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Solar eclipses occur when the moon is located in a position between the Earth and the Sun so that cover part or all of the sun's light . Although the moon is smaller , the shadow of the Moon is able to protect the sun light as the Moon completely within an average distance of 384 400 kilometers from Earth closer than the Sun which have an average distance of 149,680,000 kilometers . When the eclipse is in progress , Muslims who saw or knew the eclipse eclipse disunnahkan to perform salat ( prayer khusuf ) .

Type Solar Eclipse Solar Eclipse can be divided into four types: total eclipse occurs when the peak time of the eclipse , the Sun disc covered entirely by the disk of the Moon. At that time , the Moon disc as large or larger than the disk of the Sun . The size of the disc of the Sun and the Moon 's own disc vary depending on the individual and the Earth-Moon distance Earth-Sun . partial eclipse occurs when the disk of the Moon ( when the eclipse peak ) only cover part of the disc of the Sun. In this eclipse , there is always a part of the Sun disc that is not covered by a disk of the Moon . ring eclipse occurs when the moon disc ( when the eclipse peak ) only cover part of the disc of the Sun. This type of eclipse occurs when the size of the disk of the Moon is smaller than the disk of the Sun. So that when the Moon is in front of the disk of the sun disk , not the entire disk of the Sun will be covered by a disk of the Moon . The sun disc portion that is not covered by a disk of the Moon , the Moon is in the disc around and looks like a glowing ring . hybrid eclipse shifts between a total eclipse and ring . At some point in the earth's surface , the eclipse appears as a total eclipse , whereas at other points appear as a ring eclipse . Hybrid eclipses are relatively rare .

Observing the Solar Eclipse Look directly into the sun 's photosphere ( light ring part of the Sun ) , although only a few seconds can result in permanent damage to the eye's retina due to high radiation invisible emitted from the photosphere . The damage caused can lead to blindness . Observe the solar eclipse requires special eye protection , or by using the indirect method of viewing . Glass eye sunglasses are not safe to use because it does not filter out infrared radiation which can damage the retina of the eye . Due to the rapid circulation of the Earth around the sun , the solar eclipse could not have lasted more than 7 minutes and 58 seconds so if you want to see it done as soon as possible .

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