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1 AS Film Studies Crystal Bukenya THE RISE


Address: 161 Nether Priors Email: Number: 07901265438

2 AS Film Studies Crystal Bukenya THE RISE


JESSIE (17), is a young black girl wearing a black jacket, black trousers and black trainers. Her hair is in a messy single plait. She is on the right side of the lift, pointing a gun at LENZS (18), face with both hands and looking him in the eye. She has a small cut on her left cheek, and dark bruising around her face. She looks exhausted and is taking quick, deep breaths. Her left foot is stretched out beside her, preventing the lift door from shutting. LENZ is sitting in the rear left side corner of the lift floor, leaning against the wall, with his arms flopped on either side of him. His black jacket is unzipped and hanging off his shoulders and his dark trousers are dirty. Both his legs are stretched out in front of him, and he looks weak and partly beaten. He has a cut on his right bottom lip and a swollen black bruise on his right eye. LENZ is looking up at JESSIE with a blank expression on his face, and taking longer breaths. JESSIE (SYMPATHETIC) It doesnt have to end this way. But you need to back off, and leave us alone. Its over.

LENZ (PAUSE) Why you shaking? Like youre not the one holding the gun. (PAUSE) Youre shook init?

JESSIE tightens her grip on the gun, and takes a deep sigh.

3 AS Film Studies Crystal Bukenya THE RISE

JESSIE (FIRMLY) This ends here, I mean it... or else

LENZ (INTERUPPTING) Or else what? You gonna shoot me? (Laughs) Hahaha I think if you were, you would of done it by now.

LENZ gradually rises up onto his bottom, so that he is sitting straight up. He flinches from the pain as he moves. JESSIE steps back, but is still pointing her gun at his head.

LENZ (ANNOYED) You know what, youre all talk, but youve got a brave mouth der... use dat on your mum?

LENZ gives a snarky grin to JESSIE.

JESSIE (AGITATED) Nah but I used it on yours!

LENZs smile drops and he forms a fist with both hands and attempts to get up, but JESSIE reacts quickly and steps forward, moving the gun closer to his forehead. LENZ holds back and puts his hands up. He is leaning back against the lift wall, fairly intimidated now.

4 AS Film Studies Crystal Bukenya THE RISE

JESSIE (GLARING) Dont even try it. LENZ (SHAKEN) Ayt ayt ok take it easy...

JESSIE (GRADUALLY LOUDER) Never mess with a girl that aint got nothing to do with you. If you try and pull that sh*t again, you best hope I dont knock you the f out. I dont care, cos you wont be seeing me again anyway, I can guarantee it. And bruv if youre doubting how serious Im being right now, just think of where you are now, and how your good-for-nothing life is right in my hands.

JESSIE stares at LENZ for a moment, before slowly walking back and out of the lift still facing LENZ with her gun pointed at him. JESSIE (BLUNTLY) Consider yourself lucky.

JESSIE lowers her gun finally, and turns to walk away, but LENZ abruptly reaches to grab her gun as soon as her back is turned to him. LENZ (SHOUTS) B*TCH!

5 AS Film Studies Crystal Bukenya THE RISE

JESSIE reacts fast, turning and hitting him in the face with the gun, knocking him out. She stares at him on the floor for a moment.

JESSIE (TRIUMPHANTLY) What was that?.. Yeah. Say nuttin now rude boy.

CUT TO INT. HALLWAY- EVENING JESSIE limps down the hallway as the lift closes behind her, leaving LENZ inside. She is taking small steps, before she finally approaches the exit door.

EXT. OUTSIDE ESTATE EVENING JESSIE approaches AMBER(17), who is sitting on the grass by the path to the flats. Her head is in her knees and her arms are wrapped around her legs, covering her face. Her hair is scruffy and her black hooded jumper is dirty. She looks up at JESSIE as she hears her approaching. AMBERS mascara is running down her cheeks from crying and her face has a few dark bruising.

AMBER (HOPEFUL) Is it done? Is he gone?

JESSIE (EXHAUSTED) Yeah..its sorted. He wont be hurting us anymore.

6 AS Film Studies Crystal Bukenya THE RISE

AMBER (RELIEVED) Oh my God, youre sick. Im sorry this happened.

JESSIE holds AMBER with her arms wrapped around her.

JESSIE (KINDLY) Im sorry too.

AMBER holds on to JESSIES hug, before standing up and walking with her out of the neighbourhood. FADE OUT.


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