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Full Name: Francis Kiro S. Domingo Nickname: Section | Class Adviser 7-Abad Santos, rs. Salva!a

1. "#$ do $ou %ant to &oin 'aglet( ) &oined 'aglet because ) %anted to en#ance m$ %riting skill 2. *alents + Skills ,la$ -ootball and ot#er s.orts, med$o sing, dra%, med$o .la$ t#e .iano, make ver$ corn$ &okes, anno$ .eo.le /000 1. )- given t#e c#ance to be an editor, %#at .osition+s do $ou t#ink $ou are o- #andling( 23ou ma$ c#oose more t#an one0 "#$( 2'4.lain in at least 1 sentences0 a. News Editor b. Features Editor c. Sports Editor d. Photos Editor e. Graphic Design Editor f. Web Editor g. Art Editor (Games, Artwor s, etc! h. "e#iews Editor ($o#ie, Game, %oo , P&a'! i. An' other position or (ob 'ou &i e *#is is because ) kno% a lot about s.orts. 4. Average grade last $ear 56.77 5. A%ards last $ear 28onors, Sub&ect '4cellence, De.ortment + erit A%ards0 9nd #onors in all :uarters, Asst. 8eadmaster and 8eadmaster erit A%ards, Sub&ect e4cellence in Fili.ino, A,, C;', usic, Com. ed., and Si,ag 6. "ere $ou an o--icer in <rade 6( in <rade =( in <rade 7( in <rade 7( in <rade >( "#at .osition+s( Class .resident in<rade 6, ?ice .resident in <rade = and <rade 7 7. Are $ou active online 2e-mail, 3 , F@, etc.0( S.eci-$ $our email address, F@ account name, *%itter account name, etc kirodomingoA$ -or email, Kiro Domingo -or F@ 8obbies + )nterests: ) like .la$ing -ootball, dra%ing, singing %#en ver$ bored, a lot, .la$ing video games, eating a lot, sta$ online -or no reason, listen to music, talk to -riends S.orts+<ames: Football ?arsit$ CBCA <rade 9: KA@ Scout <r. 1: Kartunista <r. 6: Kartunista <r. =: *able *ennis <r. 7:CCCCCCCCCCCCCC <r. 7: 'aglet Ambitions: ) %ant to be t#at genius like 'insten, *esla, and ot#ers %it#out e--ort /0000 ) %ant to be a success-ul business man ) %ant to be a -ootball .la$er ) %ant to be @atman /0000 ) %ant to be #a..$ Ac#ievements D: First 8onors A%ard -or t#e %#ole $ear 9: First 8onors A%ard -or t#e %#ole $ear 1: First 8onors A%ard -or t#e %#ole $ear, .assed A<)S test 6: 9nd #onors -or t#e -irst t#ree Etrs t#en Dst #onors -or t#e -ourt# Etr =: 9nd 8onors -or t#e %#ole $ear 7: 7: 9nd 8onors in t#e -irst t%o Etrs, 9nd .lace in ,agbigkas Contest >: 8S: College:

Fes.onsibilities 8eld: Studies F)FS* <reatest <i-ts -rom <od: 'ver$t#ing, even t#e anno$ing t#ings in li-e because G"u C#i ,i FanH, too muc# good stu-- is bad stu--. De-ine ;ove: ;ove is love, but i- being success-ul in love is called imagination "#o is $our Celebrit$ Crus#( "#o is $our Feal Crus#( 3ou /, otto + Euote: *#ere are man$ -is# in t#e sea- Anon$mus Due tomorro%, do tomorro%- Augusto CruI *r$ and tr$ until $ou die, i- $ou die, at least $ou tried G"u C#i ,i FanH, *oo muc# good stu-- is bad stu--- Karate Kid FavoritesJ. '4.lain "#$ Favorite Saints: Saint ,edro Calungsod and San ;orenIo FuiI because t#e$Kre Fili.inos Favorite 8eroes: @atman because #eKs @atman. Favorite @ooks: ) barel$ read books and ) #ave no -avorite Favorite Songs: ) like too muc# songs Favorite ovies: ) barel$ %atc# movies. ) #ave no -avorite SB FAF. Favorite *eac#ers: 8mmJ So -ar, t#e grou. o- teac#ers t#is $ear is t#e best grou. o- teac#ers )Kve #ad Favorite Food: Food is -ood, -ood is great Favorite Festaurants:CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 8ome Address:CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC *ele.#one Ls:CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Cel.#one L:CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC om + "ork:CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Dad + "ork:CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Sibling + Sc#ool:CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Sibling + Sc#ool:CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Sibling + Sc#ool:CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC

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