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Thierry Camerlynck, Hannah Franklin, Kelyn Freedman, Caitlin Green, Wissam Hamady


Overview of Results Research Purpose Research Methods Reliability and Validity Secondary Findings Primary Findings Conclusions and Recommendations Limitations




Sentence about results

Expand variety of product and service offerings to increase amount of purchase
Delivery option Turkey, salmon


SweetFlow can be leveraged more successfully

Focus more on fro-yo as product offering Generate awareness of frozen yogurt offerings

Further research
How to market to men

Deepen understanding of the typical Georgetown SweetGreen customer

Profile typical customer

Understand likes, dislikes, and values

Increase frequency and amount of purchase

Tailor positioning to frequent customers

Create products and promotions specifically for these customers

Research databases Company website

IDIs Focus group

Survey Data Analysis

Secondary Research


Reliability and Validity

Category Gender Status Chi test p-value 0.54 0.75

Survey Mistake
Glitch in first survey left off half the survey questions Second survey limited to 50 respondents Second data set are representative of the first

Focus on Georgetown students Relevant to SweetGreen on M St Georgetown students are fairly representative of other SweetGreen customers Similar values and interests



Industry Analysis
Restaurant industry performance and forecast

High health consciousness and expectations of high food quality DC is 2nd healthiest city in the US 2.5% increase in quick service restaurant 4.0% increase in snack and beverage segment Organic food industry growth rate of 12% expected to diminish over time
Restaurant strategy trends Consumers want easy price points with simple menu options Use of discounts and loyalty programs incorporating social media/technology Focus on healthy menu offerings Convenience stores and supermarkets capturing market share of take-home prepared foods Growth of vegetarianism/veganism

Company Background
win, win, win

make an impact

Core Values

think sustainably

add the sweet touch

keep it real

Analytical Model

IDI Findings


Distance- main deterrent of purchase

Focus Group Findings

Need to expand product options Tuna Salmon Paninis/sandwiches Smoothies Distance deters purchase Delivery option Price deters purchase Create promotions, cheaper options, and combos to reduce price

Survey Findings: Customers

Most men have not been to SweetGreen or are not frequent customers Less interested in freshness and healthiness Perception of SweetGreen as girly Focus on women

Looking to increase purchases of current customer base To market to men requires additional research

Survey Findings: Competition

SweetGreen Chopt
Rated higher in Too far from satisfaction for Georgetown to freshness, be considered healthiness, and competition taste


Pinkberry SweetFlow
Extensive product offerings Lack of awareness

Survey Findings: SweetFlow

Most buy SweetFlow 0 out of 5 trips to SweetGreen

Salads are too big to want extra food Too expensive Might melt before finishing dinner Prefer pinkberry

Many do not know that SweetGreen sells frozen yogurt

Need to increase awareness SweetFlow does not immediately evoke image of frozen yogurt

Survey Findings: Options

Survey Findings: Options

Combo Specials Delivery

Survey Findings: Delivery

How much would you pay for delivery?








30% Females, Live Away All Females




Survey Findings: Salad Additions

Salmon and Tuna

Turkey and Beef

Delivery Product Options Combo Options SweetFlow Changes Additional Research

Recommendations: Delivery

$2.50 delivery charge (plus additional per mile radius)

Bicycle or green car to maintain communityconscious values

Can include coupons or specials to incentivize

Recommendations: Product Options

Turkey and salmon fit SweetGreens healthy, organic image

Price is still biggest issue with additional toppings

Expand offerings to include turkey and salmon

Recommendations: Combo Options

Sell half size and regular size salads

Create combinations with price incentives

Recommendations: SweetFlow Changes

Introduce sweeter flavors

Most prefer pinkberrys toppings

Market SweetGreen as a frozen yogurt shop

Build awareness of frozen yogurt offerings

Include in combo options

Offer snack size portion

Rebrand SweetFlow
Change name to suggest frozen yogurt

Change store layout to prominently display froyo

Recommendations: Additional Research

Potential of male market

SweetFlow toppings

SweetFlow rebranding

Confusion about SweetFlow Survey issues

Lack of management response

Time constraints

Georgetown bubble


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