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The Nativity

Once upon a time in a small town in Texas, lived a

young woman named Mary. Mary was engaged to the local carpenter Joseph; they lived on a farm with Marys strict mother Martha. It was a cold windy day and Mary was washing the dishes when she noticed a shining light peering through the window, she turned around and to her astonishment she saw a dazzling Angel! She screamed but the Angel said Do not be afraid, for I am an angel of God. God has given me a message saying that you will conceive his baby who will change the world. Dont be scared everything is in Gods hands he will keep you safe and protect you said the Angel and then disappeared with a flourish. Mary waited a few more weeks and she found out she was pregnant and one day when she and Joseph were working on the farm, she suddenly collapsed. Mary! Mary! cried Joseph! Mary woke up from her dreams on the yellow brick road. Where am I? she said.

Dont you remember? asked Joseph You told me and your mother you were going to conceive the son of God, and your mother didnt believe you and we were kicked out of her house and we got lost in a hurricane and we ended up in Oz. Oh no! screamed Mary! Where are we now? Joseph didnt reply. A few moments later he replied that he didnt know. Weve got to keep walking and find shelter to deliver baby Jesus. Its almost time now. Joseph said. As they carried on walking they passed a broken house which had fallen in the middle of nowhere, but in front of it stood a magnificent dazzling emerald horse. Mary and Joseph slowly walked over to the horse, and at once Mary felt a strong kicking in her womb. Oh no! Mary cried We need to find shelter the baby is coming! And with that Joseph grabbed the horse and he and Mary hoped on the horse and rode away to the misty view of emerald housing. Grrr, the baby coming we need to some place now before its too late!

The angel said God will be with us all the way we WILL make it. shouted Joseph We are almost there. They rode faster and faster until they reached the gates of Emerald City, by then it was and as dark as the blackest shade of black .Mary and Joseph got off the horse and saw a stable the knocked on the the door 3 times but there was no reply, luckily there was a second one nearby but there was no room for Mary and Joseph. Hours later they were found in a manger holding baby Jesus surrounded by lambs and tame animals, with 3 munchkins and Lion, Tin Man,

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