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PERSONAL STATEMENT Writing............................................................................................3 Development Editing......................................................................4 Copy Editing......................................................................................4 Proofreading..................................................................................4 Book Cover Art..................................................................................4 POD Services.....................................................................................4 eBook Formatting...........................................................................5 Book Trailers....................................................................................5 WordPress/Joomla Sites................................................................5 Social Media & Search Marketing................................................5 PORTFOLIO Writing...............................................................................................6 Zen Tuesday......................................................................................6 In The Air Tonight...........................................................................7 A Crtical Approach to Erick Aguirres Novel: Con Sangre de Hermanos........................................................................................11 Book Covers....................................................................................14 POD Layout......................................................................................15 eBook Layout and Formatting..................................................16 Book Trailers (video)..................................................................17 WordPress/Joomla Sites.............................................................18 Social Media & Search Marketing............................................19


My name is lvaro; I write in English, Spanish and Kriol languages, and also develop digital content. My cultural background is in South, Central and North America, the Afro-Indigenous Caribbean and with francophone cultures. For the last five years I have worked in a literary blog called with contributors from all over the world and In the Air Tonight is of a different nature, it is a fragmentary included works in many languages (like Rama, an indigenous and mutilated narrative discourse of Managuas gritty street life and the precariousness of human life in that language that has approximately 1,000 speakers). environment. The universe presented in this story also In January 2013 I founded an eBook, includes conspiracy theories and historical subtext related POD and Audiobook publishing service provider, as a project to a war-torn country that has lived through leftist and that looks to turn a cult passion into a sustainable enterprise right-wing military dictatorships. The characters in this for the online indie artist community. My professional story are human remnants of political violence, structural studies are in Philology and Mass Communications (UNAN- disenfranchisement, lawlessness and corruption. Managua 2002-2008) and Education Specialized in Spanish Language and Literature (2009-2013). Despite having a fort A Critical Approach to Erick Aguirres Novel: Con Sangre in Spanish literary studies I have an English-Language oeuvre de Hermanos is about a Spanish-language Nicaraguan story that takes place between the 1970s and the 1990s. This in several literary genres. critical review analyzes aspects relative to a peoples life In this portfolio I have selected three literary texts; the first in authoritarianism and shifting times, from a collective is a new poem, Zen Tuesday (2013). Then, In the Air Tonight consciousness perspective and in contrast to Eric Fromms (2008) a short story on the life of marginal old downtown Fear of Freedom. Aguirre is very condemning of all the Managua characters. And the third selected piece is Con historic epochs that his characters live in; this allows for Sangre de Hermanos a Critical Approach to Erick Aguirres passages that reflect on what true democracy would be. Novel (2005) an essay that reflects on how Eric Fromms He also touches on many of Fromms ideas about collective ideas on fear of freedom are reflected in the world that populations and their real readiness to liberate themselves Aguirre presents in his novel about civil war Nicaragua and from recurring tyranny. its transition into neoliberalism. In addition to these literary works of art. This portfolio also includes samples for other indie publishing services (book Writing cover art, book layouts, video trailers, author and eBook sites, and Social Media & Search Marketing). With the Zen Tuesday is somewhat of an oxymoron in its title as integral application of comprehensive book development well as in its verse. It plays with the transcendental and the authors reach larger readerships and improve sales. mundane as well as with individuality, human life and the

cosmos, in short form, and with the tone of an inside joke. The minimalistic verse has a carpe diem component, referred to in an unwilling antiheroic tone. As the poem progresses we can observe word-play with different flections of thing as a jest on the unavoidable objectification of human life in postmodern global society.

Development Editing
Development editing is a service that applies expert knowledge of writing and literature that is done before copy-editing. It ensures that the book has a logical order even when its non-linear or intentionally unconventional. I review and comment on a manuscript in order to suggest improvements and find missed opportunities. Development editing, ensures that there is clarity; this means that the book actually says what it is supposed to say. Another task is to make sure that the plot is actually there and executed brilliantly. I also coach writers to make sure they exceed their previous efforts and maximize their evolution as artists. eyes thoroughly examines every sentence, letter by letter with laser attention and specialized training in techniques to catch common misspellings that are known to skip the human eye, for example when a writer accidentally types the the an untrained reader would just react as if they saw the same exact word they saw in their last glance and think that they had not gone on to the next word. This rationale is subconscious and done in fractions of a second.


Once your layout is ready this service allows for final reviews that detect anything that might have been missed before, or that changed during the text layout, this second occurrence tends to be more frequent. The book layout is printed out and revised thoroughly with time and patience. This last revision, like the two previous ones, will only be considered to be finalized once there is author approval. Proofreading approval is the last chance an author has to change anything With this important service you will be able to have your with a conventional print edition before publishing, but not manuscript examined by a literary critic before it hits for POD or eBook editions. layout. As your editor, I provide insights on footnotes in the literary tradition that you can seize to make your story more Book Cover Art interesting and richer. Find out about the plot structure you have applied, its history and the strategic options it presents This service includes a grayscale and a full-color version to your project. Read about the mythological archetypes of the final product to ensure full eReader compatibility. that your characters represent and how to get the most from Making sure that book covers meet specified POD and/or them for your original work. From a linguistics perspective, I eBook provider requirements is also included in this service. analiyze paragraph flow, internal rhyme schemes, tone and Book Cover Art services can be designed in any specified other phonetic and semiotic aspects through a structural style that the author requires and always use top-quality and deconstrutive perspective. In addition, other critical high-resolution images or original vectors. Covers are tested insights unique to your project will be explored with the goal in several eReader platforms and devices, and printed for revision to ensure color accuracy and author satisfaction. of helping you improve your text. In this service it is vital to dedicate a considerable amount of time and it may be necessary to include video meetings with a client, or to revise together. It is vital for me to pay close attention to the direction your editorial process needs for your manuscript. After insights, authors, in turn, are encouraged to go those extra miles, to grow in their craft. Development editing service, is most likely the first of many takes on your work from readers. The most critical moment to test this, before it reaches general readership, is prior to layout. It is important to choose a development editing service that can deliver quality feedback to your project. It might be valid to think, that when an author is incapable of showing good aesthetic taste, in selecting the visual image that represents their book; they are most likely to be unpleasing in the poetics applied to weaving the linguistics structures of their sentences, paragraphs and pages, as well as other aspects of their literary work of art like deep character development, story and cultural references. A good cover will clearly convey genre expectations and appeal to deep subconscious semiosis and that, clearly equals sales.

POD Services
Printing on Demand (POD) is per excellence the most viable option for the indie author; it saves money, minimizes risk, satisfies readers who refuse to use devices and can still save more trees than traditional print publishing. There are many online venues for on-demand book printing. My professional layouts are appropriate for all kinds of print and fulfill all technical specification required by any POD provider.

Copy Editing
With this copyediting service your manuscript will be revised on the computer screen, on paper and on eReaders to ensure that no misspelled words have been skipped. In addition to spelling and grammar this service also includes flow and sentence structures. A fresh pair of professional


eBook Formatting

eBooks are aesthetic artifacts. This service includes any form of page design. Layout is done on professional software and formatted to ePub (Barnes & Noble, itunes and Google) and mobi (kindle). I ensure that layout also looks optimum on grayscale as well as in full-color devices. Proofreading on different apps also allows us to verify that the writing is cleanly formatted and that the reader will always have the Social Media & Search Marketing right experience with their download. Find the audience you need for economic and online Book Trailers success, connect your site and content to search engines and social media. Be ready to find the relevant subscribers People often regret that books are at a disadvantage in for your items and style, and get all of them! Nothing can comparison to video. A book trailer can flip the paradigm make for faster or greater progress in this day and age, than and jumpstart an authors text by beginning to play the a beautifully executed search and social media strategy. Get story in the readers mind. Readers can post a beautiful more sales and better reader interaction. three-minute trailer on their social media profiles and get attention for an authors work. Once interest is generated, This service covers twitter, facebook and Google+ pages, people will be more enthusiastic about a reading experience. AdWords campaigns and includes: copywriting and graphic design for fun and original advertisments, automatic link dissemination and Community Management with real-time WordPress/Joomla Sites response services and engaging commentary to keep the Every aspect of your WordPress or Joomla site is customized conversation going. This agile service also includes promoting for the right visitor experience and to get published content new website content for better synergy.

to the right following. Services range from customizing a network-ready blog, to building a complete ecommerce, online course or bookings site. All themes are personalized and responsive. Plugins and Modules are perfectly fitted and meticulously tested to ensure that all visitors will also have easy access to every site item, from any smartphone or tablet.


Writing | Zen Tuesday


In The Air Tonight

Beto woke up on the Nido powdered milk warehouse-sized box pieces where he slept, having a large rag bunched up for a pillow. The sun would peek through a hole on their zinc wall and go straight over Betos eyes. At 28, he ran shop in the tiny zinc box, patching and filling tires with air. The cement floor was a continuation of the streets sidewalk, except it was tarred from the shops constant flow of petrochemicals and their fumes. He rises from his back and sits along two oil barrels, one is a tall table and the other one is two-thirds full of water. After lighting the rusty one-burner electric range Beto puts a small pot of water, and empties a pouch of instant coffee for one, in a neon green plastic glass and another in an empty plastic Caf Presto jar.

parents never came back, when they talked about returning to Nicaragua, it seemed to be all they ever wanted. Hows your head from last night? Saturday evening at the Saras; vegetarian pasta, beer, and attractive women to read off the menu. I sat with Urania and Yelba, and the Saras would go back and forth, playing different pirated CDs and talking to boys who visited the girls as a group, each guy making progress or not, with the girl (arranged, for each friend). Theyd crowd near a red hatchback that brought the boys. Beto showed up wearing some intensely blue jeans, a Dacron Fubu shirt and his special occasion silver-plated chain. Later, the girls went to watch a movie in our room, under a large blanket in the AC. We drank some liters of beer and knocked back fiery shots of rum. I told a few stories about back in the day when I sold cars in LA and partied week-ends in Vegas. He told me stories that hed heard all his life about the war, and gang fights in our barrio. A quiet kid, but he has tossed a stone or two for the hood. Thank God I stashed enough for a joint. Cokes still got me jumpy.

Agustin, the grandfather, had some tin propped up as a room in a corner of the precarious metal cube; the other back corner was behind a makeshift curtain that hung from a nylon rope tensed between two nails. His leg had been amputated as one of his many losses to diabetes; he barely ever spoke and spent his evenings watching some Chuck Ill take you your Mara at around one; lets see right now Norris flick on TV, in the company of Betos lifelong peers; its almost ten. bad-ass Managua reggeaton gang-bangers. A glittery Tweety sticker on betos phone sparkled from the Viejooo. Says, Beto: ya est tu caf. shadows, in Carlas house where he talked his business. Id scratched some cords together and bought five slot machines It was any day; Managua was certainly different than to put in little grocery stands around our proximity in what my mother would tell me. Beautiful parties with Managua. Beto would go on a borrowed Chinese motorcycle the General and thieves were punished severely. Fresh in exchange for some gas (that I would have to buy), check on off the plane, when I spoke not one word of Spanish, the the machines, pay the shop owners, and bring any available mysterious forbidden country was for the first time real. My money. He introduced me to a guy from the Oriental Market,

He started that joke when he noticed that Barry kept changing the day he was going back home. Barry really was always less than happy to hear that joke, but it never prevented him from being around for the last couple of years with no plausible excuse. Yamil would see Barry from time to time, and Yamil was also aware that Barrys story makes no sense Carlas daughter had a baby with Beto, the 37 year-old and that Barry is not really going to tell anything to anybody. grandmother sold weed with her man El Caballo. The little brother Nehemas, watches a drug bust on Channel 8s According to Urcuyo, Yamil is a former DEA agent, simply Crnica. Betos phone rings, Yamil: Estoy en el Chalecito. because he knows, he can smell bacon. A Little beer place, half a block away from El Gato Volador, in old downtown. Plastic tables on the sidewalk, a long Urcuyo sits at Yamils table and lights a Windsor, that shit walkway that ends on a pink dining room; inside there are in Haiti is because Chavez wants to control drug routes two arches almost covered by fake roses and popped pink for FARC. Fidel started that shit before, with Nicaragua and white balloons, and most importantly an excellent and Cuba, he killed Ochoa for bullshit. Pablo Escobar was beans cazuela. Yamil would wait there for Beto instead of working with Fidel too. The Sandinistas still traffic through at his place. the Miskito Cays and Little Corn. Even Humberto Ortega made his millions doing that business and selling weapons Urcuyo, whats up man? wheres Beverly?. Hey DEA, all the way to 1995. Says Urcuyo as he makes eye contact wheres AMW, baby? Is he still going back next week to with a weathered picture of Chayanne on the pink wall. North Carolina? snickers Urcuyo in his stylish Ricky Ricardo English. Urcuyo is Urcuyo Maliaos boy. He was just in to Look at all the people with Daniel posters on their houses buy some cigarettes he left his girlfriend, a 15 year-old crack and the liberals fighting each other. Good luck taking Daniel addicted child he brought back from Great Corn Island, tied down again, Nicaragua is never going to have a decent to the bed with his tube sock. Yamils remembers the day situation, all people care about is todays gallopinto. They Urcuyo told the story of when Somoza stabbed his old man. get more shit beating protestors up for Daniel than holding A lot of the people, who knew about the incident, said that down a 2,000-cord job. Old Man Bolaos really fucked up the stabbing was the real reason of why Somoza made putting Arnoldo in jail. Urcuyo Maliao the only 48-hour President in Nicaraguan History. Wendy Yahaira walks to their table, a dark girl, who descends from uprooted Chorotegas. Lives in a shack she rents for C$ They were at a party all the Ministers and several high 300 a month, with her three kids. Her brother, a transvestite ranking government officials were mingling having hooker, watches them during the day and the eldest, 7-year champagne and horderves. All of the sudden someone gave old watches her little brother and sister at night. She has an Somoza some bad news about a terrorist attack from the order of tostones for Yamil. He signals for another Victoria guerrillas. Somoza was infuriated; he got up and stabbed Frost and Urcuyo asks for a half liter of Flor de Caa Grand Urcuyo Maliao. At the time Urcuyo was in his twenties Reserve with a Coca-Cola, a tub of ice and some limes. and attending West Point, a little after the incident he got booted out because he was lazy and partied too much. Of Beto, walks into El Chalecito with Yamils smoke. Light from a the more menacing members of the family; Urcuyo gets his skylight gently gleams as dust particles dance around floating fun money from a brother who lives in Connecticut. in a diagonal long sallow cube. Just behind are Urcuyo and Yamil; fat, old and lounging on their plastic chairs. Beto steps A downtown house from a military dictatorship era: a red around an orange cat that naps in the doorway, he catches and weathered 60s carpet a ruined small courtyard, the a glimpse of his sneakers golden tint as he intentionally back wall has a battered cement Manneken Pis rip-off with steps exactly where the skylights ray reaches the ground. twisted iron rods sticking out. The walls have large fractures At home he would often gaze stoned, at some puddle of from the earthquake in 72 and the stairs a precariously petrochemical, into its transcendent kaleidoscope rainbow, shaky. Its half a block away from the crack sellers. On sensing an ethereal and luminous state. the street, a couple of nearby Pharmacies dont mind selling Urcuyo his roofies and ritalins. Urcuyos pad is also Beto locks fists with Yamil: Its scarce at El Caballos. I could conveniently located near El Chalecito. only get you a half ounce for 200. The butchers didnt have any, at ENABAS theyre only selling crack, the Pop Bellies are Urcuyo likes to call Yamil, DEA and Americas Most Wanted only selling 16ths at 20; man thats like two joints. Yamil (AMW) is an American who also lives in the neighborhood. raises an arm in the air and loudly whistles to the kitchen. who either makes the machines or refurbished them. A balding guy, graying on the sides wearing a belt, a tucked-in beige shirt with rolled sleeves, loafers and gold around a front right tooth. About the same age as me, but smaller and thin.


Wendy Yahaira peeks out the door. Yamil holds up his beer and signals two with his other hand. Beto hints at the rum. Yamil nods and pours a shot. Urcuyo raises his glass. To my love, a mi amor and giggled like a moron.

Usually with Yamil, it was orbiting around either when he was young he made a ton of money and didnt care about anything, that the other Nicas are good for nothing retards (his girls favorite), formal education is bullshit and that hes superior to all the new generations. Betos grandpa in The older men took a sip of their drinks while Beto downed contrast, was in a more serene stage of his senility. Agustin his shot. Yo lo que quiero s, es un harn como el de had come to terms with his own mortality and felt fortunate Yamil. Said Urcuyo, as he held his laughter back and tried to have Beto taking care of him. to act out a less than believable sigh: Man! Yamil, visibly pissed, answered with his funky accent in Spanish: Es su Beverly, is really Shauna, but Urcuyo calls her Beverly; like hermana, se queda con nosotros porque est estudiando. Beverly DAngelo: I wanted to fuck her as gestures it with Beto watched his friend trying to explain himself. But his arms, he told Shauna about the fantasy during a shower secretly, Beto wasnt at all sure what to believe either. together at the beachfront Morgan Hotel. Shauna had Esas carnitas de monte, son ms naturales mi hermano. managed to release herself from Urcuyos tube sock and was Cuando les brotan el capullito nadie les dice nada. Si acaso, looking for some money or a gold chain. There was a craggy les recetan su rienda o les ponen un seor de marido. round wooden table with a fun land; of plastic jars and blister packs, cigarette butts, spliff roaches and crack pipes. The Added Urcuyo. world had ended she was sure of it, she had been floating Beto and Yamil, both knew beyond a shadow of a doubt peacefully when an earthquake of insane proportions had that any joke about Urcuyo would pale in comparison to the earths core spitting fire into the heavens and completely that mans deranged life of vice. Yamil found it pointless annihilated Managua and the world. to argue with a madman. And Beto enjoyed having Yamil too busy to push his fat ass around and pontificate about The windows were gargoyle-proofed by a neighborhood experience vs. youth. Yamils old age and all the friends welder, and the door was locked in; she started kicking it, he keeps losing to death; seem to conjure up a frightened hard. Shaunas long nappy blonde hair was tossed up like Don facet of his personality: a chicken-shit Foghorn Leghorn Kings; she had a terrible headache and had been sleepingoff a two day crack binge for the last 18 hours. On the end of who by all means refuses to give up fronting restlessly.

the room there was a long counter top made from bad 70s Formica in the middle of it: a sink. A pair of 2x4s propped the whole thing up. In front of that there was a TV. On the other side: a queen size bed with some raggedy red blankets over a nude mattress. Cho! bombo-cloth! she hissed and started packing her dirt cheap perfumes, some clothes and the crack pipes in a kiddie backpack, except for the best one (she puts that one in her bra). When that old man gets back and opens the door she is getting the hell away from that room and him: enough foolishness! That afternoon was the last time Yamil ever saw Beto alive. He went home with his bag of herb watched American Gladiators on one of the Sandinistas TV channels. Had a terribly al-dente chicken, ketchup and salty Nicaraguan drycheese casserole. Yamil and the girls fell asleep; his ass had to be on the floor and taking calls at 7:00 AM. He packed half an ounce of bud hes selling to some UAM students at work. Hey old man, your head is extra-shiny today! -Motherfuckers. Mrs. Sponge was packed and Harley Rodriguez had too many beers, he figures he really needs to get some coke and a dude called Mississippi; who delivers 200s to the club is not answering his phone. Harley hops into his Hyundai, and heads towards old downtown passing through the earthquake ruins. A couple of caballito consuetudinaries watch Harley fly-by with his shitty-ass rear wing slashing the 2:00 AM breeze. He makes a turn at the Montoya statue and heads towards Betos place. After one day escaping from Urcuyos room she starred in a week-long orgy with Betos boys in the crack house. They decided she should stay around and kick it with Agustin. The arrangement worked for a few months that the old man was able to survive. You is American? Shauna asks Harley. Naw baby, Im a Nicoya. Wheres Beto? he says as he notices her beautiful body in the scum Him no here, what you want? I buy for you, no? he unlocks the door and decides to let her deal with the coke people and any potential ninjas from the barrio. He steers towards the pupleria and asks her: What happened with Beto? Him dead, I never get for know him. Them say him liver mess-up. At that moment Harley hears something accelerate and hit the brakes with violence; its a Police Hilux, two crackhead cops jump out of the truck-bed with guns and head towards Harley and Shauna. Harley was completely sober; all the beer seemed to vanish from him. They found weed in a matchbox sticking out of the ash tray, and pretended to call on their radio. Harley says: No hay problema oficial, yo le ayudo y usted me ayuda and reached for his wallet, he gave each cop a $20.

Shauna runs towards the passenger seat of Harleys car and gets in. She hadnt seen dollars since her Beverly days with Urcuyo. Harley suddenly remembers he has kids and a girlfriend he does not want to call from the police station; he decides to first ditch the cops and then Shauna. A couple of blocks away, he pulls over and says please get out, I want to leave now. She looks at him What you going give me? twenty dollar, no? They took everything, please let me go When he got there, Shauna was sitting on the curb; she was home. She looks around for anything she can use to stab now 17 and hustling. Agustin and she had an arrangement. him nothing she mumbles; nothing he confirms.


A Crtical Approach to Erick Aguirres Novel:

cuando le dijeron que reconociera que slo haba sido un exabrupto, locuras de borracho; se levant de su asiento y pidi su renuncia. A la semana siguiente fue expulsado del partido y fue dado de baja en vigilancia estricta. Tiempo Con Sangre de Hermanos narrates Nicaraguas recent despus anot en su cuaderno que, aun con todo lo sucedido, political history (1970s 1997) as more than just a series el segua considerndose sandinista. Y lo hizo constar en of verifiable events. A reasonably profound reading of this acta. (Aguirre, 2002: 235) work allows a much more stimulating reflection than that of an inventory of fault. More than an ideological critique, This last sentence makes irony of the leitmotifs of an era the author provides questions about the human spirit, characterized by ideological jargon. authoritarianism, fanaticism, social suppression and the aspirations of a people who had revolutionary Nicaragua for This polyphonic narrative discourse accuses itself of being a chronotope. These brief words highlight a few technical fragmentary, I disagree. There is way too much textual details in Aguirres storytelling technique as well as provide cohesion and it is very easy to notice different times in the a reflection on the authoritarian personality. narration. Chronological shifts are much clearer than in Pedro Pramo and in Rulfos time the word fragmentary was A prose written in a clear and somewhat colloquial not in such prolific use. language, tries to appear modest in its constructions, but The works polyphony is determined by the existence of shows itself to be penetrating with multiple connotations three narrative voices: a protagonist-narrator (Gerardo) and frequent introspections. Aguirre sets out to treat an anonymous investigator that provides an omniscient historical reality without a manicheistic simplification that narration and an implicit narrator that appears in official just insults peoples intelligence. Despite the dark language documents and whose intertextual function is to be the and severity with which the author treats the Sandinista voice that anthropomorphisizes an ever changing State that establishment, in the following quote I would like to never renounces to its authoritarian nature. emphasize the metonymic quality that speaks about the authors leftist convictions: Gregorio is implied in the works two official texts. The first

Con Sangre de Hermanos

one was written by him and the second is his defendants deposition. These texts morph in the same manner that the State does; the first text is militaristic and the second is civilian. They also demonstrate changes in Goyos situation in the first he is a powerful spy and in the second little more than a petty criminal. The first text is grave and the second sperpentous. The furthest flashback reaches Gerardos childhood; where he at an early age remembers his military vocation. This was influenced by his uncles participation in a guerrilla and American TV shows in which the Allied Forces were the heroes. The most advanced prolepsis reaches to a point that the novel considers contemporary (the second half of the 1990s). The most notable ellipsis begins in the beginning of the novel and concludes with Gregorio Surez incarceration, after he tried to assassinate Arnoldo Alemn during his presidential inauguration: se recuerda a l mismo aconsejando a sus superiores, hablndoles del presentimiento funesto que le provoc desde el comienzo el vertiginoso ascenso poltico de aquel abogaducho gordo de tpica estirpe somocista. Al reflexionar sobre eso no puede evitar pensar en el chino Fujimori, presidente autoritario de Per, y en la idea que alguna vez escuch mencionar en la radio, algo as como un nuevo concepto social latinoamericano eventualmente denominado autoritarismo civil. (Aguirre, 2002: 265) The metonymic value of the previous quote, as with the one before, resides in its semantic operators. Lets note the term autoritarismo civil, a variation of dictadura civil: a contemporary Nica term. Also in the previously cited passage, where Gerardo Sotos expulsion was related, l segua considerndose sandinista is a common idiom used in present day Sandinista dissent. This phrase was specially used by the deceased leader of this important new tendency in Nicaraguas left. Violeta Chamorros government to Alemns inauguration. The first time is one of innocence and self-recognition, for the characters and the collective psyche as well. The second epoch is one of betrayal, homicide, the corruption and innocence lost of those who had been altruistic liberators. The third is a sad epoch of impoverished capitalism that coincides with the two main characters middle age. Hasta que de pronto, una voz valiente de mujer grit: Abajo la dictadura! Todos quedamos en suspenso unos instantes. Yo me volv hacia donde haba surgido el grito. Era mi madre. (Aguirre, 2002: 50) The previous passage goes from the political to the symbolic and makes a distinction between fear and cowardice. Citizens did not express their thought because they feared Somozas National Guard and Somoza censured (not only the newspapers) out of cowardice. The cowardly act of censorship suddenly confronts the mother (land) that is accompanied by her children. In this first epoch, inexperience and idealism are notable, here one of many historical vices is pointed out and rejected, little did the characters know that this and many other vices would reappear in a new regime where the only changes were the political flag and Nicaraguas GDP. If ideology had shifted and nonetheless the old vices persist, then it is to be considered that the real problem was never ideological. According to Fromm authoritarianism is born from a sadistic tendency to control others (masochists and conformists) whos need to be controlled is born from the incertitude of independent life. Both the sadist and the masochist are codependent, and their behavior is rooted in deep desperation and self loathe.

The present is related like a time of unemployment and generalized poverty; the characters lack the preponderant roles that they had in Sandinista society. The descriptions regret what happened to the country with the irony with which one protests a society with freedom of speech that Another elliptical element in the novel in constituted by nonetheless is not free. Nelly a former State Security agent. Nelly as a spy was obligated to have sexual relations with a priest that was La democracia en la que el Cristo Popular quiere ser castrado thrown into the streets during the consummation of this por un obeso Cardenal con cabeza de topo y cerebro de act, to reveal his weaknesses and to vilify the Catholic boxeador, que se sienta en su trono los domingos frente a las Church. Nelly was unwilling in her fieldwork. Later when cmaras de TV como un orangutn grun que hace la siesta Gregorio was caught by the police she was found and y observa con hostilidad a los curiosos. (Aguirre, 2002: 280) frisked in Goyos apartment; this ended her marriage and her affair with Gregorio that spanned decades. The masses conform to the wishes of a handful of selfish Topographic spaces in the novel are mostly open, some people that feed appetites directly proportional to their more so than others. For example up in the mountains in insecurity and lack of self-love. This is not an ideological comparison to the city. The chronological periods are very problem, this is an emotional problem. An ideology can be neatly divided and are three: the pre-insurrectional and the most altruistic ever thought, but if its representatives insurrectional period, the eighties and the period from havent outgrown deep childhood feelings of inadequacy,

ideology cannot be implemented. Thus also in alienation be it ideological, nationalistic or consumer-driven; the individual runs quickly to make themselves what the authority or dominating idea wants. In consumer societies we can observe how adolescents derive their identity from a musical genre. This preference determines their values; way of speech and dress and in some cases their place in labor. In the case of the 1980s in Nicaragua there were different organizations where the Nicaraguan could discover his or herself: the Sandinista Defense Committee, Sandinista Youth, Sandinista Children, Ministry of Culture Workshops, etc. All of them directed to finding the place of the individual in the collectivity. Con Sangre de Hermanos is a work that shows a Nicaragua that was tried to be erased off the face of the earth and whose weaknesses contributed to the consolidation of these ends. This however is seen through the eyes of two ordinary men who were in many ways innocent and suffered in the hands of an authority that first stole their youth and then threw them away. This novel has unconventional and interesting form and in its content we can appreciate not only the meditation of these brief words, but also the detail of a historical period that lacked journalistic scrutiny and thus is mysterious; more so for my generation and the ones that shall follow.

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