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Organizational Development Vs.

Organizational Change Organization development (OD) is a deliberately planned, organization-wide effort to increase an organization's effectiveness and/or efficiency. It is not training, personal development, team development, HRD (human resource development), L&D (learning and development) or a part of HR although it is often mistakenly understood as all of these. OD interventions are about change so involve people - but OD also develops processes, systems and structures. The primary purpose of OD is to develop the organization, not to train or develop the staff. OD follows humanistic approach 1. Providing opportunities for people to function as human beings rather than as resources in the productive process. 2. Providing opportunities for each organization member, as well as for the organization itself, to develop to his full potential. 3. Seeking to increase the effectiveness of the organization in terms of all of its goals. 4. Attempting to create an environment in which it is possible to find exciting and challenging work. The objective of OD is: 1. To increase the level of inter-personal trust among employees. 2. To increase employees' level of satisfaction and commitment. 3. To confront problems instead of neglecting them. 4. To effectively manage conflict. 5. To increase cooperation among the employees. 6. To increase the organization's problem solving. 7. Creating a work atmosphere in which employees are encouraged to work and participate enthusiastically. 8. Creating an environment of trust so that employees willingly accept change.

Organizational Change

Managing process of moving from a unsatisfactory present state to a desired state. Change management is the process, tools and techniques to manage the people-side of change to achieve the required business outcome. Change management includes the organizational tools that can be utilized to help individuals to accept and realized changes. Individuals, teams and organizations that recognize the certainty of change, learn to adapt to it, and attempt to manage it, will be the most successful. There are different steps in planed change

Recognize the need for change Diagnose and plan change Formulate Goals Determine stakeholders needs Examine driving and restraining forces

Different Targets for organizational change that brings the organizational change more successful are Strategy Develop new visions, missions, and strategic plans Structure Add a new department or division, or consolidate two existing ones People Replace a person or change knowledge, skills, attitudes, or behaviors Technology upgrade a data processing system Management Encourage participation by those involved in solution of problems

The factors that can Resist the organizational change Selective Perception, Lack of Information Fear of the Unknown Habit Sub-Optimization Structural Stability

Overcoming resistance to change can be done through the following ways Education and Communication Participation and Involvement Facilitation and Support Negotiation and Agreement Manipulation and Co-optation Promote Positive Attitudes Toward Change

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