7omman 0nits 1< '. /attalion& 3ife 6uar sH ;in epen ent motor rifle battalion< 2< 3. /attalion& 6uar s Eussar ?e$imentH ?econ with 3 sFua rons& each . "'1D=& ' "113& 3 "12,& Q li$ht 2ehicles 3< 1. -n$ineer /attalionH '< .. "ilitary *olice 7ompanyH ,< -lectronic Warfare 7ompanyH .< 3??* *atrol 7ompany ;Eome 6uar <H i. "ilitary ?e$ion D L ?in$ste & DenmarkH 1< ,. 9nfantry /attalion& Pealan 3ife ?e$imentH G. "ilitary ?e$ion D9 L 7openha$en& DenmarkH 2< '. 9nfantry /attalion& =in$%s 3ife ?e$imentHH No)e7 9t is likely that the two unbri$a e infantry battalions are in fact the roun 5out battalions for the 1 st an 2n Pealan /ri$a es. 3. /ornholm 4orce L ?onne& DenmarkH assi$ne to A4()?#E. a. #ank 1Fua ron& /ornholm Dra$oonsH 1! "5'1D=1 b. 1. /attalion& /ornholm Defense 4orce ;"otor 9nf<H ' 12!mm mortars& .51! 81mm mortars& . #)W& 3. 7arl 6usta2 c. 2. /attalion& /ornholm Defense 4orce ;"otor 9nf<H ' 12!mm mortars& .51! 81mm mortars& . #)W& 3. 7arl 6usta2 . 3. /attalion& /ornholm Defense 4orce ;4oot 9nf<H ' 12!mm mortars& .51! 81mm mortars& . #)W& 3. 7arl 6usta2 e. 12. Artillery /attalionH . towe 1!,mm an 12 1,,mm howitBers& . ?e eye 1A" f. .. ?econnaissance 1Fua ronH $. Air Defense /atteryH h. -n$ineer 7ompanyH '. ,. Jae$erkorpset /attalion ;7omman o<H use for lon$ ran$e reconnaissance. 3ocal Defense 4orces ;?eser2es<H ;compose of military reser2ists o2er the a$e of 3,<

a. Jutlan 4orcesH + 9nfantry /attalions& plus A#& en$ineers& an other smaller units b. Pealan 4orcesH 2 9nfantry /attalions& plus A#& en$ineers& an other smaller units Draft Document 1,9

c. *erhaps 3 other 9nfantry battalions .. EGeme2aernet ;Eome 6uar < 5 3i$htly arme local militia units& 2arie wil ly in Fuality an effecti2eness. A total of ,,! companies an platoons& taske as infantry& A#& en$ineer& sabota$e& military police an other roles. No)e 17 "echaniBe /attalions ha H EKH 3 "113 A#H ' 3an ?o2er 88 wC#)W& ' "113 wC#)W "ortarsH ' 12!mm mortars& truck5towe ?ecceH ' "erce es 6D wCscout teams #ank 7oH 1! #anks 2 "ech 7osH 11 "113& 9 rifle sFua s& 2 "12, 1* 81mm "ortar 1 "otor 9nf 7o ;reser2e<H 9 trucks& 9 rifle sFua s& 3 81mm mortars 9nfantry ha 7arl 6usta2 for A# No)e 87 7enturions in the Pealan /ri$a es are all 1!,mm arme by late 198!s& those in the four /attle 6roups are 2!p r arme . #he two bri$a e tanks battalions were in the process of con2ertin$ to 3eopar 9s No)e ?7 Pealan /attle 6roup 9nfantry battalions typically ha , companies& with a si8th arme with obsolete eFuipment& inclu in$ 6aran rifles. No)e 47 1st L 3r Pealan /attle 6roups were for coastal efense an were traine for static warfare. #he 'th /attle 6roup was traine for mobile warfare. No)e <7 1tin$ers ha be$un to replace the ?e eye ;calle Eamlet or 1amlet in Danish ser2ice< by the late 198!s. No)e =7 -Fuipment Eol in$s Tanks1 12! 3eopar 1D= ;1A3<& 111 7enturion "k ,& 1!. 7enturion "k ,C. Light Tanks: ,3 "'1D= !(Cs: .3. "113A1 ;inclu in$ 2ariants& perhaps ,3! are A*7s< !nti-TankH 1'! #)W ;inclu in$ ,. 1*<& 111+ 7arl 6usta2& 1,! 1!.mm recoilless rifles !rtillery: +. "1!9A3 1,,mm 1*& 12Q "11, 2!3mm towe & 9. "11'C39 1,,mm towe ;likely some number of uncon2erte "11' also<& 2' ",9 1,,mm towe & 18' "1!1 1!,mm towe & ,, "1!. 1* 81mm mortar& 33! 81mm towe & 1.! 12!mm towe !ir )efence: 3. /ofors '!mm 3C.! ;possibly more<& some 12.+mm ",, Kua towe & ?e eye ;known as Eamlet or 1amletN< !ircraft: 1' Eu$hes ,!!"& 8 1AA/ #51+ 3iason

Draft Document



1. 2. 3. '. ,. .. +. -ska rille +23H 1. 451. -ska rille +2,H 2! 453, Draken& ,5. #453, Draken -ska rille +2.H 1. 451. -ska rille +2+H 1. 451. -ska rille +29H 2! ?453, Draken& ,5. #453, Draken -ska rille +3!H 1. 451. 3uft2aernaf elin$ )st ;Air Defense 7omman -astN< L Pealan ;aroun 7openha$en<H a. -ska rille ,'1 L 1i$ersle2 airstationH . 95EAW= launchers b. -ska rille ,'2H . 95EAW= launchers c. -ska rille ,'3 L 1i$ersle2 airstationH . 95EAW= launchers . -ska rille ,''H . 95EAW= launchers 3uft2aernaf elin$ Dest L Jutlan H a. -ska rille ,31 L ) ense5EGorupH . 95EAW= launchers b. -ska rille ,32 L ) ense5EGorupH . 95EAW= launchers c. -ska rille ,33 L 1kry strup AirbaseH . 95EAW= launchers . -ska rille ,3' L =arup AirbaseH . 95EAW= launcers


No)e 17 451.s were a mi8 of As an /s. Denmark took eli2ery of '. 451.A an 12 451./ between 198! an 1983. A further 8 451.A an ' 451./ were eli2ere from 198+51991. About .! were a2ailable in 1989. 6i2en those numbers& it is unlikely that the ' Danish 451. sFua rons were often at full stren$th. No)e 87 #he Draken numbers come from 1cramble. #hey may not reflect attrition losses. Denmark initially took eli2ery of 2! 453,s& 2! ?453,s ;fi$hters with recon capabilities< an 11 #453,s ;also combat capable<. An a itional + 453,s were e2entually acFuire from 1we en& but may ha2e been for parts an not for use as line aircraft. 9911 says at least '1 were still in ser2ice in early 1989. Janes says 1. 453,& 18 ?453,& an 9 #453, in early 199!& but that may represent some retirements. No)e ?7 #he locations for the EAW= batteries are taken from this e8cellent history of (9=- missiles in -urope. #hey were mobile units an woul eploy as nee e urin$ wartime. #he Air 4orce also ha 3. /ofors 3C+! '!mm towe for air base efense.

Draft Document



;4rench Army< Fr#"&e Co'")r+ D#)# *opulationH ,..' million& inclu in$ 2&129&!!! males 18522 an '&3,3&!!! million males 23532. 6D*H ;1988< I9'9.+ billion Defense /u $etH ;1989< I28.,8 billion "anpowerH ArmyH 288&,,! ;plus '19&!!! reser2es earmarke for mobiliBation of 1&31'&,!! a2ailable< (a2yH .,&3!! ;plus about 2'&!!! reser2es earmarke for mobiliBation of 22!&!!! a2ailable< Air 4orceH 93&1!! ;plus about +!&!!! reser2es earmarke for mobiliBation of 1+9&,!! a2ailable< No)e 17 Althou$h the 4rench military was not an acti2e part of (A#)& 4rance was e icate to the efense of Western -urope. #he 1st 4rench Army urin$ wartime was assi$ne to 7-(#A6 while the ?api Action 4orce was assi$ne to ()?#EA6. No)e 87 4rance can mobiliBe an eploy its forwar forces in as little as 8 ays but woul nee 1'521 ays to complete the entire mobiliBation. 4rance maintains 28 ays of war stocks. No)e ?7 4rench Armor an 9nfantry Di2isions are about one half the siBe of a typical (A#) hea2y i2ision an the li$ht Armore Di2isions are about one5thir the siBe. No)e 47 4rench ?e$imental esi$nations for ArmorH 7hars e 7ombat ;?77<& Dra$oons ;?D<& or 7uirassiers ;?7<. #he 9nfantry esi$nations are 9nfanterie ;?9<& 6roupe5ment e 7hasseurs ;67<& ?e$iment e "archc e #cha ;?"#<& 9nfanterie -tran$ere ;?-9 or D/3- 5 4orei$n 3e$ion<& an 9nfanterie e "arine ;?9"a 5 historical esi$nation<. Artillery is Artillerie ;?A< or "arine Artillerie ;?A"a<. 7ombat -n$ineers are 6enie ;?6< or 4orei$n 3e$ion -n$ineers ;?-6<. Armore ?econ are Eussar s ;?E<& 3i$ht 7a2alry is 7hasseurs metropolitains ;?7h< or 9nfanterie 7hars e "arine ;?97"<& an the 4orei$n 3e$ion 7a2alry is 7a2alerie -tran$ere ;?-7< or 1pahis ;?-<. #his last esi$nation commemorates colonial Arab ca2alry. 3on$ ?an$e ?econ is Dra$oon *ortes ;?D*<. Eelicopter units are Eelicopteres e 7ombat ;?E7< an 6roupe5ment 'Eelicopteres 3e$ers ;6E3<. 1upport ?e$iments are ?e$iment e 7omman e5ment et e 1outien ;?71<. Airborne forces inclu e T*arachutistesT within the title an a T*T within the abbre2iation. "ountain or Alpine troops a an TAT. No)e <7 ;4rom "aGor ..< #he 4rench Army un erwent a si$nificant restructurin$ in 198'. #he 'th an .th armore i2isions were issol2e & with some of their elements $oin$ to other i2isions. #he 4orce e Action ?api e was brou$ht fully up to stren$th& with the .th Di2ision 3e$ere /lin ee ;new& partly from former 31st bri$a e<& 'th Di2ision Aeromobile ;new<& 9th Di2ision '9nfanterie e "arine& 11th Di2ision *arachutiste an 2+th Di2ision Alpine. #he reser2ie infantry i2isions were isban e & with the lefto2ers forme into two @schoolA i2isions& + /ri$a e e Pones& the Di2ision u ?hin& an the 1,2. 9n fantry Di2ision. #here were also 23 mi8e infantry re$iments forme & . bor er re$iments& . re$iments for $uar in$ points of interest& plus other units in the $eneral reser2e. #hanks to many contributors& particularly #ank5(et%s "aGor..& who spent consi erable time $oin$ throu$h 2arious books on the 4rench military an $arrison histories. 1. 1st 4rench Army EK 5 1trasbour$& 4ranceH in wartime assi$ne to (A#). a. b. c. . e. f. $. 13th ?e$iment e Dra$oons *arachutistes ;?D*< 5 DieuBe& 4ranceH 3on$5ran$e reconnaissance '!1st ?e$iment %Artillerie ;?A< L Dra$ui$nan ;school unit<H 2' 95Eawk& 1 battey with ' ?olan 9& ' ?olan 99 '!2n ?e$iment 'Artillerie ;?A< 5 7halons5sur5"arne& 4ranceH 2' 95Eawk '!3r ?e$iment 'Artillerie ;?A< L 7haumont51emoutiers& 4ranceH 2' 95Eawk '!th ?e$iment e #ransmissions L #hion2illeH ''th ?e$iment e #ransmissions L 3an au& 4?6H -lectronic Warfare ,'th ?e$iment e #ransmissions L Ea$uenauH -lectronic Warfare

. 1st ?e$iment e 6enie ;?6<;7ombat -n$ineers< 5 1trasbour$& 4ranceH e. 4rench /erlin /ri$a eH 1< 11th ?e$iment e 7hasseurs metropolitains ;?7h<H 3 1Fua rons of A"J53! ;'! tanks< 2< '.th ?e$iment '9nfanterie ;?9<H DA/ Draft Document 1.2

3< 1 "ilitary *olice 7ompany '< 1 -n$ineer 7ompany f. 2'th ?e$iment %9nfanterie L *erpi$nanH 9nfantry for efense of *aris 2. 1st 4rench 7orps 5 "etB& 4ranceH assi$ne to 1st 4rench Army& primary mission is to 7-(#A6 a. 1st Armore Di2ision ;Di2ision /lin ee< 5 #rier& 4?6H 1< 2< 3< '< ,< .< +< +< 8< 1!< 11< 1st ?e$iment e 7uirassiers ;?7< L 1t. Wen elH +! A"J3! .th ?e$iment e Dra$oons ;?D< L 1aarbur$H .! A"J3! 8th 6roupe5ment e 7hasseurs ;67< L WittlichH A"J51!* 6roupe5ment e 7hasseurs ;67< L 1aarbur$H A"J51!* 1,1st ?e$iment e 9nfanterie ;?9< L "utBi$H DA/ 9th ?e$iment Artillerie e "arine ;?A"a< L #rierH 2' 67# 1,,mm 1* .1st ?e$iment %Artillerie ;?A< L "orhan$eH 2' 67# 1,,mm 1* 13th ?e$iment e 6enie ;?6<;7ombat -n$ineers< L #rierH 1st ?e$iment e 7omman e5ment et e 1outien ;?71< L #rierH 1st -sca ron '-claira$e Di2isionnaire ;--D< L 1t. Wen elH Di2isional ?econ 1Fua ron 1st 7ompa$nie Antichar ;7A7<H 12 DA/CE)#& assi$ne to 1,1st ?9

b. +th Armore Di2ision 5 /esancon& 4ranceH 1< 2< 3< '< ,< .< +< 8< 9< 1!< 11< 12< 1st ?e$iment e Dra$oons ;?D< L 3ureH ,2 A"J53! ,th ?e$iment e Dra$oons ;?D< L Dal ahonH ,2 A"J53! 3r ?e$iment e 7uirassiers ;?7< L 7hene2idresH ,2 A"J53! 3,th ?e$iment '9nfanterie ;?9< L /elfortH A"J51!* 1+!th ?e$iment '9nfanterie ;?9< L -pinalH A"J51!* 3!th 6roupement e 7hassuers L 3unc2illeH DA/ 1st ?e$iment 'Artillerie ;?A< L "ontbcliar H 2' 67# 1,,mm 1* .!th ?e$iment 'Artillerie ;?A< L 7anGursH 2' 67# 1,,mm 1* ;school unit& Goins i2 on mobiliBation< 19th ?e$iment u 6enie ;?6< L /esanconH +th ?e$iment e 7omman e5ment et e 1outien ;?71< L /esanconH +th -sca ron '-claira$e Di2isionnaire ;--D< L Dal ahonH Di2isional ?econ 1Fua ron +th 7ompa$nie Antichar ;7A7<H 12 DA/CE)#& assi$ne to 1+!th ?9

c. 12th Di2ision 3e$ere /lin ee ;D3/< 5 1aumur& 4ranceH 3i$ht Armore Di2ision ;reser2e L base on school units< 1< 2< 3< '< ,< .< +< ,!+th ?e$iment57har e 7ombat ;?77< L 4onte2rau H '1 A"J53! 3r ?e$iment e 7hasseurs ;?7h< L 1aumurH 3i$ht tank re$iment with A"359! 3r ?e$iment e 7hassuers *aracchutiste L *auH 11'th ?e$t %9nfanterie ;?9< L 1t. "ai8entH .2n 7ompanie u 6enie L An$ersH '+th ?e$iment 'Artillerie ;?A< L *oitiersH 2' /4,! 1,,mm towe 12th ?e$iment e 7omman e5ment et e 1outien ;?71< L #oursH

. 1'th Di2ision 3e$ere /lin ee ;D3/< 5 "ontpellier& 4ranceH 3i$ht Armore Di2ision ;reser2e L base on school units< 1< 2< 3< '< ,< .< .< .< 11th ?e$iment e 7uirassiers ;?77< L 7arpia$neH '1 A"J53! 1st ?e$t e 7hasseurs ;?7h< L 7anGuersH A"J53!CA"J51!?7 'th ?e$t '9nfanterie -tran$ere ;?-9< L 1t. "ai8entH DA/N 3r ?e$iment %9nfanterie L 6arri$uesH DA/N 19th ?e$iment 'Artillerie ;?A< L Dra$ui$nanH 2' /4,! 1,,mm towe 13th ?e$iemnt %Artillerie ;?A< L Dra$ui$nanH mobiliBation unit .'th 7ompanie u 6enie L 3a DalbonneH ;from 'th ?e$t u 6enie< 81st ?e$iment '9nfanterie ;?9<H acts as ?e$t e 7omman e5ment et e 1outien for the i2ision

e. 1st 4rench 7orps assetsH Draft Document 1.3

1< 8th ?e$iment e Eussar s ;?E< 5 Altkirch& 4ranceH 3. A"J1!?7& 3 DA/& an 12 DA/CE)# 2< 3r ?e$iment 'Artillerie ;?A< 5 "ailly& 4ranceH . *luton 11" 3< 1,th ?e$iment 'Artillerie ;?A< 5 1uippes& 4ranceH . *luton 11" '< 12th ?e$iment 'Artillerie ;?A< 5 /iscarrosse& 4ranceH 2' /4,! 1,,mm towe ,< ,'th ?e$iment %Artillerie ;?A<H ' batteries of 8 ?olan 99 .< ,+th ?e$iment 'Artillerie ;?A< 5 /itche& 4ranceH 3 batteries of 8 ?olan 9& 1 battery of 12 A"J13D7A +< 2n ?e$iment u 6enie ;?6<;7ombat -n$ineers< 5 DiGon& 4ranceH 8< .!1st ?e$iment (/7 L "ourmelon5le56ran or "etBH mobiliBation unit 9< 11th 6roupe5ment 'Eelicopteres 3e$ers ;6E3< 5 -ssey5les5(ancy& 4ranceH 19 Alouette 999& 11 1uper *uma& 3! 6aBelleCE)# 1!< +th ?e$iment 'Eelicopteres e 7ombat ;?E7< 5 3e 3uc& 4ranceH 1. 6aBelleCE)#& 1! 6aBelleC2!mm& 8 *uma 11< 18th ?e$iment e #ransmissions L -pinalH 12< ,+th ?e$iment e #ransmissions L "ulhouseH 13< /ri$a e 3o$istiFue a< , ?e$iment u #rain L #oulH b< ,!8th ?e$iment u #rain L 7haumontH "obiliBation5only unit c< 1st ?e$iment u "atdriel L 1aarbur$& 4?6H < ,th ?e$iment u "atdriel L 6resswillerH e< 8th ?e$iment u "atdriel L Der unH No)e7 9t is likely there are at least some reser2e 6enie an Artillerie re$iments assi$ne to the corps. 3. 2n 4rench 7orps 5 /a en5/a en& 4?6H assi$ne to 1st 4rench Army& primary mission is to 7-(#A6 a. 3r Armore Di2ision 5 4reibur$& 4?6H 1< 12th ?e$iment e 7uirassiers ;?7< L "[llheimC/a enH +! A"J53! 2< 3r ?e$iment e Dra$oons ;?D< L 1tettenH +! A"J53! 3< 19th 6roupe5ment e 7hasseurs ;67< L Dillin$en51chwennin$enH A"J51!* '< '2n ?e$iment '9nfanterie ;?9< L )ffenbur$H A"J51!* ,< 11!th ?e$iment '9nfanterie ;?9< L Donaueschin$enH DA/ ;later part of 4ranco56erman /ri$a e< .< 11th ?e$iment 'Artillerie ;?A< L )ffenbur$H 2' 67# 1,,mm 1* +< 3'th ?e$iment %Artillerie ;?< L "[llheimC/a enH 2' 67# 1,,mm 1* 8< 9th ?e$iment u 6enie ;?6< 55 (euf5/risachH 9< 3r ?e$iment e 7omman e5ment et e 1outien L 4reibur$H 1!< -sca ron '-claira$e Di2isionnaire ;--D< L 1tettenH Di2isional ?econ 1Fua ron 11< 3r 7ompa$nie Antichar ;7A7<H 12 DA/CE)#& attache to 11!th ?9 Attache urin$ peacetimeH 12< 7entre '-ntrainement 7omman o et 131 ?c$iment '9nfanterie L /reisachH ;comman o trainin$ unit that woul form infantry re$t urin$ wartime< b. ,th Armore Di2ision 5 3an au& 4?6H 1< 2< 3< '< ,< .< +< 8< 9< 1!< 11< 12< 2n ?e$iment e 7uirassiers ;?7< L ?eutlin$enH ,2 A"J53! 'th ?e$iment e 7uirassiers ;?7< L /itcheH ,2 A"J53! ,th ?e$iment e 7uirassiers ;?7< L =aiserlauternH ,2 A"J53! 2n 6roupe5ment e 7hasseurs ;67< L (eusta H A"J51!* 2'th 6roupe5ment e 7hasseurs ;67< L #[bin$enH A"J51!* 1,2n ?e$iment '9nfanterie ;?9< L 7olmarH DA/ 2n ?e$iment 'Artillerie ;?A< L 3an auH 2' 67# 1,,mm 1* 2'th ?e$iment %Artillerie ;?A< L ?eutlin$enH 2' 67# 1,,mm 1* 1!th ?e$iment u 6enie ;?6< L 1pireH ,th ?e$iment e 7omman e5ment et e 1outien ;?71< L 3an au ,th -sca ron '-claira$e Di2isionnaire L 3an auH Di2isional ?econ 1Fua ron ,th 7ompa$nie Antichar ;7A7<H 12 DA/CE)#& attache to 1,2n ?9

c. 1,th Di2ision '9nfanterie ;"ech< 5 3imo$es& 4ranceH 1< ,th ?e$iment e 7hasseurs metropolitains ;?7h< 55 *eri$eu8H A"J51!?7 2< 92n ?e$iment '9nfanterie ;?9< L 7lermont54erran H DA/ Draft Document 1.'

3< '< ,< .< .< +<

99th ?e$iment '9nfanterie ;?9< L 1athonayH DA/ ?e$iment '9nfanterie ;?9< L /ri2e5la56aillar eH DA/ 2!th ?e$iment 'Artillerie ;?A< L *oitiersH 2' #?451 1,,mm howitBers 33r ?e$iemnt %Artillerie ;?A< L *oitiersH mobiliBation unit& pre2iously with 12 D3/ 31st ?e$iment u 6enie ;?6< 55 7astelsarrasinH 331st& 332n companies 1,th ?e$iment e 7omman e5ment et e 1outien ;?71< 55 3imo$esH

. 2n 4rench 7orps assetsH 1< 3r ?e$iment e Eussar s ;?E< 5 /a en5/a en& 4?6H 3. A"J1!?7& 3 DA/& 12 DA/CE)# ;later Goine the 4ranco56erman /ri$a e< 2< 32n ?e$iment 'Artillerie ;?A< 5 /elfort& 4ranceH . *luton 11" 3< +'th ?e$iment 'Artillerie ;?A< 5 1uippes& 4ranceH . *luton 11" '< .th ?e$iment %Artillerie 1ur2eillance L *halsbour$& 4ranceH ,< ,1st ?e$iment 'Artillerie ;?A< 5 Wittlich& 4?6H 3 batteries of 8 ?olan 9& 1 battery of 12 A"J13D7A .< ,3r ?e$iment 'Artillerie ;?A< 5 Dieu5/reisach& 4ranceH ' batteries of 8 ?olan 99 +< 33r ?e$iment u 6enie ;?6<;7ombat -n$ineers< 5 =ehl& 4?6H 8< 12th 6roupe5ment 'Eelicopteres 3e$ers ;6E3< L /a en5/a en an #rier& 4?6H 19 Alouette 999& 11 1uper *uma& 3! 6aBelleCE)# 9< 2n ?e$iment 'Eelicopteres e 7ombat ;?E7< 5 #rier& 4?6H 1. 6aBelleCE)#& 1! 6aBelleC2!mm& 8 *uma 1!< '2n ?e$iment e #ransmissions L ?astatt& 4?6H 11< ,!th ?e$iment e #ransmission L /a en5/a en& 4?6H 12< ,3r ?e$iment e #ransmission L 4reibur$& 4?6H 13< .!1st ?e$iment e 7irculation ?outiere L Achern& 4?6H 1'< /ri$a e 3o$istiFue a< 13,th ?e$iment u #rain L =arslruhe& 4?6H b< ,21st ?e$iment u #rain L =arlsruhe& 4?6H "obiliBation5only unit c< 2!th ?e$iment u #rain L /a en5/a en& 4?6H < 81st ?e$iment u #rain L #rier& 4?6H e< 2n ?e$iment u "ateriel L 4rei$bur$& 4?6H f< .th ?e$iment u "ateriel L ?astatt& 4?6H $< +th ?e$iment u "ateriel L #rier& 4?6H No)e7 9t is likely there are at least some reser2e 6enie an Artillerie re$iments assi$ne to the corps. '. 3r 4rench 7orps 5 3ille& 4ranceH assi$ne to 1st 4rench Army& primary mission is to ()?#EA6 a. 2n Armore Di2ision 5 Dersailles& 4ranceH 1< 2< 3< '< ,< .< +< 8< 8< 9< 1!< 11< .th ?e$iment e 7uirassiers ;?7< L )li2etH ,2 A"J53! 2n ?e$iment e Dra$oons ;?D< L 3aonH ,2 A"J53! ,!1st ?e$iment57hars e 7ombat ;?77< L ?ambouilletH ,2 A"J53! ,th ?e$iment '9nfanterie ;?9< L /eynes57amp e 4rileuseH A"J51!* ?e$t e "archc e #cha ;?"#< L "ontlheryH A"J51!* 39th ?e$t '9nfanterie ;?9< L ?ouenH DA/ 1st ?e$iment 'Artillerie e "arine ;?A"a< L 3aonH 2' 67# 1,,mm 1* '!th ?e$iment %Artillerie ;?A< L 1uippesH 2' 67# 1,,mm 1* 3'th ?e$iment u 6enie ;?6< L -pernayH 2n ?e$iment e 7omman e5ment et e 1outien ;?71< L DersaillesH 2n -sca ron '-claira$e Di2isionnaire ;--D< L 1t. 6ermaine en 3ayeH Di2ision ?econ 1Fua ron 2n 7ompa$nie Antichar ;7A7<H 12 DA/CE)#& attache to 39th ?9

b. 1!th Armore Di2ision 5 7halons5sur5"arne& 4ranceH 1< 2n ?e$iment e 7hasseurs ;?7h< L Der unH ,2 A"J53! 2< 'th ?e$iment e Dra$oons ;?D< L "ourmelon5le56ran H ,2 A"J53! 3< ,!3r ?e$iment57hars e 7ombat ;?77< L "ourmelon5le56ran H ,2 A"J53! '< 1st 6roupe5ment e 7hasseurs ;67< L ?eimsH A"J51!* ,< 1,!th ?e$iment '9nfanterie ;?9< L Der unH A"J51!* .< 1,1st ?e$iment '9nfanterie ;?9< L "etBH DA/ Draft Document 1.,

+< 8< 9< 1!< 11< 12<

3r ?e$iment 'Artillerie e "arine ;?A"a< L Der unH 2' 67# 1,,mm 1* 8th ?e$iment 'Artillerie ;?A< L 7ommercyH 2' 67# 1,,mm 1* 3r ?e$iment u 6enie ;?6< L 7harle2ille5"eBieresH 1!th ?e$iment e 7omman e5ment et e 1outien ;?71< L 7halonsH 1!th -sca ron '-claira$e Di2isionnaire ;--D< L "ourmelon5le56ran H Di2isional ?econ 1Fua ron 1!th 7ompa$nie Antichar ;7A7<H 12 DA/CE)#& attache to 1,1st ?9

c. 8th Di2ision '9nfanterie 5 Amiens& 4ranceH 1< 2< 3< '< .< +< +< 8< +th ?e$t e 7hasseurs metropolitains ;?7h< L ArrasH A"J51!?7 8th ?e$iment '9nfanterie ;?9< L (oyonH DA/ .+th ?e$iment '9nfanterie ;?9< L 1oissonsH DA/ 9'th ?e$iment '9nfanterie ;?9< L 1issonneH DA/ '1st ?e$iment 'Artillerie e "arine ;?A"a< L 3a 4ereH 2' 1,,mm howitBers 22n ?e$iment %Artillerie e "arine L 4olemrayH "obiliBation only 23r ?e$iment u 6enie ;?6< 55 )isselH 231st& 232n companies 8th ?e$iment e 7omman e5ment et e 1outien ;?71< L AmiensH

. 3r 4rench 7orps assetsH 1< 2< 3< '< ,< .< +< 8< 9< 2n ?e$iment e Eussar s ;?E< 5 1our onH 3. A"J1!?7& 3 DA/& 12 DA/CE)# 'th ?e$iment 'Artillerie ;?A< L 3aon57ou2ronH . *luton 11" ,8th ?e$iment 'Artillerie ;?A< 5 DouaiH 2 batteries of 8 ?olan 99& 1 battery of 8 ?olan 9 +1st ?e$iment u 6enie ;?6<;7ombat -n$ineers< 5 )iseleyH .th ?e$t 'Eelicopteres e 7ombat ;?E7< 5 7ompie$neH 1. 6aBelleCE)#& 1! 6aBelleC2!mm& 8 *uma ,1st ?e$iment e #ransmissions L 7ompie$neH ,8th ?e$iment e #ransmissions L 3aonH .2,th ?e$iment e 7irculation ?outiere L ArrasH /ri$a e 3o$istiFueH a< ,1+th ?e$iment u #rain L DernonH b< ,22n ?e$iment u #rain L AuenauH "obiliBation only c< 3r ?e$iment "ateriel L /eau2aisH < 'th ?e$iment "ateriel L 4ontainbleuH

No)e7 9t is likely there are at least some reser2e 6enie an Artillerie re$iments assi$ne to the corps. ,. 4orce 'Action ?api e ;4A?< 5 1t 6ermain5en53aye& 4ranceH primary mission is to ()?#EA6 a. 'th Di2ision Aeromobile 5 (ancy& 4ranceH ,1!! personnel 1< 2< 3< '< ,< .< 1st ?e$iment '9nfanterie ;?9<H .' "ilan& 8 81mm mortars& 12 12!mm mortars 1st ?e$t 'Eelicopteres e 7ombat ;?E7<H 8 Alouette 999& 2' 6aBelleCE)#& 8 6aBelleC2!mm& 2' 1uper *uma 3r ?e$t 'Eelicopteres e 7ombat ;?E7<H 8 Alouette 999& 2' 6aBelleCE)#& 8 6aBelleC2!mm& 2' 1uper *uma ,th ?e$t 'Eelicopteres e 7ombat ;?E7<H 8 Alouette 999& 2' 6aBelleCE)#& 8 6aBelleC2!mm& 2' 1uper *uma 'th ?e$iment e 7omman e5ment et e "anoeu2re ;?71< L (ancyH 8 Alouette 999& 8 1uper *uma 9th ?e$iment e 1outien Acromobile L *halsbour$H

No)e7 #he 2n ?9 was not initially part of the i2ision when forme in the mi 5198!s& but appears to ha2e been assi$ne later b. .th Di2ision 3e$ere /lin ee ;D3/<5 (imes& 4ranceH +'!! personnel 5 3i$ht Armoure Di2ision 1< 1st ?e$iment e 1pahis ;?1< L DalenceH 3. A"J1!?7& 3 DA/& 12 DA/CE)# 2< 1st ?e$iment -tran$ere e 7a2alerie ;?-7< L )ran$eH 3. A"J1!?7& 3 DA/& 12 DA/CE)# 3< 2n ?e$t -tran$ere '9nfanterie ;?-9< L (imesH DA/ ?e$iment '< 21st ?e$t '9nfanterie e "arine ;?9"a< L 4rcGusH DA/ ?e$iment ,< .8th ?e$iment 'Artillerie ;?A< L 3a DalboneeH 2' /4,! 1,,mm towe .< '3r ?e$iment %Artillerie e "arine L 3a DalbonneH "obliBation only +< .th ?e$iment -tran$ere u 6enie ;?-6<;4orei$n 3e$ion 7ombat -n$ineers<H 8< .th ?e$iment e 7omman e5ment et e 1outien ;?71< L (imesH Draft Document 1..

c. 9th Di2ision "arine 5 1t "alo& 4ranceH 8!!! pers 5 this 9nfantry Di2ision is traine for amphibious operations 1< ?e$iment '9nfanterie57hars e "arine ;?97"< L DannesH 3. -?759!1 ;to A"J51!?7& 199!<& 3 DA/& 12 DA/CE)# 2< 1st ?e$t '9nfanterie e "arine ;?9"a< L An$oulemeH 3. -?759!1 ;to A"J51!?7& 199!<& 3 DA/& 12 DA/CE)# 3< 2n ?e$t '9nfanterie e "arine ;?9"a< L 3e "ansH "arine 9nfantry ?e$iment '< 3r ?e$t '9nfanterie e "arine ;?9"a< L DannesH "arine 9nfantry ?e$iment ,< 11th ?e$iment 'Artillerie e "arine ;?A"a< L 3a 3an e %)ueeH 2' /4,! 1,,mm towe .< 2n ?e$iment %Artillerie e "arine ;?A"a< L "ontlheryH "obiliBation only +< .th ?e$iment u 6enie ;?6<;7ombat -n$ineers< L An$ersH 2 companies 8< 9th ?e$iment e 7omman e5ment et e 1outien ;?71< L (antesH . 11th Di2ision *arachutiste 5 #oulouse& 4ranceH 13,!! personnel 1< 2< 3< '< ,< .< ?e$iment +< 8< 9< 1!< 11< 12< 13< 1st ?e$iment e Eussar s *arachutists ;?E*< L #arbesH 3. -?7 9!1& 12 "ilan 1st *arachutiste '9nfanterie e "arine ;?*9"a< L /ayonneH *arachute 9nfantry ?e$iment 3r *arachutiste '9nfanterie e "arine ;?*9"a< L 7arcasonneH *arachute 9nfantry ?e$iment .th *arachutiste '9nfanterie e "arine ;?*9"a< L "ont e "arsanH *arachute 9nfantry ?e$iment 8th *arachutiste '9nfanterie e "arine ;?*9"a< L 7astresH *arachute 9nfantry ?e$iment 1st ?e$t e 7hasseurs *arachutiste ;?7*< L 1aint5"c ar 5en5Jalles 7amp e 1ou$eH *arachute 9nfantry 9th ?e$t e 7hasseurs *arachutiste ;?7*< L *amiersH *arachute 9nfantry ?e$iment 2n ?e$iment -tran$ere *arachutiste ;?-*< L 7al2iH *arachute 9nfantry ?e$iment 3,th ?e$iment 'Artillerie *arachutiste ;?A*< L #arbesH 2' A0,! 1!,mm towe 2'th ?e$iment %Artillerie L 1aint A2ol H "obiliBation only 1+th ?e$iment u 6enie *arachutiste ;?6*<;Airborne 7ombat -n$ineers< L "ontaubanH +th ?e$iment *arachutiste e 7omman e5ment et e 1outien ;?*71< L 7astresH 1'th ?e$iment *arachutiste e 7omman e5ment et e 1outien ;?*71< L #oulouseH

No)e7 #he 1o2iet ?e2iew of 4orei$n "ilitary *ress for 1eptember& 198+ says the 1st ?E* was to ha2e 3. -?759!1 an 3. "ilan. e. 2+th Di2ision Alpine 5 6renoble& 4ranceH 8,!! personnel 1< 2< 3< '< ,< .< +< 8< 9< 9< 1!< 11< 'th ?e$iment e 7hasseurs metropolitains ;?7h<H 3. A"359!& 3 DA/& 12 Jeeps wC"ilan .th /attalion 7hasseurs Alpin ;/7A< L DarcesH Alpine 9nfantry /attalion +th /attalion 7hasseurs Alpin ;/7A< L /our$ 1aint "auriceH Alpine 9nfantry /attalion 11th /attalion 7hasseurs Alpin ;/7A< L /arcelonnetteH Alpine 9nfantry /attalion 13th /attalion 7hasseurs Alpin ;/7A< L 7hambcryH Alpine 9nfantry /attalion 2+th /attalion 7hasseurs Alpin ;/7A< L AnnecyH Alpine 9nfantry /attalion 1,9th ?e$iment '9nfanterie Alpine ;?9A< L /rianconH Alpine 9nfantry /attalion 93r ?e$iment 'Artillerie Alpine L DarcesH 2' A0,! 1!,mm towe +,th ?e$iment %Artillerie Alpine L DarcesH "obiliBation only +th /attalion u 6enie Alpine ;/6DA< L A2i$nonH 2+th 6roupe5ment 'Eelicopteres ;6E3<H 19 Alouette 999& 11 1uper *uma& 3! 6aBelleCE)# 2+th ?e$iment e 7omman e5ment et e 1outien ;?71< L 6renobleH

No)e 17 'th ?7" was to con2ert to -?759!1 by 1988C89& but ultimately i so only in 199!. No)e 87 #he 1o2iet ?e2iew of 4orei$n "ilitary *ress for 1eptember& 198+ says the 'th ?7" was to ha2e 3. -?759!1 an 2' "ilan. f. 4A? )r$anic 0nits 1< 1+th ?e$iment e 7omman e5ment et e 1outien ;?71< L "aisons53afitteH 2< 28th ?e$iment e #ransmissions L )rleansH 3< .!2n ?e$iment e 7irculation ?outiere L DiGonH '< ,11th ?e$iemnt u #rainH Draft Document 1.+


)ther 0nits a. 4orei$n 3e$ion 6roup 5 Auba$ne& 4ranceH 1< 1st ?e$t -tran$ere '9nfanterie ;?-9<H DA/ ?e$iment ;N< b. 1st ?e$iment *arachutiste '9nfanterie e "arine ;?*9"a< 5 use for 1A1 type missionsH c. 4usiliers5"arinsH A ,9! man . company "arine 7omman o unit.


4orces Deploye )2erseas a. 1t. Denis& 3a ?eunion ;9n ian )cean< 1< 2n ?e$iment *arachutiste 9nfanterie De "arine 2< 7ompany5siBe etachment& 3e$ion -tran$ere 3< ,3r /attalion e 7omman e5ment et e 1outien ;/71< '< Air transport assets& inclu in$ 751.! #ransalls an 1A5319 helicopters b. West Africa 1< .th ?e$iment %9nfanterie e "arine L 3ibre2ille& 6abonH 2< 23r ?e$iment %9nfanterie e "arine L Dakar& 1ene$al 3< '3r ?e$iment %9nfanterie e "arine L *ort /ouet& 7ote %92oire '< 1 ?e$iment& 3e$ion -tran$ere ,< Air transport assets& inclu in$ 751.! #ransalls& 1A533!& 1A531.C319& A153,! helos c. -ast Africa L All units in DGibouti 1< 13th Demi /ri$a e 3e$ion -tran$ereH 3 9nfantry cos& 1 A"J51!?7 co& 1 mi8e 1!,mmC1,,mm artillery battery 2< ,th ?e$iment 9nter5Armees )utre "ereH 3 9nfanty 7os& 1 A"J513 co& 1 mi8e 1!,mmC1,,mm artillery battery 3< A3A# DetachmentH , me ium transport helicopters ;1A533!< '< 1!th /attalion e 7omman e5ment et e 1outien ;/71< ,< 1Fa ron& Armee e l%AireH 1! 4517& 1 751.!& 2 1A531.& 1 1A5319 . 7entral African ?epublic 1< 1 battalion $roupH a< 1 motor rifle company b< . A"3 armore cars c< 1upport co with )51e li$ht aircraft& 12!mm mortars& "93A( e. 7ha 1< 3 infantry companies 2< 1e2eral anti5aircraft units 3< 1e2eral li$ht a2iation units f. Western *acific L all units on (oumea& (ew 7ale onia 1< ?e$iment %9nfanterie e "arine e *acifiFue ;(oumea< 2< 2 in epen ent infantry companies 3< '2n /attalion e 7omman e5ment et e 1outien ;/71< '< Darious air etachments inclu in$ 751.!& 1A5319& 1A533! $. -astern *acific L *apeete& #ahiti 1< ,th ?e$iment %9nfanterie -tran$ereH 2< ?e$iment %9nfanterie e "arine e *acifiFue ;*apeete< 3< ,+th /attalion e 7omman e5ment et e 1outien ;/71< '< Darious air etachments inclu in$ 1-532!& 6ar ian aircraft& A15332& 1A5319 helos.


?e$ional 4orces ;reser2es& all part of territorial army<H 1.8

Draft Document

a. 1st ?e$ion "ilitaire 5 *arisH 1< 1!2n /ri$a e e PoneH a< 8th ?e$iment e 7hasseursH b<93r ?e$iment %9nfanterieH c< +!th ?e$iment %9nfanterie e "arineH <1!2n ?e$iment e 7omman e5ment et e 1outienH e< 1,2n & 1.2n 7ompa$nie u 6cnie 2< 12th "ilitary Di2ision L DersailleH a< ?e$iment 9nter5Armes Di2isionaire L 9le e 4ranceH 3< 13th "ilitary Di2ision L #oursH a< 9!th or 9,th ?9AD L 7entre Dal5 e53oireH n b. 2 ?e$ion "ilitaire 5 3illeH 1< 1!8th /ri$a e e Pone a< 18th ?e$iment e 7hasseurs b<',th ?e$iment %9nfanterie c< 8+th ?e$imenet %9nfanterie <1!8th ?e$iment e 7omman e5ment et e 1outien e< 1,8th& 1.8th 7ompa$nie u 6cnie 2< 21st "ilitary Di2ision L 3ille a< 2'3r ?9AD L (or *as e 7alaisH 3< 22n "ilitary Di2ision L Amiens a< ,'th ?9AD L *icar ieH '< 23r "ilitary Di2ision L ?ouen a< 239th ?9AD L Eaute (orman ieH r c. 3 ?e$ion "ilitaire 5 ?ennesH 1< 1!9th /ri$a e e Pone a< 19th ?e$eiment Dra$ons b<.2n ?e$iment %9nfanterie c< 11+th ?e$iment %9nfanterie <1!9th ?e$iment e 7omman e5ment et e 1outien e< 1,9th& 1.9th 7ompa$nie u 6cnie 2< 31st "ilitary Di2ision L ?ennes a< '8th ?9AD L /reta$neH 3< 32n "ilitary Di2ision L 7aen a< 2n ?9AD L /asse (orman ieH '< 33r "ilitary Di2ision L (antes a< 13+th ?9AD L *ays5 e5la53oireH th . ' ?e$ion "ilitaire 5 /or eau8H 1< 11,th /ri$a e e Pone a< 9th ?e$iment e 7hasseurs b<18th ?e$iment %9nfanterie c< 3'th ?e$eiment %9nfanterie <11,th ?e$iment e 7omman e5ment et e 1outien e< 1,,th& 1.,th 7ompa$nie u 6cnie 2< '1st "ilitary Di2ision L /or eau8 a< 1''th ?9AD L AcFuitaineH 3< '2n "ilitary Di2ision L *oitiers a< 1!+th ?9AD L *oitou57harentesH '< '3r "ilitary Di2ision L 3imo$es a< 1!!th ?9AD L 3imousinH ,< ''th "iliatary Di2ision L #oulouseC*au a< 1,th ?9AD L "i i5*yreneesH th e. , ?e$ion "ilitaire 5 3yonH 1< 1,2n 9nfantry Di2ision 5 "ontpellier& 4rance ;use to protect (uclear assets on the *lateau %Albion< a< 'th ?e$iment %9nfanterie L 4reGusH b< ?e$iment %9nfanterie L 9ssoireH c< 19th ?e$iment e 7hasseurs L 7arpia$neH <1,2n ?e$iment e 7omman e5ment et e 1outienH 2< 12+th /ri$a e e PoneH a< 1+th ?e$iment e 7hasseursH Draft Document 1.9

b<1'!th ?e$iment %9nfanterie ;?9A< c< .+th /attalion e 7hasseurs AlpineH <12+th ?e$iment e 7omman e5ment et e 1outienH e< 1++th& 18+th 7ompa$nie u 6cnie f< +,th ?e$iment %9nfanterie ;not confirme < 3< ,1st "ilitary Di2ision L 3yons a< 299th ?9AD L ?hone5AlpesH '< ,2n "ilitary Di2ision L 7lermon 54erran a< 292n ?9AD L Au2er$neH ,< ,3r "ilitary Di2ision L "arseilles a< 1'1st ?9AD L *ro2enceH .< ,'th "ilitary Di2ision L "onpellier a< 1'2n ?9AD L 3an$ue ocH +< ,,th "iltary Di2ision L /astia& 7orse a< 1+3r ?9AD L /astia& 7orseH b<3+3r ?9AD L AGaccio& 7orseH th f. . "? 5 "etBH 1< 1!+th /ri$a e e PoneH a< 1!th ?e$iment e 7hasseursH b<23r ?e$iment %9nfanterieH c< 1'9th ?e$iment %9nfanterieH <1!+th ?e$iment e 7omman e5ment et e 1outienH e< 1,+th& 1.+th 7ompa$nie u 6cnieH 2< 11!th /ri$a e e PoneH a< 1,th ?e$iment e 7hasseursH b<'1st 6roupe e 7hasseurs c< 1.'th ?e$eiment %9nfanterie <11!th ?e$iment e 7omman e5ment et e 1outien e< 1.!th& 1+!th 7ompa$nie u 6cnie 3< .1st "ilitary ?e$ion L (ancy a< 3+th ?9AD L 3orraineH '< .2n "ilitary ?e$ion L 1trasbour$ a< N ?9AD L AlsaceH ,< .3r "ilitary ?e$ion L 7halons5sur5"arne a< N ?9AD L 7hampa$ne5Ar enneH .< .'th "ilitary ?e$ion L DiGon a< 1!th ?9AD L /our$o$neH +< .,th "ilitary ?e$ion L /esancon a< .!th ?9AD L 4ranche 7ompteH $. ?hine #erritorial Di2ision 1< 1st ?e$iment u 6enie L 1trasbour$H ;acti2e army< 2< 83r /-46 L 32n ?e$iment u 6enie L =ehlH ?i2erine craft unit ;acti2e army< 3< 12th ?e$iment u 6enieH '< ?e$iment u 6enieH ,< 3+th ?e$iment 9nterarmees Di2isionaire ;?9AD<H .< ,9th ?e$iment %ArtillerieH Air efense artillery +< 1!th /7*H 9nfantry 8< 29th /7*H 9nfantry 9< 31st /7*H 9nfantry 1!<1,.th ?e$iment e 7omman e5ment et e 1outienH h. 1i8 frontier infantry re$iments& inclu in$H 1< '9th ?e$iment %9nfanterieH AcFuitaine ;obser2in$ bor er with 1pain< 9. 6en armarie L 8+&,!! full5time personnel& 13!&!!! reser2es a. 6en armarie DepartmentaleH local etachments ;3&,!!Q< L ,2&!!! personnel b. 6en ermarie "obileH 13!Q -sca rons ;companies< L 1+&,!! personnel c. 1st 6roupement /lin e L DersaillesH 1< 2 7ompanies of A"J513s 2< 3 7ompanies of "ech infantry 3< 1 1Fua ron of D/759!s Draft Document 1+!

No)e 17 4rench ?e$imental )r$aniBationsH Tank Regiment EK 7oH 2 A"J53!& ' A"J51!* 3 or ' #anks 7os& eachH 1+ A"J53!& 1 A"J51!*7 ! or 1 "ech 7oH 3 "ech platoons& 13 A"J51!* total 1upport 7ompanyH ?ecce platoon ;. li$ht 2ehicles wC"6sN< (oteH ?e$iments with 3 #ank companies typically ha the "ech company& those with ' tank companies i not. #he i2isions with only two tank re$iments use the ' tank company or$aniBation. AMX-10P Regiment EK 7oH 2 A"J51!* 2 or 3 "ech 7os& eachH ' 9nfantry platoons& 18 A"J51!*& 8 "ilan total ! to 2 #ank 7os& eachH 3 platoons of A"J53!& 1 "ech platoon& 1! A"J53!& ' A"J51!* total 1upport 7oH ?ecce platoon& "ortar *latoon ;8 DA/& . 12!mm towe mortar< (oteH )r$aniBation was flui . )ri$inal or$aniBation was 2 "ech& 2 #ank companies& but this appears to ha2e chan$e in the late 198!s with at least some units. "ay ha2e been 3 "ech an no #ank companies or 3 "ech an 1 #ank companies in some re$iments. VAB Regiment EK 7oH ' 9nfantry 7os& eachH 1+ DA/& 2 "ilan& 2 81mm mortars& 2 2!mm AA $uns Eea2y 7oH ?ecce platoon ;9 li$ht 2ehicles<& "ortar platoon ;. 12!mm mortars<& A# *latoon ;' or . "ilan on li$ht 2ehicles< Parac ute Regiment EK 7oH ' *arachute 7os& eachH ' *ara platoons ;each with ' e8tra 3?A7<& 1 weapon co ;2 "ilan& 2 81mm mortars< Eea2y 7oH ?ecce platoon ;li$ht 2ehicles<& "ortar platoon ;. 12!mm mortars<& 2 A# platoons ;. "ilan each<& 1 AA platoon ;. 2!mm AA $uns< #he 1o2iet ?e2iew of 4orei$n "ilitary *ress for 1eptember& 198+& says the battalions ha 2' "ilan total. Alpine Battalion EK 7oH ' Alpine 7os& eachH 3 platoons& with li$ht weapons an 1 3?A7 at platoon le2el Eea2y 7oH ?ecce platoon ;li$ht 2ehicles or A"3N<& "ortar platoon ;. 81mm mortars<& "ortar platoon ;3 12!mm mortars<& A# platoon ;. "ilan< #he 1o2iet ?e2iew of 4orei$n "ilitary *ress for 1eptember& 198+& says the battalions ha a total of 1' "ilan Marine Regiment EKH 3 or ' "arine 9nfantry 7os& eachH 3 "arine platoons& each with 3 e8tra 3?A7 at platoon le2elO Weapons platoon with 2 81mm mortars& 2 2!mm AA $uns. Eea2y 7oH N #he 1o2iet ?e2iew of 4orei$n "ilitary *ress for 1eptember& 198+& says the battalions ha a total of 8 81mm mortars ;implyin$ ' companies<& plus . 12!mm mortars an 2' "ilan Engineer Regiment: #he i2isional en$ineer re$iment of the tank i2isions ha about 8,! men& 1. combat en$ineerin$ 2ehicles& 1. DA/s& ' oBer tanks an ' mineclearin$ systems split amon$ 2 armore en$ineer companies& 1 hea2y en$ineer company& an 1 li$ht en$ineer company. Escadron d!Eclairage "i#isionnaire $EE"% & "i#isional Recon '(uadron EKH 3 *eletons %-claira$e& eachH 1 *atrouille 7omman ementH 6roupe e 7omman ement ;2 D3## *'<& 6roupe Antichar ;3 D3## *'& 2 "ilan< 3 *atrouille %-claira$e& eachH 2 D3## *'& 1 with 3?A7& 1 with AA,25(41 "6 Draft Document 1+1

1 *eleton ?a arH 1 comman $roup& 2 $roups with ?A19# ra ar Regiment )nter Armes "i#isionaire$R)A"% 3 companies of infantry 1 company of li$ht armore 2ehicles ;almost all woul be A"3s< No)e7 #)>-s come from a 2ariety of sources an represent a best $uess. "uch of the information is from Armies of (A#)%s 7entral 4ront& so is a bit ate for the 1989 time frame. Any a itional information or corrections woul be $reatly appreciate . No)e 87 #he 4rench army ha 1.31 million men in its reser2e pool. )nly '19&!!! were earmarke to specific units as of early 199!. #he remain er woul act as in i2i ual replacements or woul $o to form new units. 4rance ha & throu$h the early 198!s& a 2ast number of infantry& en$ineer an armore recon units or$aniBe from their reser2es with few hi$her formation hea Fuarters assi$ne . An attempt ha been urin$ the late 19+!s to form them into about 12 i2isions& but the process was ne2er complete an ultimately $i2en up. #he 198' reor$aniBation saw the formation of + @/ri$a es e PoneA each of 2 infantry re$iments& an armore car re$iment& an an en$ineer re$iment. )ther formations were in theory combine into 23 ?e$iments 9nterarmees Di2isionnaires ;one per military i2ision& which is a $eo$raphical entity not a unit escription<& each with three infantry companies an a company of A"3 armore cars. -2en after such a reor$aniBation& there woul ha2e been a lar$e number of a itional reser2e units still a2ailable. #hey may ha2e been isban e or ha2e continue to e8ist. -arlier ))/s showe si$nificantly lar$er /ri$a es e Pone L often with 2 or 3 armore recon re$ts an 35, infantry re$iments. Any a itional information woul be fully appreciate . No)e ?7 -Fuipment Eol in$s. All ata from Jane%s (A#) Ean book& an is of early 199!. Data with an U is from 4li$ht 9nternational%s Worl Air 4orces 1989. Tanks: 13,, A"J53!CA"J53!/2& 213 A"J513 ;probably many more in 1989& likely in reser2e& other sources in icate 23! or more& inclu in$ some with 1!,mm;N< an 11511 A#6"< !rmore# Cars: '2, A"35.!& 21! A"359!& 28' A"J51!?7& an 2!! -?759! ;last 2ehicles eli2ere in 199!<. Also likely se2eral hun re -/?& a itional A"3 hel in reser2e. (ersonnel Carriers: 81+ A"J51!* ;this may be low<& 3'!! DA/ 'J' ;more than '&!!! total or ere <& 1+' A"J513 D## ;likely si$nificantly more in reser2e< Tank )estroyers: 9! D7A7 ;DA/ with E)# "ephisto< !rtillery ;e8clu in$ on$oin$ eli2eries<H 21!Q 67# 1,,mm 1*& 222 "k 43 1,,mm 1*& 3!! "k 41 1!,mm 1* ;only 2,3 eclare un er 74-<& 2'. )/51,!5,! /4 ;aka /45,!< 1,,mm towe howitBers& 1,9 E"52 ;"1!1< howitBers. elicopters: 12! ;1+!U< Alouette 99 & ., ;+!U< Alouette 999& 12+ 1A 33! *uma& 31 A1 332" 1uper *uma& 1!8 1A 3'1" 6aBelle ;1!3U 1A3'1"& ,,U 1A3'14<& 1, 1A 3'231 6aBelle& 122 1A3'2" 6aBelle ;1+!U total 1A3'2<& .U A13,! -cureuil !ir )efense: .9 95Eawk launchers& 83 clear5weather ?olan 9& 98 all5weather ?olan 99& .! A"J513 D7A ;some sources say only 2.<& '+, #arasFue towe 2!mm AA $uns& 9! ,3#1 2!mm towe AA $uns& some 1tin$ers& some 3!mm Eispano51uiBa towe ;3.2 eclare un er 74-<& likely a number of '!mm /ofors towe & ,!! "istral man5 portable 1A" enterin$ ser2ice No)e 47 6en armarie -Fuipment Eol in$sH 3!Q A"J513& 121 A"3& 28 D/759!& 33 A"J5D## A*7& 1,, D/?65 1+! A*7& 288 81mm mortars& 1, *79 ;boats<& . 7essna 2!.7 aircraft& 3 1-5313!& 3 1A531.& 9 1A5319& 29 A153,! helicopters. #otal personnel was about 91&!!!& with 13!&!!! in reser2e. No)e <7 Anti5#ank EelicoptersH it is likely that at least some ?E7 an 6E3s use Alouette rather than 6aBelle. No)e =7 A"J3!s are not split out between ori$inal an /2 L if anyone has any information on which units ha which type& it woul be appreciate .

Draft Document



1. -sca re e 7hasse 2 5 DiGon& 4ranceH a. 1C2 7i$o$nesH 18 "ira$e 2!!!7 b. 2C2 7ote ')rH 18 "ira$e 2!!!7 c. 3C2 AlsaceH 18 "ira$e 2!!!7 2. -sca re e 7hasse 3 5 (ancy& 4ranceH a. b. c. . 3. 1C3 (a2arreH 18 "ira$e 9992C3 7hampa$neH 18 "ira$e 9993C3 Ar ennesH 18 "ira$e 999'C3 De8in 5 DGibouti& -ast AfricaH 18 4157

-sca re e 7hasse ' 5 3u8euil& 4ranceH a. 1C' DauphineH 1, "ira$e 2!!!( ;(uclear capable< b. 2C' 3afayetteH 12 "ira$e 999-


-sca re e 7hasse , 5 )ran$e& 4ranceH a. 1C, 99- e 4ranceH 18 4157 b. 2C, 99- e 4ranceH 18 "ira$e 2!!!7 c. 3C, 99- e 4ranceH 18 4157


-sca re e 7hasse + 5 1t Di ier& 4ranceH a. b. c. . 1C+ Attack 1Fua 2C+ Attack 1Fua 3C+ Attack 1Fua 'C+ Attack 1Fua ronH 1. Ja$uar ;(uclear capable< ronH 1. Ja$uar ;(uclear capable< ronH 1. Ja$uar ;(uclear capable< ronH 1. Ja$uar ;(uclear capable<


-sca re e 7hasse 11 5 #oul& 4ranceH a. b. c. . 1C11 Attack 1Fua 2C11 Attack 1Fua 3C11 Attack 1Fua 'C11 Attack sFua ronH 18 Ja$uar ronH 18 Ja$uar ronH 18 Ja$uar ronH 18 Ja$uar


-sca re e 7hasse 12 5 7ambrai& 4ranceH a. 1C12 7ambresisH 18 4157 b. 2C12 *icar ieH 18 4157 c. 3C12 7ornouailleH 18 4157


-sca re e 7hasse 13 5 7olmar& 4ranceH a. b. c. . 1C13 ArtoisH 18 "ira$e 999/2C13 ArtoisH 18 "ira$e 9993C13 AlpsH 18 "ira$e ,4 3C13 Au2er$neH 18 "ira$e ,4


-sca re e 7hasse 3! 5 ?eims& 4ranceH a. 1C3! DaloisH 18 4157 b. 2C3! (orman ieH 18 4157 c. 3C3! 3orraineH 18 4157

Draft Document


1!. -sca re e ?econnaissance 33 5 1trasbour$& 4ranceH a. 1C33 /elfortH 1. 4157? b. 2C33 1a2oieH 1. 4157? c. 3C33 "oselleH 1. 4157? 11. -sca re e /ombar ement 91 5 "ont e "arsan& 4ranceH a. 1C91 6asco$neH 8 "ira$e 9D5* ;(uclear capable< b. 2C91 "arneH 8 "ira$e 9D5* ;(uclear capable< c. 3C91H ' "ira$e 9D ;?econnaissance< 12. -sca re e /ombar ement 9' 5 a. 1C9'H N "ira$e 9D ;(uclear 7apable< ;trainin$<& 9stres b. 2C9'H N "ira$e 9D ;(uclear 7apable<& 1t. Di ier c. 3C9'H N "ira$e 9D ;(uclear 7apable<& 3u8euil 13. 7omman ent es -coles e l%Armee e l%Air a. 69 312H "a$ister& Alpha Jet& 7A* 1!C2!& Jo el b. -7 1C8H Alpha Get c. -7 2C8H Alpha Get 1'. -sca re D'Eelicopteres .+ 5 7aBau8& "etB& Dillacoublay& 9stres& Apt& 4ranceH a. 1C.+H *uma& Alouette 99C999 b. 2C.+H Alouette 99C999 c. 3C.+H Alouette 99C999 . 'C.+H *uma& Alouette 99 e. ,C.+H *uma& Alouette 99C999 No)e 17 Accor in$ to Jane%s& in2entory of combat aircraft in 199! amounte toH .! "ira$e 2!!!7 ; eli2eries on$oin$& this is fi$ure for start of year<& 1, "ira$e 2!!!( ;nuclear strike& eli2ery on$oin$& +, or ere <& 2! "ira$e 2!!!/ ;ocu& 3! ultimately eli2ere <& 1,1 "ira$e 4517& .8 "ira$e 4517? ;recon<& 19 "ira$e 451/ ;ocu<& 122 "ira$e 999-& 1. "ira$e 999?D ;recon<& 12 "ira$e 999/- ;ocu<& 3. "ira$e ,4 ;$roun attack<& 18 "ira$e 9D* ;nuclear strike<& 2. "ira$e 9DA ;nuclear strike<& 132 Ja$uar A ;$roun attack<& an 3' Ja$uar - ;ocu<. 4li$ht 9nternational%s Worl %s Air 4orces 1989 $i2es sli$htly ifferent numbers L 1!! total "ira$e 2!!! eli2ere by 4ebruary 1989& '1 "ira$e 9DAC9D*& 1'! "ira$e 4.17C752!!& '! "ira$e 4.17?52!!& 19 "ira$e 4.1/& 3+ "ira$e 999/& 119 "ira$e 999-& 31 "ira$e 999?& 1, "ira$e 999?D& '! "ira$e ,4& 118 Ja$uar A& 3. Ja$uar -& 1.2 Alpha Jet -& an 1,!Q 7"51+! "a$isters. #hese numbers may not inclu e aircraft in stora$e or in war reser2e. No)e 87 #he 4rench Air 4orce operate 1.8 Alpha Jets an 1+! 7"51+! "a$isters in the ual trainin$Cli$ht attack role. No)e ?7 #he 4rench Air 4orce operate appro8imately '! Alouette 99& ,! Alouette 999& , A15332/C3 1uper *uma& 29 1A533!/ *uma& 2, A153,, -cureuil No)e 47 #he Armee %Aire operate the followin$ air efense assetsH 2' 7rotale acFuisition an '8 firin$ units& an 299 7erbere +.#2 twin towe 2!mm AA $uns


1. 2. 3. '. 3 1trike 1Fua ronsH 18 1uper -ten ar each 1 9nterceptor 1Fua ronH 12 4582 A1W 1Fua ronsH 12 AliBe each 3 A1W 1Fua ronsH 12 3yn8 each

Draft Document


No)e 17 4rance hel 2+ 458- ;4(< in in2entory in early 1989& alon$ with ., 1uper -nten ar an 9 -nten ar 9D* ;recon 2ersion<. 4rench (a2al Eelicopter hol in$s inclu e H 13 Alouette 99& 31 Alouette 999& 22 A1 3,!3 -cureuil& 1+ 1A 3216 1uper 4relon& . Aerospatiale 1A 3.,4 Dauphin& an 3. Westlan 3yn8 "k 2C'

Draft Document


Gree&e Co'")r+ D#)# *opulationH 1!.1' million& inclu in$ 389&!!! males 18522 an +,8&!!! million males 23532. 6D*H ;1988< I,2.9 billion Defense /u $etH ;1989< I3.1+ billion "anpowerH 4iel ArmyH 8+&!!! ;plus 23!&!!! reser2es< (ational 6uar C#erritorial ArmyH 3!&!!! ;plus 12!&!!! reser2es< (a2yH 19&,!! ;plus about 2'&!!! reser2es< Air 4orceH 2.&!!! ;plus about 32&!!! reser2es< No)e7 6reece left (A#) in 19+' ue to issatisfaction with the 0nite 1tates for not pre2entin$ the #urkish in2asion of 7yprus. 6reece reGoine (A#) on 2! )ctober 198!. )r$aniBational ata is from ?etac21& 7ombine Arms& about a half oBen web sites& an #ank5(et%s 9lo8os. 9nformation on the reser2es comes from Worl Armies #o ay. 9nformation on eFuipment hol in$s comes from 9911% #he "ilitary /alance 199!51991 an Jane%s an is from early 199!. 1pecial 4orces Di2ision or$aniBation is from "icro"ark.

)2erall 7omman H Eellenic Army 6eneral 1taff 5 Athens 1.< Athens "ilitary 7omman 5 Athens a.< 9D 9nfantry Di2ision ;#rainin$< 5 #ripolis b.< 999 9nfantry Di2ision L Athens c.< 1pecial 4orces Di2ision 1.< 32 "arines /ri$a e L Dolos a. #hree "arine /attalions& eachH 3! rifle sFua s& 2+ 6*"6& 2+ 3?A7& 9 "93A(& 9 .!mm mortars& . AA"6& . ?e eye& . 81mm mortars& . Jeep wC"93A( b. #ank 1Fua ronH 1+ "'8A, c. Artillery /attalionH 18 truck5 rawn "1!1 1!,mm howitBers . 3 comman o platoons 2.< 7omman o ?e$iment L ?entina a. #hree 7omman o /attalions& eachH 3! rifle sFua s& 2+ 6*"6& 2+ 3?A7& 1, "93A(& 9 .!mm mortars& . AA"6& . ?e eye& . 81mm mortars b. Artillery /atteryH . ",. 1!,mm pack howitBers c. *athfin er *latoonH 3.< 2n *arachute ?e$iment L Aspropyr$os a. 2 *arachute /attalions& eachH 3! rifle sFua s& 2+ 6*"6& 2+ 3?A7& 1, "93A(& 9 .!mm mortars& . AA"6& . ?e eye& . 81mm mortars b. Artillery /atteryH . ",. 1!,mm pack howitBers c. *athfin er *latoonH . 1pecial ?ai er 4orce /attalionH '.< 13 Amphibious ?ai in$ ?e$iment 5 Athens 2.< 1 Army 5 3arisa a.< 1st "aGor "ilitary 7omman 5 "yrina 1.< 88 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 "yrina 2.< D999 9nfantry Di2ision 5 9oannina a.< D999 9nfantry Di2ision 4iel Arty 5 9oannina b.< 2' 9nfantry ?e$iment 5 =alpaki c.< 1, 9nfantry ?e$iment 5 *re2eBa .< 3C'! 9nfantry ?e$iment 5 9oannina 3.< JJ Armour Di2ision 5 #hessaloniki a.< JJ Armour Di2ision 4iel Arty 5 #hessaloniki b.< JJD Armour /ri$a e ;"'8< L Janthi Draft Document 1+.

1< 22n "e ium #ank /attalionH "'8 2< 2,th "e ium #ank /attalionH "'8 3< .',th "ech /attalionH '< 129th 1* Artillery /attalionH ,< 2,th -n$ineer 7ompanyH c.< JJ9D Armour /ri$a e L 3itochoro 1< 23r "e ium #ank /attalionH 3eopar 1 2< "e ium #ank /attalionH 3eopar 1 b.< A 7orps 5 =oBani 1.< A 7orps 4iel Arty L =oBani a.< 2 1,,mm "11' #owe EowitBer /attalions c.< 1 2!3mm "11, #owe EowitBer /attalions 2.< 9J 9nfantry Di2ision ;?eser2e< 5 =oBani a.< 9J 9nfantry Di2ision 4iel Arty 5 "a2ro en ri b.< 1 9nfantry ?e$iment 5 4lorina c.< 2+ 9nfantry ?e$iment 5 "a2ro en ri .< 28 9nfantry ?e$iment 5 Amyntaio 3.< JD 9nfantry Di2ision ;?eser2e< 5 =astoria a.< JD 9nfantry Di2ision 4iel Arty 5 Ar$os )restiko b.< ,1 9nfantry ?e$iment 5 6re2ena c.< ,3 9nfantry ?e$iment 5 =ostaraBi .< 9! 9nfantry ?e$iment 5 Ar$os )restiko c.< / 7orps 5 Deroia 1.< / 7orps 4iel Arty L Dar2ares a.< 2 1,,mm "11' EowitBer /attalions b.< 1 1+,mm "1!+ 1* 6un /attalionH 12 1* 6uns c.< 1 2!3mm "11, EowitBer /attalion 2.< 9 9nfantry Di2ision ;?eser2e< 5 6iannitsa a.< 9 9nfantry Di2ision 4iel Arty 5 Dar2ares b.< ' 9nfantry ?e$iment 5 A8ioupolis c.< ,C'2 9nfantry ?e$iment 5 1ky ra .< +1 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 (ea 1anta 3.< D9 9nfantry Di2ision 5 =ilkis a.< D9 9nfantry Di2ision 4iel Arty 5 (ea 1anta b.< 19 9nfantry ?e$iment 5 Dyroneia c.< +2 9nfantry ?e$iment 5 =ilkis '.< 99 "echaniBe Di2ision 5 - essa a.< 99 "echaniBe Di2ision 4iel Arty 5 Assiros b.< 33 "echaniBe /ri$a e 5 *olykastro c.< 3' "echaniBe /ri$a e 5 #hessaloniki .< 7 7orps 5 #hessaloniki 1.< 7 7orps 4iel Arty L #hessaloniki a.< 2 1,,mm "11' EowitBer /attalions b.< 1 2!3mm "11, EowitBer /attalions 2.< J 9nfantry Di2ision 5 1erres a.< J 9nfantry Di2ision 4iel Arty 5 1erres b.< 1. 9nfantry ?e$iment 5 (i$rita c.< .8 9nfantry ?e$iment 5 1i irokastro 3.< J9 9nfantry Di2ision 5 =a2ala a.< J9 9nfantry Di2ision 4iel Arty 5 Drama b.< ., 9nfantry ?e$iment 5 Drama '.< JJ99 armour bri$a e ;A"J53!N< 5 Assiros e.< D 7orps 5 Janthi 1.< D 7orps 4iel Arty L Janthi ;may not ha2e any assi$ne < 2.< 29 9nfantry ?e$iment 5 =omotini 3.< J99 9nfantry Di2ision 5 Ale8an roupolis a.< J99 9nfantry Di2ision 4iel Arty 5 Ale8an roupolis b.< 31 9nfantry ?e$iment 5 4eres c.< + 9nfantry ?e$iment 5 3ykofos '.< JD9 9nfantry Di2ision 5 Di ymoteicho Draft Document 1++

a.< JD9 9nfantry Di2ision 4iel Arty 5 )restia a b.< 3 9nfantry ?e$iment 5 )restia a c.< 21 9nfantry ?e$iment 5 *lati .< 3! 9nfantry ?e$iment 5 =oufo2ouno e.< 3+ 9nfantry ?e$iment 5 3a$os ,.< ,! 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 1oufli ..< JJ9 Armour /ri$a e ;"'8< L =omotiniH 2 #ank /n ;,1 "'8 each<& 1 "ech /n ;"113s<& 1 1* Arty /n ;12 "''N< +.< JJ999 Armour /ri$a e L Ale8an roupolisH a.< 21st "e ium #ank /attalionH "'8 b.< 2'th "e ium #ank /attalionH "'8 c.< .''th "ech /attalionH .< 138th 1* Artillery /attalionH e.< 23r -n$ineer 7ompanyH 3.< )ther units not un er (A#) comman H a.< Eellenic 4orces 9n 7yprus 5 "alou aC7yprus b.< Ei$h "il 7n )f 9nter An 9slan s 5 Athens 1.< +9 "ilitary 7omman L 1amos 2.< 8! "ilitary 7omman L =os 3.< 8' "ilitary 7omman L -rmoupolis '.< 9, "ilitary 7omman L ?ho os ,.< 9. "ilitary 7omman 5 =hios c.< 98 Ei$her "ilitary 7omman 5 3esbos 1.< 22 9nfantry ?e$iment 5 "oria 2.< 3. 9nfantry ?e$iment 5 =alloni 3.< 98 Ei$h "il 7m 4iel Arty 5 "oria .< D 9nfantry Di2ision ;#rainin$< 5 7hania 1.< D 9nfantry Di2ision 4iel Arty 5 7hania 2.< 1' 9nfantry ?e$iment 5 7hania 3.< '' 9nfantry ?e$iment L ?ethimno '.< ?eser2e 4orcesH assi$ne to one of the acti2e Armies. a.< 12 9nfantry /ri$a esH b.< 1!! Eome 6uar /attalions& primarily for coastal efense. No)e 17 6reek )r$aniBation 4rom a 2ariety of sources& inclu in$ 2arious war$amin$ lists ;7hallen$er& 3eopar & "icro "ark& 7ombine Arms<& 9 ha2e assemble the followin$ typical #)>- for a 6reek 9nfantry Di2H 1.< Di2isional ArtilleryH a.< 1 6eneral 1upport /nH 18 1,,mm "11' towe howitBers b.< 1 Eea2y /atteryH ' 2!3mm "11, 2.< Di2isional #ank /nH ,, "'+& 2 "113 3.< Di2isional ?econ 7oH 3 Jeeps& . ?econ Jeep wCE"6& 12 "8 6reyhoun & . "2! utility car& . li$ht tanks '.< Di2isional AA 0nitH N ,.< 25' 9nfantry ?e$iments& eachH a.< 3 9nfantry /n& eachH 2+ ?ifle 1Fua s& . Jeep wC1!.mm ??& 1! ?econ Jeep wCE"6 Q mortars b.< ?e$t A# 7oH 12 A# Dehicles c.< Direct 1upport /nH 12 1!,mm "1!1C"1!2 towe howitBers No)e 87 -Fuipment Assi$ne 3i$ht tanks are either "'1 or "2'. 1.< 1ome i2isional tank bns may ha2e "'8A3& but not many. 2.< 1ome re$imental artillery may ha2e 1,,mm howitBers. 3.< ?e$imental A# companies may ha2e Jeeps wC1!.mm ??& Jeeps wC7)/?A A#6"& =urassier 1*A# 6uns& or "1,! 1* #)W. '.< ?e$imental Artillery bns may ha2e been i2isional assets.. ,.< 1ome 9nfantry /ns may ha2e "93A( A#6" ;. launchersN< ..< 1ome 9nfantry /ns may be motoriBe with Jeeps an 3i$ht #rucks. Draft Document 1+8

No)e ?7 -Fuipment Eol in$s Data is from Jane%s& unless otherwise note . )ri$inally use 9911 numbers& but to the e8tent 9 was able to 2erify them& Jane%s appeare more accurate. 1elect 9911 numbers appear in brackets. Tanks: 3,! ;39!< "5'+& 11!! total "'8 ;,.! "'8A2& +'! "'8A3CA,<& 1!. 3eopar 1A3& 19! ;1'9< A"J53!& 18' ;198< "52' 7haffee& !(C'!$%&s: 9. A"J51!*& 2!!Q ;1!!< 3eoni as 1 ;Austrian 'k +<& 1!!Q 3eoni as 2 ; eli2eries on$oin$<& ,1+ "5 2C"53 Ealftrack& '3! ;3!!< "5,9& 1&!3' "113 To2e# !rtillery: 18! ;18< "5,. 1!,mm& 18! "51!2 1!,mm& 32' ;'+8< "51!1 1!,mm& 32 0= ,.,in ;from 9911<& 2'! ;2+1< "511' 1,,mm& '' ;8,< "11, 2!3mm& +2 "5'9 1,,mm& some "511. +,mm pack howitBers& some 2,lber fiel $uns. S( !rtillery: +2 ;+.< "5,2 1!,mm& 3+ ;'9< "''A1 1,,mm& ,1 "1!9A1 1,,mm& 3. ;8'< "1!9A2 1,,mm& 3. ;12< "1!+ 1+,mm& 32 ;28< "11!A2 2!3mm. !ir )efense: 1!1 ?E52!2 #win 2!mm& 2' Artemis twin 3!mm& 22+ /ofors '!mm& 1!1 ;9,< "'2A Duster twin '!mm& '2 95EAW=& ?e eye manpa s A# WeaponsH ,!!N "ilan& some #)W ;inclu in$ at least 3. 1*<& some ;manyN< 7obra A#6" No)e 47 4li$ht 9nternational%s Worl Air 4orces 1989 says the 6reek Army ha 3 a2iation battalions an an in epen ent a2iation company. #otal Army aircfaft hol in$sH , 7E5+'7& 9,Q 0E51CA/52!,& 1,Q A/2!.A Jetran$ers& 1 Au$usta A.1!9A& , /ell '+6& 2! 7essna 05+A

Draft Document


GREEK AIR FORCE 3Po$e( 6 Aero0or #5

Data is from a 2ariety of sourcesO please note that 6reek hol in$s of aircraft were much lar$er than those liste assi$ne to the sFua rons below. Whether the remain er were in stora$e& con2ersionCtrainin$ units& or out of ser2ice is unknown. 1. 11! *teri8 ;Win$< 5 3arissa& 6reeceH a. b. c. . 2. 33+ 4i$hterC/omber "ira ;1Fua ron<H 18 45'3'+ Attack "iraH 18 A5+E 3'8 #actical ?econ "iraH , ?45'-& N ?458'4& 8 ?45,A 3'' ?econ "ireH 12 ?451!' ;from 10 ?e2 of 4"*& see below<

111 *teri8 5 (ea Ankhialos& 6reeceH a. b. c. . 3'1 @AsosA 4i$hterC/omber "iraH 1' 451.7CD 3'3 @AsteriA 4i$hterC/omber "iraH 23 45,A ;may ha2e been part of 113 *teri8< 3'9 @=ronosA 4i$hterC/omber "iraH 1' 451.7 CD 3,1 4i$her "ireH 2! 45,A>/


11' *teri8 5 #ana$ra& 6reeceH a. 332 4i$hter "iraH 1' 41576 b. 33' 4i$hter "ira L Eeraclion& 6reece ;7rete<H 1' 41576 c. 3'2 4i$hter "iraH 1' "ira$e 2!!!7


11, *teri8 5 1ou a /ay& 6reeceH a. 3'! Attack "iraH 18 A5+E b. 3', Attack "iraH 18 A5+E &, #A5+E


11+ *teri8 5 An ra2i a& 6reeceH a. 338 4i$hterC/omber "iraH 18 45'b. 339 4i$hterC/omber "iraH 18 45'-


118 *teri8 5 Ara8os& 6reeceH ;may ha2e bene 11. *teri8N< a. 333 4i$hter "iraH 1' "ira$e 2!!!7 b. 33, 4i$hter "iraH 18 451!'6 c. 33. 4i$hter "iraH 18 451!'6

+. 8.

113 *teri8 L 7ombat trainin$ win$ 3!th Air #ransport 7omman a. 112 *teri8 L -leusis 1< 3',th #ransport 1Fua ronH (oratlas 2< 3,,th #ransport 1Fua ronH 73521,& M1511A 3< 3,.th #ransport 1Fua ronH 7513!E '< N #ransport 1Fua ronH 75'+ b. 1eparate Eelicopter 1Fua rons L -leusis 1< 3,+th 1Fua ronH 7E5'+& 0E519D 2< 3,8th 1Fua ronH /ell '+6& A/5212 3< 3,9th 1Fua ronH A/52!,& A/52!. ;may ha2e been one more<

Draft Document



31st Air #rainin$ 7omman a. 12! *teri8 L =alamata 1< 3.1st #rainin$ "iraH 2, #53+/>7 2< 3.2n #rainin$ "iraH 18 #523< 3.3r #rainin$ "iraH 18 #52b. 121 *teri8 L Dhekelia 1< 3.!th #rainin$ "iraH 2! #5'1

1!. 3 1A" 1Fua ronsH 12 (ike5Eercules each ;noteH #he "arch 1989 1o2iet ?e2iew of 4orei$n "ilitary *ress says there is one battalion ;3,! th 1A" battalion< with ' batteries of 9 launchers each< 11. )ther 0nits a. 3,3r 3an 5/ase *atrol "iraH E051./ Albatross No)e 17 6reek aircraft hol in$sH ata from 9911 an JanesO U entries are conflictin$ ata from 4li$ht 9nternational%s Worl %s Air 4orces 1989. (re3ious )eli3eries #he Eellenic Air 4orce ori$inally acFuire ', 451!'6s an . #451!'6s. ,+ 451!'6s& 22 ?451!'6s& an 21 #45 1!'6s were later acFuire from other (A#) members& some for use for spare parts an others hel in reser2e. #he type ser2e until the early 199!s. ;8! 451!'6U& 1! #451!'6U< '! 41576s were eli2ere to the EA4 between 19+, an 19+8 an ser2e with the two sFua rons abo2e ;33 4517/U<. 3. 45'-s were eli2ere 2ia 4"1 throu$h the en of 19+'& of which + ha been lost by 1989. An a itional 2! 45'-s were acFuire between 19+. an 19+8& of which . were lost by 1989. 7onseFuently& it is likely the 45'- units were not up to the stren$th liste abo2e. ;'8 45'-U< 8 ?45'- were eli2ere & 3 were lost by 1989. ;+ ?45'-U< .! A5+Es an , #A5+Es were eli2ere startin$ in 19+,. At least ,. total were still in in2entory in 1989. A5+E was similar to 01 A5+D. ;'. A5+EU& , #A5+EU< 11' 45,As& 3' ?45,As& an 2! 45,/s were eli2ere to 6reece by 1988. 9n a ition& 1. 45,A an ' 45,/ were transferre from Jor an in 1989. At least 1!! ;an probably many more< of all type were still in ser2ice in 1989. 99 were still in ser2ice in the mi 5199!s accor in$ to 74- eclarations. 9n a ition to the 2! assi$ne to 3'3 "ira& it is likely that 3'1 an 3'9 "ira still ha si$nificant numbers of 45,s in ser2ice in a ition to their 451.s. ;,3 45,AU& 1! (45,AC/U& 8 ?45,AU& 8 ?45,/< "ngoing )eli3eries 3' 451.7 an . 451.D were eli2ere between (o2ember 1988 an )ctober 1989. 3. "ira$e 2!!!-6s an ' "ira$e 2!!!/6s were or ere in 198,. At least 3. total were in in2entory in 1989. )ther 4i8e Win$ AircraftH 8 E051./ Albatross ;marine recon<& 12 7513!E Eercules& 1+Q 75'+& 1!Q (.2,!1 (oratlas& 12 Do.28D 1kyser2ant& 12 73521, ;firefi$htin$<& 19 7essna #5'1a& 31 #53+/C7& 3. #52- /uckeye )ther ?otary Win$ AircraftH 13 A/52!,A& 2 A/52!.A& 2! (ar i5Eu$hes ,!!& ' /ell '+6& 3 /ell 212& , 7E5'+7 1ome information from the "arch 1989 1o2iet ?e2iew of 4orei$n "ilitary *ress& particularly relatin$ to traiin$ an transport or$aniBations

Draft Document



I)#$+ Co'")r+ D#)# *opulationH ,+.3 million& inclu in$ 2&2.,&!!! males 18522 an '&'+.&!!! million males 23532. 6D*H ;1988< I82'.+ billion Defense /u $etH ;1989< I28.,8 billion "anpowerH ArmyH 2+!38+ ;plus 1!,.3, 7arabinieri< of which 22] professionals ;8.] in 7arabinieri< ;plus ,2!&!!! reser2es& of whom 2'!&!!! on imme iate recall< (a2yH ,212+ of which ,...] professionals ;plus about 3.&!!! reser2es earmarke < Air 4orceH +8''8 of which .!..] professionals ;plus about 28&!!! reser2es< ))/ information is from #ank(et%s /rummbaer an is base on official 9talian ocuments from the perio . Ee has also contribute much of the commentary in the notes section at the en of the ))/. 9n a ition& /rummbaer sou$ht out information from numerous other 9talian sourcesO this ocument is far more complete because of his efforts. Army 3i$ht Air 4orce%s ata an a number of other etails are from Arturo 4ilippo 3orioli. 9nformation on reser2e forces an mobiliBation plans primarily a e from 9911 an Jane%s. #he 4ol$ore an 4riuli eFuipment are from "icro"ark army lists& with confirmation by other web sources. No)e 17 #he 9talian Army coul eploy its lea forces within 25' ays while follow on forces woul take +51! ays to mobiliBe an the reser2es up to 15' weeks. #he 9talians maintaine 1' ays of war stocks. No)e 87 #he 9talian military was one of the first in (A#) to be$in si$nificant force cuts in response to the chan$in$ situation in -astern -urope. A number of units that were in e8istence at the start of 1989 were isban e or chan$e to mobiliBation5only units by the en of the year. #hose units are note in the te8t& alon$ with the ate of their chan$e in status ;if known<. 1. 6eneral 1taff a. 1st A3- 6roup !ntares 5 DiterboH a. 11th -#" 1Fua rons 6roup 4rcole 5 DiterboH 3!Q 7E5'+7 i. 111th -#" 1F ii. 112th -#" 1F iii. 12!th -#" 1F b. ,1st -" 1Fua rons 6roup Leone 5 DiterboH only two operational 1Fua rons on 1' A/5'12 ;number increasin$< i. ,11th -" 1F ii. ,12th -" 1F iii. ,13th -" 1F i2. ,1'th -m 1F c. 9talAir 1Fua ron L (aFoura& 3ebanon ;part of 0(9493<H . A/52!, . 39th 1Fua rons 6roup )rago L Al$hero DenafioritaH i. 399th A3 1FH . 1"51!19 ii. *ossibly an -" 1FH A51!97" b. Army Anti5Aircraft Artillery 7omman 5 *a o2aH 1< 1upport 0nitsH a< EK an 1i$nal Detachement 5 *a o2a b< "issile ?epair an 1upply Detachement 5 "ontichiari c< AA -Fuipment ?epair an 1upply Detachement 5 /olo$na 2< 'th AA "issile ?e$iment (eschiera 5 "anto2aH '8 95Eawk& 1tin$er 1A"s a. 2'th 1i$nal 7oy 5 "anto2a b. 1st 6roup 5 ?a2ennaH EK /ty& ' "issile btyH 4ire 7ontrol 1ection& 3aunch 1ection ;2 ra ars& . 95 Eawk launchers< c. 2n 6roup 5 7remonaH EK /ty& ' "issile btyH 4ire 7ontrol 1ection& 3aunch 1ection ;2 ra ars& . 95 Eawk launchers< Draft Document 182

3<,th AA "issile ?e$iment (escara 5 "estreH '8 95Eawk& 1tin$ers 1A"s a. 2,th 1i$nal 7oy 5 "estre b. 1st 6roup 5 1.Donf i *ia2eH EK /ty& ' "issile btyH 4ire 7ontrol 1ection& 3aunch 1ection ;2 ra ars& . 95Eawk launchers< c. 2n 6roup 5 ?o2i$oH EK /ty& ' "issile btyH 4ire 7ontrol 1ection& 3aunch 1ection ;2 ra ars& . 95 Eawk launchers< '<121st 3i$ht AAA ?e$iment Ra3enna 5 /olo$naH a. 1st 6roup 5 /olo$naH EK /ty& 3 /ty with 2' '!C+!mm /re a towe AAA& 47 /ty12 7#5'!C"9? 4ire 7ontrol& 2' 12.+mm ",, Fua AA"6& 1tin$er 1A"s b. 2n 6roup 5 "estreH EK /ty& 3 /ty with 2' '!C+!mm /re a towe AAA& 47 /ty 12 7#5'!C"9? 4ire 7ontrol& 2' 12.+mm ",, Fua AA"6& 1tin$er 1A"s c. 3r 6roup 5 ?iminiH EK /ty& 3 /ty with 2' '!C+!mm /re a towe AAA& 47 /ty 12 7#5'!C"9? 4ire 7ontrol& 2' 12.+mm ",, Fua AA"6& 1tin$er 1A"s . 'th 6roup 5 4erraraH EK /ty& 3 /ty with 2' '!C+!mm /re a towe AAA& 47 /ty 12 7#5'!C"9? 4ire 7ontrol& 2' 12.+mm ",, Fua AA"6& 1tin$er 1A"s ,<1+th 3i$ht AAA 6roup Sfor0esca L Derona DillafrancaH EK /ty& 3 /ty with 2' '!C+!mm /re a towe AAA& 47 /ty 12 7#5'!C"9? 4ire 7ontrol& 2' 12.+mm ",, Fua AA"6 i. 1st battery L Derona Dillafranca ii. 2n battery L 6he i iii. 3r battery #re2iso 9strana i2. *ossibly two more batteries at ?imini5"iramare an 7er2ia .<21st 3i$ht AAA 6roup ;ca re& possibly isban e < 5 /olo$na +<22n 3i$ht AAA 6roup ;ca re& possibly isban e < L /olo$na c. 1st (/7 /attalion 4truria 5 ?ietiH ;trainin$ unit< . 1!th 1i$nal /attalion Lanciano L ?omaH assi$ne to Defense 6eneral 1taff e. 11th 1i$nal /attalion Leonessa 55 ?oma f. 9th -W /attalion Rombo 5 AnBio $. 8th -39(# /attalion Tonale L AnBio h. 1!th @9nterforBeA "anoeu2re #ruck 6roup Salaria L ?omaH assi$ne to Defense 6eneral 1taff& supports all three ser2ices i. 11th #ruck "aneu2er 0nit 4laminia L ?omaH ' truck units ;hea2y& me ium& li$ht& mi8e <& plus a workshop unit 2. ?r% Ar(+ Cor0.5 "ilano a. 31st Centauro Armore /ri$a e 5 (o2araH ' ",++ 1<1st #ank /attalion *" Cracco 5 /ellinBa$o (o2areseH '9 3eopar 1 & 8 "113& 3 3eopar /$*B2 2<1!1st #ank /attalion *" 5appal6 5 /ellinBa$o (o2areseH '9 3eopar 1& 8 "113& 3 3eopar /$*B2 3<28th /ersa$lieri /attalion "sla3ia 5 /ellinBa$o (o2areseH '! D7752& 8 "1!.& 8 "113& 18 "ilan& . A?5 ,9 wC1!.mm ?? '<9th 1* Artillery 6roup Brennero 5 DercelliH 18 "1!9& 2 ",++& 3 "113& ",'8 ammo carriers ,< Centauro Anti5#ank 7oy 5 /ellinBa$o (o2areseH 12 D#7 95#)W .< Centauro 7ombat -n$ineer 7oy 5 (o2araH 3 /r*B1 /iber +< Centauro 3o$istic /attalion 5 /ellinBa$o (o2arese b. 3r /oito "echaniBe /ri$a e 5 "ilanoH ' ",++ 1<'th #ank /attalion *" (assalac7ua 5 1olbiate )lonaH '9 3eopar 1& 8 "113& 3 3eopar /$*B 2 2<.th /ersa$lieri /attalion (alestro L #orino ; isban e 1989<H '! D7752& 8 "1!.& 8 "113& 18 "ilan& . A?5,9 wC1!.mm ?? 3<1!th /ersa$lieri /attalion Be00ecca 5 1olbiate )lonaH '! D7752& 8 "1!.& 8 "113& 18 "ilan& . A?5,9 wC1!.mm ?? '<18th /ersa$lieri /attalion (oggio Scanno 5 "ilanoH '! D7752& 8 "1!.& 8 "113& 18 "ilan& . A?5,9 wC1!.mm ?? ,<3r 1* 4iel Artillery 6roup (astrengo 5 DercelliH 18 "1!9& 2 ",++& 3 "113& ",'8 ammo carriers .< /oito Anti5#ank 7oy 5 #orinoH 12 D#7 95#)W +< /oito 7ombat -n$ineer 7oy 5 (o2araH 3 3eopar /r*B1 /iber 8< /oito 3o$istical /attalion 5 "ilano c. Legnano "echaniBe /ri$a e 5 /er$amoH ' ",++ Draft Document 183

1<2!th #ank /attalion *" (entimalli 5 3e$nanoH '9 3eopar 1& 8 "113& 3 3eopar /$*B 2 2<2n /ersa$lieri /attalion 6o3ernolo 5 3e$nanoH '! D7752& 8 "1!.& 8 "113& 18 "ilan& . A?5,9 wC1!.mm ?? 3<.+th "ech 9nfantry /attalion *ontelungo 5 "onBaH '8 M11?& 8 "1!.& 18 "ilan& . A?5,9 wC1!.mm ?? '<.8th "ech 9nfantry /attalion (alermo L /er$amo ; isban e 1989<H '8 M11?& 8 "1!.& 18 "ilan& . A?5 ,9 wC1!.mm ?? ,<11th Artillery 6roup *onferrato 5 7remonaH 18 "11' 1,,C23 towe howitBers .< Legnano Anti5#ank 7oy 5 "onBaH 12 D#7 95#)W +< Legnano 7ombat -n$ineer 7oy 5 /er$amoH 3 3eopar /r*B1 /iber 8< Legnano 3o$istical /attalion L *reseBBo . Brescia "echaniBe /ri$a e 5 /resciaH ' ",++ 1<2!th "ech 9nfantry /attalion *onte San *ichele 5 /resciaH '8 M11?& 8 "1!.& 18 "ilan& . A?5,9 wC1!.mm ?? 2<3!th "ech 9nfantry /attalion (isa - "ontorio DeroneseH '8 M11?& 8 "1!.& 18 "ilan& . A?5,9 wC1!.mm ?? 3<8,th "ech 9nfantry /attalion &erona 5 "ontorio Deronese ;to ca re& 11C3!C89<H '8 M11?& 8 "1!.& 18 "ilan& . A?5,9 wC1!.mm ?? '<1,th #ank 7a2alry 1Fua rons 6roup 7a2alle$$eri i 3o i L 3enaH '9 3eopar 1& 8 "113& 3 3eopar /$*B2 ,<,2n 4iel Artillery 6roup &enaria 5 /resciaH 18 "11' 1,,C23mm towe howitBers .< Brescia Anti5#ank 7oy 5 "ontorio DeroneseH 12 D#7 95#)W +< Brescia 7ombat -n$ineer 7oy 5 "ontorio DeroneseH 3 3eopar /r*B1 /iber 8< Brescia 3o$istical /attalion 5 "ontorio Deronese e. Trieste "echaniBe /ri$a e 5 /olo$naH ' ",++ 1<11th #ank /attalion *1"1 Cal0ecchi 5 )BBano -miliaH '9 3eopar 1& 8 "113& 3 3eopar /$*B 2 2<3+th "ech 9nfantry /attalion Ra3enna 5 /olo$naH '! D7752& 8 "113& 8 "1!.& 18 "ilan& . A?5,9 wC1!.mm ?? 3<'!th "ech 9nfantry /attalion Bologna L /olo$na ; isban e 1989<H '! D7752& 8 "113& 8 "1!.& 18 "ilan& . A?5,9 wC1!.mm ?? '< "ech 9nfantry /attalion &altellina 5 4orlgH '! D7752& 8 "1!.& 8 "113& 18 "ilan& . A?5,9 wC1!.mm "'!A1 ?? ,<21st 4iel Artillery 6roup Romagna 5 /olo$naH 18 "11' 1,,C23 towe howitBers .< Trieste Anti5#ank 7oy 5 /olo$naH 12 D#7 95#)W +< Trieste 7ombat -n$ineer 7oy 5 /olo$naH 3 3eopar /r*B1 /iber 8< Trieste 3o$istical /attalion 5 /u rio f. Cremona "otoriBe /ri$a e 5 #orinoH ' ",++ 1<21st "otoriBe 9nfantry /attalion !lfonsine 5 Alessan riaH . 12!mm mortars& 18 "ilan 2<22n "otoriBe 9nfantry /attalion /A? (rimaro L 4ossano ; isban e 12C31C1989<H . 12!mm mortars& 18 "ilan 3<,!th "otoriBe 9nfantry /attalion (arma ;ca re< L 4ossanoH . 12!mm mortars& 18 "ilan '<1,+th "otoriBe 9nfantry /attalion Liguria 5 (o2i 3i$ureH . 12!mm mortars& 18 "ilan ,<1st Armore 1Fua rons 6roup 8i00a Ca3alleria 5 *ineroloH 2. 3eopar 1A2& 1. "113& 3 "1!.& 18 A?5 ,9 "'!A1C1!. rcl& 2 3eopar /$*B 2 .<+th Artillery 6roup !#ria 5 #orinoH 18 "11' 1,,C23 towe howitBers +< Cremona Anti #ank 7oyH 12 A?5+. #)W 8< Cremona 7ombat -n$ineer 7oy L *ineroloH 9< Cremona 3o$istic /attalion 5 #orino $. 3r 9talian 7orps assetsH 1< A3- 7omman L /ressoH a< 23r -?9 1Fua rons 6roup 4ri#ano 5 DercelliH 5 '23r -?9 1F 5 /ressoH . A/52!. 5 '.1st -?9 1FH . A/52!. 5 '.2n -?9 1FH . A/52!. r b<,3 -" 1Fua rons 6roup Cassiopea 5 *a o2aH 5 ,31st -" 1FH . A/52!, 5 ,32n -" 1FH . A/52!, Draft Document 18'

2<Artillery 7omman L DercelliH a< 131st Eea2y Artillery 6roup &ercelli 5 DercelliH 18 4E5+! 1,,C39 towe howitBers b<2!,th Eea2y Artillery 6roup Lomellina 5 DercelliH 18 4E5+! 1,,C39 towe howitBers c< 12th Artillery 1pecialists 6roup Biella L Dercelli a< 3!th Artillery 1pecialists 6roup Brian0a ;ca re less one bty in force to Eorse Art. ?$t< 5 "ilano c< Eorse Artillery ?e$iment 5 "ilano 1st 1* Eea2y 4iel Artillery 6roup /ioacchino Belle00a5 "ilanoH 18 "1!96& 2 ",++& 3 "113& ",'8 ammo carrier 2n 1* Eea2y 4iel Artillery 6roup Sergio Bresciani 5 "ilanoH 18 "1!96& 2 ",++& 3 "113& ",'8 ammo carrier 3r Eea2y 4iel Artillery 6roup ;ca re< L 7remonaH 18 ",9 1,,C', towe $uns 3<-n$ineer 7omman L (o2araH a< 131st 7ombant -n$ineer /attalion Ticino ;1 cp h<L /ellinBa$o (o2areseH 2 /r*B1& 3 *ionier3eopar b<3r *ioneer /attalion Lario L *a2iaH 2 /r*B1& 3 *ionier3eopar '< 1i$nals 7omman L "ilanoH a< 3r 1i$nals /attalion Spluga L "ilanoH b<231st 1i$nals /attalion Sempione 5 (o2ara ,<1upport 7omman L (o2araH a< 3r 3o$istical /attalion (iemonte h L (o2ara b<33r 3o$istics "aneu2er /attalion !mbrosiano L "ilanoH h assi$ne to (iemonte /ri$a e& see below 3. 4)h A$0 " Ar(+ Cor0 5 /olBano& 9#H a. Ca#ore Alpine /ri$a e 5 /ellunoH ' ",++ 1< Belluno Alpini /attalion /A? 5 /ellunoH 2 7oys 2< %eltre Alpini /attalion 5 4eltreH 9 12!mm mortar& 18 "ilan 3< (ie3e #i Ca#ore Alpini /attalion 5 #ai i 7a ore ;.8th coy at 1anto 1tefano i 7a ore an +,th coy at *ie2e i 7a ore<H 9 12!mm mortar& 18 "ilan '< !gor#o "ountain Artillery 6roup 5 /assano el 6rappaH 18 "11' 1,,C23 towe howitBers ,< Lan0o "ountain Artillery 6roup 5 /ellunoH 18 ",. 1!,C1' towe howitBers .< Ca#ore Anti #ank 7oy 5 4eltreH A?5+. #)W& A?5,9 wC1!.mm "'!A1 ?? +< Ca#ore 7ombat -n$ineer 7oy 5 /elluno 8< Ca#ore 3o$istic /attalion 5 /elluno b. 9ulia Alpine /ri$a e 5 0 ineH ' ",++ 1< Ci3i#ale Alpini /attalion 5 7hiusaforteH 9 12!mm mortar& 18 "ilan 2< /emona Alpini /attalion 5 #ar2isioH 9 12!mm mortar& 18 "ilan 3< L:!7uila Alpini /attalion 5 3%AFuilaH 9 12!mm mortar& 18 "ilan '< Tolme00o Alpini /attalion L *aluBBa ;.th coy at 4orni A2oltri<H 9 12!mm mortar& 18 "ilan ,< &icen0a Alpini /attalion /A? 5 7o roipoH 3 companies ;.1st cp. in #eramo< .< &al Tagliamento !lpini Defense /attalion 5 #olmeBBoH 2 efense cps& 2 mantainance an sur2eillance cps& 12 ca re cps +< Conegliano "ountain Artillery 6roup 5 0 ineH 18 "11' 1,,C23 towe howitBers& 1,th bty at 3%AFuila with . ",. 1!,C1' 8< ;#ine "ountain Artillery 6roup ;, batteries< 5 #olmeBBoH 3! ",. 1!,C1' towe howitBers 9< Belluno "ountain Artillery 6roup L *ontebba ; isban e 1!C3!C89<H 18 ",. 1!,C1' towe howitBers 1!<9ulia Anti #ank 7oy 5 7a2aBBo 7arnicoH A?5+. #)W& A?5,9 wC1!.mm "'!A1 ?? 11<9ulia 7ombat -n$ineer 7oy 5 6emona 12<9ulia 3o$istic /attalion 5 Dacile i 1pilimber$o c. "robica Alpine /ri$a e 5 "eranoH ' ",++ 1< 4#olo Alpini /attalion /A?5 "eranoH 2< *orbegno Alpini /attalion 5 DipitenoH 9 12!mm mortar& 18 "ilan 3< Tirano Alpini /attalion 5 "alles5DenostaH 9 12!mm mortar& 18 "ilan '< Bergamo "ountain Artillery 6roup 5 1ilan roH 18 ",. 1!,C1' towe howitBers& 12 "11' 1,,C23 from Son#rio after isban in$ ,< Son#rio "ountain Artillery 6roup 5 DipitenoH 18 "11' 1,,C23 towe howitBers ; isban e 1989< .< "robica Anti #ank 7oy 5 "eranoH A?5+. #)W& A?5,9 wC1!.mm "'!A1 ?? Draft Document 18,

+< "robica 7ombat -n$ineer 7oy 5 "erano 8< "robica 3o$istic /attalion 5 "erano . Taurinense Alpine /ri$a e 5 #orinoH ' ",++ 1< *on#o3< Alpini /attalion /A? h5 7uneoH 2< Salu00o Alpini /attalion L /or$o 1an DalmaBBoH 9 12!mm mortar& 18 "ilan 3< Susa Alpini /attalionU 5 *inerolo ;3'th coy at )ul8<H 9 12!mm mortar& 18 "ilan '< (inerolo "ountain Artillery 6roup ;1 battery U< 5 1usaH 18 ",. 1!,C1' towe howitBers& 1 lt AA battery wC1tin$ers ,< !osta "ountain Artillery 6roup 5 1aluBBoH 18 "11' 1,,C23 towe howitBers .< Taurinense Anti #ank 7oyU 5 #orinoH A?5+. #)W& A?5,9 wC1!.mm "'!A1 ?? +< Taurinense 7ombat -n$ineer 7oy 5 Abba ia Alpina 8< Taurinense 3o$istical /attalionU 5 ?i2oli 9< Taurinense Airborne "e ical 0nitU 5 ?i2oli No)e 17 0nits marke with an U forme part of the Cuneense contin$ent assi$ne to A"4;3<. 0nits marke with a h were assi$ne to (iemonte /ri$a e& see below e. Tri#entina Alpine /ri$a e 5 /ressanoneH ' ",++ 1< Bassano Alpini /attalion 5 /ressanoneH 9 12!mm mortar& 18 "ilan 2< Bol0ano Alpini /attalion L /runico ;ca re<H 9 12!mm mortar& 18 "ilan 3< Trento Alpini /attalion 5 "on$uelfoH 9 12!mm mortar& 18 "ilan '< &al Brenta Alpini Defense /attalion ;ca re< 5 /runicoH 1' companies ,< 2.2n &al Brenta Defense 7ompany L /runicoH .< !siago "ountain Artillery 6roup 5 DobbiacoH 18 ",. 1!,C1' towe howitBers +< &icen0a "ountain Artillery 6roup 5 -l2as5(aBH 18 "11' 1,,C23 towe howitBers& 12 12&+mm ",, Fua AA"6 8< Tri#entina Anti #ank 7oy 5 /runicoH A?5+. #)W& A?5,9 wC1!.mm "'!A1 ?? 9< Tri#entina 7ombat -n$ineer 7oy 5 /ressanone 1!<Tri#entina 3o$istical /attalion 5 Darna f. 'th 9talian Alpini 7orps assetsH 1< Alpini *arachute 7ompany 5 /olBano 2< 3r Armore 1Fua rons 6roup Sa3oia Ca3alleria 5 "eranoH 2. 3eopar 1A2& 1. "113& 3 "1!.'& 18 A?5 ,9 "'!A1C1!. rcl& 2 3eopar /$*B 2 3< +th 7arabinieri Armore /attalion Trentino !lto !#ige = *1"1 (etruccelli L 3ai2esH a< 7omman 7oH 1' "113& 1 "113 ambulance b< #ank 7oH 1. "'+ c< 2 "echaniBe 9nfantry 7osH 11 "113& 3 "12, 81mm 1* mortar each < 1 Eea2y "ortar 7oH ' "113& . "1!.' '< 'th A3- 6roup !ltair L /olBano5 1. 6iacomoH A/2!,& 1"51!19 a< 2'th 1Fua rons 6roup "rione ;transforme in 1upport an 7omman 0nit on 9C3!C1989<L /olBano51. 6iacomoH a. 2'1st A3 1F. ; isban e 9C3!C1989<H . 1"51!19 remaine# in force to >?th for some time b. ''!th -?9 1F ;reassi$ne to ,'th Cefeo on 9C3!C1989<H . A/52!. b< 3'th A3- 1Fua rons 6roup ToroL Denaria ?ealeH a. ,',th -" 1Fua ron in *ollein& Aosta etache to 1"AlpH . A/52!, b. ''2n -?9 1FH . A/52!. th c< '' -?9 1Fua rons 6roup %eniceL /ellunoH a. ''1st -?9 1FH . A/52!. b. ,''th -" 1FH . A/52!, th < ,' -" 1Fua rons 6roup CefeoL /olBano5 1. 6iacomoH a. ,'1st -" 1FH . A/52!, b. ,'2n -" 1FH . A/52!, c. ,'3r -" 1FH . A/52!, ,< Artillery an (/7 Defense 7omman L #rentoH a< 'th Eea2y 4iel Artillery 6roup (usteria L #rentoH 18 4E5+! 1,,C39 towe howitBers b< 18'th Eea2y 4iel Artillery 6roup %ilottrano L *a o2aH 18 4E5+! 1,,C39 towe howitBers c< 3r Artillery 1pecialist 6roup Bon#one L #rentoH Draft Document 18.

.< -n$ineer 7omman L /olBano a< 2n 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion $seo L /olBanoH 2 /r*B1 /iber& 3 *ionier3eopar b< 'th *ioneer /attalion "rta L #rentoH 2 /r*B1 /iber& 3 *ionier3eopar +< 1i$nals 7omman L /olBano a< +th 1i$nal 7oy L /assano el 6rappa b< 'th 1i$nal /attalion /ar#ena L )raC/olBano 8< 1upport 7omman L "erano a< 2'th 3o$istical "anoeu2re /attalion )olomiti L /olBano '. <)h Ar(+ Cor0. 5 Dittorio Deneto a. 32n *ameli Armore /ri$a e 5 #aurianoH ' ",++ 1<3r #ank /attalion *1"1 /alas 5 #aurianoH '9 ".!A1& 8 "113& 3 3eopar /$*B 2 2<,th #ank /attalion *1"1 Chiamenti 5 #aurianoH '9 ".!A1& 8 "113& 3 3eopar /$*B 2 3<23r /ersa$lieri /attalion Castel #i Borgo 5 #aurianoH '! D7751& 8 "1!.& '5, "113 ambulance& 18 "ilan& . A?5,9 wC1!.mm "'!A1 ?? '<19th ?econ 7a2alry 1Fua rons 6roup Ca3alleggeri /ui#e -- 7asarsa ella DeliBiaH 31 3eopar 1A2& 2. D7751& ' "1!.& . "113& 2 /$*B 2 ,<12th 1* 4iel Artillery 6roup Capua 5 DacileH 18 "1!9& 2 ",++& 3 "113& ",'8 ammo carriers .< *ameli Anti5#ank 7oy 5 DacileH 12 D#7 95#)W +< *ameli 7ombat -n$ineer 7oy 5 DacileH 3 3eopar /r*B1 /iber 8< *ameli 3o$istical /attalion 5 Dacile b. 132n !riete Armore /ri$a e 5 A2ianoH ' ",++ 1< 8th #ank /attalion *1" Secchiaroli 5 A2ianoH '9 ".!A1& 8 "113& 1 3eopar /$*B 2 2< 1!th #ank /attalion *1"1 Bruno 5 A2ianoH '9 ".!A1& 8 "113& 1 3eopar /$*B 2 3< 13th #ank /attalion *1"1 (ascucci L 7or enons ;re uce to ca re 12C89& transferre to *anto3a<H '9 3eopar 1& 8 "113& 3 3eopar /$*B 2 '< 2+th /ersa$lieri /attalion 9amiano 5 A2ianoH '! D7751& 8 "1!.& '5, "113 ambulance& 18 "ilan& . A?5,9 wC1!.mm ?? ,< 2!th 1* 4iel Artillery 6roup (ia3e 5 "ania$oH 18 "1!9& 2 ",++& 3 "113& ",'8 ammo carriers .< !riete Anti5#ank 7oy 5 A2ianoH 12 D#7 95#)W +< !riete 7ombat -n$ineer 7oy 5 "ania$oH 3 3eopar /r*B1 /iber 8< !riete 3o$istical /attalion 5 "ania$o c. 8th /aribal#i "echaniBe /ri$a e 5 *or enoneH ' ",++ 1< +th #ank /attalion *1"1 )i )io 5 Di2aroH '9 ".!A1& 8 "113& 1 3eopar /$*B 2 2< 3r /ersa$lieri /attalion Cernaia 5 *or enoneH '! D7751& 8 "1!.& '5, "113 ambulance& 18 "ilan& . A?5 ,9 wC1!.mm "'!A1 ?? 3< 11th /ersa$lieri /attalion Caprera L )rceni$o sup.H '! D7751& 8 "1!.& '5, "113 ambulance& 18 "ilan& . A?5,9 wC1!.mm "'!A1 ?? '< /ersa$lieri /attalion Castelfi#ar#o L "ania$o ; isban e 1989<H '! D7751& 8 "1!.& '5, "113 ambulance& 18 "ilan& . A?5,9 wC1!.mm "'!A1 ?? ,< +3r Defense /attalion Lombar#ia ;re uce to ca re or possibly isban e in 198.< L ArBene& a etachement in 3atisana .< +'th Defense /attalion (onti#a ;re uce to ca re or possibly isban e in 198.< L 3atisana +< 12!th Defense /attalion %orno3o L 9pplis i *remariaco& a etachement in *ur$essimoH 8< 19th 1* 4iel Artillery 6roup Rialto 5 1eFualsH 18 "1!9& 2 ",++& 3 "113& ",'8 ammo carriers 9< /aribal#i Anti5#ank 7oy 5 Di2aroH 12 D#7 95#)W 1!< /aribal#i -n$ineer 7oy 5 )rceni$o sup.H 3 3eopar /r*B1 /iber 11< /aribal#i 3o$istical /attalion L *or enone ; isban e 1989< . (o00uolo #i %riuli Armore /ri$a e 5 *almano2aH ' ",++ 1< ,th #ank 1Fua rons 6roup Lancieri #i 8o3ara 5 *almano2aH '9 3eopar 1& 8 "113& 1 3eopar /$*B 2 2< 28th #ank 1Fua rosn 6roup Ca3alleggeri #i Tre3iso 5 7o roipoH '9 3eopar 1& 8 "113& 1 3eopar /$*B 2 3< 'th "ech 1Fua ron 6roup /eno3a Ca3alleria 5 *almano2aH '! VCC;1& 8 "1!.& 8 "113& 18 "ilan& . A?5 ,9 wC1!.mm ?? '< 12!th 1* 4iel Artillery 6roup (o 5 *almano2aH 18 "1!9& 2 ",++& 3 "113& ",'8 ammo carriers ,< (#% Anti5#ank 7oy 5 *almano2aH 12 D#7 95#)W .< (#% 7ombat -n$ineer 7oy 5 *almano2aH 3 3eopar /r*B1 /iber Draft Document 18+

+< (#% 3o$istical /attalion 5 Disco e. *anto3a "echaniBe /ri$a e 5 0 ineH ' ",++ 1< .3r #ank /attalion *" %ioritto L 7or enonsH '9 3eopar 1& 8 "113& 1 3eopar /$*B 2 2< +th ?econ 1Fua rons 6roup Lancieri #i *ilano ; isban e 1989< L ?emanBaccoH 31 3eopar 1& 2. D7751& ' "1!.& . "113& 2 3eopar /$*B 2 3< ,9th "ech 9nfantry /attalion Calabria = 7i2i ale e 4riuli ; isban e 1989<H '8 M11?& 8 "1!.& 18 "ilan& . A?5,9 wC1!.mm ?? '< "ech 9nfantry /attalion 8apoli = 7i2i ale e 4riuliH '8 M11?& 8 "1!.& 18 "ilan& . A?5,9 wC1!.mm ?? ,< 11'th "ech 9nfantry /attalion *oriago L #ri$esimoH '8 M11?& 8 "1!.& 18 "ilan& . A?5,9 wC1!.mm ?? .< ,2n Defense /attalion !lpi L Attimis& a etachement in 6ruppi$nanoH +< 28th 4iel Artillery 6roup Li3orno = #arcentoH 18 "1!9& 2 ",++& 3 "113& ",'8 ammo carriers 8< *anto3a Anti5#ank 7oy L #arcentoH 12 D#7 95#)W 9< *anto3a 7ombat -n$ineer 7oy L #arcentoH 3 3eopar /r*B1 /iber 1!< *anto3a 3o$istical /attalion L #ri$esimoH f. &ittorio &eneto "echaniBe /ri$a e L *o$$ioreale el 7arsoH ' ",++ 1< .th #ank 1Fua rons 6roup Lancieri #i !osta 5 7er2i$nanoH '9 3eopar 1& 8 "113& 1 3eopar /$*B 2 2< 9th #ank 1Fua rons 6roup Lancieri #i %iren0e 5 1$onicoH '9 3eopar 1& 8 "113& 1 3eopar /$*B 2 3< 2n "ech 1Fua rons 6roup (iemonte Ca3alleria 5 Dilla )picinaH '! D7752& 8 "1!.& 8 "113& 18 "ilan& . A?5,9 wC1!.mm ?? '< 12th "ech 1Fua rons 6roup Ca3alleggeri #i Salu00o 5 6oriBiaH '! D7752& 8 "1!.& 8 "113& 18 "ilan& . A?5,9 wC1!.mm ?? ,< 33r Defense /attalion !r#en0a 5 4o$liano ?e ipu$lia& a etachement in *erteoleH .< 1st "otoriBe 9nfantry /attalion S1 /iusto L #riesteH 2 "ot& 1 "ech& 1 #rainin$& 1 "ortar& 13 "113& 9 12!mm mortars& 18 "ilan +< 8th 1* 4iel Artillery 6roup (asubio 5 /anneH 18 "1!9& 2 ",++& 3 "113& ",'8 ammo carriers 8< &ittorio &eneto Anti5#ank 1Fua ronH 12 D#7 95#)W 9< &ittorio &eneto 7ombat -n$ineer 7oyH 3 3eopar /r*B1 /iber 1!< &ittorio &eneto 3o$istic /attalion 5 7er2i$nano $. /ori0ia "echaniBe /ri$a e 5 6oriBiaH ' ",++ 1< 22n #ank /attalion *" (iccinini L 1an Dito al #a$liamentoH '9 3eopar 1& 8 "113& 1 3eopar /$*B 2 2< '1st "ech 9nfantry /attalion *o#ena 5 Dilla DicentinaH '! D7752& 8 "1!.& 8 "113& 18 "ilan& . A?5,9 wC1!.mm ?? 3< 82n "ech 9nfantry /attalion Torino 5 7ormonsH '! D7752& 8 "1!.& 8 "113& 18 "ilan& . A?5,9 wC1!.mm ?? '< 183r "ech 9nfantry /attalion 8embo 5 6ra isca %9sonBoH '! D7752& 8 "1!.& 8 "113& 18 "ilan& . A?5,9 wC1!.mm ?? ,< ,3r Defense /attalion ;mbria L *a2ia i 0 ine& a etachement in /raBBanoH .< .3r Defense /attalion Cagliari 5 1.3orenBo 9sontino& a etachement in 3ucinicoH +< '.th 1* 4iel Artillery 6roup Trento 5 6ra isca %9sonBoH 18 "1!9& 2 ",++& 3 "113& ",'8 ammo carriers 8< /ori0ia Anti5#ank 7oy 5 6oriBiaH 12 D#7 95#)W 9< /ori0ia 7ombat -n$ineer 7oy 5 7ormonsH 3 3eopar /r*B1 /iber 1!< /ori0ia 3o$istical /attalion 5 6ra isca %9sonBo h. ,r# !7uileia "issiles /ri$a e 5 *orto$ruaroH ' ",++& 2n 9nfantry cp 13 "113 1< 3r "issile Artillery 6roup &olturno 5 ) erBoH . launcher 2ehicles "+,2& . transport 2ehicles "..+ for "6",2 3ance 11" ;1!!Q missiles& of which at least two thir s nuclear capable<O 2. "113 a< EK /attery& 1st "issile /ty& 3r 9nfantry 7p 5 ) erBo b< 2n an 3r "issiles /ty& 1st 9nfantry 7p 5 7o o$nd 2< 13h 6?A7) ;#ar$et AcFuisition 6roup< !7uileia L Derona a. EK /attery b. ?econ an tar$et AcFuisition /attery c. ?emote5controlle aircrafts /attery 3< 2+th 1* Eea2y Artillery 6roup *arche5 0 ineH 18 "11! 2!3C391*& ' th 9nfantry 7p& 13 "113 '< 13th 1i$nal /attalion *auria 5 *orto$ruaro ,< 13th 3o$istical /attalion !7uileia L *orto$ruaro .< ?ecruit #rainin$ 7ompany Draft Document 188

i. ,th 9talian 7orps assetsH 1< Amphibious #roops 7omman 5 DeneBia 3i oH a< 1st 3a$unari /attalion Serenissima 5 DeneBia "alcontentaH 4: VCC;8& 9 "1!.& 18 A?+, Geep wC"ilan b<Amtracks /attalion Sile 5 DeneBia 1.An reaH 1 3D#7& 1, 3D#*5+& 1 /$*B 2& 2arious boats c< ?ecruit #rainin$ 7ompany 2< 13th 7arabinieri Armore /attalion %riuli &ene0ia /iulia = *1"1 /allo L 6oriBiaH a< 7omman 7oH 1' D7752& 1 "113 ambulance b<#ank 7oH 1. ;maybe 1'< 3eopar 1& 1 /$*B 2 c< 2 "ech 9nfantry 7pH 11 D7752& 3 "12, 81mm 1* mortar each <1 Eea2y "ortar 7pH ' D7752& . "1!. 3< +th 9nfantry /attalion /A? Cuneo 5 0 ineH attribution to Corps conjectural '< ,th A3- 6roup Rigel 5 7asarsa ella DeliBiaH a< 2,th A3- 1Fua rons 6roup Cigno 5 7ampoformi oH 5 '81st -?9 1FH . A/52!. 5 '82n -?9 1FH . A/52!. 5 '2,th -?9 1F L Dittorio DenetoH . A/52!. th b<'9 -?9 1Fua rons 6roup Capricorno 5 7asarsa ella DeliBiaH A/52!,O A51!9 -)A52 5 '91st -?9 1FH . A/52!, th c< ,, -" 1Fua rons 6roup )ragone 5 7asarsa ella DeliBiaH A/52!, 5 ,,1st -" 1FH . A/52!, 5 ,,2n -" 1FH . A/52!, 5 ,,3r -" 1FH . A/52!, ,< Artillery 7omman 5 *orto$ruaroH a< ,th Eea2y 4iel Artillery 6roup Superga 5 0 ineH 18 4E5+! 1,,C39 towe howitBers b<9th Eea2y Artillery 6roup Ro3igo 5 DeronaH 18 "11, 2!3C2, towe howitBers c< 1'th 4iel Artillery 6roup *urge 5 #riesteH 18 "11' 1,,C23 towe howitBers <33r Eea2y 4iel Artillery 6roup Terni 5 #re2isoH 18 4E5+! 1,,C39 towe howitBers e< 132n Eea2y 4iel Artillery 6roup Ro3eretoH 18 4E5+! 1,,C39 towe howitBers f< 1,,th Eea2y 4iel Artillery 6roup 4milia 5 0 ineH 18 4E5+! 1,,C39 towe howitBers $<,th *e#ea 5 0 ine& .th *ontello 5 #re2iso& +th Casarsa 5 7asarsa@ '1st Cor#enons 5 *or enone Artillery 1pecialist 6roups .< -n$ineer 7omman H a< 1st "ine -n$ineer /attalion /ar#a 5 0 ine b<3r 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion &erbano 5 0 ineH 2 /r*B1 /iber& 3 *ionierleopar c< ,th *ioneer /attalion Bolsena - 0 ineH 2 /r*B1 /iber& 3 *ionierleopar <132th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion Li3en0a 5 "otta i 3i2enBaH 2 /r*B1 /iber& 3 *ionierleopar e< 18'th 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion Santerno 5 Dilla DicentinaH 2 /r*B1 /iber& 3 *ionierleopar +< 1i$nals 7omman H a< ,th 1i$nal /attalion Rolle 5 1acile b<1!+th 1i$nal /attalion (re#il 5 0 ine c< 18'th 1i$nal /attalion Cansiglio 5 #re2iso <232n 1i$nal /attalion %a#alto 5 7asarsa ella DeliBia e< 33r -W /attalion %al0arego 5 7one$lianoH 2 -1" 7ps in /assano an 1acile 8< ,th 3o$istical "anoeu2re /attalion 4uganeo 5 #re2iso 9< 8th 3o$istical "anoeu2re /attalion Carso L )rBano i ?emanBacco 1!<,!th 3o$istical "anoeu2re /attalion Carnia 5 *or enone ,. (orth West "ilitary ?e$ion 5 #orino

a. 'th 9nfantry /attalion /A? /uastallah L AstiH b. 11th 9nfantry /attalion /A? Casale 5 7asale "onferrato c. 9nfantry /attalion /A? Sa3ona 5 1a2ona . 9nfantry /attalion /A? Bergamo 5 Diano 7astello e. 23r 9nfantry /attalion /A? Como 5 7omo f. +2n 9nfantry /attalion /A? (uglie 5 Alben$a $. 1'th /ersa$lieri /A? /attalion Sernaglia ; isban e in 1989< 5 Alben$a h. 1"Alph ;Alpine "ilitary 1chool< 5 Aosta 1< !osta Alpini /attalionh ;trainin$ unitO on 9C11C1989 becomes #actical an 3o$istic 1upport /attalion !osta< 5 Aosta Draft Document 189

i. '1st 1i$nal /attalion %rejus 5 #orino G. 1st "i8e "anoeu2re #ruck 6roup 5 #orino k. (iemonte "otoriBe CAlpini /ri$a e ;to be forme upon mobiliBation< 1< / e EK from 1"Alp an (W "ilitary ?e$ion 2< 11+th "otoriBe 9nfantry /attalion& from *on#o3< Alpini /attalion /A? 3< 21+th "otoriBe 9nfantry /attalion& from 'th 9nfantry /attalion /A? /uastalla 5 Asti '< 31+th ;number unsure< "otoriBe 9nfantry /attalion& from !osta Alpini /attalion ,< 11+th 4iel Artillery 6roupH 18 "11' 1,,C23 towe howitBersO from 1+th Area "ilitary 7omman .< (iemonte 7ombat -n$ineer 7p& from 131st 7ombat -n$ineer /attalion Ticino +< (iemonte 3o$istical /attalion& from 3r Army 7orps (oteH 0nits marke with h were assi$ne to (iemonte bri$a e upon mobiliBation .. (orth -ast "ilitary ?e$ion 5 *a o2a a. 32n 1i$nal /attalion &alles 5 *a o2a b. '2n 1i$nal /attalion (or#oi5 *a o2a c. 23r 1i$nal 7oy 5 7astelnuo2o 6ar a . 1'th "i8e "anoeu2re #ruck 6roup %la3ia L "ontorio Deronese +. #osco5-milian "ilitary ?e$ion 5 4irenBe a. %olgore *ara /ri$a e 5 3i2ornoH 1< 1st 7arabinieri *ara /attalion Tuscanica 5 3i2ornoH 3 *ara 7os in trucks an 13 D7751& 3 81mm mortar 2< 2n *ara ;*araca utisti< /attalion Tar7uinia 5 3i2ornoH 3 *ara 7os& 1 "ech *ara 7oH 13 D7751& 8 81mm mrt& 2'53. "ilan 3< 1"i*ar ;"ilitary *arachutism 1chool< L *isaH a. 3r Air5 rop #rainin$ /attalion (oggio Rusco 5 *isaH trainin$ unit for 4ol$ore th '< , *ara /attalion 4l !lamein 5 1ienaH 3 *ara 7os& 1 "ech *ara 7oyH 13 D7751& 8 81mm mrt& 2'53. "ilan ,< 9th Assault *ara /attalion Col *oschin 5 3i2ornoH 2 comman o cos& 1 trainin$ co& total of ' 81mm mortars& . "ilan .< 18,th *ara 4iel Artillery 6roup &iterbo 5 3i2ornoH EK /ty& 3 EowitBer /ty 18 ",. 1!,C1' towe howitBers or 18 12!mm mortars& 1 1A" /ty 1852' 1tin$er +< %olgore *arachute 7ombat -n$ineer 7oy L 3uccaH 9 sFua s& little hea2y eFuipment 8< %olgore 3o$istic /attalion 5 *isa 9< A3- 1Fua rons 6roup /io3e 5 *isa 1.6iustoH a. ' -" 1FH . A/52!, b. , -?9 1FH . A/52!. b. %riuli "otoriBe 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 4irenBeH ' ",++ 1< +8th "otoriBe 9nfantry /attalion Lupi #i Toscana 5 1can icciH 3 ?ifle 7os& . 12!mm mortars& 18 "ilan& 9 4ol$ore 2< 8+th "otoriBe 9nfantry /attalion Senio 5 *istoiaH 3 ?ifle 7os& .59 12!mm mortars& 18 "ilan& 9 4ol$ore 3< 3,th "otoriBe 9nfantry /attalion (istoia ;ca re< L *istoiaH '< 22,th 9nfantry /attalion /A? !re00o L AreBBoH 3 ?ifle 7os& 9 "'!A1C1!. rcl& 9 81mm mortars ,< 19th Armore /attalion *" Tumiati 5 4irenBeH 2. 3eopar 1A2& 1. "113& 3 "1!.'& 18 A?5,9 "'!A1C1!. rcl& 2 3eopar /$*B 2 .< 3,th 4iel Artillery 6roup Riolo 5 *istoiaH 12 "11' 1,,C23 towe howitBers& . "5,. 1!,C1' towe howitBers& 12 1tin$er *)1# teams +< %riuli !nti #ank 7oy 5 1can icciH 12 A?5+. #)W 8< %riuli 7ombat -n$ineer 7oy L 4irenBeH 9 sFua s in trucks 9< %riuli 3o$istical /attalion 5 4irenBe c. 2+th A3- 1Fua rons 6roup *ercurio 5 4irenBe *eretolaH c. 2+1st A3 1FH. 1"51!19& some )51- for tar$et towin$ . '2+th -?9 1FH . A/52!. th . 8 Artillery Detachment L "o enaH 1< 8th Eea2y 4iel Artillery 6roup *armore L "o enaH 18 "11' 1,,C23 towe howitBers 2< 3r Eea2y 4iel Artillery 6roup ;ca re< 5 "o ena Draft Document 19!

e. '3r 1i$nal /attalion !betone 5 4irenBe f. ?ail -n$ineer ?e$iment 5 7astelma$$iore 1< 1st Dismountable "etal /ri $es /attalion 5 7astelma$$iore 2< 2n 1er2ice /attalion #orino $. /ri $e -n$ineer ?e$iment 5 *iacenBa .. 1st /attalion 5 3e$na$o +. 2n /attalion ;ca re<5 *iacenBa 8. 3r /attalion 5 *iacenBa th h. + "i8e "anoeu2re #ruck 0nit 5 4irenBe i. 49? ;4orBa i 9nter2ento ?api o< 7omman 5 4irenBe ;see note 9< 8. 7entral "ilitary ?e$ion 5 ?oma a. /ranatieri #i Sar#egna "ech 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 ?omaH ' ",++ 1< 1st 6ranatieri ;"ech< /attalion !ssietta 5 ?omaH '! VCC;1& 8 "1!.& 8 "113& 18 "ilan 2< 2n 6ranatieri ;"ech< /attalion Cengio 5 ?omaH '! VCC;1& 8 "1!.& 8 "113& 18 "ilan 3< 3r 6ranatieri /attalion /A? /uar#ie 5 )r2ietoH '< 1st /ersa$lieri /attalion La *armora 5 7i2ita2ecchiaH '! D7752& 8 "1!.& 8 "113& 18 "ilan ,< .th #ank /attalion *" Scapu00iH '9 3eopar 1& 8 "113& 1 3eopar /$*B 2 .< 13th 4iel Artillery 6roup *agliana 5 7i2ita2ecchiaH 18 "11' 1,,C23 towe howitBers +< 32n ;unofficial number< Anti #ank 7oy 5 7i2ita2ecchiaH 12 #)W 8< /ranatieri #i Sar#egna 7ombat -n$ineer 7oy 5 7i2ita2ecchiaH 3 /r*B1 /iber 9< /ranatieri #i Sar#egna 3o$istical /attalion 5 7i2ita2ecchia b. !c7ui "otoriBe 9nfantry /ri$a e L 3%AFuilaH ' ",++ 1< 1+th "otoriBe 9nfantry /attalion /A? S1 *artino 5 1ulmonaH 2< ,+th "otoriBe 9nfantry /attalion !bru00i 5 1oraH . 12!mm mortars& 18 "ilan 3< +!th "otoriBe 9nfantry /attalion !ncona ;ca re< L 1ulmonaH '< 13!th "otoriBe 9nfantry /attalion (erugia 5 1poletoH . 12!mm mortars& 18 "ilan ,< 9th Armore /attalion *1"1 Butera 5 3%AFuilaH 2. 3eopar 1A2& 1. "113& 3 "1!.'& 18 A?5,9 "'!A1C1!. rcl& 2 3eopar /$*B 2 .< '8th 4iel Artillery 6roup Taro 5 3%AFuilaH 18 "11' 1,,C23 towe howitBers +< AcFui Anti #ank 7oy 5 3%AFuilaH 12 A?5+. #)W 8< !c7ui 7ombat -n$ineer 7oy 5 3%AFuilaH 9< !c7ui 3o$istical /attalion 5 3%AFuila c. 28th A3- 1Fua ron 6roup Tucano 5 ?oma50rbeH A51!9 -)A51 NN e. 281st A3 1FH. 1"51!19& some )51- for tar$et towin$ f. '28th -?9 1FH . A/52!. th . 28 9nfantry /attalion /A? (a3ia 5 *esaro e. 8!th 9nfantry /attalion /A? Roma 5 7assino f. 8'th 9nfantry /attalion /A? &ene0ia 5 4alconara "arittima $. 92n 9nfantry /attalion Basilicata 5 4oli$no h. 123r 9nfantry /attalion Chieti 5 7hieti i. 23,th 9nfantry /attalion /A? (iceno 5 Ascoli *iceno G. 8th "ech 1Fua rons 6roup Lancieri #i *ontebello i 5 #or i KuintoH '! D7751& 8 "1!.& 8 "113& 18 "ilan& . A?5,9 wC "'!A1 1!. rcl k. 9nfantry an 7a2alry 1chool 5 7esano 1< ++th "ech 9nfantry /attalion *1"1 *attei ;trainin$ unitO on +C2,C1989 becomes #actical an 3o$istic 1upport /attalion *1"1 *attei< 5 7esano l. Artillery 1chool 1< 1st Artillery 6roup Cacciatori #elle !lpi ;trainin$ unit<i 5 /racciano a< EK /attery b<1st battery on . "11' 1,,C23 towe howitBers c< 2n battery on . 4E5+! 1,,C39 towe howitBers <3r battery on . "1!96C3 sp howitBers e< 'th battery on 1*+! an "?31 ; isban e 1989< th m. . *ioneer /attalion Trasimeno 5 ?omaH 2 /r*B1 /iber& 3 *ionierleopar n. 'th *ioneer 1chool /attalion *1"1 *ontorsi L ?omaH 1 /r*B1 /iber& 3 *ionierleopar Draft Document 191

o. ''th 1i$nal /attalion (enne 5 ?oma p. 1i$nal 7ompany 5 ?oma F. 8th #ransport /attalion Casilina 5 ?oma r. i La0io "echaniBe /ri$a eH #o be forme upon mobiliBation from the followin$ unitsH 1< / e EK from 9nfantry an 7a2alry 1chool an 7entral "ilitary ?e$ion 2< 8th "ech 1Fua rons 6roup Lancieri #i *ontebello 3< ++th "ech 9nfantry /attalion *1"1 *attei '< 1st 4iel Artillery 6roup Cacciatori #elle !lpi ,< La0io 3o$istical /attalion& from #ra"at ;#ransports an "aterials 1chool< )ther units uncertain& possibly 8!th 9nfantry /attalion /A? 9. 1outhern "ilitary ?e$ion 5 (apoli a. (inerolo "ech 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 /ariH ' ",++ 1<9th "ech 9nfantry /attalion Bari 5 #raniH '! D7751& 8 "1!.& 8 "113& 18 "ilan 2<13th "ech 9nfantry /attalion &albella 5 A2ellinoH '! D7751& 8 "1!.& 8 "113& 18 "ilan 3<.+th /ersa$lieri /attalion %agarA 5 *ersanoH '! D7751& 8 "1!.& 8 "113& 18 "ilan '<231st 9nfantry /attalion /A? !3ellino 5 A2ellino ,<.!th #ank /attalion *1"1 Locatelli 5 AltamuraH '9 3eopar 1& 8 "113& 1 3eopar /$*B 2 .<11th 4iel Artillery 6roup Teramo 5 *ersanoH 18 "11' 1,,C23 towe howitBers +< (inerolo Anti #ank 7p 5 /ariH 12 #)W 8< (inerolo 7ombat -n$ineer 7p 5 #raniH 3 /r*B1 /iber 9< (inerolo 3o$istical /attalion 5 /ari a. 2!th A3- 1Fua rons 6roup !n#rome#a L 1alerno *onteca$nanoH
5 2!1st A3 1FH . 1"51!19 5 '2!th -?9 1FH . A/52!. 5 ,2!th -" 1FH . A/5212

b. '+th 9nfantry /attalion /A? Salento 5 /arletta c. '8th 9nfantry /attalion /A? %errara 5 /ari . 89th 9nfantry /attalion /A? Salerno - 1alerno e. 91st 9nfantry /attalion /A? Lucania 5 *otenBa f. 2''th "otoriBe 9nfantry /attalion Cosen0a L 7osenBaH . 12!mm mortars& 18 "93A( $. Armore #roops 1chool 5 7aserta an 3ecce 1< 21st Armore /attalion Scognamiglio ;trainin$ unit<H 3' "'+& 1. "113 2< 31st Armore /attalion !n#reani ;trainin$ unit<H 3' "'+& 1. "113 h. 2n Eea2y 4iel Artillery 6roup (oten0a 5 /arlettaH 18 "11' 1,,C23 towe howitBers i. 9th Eea2y 4iel Artillery 6roup %oggia 5 4o$$iaH 18 "11' 1,,C23 towe howitBers G. '+th Eea2y 4iel Artillery 6roup /argano 5 /ariH 18 "11' 1,,C23 towe howitBers k. 21st *ioneer /attalion Tima3o 5 7asertaH 1 /r*B1 /iber& 2 *ionierleopar l. ',th 1i$nal /attalion &ulture 5 (apoliC/ari m. (ersano 3o$istical /attalion 5 *ersano n. 1!th #ransport /attalion !ppia 5 (apoli o. (uglie Armore /ri$a e 55 #o be forme upon mobiliBation from the followin$ unitsH 1</ e EK from Armore #roops 1chool an 1outhern "ilitary ?e$ion 2<21st #actical an 3o$istic 1upport /attalion Scognamiglio 5 7aserta 3<31st Armore /attalion !n#reani 5 3ecce '<one Artillery 6roup ,< (uglie 3o$istical /attalion )ther units uncertain& possibly some /A? battalions 1!. 1icily "ilitary ?e$ion 5 *alermo a. !osta "otoriBe 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 "essinaH ' ",++ 1<,th "otoriBe 9nfantry /attalion Col #ella Beretta 5 "essinaH . 12!mm mortars& 18 "ilan 2<.2n "otoriBe 9nfantry /attalion Sicilia 5 7ataniaH . 12!mm mortars& 18 "ilan 3<1'1st "otoriBe 9nfantry /attalion Catan0aro 5 *alermoH . 12!mm mortars& 18 "ilan Draft Document 192

'<.2n Armore /attalion *" 9ero - 7ataniaH 2. 3eopar 1& 1. "113& 3 "1!.& 18 A?5,9 "'!A1 1!. rcl& 2 3eopar /$*B 2 ,<2'th 4iel Artillery 6roup (eloritani 5 "essinaH 18 "11' 1,,C23 towe howitBers .< !osta anti5tank 7oy 5 "essinaH 12 A?5+. #)W +< !osta 7ombat -n$ineer 7p 5 1iracusaH 1 /r*B1 /iber& 1 *ionierleopar 8< !osta 3o$istical /attalion 5 "essina c. 3!th A3- 1Fua rons 6roup (egaso 5 7atania 4ontanarossaH 5 3!1st 1F -3H . 1"51!19 5 '3!th 1F -?9H . A/52!. 5 ,3!th 1F -"H . A/5212 th . .! 9nfantry /attalion /A? Col #i Lana 5 #rapani e. ,1st *ioneer /attalion Simeto 5 *alermoH 1 /r*B1 /iber& 2 *ionierleopar f. '.th 1i$nal /attalion *ongibello 5 *alermo $. 11th #ransport /attalion 4tnea 5 *alermo h. Detache 7omman 9slan of *antelleria 5 *antelleria 1< 1 platoon from !osta /ri$a e 5 3inosa 2< 1 7ompany from %olgore or Trieste /ri$a e 5 *antelleria 3< 1 7ompany from %olgore /ri$a e 5 3ampe usa No)e7 At some time between 198. an 1989 this comman was replace by a new batallion @9sole "inoriA ;3esser islan s< on *antelleria. 11. 1ar inia "ilitary ?e$ion L 7a$liari a. Sassari "otoriBe /ri$a e L 1assariH 1< 1,1st "otoriBe 9nfantry /attalion Sette Comuni 5 7a$liariH . 12!mm mortars& 18 "ilan 2< 1,2n 9nfantry /attalion /A? Sassari 5 1assari 3< 1st Armoure 9nfantry ?e$iment ;trainin$ unit< 5 7apo #eula aH a< 1st /attalionH EK 7p& 1 /$*B 2O 1st #ank 7p 1. 3eopar 1O 2n /ersa$lieri 7p 13 "113O 1 1-? ;?econ Eelo 1F< on . A/5'+& 1 1* artillery battery . "1!9 b< 2n /attalion ;ca re<H '< 1+!th Artillery 6roup ;ca re< b. 21st A3- 1Fua rons 6roup "rsa *aggiore 5 7a$liari -lmasH $. 211th A3 1FH . 1"51!19 h. '21st -?9 1FH . A/52!. i. ,21st -" 1FH . A/52!, th c. ', 9nfantry /attalion /A? !rborea 5 "acomer . '+th 1i$nal 7p 5 7a$liari e. 12th "i8e "anoeu2re #ruck 0nit 12. 7arabinieriH a $en armerie force& i.e. military personnel mainly operatin$ in ci2il an military police uties. 9n case of war 7arabinieri woul ha2e contribute with both fiel or mobiliBe units from the 11th /ri$a e an with internal security etachments rawn from the hun re s of posts an stations all o2er the country . #he territorial or$aniBation was base on Di2isions& /ri$a es& 3e$ions an 6roups ;all of them lar$ely a ministrati2e echelones<& but the basic buil in$ block of the territorial or$aniBation was the ubiFuitous T1taBione 7arabinieriT etachments& present in e2ery sin$le town in 9taly. -ach 1tation ha its own mobiliBation plan ;mainly roa chokepoints secutity& $arrisons etc< an a rea y stockpile of weapons to fuilfill it ;barbe wires& "6s& rifles etc<. a. 3 Di2isions& 9 /ri$a es an 2' 3e$ions with "* an rear area security utiesO b. 1 /ri$a e of schoolCtrainin$ unitsO c. 11th /ri$a e of 13 "obile /attalionsH 1<5 Eorse ?e$iment 5 ?oma 2<5 1st /n (iemonte 5 "oncalieri 3<5 2n /n Liguria 5 6eno2a '<5 3r /n Lombar#ia 5 "ilano ,<5 'th /n &eneto 5 DeneBia5"estre .<5 ,th /n 4milia Romagna 5 /olo$na +<5 .th /n Toscana 5 4irenBe Draft Document 193

8<5 +th Armoure /n Trentino !lto !#ige - 3ai2es ;alrea y liste in the 'th Army 7orps section< 9<5 8th /n La0io 5 ?oma 1!<5 9th /n Sar#egna 5 7a$liari 11<5 1!th /n Campania 5 (apoli 12<5 11th /n @(uglia 5 /ari 13<5 12th /n Sicilia 5 *alermo 1'<5 13th Armoure /n %riuli &ene0ia /iulia - 6oriBia ;alrea y liste in the ,th Army 7orps section< . 11 Eelicopter etachments 1<#orino 2<)rio al 1erio 3</olBano '<*isa ,<Ancona 4alconara .</ari +<*onteaca$nano 8<*alermo 4ontanarossa 9<Dibo Dalentia 1!< )lbia 11< 7a$liari 12< 4orlg 13< 6eno2a 1'< #re2iso 1ant%An$elo No)e 17 "aGor eFuipment hol in$s inclu eH 4iat ..1. A7& '+! 4iat 2'2C18AD& 2'! "113 A*7& 23 A/5'+& 2 A51!9& , A/52!,& 23 A/52!. No)e 87 #he +th an 13th /ns were permanent combat5rea y fiel unitsO all the others were mainly taske with riot5control uties but i ha2e enou$h trainin$ an stocks of hea2y weapons to be Fuickly mobiliBe as li$ht infantry fiel units. #heir or$aniBation was as followsH 7omman 7pH , "'+ ?econ platoon Armoure 7ars 7oH 49A# ..1.C..1' 2 "ech 9nf 7psH "113 1 81mm "ortar 7p 13. 1an "arco "arine /attalion Lbelon$s to the (a2y an was assi$ne to the A"4H 3! D7751& 2' 3D#*5+& 8 1!.mm ?73& . "ilanO the (a2y%s marine infantry. 1'. *olice 4orces a. *oliBia i 1tatoH +!&!!!& 11 mobile units& '! 4iat ..1'& 3 *5.'& , *5.8 A7& 1 A/5'+& 12 A51!9& 2! A/52!.& 9 A/5212. b. 6uar ia i 4inanBaH ,!&!!!& helicopters& patrol boats. 7ontrols the followin$ helicoptersH 1! A51!9& .8 (ar i5 Eu$hes ;'! (E5,!!7& 1. LD& 12 L"< c. 6uar ie 4orestali . Di$ili el 4uoco e. 7orpo A$enti i 7usto ia

No)e7 /ol e personnel carriers in icate that there is some Fuestion as to what type of eFuipment that unit ha . ;#he notes below are $enerally from #ank(et%s /rummbaerO 9 ha2e a e eFuipment hol in$s from 2arious sources to the listin$s< No)e 17 A--re> #) o". A3-H A2iaBione 3e$$era ell%-sercito ;Army 3i$ht Air 4orce<. A3H Aerei 3e$$eri ;3i$ht Aircrafts< -?9H -licotteri a ?ico$niBione ;?econ Eelicopters<. -"H -licotteri "e i ;"e ium Eelicopters<. -#"H -licotteri a #rasporto "e i ;"e ium #ransport Eelicopters<. Also in A3- an 7a2alry units 1Fua ron is the eFui2alent to #roop& 1Fua ron 6roup eFui2alent to 1Fua ron. /A?H /atta$lione A estramento ?eclute ;recruits trainin$ battalion<. Draft Document 19'

/atta$lioni 4anteria %Arresto are static units committe to halt or slow own enemy a 2ances& they rely on pre2iously built fortifications& bunkers an stron$points which are not liste . /$*B2 is also calle /er$eleopar . D77H Deicolo 7oraBBato a 7ombattimento& loosely eFui2alent to 94D. D#7H Deicolo a #rasporto 7oraBBato& loosely eFui2alent to A*7. No)e 87 H !her Co((#"%. #he 9talian Army eliminate the i2ision as a unit in )ctober 198.. No)e ?7 T#"6 U" ). #ank /attalions were tank5only units with 3 companies of 1. tanks& plus a tank for the battalion comman er. ".!A1s were assi$ne to , tank battalions of the former Ariete i2ision& in the Ariete& "ameli& 6aribal i /ri$a es. All other tank battalions ha2e 3eopar 1. Armore /attalions were combine arms units with 2 tank companies on 13 tanks& 1 mech 9nf company an a mortar company& $enerally eFuippe with the ol est a2ailable eFuipment. 9n 1989 the "5'+ was bein$ taken out of ser2iceH only units that efinitely still ha it by the en of the year were trainin$ units an +th 7arabinieri Arm /n. #he ))/ epicts the en 5of5the5year situation. Aroun this time& a re uction from , to ' tanks in each platoon was bein$ planne . 0n er this or$aniBation& battalions woul ecrease from '9 to '! tanks. When this reor$aniBation took place is unclearO some sources report that in 19885 89 all tank platoons were con2erte to ' tanks& other sources of the early 9!%s report that it ha yet to take place. )nly for AcFui%s 9th armore battalion 9 ha2e a fi$ure of 2. 3eopar 1 ;2 cp with ' tank5platoons< in December 1989& recei2e from isban in$ of other tank battalions. #akin$ this as the case for other armore battalions& an lea2in$ the tank battalions at '9& there are sufficient 3eopar s enou$h to eFuip them all an lea2e some for trainin$Cstora$e. 9t%s pro2in$ har to etermine if all tank units ha shifte on ' tank platoons by 1989& till opposite e2i ence 9 lea2e them on , for #ank /ns an ' for Armoure /ns. #otal tanks in in2entoryH 2!! 3eopar 1A1& +2! 3eopar 1A2& 3!! ".!A1& '!!Q "'+O , #ank /attalions with '9 ".! each& for a total of 2', 1, #ank /attalions an 1F 6r with '9 3eo1 each ;51 isban e in 1989<& for a total of .8. after isban in$ , Armoure /attalions an 1F 6r with 2. 3eo1 each& for a total of 13!U 1 7arabinieri Armoure /attalion with 1. 3eo1U 2 7a2 ?econ 1F 6r with 31 3eo1 each ;1 isban e in 1989<& 31 tanks 1 tank company in 1st Arm ?$t in 7apo #eula a #rainin$ Area& 1. tanks #otal of 3eopar 1 employe 8+9. Uat least some of these recei2e 3eopar 1%s from isban e #ank an ?econ /ns. 2 Armoure /attalion with 3' "'+ an one with 1. ;they kept the ,5tanks platoons< for a total of 8'O other in 7arabinieri "obile /attalions an as many as 3!! in stora$e. Also a2ailable 13. /$*B2 /er$eleopar reco2ery 2ehicles& enou$h for 1 for each tank company& with ,, others a2ailable ;perhaps with battalions hea Fuarters<. No)e 47 I",#")r+ 9nfantry /attalions are of ifferent typesH "ech on A*7 or 94D& stren$th about 8,!58+! menO /ersa$lieri an 6ranatieri are "ech infantry suppose ly elite. Also some 7a2 units were "ech infantry ;3, /attalions Q 3 trainin$<. "otoriBe on trucks& stren$th 9!!Q men ;11 /attalions Q 3 ca re an 3 mobiliBation<O 9nfantry /attalions or /A? ;an unofficial but common esi$nation< are @?ecruits #rainin$ /attalionsA in which new recruits recei2e a 2ery basic trainin$. 9n case of war they woul be $i2en territorial efence tasks or inte$rate in ca re battalions an mobiliBation bri$a es ;2' /attalions<. 4anteria %arresto ;Defence /attalion< were static units whose purpose was to halt or slow own enemy a 2ance fi$htin$ from 2arious fortifications an stron$points which aren%t liste ;, /attalions<. Alpini are mountain infantry& which inclu e some static efense battalions. Also support an artillery units within bri$a es are Alpini ;12 /attalions& 1 ca re& 1 efense& 1 efense ca re& ' /A?<. 3a$unari are amphibious infantry with the task of efen in$ the la$oon areas of 6ra o an DeneBia on the ri$ht flank of ,th Army 7orps ;2 /attalions<. *araca utisti traine for airborne operations& the 1st& 2n an ,th /attalions inclu e a further "ech companyO the 1st is a 7arabinieri unit with parallel "* uties an special internal tasksO the 9th is a professional comman o unit ;' /attalions an 1 /A?<. D7751 an D7752H less than .!! an o2er 12!! each built ;accor in$ to ?9D ,C9+ ,.! an 12!! respecti2elyO Armyreco$nition ,+. an 12,2<& but which unit ha what ;or the basic "5113< remains in many cases unknown to meH Draft Document 19,

in such cases 9 marke as uncertain the A*7 type. 1ome 4rench A"J5D79 were likely a2ailable in stora$e. Jane%s lists 9taly ha2in$ 13,! D7751 ;$ 2oul#n:t trust it<& 31!! "113s ;inclu in$ 2ariants<& an ',! A"J5D79 in in2entory. 9911 breaks own 9talian "113 hol in$s as 2'8. "113 personnel carriers& '21 "1!. mortar carriers& 211 ",'8 supply 2ehicles an 199 ",++ comman 2ehicles. . Anti5#ank WeaponsH #)W were mounte on "113 an A?5+. 'WD GeepsO the former in Armore an "echaniBe 9nfantry bri$a es& with some possible e8ceptions& an the latter in 4ol$ore& Alpini an "otoriBe bri$a es. "ilan 55 133! total launchers. 9n a ition& 9911 lists '32 #)Ws on li$ht 2ehicles or $roun mounts an 2+! on "113s. 4or li$hter weapons& 9911 lists R,!! Apilas an R8!! 4ol$ore. No)e <7 Ar) $$er+ Artillery 6roups are or$aniBe with 3 batteries of '5. pieces each. A2ailable at this timeH 2.! "1!9 1*1,,& enou$h for 1, 6roupsH 3r & 8th& 9th& 12th& 19th& 2!th& 28th& '.th& 12!th 1* 4A6& Eorse Art. ?$t of 2 6roups& 1 battery of the 1st A6& 1 battery of the 1st Arm. ?$t.. "o ification from "1!96 1,,C23 to "1!93 1,,C39 on$oin$ ;198.51992< . 18 "1!+ 1*1+, 23 "11! 1*2!3H 2+th 1* EA6 with 18& rest unknown. 1.' 4E5+! towe 1,,C39& enou$h for 9 6roupsH 'th& ,th& 1'th& 1!8th& 131st& 132n & 1,,th& 18'th& 2!,th E4A6& 1 bty of the 1st. '23 "11' 1,,C23 towe howitBer& enou$h for up to 23 6roupsH !gor#o@ !osta@ Conegliano@ Son#rio& &icen0a& 1st ;1 bty<& 2n & +th& 8th& 9th& 13th& 1'th& 21st& 2'th& 3,th ;2 batteries<& '+th& '8th. 9t is also likely that these eFuip other $roups. 3. "11, towe 2!3C2,& enou$h for 3 6roupsH 9th EA6 with 18 pieces& others in reser2e. '2 ",9 towe 1,,C',H 3r 6roup of Eorse Art ?$t.. 32!53.! ".,. 1!,C2' pack howitBer& enou$h for 1+ $roupsH 1 $roup for each Alpini / e ;one ha 2< an %olgore / e& 3,th ;1 battery<& Conegliano ;1 bty< an 2 more batteries to ;#ine for an eFui2alent of 8 1C3 6roups& the remain er are unknown. 9n a ition& 9taly hel some obsolete eFuipment in stora$eH 3. ",, 1*2!3mm& 1!8 "'' 1*1,,mm. -Fuipment of 1st& 11th *onferrato& 11th Teramo@ 13th& 2'th& 33th& ,2n & 1!+th 6roups remains uncertain& but likely eFuippe with "11'. 9taly also ha + 49?)153! 122mm "?3s an 2 "3?1. No)e =7 A r De,e".e Ar) $$er+ #"% M .. $e. Jane%s lists italy as hol in$ 1!9 12.+mm Kua ",, towe & 23! '!mm 3C+! towe & 3, 19DA" Kua 2,mm 1* ;with eli2eries on$oin$<& an unknown number of 1tin$ers ;at least 1,!<& "istrals bein$ eli2ere & ' batteries of 1*ADA& .! 95Eawks& 9. (ike5Eercules No)e 97 E"! "eer. -n$ineers corps has four specialitiesH ?ail -n$ineers ;6enio 4erro2ieri< /ri $e -n$ineers ;6enio *ontieri< 7ombat -n$ineers ;6enio 6uastatori<H "ech en$ineer combat units with the task of layin$ an efen in$ minefiel s an other obstacles to enemy a 2ance. ;, battalions an bri$a e companies< *ioneers ;6enio *ioneri<H -n$ineers with secon ary combat uties. ;. /attalions an one 1chool /attalion< 7ombat -n$ineers an *ioneers /attalions are or$aniBe as 3 -n$ineers 7ompanies an one 1pecial -Fuipment 7ompany with 3 platoonsH 1 bri $es& 1 earth mo2in$ 2ehicles an 1 special 2ehicles company with 152 bri $elayers& 2 pioneer tanks an minin$ systems. A2ailable hea2y specialty eFuipmentH .' /r*B1 /iber an '! *ionier3eopar . No)e 87 He$ &o0)er. #he 9talian Army maintaine si$nificant helicopter hol in$s. 9n 1989& 9911 an 4li$ht 9nternational lists the Army ;not inclu in$ the 2arious police forces or the na2y< as ha2in$H 22 A5'+6CJ ;/ell mo el '+s<& 21 A51!9-)A 1coutCAttack& , A51!9 in other roles& 2! A/52!'/& 92 A/52!,A ;0E51DCE<& 12. ;13,& 49< A/52!. ;)E5,8C/ell 2!.<& 1' ;2!& 49< A/5212 ;0E51(<& 11 A/5'12 ;'5bla e 0E51<& 39 7E5'+7. 9taly ha also be$un recei2in$ its first A5129 "an$usta attack helicopters L Jane%s 8959! says that 3! ;of .! or ere < ha been eli2ere by mi 51989& with pro uction on$oin$ at a rate of 3 per month. 9taly also ha .8Q 1".1!19 an 3!Q )51- /ir Do$ fi8e win$ aircraft actin$ as forwar obser2er aircraft. No)e 97 R#0 % I")er>e") o" For&e 3ForA# % I")er>e")o R#0 %o5 49? was forme in 198. to respon to re$ional crises out of the northeastern theatre. While it was not or$aniBe in peacetime& it consiste of a comman taske with plannin$ an inter2ention rills in case of su en crisisO it was Draft Document 19.

e8pecte to control the 4ol$ore Airborne /ri$a e& the 4riuli "otoriBe /ri$a e& the 1an "arco )perational 6roup ;company stren$th<& the 11th 1i$nal /attalion Leonessa with the support of 1st ?A3- !ntares& '.th Air #ransport /ri$a e an (a2y 3r (a2al i2ision with amphibious units San /iorgio an San /iusto. No)e 1:7>e For&e. 9911 lists the army as ha2in$ a reser2e pool of ,2!&!!!& inclu in$ 2'!&!!! assi$ne to mobiliBation units. "any of the reser2ists woul fiel out combat support units. 9911 says the 9talian army woul form 1 "ech& 1 Alpini an 1Armoure /ri$a e from school units imme iately upon war alertH these were the *iemonte& 3aBio an *u$lie /ri$a es& howe2er their effecti2eness as combat units must be consi ere 2ery limite H only *iemonte /ri$a e ma e a mobiliBation rill in the mi 8!%s. 9911 says 1 9nfantry bri$a e& plus 1 armore & 3 9nfantry an + artillery battalions woul also be acti2ate from reser2ists upon mobiliBation. #he reser2e battalions reference by 9911 are likely those liste as ca re abo2e. Any a itional etails on reser2e units woul be $reatly appreciate . No)e 117 Lo! .) & U" ). /ri$a es% 3o$istic battalions were so or$aniBe H 7omman 7omman an 1er2ices 7p 1upply 7p "anteinance 7p "e ium #ransports 7p "e ical 7p ;ca re< not in !c7ui@ Brescia@ %olgore@ /oito@ /ori0ia@ /#S. #ransport /attalionsH 7omman 7omman an 1er2ices 7p "i8e #ransport 7p 1pecial #ransport 7p 3o$istical "anoeu2re /attalionsH 7omman 7omman an 1er2ices 7p 1upply 7p "antainance 7p 152 "e ium #ransports 7p 152 "i8e #ransport 7p

Draft Document



7re it for this section $oes to Arturo 4ilippo 3orioli& who went throu$h 9talian recor s an publications to put it to$ether. 1. 2n 1tormo ;Win$< 5 @"ario 'A$ostiniA 5 #re2iso51ant'An$elo& 9talyH a. 1'th 6ruppo ;1Fua ron< 7acciabombar ieri ;4i$hterC/omber<H 18 691

2. 3r 1tormo @7arlo -manuele /usca$liaA 5 Derona5Dillafranca& 9talyH a. 28th 6ruppo 7/?H ?451!'6 an 451!'6 b. 132n 6ruppo 7/?H ?451!'6 an 451!'6 3. 'th 1tormo @Ame eo %AostaA5 6rosseto& 9talyH a. 9th 6ruppo 79)H 451!'1 b. 2!th 6ruppo A)H #451!'6 an 451!'1 '. ,th 1tormo @6iuseppe 7enniA 5 ?imini5"iramare& 9talyH a. 23r 6ruppo 79)H 451!'1 b. 1!2n 6ruppo 7/)1H 451!'1 ,. .th 1tormo @Alfre o 4uscoA5 6he i& 9talyH a. 1,'th 6ruppo 7/)1H #orna o 9D1 b. 1,,th 6ruppo 7/)1H #orna o 9D1 .. 8th 1tormo @6ino *rioloA 5 7er2ia& 9talyH a. 1!1st 6ruppo 7/H 6.91M +. 9th 1tormo @4rancesco /araccaA 5 7apua56raBBanise& 9talyH a. 1!th 6ruppo 79)H 451!'1 8. 32n 1tormo @Arman o /oettoA 5 /rin isi& 9talyH a. 13th 6ruppo 7/H 6.91M 9. 1tormo @Eelmut 1ei lA 5 6ioia el 7olle& 9talyH a. 12th 6ruppo 79)H 451!'1 b. 1,.th 6ruppo 7/)1 H #orna o 9D1 1!. 3+th 1tormo @7esare #oschiA 5 #rapani5/ir$i& 9talyH a. 18th 6ruppo 79C7/H 451!'1 11. ,1st 1tormo @4erruccio 1erafiniA 5 #re2iso59strana & 9talyH a. 22n 6ruppo 79)H 451!'1 b. 1!3r 6ruppo 7/H A"5J& 6.91?& 6.91# ;not operational& con2ertin$ to A"5J< 12. ,3r 1tormo @6u$liemo 7hiariniA 5 7ameri& 9talyH a. 21st 6ruppo 79)H 451!'1 13. 1st /ri$ata Aerea @DeBio "eBBettiA 5 *a o2a ;(9=-5Eercules 1A"<H a. 1tormo 5 #re2iso H 1< ,+th 6ruppo 9# L 7ecciaH 12 (ikeCEercules 2< ,8th 6ruppo 9# 5 7or o2a oH 12 (ikeCEercules 3< 8!th 6ruppo 9# 5 /a$noli i 1opraH 12 (ikeCEercules '< 81st 6ruppo 9# 5 7hio$$iaH 12 (ikeCEercules b. 1+th 1tormo 5 *a o2aH 1< .,th 6ruppo 9# 5 "ontichiariH 12 (ikeCEercules 2< .+th 6ruppo 9# 5 "onte 7al2arinaH 12 (ikeCEercules Draft Document 198

3< +2n 6ruppo 9# 5 /o2oloneH 12 (ikeCEercules '< +9th 6ruppo 9# 5 PeloH 12 (ikeCEercules 1'. 7ombat5capable #rainin$ units H a. 2!th 6ruppo A) ;)70<H ;alrea y liste with the 'th 1tormo< b. .!th /ri$ata Aerea 5 4o$$ia5Amen olaH 1< 2!1st 6ruppo H 6.91#H 2< 2!'th 6ruppo H 6.91#H c. .1st /ri$ata Aerea 5 3ecce56alatinaH 1< 212th 6ruppoH "/.339AH 2< 213th 6ruppoH "/.339AH 1,. 9n epen ent unitsH a. 313th 6ruppo AA @4recce #ricoloriA 5 0 ine5?i2oltoH "/.339*A( ;air emonstration unit< UUUUUUUUUUUUU Definitions 1tormo _ Win$ 6ruppo _ 1Fua ron AA _ A estramento Acrobatico ;Aerobatic #rainin$< A) _ A estramento )perati2o ;)perational #rainin$ 5 )70< 7/ _ 7acciabombar ieri ;4i$hterC/ombers< 7/)1 _ 7acciabombar ieri )$nitempo 1peciali ;1pecial All5Weather 4i$hterC/omber& where @1pecialA means nuclear weapons capable< 7/? _ 7acciabombar ieri ?ico$nitori ;?econ 4i$hterC/ombers< 79 _ 7accia 9ntercettori ;9nterceptor 4i$hters< 79) _ 7accia 9ntercettori )$nitempo ;All5Weather 9nterceptor 4i$hters< 9# _ 9ntercettori #ele$ui ati ;?emote5controlle 9nterceptors& i.e. (ikeCEercules 1A"s< 1'. , 1A" $roupsH 1pa a ;$roun 5mounte 2ersion of Aspi e ;A9"5+ eri2ati2e<< 1,. #rainin$ -stablishmentH a. 2!th #rainin$ 6ruppo ;)70<H 1.;N< #451!'6 c. 2!1st& 2!'th& 2!,th #rainin$ 6rupposH 6591# No)e 17 ;from Arturo< #he aircrafts allocation is 2ery ifficult to assess. #he official allocation was 12 aiplanes ;Q1 reser2e< for the fi$hter units& an 18 ;Q1< for the other units. #he fi$hters an recon sFns ha 3 fli$hts Q 1 at ca re status ;i.e. not operational<& e8cept for the 18th 1Fn that ha Gust 3 fli$hts & while all fi$hter5bombers sFns ha four fli$hts. #he actual allocation chan$e continuously& with the #orna o sFns usually closer to full stren$th ;or e2en sli$htly o2erstren$ht< an the 451!' sFns usually short of some units. No)e 8 Aircraft hol in$sH .! 451!'1 were up$ra e to 451!'A1A by 1989& $i2in$ them the ability to fire later 1parrows ;Aspi e is 9talian 2ersion< an 1i ewin ers. 4li$ht 9nternational says +. or more 451!'1 were also still in in2entory. A total of 2!. 451!'1 were built for the 9talian Air 4orce& with pro uction en in$ in 19+9. Jane%s says at least 1'2 451!' still in in2entory in early 199!. #here were also 19 ?451!'6& , 451!'6& an 1+ #451!'6 in in2entory ;49<. #orna o 9D1 L 8, stan ar an 1, 9D15# trainin$ 2ersions. 9n a ition to the abo2e sFua rons& 1! were statione at the (A#) tri5national trainin$ facility at 7ottesmore& 0=. 2 were lost to acci ents in 198' an one in June 1989. 9nformation from #orna o5 6.91H 38Q 6.91M ;li$ht attack 2ersion<& ',Q 6.91? ;reconCli$ht attack 2ersion<& +1 6.91# ;trainerCli$ht attack 2ersion< )ther AircraftH 8! "/.339A ;a 2ance trainer with secon ary attack role<& 1! "/.339*A( ; emonstration team 2ersion<& , "/.339?" ;ra ar calibration 2ersion< ..Q "/.32. ;former a 2ance trainers use as communicationsCliason aircraft< 3! 1452.!" ;lea 5in trainers< Draft Document 199

18 Atlantic ;"arine ?econnaissance< #ransportsH 12 7513!E& 32 65222 . 65222D1C?" ;-39(#<& 21 *D58!8?"C-7" ;-7"Cra ar calibrations< 9n a ition& eli2eries of A"J li$ht attack aircraft be$an in 1989 No)e ?7 9talian Air 4orce Eelicopter Eol in$sH 9n a ition to fi8e 5win$ aircraft& 9taly also ha substantial hol in$s of rotary win$ aircraftH 1! A/52!,A& ,! (E5,!!D& 32 A/5212& 2 A/5.1A5'& 18 EE53- *elicans& plus 28 A/5'+6CJ an 2, A/52!' in the trainin$ role ; ata for early 199! from Jane%s<.

Draft Document



1st 9nfantry /attalion ;3i$ht< 5 assi$ne to the Allie "obile 4orce ;3an <H a< 3 9nfantry 7ompanies b< 1upport 7ompany with R1. 3an ?o2ers with E"6s& . 3an ?o2er with 95#)W& 1 battery ;. tubesN< of 81mm mortars c< Artillery /attery ;attache to /el$ian fiel artillery school<H 3 1!,mm howitBers on 2,lber carria$es. 1. No)e7 4rom /ob "ac=enBie%s work for the 44# rules set. No)e 87 )ne of the infantry companies may ha2e switche o2er to an or$aniBation similar to the support company in the mi 5198!s.


1. 18 -53A 1-(#?M AWA71 5 6eilenkirchen& 4?6 ;01 an 3u8 re$istration<

Draft Document



;?)MA3 D0#7E A?"M< Ne)her$#"%. Co'")r+ D#)# *opulationH 1'.+. million& inclu in$ ,9'&!!! males 18522 an 1&2+.&!!! million males 23532. 6D*H ;1988< I228.28 billion Defense /u $etH ;1989< I...8 billion "anpowerH ArmyH .3&!!! ;plus 13,&1!! reser2es< (a2yH 1.&,!! ;plus about 9&'!! reser2es& +&!!! of whom are on imme iate recall< Air 4orceH 1+&'!! ;plus about 11&2!! reser2es on imme iate recall< (umerous chan$es courtesy of Jo 2an er *lum 2ia ?-#A721. 9n a ition& special thanks to #ank5(et.or$%s 11e& whose work with the ?(3 Army historical section ma e a real ifference in this list an cleare up many pre2ious misconceptions. #hanks to #ank5(et%s "unster for the etails of the artillery units. 9 woul like to a a special note of thanks to Eans /oesma for his archi2al work that sorte out many of the more complicate parts of this section. No)e7 #he Dutch Army coul mobiliBe its maGor elements in '8 hours& an its entire military in 9. hours. Due to peacetime positionin$& lea combat forces coul eploy to their 6D* positions within 2 ays but follow on forces woul take up to + ays. #he (etherlan s maintaine 3! ays of war stocks. 1. 1st (etherlan s 7orps5Apel oorn& (3H assi$ne to ()?#EA6 a. 1st 9nfantry Di2ision ;"ech< @+ DecemberA 5 1chaarsber$en& (3H 1< 11th "ech 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 1chaarsber$en& (3H a< 1!1st Armore /attalion ;?E*A<H .1 3eopar 1D& 12 M*?5+., b< 12th "ech /attalion ;6?J<H +! M*?5+.,& 9 12!mm mortar& 1. M*?5+.,C*?A#& 2+ Dra$on c< '8th "ech /attalion ;?DE<H +! M*?5+.,& 9 12!mm mortar& 1. M*?5+.,C*?A#& 2+ Dra$on < 11th Artillery /attalion ;Af elin$ Del artillerie< @6ele ?iG ersA ;Mellow ?i ers<H 2! "1!9A3 e< 11th -n$ineer 7ompanyH 2 -n$ineerin$ tanks& 2 bri $in$ tanks& 13 "113 2< 12th "ech 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 (unspeet& (3H a< ,9th Armore /attalion ;?E*)<H .1 3eopar 1D& 12 M*?5+., b< 11th "ech /attalion ;6?6<H +! M*?5+.,& 9 12!mm mortar& 1. M*?5+.,C*?A#& 2+ Dra$on c< 13th "ech /attalion ;64*9<H +! M*?5+.,& 9 12!mm mortar& 1. M*?5+.,C*?A#& 2+ Dra$on < 1'th Artillery /attalionH 2! "1!9A3 e< 12th -n$ineer 7ompanyH 2 -n$ineerin$ tanks& 2 bri $in$ tanks& 13 "113 3< 13th Armore /ri$a e 5 )irschot& (3H a< 11th Armore /attalion ;?E21<H ,2 3eopar 1D& 12 M*?5+., a< '9th Armore /attalion ;?E21<H ,2 3eopar 1D& ' M*?5+., b< 1+th "ech /attalion ;?97h<H +! M*?5+.,& 9 12!mm mortar& 1. M*?5+.,C*?A#& 2+ Dra$on c< 13th Artillery /attalionH 2! "1!9A3 < 13th -n$ineer 7ompanyH 2 -n$ineerin$ tanks& 2 bri $in$ tanks& 13 "113 '< 1!2n @2an /oreelA ?econ /attalion 5 Eoo$lan & (3H 18 3eopar 1D& '8 "113 7>?& an 1. Dra$on ,< 2,th Air Defense /attalionH 2+ *?#3 twin 3,mm 1*& 2+ 1tin$er b. 'th 9nfantry Di2ision ;"ech< 5 Ear erwiGk& (3H 1< '1st Armore /ri$a e 5 Pe2en& 4?6H a< '1st Armore /attalion ;?E*A<H ,2 3eopar 2A'& 12 M*?5+., b< '3r Armore /attalion ;?E21<H ,2 3eopar 2A'& 12 M*?5+., c< '2n "ech /n ;?3J<H +! M*?5+.,& 9 12!mm mortar& 1. M*?5+.,C*?A#& 2+ Dra$on < '1st Artillery /attalionH 2! "1!9A3 e< '1st -n$ineer 7ompanyH 2 -n$ineerin$ tanks& 2 bri $in$ tanks& 13 "113 2< '2n "ech 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 Assen& (3H a< ,+th Armore /attalion ;?E*A<H .1 3eopar 2A'& 12 M*?5+., Draft Document 2!2

b< ''th "ech /n ;?9JW4<H +! M*?5+.,& 9 12!mm mortar& 1. M*?5+.,C*?A#& 2+ Dra$on c< ',th "ech /n ;?9)6<H +! M*?5+.,& 9 12!mm mortar& 1. M*?5+.,C*?A#& 2+ Dra$on < ,,th Artillery /attalionH 2! "1!9A3 e< '2n -n$ineer 7ompanyH 2 -n$ineerin$ tanks& 2 bri $in$ tanks& 13 "113 3< '3r "ech 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 1teenwiGk& (3H a< '2n Armore /attalion ;?E*)<H .1 3eopar 2A'& 12 M*?5+., b< '1st "ech /attalion ;?1t<H +! M*?5+.,& 9 12!mm mortar& 1. M*?5+.,C*?A#& 2+ Dra$on c< '+th "ech /n ;?9"27<H +! M*?5+.,& 9 12!mm mortar& 1. M*?5+.,C*?A#& 2+ Dra$on < '3r Artillery /attalionH 2! "1!9A3 e< '3r -n$ineer 7ompanyH 2 -n$ineerin$ tanks& 2 bri $in$ tanks& 13 "113 '< 1!3r @2an /oreelA ?econ /attalion 5 Pe2en& 4?6H 18 3eopar 2A'& '8 "113 7>?& an 1. Dra$on ,< 1,th Air Defense /attalionH 2+ *?#3 twin 3,mm 1*& 2+ 1tin$er c. ,th 9nfantry Di2ision ;"ech< 5 Apel oorn& (3H ?eser2e 4ormation 1< ,1st Armore /ri$a e 5 Ear erwiGk& (3H a< 12th Armore /attalion ;?E1<H ,2 3eopar 2A'& 12 M*?5+., b< ,'th Armore /attalion ;?E1<H ,2 3eopar 2A'& 12 M*?5+., c< "ech /attalion ;?3J<H +! M*?5+.,& 9 12!mm mortar& 1. M*?5+.,C*?A#& 2+ Dra$on < 3'th Artillery /attalionH 2! "1!9A2 ;"11' N< e< ,1st -n$ineer 7ompanyH 2 -n$ineerin$ tanks& 2 bri $in$ tanks& 13 "113 2< ,2n "ech 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 Arnhem& (3H a< ,2n Armore /attalion ;?E*A<H .1 3eopar 1D& ' M*?5+., b< 1,th "ech /attalion ;64*9<H +! M*?5+.,& 9 12!mm mortar& 1. M*?5+.,C*?A#& 2+ Dra$on c< '3r "ech /attalion ;?97h<H +! M*?5+.,& 9 12!mm mortar& 1. M*?5+.,C*?A#& 2+ Dra$on < ,2n Artillery /attalionH 2! "1!9A2 ; isban e N< e< ,2n -n$ineer 7ompanyH 2 -n$ineerin$ tanks& 2 bri $in$ tanks& 13 "113 3< ,3r "ech 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 6ar eren& (3H a< ,8th Armore /attalion ;?E*)<H .1 3eopar 1D& ' M*?5+., b< 1'th "ech /attalion ;?97E<H +! M*?5+.,& 9 12!mm mortar& 1. M*?5+.,C*?A#& 2+ Dra$on c< '.th "ech /attalion ;?9"27<H +! M*?5+.,& 9 12!mm mortar& 1. M*?5+.,C*?A#& 2+ Dra$on < 13th Artillery /attalionH 2! "1!9A2 e< ,3r -n$ineer 7ompanyH 2 -n$ineerin$ tanks& 2 bri $in$ tanks& 13 "113 '< 1!'th ?econnaissance /attalion 5 Apel oorn& (3H 18 3eopar 1D& '8 "113 7>?& an 1. Dra$on ,< 3,th Air Defense /attalionH 2+ *?#3 twin 3,mm 1* 1*& 2+ 1tin$er . 1st (3 7orps assetsH 1< 1!'th 7omman o 7ompany 5 Apel oorn& (3H 2+ 3??* teams ;1!' Waarnemin$s5 en 2erkennin$scompa$nie< 2< 1!,th ?econnaissance /attalionH 18 3eopar 2A'& '8 "113 7>?& an 1. Dra$on 3< 1!1st 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 Den Dun$en& (3H b< 1!2n "ech 9nfantry /attalionH +! M*?N& 9 12!mm mortar& 2+ Dra$on A#6" c< 132n "ech 9nfantry /attalionH +! M*?N& 9 12!mm mortar& 2+ Dra$on A#6" < 1'2n "otoriBe 9nfantry /attalionH . 12!mm mortar& 2+ Dra$on A#6" < 1'3r "otoriBe 9nfantry /attalionH . 12!mm mortar& 2+ Dra$on A#6" e< ,'th Artillery /attalionH 2! "1!9A2 ;N Disban e 198+N< '< 1!1st Artillery 6roup 5 Ear erwiGk& (3H a< 1!9th Artillery /atteryH "3?1 ;11N< b< 119th Artillery /atteryH "3?1 ;11< b< 129th Artillery /attalion L Ea2elteH . 3ance 11" ,< 1!2n Artillery 6roup 5 Ear erwiGk& (3H a< 19th Artillery /attalionH 1. "11!A2 b< ''th Artillery /attalionH 2! "1!9A2 c< 1!+th Artillery /attalionH 1. "11!A2 < 1!8th Artillery /attalionH 1. "11!A2 e< 11+th Artillery /attalionH 1. "11!A2 f< 118th Artillery /attalionH 1. "11!A2 .< 1!'th Artillery 6roup 5 Apel oorn& (3H ;reser2e< a< 12'th Artillery /attalionH 2' 1,,mm "11'C39 towe howitBers ;reser2e< Draft Document 2!3

b< 13'th Artillery /attalionH 2' 1,,mm "11'C39 towe howitBers ;reser2e< c< 1''th Artillery /attalionH 2' 1,,mm "11'C39 towe howitBers ;reser2e< +< 1!1st Anti5Aircraft 6roup 5 6ar eren& (3H a< ',th Air Defense /attalionH 2+ '!mm AA 6uns& 2' 1tin$er 8< 1!1st -n$ineer 6roup 5 Apel oorn& (3H a< 11th -n$ineer /attalion L WeBepH 3 armore en$ineer companies in "113& 1 construction company. b< '1st -n$ineer /attalion 55 1ee orfH 3 armore en$ineer companies in "113 c< 1!2n -n$ineer /attalionH < 1!3r -n$ineer /attalionH e< 223r -n$ineer /attalionH f< '.2n -n$ineer /attalionH Armore ene$ineers in "113 $< 1!'th /ri $e 7ompanyH h< 1!1st (/7 7ompanyH i< 1!2n Eea2y -Fuipment 7ompanyH construction eFuipment G< 1!+th Dump #ruck 7ompnayH 9< 2!1st -n$ineer 6roup ;?eser2es< a< 1!+th -n$ineer /attalion L "aamH armore en$ineers in "113 b< 1!,th *ontoon /ri $e 7ompanyH c< 1,,th /ri $e 7ompanyH < 212th Eea2y -Fuipment 7ompanyH construction eFuipment e< 22+th Dump #ruck 7ompanyH 1!<1!1st "ilitary *olice /attalionH a< 11th "ilitary *olice 7ompanyH b< '1st "ilitary *olice 7ompanyH c< 1!3r "ilitary *olice 7ompanyH < 1!'th "ilitary *olice 7ompany 11<(o. 298 1Fua ron 5 1oesterber$& (3H 3!Q Alouette 999 12<(o. 299 1Fua ron 5 Deelen& (3H 29 /)51!,7/& 1 /)51!,7D 13<(o. 3!! 1Fua ron 5 Deelen& (3H 3!Q Alouette 999 1'<(o. 3!2 1Fua ron L ;mobiliBation unit<H Alouette 999 1,< 3!,th 7omman o /attalion ;3!, 7omman otroepenbatalGon<H former members of 1!'th comman o company a< '!3r 7ompanyH b< '!.th 7ompanyH c< '12th 7ompanyH


1. 3!2n 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 6ou a& (3H assi$ne to rear area security a. b. c. . $. 2. 311th 9nfantry /attalion ;?97h<H 9 81mm mortars& 2+ 7arl 6usta2 313th 9nfantry /attalion ;?9)6<H 9 81mm mortars& 2+ 7arl 6usta2 31'th 9nfantry /attalion ;?9)6<H 9 81mm mortars& 2+ 7arl 6usta2 31,th 9nfantry /attalion ;6?J<H 9 81mm mortars& 2+ 7arl 6usta2 3!3r Artillery /attalionH 2' "11' 1,,mm towe howitBers

3!'th 9nfantry /ri$a e 5 /re a& (3H assi$ne to rear area security a. b. c. . $. 319th 9nfantry /attalion ;?1<H 9 81mm mortars& 2+ 7arl 6usta2 321st 9nfantry /attalion ;6?J<H 9 81mm mortars& 2+ 7arl 6usta2 322n 9nfantry /attalion ;6?6<H 9 81mm mortars& 2+ 7arl 6usta2 32,th 9nfantry /attalion ;?97h<H 9 81mm mortars& 2+ 7arl 6usta2 3!'th Artillery /attalionH 2' "11' 1,,mm towe howitBers

3. '. ,. ..

323r 9nfantry /attalionH 9 81mm mortars& 2+ 7arl 6usta2 32'th 9nfantry /attalionH 9 81mm mortars& 2+ 7arl 6usta2 32+th 9nfantry /attalionH 9 81mm mortars& 2+ 7arl 6usta2 3!,th 7omman o /attalionH 2!'

Draft Document

'.!th -n$ineer 6roupH a. 221st -n$ineer /attalion b. '81st -n$ineer /attalion c. '.2n -n$ineer /attalion 8. 9nfantry 7ompanies for the protection of specific re$ions an sites 55 9nfanterie /eschermin$s 7ompa$nie ;9/7s< a. '2! 9/7 L EaarlemH protection of military sites in northern part of pro2ince of (oor 5Eollan b. '21 9/7 L 1chipholH protection of military sites in southern part of pro2ince of (oor 5Eollan c. '22 9/7 55 De 3ierH protection of military sites in pro2ince of Pui 5Eollan . '2' 9/7 L 0trechtH protection of military sites in pro2ince of 0trecht an eastern part of Pui 5Eollan e. '2, 9/7 55 t Ear eH protection of 01 Army sites at at Ear e ;nuclear warhea s< f. '2. 9/7 L ArnhemH protection of military sites in southern part of pro2ince of 6el erlan $. '28 9/7 L -ef eH protection of military sites in northern part of 6el erlan an )2eriGssel h. '29 9/7 L 3eeuwar enH protection of military sites in northern pro2inces of 4rieslan &6ronin$en an Drenthe i. '31 9/7 L )irschotH protection of military sites in eastern part of (oor 5/rabant G. '33 9/7 55 /re aH protection of military sites in western part of (oor /rabant an Peelan k. '3' 9/7 55 Ea2elteH protection of 3ance missiles l. '3, 9/7 55 /uren& 6ermanyH protection of Dutch "ilitary sites in 6ermany m. ''' 9/7 L 7railoH protection of military sites in eastern (oor 5Eollan n. ''. 9/7 L (unspeetH protection of military sites in western part of 6el erlan o. ''9 9/7 L AssenH protection of military sites in Drenthe an (orthern )2eriGssel p. ',1 9/7 L 6ra2eH protection of military sites in eastern (oor 5/rabant an 3imbur$ F. ,2, 9/7 L 1chaarsber$enH protection of mobiliBation centers in 6el erlan 9. )ther Anti5Aircraft 0nits a. 2,th Anti5Aircraft /ri$a e 1. 11th Anti5Aircraft /attalion 2. 13th Anti5Aircraft /attalion 3. '2n Anti5Aircraft /attalionH ;reser2e< b. 1,th Anti5Aircraft /ri$a e 1. 12th Anti5Aircraft /attalion 2. '1st Anti5Aircraft /attalion 3. '3r Anti5Aircraft /attalion c. 3,th Anti5Aircraft /ri$a e 1. ,1st jAnti5Aircraft /attalion . 3 ",, Kua E"6 platoons ;1!1st& 1!2n & 1!3r & isban e 1989< 1!. )ther 0nits a. ,1st Artillery /attalion ;reser2e<H 2' 2,lbers b. 1!1st #ar$et AcFuisition 0nit (oteH #here may also ha2e been 331st an 332n 9nfantry battalions. No)e 17 *?#3 #win 3,mm 1* is Dutch 2ersion of West 6erman 6epar with ifferent ra ar system. No)e 87 Eans /oersma has pro2i e me with the official or$aniBation of the tank battalions. ;a photo of an official manual& to be e8actk< #hose in tank bri$a es ha three companies& each of ' platoons of ' tanks plus a company EK tank& alon$ with a battalion EK tank ;381+ Q 1<. #hose battalions in the mechaniBe bri$a es ha 2 companies& each with ' platoons of ' tanks plus a company EK tank& 2 more companies& each with 3 platoons of ' tanks plus a company EK tank& an a battalion EK tank ;281+ Q 2813 Q 1<. No)e ?7 Dutch /attalion )r$aniBations Me&h I",#")r+ B#))#$ o" ;*ainfbat M*?5+.,< EKH 3 M*?5+., 3 7os& eachH 13 M*?5+.,& . Dra$on 1upport 7oH 3 "ortar *latoons ;3 M*? tractors towrin$ 12!mm mortars each<& ' A# *latoons ;' M*?5*?A# #)W 2ehicles each< 9n a ition& the battalion containe 18 other M*? types ;comman & 4)& ambulance& lo$istics& etc< (oteH battalions in #ank /ri$a es ha only 3 A# *latoons Br !#%e E"! "eer Co(0#"+ 30#!"& e 30#").er!e" e&o(0#!" e55 Draft Document 2!,

EKH 1 "113A1& 1 ",++ 3 -n$ineer *latoons& eachH '1 men& ' "113A1 1upport 7oH 2 tank oBers& 2 AD3/& hea2y en$ineerin$ 2ehicles& 3' men No)e 47 1ome artillery battalions liste with "11'C39 likely still ha un5con2erte "11's. No)e <7 -Fuipment Eol in$s& as of late 1989Cearly 199! ;from Jane%s an other sources<H Tanks: '', 3eopar 1D& '.8 3eopar 99& plus as many as 3+! 7enturions as recently as 198+& but those may ha2e been sol to Austria for static use ;althou$h this number oes not inclu e at least the first batch sol to Austria<& lar$e numbers of A"J513C1!,s as late as the mi 5198!s.. Light !rmoure# &ehiclesH 2,! "113 7>?& 2&!+9 M*?5+., ;inclu in$ 2ariants such as 119 *?A#<& '+9 "113 ;inclu in$ 2ariants<& likely a lar$e number ;8!!59!!< of M*5'!8 ;Gust comin$ out of ser2ice in 1989< an '3!Q A"J5D79 as late as 198.. !rtillery: +. "11!A2& 13, "1!9A1& 91 "1!9A2& 82 "11'C39 ;plus a number uncon2erte & at least 2+ still in in2entory in mi 5199!sO this 1o2iet source $i2es 1'! "11' of all types<& '2 "1!1& some 2,lbers& some "3?1 bein$ eli2ere & 8 3ance launchers !ir )efense: 9, *?#3 twin 3,mm 1*& .!Q /ofors '!3+! controlle by 3! 4lycatcher ra ars& 9'' 1tin$ers ; eli2eries on$oin$< elicopters: .' 1A531. Alouettee 99& 29 /)51!, No)e =7 #he followin$ artillery battalions were isban e in 198+ ;may actually be slate for isban in$ un er 198+ plan& but not one until later<H a< ,3r Artillery /attalion ;2,lbers& reser2e< b< ,'th Artillery /attalion ;"11' 1,,mm& reser2e< c< 1!'th Artillery /attalion ;"11' 1,,mm& reser2e< < 11'th Artillery /attalion ;"11' 1,,mm& reser2e< e< 21'th Artillery /attalionH No)e 97 Dutch ?e$imental Affiliations #he abbre2iation followin$ the unit title referes to the battalion%s re$imental affiliationH ?E*A 55 ?e$iment EuBaren *rins Ale8an er 6?J 55 6ar e ?e$iment Ja$ers ?2E 55 ?e$iment 2an EeutsB ?E*) 55 ?e$iment EuBaren *rins )ranGe 6?6 55 6ar e ?e$iment 6rena iers 64*9 55 6ar e 4usiliers *rincess 9rene ?E21 55 ?e$iment EuBaren 2an 1ytBama ?97h 55 ?e$iment 9nfanterie 7hasse ?3J 55 ?e$iment 3imbur$se ?9JW4 55 ?e$iment 9nfanterie Johann Willem 4riso ?9)6 55 ?e$iment 9nfanterie )ranGe 6el erlan ?1t 55 ?e$iment 1tootroepen ?9"27 55 ?e$iment 9nfanterie "enno 2an 7oehoorn

Draft Document



1. 2. 3. '. ,. .. +. 8. 9. 1!. 1!. (o. 3!. ?econnaissance 1Fua ron 5 Dolkel& (3H 18 451.A;?econ mission wC)rpheus recon po s< (o. 311 4i$hterC/omber 1Fua ron 5 Dolkel& (3H 18 451.A ;#raine in nuclear weapons eli2ery< (o. 312 4i$hterC/omber 1Fua ron 5 Dolkel& (3H 18 451.A (o. 313 4i$hterC/omber 1Fua ron 5 #wenthe& (3H 18 451.A (o. 31' 4i$hterC/omber 1Fua ron 5 6ilBe5?iGen& (3H 18 (45,A (o. 31, 4i$hterC/omber 1Fua ron 5 #wenthe& (3H 18 451.A (o. 31. 4i$hterC/omber 1Fua ron 5 -in ho2en& (3H 18 (45,A (o. 322 4i$hterC/omber 1Fua ron 5 3eeuwar en& (3H 18 451.A (o. 323 4i$hterC/omber 1Fua ron 5 3eeuwar en& (3H 18 451.A 1'8th #4#1 ;AP (ational 6uar < L #ucson& APH 1! 451. ;trainin$ unit< Air Defense 1Fua rons L eploye to efen airbasesH a. (o. 119 1Fua ron L 3eeuwar en& (3H 3 95Eawk 3aunchers& 9 '!3+! AA 6uns& 3 4lycatcher ra ar b. (o. 221 1Fua ron L 1oesterber$& (3H 3 95Eawk 3aunchers& 9 '!3+! AA 6uns& 3 4lycatcher ra ar c. (o. 222 1Fua ron L #wenthe& (3H 3 95Eawk 3aunchers& 9 '!3+! AA 6uns& 3 4lycatcher ra ar . (o. N 1Fua ron L Dolkel& (3H 3 95Eawk 3aunchers& 9 '!3+! AA 6uns& 3 4lycatcher ra ar e. (o. N 1Fua ron L De *eel& (3H 3 95Eawk 3aunchers& 9 '!3+! AA 6uns& 3 4lycatcher ra ar f. (o. N 1Fua ron L (ieuw "illi$en 7?7& (3H 3 95Eawk 3aunchers& 9 '!3+! AA 6uns& 3 4lycatcher ra ar $. (o. 121 1Fua ron L6liBe5?iGen& (3H 3 95Eawk 3aunchers& 9 '!3+! AA 6uns& 3 4lycatcher ra ar 11. 3r 6ui e Weapons 6roup ;6roep 6elei e Wapens< 5 /lomber$& 4?6H a. (o. 32' 1Fua ron 5 AerBen53aatBenH . 95Eawk 3aunchers b. (o. 32. 1Fua ron 5 /a "einber$CEornH . 95Eawk 3aunchers c. (o. 32+ 1Fua ron 5 1chwelentrupH , *atriot 3aunchers ;from 95Eawk& %88< . (o. 328 1Fua ron 5 1chwalenber$H . 95Eawk 3aunchers 12. ,th 6ui e Weapons 6roup ;6roep 6elei e Wapens< L 1tolBenau& 4?6H a. (o. ,!! 1Fua ron 5 /orstelH . 95Eawk 3aunchers b. (o. ,!1 1Fua ron 5 WinBlarH . 95Eawk 3aunchers c. (o. ,!2 1Fua ron 5 Eoysin$hausenH , *atriot 3aunchers ;from 95Eawk& 'C88< . (o. ,!3 1Fua ron 5 ?eins orfH , *atriot 3aunchers ;from 95Eawk& %88< No)e 17 #he Dutch Air 4orce took eli2ery of 1++ 451.As an 3. 451./s& the last bein$ eli2ere in 4ebruary 199!. At least 188 ;an possibly as many as 19,< were a2ailable urin$ 1989. No)e 87 #he Dutch Air 4orce ori$inally took eli2ery of +, (45,As an 3! (45,/s in the late 19.!s an early 19+!s. At least '. (45,As were still in in2entory in 1989O a itionally& some ;1'N 5,/s< were in an )70 sFua ron. No)e ?7 #he 6ui e Weapons 1Fua rons also ha 1!! 49"592A 1tin$ers i2i e amon$ them for point efense& althou$h a total of .+, ha been or ere . #he Dutch Air 4orce also ha +2 '!3+! AA $uns in total& plus 2. 4lycather ra ar systems. A4 9n2entory also inclu e +2 95Eawk *9*599& 5999 launchers total an 2! *atriot launchers with 1.! missiles. 9t is possible that the airfiel efense sFua rons ha si8 launchers instea of three.

Draft Document



1. 2. 3. '. ,. .. ,. 1st "arine 6roup 5 Doorn& (3 5 assi$ne to /ritish 3r 7omman o /ri$a e& arctic > mountain traine 2n "arine 6roup 5 Dutch West 9n ies& (etherlan sH isperse to protect Dutch na2al facilities in peacetime 3r "arine 6roup L "obiliBation reser2e unit W 7ompany 5 assi$ne to /ritish 3r 7omman o /ri$a e& arctic& para an mountain traine . Amphibious 1ectionH #hree fro$men $roups& 1 inte$rate into 0= ?" 1/1. 7ompnay /oat 6roupH #wo sections& inte$rate into 0= ,39 Assault 1Fua ron& ha 12 37As 7ombat 1upport /attalionH 9nclu es two special forces unitsH a. 1st 7ompany 14"A?(1 or /iGBon ere /iGstan -enhei L elite hosta$e rescue unit b. 2n 7ompany 14"A?(1 L lon$5ran$e recon company

No)e 17 -ach "arine 6roup Wartime 1tren$th L 1 EK 7o ;?cn *lt L Jeeps<& '8 ?ifle 7o ;EK& ' *lt& 1 E2y *lt< ;1 is mobiliBation reser2e unit< 1 E2y 7o ;EK& "ortar& "6& A# > -n$ *lt< -FuipmentH 12 .!mm "ortar& . 81mm "ortar& . 6*"6& . #)W99 on Jeep& '! 7arl 6usta2 or Dra$on A#6" No)e 87 1st "arine 6roup& W 7ompany to 0= 3r 7omman o /ri$a e upon mobiliBation for eployment to (orway. No)e ?7 "obiliBation "arine /attalionsH #here were a number of mobiliBation5only "arine battalions& ma e up of reser2ists that formerly ser2e with the acti2e "arine units. 9nitial task woul be to $uar na2y basesO but their numbers coul pro2i e a itional mobiliBation battalions ;such as pro2i in$ broa er security ser2ices for the Army<.


1ea5/ase Eelicopter 0nits 1. (o. + 1Fua ronH 0E51'A > 1E51'/C7 3yn8 2. (o. 8.! 1Fua ronH 0E51'A > 1E51'/C7 3yn8 "aritime *atrol 0nits ;6roep "aritieme *atrouille2lie$tui$en< 1. (o. 32! 1Fua ronH *537 2. (o. 321 1Fua ronH *537 3. #rainin$ 1Fua ron (ote 1H (a2al Air -Fuipment Eol in$sH 13 *537& , 0E51'A ;3yn8<& 9 1E51'/ ;3yn8<& 9 1E51'7 ;3yn8<

Draft Document



Nor/#+ Co'")r+ D#)# *opulationH '.2 million& inclu in$ 1.8&!!! males 18522 an 33!&!!! million males 23532. 6D*H ;1988< I89.', billion Defense /u $etH ;1989< I2.9+ billion "anpowerH ArmyH 19&!!! ;plus 1'.&!!! reser2es< (a2yH ,&3!! ;plus about 2.&!!! reser2es earmarke < Air 4orceH 9&1!! ;plus about 28&!!! reser2es< Eome 6uar H 8,&!!! reser2es No)e 17 9t was e8pecte that the /ritish 3r ?oyal 7omman o /ri$a e an a 01 "arine 7orps /ri$a e alon$ with the Allie "obile 4orce woul reinforce (orway. 9t was hi$hly probable that the entire 2n 01"7 Di2ision an the 01 1!th "ountain Di2ision woul be eploye to (orway. 9t is e2en possible& but not likely& that the 01 .th 9nfantry Di2ision ;3i$ht< from Alaska coul be eploye . Any of these forces coul be i2erte to Denmark or any other re$ion epen in$ on the situation. "uch info from #ank(et%s #ony -n$elsenO other info from 2arious web sites& 9911& 7omman *ost Kuarterly S11 (orway or$ article. A itionally& much information came from Jakob We man& who pulle ata from (orway%s 199! 74- isclosure an from (orwe$ian efense publications. #he ocument is far more accureate because of his work. (ote 4rom Jakob We manH #he (orwe$ian Defence 7ommission of 19+' propose that all 12 bri$a es woul be e2elope to /ri$a e 9! stan ar . #he bri$a e woul be eFuippe with mo ern anti5air missiles& more artillery an mortar firepower an more anti5tank firepower. #he infantry battalions woul be fully motoriBe . #hree bri$a es V1& 12 an (W woul be transforme to /ri$a e 9! *4 where one of the infantry battalions woul be replace by an armoure battalion with tank an mechaniBe rifle companies. #he same 7ommission propose that the forces in Destlan et woul be reor$aniBe into a bri$a e V/ri$a e DCDestW. 3ars =illan er writes in DZrl spolitikens a$sfrl$or 198'H2 TA2skrekknin$ o$ beroli$elseT 5 norsk fYrs2arspolitik un er 8!5talet that the (orwe$ian army in the en of the 198!s woul fiel 1 stan in$ bri$a e of type /ri$a e 9! *4 V/ri$a e (C(or W& 2 mobiliBe bri$a es of type /ri$a e 9!& + mobiliBe bri$a es of type /ri$a e +8 with enhance capability V#ype +8 mo belowW an 3 bri$a es of type /ri$a e +8. 9n 74- isclosures from 199! only /ri$a e ( is labele /ri$a e 9! ;*4< an the bri$a es /ri$a e 1 an /ri$a e 12 are labele /ri$a e +8 *4. /ri$a e , an /ri$a e . ha2e their hea2y eFuipment pre5positione in northern (orway an woul be transporte by air an sea from `stlan et after mobiliBation. 9t was e8pecte that it woul take 253 ays to transport the bri$a es. 1. Defence 7omman (or 5(or$e L /o Y& (orwayH a. District 7omman (or 5(or$e L Earsta & (orwayH ;units may ha2e forme .th i2ision< 1< /ri$a e (orth ;aka (or$e or (or < 5 /ar ufossH full5time bri$a e woul eploy to the 4innmark bor er urin$ wartime a< 1 #ank 9nfantry /attalionH 2. 3eopar 1& 1! "113& 19 ("13, b< 2 9nfantry /attalionsH "ounte in /D52!2s c< 1 Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!96 < 1 -n$ineer /attalionH e< 1 Anti5Aircraft /atteryH 12 ?/15+! 1A" f< A# 7ompanyH 8 ("11. & 8 ("1'2 $< 1 "ilitary *olice *latoonH h< Artillery )bser2ation #roop L 1etermoenH 2 7essna )51A 2< 1'. /ri$a e ;?eser2e< 5 "osGYenH ;#ype +8 mo < a< 3 3ine /attalions from 1mr5Ello$alan 9nfanteri ?e$iment (r.1'H "ounte in /D52!2s b< A# 7ompanyH 8 ("11.& ' ("1'2 c< Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!96 3< 1,. /ri$a e ;?eser2e< 5 (orth Eammerfest& (orwayH ;#ype +8< a< 3 3ine /attalions from #roms o$ (or 5Ello$alan 9nfanteri ?e$iment (r.1.H "ounte in /D52!2s Draft Document 2!9

b< A# 7ompanyH 8 ("11.& ' ("1'2 c< Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!96 '< 1Yr5Ello$alan 3an Defense District 1' L "osGYenH ,< (or 5Ello$alan 3an Defense District 1, L (ar2ikH .< #rYms 3an Defense 1. C Di2isGon . L /ar ufossH a< 2 4ortress battalions +< 4innmark 3an Defense 1+ a< Alta Defense Area i< 9nfantry battalionH ;with 1* mortars< ii< Artillery batteryH . "1!1C"18 1!, mm howitBer b< *orsan$er Defense Area i< 9nfantry battalion ;1tan in$<H ;with 1* mortars< ii< 9nfantry battalionH ;with 1* mortars< iii< #ank company ;1tan in$<H 13 3eopar 1 i2< Artillery battery ;1tan in$<H . "1!9 1* howitBer c< `stre 4innmark Defense Area i< 9nfantry battalionH ;with 1* mortars< 2. Defence 7omman 1Yr5(or$e 5 )slo& (orwayH a. District 7omman 1Yrlan et 5 )slo& (orwayH 1< +. /ri$a e ;?eser2e< 55 =ristiansan H ;#ype +8< a< 3 3ine /attalions from A$ er 9nfanteri ?e$iment (r.+ b< Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!1C"18 1!,mm EowitBers c< A# 7ompanyH ' ("51'2 2< 8. /ri$a e ;?eser2e< 55 1ta2an$erH ;#ype +8< a< 3 3ine /attalions from ?o$alan 9nfanteri ?e$iment (r.8 b< Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!1C"18 1!,mm EowitBers c< A# 7ompanyH 8 ("11. 3< A$ er Defense District +& =ristiansan '< ?o$alan Defense District 8& 1ta2an$er a< #ank companyH 1+ "'8 b. District 7omman `stlan et 5 Eamar& (orwayH 1< 1. /ri$a e ;?eser2e< L 4re riksta H ;#ype +8< a< 3 3ine /attalions from bstfol 9nfanteri ?e$iment (r.1 b< Artillery /attalionH 18 1!,mm howitBers c< A# 7ompanyH 8 ("11.& 8 ("1'2 2< 3. /ri$a e ;?eser2e< 55 Eeista moenH ;#ype +8< a< 3 3ine /attalions from #elemark 9nfanteri ?e$iment (r.3 b< Artillery /attalionH 18 1!,mm howitBers c< A# 7ompanyH 8 ("11.& 8 ("1'2 3< ,. /ri$a e ;?eser2e< 55 #ernin$moenH ;#ype +8mo < -Fuipment pre5positione in (orthern (orway a< 3 3ine /attalions from bstopplan 9nfanteri ?e$iment (r.,H "ounte in /D52!2 b< Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9 c< A# 7ompanyH 8 ("11.& 8 ("1'2 < Artillery )bser2ation #roopH 2 7essna )51A '< .. /ri$a e ;?eser2e<H ;#ype +8mo < L EYnefossH -Fuipment pre5positione in (orthern (orway a< 3 3ine /attalions from Destopplan 9nfanteri ?e$iment (r..H "ounte in /D52!2 b< Artillery /attalionH 2' "11' 1,,mm howitBers c< A# 7ompanyH 8 ("51'2 < Artillery )bser2ation #roopH 2 7essna )51A ,< /ri$a en i 1mr5(or$e ;/ri$ 1< ;aka '. /ri$a e< 55 )nsru H ;#ype +8*4< a< 2 ;maybe 3N< 3ine /attalions from Je$erkorpset5Akershus 9nfanteri ?e$iment (r.' b< 1 Armoure /attalionH '! "'8& 8 "113& 12 ("13, c< Artillery /attalionH 2' "1!9 < A# 7ompanyH 8 "'8& 8 ("1'2 e< Artillery )bser2ation #roop 55 EaslemoenH 2 7essna )51A Draft Document 21!

.< `stre )slofGor Defense District 1& 4re riksta a< Artillery battalionH 18 "1!1C"18 1!,mm howitBer +< Destre )slofGor Defense District 3& Eeista moen a< Artillery battalionH 18 "1!1C"18 1!,mm howitBer b< 9nfantry battalionH ;("12, 1* mortars< c< 9nfantry battalionH 8< Akershus Defense District ' 55 )nsru ;?eser2es< a< Eis "aGesty the =in$'s 6uar s ;E"=6& 1tan in$< b< Artillery battalionH 18 "1!1C"18 1!,mm howitBer c< Artillery battalionH 18 "1!1C"18 1!,mm howitBer < #ank companyH 13 3eopar 1 e< 9 9nfantry battalionsH 9< `stopplan Defense District , 55 #ernin$moen 1!< Destopplan Defense District . 55 EYnefoss a< 2 9nfantry battalionsH c. District 7omman Destlan et 1< /ri$a en pl Destlan et ;also known as /ri$ D< 55 /er$enH a< 2 3ine /attalions from Eor alan 9nfanteri ?e$iment (r.9 b< 1 3ine /attalion from 4Gor ane 9nfanteri ?e$iment (r.1! c< Artillery battalionH 18 "1!1C"18 1!,mm howitBer 2< Eor alan Defense District 9 L 0l2enH 3< 4Gor ane Defense District 1! L #2il emoenH . District 7omman #rYn ela$ 1< /ri$a e 12 ;#ype +8 *4< L #ron heimH a< Armoure battalionH 2. 3eopar 1& 2 "113& 18 ("13, b< 1 3ine /attalion from "mre 9nfanteri ?e$iment (r.11 c< 2 3ine /attalions from 1mr5#rmn ela$ 9nfanteri ?e$iment (r.12 < Artillery battalionH 18 "1!9 1* howitBer e< A# companyH 8 ("11. & 12 ("1'2 f< Artillery obser2ation troopH 2 7essna )51A& DZrnes 2< /ri$a e 13 ;#ype +8 mo < L 1teinkGerH a< 3 3ine /attalions from (or 5#rmn ela$ 9nfanteri ?e$iment (r.13 b< Artillery battalionH 2' "11' howitBer c< A# companyH 8 ("11.& 8 ("1'2 < Artillery obser2ation troop L DZrnesH 2 7essna )51A 3< "Yre Defense District 11& "ol e a. Artillery batteryH . "1!1C"18 1!, mm howitBer b. 9nfantry battalionH ' "3! mortar '< 1Yr5#rYn ela$ Defense District 12& #ron heim a. Artillery battalionH 18 "1!1C"18 1!, mm howitBer ,< (or 5#rYn ela$ Defense District 13& 1teinkGer a. Artillery battalionH 18 "1!1C"18 1!, mm howitBer 3. )ther 0nits a. 3an Eome 6uar H '+! platoon5siBe units& eFuippe with 7arl 6usta2& 3518 ,+mm ?? No)e 17 9911 says three i2ional comman s to be forme on mobiliBation. No)e 87 9n all likelihoo & there are a number of anti5aircraft untis missin$ from this list. 9n a ition& there were a number of in epen ent infantry an en$ineer companies& compose of reser2ists an likely assi$ne to the ifferent efense istricts. No)e ?7 9! /ri$a e )r$aniBationH ;nominal< A# 1Fua ronH 2 "113& 2 troops each of ' ("511. or "'8a,& 2 troops each of ' ("51'2 ?econ 1Fua ronH 2 troops each with 3 sFua s on /D& one troop of 1! teams with "/ Draft Document 211

-n$ineer 7oH 3 platoons in trucks& some earthmo2in$ eFuipment Anti5Aircraft 7oH 2 batteries of /ofors '!3+! AA $uns& 2 batteries of ?/1+! 1A"s 3 #ype 9! 9nfantry /attalions& eachH ' infantry companies& each of 3 platoons 1 ?econ platoon wCmotorcycles ;summer< or snowmobiles ;winter< 1 battery of "1!.A1 1!+mm 1* mortar 1 platoon of ("51'2 1* #)W + battery of B+mm mortars 2'B&->CD (E) + platoon of T"- launchers 2'B&->CD (E) 1 *ioneer platoon wC/D52!. 1 Armore /attalionH '1 "'8 1 Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36( No)e 47 #ype +8 /ri$a e )r$aniBationH ;nominal< A# 1Fua ronH 2 "113& 2 troops each of ' ("511.& 2 troops each of ' ("51'2 ?econ 1Fua ronH 2 troops each with 3 sFua s on "113& one troop on motorcycles or "/ -n$ineer 7oH 3 platoons in trucks& some earthmo2in$ eFuipment Anti5Aircraft 7oH 2 batteries of AA $uns& > batteries of RBSFC S!*s (E) 3 #ype +8 9nfantry /attalions& eachH 3 9nfantry companies& each of 3 platoons 1 ?econ platoon wCmotorcycles ;summer< or snowmobiles ;winter< 2 batteries of 81mm mortars wCtrucks ;some with a battery of ' 1!+mm mortars< 1 platoon of #)W launchers wCtrucks ;some units may ha2e ha 1* 1!.mm ?ecoilless ?ifles instea < 1 *ioneer platoon wCtrucks (note: some units may ha3e B&s instea# of trucks) 1 Artillery /attalionH 18 "1!9A36( or 18 "11' wCtrucks or 18 "1!1 wCtrucks No)e <7 0nit Desi$nationsH ("511. is the 01 "52' 7haffee up$ra e with a 9!mm $un an new fire control. ("5 1'2 is an "5113 with =2aerner ual #)W5un er5armor turret. ("513, is "5113 with 2!mm ?E52!2 turret. /D is /D52!2& an armore & articulate o2er5snow 2ehicle. "/ is "erce es /enB 6elan ewa$en in northern (orway& Dol2o 4elt2a$n in southern (orway. No)e =7 -Fuipment Eol in$s. *lease noteH there is a fairly wi e 2ariation on the total (orwe$ian eFuipment in2entories in ifferent sources. #he numbers here represent the most likely ran$es. !rmor: +858! 3eopar & 3+5+' "'8A,& ,'5+! ("511. (ersonnel Carriers: 1!!Q ("513,& 1,! "5113 ;likely inclu es 2ariants liste elsewehere in in2entory<& lar$e number of /D52!2s ;an articulate & tracke o2er5snow armore 2ehicle< !rtillery: 12. "1!9A36( 1,,mm 1* howitBers& 12!5228 "1!1 1!,mm howitBers ;hi$her en seems far more likely<& '8 "11'C39 1,,mm howitBers ;con2ersions un erway<& 1!!Q "11' 1,,mm howitBers& 9+ "53!41 1!+mm mortars& 28 "1!.A1 1!+mm 1* mortar ;likely more<& numerous 81mm mortars !ir )efense: 1!8 ?/15+! 1A"s& 132 "1 '!mm AA $uns& some /ofors '!3.!& '!3+! AA $uns& some 2!mm 4=5 2!2 towe & some 12.+mm ",, Fua ; oes not inclu e Air 4orce missile assets< !ircraft: 1+ )51A

Draft Document



1. 2. 3. '. ,. .. +. 8. 9. 1!. 11. 12. 13. 1'. 33! 1k2a ron L )rlan & with etachments at /o o& /anak an ?y$$eH 1! 1ea =in$ "k'3 ;1A?< 331 4i$hterC/omber 1k2a ron 5 /o o& (orwayH 1. 451.A 332 4i$hterC/omber 1k2a ron 5 ?y$$e& (orwayH 1. 451.A ;)70< 333 1k2a ron L An oyaH . *537 )rion 33' 4i$hterC/omber 1k2a ron 5 /o oH 1. 451.A 33, 1k2a ron L 6ar ermoenH . 7513!E 33. 4i$hterC/omber 1k2a ron 5 ?y$$eH 2! (45, ;45,A< 33+ 1k2a ron L /ar ufossH . 3yn8 "k8. 338 4i$hterC/omber 1k2a ron 5 )rlan H 1. 451.A 339 1k2a ron L /ar ufossH 12 /ell '12 +1+ 1k2a ronH 3 4alcon 2!-7" +19 1k2a ronH 3Q DE7. )tter& /ell '12 +2! 1k2a ron L ?i$$eH 12 0E51/ ' 1A" /atteriesH (ike5Eercules L total of 128 launchers a< Aster /attery L southwest of )sloH b< Daler /attery L near ?y$$e airbaseH c< #ro$sta /attery L Ea2nas& southwest of #ro$sta H < (es /attery L near 6ar moen airbaseH 1,. . 1A" /atteriesH ()AE ;(orwe$ian A apte EAW=& eli2eries un erway< a< DZrnesH 9 ()AE launchers b< `rlan H 9 ()AE launchers c< /o YH 9 ()AE launchers < -2enesH 9 ()AE launchers e< An YyaH 9 ()AE launchers f< /ar ufossH 9 ()AE launchers 1.. 22 3t Air Defense Artillery /atteries 1+. 9 Eome 6uar 3t Air Defense Artillery /atteries No)e7 #his source ;*a$e 32& a 1o2iet report on a speech by a (orwe$ian Air 4orce chief< says there were three li$ht AAA batteries at /o o& An oyo& an /ar ufoss& plus four batteries each at ?y$$e& 3ista& DZrnes& 1ola& 6ar ermoen& an `rlan . -ach battery reporte ly ha four firin$ platoons of '!mm or 2!mm $uns& backe by 12.+mm AA $uns.

No)e 17 /etween 198! an 198'& (orway took eli2ery of .! 451.A an 12 451./. An a itional 2 451./ were acFuire in 1989 as attrition replacements. ,. 451.As an 12 451./s were in in2entory in 1989. 2! (45,s were still on acti2e uty in 1989. An a itional 1! (45,As an 1' ?45,As were also hel & either in stora$e or reser2e. Eelicopter in2entory inclu e 1,52, 0E51s& 13518 /ell '121* No)e 87 #he (orwe$ian Air 4orce controlle appro8imately 3. /ofors '!3.! an +2 /ofors '!3+!. #he Eome 6uar ha at least +2 3.!& plus some number of 2!mm ?E2!2s

Draft Document



Por)'!#$ Co'")r+ D#)# *opulationH 1!., million& inclu in$ '33&!!! males 18522 an 8+3&!!! million males 23532. 6D*H ;1988< I'2.1, billion Defense /u $etH ;1989< I1.2+ billion "anpowerH ArmyH ''&!!! (a2yH 13&!!! inclu in$ 2&+!! "arines Air 4orceH 11&!!! inclu in$ 2&3!! *aratroopers ?eser2esH 19!&!!! ;all ser2ices< No)e7 #he 1st 7orps& 1pecial 4orces& Airborne& an "arine /ri$a es alon$ with the ABores forces are maintaine at a hi$h state of rea iness. #he other units 2ary an woul be fille out in wartime. #hree a itional mi8e /ri$a es woul be forme for Wartime eployment. *ortu$al was in the process of mo erniBin$ an up$ra in$ their army urin$ the late 198!s. #heir obGecti2e was to form four in epen ent mi8e bri$a es& 1 each assi$ne to the (orthern& 7entral& 1outhern an 3isbon military re$ions. "any thanks to #ank5(et%s 6eniusBu& a former *ortu$ese officer& for the e8tensi2e up ates. 1. 1st *ortu$uese 7orpsH ;in reality& e8iste only in peace time e8ercises& as *ortu$al lacke the ability to eploy a unit of such siBe< a. 1a /ri$a a "ista 9n epen iente ;1st 9n epen ent "i8e /ri$a e<H ' ",++ 1< 1 Armore /attalionH ,2 "'8A,& 8 A"3.!& 2 ",++& . "113 ;as 01 Army ?)AD #ank /n wCo mortar company< 2< 1 "ech 9nfantry /attalionH '2 "113& 2 ",++& ' "1!.& 9 "12,& 18 #)W& possibly A"3s in recce platoon ;as 01 Army ?)AD "ech /n< 3< 2 "otoriBe 9nfantry /attalionsH 18 #)W& 9 81mm mortars& ' 1!. mm mortars each& truck transport ;as 01 Army ?)AD 9nf /n< '< 1 7a2alry 1Fua ronH . "'8A,& 3 "1!.& #)W& "113 ,< 1 Artillery /attalionH . "1!9A& 18 "1!1 ;' batteries of . $uns each< .< 1 ADA /attalionH 1! Dulcan& , 7haparral& 2! /lowpipe +< 1 -n$ineer 7ompanyH AD3/ 8< 1 "ilitary *olice 7ompany 9< 1 1upply /attalion 1!<1 7ommunications 7ompany No)e7 "aintaine at a reasonably hi$h state of rea iness& with 8,]59!] of men an eFuipment. 7apable of eployin$ in 1,53! ays. -armarke for 999 9talian 7orps. 9nsufficient motoriBe 2ehicles to fill out #)>-. 2. 7omman o ?e$iment 55 3isbonH ;controlle by the Army< a. 1 7omman o /n b. 2 7omman o /n c. 3 7omman o /n

No)e7 )ne battalion acte as a trainin$ unit. -ach combat company was or$aniBe in 2, sFua s of , men& each hea e by an officer or a ser$eantO , sFua s woul make a *l an , *ls a 7o. )nly li$ht weapons hereH rifles& "6s& .! mm morts an 9! mm recoilless rifles. 3. 7orpo e #ropas *ara5Fue istas L #ancos ;3i$ht *arachute /ri$a e& 7ontrolle by the Air 4orce<H a. 11. *ara /attalionH 3 companies& eachH 9 rifle sFua s& 3 .!mm 9"9 mortars& . 7arl 6usta2 A#63 each b. 21. *ara /attalionH same as abo2e c. 31. *ara /attalionH same as abo2e . A# 7ompanyH 12 "ilan in 1989C9! Draft Document 21'

e. Eea2y "ortar 7ompanyH . 12!mm #ampella "ortars& some 81mm mortars f. ?econ 7ompanyH 3 platoons wCli$ht 2ehicles No)e7 3i$ht *arachute /ri$a e not or$aniBe as such urin$ peace time& but probably with the capability of became one in war time. )ne battalion acte as a trainin$ unit an hel less eFuipment '. 4uBilerios (a2ais ?e$iment L 3isbonH 3 /attalions ;"arines& controlle by the (a2y<

a. 1st /attalionH EKs an 3 infantry companies& each with .! mm mortars& 7arl 6usta2 A#63 b. 2n /attalionH as abo2e c. 3r /attalionH as abo2e . 1 "ortar support unitH 81 mm an 12! mm mortars e& 1 Weapons support unitH 12.+ mm "6s& 9! mm an 1!. mm recoilless rifles f. 1 #ransport 1upport 0nitH "otoriBe 2ehicles a2ailable to the inf bns $. 1 Amphibious Assault 1upport 0nitH Amphibious 2ehicles ;3A?7s< an pneumatic assault boats to support amphibious lan in$s No)e7 one bn actin$ as a trainin$ unit ;with less eFuipment<& another as a (a2al *olice unit ;with no hea2y weapons& to $uar na2al installations< an only one as a re$ular na2al infantry bn. ,. (orthern "ilitary ?e$ion L *ortoH a. b. c. . e. f. $. .. *orto 9nfantry ?e$imentH 7ha2es 9nfantry ?e$imentH Dila ?eal 9nfantry ?e$imentH /ra$a 7a2alry ?e$imentH -spinho -n$ineer ?e$imentH *orto Artillery ?e$imentH 3ancer 7ompanyH

7entral "ilitary ?e$ion L 7oimbraH a. b. c. . e. f. $. Abrantes 9nfantry ?e$imentH 7astelo /ranco 9nfantry ?e$imentH #omer 9nfantry ?e$imentH Diseu 9nfantry ?e$imentH A2eiro 9nfantry /attalionH 3eira Artillery /attalionH 3ancer 7ompanyH


3isbon "ilitary ?e$ion L 3isbonH a. b. c. . e. f. KueluB Artillery ?e$imentH Air Defense unit& 1 operational ADA bn wC2 batteries of ual 2!mm $uns each "afra 9nfantry ?e$imentH 3isboa Artillery ?e$imentH )perational battalion with 12 1,,mm "11' howitBers 7oastal Artillery ?e$imentH 8 batteries 3isboa -n$ineer ?e$imentH 3isboa 3ancer ?e$imentH "ilitary police


1outhern "ilitary ?e$ion L n2oraH a. b. c. . e. /eGa 9nfantry ?e$imentH -l2as 9nfantry ?e$imentH 4aro 9nfantry ?e$imentH -stremoB 7a2alry ?e$imentH 1ul 3ancer 1Fua ronH


"a eira "ilitary Pone L 4unchalH 21,

a. 4unchal 6arrison 9nfantry ?e$imentH Draft Document

b. 4unchal 3ancer 1Fua ronH 1!. ABores "ilitary Pone L *onta Del$a aH a. An$ro o Eeroismo 6arrison 9nfantry ?e$imentH H b. *onta Del$a a 6arrison 9nfantry ?e$imentH c. *onta Del$a a 3ancer 1Fua ronH No)e 17 0nits in the military re$ions were $enerally or$aniBe withH ?e$i$mental EK an EK company 1 )perational /attalion ;matchin$ the type of the re$iment< 1 #rainin$ /attalion 1 1upport /attalion #he operational battalions% capabilities 2arie wi ely& with most of then capable of fiel in$ only 1 or 2 9nf 7oC7a2 1FnCArt /t& without 1upport 7o an most of the personal for the EK& EK 7o an 1upport 7o comin$ from the re$iment%s EK an re$iment%s 1upport /n. )n the other en for e8ample& the 2 motoriBe infantary bn an the artillery bn of the 1st "i8e bri$a e were the operational bns of& respecti2ely& the infantry re$iment in Abrantes& the infantry re$iment in #omar an the artillery re$iment in 3eiria with this last unit also responsible for the bri$a e%s ADA /t. (ote 2H #he 3 6arrison 9nfantry ?e$iments on the 9slan s ha a ifferent or$aniBation& a in$ an Artillery /attalion with a battery of . 1!,mm "1!1 $uns an an air efense battery with with '!mm 3.!& '812.+ mm an Cor ual 2!mm $uns. No)e 87 Accor in$ to 9911 an Janes& in 1989& *ortu$al hel the followin$ eFuipment in in2entoryH !rmore# &ehicles: 8. "'8A,& ,!Q "'+& 3! 1ala in& ,. A"35.!C59!& 32 4erret "k. '& 123 "113& 19 ",++A2& 81 7haimite. !rtillery: . "1!9A2& .! "1!1 1!,mm howitBers& ",. 1!,mm pack howitBers& 23 ,.,in $uns& '! "11' 1,,mm towe howitBers& 2! 1!+mm mortars& 81 12!mm mortars& some 81mm mortars. "ther 47uipment: '. #)W A#6"& 31 11511& ', "ilan& 2'! 9!mm an 1!.mm recoilless rifles& 3' "1.3A1 2!mm Dulcan 1*AA& 3! 2!mm ?E2!2 AA $uns& 322 '!3.! AA $uns& ,+ /lowpipe 1A"s


1. 2. 3. '. ,. .. +. (o. 3!1 4i$hterC/omber -sFua ra @Ja$uarsA 5 "ontiGo& *ortu$alH 3. 691?3C' (o. 3!2 Attack -sFua ra 5 "onte ?eal& *ortu$alH 18 A5+* 7orsair 99 (o. 3!3 4i$hterC/omber -sFua ra @#i$ersA 5 3aGes& ABoresH 18 691?3C' (o. 3!' Attack -sFua raH 18 A5+* 7orsair 99 (o. ,,1 -sFua raH 18 Alouette 999 (o. ,,2 -sFua raH 18 Alouette 999 (o. .!1 -sFua ra L "ontiGo A4/H . *53* )rion

No)e 17 *ortu$al took eli2ery of a total of '' A5+*s an . #A5+*s between 1981 an 198.& accor in$ to Dou$ht in ustries& the manufacturer. At least '1 A5+*s an . #A5+*s were still in ser2ice in 1989. Anyone with any information on the actual numbers assi$ne to the sFua rons woul be appreciate . No)e 87 *ortu$al took eli2ery of +' 691?C3 an ?C' an 11 691#C3 be$innin$ in 19... 9911 lists 2, ?C3& 18 ?C'& an 1! #C3 still in ser2ice in 1989. Jane%s lists ,! ?C3 an ?C' an 1, #C3.

Draft Document



S0# " Co'")r+ D#)# *opulationH 39.8, million& inclu in$ 1&.++&!!! males 18522 an 3&1'2&!!! million males 23532. 6D*H ;1988< I3'!.1 billion Defense /u $etH ;1989< I..91 billion "anpowerH ArmyH 2!1&!!! ;plus 1'2&+!! imme iate reser2es< (a2yH 39&'!! inclu in$ +&,!! marines ;plus '+&+!! imme iate reser2es< Air 4orceH 33&+!! ;plus ,2&9!! imme iate reser2es< Wr )e '0 #"% (o.) ",o &o'r)e.+ o, T#"6;Ne).or!B. RETAC* #%% ) o"#$ ",or(#) o" ,ro( Gor6# L. M#r) "eA; MeAo #"% o)her. 0ntil 19., the 1panish Army was compose of @classicalA re$iments an i2isions. 9n 19., a reor$aniBation was un ertaken that i2i e Army forces in 9nter2ention an )perational Defense formations a optin$ the bri$a e as the main component of Di2isions. #his is the or$aniBation shown by An y Johnson. Eowe2er since 198' a mo erniBation plan was un erway aime at impro2in$ the inter2ention ability of the army an up atin$ its eFuipment. #he "-#A plan& as it was calle only achie2e its obGecti2es partially& howe2er the army was reor$aniBe an this was the situation in 1989. 1ince 199' Di2isions were abolishe an bri$a es were a opte as the hi$hest le2el formation& but when 1pain became part of -urocorps& the ecision was taken to maintain the /runete i2ision up atin$ it with a thir mechaniBe bri$a e. 9n the 1panish Army& bri$a es are compose of 2 re$iments of 1 or 2 battalions each. Althou$h infantry re$iments are only a ministrati2e units& they keep the tra itions of ol er units an are comman e by 7olonels. /ri$a es are comman e by /ri$a iers. 9n case of war& a 7orps siBe unit woul ha2e been committe to operations in the 1outhern theater of operations. #his 7orps coul ha2e been either mechaniBe or mountain. A. 1st /runete Armore Di2isionH 1< 11th "ech 9nfantry /ri$a e ;/ri$a a "ecaniBa a 11O /?9"P 11<H a. ?9"P . @1aboyaA ;?e$imiento e 9nfanteroa "ecaniBa aO "ech 9nf ?e$iment< 1.5 9C. 7antabria "ech 9nf /attalion ;/9"P<H ,1 "113A1& 2+ ?ifle 1Fua s & 12 "93A(& . "12, 81mm 1* "ortar& ' "113A1 wC12!mm mortar& 12 ""6. 2.5 99C. 3as (a2as "ech 9nf /attalion ;/9"P<H ,1 "113A1& 2+ ?ifle 1Fua s & 12 "93A(& . "12, 81mm 1* "ortar& ' "113A1 wC12!mm mortar& 12 ""6. b. ?9"P 1. @7astillaA 1.5 999C1. Alcpntara "ech 9nf /attalion ;/9"P<H ,1 "113A1& 2+ ?ifle 1Fua s& 12 "93A(& . "12, 81mm 1* "ortar& ' "113A1 wC12!mm mortar& 12 ""6. 2.5 9DC1. "cri a Armore /attalion ;/977<H ,2 A"J 3!& ' "113A1 wC12!mm mortar& ' Wheele 2!mm 1*AA6 c. 11th 1* 4iel Artillery 6roup ;6A7A A#* J9<H 18 "1!9A1 1,,mm 1* 6un . 11th -n$ineer /attalion ;/9(6 J9<H 2+ -n$ineer sFua s& 1. "113A1& 11 #rucks e. 11th 3o$istical 6roup ;63 J9<H 2' #rucks f. 11th Anti5tank 7ompany ;D77 11<H 9 "93A(& 9 "113 2< 12th Armore /ri$a e ;/ri$a a AcoraBa a 12O /?9A7 12< a. ?9"P 31 @AsturiasA 1.5 9C31 7o2a on$a "ech 9nf /attalion ;/9"P<H ,1 "113A1& 2+ ?ifle 1Fua s & 12 "93A(& . "12, 81mm 1* "ortar& ' "113A1 wC12!mm mortar& 12 ""6. Draft Document 21+

b. ?9A7 .1 @AlcpBar e #ole oA 2.5 99C.1 Wa ?as Armore /attalion ;/977<H '1 A"J 3!& ' "113A1 wC12!mm mortar& ' Wheele 2!mm 1*AA6 3.5 999C.1 3eqn Armore /attalion ;/977<H '1 A"J 3!& ' "113A1 wC12!mm mortar& ' Wheele 2!mm 1*AA6 c. 12th 1* 4iel Artillery 6roup ;6A7A A#* J99<H 18 "1!9A1 1,,mm 1* 6un . 12th -n$ineer /attalion ;/9(6 J99<H 9 -n$ineer sFua s& 9 "113 e. 12th 3o$istical 6roup ;63 J99<H 2' #rucks 3< Di2isional 1upport 6roup ;(rcleo e #ropas Di2isionario< a. 1'th Dilla2iciosa 3i$ht Armore 7a2alry ?e$imentH ;?73A7 1'<H '8 D-7& 31 A"J53!& 2. "113A1& 1. "113A1 wC12!mm mortar& ' #rucks& 13 ?ifle 1Fua s& 1 "otorcycle 1Fua & '1 trucks b. 11th Artillery ?e$iment 1.5 9C11 4iel Artillery 6roup ;6A7A 9C11<H 12 "11!A2 2!3mm 1* 6un 2.5 99C11 4iel Artillery 6roup ;6A7A 99C11<H 18 "1!9A1 1,,mm 1* 6un c. 11th 3i$ht AA Artillery 6roupH 18 '!mm& 18 #rucks . 11th -n$ineer ?e$imentH 2+ -n$ineer 1Fua s& 2+ #rucks& e. 11th 3o$istic ?e$iment ;A$rupaciqn< /. 2n 6uBman el /ueno 9nfantry Di2ision ;"otoriBe <H 1< 21st "ech 9nfantry /ri$a eH a. ?9"P 2 @3a ?einaA 1.5 9C2 *rincesa "ech 9nf /attalion ;/9"P<H ,1 /"?.!!& 2+ ?ifle 1Fua s & 12 "93A(& . /"?.!! 81mm 1* "ortar& ' /"?.!! 12!mm 1* "ortar& 12 ""6. 2.5 99C2 3epanto "ech 9nf /attalion ;/9"P<H ,1 /"?.!!& 2+ ?ifle 1Fua s & 12 "93A(& . /"?.!! 81mm 1* "ortar& ' /"?.!! 12!mm 1* "ortar& 12 ""6. b. ?9"P 1! @7qr obaA 1.5 999C1! Almansa "ech 9nf /attalion ;/9"P<H ,1 /"?.!!& 2+ ?ifle 1Fua s & 12 "93A(& . /"?.!! 81mm 1* "ortar& ' /"?.!! 12!mm 1* "ortar& 12 ""6. 2.5 9DC1! "pla$a Armore /attalion ;/977<H ', "'+-2& ' "113A1 wC12!mm mortar& ' Wheele 2!mm 1*AA6 a. 21st 1* 4iel Artillery 6roup ;6A7A A#* JJ9<H 18 "1!8 1!,mm 1* 6un c. 21st -n$ineer /attalion ;/9(6 JJ9<H 9 -n$ineer 1Fua s& 9 /"?.!! . 21st 3o$istical 6roup ;63 JJ9<H 2' #rucks e. 21st Anti5tank 7ompany ;D77 21<H 9 "93A(& 9 /"?.!! 2< 22n "ot 9nfantry /ri$a eH a. ?9"9J 9 @1oriaA 1.5 999C9 #arifa "ot 9nf /attalion ;/9"#<H 2+ ?ifle 1Fua s & 8 "93A(& . 81mm "ortar& ' 12!mm "ortar& 2+ ""6& 9 .! mm "ortar& ., #rucks. 2.5 9DC9 Ar$el Armore /attalion ;/977<H ,2 "'8A,-2& ' "113A1 wC12!mm mortar& ' Wheele 2!mm 1*AA6 b. ?9"# 19 @*a2oaA 1.5 9C19 7p iB "ot 9nf /attalion ;/9"#< 2.5 99C19 Ala2a "ot 9nf /attalion ;/9"#< c. 22n . 22n e. 22n f. 22n 4iel Artillery 6roup ;6A7A JJ99< -n$ineer /attalion ;/9(6 JJ99< 3o$istical 6roup ;63 JJ99< Anti5tank 7ompany ;D77 22<

3< 23r "ot 9nfantry /ri$a eH Draft Document 218

a. ?9"9J 3' @6rana aA 1.5 999C3' -8trema ura "ot 9nf /attalion ;/9"#< 2.5 9DC3' Almeria Armore /attalion ;/977<H ,2 "'8A,-2& ' "113A1 wC12!mm mortar& ' Wheele 2!mm 1*AA6 b. ?9"# 1+ @Ara$qnA 1.5 9C1+ (ppoles "ot 9nf /attalion ;/9"#< 2.5 99C1+ 1imancas "ot 9nf /attalion ;/9"#< c. 23r . 23r e. 23r f. 23r 4iel Artillery 6roup ;6A7A JJ999<H -n$ineer /attalion ;/9(6 JJ999< 3o$istical 6roup ;63 JJ999< Anti5tank 7ompany ;D77 23<

'< Di2isional support 6roup f. +th 1a$unto 3i$ht Armore 7a2alry ?e$iment ;?73A7 +<H '8 D-7& 31 "'+-1& 2. "113A1& 1. "113A1 wC12!mm mortar& ' #rucks& 13 ?ifle 1Fua s& 1 "otorcycle 1Fua & '1 trucks b. 1'th Artillery ?e$iment 1.5 9C1' 4iel Artillery 6roup ;6A7A 9C1'<H 18 "1!9A1 1,,mm 1* 6un 2.5 99C1' 4iel Artillery 6roup ;6A7A 99C1'<H 18 "11' 1,,mm EowitBer c. 2n 3i$ht AA Artillery 6roup . 2n -n$ineer ?e$iment e. 2n 3o$istic ?e$iment ;A$rupaciqn< 7. 3r "aestraB$o 9nfantry Di2ision ;"echaniBe <H 1< 31st "ech 9nfantry /ri$a eH b. ?9"P 1' @#etuanA 1.5 9C1' #arra$ona "ech 9nf /attalion ;/9"P< 2.5 99C1' 6ua alaGara "ech 9nf /attalion ;/9"P< c. ?9"P 21 @DiBcayaA 1.5 999C21 /arbastro "ech 9nf /attalion ;/9"P< 2.5 9DC21 )tumba Armore /attalion ;/977<H ,2 A"J 3!& ' "113A1 wC12!mm mortar& ' Wheele 2!mm 1*AA6 . 31st 1* 4iel Artillery 6roup ;6A7A A#* JJJ9<H e. 31st -n$ineer /attalion ;/9(6 JJJ9< f. 31st 3o$istical 6roup ;63 JJJ9< $. 31st Anti5tank 7ompany ;D77 31< 2< 32n "ech 9nfantry /ri$a eH a. ?9"P 13 "allorca 1.5 9C13 "urcia "ech 9nf /attalion ;/9"P< 2.5 99C13 1an 4ernan o "ech 9nf /attalion ;/9"P< b. ?9"P 18 -spasa 1.5 999C18 1e2illa "ech 9nf /attalion ;/9"P< 2.5 9DC18 /ailen Armore /attalion ;/977<H ,2 A"J 3!& ' "113A1 wC12!mm mortar& ' Wheele 2!mm 1*AA6 c. 32n . 32n e. 32n f. 32n 1* 4iel Artillery 6roup ;6A7A A#* JJJ99<H -n$ineer /attalion ;/9(6 JJJ99< 3o$istical 6roup ;63 JJJ99< Anti5tank 7ompany ;D77 32< 219

3< Di2isional support 6roup Draft Document

a. 8th 3usitania 3i$ht Armore 7a2alry ?e$iment ;?73A7 8<H '8 D-7& 31 "'+-1& 2. "113& 1. "113A1 wC12!mm mortar& ' #rucks& 13 ?ifle 1Fua s& 1 "otorcycle 1Fua & '1 trucks b. 1+th Artillery ?e$iment 1.5 9C1+ 4iel Artillery 6roup ;6A7A 9C1+<H 18 "1!9A1 1,,mm 1* 6un 2.5 99C1+ 4iel Artillery 6roup ;6A7A 99C1+<H 18 "11' 1,,mm EowitBer c. 3r 3i$ht AA Artillery 6roup . 3r -n$ineer ?e$iment e. 3r 3o$istic ?e$iment ;A$rupaciqn< D. 'th 0r$ell "ountain Di2ision H 1< '1st "ountain /ri$a e ;/ri$a a e 7aBa ores e "ontasaO /?7P"<H a. ?7P" .2 @ArapilesA 1.5 9C.2 Alba e #ormes "ountain /attalion ;/7P"< 2.5 99C.2 7atalusa "ountain /attalion ;/7P"< b. ?7P" .3 @/arcelonaA 1.5 999C.3 7hiclana "ountain /attalion ;/7P"< 2.5 9DC.3 /a aGoB "ountain /attalion ;/7P"< c. '1st "ountain Artillery 6roup . '1st -n$ineer /attalion e. '1st 1ki 7ompany f. '1st 3o$istic 6roup 2< '2n Alpine "ountain /ri$a e ;/ri$a a e 7aBa ores e Alta "ontasaO /?7PA"<H $. ?7PA" .' @6aliciaA 1.5 9C.' *irineos Alpine "ountain /attalion ;/7PA"< ;inclu es a 1ki 7ompany< 2.5 99C.' 6ra2elinas Alpine "ountain /attalion ;/7PA"< ;inclu es a 1ki 7ompany< h. ?7P" ., @Dalla oli A 1.5 999C., 6erona Alpine "ountain /attalion ;/7PA"< ;inclu es a 1ki 7ompany< i. '2n G. '2n k. '2n l. '2n "ountain Artillery 6roup -n$ineer /attalion 1ki 7ompany 3o$istic 6roup

3< Di2isional support 6roup a. 21st Artillery ?e$iment 1.5 9C21 4iel Artillery 6roup ;6A7A 9C21< 2.5 99C21 4iel Artillery 6roup ;6A7A 99C21<H 18 "11' 1,,mm EowitBer b. 'th -n$ineer ?e$iment c. 'th 3o$istic ?e$iment ;A$rupaciqn< -. ,th (a2arra "ountain Di2ision H 1< ,1st "ountain /ri$a e ;/ri$a a e 7aBa ores e "ontasaO /?7P"<H a. ?7P" .. @AmericaA 1.5 9C.. "onteGurra "ountain /attalion ;/7P"< 2.5 99C.. -stella "ountain /attalion ;/7P"< b. ?7P" .+ @#ercio DieGo e 1iciliaA 1.5 999C.+ 3e$aBpi "ountain /attalion ;/7P"< Draft Document


c. ,1st "ountain Artillery 6roup . ,1st -n$ineer /attalion e. ,1st 1ki 7ompany f. ,1st 3o$istic 6roup 2< ,2n "ot 9nfantry /ri$a eH $. ?9"9J 3! @4lan esA 1.5 999C3! 7uenca "ot 9nf /attalion ;/9"#< 2.5 9DC3! /ur$os Armore /attalion ;/9977<H ,2 "'+-1& ' "113A1 wC12!mm mortar& ' Wheele 2!mm 1*AA6 h. ?9"# ', @6arellanoA 1.5 9C', 6uipuBcoa "ot 9nf /attalion ;/9"#< 2.5 99C', "ilan "ot 9nf /attalion ;/9"#< i. ,2n G. ,2n k. ,2n l. ,2n 4iel Artillery 6roup -n$ineer /attalion Anti5tank 7ompany 3o$istic 6roup

'< Di2isional support 6roup a. '.st Artillery ?e$iment 1.5 9C'. 4iel Artillery 6roup ;6A7A 9C'.< 2.5 99C'. 4iel Artillery 6roup ;6A7A 99C'.<H 18 1,,mm EowitBer b. ,th -n$ineer ?e$iment c. ,th 3o$istic ?e$iment ;A$rupaciqn< 4. 1st Jarama 7a2alry /ri$a eH a. 1st 1antia$o 3i$ht Armore 7a2alry ?e$iment b. ,th Almansa 3i$ht Armore 7a2alry ?e$iment c. 12th 4arnesio Armore 7a2alry ?e$iment . 9C'1 1* Artillery 6roupH 18 "1!8 1!,mm 1* 6un e. -n$ineer /attalion f. 3o$istic 6roup 6. 2n 7astilleGos 7a2alry /ri$a e ;not yet fully acti2ate <H a. 9th (umancia 3i$ht Armore 7a2alry ?e$iment b. 11th -spasa 3i$ht Armore 7a2alry ?e$iment c. 'th *a2oa Armore 7a2alry ?e$iment . 9C2! 1* Artillery 6roupH 18 "1!8 1!,mm 1* 6un e. 2n -n$ineer /attalion f. 2n 3o$istic 6roup E. 3i$ht Airportable 9nfantry /ri$a e ;/?93A#<H a. ?9A# 29 @9sabel 3a 7atqlicaA 1.5 9C29 Pamora 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalion 2.5 99C29 Para$oBa 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalion b. ?9A# 3 @*roncipeA 1.5 999C3 #ole o 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalion 2.5 9DC3 1an Kuintin 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalion c. Anti5tank 7ompany . Airportable Artillery 6roup e. Airportable -n$ineer /attalion f. Airportable 3o$istic 6roup 9. *arachute /ri$a e ;/?9*A7<H 7reate from 3e$iqn units an maintainin$ close links& its battalions are esi$nate @ban erasA. Was esi$nate as part of the 6eneral ?eser2e. Draft Document 221

a. 9 ?o$er e 4lor *arachute /attalion ;/an era *aracai osta<H 3 rifle cos ;9 rifle sFua s& 3 ""6& . 759! A#63& 2 81mm mortars each<& 1 support co ;' 3an ?o2er wC"ilan& ' 3an ?o2er wC1!.mm ??& ' 3?5towe 2!mm )erlikon AA $uns& ' truck5towe 12!mm mortars& ?econ pltn< b. 99 ?o$er e 3auria *arachute /attalionH same as abo2e c. 999 trtiB e Parate *arachute /attalionH same as abo2e . *arachute Anti5tank 7ompanyH 12 3an ?o2er wC"ilan e. *arachute Artillery 6roupH 12 1!,mm ",. howitBers f. *arachute -n$ineer /attalionH #wo companies& li$ht eFuipment $. *arachute ?a ar *latoonH 3 ?asura ra ars J. 3e$ion 7omman ;"A3-6<H #his is the 1panish forei$n le$ion ;althou$h forei$ners were in fact forbi enk<. 9ts battalions are calle @/an erasA an its re$iments @#erciosA. 9t is eploye in Afrca& the 7anary 9slan s an southern 1pain. 9t is an elite force an was esi$nate as 6eneral ?eser2e. a. 1st #ercio @6ran 7apitpnA ;in "elilla< 1. 9 /an era @7asa e /or$osaA 9nfantry /attalion 2. 99 /an era @7arlos 9A "ech 9nf /attalion b. 2n #ercio @DuFue e AlbaA ;in 7euta< 1. 9D /an era @7risto e 3epantoA 9nfantry /attalion 2. D /an era @6onBalo e 7or obaA "ech 9nf /attalion c. 3r @Juan e AustriaA ;in 4uerte2entura< 1. D99 /an era @#te 7oronel DalenBuelaA "ot 9nf /attalion 2. D999 /an era @7ristobal 7olonA "ot 9nf /attalion . 'th #ercio @AleGan ro 4arnesioA ;in Almeria< 1. J /an era @"illan AstrayA Airmobile /attalion 2. @7te #ie eA 1pecial )perations /attalion ;/an era e )peraciones -speciales 3e$ionaria 5 /)-3< =. 4A"-# ;4uerBas Aero"q2iles el -Gercito e #ierra<H 9t is compose of . operational battalions& a trainin$ center an a liasion $roup. Eas control o2er all air assets of the army with the followin$ eploymentH a. 1st Attack Eelicopter /n ;/E-3A 9< ;7iu a ?eal<H 28 /)1!, A#E ;wC. E)# A#6"& E)# 2 or ere 1989<& ;N< /)1!,61E ;wC2!mm $un<& 1! /)1!, 3)E& 3 0E51E b. ,th #ransport Eelicopter /n ;/E-3#?A D< ;"a ri <H 18 7E5'+7& 3 0E51E c. 2n "aneu2er Eelicopter /n ;/E-3"A 99< ;Dalencia<H . /)1!, 3)E& 18 0E51E . 3r "aneu2er Eelicopter /n ;/E-3"A 999< ;3o$roso<H . /)1!, 3)E& 18 0E51E e. 'th "aneu2er Eelicopter /n ;/E-3"A 9D< ;1e2ille<H . /)1!, 3)E& 1, 0E51E f. .th "aneu2er Eelicopter /n ;/E-3"A D9< ;#enerife<H . /)1!, 3)E& . 0E51E $. 4A"-# #rainin$ 7enter ;7-4A"-#<H 1+ )E5,87O ' /)1!, 3)E& ' 0E51E h. Eelicopter 1er2ice ;1E-3<H , ' /)1!, 3)E& + 0E51E 3. )#E-? 6-(-?A3 ?-1-?D- 4)?"A#9)(1H #hese were controlle by their parent arm& but woul ha2e been the nuclei of the 7orps support formationsH a. .3r 4iel Artillery ?e$iment ;?A7A .3<H 2' "11, 8 inch #owe EowitBer b. .2n ?ocket Artillery ?e$iment ;?A37A .2<H 1' #eruel "?3& 18 122mm 6un c. +1st Anti Aircraft Artillery ?e$iment ;?AAA +1< 1.5 9C+1 > 99C+2 3t. AA 6roupsH 3. '! mm AA 2.5 999C+1 1A" ?olan 6roupH 9 A"J 3! ?olan 9& 9 A"J 3! ?olan 99 . +2n Anti Aircraft Artillery ?e$iment ;?AAA +2<H 3. 3, mm AA e. +3r Anti Aircraft Artillery ?e$iment ;?AAA +3< 1.5 9C+3 1A"5Aspi eH 13 Aspi e 1A" 2.5 99C+3 "i8e AA 6roupH 18 3, mm )erlikon 6D45!!1 AA f. +'th Anti Aircraft Artillery ?e$iment ;?AAA +'< 1.5 9C+' 1A" EawkH 2' 9EAW= *9* 99 2.5 99C+' AA 6roupH 18 3, mm )erlikon 6D45!!1 AA $. 9C+, 3t. AA 6roupH 18 '! mm AA h. 9C+. 3t. AA 6roupH 18 '! mm AA Draft Document 222

i. 11th -n$ineer ?e$iment ;mainly roa construction< G. 12th -n$ineer ?e$iment ;1 bri $in$ an 1 fortification /n< k. 13th -n$ineer ?e$iment ;?ailroa repair< No)e 17 1panish infantry were arme with the 759!& a isposable 9!mm anti5tank rocket. 9n a ition& lar$e stocks of the 9nstalaBa "5., A# rocket launchers were a2ailable. No)e 87 Anti5aircraft $uns $enerally eFuippe with 1uper4le er"aus fire control ra ar systems& althou$h there were a number of units eFuippe with 1ky$uar fire control systems. 6A??91)(1 A(D #-??9#)?9A3 4)?7-1 #he eployment of the Army was ma e on a territorial basis with each "ilitary re$ion comprisin$ at least a Di2ision& but most also ha a /ri$a e an support elements. A itionally each re$ion ha an "* 7ompany. #hese re$ions wereH 9 "ilitary ?e$ion 5 7entralH "* 7ompanies 11 > 12& @9nmemorial el ?eyA /attalion ;for ceremonial purposes<. 99 "ilitary ?e$ion 5 1outhH 1"* 7ompany 21& 7oast Artillery re$iments ' > , ;3 $roups in all<H + 381 mm 6unsO . '!mm AA 999 "ilitary ?e$ion 5 3e2antH "* 7ompany 31 9D "ilitary ?e$ion L -astern *yrineesH "* 7ompany '1 D "ilitary ?e$ion L Western *yrineesH "* 7ompany ,1 D9 "ilitary ?e$ion L (orthwestH "* 7ompanies .1 > .2 ". 7euta an "elilla 6arrisonsH #he followin$ units were eploye in Africa. #he @?e$ularesA were manne by -uropeans but kept the tra itions of the nati2e re$iments of the 1panish Army. #he Armore 7a2alry re$iments ha a /attalion structure. /oth $arrisons ha a Di2isional structure but were not eployable. 1< 7oman ancia 6eneral e 7euta a. 3r "ontesa Armore 7a2alry ?e$imentH 2. "'8A,-2 b. ?9"# ,' @?e$ulares e 7eutaA 1.5 9C,' #etuan "ot 9nf /attalion 2.5 99C,' 3arache "ot 9nf /attalion c. 3!th "i8e Artillery ?e$iment 1.5 9C3! 4iel Artillery 6roup 2.5 999C3! 7oast Artillery 6roup . +th -n$ineer ?e$iment e. .th 3i$ht Antiaircraft Artillery 6roupH 18 3, mm )erlikon 6D45!!1 AA f. "* 7ompany 2< 7oman ancia 6eneral e "elilla a. 1!th Alcantara Armore 7a2alry ?e$imentH 2. "'8A,-2 b. ?9"# ,2 @?e$ulares e "elillaA 1.5 9C,2 Alhucemas "ot 9nf /attalion 2.5 99C,2 ?if "ot 9nf /attalion c. 32n Artillery ?e$iment . 8th -n$ineer ?e$iment e. +th 3i$ht Antiaircraft Artillery 6roupH 18 3, mm )erlikon 6D45!!1 AA (. 7anary 9slan s $arrisonH 1< Jefatura e tropas e #enerife a. ?9"#/ '9 @#enerifeA b. ?A"9J 93H 1.5 9C93 7oast Artillery 6roup 2.5 99C93 3i$ht Antiaircraft Artillery 6roupH 18 '! mm AA 3.5 999C93 4iel Artillery 6roup c. JD -n$ineer /attalion 2< Jefatura e tropas e 3as *almas a. ?9"#/ ,! @3as *almasA Draft Document


b. /9"#/ @3anBaroteA c. /9"#/ @3a *almaA . ?A"9J 9'H 1.5 9C9' 3i$ht Antiaircraft Artillery 6roupH 18 3, mm )erlikon 6D45!!1 AA 2.5 99C9' 4iel Artillery 6roup e. JD9 -n$ineer /attalion ). /aleares 9slan s $arrisonH 1< Jefatura e tropas e "allorca a. ?9"#/ '+ @*almaA b. ?A"9J 91H 1.5 999C91 7oast Artillery 6roup 2.5 99C91 3i$ht Antiaircraft Artillery 6roupH 18 '! mm AA 3.5 9C91 4iel Artillery 6roup c. D -n$ineer /attalion . +2n "* 7ompany 2< Jefatura e tropas e "enorca e. /9"#/ 99 @"ahonA f. D99 7oast Artillery 6roup $. 3i$ht Antiaircraft battery h. D 4iel Artillery 6roup i. 1 sapper company from D -n$ineer /attalion 3< Jefatura e tropas e 9biBa G. /9"#/ 999 @#eruelA k. D9 4iel Artillery 6roup *. 1pecial )perations 6roupsH Deploye on a $eo$raphical basis an specialiBe for operations in their areas of responsibility& these elite units were similar to ?an$er units of the Dietnam war an traine in 7)9( an 6uerrilla tactics. Deployment coul ha2e been possible. #hey wereH a. 1st 1pecial operations $roup @)r enes "ilitaresA ;"a ri < b. 2n 1pecial operations $roup @1anta 4cA ;6rana a< c. 3r 1pecial operations $roup @DalenciaA ;Alicante< . 'th 1pecial operations $roup @Almo$p2aresA ;/arcelona< e. ,th 1pecial operations $roup @1an "arcialA ;/ur$os< f. .th 1pecial operations $roup @3a DictoriaA ;3a 7orusa< $. +th 1pecial operations company ;*alma e "allorca< h. 8th 1pecial operations company ;#enerife< i. 9th 1pecial operations company ;3as *almas< No)e 17 -Fuipment Eol in$s Tanks: 299 A"J53!-& 1.2 "'8A,-2& 329 "'+-1& '. "'+-2 Light Tanks: 12+ "'1 ;retire < Recon: 1!! A"359!& 1!3 A"35.!& 23,Q /"?5D-7 ;possibly as many as 3,!< !(Cs: 1&2!! "113A1 ;inclu in$ 2ariants<& .,! /"?5.!! S( !rtillery: '8 "1!8 1!,mm 1*& 18 "1!9A1 1,,mm 1*& .! "1!9A1/ 1,,mm 1*& 'Q "11!A2 2!3mm 1*& 12 "1!+ 1+,mm 1*& . "''A1 1,,mm 1* ;stora$e or reser2e< To2e# !rtillery: 2' "11, 2!3mm towe & 8' "11' 1,,mm towe & '!! "52. 1!,mm towe & 1+! "5,. ;9talian< 1!,mm pack towe & 1+. 39!51 122mm towe $un *RL: 1251, #eruel 1'!mm "?3 !ir )efence !rtillery: 329 6A95/)1 2!mm towe & 9259. 6D45!!2 3,mm twin towe & 2'!Q /ofors '!mm 3C+! towe & 132 ",, 12.+mm Kua towe S!*s: '8 95EAW= launchers& 9 (ike Eercules launchers& 13Q ?olan & 13 1ky$uar CAspi e

Draft Document



1. (o. 11 Win$ 5 "anises A/& DalenciaH 111& 112 1Fua rons ;18 "ira$e 999-- 7.11& , "ira$e 999/ 7-.11< 2. (o. 12 Win$ 5 #orreGon A/& "a ri H 121& 122 1Fua rons ; 29 -4518A& . -4518/<& 123 1Fua ron ;9 ?45'7< 3. (o. 1' Win$ 5 Albacete A/H 1'1& 1'2 1Fua rons ;38 "ira$e 4.17- ;7.1'<& 2 4.1/- ;7-.1'<< '. (o. 1, Win$ 5 Para$oBa A/H 1,1& 1,2 1Fua rons ;29 -4518A& . -4518/< ,. (o. 21 Win$ L "oron A/& 1e2ille& 1painH 211& 212 1Fua rons ;12 145,A& 12 ?45,A< .. (o. 22 Win$ 55 JereB e la 4rontera A/H 2 *53A& , *53/ +. (o. 23 Win$ L #ala2era e ?ealH 231& 232 1Fua rons ;145,/< L operational con2ersion unit .. (o. 31 Win$ L Para$oBa A/H 9 =7513!E& 8 7513!E +. (o. 3, Win$ L 6etafe A/& "a ri H 18 7A1A 75212 8. (o. 3+ Win$ L Dillanubla A/& Dalla oli O 18 75+A 7aribou 9. (o. '. Win$ L 6an o& 7anary 9slan sH '.2 1Fua ron ;2! "ira$e 4.1--& 3 4.1/-<& '.1 1Fua ron ;18 7A1A 75 212< No)e 17 1panish Aircraft Eol in$s 1pain ha taken eli2ery of '! 45'7s an 12 ?45'7s ;inclu in$ 8 ?45'7s in 1989<. 31 ;or 32& accor in$ to 4li$ht 9nternational< 45'7s an 12 ?45'7s were still in in2entory in 1989. #hey ha pre2iously eFuippe (o. 12 Win$& but were phase out by April 1989. 7A1A pro uce the 45,A& ?45,A& an 45,/ as the 7.9& 7?.9 an 7-.9. 1pain took eli2ery or built 18 7.9& 18 7?.9& an 3' 7-.9. At least 2, 45,AC/s were still in in2entory in 1988. 9911 9!591 says 1. 45,A& 19 45,/. 4li$ht 9nternational%s Worl Air 4orces 1989 says 11 145,A& 12 1?45,A& 2' 145,/. 1pain took eli2ery of a total of .! -4518As an 12 -4518/s& the last aircraft arri2in$ in July 199!. 4li$ht 9nternational says .' total in ser2ice by the en of 1989. (o. 1, Win$ $ot them by late %88& (o. 12 Win$ con2ersion on$oin$ in 1989. 1pain operate 3. 4517& 19 451-& an ' 451/ in 1989& alon$ with 18 "ira$e 999- an , "ira$e 999D ;fli$ht international<. Jane%s 8959! in icates a few more of each. )ther aircraftH 12 7513!E& ++ 75212 ;inclu in$ . recce > 2 -W<& 8+ 751!1 A2ioGet ;a 2ance trainer& 1panish mo el apparently i not ha2e secon ary $roun attack role<& 13 73521,& 18 DE75'& '9 7A1A 7512+CD)52+& 3+ #53, trainer EelicoptersH #he Air 4orce operate 12 A/52!,C0E51E ;trainin$<& , 1A5319 ;1A?<& , 1A533! ;transport<& 11 A15332 ;9 1A?& 2 transport<& 2,Q Eu$hes 3!!A ;)E5'+& trainin$< No)e 87 ?a ar 1Fua rons 1. -DA 1 L 7alatayu 2. -DA 2 L #ole o 3. -DA 3 L 1e2ille '. -DA ' L 6erona ,. -DA , L Alicante .. -DA + L "aGorca +. -DA 9 L 6rana a 8. -DA 1! L 7orunna 9. -DA 21 L 6ran 7anaria 1!. -DA 22 L 3anBarote No)e ?7 )r nance Eol in$sH Air5to5Air "issiles A9"59*3H 13!! A9"593H 2,! ;-4518 only< A9"5+-52H some 2,! ;45'7 only& retire with the *hantoms< A9"5+4H 1!! ;-4518 only< "atra ?5,3!H ;2!! retire 198.5+< Air5#o56roun 6/051! 6/051. 2!! A6"5.,6 ;on or er< 8! A6"588/ ;on or er< 2, A6"58'D51 ;on or er< Draft Document 22,


1. #ercio e Arma a L ;"arine /ri$a e< A. EK > EK 7o& 1er2ice *latoon& *olice *latoon /. 3an in$ 6roup ;A$rupacion e Desembarco L AD< 1. /atallon e Desmbarco 1 a. EK > 1er2ice 7o. b. ?econ *latoonH 3 ?econ sFua sH . 3an ?o2ersO . ?econ teams& ?a ar sFua & 4) sFua c. Anti5tank. *latoonH . 1!.mm ?? . Weapons 7oH 8 81mm mortars on 3an ?o2er& . 12.+mm "6s on 3an ?o2er e. 3 8 9nfantry 7os& eachH 2 .!mm "ortars& 3 Dra$on A#6"& 9 9nfantry sFua s 2. /atallon e Desmbarco 2 a. EK > 1er2ice 7o. b. ?econ *latoonH 3 ?econ sFua sH . 3an ?o2ersO . ?econ teams& ?a ar sFua & 4) sFua c. Anti5tank. *latoonH . 1!.mm ?? . Weapons 7oH 8 81mm mortars on 3an ?o2er& . 12.+mm "6s on 3an ?o2er e. 3 8 9nfantry 7os& eachH 2 .!mm "ortars& 3 Dra$on A#6"& 9 9nfantry sFua s 3. 1pecial )perations 0nit ;0)-< a. 3 1pecial )perations *latoonsH 3 sFua s each. '. 7ombat 1upport 6roup ;AA7< a. EK > 1er2ice 7o. b. 3an in$ Artillery 6roup ;6AD< 1. EK > 1er2ice /attery 2. 1* /atteryH . "51!9A2 1* 6uns& . "992 4AA1D 3. 2 EowitBer /atteriesH . 1!,mm ",. howitBers each '. 3i$ht 1A" /ttyH 2!mm )erlikon AA 6uns c. Amphibious "echaniBe 6roup ;6"A< 1. Amphibious #ractor 7oH 1. 3D#*5+ 2. #ank 7o. 1. "'8A3-O 1+ 1corpion li$ht tanks 3. Anti5tank 7o. 12 #)W on 3an ?o2er '. 3 #ransport 7osH 12 /3? each

No)e 17 Eummers were on or er to replace the amphibious 2ersions of 3an ?o2er 88 an 1!9s. No)e 87 0)- may ha2e been a battalion stren$th unit with 3 para5comman o companies plus a combat i2er company. No)e ?7 "arines may ha2e ha 8 ",2A1 1!,mm 1* 2. (a2al Air A. 3u -scua rilla L ?otaH 12 A/5212A1W ;inclu in$ ' fitte with 6ufo -7"C-1" system< /. ,u -scua rilla L ?otaH 9 1E53D 1ea =in$& 3 1E53A-W 7. .a -scua rillaH 11 Eu$hes ,!!A1W 7. 8u -scua rilla 55 ?otaH + AD581 "ata orC2 #AD581 ;AD58As< D. 9u -scua rilla 55 ?otaH 12 -AD58/ -. 1!u -scua rilla L ?otaH . 1E5.!/

Draft Document



T'r6e+ Co'")r+ D#)# *opulationH ,,.8. million& inclu in$ 2&83+&!!! males 18522 an '&82+&!!! million males 23532. 6D*H ;1988< I+!.. billion Defense /u $etH ;1989< I1.83 billion "anpowerH ArmyH ,2,&!!! ;plus 9,!&!!! reser2es< (a2yH ,,&!!! inclu in$ '&!!! marines ;plus 8'&!!! reser2es< Air 4orceH .+&'!! ;plus +3&!! reser2es< #aken from 4rank 7ha wick%s e8tensi2ely researche @7ombine ArmsA ))/s& 198+. 6en armerie an Army EKs from Worl Armies #o ay. -Fuipment hol in$s are from 9911% 199!51991 "ilitary /alance an is current as of early 199!. Airborne an 7omman o units are from "icro "ark Army lists. "ark /e2is also collecte a 2ast store of info which was also of assistance. 7orps assi$nments are from (A#) Armies #o ay ;198+<& as is most of the info on the 6en armerie. 1. 1st Army 5 #hraceH ;EKH 9nstanbul< L 99& 999& D& JD 7orps a. 3r "echaniBe Di2ision b. "echaniBe Di2ision c. 2n 9nfantry Di2ision ;"< e. 'th 9nfantry Di2ision ;A< f. .th 9nfantry Di2ision ;"< $. 8th 9nfantry Di2ision ;A< h. 23r 9nfantry Di2ision ;"< i. 33r 9nfantry Di2ision ;A< G. .1st9nfantry Di2ision ;A< k. .,th 9nfantry Di2ision ;A< l. 1st Armore /ri$a e m. 2n Armore /ri$a e n. 3r Armore /ri$a e o. '1st 9nfantry /ri$a e p. 18th Armore ?e$iment 2. 2n Army 5 Asia "inorH ;EKH =onya< L D9& D99 7orps a. ,th Armore /ri$a e b. "echaniBe /ri$a e c. 2!th "echaniBe /ri$a e . 39th 9nfantry /ri$a e e. +!th 9nfantry /ri$a e f. 21st 7oastal /ri$a e $. 22n 7oastal /ri$a e h. 23r 7oastal /ri$a e 3. 3r Army 5 7aucasusH ;EKH -rBincan< L 9D& D999& 9J 7orps a. 9th 9nfantry Di2ision ;"< b. 12th 9nfantry Di2ision ;"< c. 29th 9nfantry Di2ision ;"< . ,1st 9nfantry Di2ision ;"< e. 'th Armore /ri$a e f. .th Armore /ri$a e $. 1st "echaniBe /ri$a e h. 1'th "echaniBe /ri$a e i. 1!th 9nfantry /ri$a e G. '8th 9nfantry /ri$a e k. '9th 9nfantry /ri$a e Draft Document 22+

l. ,1st 9nfantry /ri$a e '. 'th Army 5 Ae$ean an "e iterranean 9slan sH ;EK 9Bmir< L J9 7orps ;inclu es units on 7yprusN< a. 28th 9nfantry Di2ision ;"< b. 39th 9nfantry Di2ision ;"< c. 11th 9nfantry /ri$a e e. 19th 9nfantry /ri$a e ,. Ankara a. 1,th 9nfantry /ri$a e b. 28th 9nfatnry /ri$a e c. .2n 1eparate 9nfantry ?e$iment . 2 7omman o /ri$a es e. Airborne /ri$a e .. ?eser2e 0nits a. 1st Armore Di2isionH eFuippe with ol er eFuipment& may ha2e been trainin$ unit b. ,8th 9nfantry Di2ision ;?<H "ay ha2e been an o2ersiBe infantry trainin$ i2ision c. 1st 9nfantry /ri$a e . 3r 9nfantry /ri$a e e. ,th 9nfantry /ri$a e f. ,+th Artillery /ri$a eH 1 1,,mm EowitBer bn& 3 1,,mm $un bn& 2 2!3mm howitBer bn& 1 "1!+ 1+,mm 1* bn $. ,8th Artillery /ri$a eH 1 1,,mm EowitBer bn& 3 1,,mm $un bn& 1 2!3mm howitBer bn& 1 "1!+ 1+,mm 1* bn h. ,9th Artillery /ri$a eH 1 1,,mm EowitBer bn& 3 1,,mm $un bn& 1 2!3mm howitBer bn& 1 "1!+ 1+,mm 1* bn +. 8. 7oastal Defense 0nits a. fi2e 7oastal Defense /ri$a es L may be semi5mobile& man some fi8e emplacements )ther 0nits a. 1! #ank /attalions L 1 per corps b. 3! 4iel Artillery /attalions ;likely inclu es those liste abo2e un er reser2e units< L 3 per corps c. 2! Anti5Aircraft 6un /attalions L 2 per corps . ' 1urface5to51urface "issile /attalionsH Eonest John ;may ha2e been isban e < e. 1ome fortress re$iments efen in$ fi8e sites f. 1A" /atteryH 12Q ?apier ;may ha2e been battalion< $. 3 ?e$iments& perhaps 2! battalions of en$ineers h. 3 ?e$iments& perhaps 1! battalions of army a2iation "arine /ri$a e a. 3 "arine 9nfantry /attalions b. 1 Artillery /attalion c. 1upport /attalion


1!. 6en armerie ;Jan arma< L 11!&!!! stron$& arme with li$ht infantry weapons& personnel carriers. 7ontrolle by the Army only in wartime officially& but effecti2ely the case urin$ peacetime. ?esponsible for internal an rear5area security. -Fuipment hol in$s inclu e D51,! armore cars& 0?5'1. ;3' totalN< an 7on or A*7s& an . 15+!A& A/5 2!'& A/52!, ;29 total 0E51 2ariants<& 1,Q A/52!. helicopters. 9n a ition& eli2eries of 15+!A /lackhawks be$an in 1988 L 38 total or ere . 9nclu es .+ @re$iments&A 1 per pro2ince& plus 3 mobile bri$a es of 2 re$iments each& 3 comman o re$iments ;2 battalions each<& 2 7omman o re$iments ;3 battalions each<& 2 comman o battalion& 12 in epen ent comman o company& an 1 military police company per army i2ision. Ge"er#$ No)e7 ?eliable information on the #urkish military is har to come byO 2irtually e2ery source contra icts e2ery other. #he #)>- abo2e is likely fairly accurate& but also incomplete. 9n all likelihoo & many 7orps& Army an smaller reser2e units are missin$. A itionally& #urkey hel a 2ast hor e of ol er eFuipment& much of it atin$ back to the 19,!s. #he actual numbers below are appro8imations base on attempts to reconcile a 2ariety of contemporary sources. 9n a ition& 9 ha2e $one throu$h the #urkish 74- isclosures ;for 199.<& an increase some cate$ories of ol er eFuipment& on the assumption that it was unlikely that they acFuire the or nance after 1989 ;such as "5,2# 1,,mm 1* $uns<. Eowe2er& this may still si$nificantly un ercount #urkish hol in$s L a si$nificant portion of #urkey was e8empt from the 74-& essentially e8clu in$ the entire 2n Army from consi eration& base on the i ea that it was there to efen a$ainst threats not relate to the Warsaw *act5(A#) confrontation. #he final estimates shoul not be Draft Document 228

taken as etche in stone& nor shoul the #)>-s. #he #urkish isclosures un er the 74- #reaty show a wi e 2ariation within in i2i ual units& but are of little utility here as an Army5wi e restructurin$ was $oin$ on when they were first file . As always& any a itional information woul be appreciate . #his 1o2iet era source ;Dec. 8. 1o2iet ?e2iew of 4orei$n "ilitary *ress< inclu es a $oo o2er2iew. No)e 17 #urkey ha & at the time& no other lar$e or$aniBe reser2e units other than those liste abo2e ;at least none that 9%2e been able to i entify<. 6i2en the 2ast conscript pool& #urkey was effecti2ely able to man all the units it coul affor to raise usin$ primarily troops on acti2e uty. 7onscripts lea2in$ acti2e uty were re$istere by the local reser2e office. 6wynne Dyer& in the 2n e ition of Worl Armies to ay& estimate that #urkey coul call upon about +!!&!!! reasonably traine an fit in i2i uals in war time. Armin$ an or$aniBin$ them& howe2er& woul ha2e been a ifferent matter than mobiliBin$ them. No)e 87 #urkish Armor an Artillery hol in$sH Tanks* ,23Q "5'+& 1&13! "'8A1CA2& 1&98! "'8#1C#2 ;A,<& 81 3eopar 1A3& 1!8 "5'1& 11' "52' 7haffee +ig t A,Vs* +!! "5,9& 2&3!! "113 ;inclu in$ 2ariants<& '!!5.!! "52C"53 Ealftrack& some "8C"2! A7s in reser2e& some 7on or A*7s ;possibly manyN< To-ed Artiller.* 1!! "11. +,mm& 83! "51!1A1 1!,mm& 1, 1ko a 1!,mm& some 1!,mm ? "etal$un ;N<& some =rupp 1!,mm& 11. ;128U< 1ko a 1,!mm& ,!! "511'A1 1,,mm& 1,! "5,9 1,,mm& 1'! ;1.2U< "11, 2!3mm& 2! ?A5+!'! '!5tube +!mm "?3& some ;'8U< 1!+mm "?3sN 'P Artiller.* 3!! ;3.,U< "5,2 1!,mm& 2.Q "51!8 1!,mm& 222 "5''# 1,,mm ;con2ersions be$un 198+<& 1, "5,2# 1,,mm 1* ;possibly not yet con2erte <& 3. "51!+ 1+,mm& 1. "511! 2!3mm& 81 ",, 2!3mm ;some in stora$e< Air "e/ense* 1.! 12.+mm Kua & 2! ;possibly many more< 6A95D)1 twin 2!mm& 2.! 6D45!!3 3,mm& +2, ;8!3S< /ofors 3.!C+! '!mm& 1!!Q ",1 +,mm& 1!!Q "11+C"118 9!mm& 1!!Q ;2.2S< "5'2A1& 12Q ?apier& +89 ?e eye manpa s. Air force controls 2' ?apier& 128 (ike Eercules. AT* '!! 7obra& 3!! 11511& ,1. #)W 1*& 392 "ilan& numerous ;2&329S< 1!.mm& ;.1+S< +,mm& an ;923S< ,+mm recoilless rifles. 0elicopters* 2! ;I23< A/52!'& 8, A/52!,& 2! A/52!.A& 3 A/5212& 3! 0E51D& +! 0E51E& .! 1A5313& 3! #E5 ,,& 1, )E513E& 3! Eu$hes 3!!7& 1' A/5'+ ,i1ed 2ing Aircra/t* 19 D)28D& ,!Q )51#hose items with a number in parentheses followe by an asterisk in icates the number currently possesse by #urkey that they woul ha2e likely ha in 1989 L that is& they woul ha2e been unlikely to ha2e acFuire them since then. 7urrent numbers come from "i le -ast "ilitary /alance 2!!+. #hose with ;S< are from Army ?eco$nition%s current eFuipment in2entory& thou$h 9 on%t know how accurate it is as a source ;howe2er& it is comprehensi2e<. #hose with a ;I< are conflictin$ numbers from 4li$ht 9nternational%s Worl %s Air 4orces 1989. No)e ?7 Di2isional )r$aniBations 1< 9nfantry Di2isionsH #here were three types of #urkish 9nfantry Di2isionsH #hose with 2 infantry re$t an 1 mech re$t ;marke with an ;"< abo2e<& those with 2 infantry re$ts an 1 armore re$t ;marke with ;A< abo2e<& an a reser2e i2ision with 3 infantry re$ts ;;?< abo2e<. 9n a ition& each i2ision ha H a< 3 Direct 1upport /attalions with towe 01 "1!1 1!,mm howitBers b< 1 6eneral 1upport /attalion with 3 batteries of towe 1,,mm howitBers an 1 battery of 2!3mm towe howitBers c< 1 -n$ineer /attalion in trucks& inclu in$ a bri $in$ company < 1 Air Defense Artillery /attalion with 3 batteries of '!mm towe AA $uns e< 1 Di2isional Anti5#ank 7ompany with Geep5mounte 7obra& 11511& #)W& or 1!.mm ?? f< *ossibly a i2isional ca2alry sFua ron or troop& coul be armore ;as in mech i2ision& below< $< *ossibly an a2iation sFua ron or troop 2< "echaniBe Di2isionsH a< 2 "echaniBe ?e$iments b< 1 Armore ?e$iment c< 1 Armore 7a2alry 1Fua ron with 3 companies& eachH 1 plt "'8& 1 plt of scouts in "113s& 1 plt of scouts in Geeps < 1 Armore Artillery ?e$t withH 1< 3 Direct 1upport /attalions with 1!,mm "5,2 1* 2< 1 Direct 1upport /attalion with 3 batteries of 1,,mm "5''# an 1 battery of 2!3mm "11! e< 1 -n$ineer battalion in trucks& inclu in$ a bri $in$ company f< 1 Air Defense Artillery battalion with 3 batteries of '!mm towe AA $uns Draft Document 229

$< 1 A2iation 1Fua ronH 12 A/52!, or A/52!. 3< Armore Di2isionH ;same as "ech i2ision but with 3 armore re$iments an ol er eFuipment< No)e 47 /ri$a e )r$aniBations 1< 9nfantry /ri$a esH a< ' 9nfantry /attalions in trucks b< 1 Artillery /attalion with towe 1!,mm howitBers c< 1 7a2alry #roop ;company< 2< "echaniBe /ri$a esH a< 2 Armore 7a2alry 1Fua rons& each with 3 troops& eachH 1 plt "'8& 1 plt of scouts in "113s& 1 plt of scouts in Geeps b< 2 "echaniBe /attalions in "113s c< 1 -n$ineer 7ompany < 1 Anti5#ank 7ompany with 3 plts of "1,! ;"113 wC#)W< e< 1 Artillery /attalion with towe 1!,mm howitBers ;#wo bri$a es ha 3eopar 1A3 instea of "'8s< 3< Armore /ri$a esH a< 2 #ank /attalions& each withH ,' "'8s& 2 reco2ery 2ehicles b< 2 "echaniBe /attalions in "113s c< 1 -n$ineer 7ompany ;in ",9sN< < 1 Artillery /attalion with towe 1!,mm howitBers '< 7oastal Defense /ri$a esH ;likely the same as infantry bri$a es& but without trucks< ,< 7omman o an *arachute /ri$a esH a< 3 9nfantry /attalionsH 3 rifle companies& with 2+ rifle sFua s& 9 81mm mortars& 12 "ilan51 A#6"& ' ?e eye ;$ettin$ 1tin$er *)1#in 1989< b< Artillery /attalionH 18 +,mm "11. or 1!,mm "1 c< 1upport 7ompanyH ' 12!mm mortars& 12 Jeeps wC1!.mm ?? e< -n$ineer 7ompanyH foot5mounte f< ?econ *latoonH *athfin er roleN No)e <7 ?e$imental )r$aniBations 1< Armore ?e$imentH a< 2 #ank /attalions b< 1 "echaniBe /attalion in "113s;N< c< 1 -n$ineer 7ompany ;in ",9sN< 2< "echaniBe ?e$imentH a< 1 #ank /attalion b< 2 "echaniBe /attalions in "113s c< Anti5#ank 7ompany with Geep5mounte 7obra& 11511& #)W& or 1!.mm ?? < 1 -n$ineer 7ompany 3< 9nfantry ?e$imentH a< 3 9nfantry /attalions in trucks b< 1 7a2alry #roop No)e =7 /attalion )r$aniBations L these seem to pre5 ate the intro uction of "ilan an perhaps other mo ern armaments. 6i2en the lar$e numbers of #)Ws in in2entory& it is likely that at least some ma e it own to battalion le2el& perhaps replacin$ some of the 1!.mm ??. ;from 1o2iet 4orei$n "ilitary ?e2iew for April 1989& which has articles base on forei$n military Gournals.< 1< 9nfantry /attalion a< EK with 2 +,mm ??& ' 88.9mm ?3 ;"2! 1uper /aBookaN 1panish ".,N<& 1 +..2mm "6 b< 3 ?ifle 7ompanies& eachH 1. 3 ?ifle *latoons with 3 ?ifle 1Fua s& 2 +..2mm "6& 1 88.9mm ?3 each 2. Weapons *latoon with 3 81mm "ortars& 3 +,mm ?? c< Weapons 7ompany with . 1!.mm ??& 3 '.2A "ortar& 3 +..2mm "6& ' 88.9mm ?3 2< "echaniBe /attalion a< EK with 3 "113& ' 3AW& 12 +..2mm "6 b< 3 "ech 9nf 7ompanies& eachH 1. EK with "113& some 3AW& some +..2mm "6 Draft Document 23!

2. 3 "ech 9nf *latoons with 3 ?ifle 1Fua s& ' "113& 2 3AW each c< 1upport 7ompany with 2 "113& . 1!.mm ??& 3 '.2A "ortar No)e 97 7yprus. #urkey ha si$nificant forces eploye on (orth 7yprus& an conseFuently not initially a2ailable for operations in a $eneral conflict. #hese inclu e H 1 7orps with 2 9nfantry Di2isions& 1 Armore /ri$a e ;2+&!!! total troops< with 2+, "5'+s an "5'8s& 1!! "5113& 1!! "5,9& 1'' 1!,mm $uns& 3. 1,,mm $uns& 8 2!3mm $uns& 18 1!,mm 1*& . 1,,mm 1*& 8' '!mm AA& 12 2arious helicopters. 9 o not know if they are inclu e in the abo2e lists& but 9 suspect they are.

Draft Document



1. 1st Ana Ea2a 0s ;Win$< 5 -skisehir& #urkeyH a. (o. 111 4i$hterC/omber 4ilo ;sFua ron<H 18 45'b. (o. 112 4i$hterC/omber 4iloH 18 45'c. (o. 113 ?econnaissance 4iloH 8 ?45'7& ?458'4 2. 3r Ana Ea2a 0s 5 =onya& #urkeyH ;pre2iously )70& acti2e in 1988< a. (o. 131 4i$hterC/omber 4iloH 18 45'b. (o. 132 4i$hterC/omber 4iloH 18 45'3. 'th Ana Ea2a 0s 5 "urte & #urkeyH a. (o. 1'1 4i$hterC/omber 4iloH 0p to 1. 451.7 ;from 451!'& 88589< b. (o. 1'2 4i$hterC/omber 4iloH 0p to 1. 451.7 ;from 451!'1& 8859!< '. ,th Ana Ea2a 0s 5 Diyarbakir& #urkeyH a. b. c. . ,. (o. 1,1 4i$hterC/omber 4iloH 2' 45,A (o. 1,2 4i$hterC/omber 4iloH 2' 45,A (o. 1,3 4i$hterC/omber 4iloH 12 ?45,A (o. 18' ?econnaissance 4iloH 18 ?45,A

.th Ana Ea2a 0s 5 /an irma& #urkey a. (o. 1.1 4i$hterC/omber 4iloH 0p to 1. 451.7 ;from 451!'& 89< b. (o. 1.2 4i$hterC/omber 4iloH 0p to 1. 451.7 ;from 451!'& 8959!<


+th Ana Ea2a 0s 5 -rhac& #urkeyH a. (o. 1+1 4i$hterC/omber 4iloH 18 45'b. (o. 1+2 4i$hterC/omber 4iloH 18 45'c. (o. 1+3 4i$hterC/omber 4iloH 18 45'-


8th Ana Ea2a 0s L Diyarbakir& #urkeyH a . (o. 181 9nterceptor 4iloH 1, 451!' b . (o. 182 9nterceptor 4iloH 1, 451!'1


9th Ana Ea2a 0s L /alikesir& #urkeyH c . (o. 191 9nterceptor 4iloH 2! 451!'6 . (o. 192 9nterceptor 4iloH 2! 451!'6


8 Air Defense 1Fua ronsH 1. (ike5Eercules each

1!. 2 Air Defense 1Fua ronsH 12 ?apiers each 11. #rainin$ 0nits ;partial listin$< a. 3. 451!!7C4 with )peration 7on2ersion 0nits b. 133 )70 4iloH 45,AC/ c. 193 )70 4ilo L /alikesir& #urkeyH 451!' Draft Document 232

No)e 17 Aircraft Eol in$sH ;from 9911 an Jane%s& U entries are conflictin$ numbers from 4li$ht 9nternational%s Worl %s Air 4orces 1989< %-G1 #urkey took eli2ery of a total of 12+ 45,A& 3! 45,/ an 3' ;38N< ?45,A in a 2ariety of confi$urations o2er the years. 9n a ition& the (etherlan eli2ere '' (45,As an 1. (45,/s between 1989 an 1991. At least 1!. were still in ser2ice in 1989& but probably Fuite a few more& inclu in$ a number of the more a 2ance (45,As recei2e from the (etherlan s ;may ha2e been from 7ana aN<. ;13,Q 45,AC/U& 2! ?45,AU< %-+C?1 #urkey took eli2ery of about '!! total 451!'s& inclu in$ '! 451!'1 interceptors from 9taly. #hrou$hout the 198!s& #urkey recei2e numerous 451!'s as they were with rawn from ser2ice with other (A#) members. While many were lost to attrition an other were cannibaliBe & it is likely se2eral hun re remaine by 1989. #he units liste abo2e with 451.7s were in the process of con2ertin$ from 451!' urin$ this perio & an woul likely ha2e been flyin$ both aircraft. At least 1+, 451!' an 2, #451!'6s were still in ser2ice in 1989& plus likely lar$e numbers in stora$e. ;21 451!'1U& 1,!Q 451!'6C7451!'U& 23Q #451!'6C7#51!'7U& 2. ?451!'6U< %-?1 /y 1989& #urkey ha taken eli2ery of a total of 1'2 45'-s an at least 8 ?45'7s. 9911 lists 1!, 45'-s in 46A sFua rons an 3! in )70 sFua rons. ;12.Q 45'-U< "ther !ircraft: 2! #538A #alon& +,Q #533A& .3Q #53+& + 7513!-& 2! 751.!& '!Q 7(523,& 33 152AC/ #racker& ,!Q 0E51E ;1A?<& , 0E519 ;1A?< No)e 87 )n$oin$ Aircraft Deli2eries %-+D1 #he #urkish Air 4orce was takin$ eli2ery of a lar$e or er of 451.s ;partially built locally< from )ctober 198+ on. As of December 31& 1989& '1 451.7CDs ha been eli2ere . No)e ?7 #he (a2y has 18 A/5212A1W an 3 A/52!'A1 in the A1W role

Draft Document



M.)erre &h .&he" B'"%e.heer ;)r er of /attle in case of @)perationsfall AA& a 1o2iet attack.< "any thanks $o out to a contributor of this etaile ))/ who woul prefer to remain anonymous. Ar(ee6o((#"%o 1. =omman obataillon ;7omman bn< 2. Eeeresfernmel ere$iment ;7ommunication r$t< 3. 4ernmel eaufklZrun$sbataillon ;1969(# bn< '. Dersor$un$sre$iment 1 ;3o$istic r$t< Kor0.6o((#"%o I 31.) Ar(+ &or0.5 a. =omman okompanie b. 4ernmel ebataillon 2 c. Dersor$un$sre$iment 2 . *ionierbataillon 2 ;-n$ineer bn< e. *anBer$rena ier i2ision ;1tan in$& in /AD-(< ;in 1P3,& (ie erYsterreich Alpen2orlan ;alon$ Donau an -.!<< 1< 9. *anBer$rena ierbri$a e ;1tan in$& in 6`#P-(D)?4< a< *anBerstabsbataillon 9H 12 4lA*B "5'2 b< *anBerbataillon 33H ,2 =*B "5.! c< *anBer$rena ierbataillon 3,H ., 1*B& 12 Ja*B =[rassier& 8 81 mm mortar < Ja$ panBerbataillon 1H .! Ja*B =[rassier e< *anBerartilleriebataillon 9H 18 1,, mm *BE "51!9 2< 1. JZ$erbri$a e a< 1tabsbataillon 1 b< JZ$erbataillon 1 c< JZ$erbataillon 2 < JZ$erbataillon 3 e< /ri$a eartilleriebataillon 1H 12 1!, mm l4E "51!1& 12 towe 2! mm 4lA= ,8 3< .. JZ$erbri$a e a< 1tabsbataillon . b< JZ$erbataillon 21 ;1tan in$& in =041#-9(< c< JZ$erbataillon 22 < JZ$erbataillon 2' e< /ri$a eartilleriebataillon .H 12 1!, mm l4E "51!1& 12 towe 2! mm 4lA= ,8 '< 8. JZ$erbri$a e a< 1tabsbataillon 8 b< JZ$erbataillon 29 c< JZ$erbataillon 3! < JZ$erbataillon 31 e< /ri$a eartilleriebataillon 8H 12 1!, mm l4E "51!1& 12 towe 2! mm 4lA= ,8 ,< 3an wehrre$iment 3, a< 1tabskompanie b< Dersor$un$skompanie c< 4ernmel eBu$ ;1i$nal plt< < *ionierkompanie 3, e< *anBerGZ$erkompanie 3, f< 1perrbataillon 3,1 $< 1perrbataillon 3,2 h< 1perrbataillon 3,' Draft Document 23'

i< 1perrbataillon 3,, G5l< Wachsperrkompanie m< Artilleriebatterie ortsfest A"1#-##-( ;4ortification art bty<H 1,, mm "52 n< Artilleriebatterie ortsfest -0?A#14-3DH 1,, mm "52 o5F< 1perrB[$e r< 4lusssperrkompanie 1#?-(6/-?6 .< Eeerespionierbataillon +< 4ernmel ebataillone 1 8< 4lie$erabwehrbataillon 1 a< 1tabsbatterie b< 1. 4lie$erabwehrbatterieH . twin 3, mm P4lA= 8,& ' 2! mm 4lA= ,8 on A*+12 *inB$auer c< 2. 4lie$erabwehrbatterieH . twin 3, mm P4lA= 8,& ' 2! mm 4lA= ,8 on A*+12 *inB$auer < 3. 4lie$erabwehrbatterieH . twin 3, mm P4lA= 8,& ' 2! mm 4lA= ,8 on A*+12 *inB$auer 9< =orpsartilleriebataillon 1H 12 s4E "511' ;4rom =orpskomman o 9< 1!< ArmeeartilleriebataillonH 12 1!, mm l4E "51!1 ;4rom Armeekomman o< 11513< ?aketenwerferbatterieH . 128mm "?3 ;4rom Armeekomman o< f. 3. *anBer$rena ierbri$a e ;1tan in$& in "A0#-?(< ;(ortheast (ie erYsterreich< 1< *anBerstabsbataillon 3H 12 4lA*B "5'2 2< *anBerbataillon 1!H ,2 =*B "5.! 3< *anBer$rena ierbataillon 9H ., 1*B& 12 Ja*B =[rassier& 8 81 mm mortar '< *anBerartilleriebataillon 3H 18 1,, mm *BE "51!9 ,< EeeresaufklZrun$sbataillonH ;4rom Armeekomman o< a< 1tabskompanie b5c< *anBeraufklZrun$skompanieH . Ja*B =[rassier each 5e< "otorisierte AufklZrun$skompanieH *inB$auer A*+1! $. '. *anBer$rena ierbri$a e ;1tan in$& in 39(P< ;7orps reser2e south of 39(P< 1< *anBerstabsbataillon 'H 12 4lA*B "5'2 2< *anBerbataillon 1'H ,2 =*B "5.! 3< *anBer$rena ierbataillon 13H ., 1*B& 12 Ja*B =[rassier& 8 81 mm mortar '< Ja$ panBerbataillon +H 3. Ja*B =[rassier ,< *anBerartilleriebataillon 'H 18 1,, mm *BE "51!9 h. 4lie$erabwehrbataillon 2 1< 1tabsbatterie 2< 1. 4lie$erabwehrbatterieH . twin 3, mm P4lA= 8,& ' 2! mm 4lA= ,8 on A*+12 *inB$auer 3< 2. 4lie$erabwehrbatterieH . twin 3, mm P4lA= 8,& ' 2! mm 4lA= ,8 on A*+12 *inB$auer '< 3. 4lie$erabwehrbatterieH . twin 3, mm P4lA= 8,& ' 2! mm 4lA= ,8 on A*+12 *inB$auer i. "ilitZrkomman o /ur$enlan & -91-(1#AD# 1< 1tabsbataillon /ur$enlan 2< 3an wehrre$iment 11 ;in ?1P11& (orth /ur$enlan ;-.!<< a< 1tabskompanie b< Dersor$un$skompanie c5 < *ionierkompanie e< 1perrbataillon 111 f< 1perrbataillon 112 $< 3an wehrbataillon 11' 3< 3an wehrre$iment 12 ;in ?1P12& 7entral /ur$enlan < a< 1tabskompanie b< Dersor$un$skompanie c< *ionierkompanie < Ja$ kampfbataillon 121 e< 1perrbataillon 122 f< Wachkompanie '< 3an wehrbataillon 1'1 ;in 1P1'& the 1emmerin$ *ass< G. "ilitZrkomman o (ie erYsterreich& 1# *`3#-( 1< 1tabsbataillon (ie erYsterreich 2< 2. JZ$erbri$a e ;in 1P3'& W9-(-? (-01#AD# L /AD-( ;alon$ -,9<< a< 1tabsbataillon 2 b< JZ$erbataillon ' c< JZ$erbataillon , < JZ$erbataillon . Draft Document 23,

e< /ri$a eartilleriebataillon 2H 12 1!, mm l4E "51!1& 12 towe 2! mm 4lA= ,8 f< Ja$ panBerbataillon 'H 3. Ja*B =[rassier ;4rom =orpskomman o 9< $< 3an wehrre$iment 3' i< 1tabskompanie ii< Dersor$un$skompanie iii< *ionierkompanie 3' i2< *anBerGZ$erkompanie 3' 2< 3an wehrbataillon 3'2 2i< 3an wehrbataillon 3'3 2ii< Ja$ kampfbataillon 123 ii85i8< 1perrkompanie 858ii< Wachkompanie 8iii58i2< 1perrB[$e 3< 3. JZ$erbri$a e ;in 1P33& =3)1#-?(-0/0?6 L =?-"1 ;alon$ Donau<< a< 1tabsbataillon 3 b< JZ$erbataillon 1! c< JZ$erbataillon 11 < JZ$erbataillon 12 e< /ri$a eartilleriebataillon 3H 12 1!, mm l4E "51!1& 12 towe 2! mm 4lA= ,8 f< 3an wehrre$iment 33 i< 1tabskompanie ii< Dersor$un$skompanie iii< *ionierkompanie 33 i2< *anBerGZ$erkompanie 33 2< 1perrbataillon 331 2i< 1perrbataillon 332 2i< 1perrbataillon 333 ii85i8< Wachsperrkompanie 8< 4lusssperrkompanie #033(-?4-3D 8i< 4lusssperrkompanie #033(-?4-3D5)1# '< 3an wehrre$iment 21 ;in ?1P21& 1outheast (ie erYsterreich< a< 1tabskompanie b< Dersor$un$skompanie c< *ionierkompanie 21 < 3an wehrbataillon 211 e< 3an wehrbataillon 213 f5$< Ja$ kampfkompanie h5G< Wachkompanie k5l< 1perrkompanie m< Wachsperrkompanie 3< 3an wehrre$iment 32 ;in ?1P32& (ortheast (ie erYsterreich< a< 1tabskompanie b< Dersor$un$skompanie c< *ionierkompanie 32 < Ja$ kampfbataillon 311 e< Ja$ kampfbataillon 321 f< Ja$ kampfbataillon 322 $5h< Wachkompanie k. "ilitZrkomman o 1teiermark& 6?AP 1< 1tabsbataillon 1teiermark 2< ,. JZ$erbri$a e ;in 1P,3& 1outhwest 1teiermark ;alon$ -..<< a< 1tabsbataillon , b< JZ$erbataillon 1+ c< JZ$erbataillon 18 < JZ$erbataillon 19 e< /ri$a eartilleriebataillon ,H 12 1!, mm l4E "51!1& 12 towe 2! mm 4lA= ,8 f< 3an wehrre$iment ,3 i< 1tabskompanie ii< Dersor$un$skompanie iii< *ionierkompanie ,3 Draft Document 23.

i2< *anBerGZ$erkompanie ,3 2< 3an wehrbataillon ,32 2i< 3an wehrbataillon ,33 2ii5i8< 1perrkompanie 3< 3an wehrre$iment ,1 ;in ?1P,1& 1outh /ur$enlan Csoutheast 1teiermark< a< 1tabskompanie b< Dersor$un$skompanie c< *ionierkompanie ,1 < Ja$ kampfbataillon ,11 e5f< 1perrkompanie $< Wachkompanie '< 3an wehrre$iment ,2 ;in ?1P,2& 1outh 1teiermark< a< 1tabskompanie b< Dersor$un$skompanie c< *ionierkompanie ,2 < *anBerGZ$erkompanie ,2 e< Ja$ kampfbataillon ,21 f< 1perrbataillon ,22 $5i< 1perrkompanie G< Wachkompanie .< 3an wehrre$iment ,' ;in 1P,'& 7entral 1teiermark ;alon$ -,+<< a< 1tabskompanie b< Dersor$un$skompanie c< *ionierkompanie ,' < *anBerGZ$erkompanie ,' e< 3an wehrbataillon ,'1 f< 3an wehrbataillon ,'2 $< 1perrbataillon ,'3 +< 3an wehrre$iment ,, ;in ?1P,,& (orthwest 1teiermark< a< 1tabskompanie b< Dersor$un$skompanie c< *ionierkompanie ,, < *anBerGZ$erkompanie ,, e< 1perrbataillon ,,1 f5$< 3an wehrkompanie h5i< 1perrkompanie G5l< Wachkompanie Kor0.6o((#"%o II a. =omman okompanie b. 4ernmel ebataillon 3 c. Dersor$un$sre$iment 3 . *ionierbataillon 3 e. 4lie$erabwehrbataillon 3 1< 1tabsbatterie 2< 1. 4lie$erabwehrbatterieH . twin 3, mm P4lA= 8,& ' 2! mm 4lA= ,8 on A*+12 *inB$auer 3< 2. 4lie$erabwehrbatterieH . twin 3, mm P4lA= 8,& ' 2! mm 4lA= ,8 on A*+12 *inB$auer '< 3. 4lie$erabwehrbatterieH . twin 3, mm P4lA= 8,& ' 2! mm 4lA= ,8 on A*+12 *inB$auer f. "ilitZrkomman o )berYsterreich& E`?17E9(6 1< 1tabsbataillon )berYsterreich 2< '. JZ$erbri$a e ;in 1P'1& 39(P ;-,,<< a< 1tabsbataillon ' b< JZ$erbataillon 1' c< JZ$erbataillon 1, < JZ$erbataillon 1. e< /ri$a eartilleriebataillon 'H 12 1!, mm l4E "51!1& 12 towe 2! mm 4lA= ,8 f< 3an wehrre$iment '1 i< 1tabskompanie ii< Dersor$un$skompanie iii< *anBerGZ$erkompanie '1 Draft Document 23+

i2< Ja$ kampfbataillon '12 2< 1perrbataillon '11 2i< 1perrkompanie '1 2ii< Wachsperrkompanie ii8< 4lussperrkompanie "A0#EA01-( i8< 4lussperrkompanie 39(P 8< Wachkompanie 8i< Artilleriebatterie ortsfest ?0*?-7E#1E)4-(H 1,, mm "52 3< 3an wehrre$iment '2 ;in ?1P'2& (orth )berYsterreich< a< 1tabskompanie b< Dersor$un$skompanie c< Ja$ kampfbataillon '23 < 1perrbataillon '21 e< 1perrbataillon '22 f< 4lusssperrkompanie /?A(D#1#A## $< Artilleribatterie ortsfest ?0#P9(6H 1,, mm "52 '< 3an wehrre$iment '' ;in ?1P''& 7entral )berYsterreich< a< 1tabskompanie b< Dersor$un$skompanie c< Ja$ kampfkompanie 5h< 1perrkompanie i5G< Wachkompanie $. "ilitZrkomman o #irol& 9((1/?07= 1< 1tabsbataillon #irol 3< 3an wehrre$iment .1 ;in ?1P.1& (ortheast #irol< a< 1tabskompanie b< Dersor$un$skompanie c< *ionierkompanie < Ja$ kampfbataillon .11 e5f< 1perrkompanie '< 3an wehrre$iment .2 ;in 1P.2& 9((1/?07= ;-',<< a< 1tabskompanie b< Dersor$un$skompanie c< *ionierkompanie < *anBerGZ$erkompanie .2 e< 1perrbataillon .21 f< 1perrbataillon .2' $< 3an wehrbataillon .22 h< 1perrkompanie i< Wachsperrkompanie G5k< Wachkompanie ,< 3an wehrre$iment .3 ;in ?1P.3& West #irol< a< 1tabskompanie b< Dersor$un$skompanie c< #ra$tierstaffel .3 ;*ack animal unit< < Ja$ kampfbataillon .31 e< 3an wehrbataillon .32 f5$< 1perrkompanie .< 3an wehrre$iment .' ;in ?1P.'& )sttirol< a< 1tabskompanie b< Dersor$un$skompanie c< #ra$tierstaffel .' ;*ack animal unit< < Ja$ kampfbataillon .'1 e< 1perrkompanie f< Wachkompanie h. "ilitZrkomman o =Zrnten& =3A6-(40?# 1< 1tabsbataillon =Zrnten 2< +. JZ$erbri$a e ;in 1P+1& -ast =Zrnten ;alon$ -..<< a< 1tabsbataillon +H 12 Ja*B =[rassier b< JZ$erbataillon 2, ;1tan in$& in =3A6-(40?#< Draft Document 238

c< JZ$erbataillon 2. ;1tan in$& in 1*9##A3< < JZ$erbataillon 2+ e< /ri$a eartilleriebataillon +H 12 1!, mm l4E "51!1& 12 towe 2! mm 4lA= ,8 f< 3an wehrre$iment +1 i< 1tabskompanie ii< Dersor$un$skompanie iii< *anBerGZ$erkompanie +1 i2< 1perrbataillon +1, 2< 3an wehrbataillon +11 2i< 3an wehrbataillon +12 2ii5i8< 1perrkompanie 8< Wachsperrkompanie 8i< Artilleriebatterie ortsfest EA/-?/-?6H 1,, mm "52 $< =orpsartilleriebataillon 3H 12 s4E "511' ;4rom =orpskomman o 99< 3< 3an wehrre$iment +2 ;in ?1P+2& (orth =Zrnten< a< 1tabskompanie b< Dersor$un$skompanie c< 3an wehrbataillon +21 5e< 1perrkompanie f< Wachsperrkompanie $< Wachkompanie '< 3an wehrre$iment +3 ;in 1P+3& 1outh =Zrnten ;-,,& -.1& -..<< a< 1tabskompanie b< Dersor$un$skompanie c< *ionierkompanie +3 < #ra$tierstaffel +3 ;*ack animal unit< e< 3an wehrbataillon +31 f< 3an wehrbataillon +'2 $5h< 1perrkompanie i< Wachsperrkompanie G5k< Wachkompanie i. "ilitZrkomman o 1alBbur$& 1A3P/0?6 1< 1tabsbataillon 1alBbur$ 3< 3an wehrre$iment 81 ;in ?1P81& (orth 1alBbur$< a< 1tabskompanie b< Dersor$un$skompanie c< *ionierkompanie 5e< Ja$ kampfkompanie f5h< 1perrkompanie i5G< Wachkompanie '< 3an wehrre$iment 82 ;in ?1P82& 1outheast 1alBbur$< a< 1tabskompanie b< Dersor$un$skompanie c< *ionierkompanie < *anBerGZ$erkompanie 82 e< 3an wehrbataillon 821 f5h< 1perrkompanie i5G< Wachkompanie ,< 3an wehrre$iment 83 ;in ?1P83& 1outhwest 1alBbur$< a< 1tabsB[$e b< Dersor$un$skompanie c< *ionierkompanie 5e< 1perrkompanie f< Wachkompanie G. "ilitZrkomman o Dorarlber$& /?-6-(P ;in ?1P91& Dorarlber$< 1< 1tabsbataillon Dorarlber$ 2< Ja$ kampfbataillon 911 3< JZ$erbataillon 23 '< 1perrkompanie ,< Wachkompanie Draft Document 239

M $ )Nr6o((#"%o W e"* WIEN a. 1tabsbataillon Wien . 6ar ebataillon 1< 1tabskompanie 2< 1. 6ar ekompanie 3< 2. 6ar ekompanie '< 3. 6ar ekompanie No)e 17 #)>-s 1N!er-r !#%e 1tabsbataillon 1tabskompanie 4ernmel ekompanie *ionierkompanie *anBerGZ$erkompanieH 12 8&,cm *A= ,2 ;towe A#5$un< ;Ja$ panBerkompanie in J$/ri$ +H 12 Ja$ panBer =[rassier< (achschub5& #ransport5 un 9nstan setBun$skompanie ;1tora$e of ammuniton an *)3& transport& maintenance< 1anitZtskompanie 3 JZ$erbataillone ;"otoriBe infantry< 1tabskompanie 3 JZ$erkompanienH 3 platoons& . 8' mm *A? ;recoilless rifle 7arl 6ustaf<& 2 81 mm m6rW ;mortar< each 1chwere =ompanie ;Eea2y coy<H . 1!. mm r*A= "5'!& ' 12! mm s6rW& ' 2! mm 4lA= ,8 /ri$a eartilleriebataillon 1tabsbatterie 2 /atterienH . 1!, mm l4E "51!1 ;li$ht fiel howitBer< each 4lie$erabwehrbatterieH 12 towe 2! mm 4lA= ,8 P#"Aer!re"#% er-r !#%e *anBerstabsbataillon 1tabskompanie *anBerfernmel ekompanie *anBerpionierkompanie *anBeraufklZrun$skompanie *anBerflie$erabwehrbatterieH 12 4lie$abwehrpanBer "5'2 (achschub5& #ransport5 un 9nstan setBun$skompanie ;1tora$e of ammuniton an *)3& transport& maintenance< 1anitZtskompanie *anBer$rena ierbataillon 1tabskompanie ' *anBer$rena ierkompanienH 1. 1ch[tBenpanBer 1aurer '=' ;. wC2!mm& 9 wC12.+mm E"6<& 2 1* 81mm m6rW each Ja$ panBerkompanieH 12 Ja$ panBer =[rassier *anBerbataillon 1tabskompanie ' *anBerkompanienH 13 mittlere =ampfpanBer "5.! Ja$ panBerbataillon ;no or$anic Ja*B/ in *B6ren/ri$ 3< 1tabskompanie 3 Ja$ panBerkompanienH 12 Ja$ panBer =[rassier each *anBerartilleriebataillone 1tabsbatterie 3 *anBerhaubitBbatterienH . 1,, mm *anBerhaubitB "51!9 each L#"%/ehr-#)# $$o"e ;1tatic infantry< 1tabskompanie 3 3an wehrkompanienH 3 platoons& . 8' mm *A? ;recoilless rifle 7arl 6ustaf<& 2 81 mm m6rW ;mortar< each 1chweren =ompanieH . 1!. mm r*A= "5'!& ' 12! mm s6rW& ' 2! mm 4lA= ,8 Draft Document 2'!

1#!%6#(0,-#)# $$o"e ;#raine for fi$htin$ behin the enemy lines< 1tabskompanie ' Ja$ kampfkompanienH 3 platoons& . 8' mm *A? ;recoilless rifle 7arl 6ustaf<& 2 81 mm m6rW ;mortar< each No)e 8. 7a res from the peacetime @3an wehrstammre$imenterA ;3W1?< woul form wartime units an the re$iments woul reor$aniBe into ersatBre$imenter ;responsible for the formation of personal5reser2es<. #he peacetime 3an wehrstamm re$iments ha the same number as the wartime 3an wehr re$iment which were territorial re$iments an parts of the @?aum$ebun ene 3an wehrA. No)e ?. @3an wehrre$imenterA was responsible for a certain Bone. #he 1chl[sselBonen ;1P< L key Bones L were locate in ecisi2e terrains. 9t was the aim to pre2ent the enemy from $ettin$ control o2er o2er these areas an Cor to pre2ent the enemy from marchin$ throu$h these areas. 9n these 1P& @3an wehrA battalions& @1perrA battalions& @1perrA an @4lusssperrA companies an @JZ$erA battalions were in efence5operations& while mechaniBe troops were hol as reser2es for counter attacks. #he 1P were i2i e into @1chl[sselrZumeA ;1?<& between the 1?& there were @Ja$ kampfA battalions to elay an isturb the enemy. /etween an before the 1P& there were @?aumsicherun$sBonenA ;?1P< L elay Bones. 9n these Bones& the approachin$ of the enemy ha to be elaye L accomplishe by obstacles an some @1perrA companies L an after they were occupie by the enemy& @Ja$ kampfA battalions were esi$ne to con uct operations in enemy rear areas. No)e 4. @1perrkompanienA ;/lockin$ companies< were parts of the fortification system. )ne sperr company consist of some A#5weapons ;mostly 1!&, cm 7enturion5tank turrets in bunkers but also 8&, cm 7harioteer turrets& 9 cm "5'+ turrets an some #53' turrets< an infantry platoons for their protection a$ainst infantry attacks. @4lusssperrkompanienA ;?i2er blockin$ companies< were use to pre2ent the crossin$ of the ri2ers Danube an -nns. #hey were eFuippe with A#5$uns ;'! mm /ofors AA5$uns use in an A#5role& but also some 7enturion%s turrets< an they ha also some small boats. A#5lan mines ;also in the water< were use as well as other obstacles. @WachkompanienA ;6uar companies< ha the task to protect railway stations& power plants& $o2ermental buil in$s& airports an so on. #hey ha pre5assi$ne positions etermine urin$ peace time. @WachsperrkompanienA ;6uar blockin$ companies< were use to protect hy ro5electric power stations an to pre2ent the crossin$ of the ri2er. @Artilleriebatterie ortsfestA ;4ortfication artillery battery< use '5, $uns 1,,mm "52 in fortifie positions. No)e <. Austrian -Fuipment Eol in$s from 9911H 1+! ".!A3 ;some may still ha2e been ".!A1& some sources say 13! ".!A1 an ,! ".!A3<& 28' =uerassier 1!,mm 1*A#& '.! 1aurer 'k'& some '=+ enterin$ ser2ice& 1!8 "2A1 1!,mm EowitBers& 2' "11' 1,,mm EowitBers& ,, "1!9A2 1,,mm 1* EowitBers& 18 "5,1 128mm "?3& 2'! "5 ,2C5,' 8,mm A# 6uns& ,!! 2!mm AA $uns& +' 6D45!!2 twin 3,mm AA $uns& 38 "5'2 Duster twin '!mm 1*AA. (ote that artillery hol in$s mi$ht be low& perhaps Fuite low. No)e =. Austria maintaine a 2ast array of ol er tank turrets emplace in fortifications. Accor in$ to this site& Austria ha H '8 +,mm turrets ;"'N<& 2' 8,mm #53' turrets ;perhaps as many as ''<& ,. 83.'mm ;2!lb< 7harioteer turrets& 1'3 9!mm "3. turrest& 1'8 1!,mm 7enturion turrets bou$ht aroun 198!& plus another 22. 1!,mm 7enturion turrets after 198,. No)e 9. #his ocument contains an e8cellent 1o2iet roun up of Austrian military pro uction.

Draft Document


AUSTRIAN AIR FORCE F$ e!er% > . o" ;#echnically part of the Army<
a. 1tabsbataillon b. 4lie$erre$iment 1& #033( L 3A(6-(3-/A?( 1< 4lie$erhorstbataillon 1 ;Air /ase batallion< 2< Eubschrauber$eschwa er 1 ;Eelicopter win$< a< 1. EubschrauberstaffelH ;Eelicopter sFua ron<H 12 A$usta5/ell 212 b< 2. EubschrauberstaffelH 11 A$usta5/ell 2!.A c< 3. EubschrauberstaffelH 12 =iowa )E ,8/ < '. 4lZchenstaffel ;3i$ht transport sFua ron<H 2 1hort51ky2an 175+& 13 *75. 3< 4lie$erabwehrbataillon 11 a< 1tabsbatterie b< 1. 4lie$erabwehrbatterieH 2! 2! mm 4lA= ,8 mounte on A*+12 *inB$auer c< 2. 4lie$erabwehrbatterieH . twin 3, mm P4lA= 8, < 3. 4lie$erabwehrbatterieH 2! 2! mm 4lA= ,8 mounte on A*+12 *inB$auer '< 4lie$erwerft 1 ;Aircraft maintenance< c. 4li$erre$iment 2& 6?AP L #EA3-?E)4 1< 4lie$erhorstbataillon 2 2< Eubschrauber$eschwa er 2& A96-( a< 1. EubschrauberstaffelH 12 1A531./ Alouette 999 b< 2. EubschrauberstaffelH 12 1A531./ Alouette 999 3< vberwachun$s$eschwa er ;4i$hter win$< a< 1. 1taffelH 9 1aab 1!,` ;1 aircraft pre2iously lost< b< 2. 1taffelH 9 1aab 1!,` ;1 aircraft pre2iously lost< '< 4lie$erabwehrbataillon 12 a< 1tabsbatterie b< 1. 4lie$erabwehrbatterieH 2! 2! mm 4lA= ,8 mounte on A*+12 *inB$auer c< 2. 4lie$erabwehrbatterieH . twin 3, mm P4lA= 8, ,< 4lie$erwerft 2 . 4li$erre$iment 3& 39(P L E`?17E9(6 1< 4lie$erhorstbataillon 3 2< Eubschrauber$eschwa er 3 a< 1. EubschrauberstaffelH 12 A$usta5/ell 212 b< 2. EubschrauberstaffelH 8 A$usta5/ell 2!' 3< Ja$ bomber$eschwa er ;4i$hter bomber win$< a< 1. Ja$ bomberstaffelH 8 1aab 1!,` ;2 aircraft pre2iously lost< b< 2. Ja$ bomberstaffelH , 1aab 1!,` ;, aircraft pre2iously lost< '< 4lie$erabwehrbataillon 13 a< 1tabsbatterie b< 1. 4lie$erabwehrbatterieH 2! 2! mm 4lA= ,8 mounte on A*+12 *inB$auer c< 2. 4lie$erabwehrbatterieH . twin 3, mm P4lA= 8, ,< 4lie$erwerft 3 e. 3uftraum[berwachun$ ;Air sur2eillance re$iment<H 1< )rtsfeste ra arstation =)3)"A((1/-?6 2< )rtsfeste ra arstation 1#-9("A(D3 3< )rtsfeste ra arstation 1*-9==)6-3 '< "obile ?a arstationen 1 ,< "obile ?a arstationen 2 f. 4lie$erschule

Draft Document


No)e 1. 9n 1988& 1AA/ J53, D?A=-( were not yet operational. ;#he first J53,` lan e in Austria in Gune 1988& but the unit was not operational before the be$innin$ of 199!.< #hatws why both Ja/o6eschw as well as vbw6eschw use the 1AA/ 1!,`. ;#he numbers are as in 1988 5 inclu in$ the losses which ha pre2iously occurre .<

Draft Document


F "$#"% F "" .h Ar(+ 3M##>o (#)5

An estimate 9, percent5plus of 4inlan %s eli$ible male population ser2e in the 4innish efense forces& $i2in$ them a 2ast manpower pool espite their limite population base. #his ))/ comes from Jakob We man. 1ourcesH 74-& httpHCCnikita.letku.netCstrate$yC77)"6==5774inlan .htm& www.$eocities.comCfinnmilp$e& 7ol Will 5 #he Defence of 4inlan ;#omas ?ies 1988<. (ote from JakobH "ost of the information is e8tracte from 74- 199! an co2ers tanks& A*7CA94D an artillery an mortars. )nly subunits with such eFuipment are shown in the or er of battle& see #)- for other subunits. A. 6eneral 4orces 1. (orth 4inlan "ilitary Area& )ulu a. 1. Army 7orps& )ulu $ ;?eser2e< 153< Artillery battalionsH 3. 13! mm $un "5'.C1,2 mm howitBer ;?eser2e< b. 3applan JZ$er /ri$a e& 1o ankylZ 15'< JZ$er battalionsH ,! /D each ,< Artillery re$imentH 12 1,, mm $un 83& 12 122 mm howitBer D53! c. (orthern JZ$er /ri$a e& )ulu 15'< JZ$er battalionsH ,! /D each ,< Artillery re$imentH 2' 122 mm howitBer D53! . =aGanalan JZ$er /ri$a e& =aGani 15'< JZ$er battalionsH ,! /D each ,< Artillery re$imentH 12 1,, mm $un 83& 12 122 mm howitBer D53! 2. 1outh West 4inlan "ilitary Area& #urku a. 2. Army 7orps& #urku ;?eser2e< 1< ?ocket 3auncher /atteryH . /"521 ;?eser2e< 25'< Artillery battalionsH 3. 13! mm $un "5'.C1,2 mm howitBer ;?eser2e< b. *ori JZ$er /ri$a e& 1ZkylZ 1< JZ$er battalionH 3+ 1isu A*7 25'< JZ$er battalions ,< Artillery re$imentH 2' 122 mm howitBer D53! c. 31. /ri$a e& #urku ;?eser2e< 15'< 9nfantry battalions ,< Artillery re$imentH 2' 122 mm howitBer D53! 3. 1outh -ast 4inlan "ilitary Area& =ou2ola a. 3. Army 7orps& =ou2ola ;?eser2e< 1< ?ocket 3auncher /atteryH . /"521 ;?eser2e< 25'< Artillery battalionsH 3. 13! mm $un "5'.C1,2 mm howitBer ;?eser2e< b. =arelia JZ$er /ri$a e& Dalkeala 1< JZ$er battalionH 22 /#?5.! 25'< JZ$er battalions ,< Artillery re$imentH 2' 122 mm howitBer D53! c. 1a2o JZ$er /ri$a e& "ikkeli 1< JZ$er battalionH 38 /#?5.! 25'< JZ$er battalions ,< Artillery re$imentH 12 1,2 mm howitBer& 12 122 mm howitBer D53! . =ymi JZ$er /ri$a e& Eamina ;?eser2e& 1tan in$ JZ$er battalion in peacetime< 1< JZ$er battalionH 2' /#?5.! 25'< JZ$er battalions ,< Artillery re$imentH 12 1,2 mm howitBer& 12 122 mm howitBer D53! e. 1+. /ri$a e& 3appeenranta ;?eser2e< 15'< 9nfantry battalions ,< Artillery re$imentH 2' 1!, mm howitBer Draft Document 2',

f. 19. /ri$a e& "ikkeli ;?eser2e< 15'< 9nfantry battalions ,< Artillery re$imentH 2' 122 mm howitBer D53! '. 1outh 4inlan "ilitary Area& EZmeenlinna a. 1. Army 7orps& EZmeenlinna ;?eser2e< 1< ?ocket 3auncher /atteryH . /"521 ;?eser2e< 25'< Artillery battalionsH 3. 13! mm $un "5'.C1,2 mm howitBer ;?eser2e< b. 2. Armoure /ri$a e& Eattula 153< Armoure battalionsH .! #5+2& 3+ /"*51& 2. /"*52& 8+ "#53/ '< Artillery re$imentH 2' 122 mm 211 c. 7oast JZ$er /ri$a e& #ammisaari 1< JZ$er battalionH .. 1isu A*7 25'< JZ$er battalions ,< Artillery re$imentH 12 1,, mm $un 83& 12 122 mm howitBer D53! . EZmeenmaan JZ$er /ri$a e& 3ahti ;?eser2e& 1tan in$ JZ$er battalion in peacetime< 15'< JZ$er battalions ,< Artillery re$imentH 2' 1!, mm howitBer e. 0u enmaan JZ$er /ri$a e& Eelsinki ;?eser2e& 1tan in$ JZ$er battalion in peacetime< 1< JZ$er battalionH ,! 1isu 25'< JZ$er battalions ,< Artillery re$imentH 2' 122 mm howitBer D53! f. 2,. /ri$a e& Eelsinki ;?eser2e< 15'< 9nfantry battalions ,< Artillery re$imentH 2' 1!, mm howitBer $. 2.. /ri$a e& EyrylZ ;?eser2e< 15'< 9nfantry battalions ,< Artillery re$imentH 2' 1!, mm howitBer h. 28. /ri$a e& 3ahti ;?eser2e< 15'< 9nfantry battalions ,< Artillery re$imentH 2' 1!, mm howitBer i. 29. /ri$a e& EyrylZ ;?eser2e< 15'< 9nfantry battalions ,< Artillery re$imentH 2' 1!, mm howitBer G. 3'. /ri$a e& Eelsinki ;?eser2e< 15'< 9nfantry battalions ,< Artillery re$imentH 2' 122 mm howitBer D53! k. '2. /ri$a e& EyrylZ ;?eser2e< 15'< 9nfantry battalions ,< Artillery re$imentH 2' 122 mm howitBer D53! ,. *ohGanmaan "ilitary Area& Dasa a. ,. Army 7orps& Dasa ;?eser2e< 153< Artillery battalionsH 3. 13! mm $un "5'.C1,2 mm howitBer ;?eser2e< b. 38. /ri$a e& Dasa ;?eser2e< 15'< 9nfantry battalions ,< Artillery re$imentH 12 122 mm howitBer D53!& 12 1!, mm howitBer .. 1a2o5=arelia "ilitary Area& =uopio a. .. Army 7orps& =uopio ;?eser2e< 1< ?ocket 3auncher /atteryH . /"521 ;?eser2e< 25'< Artillery battalionsH 3. 13! mm $un "5'.C1,2 mm howitBer ;?eser2e< b. (orthern =arelia JZ$er /ri$a e& =ontioranta ;?eser2e< 15'< JZ$er battalions ,< Artillery re$imentH 2' 1!, mm howitBer c. 2+. /ri$a e& Joensuu ;?eser2e< 15'< 9nfantry battalions ,< Artillery re$imentH 2' 1!, mm howitBer . '3. /ri$a e& =uopio ;?eser2e< 15'< 9nfantry battalions Draft Document 2'.

,< Artillery re$imentH 2' 1!, mm howitBer +. 7entral 4inlan "ilitary Area& #ikkakoski a. +. Army 7orps& #ikkakoski ;?eser2e< 153< Artillery battalionsH 3. 13! mm $un "5'.C1,2 mm howitBer ;?eser2e< b. 3. Armoure /ri$a e& #ampere ;?eser2e< 153< Armoure battalionsH .! #5,,"& . /"*52& 122 "#53/& 2, /#?5,! '< Artillery re$imentH 2' 1,2 mm howitBer c. 3.. /ri$a e& #ampere ;?eser2e< 15'< 9nfantry battalions ,< Artillery re$imentH 12 1,2 mm howitBer& 12 1!, mm howitBer No)e 17 #he number of Army 7orps is likely between four an se2en with Ei$h 7omman assets inclu in$ ' batteries of /"521 rocket launchers an aroun 2! battalions of 13! mm $un "5'. an 1,2 mm howitBers. No)e 87 3ocal 4orces ,! /attalions ;1eparate batttalions for frontal an @sissiA use an Defensi2e battalions for static use a$ainst amphibious assaults an air lan in$s< 2!! 7ompanies ;1eparate efensi2e companies for frontal use& 6uar companies use to $uar stationary obGects such as bases& roa s an bri $es< R12 1eparate Artillery batteriesH . 1!, mm howitBer 2 1eparate #ank battalionsH 3! #5,, ;#5,'N< No)e ?7 -Fuipment Eol in$s Tanks1 .! #5+2& 1!! #5,,"C#5,,C#5,'& 1, *#5+. !(Cs'!$%&s1 3+ /"*51& 32 /"*52& 2!9 "#53/& 31 /#?5,!& 8+ /#?5.!& 2 /#?58!& 1,3 1isu A518! *asi !rtillery1 ,3 1!,mm howitBer 33& 6erman 1!&, cm le4E 1918 ;1!, E 33<O 8 1!,mm howitBer 33 mo ifie 19'!& 6erman 1!&, cm le4E 1918 ;1!, E 335'!<O 1'! 122mm howitBer 1! with barrels from 1!, mm howitBer 3+ ;1!, E 3+51!<O ,' 1!,mm howitBer 3+ up$ra e 19.1 ;1!, E .153+<O 1, 122mm coastal $un .! ;122 = .!<O 2.8 122mm howiBer .3C.3A& 1o2iet D53!CD53!A ;122 E .3<O 2' 122mm 1* howitBer +'& 1o2iet 211 ;122 *sE +'<O 2' 122mm rocket launcher +.& 1o2iet /"521 ;122 ?akE +.<O 1+! 13!mm $un ,'& 1o2iet "5'.& also coastal $un ;13! = ,'<O 9+ 1,2mm howitBer 38& 1o2iet "51! ;1,2 E 38<O 19 122mm $un 31& 1o2iet A519& mo ifie with 1,2 mm barrel 1988 ;1,2 E 88531<O 81 1,2 mm howitBer 3+& 1o2iet "352!& mo ifie 1988& also coatal $un ;1,2 E 8853+A<O '1 1,!mm howitBer '!& 6erman 1, cm s4E 18& mo ifie with 1,2 mm barrel 1988 ;1,2 E 885'!<O 3. 1,,mm $un 83 ;1,, = 83< *ortars1 88! 81mm& .1' 12!mm No)e 47 #)>-s Ar(o're% Br !#%e 9: EK company Armoure si$nals companyH Jeep& "#53/ Armoure reconnaissance companyH /"* 3 Armoure battalionsH Armoure A#6W companyH 9#)W Artillery re$imentH 2' pieces AA battalionH -n$ineer battalion 1N!er Br !#%e 9: EK company 1i$nals company ?econnaissance companyH /DCJeep ' 9nfantry battalionsH ' JZ$er companies& 1&!!! men& . 12! mm mortar& . 9, mm ?73 A#6& Apilas 3AW& "iniman ?73 A# companyH 95#)W& A#5' Artillery re$imentH 2' pieces& type 2aries by unit AA battalionH 2! 1A5+ 1trela& 18 P052352 -n$ineer battalion I",#")r+ Br !#%e 8: EK company Draft Document


1i$nals company ?econnaissance companyH Jeep ' 9nfantry battalionsH ' 9nfantry companies& 1&!!! men& . 12! mm mortar& 12 81 mm mortars ;3 in each inf coy<& . 9, mm ?73 A#6 A# companyH . 9, mm ?73 A#6 Artillery re$imentH 2' pieces& type 2aries by unit 3i$ht AA battalionH 12 P052352 or 2! mm AA $un -n$ineer company

Draft Document


F "" .h A r For&e 3I$(#>o (#)5

1.< Eea Fuarters L #ikkakoski& central 4inlan . 2.< #hree Air Defense 1ectorsH a.< 3aplan Win$C4i$hter 1Fua ron 11 5 near ?o2aniemi& responsible for ( 4inlan H 1< 1. 4li$ht& ?ea iness 4li$htH . J53,4 Draken ;9nterceptors<& 12 J53,1 Draken ;9nterceptors< 2< 2. 4li$ht& 7on2ersion 4li$htH , J53,/ Draken ;#rainin$<& 3 J53,7 Draken ;#wo5seat )70 trainers< 3< 3. 4li$ht& #rainin$ 4li$htH DinkaC ' Eawk "k5,1 ;#rainers< '< '. 4li$ht& 3iason 4li$ht ;3iason Aircraft< b.< 1atakunta Win$C4i$hter 1Fua ron 21 L #ammerfors& responsible for 1W 4inlan H 12 1aab J53, Drakens 1< 1. 4li$ht& ?ea iness 4li$htH 12 J53,4 Draken ;9nterceptors< 2< 2. 4li$ht& 7on2ersion 4li$htH 2 J53,7 Draken ;#wo5seat )70 trainers<& 8 Eawk 3< 3. 4li$ht& #rainin$ 4li$htH DinkaC ' Eawk "k5,1 ;#rainers< '< '. 4li$ht& 3iason 4li$ht ;3iason Aircraft< c.< =arelian Win$C4i$hter 1Fua ron 31 55 =uopio5?issala& responsible for 1- 4inlan H 3! "i$521bis plus se2eral Eawks in recon role 1< 1. 4li$ht& ?ea iness 4li$htH 3! "i6521 bis 4ishbe ( ;9nterceptors< 2< 2. 4li$ht& 7on2ersion 4li$htH . "i6521 0C0" "on$ol ;#wo5seat trainers<& 3< 3. 4li$ht& #rainin$ 4li$htH ' Eawk "k5,1 '< '. 4li$ht& 3iason 4li$ht ;3iason Aircraft< 3.< #ransport Win$ L =ou2ola50ttiH 3 4okker 452151!!& 2 4okker 452+5'!!& 3 6ates 3earGet 3,A ;1pecial "ission<& 9 "il58 Eip '.< ?ecconaissance 1Fua ron L 3uonetGZr2iH "i$521 4ishbe 7& 8 Eawk "k5,1 '.< #rainin$ Win$ L =auha2aH 39 Eawk "k. ,1s& 3! 35+! Dinkas ,.< Air 4orce Aca emy L =auha2aH 2+ Eawk "k5,1 ;#rainin$5recce< No)e 17 #otal Aircraft hol in$s as of 1988H '1 1AA/ J53, Drakens& ' 1=53,7 Draken trainers& 3! "i$521bis& ' "i$5 210" trainers& 39 Eawk "k. ,1s& 8 Eawk "k. ,1s confi$ure for recon& 3! 35+! Dinkas& 3 452+s& . "i58& 2 "D5,!!& , 7"51+! "a$isters No)e 87 Accor in$ to 7ol Will& @)n the other han & the '+ Eawk woul be use for wartime combat missions relate to Army an (a2y operations& inclu in$ reconnaissance an point air efence. #he 4innish Eawk is eFuippe with a 3! m $un& rockets an trainin$ missiles. A more likely role woul be to intercept helicopters an slow transport an combat air patrol.A

Draft Document


Re0'-$ & O, Ire$#"% Ir .h Ar(+

9nformation is from the surprisin$ly etaile entry in Worl Armies #o ay& 9911% "ilitary /alance& an se2eral web pa$es& inclu in$ the official 9rish 4orces web site. 7urra$h comman up ate from A rian J. -n$lish%s ))/ on ) 47A is 4orsa 7osanta Aitiuil& the local efense forces. 1. 1outhern 7omman a. 1st /ri$a e L 7orkH 1. 2 9nfantry /ns& eachH 2 ?ifle 7os& 1upport 7o. 2. 1 7a2alry ?econ 1Fua ron 3. 1 4iel Artillery ?e$t '. 1 -n$ineer 7o b. 47A 6roup& 1outhern 7omman L 7orkH 1. . 9nfantry /attalions 2. 1 "otorise ?econnaissance 1Fua ron 3. 2 4iel Artillery ?e$iments '. 2 Air Defence /atteries ,. 1 4iel -n$ineer 7ompany


-astern 7omman a. 2n /ri$a e L DublinH 1. 2 9nfantry /ns& eachH 2 ?ifle 7os& 1upport 7o. 2. 1 7a2alry ?econ 1Fua ron 3. 1 4iel Artillery ?e$t '. 1 -n$ineer 7o b. -astern 7omman 9nfantry 4orce L 6ormanstonH 2 9nfantry /ns ;may ha2e been un er comman of 7urra$h $roup< 1. 2+th 9nfantry /attalion L Dun alkH 2. 29th 9nfantry /attalion L 7ootehillH Ea , #imoney "k 9D A*7s c. 47A 6roup& -astern 7omman L DublinH 1. ' 9nfantry /attalions 2. 1 "otorise ?econnaissance 1Fua ron 3. 1 4iel Artillery ?e$iment '. 1 Air Defence /attery ,. 1 4iel -n$ineer 7ompany 3. Western 7omman a. 'th /ri$a e L AthloneH 1. 2 9nfantry /ns& eachH 2 ?ifle 7os& 1upport 7o. 2. 1 7a2alry ?econ 1Fua ron 3. 1 4iel Artillery ?e$t '. 1 -n$ineer 7o b. 28th 9nfantry /attalion ;?einforce < L 4inner 7amp& /un oranH c. 47A 6roup& Western 7omman L AthloneH 1. . 9nfantry /attalions 2. 1 "otorise ?econnaissance 1Fua ron 3. 2 4iel Artillery ?e$iments '. 1 4iel -n$ineer 7ompany 7urra$h 7omman a. .th /ri$a e L 7urra$h 7amp& 7ounty =il areH 1. 3r 9nfantry /attalion L 7urra$hH ;inclu es 1 motor co wC12 A"3 D##s< 2. 3!th 9nfantry /attalion L =ilkennyH 2,!


Draft Document

2. 1st Armore ?econ 1Fua ron L 7urra$hH ' A"3 E59!& . A"3 E5.!& 3 A"3 D## 3. 3r 4iel Artillery /atteryH . 1!,mm 3i$ht 6uns b. Army ?an$er 0nit L 7urra$h 7ampH c. 1st #ank 1Fua ron L 7urra$h 7ampH 1' 7D?;#< 1corpions . 1st Air Defense ?e$iment L 7urra$h 7ampH 1 ?e$ular& 3 47A Air Defense /atteries. . '!mm AA $uns& ' ?/15+! 1A"s. e. 47A 6roup 7urra$h 7omman L 7urra$hH 1. 9th 9nfantry /attalion L =ilkennyH a< A 7ompany L =ilkennyH b</ 7ompany L Dunama$$inH c< 7 7ompany L /allyra$$etH <D 7ompany L Waterfor H e< - 7ompany L *ortlaoiseH f< 4 7ompany L DurrowH 2. 1!th 9nfantry /attalion @)%EanrahanA L We8for H a< A 7ompany L We8for H b</ 7ompany L (ew ?ossH c< 7 7ompany L 7arnewH <D 7ompany L "uinebea$H e< - 7ompnay L 7arlowH 2. .th 4iel Artillery ?e$iment L =il areH a< ,th 4iel /attery L =il areH . 2,lber $un5howitBers b<.th 4iel /attery L (aasH . 2,lber $un5howitBers c< 11th Eea2y "ortar /attery L - en erryH . 12!mm /ran t A",! mortars ,. 4orces Assi$ne #o 0( DutiesH a. 0(9493 9nfantry /n L 3ebanonH 4orme from elements of other units& inclu es ' A"359!& 1! 1isu A*7& ' 12!mm "ortars. (ote 1H )ne of the /ri$a es has a thir infantry battalion. (ote 2H -Fuipment hol in$s as of early 199!H 1' 1corpion& 19 A"359!& 32 A"35.!& .! *anhar D## ;Janes says '+<& 1! #imoney A*7s& '8 2,p r 4iel 6uns& 12 1!,mm 3i$ht 6uns& '!! 81mm mortars& +2 12!mm mortars& 21 "93A( launchers& ''' 8'mm 7arl 6usta2%s& 9. 9!mm *D5111! ?? ;4innishN<& 2' /ofors '!3.! AA 6uns& 2 '!3+!& + ?/15+! 1A"s

Ir .h A r Cor0.
1. 2. 3. '. 7)9( 1Fua ronH . 7"51+!52 1uper "a$ister 7)9(C#rainin$ 1Fua ronH + 1452.!W-& 1 1452.! "7& 2 1A53'23 helos Army 1upport 1Fua ronH 8 1A531./ Eelos )ther aircraftH , 1A53., in 1A?& (a2al roles& + 451+2s in 3iason role& 1 E1512,& 1 1uper =in$ Air 2!!

Draft Document


S/e%e" S/e% .h Ar(+

4rom /en$t 3arsson%s ))/ > #)httpHCCwww.t $.nuCswe ishXarme XforcesCoobXsweX1989591.htm S/e%e" Co'")r+ D#)# *opulationH 8.39 million& inclu in$ 29,&!!! males 18522 an ,9!&!!! males 23532. 6D*H ;1988< I1+..9 billion Defense /u $etH ;1989< I'.+8 billion "anpowerH ArmyH ''&,!!! acti2e& .,!&!!!Q reser2ers ;inclu in$ 3!!&!!! Eome 6uar an 1!!&!!! local efense forces< (a2yH 12&!!! ;plus 1!2&!!! reser2es< Air 4orceH 8&!!! ;plus ,+&!!! reser2es< 1. "ilitary Area 0pper (orrlan ;"ilo `(<;/o en< a.< 1,. Di2ision 1< 1. Di2isional #ank /attalion 2< 2. Di2isional #ank /attalion 3< Artillery ?e$iment 8 ;A?8<H 11.& 18. battalionsH 12 1,,mm "C39/ EowitBer each 3 i2isional 1* artillery battalionsH total of 2' /an kanons '< 11.& 12.& 13.& 18. (orthen 9nfantry /attalions ;(orrlan skyttebatalGoner< ,< .2.& .3.& .,.& .+. (orthern Ja$er /attalions ;(orrlan sGa$erbatalGoner< .< ;some< ?an$er 7ompanies ;Ja$arkompanier< +< -n$ineer /attalion 8< 2 Anti5Aircraft /attalions ;1 #ype '8 wC'!mm AA 6uns& 1 #ype +! wC?/15+! 1A"< 9< Di2isional Eelicopter 1Fua ron 1!< 1,. "ilitary *olice 7ompany ;"* =ompani< b.< (orrlan s /ri$a 19 ;(/19<H #ype 8, arctic bri$a e c.< (orrlan s /ri$a ,! ;(/,!<H #ype 8, arctic bri$a e .< 3ocal Defense 4orces ;3okalfYrs2arsfYrban <H 1< 3ocal Defence Area .. ;4Yrs2arsomrl e ..<H a< ..1.& ..2.& ..3. /or er ?e$iments& each withH 253 bor er infantry battalions& 152 bor er ran$er companies& 152 northern ran$er battalions& 152 AA companies& plus home $uar units b< 1tatic 3ocal Defence ArtilleryH 1< .1,. 7annon 7ompany L Junosuan oH 3 12cm mC2' 75.. $uns 2< .19. 7annon 7ompany L #Zren YH 3 1,.2cm mC125.. $uns 3< .18. 7annon 7ompnay L Dittan$iH 3 12cm mC2' 75.. $uns 2. "ilitary Area 3ower (orrlan ;"ilo ((<;`stersun < a.< 12. Di2ision Artillery ?e$iment 2' ;A?2'<H 2 battalionsH 12 1,,mm "C39 EowitBer each b.< (orrlan s /ri$a 13 ;(/13< 5 4alunH #ype 8, arctic bri$a e c.< (orrlan s /ri$a 3, ;(/3,< 5 `stersun H #ype 8, arctic bri$a e .< (orrlan s /ri$a ,1 ;(/,1< 5 1olleftelH #ype 8, arctic bri$a e e.< 9nfanteri /ri$a 21 ;9/21< L 1olleftelH #ype .." infantry bri$a e 3. #he "i le "ilitary Area ;"ilo "<;1trZn$nZs< a.< '. Di2ision L 1trZn$nZsH Artillery ?e$iment 9 ;A?9<H 2 battalionsH 12 1,,mm "C4 EowitBer each Draft Document 2,2

b.< 1'. Di2ision L 3inkYpin$H Artillery ?e$iment 1 ;A?1<H 2 battalionsH 12 1,,mm "C4 EowitBer each 2 battalionsH 12 1,,mm "C39/ EowitBer each c.< "ekanisera bri$a 1! ;"ek/1!< L EZra H #ype 8, mech bri$a e .< 9nfanteri /ri$a 2 ;9/2< L =arlsta H #ype ++ infantry bri$a e e.< 9nfanteri /ri$a 3 ;9/3< L =umlaH #ype .." infantry bri$a e f.< 9nfanteri /ri$a ' ;9/'< L 3inkYpin$H #ype ++ infantry bri$a e $.< 9nfanteri /ri$a 1' ;9/1'< L DalboH #ype ++ infantry bri$a e h.< 9nfanteri /ri$a 33 ;9/33< L `rebroH #ype ++ infantry bri$a e i.< 9nfanteri /ri$a 38 ;9/38< L Alun aH #ype ++ infantry bri$a e G.< 9nfanteri /ri$a '3 ;9/'3< L 4alunH #ype .." infantry bri$a e k.< 9nfanteri /ri$a '' ;9/''< L 6Z2leH #ype .." infantry bri$a e '. #he 6otlan "ilitary 7omman ;Goint< ;Disby< a.< *ansar bri$a 18 ;*/18< 5 DisbyH #ype 6 armoure bri$a e b.< Artillery ?e$iment + ;A?+<H 1 battalionH 12 1,,mm "C'!5'1 EowitBers ,. #he southern "ilitary area ;"ilo 1< ;=ristiansta < a.< 11. Di2ision 5 =ristiansta Artillery ?e$iment 23 ;A?23<H 2 battalionsH 12 1,,mm "C39/ EowitBer each b.< 13. Di2ision 5 EZssleholm Artillery ?e$iment 3 ;A?3<H 2 battalionsH 12 1,,mm "C4 EowitBer each c.< *ansar bri$a + ;*/+< 5 Msta H #yp .3" armoure bri$a e .< *ansar bri$a 8 ;*/8< 5 EZssleholmH #yp .3" armoure bri$a e e.< *ansar bri$a 2. ;*/2.< 5 =ristiansta H #yp .3" armoure bri$a e f.< 9nfanteri /ri$a 11 ;9/11< L 3ekary H #ype .." infantry bri$a e $.< 9nfanteri /ri$a 12 ;9/12< L Da8GYH #ype .." infantry bri$a e h.< 9nfanteri /ri$a '1 ;9/'1< L =ostaH #ype ++ infantry bri$a e i.< 9nfanteri /ri$a '2 ;9/'2< L -mmabo aH #ype ++ infantry bri$a e .. #he Western "ilitary Area ;"ilo D< ;1kY2 e< a.< 1.Di2ision L Ealmsta H Artillery ?e$iment 22 ;A?22<H 2 battalionsH 12 1,,mm "C4 EowitBer each b.< 3. Di2ision L 1kY2 eH Artillery ?e$iment 2 ;A?2<H 3 battalionsH 12 1,,mm "C4 EowitBer each c.< *ansar bri$a 9 ;*/9< 5 1kY2 eH #yp .3" armoure bri$a e .< 9nfanteri /ri$a 1, ;9/1,< L /orlsH #ype .." infantry bri$a e e.< 9nfanteri /ri$a 1+ ;9/1+< L 0 e2allaH #ype ++ infantry bri$a e f.< 9nfanteri /ri$a ', ;9/',< L /orlsH #ype ++ infantry bri$a e $.< 9nfanteri /ri$a '. ;9/'.< L Ealmsta H #ype ++ infantry bri$a e h.< 9nfanteri /ri$a '+ ;9/'+2< L 0 e2allaH #ype .." infantry bri$a e +. 9n a ition to any i2isional units liste abo2e& the followin$ were also parcele out to the i2isionsH a.< , "ekanisera e batalGoner ;mechaniBe battalions< b.< 1!512 1kyttebatalGoner 4 ; i2isional infantry battalions< c.< 1. JZ$arbatalGoner ;Gae$er infantry battalions< inclu in$ parachute an arctic battalions .< 2 3uft2ZrnsbatalGoner #yp ++ ;air efense battalions type ++< e.< 1! 3uft2ZrnsbatalGoner #yp +! ;air efense battalions type +!<H 2+ ?/+! each f.< 1' 3uft2ZrnsbatalGoner #yp '8 ;air efense battalions type '8<H 18 '!mm /ofors AA each $.< 2 Armcfly$batalGoner ;army a2iation battalions< h.< 13 0n erhlllsbatalGoner ;supply battalions< i.< 19 9n$enGYrbatalGoner ; i2isional en$ineer battalions< Draft Document 2,3

No)e 17 /ri$a es were not permanently assi$ne to any particular i2ision& althou$h each i2ision $enerally controlle 25'. No)e 87 U" ) TO4E. #ype .3 Armore /ri$a e 2 EK companies 1 Armore ?econ 7ompanyH . *b23!2& 12 Jeeps& 2 =1* "C3. wCtwin AA"6& ' 9cm ??& 2 ?ifle 1Fua s& 12 ?econ #eams 3 Armore /attalionsH 2' tanks& 28 *b23!2& 2' ?ifle 1Fua s& ' =1* "C3. wCtwin AA"6& 8 9cm ??& ' 1!.,cm EowitBers "C'! each 2 Anti5#ank 7ompaniesH No)e ?7 1we ish -Fuipment Eol in$sH Tanks: 3'! 1tr251!1& 11! 1tr251!2C51!' ;all 1!,mm $un arme 7enturions<& 33, 1tr251!3/& 2!! 9k2591 !(Cs: .!! *b253!2 !rtillery: ,,! #ype5'! 1!,mm towe & 1'! "539 1,!mm towe & 3!! 4E5++AC/ 1,,mm towe & 3! /an =annon 1,,mm 1* !T/-: ?/5,3 /antam& ?/5,, #)W ;inclu in$ *2rb2 ,,1 1* #)W< Recoilless: +'mm "iniman& 8'mm A#5'& 8'mm 7arl 6usta2& 9!mm *D5111! !ir )efense: 11' 2!mm AA& .!! '!mm AA& ?/5.9 ?e eye& ?/15+! ;inclu in$ 32rb2 1*<& ?/5++ 95EAW= elicopters: 2! E=*59A ;/o51!,7/53< attack& 1' E=*53 ;A/52!'< transport& 2. E=*5,/ ;25seat Eu$hes 2.9C"o el 3!!< trainer& 19 E=*5.A ;A/52!.A Jetran$er< utility

S/e% .h A r For&e
1. 0pper (orrlan "ilitary Area a.< 211. ?ecce 1Fua ronH 14C1E 3+ b.< 212. 4i$hter 1Fua ronH JA3+ Di$$en c.< 213. 4i$hter 1Fua ronH JA3+ Di$$en 2. 3ower (orrlan "ilitary Area a.< '1. 4i$hter 1Fua ronH JA3+ Di$$en b.< '2. 4i$hter 1Fua ronH JA3+ Di$$en 3. "i le "ilitary Area a.< 131. 4i$hter 1Fn 5 (orrkYpin$H JA 3+ b.< 132. ?ecce 1Fn 5 (orrkYpin$H 14C1E 3+ c.< 1.1. 4i$hter 1FnH JA 3+ Di$$en .< 1.2. 4i$hter 1FnH JA 3+ Di$$en e.< 1.3. 4i$hter 1FnH 1= .!/C7 '. 1outhern "ilitary Area a.< 1!1. 4i$hter 1FnH J3,J Draken b.< 1!2. 4i$hter 1FnH J3,J Draken c.< 1!3. 4i$hter 1FnH J3,J Draken .< 1!'. 4i$hter 1FnH 1= 3,7 e.< 1+1. 4i$hter 1Fn L ?onnebyH JA 3+ Di$$en f.< 1+2. 4i$hter 1Fn L ?onnebyH JA 3+ Di$$en ,. Western "ilitary Area 1st Air Attack $roup ;1.Attackeska ern< 5 6Ytebor$ a.< .1. Attack 1Fn 5 =arlsbor$H AJ 3+ Di$$en b.< .2. Attack 1Fn 5 =arlsbor$H AJ 3+ Di$$en c.< +1. Attack 1Fn 5 1ltenZsH AJ 3+ Di$$en .< +2. Attack 1Fn 5 1ltenZsH AJ 3+ Di$$en e.< 1,1. Attack 1Fn 51Y erhamnH AJ 3+ Di$$en f.< 1,2. Attack 1Fn 51Y erhamnH AJ 3+ Di$$en Draft Document 2,'

.. 6eneral ?eser2eH a.< ' 8 li$ht attack sFns ;3Ztta attack i2isioner<H 1= .!/ ;1aab 1!,< ;one liste abo2e< b.< 3 8 recce sFns ;1panin$s i2isioner<H 14C1E 3+ c.< , 8 recce fli$hts ;1panin$sfly$$rupper<H 1= .!AC7 ;1aab 1!,< No)e 17 1Fua rons containe 8 aircraft& 1. pilots& an .51! aircraft in stora$e No)e 87 1we ish Aircraft Eol in$sH Accor in$ to 9911& in 1989& 1we en ha H 139 JA 3+ Di$$en fi$hter& 82 AJ 3+ Di$$en attack& '8 1EC14 3+ Di$$en ?econ& 18 1= 3+ Di$$en trainer& .8 J 3,4CJ Draken& ' 1= 3,7 Draken trainer&1!. 1= .!AC/C7& ,! 1= .1& 22 J 32 3ansen ;inclu in$ 1' 532- -7"<

Draft Document


S/ )Aer$#"% S/ .. Ar(+
1. 1st Army 7orps a. 1st "echaniBe Di2ision 1.< 13th "echaniBe ?$tH "113 2.< 2n Armore ?$t. *B.8 3.< 1st Armore ?$t. *B.8 '.< 1st Artillery ?$t. "51!9 b. 2n 4iel Di2ision 1.< 2n 9nfantry ?e$iment 2.< 8th 9nfantry ?e$iment 3.< 9th 9nfantry ?e$iment '.< 2n Artillery ?e$iment c. 3r 4iel Di2ision 1.< 13th 9nfantry ?e$iment 2.< 1,th 9nfantry ?e$iment 3.< 9nfantry ?e$iment '.< 3r Artillery ?e$iment . 1st #erritorial Pone 1.< #erritorial ?e$iment 1' 2.< #erritorial ?e$iment 1, 3.< #erritorial ?e$iment 1. '.< #erritorial ?e$iment 1+ ,.< #erritorial ?e$iment 18 ..< #erritorial ?e$iment 19 e. 1'th 9nfantry ?e$imentN f. 'th 7yclist ?e$iment $. 1st -n$ineer ?e$iment 1.< /ri $in$ battalion 2.< "inin$ battalion h. 1st 1i$nals battalion i. 1st "e ical battalion G. 1st 1upply an transport battalion k. 1st traffic control battalion l. Eelicopter sFua ron m. 3i$ht aircraft fli$ht n. 3 /or er /ri$a es o. 2 AD /nsH 2! > 3, mm AA $uns 2. 2n Army 7orps a. 'th "echanise Di2ision ;#)>- as abo2e< 1.< 1'th "echaniBe ?$t 2.< 3r Armore ?$t. 3.< 'th Armore ?$t. '.< 'th Artillery ?$t. "51!9 b. ,th 4iel Di2ision 1.< 9nfantry ?e$iment 22 2.< 9nfantry ?e$iment 23 Draft Document 2,.

3.< 9nfantry ?e$iment 2' '.< Artillery ?e$iment , c. 8th 4iel Di2ision 1.< 9nfantry ?e$iment 11 2.< 9nfantry ?e$iment 19 3.< 9nfantry ?e$iment 21 '.< Artillery ?e$iment 8 . 2n #erritorial Pone 1.< #erritorial ?e$iment 2! 2.< #erritorial ?e$iment 21 3.< 7ity 7omman 211 '.< #erritorial ?e$iment 22 ,.< #erritorial ?e$iment 23 e. N 9nfantry ?e$iment f. ,th 7yclist ?e$iment $. 2n -n$ineer ?e$iment 1.< /ri $in$ battalion 2.< "inin$ battalion h. 2n 1i$nals battalion i. 2n "e ical battalion G. 2n 1upply an transport battalion k. 2n traffic control battalion l. Eelicopter sFua ron m. 3i$ht aircraft fli$ht n. 3 /or er /ri$a es o. 2 AD /nsH 2! > 3, mm AA $uns 3. 3r Alpine Army 7orps a. 9th "ountain Di2ision 1.< "ountain 9nfantry ?e$iment 29 2.< "ountain 9nfantry ?e$iment 3! 3.< Artillery ?e$iment 9 b. 1!th "ountain Di2ision 1.< "ountain 9nfantry ?e$iment , 2.< "ountain 9nfantry ?e$iment . 3.< Artillery ?e$iment 1! c. 12th "ountain Di2ision 1.< "ountain 9nfantry ?e$iment 12 2.< "ountain 9nfantry ?e$iment 3. 3.< Artillery ?e$iment 12 '.< 1+th "ountain 9nfantry ?e$iment 3+th "ountain 9nfantry ?e$iment 3r -n$ineer ?e$iment 7able car battalion 3r 1i$nals battalion 3r "e ical battalion 3r 1upply an transport battalion 3r traffic control battalion Eelicopter sFua ron 3i$ht aircraft fli$ht 4ortress /ri$a e 1! 1.< "ountain 9nfantry ?e$iment + n. 4ortress /ri$a e 13 Draft Document . e. f. $. h. i. G. k. l. m.


1.< "ountain 9nfantry ?e$iment 3, o. 4ortress /ri$a e 23 1.< "ountain 9nfantry ?e$iment 18 p. #erritorial Pone 9 1.< #erritorial ?e$iment 91 2.< #erritorial ?e$iment 92 3.< #erritorial ?e$iment 93 '.< #erritorial ?e$iment 9' ,.< #erritorial ?e$iment 9, ..< #erritorial ?e$iment 9. F. #erritorial Pone 1! 1.< #erritorial ?e$iment 1! 2.< #erritorial Pone 12 3.< #erritorial ?e$iment 12 r. 3 ?e oubt /ri$a es s. 2 /or er /ri$a es '. 'th Army 7orps a. 11th "echanise Di2ision 1.< 11th "echaniBe ?$tH "113 2.< 12th Armore ?$t. 3.< 11th Armore ?$t. '.< 11th Artillery ?$t. "51!9 b. .th 4iel Di2ision c. +th 4iel Di2ision . #erritorial Pone ' 1.< #erritorial ?e$iment '1 2.< #erritorial ?e$iment '2 3.< #erritorial ?e$iment '3 '.< #erritorial ?e$iment '' ,.< #erritorial ?e$iment ', e. N 9nfantry ?e$iment f. .th 7yclist ?e$iment $& 'th -n$ineer ?e$iment 1.< bri $in$ battalion 2.< minin$ battalion h. 'th 1i$nals battalion i. 'th "e ical battalion G. 'th 1upply an transport battalion k. 'th traffic control battalion l. helicopter sFua ron m. li$ht aircraft fli$ht n. 3 /or er /ri$a es o. 7yclist ?e$iment p. 2 AD /nsH 2! > 3, mm AA $uns ,. Army53e2el 0nits a. ArmeehauptFuartierre$iment 1 ;Army Eea Fuarters ?e$iment< 1< AEK /attalion 11H 2< AEK /attalion 12H 3< AEK /attalion 13H '< AEK /attalion 1'H b. 9nfantry ?e$iment 1. L 3an$enthal areaH 1< 9nfantry /attalion 1.H 2< 4usilier /attalion 3+ 3< 4usilier /attalion 38 Draft Document 2,8

'< 4usilier /attalion 39 c. -n$ineer ?e$iment , ;6enie?e$iment< L workin$ with 3r 4iel Di2ision 1< -n$ineer /attalion 31 2< -n$ineer /attalion 32 3< /ri $in$ ;*ontonnier< /attalion ., . -n$ineer ?e$iment . L workin$ with ,th 4iel Di2ision 1< -n$ineer /attalion 33 2< -n$ineer /attalion 3' 3< /ri $in$ /attalion .. e. -n$ineer ?e$iment + L workin$ with 'th "ech Di2ision 1< -n$ineer /attalion 3, 2< -n$ineer /attalion 3. 3< /ri $in$ /attalion .+ No)e 17 1wiss Army -Fuipment Eol in$sH Tanks* 1!!Q *B58+ ;3eopar 99& eli2eries on$oin$<& 39! *B5.8& 1,!Q *B5.1& 1,! *B5,,C5,+ ;7enturion< APCs* 1&3,! "5.3C5+3C5.' ;"113s& some with 2!mm turret< 'el/ Propelled Artiller.* '+3 "51!90 To-ed Artiller.* 3.! 1!,mm "53,& '.8 1!,mm "5'. MR+* some 81mm ?W=5!1' 3! tube launchers Anti-Tank* ,&,!! 83mm "58!& .!! 1!.mm "5,8 ?ecoilless ?ifles& 8,! 9!mm "5,!C5,+ A# 6uns AT3M* . "owa$ *iranha with #)W& 8!! /C/5., /antam& many /C/5++ Dra$on Air "e/ense* .! /C358' ?apier& 1&+!! 2!mm $uns& 2.! 3,mm 6D45!!2

Draft Document


S/ .. A r For&e 3S&h/e Aer L',)/#,,e5

9 owe a ebt of $ratitu e to John Eear at the 1wiss Air 4orce unofficial site ;httpHCCwww.saf21.infoChomepa$eChome.htm<& who was e8tremely helpful in correctin$ an up atin$ the error5fille earlier 2ersion 9 ha of this listin$. Eis e ication to the subGect an knowle $e of it is impressi2e& an he went out of his way to help me out after 9 contacte him. 1. 4lu$waffenbri$a e 31 0berwachun$s$eschwa er ;sur2eillance win$< 55 Duben orf a.< 4lie$erstaffel 1 L #urtmannH 45,- ;con2erte 1983< b.< 4lie$erstaffel 1! L 1ionH "ira$e 999?1 c.< 4lie$erstaffel 11 L AlpnachH 45,- ;con2erte 19+9< .< 4lie$erstaffel 1. L "ira$e 9991 c.< 4lie$erstaffel 1+ L "ira$e 9991 ;con2erte to 4518 199,< "iliB ;"ilitia< 1Fua rons a.< 4lie$erstaffel . L 45,- ;replace Denoms in mi 5198!s< b.< 4lie$erstaffel 8 L 45,- ;con2erte from Eunter in 1981< .< 4lie$erstaffel 13 L 45,- ;replace Denoms in mi 5198!s< e.< 4lie$erstaffel 18 L 45,- ;con2erte 19+9& mi$ht be re$ulars< f.< 4lie$erstaffel 19 L 45,- ;con2erte from Eunter in 1981< $.< 4lie$er Abteilun$ 1! L 1. "ira$e 999?1 "iliB 4i$hterC6roun Attack 1Fua rons a.< 4lie$erstaffel 2 L Eunter b.< 4lie$erstaffel 3 L Eunter c.< 4lie$erstaffel ' L Eunter .< 4lie$erstaffel , L Eunter e.< 4lie$erstaffel +xEunter f.< 4lie$erstaffel 1, L Eunter $.< 4lie$erstaffel 21 L Eunter h.< 4lie$erstaffel 2'xEunter #..8 trainers ;may be electronic warfare< i.< Eunter 6ruppe L Eunter 4.,8C4.,8AC#..8 ;pro2i es train$ for "iliB< Eelicopter 0nitsH controlle by the 0berwachun$s$eschwa er. a< 3eicht 4lie$er1taffel 1H Alouette 99C999& assi$ne to 1st Army corps b<3eicht 4lie$er1taffel 2H Alouette 99C999& assi$ne to 2n Army corps c< 3eicht 4lie$er1taffel 3H Alouette 99C999& assi$ne to 3r Army corps <3eicht 4lie$er1taffel 'H Alouette 99C999& assi$ne to 'th Army corps e< 3eicht 4lie$er1taffel ,H Alouette 99C999& assi$ne to 4lu$waffe f< 3eicht 4lie$er1taffel .H Alouette 99C999& assi$ne to 4lu$waffe $<3eicht 4lie$er1taffel +H 2 Dornier Do2+& 12 *75. h<3eicht 4lie$er1taffel 8H Alouette 99C999& assi$ne to 4lu$waffe )ther 4lyin$ 0nitsH controlle by the 0berwachun$s$eschwa er a< #ransportflie$erkorpsH 3earGets an #win /onanBas b<Pielflie$erkorps ;aeriel tar$ets trainin$<H Dampire 4/.. c< 6ruppe fur ?ustun$s ienste L -mmenH -8periment 1Fua ron Anti5Aircraft 0nits a< 19 /attalions operatin$ 2!mm $uns b<18 /attalions operation 3,mm $uns with 1ky$uar aimin$ system c< 4lie$erabwehrbri$a e 33H .' /loo houn launchers






No)e 17 The ( $ ) #. #he "iliB 1taffeln o not ha2e fi8e home bases as such& but instea ha2e a wartime assi$ne base where they normally con uct their annual three5week course. #he crews are part time an come from all o2er the countryO other e8ercises coul take place at a number of other bases. No)e ?7 SD'#%ro" S)re"!)h7 -ach 4li$erstaffel nominally contains 12 aircraft plus reser2es& althou$h $i2en the actual number of a2ailable aircraft& there is likely some 2ariation. No)e ?7 A r&r#,) I">e")or+. Accor in$ to an A2iation (ews piece on the 1wiss Air 4orce from )ctC(o2 89& 9n2entory at that time consiste ofH 3! "ira$e 9991 Draft Document 2.!

1. "ira$e 999?1 ' "ira$e 99/1 2 "ira$e 999D1 1 "ira$e 99971 9! 45,12 45,4 13! Eunter "k. ,8C"k. ,8A ;'! confi$ure to launch "a2erick< + Eunter "k. .8 ;trainers< +!Q Dampire 4/.. 3. Dampire #.,, ;3! in trainin$ role& . in recon& testin$ or -W< +8 Alouette 999 21 Alouette 99 3 A1.332 1uper *uma 2! /ae Eawks ; eli2eries be$innin$ late 1989<

Draft Document


@'!o.$#> # @'!o.$#> Ar(+

#he Mu$osla2 Army con2erte from a i2ision to a bri$a e base army urin$ the late 198!s. #his con2ersion& which saw lar$e numbers of relati2ely weak infantry i2isions replace by stron$er bri$a es& was substantially complete by early 199!. #his or$aniBation reflects that perio . #his section was mainly pro2i e by #ank(et%s /oGan. #he letter followin$ unit is its rea iness cate$ory& where known. 1. *roleterska 6ar iGska Di2iBiGa ;*roletarian 6uar s Di2ision& all mechaniBe bri$a es< a< 1. *roleterska 6ar iGska "ehaniBo2ana /ri$a a 5 /el$ra e 5 / Fualification b< 2. *roleterska 6ar iGska "ehaniBo2ana /ri$a a 5 DalGe2o 5 / Fualification c< 3. *roleterska 6ar iGska "ehaniBo2ana /ri$a a 5 *oBare2ac 5 / Fualification 2. Armore /ri$a esH a< 1. )klopna /ri$a a 5 Drhnika 5 / b< '. )klopna /ri$a a 5 Jastrebarsko 5 / c< 211. )klopna /ri$a a 5 (is 5 / < 2'3. )klopna /ri$a a 5 1koplGe 5 / e< 2,2. )klopna /ri$a a 5 =ralGe2o 5 / f< 329. )klopna /ri$a a 5 /anGa 3uka 5 / 3. "echaniBe /ri$a esH a< 12. *roleterska "ehaniBo2ana /ri$a a 5 )siGek 5 A b< 1,. *roleterska "ehaniBo2ana /ri$a a 5 *ristina 5 A c< 31. "ehaniBo2ana /ri$a a 5 Du$o 1elo 5 ? < 32. "ehaniBo2ana /ri$a a 5 DaraB in 5 A e< 3.. "ehaniBo2ana /ri$a a 5 1ubotica 5 A f< ,1. "ehaniBo2ana /ri$a a 5 *ance2o 5 A $< 2.,. "ehaniBo2ana /ri$a a 5 /Gelo2ar 5 A h< ',3. "ehaniBo2ana /ri$a a 5 1remska "itro2ica 5 A '. "otoriBe /ri$a esH a< 8. *roleterska "otoriBo2ana /ri$a a 5 =arlo2ac b< '9. "otoriBo2ana /ri$a a 5 1araGe2o c< 12,. "otoriBo2ana /ri$a a 5 1remskaC#ito2a "itro2ica < 1'!. "otoriBo2ana /ri$a a 5 Pa$reb e< 19,. "otoriBo2ana /ri$a a 5 "aribor f< 228. "otoriBo2ana /ri$a a 5 *ostoGna $< ,92. "otoriBo2ana /ri$a a 5 =umano2o ,. "ountain /ri$a esH a< .th "ountain 9nfantry /ri$a e L 1lo2eniaH b<19th "ountain 9nfantry /ri$a e L *oBe$aH c< ,+th "ountain 9nfantry /ri$a e L "ontene$roH ?eser2e unit <1+9th "ountain 9nfantry /ri$a e L "ontene$roH ?eser2e unit e< "ountain 9nfantry /ri$a e L /osniaH f< 3',th Alpine bri$a eH .. 9nfantry /ri$a es ;a number e8iste & primarily lower5$ra e reser2e units< +. "i8e Artillery /ri$a es a< 1.. "eso2ita ArtilGeriGska /ri$a a b<1,2. "eso2ita ArtilGeriGska /ri$a a c< 2!2. "eso2ita ArtilGeriGska /ri$a a <2!3. "eso2ita ArtilGeriGska /ri$a a Draft Document 2.2

e< 32.. "eso2ita ArtilGeriGska /ri$a a +. 1pecialist 0nits a< .3r Airborne /ri$a e L (isH b< '2+th "otoriBe "arine 9nfantry /ri$a e L DoGno5*omorska )blastH ;(a2y5controlle & also ha un erstren$th i2er company< c< 11th Amphibious /ri$a e L 1ibenikH ;(a2y5controlle < 8. #erritorial Defense 4orce "obiliBation stren$th of 8.!&!!! accor in$ to 9911 )r$aniBe for local efense& most units ha2e static efenseCarea enial role "ain unit woul be territorial infantry bri$a e& of which a lar$e number e8iste . #here also e8iste AA artillery units& fiel artillery units an others. (ot un er army comman & but in separate comman structure formally reportin$ to communist party. Ge"er#$ No)e7 Mu$osla2ia maintaine a lar$e military or$aniBation for the siBe of its nation& focuse on territorial efense. -Fuipment an mannin$ le2els likely 2arie wi ely in ifferent units. 9t is Fuite likely that many or more of the units liste i not ha2e their full complement of eFuipment. No)e 17 "echaniBe /ri$a e )r$aniBation ;3838 men& .3 or 83 tanks& 82 A*7C94D< 2 "echaniBe /attalions 2 Armore /attalionsH "i8e Artillery 6roup "i8e Anti5Armor 6roup 3i$ht 1*51A" 6roup -n$ineer /attalion ?econ 7ompany -n$ineer /attalion Mec ani4ed Brigade E(uipment 0oldings* 83 8 "/#s 5 #5,, ;1st& 1,th& 32n & ha 83 tanks 5 rest ha .3< 3 8 ?ecce #anks 5 *#5+./ 8. 8 94Ds or A*7s 5 "58!A or "5.!* 3 8 armore recce cars 5 /?D"52 , 8 A?Ds 5 #P95,, ;#P95,, was a $eneric esi$nation for all #5,, base A?Ds< ' 8 /ri $e tanks 5 #("5,, ;also $eneric esi$nation for all #5,, base bri $e layers< + 8 comman Csi$nal A*7s 5 /#?5,!*0 Mi1ed Artiller. 3roup 12 8 1*E 5 211 . 8 "?3 5 128mm ".3 T*lamenT 12 8 12!mm mortars 5 "+' or "+, . 8 comman Csi$nal A*7s 5 1288 series base on the "#3/ an 1(A?51! +ig t 'P-'AM 3roup 12 8 1*AA 5 P105,+52 . 8 1*51A" 5 1trela51" ;1A59b< 3 8 AD comman 2ehicle ;/#?5.! eri2ates< Anti-Armor 3roup 12 8 1*6s 5 "53. . 8 1*5A#6" 5 "583 or 9*133 ;/?D"52 1a$$er57< No)e 87 Armore /ri$a e )r$aniBation ;3'11 men& 1!' tanks& .1 A*7C94D< 1 "echaniBe /attalion 3 Armore /attalions "i8e Artillery 6roup 3i$ht 1*51A" 6roup -n$ineer /attalion ?econ 7ompany -n$ineer /attalion Armored Brigade E(uipment 0oldings* Draft Document 2.3

1!' 8 "/#s 5 #5,, or "58'C8'A ;officiallyO in practice& 9'59' tanks< 3 8 ?ecce #anks 5 *#5+./ .1 8 94Ds or A*7s 5 "58!A or "5.!* 3 8 armore recce cars 5 /?D"52 , 8 A?Ds 5 #P95,, ' 8 /ri $e tanks 5 #("5,, + 8 comman Csi$nal A*7s 5 /#?5,!*0 Mi1ed Artiller. 3roup 12 8 1*E 5 211 . 8 "?3 5 128mm ".3 T*lamenT 12 8 12!mm mortars 5 "+' or "+, . 8 comman Csi$nal A*7s 5 mi8 of the 1288 series base on the "#3/ an 1(A?51! +ig t 'P-'AM 3roup 12 8 1*AA 5 P105,+52 . 8 1*51A" 5 1trela51" ;1A59b< 3 8 AD comman 2ehicle ;/#?5.! eri2ates< No)e ?7 Mo)or Ae% Br !#%e ED' 0(e") Ho$% "!.7 18 howitBers ;1!,mm "2C"1!1& 1!, ",.& 122mm D3!J& 122mm "38 for reser2es< 2' 81mm or 82mm mortars total 2' 12!mm mortars 3, ",+ or "8! A# rocket launchers 9. "+9 )sa A# rocket launchers '8 ?ecoilless ?ifles ;".!& ".!A< 3! A#53 A#6" 2! 2!mm AA 6uns 2' triple 2!mm AA $uns 21 1A5+ or similar 2ariants No)e 47 "ountain /ri$a e )r$aniBation 3 "ountain 9nfantry /attalions Artillery 6roup Air Defense 6roup -n$ineer /attalion "i8e Anti5Armor 6roup ?econ 7ompany Mo'")# " Br !#%e ED' 0(e") Ho$% "!.7 Mountain )n/antr. Battalion 3 "ountain 9nf 7o with li$ht weapons ?ecce *tn with li$ht weapons 12 81mm ".8 or 82mm ".9 mortars 2 "25E/ E"6& ' ""6 ;"8' or ",3< 3 A#6"& 3 "+9 )sa or ?/ ",+C"8! Mi1ed Artiller. 3roup 12 1!,mm howitBers ;",.& "1!1& maybe some "1!2< 12 12!mm mortars "+' or "+, 12 12!mm mortars 0/"5,2 . comman Csi$nals 2ehicles Air "e/ense 3roup 12 3i$ht AA $uns ;2arious types of towe 2!mm $uns< 12 3i$ht 1A" ;1A5+/& 1A5+/M& 1A51'& 1A518& 1A51.< Mi1ed Anti-Armor 3roup . A#6" ;A#53& A#537& A#5'< No)e <7 9nfantry /ri$a e )r$aniBation 3 3i$ht 9nfantry /attalions "i8e Artillery 6roup Air Defense 6roup -n$ineer /attalion Draft Document


"i8e Anti5Armor 6roup ?econ 7ompany I",#")r+ Br !#%e ED' 0(e") Ho$% "!. +ig t )n/antr. Battalion 3 3i$ht 9nf 7o with li$ht weapons ?ecce *tn with li$ht weapons . or 12 81mm ".8 or 82mm ".9 mortars 2 "25E/ E"6& ' ""6 ;"8' or ",3< 3 A#6"& 3 "+9 )sa or ?/ ",+C"8! Mi1ed Artiller. 3roup 12 122mm D3!J howitBers . 128mm ".3 @*lamenA "?3 12 12!mm mortars "+' or "+, . comman Csi$nal 2ehicles Air "e/ense 3roup 12 3i$ht AA $uns ;2arious types of towe 2!mm $uns< 12 3i$ht 1A" ;1A5+/& 1A5+/M& 1A51'& 1A518& 1A51.< Mi1ed Anti-Armor 3roup 12 1!!mm #512C"#512 or 1!!mm "8+ A# 6uns . A#6" ;A#53& A#537& A#5'< No)e =7 #erritorial 9nfantry 0nit )r$aniBation 253 #erritorial 9nfantry /attalions Artillery 6roup Air Defense 6roup -n$ineer /attalion ;local construction personnel< Anti5Armor 6roup ;support units& such as si$nals& were much smaller than re$ular army counterparts< Terr )or #$ I",#")r+ Br !#%e ED' 0(e") Ho$% "!. Territorial )n/antr. Battalion ;usually 3 infantry companies& but 2arie wi ely< Artiller. 3roup 12 howitBers or $uns L coul be anythin$ from 01 "1!1 or Mu$o "., 1!,mm& 6erman WW99 1!,mm $uns rechambere for 01 1!,mm ammo& 011? $uns& etc 12 mortars L officially shoul be 2arious 12!mm mo els& but coul ha2e been 01 81mm& 0= 3A& etc Air "e/ense 3roup 12 3i$ht AA $uns L coul be 2irtually anythin$& inclu in$ a 2ariety of 2!mm )erlikons& 2!mm /re as ;9talian WW99<& 011? 1'.,mm twin or Fua & .,!cal Fua s or 2arious makes& 6erman WW99 2!mm sin$le or Fua s& etc (ote +H "i8e Artillery /ri$a es 3 6un 6roupsH 18 "'. 13!mm 6uns each 1 ?ocket 6roupH 12 "5++ )$anG 128mm 1* "?3 No)e 97 ?ea iness 3e2els A FualificationH at least ' acti2e /nsC$roups an .!51!!] of eFuipment an personal. / FualificationH 253 acti2e /nsC$roups an 1,5.!] of eFuipment an personal. ? Fualification 5 no acti2e /nsC$roups an up to 1,] of eFuipment an personal. No)e 87 -Fuipment Eol in$s L list is rather incomplete. Mu$osla2ia kept basically e2ery piece of eFuipment from Worl War 99 on !rmor: 1! 1o2iet #5+2"& ., 7Bech #5+2"& +,!598! #5,, ;lower number may be those ser2iceable<& 29! "58'& R+, "58'A& 1!, "5'+ ;reser2es<& 2!8 #53'C8,"C"1 ;reser2es< S( !T /uns: 18! "53. Jackson& 112 "518 Eellcats& 12 1051!! "5'' ;reser2es< !(Cs'$%&s'Recon: '2! "5.!*& '2! "58!A& 18! /)D ;/"* copy<& 12 /#?5.!*/ ;internal security<& . #A/5+1 ;internal security<& .+ /?D"52 S( !T/*: 18 /?D"51 1napper ;2*2+<& 2' /?D"52 1a$$er ;2*122<& .! /?D"52 1a$$er ;2*133<& 9! /)D51 ;"583< Draft Document 2.,

To2e# !rtillery: 1!, "2C"1!1 1!,mm howitBers& '8 1,,mm "1C"11' howitBers& 2, 2!3mm "2C"11, howitBers& 18! 13!mm "'. $uns& 92 1,2mm "8' howitBers& 1,! 128mm "5.3 *lamen "?3 Self (ropelle# !rtillery: R8! 122mm 211& R'! 128mm "5++ )$anG 1* "?3& 12 2.2mm "58+ )rkan 1* "?3 !nti-!ircraft !rtillery: '!! 3+mm "39& 128 '!mm "k1& .! '!mm "51& 2,! ,+mm 15.!& 3!! /ofors '!mm 3C+! S( !!: 13! ",3C,9 an ",3C+! ;triple 2!mmN<& 8! /)D53& . /)D53!& .! P105,+52& 1!! 1A59& 2! 1A513

Draft Document


@'!o.$#> A r For&e
1. 3 Air 7orps& inte$ratin$ air efence fi$hters& 1A"s an artilleryH a. 11 4i$hter56roun Attack 1Fua rons ;lo2ayko5bombar erska a2iGaciGska eska rila or lbae< L 229.& 23+.& 238.& 239.& 2'!.& 2'1.& 2'2.& 2'+.& 2'9.& 2,1.& 2,2. #otal -FupmentH 2, J52! =ra$uG ;assi$ne to #)<& R8! Jastreb& .! 1uper 6aleb& ,, )rao52 b. + 4i$hter 1Fua rons ;lo2ayka a2iGaciGska eska rila or lae< L 123.& 12'.& 12,.& 12..& 12+.& 129.& 13!. #otal -FuipmentH 112 "i$521*4C"Cbis& 18 "i$5210& 1' "i$529A& 2 "i$5290/ c. ' ?econ 1Fua rons ;iB2izayka a2iGaciGska eska rila or iae< L 3,1.& 3,2.& 3,3.& 3,'. 1. #actical ?econH 2' J521 ;two seat 6aleb<& 2! Jastreb ?J51& 2, )rao51 2. 1trate$ic ?econH "i$521? ;351'i<& 351.i an 351+i ;local esi$nation for Eu$hes recce po eFuippe "i$5 21"4 an "i$521bis<. 2. Arme EelicoptersH +! "i58 ;plus 1! "i58 in transport role<& 12! 6aBela ;6aBelles<& 8 =a52,& 2 =a528 ;in na2al roles<& ' "i51' a. ' Anti5#ank Eelicopter 1Fua rons ;proti2 oklopna helikopterska eska rila< L +11.& +12.& +13.& +1'. b. 2 Eelicopter 1Fua rons ;helikopterska eska rila< L +82.& +83. c. 1 A1W Eelicopter 1Fua ron ;proti2 po mornicka helikopterska eska rila< L +8'. . ' #ransport Eelicopter 1Fua rons ;transportna helikopterska eska rila< L +8!.& +8+.& +9!.& 89!. 3. #rainin$H 8! 6aleb& 3! Jastreb& +! 0#DA5+,. R'! 0#DA5.!& 2! 6aBela '. ' #ransport 1Fua rons ;transportna a2iGaciGska eska rila or trae< L .+,.& .++.& .+8.& .+9. #otal -FuipmentH 1, An52.& ' 73521,& 2 4alcon ,!& 2 3earGet& 9 *75. ;army< ,. )thersH . Mak5'! ;ra ar calibration< No)e 17 Air Defense assets inclu eH 8 1A52 battalions& . 1A53 battalions& .5+ 1A5. battalions& 1, re$ts of AD artillery ;assi$ne to army< No)e 87 Does not inclu e helicopters assi$ne to "iliciGa ;some 1A53'1C53'2<

Draft Document


A00e"% 2 1
M#0 o, NATO De0$o+(e"). o" )he Ce")r#$ Fro")
No)e 17 unit locations are appro8imate& an $enerally represent the location of the i2isional hea Fuarters. 4reFuently& bri$a es are eploye throu$hout the re$ion surroun in$ the hea Fuarters. No)e 87 #he location of the ,th 01 "ech Di2ision *)"701 site is pro2isional L it was in the (etherlan s& but there were four sites there. 9t may ha2e been split between them. No)e ?7 #he Dutch 'th "ech Di2ision ha one bri$a e in 6ermany& with the rest in Eollan . #he two eployments are shown separately. No)e 47 #he map is from the 79A& an M#0 Ke+7 01H 6reen 01 *)"701 1itesH 7ircles with 6reen West 6ermanH 6ray 0=H 3i$ht /rown 7ana ianH Dark /rown 4renchH /lue DanishH White an ?e DutchH )ran$e /el$ianH #an ates from 199'. 9 ha2e a e the inter56erman bor er.

Draft Document


Draft Document


M#0 o, Nor/e! #" De0$o+(e").

Nor)her" Nor/#+

Draft Document


So')her" Nor/#+

Draft Document


A00e"% 2 8
NATO Organization
NATO Per(#"e") Re0re.e")#) >e. -ach member nation is normally represente on the (orth Atlantic 7ouncil by an Ambassa or or *ermanent ?epresentati2e supporte by a national ele$ation compose of a 2isers an officials who represent their country on ifferent (A#) committees. #he 7ouncil also meets at the le2el of Eea s of 1tate an Eea s of 6o2ernment or "inisters of 4orei$n Affairs& an from time to time by 4orei$n an Defence "inisters. NATO Se&re)#r+ Ge"er#$ #he 1ecretary 6eneral is a senior international statesman nominate by the member nations both as 7hairman of the (orth Atlantic 7ouncil& Defence *lannin$ 7ommittee& (uclear *lannin$ 6roup an of other senior committees& an as 1ecretary 6eneral of (A#). Ee also acts as principal spokesman of the )r$anisation& both in its e8ternal relations an in communications an contacts with member $o2ernments. #he (A#) 1ecretary 6eneral at the time of this report was the 3or 7arrin$ton of the 0nite =in$ om up to July of 1988 when he was succee e by "anfre WYrner of West 6ermany. #he top (A#) military or$aniBation is the De,e"&e P$#"" "! Co(( ))ee. ?epresentati2es of each of the member nations participatin$ in (A#)%s inte$rate comman structure. "eets permantly at the ambassa orial le2el an twice yearly at the ministerial le2el.

3or 7arrin$ton Me(-er. o, )he M $ )#r+ Co(( ))ee

"anfre WYrner

#he members of the "ilitary 7ommittee ;7hiefs of 1taff< are represente at (A#) Eea Fuarters on a permanent basis by senior officers actin$ as "ilitary ?epresentati2es& each supporte by a national staff 2aryin$ in siBe. #he "ilitary ?epresentati2es constitute the "ilitary 7ommittee in *ermanent 1ession. #he "ilitary 7ommittee is supporte by an inte$rate 9nternational "ilitary 1taff ;9"1< ma e up of military personnel secon e from national military establishments an supportin$ ci2ilian personnel. #he 9nternational "ilitary 1taff is hea e by the Director of the 9nternational "ilitary 1taff& a 35star fla$ officer. Di2isions of the 9"1 are hea e by Assistant Directors. Pr "& 0#$ O,, & #$. o, )he NATO I")er"#) o"#$ S)#,, #he work of the (orth Atlantic 7ouncil an its committees is supporte by an 9nternational 1taff. 9t comprises the )ffice of the 1ecretary 6eneral& fi2e operational Di2isions& the office of the 4inancial 7ontroller an the )ffice of "ana$ement. #he office of the 1ecretary 6eneral inclu es the )ffice of 9nformation an *ress& the -8ecuti2e 1ecretary an the )ffice of 1ecurity. -ach Di2ision is hea e by an Assistant 1ecretary 6eneral ;1enior )fficials<.

Draft Document


NATO S)r#)e! & Co((#"%. #he (A#) 1trate$ic 7omman s are responsible for the e2elopment of efence plans for their respecti2e areas& for the etermination of force reFuirements an for the eployment an e8ercise of the forces un er their comman control. #hey are the followin$H a< Allie 7omman Atlantic b< Allie 7omman -urope c< Allie 7omman 7hannel A$$ e% Co((#"% A)$#") & 3ACLANT5 controls all forces in the Atlantic. While its peacetime mission is to prepare efense plans co2erin$ the Atlantic& its wartime mission is to pro2i e for the security of teh area by $uar in$ sea lanes to eny their use to an enemy an to safe$uar them for the reinforcement an resupply of (A#) -urope with personnel an eFuipment. With its hea Fuarters in (orfolk& Dir$inia& 01A& it has the followin$ comman s ;an their subor inate hea Fuarters< assi$ne to itH a< Western Atlantic 7omman ;(orfolk& Dir$inia& 01A< 1. 1ubmarine 4orce& Western Atlantic 2. )cean 1ub5Area 3. 7ana ian Atlantic 1ub5Area '. /ermu a 9slan 7omman ,. ABores 9slan 7omman .. 6reenlan 9slan 7omman b< -astern Atlantic 7omman ;(orthwoo & 0nite =in$ om< 1. "aritime Air -astern Atlantic Area 2. (orthern 1ub5Area 3. "aritime Air (orthern 1ub5Area '. 7entral 1ub5Area ,. 1ubmarine 4orce& -astern Atlantic .. 9celan 9slan 7omman .. 4aroes 9slan 7omman c< 9berin Atlantic 7omman ;3isbon& *ortu$al< 1. "a eira 9slan 7omman < 1trik 4leet& Atlantic 7omman ;Afloat< 7arrier 1trikin$ 4orce 1. 7arrier 1trike 6roup )(2. 7arrier 1trike 6roup #W) e< 1tan in$ (a2al 4orces& Atlantic;Afloat< f< 1ubmarines& Alie 7omman Atlantic ;(orfolk& Dir$inia& 01A< #he current 1upeme Allie 7omman er of Allie 7omman Atlantic ;1A73A(#< is A miral 3ee /a$$ett& Jr.& 01 (a2y. ;photo$raph no a2ailable<

Draft Document


A$$ e% Co((#"% E'ro0e ;A7-< controls most allie $roun an air forces throu$hout -urope ;e8cept the 0nite =in$ om an *ortu$al<. 9ts comman hea Fuarters is 1upreme Eea Fuarters& Allie *owers -urope ;1EA*-<& locate near "ons& /el$ium. 9t has the followin$ subor inate comman sH a< b< c< < e< Allie Allie Allie 0nite Allie 4orces (orthern -urope ;=olsaas& (orway< 4orces 7entral -urope ;/russum& (etherlan s< 4orces 1outhern -urope ;(aples& 9tlay< =in$ om Air Defense ?e$ion ;Ei$h Wycombe& 0nite =in$ om< 7omman -urope "obile 4orce ;Eei elber$& West 6ermany<

#he current 1upreme Allie 7omman er of Allie 7omman -urope ;1A7-0?< is 6eneral John ?. 6al2in& 01 Army with 6eneral -berhar -imler ;6erman Air 4orce< an 6eneral 1ir John Akehurst ;/ritish Army< as Deputy 1A7-0?%s.

6eneral 6al2in 1A7-0?

*hoto$raph (ot A2ailable

6eneral -imler D1A7-0?

6eneral Akehurst D1A7-0?

A$$ e% For&e. Nor)her" E'ro0e ;A4()?#E< is the (A#) military comman co2erin$ (orway& Denmark& an West 6ermany north of the ri2er -lbe alon$ with a Gacent air an sea space. 9t has three maGor subsi iary comman sH Allie 4orces (orth (orway ;7)"()(< is hea Fuartere at ?eitan& near /o o in (orway. Allie 4orces 1outh (orway ;7)"1)()?< is hea Fuartere in )slo. Allie 4orces /altic Approaches ;/A3#A*< controls all Danish units an West 6erman units of 1chleswi$5Eolstein territorial comman & an woul control a lar$e number of allie forces ;mainly from the 01 an 0=< in the e2ent of mobiliBation. #he 7omman er5in57hief of Allie 4orces (orth -urope ;79(7()?#E< is 6eneral 1ir 6eoffrey Eowlett ;/ritish Army<;photo$raph not a2ailable<. A$$ e% For&e. Ce")r#$ E'ro0e ;A47-(#< is the primary (A#) military comman for West 6ermany. 9t consists of the Eea Fuarters& (orthern Army 6roup ;()?#EA6< base in "Ynchen56la bach in West 6ermany& the Eea Fuarters& 7entral Army 6roup ;7-(#A6< base a Eei elbur$& West 6ermany& an Eea Fuarters& Allie Air 4orces 7entral -urope ;AA47-< at ?amstein Air 4orce /ase& West 6ermany. #he current 7omman er5in57hief& Allie 4orces 7entral -urope is 6eneral Eans5Eennin$ 2on 1an rart ;West 6erman Army<. a< ()?#EA6%s area of responsibility stretche from Eambur$ in the north to =assel in the south& an from the inter56erman bor er in the east to the Dutch bor er in the west. 9t is co5locate with the 2n Allie #actical Air 4orce ;2A#A4<. Allie units un er ()?#EA6 comman inclu e /A)?& the 9 (etherlan s& 9 /el$ian& an 9 West 6erman. 2+'

Draft Document

b< 7-(#A6%s area of responsibility is all of 6ermany south of =assel& alon$ with 3u8embour$ an part of /el$ium. 9t is co5locate with the 'th Allie #actical Air 4orce ;'A#A4<. Allie units un er its comman inclu e 999 an D 01 7orps& 99 an 999 West 6erman =orps& an the 7ana ian 4orces -urope.

6eneral 1an rart A$$ e% For&e. So')her" E'ro0e ;A41)0#E< is the (A#) military comman co2erin$ 9taly& 6reece& #urkey& the "e iterranean& an the /lack 1ea. A41outh is hea Fuartere in (aples& 9taly. A41)0#E subor inate hea Fuarters inclu eH A9?1)0#E& controllin$ ,th Allie #actical Air 4orce ;,A#A4< in 9taly& an .th Allie #actical Air 4orce ;.A#A4< in #urkey. 3A(D1)0#E controls forces in 9taly& an while it consists of mainly 9talian units& it also has contin$ents from the 01 an *ortu$al. 3A(D1)0#E-A1# controls forces in 6reece an #urkey. Allie (a2al 4orces 1outhern -urope ;(AD1)0#E< controls allie na2al forces in the "e itteranean& e8cept for the 01 .th 4leet& which comprises (a2al 1trikin$ an 1upport 4orces& 1outhern -urope ;1#?9=4)?1)0#E<. #he current 7omman er5in57hief& Allie 4orces 1outhern -urope ;79(71)0#E< is A miral J. /. /usey 9D ;01 (a2y< ;photo$raph not a2ailable!{

Draft Document


A00e"% 2 ?
NATO W#r M#)er #$ Pro%'&) o"
;(oteH #his section is incomplete& an will be up ate in the future< U" )e% S)#)e. "188 AbramsH ,1. per year "2C"3 /ra leyH +!!Q per year ".!H con2ertin$ ',!Q per year to ".!A3##1O new pro uction ran R1,! per year throu$h 198,. AE5.' ApacheH R+! per year #)W "issileH #)W52 pro uction runnin$ aroun 12&!!! missile per year Gre#) Br )# " 7hallen$erH *erhaps R+, per year Warrior ;an 2ariants<H R1,! per year 1a8onH Dickers "k. + "/#H *rototype& ;se2eral builtN< basically a 3eo2 hull with 7hallen$er 1 turret. We.) Ger(#"+ 3eopar 99H 3eopar 9H *ro uction en e about 198' 4uchsH WieselH Fr#"&e A"J51!* ;an 2ariants<H R1.! per year A"J53!H A"J53!/2 con2ersionH +,Q per yearO small or ers for new buil s place throu$hout 198!s. A"J5'!H A pri2ately e2elope "/#& offere for e8port. ' pro uce by 198.. Ea 12!mm $un& 2!mm coa8. A"J532H A pri2ately e2elope "/#& base on A"J53!. . pro uce by 198.. Ea 1!,mm $un. Be$! '( A94D an "113 pro uction wrappe up in late 198!sO ha been runnin$ about .! each per year. /e$innin$ construction of 28, A94D hulls for #urkey I)#$+ "113 series 2ehiclesH 3eopar 1eries DehiclesH 21! 1,,mm *almaria 1* pro uce mi Clate 198!s for e8port to 3ibya ;plus some for (i$eria<. 1ome turrets pro uce for Ar$entina in 198!s. Another batch for an uni entifie customer was complete in 199!. 0se mo ifie 3eopar chassis. 3. )45'! "k1C2 plus support 2ehicles pro uce for "i le -astern customer in mi 5198!s. (umerous 3eopar 5base support 2ehicles pro uce throu$hout the 198!s. 71 ArieteH . prototypes complete testin$ in 1988. *ro uction elaye until early 199!s& possibly by international political chan$es. ArtilleryH 0p$ra in$ "1!9 to "1!93 throu$hout late 198!s. 4irst 32 one by 198.. 28! to be complete by 1992. T'r6e+ 7obra 2!!!H reporte ly pro ucin$ them un er license I")er"#) o"#$ E)# "issilesH 1&3!! launchers& ,!&!!! missile pro uce by 1988. *ro uction runnin$ at 8 launchers& .!! missiles per month. "ilan "issilesH 8!! per month ;may not inclu e 0= pro uction< ;both from 4li$ht 9nternational 1988 missile re2iew< Draft Document 2+.

A00e"% 2 4
7ourtesy of #ank5(et%s Da2e 7lark.

Draft Document


#he $raphic abo2e& which ori$inate from the 6erman ")D& shows the T4lak /eltT. #he aim was to ha2e an appro8 1!! km wi e belt of 1A"s which woul be supporte by fi$hter concentrations where necessary. #he whole thin$ starte as a (A#) ;as oppose to national< proGect in 19.! with the passin$ of "7 ,'C1 which enable the (A#) 9nte$rate Air Defence 1ystem ;(A#9(AD< to be set up. )f course& there also ha to be a parallel buil up of the comman an control setup an the ra ar belt which later inclu e mobile ra ar units for counterin$ the low le2el threat. #his all finally became inte$rate into the (A#) Air Defence 6roun -n2ironment ;(AD6-<. As far as the /un eswehr is concerne & the forwar belt was ori$inally ma e up of '!mm /ofors an 2 /atallions of +,mm " ,1 1kysweeper. #hese were later replace by EAW= missiles& the /ofors bein$ transferre from the 3uftwaffe to the Eeer an the " ,1 ;which ha ori$inally come from the Eeer< bein$ taken out of ser2ice. #he rear belt was ori$inally eFuippe with (9=- which was later replace by *A#?9)#. 1)0?7-1H Dre8ler& 1tefan. T,! Jahre 3uftwaffe im /[n nis mit en (A#)5*artnernT in Wehrtechnik 9C2!!.& pa$e 28ff /lume& *eter. Die 4lu$abwehrtruppe es Eeeres 19,.52!!2. 0nitec5"e ien2ertrieb& 1ten$elheim. ;4ahrBeu$ *rofile 19<

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