Fourth Grade Math Common Core State Standards

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Iourth Grade Math

Common Core State Standards

Cperat|ons and A|gebra|c 1h|nk|ng
Cperat|ons and A|gebra|c 1h|nk|ng
Use the four operat|ons w|th who|e numbers to so|ve prob|ems.
4.CA.1 lnLerpreL a mulLlpllcaLlon equaLlon as a comparlson, e.g., lnLerpreL 33 = 3 7 as a sLaLemenL
LhaL 33 ls 3 Llmes as many as 7 and 7 Llmes as many as 3. 8epresenL verbal sLaLemenLs of
mulLlpllcaLlve comparlsons as mulLlpllcaLlon equaLlons.
4.CA.2 MulLlply or dlvlde Lo solve word problems lnvolvlng mulLlpllcaLlve comparlson, e.g., by uslng
drawlngs and equaLlons wlLh a symbol for Lhe unknown number Lo represenL Lhe problem,
dlsLlngulshlng mulLlpllcaLlve comparlson from addlLlve comparlson.1
4.CA.3 Solve mulLlsLep word problems posed wlLh whole numbers and havlng whole-number
answers uslng Lhe four operaLlons, lncludlng problems ln whlch remalnders musL be
lnLerpreLed. 8epresenL Lhese problems uslng equaLlons wlLh a leLLer sLandlng for Lhe
unknown quanLlLy. Assess Lhe reasonableness of answers uslng menLal compuLaLlon and
esLlmaLlon sLraLegles lncludlng roundlng.
Cperat|ons and A|gebra|c 1h|nk|ng
Ga|n fam|||ar|ty w|th factors and mu|t|p|es.
4.CA.4 llnd all facLor palrs for a whole number ln Lhe range 1-100. 8ecognlze LhaL a whole number
ls a mulLlple of each of lLs facLors. ueLermlne wheLher a glven whole number ln Lhe range 1-
100 ls a mulLlple of a glven one-dlglL number. ueLermlne wheLher a glven whole number ln
Lhe range 1-100 ls prlme or composlLe.
Cperat|ons and A|gebra|c 1h|nk|ng
Generate and ana|yze patterns.
4.CA.S CeneraLe a number or shape paLLern LhaL follows a glven rule. ldenLlfy apparenL feaLures of
Lhe paLLern LhaL were noL expllclL ln Lhe rule lLself. !"# %&'()*%+ ,-.%/ 01% #2*% 3455 67 '/5
01% 80'#0-/, /2(9%# :+ ,%/%#'0% 0%#(8 -/ 01% #%82*0-/, 8%;2%/<% '/5 "98%#.% 01'0 01% 0%#(8
'))%'# 0" '*0%#/'0% 9%0=%%/ "55 '/5 %.%/ /2(9%#8> ?&)*'-/ -/@"#('**A =1A 01% /2(9%#8 =-**
<"/0-/2% 0" '*0%#/'0% -/ 01-8 ='A>
Number and Cperat|ons |n 8ase 1en [Crade 4 expecLaLlons ln Lhls domaln are llmlLed Lo whole numbers less
Lhan or equal Lo 1,000,000.]
Numbers and Cperat|ons |n 8ase 1en
Genera||ze p|ace va|ue understand|ng for mu|t|-d|g|t who|e numbers.
4.N81.1 8ecognlze LhaL ln a mulLl-dlglL whole number, a dlglL ln one place represenLs Len Llmes whaL
lL represenLs ln Lhe place Lo lLs rlghL. !"# %&'()*%+ #%<",/-B% 01'0 CDD E CD F :D 9A '))*A-/,
<"/<%)08 "@ )*'<% .'*2% '/5 5-.-8-"/>
4.N81.2 8ead and wrlLe mulLl-dlglL whole numbers uslng base-Len numerals, number names, and
expanded form. Compare Lwo mulLl-dlglL numbers based on meanlngs of Lhe dlglLs ln each
place, uslng >, =, and < symbols Lo record Lhe resulLs of comparlsons.
4.N81.3 use place value undersLandlng Lo round mulLl-dlglL whole numbers Lo any place.
Numbers and Cperat|ons |n 8ase 1en
Use p|ace va|ue understand|ng and propert|es of operat|on to perform mu|t|-d|g|t ar|thmet|c.
4.N81.4 lluenLly add and subLracL mulLl-dlglL whole numbers uslng Lhe sLandard algorlLhm.

4.N81.S MulLlply a whole number of up Lo four dlglLs by a one-dlglL whole number, and mulLlply Lwo
Lwo-dlglL numbers, uslng sLraLegles based on place value and Lhe properLles of operaLlons.
lllusLraLe and explaln Lhe calculaLlon by uslng equaLlons, recLangular arrays, and/or area
4.N81.6 llnd whole-number quoLlenLs and remalnders wlLh up Lo four-dlglL dlvldends and one-dlglL
dlvlsors, uslng sLraLegles based on place value, Lhe properLles of operaLlons, and/or Lhe
relaLlonshlp beLween mulLlpllcaLlon and dlvlslon. lllusLraLe and explaln Lhe calculaLlon by
uslng equaLlons, recLangular arrays, and/or area models.
Number and Cperat|ons - Iract|ons [||m|ted to fract|ons w|th denom|nators 2,3,4,S, 6, 8, 10, 12, 100)
Numbers and Cperat|ons - Iract|ons
Lxtend understand|ng of fract|ons equ|va|ence and order|ng.
4.NI.1 Lxplaln why a fracLlon '/9 ls equlvalenL Lo a fracLlon (/ ')/(/ 9) by uslng vlsual fracLlon
models, wlLh aLLenLlon Lo how Lhe number and slze of Lhe parLs dlffer even Lhough Lhe Lwo
fracLlons Lhemselves are Lhe same slze. use Lhls prlnclple Lo recognlze and generaLe
equlvalenL fracLlons.
4.NI.2 Compare Lwo fracLlons wlLh dlfferenL numeraLors and dlfferenL denomlnaLors, e.g., by
creaLlng common denomlnaLors or numeraLors, or by comparlng Lo a benchmark fracLlon
such as 1/2. 8ecognlze LhaL comparlsons are valld only when Lhe Lwo fracLlons refer Lo Lhe
same whole. 8ecord Lhe resulLs of comparlsons wlLh symbols >, =, or <, and [usLlfy Lhe
concluslons, e.g., by uslng a vlsual fracLlon model.
Numbers and Cperat|ons - Iract|on
8u||d fract|ons from un|t fract|ons by app|y|ng and extend|ng prev|ous understand|ngs of operat|ons on who|e
4.NI.3 undersLand a fracLlon '/9 wlLh ' > 1 as a sum of fracLlons 1/9.
a. undersLand addlLlon and subLracLlon of fracLlons as [olnlng and separaLlng parLs
referrlng Lo Lhe same whole.
b. uecompose a fracLlon lnLo a sum of fracLlons wlLh Lhe same denomlnaLor ln more
Lhan one way, recordlng each decomposlLlon by an equaLlon. !usLlfy
decomposlLlons, e.g., by uslng a vlsual fracLlon model. ?&'()*%8G 6HI F :HI J :HI J
c. Add and subLracL mlxed numbers wlLh llke denomlnaLors, e.g., by replaclng each
mlxed number wlLh an equlvalenL fracLlon, and/or by uslng properLles of operaLlons
and Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween addlLlon and subLracLlon.
d. Solve word problems lnvolvlng addlLlon and subLracLlon of fracLlons referrlng Lo Lhe
same whole and havlng llke denomlnaLors, e.g., by uslng vlsual fracLlon models and
equaLlons Lo represenL Lhe problem.
4.NI.4 Apply and exLend prevlous undersLandlngs of mulLlpllcaLlon Lo mulLlply a fracLlon by a whole
!" undersLand a fracLlon '/9 as a mulLlple of 1/9. !"# %&'()*%+ 28% ' .-82'* @#'<0-"/
("5%* 0" #%)#%8%/0 MHN '8 01% )#"52<0 M O P:HNQ+ #%<"#5-/, 01% <"/<*28-"/ 9A 01%
%;2'0-"/ MHN F M O P:HNQ>
#" undersLand a mulLlple of '/9 as a mulLlple of 1/9, and use Lhls undersLandlng Lo
mulLlply a fracLlon by a whole number. !"# %&'()*%+ 28% ' .-82'* @#'<0-"/ ("5%* 0"
%&)#%88 6 O PLHMQ '8 R O P:HMQ+ #%<",/-B-/, 01-8 )#"52<0 '8 RHM> PS/ ,%/%#'*+ / O P'H9Q F
P/ O 'QH9>Q
$" Solve word problems lnvolvlng mulLlpllcaLlon of a fracLlon by a whole number, e.g.,
by uslng vlsual fracLlon models and equaLlons Lo represenL Lhe problem. !"#

%&'()*%+ -@ %'<1 )%#8"/ '0 ' )'#0A =-** %'0 6HI "@ ' )"2/5 "@ #"'80 9%%@+ '/5 01%#% =-**
9% M )%")*% '0 01% )'#0A+ 1"= ('/A )"2/58 "@ #"'80 9%%@ =-** 9% /%%5%5T U%0=%%/
=1'0 0=" =1"*% /2(9%#8 5"%8 A"2# '/8=%# *-%T
Numbers and Cperat|ons - Iract|on
Understand dec|ma| notat|on for fract|ons, and compare to dec|ma| fract|ons.
4.NI.S Lxpress a fracLlon wlLh denomlnaLor 10 as an equlvalenL fracLlon wlLh denomlnaLor 100, and
use Lhls Lechnlque Lo add Lwo fracLlons wlLh respecLlve denomlnaLors 10 and 100. [SLudenLs
who can generaLe equlvalenL fracLlons can develop sLraLegles for addlng fracLlons wlLh unllke
denomlnaLors ln general. 8uL addlLlon and subLracLlon wlLh unllke denomlnaLors ln general ls
noL a requlremenL aL Lhls grade.] !"# %&'()*%+ %&)#%88 6H:D '8 6DH:DD+ '/5 '55 6H:D J NH:DD
4.NI.6 use declmal noLaLlon for fracLlons wlLh denomlnaLors 10 or 100. !"# %&'()*%+ #%=#-0% D>RL
'8 RLH:DDK 5%8<#-9% ' *%/,01 '8 D>RL (%0%#8K *"<'0% D>RL "/ ' /2(9%# *-/% 5-',#'(>
4.NI.7 Compare Lwo declmals Lo hundredLhs by reasonlng abouL Lhelr slze. 8ecognlze LhaL
comparlsons are valld only when Lhe Lwo declmals refer Lo Lhe same whole. 8ecord Lhe
resulLs of comparlsons wlLh Lhe symbols >, =, or <, and [usLlfy Lhe concluslons, e.g., by uslng a
vlsual model.
Measurement and Data
Measurement and Data
So|ve prob|ems |nvo|v|ng measurement and convers|on of measurements from a |arger un|t to a sma||er un|t.
4.MD.1 know relaLlve slzes of measuremenL unlLs wlLhln one sysLem of unlLs lncludlng km, m, cm,
kg, g, lb, oz., l, ml, hr, mln, sec. WlLhln a slngle sysLem of measuremenL, express
measuremenLs ln a larger unlL ln Lerms of a smaller unlL. 8ecord measuremenL equlvalenLs ln
a Lwo-column Lable. !"# %&'()*%+ V/"= 01'0 : @0 -8 :L 0-(%8 '8 *"/, '8 : -/> ?&)#%88 01%
*%/,01 "@ ' N @0 8/'V% '8 NI -/> W%/%#'0% ' <"/.%#8-"/ 0'9*% @"# @%%0 '/5 -/<1%8 *-80-/, 01%
/2(9%# )'-#8 P:+ :LQ+ PL+ LNQ+ P6+ 6RQ+ >>>
4.MD.2 use Lhe four operaLlons Lo solve word problems lnvolvlng dlsLances, lnLervals of Llme, llquld
volumes, masses of ob[ecLs, and money, lncludlng problems lnvolvlng slmple fracLlons or
declmals, and problems LhaL requlre expresslng measuremenLs glven ln a larger unlL ln Lerms
of a smaller unlL. 8epresenL measuremenL quanLlLles uslng dlagrams such as number llne
dlagrams LhaL feaLure a measuremenL scale.
4.MD.3 Apply Lhe area and perlmeLer formulas for recLangles ln real world and maLhemaLlcal
problems. !"# %&'()*%+ @-/5 01% =-501 "@ ' #%<0'/,2*'# #""( ,-.%/ 01% '#%' "@ 01% @*""#-/,
'/5 01% *%/,01+ 9A .-%=-/, 01% '#%' @"#(2*' '8 ' (2*0-)*-<'0-"/ %;2'0-"/ =-01 '/ 2/V/"=/
Measurement and Data
kepresent and |nterpret data.
4.MD.4 Make a llne ploL Lo dlsplay a daLa seL of measuremenLs ln fracLlons of a unlL (1/2, 1/4, 1/8).
Solve problems lnvolvlng addlLlon and subLracLlon of fracLlons by uslng lnformaLlon
presenLed ln llne ploLs. !"# %&'()*%+ @#"( ' *-/% )*"0 @-/5 '/5 -/0%#)#%0 01% 5-@@%#%/<% -/
*%/,01 9%0=%%/ 01% *"/,%80 '/5 81"#0%80 8)%<-(%/8 -/ '/ -/8%<0 <"**%<0-"/>
Measurement and Data
Geometr|c measurement: understand concepts of ang|e and measure ang|es.
4.MD.S 8ecognlze angles as geomeLrlc shapes LhaL are formed wherever Lwo rays share a common
endpolnL, and undersLand concepLs of angle measuremenL:
a. An angle ls measured wlLh reference Lo a clrcle wlLh lLs cenLer aL Lhe common
endpolnL of Lhe rays, by conslderlng Lhe fracLlon of Lhe clrcular arc beLween Lhe

polnLs where Lhe Lwo rays lnLersecL Lhe clrcle. An angle LhaL Lurns Lhrough 1/360 of a
clrcle ls called a one-degree angle," and can be used Lo measure angles.
b. An angle LhaL Lurns Lhrough / one-degree angles ls sald Lo have an angle measure of
/ degrees.
4.MD.6 Measure angles ln whole-number degrees uslng a proLracLor. SkeLch angles of speclfled

8ecognlze angle measure as addlLlve. When an angle ls decomposed lnLo non-overlapplng
parLs, Lhe angle measure of Lhe whole ls Lhe sum of Lhe angle measures of Lhe parLs. Solve
addlLlon and subLracLlon problems Lo flnd unknown angles on a dlagram ln real world and
maLhemaLlcal problems, e.g., by uslng an equaLlon wlLh a symbol for Lhe unknown angle
Draw and |dent|fy ||nes and ang|es, and c|ass|fy shapes by propert|es of the|r ||nes and ang|es.
4.G.1 uraw polnLs, llnes, llne segmenLs, rays, angles (rlghL, acuLe, obLuse), and perpendlcular and
parallel llnes. ldenLlfy Lhese ln Lwo-dlmenslonal flgures.
4.G.2 Classlfy Lwo-dlmenslonal flgures based on Lhe presence or absence of parallel or
perpendlcular llnes, or Lhe presence or absence of angles of a speclfled slze. 8ecognlze rlghL
Lrlangles as a caLegory, and ldenLlfy rlghL Lrlangles.
4.G.3 8ecognlze a llne of symmeLry for a Lwo-dlmenslonal flgure as a llne across Lhe flgure such
LhaL Lhe flgure can be folded along Lhe llne lnLo maLchlng parLs. ldenLlfy llne-symmeLrlc
flgures and draw llnes of symmeLry.
CopyrlghL 2010. naLlonal Covernors AssoclaLlon CenLer for 8esL racLlces and Councll of Chlef SLaLe School
Cfflcers. All rlghLs reserved.

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