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Volume 2, Issue 3

August/September Darkriends Guild

The Wheel of Time

Special points of inter- Raid Progression

By Razlaghul, your friendly and our latest healer has dicted, as we get closer to
• Meet one of the guild
neighbor hood tank. left us short on them once the end of the summer
main healers,
Springtime in this again. things are beginning to
issue’s member As all of the articles fall look brighter.
profile. together to make the entire It is the end of the summer
• Razlaghul, our friendly newsletter it echoes the and much like our senior Collectively as a guild our
neighborhood tank, same tune of our raiding officers who have been 25 mans have been going
highlights the guilds scene. The 25 man and raiding for a long time have amazingly. We have
raiding progression
the 10 man raids are all said, summer is always a downed several new
• Long time garment and falling right into place as major speed bump for bosses in the past couple
guild member,
Jacket brings to us summer begins to come weeks and downing
the epic tail, “Of Beef to a close. Group three Razorscale again after
and Chicken.” downed Yogg-Saron for avoiding him for a
• As usual, guild an- the guild first downing month or two. I am per-
nouncements are after a very troubled sonally proud of this
highlighted on the start off months ago. achievement as I was
back page.
the one who stratted out
The same group who the raid placement.
downed Malygos for the (Apologies for tooting
first guild downing of my own horn but I was
that boss, group two, quite proud of all of us.)
INSIDE THIS ISSUE: had its first successful
raid in months. But one Here it goes for all of
Raid Progression Con- 2 group is still hiccupping our new people we
Group 3 is the first group to successfully
tinued a little. Group one, my wouldn't be where we
down Yogg-Saron on 10 man raiding.
Of Beef and Chicken 2 group, has went are without ya. Wel-
through several healers in raiding because people come all of you it is nice to
Guild Member Profile: 3 the past month. All, for see new names and faces.
taking time off, going on
one reason or another, vacation and things of that From Bularon's ridiculous
have disappeared on us nature. However, as pre-
Darkfriends Needs 3 (Continued on page 2)

Guild Announcements 4
Blizzcon Highlights
Of Beef and Chicken 4
Continued By Blondi Cataclysm. Keep an eye out for a new
section on the website
Guild Officer and Con- 4 Friday, August 21st, was Our guild had a few mem-
tact Information featuring a slide show of
an exciting day for gaming bers go personally, with pictures from Blizzcon and
fans across the world as several others accessing screen shots from the live
Blizzcon began, announc- the live feed and keeping feed. We’ll also highlight
ing new classes for Diablo up to date on the live blogs the information released by
3, new changes to Star- found in various places Blizzard regarding the
craft 2 and Badttlenet and online. changes to WOW.
the new WOW expansion,
Page 2 T h e W h e e l o f T im e

Of Beef and Chicken

By Jacket pans, food, bandages, trin- like a slow avalanche to a
kets, his Horde flag, his kneeling position, his huge
It was cold and Jacket could spare set of armor with a head only a few inches from
hear the wind blowing. small chicken perched atop the little chicken.
the helmet, several dead
His head hurt. snakes, a broken lance, “By the Earth Mother,” he
some mining equipment and rumbled, “you can speak?”
He opened his everything was coated with
eyes, the faint a thin layer of vaporized “Oi! Your breath must be
shapes circling bourbon from several ex- one hundred proof!” The
high above his ploded jugs. In the very chicken fluttered backward.
head at first center of the crater lied his “Did the crash rattle your
blurry, then prized red drake, its neck brain? Do you not hear me
sharpening into bent almost double, clearly speaking now?”
the silhouettes of very dead.
protodrakes. “Where did you come
Squinting, he “Wow, we must have been from?”
could just barely going a hundred miles an
make out the hour when we hit the side of The chicken looked horri-
fierce blue that mountain!” Jacket fied. “You mean you don’t
women astride turned to find the speaker remember? You bought me
them. but saw no one. from that lady in the Shim-
mering Flats. You bought
So, he thought, I “Down here you great oaf.” me, then stuck me in your
Jacket grunted, heaved his huge bulk to am on my back at bags and never took me out
his feet and looked around. the base of the again. That was three
He looked down but saw
Temple of Storms. only his spare helmet and a freek’en years ago! At first it
I wonder how I got here? small chicken. The chicken wasn’t so bad in there.
was regarding him with one There were ice cold milk
“Hey guy,” said a small beady little eye, its head and bread or fish to eat but
voice, “That was quite a cocked to the side in the about a year ago you
crash. You all right?” manner of its kind. Then, started eating all kinds weird
very distinctly, the chicken stuff. What exactly is a rav-
Jacket grunted, heaved his spoke. ager dog? And one time I
huge bulk to his feet and had to eat a weird fish be-
looked around. The scene “What’s ‘amata? You never cause it was the only thing
that greeted his eyes looked saw a chicken before?” left and it turned me into a
like the result of a goblin tiny pirate for an hour! Any-
experiment gone awry. He Jacket bent down to get a way, I’m not going back in
was standing in the middle closer look. Like all Tauren, there ever again.”
an impact crater and every- Jacket’s massive frame was
thing he owned was strewn not built for subtlety, so his Jacket looked at the
around like so much bomb mail armor rattled and chicken, then looked at the
debris. There were pots, clanked as lowered himself destruction around him. He

Raid Progression Cont.

(Continued from page 1) morning and you, you can
Blondi was come and kick
afk the other week in 25 shouting at me me in the
man Ulduar, Darkruss' very to get this fin- shins and ill
“As predicted, as we get creepy laugh over vent an- ished so I tried to give ya 10
closer to the end of the other ret pally to rip aggro include as many gold only if
summer things are beginning
off of me, Magmoor, Zarukei of you as I could your really
to look brighter.”
repeatedly asking in raid if WELCOME TO new to the
she's doing good, Shalea a ALL OF YOU!!!! guild. So
very nicely geared holy It will be nice to Rocket don't
priest being a nice addition get to know new come and
to 25 mans. That is not people and new think you can
nearly all of our new mem- faces (P.S. If I try it!)
bers, it is very early in the didn’t include The crazy cat lady of WoW.
V o lu me 2 , Is s u e 3 Page 3

Guild Member Profile: Springtime

By Blondi in WoW is dying. When not Springtime first started play-
playing WoW he can usually ing the game because he
Springtime has been a be seen playing Madden 09, was young and wanted to
member of Darkfriends hanging with friends and in kill people. Since then he
since September of 2007 his words, “doing some has joined Darkfriends be-
and currently holds a posi- pimpin’.” cause his brother Moyder
Where the magic happens.
tion as a guild main healer became a member and the
on his druid. two enjoy gaming together.
His favorite raid boss is
He plays everthing with Hodir in Ulduar. He feels
the exception of a priest that Darkfriends is in a good
and hands down, his place right now, with a good
favorite is the druid. team of officers and a great
His favorite moment in group of members.
WoW is when he
humped a night elf he’d When asked if there was
just killed in cat form…. anything else he’d like to
The screenshot is price- add or share he replied:
“Gerbils?” And “I hate Alli- Springtime and his brother in
As with most anyone, ance.” Washington DC
Springtime humping a Night Elf.
his least favorite moment

Favorite WoW video:

Favorite Wow Guide:

Springtime received World of Warcraft “Jagerbombs.”

for Christmas one year.

Darkfriends Needs YOU!!!

By Blondi and the members list from ing out in this area, please knowledge on setting up a
time to time. contact Blondi in game for website store front, please
Darkfriends is looking for further information. speak with Blondi as we
volunteers for different For the most part, it’s a
will be making Darkfriends
things. The biggest area we simple task that merely In addition, anyone with the Guild merchandise avail-
need assistance in at this requires an occasional ability to do graphics or able very soon.
moment is the forums. check of the forums to make photography, please contact
sure posts are appropriate, Blondi as there are some Thanks!
Blondi is looking for some- old members have posting additional service that may
one who has knowledge rights removed and posts be needed at some point
about moderating forums get moved to their correct and time for different areas
and is willing to help put in areas. of the website.
some time and effort in sort-
ing old posts, applications If you are interested in help- In addition, anyone with
Darkriends Guild
Guild Leader - Belal
Guild Leader's Wife - Jinee
Officer (and Co Guild Lead) - Powerfuloz
Treasurer - Murderburger aka Zarj
• Group 1 would like a shadow priest • A page for the website regarding
Recruitment Officer - Moyder or ret pally. Please speak with our guild members experience at
Officer - Meowcake Belal or Blondi if you are interested Blizzcon will be up shortly.
Forum admin/Guild secretary - Blondi in filling this 10 man raid slot.
Officer - Zouljiin
• The website is undergoing a re-
DKP Officer - Rocketcow
Officer - Disciple
• Group 2 is looking for a tank, a design. While this is occurring,
Officer in Training - Razlaghul healer or two and some DPS, most pages will be viewable cor-
please speak with Murderburger or rectly in high resolution. Lower
Rocketcow for more information. resolution versions will be avail-
able in the future after the redes-
• Group 3 is looking for a resto sha- ign of the main pages is complete. man or a holy pally to fill a healer slot for late night 10 man raid spot. • If you would like to contribute to
Please speak with Disciple, Jacket the newsletter, please contact
or Strulla for more information. Blondi.

Of Beef and Chicken Cont.

straightened and sighed. chicken he grinned, though and the resurrected drake “Ah, I don’t know, I think I’ll
he was careful to hide it stepped out of a column of just perch up on your hump
“Well, if your not going back before the chicken could white light, leaving its old instead.”
in the bags, then help me see. Soon, between the two bones behind.
clean this up. We will be late of them, they had gathered “My what?!”
to our group to investigate all of Jacket’s belongings The drake looked dazedly
Ulduar.” around for a moment, fo- “Uh, oh I mean your, uh,
cused on Jacket and then your back . . . thing. Oh,
*SQUAWK* promptly attempted to bite right up here.” The chicken
him. Jacket dodge then fluttered up and settled on
“After three years in your slugged the drake in the Jacket’s hump, right behind
bags all you have to say is nose. Taking advantage of his head. “See. I can get a
‘Help me clean up this the drake’s renewed daze, good grip on your mane
mess’? I aught to box your he fished around in this here.”
ears! Why the nerve you bags and found a large
have, it’s unbelievable.” chunk of mammoth. He “Fine.” Jacket sent a quick
offered it to the drake and burst of flame into the pile of
Jacket, who had been pick- the beast quickly swallowed broken belongings and then
ing things up and returning it up. The drake snuggled mounted the drake. The
them to his bags while the “Don’t get all bent out of up against Jacket, making a drake vaulted upwards,
chicken was speaking, shape!” noise that would have been wings spread like hands to
turned slowly and stared. purring if it had not sounded grip cerulean sky and they
He flexed his massive fists; and piled the things that like a Gnomish steam en- renewed their flight toward
leather, mail and flesh were too broken to be gine stuck in low gear. Ulduar.
creaked. Arcs of cyan elec- burned. Finally, they turned
tricity gathered about his their attention the dead, and “Well chicken, if you are not “Hooray,” crowed the
fists and an ominous crack- now frozen, drake. going back in the bags then chicken, “Off to Ulduar on
ling filled the winter air. I suggest you fly up and sit the Warchief’s business.
Jacket eyed the drake then on my shoulder. We need to This is so exciting!”
“Okay, okay,” squawked the sighed. It couldn’t be get going or we will be late.”
chicken hurriedly, “Don’t get helped. He would have to “We have to stop at
bent out of shape!” The resurrect the thing. He The chicken eyed Jackets Grom’arsh Crash site first. I
chicken quickly seized the reached deep within him- shoulder armor with its hear they have a delicious
end of the closest thing, a self, down to the connection spikes, skulls and the draft lager that is so good it
broken lance, in its beak with the Earth Mother from strange blue energy welling makes you float.”
and began to drag it over to which all shamanistic power from deep within. “What’s
Jacket. “Mmph. Hreer, shee, flowed. Green light welled that blue stuff coming off it “Oh no, you’re gonna get
aam ‘elping” between his fingers, swirling like that?” drunk and we’re gonna
like leaves in a tempest. He crash again aren’t we?”
Jacket turned around with- let the power build for a few “Uh? Oh I don’t know, it’s
out comment. As soon as seconds then released it magic I suppose.” “Shut up chicken.”
his back was facing the

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