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TOUR 128: Entrepreneurship and Business Planning

Dear 3rd years students, Good e ening! " apologi#e $or the delay o$ %y %essage and the PPT atta&h%ent' (ere is the su%%ary o$ the entire )hapter 1 o$ your *usiness plan' +ou &an also re$er to the PPT $or %ore details a*out spe&i$i& parts' Though " hope you &ould also $ind this %essage use$ul' "$ you ha e any ,uestions you &an e%ail %e at -arla'&ol%enar.g%ail'&o%' +ou don/t need to put *orders on the output that you 0ill pass' T(1234! 4ee you on 5ednesday! 6s' )ol%enar

)hapter 1: The )o%pany 1' )o%pany 4u%%ary 7+ou don/t need to in&lude this part yet sin&e " ha e told you that you &an only &reate this 0hen you ha e a&tually $inished your *usiness plan at the end'8 B' The 9ogo 73eep in %ind the tips " ha e gi en you in &reating your &o%pany logos' Don/t $orget to apply it in your 0or-'8 )' :ision 4tate%ent 7+our organi#ation/s drea% $or the $uture'8 D' 6ission 4tate%ent 7"t states the purpose o$ your &o%pany'8 E' 6anage%ent 7" ha e not dis&ussed this $urther *ut it is *asi&ally the ;o* positions that your &o%pany 0ill ha e and the reasons you need those positions'

Enu%erate the% all and gi e the reasons *ehind hiring or needing a spe&i$i& person' 1n e<a%ple o$ this &an *e: 1&&ountant = 0ill ta-e &harge o$ all the $inan&ial aspe&ts o$ the &o%pany'8 >' Organi#ational )hart 7"llustrate in &hart $or% the positions that 0ill *e a aila*le in your &o%pany' There is no need to na%e 0ho 0ill *e the president, i&e president, et& o$ your &o%pany' +ou &an re$er to online e<a%ples $or org &harts that are si%ilar to the nature o$ your *usinesses'8 G' ?o* Des&ription and >un&tion De$inition 7"n this part, it is al%ost the sa%e as the 6anage%ent *ut here you 0ould ha e to 0rite in detail 0hat e ery ;o* in your &o%pany entails' 5hat are the tas-s that ea&h e%ployee %ust $ul$ill@8 (' )riti&al 4u&&ess >a&tors 79astly, " 0as not a*le to dis&uss this in &lass *ut this is ;ust a*out the things that 0ill *e ne&essary $or an organi#ation or *usiness to su&&eed' >or e<a%ple, you ha e te&hnologi&al ad an&e%ent or state o$ the art $a&ilities' These are the things that 0ill set you apart $ro% the *usinesses that are si%ilar to you' +ou %ust as- yoursel$ A5hy 0ould &lients &hoose your *usiness o er the others@ 5hat is so spe&ial a*out your *usiness@ The ans0er to this 0ill *e your &riti&al su&&ess $a&tor'8

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