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Vertical Scotch Yoke to Download and Make Wed 11th Sep 2013

Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on pinterest_share Share on email More Sharing Ser ices !ecome a Member for free access to this and other members only pro"ects on the site# See the Membership page for more details# Already a Member? Log in Here $his pro"ect is a erticall% aligned scotch %oke mechanism# $&rn the handle on the bo' and the ertical shaft mo es straight &p and down# (se this model to learn abo&t how mechanisms or as a starting point for %o&r own paper animation characters#

$&rn the handle and the rotating pin in the %oke dri es the ertical shaft straight &p and down# )rint o&t the parts onto thin card 230micron * +,lb# -olo&red card makes for a colo&rf&l model. Score along all the dotted and dashed lines and c&t o&t the holes# -aref&ll% c&t o&t the parts#

/l&e the ertical shaft and shaft alignment piece to the marked area on the %oke#

0old in the sides of the %oke to make right angled triangle t&bes# 1ote that these are alle% folds#

0old the %oke ro&nd and gl&e it together#

0old &p the %oke end piece to make a do&ble triangle then gl&e it to the backing piece# 2epeat this process with the other %oke end#

0it the %oke ends onto the %oke making s&re that e er%thing sta%s nice and s3&are#

0old &p the two slide t&bes#

/l&e the slide t&bes into the inside bo' side lining them &p sn&ggl% with the corner and edges marked#

0it the slider t&be into the lid#

/l&e the bo' stiffeners across the &nderside of the bo' lid#

/l&e the bo' lid to the bo' sides as shown abo e#

0it the bo' back inner into place lining the edges &p with the crease lines in the bo' back#

4ssemble the pin holder parts as shown#

2oll &p and gl&e down the pin# 0it the pin into the pin holder#

4ssemble the handle# 0old ro&nd and gl&e &p the three t&bes#

0old the three sections into each other#

-omplete the handle b% rolling ro&nd the long tab and gl&ing it down#

0it the dri e a'le into the bo' back assembl%#

/l&e the handle onto the shaft#

/l&e the dri e pin to the other end of the dri e shaft#

/l&e the back to the handle and fit the ertical shaft &p thro&gh the slider t&be#

4ssemble the bo'# 4s %o& do so5 make s&re that the dri e pin is in the %oke and make s&re that each of the do&ble triangles on each end of the %oke are straddling the one of the ertical slide on the inside of the bo'#

0old the front tabs in and gl&e them down#

Make s&re all the flaps are gl&ed down#

4nd there it is. $&rn the handle and the ertical shaft mo es &p and down# $ime to add %o&r own character to the top of the bo'

$&rning $&rtle5 -ome and /et it. Wed 26th 7&l 2012

Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on pinterest_share Share on email More Sharing Ser ices 82#60 !ecome a Member for free access to this and other files on the site# See the Membership page for more details# Already a Member? Log in Here $&rn the handle and5 thro&gh the magic of the fle'ible dri e shaft5 the hapless tortoise spins on her shell# $hink of her as a break dancing t&rtle if %o& prefer to think happ% tho&ghts# Members can download the parts for free at the link# 1on members can b&% the parts for for 82#60# 9a e f&n.

$here are three parts sheets for this pro"ect# )rint o&t either the colo&r or mono sheets as %o& choose# 1ote that the last colo&r sheet has colo&r printed on both sides# )rint o&t one side5 flip the paper o er and ret&rn it to the printer to print o&t the other side on the back# )rint the parts onto thin card# :230 micron * +, lb; Score the dotted lines and c&t o&t the holes before caref&ll% c&tting o&t the pieces#

0it the bo' strengtheners inside the bo'5 &se the pict&re in the ne't frame to help show where the bo' stiffener goes# <t sho&ld be near the hole b&t not to&ching it#

-omplete the bo' as shown

2epeat the process with the bo' top# $he dotted line on the pict&re shows where the bo' stiffener sits# 1otice that this part has a recessed area#

0it the base to the bo'# Stand the bo' on a flat s&rface and make s&re that the parts are at right angles to each other before the gl&e dries#

4ssemble the two dri e shaft ends in the same wa%# /l&e a washer into place as shown# /l&e two of the =ig =ag pieces to ad"acent faces on the dri e shaft as shown#

4ssemble the c&boid that is the dri e shaft "oiner#

0old the =ig =ag pieces o er each other alternatel% so that each piece is folded fo&r times# 0old &p the ends of the =ig =ag pieces at ninet% degrees and trim them off to appro'# one centimeter long# /l&e the ends to the dri e shaft centre piece#

2epeat the process with the other dri e shaft to make this three section fle'ible dri e#

0it the shaft marked >9ori=ontal> into the main bod% of the bo' as shown# 0it a second washer to hold it into place#

2epeat the process with the other end of the shaft#

/l&e the top of the bo' into place5 make s&re that it is s3&are before the gl&e dries#

4ssemble the handle in three steps# 0old &p and gl&e together the two bo' sections# /l&e one bo' section into the other at ninet% degrees# 2oll ro&nd the long tab and gl&e it down#

/l&e the handle into place on the bo'# Yo& now ha e a completed mechanism which %o& co&ld &se as the starting point for %o&r own pro"ects# 4 spinning helicopter5 a dancing co&ple a break dancing d&de###

$wo 4'is 7oint to Download and Make $h& 2?th Sep 2011

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4 two a'is "oint to download and make# @riginall% designed to be a hip*bod% "oint for a forthcoming poseable model the mechanism5 which bends both side to side as well as &p and down5 co&ld find a range of different &ses# Members can download the parts for free and pla% along at home# )rint the parts o&t onto thin card :230 micron * 230 gsm; score the dotted lines and c&t o&t the holes before caref&ll% c&tting o&t the parts#

0lip &p the small tabs as shown before assembling the centre block#

/l&e together the two arms as shown abo e#

0it one of the arms o er the tabs then fold the tabs down flat#

Dab gl&e to the tabs with a cocktail stick# Make s&re that the gl&e doesn>t get on to the arm#

)ress a co er into place onto the tabs#

2epeat the process with the other arm#

Done. With the gl&e dr%5 the arms sho&ld be free to mo e left and right as well as &p and down# Watch o&t for this mechanism in f&t&re pro"ects.

-rank Mechanism to Download and Make 0ri 2+th 1o 2010

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!ecome a Member for free access to this and other files on the site# See the Membership page for more details# Already a Member? Log in Here 4 working crank mechanism to download5 print o&t and e'periment with.

The completed model. $his model lets %o& see how cranks work and co&ld be the starting point for %o&r own designs# Members can download the parts for free at the end of this post# 1on members can download the parts for a small fee# )rint o&t the parts onto thin card :230 gsm * 230 micron;# Score along the dotted lines5 don>t c&t the holes o&t %et# -aref&ll% c&t o&t the parts#

0old the p&sh rod ends in half and gl&e them together to make do&ble thickness card# When the gl&e has completel% dried c&t o&t the hole in the middle with a sharp knife###

###then c&t o&t the part with a pair of scissors#

2epeat with the second p&sh rod end#

/l&e the bo' strengthener into place o er the bo' side so that it is acc&ratel% line &p# $his is to make the crank hole do&ble thickness#

$he completed bo' side#

@nce the gl&e is completel% dried caref&ll% c&t o&t the hole with a sharp knife#

0old ro&nd and gl&e down the lower flap on the bo' side to make a triang&lar t&be section# (se a s3&are bo' to make s&re that the part is at right angles# :< &sed 1orthern A'pos&re season fo&r DVD bo' set b&t season three wo&ld probabl% work "&st as well#;

0old o er and gl&e down the top flaps as shown abo e then pop it &p in a s3&are section t&be#

2epeat the process with second bo' side#

0old the fi e sections of the crank in s3&are sections and gl&e them down#

0old &p the first two sections and gl&e them into position# Don>t do the other ones %et#

0old ro&nd and gl&e &p the p&sh rod# /l&e the p&sh rod ends to the p&sh rod#

$hread the p&sh rod onto the centre of the crank# 0old &p and gl&e the rest of the crank making s&re to keep the angles acc&rate#

0old &p and gl&e together the mo ing platform# /l&e the top and bottom into place#

/l&e the p&sh rod to the tab on the mo ing platform#

/l&e the base to one of the bo' sides lining &p the creases in the base with the front and back of the bo' side#

0it the crank thro&gh the hole in the bo' side# @ffer &p the second bo' side and thread the crank into place# 1ote that the mo ing platform fits between the two rails on the bo' sides b&t m&stn>t be gl&ed. /l&e the second bo' side to the base#

0old the end into place as shown5 gl&e down the tabs in the places arrowed#

0old ro&nd and gl&e down the triang&lar section on the bo' end# $his will gi e rigidit% to the completed bo'# /l&e the bo' end to the tab on the base# :4rrowed;

0old &p and gl&e down the bo' end#

0old ro&nd and gl&e the the two s3&are sections of the handle# 0old one section into the other and gl&e# 2oll ro&nd and gl&e down the long tab#

-omplete the model b% gl&ing the handle to the crank# @nce the gl&e is dr%5 t&rn the handle and the platform mo es back and forth# $his mechanism co&ld ha e all sorts of &ses in %o&r own a&tomata design from mo ing a tortoise head in and o&t of its shell to dri ing the arms of an e'ercising bear.

Simple -rank Slider Model B 0ree to download $h& ,th @ct 2010

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Add to Cart to download this kit for free .

$he crank slider mechanism is the starting point for man% of m% paper animation kits# $his download5 which is free for %o& to download at the end of this post5 is a simple crank slider in a bo'# (se this mechanism as a starting point for %o&r own paper animations.

)rint o&t the two pages of parts onto thin card# < &se 230micron5 230gsm board# $he black lines show where to c&t o&t5 dotted lines are alle% folds5 dashed lines are hill folds# Score the parts and c&t o&t the holes e'cept for those in the p&sh rod ends before %o& c&t an%thing o&t#

$his is the complete model# $&rn the handle on the side of the bo' and the p&sh rod sticking o&t of the top of the bo' mo es in an o al shaped path#

-&t o&t the two p&sh rod ends first###

0old them in half and gl&e them together to make a do&ble thickness of card# Set them aside while the gl&e dries completel% and finish c&tting o&t the other parts#

@nce the gl&e has dried completel% c&t o&t the hole in the centre of the p&sh rod ends#

0old ro&nd and gl&e together the p&sh rod# -&t o&t the two p&sh rod ends#

/l&e the p&sh rod ends into place on the end of the p&sh rod#

4ssemble the three crank parts in two stages as shown abo e# $he diagonal piece adds strength and rigidit% to the crank#

$hread the crank centre thro&gh the p&sh rod ends then gl&e the crank left and crank right into place# Don>t get an% gl&e on the p&sh rod ends5 the crank needs to ne free to rotate#

4ssemble the handle in three stages# 0old the t&bes &p into a s3&are section t&be# 0old the two hal es5 one into the other# 2oll ro&nd the long tab and gl&e the end down#

0old the bo' side tab ro&nd to make a triang&lar t&be section# 2epeat on the other side of the bo'#

/l&e together the slider t&be and gl&e it into place in the bo' top#

/l&e the two bo' side together then gl&e one side of the bo' lid into place as shown abo e#

$hread the p&sh rod &p thro&gh the slider t&be# 2oll the bo' ro&nd the crank whilst threading the crank ends thro&gh the holes in the side of the bo'#

-lose the bo' &p and gl&e don the lid# /l&e the base flaps into place# /l&e the stiffeners down#

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