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Box 3

Jl. Merbabu 7S

Vermilion, 111iROis . 61955

Boyolali, Jateng Indonesia

Dear, friends in Christ,

OulT greetings to you and the Lord's blessings on you in this New Year. For us, the Lord's blessings have,already beguno ,As you may recall from our.last news letters - so long ago oior change of plans set us right in the middle of the island of Java instead of Sumatra. Even as the transition was taidiig place, 21 villages were offered to uo "just for startsIndeed it has been just for starts^ The 3.ocal

government leader (somewhat comparable to a State Senator) has promised full cooper ation not oniy in opening those 21 villag;es but also all other religiously .-non aligned viLlages under Ms jurisdiction which means a total of well over 100 villages
in that one district alonei P,ToL, There has been one string attached vA^dch we have

readily accepted and that is that we not expand before the May 2 elections,- "^gbt new, xve're only in one village but that's enough.*, Our language study is ocudng along very wsjJ. and lesson preparations are going well but the cxbra few months vail pr'ovide us the needed .cushion to get everything just right for the really big major
evangelistic program to come-. But that's future. VAiat about now?

POIg Lessons began in the small village of Pule about 6 weeks ago.. The first 2
weeks we had only about 20 people which isn't bad when you consider that Fale..has

only 11 families But then we started shoT/ing filmstrips or using chalk talks. The attendance immediately jumped to almost 200i That number has included about 35-40 adults and the rest children, 10-15 years old, some younger. Most of these people are illiterate so visusi aids are really essential. It became evident just how
essential when last week there, was no movie screen or blackboai*d for the^ecial

Christmas program. After the special music,, aluiost half of the crowd got up and left I In a planning session with the village leaders a few ni^ts ago, we decided to divide the study into 2 pairts - one for the children, the other for the- adults#

^th would be taught essentially the same- thing but the significant point is that
about to show their ignorance. Sounds familieu: doean't it?

the adults wi3J. be free to ask questions now. With children present they weren't

have been big blessings* . . . Foreigners are always vulnerable to being "used"
and we have been, too, or at least it has been tried.

]^ROBLEMS lrt(here there-are blessings there-.are always a few problems and since ours
Some of the leaders would

out to create a political issue prior to the elections. I'hey have tried to pressure us into making hasty moves that would only hurt us, Fort-unately our frisndship with

like us to move into other villages immediately - not for the sake of the gospel

ian leader in the area for our group (baptized by ^o^ John Harper) has saved us
oes and He takes care of His own.

he ^vemment people and the valuable advice of Pak Oediyanto, the foremost Christ

from disaster. We cannot possibly read the hearts''o2'*^^i^^^'Serr'But the Lord, can and
After the elections are over it will become clear

^ wheat and which the tares and discernment during this interim time, Please just pray that we -will have visdom

been spending 4 hoxirs daily in a language school along with 3 other families,

except for a little brusliing up but since we're among the Javanese and most do not speak or \mderstand Indonesian we've had to start all ove^, Sept.1, we've

iC^^^CTUACiE STUDY^ It's horrible! We thought we were through with language study

wn^h we are studying and all are compietely different languages = The trouble is I QU^ speak to someone on one level and he may answer on another level. It's coming -

Javatiese has 9 distinct levels and several in between. There are 3 major ]i.eve3-s

we re a^ut to go crazy - but it'3 coming. Louise does terrific but as with Indonesian, she is becoming more specialized in household words and I in "religious" words. Hopefully she will soon get the religious words, too. Already our 2 servants have asked her if they can be taught and baptized and the village people want lessons
for the women,

the kids will all eventually be on correspondoice courses. Right now, it's just
Karen bat next year Jeanne starts.

pother problem. Sumatra offered a school ^stem but here, there is nothing so

the critical factor for us though, Louise is not only trying to be a student, a mother, a vife and a housekeeper but also a teacher for Karen. That's

IMTERlISHIr PhOGRM we as a total group of ioissionaries have tabled the idea of an internship program for one year dus to the coming elections but as individuals are still somev/hat free to act especially in special situations. A very special sit uation has arisen for us. Louise's sister Nancjr Bates will be coming in May on an internship program from Ozark Bi.ble CollegeT' 1/e are really looking forward to her visit not only because she is fami.l^/ but because she is very talented and vje feel she -will be a tremendous help to us in the villages, in teaching Karen, and in working with the other missionary ohj^ldren. If you are interested in helping her, she can be contacted at: Nancy Bates, 1111 N. Main, Joplin, Missouri 64801.

HOUSING & TRANSPORTATION Victory! When we first arrived here in Central Java, we stayred-with Ron-.and Ellen Ritchey. Then we moved into a very small 2 bedroom house where we've been since just before Thanksgiving, Vie only got this place for

3 monthB with the hope that we would find a place in Boyolali.

Just today (Jaa. 15;

we signed the contract for a place in the very heart of Boyolali.

Cur poor old Chevy II just hasn't been able to take these rough roads but in spite of that we've been using it d.nyT^a.y, Now, after a week of hunting, we have

repairs but is in generally good condition. By the Indonesian car market,^ the price
was pretty good, too, -.16200.
FAMILY Vfe're all well.

purchased a 196? Jeep Landrover (British built).

It needs tuned and several small

A new Landrover after taxes costs almost $l2,000i

VJe are hoping to now get the Chevy fixed up a little and get it sold.

Karen has finally gotten front teeth again.


and l^ren are both still acting excited that over the Christmas break I finally
put their bunk bed together and they're off the floor. Michelle doesn't care where she sleeps as long as she has her thumb and blanket. Louise is trying to get used to not carrying a diaper bag for the first time j.n 7 years. Arid as far as I'm concerned, according to Louise and our forwarding agents^ I'm just as 'wiusual'
as ever. Cn that, I'll close
Yours in Christ,

Ed and Louise'Purnas

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Indonesian Church of Christ Mission

Box 3

Vermilion, Illinois


^ -Wxi

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Sd 4 Lcavse.
September, 1977
BojC 3

Vermilion^ Illinois 61955

Greetings to each of you in the nane of our Lord Jesus Christ*

We returned to Indonesia from fUrloiigh 15 months ago, and those months

have cettainly been action packed

pur plans for working in Sumatra fell

opened for work in the fioyolali area of Cehttal Java* So we began studying Javanese in Sept *76, rented and practically rebuilt, an old Boyolali house (Jan-May, *77), and now are going full swing in village worko

thrbtigh due to resistance in high placesi

Biit In late July *76, doors were

jumped to 200 or mor^* TjHihgs deemed to be going well until Then the people had come to a point ^of/.decision .and realized that they must give up thesir spirit worship if th^ were to become Christian* A leader in Pule re fused to do this, and people iii Pule agreed with him that the Bible studies
there be stopped June 2

Sttldies began itTthii^small (14 families) village last November 18 Attendatice averaged about 35 except that nijghts when we had a filmstrip, it

heavy schedules assisting Bro. Jtohn H^per ^d Bro* Ron Ritchey in their

We're grateful to Pak Oediyanto ^d Pak bAilyana from Salatiga who have

village worko "Oedi" and "Mul" d^e reigulariy to l^lp teach and translate in Pule, since, at that time, vaa only beginning to study Javanese*

each of theseo In the meantim^V' wb begati June 5, to hold Sunday PM services

Men from other villages (in^y ,of them leaders) had been attending the Pule Bible study, and on May 12," thirteen of them were baptized into the Lord! These men cane from 6 different villages and wanted studies started in

until there were more Christies ijn' the other villages*

in the centrally located vill^e of Ngrandu (home to 4 of the new Christians)

provided, an ideal place of worship JMeeJiin^ ln,j3x>meUaoaes could have had political repercussions, due to many former communist ties*

The "lurah" and "camat" ("township" and "county" leaders) saw to it that a
large, empty, woven bamboo house was "donated" for our use* It has dirt floors, no windows, one wide open door; it's flnei About 40 children and

adults have regularly come to the evangelistic service* Often, there's a crowd in the doorway, too timid to come in* This is followed by Bible study,
prayer, and communion for the Christians*


lies, every Thursday night* The MacLean family is working with us in a teaa ministry and every other village becomes their responsibility* Attendance runs above 100 every week, and Sept* 4, eleven men from this village were baptizedl We praise the Lord when anyone becomes a Christian* We, also, praise Him when we see new Christians bearing fruit* Three men from Jelok, who became Christian in May, have shared the Gospel with these new Brothers.
The enthusiasm and changed lives of national Christians is what makes others want to listen to the Gospel message!

June 23, Bob MacLean began teaching in this village of about 225 fami-

As our fellow/missionary John Harper says, "It's always nice to know we have some opposition* * pit just proves that the Word is getting through and
the devil's squlpming."

Two of those who b^ame Christian in May, Pak Suwito and Pak Parmono, are from Rancaho The local "dukun" (witchdoctor) there has so frightened.the man in whose home the studies began, that the man requested we move locations* So we're now in Pak Suwito's home; it's smaller* Parmono has, also, been
cause of threats to his family, still outside of Christ* Please pray for the whole village, and, especially, for Parmono* Initially, he was so enthus iastic, and his seeming rejection of Christ now, is heartbreaking*

Aig^ 9, I began teaching here every Tues* P*M*

Attendance is over 100

frightened by the dukun* Since he won't answer questions about why he no longer attends, It's only speculation on our part that, perhaps, he fears be-


Bob MacLean began here Aug* 2^*

age missionary kids

I haven't been to that study since

it's on Weda evenings, when I have a Bible study in Salatiga for the teen


began June 27 here in our home. Attendance (9 - 13) is lower than expected, but includes neighbors who may be won to Jesus as we study Mark's Gospel
every Mond^ Selfishly, we find ourselves thinking, "Wouldn't Pak Martono

and Pak Jono make terrific teachers in the villages I"

his obedient children*

No matter what, they '

become" for us, we know our Lord loves them and wants them to become

Thank you for your many prayers and encouraging letters concerning the
theft of all our legal papers, October '76 Most of them haven't been re

placed, but we have obtained new passports and car papers Two key offices, which formerly had been unwilling to help us, have now softened their posi tions, and we know this is an answer to prayer I Immigration's office now
says they will eventually give us new immigration cards (without which we

can't leave or re-enter Indonesia), and the police are waiting to see it all before they will give us new police ID papers Our visas expired June iJand our application is still in renewal process, but we have faith that the

Lord will see to the renewal and get us new immigration papers^

He's already
This is

blessed us with so many open doors, despite our missing documents, largely. becaus,e of your prayers of faith.
May God richly bless you,
Ed and Louise Furnas
Jalan Merbabu 78-

Boyolali, Jatengj
Indonesia : .






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Indonesia Church of Christ Mission Mr. and Mrs. Harold Easthan

<<r SEP


Forwarding Agents feox 3 Vennilion, Illinois 61955


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