The Passive: The Passive (Present Simple, Past Simple and Will)

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The passive

The passive (present simple, past simple and will)

Use We use the passive when we dont know who or what does the action, or when it isnt important. After the car accident, Peter was arrested. The space shuttle will be launched on 4th July. We use the active when we know who or what does the action, and its important. After the car accident, the police arrested Peter. NASA will launch the space shuttle on 4th July. Form We use the correct tense of the verb be + past participle. These computers are made in Japan. The telephone was invented by Alexander Bell. The crime will be investigated by the police. Gerund:Being robbed is a horrible experience.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the passive.

1 The leather ,acket ###### -design. b! a famous designer. /t costs 0%,122. $ The new 3o!4one album ###### -not release. until 5eptember. % A lot of computer games ###### -make. in Taiwan these da!s. "ost of the games ###### -export. to America and 6urope. ) "adonna is a ver! popular singer. 6ver! week millions of her &s ###### -sell. around the world. 1 +omeo and 7uliet ###### -perform. at the 8lobe Theatre ne9t 5aturda!.

3 Complete the article with the correct form of the passive.

Stunts :owada!s, action films are getting more and more spectacular. "an! special effects are added -add. to make the action more realistic. /ts impossible to control the weather during filming. As a result, weather effects 1###### often ###### -create. for the film. ;or e9ample, the winter scenes in "oung Sherloc# $olmes $###### -not film. in winter, but in the middle of summer. The snow %###### -make. from pol!st!rene< ar chases, high=speed crashes, or falls from high buildings )###### -not play. b! the stars themselves > the! 1###### -do. b! stuntmen. /n *olcano, stuntmen ?###### -set on fire.. @owever, the actors A###### -protect. b! several la!ers of special clothing, so nobod! '###### -injure.. /n the future, man! stunts (###### -not need.. "ost effects 12###### -generate. b! computer, so action films should be safer and easier to make.

1 Underline the passive verbs. Then rewrite the sentences in the active.
A valuable painting was stolen from the Louvre last night. Someone stole a aluable painting from the !ou re last night. 1 The World up is watched b! millions of football fans. "illions of football fans ######## ################## $ The film premiere will be attended b! lots of stars. Lots of stars ############# ################## % The first movie camera was invented b! William &ickson in 1'(1. William &ickson ########### ################## ) The new *irgin "egastore will be opened b! +obbie Williams. +obbie Williams ########### ##################

). "ake passive sentences from the following information. Bou will often have to change the word order to make the most natural sentence. For example: "ona Lisa C Leonardo da *inci C paint D The %ona !isa &as painted by !eonardo da 'inci. 1. 1(%A C ballpoint pen C invent. $. hospital C open C The Eueen C last week. %. car C steal C 12pm last night. ). !ou C see C with another woman< 1. what time C he C attackF ?. we C meet C at the airport C tour guide. A. the! C marr! C vicar dressed like 6lvis Gresle!. '. Goland C invade C 1(%(. 1. ;ill in the gaps with a form of the passive. The tense could be past, present or future. 1. That door HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-paint. !esterda!. $. "ichelangelo HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-paint. the 5istine hapel. %. "ichael 5chumacher HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-drive. for ;errari in $22%. ). /n the IJ, ever!one HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-drive. on the left. 1. /nter=cit! trains HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-usuall!Kdrive. b! men. ?. The LLa 5tampaL newspaper HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-read. b! two million people in /tal!. A. "! car HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-steal.< all the police<<<< '. The thieves HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-steal. the gold last week. (. The Eueen HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-open. the bridge tomorrow. 12. The bridge HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-destro!. b! the storm last night. 11. / HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-learn. 7apanese when / was in Tok!o. 1$. / HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-teach. b! an old 7apanese man.

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