Questionnaire For Early Stage Start Up

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BUSINESS PLAN Note- Please do not keep any field empty, mention NA if it is not applicable.

PA ! A" Basic Info#mation !eam $etails Team Name Number of Members Contact Number Product/Service %embe# & Name Email Address Phone number Highest Educational Qualification/Institute or! E"#erience

E"#ertise/S!ills %embe# ' Name Email Address Phone number Highest Educational Qualification/Institute or! E"#erience


%embe# ( Name Email Address Phone number Highest Educational Qualification/Institute or! E"#erience

E"#ertise/S!ills %embe# ) Name Email Address Phone number Highest Educational Qualification/Institute or! E"#erience


B*siness $etails $enture/Conce#t Name Priorit% sector Additional Sectors Stage of im#lementation &Idea/Pilot/Protot%#e/In o#eration' Is the com#an% registered &(/N' )ate of *egistration &dd/mm/%%' eb Presence Number of months in o#eration

Address PA ! B" $etailed +*estionnai#e P ,$U-!.SE /I-E +, )escribe %our Product/Service -, hat is the #roblem that %ou are tr%ing to solve.

/, Ho0 do %ou !no0 that the customers have the need of %our #roduct/service. 1, Ho0 are the customers meeting this need at #resent. #otential substitutes. 2, hat can be the

hat im#act 0ill %our #roduct/service have on the customers.

!0E %A 1E! +, ho are %our target customers. -, )escribe the mar!et %ou 0ill o#erate in. hat is the e"#ected mar!et si3e. hat is the mar!et share %ou are aiming to ca#ture.

!0E BUSINESS +, hat evidence can %ou give that the consumers 0ill bu% %our #roduct or service. -, /, 1, hat are %our #resent and #otential com#etitors. hat is %our com#etitive differentiation and ho0 0ill %ou sustain it. hat are the #otential barriers for %our entr% and/or gro0th.

!0E BUSINESS %,$EL +, Ho0 does %our venture generate revenue. -, Ho0 0ill %ou attract %our customers. /, hat are %our direct and indirect e"#enses &Cor#orate Cost4 5#erations Cost'.

2, 1 !ILL N,2 +, Ho0 much mone% has been invested in the venture till date. -, Ho0 much investment has been made b% the founder or the founding team. /, Ho0 much outside investment has been raised b% the venture. 6ive details if the mone% has been raised through from e"ternal investor7 net0or!s &angels4 $C8s4 etc,', 1, Ho0 man% #eo#le have #aid for %our #roduct/service. Ho0 much revenue has been generated so far. 6ive a cumulative figure over the life of venture, (ou can also sho0 the revenue generated over various time #eriods,

3INAN-ES +, Ho0 much funds do %ou re9uire. -, Ho0 0ill the funds be utili3ed. /, :inancial Pro;ections< &Starting from -=+/7+1'

(ear *evenue E"#enditu re Net !0E !EA% +, Ho0 is %our team best suited to 0or! on the idea. 6ive a brief of the roles to be #la%ed b% the various team members. -, 6ive details of Mentors/Advisors that %ou ma% have, &A confirmation ma% be as!ed from the mentors/advisors'

!0E 3U!U E +, 5utline the e"#ected timeframes to achieve significant revenue and/or cash flo0 #ositive or other significant milestones,


IN3, %A!I,N

+, Share an% other relevant information that 0ill give a better understanding of %our >usiness Plan, Please cover onl% those as#ects that have not been covered in the above 9uestions, Covering the same to#ic 0ill reflect negativel% on the submission, &?== 0ords'


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