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The following points must be covered in a research proposal document.

(This is according to the mail Sneha Iyer had sent for MR assignment) 1. ro!ect "ac#ground $. Research %b!ective &. Research 'esign ( Methodology ( Sample 'esign ( )uestionnaire design* info areas ( +nalysis lan ,. Time- .ost / effort estimate 0. +nne1ture (issue tree) Sample: How to Write a Research Proposal Framework of the Research Proposal + research proposal is a written document that includes the following information2 3 Summary of prior literature. 3 Identification of research topic and research 4uestions. 3 Specification of procedure to be followed to answer research 4uestions. The purpose of your proposal is to sell your idea by showing you have thought it through very carefully and have planned a good research study. There are three ma!or sections of a research proposal- although the e1act headings can vary2 II. Introduction II. Method III. 'ata +nalysis I. The introduction section of your proposal. 5 5 The purpose of this section is to introduce your research idea- establish its importance (i.e.- you want to 6sell7 it to your reader)- and e1plain its significance. 8low of the introduction2 3 Start with a general introduction that 5 defines the research topic. 5 demonstrates its importance. 3 Then review the relevant literature. 3 This review should lead directly into a statement of the purpose of the study and your research 4uestions.

II. The method section of your proposal. 5 5 This provides a written description of the specific actions- plan- or strategy you will ta#e to answer your research 4uestions. It includes information about your proposed 3 Research participants 3 'esign 3 +pparatus or instruments- and 3 rocedure.

Participants The subsection of the method section entitled participants should provide a written description of the individuals who will participate in your research study and how they will be recruited. "e sure to specify the following2 Their demographic characteristics such as age and gender. Inclusion and e1clusion criteria you will use. +ny inducements for participation you plan to use. 9here they are located. Desi n In this subsection of the method section- entitled 6'esign- you present your plan or strategy to be used to investigate your research 4uestions. 5 5 :ou must include a separate design section if your design is complicated; otherwise you can put in your procedure section. The following is included in the design section2 3 Type of design and design layout of your study (e.g.- you might use a pretest<posttest control<group design). 3 'escription of all the variables being e1amined in your study. 3 'escription of how your variables are to be combined. 3 'escription of the points of measurement and manipulation in the design.

!pparatus and"or Instruments In this subsection of the method section you describe any apparatus and or instruments you propose to use in your research study. The following information should be included2 3 3 3 3 3 =eneral description of the apparatus or instruments. >ariables measured by instruments. Reliability and validity of instruments. 9hy the instruments or apparatus are used. Reference indicating where apparatus or instruments can be obtained.

Procedure In this subsection of the method section of your proposal- you carefully describe how your study will be e1ecuted. 5 The following information should be included in the procedure section2 3 + description of the design if it was not previously described. 3 + detailed step<by<step description of how the study will be e1ecuted. The reader should #now e1actly what you intend to do after reading this description. It should include enough information to tell the reader how to do the study if he or she wanted to replicate it. III. The data analysis section of your proposal describes e1actly how you propose to analy?e the data you plan on collecting. In a 4uantitative study- you will use some type of statistical analysis. :ou need to specify those analyses. In a 4ualitative study- there is no one or 6right7 way of analy?ing the data. :ou must e1plain the approach you propose to use and !ustify its use. In general- 4ualitative analysis will involve coding and searching for relationships and patterns in 4ualitative data. +n abstract is re4uired in completed research studies; it is an optional section in a research proposal. :ou will need to determine if one is needed in your case. The elements of the abstract will include the following2 .oncise statement of research hypothesis or research 4uestions. Statement of e1pected number and characteristics of participants. "rief summary of procedure or way data will be collected. "rief statement of how will analy?e results. +bstract is optional in proposals.

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