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Feasting on Prosperity
Frances Hunter

Internet Edition

Prosperity is one of the most exciting areas of the Bible to study because it speaks to just about everyone right in their immediate area of need. You can go to any type of hristian gathering and ask! "#o$ many out there need a financial miracle%&! and a sea of hands $ill $ave all over the auditorium. 'ither the people of (od don)t have enough money! or they are not managing $ell the money they do have. *hey need to be taught the principles $hich you are going to feast on throughout this book. +t is hard to believe that people debate $hether or not (od $ants #is people to prosper. ,ome believe (od $ants you poor! and the poorer you are! the more spiritual you are. *hat is $rong thinking. -o$here in the Bible does (od say "+ $ant you to live in lack and have mountains of debt so you can be holy.& . life of poverty does not make anyone holy/ it means there is less money available for the body of hrist to use in reaching the $orld for 0esus1 (od has so much to say about prosperity that both the 2ld *estament and the -e$

*estament are full of instructions on ho$ to receive financial blessings. 4hen hristians really develop the right thinking! there is going to be a transfer of $ealth in the body of hrist $hich $ill knock ,atan over. +t takes money to do $hat (od $ants done. 4hen you apply (od)s principles! you are going to get right in the middle of (od)s $ill for prosperity1 5rances #unter

The Three Components of Prosperity

.re you ready for one of the most profitable spiritual feasts that you have ever had% Prosperity is an area $here there are often people $ho are starving rather than feasting. *he body of hrist probably has more problems in the area of prosperity than in any other area of their life. 4hat + really believe is that $e have more problems in giving this area to God than $e do anything else. #ave you ever said! "(od! + can trust You $ith my soul. + can trust You $ith my life. + can trust You $ith my healing. + can trust You $ith my marriage. + can trust You $ith my children! but +)m going to hang on

to my o$n money1 +)ve got to manage every single penny of it because it)s all spoken for1& 4hen you are $orried about having enough money just to get by on! your mind says! "+ need to stay in control.& 4hen your bills are not being paid! and you believe there is al$ays something just around the corner that is going to rob you as soon as you start to get ahead! your thinking becomes clouded. ,o + $ant to retrain your thinking. + $ant to sho$ you the secret of prosperity! because it is so simple. *he first step is for you to kno$ that! $hatever your financial status is right no$! Gods prosperity is for you. 4hen + $as a student in school! + learned the basics of 'nglish grammar. *he subject of a sentence is $hat the sentence is about. Prosperity is the subject not only of that little sentence! but it is the subject of a great deal of the $ord of (od. .ccept in your thinking that prosperity is a good thing. Prosperity is attainable by the people of (od. Prosperity is a blessing (od $ants you to possess. ,econdly! in that sentence! (od)s prosperity is for you, $hat is the destination for that prosperity% +ts destination is you.

You are to be the object! the recipient! the holder of prosperity. -o$ let)s add the emphasis that is going to change your thinking. (od)s prosperity is for you. 4hen you put the emphasis on (od! you should feel a little leap inside your spirit. .ll three $ords $orking together 8 God! prosperity! and you 8 are the ans$er to prosperity. 4hen you put the emphasis on (od! it takes the pressure off of you. (od is not in debt. (od is not searching for a ne$ job. Psalms 69:19 says! For every beast of the forest is Mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills. +f (od)s prosperity is for you! and if #e o$ns the cattle on a thousand hills! $ith the price of beef being $hat it is today! that means your 5ather is pretty $ealthy! doesn)t it% But your 5ather not only o$ns the cattle on a thousand hills! #e o$ns the hills! #e o$ns the grass that is on the hills! and #e o$ns everything that is underneath the hills. .ll the riches that lie on or beneath the earth $ere put there during the time of creation! to bless (od)s people until 0esus returns. +f sinners have gotten hold of some of it! don)t $orry ; (od has plans that $ill be fulfilled

in days to come. Prosperity is intended and set aside for you! (od)s child.

Prosperity by Design
*he subject of prosperity actually began in the book of (enesis. 4hen (od created the heavens and the earth! and $hen #e created .dam and 've and placed them in the (arden of 'den! #e gave them everything! didn)t #e% #e gave them every form of provision they $ould ever need for a beautiful and fruitful life. #e gave them dominion over the fouls of the air. #e gave them dominion over the creatures of the sea. #e gave them authority and o$nership over everything that existed in the earth. 4hat did (od have in mind $hen #e created a human being from the dust of the earth! and breathed life into him! and then gave to this ne$ly created human such incredible provision and o$nership of every living thing% (od $anted fello$ship. #e $anted a family. #e $anted these ne$ human creatures to be his very o$n children! and #e $anted the very best for #is children. =o you think (od $ould place his supreme creation! .dam! in the earth and breathe #is

o$n breath of life into him! and then point out to him that he $as on his o$n from that time forth% an you picture (od creating .dam in one of the desolate places of the earth and saying! "4ell! .dam! + hope you)ll be ok out there in the $ilderness/ maybe you can find a fe$ li?ards in the sand to eat. 4atch out for the lions! they feed in the evening! and they have a preference for humans. 4hen you $ant a drink of $ater! just keep searching and! one day! you might find a pool $ith a little muddy $ater left in it.& You $ouldn)t bring your children into the $orld and not provide for them! and neither $ould (od1 (od brought .dam and 've into existence in a garden that $as intended to be a utopia. *here has never been any habitation on earth that $as as complete and perfect as the (arden of 'den. (od provided all the fresh $ater they needed! every kind of delicious food from trees and plants! and all the beauty and peace of absolute perfection. *here $as no lack of anything they $ould ever have needed/ and + believe if they actually did discover some need in their life! (od $ould have immediately provided it. #e $anted to $alk in the cool of

the day $ith his children! and enjoy their children and their children)s children. 4hy $ould #e $ant any of the gro$ing family #e $as anticipating to think #e $as stingy% .dam and 've had it all. *hen! through disobedience! they ruined the beautiful! abundant life (od had provided them. But (od is never taken by surprise! and #e had a plan. (od is Aove. #e never stops loving us! in spite of $hat $e do. .fter man sinned! (od laid do$n some la$s concerning prosperity. *he beautiful thing about the la$s of prosperity is that they can only do good for you. 'very one of (od)s la$s is for your good and for your benefit. (od is kind. #e is generous. #e $ants to re$ard and heap prosperity on those $ho pay attention to his la$s. 4hen (od first began to speak to me about prosperity! it $as in the book of =euteronomy. *hese la$s $ere given to Boses! but they are eternal la$s. 4hen 0oshua became leader of +srael! the la$s $ere still in effect. .ll the $ay through the 2ld and -e$ *estaments! up to today! and until 0esus returns! (od)s la$s of prosperity $ill remain effective.

The Blessing of Obedience

+n =euteronomy >! (od $as talking to Boses! and #e said! Every commandment which I command you today you must be careful to observe, that you may live and multiply, notice what !e says ne"t# and go in and possess the land of which the $ord swore to your fathers. (od told Boses that #e had not changed #is plans. *he land $hich had been promised to their fathers no$ rightfully belonged to the ne$ generation. #o$ever! there $ould be enemies $ho $ould $ithstand them! and they $ould need supernatural help $hen they $ent in to claim the territory. *he people $ould have to have an obedient relationship $ith the Aord in order to possess the promise. (od $ants us to have everything that rightfully belongs to us. 4e! too! have enemies $e $ill have to overcome! and $e must look to (od)s $ord to provide us $ith instructions on ho$ to receive #is promises. % &nd you shall remember that the $ord your God led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you and test you, to 'now what was in your heart,

whether you would 'eep !is commandments or not. (od kno$s $hat is in your heart. You cannot fool (od. You can)t say! "-o$! (od! +)m being obedient to you!& and then turn around and live in sin or careless disregard for (od)s $ord. 4hen the +sraelites $ere in the $ilderness! (od kne$ $hich ones had a disobedient! rebellious heart and $hich ones $ere committed to serve and honor #im. #e kne$ $hich ones trusted #im and $hich ones believed only in $hat they could see $ith their eyes. Cight no$! as #e $atchfully considers each one of us! #e kno$s if there is anything that needs to be brought out in the open so it can be dealt $ith. ( )o !e humbled you, allowed you to hunger, and fed you with manna D'ven though (od allo$ed them to experience hunger for some of the things they $ere used to! #e still fed them abundantlyE which you did not 'now nor did your fathers 'now, that !e might ma'e you 'now that man shall not live by bread alone* but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the $ord.


God s !ife is in His "ord

#o$ do $e live% .re $e truly living $hen $e shuffle through each day $ith no ?eal! no purpose! no heart of praise and thanksgiving% .re $e living $hen all of our thoughts and energy are consumed $ith $here the next dollar is coming from and ho$ fast it)s going to go% -o one can enjoy life that $ay1 (od $ants every one of us to enjoy life. #o$ can $e do it% 4e live and enjoy life not by bread ; or possessions ; alone! but by every $ord that proceeds out of the mouth of (od. +n (od)s $ord is purpose. +n (od)s $ord is life. +n (od)s $ord is hope! direction and enthusiasm for each day! every day. (od)s $ord is given to us! first! to provide all $e need to enjoy life ; and then to take us beyond ourselves! $hich brings us to higher levels of truly living an abundant life. 4hy does (od place such emphasis on obeying #is $ord% (od doesn)t say just to obey the *en ommandments. *he commandments are the basis for living a life that glorifies (od! but #is $ord contains much more than commandments. *here is

good reason for (od to $ant us to meditate on #is $ord day and night. =o you reali?e that every scripture is (od8breathed% 2 *imothy 3:17 says that &ll )cripture is given by inspiration of God. +n the (reek! the $ord inspired comes from the compound $ord! +heopneustros! $hich means "(od8breathed.& *he breath that (od breathed into .dam)s body of dust and brought it to vibrant life is the same breath that #e breathed into every $ord in the Bible. *his is $hy (od)s $ord is alive1 *he breath of #is life flo$s right into you from every page of (od)s $ord. 4hether you hear #is $ord spoken in a church or seminar! $hether it comes to you through your eyes reading it! or $hether it comes out of your lips $hen you speak it ; real life! vibrant faith! unshakable belief comes to you by the $ord of (od. #is living $ord is given to you so that you might truly prosper as you obey $hat (od speaks to you.

Prosperity in #our Possessions

+ love $hat (od did for the +sraelites $hen they $ere out there $andering around for forty years. *heir life of slavery in 'gypt

had not provided them $ith a very extensive $ardrobe! and there $ere no places for them to shop for ne$ clothes in the $ilderness! so (od extended the life of the clothes they $ere $earing $hen they left 'gypt. =euteronomy >:3 says! ,our garments did not wear out on you, nor did your foot swell these forty years. ,ome of you might have a thing or t$o in your closet that is forty years old! but did you ever stop to think that! if you had been in that group of people as a little child! your clothes $ould have gro$n right along $ith you1 Your shoes $ould have increased in si?e along $ith your foot! and you $ould not have gotten s$ollen! blistered feet1 + remember one time $hen + lived in ,t. Aouis! Bissouri! and a group of us teenagers $alked home from Belleville! +llinois! $hich is about seventeen miles. 4e had to $alk across a municipal bridge and mile after mile of hot pavement. By the time $e got home! my feet $ere so blistered and s$ollen that + couldn)t $alk for days! and neither could anybody else that $as on that hike. But for forty years! the children of (od $alked and $alked and never had a blister. (od is able to send prosperity to any situation1

4hen harles and + $ere married! $e bought a ne$ set of sheets for our bed. 4e both had a lot of sheets and pillo$ cases from our individual homes/ but because $e had our bedroom redone in red velvet! $e thought it $ould be really exciting to have some matching sheets! so $e $ent shopping and picked out a set of red satin sheets. 4e loved to sleep on those sheets because they $ere nice and cool to lie do$n on! and $e felt they $ere the most comfortable sheets in the $orld. Year after year! $e never took any of the other sheets out of the closet. 4hen + got up in the morning! + $ould take the sheets off our bed and thro$ them into the $ashing machine! transfer them to the dryer! and put them right back on the bed. You $ould think those satin sheets $ould have $orn out after being $ashed hundreds and hundreds of times1 But they $ere as beautiful $hen $e finally redecorated our bedroom as they $ere the first day $e bought them. 4hy% -ecause thy raiment wa"ed not old upon thee. + am al$ays so thrilled $hen (od kno$s the most intimate desires of my heart. #e gave special prosperity to our sheets because #e kne$ ho$ much $e enjoyed them! and #e extended their natural sheet

life for many! many years beyond the ordinary. Bany times! $e think that to prosper $e need to have a lot more money. But (od has the ability to stretch the life of things so that you don)t have to spend the money to replace $hat $ould normally $ear out. harles and + also had a set of bath to$els that $e used for years and years $ithout ever taking any other to$els out of the closet. 4hen the to$els $e enjoyed using got dirty! they $ent into the $asher and dryer and then right back onto the to$el racks in the bathroom. 4e never did $ear out that set of to$els. (od has the ability to stretch the life of your clothes! to stretch the life of your shoes! to stretch the life of everything that you have in your home. Bany people have $ondered over the years $hether + have a lot of clothes. *hey are often ama?ed $hen + come back the next year! and the year after! and +)m still $earing clothes they have seen before. 4hen + shop! + pick out dresses that + like! and the next year + still like them! so (od blesses me by extending the life of my dresses. + suppose $hen they get to the point $here + feel they look old! + might give them

a$ay or thro$ them a$ay! but + really haven)t found a dress yet that + felt got old. *hey all go into the $ashing machine ; all those long dresses of mine go in the $asher ; $eek after $eek! but they don)t $ear out. (od has the ability to maintain your prosperity in many areas $hich $ill be a blessing to you. + believe that (od $ill bless the life of your car! the appliances in your home! or keep your home safe from disaster! as a form of your prosperity. #e has the ability to make everything you have last a long time.

The !o$e of a Father Has E%pectations

=euteronomy >:687 begins to outline some of (od)s conditions for prosperity: ,ou should 'now in your heart that as a man chastens his son! so the $ord your God chastens you. +herefore you shall 'eep the commandments of the $ord your God, to wal' in !is ways and to fear !im. 4e! as natural parents! do not re$ard our children for disobedience. 4e $ant them to gro$ into loving adults and good citi?ens $ith strong character. ,o $e let them kno$ $hat $e expect of them. +t $ould be $rong

of us to let our children gro$ up doing anything and everything that came into their immature minds! $ithout ever correcting them. (od has a commitment to help us to gro$ into better hristians! and #e loves us enough to correct us $hen $e are $rong. #e $ill not re$ard foolishness and rebellion. .re you $alking in the fear and reverence for (od that #e reFuires% =o you believe there are re$ards that (od has $aiting for you% 2ne thing (od $anted to do $as encourage the children of +srael by letting them kno$ $hat $as ahead for them if they chose to obey #im. *hey had been living as slaves in 'gypt. ,laves $ho made bricks of mud and $ho $orked in the fields of the 'gyptians did not eat from the tables of their masters. *hey received meager portions of the poorest Fuality grains and rotted fruit that the 'gyptians $ould not feed their o$n families. (od sa$ $hat they had lacked! and #e $anted to lead #is people to a life of abundance. Gerses <8@ describe $hat #e $as preparing for them: For the $ord your God is bringing you into a good land, a land of broo's of water, of fountains and springs, that flow out of valleys and hills* a land of wheat and

barley, of vines and of trees and pomegranates, a land of olive oil and honey* a land in which you will eat bread without scarcity, in which you will lac' nothing* a land whose stones are iron and out of whose hills you can dig copper. +f people $ould just believe that (od is not a (od of lack! and that #e is a (od of abundance! their faith for prosperity $ould gro$ by leaps and bounds. 0ust look at $hat the Aord $anted #is people to look for$ard to receiving: a land $ith plenty of fresh $ater flo$ing every$here! a land of the finest grains and fresh! plump fruits for their table! a land $here their children $ould not go to bed hungry! and $here they $ould not lack anything. 4e $ould be concerned if our children $ere not eating properly! $ould $e not% (od $as moved $ith compassion $hen #is people $ere mistreated! over$orked! and given insufficient food and $ater by their taskmasters. 4hen #e sent Boses to lead them out from those conditions! + believe (od literally could hardly $ait to see his people planted in a land $here they could enjoy everything they had been deprived of for hundreds of years. =oes that not make your faith leap! to kno$ that (od truly

$ants our lives to overflo$ $ith #is goodness% + $ant you to notice that! $hen (od)s people arrived in the land of abundance! #e also $as going to provide materials to make life productive and satisfying. Bany of those $ho had been confined to back8breaking and monotonous tasks $ere gifted and talented craftsmen. (od let them kno$ that this land $ould be full of iron and copper for them to craft into useful tools and beautiful ornaments. People $ould be allo$ed to use their (od8given talents to bring joy and satisfaction to their lives! as $ell as to provide a means of increasing their prosperity. Bany times! people have a $rong idea about prosperity. *hey think (od is going to rain prosperity do$n on them like .pril sho$ers. Hsually (od $ill give you inspirational ideas! $isdom for $itty inventions! and sound financial abilities to help increase and manage your finances. #e $ill give you divine connections and lead you to open doors. .ll are examples of (od)s po$er $orking to help you gro$ prosperous. 2nce (od)s children $ent into the promised land and possessed it! there $ould

be a time of rest and refreshing! and then they $ould discover resources all around them to build and invent and improve their environment.

& Than'ful Heart Blesses God

Gerse 19 says! .hen you have eaten and are full, then you shall bless the $ord your God for the good land which !e has given you. 4ould you sit do$n at a banFuet table! hosted by a ruler of high authority! eat your fill and take home gifts and delicacies for your family! and fail to thank your host% +n other $ords! don)t be rude to a loving (od and 5ather. =on)t take your blessings for granted. *hank #im for $herever you are! for $hatever you have. *hank (od for the house you live in. *hank (od for the apartment you live in. *hank (od for the city you live in! for the country you live in. *hank #im! thank #im! thank #im ; bless the Aord for the good land $hich #e has given you. 'ven if you are not $here you $ant to be just no$! if you can see to read this page! you have something priceless to be thankful for. +f you have a mind to dream of a better future! you have a precious gift. +f

you can turn your head or raise your hand and greet a loved one $ith a smile or a $ave! thank (od continually. =euteronomy >:11816 continues: -eware that you do not forget the $ord your God by not 'eeping !is commandments, !is /udgments, and !is statutes which I command you today, lest 0 when you have eaten and are full, and have built beautiful houses and dwell in them* and when your herds and your floc's multiply, and your silver and your gold are multiplied, and all that you have is multiplied* when your heart is lifted up, and you forget the $ord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage* who led you through that great and terrible wilderness, in which were fiery serpents and scorpions and thirsty land where there was no water* who brought water for you out of the flinty roc'* who fed you in the wilderness with manna, which your fathers did not 'now, that !e might humble you and that !e might test you, to do you good in the end1 ,o many times! $hen $e are poor! or in debt! or attempting to rise out of lack! $e cry out! "2h (od1 2h (od1 Bless me1 Prosper me1

Prosper me! oh! (od! and $hen + have a lot of money! + $ill do this or that for you.& *hen $e hear the $ord of (od! and $e believe/ $e use our faith! and $e begin to receive the blessings $e asked for. 4e pay off those debts and get a ne$ television and a ne$ car and begin shopping for a bigger house in a better neighborhood. (od kno$s human nature. #e pleaded $ith #is people thousands of years ago! to not forget #im $hen they came out of their poverty into the land of milk and honey. #e reminded them of the tender love #e had sho$n to them and all the miracles #e had done in order to provide for their needs. (od should not have to remind us of our blessings. #e shouldn)t have to plead $ith us to remember #im. #e $ants us to just look up to the heavens spontaneously and say! "2h 5ather! + am so grateful for You. You are so good. *hank You for such $onderful $ays that You have taken care of me. + just $ant to praise You $ith all my heart and soul1& Gerse 1< is one of caution. +t says! then you say in your heart, 2My power and the might of my hand have gained me this wealth.

#aven)t you heard people say those very $ords% +n these days! it is said more like! "2h! $o$! +)m smart. + did this great business deal. + $ent into that big corporation and talked to the boss! and he gave me everything + $anted. My power Dmy talentE and the might of my hand Dmy kno$ledgeE have gained me this wealth.3

God (esists the Proud

*here is a little story in =aniel 3:2>833 that has al$ays fascinated me. Iing -ebuchadne??ar $as reigning over Babylon in great po$er and prosperity! and he became lifted up in pride and failed to give (od glory. &t the end of the twelve months he was wal'ing about the royal palace of -abylon. +he 'ing spo'e, saying, "+s not this great -abylon, that I have built for a royal dwelling by my mighty power and for the honor of my ma/esty43 .hile the word was still in the 'ings mouth, a voice fell from heaven5 67ing 8ebuchadne99ar, to you it is spo'en5 the 'ingdom has departed from you: &nd they shall drive you from men, and your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field. +hey

shall ma'e you eat grass li'e o"en* and seven times shall pass over you, until you 'now that the Most !igh rules in the 'ingdom of men, and gives it to whomever !e chooses.& +hat very hour the word was fulfilled concerning 8ebuchadne99ar* he was driven from men and ate grass li'e o"en* his body was wet with the dew of heaven till his hair had grown li'e eagles feathers and his nails li'e birds claws. .nd at the end of the time +! -ebuchadne??ar! lifted my eyes to heaven! and my understanding returned to me/ and + blessed the Bost #igh and praised and honored #im $ho lives forever: 5or #is dominion is an everlasting dominion! and #is kingdom is from generation to generation. +t $as al$ays incredulous to me to visuali?e a rich and po$erful king out in the fields eating grass like the oxen! not for just a fe$ days but for seven years. + don)t ever $ant to be in a position $here (od resists me! do you% *he $ay to have (od bless you and not resist you is appreciate #im and give #im the glory for $hat #e has done. 4ouldn)t it be much better for your success to be shared $ith others as a $itness to

(od)s love and faithfulness than for (od to have to remove you from your position of prosperity and influence%

God is )ot an *nfit Parent

#ere is a verse + $ant you to memori?e. =euteronomy >:1>: &nd you shall remember the $ord your God, for it is !e who gives you power to get wealth. (od kno$s $hat your talents are. #e kno$s $hat kind of debt you have. #e kno$s if your children are lacking anything/ and #e $ants to lead you right into the land of milk and honey. +t is #e $ho gives you po$er to get $ealth! because you are #is child and #e $ants you to have the best of everything. Aet)s finish that verse: &nd you shall remember the $ord your God, for it is !e who gives you power to get wealth, that !e may establish !is covenant which !e swore to your fathers, as it is this day. (od)s covenant $as that #e $ould be responsible to provide for every need for #is people for as long as they lived! if they $ould obey #im. +f (od)s people did seek #im and did their best to live as #e told them to! #e $as bound by his $ord to

provide all of their needs! forever. (od $anted other nations to see ho$ $ell #e took care of #is children. #e $anted the enemies of #is people to see #is favor all over them. #o$ $ould it look if you had a son or daughter $ho al$ays tried to please you and never caused you any trouble! and you dressed them in dirty rags! sent them to school $ithout any pencils or paper or lunch money! and fed them only $atered do$n broth every night for dinner% +n this day and time! local authorities $ould soon be knocking on your door to investigate and see if you $ere fit to keep your children. #o$ can anyone believe that (od treats #is children like the unfit earthly parents $hose children are taken a$ay from them% #o$ can any hristian believe that (od $ants them to be in poverty% .s you read through this book! + $ant you to be so convinced of (od)s love for you and #is over$helming desire to bless you that you $ill claim your blessings! ask (od to send your angels to get to $ork on your behalf! and trust (od and thank #im for everything #e is going to do for you! even if you don)t see it yet.

#o$ can (od give us anything good if $e don)t believe in #is goodness% +f you have ever put (od in the same class as a child abuser $ho doesn)t meet the basic needs of their children! + $ant you to repent right this moment! and tell #im ho$ much you love #im and trust #im! and then thank #im! thank #im! thank #im.

& Promise "e Don t "ant to (ecei$e

*here is a promise for those $ho do not recogni?e (od)s hand in their life or thank #im for his goodness. =euteronomy >:1@ is a solemn $arning: +hen it shall be, if you by any means forget the $ord your God, and follow other gods, and serve them and worship them, I testify against you this day that you shall surely perish. *hose $ho lift themselves up in pride because they have gained great $ealth and $ho boast of all their self8made success have forgotten (od. *hey have made money their god or looked to things money can buy as idols in their life. .s surely as (od has spoken! they are going to perish.

*he promise to the proud and the $icked is one from $hich $e can escape if $e are obedient and thankful. =on)t forget the Aord $ho loves you and has given you increase and abundance. =on)t grieve #im $ith an ungrateful heart. 4hen you receive your promotion! or $hatever means (od uses to multiply your finances! don)t be ashamed to say! "(od did it1 + give #im all the praise and glory1& +f you can believe that (od $ill give you po$er to get $ealth! and then you see #im at $ork in your life to bring you to a ne$ level of prosperity! don)t you think it)s time to get do$n on your knees and thank #im for it% (od said! "Be careful& and "Be$are& of forgetting the Aord in your prosperity. *hose $ords are strong $arnings that there are traps and dangers ahead. You may feel that you $ould never $orship other gods and that you $ould never follo$ evil $ays. But (od kno$s ho$ Fuickly someone can change a life of prayer and praise and dependence on #im! over to pride and haughtiness $hen they have reached a point of financial abundance. (od simply $ants to protect us from the love of money. #e $ants to protect us from temptations that could soil

our integrity. #e $ants to protect us from having an ego problem and turning a$ay from our first love! the Aord 0esus hrist.

Prere+uisites for Prosperity

=id you kno$ that there are prereFuisites for (ods) prosperity% Bany times $e take a verse of scripture out of context! and $e believe that just because $e confess and believe that one verse! that is going to mean (od)s true prosperity $ill be ours. +n doing so! $e fail to receive the real blessings (od has for us! $hich go beyond finances. + think it is interesting that prosperity begins in the 2ld *estament and goes all the $ay through the Psalms! Proverbs and the Prophets and then all the $ay through the -e$ *estament and ends up $ith (od in heaven surrounded $ith gold and diamonds! rubies and pearls! and fabulous je$els beyond our imagination. (od is ever conscious of #is children and their need to prosper. #e desires to develop the $hole person! ho$ever! not just their bank account. + $ant to sho$ you some of the prereFuisites of prosperity that are mentioned in the 2ld *estament. You might have heard someone say! "*he 2ld

*estament $as replaced by the -e$ *estament.& -o! the -e$ *estament revealed 0esus! $ho came to fulfill the 2ld *estament. *he 2ld *estament lays a foundation $hich portrays the heart of a $ise and loving heavenly 5ather. *he 2ld *estament reveals (od)s nature and human nature! and the conflict bet$een the t$o. *he 2ld *estament depicts a (od $ho re$ards good and punishes evil. +t reveals (od)s longing to love and to bless us! and #is constant cry for #is people to call on #im! trust #im and obey #im. 0esus preached the 2ld *estament and demonstrated in the flesh the 5ather)s love. +f (od)s heart is first revealed in the 2ld *estament! and later demonstrated by 0esus! $e can rely on the fact that (od has not changed. 4e can learn from $hat $as revealed to .dam! .braham and Boses! =avid! ,olomon! and the prophets. ,ome of the greatest truths of history and most notable $ords of (od are recorded in the 2ld *estament.

(emember the )eedy

=euteronomy 16:3819! in the Aiving Bible! says:

For the $ord will greatly bless you in the land he is giving you if you obey this command. +he only prere;uisite for his blessing is that you carefully heed all the commands of the $ord your (od that I am giving you today. !e will bless you as he has promised. ,ou shall lend money to many nations but will never need to borrow: ,ou shall rule many nations, but they shall not rule over you: -ut if, when you arrive in the land the $ord will give you, there are any among you who are poor, you must not shut your heart or hand against them* you must lend them as much as they need. -eware: <ont refuse a loan because the year of debt cancellation is close at hand: If you refuse to ma'e the loan and the needy man cries out to the $ord, it will be counted against you as a sin. ,ou must lend him what he needs, and dont moan about it either: For the $ord will prosper you in everything you do because of this: +n other $ords! (od said that! $hen they became prosperous! there $as a responsibility to bless the poor and needy around them. (od told them to loan the needy some money! but not to $orry about them repaying it. +n those days! every seven years $as a time of debt cancellation! and if

someone o$ed money to another! the debt $as cancelled. ,o (od told them to not let their generosity be hindered by thinking about $hether or not they $ere going to be paid back. + think that is good advice for us today $hen $e loan money. +f (od points out someone that you feel strongly to bless financially! don)t put a burden on them of having to pay it back. +t is better to just give your gift to them and say! "(od blessed me! and +)m blessing you.& *hen! the Aord $ill see $hat you have done! and #e $ill prosper you. *here are a lot of needy people all around you. (od $ould be very disappointed if you became prosperous and then stored up all that prosperity just for yourself. But that doesn)t mean you have to stretch your hand to every needy person in your city or even on your block. 4hen (od is directing you! certain needy ones $ill stand out to you. 2ften they $ill be people $ho are close to you. You may have elderly parents! or children $ho are struggling to pay bills! or a family member $ho could really use a financial blessing. (od has blessed you! so you bless them.

,ome of the greatest blessings you can receive are in obeying the #oly ,pirit and just slipping some money into someone)s hand $hen (od says! "*hey have a need right no$! and + $ant you to bless them.& +t might be someone you kno$! and it might be a perfect stranger $ho is sitting near you in a restaurant or in church. *o be able to give and help someone is one of the greatest joys of prosperity. +n the -e$ Iing 0ames! verse 19 says! the $ord your God will bless you in all your $orks and in all to which you put your hand. Besides the joy of obeying (od! and the satisfaction of helping someone)s needs to be met! you $ill be re$arded by (od prospering everything you do1 0ust think1 'verything! everything! everything that you set your hand to is going to prosper because of your compassion to others.

Bless Those "ho !ea$e #ou

*here is a special blessing in releasing someone to go and do $hat (od called them to do. =euteronomy 16:12813 D*ABE says! +f you buy a #ebre$ slave! $hether a man or $oman! you must free him at the end of the sixth year you have o$ned him! and don)t

send him a$ay empty8 handed1 (ive him a large fare$ell present from your flock! your olive press! and your $ine press. ,hare $ith him in proportion as the Aord your (od has blessed you...and the Aord your (od $ill prosper all you do because you have released him1 Dverse 1>E. Aet me explain this in today)s language. 'very once in a $hile in #unter Binistries! $e have an employee $ho feels that (od has called them on to another place. 4e once had a girl $ho $as doing an excellent job and $as very valuable to us because she $as so efficient. ,he came to us and explained that (od had called her into a church $here she could sing in the choir and $ork $ith young people! and she $ould not be able to continue $orking full time $ith us. 4e "set her free& $ith our blessing. 4henever someone leaves your employment! or your ministry! or some type of service to you! (od said that #e $ill bless and prosper you if you release them $ith your blessing. + $ant to add here that! even if someone leaves you on not the best of terms! (od $ill prosper you if you let them move on in their life $ith your blessing. (od cannot prosper you if you hold a grudge or bitterness

to$ard that person! so release them! kno$ing that! as you bless them! (od $ill bless you. *hese prosperity blessings $ere spoken in the days of Boses. But Boses died! so $hat happened% =id (od)s prosperity go do$n the drain% =id (od just say to Boses that #is people in that day $ould be prosperous if they obeyed! and that $ould be the end of it% -o! along came 0oshua! and 0oshua $as promised exactly the same thing that Boses $as promised.

,ta'e #our Claim

0oshua 1:183 says! &fter the death of Moses the servant of the $ord, it came to pass that the $ord spo'e to =oshua the son of 8un, Moses assistant, saying5 Moses My servant is dead. 8ow therefore, arise, go over this =ordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them 0 the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses. *hat verse has a very special meaning to harles and me. ,everal years ago! harles and + $ent out and $e $alked on a piece of property that is a beautiful $ooded area of

about t$enty8six acres. 4e $alked all over that property and $e claimed it. 4e stood upon this verse and said! "(od! $e believe that every place upon $hich the soles of our feet shall tread shall be given to us just like You promised Boses.& 4e sa$ that very promise come into existence! because (od honored our faith! and #e honored #is $ord. 4e dedicated that property to the Aord! and it $as used as our ministry headFuarters for many years! sending the (ospel out into all the $orld and training believers to do the $ork of the ministry. + believe (od honors $hat you claim for #is glory. #e isn)t going to honor you driving up to the 4hite #ouse and claiming that property. #e honors $hat you claim by the leading of the #oly ,pirit. +t could be a piece of property for a ministry! or it could be a nice lot on $hich to build your home. +f it is the desire of your heart! and if (od is prompting you to claim it and believe #im for it! #e $ill help you to receive it. You can also stake a spiritual claim over every place upon $hich the soles of your feet shall tread. 'very$here $e go! $e claim that land and its people for the kingdom of (od. 4e have friends $ho $alk

around their neighborhood! praying for all their neighbors and claiming them for the Aord. (od hears those claims! and #e is ever mindful of the po$er of your $ords as you claim territory for #is glory.

God "ill Bac' #ou in the !and of #our Enemies

0oshua 1:386 describes the magnitude of $hat (od $as giving to #is people and ho$ #e $ould help them to possess it: From the wilderness and this $ebanon as far as the great river, the >iver Euphrates, all the land of the !ittites, and to the Great )ea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your territory. 8o man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life* as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsa'e you. =o you kno$ $hat my Bible says% +t says! "5rances! + $ill be $ith you/ + $ill not leave you nor forsake you.& Put your name in there and see $hat it sounds like1 Gerses 78< is a beautiful passage of (od)s encouraging $ords to 0oshua: -e strong and of good courage, for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their

fathers to give them. ?nly be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you* do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. (od $as preparing 0oshua for battle. *here $ould be enemies that $ould try to keep the +sraelites from possessing their land of prosperity. (od promised that they $ould receive every bit of their inheritance if they $ould believe (od and not doubt! if they $ould not give in to pressures from the enemies! and if they $ould not turn a$ay from the Aord. +sn)t this the same thing (od $ould tell us today if #e $ere sitting do$n $ith us advising us on ho$ to get to our land of prosperity% #e $ould let us kno$ #e $as $ith us. #e $ould $arn us about enemies $e $ould have to conFuer ; enemies like doubt! unbelief! obstacles! hardship! times of having to start over. #e $ould tell us to keep our courage and don)t think of Fuitting. #e $ould remind us to keep #im first in our life and not stray from #is commandments.

#e $ould smile and give us #is $ord that if $e did these things! $e $ould prosper in everything $e do! $herever $e go ; just like #e said to Boses and just like #e said to 0oshua. *hen #e $ould tell us the key to being able to believe #im and stay courageous:

Ho- to Belie$e and (ecei$e

Gerse >: +his -oo' of the $aw shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will ma'e your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. *he .mplified says! ...and then you shall deal wisely and have good success. *he $ord of (od is $hat $ill give you $ings to soar over obstacles. *he $ord of (od in your heart and in your mouth $ill give you courage and faith. *he $ord of (od $ill give you $isdom. *he $ord of (od $ill lighten your path$ay and bring you into the success you desire. But it $on)t happen by reading a verse here and there every no$ and then. +t $ill happen $hen you mediate on (od)s 4ord day and night and make it the standard for your life.

(od)s message to 0oshua continued $ith an unusual command. 4e usually think of commands coming from someone in a military position ; a high ranking officer giving an order to an enlisted person or to an officer of lo$er rank. . command is not an option. +t is to be obeyed. =o you $ant to get into the mind of (od $hen it comes to the kind of faith #e expects from you% Aook at this command: (od says in 0oshua 1:@! !ave not I commanded you4 -e strong and of good courage* do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the $ord your God is with you wherever you go. (od had already told 0oshua to be strong and of good courage. 4hen there are repetitive statements from (od to his people! it is to sho$ added emphasis on the importance of $hat #e is saying. +n these $ords to 0oshua! (od is restating his earlier advice as a command! letting him kno$ that there is absolutely no excuse for fear! confusion! doubt or hesitation in going $herever (od directs. (od is adamant that the $ord your God is with you! and #e doesn)t expect any insubordination ; #e expects his people to trust #im. Put yourself into that scripture!

and let faith in (od)s nearness and faithfulness rise up in you. 4hen you are going into your promised land! be it healing! prosperity or any blessing (od $ants you to have! you must remember that (od said #e $ould be $ith you $herever you are going! and then you go and keep going until you receive $hat (od has for you. Gerses 19811 tell $hat 0oshua did: +hen =oshua commanded the officers of the people, saying, 6Pass through the camp and command the people, saying, 2Prepare provisions for yourselves, for within three days you will cross over this =ordan, to go in to possess the land which the $ord your God is giving you to possess.3 4hat $ould you have done if you had about six million people you $ere responsible for and a river to cross $ith babies and herds and flocks tagging along% 0oshua could have said! "2h! + don)t kno$ $hat +)m going to do1 + don)t kno$ ho$ to start1 -o $ay can $e get over there. 4e)ve got too many people. + can)t s$im. *he $omen and babies aren)t strong enough. 4hat about all the animals%& =oes your mind jump back at you $ith all kinds of Fuestions $hen you kno$ that you kno$ (od has directed you to do

something% You can starve yourself of (od)s blessings $ith those kinds of Fuestions! or you can feast on (od)s assurance that #e is $ith you $herever you go. 5ortunately! 0oshua)s heart had been proved to (od many years before $hen he $ent over to the land of anaan as a spy and came back $ith a good report! declaring! "4e can =2 this1& ,o! 0oshua commanded the officers of the people and told them to start packing and get ready to cross over the 0ordan and possess that land (od had promised. .s hristians! oftentimes $e need to stop making excuses and get up and =2 something. 0oshua delegated (od)s command to his officers! $ho branched out and got $ord to all the people. 5orty years earlier! an entire generation had responded to (od)s command $ith fear and doubt/ and they had died in the $ilderness. 0oshua and a ne$ generation no$ had another chance to obey the Aord and take the land. Gerses 1781< describe ho$ this ne$ generation rose to the challenge instead of co$ering in unbelief: ,o they ans$ered 0oshua! saying! ".ll that you command us $e $ill do! and $herever you send us $e $ill go. 0ust as $e

heeded Boses in all things! so $e $ill heed you. 2nly the Aord your (od be $ith you! as #e $as $ith Boses. 4hoever rebels against your command and does not heed your $ords! in all that you command him! shall be put to death. 2nly be strong and of good courage.& 0oshua had $aited patiently for forty years for a generation of people to gro$ up and believe (od $ith him for the miraculous. an you imagine the joy he felt as a leader $hen all of those people responded $ith faith and obedience% +nstead of the people crying out as their ancestors had! "*here)s no $ay $e can do it!& this generation cried out! "*here)s no $ay $e can)t do it1 (od is $ith us1& =o you kno$ ho$ (od took care of that river they had to cross% 0oshua 3:16817 says! &nd as those who bore the ar' came to the =ordan, and the feet of the priests who bore the ar' dipped in the edge of the water for the =ordan overflows all its ban's during the whole time of harvest#, that the waters which came down from upstream stood still, and rose in a heap very far away at &dam, the city that is beside @aretan. )o the waters that went down into the )ea of the &rabah, the )alt

)ea, failed, and were cut of f, and the people crossed over opposite =ericho. (od parted the $aters of the 0ordan Civer $hen it $as at its deepest point in the entire year! and the people $alked through just as their grandparents had $alked through the Ced ,ea. + $ant to sho$ you t$o different $ays that (od $orked these very similar miracles. Back at the Ced ,ea! (od)s mercy parted the sea for #is beaten do$n! oppressed children $ho $ere escaping their slavery. (od pitied them. #e kne$ they didn)t have any faith yet/ they had just barely managed to survive the cruelty of their masters. #e led them patiently! and proved #is faithfulness over and over to them! to lift them up from the devastation they had experienced. *here are people $ho are no$ reading this book $ho have suffered devastation in recent years. ,ome of you have lost your home or your job or your business! due to upheavals in nature or a slo$ing economy. ,ome of you have seen the desires of your heart vanish before your eyes. You may feel you are in a foreign land barely surviving. (od is reaching out to you in mercy right this minute. #e has seen your loss. #e

kno$s $hat you need. #e is moved $ith compassion! and #e $ants you to learn from #is $ord ho$ you can overcome devastating losses and possess a bright future. *he older generation of +sraelites $atched as (od parted the Ced ,ea in #is mercy. *hey received miracle after miracle. .fter a $hile! (od expected them to begin exercising a little faith. Yet! $hen it $as time to possess the land of promise! and they arrived at the 0ordan! their faith shrank back from the tribes on the other side! and they chose to remain in the $ilderness. 5orty years passed! and a ne$ generation arrived at the 0ordan. *his group had been taught the $ord of (od for four decades. *hey heard of the miracles that (od had done for their fathers. *hey had a courageous leader $ho encouraged them to believe (od. .nd they remembered that! even though their fathers had received so much from (od! they still had not developed their faith enough to get into the promised land. *his generation made up their minds to trust (od. 4hen they arrived at the 0ordan! they $ere strong and courageous. *heir

miracle came not from (od)s pity! but from their faith1 (od is not a (od of status Fuo. #e is energy and po$er and progress and creativity. #e moves for$ard! and #e moves #is people for$ard. (od $ill move you from a mode of passively receiving #is blessings to a mode of advancing aggressively into #is blessings by using your faith. + $ant you to learn from the victories that (od gave to 0oshua! that $herever you are in your faith! and $herever you need to go in your life! #e is $ith you. #e commands you right no$ to do these t$o things: First, +his -oo' of the $aw shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will ma'e your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. (et into (od)s $ord. *here is recovery in #is $ord. *he $isdom you need is in #is $ord. 4hen your mind is in tune $ith (od)s #oly ,pirit! #e $ill give you ideas! direction and divine contacts. You $ill hear #is voice! and #e $ill lead you through open doors of opportunity.

,econd! -e strong and of good courage* do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the $ord your God is with you wherever you go. Aoss of a home or a job or a business is devastating. But (od $ants you to rise up and recover from your loss. + am absolutely certain that if you make up your mind that every day is a ne$ day and you get up and proclaim! "*his is the day the Aord has made/ + $ill rejoice and be glad in it!& you are going to begin to have a ne$ outlook on life. Be strong. Aet the $ord of (od put courage in your heart and soul. =on)t be afraid or confused. *he Aord your (od is $ith you. Prosperity of spirit! soul! body and finances are #is plan for you. You can do it. 0eremiah 1<:<8> assures that $hen you trust in the Aord! you are going to be healthy! productive and prosperous! even $hen you face difficult times: -lessed is the man who trusts in the $ord, and whose hope is the $ord. For he shall be li'e a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when heat comes/ but its leaf will be green, and will not be an"ious in the year of drought, nor will cease from yielding fruit.

*his is a promise for those $ho trust (od. Cegardless of $hen the heat comes ; the pressures and hard times of life ; or $hen the drought comes ; the crushing blo$s and unforeseen upheavals that seem devastating ; you $ill come through it/ you $ill prosper/ your life $ill continue to have productivity and value.

Gi$ing "ith a Da$id &ttitude

*here is another very interesting lesson in the 2ld *estament in 1 hronicles 2@. *his tells such an interesting thing that =avid did $hen he $as bringing gifts for the temple. 4e have been concentrating so far on God giving! giving! giving. -o$ you $ill notice that the Bible begins to turn to$ard $hat we give! and in this case it $as Iing =avid. =avid had longed for many years to build the Aord a temple that $as $orthy of #is presence. But (od had told =avid that he $ould not be the one to build #im a temple/ it $ould be built by his son ,olomon. #o$ever! + $ant you to notice the joy and the ?eal $ith $hich =avid made the preparations for his son to build the temple. *he key is: =avid loved (od! and he

sho$ed it $ith a humble heart! a grateful heart and a generous heart. 182 Furthermore 7ing <avid said to all the assembly5 My son )olomon, whom alone God has chosen, is young and ine"perienced* and the wor' is great, because the temple is not for man but for the $ord God. 8ow for the house of my (od I have prepared with all my might5 gold for things to be made of gold, silver for things of silver, bron9e for things of bron9e, iron for things of iron, wood for things of wood, ony" stones! stones to be set, glistening stones of various colors, all 'inds of precious stones, and marble slabs in abundance. -otice ho$ =avid declared he prepared $ith all his might for the house of my God. =avid had a personal relationship $ith (od. #e kne$ (od as friend! as father! as corrector $hen he sinned! as re$arder $hen he obeyed. (od! to =avid! $as M, (od. + believe $e $ould have a lot easier time seeing our faith $ork if $e related to (od on an intimate level! as =avid did. #e $as not out to just collect blessings/ he $anted to sho$ his gratitude by giving blessings back to the (od $ho had opened doors! $on battles! forgiven his sins! cleansed him! and

re$arded him $ith a son $ho $ould carry on the desire of his heart. 386 Moreover, because I have set my affection on the house of my God, I have given to the house of my God, over and above all that I have prepared for the holy house, my own special treasure of gold and silver5 three thousand talents of gold, of the gold of ?phir, and seven thousand talents of refined silver, to overlay the walls of the houses* the gold for things of gold and the silver for things of silver, and for all 'inds of wor' to be done by the hands of craftsmen. .ho then is willing to consecrate himself this day to the $ord4 5rom the $ealth of his kingdom! =avid chose an incredible volume of treasures to dedicate to the temple. But he didn)t feel that $as enough to sho$ his love for (od. #e explained to the people that he $as also donating $ealth from his o$n personal treasury. .fter =avid explained $hat he $as going to do! he asked the people! "-o$ $hat are you going to do%& 4hat do you think happened% .s a result of =avid)s example! the leaders of all the tribes of +srael and all the people gave $illingly and joyfully to build the temple.

@ +hen the people re/oiced, for they had offered willingly, because with a loyal heart they had offered willingly to the $ord* and 7ing <avid also re/oiced greatly. 4hen you give generously to the Aord! you can cause a $onderful chain reaction1 Both your gift and your attitude are going to inspire others. =avid made his offering perfect $ith his attitude of humility. 13813 8ow therefore, our God, we than' ,ou and praise ,our glorious name. -ut who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to offer so willingly as this4 For all things come from ,ou, and of ,our own we have given ,ou. =avid demonstrated the attitude of gratitude $hich pleased (od. #e recogni?ed (od for $ho #e $as! and proclaimed that neither he nor the people $ould have had anything to give at all if it $ere not for the goodness of (od. =avid)s attitude is $hat the people copied. #e demonstrated joy! thanksgiving! generosity and humility in his giving. +sn)t that true today as it $as then% =o $e really o$n anything or have anything in our bank accounts that $ould be there if not for the goodness of (od% 'ven our minds!

our creative ideas! our talents and our potential for making money all have come to us through the goodness of (od. 4e may o$n some things of value. 4e may have a good job. But life has upheavals that can take material things a$ay in a heartbeat. +t is recogni?ing and appreciating (od)s goodness that $ill keep us moving for$ard on a path of prosperity.

The E%citing Blessings of Tithing

*he tithe began long before =avid and even before there $as a nation of +srael. *he first tithe $as given by .braham in thanksgiving to the Aord! after receiving a spectacular victory over an enemy tribe. *he enemy had stolen both people and goods from him and from his neighboring tribes D(enesis 13E! and it $as a glorious occasion $hen all $as regained. Gerses 1>829 describe .braham voluntarily offering a tithe of everything to the Aord. +hen Meichi9ede' 'ing of )alem brought out bread and wine* he was the priest of God Most !igh. &nd he blessed him and said5 6-lessed be &bram of God Most !igh, possessor of heaven and earth* and blessed


be God Most !igh, who has delivered your enemies into your hand3

&nd he ga$e him a tithe of all.

.braham)s tithe $as not reFuired. +t $as a gift from the heart. #e kne$ he $ould not have anything apart from (od)s goodness! and he thanked #im generously. +sn)t that the $ay $e are all supposed to respond to the goodness of (od% Bany years later! the tithe $as incorporated into the Aa$! and everyone $as reFuired to give a tenth of their increase. + expect that in those days many people gave the tithe just because they had to and not because they $anted to. 'ven though they $ould have nothing $ithout (od)s blessing! they became hard of heart in their giving back to (od. +n Balachi 3:19! (od gave a po$erful motivation for people to really get involved in the tithe! because #e $as ready to respond in a big $ay to those $ho $ere obedient. 6-ring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this,3 says the $ord of hosts, 6if I will not open for you the windows of heaven

and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.3 4hat a promise of (od1 +f + had been one of those +sraelites! + $ould have taken everything that + could tithe into the storehouse. + $ould have taken in t$o tithes! because + $ould have $anted everything that (od had ready to pour through those $indo$s of heaven. +t is interesting to me that (od challenged them to "prove #im.& *hat $as like saying to them! ",ee if +)m telling you the truth or if +)m lying.& 4e kno$ (od cannot lie! so that means #e $ill back up #is $ord $ith action every single time. +f you don)t think the tithe is for today! just look at Batthe$ 23:23 $here 0esus said you ought to tithe and do more as $ell. (od)s la$ didn)t end $ith 0esus/ it $as fulfilled. #o$ could anybody pass up such an opportunity to just give a mere ten percent of your increase back to (od and receive more from #im than your house could hold% =o you kno$ anyone you could go into business $ith $ho $ould give you the same opportunity that (od does% +n my entire life! + have never kno$n a tither to be sorry that they tithed. + have heard testimony after testimony after

testimony of $hat (od $ill do $hen someone makes a commitment and is faithful in tithing. 2ne tithing family $e kno$ has t$elve beautiful! healthy children. *hey definitely had to get a larger house1 But! just think ; to have a large and healthy family $ith smart! perfectly formed children is an above8and8 beyond blessing1 (od can literally overflo$ your home $ith blessings so that you $ill need a larger home. #is overflo$ing blessings might come in a number of other $ays! as $ell ; $e can)t limit (od or put him into our boxed8in thinking. ,everal years ago! a alifornia family claimed the tithe blessing $hen their eight8 year8old son $as diagnosed $ith a type of terminal cancer. *he boy)s father got do$n on his knees and said! "(od! + am a tither. By tithe is my part of the covenant/ no$ You do Your part.& *he boy improved and never again had any sign of cancer. *hat is a $indo$s8of8heaven! overflo$ing blessing1 *here is a business expanding throughout 2klahoma and *exas! $hich tithes on all of its business profits. +t also does not open its doors on ,undays. People today think it strange to have a business not open on

,undays! but years ago! almost all businesses $ere closed on ,undays. *his business $hich faithfully honors (od has gro$n to the point $here they recently $ere able to $rite a J<9 million check to help a hristian university get out of debt. =oes your business tithe% (et ready for an explosion in your business. Your bank isn)t going to be big enough to hold all that (od is going to give you. (od may call on you some day to $rite a J<9 million dollar check for #is kingdom ; but if you do! you $ill have so much left over that you $on)t miss it1 *he tithe is one of the most exciting things $e as hristians can do. 4e all should be bubbling over $ith joy as $e give thanks to (od and sho$ #im $e are serious about participating in a give8 and8take relationship! $ith not just #im giving and us taking. (od is excited about the tithe because it allo$s #im to pour out all those blessings that #e has piled up in heaven! $aiting for the opportunity to get them to us1 +n Balachi 3:11! (od adds to the tithing promise a reference to the devil! $ho comes to steal, 'ill and destroy =ohn AB5AB#.

6&nd I will rebu'e the devourer for your sa'es, so that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground, nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field,3 says the $ord of hosts* 2ne of our partners! a couple $ho has tithed all their married life! lives in a flood plain in 2klahoma. =uring a hundred8year flood in their area! rising $ater rushed into houses all around their neighborhood. *he next day! carpets $ere lying on la$ns all over the place. *his couple had just bought thousands of dollars $orth of brand ne$ carpet! $hich had been delivered to their garage just prior to the flood. *heir home not only did not get any $ater in it but! although the garage is lo$er than the street! not a drop of $ater $ent into the garage! and the rolls of ne$ carpet remained perfectly dry. (od rebuked the devourer on their behalf1 4ouldn)t it be the most exciting thing in the $orld to have a book $hich just gave testimonies of all the $ays the Aord has blessed people $ho tithed $ith a $illing heart% + don)t believe our bookshelves! or our house! or our city library $ould be able to contain all the volumes of testimonies of ho$ (od pours out #is blessings on the

tither/ but one day $hen $e are all in heaven! it $ill be glorious to spend eternity sharing $ith one another all that (od has done. 2ne of the reasons that (od is a blessing (od is that #e is a proud parent. #e $ants to sho$ off all the re$ards that #e heaps upon #is children $ho are obedient. 6&nd all nations will call you blessed, for you will be a delightful land,3 says the $ord of hosts Malachi (5A%#.

& )e- Gi$ing Cycle

+n the 2ld *estament! (od prepared! #e created! and #e gave. #e initiated giving! because #e $as so full of love for #is ne$ family. #o$ever! it did not take long for (od to discover that #e could not trust the human race! and #e had to make some reFuirements. #e said! "2k! +)ll give! and then you give back to me.& =avid is a good example because =avid received! and then =avid gave back to (od. +n the old covenant! (od gave increase to those $ho $ere obedient! and then the people gave back to (od $hen they received their harvest.

Aet me sho$ you $hat happened $hen 0esus came into the earth. 4ith 0esus came a ne$ covenant. +n the ne$ covenant! 0esus said something that! to me! is one of the most exciting things in the Bible ; (od gives you a money back guarantee that $hat you give to #im is going to come back to you1 Auke 7:3> says! Give, and it will be given to you5 good measure, pressed down, sha'en together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured bac' to you. +n the Aiving Bible! it says! If you give, you will get: #o$ simple does (od have to make it% 4hen (od sent 0esus for the forgiveness of our sins and for the redemption of our souls! (od gave a ne$ covenant because #e reali?ed the hardness of the human heart. #e had said up until that time! "+)ll give! and then you $ill give back to me.& #e changed it in the -e$ *estament and said! ".ll right! you give first. +)ll see if you love me. +)ll see if you trust me. +)ll see if you are obedient. You give! and then +)ll give.& *hen (od added the bonus. #e is so excited about our giving that #e promised

#e $ould give back much more than $e gave ; good measure, pressed down, sha'en together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use! it will be measured bac' to you. + have to be real honest $ith you. + thought for a long time! before + $as saved! that the only ones $ho ever talked about money $ere preachers. *hen + became a hristian and got into the $ord of (od. + discovered that (od has a tremendous amount to say about money. *he interesting thing that you $ill notice is! $hen (od talks about money! it is giving it a$ay! giving it a$ay! giving it a$ay1 =id you ever get a bad attitude $hen a preacher took up an offering% + did. + $ould just sit there and mutter! "Boney! money! money. *hat)s all they are interested in. *hat)s the only reason they $ant me to come to church.& Praise the Aord that + got saved and found out (od)s vie$ on money. 4hen people become uncomfortable as someone begins to talk about an offering! it)s because they don)t give enough. +f you are fidgeting in your pe$ and sFuirming in your seat! it)s because you kno$ that you are not fulfilling the $ord of (od. 4hat you are indicating $hen you sFuirm is that you

don)t see $hy (od $ants your money and you don)t believe #e $ill give anything back to you. You)re saying! "+ really don)t believe $hat (od said.& 4hen + look out into an audience at offering time and + see some people begin to shift! clear their throat! $iggle in their seats! + have to laugh. You have no idea ho$ many times people decide that they have to have little bathroom privileges just at offering time. *he reason is they kno$ they are not giving enough. 4hen you learn that the secret of prosperity is giving to (od! you)ll never be uncomfortable again. .s a matter of fact! you $on)t be able to $ait for offering time. + often $onder $hat $ould happen if! at offering time! the speaker got up and said! "4ill you all please open your $allets and purses right no$ because $e)re going to fill them up.& an you imagine the mad rush to get your $allet and purse% 4ouldn)t it be sensational to see everybody making a mad dash to get to the altar to make sure they got their share before the money ran out% But! the Bible has better ne$s than that! because (od)s supply never runs out1 2ffering time is blessing time. *o the natural mind! it doesn)t make sense that you

can be blessed $hen you give a$ay money that you need yourself. Praise (od that #is $ord doesn)t depend on $hat you think $ith your natural mind ; #is $ord is supernatural! and 0esus said you are going to receive $hen you give.

&d$ancing in Prosperity
3 0ohn 2 says! -eloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, /ust as your soul prospers. 4hen (od talks about prospering! #e means it for every area of your life. +n the .mplified it says! -eloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way and Cthat your bodyD may 'eep well, even asCl 'nowD your soul 'eeps well and prospers. Cemember! there is a condition to all of (od)s promises. 4e need to put the $hole package together ; not just the beginning of the verse. *he prosperity of your soul has a lot to do $ith the prosperity of your pocketbook. Aet your soul get fat $ith (od)s $ord. *rain your mind! $ill and emotions to apply (od)s principles. 'very other area in your life $ill follo$ the prosperity of your soul! including your pocketbook.


By 4ebster)s dictionary defines "prosper& as: to advance or gain in anything good or desirable. (od $ants your body to prosper. #e $ants your marriage to prosper. #e $ants your family relationships to prosper. #e $ants your business relationships to prosper. #e $ants your church relationships to prosper. 'very area of your life can prosper if your soul is prospering. =id you ever have a time $hen things looked so bad in your life that you thought! "(od doesn)t love me. (od has forgotten all about me. #ere + am! do$n here all by myself. #e)s not even thinking about me at all.& 4hen your soul is prospering in the $ord of (od! you kno$ that you kno$ that (od is thinking about you all the time. You kno$ that! in #is $onderful! loving heart! #is desire is for you to prosper in every area ; spirit! soul! body! marriage! children! finances! business! ministry! gifts and callings. 4hen you train your soul! your faith $ill gro$. + $as talking to a $oman at church $ho has had a very tragic life. #er first husband ran off $ith another $oman! so she had to divorce him. ,he married a second time! and her second husband $as killed in a horrible

automobile accident. ,he married again! and her next husband committed suicide. ,he said to me! "'verything + have ever had! + have laid on the altar of (od/ $hy does (od keep taking it a$ay% =o you really mean that (od $ants me to prosper%& + said! "Yes. 4hat did you do $hen those things happened%& ,he ans$ered! "+ $alked a$ay from (od.& + told her! "You)ve got the ans$er right there.& You cannot just $alk $ith (od $hen you think things are going $ell. +f you can be faithful and you can be obedient to (od! then + guarantee you that (od $ill help you to overcome any circumstance in your life. *here isn)t a single place in (od)s $ord $here #e says! "+ $ant you to be sick and + $ant you to be poor.& 4hat #e does tell us in very simple $ords is! "+f you give! you $ill receive.&

Gi$ing is !i$ing/
You have to give first. *hen (od $ill give back to you. + learned this even before + $as saved. .t the time! + didn)t reali?e that


(od)s #oly ,pirit had revealed to me one of the greatest truths in the Bible. + $as in a hospital prior to an eye operation! and just to do the right spiritual thing! + opened my Bible and read the first verse of the t$enty8third psalm. *hen + closed the Bible and began to pray! "2h! (od don)t let the operation hurt tomorro$. + can stand anything! but don)t let it hurt $hen they operate on my eye.& + did $hat $e all are prone to do. + really ignored (od during the good times! and then + ran screaming for help $hen the tide $ent against me. + tried to recall the $ords + had read: *he $ord is my shepherd* I shall not want. *hen + picked up my Bible again to look and see $hat + had actually said. + think $hat + sa$ that night $as the hand$riting of (od. + opened my Bible! and! to my ama?ement! (od had $iped all the printing right off those pages. (od had $ritten on them! $ith #is finger dipped in the blood of 0esus! five $ords. #e $rote! "5rances (ardner Dthat $as my name thenE! + love you.& 2f all the people in the $orld! (od personally told me that #e loved me. 4hat happened to me at that instant $as! in one $orld8shattering moment! + got a glimpse of $hat my life had been ; a

constant 02h1 (od! do this for me. 2h! (od! do that for me. 2h! (od! give me this and this and this.& .nd + had never once thought as to $hat + could do for #im. + really didn)t kno$ $hat + $as doing at that moment! but + said! "(od! + take back that prayer. + don)t care ho$ much it hurts tomorro$! but + promise you this ; $hen + get out of this hospital! + $ill spend the rest of my life seeing $hat + can do for 0esus hrist and not $hat #e can do for me.& =o you kno$ $hat% + didn)t reali?e it! + had no idea that as a rank sinner! + $as speaking the real ans$er to everything in the hristian life ; giving. +n that transforming moment! + changed my prayer from! "2h! (od! do this for me/ 2h! (od! give me this! this! this...& to "(od! + $ill spend the rest of my life seeing $hat + can do for 0esus hrist and not $hat #e can do for me.& + did not become a hristian until + $as forty8 nine years of age. + praise the Aord because the first place #e got me $as in the pocketbook. #e said! "*he devil has had your money long enough/ no$ + $ant it.& *hen #e said! "(ive me 29K of everything you)ve got.& + $as so excited because + finally discovered that (od loved me. + $as

so excited that all my sins $ere forgiven and there $asn)t any guilt left. + really thought that 29K $as (od)s charge for saving me. + didn)t kno$ any better. .ll + kne$ $as that in a beautiful instant! in the t$inkling of an eye! (od forgave every sin that + had ever committed/ and + didn)t even kno$ salvation $as free. +n my complete ignorance of $hat the $ord of (od promised! someho$ + kne$ + had to be obedient to (od. + had never read the $ord of (od. + didn)t kno$ anything about the promises of (od. .ll + kne$ $as + $as born again. + said! "+f You $ant $hat is left of this mess! take all my life! not just part.& + had no idea that (od $anted me to prosper and be in health even as my soul prospered. + didn)t kno$ anything except something had happened to me! and + had fallen in love $ith a man named 0esus. .ll + $anted to do $as love #im and listen to #im and obey #im. + began giving (od 29K of everything + had. + didn)t kno$ anything about Auke 7:3>. -obody ever told me that if + gave to (od! #e $as going to multiply it back to me. *hat doesn)t make any difference ; $hether you are ignorant or not of (od)s

$ord! #e has to fulfill #is $ord $hen you have fulfilled the condition. (od began to give back to me. #o$ #e shoveled it back on me $as unbelievable. #e pressed it do$n! #e shook it together! #e let it run all over the place. =o you kno$ $hat + had to do then% + had to give it back to (od. *hen #e gave to me. + gave to #im. #e gave to me. + gave to #im. #e gave to me. 4e have been having a running battle for years! and + have never been able to out8 give (od. You $ill never! ever be able to out8give (od. *he fantastic thing is! + have never had a need in my life! and neither $ill you. + have heard of so many people $ho have had a struggle in their hristian life after being born again. + have never had a problem in my spiritual life! and + believe the reason is because (od got my pocketbook the day #e got me. (od never really has you until #e has your pocketbook. 4hen you learn to give to (od! you $ill learn the secret of living! because the secret of living is giving. By life has never been the same since + said! "(od! +)m $illing to do anything + can for you. + don)t ask You to do a thing for me/ + just $ant to do everything + can for You.&

4atch $hat (od does $hen you are $illing to do that. +n the Aiving Bible it says! ,our gift will return to you in full and overflowing measure, pressed down, sha'en together to ma'e room for more and running over. *hat is not a maybe.. .(od says that is the $ay #e $ill return it to you. +f you give love! you are going to get back love. +f you give fello$ship! you)re going to get back fello$ship. +f you give time to (od! you)re going to get back more time than you kno$ $hat to do $ith. +f you give money to (od! you)ll get back money.

God s &ccounting ,ystem

*he next phrase is $here so many people get trapped. .hatever measure you use to give, large or small, will be used to measure what is given bac' to you. .ccording to the $ord of (od! $e actually are the ones $ho control the amount that (od gives back to us! because #e is going to use the same measure that $e used in giving to #im! to give back to us. +n the back of my Bible! + have a tiny spoon. + often get tea on a plane! and the airlines give a little spoon to stir it $ith ; + think it is the tiniest spoon + have ever seen

in my life. *he bo$l of the spoon at the longest part is about a half inch and is about three8eighths of an inch $ide. +t is probably a sixteenth of an inch deep. You can visuali?e in your mind $hat a tiny little spoon this is. +f + gave to (od $ith that little spoon! (od! by #is $ord! is obligated to use that same little tiny spoon to measure $hat he $ill press do$n! shake together! run over and then give back to me. #o$ long do you think it $ould take to move a mountain $ith a little bitty spoon like that% Cemember! (od can only $ork $ith $hat you give #im. -o$ + $ant you to think about something else. Picture a nice big bushel basket. You can get a lot into a bushel basket. +f you give to (od $ith a great big bushel basket! just think ho$ (od can press it do$n! shake it together and run it all over the place $hen #e gives it back to you. 4hat is your part% (ive generously to (od. +f you $ill do your part! (od $ill do #is part. You give generously. #e gives generously. + $ant to put your mind at rest! because there are people reading this right no$ $ho are thinking! "4ell! there)s no $ay + can use

a big bushel basket to give to (od because + only have a teaspoon income.& Your generosity is not based on an amount but on your attitude and the proportion that you give of $hat you have to give. +f you have fifty cents and give a nickel or dime! you are giving as much in proportion as someone $ho has fifty thousand dollars and gives five or ten thousand. (od)s accounting is not like a bank on earth ; (od)s accounting system is based on supernatural insight that #e has into every situation. #is system is based on the principle of you releasing $hat you have and trusting #im to multiply it back to you. Cemember the little $ido$ $ho lived during a time of severe famine throughout the land D+ Iings 1<:>816E. ,he had about a half cup of flour and a little oil in the kitchen! and she $as going to feed her son and then prepare to die of starvation. (od kne$ this $oman)s heart! just as #e kno$s everything about each one of us. #e sent his prophet 'lijah to her because (od kne$ she $ould be $illing to give all she had to the man of (od. 'lijah came along and! kno$ing the $oman had only a little handful of flour! asked her to feed him first. ,he took of $hat

she had and offered it as unto the Aord! and (od multiplied back to her enough food to feed her son and 'lijah and herself for the entire duration of the famine. *hat $oman $as not able to give a bushel basket of food to 'lijah! but she $illingly gave a handful. (od then gave her more than a three year supply of food ; good measure! pressed do$n! shaken together and running over. (od)s prosperity la$s are based on obedience! attitude! and generosity! no matter $hat the amount is that you are able to begin giving to #im. + also $ant you to notice that (od didn)t give her dollars in her bank account ; money $ould not have helped her because there $as no food available to buy. ,o (od gave her something far more valuable. 4hen you give to (od! #is return gift to you $ill be exactly $hat you need and $ill be right on schedule.

God s Interest (ate

#ave you ever set aside a little money in a savings account% You put that money into savings so that it $ill dra$ interest and $ill be $orth more at the end of the year. *he interest rate could be any$here from t$o

percent to five percent. +f you have some money invested in the stock market! you might get ten or fifteen percent return in a good year. =o you kno$ $hat (od)s interest rate is% Aook at $hat 0esus says in Batthe$ 1@:2@. &nd everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My names sa'e, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life. 0esus said that you $ill receive a hundred times as much in return. 2ne hundred times more is 19!999 percent1 Plus! #e)s going to give you eternal life1 +n a lot of our services! there are people $ho say! "+ don)t believe $hat you are saying.& +t)s all right if you don)t believe $hat + say! but this is $hat the $ord of (od says. +f (od says that #e is going to give back a hundred fold! + believe $ith my heart and soul that (od is going to give it back a hundred fold. + have seen #im do it over and over again. 4e received a letter from a lady $ho $rote to tell us $hat happened after she gave a sacrificial gift at one of our meetings. *his is $hat she said:

".t one of your meetings this summer + gave t$enty dollars. 5rances prayed that the gift $ould be multiplied a hundred fold. +n ,eptember! $e $ere given fifteen hundred dollars from a source $e never dreamed of. + never connected the t$o incidents until + received a #unter Prayer Aetter this $eek. #o$ever! then + $ondered about the other five hundred dollars! since she had prayed for a hundred fold and $e had only received fifteen hundred dollars. 4hen + asked (od! #e reminded me that my son had received a five hundred dollar scholarship to 2ral Coberts Hniversity for this year. Praise (od.& +sn)t it $onderful that! even though (od may not give it to you all at one time! #e does get around to eventually giving the $hole amount to you% 4hen harles and + give our offerings in church! $e fold our check and put it in bet$een Auke 7:3> and Batthe$ 1@:2@/ and then $e say! "(od! $e expect you to act.& But let me remind you ; there is a condition to that hundred fold interest rate that (od promises. +f you are $illing to give up the things that you hold dear to you! and put (od in the highest priority position in your life ; do

$hat #e tells you to do and go $here #e tells you to go ; then (od $ill return your gift to you a hundred times over. 4e have to meet (od)s conditions to make #is promises a reality. (od $ants you to prosper in exactly the same manner that your soul is prospering. Your soul cannot prosper until you are $illing to do your part and give (od authority over your entire life. Cecently! someone said to me! "4hat did it cost you to get $here you are today%& + simply replied! "-othing! except my $hole life.& *hat)s all it takes! just your $hole life. *he minute you are $illing to say! "(od! + $ill give You everything You $ant! + $ill give You first place in my life. + $ill do $hatever You ask me to do.& *hen (od $ill begin to move in the finances of your life. 4hen you say that! you had better mean it! because (od looks deep into our hearts! and #e kno$s exactly $hat our intentions are. .re you $illing to say! "(od! + $ill serve You even if + never have one dollar more than + have right no$%& +f you mean that do$n in the deepest recesses of your soul! that)s $hen (od can begin to open the $indo$s of heaven in your life.

+t is al$ays interesting $hen people are $illing to try and see if (od really does mean $hat #e says. .nother lady $rote us and said she had been to one of our meetings and had heard me say that (od $ould give back a hundred fold. ,he said! "(od! that)s all right for an evangelist. + kno$ they have $ays because they take up offerings and they can get their money back. But ho$ can a poor little house$ife like me ever get it back% *here)s no $ay + could receive a hundred fold.& *hen! she said! "(od! + believe You. + believe that 5rances read from the $ord of (od. + believe the $ord of (od is true. ,o! (od! +)m going to try You and +)m going to test You! and +)m going to prove You! just like You said over in Balachi. +)m going to prove you! (od! and see if You $ill give it back to me a hundred fold.& *his $oman $as a totally committed hristian. ,he had given her $hole life to (od and sought first the kingdom of (od and his righteousness. Before she got out of that meeting! someone $alked over to her and said! "*he Aord impressed me to give you this.& #e handed her a t$enty dollar bill. -o one had ever done that to her in her entire life.

*he next day! she got a check for fifteen hundred dollars from the government! $ith a letter $hich said! "4e made a mistake in your income tax! and $e are returning this amount to you.& *he refund $as from a certain year for $hich she had never dreamed there $as an error. ,he could not believe the government $ould ever make a mistake or that they $ould send money back. But there it $as. By this time! her cup $as really running over. *hen (od did the final thing. ,he $ent into the bathroom! and $hen she unrolled the harmin! out fell a t$enty dollar bill1 (od really goes out of #is $ay once in a $hile! doesn)t #e! to prove a point% + $ouldn)t suggest you go around your house and make an inventory of everything! but you never kno$1

&ll These Things ,hall be &dded

Aook at $hat 0esus said in Batthe$ 7:33: But seek first the kingdom of (od and #is righteousness! and all these things shall be added to you. 4hat kinds of things $ill (od add to if you seek #im first and #is righteousness% +

believe #e $ill add the things you need most and desire most. #e may even add things you don)t reali?e that you need! but because of the incredible 5ather)s love #e has for you! #e $ill add just the right things unto you. 2ne of the things that (od added to me $as so ama?ing that + still get excited just thinking about ho$ $onderful (od $as to bless me $hen + didn)t even kno$ + needed to be blessed. + had met harles #unter at a gathering and + never had even one date $ith him. + sa$ him that one time and never sa$ him again until he came to Biami to claim me for his bride1 *he day that (od spoke to me that + $as to marry harles! + $as in church! and + $as absolutely miserable. + $as standing up there proclaiming the $ord of (od and saying! "-othing! nothing! nothing! nothing! nothing is impossible to (od.& =o you kno$ $ho got convicted% + did. *he preacher is al$ays the one that gets convicted the most by $hat he or she is saying. (od said to me! "You keep telling that audience that nothing is impossible to Be! and yet you don)t think you can marry harles. You don)t think you can be an

evangelist and do $hat + have called you to do and still marry harles. You think it)s impossible! even though you are telling people that nothing is impossible for Be.& + $as the first one to the altar that day. + did not even $alk around to the altar/ + jumped over the altar and $as the first one there at the altar call. + $as kneeling there and just crying all over the place. + said to (od! "(od! either get harles into my life one $ay or the other or get him out!& because + $as completely miserable. *hat afternoon! + $ent back to the room $here + $as staying. + said! "(od! + am so miserable.& (od does not $ant you to be miserable! but sometimes #e can really speak to you $hen you are in that condition and you cry out to #im. + said! "(od! every time + think about You! + think about harles and + think about 0esus. + get the $hole bunch of you all mixed up.& (od spoke to me as clearly as if #e $ere standing beside me. #e said! "Because you have sought first By kingdom and By righteousness! + am adding harles to you. + am adding a husband to your life ; a husband to love you! to protect you! to cherish you! to be a father to 0oan. +)m

giving you this thing that you need in your life.& Because + truly gave all of me to (od! #e added to me the most $onderful husband in the $orld. 4e have been able to do more for (od than + could ever have done alone! so (od fulfilled the deepest desires of my heart in every $ay. *here are many things (od $ants to add to us ; happiness! health! prosperity! $isdom! kno$ledge and understanding. 4hen 0esus said to the cro$d! )ee' first the 'ingdom of (od and !is righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you, they $ere concerned about food and clothes and a home to live in. +n today)s language! they $ere $orried about their house payments! car payments and clothes or tuition for their children. 0esus said that all of these things $ould be added to them! but #e also indicated that the 5ather kno$s every type of thing that #is children need ; and all those things $ill be provided by seeking #im first.

Ho- to Get a Promotion

+)m going to give you another key to your prosperity! and this is a very practical

type of giving $hich can allo$ (od to bless your life. +n the Aiving Bible! 'phesians 7:68 > says! )laves, obey your masters* be eager to give them your very best. )erve them as you would hrist. <ont wor' hard only when your master is watching and then shir' when he isnt loo'ing* wor' hard and with gladness all the time, as though wor'ing for Ehrist, doing the will of (od with all your hearts. Cemember! the $ord will pay you for each good thing you do, whether you are slave or free. + $ant you to apply that scripture in your everyday life by substituting the $ords "employer& and "employee.& Employee, obey your employer* be eager to give him your very best. )erve him as you would Ehrist. <ont wor' hard only when your employer is watching and then shir' when he isnt loo'ing* wor' hard and with gladness all the time... 2ne of the best $ays + kno$ to have prosperity in your life is to do a better job than anybody else! because then your employer can give you a raise. =ress yourself in a professional manner. Ieep your hair clean and looking nice. Be there early! and do more than is reFuired. Be

respectful. Be cheerful. You $ill begin to stand out from among the cro$d. Bost of you spend a lot of time on the job! so a lot of your opportunity to plant seeds of prosperity $ill be at your $ork place. Your conscientious job performance is just another $ay of giving that $ill enable you to receive. Promotion $ill be in your future! and you $ill be putting money in the bank.

The 2oy of a Gi$ing !ifestyle

(od has a lot to say about giving. *he Bible uses the $ord give >17 times. (od is a giver. #e is generous. +t is not any surprise that #e places such significant emphasis on #is children learning to give. +n Batthe$ 19:> 0esus says! ...Freely you have received, freely give. Freely simply means generously. (od never tells you to give in a stingy manner. #e tells you to give liberally. 4hen you have a constant fear of giving or a dread that you $ill do $ithout something you really need! that is just the devil talking to you. *he devil kno$s $hat the $ord of (od says! and he doesn)t $ant you to receive (od)s blessings. #e doesn)t $ant (od)s people to become prosperous! because then they $ill give more and more!

and (od)s kingdom $ill gro$ larger and larger. *he entire chapter of 2 orinthians @ is a profound teaching on (od)s prosperity. +n verse 7! Paul explains the principle of so$ing and reaping: -ut this I say: 6!e who so$s sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.3 +f a farmer $ants a big crop! he plants a lot of seeds. +f he $ants a little crop! he plants fe$ seeds. 4hat kind of crop do you $ant% Gerse < says! ,o let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity* for God loves a cheerful giver. 'xamine your heart! and determine your attitude for giving. +f you give bountifully $hen you really $ant to give sparingly! you are giving $ith a grudging heart. 4hen you feel you have to do something but you don)t $ant to! you are destroying the blessings of (od for yourself. *he next time you are in church! $hen you $rite out your check! hold it up in the air and thank (od for the opportunity to give. *hank #im for souls that are going to be saved and for lives being changed as a result of the offering you are giving. *hank (od for that person in .frica $ho is going

to receive a Bible and medical help! food or fresh $ater. *hank (od for your money being able to go all the $ay around the $orld! or to go right into your neighborhood to help some homeless person or drug addict find out that they can be delivered through 0esus hrist. laim the eternal value of the money you give! and thank (od that $hen your money is put together $ith all the other money that is received in the offering! mighty things $ill be accomplished. Your heart is going to be cheerful $hen you give that $ay. You are going to get excited that you are in a partnership $ith (od to get #is $ill done in many people)s lives. 4hen you really get involved in $hat your money $ill accomplish for (od)s glory! you $on)t be satisfied until you are a generous! abundant giver. #ere is some practical advice. (od)s $ord al$ays has a balance. Aook $hat 2 orinthians >:12 says in the Aiving Bible: If you are really eager to give, then it isnt important how much you have to give. God wants you to give what you have, not what you havent. =id you notice that little $arning% =on)t $rite any "hot checks1& +)ve kno$n people

$ho tried to fool (od by putting a bad check into the offering! but (od kno$s very $ell $hat you have given and $hat you haven)t. *here might be someone $hose heart is moved $ith compassion during a special offering! and they $rite a check on money that is not in their account! and convince themselves that (od is going to put the money in there before the check bounces. *hat is not $hat (od $ants you to do! and #e is not going to cover your bad checks. #e $ants a cheerful giver but also an honest giver. You can start by giving real cash or a check for a real amount! even though it may be small/ and $hen (od multiplies your money back to you! then you can give more and more. 2 orinthians @:> D*ABE describes $hat (od $ill do. &nd God is able to ma'e it up to you by giving you everything you need and more, so that there will not only be enough for your own needs, but plenty left over to give /oyfully to others. 5irst! (od $ants you to give cheerfully! in faith! as a partner $ith #im. ,tart $ith the tithe! and then add your offerings. (ive! believing #is $ord that #e $ill give back to you. -ext! after #e blesses you by supplying above and beyond all your needs! you move

to a ne$ level. You have the joy of being able to give all over the place. *he -e$ Iing 0ames says! that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good wor'. 4hat a joy to be able to give abundantly to every good $ork that (od lays on your heart1 *he Aiving Bible! verses @813 sho$s a beautiful chain reaction to the giving cycle of you giving! then (od giving! then you giving! then (od giving. It is as the )criptures say: +he godly man gives generously to the poor. !is good deeds will be an honor to him forever. For God, who gives seed to the farmer to plant, and later on, good crops to harvest and eat, will give you more and more seed to plant and will ma'e it grow so that you can give away more and more fruit from your harvest. 4henever + read that! + have to rejoice and thank (od for being so just and so generous. #e is bound by #is $ord to give you back more and more and more each time you give as you purpose in your heart! $ith a true joy in giving! and $ith faith expecting your harvest. -o$! in verses 13 and 13! look for four incredible benefits of getting into a lifestyle of giving:

,es, God will give you much so that you can give away much, and when we ta'e your gifts to those who need them they will brea' out into than'sgiving and praise God for your help. )o, two good things happen as a result of your gifts 0 those in need are helped, and they overflow with than's to (od. +hose you help will be glad not only because of your generous gifts to themselves and to others, but they will praise God for this proof that your deeds are as good as your doctrine. &nd they will pray for you with deep fervor and feeling because of the wonderful grace of God shown through you. 4hen you develop a lifestyle of giving: (od $ill bless you $ith an overflo$ so that you can help more people. People are blessed! as their needs are met spiritually and in the natural. (od $ill receive praise and thanksgiving from those $ho receive your gifts. *hose you helped $ill pray for you $ith fervent love. *here is actually a fifth benefit in that passage! and + saved it for last in order to emphasi?e the impact of your being a generous giver. . lot of times people judge hristians by $hat they give and not by $hat they say. You can preach all day long

to a cro$d of lost souls $ho are suffering from lack of food! and you might get a little response at an altar call. But if you go in there $ith a truckload of rice and beans and baby food and stop the pain in their stomachs! they are going to hear the (ospel you preach $ith open ears! and they $ill come running to the altar to receive hrist. *hat is true on a small scale! as $ell. (od $ants you to be sensitive to the needs of those around you. 4hen you help someone)s needs to be met! they $ill see for themselves that your deeds are as good as your doctrine.

"here is #our Treasury3

*he 1>th chapter of Auke contains one of the saddest stories in the Bible. . 0e$ish religious leader asked 0esus ho$ he could get to heaven. #e assured 0esus that he faithfully obeyed all of the commandments. 0esus ans$ered! +here is still one thing you lac'. )ell all you have and give the money to the poor 0 it will become treasure for you in heaven 0 and come, follow me $u'e AF5%% +$-#. *his young man $as a religious leader! but he really didn)t kno$ the scriptures or he

$ould have kno$n that! even by 2ld *estament la$! he $ould not be able to out8 give (od. #e had studied =euteronomy and +saiah! and yet he $as afraid to give his money to (od. #is faith $as in his money! and he kept it. *he thing + think is so sad is that no$here in the $ord of (od does it ever record that this man $as saved. #e $as interested in salvation only until 0esus talked about giving a$ay his money. *he thing that really breaks my heart is that 0esus invited him to come and follo$ #im. + believe he lost his opportunity to become one of 0esus) disciples just because he could not part $ith his possessions. Aook at $hat 0esus said in Batthe$ 7:1@8 21: 6<o not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves brea' in and steal* but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven! where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not brea' in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. +f you put your treasure ; your money ; into the things of this $orld! that is $hat is going to o$n your heart.

=o you do anything or o$n anything $hich robs money from your family% +f you are constantly pouring money into an object or a hobby or an activity $hich deprives your family of the changes of clothes they need or the shoes they outgro$! or the bills getting paid on time! then your treasure and your heart are some$here they should not be. +f your personal interests keep you out of church or prevent you from opening your $allet to respond to an offering! then your treasure and your heart are in the $rong place. You are going to receive from (od exactly the $ay that you respond to #im $hen #e lays someone)s need on your heart. + am going to ask a Fuestion that you may think is not necessary. .fter all! $e are having a $onderful spiritual feast on (od)s generosity and #is desire to bless you and ho$ #e $ill help you to bless others. But! +)m going to stop right no$! and ask you this Fuestion: =o you love money% =o you love your money% You might have to think real hard. *hink about $hat you do $ith your money. 4here does it go% 4hat do you do $hen you receive bonus money%

4hat $ould you say if 0esus asked you to part $ith your money% =id you kno$ that in the Bible there $ere heathen kings $ho $ould offer to part $ith half of their entire kingdom for someone they $anted to honor% 4ould you be $illing to part $ith half of everything you o$n to honor (od% + have heard hristians that thought it $as spiritual to say! "Boney is the root of all evil.& *hey had not actually read their Bible. 1 *imothy 7:19 says! For the love of money is the root of all evil 7=G#. *he Aiving Bible says! For the love of money is the first step toward all 'inds of sin. )ome people have even turned away from God because of their love for it, and as a result have pierced themselves with many sorrows. + pray $ith all my heart that everyone reading this book has been delivered from any love of money that might ever have been a problem for them. Boney isn)t evil. You can)t buy gasoline $ithout money. You can)t buy clothes $ithout money. You can)t get on an airplane and take a missions trip some$here in the $orld $ithout money. 0ust examine your heart and make sure that your love for (od is the treasure of your heart and your obedience to #im is a higher priority than your money.

E%pect to (ecei$e from God

=id you kno$ that your mouth is full of money% Aiving in (od)s prosperity and appropriating (od)s prosperity is so simple because it is really just a Fuestion of believing (od and appropriating that po$er. Bark 11:23823 sho$s us a principle of expectancy that makes your faith produce results. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 2-e removed and be cast into the sea!) and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. +herefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. (od said that you can talk to your mountain. You can talk to your debt. You can command it to be gone. 4hen you pray and believe $ithout a doubt that you are going to receive that mountain cast a$ay into the sea! that is exactly $here that mountain is going. 4hat do you do $hen you pray% You believe you receive the things you desired. 4hen do you believe% You believe $hen you pray.

#o$ do you put action to your faith% ,peak to the problem and speak the solution. onfess the $ord of (od over your mountain. #o$ do you keep your faith $orking% You don)t doubt. You praise (od for the ans$er. 4hat happens $hen you pray this $ay% You are going to receive. =oes that scripture say you might receive% =oes it say you have a 69L69 chance of receiving% -2. +t says you are going to receive. *he condition is simply to not doubt in your heart. You have to make up your mind. an you really trust (od% 4ould (od lie% an you believe and stand on (od)s $ord $ith your heart and mind and body and soul and kno$ that you kno$ that (od $ill do $hat #e said% 2f course! you can. (od)s $ord says that (od cannot lie. *he .lmighty (od $ho created this universe cannot lie. 4henever the scripture says .hosoever shall say... that means you and that means me. +f you are the $hosoever that speaks to that mountain! or confesses that desire of your heart! you are going to receive it! if you believe $hen you pray.

Psalm >3:11 says! -o good thing will !e withhold from those who wal' uprightly. You can count on the generous nature of a loving (od. (od is a giver. #e truly is al$ays looking for $ays to bless the righteous. +f there is a good thing that you $ant! and you kno$ it is something that is not offensive to (od! you can have it. You can expect #im to $ork on your behalf. Psalm 32:11 D*ABE says! -ut B my soul, dont be discouraged. <ont be upset. E"pect God to act: 'xpect (od to act1 +f you really expect (od to act in the finances of your life! #e $ill. 4hen you begin confessing $ith your mouth that you expect (od to multiply your offering back to you! #e $ill. 4hen you believe that you receive a great harvest from the financial seed you planted! you $ill receive it. ,ometimes you are going to receive in the t$inkling of an eye. 2ther times you are going to have to $ait patiently and give your harvest time to gro$. *hat is $hen you $ill need to $ater your offerings $ith faith! confess (od)s promises of prosperity! and don)t let any seeds of doubt sneak in to destroy your harvest. *hen thank #im and

keep on thanking #im for multiplying your finances. You can be specific $ith (od. +f you need a certain amount of money! and if you apply the principles throughout this book! you can pray right no$ and ask for $hat you need. Believe that you receive! and thank #im for the exact amount of money you need. (od has not gone bankrupt. #e kno$s ho$ to get the money to you. 'xpect (od to act! and #e $ill1 +n (od)s financial prosperity for you! remember! there is your part! and there is (od)s part. +t is a cycle of giving. You do your part! (od does #is part. Your part is giving. (od)s part is giving back more than you gave. Your part is $alking uprightly! living a life that honors (od. #is part is not $ithholding any good thing from you. Your part is saying and believing. (od)s part is giving you $hat you say and believe. Your part is laying up treasures in heaven ; not on this earth! but treasures in heaven. (od)s part is giving you more and more so that you can give a$ay more. Your part is so$ing generously. (od)s part is giving you enough to reap bountifully.

Your part is seeking the kingdom of (od and #is righteousness. (od)s part is adding all these things unto you. Your part is giving up everything. (od)s part is giving it back to you one hundred fold. Your part is expecting (od to act. (od)s part is fulfilling #is promises to you.

4eep ,pea'ing Faith "ords/

+ am going to give you some prosperity promises to read! meditate on! and speak continually over your life. + have gone through my Bible and marked all of the scriptures $hich +)ve already shared in this book! and the ones + am about to share! plus many more. .fter each of these promises! + $ant you to thank (od and make that scripture your personal confession. Aet those faith $ords produce expectancy for (od to act1 Philippians 5678 &nd my God shall supply all your need according to !is riches in glory by Ehrist =esus. #o$ much of your need $ill (od supply% .ll of it. -ot a little. .AA. Psalm 7679: -lessed is the man who wal's not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor

stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful* but his delight is in the law of the $ord, and in !is law he meditates day and night. !e shall be li'e a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither* and whatever he does shall prosper. 4hen you delight yourself in kno$ing (od! thinking on his $ord night and day! and $anting to do everything #e $ants you to do! everything you do $ill prosper. Psalm :567; +he young lions lac' and suffer hunger* but those who see' the $ord shall not lac' any good thing. Pro$erbs <67=9>7 I love those who love me, and those who see' me diligently will find me. >iches and honor are with me, enduring riches and righteousness. My fruit is better than gold, yes, than fine gold, and my revenue than choice silver. I traverse the way of righteousness, In the midst of the paths of /ustice, that I may cause those who love me to inherit wealth, that I may fill their treasuries. =o you love (od% *hen you are going to seek #im diligently! and you $ill Fualify for #im to cause you to inherit $ealth.

Pro$erbs 7;6>> *he blessing of the Aord makes one rich! and #e adds no sorro$ $ith it. Pro$erbs 776>59>? +here is one who scatters, yet increases more* and there is one who withholds more than is right, but it leads to poverty. +he generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself. *his means that the more you give a$ay! the richer you become. Pro$erbs 776>< !e who trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will flourish li'e foliage. You cannot trust in money. Ieep your trust $here it belongs! in (od)s $ord! and you $ill be like a plant $hich is thriving. Pro$erbs 786>: +he fear of the $ord leads to life, and he who has it will abide in satisfaction* !e will not be visited with evil. 0ust think ho$ much money you $ill save because you $ill not be visited $ith evil. Pro$erbs >>65 -y humility and the fear of the $ord are riches and honor and life. #ave you noticed that many of the promises concerning prosperity also concern health and long life% +f you fear the Aord and live to honor #im! $hich is the first and

most important reFuirement for prosperity! your health $ill be good! $hich $ill also save you a mountain of money! plus (od $ill heap financial blessings on you. +f you can trust (od $ith your soul! you can trust #im $ith your money. *he secret to financial increase is giving! giving! giving. You might love the Aord and fear #im as far as living a godly life! but hold on to your money out of fear of lack! and you $on)t receive much in the $ay of increase. (od $ill take care of you and provide for your needs the best #e can! but a life of giving releases the overflo$ of blessings. 4hen you give to (od! this starts the return cycle so that (od can give back to you. +n the 2ld *estament! remember that (od gave first. But in the -e$ *estament! if you $ant the real prosperity of (od! you have got to release your faith and give to (od so that the return cycle $ill move into action. +n the natural! it doesn)t make sense. +n the natural! you empty your pocketbook and you are broke. +n (od)s financial system! you give and you get. 'ach time! (od gives you back more than you gave to #im. You cause a $onderful chain reaction. You give to (od. #e gives to you. You are able to

bless the lost! the needy! the hungry and the naked. *hey rejoice and give praise to (od. You are able to be a true $itness of the love of 0esus. People pay attention to you because you)re not stingy. *hey get born again and healed. Bore praise goes up to (od. #allelujah1
*he measure you give! $hatever measure you use! $ill be given back to you.

#our Prosperity Blessing

+ $ant to close this prosperity feast $ith Psalm 112. +t is a blessing that + am pronouncing over you right no$! in the name of 0esus: Praise the $ord: -lessed is the man who fears the $ord, who delights greatly in !is commandments. !is descendants will be mighty on earth* the generation of the upright will be blessed. .ealth and riches will be in his house, and his righteousness endures forever. Hnto the upright there arises light in the dar'ness* he is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous. & good man deals graciously and lends* he will guide his affairs with discretion. )urely he will never be sha'en* the righteous will be in everlasting

remembrance. !e will not be afraid of evil tidings* his heart is steadfast, trusting in the $ord. !is heart is established* !e will not be afraid, until he sees his desire upon his enemies. !e has dispersed abroad, he has given to the poor* his righteousness endures forever* his horn will be e"alted with honor. + $ant you to do one thing. + $ant you to make a covenant $ith (od that you are going to start giving to (od)s $ork more than you ever have in your entire life. Ieep your Bible open and read! underline! learn and say (od)s prosperity promises. (ive. Believe. Ceceive. (ive more. Believe. Ceceive more. (ive1 'xpect (od to act1



Malachi 3:10 NIV Bring the $hole tithe into the storehouse! that there may be food in my house. *est me in this!& says the A2C= .lmighty! "and see if + $ill not thro$ open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you $ill not have room enough for it. Psalm 84:11 5or the A2C= (od is a sun and shield/ the A2C= $ill give grace and glory/ no good thing $ill #e $ithhold from those $ho $alk uprightly. Ecclesiastes 2:26 NIV *o the man $ho pleases him! (od gives $isdom! kno$ledge and happiness! but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up $ealth to hand it over to the one $ho pleases (od. *his too is meaningless! a chasing after the $ind. Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of (od and #is righteousness! and all these things shall be added to you.


3 John 2 Beloved! + pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health! just as your soul prospers. Ecclesiastes 11:1 ast your bread upon the $aters! for you $ill find it after many days. Luke 6:38 (ive! and it $ill be given to you: good measure! pressed do$n! shaken together! and running over $ill be put into your bosom. 5or $ith the same measure that you use! it $ill be measured back to you. 2 o!inthians ":6 #L$ But remember this ; if you give little! you $ill get little. . farmer $ho plants just a fe$ seeds $ill get only a small crop! but if he plants much! he $ill reap much. Phili%%ians 4:1" .nd my (od shall supply all your need according to #is riches in glory by hrist 0esus. 1 &in's 1:16 *he bin of flour $as not used up! nor did the jar of oil run dry! according to the $ord of the A2C= $hich #e spoke by 'lijah. P!o(e!)s 3:33 *he curse of the A2C= is on the house of the $icked! but #e blesses the home of the just.

Matthew 6:1"*21 +MP =o not gather and heap up and store up for yourselves treasures on earth! $here moth and rust and $orm consume and destroy! and $here thieves break through and steal. But gather and heap up and store for yourselves treasures in heaven! $here neither moth nor rust nor $orm consume and destroy! and $here thieves do not break through and steal/ for $here your treasure is! there $ill your heart be also. Psalm 111:, #e has given food to those $ho fear #im/ #e $ill ever be mindful of #is covenant. P!o(e!)s 8:1-*21 + love those $ho love me! and those $ho seek me diligently $ill find me. Ciches and honor are $ith me! enduring riches and righteousness. By fruit is better than gold! yes! than fine gold! and my revenue than choice silver. + traverse the $ay of righteousness! in the midst of the paths of justice! that + may cause those $ho love me to inherit $ealth! that + may fill their treasuries. .eute!onom/ 28:2 +MP .nd all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake

you if you heed the voice of the Aord your (od. P!o(e!)s 10:22 *he blessing of the A2C= makes one rich! and #e adds no sorro$ $ith it. Luke 11:"*10 ,o + say to you! ask! and it $ill be given to you/ seek! and you $ill find/ knock! and it $ill be opened to you. 5or everyone $ho asks receives! and he $ho seeks finds! and to him $ho knocks it $ill be opened. Psalm 68:1" Blessed be the Aord! $ho daily loads us $ith benefits! the (od of our salvation1 ,elah .eute!onom/ 28:- +MP *he Aord shall cause your enemies $ho rise up against you to be defeated before your face/ they shall come out against you one $ay and flee before you seven $ays. Psalm 8,:12 Yes! the A2C= $ill give $hat is good/ and our land $ill yield its increase. .eute!onom/ 28:3 +MP Blessed shall you be in the city and blessed shall you be in the field.

.eute!onom/ 28:, +MP Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading trough. .eute!onom/ 28:6 +MP Blessed shall you be $hen you come in and blessed shall you be $hen you go out. .eute!onom/ 28:8 +MP *he Aord shall command the blessing upon you in your storehouse and in all that you undertake. .nd #e $ill bless you in the land $hich the Aord your (od gives you. .eute!onom/ 28:11 +MP .nd the Aord shall make you have a surplus of prosperity! through the fruit of your body! of your livestock! and of your ground! in the land $hich the Aord s$ore to your fathers to give you. Psalm 23:1 *he A2C= is my shepherd/ + shall not $ant. .eute!onom/ 28:12 +MP *he Aord shall open to you #is good treasury! the heavens! to give the rain of your land in its season and to bless all the $ork of your hands/ and you shall lend to many nations! but you shall not borro$.


P!o(e!)s 13:22 +MP . good man leaves an inheritance Mof moral stability and goodnessN to his children)s children! and the $ealth of the sinner Mfinds its $ay eventuallyN into the hands of the righteous! for $hom it $as laid up. P!o(e!)s 16:3 +MP Coll your $orks upon the Aord Mcommit and trust them $holly to #im/ #e $ill cause your thoughts to become agreeable to #is $ill! andN so shall your plans be established and succeed. Isaiah ,4:1- -o $eapon formed against you shall prosper! and every tongue $hich rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. *his is the heritage of the servants of the A2C=! and their righteousness is from Be!& says the A2C=. Isaiah ,,:11 ,o shall By $ord be that goes forth from By mouth/ it shall not return to Be void! Dempty! $ithout fruitE! but it shall accomplish $hat + please! and it shall prosper in the thing for $hich + sent it.



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